"Je flrqc fo 6oD, to VjoqJr Goqivfftj, jd. fo tjoqr" Dqfi VOLUME S. CHAHXiOTTE, 3XT. C, 3E.-S- SO, 18S4. HOLTOW k WILLIAMSON, KD1TOES. T. J. IIOLTOX, Proprietor. TERMS: Tha North-Carolina Whig will b afforded to auli.cr.Ucra at TWO DOI.I.Altrt in advance, or TWO DOLLARS AND FIKTV CENTS if pay. rmnl he ileUvad fT three months, aid TIIRLK Idtl.l.AliS at iho end of the jir. No paper will b iliacoiitinu-'d until all -irreaMgea are paid, x-ci-it at tha option of the KUitora. A .IvirlineiuruU inserted at One Dollar pet square ,ti lines or leas, thia sitrd typ) for the lira! macr. tiun, and ii recta for each coiitinu.in-e. Court ail-virliKim-nta and Siurifl'a Sdlua cuarged" 35 per cent, higher i and a deduction of 3:i pri eciiL will mi Hi lda from the rvgul.tr pncea, for ailvertiacra by Ihr year. Advertiaennuit inwrU-d monthly or qiMrterly, ittlpr aqinre for each time. Krm-j iiimthiy '.j ri-t ix'' atjuare lor eaehltui. ' I T All h-tttra on buunuaa muat l.e directe d to thr F.ditora. letters muat be pi-at-paid or they will not he attended to. J r I'ay riwnta can be mad to either. IT rottm lalrra are authorised to act aa ajenta. ITS BY THE T.PES. Tli fvowtg t prttiim Idtc.nirk port, who liti rrtrneii g -py of the m piM i cn- t uiig tie .irnt elT-irt of bii mua a ltf.(iitt y i hit g'utlr Af.na, Tltc m a, it will he evnp I.jyd tad hitoc with In .. rn; Ah ! 'trre il n ! Vm famou new Aft mlt Mj p t ; It Tfiiy i in pniil I Ve iTwi ! II iw t.iij-l 111 hf to 'ij i(. An-' gititle Ano ! flut a Ilitill 1! ..iiuft. W hT h fro ft, T t t (ti rdril hn a, and knonr 'I i Utn lUrjf re idiittii'it. U ft, hlra p '! ! hrrr' tv-iiicl i.in a!rafigr, U hki c U p- f Tlpfafi. Hv tlkjIlE ( Iht gtattful hroui 7 ! fender lf prn.' An i ir a f," in-i! ol r U hi h litkf a " ttffMtng rtU ; " l iAf..' ii.alr.tj i.I AiiJ Aftf icd ot "Aiii." Tfv whet ! I rrcollrrt, 'I Wei Mfrt," and t.irn 'tw-i Itnrf; A il now. l Uittk, fbr up"l '!, h or " bland ha pfiittru Mtind." W.i rti-r aucb pft4fktif work 'T nriip, by il-e by I! w ant t:n g If frflsM fed btllld I'jf g''t'g tl b tye. Alt! fA0H fl't lftfr,M tt'p ( ltd OUl, ' -Hi fi nfl fi a," inotrnti , ' ti'te A art rfur l put, Knji than mtl Jf.,,'' i.i r i r - w nt iiHi a ( tn ny KiufM f rrii.ii' , " 7 gmtlr er$ hHiame!," jm i t 7"- rWr I.W ia " .1 ;VrfiM i ,4Siiart ; 1 .i.nJrr it thr hkmrva h.tla In f.rt aa w Ii di-tn ' ' T'-m art 4 fntnif'', il l- r ii jjMie Viot-ftr (u!'l ha' tlriii'i 'I ,it ii' h a if!t!ng lit in ( muIJ rhinfe A "Virriif a "Jimd." ' 7"'""i rf (f if " ti r fi(!frl ' iawi, It r-Uy ia tci bad ; A"rt lirr, hr Qr t " i it tut. My " I!? mtuU it mirf Tn-y dr'f iicr blind by poking in An tyt prfea bp A'l now tl f v'lf gfiigrd it out t'lin, A'id 1111- Utt criy, t-. ' HVrr iA mmttf rd, that o u T:; rtd mr vrrtn Im it i M .Vim ff if inc? unAun .' ' TA fo'" f traHtdA't o1 if fAtn, An ' A ri-ttfiniriifi " (ntt How tiiill a i trcumatjncr wilt turn A KtlltHTi'i ye to ImU ! I'll rrad r.n mnrr ! Whnt tlmll I do ! I'll n Vtf rt tt ariid it , Tltr pairr tcjttered Ur mtd wi!", 'Tia now na i- VP to tnrmi it. Oh, f nu ! lltni thut 'f human bliat ! Why i!iti I tier writ ! I with my ptnm had be, burnt I!.:lnr: a sw Mmb lijr I.H'a stnpand rC3pituiatr l'v d4innd hit J'i ltita pl-in rC t'.hl III f Bif's luiihtir. And blititJ, and drafa and Itme. W.it trf nixch horrid hath. In pm lry or pro- ? I'tr ttat'i .vs vat a, firnd, and praiad The folor of hrf no.. I with I had tht rditor Ahout a hlf ttmiulr, I'd Iwtng him to hm tirtrt'a content, And with an h b'gm it. I'd tnm hi bty, pya and hone. Ami PiH-ll M with " i " And Mii.t it to th-tt uhill ' f hia llj p H a it with an " JisctHanfous. MAX STOLPRIAU. A TALK OF n ASM KCI. N KSS. 1 here is a certain misfortune in the world, not usually inumeiiited in tbe list of com mon, misfortune, but which, nevertheless, ought to be. I afford a living illustration o( the truth of my asset tion. My father, (io l rest bis soul, sent ni: di ligently ta school; there I gained otno knowledge, although our city schools at tlmt. period Were nono of the best. F.very one raid, " Mix has talent, but b h shy and awkward, cannot adapt himself to the ways of the world, is unacquainted ith the usages of lociety, and never kuowa what to do with bis bauds and feet; other wise be is a good an 1 clever fellow enough." Such was tho general opinion of me. Header, do you pcrciuvo my failing? My worldly education was defective, lhligeut t school and in tho workshop, I was un cleanly and negligent of my attire; was ci vil, obliging, and honest, but bashful withal, o that ran off when unknown persons ap proached ; my eyes never knew where to look for a resting place when addressed by a stranger, and if called upon to meet a la dy with civility and politeness, I became tooted to the spot, speechless, and ptill as a falinod. Knougb politeness and case of manner, j Simp was served round. Barbara offer aa they are culled, are coucerun no less per- ed me some but how could I accept it ? taining to life and life's comfort, than bread, She herself was jet unprovided. Contpli potatoca, or a glasa of water. ' nientu were exchanged, and I already fore- Many young gentlemen, aa I have often aw that some new evil would arise out of observed, uro greatly wanting in these re- these abominable civilities. Hence I be- ipects. Many a one on going into society : - ...11.. .. I I .1: - - f 1 1 sadly st loss how to dispose of hi ex- tremitio.. and .nuld. . r ...ilv n..r. (ceivc, bate much rather left then, at home, ! Many aueh an unfortunate knows not here j to quarter hi-baud., tl.ru.ting them at one moment into bis waistcoat, at another into Ins breeches pockets then in de-pair rnirinjr one or other to his occiput, there to scratch by way of variety. Among other ill luck entailed by my wkwardncs.. may be reckoned that of be- ! ..Ill . ' nf u...: V " "v.. fifty-second year' .ithout being blessed witu" guest endeavored toconsole me, and a fresh 1 , , , V.iT i ' I e at the American I e.-itl.'.n !.... .. .I I j j, ' tl i. n. I.li M 1 -i Head. Ireland, tin r-i-tm'Tc is only one vfaou-' c-! al 1116 legation here, and will ' v . ,. . , , , L , , . "V pnnd six hundred aVnl eleven miles, and the' ,eavc nf-'al to morrow. J believe that the i0 sooner was my old aunt dead, and I, pantaloons were breaming from the inuu- , .. ... . . lt ' , nwnniirv flem-ind u 111 do .nn.i.l..r.t.l.. i.i,..,-'. . . At' n i ii i i bottom ol theses between the two places rPt'""'"J nem.inn win ne conilerably re- her aole lieir, thereby rendered cotnpara- daiion. jinrbara was ob iged to have . , . ,. , . . , . '. dueed tin. mm fr.i .nnUAf v i m . -i i .i -i .i i a i , i?i . j it i platenu, which is precise y what is re- uuera, tue sum l.rst spoken ol having been tively affluent, than J, then in my thirtieth her dress changed, hhe returned, and I . . ..' 'r , , ,i dennmled hefnm it ... Lnn. .!,, ,i"0 , , . i , ii-. qiiir.'d for the purpose of holding the wires oimanuea cieiore it was Known that the ves- year, was led to seek the hand of a young endeavored agaiu and again to excuse my- V . . , i i i .i sel and earao lnd V.eon oiven nr. ht i,. f ,. i .. re . . i i .. ii i i ' ol n submarine telegraph and keeping them sn anu cargo n.ia neen given up, but that lady, Who, to Other qualifications added Self as well as I could. ' .... ..r . ,. : . . -.i ... . . the demnnd for the !in.il nf tl.. rllff.. bpimty, virtue, ttuitalilit)'. aud wi'ultli be- On perceiving tbut lie rtnilcJ prnciou-lyt iJi'B. I ft-lt hoiuowhat rea-ureil. ami bf'uu to I a, fll jtlrai-ed with my pretty lar- Lrur-It the cold pcrspirutiuti from my face, bar; matters were quickly arranged, and of course not with my Land but with my nothing remained but to cultivate the ac- poekct-hatidkerchief. fjuaiiitanec. I wan accordingly to meet her Alas, amidst the accumulated Jit-aters at the hout? of her eo:iin, and an invitation that bud nnce occurred I bad clean forgot to dine ii forwarded tome. ten the ink luMue.-. Ju dr)in of the Of lare partie I bad a perfect horror; per.fpintion, I rubbed in the ink thor iny af'rvnaid defrctive education making oulily, that on replacing the handkerchief me fliy and tiiuid, but thin bat will not iu my pockft, the whole company were a man do to secure the favor of a pretty lar- niait-d to find me converted into a perfect bar? So I put on mv bet (Sunday uit. blackamoor. white Mtk frtorkm-, a bran new hair bajr apple erect, oat, ith large pearl button.- in a word, made myself .mail aa a bridegroom. On reaching the door of the cousin'a Loue, however, my heart bcjjau to tl.uuip ing alarmed at the blackiics of my visage, aeainst my riha, as thui:l. I bad a smul.y and now for tbe fir.-t lime I perceived that within my breast. " If I could only feel toy handkerchief had j;ot ine into a fresh urrd there will be no party,' thought I nerape, and what an aj'pearaiice I must pre- " would to heaven it wire over.'" Forlu- rent. nately I found the cousin alone, making up In alarm I rose precipitately from tbe an account in bin tu.:y. " You are aome- table, and commenced a retreat towards tbe what lau-, fiieud .'stolpriau," aid be. I kitchen, io order to w a.-h myself, and while made twenty inclinations rijibt and lelt and o doin, I bad iuadvertenily buttoned a laughed in a perfiet apony to look agreea- comer ot tbe table cloth in-tead ul the ta ble, for the fear of meeting a lare party blu nupkin to uiy waistcoat, down came engrossed etery llioii(;bt. plates ami ui-iies, boiied and roa-t mciit-. 'I be cousin, bav iii)f tinished, looked round aalad, apinacb, boltie and salt cellars, liesh for oiue aand. Anxiom to be of acr'ice, I aud fowl, knives and fork, spoons and lass rusbed forward, aeized, it ill luck would ei. All rushed after me with a learlul Lae it, the inkstand instead of the and- crashing and clatter. '1 he quests, on wit box, and poured a whole ttrearu of the best nein; all tbe pood thiiij. thus so Jiieiii vn it h- black writing fluid over the neatly kept ledger. I thought I abouhl have iiuuiedi- ateiy taitiiru with sheer Ingbt, and in my eon.uioti hurriedly dre? fo'th my mow- whit pockrl hanlcrchief t wipe it up. i With an xclamatioii r.:' " W hat on earth are you duin there, diend Stolpriau!" my entertainer auulingly interposed, and pu-h- ing me and my black and white ketehicf geutiy a.ide, quickly put things to rights, then ltd the way to the apartment where the company were assembled. I followed, but with a troubled spirit, an i on looking dawnwa borriiinlto obnrve an ink blot as hrKe a a florin on my left while filk . . n . . Mocking. " Help me, heaven .' I mentally groaned, " what wiil the company think !" 1 be room doer was opened. I, awkward, blockhead booby that I was, thinking to show myself light and graceful, as well as clever and gallant, sprang forward, bowing right and left, backwards ami forwards, acrapiug fir-t with one foot, then with the olbcr, in all direction", and not perceiving a female domestic just before ni who was in the act of di.liing up a l ie. dashed mv head with such force into her back, as to send the pie flying out of the dish on the (1...., ..,,) u.,,1. .,....,i;, ...... ... i .!.,!, """"" v t ing and bowing I blindly advanced. 1 felt aa viiuuLi. t ncic iu usiiic, una anoui. ei rush on the enemy's puns. What civil things were riaid on the part of the company I know not; as yet I had - t , . . .. . . not ine courage to iook up, uui comiii'ieu . . . L I.. I. L .. .. J Iikc one possessed, bowing and serapm aud ejaculating " your humble scrv ant, in alt directions, uutil cut short by a fresh mishap I had in fact reached the pie which still lay there, for the servant had not sufficient ly recovered from her fright and lo-s of breath, and stood flaring at the master piece of cookery da-hed to pieces ou tho floor, without an effort to lemove it. All at once, while engaged in making a fresh inclination, my unfortunate left toot wandered into the pastry. I saw nothing, fer all bad. become dark before my eyes. . -e,,,,,,,,,, ul u.u,, ...:, iiij e."v altd from under me ; in an instant personal le . ri. 1 ... .1 ... .' and polmeal balance was lost, aud down I . ...1.1.. I .1. came, measuring my whole length, just rive feet seven, on the floor, to the no small aluriii of tbe large and worshipful company there assellitiled ti.i In falling, I brought down two chairs, which bad seized hold of in order to save myself, together with a young and pretty fe male, who in ail probability was at that mo ment about to seat herself but tiow with a speed equal to that of ber chair, came rolling on the Hour beside me. Gracious heavens! it was my liarnara 1 A terrible clamor arose, and as I ay there, I roared lustily too, for seeing in addil.o,, to myself and the two chairs, a .v ly stretched 01, the floor, I felt persuaded that a t-hocU of an carthquako had taken place. In my pront relief t soon found that no earthquake bad caused the melancholy fall, but as al- , Ul tQ find p,,rjim.,l llian) BIUl ,urn ready narrated, only a veal pastry. out in,pos.r of a ;,. ' saill.d H We got up. The coui;i treated the whole snort time ago from Glasgow, and we may affair as an excellent joke. It was very ' jmagm.., if lK.r husband finds her in liroud well for him to joke, but I could have J VRyt 10 not tap Iht on the shoulder and wept, nay, died with shame and vcxalion. s' tie tieV!t fra0 the north, but will be I went to the mantle-piece, without offering n0Te likely to cut and run for California, one word of at. apology, but as all were icaving the two ladies to arrange matters laughing and giggling around, I laughed jn t,0 p)t,st way they can. Wo have not too, and threw Irom time 10 tune aioien glances at the cause of my misfortune. At last we took our places ot the tabic. The cousin was so gallant as to place me next to Darbara. I had rather have been situated near to a volcano than at the side of this amiablo and protty creature. I felt! been presented, it is anid, with a most mag- most extraordinary sensation while thus inlsificent silver service, of plate by George juxtaposition with my future bride. Of the! Peabody, Ksq., of London. It is to he man- assembled guests 1 ventured only to take a ufactured in London, at the cost of S12.0.W.J rapid gloc at intervals. ' MUs. L. b about to bo married. came more and more pressing, and looking : I r t .1 . . . . r . . 1 imploringly into the tace of my charmer, fnr.m ,. .,,.,., '!,. ' quence was that I poured the burning aoup into Barbara', lap and over her clothe.., and in eudeavo.ing ha-tily to withdraw it sent the remainder into my own 1'ip, del tp. lelUL'iu- alike my garments and n.y fiiij;er narikin. It was a fraternal division. I i-hall never forget it. I remember all as though it had occurred but yesterday. It was , rub soup. The charmim, liarbar. left the. t.ble. I .....!... n-,.. " " nyiugir.. t juj Jittering and roars of laucb er fuccced- ,, ,. " . . i ... , l ohteness compel, ed me to loin in the eil. I oiiteness comp laufh, li nd I did ao heartily for some time, wi'hout knowing why or wherefore, until I found that some of the ladies were becom- drauu aud many a delicacy on winch they bad net their hearts come full in career af- ter me, ai npen tnouiheii and riveted o the pot with astonishment, At fir-t, on seeing thff plates and di-'nes closely following at my .ni ls, I could at- tribute the freak only t itchcraft, but the romin fpringing with both feel on to the cloth, brought i' tigetlier with the attacbed button, aw ay with a j. rk, and brought lue to a ene of my situation, I sought, as tat as niy legs retild carry nie not the kitelnn but i he stairs, ti. . arro-s the street an 1 did n .t hall ti'l 1 reached my chamber. For four weeks not P) ' L'nd to the continent of A- . . . r . . ...... .r .. l'l... l l. t . i i" .1 . . .1. . a soul diil 1 admit to mv nr. .enee. and ! never thought of matrimony without a sen sation of giddiness ; and a- to large par-tie-, the bare idea brings on a fit of ague. I now laugh myself at my helplessness. Hut my history may serve to many, not in deed for an example, but for warning and instruction. M.UALs of a MEir ii.tNT. Some vcars g manufacturer, carrying on rather an extensive business iu a town in Stratmorc, ... .. . toot it into his held tuat Ins at airs were " K'Uiig wreiiL', an i, raiiier iimu nice in .11 creditors, be decamped one day, aud no one knew to where he bad gone, leaving a buxom wife and young family behind. - Years passed away, but there were no ti- "(;' " - ,ui.n ...(i, had fled, a gentleman belonging to the same town happening to be in New York, and ta king a stroll iu lhoadway, some person tap ped him familiarly 011 the shoulder, and, in a norland accent, asked him, " Iloj things snrn (!.,.!n,r III till Biilil (sun " In.tjiet. re. co-nition followed, butas it wasimposMble to . r ' . . 1 . discuss the affairs of the guid t.nvn of in a short time, an invitation was given by the runaway to dine at his country house, when, punctual to time, our norland arrived at a snug little hox, a lew 1111.es irom the city, curi,jtv excited to learn something , ; - , , , . , ,t.u ; s,1M,t.llS0 fr lis pn(or. c 1 . . . cJ ,bi, ,om ftith ft y w , jn,r0;lu. (e(j , wjf,. Nor was this all ; the la- ,1.. ...-.... ;,t i,, . .m.i li.,!. ..... i pled.-es. Our norland felt at aloes what to think or say, for having svci, the first -,lrJ only a few weeks before, but .'....V.. 1, 1 .1... l....t .n.'.V uu i.n.i. nnf ...... ..... v.v.'.i. ,,,.-- most agreeably of course not the most dis-1 tiiiit. iitlii.tiiti Imriiiir bf.eli lunile ditrunr thti whole time to the wife and pledges lelt in the old country. Our runaway bad surely s ... . - 1 .f, ., n(,,i,..j ,,1,.,,. u.;,, i,u debts .,r u ,,t hw ,orMCen that such ongoings wou,i( . d . r 0cd in tiu .,ro.,lr lur. g. u fa(1, was ,r no BOOn. tr ,ia,, ou, tl 8VCnt,r un lved at home than thu ,torj. calI10 0lHi auj ,adam was not , , ,..; ..... ,r.w .x ,i!..,!l , ,ICard the result. LaIiuIiu'zi l.vemn Vost. Handsomc Frrs.E'T. Katj Lawrence, daughter of Hon. Abbott Lawrence, has! TIIK SUBMARINE TRAXSLAXTIC TELIiGRAl'II. This great scheme for connecting the Old and New Worlds, which originated with some of our enterprising countrymen some three years ato, i still talked of by lead !n "P""- " eie T l"e f.T Jcct broached 05 petitions, which ing capitalists. We believe that the pro. tre -'"'"t-ou, presented to he I a h""leut,?1. ".t ,.,r,uiln f ."' the Lon-ri' ?f. "'e ' u,,e .SuVf but 11 wa3 not V" were simultaneous y presented to the l'ar- UUlll JieuteliHiit Mauri retJOrt was received . , , -- - , i . - - , ' ' . c ... .y ' , , LUWTl'"e ,ue "ouuus OI Vm' "fl i'' . t -n j ' J he report, our readers will remember, I'""'n re.-ruary l"-t, arel is m lave, -ndn ,,( heme. ... -r'..i .-Br-,. A ., -i ...., n- n-l?V ... ii.." . . ; . . .i .i . .. nor too Minnow; yei is ?o neep nni me wires heinc once lau-led will remain forever in- i i;,u 'i t'---i. aitvtiui it pi, pa'sed ncro.-s the Atlantic. W'c do not . .!... i. . .: i.. i . , , r . ,, ' , . , lo-t Hu'l't of iu the pn.per quarters : and, , ' , , ' ., . .. ,. ii e uavi" re.isun u ue.ieu iu.u il v hi ere lonir be bestowed i iion the New York, Newfoundland and London Electric Tele praph Company. , ... . , , - , , i i hid lias aircauT passed the (olonial T ., . . , J.eL'islatiire to incorporate a coii.panv under ', ; tl.i. .t.'i t. .i t mi. u till n ...iv.iiqI rl hit.tttn i . :, . , ,, ... iii.nnrcu iinu.anu no;i:irs, ill snares oi one h, , , ,, i i . unilreil ilol urs each, with power to increase , , , , the stock to three minions. It erants to the company, on the completion of the line to Cape Hay, or to any other point on the we-t coa-t ol Newfoundland, land in blocks not i xccci'ing five sfU;:rc miles, to the extent of fi!';y miles s ua re. It gives the company, on the construction of every hundred miles of roads and bridges, eight feet wide, from St. John's to Cape Kay, aud Trepassy XI, 5011, to the amount of i (Oil. It exempts all materials reported for the telegraphic works from ail duties. It gives the compa- "J t!"' "ole and 'clu-iye right to build, occupy, take, or work this or any other lino of telegraph (except the existing line be- tiiTIMI St .Tnlm's nnil PnrVinnpr fnr tll'lv vear the Colony havi'ig li e right to pur , , , . i chase the liie s of telegraph and property of the coti'piny, afier twie'y vears, at a fair valuation. It guarati'ees the interest, t y the Cul' iiv, of five pur cent on the com pany s bonds of .,1111(1 sterling, eicb, the l oii.ls psvable in twenty vesrs in Lndoti, C. i v having a pri re-, rrori'Ttv r lien on a ml work II tin menca. 1 h" homis to he delivered to tin company as follows: Ten when tiny be gin operation.; ten when the telegraphic 1 r . dges are completed to Cape i ; and the remaining thirty when the teKpraph is "ipleted Irom S:. John's to Prince Ed wards I.-iard or Nova Scotia. It provides that the directors of the cun- r ur.y may be indiscr minnte! y citizens of ie I'liit. d Sl ates or subjects of 1-r M njes- th. tv the Queen, and that the nie;''.il-i of the stockholders ;nd directe's nhi; be held in New York, in London and i' i ie I-laiid as the direc'ors may fron time to ',ime deter mine, but tin re shall always be a local man ager iu the Colony. The net nl-o provides that "so soon ns a message shall have been ai tually trasmitled by the said company acro-s the Atlantic Ocean, by means of a submarine cable or wire, the company shall receive a gran m r 3- sipiare miles ol land, to tie seieeieu by the company, in addition to the grants r.reeniii. v mentioned ' The St. John's Morning Post, from which we have gleamed the foregoing partieu- lars, is in ec-tacv at the realization of its hopes. I says tru'v : " From this time we "'''.V date a new era in the History of New- r 11 . 1 .1 ...... . .1 . ; i ill un i n n.i. it 13 lie I ci lu'j uf ru ' . . l,.,r,u nn ,l,;(l- r.f . L I,:,!.- ,! er. low that the ire3 may be readily lodged u,e captain or consignee of the JJiack War- , " " . ,.,.,,. . unon the bottom Thus tbe trreat diflicul- rior u,ltil t broached in tbe recent ar. ! brudcha, and a batt.e took place vv.tl, Lu- ot I... i;.m at hou ogne, itb vrew to sn upon tue notion.. J t.u the tr. at a Haul- Tfrra'.lo that this steamer ' ,,er 8 torPs- between Siii-ttia and Ka-ova. expcuitton to t;ie lialtic, h also spoken of. tv apprehended was fli-eovered to be no 111 le OI l,ie ro " mat this steamer had . . . . . . ,.,,, i..,r r,lnof nr i,n rfUrrwitiA. Af (, difficulty at all 1 icutenant Maurv -u- entered tbe port of Havana thirty-six tinier ! D,ur'? M'1 ("""r 1 al lia 'v,t"vU; ' ' f F' 0f "'C dl"P,t of " c.n culti at all. Lieutenant .Maury -ug- I it,n,ir,.H on I U f r.i ed a division in the direction of the Jilack government to carry on U ar m man- cested t ie propriety of an otf.-r of a nation- ",uu 1111 captain inr uiren on t.n Brst t . . . . up,.:.,. , ,. ,,,,;. i, ;n,.,r,AA al prize to the comr.any tbrou-h whose tel. 'i,ry H"ere bow hewas to designate bis ves- : 'V3' n'J' lwlltn,"e battl was, at, ",s " ' btl ' ",a,1n' " ,n,nded pruc w i ne CMiiii.1111 iurounu miust. ili- , ' , ,, . ... . . tl.o 1.. ilu .u..-,., i ... 1!,... to Dr u -ose to t ie ( liamher A demand for in. ,ie the hr-t me.sase should be l, a"a W'1 that it he brought no poods . I -...,.. foundland ; the present forms the starling be renewed, as if by enchantment, since point from w hich she enters upon a career there is nothing which more raises the spir of progress and improvement w hich w ill it of a poor and helpless, but noble and sen throw behind where her s'ha low falls any sitive nation, than to see itself despised up of the other colonies which had given prom- to the point that reason and equity arc des-i-e of headiii ' us so fa-t and far as to lose pi.ed.in order to offend it up to the point sight of us altogether." The same paper adds: " It i. uiid-i ;n"l that, the (lovern- or s a-ei.t will shortly be given to the bill, which w ill then become a law the wisest, the best, and the most important law ever . 1.. ...-.I: .1 picu in .ewiouiiuiain.. uu. nine can be 1,1 lie doubt, sc ing that it is the most stupendous scheme that genius ever suggest- cd or enterprise dared to carry out. . . , . n . a,t,,. G...,TT-.-i.i- -l "- .,ei ' ........... V.N T,,K ,K F.. INK AN" , " D, , ATK" .-ii. miii.ii .'i.in nivi.uj iwi'. . s.v- due at a dinner party in this city which runs thus: lie said that a few weeks since tiov. Seymour, of New York, wrote to him, that since he had vetoed the liquorlaw he bad re ceived letters in various parts of the State, both approving and disapproving of his course In the preini-es. Among them was one from an honest deacon, who resided iu t he centre of tbe State which commended his a. tion in the strongest terms. The old gen- ! tlemaii alluded to, informed the Governor that he was deeply interested in the debates of both sides of the question and did not. let one "jot or tittle " escape him. He bad too, he said, " looked up '' his bible from C.ene.is to Revelation, in ord T to sec bow the liquor question was there treated and alter mature deliberation he came to the conclusion that all the great and good men,; I as Noah, lo-cs, Pavid, Solomon and Jesus, Iu,t only were partakers of the " rosy," but recommended it to others; in a word, m his researches he only found one instance (that of " Dives ") where a man called fir cobl water, and that hu was in b 1, utu:re he u.'ht to bc.X9shitoii SO. We publish below further details of the news brought by the Kuropa. cs From Madrid we make the follnntino' it. r trn, . llA lla. r.f ... . 1 of the I.oudon Chronicle : Mim in Ar,;i o , Having sent you the Spaiii.-hVcr.sion f the affafr of the 'il iek Wirrinr 1 V...7,u a 1 , " " "id X V"" l. ;, v " mosSBn-er arrived -lesterrl a v, w it h desnatch f.r.t. niitl.At-Jt;.. u l. tnnh U. .t. ....... ...... ... it rrimc of ti,e lack Warrior be persisted in. - - - fraudulent intention wa ever imputed ....... ... for Havana, and did tiiere be miiibt state it as in ballast, and bad continued to do so all along ; and in short, that letters from the consignee, from the passengers on board, from all sides, re cutireiy opposed to the Spanish view of the case as stated in my la-t letter, ' n-c ui r-ituii: ui uu uiei le j 11 ves-ei, ,i . i i .mi i-.., the hmpress, took place at Malaga, in 1 -4:1, . ' . ' . , ' tni'l'T similar circum.-tanccs.and cov riitnetit ... . . ' .v ,f r ... v i of that day di unseed the Miteiideiit, tenor v-' n.'u', .;wtau.i. iuc s.-i.iie to ue indue, p ... . , ... . . : the American minister here, Mr. Washing- (jam ii.de, who caused tbe seizire to be mailt ton Irving, having demanded the same. Senor (iamiiides case was submitted to the''1'"1 ""' UlJli,n aril,y ,n ,!ie Iobrudsetia .Supreme Tribunal of Justice, which gave bas su-pem'ed its march in obedience to the its verdict in bis favor, while the Audieneia i onl,'rs rt' I'r""-,e J'"--k'ew.tch. It appears of (Irenada declared the forfeiture of the vessel and cargo vaiid. There was this iu common in both cases that tbe laws of the couutry has been left in disuse, and prac tices tolerated which were at variance with . r . UHiri IIUIIU Spaniards contend that the dis- ' u.e of a law gives no right whatever to its intr:ietion. It i.. against the Iutciidc.it of Finance and Superintendent of Customs th it the American government is pirtieu lariy hostile, because it entertains the im preasion that the seizure was made by them in order to participate iu their portion uf the spoils. I he i-amo eorrosnoieiei.t. writing on Anril says: The dispute between the S pa il ish and American governments, occasioned by the seizure of the Hlaek Warrior steam- cr at Havana, excites some sensation here, and, whatever the merits of the case may be, there is a strong feeling here in favor ol the Spanish riew of the subject. I n fact, It seems very generally the opinion that a pretext has been soueiit for a uuarrel. and the Kspnna, to-day. ar sitirti. that such is "the c unig on the suppo- case, which however, it says, would bo unworthy of a great na tion, and highly impolitic, remarks : That conduct, in the lir-t place wound ing our national pride to the ,, ick, would ! cause the most lively sentiment of anger, of noble and windy indignation, t3 burst forth in tbe breast of all Spaniards. We are sure that in such a case there would not be a single voice that would not raise its clamor to the heaven; there would not be single party, from the Carlist to the dem- ocratic, that would not join the government to avenge the outrage ; there would not be ' . U 1,.... l., , n.nl.l 1. .1 to the exegencies of the finance for the maintenance of the war; there would not be, in fine, any one who would refuse to filed the last drop of his blood in defence of the country. The period of l-'O'S would 1. m 1 :r 1... ..i... : . that tbe aggressor, confiding in bis force disdains the appearance of justice. This same reason would make our cau-e more popular in Kurope, more sympathetic in the eves of the civilized world ; because :..!. .r. .,ir....i n i.t ... ... ..... vc.s.. ,..-,..... ui v the oflencc to common r.ght. ' 1 he hspaua concludes by inferring frjr.i ; these reasons that no serious conflicts can ! arise out of the present dispute, and calling I on the government to act wiih firmness, and . . .V... ; .Ol. ...e ...... e. ..,.-, ....v. A correspondent of the London News, nri.inff irtini .ii:tiirni on .nrii savs: " The birthday of Queen Christina his been celebrated with the usual pomp salute of artillery, parades of troop--, and illumina tions on the preceding day. A crand re ception was also held on the occasion ly Oticen Isabella at the Palace, and was al- tl,ndc J,y all the corps ilijilimnitojue. A ),.,,- nsticcj that at this ceremony the Min- ;strr 0f t,e United States wore' a ' black veVet coat embroidered with black silk,' and it says that its ' elegant simplicity ' at- traetedgener.il attention, mil produced a' striking effect amidst the brilliant uniforms by which it was surrounded. The same ctter complains that lithographic sheets containing libels on the public and private jfe 0f 8eVeral official personages were in circulation." Operations in tiik Haltic. A letter ' from C,,nenba"en. April 27th. states that ;r Charles Naiiier. with tbe lino of battle ah;pS under AdmiraU Corry and tb s, wcro kcepmg Up a rigorous blockade of the (;uf f P'mimid, which would render the PSCapS of a single Russian ship impossible, ' Cruisers were stationed off Re vel, Riga, Mem- the regulations of the port. In the cae of ,n,t hvvn 111 il ' .t " . '" " , .... . i ton hi arre-t the r riroTL-ss disease iu the vicmi'.v ot Lisbon, as well aa the Dlsck arrior, the Americans contend , 1 , rrt 1 ,m,r I1 ".-"- iu t'-.e Iu j that there was no fraudulent intention what- Tiik Clua Si.avf, Tn nr In the Ilo'l-e . .' ' Jl ', - , , , , . ., .. , , , , . m ,i ,.i f i .. i- i, . Li-bou exchange, on J.ondon,turce months ever, while a custom, which lasted lor t nr- of omm ins, n:i the Ith of va, Mr U. h.- . . ' '. -i .it i i. iii i1 ii ;i- ...:.), Luis, ) ii a 1 s , w ith little doing, ty-six voyages, might seem to give a tire- ; clnli asked Lord .John J.uss ell it any infor- . ,. .... j . t ' . ' . iii i .i . ,i , itiis.-i.v J he t zar has ottered to I rus- uerit.tien ri.rl.l ltd nni,l i nti a ...... .It. 1.A tllfltlOll hull lieell rtCelVed t 1 '1 1 t MO "OVcm- ) el, DnnUlg, Stockholm, Gothland, Bornh-ilm, ' been entirely destroyed ; that the Toss sus . in the .Sound of Cattegate, and Gulf of Kiel, taitied by the allied fleets did not exceed 1 so the w hole Bailie sea and coa ts nre under ; eight men killed and I f wounded. I atu Urict guiird. Numerous pri.e had been iiitormed that the fleetc, uiitMdiatuty after taken. The same letter bay that the re- the attack upon Odessa, tailed towards Se port of the abandonment of Alawd by the i bastopol. t'heers. The ahip Irenerfrom Kusmsii required confirnuttioii. 'I he Dan- i London, bound to Melbourne, had been des- i"h government Hngcrs on the Me of Ku.s- . ... ' ,. 1 e. . ....!..... I. I... I .. . r . ? 7 i A mot lornnuaUle loree ol row twats is I being organiiced bv the Russians to harass '!'e invalin fllft 1'rom tll,! !-l:,llow watt"- i.ight hundred armed boats are already rolled. All the boats of the Neva Vatel, V. 'lub tire placed at the service of the tate A considerable number of these arc assem bled at .""weborg and Uron-ta'' t. Sir Charles N'piiT is so well aware of the. formiiahk nature of thi.s for'-e that h ha liauiy ap plied to bis poverniuot t for a fb t A' Mnall iiteamori that may pcnetrutii wherever row ; boats can. Thk IAiiiE. The following important . ciefpaieU was tele'Tar ueU lioni inina, ol . - ! ( ' Vn-V . to;1"'1' or ,!,,L of A'"n' U""'r i'"vl'i i u.nnni n.:.k tii nun ii .i ti-. . ...i.i. . i 'Maui me rear, can-in? unexamined con- ',, ,,.,,, .u... vi .u.i,.,.n.,,.i.. fusion and consternation, lien. Luders re- treated towards Czcrnavoda, and it is said the Kussians lo. t manv gun., ammunition, II. , 11 ill ill tl IU 1 1 on. s, and even their stores and baggage waggons, military chest. I'll the y .th a Turkish flving corps cros- cd the Hanul e b. low Silisfria, in order to de. troy the Ilus-ian strand buteries. They advanced to Kalurucb, where there was hard lighting for hour. The Turks fought bravely; but being overmatched, were ulti- , - it.itier.' forc-d to retire ""-' " lJ lllle The 1'aris I'atrie has received ac.-ounts luat t.ie orders given bv the I-'mperor of llu-sia were, that the II is-ian army iiistan'- ly on entering the Ilobi uuseha was to marcii on without delay to Shumla, and strike a blew before the allies could come up. It went of am letl Celt llll lative to the nb i'iiJU of tie' sl.lV' lie in tin- i-iai.d ot I u:a, and to i! te-c-l.iUon iii to enforce the observation of the treaties with liii- country; and if .-. wledher tin; reduction of the number of the crui-trs on the coa-t of Cuba (j appeared l..y a ree'it return from the Admiralty) bad ta':..ti place with reference to tho-e dicr.es . I.ird J. llu-sjil sail, it was ipilte true that information had been received that the government of Spain bad passed certain de- crees with a view to a strict ob-ervaiice of tbe treaties with this country iu re-peet to the slave trade. Those decrees were of a very satisfactory nature, and her majesty's go eminent trusted that tin y would pro- v'du to a great extent tor tne suppr. the slave trade. (Hear, bear.) lie ion ot might mention one ot the decrees, which, it duly carried into effect, would operate very much to produce that effect; and that was a pro vision for the registration of the slaves noit in Cuba. (Hear.) Thus persons subso fPl;lv loiind in the lelition of slavery, il nd not regi.-terc would be ta Ken to he free and would be iberated. ( Hear, hear.) With respect to the reduction of the nuru- ber ol" crui-ers, that measure we under- ood he noble lord to say was determined on Peloid the int. received in this ageriee ol the ueerees was country, and only as a "-"'r'""' M"-- llumo trusted the nobie lord would my me oeia uu vuu vu i'ic i House. The P.EPi.rtTEn Captuhs. The Lond n Mercantile tiazttte of the 5th says : " In telligence ha. been received bv the Adini- ralty that an American clipper, the Crape- shot, has captured a rrcneii merchant si p off Land's Knd. The Orapchot cleared out of New-York on the 2.'d of March, for St. Thomas, n it), 1 , 511.1 packages (,n board, pro fessedly of hardware ; but really containing ".nil muskets, and supposed to ue bound to Finland, and, failing debarkation there, to the Mediterranean. TbeVess, 1 captured was the brig Villa de Mars.-i les. Lloyd's ngei.t writes t! at liartoii Tongue, mate of the eapur'd ves sel, arrived at St. .lost, and rep o t- Ins hav ing e-caped by swinimiug Irjm a ll.s.ian frigate which had taken his vessel twenty leagues from Cardiff, having first hoi-ted the hue is 1. then the trench colors. I he mas- P:'rt of thl' rnw ,r'01' t0 e'v:,?e in the boat, but were fired into, when the mas ter and three men were killed. bins goes tar to prove it was not an American vessel which mule the capture ; alter a.l. a. though lue r.ngu-h pre-s con ! tend that the statement of the mate is a gross fabrication. The Crescent City, at New York to-day. reports seeing the Grapeshot riding at an chor, near New Orleans, on the 1-th, there fore she could not be orl England. ...... i i rc... i ii'.iir . i-i i-ii! ei in v . .11 ii:i; iTiu-i ivur. I Roii;ahimkt uf Opess.v Hihf. of Lords. Iu reply to the Marquis of Clan- LATER FROM EUROPE, riearde, respecting the attack on Odessa,! Again has the mail anticipated the light-' Earl Clarendon read the following despatch muin bringing usfoieigu news. The I'rack fiom the lhitish Consul at Relgvade : I arrived at New York on Tuesday lat, llv.l.tiKAlH'., May 11 Admiral D.imla with dates from Liverpool to the 10th inat. announod, through Ho- Majesty's Consul' LlvtRPuoL, May In. The sales of cot at Vienna, that the l'iii:m of Meamboat : ton for the la-t three day; atusuuted tj 25, of th.' combined squadron destroyed, up.m , tH0 bales, li.iltimore flour has advanced the 2 2d of April, the imperial Mole and : Is ; corn has advanced 1. Russian ships at Odessa. The Mole audi Richardson's circular quotes Baltimore quarantine, and foreign ships, and the city! flour t o'J-. a 4 s. Co.n i0. itself bad not been injured, great care hav- ing been taken with regard to private aud ; er and quite active, there being cousidera neutral property. I bio demand for export. The Pacha of F..lgrade stated yesterday 1 Mc.Makiu's circular quotts Baltimoje flour that tbe great powder magazine had been at 37 - 3 6d. blown up, and tlut tbe had baturies bid liu Manchesur market was quiet. trojed by fire. : m(vt.d for adjitiolial uavv estimatc. Con- ii.r t. r...,.i.1i;nJ ; kJ w ! (omul r,n-.iKlo t,-. r,ta li.n tkmrcmij J.t: i t r.i 1 seanie ior uw navy wkiiih a montD, ami it nasintesded to ask foe leave to levy four tli'HioaHu more, so a? to entry on tbe ar nitboul re.iu' inj.' the naval force of tbe country iu any part of tbe. world. In tlie eourse of bii enpoftionf be said that twenty-live tbotisand Jirit.ish troop bad already l.-lt for tbe Kat. All supplies were voted u'l.iiiiinou-l v. IV.wii. Imkkase r the Armt. Large bodies of trps eoniinued lo march in the direction of 1'oulon for embarkation for the Levant. An imperial decree palls irt- etive ser vice, on land and aflo;it, 0,Oj(J weri, from tbe i4tl,0.0 of tlw class of l-.r3. It i-s anin po-iti-vely asserted that tbe I'ii ih li army ot tbe Kat nill be augmented nine-, m case circumstances require it. Admiral linnbier de Tinan, who has been cruising oil' the eastern coast of Greece, is to 1 - ' 1 proceed with a portion Algeria, to embark sen of bis division to cral rcrimerts for i urkey. long expected decree for tbe firma- tion of anew imperial (iuard has not yet app-ared in the Mouiteur. The guard will number l -','iMl picked men. I'oKTfo.ti.. Lisbon dates arc to April SS. I here was no truth in the report mat the l'crt-tg-.ic Mini-t.-r was to be recalled from Loiid.-n. The Committee of Deputies had repotted ,tj approval of the financial budget ; aiso in fa. it "f the new coinage and regu lation uf the relative value of the gold and silver cumi.ev upou the sa.i: basis as in Kng'.ar.J. The vice.it rains iu I'ortugal, which so much improved Ihe prospept of tne gram ami liay crops, had tiecn accorn- abie terms. No commercial treaty has been made between tbe two countries since ls'JU, and it- was sutleied to expire in 1;30. KrssiA. be Kmperor is extremely ac ttvc, an I gies backward and forward be tween t --.li-iadt and St. Petersburg almost ii.eess-ni'ly. Sev--r.il Regiments of guards arc ordered to ! a-i.l Prince l'askiewitc'a bad granted permis sion to neutral ships, at present iu the dif ferent nmttlis of the Panube, to depart frc-ly until the 20th of May, THE VERY LATEST. Paris', Friday evening. The following intelligence has bueu received from Bel grade : H;i the COd u't-, twelve steam vessels of tile combined fleet commenced the bom bar hiieiit of the military port of Odessa. In a few hours they had destroyed the fortifications, the batteries, aud the military magazines of the Kus.i-ms. The rowd'T magazines of the enemy blew up during the actiju, aud twelve ship of war were s ink. Tie- commercial harbor was spared, and the merchant ships in it escaped deatrue- tion. The loss of the allies 011'y amounted to live killed r.nd ten wounded. Tbe whole of the combined fleet b."V Failet from Odessa for Sebastopol, an. I thirteen Russian ships, ladeu with aiuuitious of war, have been taken. The French funds rose again to-day. The three per cents at Ul t". 'Mc. for th- end of tho month Paris, May t l?.Vl A letter appears In the Mcniteiir cf to-day, from the lialtic fleet. Sir Charles Napier was still at au thor about lour miles from Stockholm. The ice was breaking up, and it was ex pected that Crou.sl.tdt would be opened by the end of April. U!"iiai:f,st, May 2. 1-5 1 The Turk have issued a very tratiquilizing proclama tion. None arc to be prosecuted for politi cal opinions. F.very one is to continue bis usual occupations, and it is promised that everv thing is to be paid for. Three thousand kiliogrammes of rice are to h distributed to the poor. The ISisbop of Krajova goes to meet the Turks at the head of a deputation. Siie.-u this morning; there is a report of the evacuatiou of ft reat Waliachia. lu Odessa it was reported, ou the 26th, that the Kussiau fleet left Sebastopol on tbe .j j, or lii.uLiv, Friday. Tbe resignation of General Lionin, Mi .'ster of War, baa been accepted. Co u t Waldersce, Commander of tbe Federal Gairisou at Frankfort, is to be hb successor. HoUi.i.head rrports the cotton as dear-

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