JL 2. ..-V CHARLOTTE, 3T. O., JTJIjsr 13, 18S4. nNTTJ3VTBEDFt 22, 1 Ho ill) HOLTCIIw t- WILL lAHSON, KnlT'lKS. T.J. MOLCON, l'wrumTOR. 'IT.UMS Ths Ni,rt,..Ciir,.lina W ml- will be srTorded to ...i ;i .. Tllil l,i'l.l..IS in ndv-nci;, or 4 V Ml' Will Ut.l.s.1 S TWO IMII.I.ARS AM) l in k' -'KN IS Py. m. lit Ik- del ivcil for tilt. ) mulltllfl, d '' IKJI.I.AKS at I hi? rnii ul'n.e yr. No paper will bi iliscii'.tuiucil unlil "II arm-iages are paid, ex eept .it lliu upllun ill' Hie I'Mitori. A.lvcrtinciu. ..t. inserted it Oil! Dollar per siisre 16 lines or lei, tun aizc. typ; fur the first maer. lion, mill -J.'i cent" Inr bjbIi ci.iituiuance. Court ad verliamiicnta aitd 8heriH ' Sill a charged 35 per r.il. Inglu'r; and del u. lion n '3.1J per emit, will Se nude I'nimt-io njrul.ir r lor udvcrliacrs by thi! vdt. A vcrtiacnicnn inserted mniitlily or iici..rtrrly, t 'ji pr Willi o fur rush lime. Semi, inonililli ce-itaiicr "I" ft ,nh J ('All Ittiisni. businosi. nil be directed to tliu Ki!ilir. Letter in ml be pout-paid or they will .ml lie II 't.! iilril ! J r I'ujii.i nt c-.n Sj ii rule t'lcilhcr. t I' 1'natiiiti aiilliorim. to act ifnU. pe iri A Mo.lmi 1UII'. O, K-hi n-'s t ic biu.li w ill djf' to paint. Or lip pre mine ' ' Tin- "III'! ' ml "doings" of that guud A t'.iliion We bi lk I Wh-il hold, uresiiniptiiuus niaa, whose toiijue Will d ..re t u"r I -b '(J iu-t Hiil sir "I!' ''""It ,unK A ".M .deiii II lie" tiy na'u.c? t), who will dire nmcrt that ;heek, S irfntim feiniiiitli un.l tail, lta L'l'i'He l 1 r'"" l"inl djlh acek : (I, win, will I'us d't'l. rr ( And wlio will c i II the ntniliv waiat A lor I n rf mid an i-rt T lly wii .h bnii and by i:orda ao laced, 'i'llut lean of pain di) atari ? Who will d il.ire bine-lli tin eye, So wieheJ mid an bright, lnrlll.'U.lj' I Ir .red n dyn That uiah it dark a log it. la tlirre a ii.iee the 111.. light will breathe. While gliilme enwii the wilti, Tli .1 tliiimi s ilt rmla In r lirno doth wreathe, And kias 1 er chi-eka, are f ilae ? Ni ! lliere'pi tot one an It. .Id tj tell, No man lie br..ve tn a ifl For le.ir of rlaine . f it. at a lielle 'I'll. it pal itt-il, m.ide.llp.llii lg ! Nut nno to aiy a inoileat girl, Uy Irull: ' nil virtue (j.-uci-i!,! Is ua n pur." ind prii't-li-.a peirl Itemilo thei in of paste ! When riehly fo.- -. ball urrny.-d, 'riitr's mi lie will a y in p at " 'Twere bin I the fmt ihoitld 'w ihnplayfd Ami tom'i "up Anr thf bin $1 .'" Tin-re's rune w II si.y Una ; nor condemn The iim:eill .l.inri'a lorin--t i whii h 1 in y y i Iil ilinr w. iaia to men A rliimn.-: 4 aou thouid aroi n! IJliscdhnams. TOO LITE; cm, THE FORCn!. OF HABIT. BIT EMILY II. .MAT. "My dc r," said Mrs. Wei.! on to her daughter 3r hia, " had y u not better be flitting rsadv for your nus c lesson! It is now ha'f pu-t ni uf, ai d yuu have several fiUMle to I'alk " ' 0! there is plenty of lime," answered S-P'na, " I ein g t r.'Mly i'l live minutes, ami walk ic, jsig'ior Toricel'i'a in five miu- UtCS lliOT'C ' " you i:ud on Monday when you were tin lute. l,i Iced. 1 ft. ir, Sophia, you re contracting habit of r rocr iniination which will be a fi,i'tl'ul i si . ( sorrow to you tliro'ij li Ii',. SuvcT p. it od till to inoriow what can be dnnn to 1 ay ' is an ezcellont proverb, bu, I would nmend it by addiog, 'and never delay a ' inula! in doing what has to be d.c.' Id; at down that novel, my love, a.) I g ) ui, I u: lire yourself.'' Sophia re! ictantly c.'ieyd, and left the Toom. 15ut In u she n ach id her chamber, instead of flotniiti;' h' r bonnet and shawl, she threw herself pettishly ii a chair. " I do uia v iu! I not lecture one ao," she said. " ;:lie is always tt Iking about my being too las. hie woul I think father it a bank clerk, sho lin such a reesrd to punctuality. No for -pito, 11! not go to Sgnor Tori'ji ili till too Utj." Hut whet: i few uiiiii.tes had cooled her passion. Sorb a L it .'.' ..-.! r.fl,..r ..hXkI . i. . ' .i . . . . . .' i .ui nnu mi ruiuer an ii.ipui ice than a bad i pnl, and bo.'an to aliire herself, resolved to ' beat Niii'ir Toiirelli in lime. Her de-! lay, however, had been fatal. Though she i almost ran tbroueh the streets she arrived too late, an I the .Sigm.r, who made a point of never waiting a minute, I ad gone sut. j " pliy,' said her father to her a few days after ir I, ther is m thing for me to ! do in tn j til Monday; ,0 I have a do-j ion of runnn.' into tin courtry for the rest: of the week, And luckily t ie steamboat is ! ' make an e cursion t i-dav, and will stop ' route al, IlmsiUle. 'J'liis is a chance tbat won't de ur a -sin ibis nca.son, to visit your Iriemit. the WteilUs. The boat arts at IWc I .lu. have to return' 'o ths counting-room fo.- an hour after din- : Her. but em . .. I.. -.l . I l boat. Jo n, .tt.u, you down." "Aery wi ," sl id .S -phiii, delighted at Hie proposal, - I w.ll be the. a iu time." hc hasten, d up eir to prepare herself, nd, afttr p,. king her i!r.-ses, opened her 1'ltie ket .. wieot the jetrels she should ar. She ; ,jl Up lwu br,-elrta 0f djfjer. wt patterns, tii.-d eac!i of tarm on, and them ir d iff.. rent li-I.U before she tould make up br n d abich to Uke. J a-o ihe w,. 0,l!? wfc.le in selecting three of her diiii.n ruigs, t'je gifts of her fnd parents and godmothers. In this occupa- Hour after liour passed away, nod though tiou the time slipped away so rapidly that oho often thought of her promise and looked the clock was on the chime of lour before to the window to tec if the gale abnted, yet she became aware of her idleness. It was the tempest raged so violently, the book too late ; aud the eat down aud wept bit- was so fascinating, and elie thought the terly. probability of any barm ensuing from her For a fortnight the lesson did Sophia delay so small, that, with ber easy pro pood, and she nai a pattern of punctuality, crastiualion, she concluded to wait a little Hut gradually her old habits revived, she while longer, and so continued reading, became as careless as ever, and on every At last two o'clock came, and the storm occasion was too late. Her mother re a- abated. The novel, too, was finished. So- sonea wnu ncr in vain, aim ai icngtn tier father i-poke seriously to her on the subject, a certain scarce fabric of summer wear for him, which was in the market, but which she had delayed going for uutil it was all told, 11 your want of punctuality is intolera ble. Your mother and I, and indeed the whole family, aro daily sufferers by it. Ifi you do not correct the habit it will be the I cause of incalculable evil to you through ' life. Many a battle on which hung the lute I of an empire, has been lost by some one ; being too late on the ground. Many a i w oman has lost the affections of a husband, ' never to recover them by being too late. I j j warn you, my dear child, against the habit, for L sec it growing stronger daily, and uu- less you rally at once against it, you will find yourself incapable of conquering it." Sophy burst into tears, for her father bad nevtr spoken thus to her before, and rising, left the room, with a determination to proiit by his advice. And again, for several days, ) " And you say," said the physician, turn she struggled to be punctual in hr'r engage- ing slightly to Conrad, just at the instant ! ments, but now she found the effort so much ben Sophia reached the door, "that she ! harder than before, that she Lecame dis- 'promised to come hero early aud procure couraged, and alter several vain attempts the medicines and appliances I ordered j to conquer, she relapsed into her old iuclif- last night. 'I bis poor woman tells inc she fereuce and became tho slave of her habit, has not been here God beip us, bud she At eighteen Sophia was one of the most come, the sufferer s life might have been i beautiful uirla in lu-r nntiv fit.- nnrl li.,r Saved. ' hand was sought for by a crowd of admi- rers. Of these she selected one every way worthy of her. Ho was a young lawyer rapidly risiug to eminence, for his legal at- . tainmcuts and eloquence were of a supei&r ' order. Ho had lung bceu the prize lor which numerous of her friend contended, and when Sophia found him at her feet a natural thriil cf pride could not be avoided. But it was from no selfish vanity that she accepted him. His estimable qualities had deepened the imiiression ivhieb hi fine ner. . . I son at first made u. r, and she soon learued to love alter Conrad with all tliu intensity of woman s first affection. She anticipated his slightest wish and regulated I. .1 a. .. AUJI. 1 I ncr conuuci accoruingiy, aim lu-r opinions were always mouUleU as she thought his would be Iramed, lor Sophia was one of those trusting beings who aive up all to tho mi.u lucjr ieiv, sausucu niiit ne snouiu nc . ...I . . . .1 -. their exemplar in evprvlliiiur Conrad returned her love with equal fer-1 Sophia, shuddering at the palo and seem veney, but with more discrimination. As ucl' reproachful face of the corpse, turned he became better acquainted tviili her ho away, but not dariug to look into her angry . . . f. . . . . . saw many laults at which he grieved, but f . .. i. i. i A ui m caiijuiiin nuiure, ue uopeu inai ii ue and a desire to please him would induce her to conquer them. , Nor was he wholly disarooiiited. Munv ' of the slighter blemishes ou Lcr character own chamber, with her parents sadly watch disappeared under the kind culture of her ins! 0Vi T hcr' 'J'heir iaoiH itemed to imply lover ; but there e was on fault which Con- a long time, all his efforts ve. It was the fatal habit n " . rad found, for abortive to remove of procrastination It is true that Sophia made many reso lute attempts to conquer this habit, but her chains had been forged so strong that she found the task of breaking them more diffi cult than ever. Her old weakness con stantly returned to her, and though she continued her struggles, they finally grew weaker. Unable or unwilling persevere in the arduous undertaking, and conscious of her lover's dig.innrnhnf inn nf flia Imliit nt.n re sorted to every means to conceal it from his eye, so that, at length, Conrad began to,LA1,: hope that she was cured of a failing, as the slave of which he felt, she could not contin ue to possess his respect, and with him res pect was necessary to love. Unc evvmiirr Conrad called on her an hour after his usual time. It was a bitter winter night, and the snow was knee dep in the streets, lying iu drifts against the doors where the wind had piled it. 1 am so glad you have come," said So- ..... .ruining to uiin lo assist in WK.ng on nisc.oaK, - tor l was atra.u something hart happened to you. here have you been V , "I have been, dearest, lie said, taking Iwr hand and loading hcr to the sola which hud bcon wheeled up opposite the fire, " to . , r If - "' " see a poor girl, once my laundress who, I : fear, lS dying, and dying too, .., the most abject poverty. She broke a blood vessel yesterday, and is very dangerous, qui, with care, sh. may yet live the phy-ician says ' There was no fare in the bare room when I " -) va,tl llilUUII l, l.rnL.n ..,. KJ -n... a .!, r, nf fl. K..d (ii. i i. . bio eight!'' and he placed his hand before ' 6 ... ., , , , , , sumed-" Promise me that vou will . Islo A. i.,...i. i. u,.l..i ...,i . r. i mere ,0-morrow, eariy to-uorrow-mr 1 . said I would send one to see after her wants, aud you know it would be more del- icate lor you to aid her thau for me. Here) is my purse-nay! I must be the giver in i . i - . ... t lliis case oniy promise me to go eariy, lor : the poor thing might perish for the want of i necessary medicines and care. 1 sent for wood to warm the chamber, and got a poor neighbor to sit up with her to-night; but to-morrow she must have better help. Alas ! ! what misery exists in our city, and almost' at our doors! Yet how little we do to al- j levia'c it!'' .-.Tuuia ms. "-' - .sr-M.-.-v , S..k..1.,a tc.lnnfl mtlli l.i... t s t It is rnntt ui and made the required paomist. The lov ers coutinued for a while to talk of the suf- ! fercr, aud then gradually passed to r.leaa- j 8ame. He then ordered him to fire off a! After the appointment of the Committee auter themes. In the indulgence of these I uo ts jc wtnted to ascertain whether he j lo prepare business, the Convention was tn we leave them. 1 could bear the report. After this, bis wife tcrtaiued by the following gentlemen iu The next morning the storm raged fiercer j ,s,pj mm if (he should send the negro to : D1"t al'' Pl,'ioUc, and appropnato ad- thau ever. Ihe wind bowled along the : worj jn the field ; he replied that he was go street, the casement shook, and the snow jn(J t0 d;e aod ,e wished the negro to stay spun and hissed in the tempest. Sophia lnd ncp aj bitn out. He then laid down bad uot forgotten her promise, but looking ! ,j eXpird soon after. at her watcb after breakfast and Coding the hour early, she concluded to wait a while for the subsidence of the storm. Sit tink down in her boudoir she took up a tiew novel and was son imuiericd in its pajes. piiia orueruii tne carnage, ana with some misgivings set forth. She had no difficulty iu umiiiig the miserable novel to whicn lef lover had directed her. As she ascended tlio steps she thought she heard voices, and a sudden fear came over her, for there was sor'ow and indig- nation in the speakers, and among them she fancied she recognized her lover. Tilled with remorse, she tottered up to the door, and, pushing it open, saw a scene that she never forgot. On the humble pallet lay a palo and beautiful face, whose icy look of repose too plainly evinced that the countenance was that of a corpse. liy tho bedside stood an aged physician, sorrow and indignation al- ternalcly in his face as ho gazed on the dead. ear lum was a woman, meanly at tired, with her apron to her eye, and weep ing freely. The other member of the group was Sophia's lover, standing with folded arms and a stem brow, silently rcnardini: the corpse. " l cs, your honor, sobbed the female, " "'utched for her. hour after hour, but I ii"c llot ',!lve ,lle bedside, and oh! if I uld, and had the money, or even knew 'Uat you ordered, Id have gono on my knceo aud begged it, the poor gli I suffered so- l'ut no olie came until my little boy returned from school, when I sent him out ,0 this gentleman, who, by good luck, was nt home. Hut wheu you arrived, she , was dead." At this instant Conrad looked up and ' i i . i- o i i . i "uglit gl.t ol Sophia, who stood, trans - ,,xcd Wlt1' llorror al tl,,: consequences ot her m'onduct His exclamation attracted cv- t'ry eye in the same direction As it move, ftuw.tlaiia tliiirktitt-.I'ilili. i.r.itln I, . ctrl,i.l wj i"1!""! " i-iamn lurJI,i R"u selling oopuia s uiui, uraggca to the bedside. ' ' 0,""" luok nt our r ' . "1' -- -j o t 1TL' ' LATK l t I.. .... :.. .1 e '"era i.iee, nuugui, tunsoiaiiun , un m ttt inin nil tii.ms Hut. pncli r,ir:ird..il lu.r .. with the same averted look. The scene w as 00 '""d' ,or 'lcr' fainted. w'n recovered she was lying in her . , . , , ,i , i , , , -- they had heard all as indeed they had. tor several days Sophia hoped that her lov' f oul.J "" determination, expressed in a uoto to her parents, cever to . . . i . i l i ii visit her again. Itut she hoped in vain, He adhered to the laniruatrn of thai terrible let- lcr. He could not, ho said, unite his fate to one who had trifled with a human life by her criminal procrastination. Her fault he now found to be incurable, though be had long Imped otherwise And fearful as this lesson was, Conrad was right. Habits, when once they havo become a second nature can rarely, if ever, be eradicated ; and Sophia continued to her , - . .- -. "".ving day tj procrastinate till it was Too A ItEMAitKAiii.K Man. At a temperance ; meeting held in Alabama, about six years 1 ago, Col Lemanowsky, who had been twenty-three years in the irmies of Napoleon j Bonaparte, addressed tliu meeting, llu a-j rose before the audience, lull, erect and vig- . orous, with a bloom of health upon his cta-ck, and said : You see before you a man 70 years old. r UyQ f t Uo hundred battles, have fottTtrtu wuuds cn ,,,, ,,.. ,;,., d hoTic .ilh lh(! Vjark of tr,.t, foIliy ,read, snow and ice for my drjlk ie of ,,,, for : -.i . i . i- t . , without shoes or stockings on my feet, on , f of L.lotlh; , ,,. wr nf : , (;V0 mmnhKfroT daJ,. ,,,, . burllillf, upon MIJ llnkH head ; Icei.bli. tered ,he BCrt.,)i Halld ,, mith no,tria a,((J n0ul,( ficJ jtl d -n,, , lirnt SQ torlm.Ilti tUt j bBVe ,,,,, ,c nf J ..... 1 '"J my uii 1,00,1 1 Vo " 1"ik me J0W 1 "vu "urvi- l ll-l I w .. ,i.., i. i . r,- i i he i rov.deiice ot Ood, I owe mv nrcserva- '. J"J vigor, to thi, tact, that ; never aratm a arop tl spirituous ltnuur in , ,-fe , comilll(.d Q, tlu Mi(jcB, S(lff o, (h- y bUted M m f(ct lhit , h(( () wLo haj fe rcturned frolu K t W(.re of th(.ni n,n Ur( ubaUj from ard(.nl irt S'MiL LAit Death Mr. J. ll. Morcbcad, living near I'aris, Mo, died a short time sjnt.ei undcr singular circumstances. He a T3. ; th morning apparently iu his u-u health, and alter walking about for a shorl time, and after partaking of his breakfast 1 tort time, and alter partaking ol his brcaklast. , I lt! - ...... bench into the house, saying he expected to'., a;. .nn nd .i.l,..d ta s,. laid not ti, 1 1" j, nruereQ nis uei-ro uiau vo uriu" ai iniic , To make a Russian name imitate the "tchug" of a bull-frog, give out auecze, and sav " ski." Hail ikto (CoiibcntionJw Convculicn of llif Friends of Hi? Allaiuic Trn nrwrt nod Ohio Rail Ruml. , In pursuance of a notice previously given, a Convention of the friends of the propped Atlantic, Tennessee ami Oii, Hail Itoad assembled at Charlotte, N C. on Tuesday, the -It Ii ol July, 1SVM. wl,en the same was tempoi arily organited by appointing lr. ('. J Kux.ol t'harlotto.Chaii aain aud"Vn Tuit f, KAKltiMiCH, Ksi , S-cr-tary. TUe. Chairman alluded to the purpose of tie Convention in a few pfHment remark, on motion of Walter L. Steele, K-q ,i 0f ltielimond County, the several Counties cre t.f( ,( t,pj"r Helegates n ported to i 1,C Secretary, and ordered to be registered j as follows, to wit : -1ww CotttfyVntT U. Leak, X. I IW;.n. JsmcM "A. Leak. VartVw UirhanL Ko?it K. K. Lilly, Win. K. Troy, S. S. Arnold, i M. iSliaw, Joseph Cos, M. C. Loiil', tlaiiirs V. ('runlortl, J. A. Sin-Won, V. Ilollytichl, X. liuiiM'tt, ilollati) iSturdivaut, ito. V. Little, Robert L. StocK1, Johu Ihoadawnv, Wm. I!. Littlo, S. W. Nea!, A. Mvctm. Har vey Knott,-, S. U . Colu, sSamp.-on Caudle,1 A Hf.luin Wm l.itito . Bnu,,,ri,-k CouHtvVr Thomas 11,11, Georec W. Callow.y. U. W. l'ron, jr. hla,kn tW,- N. Kilby, lr. A. .1. ci iv -a i i- i. wi Shimiiaii. David MeKee. A. T. Shaw. Culiliifl' Cuuiitti Ceorge lVwell, Isaac "c alluded to his attendance about 7 I'. tlsbon.i, Ceo. V. F. Harper, Abraham "1 the Charlotte Cuiin iilior, when S. Kent, VA. . Jones, Win. A. Lenoir. ; w'' were lonking to S. C. Knteiprisc, bu- the VlrHVilantl Comity ,Ioepli K. Irliy. aceuiiipli.-liineiit of the ork iil partial re Cnliimhus Comity Isaic II. l'o'wcll, ; dcmptmii Inn. i in, pending ililapidali.ui and Calviu llaynes, Alva Smith, A. J. Troy, dtcay ; also to his i H'.irts at that lime to im- Kiclinrrl ooten, W. H. lo.m, II. Ifniiliam, .1, U. Stanley, Mills Howell, W. Q. Maults. by, Win. Krink, .1. II. Somerset, Allied Smith, ('has. Ilalduin. lirilrll County Kobcr1 I. McDowell. l.imoln Co,, nt y Dr. 'Vm. It. McLean, Adolphus 1'. Cansler, James Anderson, I'r. S. X. Johnson, I'r. Win J. Hayes. Mrkfuliurg County About three hun dred cilizi-ns. jXrw Ilaimrrr Count V lien. Alexander Macltae, II. L. Holmes, ,lo-liua i. WriIit, i hos. W. r.rown, A. II. Yin Ilokkelen, l al cott Jturr, jr., (leo. U. Kicnch, U. L. Kill i yaw, I'onaiu 1'iacitac, tiai. n. owauu, in. , y j M . j Ionzo Jx,ix,)M y)ci j r,i ,,nrT y i)ran(, Shcrwoml! Ji.lm'w. Mel.au- . A y . ' j j L , . 1 ' It yaw, I'oiialu ilaclvac, das. . ,'swaiiu, t in. ji0lllps yn jj JLarsli L 11. Cierce, J. . ioorc j irlimo)l., Count,-!,. V. Leak. M.al Wall, Col. W. L. Steele, John C Kllerbe J01M (iili-liiisl Hobert N. Fiirlv, John (I .....' - ' I!lu-, F. McLeod, M. H. McBrvde, Jas. T. li.iper, Dr. It. D. Dickson, A D. Morrison, John M. Morrison, Maj. l. C Melnfyrn. i ixohrson Loitnti Murphy (.Mc.Nair, ' jr -ti l 0 it i ,-. ivter A. Eiehman C;n,l. ' ... . . . . , "I Win. V. tiunii, Joseph Tlionison, Capt. K. I'. Ashley, Col. John A Ilovlaiul, Dr. II. M. Norment, Win. S. Nornirnl. It 1'!. Troy, Aiiffustus W. Fuller, John J'. I'uller, Col. K. Wishart, Jonathan W. began. Daniel Mc- 1 t-1 1 nun, . .'I . . a I in i en i I, .1 in. .'i . .i i i. i v A L ,)r y ,, r ik , ,no A,ford j,,, , v . (lllo(.k 0tu, Col Trull Kll0cll , r, -,r T ... ,. . Crilhn, Jas. . lienton. Keithan, J. M. Carinicbni I, Win. M. McKay, On motion, the following gentlemen were rP',''- by the Chair t, rep. it pennane officers for the Convents : it Absalom Myer, Anson ; Win. John-ton, Mecklenburg; I). C. Mclntyr, Iticliinond ; Col. John A. Howlaml, ltol-on ; (i. 11. French, Wilminrtoii ; Win A .Lenoir, Cald- well; Samuel Wnlknp, I nion, James An- uerson. Lincoln ; w ho, tl,r oiiri their I hair- man, Mr. Myers, made the folhwing repoit, I : i - l l ... I . which was nnnnimou-ly adopted Full I'HK.SIt'KNT. ItonEItT K. TKUY, uf Itpleson. 'i K I'HK.-tnr.NTjS : S. W. Coi r, of Anson, Jiiiin A. Yoi Nd.of Meeklniliurg, J.s. I'. I.K.IK K, of Itii biiMifid, I Mt'ttl'IIV C. Mi-NaIH, of Itobrson, ; Hn'ii.uin Wootkn, of Coluinbus, J. (i. W'ltlnilT, of New-ILmovcr, Wm. A. Lkmhk, of Caldwell, Wm. li. M Lr.Av.of Lincoln. Jo-KI'll K. IriiY, of Cle.iveland, litn. W. Ii4M.oh.iv, of Brunswick, C il. Titt'l.i., of I'liion Fun Ski hkt.v tuns : TaL' oi t Hi nit, jr , i Donai.p Mai Hak, ( Net-Hanover, A. C. W ii.i.i.w skj.n, t ,, . i. ii- ? Mi ekleiiburg. It. I'. IWniMi, ) h The I'rei.lct.t wav conduetc I to the ('hair, whence he acknowledged tin compliment in a mo-t beautiful and beconin manner. expressing great uilhdetiee a to Ins eap.iei ,. ., , . ty lo pertorin llie a unci ot hip mair, inn 'nevertheless determined to MO the risk of failure. In motion of the Iter. Cvrua Johnston the Convention wa-opened by prayer fro tl,u L. .u ..I C I' hrr On motion, the f ill intj gentlemen were appointed a Committee to pn pare business for the action of the Convent! in, to wit : Jas. Y. Osborne, Dr. C. J Fox, Meek burg; Calvin llaynes, Alva Smith, Coluin bus ; F.d. W. Jiiio, li. W. F. Harper, Cald well; Col. W. L Steele, Maj. D. Mcll.tyre, Itichiuond; I'urdie F. Itiehardson, F.. F. Lilly, Anson ; 'ien. A. Macltae, II. L. Holmes, New-Hanover ; It. W lirown, Jr, Lr. Thomas Hill, lirui.swick ; Dr. Neiil M Nair. Josciih Thoiiip-on, Kobe-on; Knoeh 11. Or, flu, . James W'. I iilou, I nion; J.i Anderson, Dr. Win. J. Haves, Lincoln: Joseph K Iiby, Ckavclaiid ; Lobeltl. Me , ,' - "M;I1 Iredeil. ' i country. After dmii-r the following regu First, by W. L. Steele, Kq , of Richmond,! Ur toasts were drank : who took strong ground in favor of thej , Thr A uf r,;ltri. ,,, ,Mlw.n line iiidical "l iu the resolution subse- tlur.y on. in.li no. nl Id uubhea of a r.,irn.i quentiy adopt.ol by the Convention, and j mirni. s roiiimon int. r if .ml a i onnietn it. in, . declared in behalf of his county that In r ?'''''""" si.it"" I 't a. 11,. i , -. I billow a, tut mi. sa tlir ..-a," lU anrf..f nei V l- peop e would mase every sacriuee not , , . . i ' . r r t ,r il'tliirti d, bul lta tuuiiiUtli.a never cn b.: rt- incompatible with liberty itself to effect, the! ,,). aijcoinpiialiniCht of this gre.it -ork : T'-' w-m'.r f t:,n" '-f'-tt;i Secondly, bv .Ki-h.ia (i. Wright. F.su.. ofl ilii.iniiton. ho. in i lcuticiit terms, con- r,r ...I it,. , .,,, il... ..I.,.;... prospect which this great enterprise was now about kindling, of a happy re-union of the people of the Ka.-t and 'et, long es tranged from each other, both in social in tercourse and commercial relation. The (lay, the Mot, and the occasion, inspired the speaker with unusual feeling, ami he alluded to the JOth ot Mav. 17". and lis incidents, ami actors, ami result, in mo t ''buiueiit. and soul siirring language. That ft triumph ol right hy war ami Mood, 1'n" wou1,1 ,"' conmie.t of justice bv Tetve "t"' frntontnl love, tnl- William A. I.enoir, next being called upon, addressed the t'onveiitioii. Having kindly favored us with an ubstract of his rema'iks, we take the liberty of iiilrodueing it hem in hi own words; uot as a personal. ! hilt ,oca1' l'',',. "ppn.-t-U c r ! !hat tlu ,Pr',M ".vt r..l oiitiintMit ut Ins section ol tho country ; mm lit raut', tliat bring thi ino-t (tilhrult put of tho road to LuiUI, no wili to throw as tmirh light tijum it ns jiossihle. litis. Viin.. Mr. Lt'tioir aiI, h' Mippo-rd thr was intiMidfd mow .- a lompliinfiit lo hin a'i " o PU ot Wuvf "' 'htfr- tained hv anv thini? he eoultl as he. wan ! n-t iu the hal.it of n.:.kiuL. public addresses , nd felt sun,,, emb.ii rasmei.t, althoiigl. he '"1" 'll say il as one of the happiest .I... ..rl.i I.f.. days ol bis III - press upon I he c.iiisiiieraln.ii ol Iliat I mi vcnlion, the iinpoitame nf exli nilin that ork to .loiiesborn', Tciin. as a link which would become n tiiiut I'r it id line i,nli,i- 'i' La-t ami Wc-t of llie mountains, and whii h would bring to the Souil em Allan tic .vaporls the lii li iVmi.m rs of the great vvc.-'t lioin v Ii ii-li wniil.l ,u nut a n't uinh of liailroails iu our State, which would re animate and re Mi-citalc the whole. I lie said Mr. President this is inn , I ""''b ill eventually biii to the poorest tenant, aud to the Inuiil lo.-t collae-' the increased euinfoils uf life: To the daik est recesses of our Slale, an inerea.e nf lijlht, of knowledge, and of alliums, truth! And sir if we may indulge I he plea-ing fancy of snine good Chiistiau (hat tl swill wiiil'CiI el, allots are the same to which allusion is made -in holy ti nt. If indeed a belter day and a promised Land is near : What stale .-ir. ha- a belter I ibt lo be look - The Cum mil tee to w hum lias liecn referred ing beyond .Ionian than this (,',ui, I Md 1 the genci nl subji el uf " pri pal ing bu 'lu -s ' State? Arc there any lure lo make the ' for t he Convention, iu the ahsi in e ol p:n lie bumilialini; confession, that we are less ! ular iirotnisitions, referred to by onbr nflhe worthy than licrugiaii i:in South Caro linians or t irgiiua'H. .v sir, n,i. Mr. ('Imi, linn,, in my humble ill iris lo bring this subject belore the i-HigciM nf our Stale, no point was looked lo with a mure livelyiiitere-t than the tow n uf Wilmington ! And, Sir it is relrc-lniig to see her heie, it is cheering to see her Im t mint in this uood wink, I'liteipi-ing, energetic Wilmington! What she It tlh she iloti. Citizens of iliiiingtou ! The pure and Sparkling Watel-; the health giving bree les, wete never intended to be denied to you a. d others to whom they Mould be III.; and health. I invite you, ami others, in the in, me of the mountain people lo come and enjoy with us your delight Inl inheritance! come to your own beauttf il mountains. While I am up sir I am pleased to b .ve an opportunity o speaUing a word III hehall of 'I eiiiies-ee, as a Delegntiou from that State have been disappointed in their wish to be present mi this occasion. I kiiiiwmmething nf their leelings and of t.jr uri,,t ,e,ire, to partii inate with us ! .. .11.. ii unessee win. ncr cnancr, i s kiiock- ing at the Door ! And I ask sir if this ap- peal from Cie only Child to her ancient Mother will be rejected i No State can I boii-l of a better oll-priug. No Child of I this great confederacy, can bring to the ! Bosom uf a Parent, a inlirr or more ) libutnleiit offering ! None can do more than , this young I'riiieess of the Wr I She has opened wide lu-r arms to every I State. She comes now to our vmnrare ! She is worthy sir nf our caresses, and she i can repay tin in four-fold ! She is hound i to us by every tie: She "instl she Ii be 'ours! The piide and I'atrioti-m of our people have at length been nrou-ud, and nothing short of this great wok wiil satisfy these noble, these patriotic de-urea ! j I Mr. President I cannot believe that a woik no uianilieent as tuis. So vital to the interests of our Stale ' fail of "'' ' I iuisgine I see sun ns already ilnmiril on the many intelligent and inniily faces which are around me ! I believe I ' some uf the q nekeiiing, renovating and grateful impulses, whieli, as they rise and sweli in our bosoms will find expression in the ar- dent supplication, liod save, and bless and nisgnily, our beloved Slate ! James W Osborne Ksi. , of Charlotte, next n -pnnded, in bis most happy s'yh', to the -eiiliini iits i ip-csc.d by his friend Mr. j Wright of Wilniingtuii. He ailmled iu mo-t : compliim utary terms to the part which the i people of Wilmington hid taken in the struggle of the KiMolu'toii, and cmigratula- I ted the present gciirration upon the flatter- ing aii'pices of a speedy and happy union between tb descendant of tin; ancient j Cavelliers of Wiliiiinglon with those of the I early Calvini-ts of I Md Mecklenburg. I On motion of Dr. ('. J. Fox, the meeting I adjourned to meet again at II o clock to- ' morrow. , eil tei II, cel. at 4 nilmll in M.i.r k' .. r r large aud capacious dining room, w here i over four hundred delegates met according-j ly, and di-cu-sed hik: of tin: mo t splendid I and iiia.'iiiiici nt diniiers liutrn r mi .rued i tbe history of any similar occa-ion in thi- Thr Slat, nf .,,th Cninhnn "'!"" "" li" Mil ii. I, ii l- Led that wr livr in, ' " I 1 " I" 11 "" 111 '"i" "I nravi n, ir t.K. Hi, r llm In arl tlirilliii2 rli I II., Hurrah, hurrah, thr (l, Nnrlh Stit,- f, r rr." 5. internal Imprnrrmi utt in .nrth uTohmt A nt coittl h i-l r..tin vi inn jwihu ucv In hipIjiii which wi! pintle our UlMir, uur lurtu nt ami our n.ti rt l hiifinr. (. ,otth -t '.jiit.'in.f ami Ttnuf$gte. Mot fir r inul ''""V'''' !ikf jtil find J.tiwiihiin. tin v hi.i- Im imi Iiiv'I v in llinr lives, and in ilcth ni.iv ttu v lul l (tivulrtt. 7. T'r ltrltt nt of the I'ntlftl Stutet. H. Thr .I-hiv awl .Vtn-ry wf tut til Shitrt. !. The fkilitohnm uf u,tr (nthrit thr ri Iu -t ! prry lluir m-iiK. tit ftitnifinmn ot .imfMfrt liinr un t-irim .thtl Strip , m.i v ilsi Im in fu i til iiillin nrr lip ro-ti-trtin p wild rn ih7i tii'ii. II. t'.titnml Ii. IhitHrtf hi w;iH tin- tir-t to fiiiji nt ii 1 1 nr (' r.iilvvi v tri'iii ilinirij-li n m tl,p VSri.1, (hi ilk hi llu- St.ilu til Stmtli-t '.trithiM H i lid' hiix 1km n 'piti 'l ti l:r n.t m il ininrnvriiu nt iiilt-rrlN ol' 1 1 1 m n.tivp S laic Mini hiv Hiil ttT v Im r i nIi ii j;r.i !i l'nl r im inlr.nir i it Inn nrrnri n, 1J. Thr CftnttwuSihool Sntnti of .ofth ('nut Itmi Mt-nlf thr inclt rni- nttp.irt ol" nnr M..ti- fanVt riimrlil, om Mif ni'iinr ol i-nrrni ttlin almli utl 1 lie uurm r y itr r.ilU r Vf.iiKsn V, Titli .Inly. Tho Cnvoitl inn I'u't at i'ttrlin tn aI - i JourM",,ir . . ii . ii, 1 1 i im i.-,t.M n 1 1 mi nm ' in, (i iu i -III nil of tin CoiiHinltrr n"inttil ) I'-trnl :i , ',' Vr' Vn"' l"'-'',"i !"r ''- ' ";' " ,1" ",:"1'' r'-;"'t- '"r rml.teing the report. Mr. Il.iln.es , t.ter "I the t .invenli.Mi, l.ir an h.i'ir, u lniit'rss for tho action of tin- in- t a iii- inorc. with an able address, much ilivcrsilind with hi-tmical learning and statistical informa tion on the subject of loads in general, and of rail roads iu particular. The report having been drawn up by Mr. Osborne, he was leipiested by Mr. II iliues, to read it. lie did so, first haviui; illus tinted tlm whole sullied lv an able and length v address, iu which ho uiinnaweralily -.-, mil ii. i ii.- i iiiimi, un1, ."ii, iii.in.i ! ' ; ' . .. . . ' . . , .... ...I .. .IU ..I. ....I II.. ..U I.. ....... I 1.1' .i.r .1 11. Itllle, ol Itlelllllillul, .los. . I) I Iglil, and Talcott llinr, Ksirs. of 'ilmiugluii, iu appropriali.' speeches, iiianifi sting lunch iu eiest iu the success of the enterprise. At this stu.'e of the iirocecdinos, the Itev. )'". nnsi'Mi. a.ier a e pi e...... ua ,y reuiiuks, m.iveil that the oiii-i,iion stril.e out In. in the vocabulary of its tin, lights, the w .ird cannot, as a term not to be mnlei -lood or eiitt-itaMied tor a iiiouient in the execu tion of this en nt work Ills inoliou was carried by aeelaiiKitlon. Whereupon the repoit and rc-oluliniis of tin- ('oiiiiniilce, being submitted lo the Cmiv eni imi, were a- U'T"'U "namniousiy. I m y are Hi:iMHT, As. :ii follows : Convention have fell it to he their duly : to direct tlicil attention soli lo the jjiciiI object lor whieli the ( 'onven lion was as-em-blud. This nl.jeel us ileliueil ill the resolu tions iilnler w Inch the 'ouvenlioii as called, I, a niei ling of lie- citizens of Mecklenburg County was the const ruction uf a Hail lload from the city of Wilmington to the Teuiies i sen Iinrdci' ill the Unci tmn nl inni'siioro . I Your committee believe tbat this gnat ill -terprizi! will subserve tli iiiere-t- of a large population of Not th Cu I olina which berelofoie have been denied the advanta ges nf liail Ivoads that it will by the line! ihrecl line ol communication eonii'-ct the interior and western region of Ninth Carolina with the seaboard, and that it prouii-es ulliiiialn connections with the Mis- sissinni pud the llhio which in tl llmiiti; ol it-, advnnlages, give lo It a national char- acler. This enterprise, however, commend itself to our special favor thai il is eminently. and exclusively a North Carolina work. It proiin-es its ennui, eliceniclit lit our luot limn i-bin.. is i reial Ki spoit, and its course Insects the pinn lnr-ts nl t'nliimhus, lllao. n and Itubeaoii the eollmi fields of Kiehuiuud, Anson and Mecklenburg llie w heal, and cm li lands in the counties of tl Catawba and the Yadkin, and the rich pas- tines of A she, Watauga, Caldwell and Van- cey , embracing in ila cmirse, three hundred and tifty miles ol our territory, nl gli al v i- rift y of soil aud climate and production; and accommodating lour hundred Ihou-and ol uur citizens. It bunds together seetioin nf our Stale which huvu herelofore been di- vided by the iuteiests of tiade and tin- ne- resnities nl I heir geographical pn-ilioii. The combination of thesis sections by the bands of a eoinmmi brot hci homl of intere-i and alleclioii, will acheivc for the State an in creased energy iu ber public eha'-iieti-r and unity iu her councils, the nun al clleet of which is incalculable, while the lombina- (ion of these varium produetiniis and the great resources, agricultural, mechaiiic.il and uiineial, which the road it-ell will develnpe, on nun of uur own cuiiiun rci.il tow n', will give to it a prospenly and impoitue e of the highest vuluu to this State. The pro- posed tnlcrprise commends itself to our fa- vor, iu thai it does nut interfere wild woiks of iiiipiuveinelil already constructed, aud iu which the State has involved her menus, a;, no action of the State on the line of the Itoad, call be acenmmod ated by the great Itail Itoad which individual enter- pr.se am public liberality has con-lriieted from Charlotte to lioldnboro'. Four tilths ol ihe ti rritory over which it will pa-s has ever found it- most convenient markets iu the Slalij of South Carolina and will con tinue, in the opinion of your cniiimittee, to do so, unless this Itail Hoad shall be elici ted. Regarded, therefore, iu all Its a-peets, the great eiiti'rpri.c which we have been called lo consider, is of incalculable value lo the people of the Slate, whilu a-t region, be yo.id our limits hail its appro lehmg com; !. Hull With ioV Bill tiruIIO-C t' UlillO tlll'll' prop. commercial destiuy will. ours, Your Committee believe that tins great work is entirely practicable mid sl a co-l ireallv below tliu i apclidilurv Usually iu- curr. d lor works of equal magnitude. Its whole length in North Carolina will pmha I... il.r..e liinidrud li. lies. 1 If thin client tu hundred miles will afford laeiiitie. of coii-trui'liou, fioui the characlcr of its sur- lace from the ahun lance, and cheapness ol ; its timber -which will reduce its U'l groat- the average of Itail Kuad. As to; the other portion your committee are in i f,r'y,f! t !.-.. it afTord'. the '. acre -n t,. lour mountains anil the best pass through them, which are to be found in our State, i ll is not to be denied, however, that a work j of this esteiit will involve a large expet'ili ; tute of nullify, and while the prize is of in estimable value, our contributions and ex ertions mil t bear to it a eorrespomling pro portion. Your committee rejoice lo see in our cherished Slate an awakened spirit on the great subject of internal improvement, i and from the cast and the west from the mountains to the ocean throughout all our borders the utterance of public si nh, , icnt are loud and unaninious in favor : ....u r..ktu -- .1... ;,,,, -e I trade and the development of her resources, den, and. A people b ng in apathy as to their social condition sic awakening with renewed energy and bounding into new life. It i- the harbinger of a new era to our be loved State the rising beam of a splendid and iin-upiis.-cd prosperity. Your commit tee feel, therefore, that the I, lends of this great Noi l li Carolina w ork North Caroli na in its Iciietli and its breadth, in its be ginning at the sea l its tci minus iu the si, inn, its of her own mountains cannot hut be favorably heard in its appeal lor public ai.l, w lull- they feel assured lion, the enthusi astic ilclllo,,l r;it ions ,.f this convention of its flic mis, that pi iva tee lite I prize will not be n an titiL' to perlouii its part ol the great work. Y"i,r committee would therefore recom mend the accompany ing resolutions for the adoption of the Com enii.in. II. L. IKM.MI'.S, Cliiiiimuii. 1 -t. lb .wii i,, Tbat the interest-, of Noith Carolina require the con-truelioii of a liail Hoad from the town of 'iliuing ton to tho Western part of the state and llie line of this It lad should commence at Wilming ton nr some point mi tho Wilmington aud Ma ni In s,.r liail Itoad in the I ountvot Co- I i i is thence via Lumlurton, Itocl.ing- litmi, ii aileslnirii , ,11011100 ii ml I harlolle and t hi in',' by the mo-l direct and feasible route lo the Ti iiik s.-i line iu the direction of .loiisbo-,i. Vliid. l!e.Mi.'n That the importance of this great, enterprise biseetimj as il does so large a leriitoiy ,,f Noiil, Carolina ami , C(.,a(t ,, , ; large ii poi tiou of her population and coueeuti at ing her trade uu her most in, p. i, I a ut com me 1 eial tow n, is just ly entitled to liberal a-i-tiiti.'.c from llm Treu-uiy of the State and this Convention colli',. Icl, I ly In lleve thai ll Will In it be denied. Mid. Wi.mi.Yi., That ihe II belsofllns Convention pledge lo each other their best i lloits and their mutual cu operation in all bouoiable measures to secure its success. lib. Hi .vii'e,, 'I'll nt a committee of twen ly persons l,e iirin,iii.ii I,, obtain iron, the lieiiernl -si mblv of N Carolina a Charter, am Inn i.i,,g ilu- cm, lnieti..u of the pnpn-ed Kail lioad ami to no mm iali.e the Legisla ture for a Mibci iplioi, of two third, of tin. capital stock neee.-aiy to (he c iis( i uctioii nf the work liesoliilion added, by ,1 W. t ) boi ue of fered in ( 'urn enlioii : "nh. lie.viiy,, That this Convention grenlly rejoice in the spirit of Inleiual Im provement which has been awakened throtiglimil the State nl North Carolina, and while we regard tl instruction ,, the U iliningl'ili and Jouesboro Itail Itoad .l of paramo, int imp ilanre to the interests of the Slate of North Carolina, we sym pathise with every section aud locality in North Carolina now strugglim' lor similar advantages and that the Iriends nf this great, work will iiiret the Iriends of Internal Inn provetiieiit ill N Carolina in aspiiilof iniitu- al ennesssion, and liberal co nin r.il ion always provided the si-heine which lin y ailvoeato shall ill its p, ineipal features be secured. 'Ihe billowing gentlemen were appointed! to coii-tilule Ihe Committee of twenly to memorialize llu: in it le gi latin o iu behalf nl t he mien -is of t he ente, pi i-e, to wit : tu n. .Mel. 'IcHae ami II. I... Iloimes, K.-i , of New Hanover ; Dr. Thos. 11,11, Jr. and II. W. i allow ay, of Itruu-wick ; Col. lficd Smith and I tn ll d. Woolen, of Co- luiiibu-; M. C. MeNair, K-q , and Joseph Tli'imp-oii, of Itobe-oii; Col. W. L . Steclu and Maj. D. C Melntyre of liiebinoiiil ; Ab salom Myers, and N r licet D Ho, 'gnu, F-qrs , of .Aii-nii : S. A. Walki,i, Col. Jon. Trull, of I nion; Col. Neiil Kelly of Ulaileii; Jas. v In. O-bmiic and Dr. I'. .) Fox "f Meeklen- b.iig: lv W. Jones, of Caldwell; l(. I. Mc Dowell, of Iredell j J. Anderson, of Catawba, 'I he loilowing Kusohiiioni ivere then sev erally introduced ami adopted, to wit: liy J. W. I borne, F..,,. : R, ,,,-,, That the thanks nf litis Convention ar" emineiitly due an li Dud are hcieby tcmli ied to the Hon. K. y, Fx I inveriior nf Noi th Caioiina, a- Ihe miginal projector of a Kuil Itoad from Wilmington to Chai hide; and that thi-Cmi- 1 1, tiou nj pl.md the sagacity mi l patriotism w l.ich pi oinplcd the ri conniu ml nti u. l!y V. C. I5.n r:l,.'i r Lsq : ii.!cv, That, the ll,ii,,l of this (''.mention are due and am In reby tendered to W. W. Lenoir, of Caldwell County, N. C. for this able a-!, meaey of the Atlantic, Teniiesseo and Ohio liail Itoad an 1 tliu -Hi icnt aid he has reu- den d t i t he cause nl internal improvement in North (,'ai jiin.i. Hy Jo-liua li. Wright,' F.-q. : Uf.s,,i en't That the thanks ol the d, Hen nt Delegations attending upon this Convention are hereby tendered to the people of Charlotte for the kiiidn. ss and ho-pitaltty extended by them tn s.n'l Jlch gallons. liy W. M. Sherwood, Ksq 11. ,.W., That the thanks uf this Convention are duo and ar.) h'-rvby tendered to the I'rusideiit and Dinetois uf ihe U ilminglou and Msn-the-ti r and Charlotte and South Carolina, Itail Itoad s lor a free passage ol the ililb r enl delegation- lo aud truui thi- Convention. I!y Win. .) .!n,stu, L-q : Li-.vo.'iw, '1 hat we l. ii'li-r to ihe I're-i li ut and mher ufficurs of ibis luuvctili on our :,ciiIiOlcdgniel.ts for the i Ihiielit and courtucoii- manner iu which th. y have discharged til- ir i r . v.- .Intir-,. liy Dr. ,'. J F"X- V'isilit', That tliu proi.'eeiliogs ul tiii' Conveulio,, he published in the Joiieshoro, Charlotte. WaJcsburo and Wllunll -l"ll I' M n, and tuat ail others lit the .Slate, d..mable to tho enterprise b re,j.ecll'uily r. , i.'-t-d t' copy the same. r- TAI.mrl lifllll, JK., D isAi.n b It.vt, A C. Wit. 1. 1 vmsii". iC i1. '' vi i-.-.. y wrttnrir, i