lie a .ad aw- ! M o nil ft "$& itc fo &o io Cecity, nrfl io put 2)tfij." VOXjXJ0VOE3 3- CHARLOTTE, CL", JMJ!LlELCtt 28, 1834. BOLTON & WILLIAMSON, KlHTOBJI. T. J. IIOLTON', rROHlIKIOH. TKItMS: The Jfortl.-Cornliua Whig will be afforded to snbacrihtre at TWO IMJLf.AKsJ in advance, or TWO IMJLLAKt! AND FIFTY CKNTS if py; m.n; bv delayed fur three uiontlie, anil T11ULK. DOLLARS at the end of year. No paper will be .li.coulinuod until nil arrearage art fitl, ex cept t the eiitton of the Kditor. A.lvertiiei.ieiite inecrled it One Dollar per enaara lfi linm or cee, this i"i type) the "' t.ini, aud 33 .wiili for Da. li emitiim mre. Court ad. f. rliciii..nti anil Slier fa Sake charged 25 per cent, higher s and a UeJ nti.'Onf 33 per evtiU will f UMd fro." the regal. pricce, for -irrt .era by the year. Adveriieein. nta inaerlej mom ly w quarterly, at II per aquare for each lime. Semi. Monthly" 7.1 eenta per an lare for each time. rr All b ttrre on ba.ineee weal bo direeUsil to tho Lilitnre. la-lti-ra n.uat be poat.paid or thry wilt not be attended to. 17" Payments can be made to either. IT Toatm latere are attllioriied to act aa agents. CMItOI.IN.l IN.V. BY JKNNINGS R KEItK, I harlot fr, I". Fiare.r W. 1".'S. 3tf TAYLOR'S INTERNATIONAL Broadway, (Corner of franklin Strict ) ISEW YOKK, TlS completed .nd opened for tra. 11Y. M .ller.hod,re7rreeal.e.d !',!at .Kraeuv. aormn.n.-Jali.nfc It, a Mtefc on.!oei,d up. the principle of the be.1 Kunpo'n IM. I.. u u.eal.l. rp ttiff vrved in Ihit a vera, apar iflieMa, i-r at the ta. hlri Hi ,he .jI.II, at Ii C .itiOtl of aueata. The Hott'l and Furnilare eomhin. tl.gaiier vrilh dir.. fort, and i. oeaigned aa aril for Mie rof.vemi-r.t re. etptiuo of ti .v.ilr. by thi l.te trait.. JOHN f AYLOK, l'prilor. Jammrf 31. I-.'. I. til Haglcr?s Hotel. I . .ad tKa. as . I I f a.a..t . IK.I l.a. lffflff Hst VV rf rr t ra Htf fipTf" 4 frf ( tW qitdHaiia ion. th lfff t$f it ft m. fir f-d I W ,ii I. lenintl, f H Mapi Vif, I h rUrr (jr n IVSlMMI l III 4 -lfa rt if Id rtt -Atlta 1I h tP lh bl 'at, f O-t "l f ' --hta. PfJ . ftttt r k. in nttitl Ik ll k imqI A.E. IIAGLF.R. V- latil AlitSlli'W HOTEL, CiURLLSTOX, S. C. f K 1 I K M'-rfi -t-r hrg r.-i. tui f irt in t J( imirt Kt f ffind and I (miHIjc f n rt;f , ftt h liitn t ' di lit 2in in' ri itw lit PH(ttbr. l i lftf U'i in I wH a hOwR Hout-w, ha ondrrtMtias a )li'rmif H lta-riifH) Hf-3f nnt, I'lrrMattttaj with e and !ioi.wtU fiWffiur-, n4 b"nt luaid is tit fnir ftf htt m ih n-t fa-hiOM- 14M of lh aotiei'a a fM fro hur mttnft rsi 1 1 arrrl fnf'H-sr piUnni e tha H-kj ; aid ''I T in rnrlu-rtn fitthmf tw tlt undoii nil hr prt i maha Ihrm itrtrtirWlaMa whil in Ilia M KS. A J. KFaXNEDV. 1C 3 am IC 'V VirILI. pi.ica in wanklaneairf and the and I f 1 a counlie. aad p...e.ii. Hon. Ir l and ted li. i 10 ' (iff,., Jnhii.tiin'a knrk laiihli. f k'l a. .an k.ri f llul.l and the Poai Ortia, up a.aira J.nuarr H KJ. ij -IY Dissolution. illK epinit t)iii(f aif lui k, rf)H it thi A dil?d i)i wuiii.l ritnl. All mi Osi unit bird n tin lain fi m f rfqit4fd In miir I'tiiacnutc Mfitit nl wib ha ftubacribef, wtto s on u amtn.1 ird ! aatlU tit Minr C. J. FOX. S .l.oilwr 1, 53. 3lll I oh M t o itiil I iK.iraj. g llltWINO Tobacco of the moat euperioi ' ' brand licet in ll.e flt.le. Cigare unaur. paaaed. For .ale bv l'RITCHAUn k CALDWELL, iy.iriaaa Sf ihueitHl. Offbr 18. 1643. 17 If lluHiplon'a Irct-luble iliu lare. DK'K,VCl.,V erlebr.i.d Tor Ha .d.ilu i ft' eta ,n tna cu'a if ricnfoloita do,ra.te end all i HO,tiil,aa ui ibe, j i l ra -cited a, d lor aal. bv PUI IVIlAkO 4k, CAI.OVV l-.LL. il 18 S7il 4 uM Hir. Vt Ka-labta- l.illiraMtrlllr. 1 1 1" greaia t m rt e.i ,( tne ate tiir U a-ali M am. o-h.r d e a-.e of in. urinary oryaii-, I ty .it, and you w.ll n n be wititou it. for .ale I Pki rt II AKO . t'ALUWKI.L. Oct. IH 37,, DK.II.X.I.UM- Liverwort, T.r 4. Chauchali. niu, fo thceure ol C'on.amplion, Hi.Hieh,. tii, Cnughi, Cohta, Ac, Ac., tiir a.le bv Pill JCiiAltl) ft CALl'W'ICLL, 4k. In-ueiriata. Ortoorr t, t8j. S7tf if-4iii' .l.illrr! SIIKSII .,,d RFNI IXE procured by Dr. P. C. ( alilwi ll very recently at ( lurh lon. C"r ailu at the lir .aile lrug Hlore. PHITCUAltii .t CALDWELL. l.uiitira lli'a .V.irr.mli d ISdirtltiM si :!:. IL-sllKR eV IIEINITSH, Droggi.'s and Cliem, beg lo ml, .nil Ihcr I'riemla aud the pub he f-nerally, Hint they have now o'n and ready hn aale, a Uro and will aelceted atnek of Laii dreth'a (JAKUKN tSK'Klisl. embracing every va. 'iHy ti.ually planted in tins Carolina.. Th re putalmnnf Mr. Lmdreth ia ritcneivrlv k nd well euata.ned from year lo year. They take pl'a.ure in thai cv-ry paeket of wed from their Silor, may b relied up. mi nir L-enuinencaa, ararf 14, lo44. . i Fur is;!, f.,r bjr T j UOLTO.V. (Dissolution. rStlF, ropartnerehip heretofore tiiating under JL the name end ty le of Young, &. Co., dieaulvcd on the flh of Heptembcr, '.H53. All ptraon. indebted either by Note or J took Ac. count, are reoue ted to aetllo up by January Court, aa our buaintal'ihii.t he clewed. YOUNO, BLAIR k CO. January 17, 1851. 3Jtf' Copartnership. WM. JOHNS'! ON and A. F. llkKVAKu hav ing formed an aaaoci,. turn lor toe Practice ol L-w, will hereett r eHrnd (he Court, of Meek. Icnburg, Caburrua, Iredell, Lincoln end GaeU.n eountiee, and five prompt attention io... DUaiM.e enlruatcd to tliem. I hfice oppneite Anrricaa Hotel. Notice. 'I'lIK Fourth In.Uliruril twmg 110 prrahare I on the atnek. of the I lurlotte and Tajlors. ville PUnk Hoad Company, ill lie doe on tl aNlth of January inetant. All .tot khoUlere are nquve. ted to make payment Witiii.ut further requcet. By order of the tioard of Iircclora. M. JUHXSTUN, Treasurer. i Jamuaiy 10. 4tf 1S5-3 Falllniporialioii!?. 1553- BAWCR01T, BET1S fit H4R3HAL. I luti Ii lon, K. WE AAIN invito the altention of purehaa. ere of IKV UtJtl.S in the Suotn and K.ul:nrel to our atnek ol Oooiia for the 'J'raile. To merehiinta who have viaibd our in..r. kel the pifl, examined our alnck and he. eame aequKintiid with our laciiilire lor doii.g bu. ailif.., II la unoeettaary to aay that e i -1 in. ducrntet.t. at e.,n.i t'i tHi l.cui: in tl.ia toutitr v. Oer iAlX KKK'K haa been wheied ilh rrl ear., by twoo . Iwu-, Iron, .11 the p... e.p.1 n..r. I. ol turo,--. Our at) k. and ta-IUrau.Ud to SN.ull.trn -i d k""w ""lr" d tke counl.y. We aiiiiii it difclincilr ui:tkrt.o.i Ly buv lb.t rt intfuttl mh ear fmtign I.Wi, anj are khle and ieta-ruiMed Io il ttm 1. a the an nuilitiea Lie aold in the I nihil H-I.a. We oifir. in -ur I.Al)ll' 1IUS GOOUS I)I.I'AK'I MK.NT, a lull and eomi Ii te i..rln.. nl of .1! the neweat alyh tnd f. brio, auch a. Silaa. , S.lin., M .reelinea." IWhinee, f.ahiiierta, l(oht. ' M.iu. IdL.llie., l.r,j; I). I,allil, Hioi : and I'lain Alpare.a, Krn.rh anil l.i nil n .M.-rim , ll.uiba.n.a. K.lm H.L.111. . filk Vi lull, t 'rape.. Lew. 1 r'rench, teh and Kngiitu tjingliau.. and print.. 1 11 jo. Ia,nj and Squire Slial, Crape 8hawla, Maiilil. M ntle.. Cloth. V.lvet ai.d tnk, P.-in i Kmii(ol.:eid Vim lira and I !....., l.. nii r'rrmh Hmhroid fi . in great i.toly; H hit. Uim!i. Kibln, lri. Trumiiga, Iip, Ac. it. A lull and lompli-le a.,rtiin.iit ot OOll). I Ul( Mii.i.iNLRv riurosus. I lluai.-ry. ' In tin. orparimrnt e offrr every pnaaihle v.. ' ricty of Silk. Cotton and U..r.1ri Hum: and i l.a ; iih, M. im.. and Colt-111 L mil r Uarn.i lit. ; hid It. .1.1, llilt'k, riiU, It. vitll and t niton ;iMTra. Ar. Ae. H'a pay partiral.r .ttTiilion 10 tin. dep-fttn-!!! "f our Iiuiiik... and emhrarc all 1 the leading aititiia .nN. l.liteii. mill I.I lien 4oJa. We offer, in tin. depart iienl a full and ei.mpli le t.iek of n, 7. H, " e nd In. 4 lllraehrd aw Hr n lt,riia-Vi; T.l.h C.v.-r. .11 .tvha, li.r., .'ToaieK Oama.k N-pkin., l.mak Ihivk-e. l--U, Cra.k, lii.n Linen.; , li J U 4 Linen Khiitinea; Pillow Lin -lie ; I nd44 Irnh Luiena Itrvatelrlal li '.une', lelliii Intlttr.' 4 ). A-r. In llna drrtnnt wt cmhree a!l the W.l makea of Pn-nrh, l.ermt n, and Kiltsh and A. merie.n Cloth., Caa.mier. a and Ve.iing. ; II!. ck and Colored hilk and S,lin Viatii.fa ; Velvet do ; 3-4 6 4 Kr.aliati and Aim r. can Tareda; k. J.'aita, !.tinei., LinM-v, l' and Pl -nt cl.aik;., t.nva., padding. SiU.,Twi.l,Buiion.) Ac. Ae. , tlfl Tge ol .1 - fa - li i o nt-d gilded mi, ror he Blankets, KiMeyi. Flannell, Domes- Jtween the two front windows. Nothing had tici ttC ' ''el' emitted in the arrangement of his ... a- .. . ' . c . u. i. .. .'room. Every picture on the wall had been W e offer, in tin. dcpariment of our buaii.eia, a J I . mot cmolei- a.wiriiiicni of F.nnli.i. nu Am. n. 1 du-tod anew, every volume ii. the autimio can Blanket., Negri. ot .1' qu-nititie. c H'lnte. Hrd and Blue ll.nii.l.: Ille.rli.d ami llrowM uomeelif; Linen and Cvltou Oanaburg and Colored ( ottuna, all alylre. Carpets, CU loths, Rags, Cartaln Stuff Ac We pay particular attention to llna branch n( nor, and can supply every article in the llouae.furni.liiniT line, .neb a. l.ngh.h, Seol.h anil American F.L LTS. TalN .lrv. Venetian, 3 .. .. V-t in. mi. r. HANCKOFT, KKTTS A MM SIIAI.L, No ail'J V Mil King, cor. .M .rk. t l OrloW !N 37 if JAMES MOOIM1F.AI), NO. 20, ARCIIDALE STKEET, en A m.ksto.s, s. r. nASalarava on hand a pond aaaortmenl of the Scat UK i a 1.1(1 P.", W I N f, .d l.lyl hS. Aiirfi, M.nufaclurca Horehead's Premium Wine Bitten, eamucb recommended by Phyeicmne, and all whn have u.ed Ihein, a. the he.l Tnic and eTouarnic now bflbce Ihe public, wholeaale and rct.ul. O.rooer-5, IH..3. 37-lr RANKIN, PULLIAH Si CO., IMPORTSBH AND W.IOt.KSAt.E UKALERM 1 ply and Ingrain irpw, an ri.H., , in-- ....... .... ,..i. , ... Clolh., from I vrd to 6 yarda in width ; Huge, ' ..e removed it from the put to the gardeu M.I.. nl..n Nl.tlmr, M..ur Hod., lii. h r-Hk . .j ; autulm, s,e traii-plaiiU-d it ft oiii the ILimaak., l-c. ...d ;;;'" "'' i garden to the pot again; thus all the year t.itnpt, rrwg-e, Tj.ela, loriure., Ac. Ac. e r r j We aro pupared in this deptrtiin nt lo furni.h 1 round, to Mabel s blue eyes the snoay l.los any c;imJ wanted lor Itoi. U, b'eaiiilaiaUiaud Pri- aoms and green leaves of that cry-uiithe-vate llou-ea, and fit tlf m up in Ibe hi .1 .lyle and i ,, brou jlit visions of the beiutiuil. .'Foreign k Domestic, SUple k Farcy III!) !,!IIIH. .Vo. liretiiisf Mrttt, CHAlll.Lyi'H.N. si. C. W. ) Ranam. of Aal.. villa, N.C. K V. PfLL.aa let- of" " P M i late of Geornia, A. t. faiTN. lata of A'h.viM". C. Jilt lt'4-eiird, at'i Ditiu saroiti:, VF.XI. AN MP'.T.M.' I.IVKVtKNr. Ps.HNV llaVlsi'S PAIN KH I KK. PR. tiUY!iTTH I XI BAC I F YKLLOW tis M 'K AM. MAHS-tPII L S I I'LI.H fARSKARII.LA. WF.STFiea BAlJSCVt M CHERRY. DALLKY'n .UAUI.'AI. PAIN KXTK Ad OK, DH.IkKiFLAMiM CKIiwAN Hi PTLK.1. Vn ii It-it, gg BlISHKLW of mr and well ele.n.d J f f W II FAT. at my W ill. 10 milea Im-Iow I hariolia. wei)liint nol I aa than aia.v ponod. io Ih. buahal. Tm While I ha May and Ihe VVt.iia bearded W heal preferred, f or arhiah lh CAII ill be paid. WILLIAM .TOIINSTO.V. Aogual3l. 304 1' THERE'S WORK ENOl'CH TO DO. The blackbird early leans ita neat To meet the muling n.oru, And gather ir .gini-iit for ita neat . From upland, wood and t wn. The bu.y bee lli-t win; a ill ar.y -"Slid aetii vf ravaxt Hue,- " -' At cv'ry rlower would u tin In a.y " Tktri'i work enougk (e da." The enwalipand the apreadu.g vine. The dai.y in the gra.a, The enow orop lino tLntioe, Preach ariuiina aa we p..aa. The nut, witiiio ita e..Yirii detp, Would bid aa 1 too. And wrilea upon ita liny heap ' ' 7ar' teeri tnougk lo da." The planeta, at their Mikrr'a will i.i. w..rJ in Uit.r c-ra. Fur Nature 'a wheel i. nrrer atill Progriaajve .a the et .r. ! The I. 'ana Hi.. t flutter in the Mr, And ur:iiui.r'a bret-na woo, One aokmn truth to nl-u decl. rc Tktre'g v6rk enotgk ta da" Who then cn aliep when all armim) I. .elite, fnah .mi Iri e ? Shull man trcation'. lord, be found .a-.. Iiiiiiy than lite bie? Our t'oui t. tnd .Hi y. an- the fiiM, It men wnuhi .e.ieh tliell II. r U(h, Thjl l-.l, the awieU ol l.hi.r yitiu, And M irorfc rnougk la da." To have a heart for thot.e who weep, The aolti.h drunkard win ; To rt.eue all Mm- eoilrtn, ottp In in.iante and .in. To help ll.e poor, tne hungry feed, To ivt- htm co.t aim aiioi , To t!iat .11 can wrtU aud lea! I. vori tmiiugk tm do. The Ume 1. abort the world ia wide. And mui'h haa to bt oont ; I'tua wondroua erlh, and ail ita prior, W ili v-.niah with the aui ! Tiie 01. .ui. nta Hy mi lijiiitinng'a wink. Ana iilV'a ai.eert in t-ai; WVve non to wa.le en looli.h llni.i;. " 7'fierr'e areri eaoua to da." lllisccllancoiis. Ftom the Amrrtran I'nmn. 51 ABEL: tK LITTLE fi'OOKr.LI.. a. A I;iMESTIC STOHY. THE BV MISS M.IKV W. JANVIUX. CH API Ell V. I'pon paining his chamber, after be had left h a. mother, Lucius Sew ail threw hiui aeif into a large comlorlahle ca.-y chair be side the fin place. It was a p't-asaut apartment ; upon the trial hearth .Mabel hud kindled a tire, spread a suowy cover on the toilette-table, looped up the white friuged window-curtaius and the bed-canopy with knots of ribbon, and tained (tesh elo-sy dark grei u sprigs ; 0f evcrereen and juniner about the frame of mahogany book-case ou the dressing bureau had teen re-arratiged, that favorite vol- ajj umes might be near, -t bis reach round table was before the fire-place, upon it the writing case he bud u-e I when a boy, and beside it in a tiny w inc-gla., a few sprigs of spruce, hemlock, and evergreen, their dark greenness relieved by one or two blossoms of white crysatilhemutn. I I........ S. . .... l.r.K tl.i n ill cim.,1. As Lucius Jscwall sat alone, his thoughts were, as they had been ever since he had passed the threshold of hi- home, of the fair young girl v. ho bad growu up in beauty, even as had that snowy flower, in the se clusion of that old farm house kitchen. And then he murmured to himself: " Why did she meet me o coldly ! It. ol den days she always sprang forward with a brightening eye and loving word. Can it l.e that some other some rustic suitor per- haps, has won her heart:" I For an in.tant this thought flashed over him, then be discarded it tor another. "tlh no! mygen'le Mabel would ..ever stoop to . Mere likely my proud mother has made her feel so keenly IM-I ,-ltU.alMMI r.,-., ... Iltl, where sue sow D ... a uigntr station, a I lit a.. . ... . that she has been trying to wean her heart from me. It must bu so and 1 have wronged ber by those hasty cruel words I uttered to night. And jet, if I find this to be true, my mother shall rue the part she has acted !" and here the indomitable will of thu young man broke forth, as ho arose and paced the chamber floor. j He went to tho window, pmhed back the; curtain, and looked out. All was calm and still. Tho snow storill ! i.iht l,Inl lia.l tin. i.Arlv flirt nf (he had cleared away, and the midnight bad come on wilh clear bright starlight and in- j tense cold. Above. bite fleecy cloudnfts i sailed away through the sky, bright and clear as steel, bright stars twinkled like an gel eyes, and the white moon, " pale tin press of the Night," sat enth-ooed in state ly grandeur. Holow, the thick snow lay white and deep, shrouding all the earth w hich had erst been so brown and bare, muffling the tall, gaunt poplars aud elms, and weaving a delicate mantle all over the drooping, feathery branches of the hemlocks. M Every pine and fir and hemlock Wora ermine too dcr ior an F.irl, And the pvairrat twig on the elm ti-ro ia ridgod inch deep with pearl." now bcttuUfultheinow-the pure, unsul- lied snow! and bow. delicate the tracery upon tuC ujr luv uuj r11 ' lJ rpiru i iucre rise trie lofty tower, the brokrj column, the ruined arch ; and bow varioaa the beautiful and cunning devices carved by the delicate chine! of this most skilful of artbts! Mechanically Luciu Sewall zed. then i ..i.j ,t. a," "... ... ...... awajr, ii ii u j.ui.u nig uour anew. Mi, 1. ..til I.... I i. .1. I U-r V " ueeu ni-na lung oeiure uy the old tloi k- in the Kielien lint to. - -, - - - - not to seek lii bed tnd nleepj a strange ll-e 1111 Of Utmost ll.ll ft. - nvvr him ...f . fc "unce more l.4 p see, where my voiith in .nuiVfT 'a,,.,;...!) llr.,r ' -'s.--,,-. , . , ' i r'f.uri '"i .OO...UI.O. .,i.uigUVUUJ. nsccms a. ,t I were a boy again ; hcre are the book I liked then-.. wr.Ung ca.e, the old eay arr.-chatr was ,, favorite teal all uuthaui'ed. And theo d kitchen. ..!. i i-i.-j ...... i T i . T. ' . lo,e ln Ilia V. .. I- .Inn. u..L l . L. l J af .Lt the buck door, with Mahcl dear MuKnl .how beautiful she has grown there beside the tireplace. 1 will steal softly down, and ait awhile, liv th bitch.n ..JU. . toy once more." ' "l Wworda, soft and tender, were bre-thed ! the latch, he left hi, Cham-'aud betrothal vows were' epoken, which her, glided cautiously past the room his bound two hearts together for time ... , mother occupied, down the broad, old fash-! ioned htnirrast. through the loner, roomv tian, and panied th kitchen All was dark there, hut the lamo be held ' : dissipated the gloom. Ilo went up to the! , tire-place, and in another moment he had 'e. ,1,. i.i .;.,!.. r .... -1 . i . '- , , f ..i , I Chair. fcutt.rtsed. he rilaeeil t ii" Inn.n nso' to tier lace. j .'laliel. Lruke iiivo.untarny from Lis 1 1 p, tut rii heard ti im not, her senses weru wrapped in slumber. I Luciu, l ent over her, and gasted earnestly ; her fair face. One little hand lav be-" ,tl.e oaket. chair, ha! buned in the crushed : n..r. of ba.r w htoi, had escaped from all , ,Uier ucr suite u.roat j tier ro-y Hps v,ere i sifhtiy parted, wreathed with a smile, but! the t. ara were not yet dry upon her cheek. ; ! Poor Mabel ! she is asleep, but she will! take cold thus," he ten.ltrly murmured, and j a. r. t .. i . ... .1.. i i-nt. ..i"fnrrt - ---j inn iraveUinsr cloak from the hall, and rs- . , . , , ; turn,,,... wrapped ,t pent y -ui her. l Ju-t tiicn, the. lamp-Nbt p.oamn,,, full; npotiher fire and perhaps the wrappmg 'ol the cloak-fold- about her disturbed her. . slumber ... she awoke with a start. Be- j wildcrtd and frightened, ahe gated around, do. ,, on .he cloak which enveloped W,J and at him who stood beside her. ! Luciu .,"her! It muat be late " i , . i t ,i !,., ,. . , i i she exclaimed. lor the ur-', time comprehend- ,i i . . r ,i i .J .i ' , , . . an too laicacsa ot tu. uuiu. us bus bi.ulu up Mabel. I found voua-lfl-n: the fire had cone d m u, and I took the itl.ert v of folding my elo.ik about you, that iu mijrht not take com, he said. " You are very kind 1 thank you," she aaiJ, aiiiio-t coldly, renieuberini; iheir con versation of that evening, and then turned toward tl: door, as thougt she would Lave gone to her own room. Lucius sprang forward. "Mabel, w l v do vou shun me whv speak so coldly T Give n.t at least one old- time e-rectiui .'' and temlivlv dranimr her toward him, he bent doni and imprinted a kiss on her pure white f.rehead Mabcl burst iuto tears and vainly strove r - j to escape from the strong irms which detain ed her. Iklore that kiss all her resolves were fa-t melting. "Mabel, you shall notgo at least, nci until you have explained dl 1" and this lime he spoke firmly and authoritatively, at the Bantu time leaoingiier Daox to tue arm-cnair iron, whence she had arisen. And Mabel went quiet!-balk, submissive as a child. .She liked to hear bin, speak thus ; those were his bcy'.ood tones-tones ol command which her gentle, yielding na- tu,e bked to listen to ; soshe went back to her Lucius di 1 not sit dovu besids her in' .- , i i i i e l. I ii, ci.iscmna flrm.i. althAi.rrh ho fplt. strongly inclined to do so,but stood leaning agatti-t the hre-place. i " Mabel." he lierran. Xabel. I found vou h. rc ..... , with t..,ra .., vonr cheek: who cauaed the... ?'' 1 1 here was no answer; Mabel could not Teak. ' Ha my mother dared treat y iu unkind- ly of late! Has she spokcu a-.ght of me to you, bidding you shun me J" I ".No, no, sobbed poor Mahcl. ' " ihen tell ma whv vou are so miser a u e why you met me ao edly, to-night 7- jj - - - ou did not meet me so otio year ago, my M ,t,.. viih. ...,,. ,..,l..ri Still sat tho poor girl, mute but pale be-1! . ....... h-r'1....... thrilled with iov. jt WM Le ,ovell ht.r 8till , a t!lollht of pr0U(1 lll0,her, whom she ,lrt!llrft,j ,. was present theu, and p,ic re()iV!(. lie wou,d ay nothin,rto tempt . , f , . lub f. lit HLP llll h 1 lilt " .... . -.--. . -a- . . . . . .Uru wolll wyuld t.ver iat.ct.ou Again Lucius went on : iAio would fully grace aud bow fairly you " Mabel, 1 know your life has many trials promised me ! here; I knew that years ago, when, 'a boy,' "And 'w has this promise been fulftl I played bv vour side in this very kitchen, led 7 Again and again up m my return. ... .... ' ...l.. t... j:. 1 :. 1 t f..'...4 t. . M.illi. r I nucu yuu ero at tour iaja ; vut uui it . never occur to you thai possibly a happier! , . , . , ' .,, ' ' 1 ' lull, re niiiMir, oc vours . Mabel blushed crimson : how had he read i ber thoiiohts ? t. how nn.nv. mniiv times' . . . e . -. j had her fancy painted a sunny, bl.ssful U, i "r '".," '' '"d glided, between her and her happiness one image mu ner nu i.nics one image i u.. A , t,..,:.?.t.l " P1"1 mother to da.-i, from her lips the .... . ... . , ' neciareu cup shew.sdnuk.ngl M.e could, bear it anin, onger, out uurn into tears "l. . ? , 1 . a ! i in anoiner instant ne was p, ner .,uc,;oooro, ' iCl he her in a warm embrace. 1 hat birth, and shrouds her lite, but was she li...,. t.i.-u .,1 I... .1. nuluJ .ml .oni.d . uiusti. tuoac- tear., nan toiu ii. at.. i " You love me I see it all you love me,! my Mabel! Tell me if it be not so!" hel nueried. ...... ... .. . . .Mabel had inlv vowed that :he would noC betray herself, though her heart were break ing ; but her resolvea all vanished in that blest hour, as many a maiden's ere this have, and doubtless will yet, on through all coming year. " Lucim,, dear Lucius !" ike faintly mur - inured, with excess of joy. . Ann now, wiio puhii timaer us irom Tor- iijjt evermore: tio aked, as the words which be bad longed to bear fell upon his ear. " But your mother oh, Lucius, your motlvr " aid Mabel, treuiblin" and clinf- iU!r Bl. to fe .M 1.-, M ,..-t..!.i i . ,' . - .v....u.u uuck upon ntr ueart II It.. .1 ,1 1 ,1.1 .uj iiiuuicr, at) J all tuc passionate will l,iel. In.,1 .k.,..,.,.;. I ifc.-.j ouims ivcwan a boyhood and youth was in his voice then. " me nmlhar .,! . I. I l....: L -v .,;:....TT,.U.,,C.7TO,,1 iogn n.tuerto S.)e has de.p,se.l, her whom 1 will niaks 111 v trtc " - u e ... . 1 ti t i I aii welcome, me Willi smiies ami earrease le'i'-nould I turn .w.v and mock and --' Ji-"' in o. , i, , b Wed word bad ever been reserved for ;v confided to me ; 0 ,oman wouf(1 her. ,1 turn another's heart to bitterness and dc.o- . "J own my beaut.ful 1 some day, ! iltion , O, wold, that would smile upon the r,fl that not far distant, may Fate kindlv i f .i.o .i J. :..J i ti..,. . . . i:..i M.1..1 .i. . . - v , . , , 'i uu ' ln tnnra 1. v fliA r.i L.l,.l.,.r. II . tears bv the old kitchen fire-nlaee. I)oe. tu,? Future ceem so very drear now ?" be tonuiy whispered, with a loving smile, And then, bwids thnt Mil Vlrehoi. h,ei1. etemitv. . Youth, rh, Love, that thou couldst ev- It 1l..i,n il ,nl... u ..... - vu.u t.t. tnus be fresh aud youn CHAPTER VI. n .t.. .ii.:.. j. n. , . " ' , nn aura ,' .kn Tt.. -: J .1 .i , . ine in the tiarlor. I ho vid.m ... .. ale, her brows knit, and her hps .i-osard, and stood lean, the mantle, w,th folded arnja, K. and Iim d.irk eves heut mniwli. cheek was pal sternly couip m atrainst flushed cheek, ly upon the carpet. '1 here had cv . em v been trouble between had been spoken ; tha mother sat stiff and stately in her .nti,,e, c.rv-ed, oakcu chair, linen, moved not. At length, with a sudden burst of impctu-! ous passion, he broko the silence. "Mother, this is cruel ; Mabel's bappi- nfs "hall not be sacrificed thus to your ... ,. , . . , , . .'label s harinness . repeated the proud (. . r .: - i 1 i j j woman scornfully. Ucon, ..y happfaesi, then if you will, fail; " And becnuse my life wna thu.. mtide the young man pleadingly, to j miserable, aud my heart I rokvti thou -h back the bitter words which were up- , the world knew it my parents on h hp.. ; denied nit love-but li-ten, a few woU. l-'"oiua, you are deluded ; your happt- : l.u- iu,, and vou will have heard what uo CM doe, not demand that you should thus livi,.., beinq ever knew before. throw yourself away on a kitchen itirl. The , early youth I loved a nd.Je, pen, r- art,ul "eatur. she has eiisnarn.l ' . - l " - y -' ) ' Hoar .w she tin ncr eyes to iou and I roof ; but, al is, he was poor, and we were , . , i , , ....... . .'Irs. Lilts eyes r'axed ludiirtiantlr. voumr, and my proul father laughed at our . . ... 1 " Stop!'' and the vounn man's eyes flash- cd Brc : " I will imt hear such words from a"V one, much less from , my mother. liy Mabel shall be taunted, insulted thus'. Hitherto, it is true, she has been but a very scullion in this house, but I will no longer have it so !" and he stamped his foot passionately. And w bat is she, but a menial and scul- lion 7'' retorted the proud woman; "a poor foundling, deserted bv perhaps profligate parents, and reared by the hand ol charity, doubtless the offspring of shame and guilt j and she must weave the meshes of her snrtrc ' about my son . And you, with your tor- tune, your brilliant pro-peets, who may in ' -l'" h'1 of a".V Proud alld high-born lady, will, ior a do vis n laney, s acriuee nu ttie-e for a mere servant girl: Lucius, it is you who will make the sacrifice, not her. " Have you tio ambition 7 It is for this, that I have reared and loved you so tender- ly T Speak, and tell me it shall not be so- that you will see this artful girl no more 7 Lucius, my son, sht.ll your mother plead .n vain 7 ' and the prou.l woman rose tro.u her seat, went up to her son, stroked his , short, rich curls, pressed his bauds to her H" cheek, command changed to entreaty, ; her passion all gone. For a little time Lucius stood irresolute ; on the one hand, bis generous affection for - .i i i l i . i i-i , l.ia mot tl..iiili.rl .he hail ne cer li isohp v- . he begin then' (in ale of manly honor, I it for Lis betrothed ' ed her before should he the oilier, every principle everv throb of his heart f rl..A out . .ninsl. aiiel, a course. He drew back from his mother, aud let. her warm bands fall. Ha had decided. i. Mother, I cannot do this. Until now, I bave eTer hen vour d,jlu ROf bt in this matfor I11V 1Part 1U,J conscience will not let me do ls"vou bid ,uc, 10 not ask it. From boyhood have I loved the fair and ceutle i i . l !.,... I.n.,.,...l. t-Tiri viii,iiisionui.iTii..'Jorfu,L., Vtt rof. NYhen wo first came'to dwell , j, from tho nr...t moment my eye saw her, she has been thd'star of my existence, lou know how, when children together, I pro cured her dismissal from many a household task, that we might roam out in the wild woods, er dow n iu the meadow haw, inlater years, when I left my home for academy and college life, that I begged yon to take . a- i I .1 I X .. a.. I . I. v rt-Am mr nru riTT. nun in itfr. :'v t'uu- cation, for a higher station and one which ua.c ...un.. o. - .. p... .. - do not fear to say that you have not dealt , , .i u i a .... " i rigniiy i'v uer mv. "How! what! Is it my son wh ) dares , talk thus to his mother, accusing her of du ... . , , i ,,i i m i'u' ' P .' v-of a s.d.ood 7 and Mr, El. is ey e kindled, aud her check reddened witu rage ( and shame aun simnie-. .. M.,,1.... T ...m,a vo of nnthiin. nntrn... -x . , a ...... v... 1 ' nave ,o no longer. , ''''7' ',,'.. ' , ' . J . ... f I. '.a l,.iiasrt v ec(.Tv aert linn It, - T 1 i v , ...... - - - - nua curimi ...... . , .-( duuhter, by those who kindly took her in 7 j While they lived, such was her life, such' were her prospects ; but when you came, it . a, .. . I .C1..1I1 was riot so. .not ner. you nave noi .uiuuej the nart that rou should have done fo that poor orphan. Can you, in all truth, say that j vou have done so ?'' j There was a alight pause, during which the eacated young man awaited an answer, , bu none came. The eonscicnce-strickcn I woman could say nothing - Af'niti be went on " Vou do not deny this, mother, for it is nil too true. And this poor Mabel's youth has woru on in yonder kitchen, brightened only by those hours stolen from toil, when 11 .... . ' . . CaU. 11 Ble world of tnooyht and i intellect in thu books, of the world of life and lesufj in Nature, or of t, WOr'il nf I o I-,1 , I . t 1 t- woriU ot Love, in the tales I have wb'H ... r,, 1 . Iw, ud now, you, my mother, bid me far- . . """ mul1 lbe the world nerhars. would not deem it dishonorable ; it 'would call ine prudent, i , ' .. .. . t i ; make a est of the faith she has so tni-tim. ,' - '"" p-.i"'-" ua ueaveu, I navo I not learned thy lessons vet ! I . " And yet," he continued, with sofloned voice and tender eye, " and yet, 't would be v '" "1 iny ! c'd 'i, muk llZt h oMiZ if tll.H 1 tK T , ,"7 "T rj,:" " 1 a a..J . I,..-. I l.:...l. . I ZJ.TT, I rruv V . '""SJ"'" iieet u iue . i,ieWa,u sunlielit of ov shed its beams over I,. .!.:!. !- 1 I i ut. ym, nuiuu ua too long oceu uurKenca. Ssay, my uiothcrhall it not be thus 7 Can- V. . V ' "-. .... I . . - 1 .1 ..,..! . ;.. ... .t-.u.n j . t . .-louei uc nw reectveu to your neart as a i ... .. . . . . . .., , ,UItl JJiM wullj nay ne , name." j Lucius cea,od, and turned toward Lu, . mother. Wi- in ii, , . r ; stru , w a; oi 0I1 in .,lat ,j w0. ' ...... .t.... . t. ... ......... ' .. pride had jrone. She beiaed Lei.,,' hand, ! and hot te'ars were rained upon it, as she " My son. you Lave comr.ercJ Mabel is yours. I will not Haud between you and , happiness. You have thoueht nle cold, proud, heartless, caring not tor the softer feeliuus of woman's nature : but. oh could i t i . . . ... j . -. -oo "-, .ucanj vuuiii my ii. c was darkened, mine 1,! l,,... ix ,.nt lovp, and sent him from his roof, bidding me torget Inn.. We parted, vowing eternal constancy he for the wild eas, and 1 to watch and wail patiently his return. " He never came back ! The ship wrts wrecked : but there were thoe saved, who saw him go down, with a hubldit,; cry of agony down in th? deep ocean, and had no power to save him. And mv stern father only said he was sorrt, ahao.i'.'h I kt.ew h was rJaU that the sailor-boy would never trouble hut. more. ' Lucius, from that hour my heart was dead ! I married the man of niv father's choice, iutir Jatltct I ut not tor love, tor 1 had none to give him ; but fur goid, for fashion, for power. Xou were born, and a spark ot mv he iter nature awoke my love, j which I had thought no living being'would icver win again, was lavished ou my child J and I called you Luciu.-,, a,.,e ! I " Your father died-l married once again, n old man-for bis wealth; not for my- ! self, but for fot, in whom my dreams of 1 ambition centred. I looked iuto the future, "w jou ru n am. nuueuua., u. u with the proud and great. I forgot that possibly Love Wight weave other visions for fty boy. " A time pwed, I saw, a.,.l wHl, fear t!,:it, 30U 'ov,ed "e fieUt!. 5,,:,W,1; 1 J1"'9 of. "!lt, l ' ' r ttown as a mental. I lilt, as years wore on, ' 03 ..itui.i, , -. v v j vou met others, you would fmget her. " happiness had bern shipwreck- cd ; wbat r's:''t liad io ''',v,'t ,vl,en " had beeti denied me ? when mine had sunk I't. denied tne when tt.tlld had sunk beneath the cold waters 7" " Thus I thought, aud in my insane desire for revenge, I injured her wlu has ever been meek and guntlo as she is beautiful. "My own wrongs bad perverted my ua ture, and made me a proud, ambitious, aud wicked woman; may God forgive me. " Hut my plans are thw: rted ii.w: no .-. - . ... , "!,,r" 5ll',h 11 be 1 '. oppose the hap- IHIirso UI IIM 5.UU. lit'll., ...... . - . know that il is wilh your mother's suuetiou. My better nature is Hot wholly dead, though 1 kt:cw full well that the world would laugh, were it told that the widow of two husbands, neither of whom she married for hit, bore yet within her heart the len der remembrance of her first love aui giil hojd days." " Hless you, my mother; until now. I never knew that aught of misery bad bed. tours. My poor, poor mother !" an! Lu cius bewail fondly kissed the high, pale forehead whi.di rested on his shoul.ler. Tha; night, the firo upon the kitchen , , VUJ. lu:u " was no pale tied brightly, but Mabel f. Kis pale watcher w ho sa! it mere. watching me nicKertng on me an, .i . - . i , . .ii while iieepcr suauows, tn.i', were suromuii.' her heart: o.i. uo tor sue was sin ng ue- ; (( t , . L-.t;, . . ,.,, snd ,uar V.v- ";it Mls' ho' "J lonc r rroti'l ami i-tern, was cizhij trVitu w'ariui 'v t!le 0Vcrs, whose happy future mmt H, so different from what life Lad U w.a cold, cold winter without, but sum . ..... mer iu her own heart . To be Continued. vy- A dandy, while being measured for P""- ot boots, observed : Make them cover the calf.' 1 Heavens" exclaimed the astounded snob. surveying his customer from head to foot, ' 1 have not leather enough.' V iOULiUSi .SLUM. Xr? AUUIVAL OF THE ARABIA. Halifax, March 13. The Arabia has arrived, having left Liverpool on the 4tU Flocr has declined two i-billinsa. corn two hilli ugs, aud wheat four pence. Cotton has "1 u I wk 31 7 0 bulas . weeit were ji ,i ou bales. lhe sales of tho Consols closed at 91. Austria sides with the western powers. No hostilities had eet taken place on the Danube or iu Asia, in consequence of tho heavy cuo-.v. The weather is now milder. France aud England insists that Kuiia thall evacuate the Turki.-h territories before the lUth of April. All parties arc ftiil arming. J he Orcck insurrection is in the way of tifin Suppress .. c.rre,po..,lent of the London "T JLe '" tuautfeato ,s about to .tioounc. . - . '. I a ' "t.ioccupy lio,tua aud Servta. '"t. eUiUca lu "onaequence ou tho u una JUur e. A St. 1'i-lrslilirrr innrnnl nii'na l.s r.-.ll. . . . eJ n J,,1'n mg a the substane of tiii) Car' ati.wvr t .Napoleon : - ii i,i, in.rifriiii wiiesty cxtcnus i.:s n. r .......! r i ... j on , as & Aibiiu iiiiiic, i uill lea'IV . . . ' 3 tmoils to "i.uosi. to lor'-ct the mortification I have exper - twf ,,urj ,h ,s u be, JilU t,K.n 'o. can I .';.,,-. the eulj. et treated ..f iu hU hu aud , h Js u au d ' " r . , French fleet prevent t'ue Tur' s , '.lIJrCVont tue 1 Jr"s pof n I, v to :." b wo" Twil! reS L be! i Lis cWac ' the conference at Vienna are the sole basis on which I will consent to trout." Paris, Friday, March 3. The 1! mrso is heavy. Funds hav.i tlic'ined. In Lr't nil the war was uuite Donmar. j ne aou ; uoiKU estimates lor tiie arm ...... ; i y and ii... ..c luiciucici. uio'ierate. , Fraieo N ,,.. ha(1 d U , Wative session ot! the Ud. Iils speech co.?,. mc.ced by referrins to the dct cient bar- ve,t. l!ut seven n.iilious of hectolitre, of .vheat have been imported, .,! ,,ore are on the war Famine "has been averted, but war is be- ..ioUi,... V, ,.. ..'. .... - i. r'-.i li ifdm eAta.-ion. buTwust now draw the sword, she has no views ot as- , ti i . pranii'iZeincnt. I he days of contuost are past, nevi r t, return. Europe had beci reassured by the mode ration ol tli" I'.mperor Alexander, and Ins successor, Ntchoias. seemed to doubt t!u dan jer which threatened it from the colossal power which by successive encroachments embraced the north and centre of Europe, and which possesses almost ex?'.u:ivc!y two internal ;;eas, w hence it is easy f,,r its armies ami fleets to la inch forth against civilization. 11 it its recent unfounded demands iu t'c3 cast has awitkened Euro pi-. France has an equal interest with Eng land in preventing l.ussiau supremacy over -o i-uuii.iepu.. France, therefore, was go.n.i; to Coustan- tinople to defend ti e freedom of the seas as .-' j. . . ....... ..... .......... u.. France's ju.-t rights in the Mediterrane- n"- ?Z 'f ''"manto oM Au- tna to defend her frontiers against the pre- pondcrauee ot her two poweilu! mtghbors. f pom? in short with all , tW who des,re the tn.imphs ot right,, and l ite emo'Tor proceeds to gav ihe emp.ror prcc, ds to gay . trog tu.-n. ... the nobleness of our cause, , the h, mness of our alliances, and the protecUoo of Cod I hope soon to arrive V 4 Pe,Ce T htA '" ,onfr d?"J 0a tlie.,f u ,a,n-v ouu ,"'1n . tue. ..-.i imvs. un jiuinuus v i'iupo 0 t j t this speech. Humor assigns the command of tho army east to M.irslial !?t. Lu-ii dcuiamis that I rutsia shall close herpjrts nearest ltus-ia against English aud her,.. French chips ply. Prussia is unwilling to com- The following Alalia ives the additional news by the latest as to the war aud the markets : lathe breadstuff market the large supply and rn'iipls Lave aioue produced the de cline. Eastkhn Affairs. The very latest ad vices from ft. IVlcrsb.irg state that the Cinr has ind i -aled a disposition to cpeli further pacitie negotiations, but that be w as determined not t evacuate the principali ties until be saw his own time, 'lo this the coinl incd powers will di-seiit possitively. The l.ussiau people are generally tli-posed towards war, au.l acti.e preparations ware continued to cinct. The Turks Lave taken renewed courage, and the Sultau is determined in his course. Swipes ami Punmahk. llus-li makes th, doiuaud o;i Sweden as she made on Prussia that of closing her ports again-1 the ships f England and France. Her re ply was i.ot known. England and Franco lis vc requested Pen mark to allow the allied fieit to take their station ut 1', il. The reply wa not known. lioth of the gnvernn. -nts of IViimnik and Sweden had ordered their dtiZf lis in tuu , i Kusian naval servic to return home S'l'AIN. A formidable insurrection had broken out in Sarago.a. The insurgents held theCn-t'e of Ahjafri.i and other strong holds for a considei aide time, although the capt.iin-gen-1 a! altackcl them with column of infantry and some camion. 1 h.' insur gents were finally dislodged and pursued by cavalry. Madrid aud the whole province were in state of scire. The details are ob-cur-, hut the outbreak at S.irs go-sa was mil lo have been tha prcmaluto cxpl i-ion of deep laid conspiracy. Gen. Concha, was deeply implicated. the latest rumor states tl at the inur-

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