i tuning grating. FOR THE MOKTII CAROLINA WHIG. A bream. gignniltitvaL IMPROVED IMPLEMENTS. Nothing is more conducive to agricultural The uiVlit was Dassintr off. in a kIlpkIps. improvetiieut, thau good iiupk-uiuiiU. Mean, dream. Mj itiingiuiition wandered on mag-1 ill-contrived tool are greut drawbacks to nctio whip, over the titkls of nuturo and ' planter. The greatest cur.-o to our ays fancv : at one time admiring things real and : tL of tMa ' Soulll hastprung troui useful, st another delimited with ttie merest e U!B ot plows Inc h arc o practically chimcia, while all were rendered doubly I cobbled up on the p.aututions by negro pleahin and beautiful, by tl.a gilding of , carpenters aud blaek.-m.ths ho do not uti-ima-iinition. Hut there was one object, I dertJ the proper priuciple of drau-ht, more deeply ii.tci-estina than all the rest. I a,,J consequently they are heavy to the I Paed upon it for a Ion- time, with iniu- j auJ d no P"1"1 tlleir 'rk ''!'' gled emotions of joy and' sorrow. It was ! efficiency. 1 he thorough preparation of the in appearance like a hill, long and steep, I 6oil be,n(? tUc Crst principle ot good tillage, overshadowed with wide-spreading trees ; 11 18 t0 u surprising that the defec U in ag. while the surface, was all grass-grown, aud ricultural implements have not heretofore bespangled with myriads of (lowers of every i bccn remedied in tl.o South, where plow hue; and birds of the most beautiful pin-1 culture is more extensive than any other mage seemed to vie with ench other in ma- section of globe- We have long been king notes of swcct-?.t melody. Ou this ' 'lesirous of procuring goou impleiuei.ts adap- bide of the bill, I saw being-, like men and I tel1 tl,c peculiar systems of tillage prevail women, of every age aud sue, from child hood t st.mt manhood. The children were near tlm base, and the men near the top ; all arranged in exact order, according to their age. Each one seemed to bo dili gently pursuing after .something. Though the objects of their pursuit were almost in finite. The children were delighted with toys of various kind?., and the men, too, strange to tell, (i. e., the greater part) were iiig amongst us, and have ordered again ami again from manufacturer at the North, until we despaired of ever eflecting our tie sired object. Last summer, through the kind attentions of Mr. It. L. Allen, of New York, we had constructed a wrought steel plow for a team of four horses, and find it the best turning plow we have ever used. It is liuely adapted to subverting the soil, to aiy depth and width under twelve iuches. We both chasing baubles, with ull their might: they uave tr,ea a" the 8ub-"0'1 Plows "eil bo were just before theui, but never could bo iorlu aDJ J,oa"" 'uK8le, course a .mi overtaken, or, if overtaken, they never sat- ou' ub-oil plow answers a tolerable pur islted the pursuer he was off again, with!Posoi bul the draught is immeusely heavy, all speed, alter another, llut as I cameit,ur fr,ellu UroyW plow is barely a res nearer to observe more closely this busy pcctable coulter, aud, with all that is said thronir, I noticed, one hero and another '" ,u favor' h" uot tl,e Cr?t uiecliamenl there, Mumble and fall into an un cen hole l,rlllc'Pl0 to tl"'llS1'1y effect the desired iu the hill, and never rise. I discovered also, that far the greater part of this iui uieiie multitude never reached the top. I was anxious to see what was the appcarauae object of sub-soiling. Our great graudfath er used a similar implement "A hundred years fjo," and the descendant of the primitive Arab of those babbles, no hotly pursued, and still prepares his barley with a like tool, the drew nearer, and saw some that looked like pattern of which was obtained in the days copper, s.one lik. gold, and some like earth ly lame, these la-t were rattling and noisy; soinc had the appi arance of wine ; and those beings which followed after this class, aud of t!i Potiidiars. We now have a uew sub soil plo-w, constructed by Prof. Mapes, from a cut origiually published in the I'lirmrr and I'hintrr bv Maj. It. A. springs, of tm-ir name was L.'!oii, were by far tho j l ork District, South laroima. ibis plow nm.-t I athsome, and pitiable looking of all was used first ou the Charlotte Rail ltoad, tl.n rest. 'J'here were also other baubles iu ! and seems to be a pood implement. Prof, endl '-s variety; but all were alike, in hav- j Mapes claims fur it great advantages over iii:r the mysterious, but significant word all others, and, before this reaches the riad " 1 'i-.i p liiitu.eiit " wiitt'ii on every one. cr, we will have tested it, anJ will report Tin i iri-i rii.ti m was never sreii by the pur- operation. Having : behold- suers, or it wn, never lioticfd. stoo l in amazement f r a l'Uii' tiun lug this hu-y throng, admiring their activi ty an I eli'-rgy, but weeping over their mis guided i ii'oi ts, and vain attempts. I went to the t- p of tin? hiil, to take a survey of the movi'inciits on the otl.rr side. Here the er d was i; jt so tilling. A li t as 1 lo-iked fir down its long and st. p acclivity, the nii:i,l er of beings rapidly di-erea-ed, till at its ba-e, there was only lure and there a ti ivehr. I cuM s. e one al'ti-r ini- Arn.ild, Hurts. II Rev. 8 AlejiMliiii r, W in. S. 11.. iy " Mjrg't Mm, It. M. 3 Win. T. " Kutli J .Mi. Auevy. W. W. A.burv, Henry A . 1 Mix IlluaU 'll Arclit r, J.m.c .Mrs. Aclu !:. it, 'i'lio. A!. I. Artih-.rt, J..!in Aunt rn n, I ' viuoll It It ill inn ii, ,M nt. II. Hull, r, V in. M. II.. I : win, W. I.. A. Il..rl, J. II. II rr ..n, Tlm. I). II.-i.ik r, 'I h... J.'.' Hull .r.l. D. 1 ..i. -i II .si A I! ,mv i:r Hon, John W. 1 nl. v.J. M . Ktv.-J vvn", A. II. i . . ii we regard it. loc our Irieinl not know j j, , y that the .-ide-hill plow, as it is now eon- j . ,,, j , , u .struet' d by the most scii ulilic implement j IIoomi.J n makers, is the ino-t perfect t i for the par-! ,,r' " )' '" '' ' tH-ular work it lias to pi rl.u in, in the wm Id . j j;, rr j,',!, W e have had too Inanv of the-e inppeiteetj i; ,,'r j, .' farm, and have ono of those social chats which cheers the farmer through his toils and disappointments. i am, respectfully yours, Thomas li. Bird. Greenwood, S. C. The Neuroes of Jamaica. Jamaica, as it is, under tho favorit liiiti .h policy of manumission, is thus presented by bishop kipp, in a letter published in thu Church man, dated at Kingston, tvheru the steamer ou which he embarked for California stop ped " to coal : ' " Tho streets of Kingston Bishop says, are crowded with the mo. I vvretcheil looking ne groes to be seen on the lace ul the earth. La ty, shiilloss and diseased, they will uot work since the manumission act has freed them. Even coaling the steamer is doi.e by wo men. About a hundred inaich on board iu a line wiih tubs ou their head, (tubs and coal together weighing about On pounds,) aud with a wild song empty them into tho hold. The men work a day, and theu live on it a week. Tho depth of degradation to which the negro population has sunk, is, we are told, indescribable. '1 he inhabitants of Sodom were pure compared with them. ' Once,' said a gentleman to me, ' you did not tee an untidy negro in the street. Now look at them,' pointing to a group of squalid wretches. This is the uuvaryiui; testimony of the residi ills I have seeu." New Hooks! mr- "Hi'!" rneiveil i,t J. II, KNXIS'S I WijP t'HKAl HOOK STUKK, C h..r lulle, N. ('., u l ree nuinbir nl .Mis- cell. -ru-ous lliokM, .tiiiunt; whieli will lie found : Sermons I'reni the I'uljnt, by Hishn lLibcoiu. Hoi; laving miu Djine, l.y J. L.yli r Valuable Land for Sale (harden Seed. - f H V. siihsi'i iln r, iuli mlinir to rcniove 1 JL Iroui l vhIhoii Colh in-, oil. r lor I'ST reeeiieil and for sale lit J. F. fJibner's i' . IV ....1. i'.OI I..- AW llrmr Stun- t I i cr s le i ( .1 filell Seel. WJT. Vs! .1.: Ills '.I KM ill 111 .1 III ililinrlininl. .'lilted. i 4 , It culll .lllH .1 limit 2tM lo-r' t. 1 he ili- - - j I 11. 1 In w II, is v. ry proilui tin- vviili u m . 4T a f1 irood nroiiortion of wmiiil nil. Ali.-ul in -li.urlli fhsTT fVT f C I S't'i'w' fWT 1 I N. Tin Inr ll.e -..,l...l..l,l 1 lirnv. bv Ste i. in. 1., k I , ,.f ....., ' W W - W W V W - plien C .lilwi II. j i liiireil Ii h bein in culliv..liuli siver. l ye..rs. ll .rdol the tiinie, ny loiiiiinn, 1 h.very toi.l ot turn I nu in.-y lie rendered iirnilue. j Clmlimra on die Power, Wi.dom and Goodness ie a a very she-lit X.in.sc : it Ins o .,w ili..t fH1 IK Subs.riiii" i ree. iviif ml will i"ii "!'G'"- . P , , , . ... . I a er.-n j,. I.. il,e. ri.sl M' ,.n i,d yet his never ,,,., .,.,., ,r,,,pi.i tl,B t,.s.,ii, the rhiliiKoiiby of Hie Future St ile, by Dick. been Inst bv Hoods. It lull . th.nl me i.l. i sure to ... j , , y ..r a i... -i .i .i .. s;..!.... i n ....i... i ' .i i i .... i : i. ... i u e ' "" ' " """ " '.iu, a ln J.-' -r.... ... ... ,..up . , Bin,), HUB Jll.eC lO i II 11 II' lil w l : ll i n ' "- ' iNuv, is-, i .iiiiisery, cte., iY e. C'unic on, emiie ull,iniil .et kini leiife, not witli uul inmiey, but iiluiust vvitliout irue. Ckailutte, Oct. 4, lei3. 3otf i ! 111.11 ATtHCS .SAM L. li. U. WH.Sii.N. Kotomlrr i, 4011' r.iIKUlU1" IMiill.Min M.t S. I. ovs htiotrn Srrrirly tentetl .it. sT V It'll9 IlLOil I '.c Jil h HllUlru " tu AM) 3E"WELRY. wiioi.i: n: i.M) itr.T4iL. I ips Stautiuid Iro (I, II y, o I, t-nd F-trnicr S( Al.KS, t in -ny ..rt ol the j country, at liort i.titin . I A ( .N .. 1 a w v mi hand nntl lorN.iir, i i:li- r wb-o' r . oro. r.win -;i Xj"iiiiiiuicj i , j ilt,t - , , . f,,,.. , ;ioiiol CMini.r. covins i h,i f wil tJo wi ll n ig t iiic u ( .ill, ft I hiii do ''r iiiinel (t l,i V KR t)i iiii li. ry (mve i-vt-r lu ft tntt tn itiij p ans bvfuie. Air-s u tnuiul BMrt- -Mt lit Itl i'L i mi ji ia a r: i. niUiiiLii At buw C.ji , A Ii I. now ri ceivini; nun n. A youth with a turu for figures, bad five eggs to boil, aud being told to give them tlireo minutes each, boiled them a quarter of an hour altogethnr. " i,r r or i.i rt i.it s UK MA I MN't: hi llie l'u. I mine t t lmrk,tte on the l.t d.y ot J.o.u-iy, lsjl. Jnliimtnn, J. M. 2 J.nd. n, '1'. I). Jul... n, J. ('. J.iiioimiii, Win. F. Jt: n k i us , Ni.neie .Mrl. Knox, Hubt. or J. Swiin hei I, rs.iiiiu. I Kiiik, Mrs. Mjrgartt killi.n, 1a vi JVt m niiiir one ul' the lulj;. irNf " ' s locks of i J w,-1 ever orwrird in tlu- St lr, nt CALL AM) rXAMI.M: AT T. TKOTTKlt ti SON S Jevrlty Stoir, A'o .5, (Jttmtlr Nhv, nfimnitA 6ucer'c AVw twirl Ckm.ijU, Oritltr 4, If j3. 37 if We bad written thus far, when wc re ceived from a valued friend a eoniiiinniea t in u with a cut of a Southern side-hill plow. If we could, we would not publish the cutll1 of hueh a mechanical mon-trosity, for surhl j i'l Hill oto.-r m bai f.lee W as i l..nil l. ly the evil 1,. 1 lilies ao-1 we iiu -In Wis k 11 a p -. 1 I eln -ion sink bene; 1 mcnts broueht out by our p!;intt-r-, t the, be thrown a.-ide alter a lev da tii il, 10 :iin. 1. .1 in w. e seen 11 1 more, liiit what ii."', the f in ical chase alter i t lip 011 this side, tOO, Hot il gi lily tin II il need not '..lit by be in;. like old gray 1 women, tlair fiees. wrin- time, tim-e beliere there is any gnod iu a toul which, frjin its construction, is as rieketty as an old horse rake, or a cradle stock which hangs fr in one harvest to another on a fji.ee stake, t If this ehi.-s is the whole fam ily of " sweeps,'' " Luyzaids," ' eagles,'' niid tlnir eounti-nat ces care- ol her soaring things, hieh an industrious, a-e. I .-t-iod for a 1 0 1 1 tr deep-plowing I'ulchniau pionerlv cars " l- v until a 1 iv rn 11 ?,!i: L it'.ir t.iior tu. L' iltiltl 11 1 iv i.i.-ii . ,.Iiiu-j V U.11O f.iiikil siili .1 ;i 11. that I h'-t s -iW, I, nd iliMippcared for- lial unpieiiieiits, constructed upon the ae-(.lir 1 tlijii turned away from the n-ene , kliowleiiced principles 0 d ruugl.t, aud lumU ( .1,.. 11, .- nine I - f J iit.iii-ui nun -orrow. Ann t nearu in a wo: kmaiiiiKs manner. J lie progress i i ms. , 11, r.ry !r 1:1 Hie spir.t land, saying, " 1 h it of the plow is but the progress of the world. Iih t'h'.u saw i-.-t is liif! Hi!! of Life, Its pathway through the World. Its palli ate! tii e i t-1 1 's w re in ii , eaeh po-spoed way through the .uellew mould, is tbe only of an in. mortal soul, vainly seeking after avenue by which sustains it. It is no profit j iii' , in tl. -o empty baubles. And to place an ill-constructed implement iu the th-e that .ii-appearod so suddenly, went t hands of an ignorant lshoror, and wherever their i r iv. s, till the morning of the great the planter works w ith the ir-y Ust tools re-iii r. i -tioii, when they will awake, ' some which csn made, he will make his luiu- tj shame and eveilasting rotitempl.'1 lint riant mark upon the face of the earth, that small n'liiiher who traveled over the', SoutUrrn Aricuttunt. Hill, with a meek and lowly heart, whose oatii'-s io.1 ro h ive never to en mentioned, f ir they i hose ruber not f be made a pub lic spj, taele, in that groat day, they " shall C'ALIIUL'N CUTTON AND THE SKA Hiine as tho brightness of the firmament, 1 .SUNS. an I as the stars forever and ever." And I awoke and behold it was n in ui 1 l:,.. i . Ii II A. r, .M - Sii in 'i Umii in. .Mm. M. r'.iiy lil :r, S Il I. si II. Iln 1. 1 W . S. I..I.O...II.. Mr. I: r:,. ('. M - J.oic ('. It- ..I v . H.ii.t . illai.k, J..U. S S. ( hiirli.tli li i.s t 'iinoi iny 8 v-j i l.i.l v T'Oni the Southern Agriculturist. reat realities. This knecica of cotton was introduced in a ilrenni. of ,i,; ..;, ,i,i.,,,i,.,.i . f ........ ;,.,. l, - " CALDN hLL." 1 gentleman from tha West, who gave Dr. ' l alhoiill a few seeds, from which we have i . t ...! . 1......1 , ,1.:. .i. a species Ol co.vou wen ujfcvi4 .i iuia vii mate. The advantages 1 conceive consists iu the following particulars : rirst, it is very IM- t o-ii r.. ii . A. .d. I I rli, l-. J -uphill' Mrs. M J. " l'r..l. Wm. W. Wm. CiiiiiiiiiIi.iiii. Tim. t .i .k, J ... ;ili W. I rim.n Aim d ( is l r. Mm. M ,ry ( an..s il. J.m.i s A. fowl.-., M. t . A J. ulier. Ml. l ry f0 l.inil. "1'bn. Corbiti, K.il-i-rl II. t lit :iire, M rs. J jut 11. ( li..r!..t!e, Ji.Ihi t h.. (mi.. n. M- -iiri A t'o. ( otl.n, S II y I l..yluv, J..s'.-i'ii IS Ihvisi'ili, Mi.ekleliburj lr.iM r, J isejib It. II. . n, A. II. On k. i(. I'. II k.-, A. II. IliVision i r i ij-head Ii. l..ne, Alli. rt D.vii., Mm S.irnli F. Iler. I..,.li;(. I. O. . F. Ilrake, liiiyene II, lliiii, M .rln.i M -1 lllitl'y. Mm. S.r.h I li jrni.oid, II. II. lljriu I, W i ii 1. 1 1 ri 1 ii liiibiink, ".i-it . John hun-, in. J. a K.N.-II, F. S. Filw.iriU, Alt'rrd Kjtiii.iii, . V. I.lln sny, A. D. Ir. 1.1V lll'slOll, I.. II. I. Mlie, wurth A Y jti i l.i w i, II. M. I'r. I...i..-..li r, W in. l..e, jpt. J.ilm N. .'I M. I ul v re. J W. i M. l,e..'ll, J. I.. MeKi Ivi V, Mi M. A. M. Ivennv s H.r Mi How.i, J oin C. M. IMnlJ. M"lili -lib, AIiln.lio Munis, I . M. M ii rr .ii, li'. :ild M. Mi, I, W. M. P l,t.nii. Joi n M i li , Me. I.llie A. J.,1.11 I iiio. h, !l I.. '.' Mil;'i.ve iV I'.tli r-i II .M l i r, I ' -.M. fill. in v. Mr. I'h. 1 y M .o hi '. II, ii. J. M . M ..will. 11.11. M s- Sue M. . ill, A. r.-4 M K .v. H v.d Miln i', lb S . Mi . ... fi. ,,.,-e Mi K. nu.. A f or, Q M Jin,, in- v T. M ii'-. In v "i.t M. MO! i. A f.r iIijmi M v, II . J .MrAlii-ii r, J. V. M .1 I I. J- lues i.r el.lm .M I.Il.J.IIi.. 1.. .M .tl'ii A, .lln, r.hiati Ii M. I'. rt hi , II M M. f iiiiiiif, M.- .Martha N .tlinn, f . M. Nurr.is.. Siuut I I i. Ni . I, li.nd N..rlloi,i, li.q. . il l-olsi.tl, Jllie, ( '. Cabinet AVareliousc. uoitii v rriinis I'( -K (I it-e public ruiiv , (- . iu it ' r i 'ni' n lie Cabinet Uusiness, si ttirir d d Mm ii, im- rimr Nu Hi ul ((- Jt. wrtr -iSrv arc prttparrtj n rvrir m o-ilt in "h ir lin l the rftirtl Il'-'lre. T'irv I'll titi'U F-iib-nk- i Co., O'J H'Ui St., N. V. 1 ;irf Eni)i'Mli:tfrf, ( or.oKi;i).,r uiiitk mim;i;s, w,r .1 . IMi i.hl tU I H I r W III a - f 'I 1 1 I .1 lis ifl.U u i.ir'n I , i t I ...ni F --H. J Mt VV) m K -ii. h as li on. in;;, (iitl li-i liitf, Movr y- tl t il at i ht; .ii l.-t I-tit icu. J : " "; I 'i )KS i or i ui of Si.ivk, Tin- arc, i-r J il be i n(. 'J's.iscc c-c iif f rut il ti w r,iiir in num-n o.V.M L. 1. IiloIUS nl tGiifsc iri u rn-i.. A . t i in i t.. ry t.i t tt- Su;tt HiLe fi, I ","' j i i lull'-w ii ( t t. lit n. i n .. i l. it- ( 1 tl' n i.l ii. i in pt i ir to 1 . - . - . . - llie ui M-ritM r t l.i- i.lhif in rii. rl.-tit ; 'J .Mr. - i ...... i--f ,i t ii.. i,i: .. .i t ii.ul r ! inii.r-; T.i A,C. M Lr.,l inr Ala-iiuir hum; T' J ihll C I'lL'MI t tin II' H if ..hll I, W Xill mimn, in l nii.n ' t.ui.t v , r l .M . Si. v i.n -.1 lit IV . li i it l. it uiinc, iiiJtiinii the L . mu uiid John u. I'ijn.m ., I ::'nP;Vrr- X tZsl-4t''- Mining npent and SiiprrnfiiiJ .nt lir tin Oi ir. w lot le C"pn r ( oitipny, oltiLu uv.r TrottLi'a Ji w. 1 ATllr S I ) ff t lrv Hun: Xl Vj Tf V 1 i 1 H . iha,tttr, Oct. 4. z:,tf i Hev G-oods, V M, r. -urio il oi iV-n niM-t -p : il (J f - If n' llTr', woi!il f-n'-thily ,,ini")i!ri'f to tl pi i i t T I hit w r a vi- r i- il i v t no il i oii . i in. r. ii aJla (Jiit)ef H.e nu i lie diid sty 1 uf YiK .h ,ha )V,.:,-j AN V.-IJ.Si)., ,t ill ' I : for 1lP inirponu of munut'ici uui ticol Jcloco s y n r iM-simut ...'' tSidrb oartls, Dure us, S u f s . i 01111 CAUKIAliCS iJ& jr . M . - (A "--I . l.llllll 1 ' WARRANTED TO BE PURELY VE3ETABLB. lIKAf.TH I V important to Ik trii.t) with; ynt w flnd w uhi1 Hvr tny who utvi. th inn-i ivirrhii nti-nuirt u thfir orihimry Imihiii hi-tuiK ni imii-ct ilmt Hii.ch la tr m.-m iinpoTi'int U tunn. ih ir tiih. If Urn- m. Vttliiftl-lu I'll 1 m wi'fM kept on lmiil tty v(,iy tnnly, mill orttHl to Oil 1li rirt nyiI)piotn o il -i',tiy onli( -tivj IDrmy a ViiluiildM hie hut Hr.-I ty il-lm. 'l'itry r i iiiohI auprrlfir Mefllcinc li curf ol M li,t,-,m9 Ci'M'fl'iKl, Chit' unit i-nrr Ifwif'nia, iugttttrnr J.ifr iomfilamt J-iimd'Cf, Si, k tlmttac.r, Scrojula, 9f .Iwtrt'tr mil ntl i.iwrrid 4faf. Ilify puriry Hie lilnl, riHttllzit ttie rlr. citlftll.ii rrnnre llie Istvrr, Kltliify, ni,il olltcr Mrrrrliiry ''man lo lit-wltliv loii.t Miiil Ht'ltoil t ai'il fn'tn Hi ir tmi:. .-ff ct-. r-vt,tu iit ii f'iritl priHirntii'ii a. .it debihiy .if ilm ft.iiuH'h im l nv. Unci tlmt ih to I'U'ii ilin ro i-ipit'nrjt nl' h lr.-n n ,( , f purK-ltiVU tllihlK'llif. Ilfild im H Kfill il MitliniiH, lit- i nw uofij t il, an.1 wlii-n tik ii avi-.or.liii to tin- itirr i , ll.ny imvtr (ml L.i Cii't III' V y woril c imol Ptl-, im f ah tiiiii-r n-tnH.ii.f in, I. lh' net iii co uri wnii union ami awii-l Imr in Ii-t flT.n-. to ovrciilK ilw.-w; il. iiiii.il, tiitr..n't, fKeri an ml'ifin-e Hll-HiwrrlMl in j.n. n i .a hihI rM-lorini( thu w 'r;il lit-alili. Tlit-y Imvo I,- .-n u-tl in vwry Inn n nf iliiis mt 1 in vnrioiiHcliin ilea, it. thir Hxr..-lln!ii )iroviii, hi i ;i win th inli'nl k li iru ninny ho mitnl rviml"4 I : -1 titi'.l to aftnrt rt-h.-l. I,,. fattii ih it MHiint'd Urn iniMt 'ippoKHtt in Umtr na-it, li .vtj yP-litntl Willi w-jiiil tiir lny to UiHir iim. fiinl cin Ii iv t; 'II ffi 'CUnI ill CH Unit a.sfinfil lHV.ml tl . Vir u It mraii.o Hi i( ant-ll tt il l hi thu cjiw, for a I lt vjijh--, Ii .wtvi-r (iitfi-.Htiii) n on, -I. flioiriiniM in. wtr.iiunn, ttnpH r tliH vn.iliiy ol id- Im.hhI. A mH,t.f;i iM, tluTtf.orf, licit in iHli-Hy vrtrMnlrte, and HitU iifiinri to Mt-..ru on niiwi l ml lnncu .m i 4 Ii.-h thy fll-im. nui-t -r iv o: - r icu 111 alt I tuh il 'li-m.. LB. BTRONO'S COMPOUND SANATIVE PILLS, pon-spM Lliiui rri) virtiu't, tt't'l uru tlnTf'u u mil 14 iiii-rq iiirv iliv iiiji1i4 , li it a HTurut rttoioviT uf d.wi iu, 4 t.irili-r ! Hie I1.hh, hi t r'uitiii -r oi lh -y-iiii. I no d win nnvtj 'Uic inMi tnm-H rut in!i-r ,ui- rw tun fotl W'IIhi lo Imi with. iUI Uitm, whiCii I autUcittiil p.uuf Ot Ih-ir -i.l ipi iiiii.-ft. B rli Iki c ki.'iiiih '. pill. Prim rnnta. V" " C'tmliil Ui HMpnrt. tor t)r. Jarvag'i Ccmpomn $iiij'(C I'liit, Tui-jf aru lur --lu iu j (' . , .,. v. iMLMUi, n,l 1MM ITII l!l) X- l'l.l)H,l.. anil in C -iin uriTI y J. II. IIODOKNS & CO. .1. 'Z V .'IILIiiN REMEDY ti: 7, I 'j , f 1 1 1 f ,1 fi They inT'irni III., i.iiht n-. I Ii 4 ill.-v Imvn pi relii-i it III, tight ol Ihr eiiui.t v hi' III id il '.I I till leg ll.e nuu t)iiAD ifH are lir.w iff S'i d to lor m-h I if m Ut at y , r . 'I hry are ft-rljio v i' m.'f n-r t ti'i -'v t .ui 1 rt Cun t -rl iimi J i i y in In i f ojt ii tt i d I I If fn i!m i. 'I'll V H -i I a ! ( i - -li- t 01 ill-If InjI tlig fill 'to I' I 1 1 III. M till' 'HA Al'l f i fid 111 ly if pl.l.ilffl NIHHil .(IV Ol't V h ll-y (til "I ) N II. I (It e SS 'linn-! I il l (hi . h iri,.( liulir. Old i H tlir i., - t. , , u. Hiit- ifti. f i in iniir. s. pi, M i.. ", i -. i. 3i r oi i vi fv ii - ri;ii H.ii. t iif.i n Miiiiiu! work, in a wurrj not.c ' vrr r i'h'i ti- ' in ti,. If i - . i tT ' Is o ...,t,V 'in niin( Mt -I! --it p , 'i ,i ,,,. ,., .,.,. fc, fc. 4 A9i HZ Jr I i' vl.l. WoiiK VV fi i; ANT lr. t.i od. r '.v i lor l.t-si ,r k .en n the S i c . tjiMi r I i ' r V I ti I N i i -it I tut H-;urct roti-f mii d in fit. l' " iifini ion., r.ttn t' nut Al.o ( l it vul, tllut ,nii lv1'i"!i r!i:rl Di n w t'i - r.. tc'- Wc n-k nn .ni,ii.,i i ii.n o f -i r a'.-l w.. ;( , llulJKSiiN KKA. ,.'. -',. r n i 3 ,N I! lr. .isnl.rik is in eur em. I . :i e- n 1 -iiui mi I r .ui di.,1 I'liurcll Mrculs, lu.irlv lyjiucilr l-i K'-rr's llull. C. il"l.ll ,1 i; I1.-.UN. i ChiTlullr. July (',. I.VJ. M'.iU 1 ni il Vv a .vJ f. V ls. .ii.; J -ir"nM I ., Il Mlltlll-l tICOf.M riutuil I.ifs l.-.::ir.ncB Company. vt tn ;., hali.k.ii. l . t ;u ri-iyr ;ii lli- Olil l.nnl ,v J ; iim i t. ' A ' M- ' l-liKK'l' in Ml. Mill liir l, I . rr,..i e Hu-ii.o, .1 l,.e ,.l,. i. si.- Jill. Ni il.i i In! i ', W I t W f I 'i Hii it, Mill it- ti i y ill I- ,. n 1 1 I 1 i A I 1 1 I I.. Ii i ir ,,(,! In ,: llt. ens len I' I , II I r V I 1 It lis i Sim nl i 'i.rl. , eoiii.r i-iiii,' t In -i i.l tin ir w n in I. u I i 1 in. , I.. -1 I u. (T Willi V. i nil I., nil I r st 1 i. s Its II 111 C .(imi n- l.ils in:, rki I. '1 hi ir lili ni i j 11 1 1. 1 . l.i i wil. i i'ii - in r . kit, ii, in i ii u r.i I uri r ..inl i;. .1. rs Kill in n. tin in tuitl'i r I iniluet tin nl. In jlureie. .. r, In. In in ' It ..ml jirn'i OrliXjfr tj 117-'lit- vtir. A. Yv Hit A ivi 50?., t ti.H7t.it i i i.. ll III. 1 r i.i .e i li. is mil I Ii. j.ij . t V I ., ,.,,! , t-l I,.! ,, I ,. ... .: ii,!,. .1 l; , ,1 . I. ,1 I f A.ii ...lit J n,ii i ,.M . Davidson, M. D. if f I I i I: V t ... . 'J'lrisr,-: mm ei 'ii 'I lie- In in-nrp I hi: lm nr i I .I,:: v 'A In., I , ,--ni:- . : - 'r.::.-r. .1. II IU. .1 - 1 1 -1.' .1- .' l ' . r; '..I" IL S'S - tC :i.lll r .1 II r l U f Nl 11 0..t iu I. . I )l ills Inr lil II . Ill . . r-pie. Kl Ilr I 1 1 I . - )', J .li-, n. li. W, I I I . .,.. .j, , I' r -1,1- nl, : J t J i- . .. i m, W ii. . il J in-. Tr.-iiin-r, I' -in l: 1 . . mi .. li- V.':.,. f. h-e, I.-, i - t :i : is i- I'nv -in n n. J II ' i : , I . i. j I.: Ail .i . .. : ! .s I I.l , .HI ii t V I I r si .hi PC. I.i'l in ! i- ' il. II JI BS ,11 .1 I ..-n- .1 . l. Hlf. JOHN til'LI.'S SARS APARILLA. IT '' - '. in f'ii; ijiurf h' (i . -ml ronlnirn'hf tne'h !! -: 1 ; . , . . ;., i, 1, j.n-e J him- S;ir:it-inl 1 " MTIf fii-'-i "t r i . n f , . t "i j ',ni tii- ica 1'rKe. onii inlar pr botllf, I-. 1.. - - I r .Kl i s I' ; is a Ai l -llnl-i'l' il ff t, f..r VMM. p:if. tht . ... urt j. iM-iiv pn-..ir.-l, wv llie f no i .i . t f r it.l iiii .r -''utifinir from ma :u ! i - , i w 1, t In- it i.f un-mirv. ii.tnir.i't'i(j 'i :' - 1 1 . M,.fli t..irr.i,t,.-.-, He bcMiy -f-r- .I'l'l'. IM I.l H.l IH F I'liU'TOr' - i:.A- H -il' i n.-(ii i n-i-sri'ii n (.tf..-- tUt puhlif. ilmi i- i i i n - j i .,'), iri:i- jirtt.cit.u-. anJ .if imilnrra t .-i .-! i '1 ie . K .,(!! i'. i.in i.tM- I vitUfiilt rt-CH' l u- j.r. ' ' I . wt. j .in l. Iw-lm.. I., ii.j i.m 1 Hil jirt to i tt-.-t.AiiJ tt- (.-iiunjf a-r:r;jiifil I , . I',, I I, l-l i-i.is fNn rntifaiii. I'm Ttrlnp. of H-rml t . t . ,! . ii,. ii, ti r, let-rlit-r lutunin; IIim Ul e- .- j m. 1 hi. I ,i'i l.i iii. ili Ores's-st CriTB-ivs Agent in ttio known World, l-i uiv.ii it.i". v !ji us l Bi'ror.linu lo Jinsrticin. i Will, ft HK. 1 .-II o'-T MIL ng rdiinni' C. Ptp.f.ii, r Ki-:i I'.. I. iVw. Tnuw. FropuoM . i n i ,, I ' .,t it ti. "' s si in. l-v'tii i-. i t, -. .ii- s..rp Kv.-s. I.1L2 IVciw Firm. nn 1 1 fl 1 Iw. I in ns, W hi Ituls It Kiw, M I rnliili r, .Mr. I'm t. r, J. I. II, !S . J.Sl SnlH mil r. III A. n:i!MANi:.CY of yoitiktl HtKSSlONS. l' ir iits! f Inoc mo; - ,0 greet you with ' forward ; stcouii, it it remarkably pru'ilic ; irlsot truth ti 1 j.i( 'J'he destiuy of third, it La loug hU1i!, eoiiijiartd willj yur r -i jh oiiil ireti i-. cry much in your the Jctbro, by G. Walker, of Cliaili-styn nwii li.nils l,y thu Uws-nf J'rovidoin.-e anil, he gave it the preference ; fourth, it bus jiroini -ej '(' frmc. V.'.jiiM y iu have it other- produced considerably more thu present ui't;? U'.j.iiil vTiIi.ue the cliildreti of the! year than any other cotton ; filth, it turns funi'y 'D-.t up, nri-usee.til.li; ti the sniiles out more from the gin. .Iy neighbor, Mr. of 1 jvc, l'u: coiiusels.jf vru'luTii. the influence lilake, report 1)7 puundl iced collou, ami 1 of M..nn;.!", the Tirt in of di-eipliim, the know of no iustauce where it baa not made power "f pray-r? H el has f ir i-a pur-; fioiu .OII to l-UU pouudi per acre. My jo rs (O ii i ted the lite of rliildn-n with ! friend, lr. Lcla,.d, planted J'J acres of laml tlm life of thir parents ; mil one of the j not remarkable tor fertility from which evi iei.t s 'ji tnis cmiiii rti ni is tlie pertnan- j he ban gathered 'l balei, averaging ;tH ni y ol ynutful lint rcwiuiM and aniocia- : pouou.i, and from the same iiiuntity ol land, j I I un. twin. planted in the couiuiuu kind ol coltou. he , '"' ' "7 . . , i i ii t. i... r rt eiiijii. J . r . i i'ii. i, mop! iiinn any niner penoa oi lif,', i- dl.tiiijuisht-l for tl. permanency of, -Now Ir 'Tpoe you think I iu iiiii.rs,iouv It in the easnn for keep. I n"l,t rtainljr hare toum of the iced lur in?, as well greeting ; for remeinl,erin(r, 1 sale " 1 l,ave P''ed It no highly. .Not ai nell us leariiim ; fir r, tainin", as well . "- 1 p'f'te't acren the prccnt year, at a.-.! iirin,r. To bring truth fn .-otit.ict fl0'" 1 llkve UHdo tt" l",les- Abo,lt with an op.-n, iii.cti.ious, youthful mind i ,u"' uf llie J'lantyd wai good, the bai lee npi.lviii3a val t-. the newly melted war,! D''e 1r ' "J a,,i "'"'"o. 1 ''-J til,J Willow ao vou are sun of "nttiu- nt ..,,lu . sf..,.i ! Cottou planted, wkiU I think d4d uot ex- . ' " I i!,,., I. - .. 1. rui.-u t.t.i i.juuun jiti m il, in '.tu iit.su land. I am so well satisfied of the nuperior ity of this cotton alwve any other kind tlmt 1 have ever planted, that 1 have given Dr. Calhoun I "l bunlicU of whe:it for a hundred bushels i f thu aeed. I thiiiK it rc-eiiihles ii'iyd 9 i iti a pruhtic, which was cxhilntcil at the Augii-ta Fair. 1 repeat it, I have n ine of tlm seed for mile, and have no in terest iu ii'coiiiiiiuinlliig tin. in to thu public, tinlv no far lis it Hill beuelit thu planter -. Sln.tilti any "f ti e reudern of ynur paper ish to try tin-in nt the next M'ann, my liii'li l, 111'. I.cliiinl, call I nnisli tiieni nt r I .."i per lusln.1, as hi: lit', near tln-l " ll.nry l.reeiniile Kailroa.l, and can .-end them loj " H"'-". -I'--'' any point directed. 1'in.ct tu IJreeimoo.l.l VV ' . - , 1 ' II IV ,11-, .1. I.. ' III f i.risli ,1 llii-, Mr. l,i,tir, has ln en one of tho-i ,ri"r' J1'111'' on the pl.iiili-r extreiu t i i - - .... iii.t k.'i allium impreiisKin. i he line are drawn deeply on tii" tender heart, and no 'I ' waves of t. way. and the hen im 1 tii- ev" rjrow 1-ie : . -it t!i j j.'. I,, the f'r.--l,i. -,-: of y, Ifo-v tl.iljitful I'ltiit.i! impr" i.l f'.rm fir. lit bu-ine-s or care can ' tlieui. Vcirs may pas 1 blossom for the prave, lim, anil the hand trem s of e:irl v lilb recur with -t.-rliiy.'1 i rii! it 1 to trni-c in henv 1 -! hi ! Tii" iiiemories of rin-H ns-oei-iti.ih nniid"f .1 1 1. en h th" r ipturei of imiiii.rtaiitv M-my a parei.t iH Ii i " hi- .iwn spiriiu il Id.-ssiiii's, under ill, I i I -i. Cain r u lid tn it Iii r uf his y mil Ii, aii'l I... ,i ;,! ! t-i ,. ;!,i. r. I.ni-.ti ',( hi, "'i i I v I . t,'n! ..(' I,i- el,, Mr. 'ii nn I chil 'l ri f i - ' I. li i I II. II ,Jt II, ll' 1 t ':) l,.-rt!l I l" n- cv tit' -i i' iii ii iicf r-: -ioit vt i'i I, iv.- l.i tl ,, t''rii"i i!i-.iii,' ; r n e, wi'ii tb permanent v. nl t st ,te '. '! I i l.'-giiiiiiii'.' finoilifr yisfir r h i iimeli v ' 1 1 r in-ti 'ii Iimi-, an I PX.Hi.p!-., Will li' i-es-nril y indii i .'.iii.'v. t'ie vou'h, llm .', the et.-rni",', of vnir It-jii-.-li -l I, It. tii' iiil.r-r t . I - ',' r i.l 'Ire in If lit liii'tlif .1 i ill , fwt'ili i ' i'.cs'",' iM( Jtil-n-iHC. Cin:i-r '.'irii"iT .so Within. Look vp'ii: i'ini-t. lii-t without you, and then irc'ti ,,r I ' I, ri t within yon. It is the will V. I..C.-2 tJ in, Jiihn C. f r.i v, .1 .lines II. (Jr.iil', li. II. I ..mill It, t . W. tlnwriril, I'.irllun li.iuse, Mih. .. t:. II Miiuties, lsr.it I ll'-intii. s, .M iry II. mil' v.Jii'iii II I.. J.'.lin II ,.1-n ill. Ml.. ('. limine, Ann I-:. II .,,1, r ..ii. Mi-. M. M. II . y ii. -. Miss M ry . 1 1 111. lllsnll, f '.I I II. Mn.ll HI. W . M. " I! ii..iiirle I II ..li-e, J',1.11 I', j l,.el.,it. I.. S. I II. nil. r, II, iv A. j " II nry I ' I, -II.. r A. I' I I. in I , J lilt H o'i llirrin, II J .1 l.i I -tJ 1..1..I i,. il... ! r'-nn ml prsy r I'M- . I i.' -in I ii ii c.Ujii en. p. The crip of ctlon corn are short in tin 1'i-tiict barely t lioilh for eoil-illiiptlnll. The li i 'Ir'nin h ive doiii! a rn nl Im im ss lln yrar, vthii 11 will always b I In: tec until we lovo our altn ti.ni muii. i -.ii.-iii.,f I'liiin. II. mli rsun. Il V. I.l in " t . " f. A. ! II. ,e. If. I,. ! II. II. .l.l.i. a. IMI I r'cad i"iiitv, an! Imvo ilcteriiiMied to! " I'"1" ''I'- till' It luidilritr hiii li, ln,,l try what! ""I"'". " H :.. i- .. . n . . 1 '"Iy. "ilmt: " HI - y'a huh ti'fiiiii. 1I, - , . 4 1 , (, ''i tcr ail, we must have rain; tin. is the dilli- j v,., . . cully which we hae to contend with sub-I II nl. u' ii, A. I . M. II. or ii i 1 1 1 . it. t I'liri-t I. .tii d Ii ive il ni.; f'.r f nu t. Hut oh . lay up aud I should be pleasetl to hce y,JU thi, fum l.i y out for Curiit ! ltijtr. uitr at uiy Loue, and ride with u.e over my tints shiill ri join; more in what ( soiling anil lunnui nig does well, but only me f ir thein. than what tin v L'ive me rain and I can il l hrLi.-r '"l,r Julilmlnn, Tho. T. l'..r' er, Mi.it S.ir ill J. I'nrvi. ntc, JnHt-ili J. I'. ir. N. A. I''i..:. .. K. .v. I'. rune, C it. V. irir. M- S. I' r... I, Id... 5.1, I' tln'ii.,!, ( "h.. I lei IJ. I .tn imiii, J. V. It llmltl. n, S. II. It'iilei rs, J m J. I. Itn-lniri, J .nn 3 I.''l-.. II. M. W. It' Ik r I ..in, lr. fjto. Id i il, J' lili If ni.li.l.li, V. C. 2 i: .. v , w. c. S'nir;., Mi.. M.iry s-'iniiiiic I, T'li'i-., Mirt h, II ,ce, s..'iii.i r. M S ,n.i ; Mis. S .r ih .-St.. Il tl". Mt.nea A. Sinttli, lliiit.tu Mi-. SiiilV. r, M,, ., Sli iin i,m,h, Iiavid St ml, S i;. S. miller. T. T. Si rr, Mi.. I iln ilimce Sltnii, A. II. Sli.inelll..l, Jitlill .Sine, K. f ull I II, ii. a Slujjht, S iinnrl W. T T.ilr, Tlmm.m R. 2 Trtjlnr, W. II. 'I'.iylnr, Willi nn 'riltillipstJll. .New inn TuiltJ, M .rv II. ' Vemr, r'upt. N. w. a Yiliu-, r'l..nklin v Williiim., w. s. W.lli.tm J. II. Andrew J. j " J.eloi.n " Kin . In th II. v, li, ;. v. Wliilc. . II. w .ii., 1. 1, , I., th r. A. I,, li. v. W..ll ,ee, M .iluw II. J.n.t.y .In , in S. M. A. " .inline I). Mir..n. r. Wmii. N .In v Mm. W,l, ., Jt.ln.Jr. W n. I ii, A. W . Mis. W II,. i, lft.lt it W , iltiiiii; Inn, - . S. V ,1. S. V .1. w. ' Ann " Slum ' J..M .h Mt In. lit J.iliti II. .l.i.i ,Ii:iil' J.,1,11 " J. li. Mis. W illiersiiM.li, 1. Wllile, 111. " AlliMlStil M,N Will. nisi.it, Jot, jili Wj.li.ni W .llurs, II. t ry II. Wnirliiw, V i If i in f '. w iiii.iuiNiiti, j.,ineK f " f 'h ,rl. tie V'nnil.tril, lit nry Ilr. W em, r, Il mi F. M. JiUSS, r. M. M i jit V- d'-n - r'l Mr- ii-Iii fr-. r -( i in I litmiuni't f lr rt ix m of I ru.'Ii- itrt t,,- j.ul If f ftiTnlU, fut Uin) f irim-ri w-n in r-l. fur rii vt g n uTTaisrxisrGr ilsixb:ss and 'l flln' h m. (- a im" n-tnf c ""f i J rimivi i v li ti lig ' vrr if ii hr t l Im I hi ' l t n 'I'llfy iH P-(Kii 1 1 In-I'iiii ) IVrM nitr. ii.r' i-hii.jf ii y -m . 'ii h.-ir .'it may rely t,of uUtMiiiin It rtt I hi -ti.tr'f-t ;.it-i nut.e. n. W. Mf M iUK. D. u. i;vki:i.v. nL- Siirn of tho Hi:; Iioot. CHA' LHS T. ESiURHAED . I Hif I li;, e ,r V "f I ne Ai'-tt t-s. A liitir- ,nu I. I-. .,.-- l, n,,i I. T '.. ; J t VI KS t . Jl ;;I)AN. -v ity J- ; II. I'.tJ. 3J-ly ! - . w -w ... s"W .--J J r ;-s- r,., ,., 1,. I'. it - l.i I.. 1 1 . I I I r.r. .-.,'.-.". I.-.,.' I'.-.r- ' ( I Cl .--'C. I. .' Il M. r, in ti.'- .il llti t li:i.- ..i i .ii in!-, I., I s..n- it j .,f In.' iii. ml, Sill li'ifll..,, ,- l.i 1 it, l..,. I'l pi-tl nn. tl, li-f of I iu 3j K-n, in i.i v, i. n.ttM i,, , ,,.,,,,,,. .,,, ,il( i.,4,1,.,., U M li- .iii t vr: it, i v 1 fi ' 1 it- v "l rr "ii l -r jVlttOOf tM) MHIIV. I i ' i I it i n il' V .t, ;.r--t .1 tl in . . n a a : 1 1 1 1 1 -ti i' , It A 13 -ICO U. I'M! !' .Ni.l.iC II. vl i- now r!'.:.,ii ill' v. S iiiil.itM i m i. J Iruni i:ufu'.ii i l-r i-- . t-.. J lUTi-M-, ...... v. ,. 'i lir,. I ' III I'uh'ii.i imh(. )..ii. i.ir i h- ii .ii-ii M , I K tl'.'iol I ' r i , ! ,. fi ij i o It ,: nf ''' :r..i o , r d" i t on. I -I .1- r ,,t k I.. - IT l ir,l.-r- i .. . .,. ri t.i i.,rr i ' I h- ("ir ll II ('l N n't ui i In i r 1 1 ui .un M..r Ml 1 (! I II'-1 .IM (I III H I.. I I ..Jit it i. ti a h ri t 1 1 t I -PI- II I ' III' v s..iii:in i.e. n i .on,. I.i f, i hn-l Ni,"- ' 1 11 II II . rt nr m i 4 V- r. i-'ir,i ml V Iii l i' i I t -i it r. t ey t in t .., ., i.t li. Ve I'te ..--! ,'.,1' eln CI it. flit. t ti lli. 4"tl Oi. V -.11 '-e n ! '" se I t'l r i n. itii. r V .en I ,,tiv -nliil li"ji In Hit- -.f.i in ,, i uy ! I. : V r I ll : II I I, I I.. ir i.-t:. ii u mi- ui uKvnv VV K K I i VM nil il i llU .SVI I.-..-J 3.1 I I,, i.vp'-..'i.i,l.i.i,7 n Hull... JV. - .". I M t:i'. ', 7 I.i w ..iii it '.i.i'i y .M r ,, , i- ii i V iij. -Ill c In .'II - I.L It -l-r, -.li . jt . n . o ;ij I ...I. i , hi j i I lie.',' Vl.l. .Ill," II .1 lc.li, h. I I I .". i. , I.. 7 r. ij ." i in. v iii.ii i. 1 1 : I- -ri l "is, I .'li " nn ..wn' l-J II . VI., r , 11 'J 10 I. .leu. ::t, I '... I All. I ii II 1 1 ' ' 1 1 .1 , I .!. 'lie I'KI.I'ill l"l'.' ls r i ii i iy , !eii . 1 1 ' ,' f i,-ii-it i .el i: 'Sr 'i'te ii 7. l.i t. in. I ' . ' t. a U S- 'in. I le.r.e s--i;KS fen ft, I t, I,, , 'm ' , e, ., n i -1 - I.;' Willi .In. ( ill i.s I" . n 1 'i e- t - , :. a ui i- nl' .1 .'- rin - 111 e I' .''! It A I h I tie . .. r- '' 1 " lit I VI .;nt -l-l . . U i" I II l.tV. in I .inilivi f. I. . ..II S.ill'.i , and S.'.i V . !mv j '-I re i-ive-t , fin- , ...t'ttiteiti ..I' PA H Mill, TOOK I MJ SHOP STOVES, ! whirh w- ! d'MfniJ of ml'-Iki at vry aliufi iro fn r.v A-ifti.i :n .1 1 fi ii II. I I. P. (iilincr, iPrnzxiht ami k ti! It cur ft, i t i -: . -. ' 4 ' ; Wr V-jt J A-l.-kw --a ir-u I lim -. - i 1 i '-ni..i' il- i l :- if. I.'tw .vtrl . i I i- - fi t In' -niilfnre in ,ifr, ( iir. i (, '..; his--, .i i h S-nii( koJ i I ' i ... ., j ,.;,! Ionic f..r tb r. - ot. i ;i i;. .i' i- in i i':in,in' l'utj(- C.vr, f.r hi,..ti -r ., !. 1,,,-H vt i v i.i - .o. r. S.nm, or "-t.li.ir l'tM Jrr. y ' " q 9 ! ? r.EAD! READ!! EEAb ! ! ! f'ii ..t U-rl il nl r,.mnrViil'i.p furr (hut hT tn r in ir in. i . b-t'r i -rnrim. U:v niurr 'lini I " 'Iii' 1' " ' T I'll.i H '-KHT l SX. Jlli-J tii i ' ! - r i,; .T-ni..ri l - t'tic lnti-.! rnln.il. t .i , , 1 - - fr..n rlnt idr .ritmi- uf - m " ' " I'l- 'l ' i --I A i -iin-f. in i)i- l.K--or. ii .,f t . ; . V - . - l... r n-iVr. (ti;. JinrTf - :' . -t. t ti . -i--:,,. n h ..nr,rn i i v- ..i. f,, i. e-'-i inr.-. lni tin- Iwritrwt'bi ' I'h hi i re i a n i "ti' ti-ir-ii h- fj ' I . 'h..t I in.i.t,, -lil ui'li l.-nnv 1.,,-t VI. n. " I. r- in Hi lii-f. f di'l U- -l-MIir '! "'"''il V ' ' l I i.i Ml li iii l tTi ,' 1(1.1, f " ' ' " ! H i t- -Ii ir l. r vtie .f V.uU a ' '; ' i . . . m l r lim- h.;ir.l it ''m' ii ;i" ;it rr in im : . i, Uf hi .It-nt-v, if 'I'lr (.(,'- : ft'ti In ffiif f .i" H' l . i.. r , ,-r - v ,1, iir ftl. f,P wi,lTl K. '' ' tt'tf io ..i r- . r-.iinli . unit iiLr i ' ,. i t, . f-i Hi-. It filf-Nlif t.. tllf tit . n-,t ; i J tn ,'i .. mt .!,. i1Ni .tii'. in Ijm 1 . ) ' ,f i . : i- ',i''ii 'i nrlitc tii'i" rffnihi!,. cl,rMii( , . I.,..' ,.r ,h k,n. ., ker , j(1 I ilMIMMIil 1)11 I illlOl nil;. Mii i.irn . iii(ii.siiM Mi.ij. Ji m:v r ." it :i - ; I l" i! ,. i 'If. 1 J H. Siiimi i i. r i- ii. fi . ;t v I.t mi'-thi t hr (Tit I- . n - if l,'l trii.Nf ;n),l , (,,. -nn.diii ttt'Cf I'.iio. lrV, that he lr vm n-l-i dm Nu Cvi ,i, (jf -sirt tt, inittif (tiii'c'v t" i' k t i.)n;. rN lln'i l, i '"'" I'P tft.iiv lo il' rl ! .il '-tv m-i tn Uf I Ini- II - h i ..1 ll)(. !,' nl W.i k II tl, unti l- ti iTi ...rp t'. ir-nti' fti In d . Iln; ti,.,i niil ni'-t 'ul ntrm- j J I i.t It I III Mil fiv t I IJ LL iih.iiih h-'ft i' i 'r mi i i t Ml . li , I i H 1 ' V A A SI) .In- ,..,!. m ,. .1 : ( OlAit.Si:. nl in ink i nil," 'hi - In Ii V - ih. r W 11 i .i rt-. - m ,, i ,i I' . n H n - fir, ''" riin'ini'i-i i 'l l hp alto.' h'i-1 ll - I- . n , r .1 - - 1 n,fi t : . ... . i . n ) it--- i . I li r . S .n hi.'-' , . J' n r j ' 1 . I ro i.' L l k Mill H!f, -ri '.'" ,, d 1 I t V ti rly ol m H r 'i f fl-n.nj K ( Mi N'i. 4. j t hi v i'' , .,,.it t,., i-( k hup. y tn ti r iv.' c -1 ' - Ir mi j .v"irh--ii Pic-Mii in tMi-im -i h r mi I. try n (f fii 1 p n t (i art- ilr.-iro.i- 1 (,M(. 1(l (ip ,,,,,,1, - i.n.il, il u ...j d t . m 11 t n - ol h i VI" e l ''"'( f'i U - mi ul.- . -n,j mint ft -r t 1.. 1 1 v . . I 1 1 1 1 in 1 Iu- I ft Hut 1 in a rri.KMR -ml ! hmi s.1,,1 11.. nn.i Ii f- t .: w th u ...i1 i.- a lt mm - I'k' to mum r. Q ui a 1 h . ,( -.1 f i.i'i Ji." '"it mi li 1- Mi.-rs.. 1 1,,! 1. 0 A Iricl -Vftjfirrl n tn (irrv'lii'i le ta-l.i n iti M.t ,; il1lH i...vni; Irrlt im h' f d lie Witfthf.ru I 1 1 1 - . TlH'lP ki'ili iJfH nl the iMi-tt-f-H f..'t..j W lv." ' I'I ii 1- nl t Burf thr larililif- l'irw Iihvi nt n n inna mi r iih i . i i. , i,.n I ,. ,r. I " 'I.. v . n'iM- of - rhtflff" nl Si irV .t1 F .Itt.tn, n r ,,t,,j tl( rff k'b-I "''iiv Inir, mt t v. rv mi- k I' 8" ,,f ' ' punt ii. p. m in villi iimi Hii-v r.n ni anv 1 "" ,.ri! .mi'piI ii-t-l, ! 'li 1 .1 I w ""i.t t't ' h. j ."ir ti '' J I I 'M Vfi ihn npntlvanj in a dui.Mf riuro in Mi I r i.l im rvrrv r -kti in ihv ii.iuh' ! ..rLr,.if ..it r-t Vi" n r ml- n n t h ju-i m r m t; r ',',',', r '' --Hintf t Hi'' kIhii tt''. 111 New Yurli iinl I'hiN'!'"''! t I . nt in iin-ui ..n I "i tl m 1 u 11 t.iu .u-, i.i i J M I N M K I'Y , 1 lim .n- Mini f .'.itMM'iV in ,ili'f I ii ,. injr j ' H 1".. lti'.-f ll'. ll IV- i ll. I i (.(ItM !7-f f nn 'nr I tl, i ii'iMiii. r i ii-if- I n- ii iv 4' -ft 'ul hi. i, tii.Ui li-1 i i'i n . M ni1 n ii r en"1 n il" il i nl ' i h'.'I r , i -1 ' 1 1 1 , ' i' i i "M li I ii1 'iti? it w i ii hi In VMir Hll V i tl I 't" lll'tf I I ..Ml -I M ill i l ( V Hp-.' Tllr : .h th.- fi.M-.it ,.t.,. iu:o l "v it, li ' 1 " "" M " '.(" ; " j. ? 4 TU! II '!n- mrtr "I Nt- . V,. h tn J H- 11 I V 'in- li. II I"-". W v I ?. I " - i ttt.it 1 ..i I ' -1 " ii r t" i fmin tlftf Filim- nf ll .' I . . i:.-r Hi I l'i 'l -T:t'. tri- iMniT--l I'f if. l-j . h.' u'-n-:iii)ir I r.li ..r o (t. iu in in- t - .'.(m t -ir ttn' ; ii ir i; tf 1 ..'.' In tlit. , .. griTiM)-'.' of ' ' ' I ' 1 .',riin,i-f nl hi- SMr-itt'ii'HIH f.'llt n: I n -! Mt.- in tl(. i i'i li.,rr .i...n.,r-J . ..! t Wn.r t-i n ki. nt -t -. .t-f. r, Mi .-t t'. '"' . I' in h.ivn-rf ii ir-ini'i.-l.-ii I .1 . , r ,- iu,. It, in I, . .i,.i K Ot In. It nil, lt,t I'jti.f.- iii I'I, in. Ii j.lii.i, ti ell -i i hlll, i- 1' i-. Mf .ni' I. tt il.tH. mt for linn r l11ff "li ; i.-. In- tiii l" Innie -if tli..,.L. r-. , , N i'(t --i I - iti ti-r tlmr i."liil . "i '1 it.- !.. r. wi'li mi hi fvr-i- i- -v ip. l ii ii n . M. e frwt i -r - tit in jti- H"f to tlx li i'f Iwn. ir III 11. UlFttllUU-ll'' I It'"!! HllO 1 Ill's lllH'l ti'ii.ih-i, hl'-iiii uULUkU ilia'-M'i k Uo. It- ;ip'tiiut tiiw MiMiHim. I.OTICE TO FEMALES. I.l Inmilliii , ........... .... .,,,, 0 c sun, evi l tut um in iIum Iowa 1 1 .1 .1 miNlcr- nt.- ' H. M. IKir-INSdN. NKIL WILKINSON. Sftifpnihr fi. A i I li il n' - ol' I.O I II ! I ll ttffl ll Scpietiihi r 1 1 JtonSKoX UK A. 3;. t? i To flu ci list ii ol' Tlrf-.M?ilMirj 11.1, ii.m.u.B t.iiv.in Vun",i- n' ,-ttiv k tnl . I in i r I ..-.I, 1 1 i- v mi, il .ike i lit- i limit i- ,nr-'t-ril' i-'if i f il'p ""'--' r !'. Ill . i--iii, f Mi"f iiii--l,'li r?vl i nn- ii i- i. I :li if nl, tl.c iifri"ii.i cue r if T I- ,t--fti.... wli.n the ftl.,n f nutiirt nn- Wt-i.k uti.t li ti. st-tit. T :ilf i-i-f ti Mii-I I'l.T fllklll', Wllfll tlif l.i'" i- f oi t rl,.- ir. i ;. U . l-n- hint ti iitiutt ti (ni' ti,,.ii.t, . mi l .1. in t. i'ic tit.iliti lai-kfii, ininJ Mi . .. ii. ;m I nn -i- (ii. ii'n . tin- h.tp' Hii-ssM tlfsrnn,.,l. ( Jf n 1; -.r p.n: i i- a f.t.-in), rim.-l.. li N . t p-- 1 ; It-.- 'i in . 'tm-.- .1 I . r iltr , t-rn- n tlm li"i k i i - ,i n . ., i I'm i.i i,i i the t ia Mi r.ti -iitti ii'S, n ii'" c . I.- rf " i i.i .i . rr-iitt- 'Uit; nml lii.t.ili I-- i. a li i .r's . :,t,, ,,.( iiai'in,.- tl.'rn I... In, if i m f. Mi . ;i l"i' rli u-(. t tin liif.ln ini, f iti, 1 tihs Mill- i n.c. Ji.. j...- nn Ul trij in'f. MliU'i.c (tit HI, i Ir)ll , . .. ..t . . ,,. , i, w.,:,i tkl. p,,.,,- i t jw-n-f, t .1..,', wi n , siiiui'il l. t! ill. .1,1 Im- . f Mi. ulii 1. it- Mii:.-. ll-'t..,i .-i I...1-. :i', i.rl. :.- H tnt)'f li'i-IC li'. . ' . -1 i i-r. . it - v i l- it..-1-.-. or tifaiif iiii-i ml- u I. em.MM,. -nil. i.. ;u I mHIh i-ii A Mw.1 t rt il J ; i -c i I 1 1. . i, i i nl.. w in. ti i i-f-cti nt ii i'i- ii i. i -c U' :i l o .-, t .u;i 1 ..l -J,..t. m.t i- 1. .llfl I" t , rl - t. l-Mi-l i jl. , i Ail i.i i h iii'pri'.ii iniiH Miln 'fi?i, rli" Et .i t , I i,l li.i.- l;u t. uj Atuli iL.LuK.r:--1 t-' liiiii . fit If. ,itt li;.- '3";' E'.B.'a fi II. 153 WARRANTED TO BE TURELY V.:UKTABLK. 1 ( , ., . , , v.c 'm mf, t '. niul K ft It lit M..(f i- if I., .i .iti, k r - ,o I., i ti.ii i . . i . , . ' "',x!' ' " "" ,"r ' 1 v -"i - -'... i -UK. , ; 11 ii 0 x i c r i i i) if ) i) i. rtr:?:::zcx!:;;.:'.;;t: !:::::.k ";; III, I I Vfl l I lilt , - If. Ml '1 .Ml) ll'lllll! tn,. n. (I 1,- (,-.- I , , t , it,,.- I, ,.l I: ii- I,,, (, i itiri ii.tikt- u r. i .fi tl um ii m , . M-t r i llliTfr, in n h k "'I Ulr rn ti' n ( t n- HUniii,; (o i.tvi'-i in M'l.in l.ii it. hi ill -t i.f... h in ti. . r i 1 1 l .'g' ant! pi. - rv h ritii'lt nr hl-inr', nt tin lll,H- ..r , I nit rt-i - m V 'i r n Nit ill f nl. i .i, nil ni ii ii, v ijiTtiil-t thf 11 i M .n il lit: lit , iislii il tin id. t It t ii t.i ihr ' .in t ; ,i rt. Jnui H l-'.:i. l!l f A l-L pm-nfi iiitli htftl in mi) i.jr ,o''r Um k Jm. At'i'ii'iitt. nrt r i,iiimImI tn itKiii' tifM.inl iumI M .y, hi my mr t.y tn- nip w ill imi mini I nt inilol yt im-r. will hi Intuit nt llie rnrniT. ("moult n.- unH'(l hy M V i ithiH.m, a n l.rn ny tn I - st fouui iiHivo tt her iiu.H H in i v imi in- up . i.ot t'l'il'li v i.. , . 1,1 tf (J. i - ! r m h il i-iir r " . ,,, '... J. w. l; OM ,. I h 1 1 I..II,.. N f . It-1 I ' t II,.. .1 ., ll L' ' ' I- " I' i' . I 'll. Itl Mill I ' I I . ' .' , . r ! -c . II., l, ' I i' 11 "It'll. ti in Hut f,.. r I., ll,,- ,,l, ,- -i- "I If..' il nl ll t t. i . I.. rl, ml , ,, ,. ...,rn '" ' ' l: ' '- '' "' I'I' il'- 1 - II I, I il, 1,, I -. , r, l ..I,.. ,...,.1 t , .ii. ,1,,. ,1 " ti' ii, .in.' i, ! I, i, ,. , ii,,, , , , ''- "I" 1' ' I I'." I ll I i.,.-,. til-. ; ni, ,1 ll(( n. .... ;. ..'. ,,,, I,,.,-,,. .1 ,, tr-.-ii .i r ..in.! iiI.-.t- ;i ,i ,.l w i,,,.. ll,,- .1..., ,,,,,, j , r ,., ,,t i ,, ' ' !'- - I "".I Hi- r- I- tin I , Ii. r Iy w'.t'.. II ,,. i,, J, ,1,..., it, I,, nl iinf,.iri,j,. . 1. tt.- .tMB-rl.... ,.. tl,.. ,,L.. ,,,,,1 , , i, .. 1 1. us ll.tfs A PEAUTIFUL CLEAR fKIX. lit", hi- ii h limtr ;t ',.' ,r. (..-.iifi'iil, wlii'i -kin Mtfl f"-- 1 'Mil' mi, II' 1. ll W.t l' V l- tl- iM.f ( .IN. - 11 Mo- .. -il. f.if um. " ..i il.-iftcM tu If ilti-tl,' n-'iUi,:iMi -1 . ' I, .. HMii'lis. w ;i -In . I'.tliif-, hi ! i-i i.-ninf ii . i ;. !,. ,,- 1,. in r., ft m ii. I,. 1 1,, f i'i 1 1 a r Ji-m- hi- j ,i- !,.!,. . i ii l il,. if (.. . Mi-li i;t.iii itijtns to II,.' -K,f t - 1 : 1 - --.i .i'.i1 I- 'I,.' I" -! t ..-Ill-'H- kliiMTI. I- i . ,. . . s ,. i I , i, ,!.. ,i, rv j 'ft. -,r -l im r I'l-I hi. 'I -n- .,! t...i' . ti. -n I . I -I ii .Ui u t: t ''I '' lif.ti'l , Hi. 1 i , ; 1 1 I,-. , i,i- ... fin In m n Ii.ltiiii'' W-.-fi. ;ui.l rii.it to. .- w ,i..i i.i.i! ..-tiir. i.-ii'i-i tn Hi- in Hi.t (f . -,1, - ft i )i I ;.-hi-. t '.in., mi M. uc ot' t..ni4 r u .-h w i i n. tin- i.-i- i.- m.Uh n in,' mii- inki u f ii'u ii , r tin- iiitiii n ..-rii.vU it v Hii. - if. i,:- : i, I ... ? A, . :,i t Ml Ml- . -M -I t'T M MI'C, il lltl n. ,i M, ' -1 I '.t V'i'lll I a June 29. lFii. . . . tit' l . . . . A. C. SI'KKLK. i V irH;1.d uB...cu . .iu..b Wur ... ii.H 1,ui1 iu CoucorJ, ly i lcf i.m.. n. .hi, ..':, ,,,.', (v..- '.-. ,: tl V- II. fu.iiil i,, ,,,.,, r... I,.. isia.,sn' rt'iltiiij Hti.iiiitt l, imi,. ,,ri. , M, , .. ('!.. 'irli.tr. t.v J r. i;i!An:i: !n.l ruiTCiiAnn k caldwull. , ,..r . I ' fll-l- - I,, -ti ., t., . ail mi I'r .ti nn ; . I I llii ft I .Mi.l. .Miuriii, el I tiu .mrt . c tf'j'e Mint . in.. I t -t i li'if tn Ktr lUil . .in . i.t ! r- ".i" !i.i. ih .. ,. i, . i .' 1'ti r m t . n-ta t rl . - r.l'l' .I'ff I'I R!i'Ul.iiltig i,..iii 11m- n tm hi nt nt tn , ,l . t r l iiti i Mim-nrMia, i iii-lul itmni liun.-. luih to i, I . . . f n t ui-iii!iii(, . t.- Duatttttl njtiner. J.U. IIOJXJI'NS 4 CO. I'ttr lale Hi t Imr '' I'I' ,v ."1 ftl bWl.I.I,. j. y. Glt.MCK

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