A . . p. NUMBER. 3. ii7 ! i in Fi w in id a m m iti m n ia m la m s win THOMAS J. KOLTOW, Editor k Proprietor. TKKMS: The North-Carolina Wiiiy will be (forded to ...hwribers t TWO UOl.I.AKS in advance, vt . XWO IKJl.I-AUS ANO tUTY CENTS if uajJ IICM be licUyod lor three niontlu, and I'll K I. K PUIXAIIS at the end of the rear. No pa per will te difcoiilinufil until ill arrearages ar paid, ex. ,f,i it the oilton of the Kditors. I .ilvcrliaenienta inserted it One Dollar per square ( 6 tinea or leas, this annul type) the irl iiiacr-' igm, mm i j tenia l" each eoiiliiiuanee. C ourt ad-rtuu-ii.ti.U and Slicrill 'i -Av rli.rKd j per cent. higher ; nd deduction of 33 per cent, will ynii-ie from the regul.r pricea, fr advertisers by I,, rrar. Advertisement inserted, nmiitlily or ,.-t,rly, t l Pr square for each How. S.-mi. .-" Jr f"' aBB J j r All letters on buainesa mint be directed to the Kililora. Letters muat be poal.pmd or they - I! nl be attended to. I f I'sniicnls can be made toeillier. I j- Poalmiiatrra are authoriied to act aa agent lirjtbrr, Take my inn. 7 HUM AC MAC ILfLLAB. Winn gruf is lirtvy liar, iH ti iiU'l fair Mi-ri, Tii n, tirutfM r, Ii mii mi rnr My brother, l.,ke my 4rin. Ti'f ' tii-'ny m In it ul treub.e 1 h-t Uk.ith two I.. U r, W in re otu' wtinlJ bt dquilc doultlc UviicmUi li.t i.i;jV cif, 1 i m !.tr . in iU r.tin'jr. Hi ou(il ihy ntof t iMirm, My hu eti r be tltiitc ancrvu My bftfiltcr, ukt mv trui. TicuU ail, in timr ! tri i, M . y I u r m I t r ) ivt , N V, Ufottll t . I'U ih I IjI. M arm be tl ) l .y. I rit-f rrr n.tnc in morr w, A frit I titi iiii.t tulc (liirin, I'd i;f v, in li my . rr. w, Ml, bn1 hi r, (f iu' I'i'.iir rm !' A t ! I I me 1 i i iHii.i-r VVnl w.cji Willi in? in km ; A tiri.tii-r, t pa. a brntitrr, -M-y tail Vi0 ftOfllrW kl.OK t jf tl is c c I Ian to us . T II K DIAMOND K I -N t ; en, THE ASTP.OLCGLR'S ST'H ATAGE3. A TALK Of IH'SJON IN 177i. B OI.IV1H ('MIC. CUM LI I'tl). cu.rTi;K x. Oti the morning tfucrecding Kobcrt TVk its ataitluijj dincottriei, C'oloutl 1'om-il and liii daulilcr ri-alid in I lie p.iilor o'' Lu bju-e iu (jucc li Street, an Hourly aiting thu iirtivul u( I lie a-tt 'il' r. He 11 cuHiieJ to revml the loc.il ity of lt racioua mi, ami tlmuh thu i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o t -!! r g.nc IcJ cri'.'i-neo tv tlie my lri us of iLc .'ciciice, liii curiosity wa.i iicitcd. Tbe cr baJ certainly made dome a-t'jiiikliiiij i.M-!o-ures. TLcre arm a wonderful winloni in llic imju, oLluiu it aLjitxr suurco ho n.ij;l.t. Auitiia tliojglit not of llr; juHii; pre tt'Uiju of ibe a.-ilroloer ; bc lookeil upon Lin. an tin: rLaractcr uinl luiii'l of tier 'over, libanou-ljf otjUining the nn'iiti of waihin liic ttaiui on bio ujiiic. 6tie tli jiiijlit not ol ilia juggler oulj ol tlio lour t tic abucJ, thj per'C ut'.-J loer. Slic rrjrcUcl llif & cj tioii bo was coiu. i lli'il to jaui lice, but it i. iu a good cauie, and cveti bur aoui tv ojtuie could pardon it. 1 Iu came. "The star bal bcetl favora ble j'' tbo Cjvcti:J knu.lode'0 bad Ici'M Ti icli-alcl to lit in t and bu nan rvadv t) J Jint out llic l,i luij; lacu of tiia ;i.ip. Ameiia trembled at tin- t. 1'1 :-- of the n ttulocr aliu felt that ho bad promiod I' ore tli a u lie Could pi-rform. W lib iirrvoua aoiietjr alio anticipated the result of liM uu'liiintiom. " Well, Mr. I'.aliali, rcvoal tl.c looalitj- ; and ai we are not likcljr l be iuiprc-aicd by l"t muniii.01 ic of your art, you omit tliu Uiual trickery, and conic directly Ij tlio I'Oiut," (aid Colonel I'owvll, avittt a good tin land Uu-li. " We in ust go tj llic simp of the gold imitb firt,'' ft-lurm-d tlie aMrolocr. Colonel i'oncll, having no objection to Iiia airaiigriiient, but (ather thinking it desirable, the cirriau u called, and the ptty were drivco tj Newberry S'rcet. Mr. W'al-lick anite.l at the work ta I'e. Of courn- bo inanifcated a great deal "( (''ensure at the visit. "'I lie Kara have at 1 a-t teen favorable." aid (,'oloiul l'owell, altcl llio cuMotnary alutatioin bad been iiiterclianni ; " if tbey r-lor my daughter a ring, I liall be ex CCfdlligly obliged to them. Ibu astrologer lieeded not the ofTieer'n 'netr or tbo (fold.-mitli a increil uloua ainiie, "d only iiKlinid liii bead in a rcipcettul obeisance. " lrf t ua proceed lo buines, Mr. llalnib ) yu ill pardon our unaiety, if wo denire ? 'U to Lurrv tbo form," continued Colonel l'uwell. Jlie aMrolnger looked tip and tlieii down; taunted a myteiioua air, made various traiijjo pe-luics and auddeii Marin, all of liicu Were regarded by Colonel l'owell, "u a emili! of pood liiimorrd contempt. Afclia wan too aniom lo be-low a lliougliJ ou the incantation. Mr. WalnVck was very uneasy, tliou;li lie manifested bin apparent "credulity by interchanging glances of tl Luinor with t!i officer. "I ee it:1' nid the srer, in the niidnt of bis gjiation.a; ' I eo it!" Where!" said the Colonel. Where!" repeated U'aMeck. "Ha! my eyes grow red, there 1.1 blood "ere !" eontinurd the astrologer, placing hii baada over Lia tiaual organ. "Never mind iho blood j wbcro is the ring!" niid Colonel l'owell. "The ring," added Waldcek. "I neo it Mill, but it is rt;d with blood," continued llahab, pointing to a spot, in which, ho aaid, the ring was concealed. Waldeck, with more deliberation thae suited the Colonel, rxnmined the place in dicated, but no ring was there. "The blood confused me," paid the as trologer, in apology for the error. Again he pointed out a pot, but it proved to be wrong, and a third time, yiiih U,c mine result. ' a " Knough of this," ,iid Cornel rowell. "We are greater fools lhau you, Mr. 1U hali, to lUlon to vour no'wnae." Jir. uldetk fiiuhed in derision at tiie apparent discomfiture of tlie wi-e man. Amelia was no agitutcd at what she deemed the failure of the scheme, that the could with difficulty conceal it from her father. The watchful eye of the aUrologcr, however, iKtieed it, and Le whispered a Molen word of encouragement in lar ear, which did much to restore her. " Colonel l'owell, I inii-t beg your indul gence for concealing from you a circum stance which came lo my knowledge last night. have iIim ui i rril the i iii ' and without any ai l fmui t l.i- miserable iinpos. tor," t;ii'l W'aidcc!;, taking fiom his pocket the ornament. Amelia trembled ajain with agitation, but a fiance of intelligence lioiu Kuhab restored her coinposure. "lla! t'ne ring!'' eiel.-imed tlie astrolo ger, with a well tcti d gutuic of astui.isli- llill.t "es, tiie ring," answered Wuldeck, " how are the M.us now ! ' " '1 be stars are red with blood; tlieic is good reason lor the failure of my i xperi uiei.t." "No doubt of it, Mr. Cabal," M:i l Colo nel l'owell examining the ling he had just taken lioni U aldeek ; " no uoubt of it, the lest na-o-ii in the world." "May I lojk ut I he rinj!" asked ll.e as trologii, exte'.iJing Lis baud. "dilaiiiiy you luay, if you will promise not to ton aay with it,'" unJ Coioiul l'o e.l hniiHed hii.i the eri.ai.n l.t. " It is red wiih bioo l, ' uid Kulul, with a t'a-ieal ge-ture. " 1 ool '. idi"t !" rii laiiui d Wii'.di c. w hos nerves mciucJ to have a decided antipathy to ti.e L.i ntion uf blood . " Tb re is murder here,'' continued the icer, rcgaidli s, 0f ie goblsmith's epithet.-. "Let us diie the lellow out, Colonel I 'o wril," aid Waldi ek.ticiiibiing w u h alarm. "( no, d.Mi't be bai-li with him; be is a harmless d T,.ja ; bvide, tin re has been murder berr, io.i kuow. Mr. W.ildiik did know it, but be very gr.n iou-ly neglected noliee the lemaik. " I here ih a c irpe hele," coi.tlnu' d the astrologer, buldin out tin- nng at arin'-i length, aud H L.ari.nig it with a tMiuulous Lorror. " Where is it" a-ked the cfi'.etr .j-iietly. Mr. Ilahub perioiined sundry ii.ta-tie feats, and then with a Mrangely marked i f feel exclaimed i; lulled ui, U r tuc bolton tin in the iioith-west conn r." Wabletk breathed mure freely, and cx-ptcs-ed bis eoniiiiipt lor the prediction, but l 'lie same lime Miggestt-d that an cxatiii nation be made. Colouei l'owell opposed it as folly. A loo!; from the astrologer brought Amelia to the rescue, and she begi'ed her fathi r lo favor the search. " 1 am not mistaken this tunc, ' said the astrobccr. If tii ut simple aul coinpreheii-ive word "humbug" was iu u-e iu those daysig have n doul t I '. lone 'om1! made it ix piess bis scntiuieiits on the present oee i-ioli. V it iiout anv faith in Mr. liahab '- i-,!omt he at la-t consented to the .search, and Wal deck procured h Couple of laborers to d the Woik. ll.e pait) liescetidcd to the cel lar, and the seel pointed out the spot where the body was buried. The labours coiii '..leliced theii task, while the pally, not very deeply impressed with the solemnity of the occasion, indulged iu idle jests at the cx-pen-e of tbe occult si icnci . Ihe laboiets excavated the cailh to the depth of ah'.ut two fet; while occasionally lo divert the attention of the company, the astrologer gave directions to the workmen. At last, with an ominous lo"k into the pit, lie informed his cunpaui ns that the body would shortly appear. Amelia, lot under standing the tactics of Mr. llahab, wa. fre quently startled by his abrupt (.im'IU's and .singular de in" nst rations. Mr. Waldcek and Col unl l'owell, in tlie absence of other occupation, stood by the pit, watching the laborers at lin ir ta-k. The astrologer w alked up and don u the cellar, stopping at every tuin, in front of the wall which concealed the vault. Ho had fixed his eye upon a stone in the lower pint of tbo wall, upon which the stability of the structure seemed to dep. ml. ll was evi dent, the work bad been executed by an unskilful hand. ( u this binding stone, the asliologer occasionally bestowed a kick, and once, while the others were looking into the pit, he stoopi. I down and woiked it up aud dow n w ilb his bauds. Approaching the cavity in which the workmen were engaged, he exclaimed, with startling vehemence "fslay! the body is at band; the stars are favorable." Again the jugcler performed some incan tations, and bidding ihe laborers re-uine their task, he approached the secret vault. Ixil no body appeared, and Colonel l'ocll, impatient at the long continuance- of the trick, and disgusted with ihe performances of the a-tiologer, began to vent his appre ciation of tbe occasion : " Let us end this farce ; I shall be ashamed to meet a sensible mull after having made such a fool of myself.'' " Ite patient; the body shall yet nppctir," replied the seer, striding across the cellar. " I md hoped that through collision, or some other means, this fellow might bring the body to light," sai 1 W aldcek. " Anil your hope shall be realized !" thundered the astrologer, giving a powerful thrust with hia foot at the hu-c stone before uiculionel. To the astonishment of the whole pary ! uation of IJoston, the latte was aeized with and to the utter dismay of Waldcek, the un epidemio fever, w hicb.rtiotwitliHtaiiding wall in front of the vault came down with a the devoted care of his dauvhter, curried him crash, almost burying the astrologer in the off und left her with no protector in a for masii! icign land, ltobert in disguise, visited the "Good Heavens! What is this!" ex-' city, und contrived to cojney her with her claimed Colonel l'owell. ' ow u consent, to the house of a relative in W aldcek, overcome by tbo Midden and unexpected revelation of his fatal secret, was npceeh)oy.AiiK lia was Marllcd, but her hopes hiipp'fitrted her fears, aud ehe waited with tremulous anxiety for the denouement of liahub a plot. '1 he contents of the vault wer onlj "partially exposed, aud the s-trol- oger, duping info ihe aperture, threw bith- er and thither the various bags and begs ; oml ntisnt up thf Mv c! JjJ.i( Dtviifso lliul. II antlil U srin In tilt Ihe nr!y. Call- ing the laborers to his assistai.ee, the corpse i was conveyed from its concealment to the open cellar. " Ihe stars are indeed propitious" nmt-1 tere 1 the astrologer, as be bent over the : ljody- . j " Ibis is astotiiahiiig," said Colonel I'ow- ! ell J but, Kahab, how knew you this! No! more oi ttie ttars, scoundrel ; I suspect you ; are an accomplice." " Ay, an acccomj.'ice. deck. ftaiiiinei'cd Wi.l- An accomplice!" thundered ti c a-trolo- per to W al'.t i k. "v illain tiie J le-i lif.c ol Hi aveli, J tin init ii .'" i.i.d l.al.ab M: .! ri r! In i tii fire ell . tl.e ! eves t! as lied to the g'.ld-h.lth s eonl',i-ed gaze. I "I'll, I'ilher. let us go out of ibis place,'1 j aid Amelia, thiilled with horror at the ghastly sight which the body of the gj!d-J smith j resented. Colonel l'owtll as-i ted Amelia up the stairs, Joi lowed l y Waldctk, the a trologer, ' aud tin: laborers. I "'1 his is strange," said the officer, when they bad reached the shop. " Very strange !" repeated Waldeck, rba-t- ; ly pale with tear. "This man mil.-t have been Conei rncil in the murder.'' " Mr. W iihiick," said the rnr in amid; tone, " coi.ceaiineiit is usc!i.-; ';", t,uit a;t the (isaiill .'" " I'-haw ! man," remarked Colonel Pow ell, "you are mad: you know not what you say." " Where did he get the ringV ' " 1 lound it iu the shop," an-vvi red W al- c..ck, stiiving to recover hi-i c-'.mposure. " Liar !" xelaimcd the astrol.j.r. "Vou took it Irom the linger of tiie cci jie ! Ay, you cut on the finger for the purpo-e of ob taining it." " It is fal.-e! fa!-c as bell !"' replied the goldsmith. "'lh.it can be easily determined," said Coloi.el l'owell, descending to tb- cellar. H? br.i! seareeij- ! i-s r.p,ared, w hen A'nl deck made a su ld( u luov eineiit ion ards tLc door. "No, v illain !" sliouted tbe seer, seizing him rudely by tbo eoliar, "you shall not e.-cape." i " l!y iieavciis! hs j riirht. The Cngi r is, r.fMic 1 i xelaiiiK I Colonel l'owi II, convinecd o! the truth, as he ha-lily entered the shop liolii the cellar. " Now I see, my cxeelli lit Mr. Wubkck, why yon were so willing that llobert I'ewrie should escape the hands of juvliee." I " lou wrong me, Colonel Powell, on my Mini you do," pleaded Waldcek; "I wi.l explain the means by which tl e ting c ame into my possession,' a:d the mi-cial le man related the interview he had bad the pre ceding night with llobert IVurie. "lie must have amputated the fin;er hiie-eii". md concealed the ring iu the shop." " And you happened to find it iruiiiedi alel; .' 'iiitrfil Colonel Powell, upon wl.mn the (.'Idsmilh's ghtisily l. ce, ali i shaking form bad produced n strong imprc--ioti. " I i In satisfied ; a nd I i . for llic w a- o!, tail, 1 d (i Mr. A-ltohig. r, w ho 1 be so t m.iiiar tv H h t hi' n...i:ey y oil procured ii, that vault '. liut, . vou that seem to 1 b'ody liii-i'iess ?" " I uu lljl cit H'wri, ! " and :Lc pietend cd a ti-ho-r t li re vv oil his disnujse. He moving the white wi, and Ion.' tinrd, be went tf a wnshstarid, nd effaced the stains from his countenance. " 1V heavens ! so il is," 1 xelaiuied Col. Powell Wubbck glanced nt bi'il, but bis shat tered nerves and wildly throbbing heart had overcome him, and he sunk fainting upon Ihe floor from which he was removed f.y the laborers. A 11 examination of the eil cum-ta nces con vinced the officer that Waldeck was unde niably guilty. " Voung mati," paid bo tv If. t rt, "1 hav e v roi.g' l y .111 ; but the circu:nstan'ie were against yon." " I knew it. sir; I acquit voir of every iin vmlly motive," redied Il.vrie. " You are a good lelloiv, after all, if you are a rebel," and Colonel Powell extended his band, which was readily accepted by the other. " Amelia." said llobert, " I have prove my innocence." "Thank God! llobert, you have," ami the licit moment the lovers were el:isr,ed in a fond embrace, which Colonel Powell did not altetiipt to prevent. Tho earii.iee still awaited tbeni, and the paity It turned to Colonel Powell's man-ion. ItoLcrt gave a minute explanation nf the means l v vv li if It he had been ini plica led in the inurtlei-, and the course he had taken to i An act to auth .ri-e tho erection of a eliminate Waldeck. (Couit House in Iie.Uli county. Though every stain was removed from I - An act to anu nd an act incorporating the clnraeter of I'.obcit Hevvrie, Colonel j Ncu-e Pl.t r M aliulai 1 ul i:ig Company. Powell could scare, ly consent to the pro- :'. An ait to aim ml the several acts posed union of his daughter wiiha rebel. U'hai t.'i iug Asbevi.lo aud Greeuviiie Plank Itobcit was now the heir of all his uncle's, Iluad Company. iiiitiieiise wealth, and thus iu this respect,! "G Au act iinthorising gates across the rendered a fit match for his daughter.- ' public road iu Green Uiver Cove, Iicudcr. Separate them, he could not ; therefore he j sou county. determined lo permit bis yi .its, w hile he '"-'. Au act cstal bsliing a new county by withheld bis consent to their union an ac-, the name of Polk. eoiiiinoil-itioii which Ihe lovers interpreted I An act aulhoi i-ing thcCoimty Court ns nn iimm alificd nermission. Wnldeck. uiiabbr to endure the loatbine ; .n : . .-..ii i;...l l... i.;. .... .. 1 1 ...liill . , -'.i ... ...f:..i 't i. i - i. ' . I H lis lilt, riki inn iiun,n 1.1 .11.1111 .1 - in, , his remains were consigned to an unhouored grave. Tu tbe battle of Hunker Hill, which oe euried shortly after the events wc have narrated, ltobert lVwric and Colonel l'ow ell were in the ranks of the combatants. Uut l oth escaped uuhurt. Lefore the evac- Cambridge. After the departure ef tbe ; Urittob, they were mun idff. In the war of the lr " oiution, I'obert Dewric wan an active paf ieipnnt, and at its close, was a colonel in fhs Massachusetts forces, ha vinrr attained t bi honors with bis ow n good sword. Win in the din of bat- tie was no more heard in .'he land, ho re ; tired to private life to r'1 in the love of , It. deviled wife,, wlv fxars m her fn- ('er the precious jewel wlych established her husband s innocence tbe ' JJiumuiiill'aiig.' CAPTIONS OF THE LAWS, PW l,ij the General Assent'. h of Xwth Carolina, ut tle .:.ion of l'-'r,:. ACl'S. All !1(.t to amLllli ,i,e constitution of tlio Mate a follows : , ! ordc I ' lit i (:., are oi-li ai.e a lar number ol the people . a ise ii l ll.e neciioni i 'laiiic .1 1 . . 1 .. i.. .1-11 i : i- - l:ol,s ol til now r"U e S nitc. ired cf voters for miiiibcrs Si ec. 1. TA''of l,e it. rvtntnl , the Venn ul nsrmuuj ni tne viatc ry ;w a in it iahti?l.yemtiletl , the. (.'tli hi ' i mi tiiillmi i'ii ti the untie (three-fifth of the v. hole tiiiiuberof t n; members of each bouse concurring,) that the second clause of the li.ird section of tic fir-t article of the amend ed Constitution, ratified by the people of Not tli Carolina, on the second Monday of Novembi r, in the year of our Lord, lS'to, shall be amended to read as follow : Every free white man of the n.'enf twenty cne years, bi ite; a lative or naturalized eit ix. n of tl i; I nited S ates, and who has been n inhabitant of the state for twelve months inline lrit"lv nieeei.ine tne aav ol anvclce. I. pud public taxesj sja: -.. . .J ' . .. lion, ami s lie entitled to vote for r member of the Sen- n ate for to- oi-liiet in which lie reside.. See. 'i. lie it. Jmthf.e tnm-teil, That tin: tiovernor of tiie .-'late be, and be is hereby directed to issue hi- pi oilamatioti to the peo- t l- ot North Carolina, at least six months before the next election for members cf the ieneial Asseinblv, s,.(tiig forth the purport of this act, and the ameadinent of the Con- i stitiii.oii herein pi hich proclama- 1 . published 111 ten m wspapevs of the Mate, at least six months lo hue tiie election of mem bers to the la x' General Assembly. ".'. An net to protect wil.l fowl, e. II. An aetin r elati 011 Eiizabtth City. 4. An act emancipating .Jerry, a slave. .1. An act to ine 0 j orate tbj town of llox boro.' fi. An act lo provide for the i-tie of ad ditional stock by the Seiboard and lvoaiioke 1!. I!. Company. 7. An act authorising die Nantahala and Tuc! a-ege Turnpike Couipany to biiild a t d! brid e. s . Aii act eonet rnin the JuMiees of the Pence in the eoiintiesof Kanr'n'idi. Alamaiiee and Wake. Twenty Justice s lo loriu a quo- ruI1, j !. An set to I.. ay the Wardens of the Poor in Mi ckictiburi: county. 1'.'. An act to autiiorme the Trustees the Loui.burg Female Aeadeiny to con. t.ou shall be aecompaiileJ t.y a true and p.-r- "e coun-ies 01 .oiiuisoii, uuneninne nun , ".ie , e. e..,.,. u. u. o-..,.. , u" Mlt bonds. 'rov ide., lor uu ei.doi seme tit feet copy of the act. a ut bent.eated by tbeecr- Henderson, and tointer-eet with such Snth auctioneer, ouo-fouvth of 0110 per cent, upon , lUe s,.tlJ u( u,u jt v tilieate of the S.eret, rv of State; "and both Carolina road as the Mockoldcrs may de- the value ol goods sold by bnu ; on all uistil- (j .lmolJ.il f,,- -ju.iiUD.l the proclamation and 'the copy of this act, Mgunte. The road is to have the same gunge ' lers of turpentine, two dollars and fifty cents , Ul, An avt ,., i,.KJrporatc the Milvcr the t.overnor ot the Stat, sliail cause to L,; of the North Carolina railroad. The State (Cn each di-ti!lery of capacity ot ten barrels J llillih CU.,HV f v of land, A c. 11. An act t authorize the pay in 2 of W dcl. of the Poor f r their services. ar. 1-. An act t) amend the act incornora ting the Fayetteville asd Northern I'bmk llj,.d Ccn.patiy. l!t. Au act t') incorparato I nioti Acade my. 1 t. An net to protect live stock from ma licious destruction. An act to encourage wolf killing in Jackson county. lli. An act concerning Haw ltivcr in Al amance eountv. ilegimcnt the Poor 17. A 11 act to number the West in M adison county. I -. An net to pay Wardens of iu Alaiuatu c and Paplin. 1!'. An act to amend an act of 1 en titled " All act concerning the place of trial lor civil pioccsses before Justices ot the -tl n net to ii. certiorate the Wi!n. iiiLton '.. ' r ' ' ei M t.iii 1 ng ( nnipaiiy. "I. An act t appoint eonnuissioucrs to ! i oC a road in llowsii county. 'J-. An net concerning public roads Watauga county. J:!. Au act to authorise the collection arrearai'es of taxes in .laeksou county. in if Jl. An act to authorise: the iirdciis ol : the Poor in Pa.-.piot ink 1 Y.in....v t.. s.il e. rtaiu lan-.s. ' s-'''. -n net t im-.vp.rato the two A 'aJ - Chiles : slil V e. Asheborough. All act to emancipate John Goo'., ' "7 ,. fo r,.,,vide for the imr.r.u,- .,t ,.1.1, ,V,, ,.l r,,ni. Wilh-es l.v Meat r.i'i ' ( ret k to the 'I'eiiin -- e line. ' of Henderson to sell laud x .. i t I sun to sei i ... ti..-, ts v . An act aulhori-iiig the Raleigh and - .,,,,, Kallmad Comnanv to take Mm k iu , tl... 1!.,. ,... Vll..v U:iilrnd I'niiiimaf I roud Company. I the time for" per-i ....... j , m ."l . An act to exit m l'....f in,- titl,.s .Vl'i :ii. Au act to inoorporato the town of , v ..... . it ..i. is ,.,1 a,, ,.( .not" act tj define the duties and po wers of turn- piU aud Kail Pond companica. . 'i. An act to bold Court two weeks in New Hanover county. !il. An act to incorporate the Chapel Hill ami .'viorn.-.villu plank road and turnpike company. li. An act to alter the times of holding f . c in i t . e e itviu uiiivm uiki vuariar ocsnioua oi , Hyde couuty de couuty. , II. All act to incorporate the l'air Ulufl each sulky, gig, buggy, barouche, carriage, and Conwayborougb Hailroad company. and other pleasure vehicles used by the ow n- j i'i. An act to incorporate the Trent liivercr, or by bis consent, of the value of fifty navigation company. I dollars and under a hundred dollars. City tu. nu aev euiieeiuiog uogs ruuuing oi l-i: ..i !.:. large in Elisabeth City 41. An act to incorporate the Dobbin Ilouso company in the town of i ayettevtlle M 45. .-n ait t amend tjie act of l.'iO. for .1... . .. ...1...: e ..... I- ' "tv:.'... tiiu ueifici iluiuiiuu oi inu tun II Ol II list'ii 40. An act to amend the charter of the town of Charlotte. 47. An act to amend an act, preventing the obstruction to fish in Ulounts creek. J Is. ,n act lo tneorporato the letnale . iicvolcnt hociety in Newborn. 49. An act to incorporate ladkiu lusti-: ' tute. i ; 'ill. An act to incorporate the Whitcsville : .11111. I I I I anu jron nut piaiiK roau company. 51. Aa act ta iiicorpjiato the town of: ii- . . .. . J .i.w.uiu. si.v .,,1 s., ...., , !... r.. .1.. tcr if)Vf rtirnent of the eitv of 1'aleicli. i i ttA. An act for llie relief of the citizens of Iredell county. i a-J. ,ii act to amend the act ol I in- corporaiins the tow n of States vilV. .)). An act to change the tunc" :f hold- in the County Com is of JJeaufnrt eountv. ' fill. An act to prevent the filline and putting of timber in Haw river and Great Alamance river. a". An act to amend the net iricorj.ora tins the town of Clinton. "". An act to amend the act incorpora ting the town of Plyn oi.tli. .'!-'. All iie't to aiaeiid the 7th "ecti ill of an act riititied an net to estabii.-ii a bank iu ihe town of W a-hin' ton. 1.0. An act to ineoi porato the Grand i . i . i ri... . . c v . . i . v. . nnyai .vreii v napur oi .onu v.aronna oi f''- and accepted Masons. ''I- An act to amend ehe charter of the Western plai.k road company, ' An a-t t' lay olf and rstabll h, ..ut "( a portion of Cumberland, a new county, to be called Harnett. -'ri iu t tu incorporate tLc ii rcnvtiie. Ter.n., and French Jiroad raiiroad conipa- I Provides lor a railroad troni the i'amt Hock, on the French Proad river, through .l. . . . c M...1: ... i. 1 '.1 exiemis no am 10 ine company . j (I. An act t i incorporate the Ilillsho- rouch aud Chapel Hill plank road company, li"'. An act to incorporate the Chatham and Landolph plank road company, (ill. An act lor the protection of smep against dogs. 07. An act concerning the Wilmington aud l.alclgu railroad company. . An act to incorporate tl Columbia and Charlotte magnetic telegraph company. An act to establish the town of Mag- nolu. i 70. An act for the Letter regulation of the tow n of Frankville. 71. An act to incorporate the New P.iver an-' ' iimingtou anil lopsau .-sound plauli . ' .... . , road company. A" a-'t iucorporat the Iron Hill land Atlanta plank road company i. An act to nutnenze tne construction a toll bridt;.' seioss the Vadkiu near " ""s- , ... ; 71. Au act to incorporate tbe W accamaw 1 audShailotte rfilroad company. .1 snesville. .'VU acv 10 anieit.i aa nci 10 i.icorpo- ... .1 r .tn fh t.tuii of Kilpiilon 7i. An act for the better regulation of the town of Elizabeth. .. An act to incorporate tin .uij uur .-springs ana 1'aint hock turnpii.e company, An net to incorporate the Matesville and ilkeshorougli plank road company. 7!l. An act to incorporate the lliehlauds and New lliver f lank road company. j "-tl. An act to establish a lorry across Fdack liver, iu New Hanover. il. An act to extend tho corporate iim- ils "f 'be town of Reaufou. : S'J. An act to iucorporat-- tl.o town of J. ft. r-on, Ashe. s' It. An act to authorize the cjiiiini-sie.n- ers of the town of Salisbury to subscribe lor stock in the Western railroad company. ! t b j'.ii act to aut'.ioii.e the corporation . ... i . v . . ... i .. CI l iiariouo losuusvrine loeciiain touos. i ie.r evc.v eju.ut in n uu u .in n t sum Si. An act to extend the limits of the be estab.isLed ; on ail agencies oi banks be low u of Asheboroitgh. ing em porated out of this Slate, tivo ban '.. Au act coticernln.' the Ilevtnue of ilred tiollars on each c.vprt sscompsny ho. tho State. Imposing the following tixcs hundred dollars ; en every company 1 iii for State purposes : (in ail real or landed eu nders, and on every nit nageii. , an an tiro'.iertv. twelve cents on every hundretl , uual tax oi f.ftv dollars in cadi county in dollars valuation, on pu I, W bile aud black. tortv cents per poll; on ca. li t-.:-,s:c ot a I turnpike ten dollars, three Hollars for gates ;aciv - s a highway, a tax .uat t live times i'he largest toll by the owner ilemaijle.l pon every puloi.' Icrry, and ten uoiiars on ' evel V to,! lil l'lge , on ev. iy nui'i ni'isu vt . iaekass live tlo.lars, un.ess the highest sea- son price shall ox-'i that sum in whi. lt the high- a tax to that amount, to wit, e-t on price ; ou property descending or lulling upon collator and thi . e per cel.t. w hen such col! a tt r.u il relations, one, two to w it,- one pi r cent, shall be a brother or sisi.-r of the dt coast d, or any t.escvudant of a 1 r.t her or sister two per cent, when such v. '.lateral shall be a brother or sisrer of tho f.tlhrr or mot her of the lireease.t three percent, when such collateral shall j sociated with said justice and those thrtc be in any other degree of consanguinity to I shall be a board cf valuation, and shall ao the deceased than is above described, or 1 euratcly estimate tbo real value of lands shall be a stranger in blood provided that ; and improvements thereon, and return sai I mi tax shall be imposed ou property falling ! estimate tj tkeir respective County Courts. to t hn wi, ow ol the tlcceaseu, nor upon any I - t . . . ' devise or impicst to the wile or widow ot a i son of tbe deceased, nor upon that coming . to the husl.aml ol a .leeea-eu wire, , 011 every dollar, more than six dollars, of net dividend or profit, upon money vested in to the husband of a deeea-ed wife, , 011 , steam vessels ol twenty ions oui uicii or up-1 wards, or in stocks of any kind, or in shares anv iscorrorated or tradiiw company, whether in or out of the State, and herein 'thalil iu.luJtd all lknk dKJcuds, LonJ? . and certificates of debt of any other State ; or country, or of any public corporation, ' created by ibis or any other State, a tax of three cents ; ou every hundred dollars em- ployed iu buying and .selling slaves, tweu- : ty-livo cents, and upon every hundred dol- l ..... :.. ... l r ..... i . inoeijf oiuei ppecies u aue, uuv in this chapter specially taxed, ten cents ; o ee-ms oi 1110 iniucui uue iiuuureu anu uu- -l-. i i.j j.n... j .ii ..r.i - cier two hundred dollars, one dollar of the value of two lundrcd aud under three bun-1 dollars, two dollars of the value of three hundred and under four hundred dollars,, three 3o.1ars of tin? value of JUl Tuiidre.l 1 collars anil upwards, four dollars; on all g0'1' all(l silver plate aud ornamental jewel - ry Worn by females, of as great value as f:f- ty dollar, one per cent, on the value: on lie-;eacli goia watch in use, one dollar, riiveri w a I I'll in 11 sn t u put v.fi vh er i.t in eh Ihivt. I - j "wi t in use tw o dollars, aeh piano forte in u'e, "lie dollar, every pisto!, except such as are, '.tsi d for mustering, and every bowiu knile, .-.lit-.. -.I'' . S l . i . . , one uonar ; on cira,.. swa sworn canes, iniy cents such arms only to lo taxable us 1 1 l.l....:.. . .i - ........ ..... ... ........... ... 1,, l..... ..,.,, 1 .1 I,.. - n u, .1 ,...,; nous iiiiurrs, twenty dollars ; on every keep- r of a common inn, ortlinarv or tavern re - quiring liefuc, ton dollars ; on each billiard ;tali!e civi there aie hundred dollars, except when' i - .. .i i.i . ' ivvo 111 i ne same room, ami un n ulty dollars on the a l.httolinl otie ; hi .ae bowling alley, iweii.e-flve dollars; on cu- livery stable, ten Ju'ilars; en each pr.ek of playing cards, tr.euly-tivn cents; on all ,edh:r.s ,f pun lit Soap. IliellicilieS lor toe killing of crows, chinches and other vermin, fir the curing of headache, toothache, or emu-, ai.u of all patent uiedieims, im i ra zor., and ra:. ir stinps, a tax ot five dollar i.l every county in w'uieii lliey lo iy so jied dli ; on each mortgage deed and deed in trust nmdi- to secure debts or liabilities, and on each imirria-'e contract, one dollar ; on t. I. .. ... ...:'. ... : ' viij inei e nam, ineieii.ini, kaii.1,0, ji. - u.i - it, a tax 01 one louun 01 one per ceir.. ujem . bin capita! ; 011 every merchant p4hrc;.ry. druggi-l, or other dealer, eon-ince oraent selling at w hoe sale or r. tail, spirituous li ijuois, wiu", or cordials, five per cent, upon the capital so employed ; on every incici.ant or apouueary .-ei.ing urugs, mcu- ieines, or tiostiums, as agent of the owner, " a lion-resident, twe-jty-uve per cent, ol the value; on every commission merchant ..... . . l.t- . ........ anil under; three dollars and Mfv cents, oi that between ten and fil'tcpu barrels: live did-1 lars on that between fifteen . d twenty:! and leu dollars 011 that larger than twenty' banc ; on a I lier.-ons 111 cacL county ol- ' ,, ' ,,. . ., J to sell or peddinii; iu said county anv 1 . . vehicle not ot the manufacture, in ferint riding , . - , ,. , ,. w hoic or iii ;iart, of the State', thirty dollars ; . - . . . .-. . on all horses and mules brought into tnis . State for sale, a tax of ten dollars in each county where sales may be made ; on every establishment for the sale of riding vehicles, any part of the wood work of which ia not of the manufacture' of this State, otic hund red dollars; and tillv dollars when the ve hicles are of the manufacture of this State; . 'i.i .1 ... 1 -. - - . . 1- proviueu, mat, no person vvno is a manui.ie- tureroi sueii vehicles 111 mis Mate, snail be taxed if he sells only in his own eountv ; on every person exhibiting, selling or otleiing to sen, ny Miupic, any loojs, wares, or mer- chaudize not of the manufacture of this tate fifty dollars in each county to be . V 11 e 1 good for one year ; on pedlers ot whatever articles, thirty dollars iu e.ich county ; pro - .:i...l ...n 1:1.1:.. viucu, nun prisons in;t srj,i, e-i .'eotiic lite- siiii.L-. (eceiit horses and mules. ) reeefa- Lies, oysters, books, charts, maps, and the1 like; 011 all brokers one hundred dollars; on surgeon ueniisis, praeiicing i nysicians ami piacucing lawyers, aim an oiucr per-; persons (ministers of ti.e gospel ciwPted,V whose practice, salaries or ices, on ail ol them, together, shall yield au annual income of five hundred dollars, three dollars for the nr.-t live hundred, and two dollars l, r every additional five bundled, until such income shall exceed fifteen hundred, and then five dollars of every additional live hundred above that amount ; on attorney s license ten dollars; on all m.-iiiance cam pi nics incorpoi ated iu this State, one hun- dred dollars per annum, and on ail inr-orp.j. . rated out of the S'ate, one luindied tiollars per anuur.i for the first, and fifty biii:.rs i , . :.. i.:. i . l. i i vvhn h tlievexhil.it; on t le alt leal play -fs. sleight of h..ed p. rl'oi ine i s, rope dm.e. is and the like, thiity dollars; on every com pany or j er- n .'f singers, dano r, sen na ilers, and every person who leerttcx for re ward, live dollars, unlc-s tile whole pmoic :s be iho 'cd to s uue literary or clia.ital e ue i:i the Mate, livery thing upon which tat" a'-.' i'U o-t I. to i e list, d wit. .ill tile l ist tvvt iitv vt oiciiig days in July in tv. ry year. Ihe l.i'uiece ot I lie act is merely ' composed of I rod.-ion for p;::t;:ig :t in op-, el ation, h i.- piov ided, atnoiig other thin,. : that ti.e sever:. 1 Couuty t'.-uits. at tbo teim when tin y shall appoint justices to t t:.e tax lists for the Viar 1 .i"i, and at tho sain. ; term every five years tin r. ai'tr, shall ap point to ro-p. ct.ihlo ti h ih'o r-. to be a.- it i also provided that the Micntls shal t . . , specify in th. ir receipts tlie amount ol Mat, tax. ami aiso the amount oi county tax, s- , aratclv. I J !7. An act concerning the Public Print-j ling. Provides for the biennial election, on aratclv mo seeomi uay 01 ine session, 1 r. .-laif, Printer, who shall execute the public print-; inir at the following rates, to wit, for every, one thousand cuis of plain work sixty-two d Laif c.-uU. for every juc tl -ui.: Clus 0f rule and figure work" one uollar and twenty-livc cent-.and aisty-two and a half ,,.,, ,.r ...b,.",. rr nr,.,H ,.,!.- T!.. .si,i. to furnish all paper, nud to pay for tobiiii", stitching, and binding. The act further provides that in ctse of any vacancy iu-t'ua 1 . . J . J ollicc 01 talc 1 linter duriie'thu interval between the meeting of the Le-i.-laturc. 8ajJ a.-aney hall be liiled by 'appoint, ment of thu tiovernor. The act is a part of the Kcvidt-d Code, it repeals all fusumr laws, ailj ,,01.s ui0 efl,..Z( ut once 1 i;"). An act to extend the corporate limits i. .. f tt)UU r,r i;,...,,f.,rt t-y. An net to reu-ulate the floating of timber o Hoanvke river. yo. An act to nlier th- naMi,: e-f Jj i.c. 0 n. j'n ihe -,.,uh ol Wiitin.' ' 1 - ji. An act to incorporate tbo Guilford ! g0u aM,j COj per mining coiupanv. yj. An act to inc oip orate ibJ East fork j turnpike company. ;(. y uct j incoi poiate the Central 11 1 - . . r - . . i. iiyid iioei cu i in in in i u company oi uitu i 'aro'.ii.a- i vn nrt ( , a ,eaeo;i li ht v. r to the C S. a si:e for 'ear Cape I latli ras. to ineoi ;. orate tiie Grei-tis- i ' : . : . . i . . i ji.i. ,u ;.et L.. ii'-li Jadi - IIOI...I" . I . , M i l I 1'II i 'l 1(1 ll,!l.l " 1 i .ii 'i ii. Anaett j incornoratc liie Stokes ri- (r niinin c.w. t:iuv. 1 , v ... , .., ,.,rt.,,.f j Mi'.ton .Sayings Institution. , u let .. to im o t uriitc Glen Anna le'iia e t iin.rv '..i.i. An act to ine-rpo. at" tbe Cape Fear .tri'l aceaina ' caLal and lumber couipanv I Oil. Au act to mcorpoiatc tue to.vu ol Franklin. L.l. An ret to authoiuc a toll bridge ovei tnc lelilM-s.-ce live! III .M11C0II count 1"'.'. An act to i;iorpor.: 11 e :iany to construct a ii.p cauui to 1. tie the waters e-l . . I'liiiari,', t ui i it ue I. a no l'.ii..ai,i .-'yu:, it vvi'.h the Chesapeake li.iy. I be State is to tndoi -1 the bull.. -tut be amount oi (s.jli,'.(i.l'.J lio). Aa net l.i ineoi j-ol ate t lie Aiubam.i and Ca-weil p.aiu; roid company. ; 1 ,j . An act to lheoipoi.it.' the Little l,li'i l 1 1 . , p 1 1 e: lollipaitv. ; l;.". An actio e:.tend the corporate li.n- iuo!' br i.i'.'i'ii.ton. j ")! . An act to incorporate the Chapel , illll anil ill.l-'t.el.iiu h p;ai.k lead eoii.piu. v. 1 17. An act to ineoi potato a M..t.iui lu . sun.tice ii;.: eoi.. any, i.i the low a of l.har , lotte. 1"-. At: act to authorize tbe Cape l'tt.r ' j 1, j.j i ""I lie. An .let t j lay the turnpike line to oil a the public roau irom County iiiic of McPowell. Ill 11 n,-l t.t ntioiol ll.n fi.-t .oftt!. .... .... ,1 t,i , 1 ; an act to 11. cor;. 01 ale the Atlantic aud : v ..,. i'" .,1,. . ;. 1 1 .1 -sotth t arolina taiiioad company, and tbe v .,1. e. . :.. v ;i.. T . . ..ui 111 ..ai.-'iHid 1. 1-11 1 11 mniijjLi toll.ll.llIT. ' 1 p., . r ..... :-. '1 . , "1 , j 1 rov i..cs ler a 1 ai.roau tio.n 1 .ouisiiOioiiL h to lleaufi.rt, as follows : 'J he capital stock of the Atlantic and North Carolina raiiroad company may be increased to ai.-.teen hun dred thousand dollars; and whenever it shall appear to the board of internal im provements that onc-t'hild of the capital , stock of said company has been subscribed 1 for, mid taken by solvent individuals or un,.,;,,, a1(J t,,lt at :i-t three id red ! ,1, ,..., ,iurf .,;.- ,..i. 1,.., k 1 1 . . , , tri.;,s.,ll.r f , .:',, ,.,. pany . the said board shall be authorized ami ,. ;i, , i,,,i,.,it .',i, ,, f 1 , , . , . , . ,. .- ' l,m lvto h eompanv to he paid as I olirt, pnrt as soon as sai , cnillIUl..lM.c k .i 0,','. follows : the onc- I coninanv shall fourth part therc- ' . cverv six months thcreatter, until the wi.oie .laie sunscriju 1011 snan nave ueen paid provided, the board of internal iui- . irnvpn . .-l.l s el.'ill 1... vrtl.lio.i rli.it n n ...iirti.-if 1 .... . 1 1. . 1 1 t ... of t)ii , .)nv.i:i ui ,.c.rir,ti,,n has b pnvate -ul.scnptioli has been paid 0 .. t;,Jh , ,u. ,,:,v,e,,t re, lire 1 of ,,1L. Stat0 T1(1 a(.t ,..,, eoi-taitx the usual provisions for the Stale lo issue bonds, Ac. There are t . be twelve directors eight to be appointed annually ly tho board of in ternal i;: provciiu. tits, and four by the stockholder-.! 11-'. An v ek eoi-pi r t ira'c the .McCul- '. I r.. I i.i ii g com ! i: t o ' 1" i',. nd the act incorpoi at II r the lovvu ... i. iu A ii.niatiee. ineoi ' c; ato Clinton I 1 !. Ar. to Lodge C-tee!!. 11".. Aii act i.io -rp )it.' the l'::i'.o 1!, prist lu-titute. I I (i. A ii act. l" am.-n-l the powcl's ot t'.e CJli.ll, b.-rti'. the act i n:arcir,g is-icm is ot ew tovv ri uf town of Paretic II.. An act to iuc pirate the Ncbrasks, II vile to 1 1-. Au act to Sno.v Hill, Greene. 1 i.l. A i, act I o incorporate tLo .ra'e the ville female high -ch,o!. l'J.i. All act to ineoi! Oi ate Ie dge of li . e r.. :-. i -. the Va.ikiu 1 -1 . Au m". tj iiieo "porate' the Spiiu gfie! 1 ln-tit'ite I-.'.'. Au act t .. ii.creii t'oii of j irors iii.d viti.e-s. c J. the coinpciisa i:i ashiugtoii l.'o. An act the pi a sent .--i niiiigpui and CI Mippo'iie ntii to n't ait ot ,ii, to ii.e jrp.or..t." the W'il. r. ri otto railroad company. 1 J I. An net lo ine lit .--,'- in i hi' c.,:nt v " :i-o the pay ol wil- his'.ovv. I.". Ai act to nvivc and continue; iu for,.-.' the act app.'iuiiug comuiis.si jiicrs for ine I ov ii ul i la . v. 'od. r.'ii. lave. All et lo cm il lie i pate Petty, a I-... Ar. -ict to ai l in comp itiug a ro oa.l from I'ltiihoy s M:.l to the irgiiii.i line. l'J. An act to inc. ipor .te lb Can. den and Currituck Now Cut canal company. 1 -!. An act to prevent ti e obstruction of fish iu tiie watt is of Soath Uiver and Vdam's C ret k. ' 1 - " a o:i!l' office 1 .nr. An act to pfcsciioe arm rcr.uro an . .. . . -I 1 for tjvvu uiaialralcs ot Wil. iiiington. l.'M. An act to incorporate the (iold Hill ""'""j? '""I,!,".T IT.'. An act to iucorporato the Lawrence !b.Hd, lU!ei.h. I". Y:-c. er navigation company to i-

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