T I I IP II III 111 lllIWa)ii IIOLTON & WILLIAMSON, , - Eimous. T. J. HOLTOX, Pkopiubtor. T Kit MS: The .North-Carolina VVhi;; will be florilcd to ulcnb. t ot TWO IXJl.l.AKS in advance, or TWO IIDl.UAIifi AND FIFTY CENTS if pay. mini be delayed for llirre month., ami Till! K.K DOlJ.AUS at the rml of the rear. No uapi-r wiil be discontinued until all arrHiragen aru paid, c. cept at th option ol Hit kditora, Advrtim inntiti iinorted tOne Dollar .r nijuare 16 linen or len, thin ixad tye) tor the Ural inner, tiuii and i!5 cinL for eutili ciinhiiuiiioo. Court ad. irti.u,ii.'iitji and Shi nil ' Sal-:. cliiirKi-d S.5 per cent IiilHht i and a deduction of 33 J ja-r cent. Will he made fro.n the renul i ftricca, for iiiiverliacra by .I., I w eeir. AiiVirllnoui.llia llinurwu niiiiiwuj w miarL-rlv. at t tn r niiuire for each tune Semi monthly';.! cenUiM-r niire for each tonu. B i All b tt raon b,iii n r. be din'cUd Ij the Editor. Lettcra muat bo poat-paid or they will not be attended to. I r Payment- can be mailr tn either. 1 J" Poatinanler are atltlioriicd to act aa agenta. CAHOI.I.V1 INN. BY JENNINGS 1). KEUR, t luti ioUe, t -- .sirs i TFl m I, hi rotating M Stilt Open. fT livng Hfn rcoH J to tout rtfvnl in H miil l rt' ti, (nd i' A WA Uy niw 1 f C uJ uf lit I'urifiifijf I'm omrHuii f at I't t iUe or gr ol Mid rrjitfl i . rhfitt'ul llirfo um ir Uvuurt wil.i un ? p-ri,'nt; nf tomr I yt ih m the Nttuti h tl tir:iu lif ! 4ft4 fliftng )ji.T frf'tttf) fid iiiif.rMved ! 94i4 mt th-lM.rit. tint jreti th4t ! rtJc!a ' 15. .S. JOHNSON. Kaglcr's Hotel. T?V M Ih.-d tjf itfufMiMg hip tn tin fcjrtoafefe hi ire- i iy r ll I'd ni ii(nrt fur It tiidnf on Mii-M"ii fif-p. Mi it t Wi 1 n ttnrd by t Vtj U hi i'avrtitP'tl. of Hc Happ? VHey. 'I'ht tib fitter h I y tt diiit'Mi t Ifrthnn In bi d'ttw I" fT..!rf Oie ftMiJtH 0 H ti htln i nil titut C'ttiUt1 tii nil f kblr. I'er. tf it tli ithurtf lint, nod tttvliiff lo p i.ti i icA 1f rrh, (if ttmutii, if Hie ptatit tiHiff of tn'K, ntxf ft id hi ha a Ii4u( A. K. II AGLEIl. AiiFJiH w lion:!, i lLU!U:STO., S. ('. SL itiitn h r lft fiii nd i' (HHilir g lt. Itiat -Its h !!( l Mat' ut Hl K i h-v HUil-.l. h. h Ml in or rwxfy tmt of H' t'tia-r 'H Iratflpr Hie t"(fh irrn'mt (ti lt "tpimiWr, 1 hi Imig n. tAhiiihtd itU H kion lion. h Miltf ftiift a )hitpug'i tt,r.Hi5-mi. mi I'tfti tit wiiit ii tni ii'tiiMt4'1 fin iittan. iii t-HMfia iita'ei in lh f-4ii!fP f humi' ii, tiii in thu m t (4-hiOH. a.!i jnri ctf 'N- pty. oi CM ra'l ffeui lir nuin rurf !r:xtB rd frfif plron o (he ll-iui-' ; td -iU in ccnriy tori, lioihitic iU f tinie ut imr pari It inak iwm e'MilrUtie wlnln hi kfe MILS. A. J. KKNNEHV. Aygont IS 3. i!ill FlMK NuIpi au. I At c.rtinl Hu llie firm o J t(, 5t liav Imh iUhJ hi my hi da fur rtifEm tmii, aiid itiebf? to iid firm V f not -iict lohgtr iiu!ui;iiee, i J. V. SMITH July I, 13 a-l.f .m m n mm. n 19 'tiiiior.ici) Jluto, ''ELS7".!. pfS;IIC III tie. k leohorg and Iho and W t' lj'Mll.uV Mtitina mid fi.fcff!Ui( B'MIM- j (y If nd nd I"- ti nm 1 Si"ii. ntficp Jtilumtfitrp (tr k liut'i1(f!(f kuciiii Ktrt'p lluUil and tii t'ui tTi tl) uMifP J.niMry 111 l-'3. f-a -IY Dissolution. ito- di'-dv.d I'V uiual r'!iifnl, Al fmfH iiot'titi d l. ii.r lali 0 11 is rifMird ! m ke tiin(itt,i iii ttr'tUi iii--m nili ill- -ubsttf itn r, woo t one ti;tm,Mi d la tj.iUft th utn U. J. FOX. 8i-otnmt.f I, Ik.'i.'I 311 In!) CtllKWlNii pass d, Kif it i itfiun. the nu.nt niiM-nm iii-. Cigar uutur. 'I'dba'-io ttt t ill tilt; .SI y riliailAltl) .v CALDWELL, j V.ynn-iaiia $ l)i nu'iti. 1 tktnUrr !, lh'.3 :i7ll' j " " " ' " ' ' " " ' ' " " 1 lllllllloi'a Vl'U III lilt' Tllllilll'l', j kKK-VKi,Y frhlWril frtf lt aimdeiful ll W 1 tl i'li in thn rll'ii i.l' S- f.if'itatin ili-i at a and ah i u,i'li ilien ol it tiiH d. jit rn elvt-H a.'fl lor iihv I'lilll ll liil &. t:.M,lVVK,l Mel IS) 7l. 4 i it nil's Yi'ucliilili' I.llliriiiilrlnc 'B 1 1 1'- irtmie t mail ei a el tne ag4 lur O a el 5. a;,.l u h or it a a-ia of Ihe uriiiniy orgnii.." hy ol, anil yuq will n-ff he iliiu it t-'ur unle I' 111 I'l llAKI) it CALOW Kl.l.. tc. IrJ 37 r . . EX II. UlMildlS' I,iv(Trn-, Tar & 'li;t in linl u cum nl riinuniitiiiii, firuiH'lii. it Cuuli-, f iitd, Ac.&i., for lv l'liircilALO .VCALJHV KLL, Ph ynicidita Al Urii.j-inta. DrlilirHlHJJ, 3; if Hill III 1 1, :uOi- Yliillt'i'! IRKKII ml ;i;M'IXi:.proeiiri'il by Dr. P. ( '. Calthvell very feeenliy at tdiarlentnn. Pur mile at tho tir note Uruif Store. I'lilTCIIAHl) k CALDWELL. Mil For lr.l. U r xale by T. .T. HOLTON. 1853. Fall Iniportalioiis. 1853. BANCROFT. BET1S & MARSHALL, 4 lull Ii-loil, S. C. "BkfE AGAIN invite the attention of aurclian. WW era ul' lli V UOilDS ill the Soulu untl 8iutliwrit to our stock ul' Uoode for tlic Fall Trade. 'J'o iiicrclianMi who huvo visited our mar. kit the pint -e.ii.oii, examined our .took and tic enne ucijii.iinlcd Willi our l'acililica tor duiiif bu iim iK, it ill umiccrnary to uy Hint u idler in. duci-menta second to no liouau m thin country. Our I'AI.L STOCK lum been aelcclcd with great carr, by iwnul our limine, Iroiu nil the prill cipnl market, of fcuropc. Our nlylon and f.brica will lie louiiu wiier auapieu 10 nouiueiii i-mo- anu (.ilea than any Uo-ula imported into the country. We winh it dn.tu.Uly uiidi rnlood by buy.ra that ice tmmt alt uur Juirign C.Wn, and arc uble j and di letiiiiocd to nell tin in an low ai the name 1 ...... I , t . ..... K..I.I f. ll... I'n.tl'if Kt. t.-a ; ...m.... - -. , , , , We idler, in our I.A1UI.S' )UIS (iOOlif. DKrAUT.MKXT, a full and cumuli te aaw.rlini lit of all the tie went nlvhn and fnhritn, noeh anSilkn, Satina, M ircclinea. Dii'hintn, C.nhni. ri n, UoU n, .Moun. Ii I..iium, lljli ge l)i Lawn . llrocudc and rium A'pecjn. I'n.-nch and tfi-nu.'ii .Mcriuon, U..u.lpiiia, S.1I111 Id l-aimn, S Ik eli t., I nic, Irf-lnea i Frilich, Sctdr il und hliglmll Ollljlli.lun and urintn. l ong and Sure Hi- l, Craie Shawln, Maiilil lan, M .11 tii, Cloth, Im I and Nik, I'l.. .11 i-nd Kuibrouli n d Vinclli n and CliMkn, Sw i.a and French Kiobroi'Jerui in great aru-ty ; While (oia, liihuoin, Ornn Trnmncn, Iaccn, Ac. it. A lull und complete anaorllliclil ul b(JUU,5 1 OH MII.l.l.NKKV I'LJimsES. llimiir). I Iu tliin deparliiH lit we i.flir cury pnanikle va. I Hi ly ul biU, Cotton ann Itomiio llonc and Hone; Silk, Merino and t otlou I ni!r tiurnuiitn ; ! hid ikotn. Duck, Silk, ll..ol. n and t olum j tiiovia, Ac. Ac. He py particular nllention lo Ihm di p.irttiHnt f our i.uniiatfe. Mid imbrue all the leading aitnlca a.i.lid. I.tlK Un ll llll I.ilicll fiiixxln. M'ei,rT r, in tin (Irparliiir nl a full and complete l.rf k ol li, 7, H,'J fend KM lili i In d aim Ihown iLiuaaka; Table Con rn, all nlvlm, l)uHrn, Tuwi l, illiank N.iil ion, llli..k llovlin. lo- I.;., ( r.nh, l,r.,..i I u-; f. III mid l'j t I.iih ii bin 1 tsngn ; I'n low l.im n ; noil 4 4 lnh f.iui on ; Mirm ilim and l.anen. r Ui!i, Ac. Ul Ul l I lot lln C.lnnlllli'cn, 4 1 i II S, 1 11 Horn' Innoiln. A I'. In thin di-IMrtoMlit we elnbr.ee al! the bent maki-n of 1'iiiuii, tornt..n, aod r'.Nchnh i.iid A. iiiericii ( lotlm, Ciiiiit-rca und Vcniint-n ; lll..ck and l ulnii.i t-ik nd S.tin rt-iiiipn; Velv. t do ; 3-4 6 4 Knlinll and Anu ricll 'J' 1 ei:n J K. Jenlin, S,.tinetn, I.inu n, I'lilll and I'l. Ill t loak I llilllj;, t llaa, I'ndllllin 8,li,n, Tw 11, Itultclin, d.C. tVe, Blankets, Ktrseys, Flannels, Domes tics, he We cffi r, in linn ii pai tuieiit of ..ur bunmenn, a niont eotupli te ttortioi ot of Kuhli and Ann r i. Can IlLltni'tfl, Nrjflu (..nin ol all llU-ilitltltn ; llln!., Kid and 111 ut- I i. nm l; lib d .n.il lltnno doioiKliin ; I. mi ii ;nd Cotton OniiMburga, and Cololiu t ottoon, 11 tt Ue. Carpets, til llotbs, Rugs, Curtain Sluit We j pa r 1 1 1 ulur nitt lmn tn lum lirmrli il ur buitM . mid f ju u;iiy rv r v arlu v hi ilic lloUM-.Uilnlitlif .ill , 10(81 aa Iwiiifrti,. Jt.tt fi hini Aim fit in I'In li , Tjitry, Vrm ti, 3 ply I i f: f i f i i Tn U, til UIilh; 1 l"ir Ii.lh, frmii 1 atd U G yiii in witillt, liua, M!-.. iiiMii M.itu. .t-ir K....I., Kali Piiiiaiikii, I.atc fetni .Mnlili, i lilloitin, l,'MJ'n (niip, b 1 1 1. "I i. rnit( , V r. o, W e art t jMri in Inis U t Uii'-nt to fun.isii any iiHl wittf d tT I!'! !, Stt-.4iiitxU -nd Vn II u-i p, anu t;t lis in up in tin- Ul tid ban kokt. mrrrs al M ALStlAl.!,, No '.fOJ i ".'1 1 Hiiig, cr. .M .rkrt t. f,okf Irt 37tt JA.MKS MOOIUIKAIK NO. 'jr., AK01IWALK TKKKT, II AHIii rn. fi.i riti a 'od iport:nrnt nf the ( at(.IUK I'.KIKS.W INKS and Llql tHIS. Aio, M itiut.'Ctiirti Itloiehead'i Premium Wine Bitters, nmth Ttr!H)itHfn(!i d fy PhyMt uns, sud a!! who have tlacd tlttiii, um tin. h-t TMC htid uToMAt lilt now b -tut a thr puhiit, hulea..le and rvi il. aiAMBEUs, Jia ri;iis k iu, COi.niSSIO.l KERCIIANTS, cii.iiti,i; T(K, s. v. $ II K Hiiilfrngfiftt ln'K lrvti tu fflulM fliNi-k 10 JL tomr iiiiitiroiiB lritnd r ihfir punt titmrl palrutittgf. and iltionn ttirin lot Hoy P'llt r-M lii lle ih button ln!r-lii..re mm fn.ld thpn v r- s dy la iH-rva Ihrir tru ntU ami a I hu ituy t vor Oi- iii t'ti c 'liinMH iii nf Ot)ini in ' lfe li. ul ut illn-ir fkfil ami dhihly nod I hut no tltort on thuir will ! wai-tiiji io a;i ,iitnfioi. ciiAMiir.i'.s, ji;i'It;i;s a co. t'harl. num. !. I .. J.iiy U Isb'J. iiTll RAKIJ, rULLIAIl & CO., IMl'dRTKUS AND WiKiI.t.SAI.K PKAI.KH.S IN Forfcign & Domestic, Staple k Farcy Dili tiOOILl .Vo. 131, .Jin tins,' St wt, t iiMii.i:.- iu.n. si. t1. t. Raskin, of Anl-ill, N (". W. I'l'LLItM lul' Ol " " M 1 ali.Mli.Fa. lata ol ttmirgi l Skiim. lalo ol Anlivvilla. iN. C. Jill llniiml, at .ii..ii:ifs Did u !tki:, .VKXl. AN ,Ml's.l'.M. I.INMII.NI, I't-.HK V HvVISS PAIN KIU.KK, Hit. OLYsnTT'S I XUIAt-T ' ' YM.I.OW nm K AM) smiSaPII.I., I I l.l.'S SARSPAKII.I.A. WKSTKICM UM.SVVl II. Ii 1 IIKRI. V, nUXKY'si UM.i Al. PAIN rXTKAi'lO.I, UK. lliMin.ANli'.- (il-.UMA.N I.II'l'HJS jf-ISotici'. tU AVINt; aolit iy entire interest in my I)i ug 8. fitnre to Dr. II. .M. Prilelianl, tn w I10111 I would ri i tin nil my former Itnmls m the ur. chane nf .Medu nun, ami I now piva iioln e In all rM-rnmin mili bti-il lo the ..lil turn ol Fm Urr, anil . . . i. .1 1... it.. 1 Km it t'.il'lwill, awl inymll iiuliviiluitjly to make iinmi'iiiute m uleinint cither by .Note or t nnn, aa lunger .mlii'io-iii-i: l unnoi oe jrnrii. Iii my iibni iH e thu .Nnli a ami hooka of tlir con rvm will lie lelt in tlic lunula of .Mr. John r'. liill anpie who in auilinriMiii to mUlc tlic aauie uiul re. ceiiit in my name. 1 Clmrtiilte Krnt. 3(1. 2:,ij i ' a ii It'll, nikik lllIs'HKI.S ol imw anil wall cloaill Jl jf f YV II KAT, nt my MlUn 10 lllllcn Iwlow t'li.rlulla. weighing lint I- m limn aialy Kiiniila lo Urn tuinhal. Tin VVIiiin Ill" May and tha VV hiia lieardifl Wlmat priifurrid. For whieh too C A.-II will b iiaid. WILLIAM JOHNSTON, . lgu;.t 30. 3Hf CHARLiOTTS, HXf. O., MAUCK "3 18S4. nlLii. - The Americsn Flrg. BY JCiSLI'H RODMAN DHAKK, When Frrtbotn from her mount-in height ly'iiluil'd l.er ul- iid rd t tho . irt She ton. the aiurt hAjv. rf niyiil. And t tut; HUra ol uh-ry tin ('. , Site uiiiith d witti it oi(t,u dyca 'J Ut' uitlky hujiiric d the- k it Ami tri.cJ i ih pure cdcKti.il hil: Willi tre.ikinys ol tit itmiiuiig iighl. 1'hun hi u-nsioo t Um mm Sim cll'U h-r v,iv.-. Tit di-wn, And ave into hia Miilily hjiiitj The (tyfuiKil of htr chuAtii lnd. M ijf'Btic monarch of thr cloud. Who n?ur'iit nloJt tht- n gdl Ibriu. 'J o hear the tcuipt't trumpina haul Aim! svc the hytititiug Unct-s ilnttn, W Urn strive tiit warrior a nf tin Mortn, And roll the thunder drum ol' iicjivt-u. Child of the nun ! to thee in gtv n To jiu.rd the baiiiur of the free, To hocr i the au.phitr niijnke, To ward awuy tht- tt Ii -htroki t And bid iln tjii.ntiii g hKhm- diar, l.ikc rjiulwwn on tuc .loiiil of wur, The harbiiti.rB of i(-tnry ! FhfT of thv br hp ! thy f. IH nhal! fly, The of hnpe end lr. umph hin, hi U Kl!,l I ht' HIL'lul ttUlMplt t(ili't Anit thf ioiij liin? ci.u.ia Ut,n.tii t.n, y.rc y t the li k--bhf,tj, k.ihi ihh. not, Hita Liioimrd tin- g ht-U .'tji.i b- ym t ; Kiich foiditr'a i ) i (th-ii hiigia'y turn 'i'o wht-rc tlic nky .fK.rn , rn burn ; And his Kpriitgio ali-pB .idvt ru c, t'jtch ir iiiid t ngLniiit t from the tlanre, And whin tin; caHn-ir"".ulhii tB ' ud Ili-i.vi in wild wrt. tin (In- h tth: fhr.ud. And pory pjhri'n riM' -ntl f 1J Lit.f aiMt t of H .ui ' on mo.fiiivf t'i- p II ; Tin ii tih-11 t'iy hh Ict.r ,tf t tli.w , And Pinverm ! n uti 11 (.ink lvtn . tn K elt pjlLiit nnii th t t-trikc bt low Tiul lovely ii;ctiigcr of iJmilh. Klag of the icaa ! on occm w ve Thy tr sIimM glitter o'er tbr br;.ve ; tn ii deutli, Cnirt-tT-iig on titt Swei'pa darkly rouno lite tVJIit-d ii, And lriyhtLijtd w.c rush wlfUy btck, lU'lore tbe broadnitic'M ntliug r-.ck, Kich dying wsridrrtr f the wva fch ilJ iA tat fnce to ht. vin and tnrr. And Kfiiile to an- thy pl odor a t! y In triuuipU oVr his clusing t vt, l'lfjy of the frn hart'i hope -.nH hioue ! Hy mgei hand to i.itur if iv o ; Thy ttira h;ie fit the Wei kilt don And fell thy hus fvrp: tn in ht-.iMn, i'ti,'Vfr oat that t nd ird h.-t t ! Wiitre brealhes the I.k- but f !U before us, W illi Kriedoii. imhI iM iiiMth uur fit. And Frc-i'dom'a baontr treiiinnj; oVr up ! IftisccllaneotiSn Vitim thf Ammcan ( man. MABEL; on LITTLE FOUNDLING. A DOMESTIC STOHV. THE BV MISS MARV W. JANVKl.V. CIIAI'ir.R U. 11 Hut how is it, that this adopted child is transformed into the being we have intro duced to us at the commencement of this t lie ? ' q uiries in v reader, " For aui ely Ma bel Kills wat tiuie represented a a intiiud iu the house where she waonee an adopted dim filter, llowr came tU't to pa.-s '; ' " Well, reader mine, it was a very easy, though certainly nut a looked-for transition fur our little heroine, which we wiil exphiiu. Scarcely had our Mabel closed her tLird nunimer, ere cuiisunq lion, who lor many yeara had been weaving his Ion icy tinkers about her foater-motlier s heart, bore her away as on more trophy to his countUsa list of victims ; and one pleasant Auu-t day good Mr. K.'lis was laid to test beneath the green sod. Ah, w.ie for the little Mabel then, when her best friend died ! u ,e for her who was too young to feel oui;ht save baby-grief : w hen she missed her mamma a caruases and tender kiss Squire Kllis was an old man ; sixty years ' had silvered his hair, and bent his lonn, but had not chilled the kindness of his heart. He had fondly loved Ins wife; and had any one iu:u mm, niicu aue lay eo n anu viiuc belore bun, that be would soon miirry aain, he would have declared it to be impossible ; but wheu, scarce stu montlis alter her de mise, ere the sprin-Howi rs lilo-aoined, or the n;tecn grass sprang ujion her j;rave, he had brought another to till her place, wan it not a proof thai his tii.-l wile was in aome degree forgotten T so iiniiiy thouubl; mid there were many hard things said by tho good people ol Ked lield, when a gay, dashing widow of thirty five years was iustallvd as mistress over ifvjuiro Ellis' large mausiou, aud whole troops of her relatives and friends conver ted the hitherto undisturbed ipiict farm house into a bustling noisy establishment, far titter the home of a younjj man than the old venire was. . And it was a sad day for the little found liii! child, when tho second wife came to take the place her kind foster-mother has filled ; thus early, had a little cloud arisen iu her life's sky, which might grow large and darker yet, and some day overshadow all the years of hef youth. 11 w.' 1, . 1... ... Mrs. Sewall was a shrewd woman. When Tery youni! hg had married for wealth and au establishment ; had lived a life of fash iouablu folly; and at thirty, was left a will ow with the reputation of wealth, but in reality there was remaining to her but a wreck of her husband a fortune, so had she lavished it by her career of extravagance and fashion. She had butonfl child a boy of tive years at the time of Ins father s leath, and consetpiently, at liis mother's iC0nd marriage, ten years of age. lie w as her idol her all j on no other being; since his birth had ahe ever lavished the wealth of affection which lay slumbering; in her proud heart, and. whose ciiatcuee ever WiHMi unm hi miMmn nbd unon revcnlod by the tender light of ed, jealous of tlie inttrt'sts of licr darlin-r her lurjjc, jiBbsionatt) black eyes j one idol boy; the squire was getting oiJ, was Datu-tht- proud womau certainly hail, other than rally of un easy teiujieramutit, aud too fond the wealth for which bho had bartered her- of jieuce to long continue a dispute with SL'f- any one, much lus with hiu wile j and so, ; I have said Mrs. Fewell had married for day hy day, he saw the little foundlin" per- ! wealth, and it was bo; yet aho van not heartlea,, for ah could the 1W with it, uiemoiieii (-peak, there would be told a tale u cara ,,eu a e wangenue anu lovn.g aa jane a.s fair .od yoiinji-but whose young ! love and life were turned to llUeriiea. by iiiislakcuparttitsoppo.-itwnand j.n.le and 01 a ,v..u. au, hi, iu.ru ie iii I.,. . Lc.ovea one ; anu l ieu, her very Heart i-nzfii to r.rii!.. jrni kt .,,.a. a.h I. id uuu fliid Innckt'fJ fit fhn Ufi'tfU trtii lm . , . , . , ..,..--- jl. .. . . n. u , . L 'l.. BI114 IllllirJII, li,,t ft t!,U U 111 I. . n. nat ure ture wa. Ln.i v.ih l.er dead love, aud i tiljf .il II.-.....-J-yv' JIM , -ii v nr loric si..,co 1 vauirlieU i,nd now h w as a ttriu, culd. pioutl wTUian, who had iu her i uniuii wr.h j ui i c f time for Wealth. JCilia married a si.coud -U t dcaili, Mrs. j. i)ewa.l mjh v,,iti,. some diMa.it relatives m j J.uu li-!d ; and hem- one plea,aut .S ptew- vi . vui. wiiiii iii mu iii'ii; ii uur- ; ; !.,.,! . 1. .1 . I : i' . i i.. .,., ,.,,, wiu niuovr aa jouinL'iy i.. I i- . . t it ii i t"iU bv ut tutu Jiihioti, lr. Jlui-ulJ. us tie r.,.i......l .,. il ; ... r .1... c. ..: ' ; jiun.itu iuc in.. ii?i j,j ui nit- ituue ; ! "Mrs. Sewa'i, the owner of you line seat is s widower. S. cure him, aud you are n.istresa of one of the largest estates of the county, as well as wili; of our wealthiest man. Con, e down to llt-ii licld in a lit tie while, anu I will invite the old Spire over to tea, and you cm. set your cap lor him.'1 ' Agreed," lau - hin!y replied the pay i widow. "Has he cliiidivn T' she queried, ; with an eye to her boy's interiM. " Y'ou know, if cvir I marry arain, it must be t) : some one who will be kind to my Lucie.'' " No chlidreu of his own," was the an swer. " Duly a liule adopted child .'ouud ; upon his door-.Mi'p when a Laljy.souie three 1 or four yi ars ao she'll ii"t be iikeiv to iu- herit much of the old relitlctuau s property, Mi nun. it, 'lu.iug VU 'IU 1 '-'Ul taiUfl well." 'Ibis cotivt -rsation passed in jest cm tin pait of her re ati.t, and wl.t-u the fair wid ow s n.-it was ciideu. h had forgntten it; but by her it was n ihetnl ered, as was seen, when, true to her promiv.', the next winter, brought her aain to Kedlield, and one day ahe laughingly ixiiiiuded him of her ajree- lllclit. "Oh. yes! 1 had forgotten it quite I w as lo make a match for vou Well, we'll manage it; the old Squiri ..lu .i iv 1..I.I ' oaieu anu ea 11: it. Jjiel s see to tiav is , . ... . , , 'i-i iv.iiuu. " ,, kj-iiiui tun i li ou.u UUUIC . I . I -1.1 ll . . uoiii cuurcii wan tue oiu "entieinan mviti. llUI'Cil him into tea introduce you, and you must do the ret-t. 1 -.-r ii rs.!'. !v trust yea fi.riuak-in.-j an impressioii,"' said Mr.llij-st.il smil ini: ; and after i.ueh similar euiA ii,L. cn Versati.'li, it was ail arraiiL-ed. and the fair schii.J.i- widow mired to plan for the eti suiiij; day's, attack cu ihe old pcs.tlemau's heart iitiu pur-w. lite filed Sal hath came. M i . Sewnl'.'s l-: !iie iaithfui'.y performed hii part of their nL'recnn i.t, aud Squire Ellis (VII into the trap set fir him. The widow, ta-tily dres sed in h'T mourning robes, endeavored to render her society Very pleasing to the un (uspei tin.- widow, r; and, v. their conversa tion progressed, by frequent espre-.-ions cf sympathy, declaring that she could fully appreciate the loiieiiness of a widowed heart, so iu-ratiated licr-elf into his fawr that the evening hours passi-d like a dream, and the tai! eloek oil the stairs stmck ten ere he rose to depart. ' Wh'Tu could (lie time have Co n." thought the Squire, us, after replyniL' to the ne:jhbor 1 i droi cordial invitation of his in often to see them, w hich retiuest the wii'ow's bright eves fecou d, he le't their do r. ' Half won a ready cousin !" laughed Mr. K.isseli. a- the Squire closed th ate behind him. " 1 could sou that the old L'entleman wUbe ltJ May longer, but dared not the tirst time. We shall consider you as fairly booked for ' Mrs Squire Ellis ' iu pro-pec. tive," ht .-aid gaily. " .Ian. os, I'O ! talk So," s;i:d Mrs. Kiu sell, reproaehfully ; "poor Mrs. Ellis! how we all l-ned her such a go.ul neighbor, and her such a goo man !'' and she chi isti.m woii;:m !"' and she sighed sii Mr. 11 u-scli sain! no more he felt asham ed and rebuked. A slight i'm-h also tinged the head ol the resigning widow, as ami wort to be: room ; and when i uiui mured, with pale lip- " It is ail a hoiefcfry ! My life a continual falsehood." 'air fori-, she rose lone, she lint soon that pan h id shame and roiiipuucticu ha lore the li-i..,,- which In Wca ing A lew w.-eks paned, an s-od. vaiii- bc vv as the- ''Hiain- talii-e thus begun, progressed aud grew more t.iini'iar, until, peileeliy infatn iteil, Sijiiiie Eiiis made Mis. Sewall a formal idler ol his hand and heart, and alter a fw days for (imsinfi al nm ' was accepted. j The artlul Wjinati ha 1 iiiaineuvred well,' and triumphed. Yet even tiie infatuated ."-iiuire would not have so lar forgotten the rc-peet due the memory ol Ins tirst wile, by taking ibis hasty stop, had not the widow, under the luctencc of leaving lledlield for her city home, which, of course, was but a , mere atralagcui, brought him " to terms." i Her ambitious designs were gained, and another mouth Raw her installed a mistress over the mansion she had so coveted. And then, wo for the dreams of content Hu nt and domestic felicity and quietude, which the uewlv married old man hail wo yen', woe, for the little, motherless child, who played about his knee'. For, as years passed, all bis hopes of home-iuiet were put to flight, and he had the inortilicatiou to see little Mabel, as she grew into girlhood, till no other station thau au errand-girl aud menial. Lay bv day he saw tho little one whom he and his lirst wife had so loved and pet- ted, forced to drudge in the kitchen with the '' hired help ;" and if he, as he often did, remonstrated with his wife, it was of no avail : for this ucw spouse, as second wives sometiines do, completely ruled her liege ljxil. Mw. Ellis fta yoaug, .jUitk-teuijcr- forming the lowest duties of the household, and was forced to Hubtnit. Yet in I, is own lmrt l, ..,i ,n An t.ce to little .Mabel. He would take her away from hia family he would place her at school, and ot his death would will her an ample share of hw property. Thus he pim.ned ; but the time when thee pood in - tentions should be fulfilled never came ; for, i .... ' 1 ulast! oue fiuimy monntig tie old inau was fntind fcift in it t.Ti.J. t...nnt. v ":v. iv..-jr ru ii in iitu, utruuLii T f n rl t III 111 I in 111. l .. u n -r ...I ... .a ax iiiv ttllS Viini.il UU ail'J , ... ' l,,ss ; physician ero .utuuioued, but all iD viiiti. ' lie had been Fn.ittcn by paralysis; and thoujil. he strove by signs to be understood Uuulitiess to cominuuieate his intentions regarding Mabel to his wile and the friends I'lltiii'li'il ill. nut IU t.i.il wi.l u ' tt, l'..,.i,.t. ,.10,e to mi-u::JerMaud him, 'and the latter knew not what he so vainly Mrove to utter. So the old man died ; and when his will u... ,,,.,,,1 i ;. , ,. ... ... , i.iv.in.u, iv nun tuji 1113 n siu u iv-m . . i i ' . , . , 1111(1 IIITf 1 1 1 fi 1 l,miu Uil l.i.ma.itlii.H if nr',,11. (IttiaiitiJltj to his beloved wile ami step-son. 'I here were many who thruged their shoulders-, and conveyed, by mysterious looks, certain surmises and doubts, whenev er the deposition of the lute .Squire Ellis' property as t..iked about ; but none ever rcaliy knew that the a ill of the dead man was njoii'nj ! Years passed: ai.d Mabel grew toward womau-hood, fair and beautiful, but with no fither dow ry than the lovely face and sweet, .' ntle disjio.-itimi, which no hardship could t;ikc away the fair face aud loving heart which her aetitlo mother alas, her ilea- mother '. had Lome before her. True, her mental capacities were far jbove mediocrity; but the few months' schooling t .tin. villn... -l,f.l ilnrli,,, il... .- t t y I u 1 1,-nrl i.nn t r r !.. 1 ueiii" interrupted ...... .t - e i Tn- lo suit mu c.quicc oi .urs. r.uis was iu no wise calculated to do much for the develop- ment of her intellectual powers. Vet, full ; often, by the light of some candle, w hich she had secretly conveyed to her room, the mid- ' niht hour found In r jioring over some vol- 1 ume of poems, or fairy lceud. which I.u- ! cim f;wa,l had lent her; and full oft in sleep there came to tiie young dreamer is ious of all that is beautiful, and good, and true. Thus life tn tn !..." ..r- f;r Thus life nnii n ! v and the blue heavens, with their .,, , ,. , . 1 . i oenuing s.uics, and Bunli'ht and starbeam J t S rceii earth, with danem.' waters, and spring flowers, and jruliiu2 bird -son;;, gave a new charm to her humble life, and hence forth she was not wholly desolate. And in her heart, too, thus early, had a little, timid, wild flower spraiijr, and folded their its snowy petals iu delicate beauty; upon her spirit's altar-shrine burned a tiny vestal tire: over her yoiui l.eiiia a silt star-beam had arisen; and the name of the flower, the 11 unit . and the star, was Love I Lucious Sewall, seven years her senior, had now urown from his youth to manhood. As a boy, frank, ceneroua-Learted, thouu'h oftitiies strong-willed and passionate, he had done much to render the condition of littl M.ibel less irksome. His love and pymp ;i. thy was the one golden link in the chain which bound down the child to her daily toil ; aud thus, all unconsciously to herself, had love for her generous protector prown to be a mcessary clement t her existence. Many n time had he rushed in from his play, his beautiful face all "lowiii'', and his Tieh chestnut curls thrwu back from his bold, handsome forehead, and with a fiash- ltijf eve, exclaimed " Mabel, it is too bad that you should stay all day in this old kitchen, wiping dish es or rubbins knives, when it is so pleasant outdoors. Its too bad, and you shan't: .-o put on your cape-bonnet ami come out, and I'll give you a grand swing under the old hickory tree !'' And then, if she feared to so and leave bor task unfinished, he wjul-J cry " O, if mother wauls to scold anybody, she may me !" well knowing that his wiil and pleasure was the law of the household. And so the years had passed. Lucius was now a tine, open-hearted young man of twctitv-three summer?: his coHeiro coursj was fmi-hed ; he had written his mother that he would be with her that night, no more to leave her, but ill his own village to study for the profession he had chosen vi?. , the law. In the irrcat. tdeansnt p:irlorthe mothers.-it. beside the toa-ta! le. i'i'Tcoii the tea-urn a fragrant aroma. ol farm-house kitch '.'atehitiL at the win- smoked ami sent Ami in the old f; forth isliion 1 11 st: do iv. It l'iere , Silt tile inaiUeii, was of hini. he anxiously smrjht to s cf ni.'ht without. U.-ep Ellis ,-ir I; tie that M i " Wi! exc inied come I" he ( 'oil til! Ul I'lIK TuU III ill' E.NAMl'I.E. Gov. Cros by, of .Maine, ut his recent ery able annual : ai,jreS!t iM tue followim; sound remark, on , . , , " ' ' I'here i a power michtier for rood or evil than any law the Legislature can enact, or the Executive enforce u ;n of ex - Hinpi. Emanating alike from the most ex- alted and tiie lowest station, from the might- iest nation aud the humblest individual, it may otieraU as an incentive to noble action or furnish an iipoiogy tor grovelling crime. No art of leeisUtiuu can exalt the standard of patriotism or integrity, or arrest the rush- j inn Hood of extravagance which too often follows in the wake of prosperity but by a! rigid adherence to the rule of right by a 1 self-sacrificing devotion of their time audi ' talents to the advancement of th public wcltare- by au ccoinMiiical aduitmstiatiou of their own affairs and those of the Slate and nation legislators may lurntsn an ei- i itntit it. . .looarus, u. v. . ooues. ample, the influence of whieh will be felt linltraoti Thomas ,). Morisey. through all classes aud conditions of society, j SaMpson Charles A. Harrison. Guided 1'J tho Si 'ht of this truth, vou cannot j Wake Stephen Stephenson, Jacob Mor iovhto fretu tbo'rtf- of da:. ' decai. W. U. l'hc-3, U. w '.l.'r. !I. WHIG .STATE CONVENTION. ! J!a1 EliJH Feb lt 154 I pursuance of previous ar'.i t.t'nient , by tlm Wi.l, S,-,lo b',,;,., ', ;.,.. ,i.T. Delegate from the dillerent countif.-, who had been selected by Whig Mcetiiit?". aeiu- bled iu the Mall of the House of Commons, at l"-' o'clock, M. i Hie lA-Wates were called to order by James lianks, Es.i., of Cumberland, upon ' . 1 ' ..' wiioc luotion, Jo.jjIi R Cherry, Kmj., of Itorit. unu ii, ,;,..! , a.n..;.i ... ...... - " luutu (y luiaiut. d.) ii;ili liUi Ul V u.a itiiwi at j I ll U I I'll . O 1 1 . V"iiujhui j vuuiij tuua iue euair alio uiieuv addressed the Convention, returning htj - tnanks fur the botjur cotilerred uion l.iui. () JotiOI) of yTi ;axter, of Ileiid.rson, Me.-srs. Sea ton Galea and Tal.-utt Uurr, jr., were requested to act as .Secretaries, jn 'j. It tn. On million of Mr. Cameron, the Chairman was I'U.puW'i-red to appoint a Committee of one fruiu each Judicial District, to select and report permanent officer for this Con vention. Ihe Committee was appointed as follows ; 1st Di.Miiet, Hop. Kenneth Ilayuer, Hertford. "ud do (ieo. (jiceii, Newbern. 3rd do .1. li. i. Uoulhac, Wake. 4th do M. (. Waddell Chatham. 5th do ,7 no. W. Cameron, Cumberland. Ot li do If. C. Jones, llonaii. 7th do r. J. S, Krwin, Mellowell. 'I he Convention 3 o'clock. then took a recess ui.lil '5 u'i i.iick, 1'. M. When the Convention re-assembled, the Chair announced that the tiist bii-iness iu I order would be the report of the Committ.'e ot seven; wbeveupoti, .Ino. . Cameron, Esip, on behalf of the Committee, reported u,c pei iiiaueiii vateera vi ILu lohoHin li.t ol per I'm- V,rsi,trit irn lMfii iifivvn r ,.f it r,.ri - -. h- l-'.l lorT, liandoiph, ) 11. li. Kl.l.loTT, Hatidoiph, Cu ts. L. Hi.ntiin, Wake, Sam L. Uus.-kI.I., liiuiiswi; 11. 1. ItiiliAltlis, lluwan, H'J-T. F.A.v-uM, W'aneu. Xirr IVc. Skatun (Iai.es, Wake, Tali ott liuiut, N. Hanover, J.u. D. 11 : MAN, Buncombe. (,r'- tai it's. The I'lcsiJent, on bein conducted lo the chair, addressed the Convention in a few stirrinii remarks, invoking tiie members to a harmonious discharge of their duty. The ice l'rosidciits and Secretaries took the places ussined thum. '1 he roil ot cu.n.ticsi was then caiiud over, and the following li !i'L.",iies were retimed to be in attendance from the Cow. tirs named : DELEGATES. AfdMilnrr, , , ,. )ix .11. Jlv.iiijt.tl C.,1. .l.ishua Tav'.'.-r, Hon. 11. S. Dai.tioll, 1. (I. 1'oaIc. Jit-nit Ji.s. ;j. ('hettv. Bliati ii T. J. .Lines. JSnotsirii. I). L. KusstU.T. G. Sellers. Jiu,n:-jniln Jho. 1). Hyniau. Ca'iu ntm Hon. J no. 11. Kryan, Maj. Chas. 1j. Hiuton, Scat on Calos, W. F. Collins, (1''0.''6.) l.uMtnt lion. ( hark Manly, (proxy.) Ctniulcii I). 1. Ferebee. C'lisLcill Jno. 11. Lewis. Vlitithiti.i Wm. Albright. Jno. A. Moore, S. McCieiiahan, l'ashal MeKov, lemp.iy Johnson, Cro.-by Stone, Calvin Vestal, Kobt. Faueett, Juo. V. Scott, W. 1'. Taylor, Thos. II. Kamsav, I r . Corrcll, Jas. II. Deaden, M. (I Waildell, Marion Crcen, W.M. Hums, Aaron U. lleaden, J. X. CIcl'l'. Chotvaii T. L. Skinner, li. F. Hathaway, W. J. Hunter. L'nlumhiis A. J. Jones, Col. J. Maults- ,y ,T jtl0 (rtt. ' ' 'c,tinil , ;'ri.,o,, Vi-oo A. Alien Ctt 111 In 1 'mil Jas. Hanks, Juo. W. Came ron, T. C. Fuller, Jno. Maker, jr., J. Meban iel, W. F. Moore, E. L. l'cmberton, Lr. II. M. Turner. j J f'l L'1'it.UII 11 Ihipiin Jas. ' 11 nkliii J. A. Kin;. 1!. Cart:; IL Carr. Noble, J. K. Thoma J. J. Davis, IV. Ed. Cru lup, l. S. Hill. J J. 1!. o-tor. Littleiolm, W. 15. Foster, Lr. 1'. L W.J.IIybart. J.C. Ayeoek, I! Tin Jacob Coolv, W. Freeman, J II. IWnj. Kin os. A. Whitaker, A. M it. J. Stinsoti, 11. ti. Wynn. dianviik Col. L. C. F.lw-ar 1-, Jmo L. Hare, L. A. liiankeuship. Lour':. on iNiiitli, H. J. Uobards. J. II. Uavis, 15. I,. Col.-. Wm. Crudup, K. J. Au-tin, J.l'.. Wao-t.in, I'. E A. Jones, 11. A. Hamilton. J. S. Amis, Wiiie I'errv.ll. A. raschall, Wii-on lion ford, Jetire;. s, L. 1'. Allen, H. V. Holers, W. llackadav. .Satnue! llackad.iv. Uuiljunl ,1a-. M. L'i.tu I. Jluiiit.r J. I', imuious, John II. Ivey, W. K. Smith. Ui-illurii Hon. K. Itayner. Jfi.'ut II. J. Wynne. 1 If 11 tli-fat it J oh 11 I ii X t e r. Jt,,'t iis'im K, M. C. W illiain'on, L. El dridoe, 11. S. MeCuUeis, Lueicii Sanders, W. 11. Met ullers. lh ood, J. McLean, ! !"' W. Dunn. Jr. i .! IhureU Lr. J . S. Erwiu. j .lo.oc lr. J. Chalmers, . A. Have I Lr. J. Mclvcr, A. Melvi r. I A'rir JI,t.ovrr . 1'. Meares, J u j an, L. II Fierce, T. C. Worth, L. j ry, Lr. Dul're, Tiieot Iiurr, Jr., Jo . Stanly. ' XffthaMyton W. YV. Peebles, j ( hmiuic Owen Uii.gitis. . 1! r m A. i'e- Alis. Lixon, F. N. W I'LLll, IL ur v kin, J. ; Josiali Turner, J r . Y in. Patterson. K. Nash, Fi M. Slrudw iek, Wui. l'usl, S. Leathers. P Sidney Laniel, J. 1!. Carney I;l-! vid Latiglcy, V. T. March, Euoch Mo . re. lU'-litit-omi N. T. l'owtlon, N. .5. roving- ton, Henry Clay l.igon, l. C. Mclutyre. ; Unwlo-'pnJv. I lionrtiurgh, l . .i. .nooro, ! A. S. llorney, II. H. Elliott, ft. tlrsy. Bryan, J. J. Litchford, K. 11. Harriss, S. P. Xorri.ss, Xathan lyey,. Haywood (jriflis, W.. D. Jones, Suatou (iales, . C, Doub,Ceorge W. Haywood, lieuheti Fleming, M. MoSle piiciison, W. S. Ma.-on, (1 ray Strickland, Dr. iiuidieo, Julius liuioli JL Ycari;!!!, Col. Wui, Lawj, Calvin lingers, Albert Hiuton, li. li. Seawell,. Willie 11. Fuller, A. G. JUnn!;,.lr. E. li. Daywuod, Charles Manly, C. U. Hoot, J. 1. G. li'iulhne. Wai ten ll. J. lj. Clark, It. W. IIymaur Uobt. Hansom. Waif ut: J. ',. Whitaker. Fi )KTY-TVO CI IUXT1ES represented by OX K 1 1 1.' X m ED AND Elti 11 T Y -Fl !i'i; DELEGATES. Mr. Cherry moved that a Committee of tuu f'oni each Congressional Distriot repre sented iu this Convention b appointed by the Chair, who shall report siihieei nnt'er for the action of this Conventio-i. Adopt ed when the President designated Uie tol lowinjj geuticlueli to- uompose tho Couiliiilr tee : 1,1. District. .F. 11. Cherry, D. D. Ferebee. (ieo. Uracil, Uweu Huuins. O. 1'. Meares, Jamas Hanks. II. K. Nash, Wm. C. Doub. Wm. Albriuht, J. W. Lewis. No repi e...-i.tatioli. II. C. Jones, IL L. KobarJs. John Lb-inter, J. S. Erniu. On motion nf Mr. Ferebee, of Cam Jon, the rules of order of the last House of Commons-, so lar as applicable, were adopted as thu Holes fi -r the o jiuruiacutdf the Conven tion. On motion of "'r. Waddell, of Chatham,, the Convention adjourne 1 until to-morrow-mnrnlno, lj o'clock. WEU.NE.-BAr, Feb. The Coh'. entioii was called to order by the Chairman, and the Minutes of the liut day's proceedings were read. Mr. Cherry, from the Committee to whom was nfcrred the duty of preparing subject matter for the action of the Convention, sub milted the following Lciolutious ior iu coueidcrutioti,-viz : I. luiiii'ic'd. 'rii..l - eheiipli j cordial ;uiJ im niov .lde ..U .elii.ii id lo liu Cuijstitiit.'uii t.lid L'lwoii ul' toe Sl-.tes,.!!,,! it ,.uf ui Ul'llllli..tlell lo lO;:lst evcl v i.ttiiiijil t' iilie:i..te one rlien r-t eur t ioili. try li'oiii tlic m ill, ..Hii U ei.iieiL- ll.e s..c!eU lien W'eteli link lu-t tiler its vurieic p..r',r t(H'.'i ui, Tteit we dis.'iirue tiii- li l; i tri t la of t '.liHMi t y which ti'e I'utilie L.'iiils llic eeui li.e.lt pl'"i'eity i,t". .it IIil SUtcr .re no uluil ii u Tnpri.li ,i te.r llie .-o!c al.n exclusive' belli li tut' the liev. St.itei, i.ioi wo Iii;od ua-l :nilt cuiilinue tm i,.!..l lio.t l.u t..le oi .Norlll t'..i-1'iiu.i nSlei.iiJ rt C IV.; l:t r i i, led iiiol ju-l sloire 1.1 to" suite, i'ur ;uiriH.siii ii! Ltinei.tiuu -ud Interiii i;niruvemi iit 1 1 iii il ll.e Si..r. . 3. U-tjWnt, That we ri-ullirin tiie Resolution oi t.ie l.t W ho,- '.'on volition on the l'oiuiruiiiise ine.suis i.l is.Mi, w hieii in el.tr, ii t.iein a tiucL IH-. i. I' I t III priio. l;-!e a u-i .1 ah-l il.O' , ot" t"ie ti.nii,' -ert.u al, ii e.i.il!li,' s'li-jie's tn ivinen Iht-V rtiMt.-, iiiiil t!i.it we lire In t..-.ir if Ihe ilott.-ine ol 1101.011 terveiitiim hy t'on.-eM. ..a loo soh;oet ul i-liivery H.f.iiii iin.- i, ifilorit-a ol' the- l ii;teU s.tesrao lit hi or io r. til. r hi he li Colli red . -i. Rt'i!ifil, 'l;i..t w. ioo.-i nefoieiily ri.a'.itmn the .iel.,11 -.1 tot l'.t soil lit .tlol in? C'lhtn. t 01 their ri'ci nt lot. i ell: -st .1 f I U...I0J t,. 1 ai.J i.uhc; i.rei..'c ill too i.o-.i eh etl.iu.. ot' soVer. i. io. n .mi I i.eii C'MIl. Ue t its .UiKO VjI. t.-.o-l Irotn toe Uie lot v ni 1 i.eir hlatiuii iv.j ol' tiie ee.r'-st 11-hU el'a iuc ecu. l"' o. v''i ri, Ih..t the conduct ot t!:o .rosirlit LUiiiililslr.itioii ill t.ie i. jiKilntiiH lit of ' Free Soil. t r ern lo oifiee it .ill u II j list. lot Uie lllsu.t to til V M.tti ll I't.rtion ut toe I iiiol., anil III Vio!..t.tll ol li.u 1 s liMin wi.teli l..e p..rly wi nt 111L0 liowtr. h. Uiilrftt, iii.it we ure ol iijMiit.a ln.it tho jieteiie nt' Nuitii C.ii-oiiui do si re a chjii-.-e m tilu roli-I.tiltlo'i ul' tiie Mutt-, and t:ott tins C I ll be most wisely ami s.it--iy lioiie by a l'eiiv,:itiou of Iei' li.tlet, 1 h et-ii hy the People; Therefore nil reeoiimieiiil to Ihe Im i;!!. .lure to eiii sueii a t'oll veniion, ..iid in sill. mil i-i.; liieelteiion of IXie-g..l'.-- lo Ihe fHo;'lo, so to prov i:l'us t" prise-rve lite Jiresellt li.-tsi oi re.ireSMit.itoill in tiie I.e-.-isl iture. 7. Ui 11 '.'rei, I'.i.t we itie 111 t'.iierof uu're-aniog t le . ti'ieiellt- V ot our jnvsi lit I'olllliiOll Si lion's, so lilillne hii ssins ,,f a lib rul eilne itioll may bu fleely olll'usetl I i.rioi 'jlioll I the h.te. so Ji'Stilriti. T11.1t we are 111 I'.ivor of a lib-T-l o I ........ 1 1 .. ..- v,.n,, i ,..!.,'.,' .,.,.1 ..",.,11,. ., ,..,,,1 1 t'-iiSioil of tne iiorto I'.ir.'hn.i ilo.id, I'ist aod W.-si. 1.1 1 . t r iij r ' :. !; . i. . : Le-:shitiire. ii. li'Silml, Th.it the I'risiJeiil siijMiinl r,n Ksc ruiivi' I'oitnoiilie of Hint, w-iioso dj'.y il sii.ilf be to .tot lor ti.u Viug I'-rty in toe iipjiroaeliliig eaiti pa in. 'J in: re.-olutlons were taun up separately and uuauimouslv and eutuusia-tieally a lop led. Mr. Cherry then, iu a few eloquent ve marks, uoiuioatcd , as the hi z Candidate lor cioverujr. tiLN. ALT" LEI) 1) JCKERV, 't' 111 1NK'M Cut" -N't Y, wuo.-e name w as rcccivcii V the Cotiveiitl 'ti w lib loud tion w as ; The C . acclamation, aud whose iniifiiut'f'y concurred i; Velltioil was sul'Scililetltii u jn.um- a'Mros- sed.iu a.i able aud .-p'.nted manner, bv Me sr. Cauicr.iti, ot Cuiiiber'.aiiit, Uay tier, of Hertford, Na-ii of (.'rau-.'e. lbixter, of di. rson, and Meares, of New-1 latiove-r ; lw!l too Convention t jok a r-.ee.ss UU.1 4 5 clock, 1'. M. W EUNEM'AY At'TEIlNlioX, 8j O'l'LoCK. Mr. tiales introiluccU the following resolii- liOIl wlticb was unai.iuiousl v adopied : L'soc I hat the 'resilient oi this Con- velition be requested to coiTe-pond with tho Hon. Al'ved l'ockery, upon the aubject of his nomination, aud request his acceptance, of the samf-. I u ni 'tioii of Ibnry K. Xa-h, F.qr., the Cotivciiti eVeLI U-. dij.ii'.i.-J t..l 7 A u clock this i O t L' The Prc-i.lcm appoiuted the following gotitk'Uieu as metiibcrs of the Slate Execu tive, Committee : i -t Iist, E iw a.-d Warren, of Chowan. V.'ul. ' Walter L tun, of Wayne. ord. " Ch.'is. A, 1 1 arris on, of San;', f on. 4th. ' J. J. Davis, of FraiAiiu. "th. " 11. 15. Elliot, of Uaudolph. ith. " Chas. E. ' In.ber, of Forsythn. alii. " V. C. II in in -r,ol Mecklenburg "til. " Juo. J. llvuitu, ul ILincifiiibe. State at lure. II. W, MILLLU. A re-olution of thanks was unanimously voted to the officers , ih,. Convention, al ter whicli t.ie 1 reaiuvnt mail, an a:ic, elo quent and stiniiij aiuviss to the Coum-u-ttoii when, Ou :uo;:5B, t!u C'-v-itiiU a:!; ,ur-;od ,. id ..';. aud. do :)rd. do Wi. do 3ih. do 1 1... .th. do s-th. do

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