' A ' ' ,- . "Be iriic io 60?, fo jjotir GcrM, to Hour )iifij.M NTU3VIEER. 2.3- V 1 TH 3d AS J. HOLTON, EDITOR & 1'uol'illETUtt. T Kit. MS : Tlic Nor'lli-C-trnlitta Whiif will be afhirticd to 1. . 'I'.VII Dill I. AILS f.. ,!r TWO IMilXAltS A.M HKI Y iKNiS it a. jr. H'l-tTM" ' 1 -. i K m 1 .yen ir ""- 111..1.M.., ..iiu ......... - .11 illC 1 llm imliil tln vjr , 11 ..- ur ill .1.1. j r-i - tnl ii, 'iitley ru..ruT,y, i.i t , p in(ui.rv iur . . A , ,,1, I, .i.e. ei,illi.,lil,.ljr ,j itlll. k.t .u.,rc T..r r.irli 1 1 e. I f 4 Ii tt.-r on DUil'ca inusi ne i, rrcirii to l' 1 ' Itir I', lllllf. l.t'll.T IllUtlV UC MJ0l.JidlU or llll-Jf not be "d iJ' l'jyKol l"-' iiul to riilirr. 3j 1' ...tin liters iirtf aulin.riz. d to net u a',t'1' llodrii. 2? vJS Xn,tt hi 'i in; Timt.s of on.'i i; ii.vvs. 'I'It i!r.'Ulit It, M fn .it e'li' r ih ), II. 'W tl'iSi; U'ty 4M-.t W'.'V Il'.w r.uillv l.i uur I r.. i ii i ii if g-.zc llurn tunny it). A 'Irw WVire the ii,"riiing nun, t..-..t a :.-r jf. m I'ep.rl. I 1.i;m- b..Mii.n w ,lli-r, ..lie by OI.C, At.U ...c UMiii lite lirl. 'I'hr vii, en .in t of oil., r ymr. Their lunr tt miiii tnw , Til t )., in'.! ii.iiic in i.ur idrii. Arc tilciit loiij; tio. Tt-e t.e.irt til I li. H ur-umi our ow n, The utl,j:tii of iheir r.. Thrryia tlel loit.ltv, Wurinly fthonr, Are iKo Willi otli.rdyn. 'I I. plcsiMi.t iliii.j; ni nih.r dy, Tliry luei llie,., ..'if t.itk, 1'.. Ir -c, '. i. ..iitry z-, 'J'i.eir Uri'l.l itii.t early tract.. 7'liry life litis 1,(1,1 of oltiiy fki'i.. Tie J w. l.-ti ll.e o-rnilig l1.t'f, nA wrk Mlltlit llirir crilliw.li ttyef, Tne U'mii of vwautied hourj. T'tr t-'tl with nlt iiiif ttitrnt Iread, Tli.o ini in y'li Ctnt d n mn, Like aliaUowy pnril .f the ucud, .Mouriiief f.r 1,1c aydtn. T i p' tuth cu d il mif hly tomb. And ii'ef lite present kiryi,, Tl"te r-rTlrt tfirma, hut li ! tbeir lioom IUa tlrii iil.cr diy. Tn ,.r.lt llnlipt of ntle r d. They !. r li.-y rilurii, ll.ii,. ,.'.' m,ih II,.- .ft'.jriii, Th .1 o'er yuull. brnjht y bu:n. T"" sit the inArrtttf. fw m o'er. Si, 1 1 1'ir.i' the l i'.cM pi y A l.laed trUam. Ilk that ( yotc. Which lighted ..titer day. Tisftllancoiis. 'torn llit fiia CtluHil.nn. TI1K l.OYiK'S Ml! ATA (JEM It was one morning in the latter part of Jimiarv. I!!!, that a lar-f ntimler if our fool citixrlis of the town of Newca-tle, l'-laware, Were collected on its landing, or p,.r, to wilmi's the progress, ami ultiiu ate Lit, of a small veel down the Hay, scud ding under Larr poles, ami cndcaiorinj; to make port. At oua Iiioutent aha rose on the cre-t of the wave", and the next was Iwt 'o si-ht in the trough of the sea. The storm which Lad continued tLrouh the nijht. and still rae-ed. though mo-t of its f.ji y ua -pttt, relldMreil iLc ihalli'U lor the little cralt to gain the harhor, extfitne ly perilous. I lie -pray dashed quite orcr the rrowd of spectators, who still held their place. nlirely al.sorLetl in wstcLiii her, ami tryiti", with tl,n aid of plasse. to make out lor name and destination. Newcastle, at tint time, contained a iiuuiher of agents of 1'hiUdelpLia merchants, interested in pri- tale nrin.'tl ship, who, unaLle to pursue tb'ir former trading during the war, had iiiihsik'd in the riiiher haiardous Lusiiirsa of pri . aloerin. Amon2 (hose, stootl one who-e name was Christian Wernw a., the "i of a llulcli nierel ant, formerly of ril.le!phia, w ho hail left at his death a i! e-t.vl It-Led mercantile Lusiucsa loins Lop. ful heir. CLri.i.u,. t;i. l.i. f.,k..r mmn(u aarlnts. 1 '" .-..".'i - - - - n p'oddinj character; Lot his capirhv waa uarrow ami Ins ili-p.i-itiou ijeiiHrti ly . At list, throuL-li the skill of hi r helms- man, the little vessel approached the pier, in I w is h iil.'d w ith loud cheers as she rati up the American (Ixj. No sootier was she moored at the wharf than ahe waa Lcsiej;ed Ly a rrowd of peo-p't.iri-r lo welcome her hardy crew. She proved lo Le the schooner It. Q . well known in ln-r time as a auceessftjl cruiser, and had tin,! the oys..e a.'r. home from ( uhaven, Hi th North Sea. ' liri-li in, who owned share in her, liur- "eil on hoard to see the Captain; Lut "tartetl back on Li Loldine a passenger at traie.' way door, with a cloak on, and a mall trunk in his hand. The face K im liifdialely recoe;nixed. and at once com nieiieed a retreat; Lut, on aeroml thouoht, .he stopped ami awaited the Captain's lei- . .... ,i tire, .iieanwliile, llm pisscncer nan rone on ' :.. I nil ;irrJ..rairH urJ ui.i. fi. mm. in a. oincer mat .ur. ncn-y nan nuwever, to see me eoi.ipl. l ucccss ot il 1 ' : "r .i,: i .,.:.:,,, ,u, ,,f ,.i,i canton, will cross (irants, .Second, am hi nit .li..i. of Hi K.i. r-. .P""1 ""' hundred dollar for bs pas. in the prolound slumber of SelLy. Search- L(, u, iIljuctMV,,t a.r.,ii 0 ,rlrar oll tlilt Witl.row'a erects, thence near-to, or a little j Aiivc.,.-.... i.U d t U. ,.. r ""t-'V '-' careliiHy the pockets of his rival, he slll,j(;ct t.M,,,iu a," Inaiu f,atur,s of Kou.h of Statesville an-1 'J hird creek, and ,(liili..e. or I.... lln. .ltd tjr) i..r inc- 1. el uiiiin to t he tow n. he foiiml Lis ay lomidit letter of .-o.ne len-.-th from the tie systenrare ahout tote so t.oarlv adnrt thene.. l,y )ilord s funl . and aloiiL' or very t. ,i,i,... aiiUi.-. c.i.l...r.Ml,e,,,,i,m. into the presence of .Mr. ,ll.y,j,i-t as that merchant at llainhurto Mr. Morrison, . '.m. s '..,. LlltP l.':.' , KU,l', tiear the main Catawha l'.iver toMor-aii- , , ,ur,,.iv.ni:ei..; i.t. ..uM.er.H .!.!.. ; '(! "d l.-man had en-a-ed a wat in the mail Matin- thatthe conimi.sioi.er.s of the United ...i". 1 l ,i I i . fo"10 -ubl. , , I. Ini'liir : mill I. (iieueiioii ol 331 ih r r , ,., ., , , . . ... ... . . . ., ...... . tuted I. V the I.c ,'lslat Ultf. as tlie laulU line. 1 iiiisniit .mii) n.s i unit .-, . .,11 U. i.m.' lio, m'ul.r .r.c.. l..r f0"1" to i iiiiaiieiptiia. l.l.u-tian as we .-i.ues ami tno-e ot l-.n-WmU were tt.ln at illMua(j' r , ..,;.,. UuL :) ' p.ses near to, or say, fi milej south il i-rii-r .... .... - - - , . . ; . i J' - ' , - . j - J liere over the vessel's side add proceeded to the y i,. .topped ; Lut his eye was attracted hotel, or stage office, a short distance off. ,y tu. j,liro t'rom nn apothecary's shop. "ItiaCenrpe SlLy, sure enough," ut- Ah," he thought, " I have a key here." t-rrd Christian to himsblf. " What ceuld He saw the ruin of his hopes if Selby sue he Lrousht him home at this time, and ceeded ; he should lo-e Mary, lie should in this vessel? Perhaps he has conic on lose her father's wealth. Could lie not oL- otuc speculation which will make his for- tain the i is in this simp to eave them ? tune, and if so, then farewell to my kope True, the scheme wa, perhaps, dingerous ; ' Mary Morrison. Hut I will find out,", Lut then the risk was not great compared 31 then be rati in Lasts U overtake Liin. with that of losing lady and her wealth '. Mr. Sclhy, a young man of five n n twenty, turned at the approach of Cluis. tiini, nii'l eyed him more severely than olhrrwi-o, returning his low bow Ly only a slight, Inrtnal i ml. K-iul ! though he wii-, In- h;is slil! I,, lit on .1 clo-er iicri'iaiu- tunc'; hut he did not wili to lose eight of ,ie ..piuin. rjo, retracing Ins tip-, he . .. ... . .. .... . learned tri: 1. - ..I I .. 1. . . . 1 t . f . . . - . I iie mw cienrijr me piunoi seii-iiiveresi, aim alw v tolloel It He WHS ws , not destitute I had heen heard ' of fpeeuUtivf viers, and . - i i - u - .i i to rn ii ii Inn, -ill on mnerinr emi iiin.r. Ilnmi' i this Loa-I, omoiijr those who knew 1. in,, (.'aim d no credit. Mr. Sell.y." said he, " I hardly expect ne ran Le friends; hut that is no r a-on we ishould he enemies. We may Le rivals Iiouoral'lj; rivals. If wealth is on my side, you Lave o'nr advantages ; Lut eoine, let u dine I ' i.' 1 1 n r I alii anximls to hear the news Iimhi iil.roail, and jirhaps," he ii . . i i aon. ii. un i an i.i e irM :il a si i e. "inv limitc new s may he acccptul .e Ii, o l.'' "' ,",-l,,T wrs ff-'i'k and np. ii, and to say tli truth, ."seliiy as anxious to hear what (,'ln i-llali could tell, tnouli rather throui'h another eh mm 1. lie, liowevi r, d. -elined the i ii v i t .i t i "ii , as the eo n 1, would Mart in h.i't a:i Lour, 'il..' r i ' fi' in ) Clili ta.l l..t li ..r.; il.'i-.- to !. . p hi ri v iu . o j a i , v ll'' -; 1 1 n-!, I in - pe ra tion. Ii'lcn-i- 1'i.iei'l K jiiiii 'l lion to liiid out tin- oihi.rs s'liit, Ly w I, ,t-.,ei r lue.ins allaiiialde. l.oveof M ,ry Morii-oii. tr iLe de-ire for her wealth, prompted Liu. to the overt!, row of a ritsl Ltloved L the lady lhoo:'h ii"t rounti n n, ci d Ly her lilli.r. .'"iioiilil, however, lie.irf Selly li.'olni' rich, !. l r l.ithvr'a oi'jel'tlulis Would V J ni I, " It is very foi Innate I Imppeiied to Le here," muttered Christian to hiin-elf, as he paced the hotel parlor, alter hat in- en-a.'-ed a neat in the -atne coach with Helhv, his own Lu-iin-s in .era-t'.t Lein- st tiled. It not Ion.: till the staehuru .mind- .. .. ed, and ii, ten minute neoe 1.1:1.10 Si l'oy and Chii-liaii Weiuwaj; wife Lomu rapidly aay. .n... c,. ... l : i .:i ... .. ni'.r. i.i..i -e . i l , y l.i.n... i:i,,i.': v and here we may as well ae(iiiiit the reader with his Li-tory. He had Leen the confi dential clerk of Mr. Morrison, a wealthy merchant v( Scutch t-xiraetiun, Lut lou' resident in the riiy of l'ci,ti, and im'tLied for mo-t of Lis wealth to the wars of L.u rote. SeiLv Lad caiiied Lis e-t.'ein vtns admitted to l,ia pi mite circle, mid had won lha affections of the merchant's on') tlauj;h Ur, though aim mi rlo-ely Lesieycd Ly the attention! of Mr. Chri-liau Wrrriwag. To Sell, v. thr latter was no slr''t,t' r, as they had often met on Lu-iiiess, iu the countii,.' hou-e. Chii-tian's traitioii s'.-t. in of nc coutit, ami l.i- unw : iir- ri tss to pay charges aiiowetl Ly cm. nuclei ji u-a;o -. rendered Ion, ail Uliplca-.tl.; mat, til i! j lill-i'le-s with. i.siiLr, eiij.en 1 i. d Ly the-c Lit -kei i,, -, C I. II ' ' I to cons,, to Liitrt d, win ii tin y Le- can.r rit al-. f .1 in .Mr M. SlollS, when II in,- in inn:.,. CLri li.iti look tr i i -in, ot his !, I Vj.' il. ! ''I l-loll I' i,i- Lik" I..II..V ti-u -nd- "I. .1 i.t r. .i .iM .a- nt lot i? nud ti'ielity I .twit n !':. I phi-, and in Sell'V s Lii:,' st .l, as a--,-tai.t, tu in old c oi.iucr ri.il fli.iid iu 1 1 iliilur,', to whom he was hi'.ilv rt i t. in u. ended I v Mr. Morri-r.ii, w ho took otca-ioli to ssy to Sell.y he mii'lil al ways count on Lis Itieiid-lnp ; that pt-r-oti-rtllv, lit- l:.nl no t,Lieii.Mis to ti 1 ni a- a -on-in law; Lut witl.-i.it s'j!i,'.' i rn -p.ni.lin.' d-Valita.'i- of I.e. till', .111 alliance, with his family as impo--i.',e. The fair ladv Vuwetl rnti-taliry to Sill y, o Chri-tian eained nnthiii Ly the removal (( jj ,-ival : as her l.-illiir thuu.'h ::i.xi us , diM'ourai.'e an intimacy Le advantageous, wa- not. i,ot e etuied dis r, disposed I) eoiiliol hi tlaUL'hter's a fl't tioii". 'I rue, ('Lri-tian crew daily more a fivoiite with him, ina-noii li a- I i. itne.i l. o, a w ealt h y, tpiit t, praetieal ytninj iin-rohiiil, though d. lieiriit, perhaps, in personal graces and brightness ot u.teluct. Affairs p niaiiied in this ,,r when SelLv ; j,.(lt, ,, air. tied, on the dec wny for three apearetl we of the llo'er (j at Newca-tle. ,R. . j.o.l on, Cl.ti-tiati used rrrr a, tifi ,.f 0 extract the , t tt t ol (it nre fJ,-lLy'H journey, Lut in vain. To entice , ; all fro, reserve, Christian spoke of ary Morti-.-n. det rihrtl her l .tlu r' country seat at Hamilton ill:ii:e, the late , :( ti,( m w h eh M rv w is the Lc'.le, yc . ))( ,( n,' Li, L S.-ll.y li-!"i,ei with iu- . rt -t, t' r 'i ttiii- in H e plea-nre y tlv r- it .1, iii Us-Iil.o o." ll.e roll, r u ,r. afforded uri"cne- i. i. .1... ;.,rt ...f f..r. ii n,t uml. . t.iv ...Mi,....". ...... rj.e i',inresion that he accepted Chris - ilun a wronosa to tske supper. a,l rest il,..,.,...U. s for the nieht. at Chester. ( -ome tillecn or twenty miles In, m the city ) I he io it li tiny were in went no farther; lut the mail would Le taken Ly another, iu the course of the eCYhim;. At Che-ter. then, they slopped, and while ....,.. rr.n tritt.r Christian, t W hose -II - . ' . r . . CO'-ltlltlOIIS in recaril to the unex pecteil cir- . . . '. . ruiii-tances arouml linn, resu ted in a lie - termination to satisfy himself llm l,i.ht,l took a walk Ly hiinsrll iu tin very tieet. sage " " -lw, hinnlred dollars lor his pa ,e xclainn-tl to himself, " ami in curves Hid ! Whv ditl tiot some ot tin llii'.'li-h cruisers fall in with her ? The old sea do, Captain ii , would certainly have foue-hi, ami then we might have got rid of this ser pent, who comes to cause my misery. I u-,.,.,l..r does Le know he is pay in.' mr a ... rt of Lis tia'MiL'e money I I1C0IISC10US- into fho shop lie went ami purchase! a ial of laudanum. 1 1 was, of course, then, no surprise to Chii - lian to observe SelLy, after nipper, (which was fulloueil l.y a Lottie of wine,) prow drowsy, and fall fast asleep. Chris- tiati ns-istci the IiiihIIoiiI in carrying up stairs, the victim ot Ins y Uliany, remaining' . ' .V I .. . . . . . ... t I jn-aee, aim peinujis uy ihul uuie one nau Leen agreed upon, . It proeeeileil to 1 to proht l,y advise him in'- jr ij.inji.il ii v iiiuh i'r ii l' ! I lieu ises ,. . , ; , iil tin n haiiitue t icreiii -iieiilieil, even to , ,. , . , . I In: ex 'cut ol tus capital, m oriu r to nn i t . . 1 , ' - 11. i- luavv tleniiiiiil uti ne Ainei lean hiaiKet, . ., '; winch I he cxiieclid treaty would create . I .. :. .r i .. . i i . . , the piolit.- to Le ,-hared Lelwven him and . . . Mr. SelLy, Lo Lad eagerly undertaktti to Le the Leaicr of the lievv.-, cvtu at the li.-k of capture. . ,,.,,,, us e icpiaeeu t ..- Utter, Miry ,.,r,i- ,n is tl,e cau-e ol tin- umlertakii.-. as !' fau-e ; "t my l.ein- cna-eil iii tins dirty work ; Lut i it not all fair ' I was Lcr suitor be fore SdLy ever dared to address her, and he would e:it me out Lut it sail ri-ht, now." It is haid Ly the "Ureal liird," that Vaulting iiinl.it lull oft oil Lap" it elf; and in tbi- ex iiep'e, l,i. i- sii-taine'! ; ti.r Seii y. in ari,i'in in the propo-al ot' Cl.ii ti in to .slay ovi r l.'iL'I't, t Iimi i.t pinja r to pl-.oe in the Land- ol the driver of i Le next roach, i dnplici.le ropy of the L tier wLit h Chris tian read, to l e handed to Mr. M oi i i.-on on the aniialof the coach that niht 'J he loan was to leave word that Si ll arrive next day. Two Spani-h with tl,.- piomi-e of mom Lr the delivery ol the lell.T, Lad scaled y vvjuld dollar", faithful his lij.s, ami secuicil ta.s coituiJeuce. The m xt mori,in;r found SelLj very un well, and a physician was railed, who saw at once the iKtisr of his illness. Adininis teiin a mu-tard cnn lie, and dvi-in Lis p."'ht t. .1 t.l ... rise from I. is Led as soon as it late, the doctor took Lis leave. " e.t'V wev. r, who now clearly ujn etc, I ti.e viiiaiiiy of his rival, result ed to keep I.,- Led for sij( li a length ot tin t- as wimld .i.M, 1'ii.n.ji-, , w H',ic .,.-lili?. J IIU 1 river who carried Lis letter, would return at noon, and SelLy rcpiested CLri-tian to remain with him until the rvt nit,, w lien lie slioiihl, no ilouLt, Le aide to pioceed with Llm to tLc r iry. To this, the latter cou si iiit il at once ; Lut, as time woultl tLcrel y L.I... I.. ..w t. a spt tin iiieseti(;cr, w Lo would r.-ach Philadelphia l y two or three o'clock in the afternoon, instruction to his chief clerk, similar to those in Sel Ly 's letter. His ordt rs were peremptory, and 1( ft the clerk no tiuje to hcslt-.te. On the returli of the cvicli .ltr.,r from I'Lila'.-'plii a, lie iiiformed Silly of lie pt.i.et ial tliiivt ry of Lis L ti.-r to Mr. Mor-n-i.ii, w ii Lin three Lours of its .i,put:ire ft diii ( 'ln-t'T. Two i.iore Spani-h dollars fc.iiiciiiiicd th.? Lu-iiies, ami S. il v made pr. p , rations lo proceed Ly the C'.a. h in tire evening. No n-pii ion hav in ,-iiteie l the lliil.il of Chll-ti ill that all was ln.l tio,t,he w ,s reatly at the proper lime, and Ly seven o'.Iotk, 1'. M , the coach, with !, ,lli geullu mt ii. wa- on its w a v Mr. M.,rri-oii, on receipt of Li old friend's Liter, was very much suipiised. lie retired to his chauiher lo cli-iiler the first course to Le piir-ue.l in the iiioriiini', and made memoranda of all he -houlil pur-ci.a-e. No eue cl-e wa- the wier of the cot, t tits i.f tli.it Liter, until Le was no I niL'i r t j ie atli cted Ly it ; at least so he thought. The next morning Mr. Morrison made his purchases, ami Ly twelve o'clock, noon, they were all, as a measure of safetv, stored under Cu-loni-Mouse lock. It was then that the tncrtdi a i.t made ktiO'.tn so much of that letter as related to the t Xpected treaty of "jr.., and inmi. li 1 1 . ' v a'l the nn r cli i , . 1 1 . . fir t X oi t rose a h uml ml per it tit. The litter of Christian to his clerk, was received ahoiit six o clock that cvenim.', and, ns no ehoi.'C remained Lctwc. n tli-o-Letliem e and a compliatire with his em- plover's in-ti m tiotis, ih,. eli tk acted f.i rk acini fall up t" 1 1, em tv of t'oo.L in receipting Lt sm li a ,tiat tt- as, at the ailvanceil Iirices in yoKtd tieaily the whole of his rinp.ovei s c. pital. The old State-House clock strnrlc ten, when the two ri . as alighted from the ro tch Stll.y proeeediiiir to tlie hon-e of Mr. Morrison, and Chii-tian to that of hi- e'ei k. w ho, aft, r informing him of the vei ei.t of Lis L I r . r, and Lis puicha-. s on it. I.,i'h. was desirous to know th" grounds he "cted on. " My eroumls," said he, " are tln -e : peace is alreatly aereeii upotj of l.hetit. I " (ootl hravetis! sir." exclaimed the cleric, tills IS a Lad Lu-it,es; Mr. Morri- son received that nens yesterday luorniiiej. and l ou .'lit, on the strength of it, a hun dred thousand dillars worth Ltfore he mailt' it. known. I tires went up a liumlretl per cent, the moment the news Lccame puldic " Chri-tian was stupefied ; his knees shook I 1,1.1 'I .. ....... , U'y I l , ' " "' -"- I - I 1 .. 1 ... . . . 1. ..1 ...... 'I'l. .. .1 .... ' rf " ,r, 1 aiiiiw-t, i' it ,i i. , nt'fc. int. .ii-.i-n-t preyed upon Ins spirits to "iieli a ileuree that he fell sick, ami soon after left the city, without even taking' leave of Mr. Morri-on or Lis daughter, ueither of whom he dared .encounter. I, u ;,. ),. nriniT ml...n il.Althe un-couiitrv and Icnuessee tr.nl. won!,! iifii ml news of peace arrived; and, as the joy-hells pealed long ami loud, Mr. Morri- son's brig Cilohe was taking in Lcr ladintr for IlaiiiLttrg. (ieorge SelLy was to go su percargo, hut when the period of departure arrived, he could not tear himself away from Mary Morrison. He explained the state of his affection to her father, wboas surcd him, if she were willimr, he tni.jht have Mary for a partner for life, and Mr. Morrison for a partner in business. Ms Morrison hecame Mrs. Selky ; whilst the fate of Chri-tian Wrrnwa; was spoken of as a signal warning to all, that " Jljtctty ii t'ic lit jiulii-j." -.yc-Tr nun. F um il.e Kaliiik Iirgi-trr. WFSTLT.N NOliTII CAllULINA RAIL liOAT. I -V-. i:,l,lr . I 'pot suppose, after giving my views in regard to the North Carolina system of liailroada, and touching the survey for the ' W.estern Extension" arc LTowiii.r .mdication.i. however. several r.uarters. i.ni! eactlv eonsi-t....,!. with the Lest interest- 'f.the Stale, which lulllte it prop, ri.at (i ?houidVall attciiiiun ,i ... , . ... v. . to the sul ji ct ot the H e-tei n North (,.iro- . ,. . . . . . iianioad, and di.-eus iiujI? nniiiit. lv , , i , , i . , . . .. , ; tie' -'ate ami local Hi t e I e.-ls cull lie,' ted Vtllli ' ,, ,.i , ,i i c. . . it, and some oilier loads iu our State and lv....i. ... ioiiin . an, i i. The Asheville New, Ly way of compn- rison, savs of South Carolina: "Are In ill i vr hn nil ami .i t iui' i ill vuliitii. ItHll.ril tji til lit" Moll 'Ini US fix VT til it ml , , J,eilJ,t ,, It. ,fH lU if y sfl. (W ((;;;( ,m. lllllllJIIS uiil outh Cnrnlu.n : .Ac J4 oW riif limit r . pays in II ami hi t i ilizrus tirr liiult-ilil'i'iiil lliti tli"Ctil, liotiiiitililr," '1 his manifesto from the " Jllur Minn Inii s,' i. met Ly an i.i.ii-iial and ili.-courni;-injf voice from the " Mm' (i' 'tui." Vi s, from tin' Lr''l t. -t f ion- of Nvi tl, Carolina enterpiie, and L one who f.y rally i it-s L'ood sen-e on the nil. ect of l.ailioad ' He speaks of the CLar'ottc ntirl liutlierlord I'oad as tl,e true West, ru Kxlensttin to tLe i valleys of the Mi-.-is-ippi ami ULio, and !ays that Ashevilie is 44 miles nearer to lieaufort via Charlotte and W'il ii.iiitoit tli in Ly Sali-Lury and ("oldsLoro', arouud " llmt liCHiittlul in n i.i-t,t ti(ltlins." lie does not helicvethe extension from ! SalisLury, will Lc Lnilt; at all events, not I farther than to M)i)iantoti. (Although S.li.t.nrv taill I r..r in W i 1 ...i .. . rl At. vi'i i Charlotte than l.v the " cii'eiltii.l.i'iid ilms ' -1 lie iLinks also that -he Charlotte Western V' made for her. I'.xteiision lias the advantai'e, Loth iu route The linea-im s th.; up country people, ami resources, ami says; "It is evident ari-itio from the apparent col.lne-s t. wards that two lioad iuiaiiiij parallel into the this prent work in Kuwait and Iredell, is Western count ies, (an riot well he Luilt at quite; natural, as the fir-t section mii-t lo this time, ami if Luilt , they must cut each Luilt mainly Ly tho-c .'ounties. This cold other's throats." ni'ss may Le aeeounted for, however, Ly in- ! "A CatawLiun" discourses at lentli in vestments in other roods, the tightness of the W'atchinan, on the resources of his the money market, ami a sort of luliitu' se- county, and would almot induce us to Le- entity in Lrimr Ji ml minis. It is hoped, lieve there is room enough and wealth however, that .the imi. Ml, nt L a-t. w ill Le em ' h in Catawha, for Loth lloads. lie siihscrihed, Lefor.' or on the lth of July, :,t thinks that nature has uttered her voice in Statesville. Should this esscnti-il t L iueiit favor of Newton, ami the Laurels of South of practieahilit y Le waniiti at t'm time. Mountain, and against Sali-Lury, States, it will then Le time enough to talk a! o it ville, Tav lorsi ille, Lenoir, ami the Yadkin ev.nl in. State-ville and t he expense ot cross. valley ; although New tan is within 1 miles of l.iiicoliiton on the Ciarlotte Kxtt n-ion 1! lie llnliks tin- co , in.' 'I".' re lice tii.o. it Slates, vilie, vt rv tli-.-o if i -i to t.'atawLa a,d Ihii Kc, that lit.." aul i- lie t ..J. a little " h i rt.e in rat. ."i ;n eueuiiihr ii,ce' unv way. lixeil Ly iiil.i.- ed tue-uLers l.i-:siature. Nov. l y ail this, I s ,f the oppose, he in, rely intends lo irt .ipa soil ot ne- rnis rivalry Let w ecu the Scotch Iri.-i, and the I'uli I, : tor that fne country .North of Statesv ille, would really scctn to ju-tify a siy.,11 dit erect. ce as veil as any other .sec tion on. the route. Jeaiu : I hear a rretitle murmur through tne extensive anil rertiievallcys ot'U atauga, Wilkes ami Caldwell, that I 'ave too ready a support to the route surveyed Ly Major (Jwynii, that the " Watauga," or at ha-t a l.i-hi r route to Swamiauoa, wn '':" tLat t xtt u-ive region, and that, as Iha lvt-t. d more than was coiiven cut in Wataun land-, in the Lope of aiding in the huildiii' of ihat Koad, I ouht still to ha ve ad vacated that route. Now a word of comfort to each : The A-hevi!!e News may he a'-u-ol that he has done iiiju-tien to tLc intelligent and -itt.-r j. i-iiilt citiei,s of liiincoiiil.i-; and that e have iti.iu.'li of State ptil.1 u- t " rally vis, and W'' ciioul.Ii, t,..r the ( id North State, tloil Lless Lcr 1 to do more for her than any other State can do ! That h,T churns arc sufficiently " hih-miiiiled," " honoruLle,'' and " iiifellijjciif," to put iu suece-sful operation the two real arteries of our sv-teiit, strrtchin-' from the sea id, via S.ilishurv and ' Cliurlottc, t ) a junction in the county of Cahi w. ll. Burke or , Ji mill, (or ., reliance nt Ashevilie) i And when we eeiue-to unlock the moun tains of 1 a. 'onile, we wlil scarcely ask South Caro,; '. to Le'p u! Asa matter of curtesy, however, v, . may vtrv well let her join ii-in M. I ),, .i . count v to take a hind with ii- in the lilue liide;.', (as hen to ll. re -u'e-tid.) lor we have no o' jt ttioii to a social tide will, our si-ler at the proper tin e and place ! The voice from " the I5!ue Ocein " lias simply dune injustice to its taL.'i.tcd author, in tlie lon prey ah tit Lliiulnc.-.s to the ex tent and value of the Western counties, and the valleys of the lilue: mountains, which, if he could see more of them, would tu-pirc him wn!i the pot tie elotjuenre ot J-ir Walter Scott. I I ajjrec with ' A CatawLiau " fully as to 'the Leauty ami value of his county ; yet, it ...1 I .1 .1 . , "my "" " uicivaie ouitis ' t r . . I . . . I . . .i . ciar.inne; etiuai iiiiruriaure . .-iiti rattier than have the Western North Carolina1 liailroad cut at tie throat, the town ol ! Newton will acrrpt, I am sure, a plan for a I witler margin Lrtweeti them than 11 miles : lor even without this lalal re.ult, much of; cross the North Carolina or SalisLury Kx - ! tension ami go to more Southern markets, ' ami, Ly the well known tendency of our trade i ow ne. an! a'el southward, u hieh lie so well described this intermed iato niargtn' walk or money to pay for conveyance, will chiefly belong to the lower or I'harlotte ex-j step there long. T he earth, they' report, i tensiou. Again, woubl the junction of these actually parched an I baked to the solidity 1 roads at the town of Newton, as would in-1 of brick by the long drought, so tint it evitahly be the result, give to other counties cannot Le ploughed, and i:o vegetation ap j enual o. adeouate kd vantages ' And w-ben pears for cattle ; there i no wood for build ' grown into a city, as it would be Ly the, junction, so low lown III so fine a country J within 4.1 er AH imles of Charlotte and Salisbury, how wou'T it effect the inte-ests of iLcse tsjwLs! Would cot juoctiou further up be Letter for all setfivus, ati'l for e a, h , oud ? " A Cutuwbiaii " is also mistaken in the v""r J '""". m well us in the direction of tllu t0"t0- My own recoiuiuissiiiiee, the "fvcys Ly Maj. l.wjmi and Prof. Mitchell, aH tltt best mnp, all go to show in ai 1 lie u 1 reel line iroiu jsali.-tuiry to .Mor- 1 of ' m.,.- .win, Newton anl 1 ' miles .-soutli ot J.enoir. A proxirn.-ite line may Le lo-.ated Lct.vcen "-"l. (r Lookout- Shoal-.) ami ,l orL'atitoti, Wltlmut tiiiitenal inerea-e ot distance iilon- I 'inc l!idL-e in Cat.ittL.-i 1 eoiiuty, and Mai Ket llide in Caldm 11, illi- in ti miles of the villa-'es of Newton and ' l.eiioir. Tl:ce ritk'es are Loth (ipiaito the " I'mhe " or " Mountahi liide," and throughout their v hole course, in view of some of the fine-t liiountain scenery, ahnuiidiii' in h.iiid-oinc sunniier r.-idenei , aii'l pas-ill' through Cot iw lm county, 1 e ttteeii the valley of nr. in Catnuha on the North (so cliiiietit!V ileseiil ed.) ami the town of Newton on the Smth then i r --- y ini; t lie fiver and alon Mark.-t l.ide in Caldwell county. North of the river, and a little near.-r to the upper Yadkin and W.i tau.'a vail ic-, to a ri Os.-i nr near Moi'.h.iom. " A Catawl ian " would Le more reason ahle to a!. line n" "i rou promise, cni Lracii,c' all the coin, ties within proper riiii''f. I'or, although rros.-ii,'' the river tarce turn s, it will scarcely cro-s a creek or Lrancli of any eoi:seiuenc e Letwern Vithrow'a creek ami Moranton. lie would do Letter, however, to eon-ider win tLer a line still higher, thronjh.Taylors- villi? and Lenoir, (l.eiriL' ln,i a few miles further.) would no', h r the reasons already pien, he more ju-t to the vp-nm,,!, and tlie Mate ; tor I have rea-on to hope that. " the interests of tin trite w ill Le eorisiilt an fMpial chatien lie will fuili',1 the IIHU .1 " t ,llt:l Willi has wilh 0,1"!r SeCtiols, that s ire: Third creek arid Sa'i-l ury Lv a parallel road Lelow uml all an-nmd the creeks. It i premature, and, perl,a.--, nnj i-t to entertain any tloul t- of oor n.'i.'l.i.ors Le fore tlicy are tiied.nni al-o tii.iiei'es-arv, as the fait h of the Slato is te, il--t d to the Western eoimt'i s iu the compromises of the List session, and when the neees-ity arrives. ?IC w;n sustain us in any course that may Le essential to ; success. The crantin of this charter b the (ir-t act of the State thatlias tver looked like d o i 1 1 justice to the W-st, and she has now madt: for us a mi nilicnt provision, where with to wo?k out, not only our own di-eti-tliralmcpt, hut the welfare and chief jrlorv of our Stale, Ly si curing for her the mo-t eav and speedy coiincetiou with l!,': L'iut N'.vf .' Then w ho, I tlii. havtno ;m i-K, ii tt -lor s i.-h .1 tru-t as interest in the Ko-id or a ot its affair-, could find the purpose iu his- heart to warp it for selfish or sectional aim or check our on ward march to sun-set shores. A work for each and lor all 1 Who that has lands or pur-o that will not coiitrihute of his aloin dance? ISenare that your own children have no cau-e, herealt. r, to rebuke you I W ho that ii .s I .t;ii!ti-, with a wile :.r: 1 children to suppnl :. Ill Mtiloes i,,,t f , t 1 his l o-oiii swell with tlie con-eio,s l.apt'V thought, that he has in Lis ri.'ht arm one or two shares nt lea-t which he can easilv work out on the lioad, mid Lv the increase of waues, sni'poi t Lis family in the mean tin,. '' He n then cunt i line Lis work on t in' 1! ,' Lis farm, or at his trade, and with the ad vanced price of lah or and the sale of his stock, (ii Lc choose to rl!,) he may furui-h liiin-elf and family wit'i com! 'it- to which they were stranger- Lelore. Arc tin re any, (except lltitlcr peculiar rirciiui-tanct -. i w 1. will claim auht tor ri-.lit of way to this life giving art-ry '.' llcrture of the silent linger of .-c..ru 1 I In conclusion, while wc wlsli mo-t hearty 1 success t., the t'ii.irlotto exit ti-U.ii. we ran ! say to our Side (.'', and the rin : Fear not for us. Should there Le any la 1 -Itering now, or on the 4th of July, at States ' ville, our lilue Mountains would cat u deeper shade upon u-; and. in very anguish, we should cry out " Once more to the l.reacli, urar menus once more . W.M. A 1.MNC1K. l'urt J)'Jiuirrl .piit L''i, The IVhik Sipk. The New Lurvport dolorous puce Herald gives the fjilovviii of intelligence : i " Five of our Kan as rniijratits art ive I with soiry- ace . lint tilt' condition ol the home on U eiliirsuay ot the country ami 1 scttlrrs, hat thev 'say, tin rt is n 1 danger that Kansas wul become a free ..t slave State till the rest of the world is over pent, led, tor iioho'ly that has strength t, ins', and no water but iu the rivers to L. hau. 1 nese emiet ant ore rcli itlo men. but other equally reliable, eivo directly contrary statements, aud say that it is the trs:l-ea -" luu wor--'' ' i - V' KIIII.K.NM t? Al'.l'.lVAI. Ol-' Till: STKAMIIR ASIA l-1 v hays i.Atr.it ii;om fitmu'i:. Halifax, April 7, 1 "-". The steamer Asia arrived here (hi ev itiu.' at lit o'clock, with Livcipool (I ites of Apiil one Week later than la.-t advic. s. The A.-ia passed the steamer llaltie ol the '-.'tltli, in th" evciiin', oft" Tuskar. The Asia nailed f rum llaiilax at 11'. o'clock. The steamer 1 1 arm n mi s-iihil from South aiejitoii for New Yolk on the "J."itli ult. CttM.MIlllCIAI, NKWS. T,l Kf.l'i ii .1., A .i il - 7, l ",. l'lon, Urow n .t Shipley's Ciicul:,r : l'ott..ri. 'J L" sales ol' the week foot of 1 1 i-s!,IHi() Lairs; iiielui! i nj: HI ,' tl I hales to speculators and Id,". II Laic's I'or rxpoit. Tin: market ha- Leen veiy lie tite, a lid pi iees have sli.'l.t 1 v nil t a i.n .1 , sa y l-l'i-a 'd ; fair and nii.iiliii,.' ijualit :e h a . ill.pl'.iM d i, .,-t ; I'r'eatis fair ' d, n.iilil li iil i.j-lliil; I'plalid f.,ir .").!, n.i.i .1 liii vr oU-lti. l;i:t:.,.-Tt t is . P.i own ami Shipley i'.te 1 read. -tu II- a - Lav iie.' c-oii-ideral.lv ad i :n d. with a larL'e ' pefiil ri tivtf diinanil and the market lii"Vin,t, W'Leiit Las ad v v. need (id a "d. I'ionr ha- nd v ai l Is (id a ni.ii emu has advPiired The ( imla t ion- are follows; Western ('una I flour ."'-s a i-t- (id ; ( Lio :t- a ; It s ; mixed col u 1 ; s 47s, the mark, t clo-it From Kit -hardsou. Lie : I'rovi-ions. '1 1 , t. '! II 1". ai ; v lo lo OJ .stead', ji.-liee I tiiark' t i- Cirru is generally unchanged except Laeoti, wLirii h is a.lvalic rd Is. with an activ u speculative ili uiai.d. Lard has advanced Us, with sales (luting the we, 1; at I'i'-. a .Vs. I'rouuee. Sugar lia ntlvaneed '-'s. (id , with a linn mar Let. Coil: e is steady and prices unchanged, I, aid has advanced to oJ)s. Iron i- steady and unchanged. Freights. The lutes are steady and un ci, an g-d. Stocks and Money. American .-locks are steady ntid pi ic- unchanged. liaiing Jirotht is A: (V (pete : The niou. ev mark' t is easier, dti-tals Lave ilecliio'd, ami close 1 at a Kagh s -'J-. V.' '" d I'. illion has inf-rea-eil in tlie Lank jLo'-'.('"(L American stocks arc steady ami prices tin changed. I'. S Cd'.'s oi l "'(' (honds,! 1 (Mi a Ill's, nominal ; Maryland l.on.ls ill a !'il ; Ohio !M ; I'. inis'vK atiia 5 s 7-1 a NI ; ,!o l oml- -'-' a " I ; Virginia Lou, Is -it-', a ; l'eiin-ylvaiii a Central liailroad tir.-t- "-'J a !l 1 ; sooonds S I ; lit ie seconds, U,i u .jo . ,,, third a o. From Ih tiiiistoiiti fo'.s. Circular. Cot ton. There has hi'i-ii an active specula! ivc di tintid during th" week, c-peeiilly dining the la-t two days. M i, Idling ami Fair ',:iil ii;.' have impioved nmst, .jy 11 a ;!.; Moi il" I'o i r " ! . V .! il.l.g . Sales tO- 1 y (I'i id ay -d steady. .01,1 I e-, the mar 'fi t elos ,ort fit' ,1,(1(1(1 baits, III including .ii),nin Luiies o: American. Tiik Latest Salitnl: y. 'l l.e market f ,r cotton is .-trctly unchanged, with sales since the close of the market yesterday of 1-.'. IKKI Lal. s. From Kichard-on. Spenee A Co's. Cii'eu lar: Krea. 1 .-lull's. I "rices Lad eon-ider., I, ly advanced. The ivonther has Leeli unl'avor nlde lor the crops, ;tml corn has material lv advanced, say lis., market Luoyatit ; w hite corn 4'is. (id. a 4(. In Hour there Las Leen an active spi-euLitive iLinmd and healthv Lusiness, tlio market cio-ing active at iin advatiee of 'gs. Western t'.uial Hour, new, a in-., an. 1 eld Us. a d'-'s. lid.; I'hilad.Iphia and I i.iltiniore 4'-'-. a lit-.; (Ihio -lil. a l"s. Wheat Las Leen in active speeiilative demand, atel pi ices have ad van red l,d. a White lis. !,!. a I-.'.. .'Id.; s'e r.'d wheat ids. (id. a lis. Od. ; th market closing sternly. Tiik 1, v rcsr. Saturday. lire ad -tt ills are generally unchanged .since the cio-ing the lli'il l.i!. 8tel t-.'lltillll.' i.U.'V ilhts. I 'i ,,v ; iotis. Tim s:"ne rli ctllar cpiotes ; li.'i'f i- du'i and prices are unchanged. l!i c"ii is i:i att've sp. I'tihttive tlctiiaud; ami prices have a.l'..ric.d Is. Lard has ad v iiiecd 'J- and the market buoyant, sue-ce-sivcly advancing fruiu liis ton's. '1 :i I - low pric. in active s , oiil . : i ve il.'i., , :i I , and are coiisid, rt tly ad lane"'. Noiih- t r ii is i lot.ol atol s. n --. J l.e tu.ii net cio-ing linn a nd in.,- h .n o-.l From the llioker -s Cirru I'ot. Ashes arc ipiote'l ste.-i ir. I'eai 1 a nd ady, and pi ices nti ne .-loscd d i.ll, tint hanged. Spirits 1 urp Spirits unclinngi and price 1 .'I.,,. ( rude clo-cd s. ti I. l'.o-iii is acti . e st, at 7s :i,l. a and prices are tn e fi iiijc 1 I . I'iola- ,li 1 1 . hi a Lit'., is diili .-it !N. (i. Kh ladia- am is in relive -p, eu. itive di iu-iinl. Sugar and coffee are dull. Tea is active at un changed prices. LiusevJ oil o Is. ttj. a Whs. Trade at Manchester is steady, and prices ire unchanged. 1-mm li. mug, lu-oth.'rs .V ( o. ( 'icuiar April -7. l.t.Miiiv. Sugar has n.l.aio'ed '.'s lid., an 1 the linrketi- 111 in. (' il, e is stca.lv and um h ing.-.l. Tea is active and unchanged. Kite is in active speculative deuiaiid forlndii. ltreadstutls have con si. It rally advanced, with active -p"etilative dem iml. W heat has advanced Is a .', and l! 'ir '-s a il. White wheat Vs. a V. ; i ,. I 7 I a -'is. I 'lour a Fts 1. n d hid advineed t., o"-.. and el-. - lirrn. 'fal low is in actlv- sp .oul-itive denial.. I, I pi ires have coiei le rahiv advaiicetl, with -ales nt ""'". Spirits of turpentine H"s. ; cr n le !. Linseed oil firm at -'Uis ILL .1 .TTs. Metals 1 1 on i- stea.lv and unchanged Wt s'i i ails are ijii iti d on l.o n d at X 7-. lid. a fi lis :t I. ; ,1 ,. bar Iron .1 It's. a X i I"'-. Seoleii I'lg Iron is .j i i.-T a! li H, a tils, for mixed uuuilicrs on tin' Ciyd". bead is steady and um'liaiiged. (.'oppcr is buoy int. Tin is firm. A l.ovi WaHIM l'linspK T The Vien nt t'onfcreiiee hiving tot illy failed intend iug to any thing on which might be band pro-pects of peace, appearand at present indicate only a prot acted war in tlie pros ect. Hence s uae decisive success in tin C.'icci was aiiuttsljf Loped Svr, but u tu the latc-t dates from that quarter tiotliing; decisive had occurred. 'J he LoaiLardinent, however, was coiitiiiu.ed ly the allies. .-B'UMl PK.sI'ATi II. J Halifax, May. The Asia atrived at Tl o clock, and brings, dates to the tecning of Saturday, the. -,Kth ult. The dates from the Crimea '.re to tho lilth ult. from Lord Kaglan, and to the'-i'-'J from th Kus-iaiis, hi St. roter-Lurg. 1 In: Lombard mcnt v as slid continued, without any deci-ive result, but .with great 10. -s on Loth -idt'S. 1 Lo magnetic telegraph is now complete nm Loudon to the Crimen, except a few miles between liuchurcst liu-lcl.uch, Llit he Finish (Jovc'iiimciit retains exclusive 11. -e of it. The 1 Mikes Michael and Nicholas were t;",iii on their way to the Crimea. I'i into ,'lca-ci.ikoll is not i.'ead. I he I'ri tieh exhibition opening l,a been postponed 1 1 out the J I t li to the 15lh of May, TIIK VTKNWA OdM'KltENl E. Since the hreaking up of the Vienna Con fi retire there have been several supplemen tary meetings of the four parties without aiv th 'Unite result, 'i lc pit nipotci.tiariu,. as-cli.LU d en li.t; 'Jild, and .-igiit d the pro t ,col ol llie la-t ronferelici'. Siih-eiU..ht!y atn.tiitr Ineetiiig of the four powers was In hi at the nxut'-t of I'rince (iort-chakofT, whin lui t her inailinis-iLle propositions wero made Ly l!u-.-i an l'lc liipotc litiarics and re jected Lv France, I'inglaiid and Turkey. II. hoe l...i i l;u--e'. left Vienna he had a i i v ;.t" ii t- rv i. ot t ,.. u hours with Court Foul. llie ,'. '.-iit:.r.' of the French Miu-i-ler wa- p"st.i.l.eil for a few ilav-, iu order to tli-cu-5 in.lteij with the Au-triau gov. ertuiii tit. The general tone of opinion iu Knghind is that the war mu-t eoiitinue for a length t tu d period. The London Times -peaks of the po. icy of the lit vv Czar as more aud.i cions than his tathcr, and is to regiuded throughout I'lurope. I'ltoill: KS.S OF TIIK SIEGE. There is noihitig definite known relative to the condition of the siege, The general impt c.s-ion is favorable lo (lie success of the aliic-, I nt tin: li us-ia n-, returned their tiro IU a spl I Itetl II, a l,I,,T. A despatch received at Lrussels repor ted the su-pcn-ioii of the LoiiiLardlneUt, but the report was not credited, The details of the advices from the Cri mea state, that under date of April 'JI, tlie Loiui.at .1 meiit is being continued night and day from ;j . . 1 1 gnu-, each living I'-'J rounds per day. The Ma nud m Tower had been siluncod, and some of the round tower guns ili-nu,uut-ed, but ;he liedau and li inlcii batteries kept i p a heavy lire. There i" no immedi ate pr .-peel "' an a-sau!l Lt il g titti'inpto-i. Firing the night of the '.-lth a most sail giiiarv Lattle raged '.'tween the French ami .'lus-i in-, in which the former destroy ! th.- 1 . ii--i ,tis' i hie anil.'U.-cade iu fiot.toflLtt M ilalo fl' Timer. Apiil 1. A despatch to the French ( I n erii'ni'tit say - the lire of the French bat teries maintains it- superiority, They have sprung a mine before the flag staff' battery nt a di-tanceof til'ry meters, thereby open ing a new parallel, wliiek has Leen eueeess fullv joined to others. From the l'-';L to the 1 lth the French loss amounted to !!( I linn. A Mi II. 1!'. The French Minister of Wa r learns that the allies were still advancing, and were cnnsolitl iiiio their position, On tho night of tlie 17th the Uussiins innale. a strong sortie, Lut were promptly H-pul-eJ, l'riiice i iort-chakotl' s account of the siamej date a- the foregoing siys the allies' fire U growing l.-ss violent. The liiis-iau Latteries replied sir sin I ly , a ml on the night of the- 17th the l!u--iaiis made a suece-slul sortie, and destroyed the enemy's most advanced works. The los-es of the i:irrison durin the pa.-t few days has Leen inconsiderable. Tlie latest accounts from (iortschakoff, dated April '.".', stale that aft-r twelve diys Lombard meiit tLe allies, fire was Lecoininj; we'i's. at.d eau-ed Lut little tiaiuae' to the works. I'.cSSIA. 'i f.e St, 1'rtcrsLiirg Journal contains an iieperial re-cript expres-iug the Ilniperor'a salisfai'tioii at the defence of Sevastopol, und hoping that Meiischikoff s health will soon Le rest.. red. bestowing ufion Lim and Lis vlvsceiidants a pulaee at St, l'eter-Lurg, Tl'HKKf. Mehcniet Ali. the Sultan's brother-in-law, has been at r sted and sent to Siuope, charg ed w ith 1 eing ti ouldc.-Jiiie, til'LHATIo.NS ON' TIIK ISATTI.C. 'I he Lloeua L' of Siebaii h is been annum ee l troni the lTlli, mid all ports from thit to the ci.tiauce to Riga from the link of Apr.,. AfSTrt'.A AND BCSSIA. lierlin corre-potidence says that it hurdly admits of a ibuiLt that an itpproxiuiaticn of views has t.iken place between the Aus trian and l!us.-i::n Courts, which bodes no good to the Western Powers, llaron lless, with ti.e whole Austrian staff, would proceed totialicia on May 'J, Lut only to review tlie Au-tii.ni army, which he .-.ays cannot La ready to take the field before Augu-t. The overland mail hid hern telegraphed with Shanghai date to the !lh of March. l'er.-ia ervn'y avows her adhesiou to Uus i a Trade in India was dull, and money was The Chinese insurgents had evacuated Siianghai. A Kussian fi iejate had Lceu wrecked near .1 apt n. The ratification of the American treaty with .lap-in was concluded ai Jamodl on February '-T. C.KKAT liiUi.MV. In Parliament much energetic question ing of the ministry had taken place r.spei.'. ing the war, the scope of ail iht qjestiotis being to hasten tu liters. Sir tieorge t i rev stated th: t nutliortty h id been ginti the li 'Vernors of the liu tish Auici ic an pi ei inc -s to en!i-t meu for the regui tr .-iriny , not for the foreign legiwu. Mr. flsv'J Luna's e.,U..'.U.-t OvB'-.U'ti S'.ill

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