but n abolition organixation in dhguiso! It jg not wKliiu our province to purpose to de- feud the uiynteriou party which has lately eprunginto exittetioo. Tlie luuiubcr there - of appear capable of taking care of them- elves. Hut, wjiell they are charged, iu tlio South, With being leagued with the aboli- tiotiists of the North, and in the North.'with o ting in concert with tho slaveholder of the Sutb, we feel warranted in aayiug that one or the other of thvse allegations mbxt to unqualifiedly false. Uu this score lucre cm bu do tuiauku. Why BnKCKiNKiDOB Pet-limd the Spanish mihsion -Tbe Washington cor rt..poniient of the Tribune has the following : Another fact, connected with the Snau - . I "I i,b minion, m wort 1. meuiiou. 1 he moment Jlr. Sule learned hy ti-legrnph ut Madrid, tbal hi demand for a recall had been ac cepted, and Mr. Breckinridge appointed in bis place, bo wrote a long letter to that iicritleman, who im a pergonal friend , to P aliich be cave an expoae of tho state of the negotiation at that time, of tho dilliculliea) which he would liRve to encounter, of I he impossibility of gaining any reputntioD by accepting the appointment, nud udvi-cd him in coneiusiou to refuse it. One or two day a after the reception of thia letter at Waah- iueW, Mr. llr.ckiuri.lge, to the .Houia.,. nient ot every oue declined the Ppanitb I Mission, for 'reaoousof a private' ebarac- U't. nitKAPSTL'rrs. The PilUburg Chronicle -i . . -r .1.. : ssva I oince ine ojirniiir i ine uaiiiuou on tbe Illinom, naua.m, anu o:ner biuau riverii, the corn and flour have been flowing iuto our city in larger tpiantitira than ever Wfore, bile tlio dtinaud in the east ia rap- ... ...... i idly diiimiislung. Large quanlitiea are com-1 . ..!.!. i v .... vi. v .... c... lll'lfllu iWUil'."lie.r ii ,,t; j iiiiv ii'-ui v.iiii- i,.a, tree of duty under the reciprocity trea tr while there are hundred.-! of thousands of barrels at Detroit, Lliicago, 1 oledo and olber placet, awaiting the openine; of Lake navigation, which nm-t aho'tly take place. Tlie repoiU from all parts of the country are of the mo-it favorable character in re gard to the prospective crops, o that tbe people will have bread enough and to apare. i A Five Csvts Savino Hank The " Five Cents Saving lUi.l of l'o-lotr his been jg nisteiice a year, and the first annual re port of the Directors has just appeured. The li!e nuiuber of depositor it givru ,' t'J, and their respective a"jea ia matter of curi 0'ii iutereat. Dcpoailora uuder five jeirs cf ne, ""Ul ; fiye and lea than fifteen jear, 1 l.G-.l; fifteen and le.sa than twenty-one yum, l.ttoS ; twenty-one and less than eighty Jear, .O!)!). T'ie number who have deposited !sh than So is 3,0.14, j and less thaa $-' I, 1,5.2; 5-') and lest than 6"0,. 74; S5J and let than $100, f 1 5 j S.O0, and l.;a than $'MM, ''' ; from i'i 0 to 81,. OUO inclusive, V 3 1 . The whole amount re- ' eeived from depositors is $.10 ) ,221 0.1; the -a bole amount drawn by depo-itors is f .'),-2-7 y?; lcaviug a balance of 2Hl,im li.ilttfiun: I'uhiut. I - ' WltAT AM. VrK rOMlSO To ! A li?pt ch ia tlie New York Herald, dated Wattling- ton, May flth. I understand from . . i- ti i . i . -i t Fd and reliable authority, that tba I reM- dvitt pive up tba ir-iuia clcctian to the KoirNotbine DOtwitb-ilatidiuif the vain toastiDg and buaikupeiug of the Richmond r,ft,ri I 'Vth M(,,u,ay AH- u Kaqmrer ind other irirmia L abioet orcann. ' xv nin 1 u lOiiver-alioD with a Virginia griitlvtuaii, tk otluT day, Mr. I'icrco tipreriMil hi itut in very eioejiieol lernia. Said be : ' I dont Vaow wtiat we are coming to. Tlif r it a fi'Ttry aliout the prorcs of t.;: e Kiiow-.Noiliina tu the ouili hLiod n ... ii j , perfectly inexplicable. And if tlicy carry Viriiititd, tUt la-t remmiiintr bulwark ot the di n.ocrary, (tod oulv knows wli.it ia to 1 Irecouie of us.1 " 1 tr.s!HNATIO or ATTortNEV GtvrilAL. jj M. V. njiisom, Kq , of Warm-, ha Tr 3 si.-netl tho olT.ce of Attorney General, and jj Hit. I'rang dat ROtifind the Council of State At) meet iu tint city on the 3"lb iuataut, to fj til tlit vacancy. : We rerel lliat Mr. Kanom felt liiinsclf 1 cjiiijH'SIetl lo rrin the po.itiori. II made an uiie and vtncient ouiccr, ninl lias i.c- arredlT ou liicb di-lu.cli'iti in tlit per. oflioc. I :jriuince of the duties Cf tllB y kf.'.tigh Rrgistcr. li IrJ Ion .i . ... v TI.. V. York Time. tht todliiK'iitial oroan of William II. Sew. ani, and the alye.t Abolition paper in tlie :t 1 ninn. Violill flcelnr. thai " iusl nmr the j ,. ' J " J 1 Aii.A'im(p movrmetit. srems to lit nnt- i ''j und tlrmlilij allying lrlf v illi thr rmsUivriy movement of the southern S' i,.i A:i Ati'jNDAMCB or Uai. Aflr a lonj A "til protracted drou.-ht. uliicli threatened ".ill limine, tlie cloit'U i at!it r. tl al.ve liontonon ThnriJav lat, and in the af J t'raoon and iii.-tit noiirod out uiioii tlie tliir- I 'J urth their' liiuid trcnir'a. 'i'lie j.tft W1" t'r.iti'ful to animal as to tcttablo i and colli for grateful tliaiika to tli ?'"rf all ood. whoia watrliful eve. rmaured ty tlia unexpected token of liit wineaa, h over all bit works. Uttuni- F'U$ AZa T.'i.i. M . ten a. C0XSIGNKK.S l'Klt UAIt, ROAD, fK'M THE TII TO THE 15X11 MAV. 1 II. SiiioiiMii I .;..t. ....... i- iv .1 V "'liour. A limit. VV It Wiilifr Win JL'll.nd. l!otl.r I' l- iv! li It l- I I. , - - irwava, j . a. .V.tf A.' . W' '"W, J. lU.iist,'.ir & Co. Seller k M , J- Warren, Watts, S. it Co., A. C.i a. n.i &Co.,' c 'miho.i,, j. A, l),cusf,n, L. 11 .V r,V,r'. V. J. Urawky. W. J. Hoke K'urj.l.y i II. J1'.'1' ' 'ith I'oinl, tiaaton (.'ounly, N. Con 'Uli, "I April, In at, in the Villi, yrar of her age, " MAIty ASLNATII AUAL1NK I KAHi. " "I .Mr. Hun. .el W. Cr..ig, and dujhli r luea A. and "Sinta V. Heiidernnw, loavm ' ' ttiml md i nf., nt iUuj;hltr. .lli a I rye rfol i.llgelif.l fruiida In uniirii llieir aul bv '"it iit. In all the rt lalit.na ol d..iii;liU r, au.lt a, f ilet Hrreaed tuit ao livi'd aa to rereiv.' ' "leein and line of all Willi wlmin ahe aaaoci. ' ' h ul Ik'i n ti.r tome time an earinplary I'litr of the I'rrabyti'run Church, and ailed in 1 "pe of a bleaH d immortallly. IU,.,,.,! e n,, dl.j in ( hM "ly will we li. i. urn for lliem nn.re tin. i,ir,y billowa here with m..... i.. . .t ... ..mj iiHr, iiiry aiein y etrui'vle hrre below guide, tlirongli meny a julf of being', ,eit bark ; . "'It, IliirUmirfti in .l. rnl .... t WO, 'J f- t oir island of tlie bleat, ' yni on a mill 1 1 1 Ocean'a br . ; breaat. j nn.M'LANPS VLRMIFIUE. U During practice of more than twenty yare, Dr. McLane had attended Innumerable pa. ; tienta afflicted with tery form of wornnli.caee, j nd induced to apply all tlie encrgiee of hia mind to the diecovtry ol a vermifuge, or worm deetroy. er, certain in ita effecte ; the reault of hi. I. bora i. the American Worm Specific, now before tlie pub. tic, which ia perfectly aiifc, und may bu given alike to children of the moat tender one, or to Iho aged adult j it pnrgea mildly and aubdrtcj fever, and diatrnys worina with invariable aucceee. It ia eaay of adminiatrutinn, und ua it duta Dot con. lam mercury iu any iorm whatever, no realnc. liona arc ncciamry with regard to drinking cold water, nor ia it capable, of doing the leapt injury to the tenrfcrest infant. An i.wr. .Il.l,. i,...li. r r . i , I. i i Wurina I.I V,; item A t.- f .I. ................ c 1 n i- n.....i ... i. ..... ... t-iiaaetii wilt pifiiac uu I'.rtlU! lilllhK lilt !r. ,.,,, ... , ,, ,.,,, ,,, Hiar, unil take none lt.c. All other Virniifugra, in cniiipaiimin, aiu worthlcsa. Dr. .i'Luue'a genu, ino Veruiil'uge, alao hia Celebrated Liver Pilla, can now be hud at all rei.pecl.blu Drug Sione iu the United St.ik a jnd Canada. May 15, Jsjj. ow HYmEHEAL. ' irried. in thia town, at the reaidener n J"'ph Mead, on the Hlh int..nl, by :. Ove j B. OKI! IT. lf, Jr., to IiKLKJIOI'S NOTICK. The Mecklenburg County Ilihle Society will liohl ila Amicraary in the I'reaoy tcrian t hureli in "hurlulie, at IU o'clock, A. M., on Sumby, tlie li If I - .- :- "l.i ol .jy, Ifii. I l.e K. v. Jnllll I'. 1'icki t ami J.imea Walker ; ,u I'rol. 1). II. IMI wdl h lnir addroaea auiu. blc to the ucc.iaion. All Irunda of the IliMt und . " creul'" mvitvd to aitemt. 1. It. DL'N l.AP. Acttn" I'irtidtiit Mtrkltnhuijr to. ii.e .Vocierv. " ' ' ! ). a o. r. re mi: oirmr. nud .m- inherit of .M-Tkleiihiirg .N... H. I. M. . I-.. i. re JL noli licit lo ii. 1 1 i t lae i,.J-:;'e It... ol SunOdV Vlflll lliataiit, at t ei.f,, A. .vt, A dii:.iure ui he dilivi-red by IhollLr J. K. l ie.., i, at liic M. fc. Church. :. ii J. l)l J.H, Srrrrlary, IK-ni'icr. t cjiy. :l'K.'Jl.,N.O. iVolice. fJIIK Annul Mi.u.i; ol lie Si v klndiii r of M. tin Clnil..tle and 'J - j li.rnille I'lank lfo.i t olnpaliv will lie h hi on hriday, tlie 1 at day of Jil'.e in XI, t D.i lilaoii ('4iili;e. A pillittll .l at. U-i.d-.i.ce of all the St-K-k holut-rs ia e. ruestly rc. que,ul. aa himni-a of much iniKrtaiicu tu the Cuiopiiiy will be lranaelei'. JAS. i. HKNDKKSON, Trj. M'ij j. Ipjj. 115 . i .state or .oirni-c.uuLis.i, j M . Kl.a.s tlL'Hli l'(iUTV. I (hurl of I'Uas ami (Jitwtrr fasions, A pill Te, l""5o. John Simpaon i j to. . i i a .i..i K. B. StirP a r... 1' NpfKjtirni t' tin- ttifirtinn nf the Court, M. tltMt the utUtnianiH K. it. SiiL't iV l o. art not rt,iitJeiiU uf Iti s Ktt.' but rt;it!e bt. yonrt thr lintttc ol liif aiiiiif, it thufjtne otdt-t Ay tltt Vuuit. puMttat-ftii be .n.nit week iii tho ( h.ir. inlle V hij. iit'Wpfu'tHT (r in ltd in tne Umi of l'ba.riU, W,r au1 drlfitdants to ar;'tr ut tin- ncit "rm o(" tlll '-"urt, to be luld fi.r the county of Vl""Z llt 'rurtl,'uw1,,l V,,yM,, on Wic 4th Mt.nuajr n Julv iet, -nd iiljd, invwrr r drmor.or judguwia pro co-.fcwo iil tc ukrn oirmt thrm. WiU-cm, W. K R id, rlrrk nf our id Court, at iViiitcr'a fte $6. tlH i ? all am a p'Tfon ar f'irewirned tratiin f'.rew imrd Tor a Mc i m JVott: i'ieit l(v(fiov Mi I, urn or J i.f, i ru i' inaia. U4tiu Firii iar 1 1 iiitr iii mm 1Ktel(lbr ,.,r ir ,.,,. pUhU,,..n ,,. on f 'I'.. fill .. . i 1 . b.-ilf tuirnvf thi Mttiivil'f md. anowji m the M I.urr trc I nf h m?. An I am .tc(icd that tiny h.id no uthiinty to f nt .i.l Imtl, I am dr. trrmmrti not La pfav it uuU compclh d to ii-i bo by Uw. ,'. .1 X VN DICKS. 3t May ii, b.'3. unit r i: 1. 1. w i-1: h a i. i; INSTlTUTi:, Of Ifomri Ln.'x', 35. O. O. F., Inraltd al SlIKl.ttV, N. C. f gill l: Truatnaof llrtl l.tidji'. No. ft5, I. o. at. I . iil i'" U a Female St Iub.I hi tlin Iiikii ol Slit It. y. on mt liral M'.nti.iy in June n at, to lie' unjtr Hie aujH-rta.on autl oireciiun ot the Truait fft. The iiiti.l -xHrii'nrett and rrTn-ii nt Tt-aclirra have bt'i n tinplt.vtiJ. aa thr draiFii ia to render it one ol ll.e In at iii tlie Ui enunlry. Tliry tiavo r.ow in c.u.r oi conatruclion. a Urj;c arid r..niuniiJioua bmltliiif. wlucli will he et.iiiilrtt d tliia year. Tlir course of inatrurliou eiutirace all the branclita uaually t.iuglit in aii.it lar llialitutl.'lin. it i i:s oe 1 1 i ri() : Onlmrrapliy, I ilin, .ir.ti r.ttiif , per S xii.ii i I .' in ' . . . . M. ini I.. ..(rjp'iy .'jri,i..i r. t i mi. ...I. A f - III.IJ H.lirr Brain ut, i n.Iifai ..ii; A tie i 1. 1 Lingua. j. t. .Vgel.r i. i'-Min trv, II um , N. Iiii.iI ami Mtiiit.1 r:iil.....,l,j, c. .' Ij.UO I X I '( A vt I liti s: Mr.tr, on Pini", I i r t e.r ; u . I . r , p. r tt' o' I iktrtiuu nt. i. s.'n.no - -.'.oo . J 11.00 . Jj.tMl KiaaoiiF.a Iihawim.. 1'nvrha, c , l rn '"" - had in tlir l.eat fiiniliea on re. aouttliln terii'.. I A. W. Bl.'RTON, ) TIP S. WILLIAMS, Trio.'. ' I) HUINLIIKHOKU. ) j .Viy I j, ISij. ti3 George V. Williams & Co., WHOLESALE UKOCEKS. ,M. I II A K M Itl l I , t jiAiti.ixjvy.s.c, i liK now rtTeinnj; i l.'MlObiira Km, Jj , anil I..ipuavra rOl'FKK. 4IHI lilnia. .N. II., I'orto Kieouud .Moacovuda &ur. J(I0 bhla. ( l.irifietl, Crnalietl and Towderetl do. 1,'iMI hhUa. nt w erop Cuba MoLaae. 7IM) hi. I.. N. O. M.il.ia.ea. Kill) balra lleaty l.ililnv Cloth. 20110 pieces Heavy Dundee ILigjinf. 4 III II I roila It lie Ki.pe. SHUll ki R" N.ll taaiirti tl. 4n(l bt.lea Mperin anil Ad.iiuinlinc Candlra. idil hhla. in No. M " I. r.iwilt r.Sln.l, I I, Stop, ele.,elc, all of which will be old ul iiiull prolila li.rcaah or prompt p.iy. .W.iy 15, It...'.. Notice. UAVINC qualified aa adniiniatrator o the Kt.ile of Alriamler Springa, dercaaed, all raina mitibled lo aiuil Kal.ilf, are lirnby nolilit'd to eome liirwurd and make immediate payment of llie aame ; and nlati, all iK-ra.nia bar. ine eluinia uguinat a nd K.tnti', are hereby notified tn urewnt their claima to tbe nnderaignetl. It f.il. y aullicnticaled. wilbio the time pr.TCnlx'il by Uw, or thia aotice will be plead is thtr of their "!C"Ve"- LKUOY SPKINOS. .'aiiu'r:i.r AUt. Sninvt, drv'd. Jby 8. IrtoA. . The Jlarkrt. CHARLOTTE. MAY 17. 1855. BACON', Hama, lb. . lb. lb. lb. fbd. : ib. ib. buahel . gul. gul. -lb. . Ih. It-. lb. buahel . each . yard yard - dozen 1UU Ilia. 6 til. lb. lb. Ih. bbl. . gal. . bubliol . 10 a 0 a 0 a 0 a MC a 6 a 12J a JO a bti a 75 a $1 a 71 U'4 a . Lb a IU a UK) u 15 a IU a US a III a J 50 a l a V a IU a 5 u 4' a 07 a fl a 61 a 10 a 5 a I nO i 3 KJ a G a i a 10 a 5 a 10 a $J-J5 a 75 a (125 a ti-Jj a Ati a i7 a JJ a CI a 00 11 10 I0J ill) 8 li i.'5 10 7 IJ It 45 S."i 105 Hit 15 30 00 475 9 40 l'-'l l ti ' Hi 50 UU (10 50 6 . f)0 00 75 50 11 9 (10 no $2 1.50 70 t,ij J-i I " Sidce, " Hog round . " Shoulder, BKCing, Cotton, Hccf, . liullcr, HecrWax, . licana, . branny, Apple, . " 1'each, . Cotton, Coffee, Cunoica, Adamantine, " Tallow, . Corn Chickcne, i Ii . Copperas, i . 1 1 '-'"Haey, Hour, Featlicra, . . I.iinl, . . Mullen, Mackerel, . .folaaaea. . INli al, . Mulleta (Wiluiiiigtoii). Naila, . Ib. OaU, .... buahel . I'ork Ib, Tea, . ... buahel -I'oliiloca. Iriah. . - bunhi-1 . I Sweet, - - buahel -liice, .... bualil . Su'.ir, I.oM', . - lb. . " 'Urown, - .lb. Stone. Ware, - . gal. Salt, . . . aack 'IVa lb. Wheat, . . bushel . hmkey Northern, - gal. 44 N. Carolina, gal. Wool (fM-at (ieorgia) waahed, M " U1iw-:ihlied Yarn, .... bale COI.IMIIIA MARKKT. Coi.uuau, May If.. 155. COTTON. The eoltou niurket presi i.leil in Lew le.ttur: Vlterd.3; tin! Celtlaud ei.litmuea iciive anil nood, and price are very full and firm in the puailn.n tin y have nceujii.-d Ninee tne re. ceipt ef Uii. last Kuroiejn adtees. chakluston m.m:ki:t. Cimri.cston. Mav I I, IP55. COTTON. The aulil reached I5IU baiea at vricta raiijjuii Ironi 0 to H'Ac. Notice. AVINt; hi.ni.jil out the entire int. rt t of Win. I'.. Mora in the firm of 1A I l)SO. Ik. .MOSS, I will continue the hllnllii s ut the old al ind, an.-j nm delcrunni-d to otfer tri;t induee. mi'ii'a lo all who will favor me wih a call, and especially to tlioa. wlio buy fur CASH. T"C Noti a and Aeci.unts of the laic firm arc iu my hamia, and w ill be settled by me alone. I . fl. DAVIDSON. ' May , U'tt fflNoticc. ; SAM N'lW UK( KIVING a beautiful a.aort. mi nt of ! c; i : t l i : 1 1 : a m i x n i i:s j a 1 llllllll I f..r Bumnirr wc.ir, winch I will sell very low for C.A' or ti prompt runt'-iner. All p rr)i,H winning g rt.i t tp.t r will do will to lC IliC il Ci.ll. , J!. II. 1AV1KS0X. May S. I(?u5. tf GENERAL lURCHASmG AND COM MISSION AGENCY. J. A. He n no & Co. AVK oiwncd an ufiice tr toe trurnuction of a m the iilNve hu"iiica in nil tit v.irunj'. br-inrh. - ft. f'hey will give thtir personal alien l,uii to tlu CoMcrtmii of accomi.ii, rentu, Ac. i M r:h..nU and olher ha v hip net' a or nccounts to colhrt in tliiN '-r the D'ljniiiii!.' rrtiiniiin will h.v? tin in pre i.tplly atteiidtd lo by plat it j them j in our liond. 'Ih y Kill buy good a for Mt'rchniita directly I from V'hole.le l)aerr, cither hr Cath r on iinie i rid fur other, all kinds ,f .Merchamlize to U; ft'Un-l in to.a market on the bmt pnfcsihie t rmt, OlHrt on Tryuii Street four doora aoulh of Uie Ana rtc in Utile). J. A. BINM1, W. My b, le.M. . COLVIN, C. H. PPKNt Ea. 3m fBHK iu but-r i be r h;it on IvuiH, und will prll chtap for c-tli, or on vhnrt time, the fol . j I iw in: pmpt rty, to ml . 3 to lnrti itgons ! nd liters; 1 toiir horce Wapcnn mul (iear ; K fine wg'Hi IIoric ; 600 fn I of i inch Whvm UoH (nearly nw ;) I I'utent KorM' Power, ruiI.. ' Ir lor trtn or f'"Ur lierf-ei; 4,001) i.ct of p. tent Kiihc ; ("00 It.n. Ijii ie k !il vt r. Mini mny other urt.. cleat uijdpti d tu in i n in ( n u trr ' np, c. , 111)11 ACK LASKLLK. ! ii-Ud Hill, KoiCfjn County, Miy 8. 4v pd Waldics! Watches! Vatche! fBlH iuI'MTibrfg arc now nceivinp a JBL Urpf ftork nf 'I V 1 1 I from dlul tne inoixl cthhrnitd maker.; also a rich LUC Ot Faliioiialile Jewelry. Chains, &c , nil of which will br hold luw for cash or on short tunc to punctual ilcnh t. TIIOS. TIIOTTKH k H).V. .Vfiy I , I".').".. lltf To .Mill Owners k Manufudiirers. M I K tioiliiid li.t my ( nm pit it i hit cn' i-f. JL ni'Mit wilh lirroy Nprinj, Knq., at hi Mi r. chant .Mill in tin pi. iff, in row ri-.tily tt atlt r.d to any thint; in I tic .MlMJVf hiniinia biicI. as )rcPintr M'M Slont-t, I-'iximj; Bolting I'L'tu or anv ottifr iii.iltTit rt'litm to a (riNt mill. All letter adtirtuwfd lo the ' WcnUrn Dcnio cral will be promptly altemhd to. I DAVID LINDSKY. I Charlotlr, May I, S.". im i-siiii mw.v: UAVlNtJ biuht tne I irfi" three masted sail mjj "Ship Commerce' I have cominciiecd l.ic uirt ct iiiiHirtatioti ol (.'ulta Siyara of till grades and vanctteii. My model ' Ship Comrneict' Can i now be seen at my iMV.SI'I.MU tVTOIJU CO STORE!. She in full rij'trrd und supdicd with the rcqnisitc ' number of hit.- hmtA, ami wHl he re.wly to n il for onnlher rrjo mnm an the prerent lot ia dta. ' i poied of. X Call and t x.iimiic, and aatfy yotir- Ht-lvra that, $he irnri worthy, and that my atock 1 of organ and tobacco are alao worthy your alien, j liun. M. V. ROWXSOX. .t;.r.7 I, lH.'i.S Ttf M.'llllllfl II. V a I It II P a W r 1I.I. practtei law in the rutin tica of Meek. V V lenhiir, I'nion, and Auaon, and will g.vc alrict ttcnlion lo collecting Pension Claim St War Bounty Land. Kvery aoltlier who acrved aa much aa fi;ii''cn dava in any war ainee 17!JU ia entitled to 1 CKI aert a of Hoiinty Land. No charge will be made unlcM the claima ia elieerna ful. . Oilier- at Monroe N, C. AprU 20, IfOJ. CAKVF.N'J KliS TOOLS, Shoea, Leather and J. Hardware for at.lv hy 1'AHKS i HUTCH I50.V, linn lllitiii) l U lt P-UJUiei!A.-Bg L!IULMil..UIJWI A plenty of them. WHOLESALE i. nd RETAIL, LOWER THAN KVKIt.at A'o. U, Oruiiile How April Si, IKS. lOlf IS ARKS It LTCISOX, are receiving the largeat and nt't varied ataurtment of T A TtT"0 ":T pT,,Tif ZjAlUlZd IllUJ UJiiM ILiZLZ&ri 0 ever purrhand by them. They aolie t an cx.nn. iniition of their atock, bought eittittly Jot tath. Their r;ooda will be Mold low. Anil 17, lisj.'. 8tf New Books New Books.; JL'ST liKCEIVKI). Stanhope Burleigh, by Helen D'llu. The lite of P. T. Kariium. Heroines of History, hy Mary K. Hewett. Alias Leslie's Svvi lieceipta liir ("ookinj; con. tainiiifr over one thousand new receipts, Revolutionary History of North Carolina, by Hawks. Svvninc &. (rr .hnin. The Did North Slate, in I77G, hy Cariilhers. The New North Carolina Komi Books for Juatieea of the Pence, Constables, dee. It'iinanei- of Student Life, by Kimball. l'hihlreiia TnaU; tranaialeU from the German. Beautifully iliusirated. Clinton, a Hook lor Iloys, by Simonds. For sale at LOWRIK & KNMSS Ftook St. rt', ("h .rlotip. Aml 17, It it t; i w I WILL aell the balance of tne alnfk of ClitH'KLItV aim jI.AS W A K K ut coat for cash. 1 lie entire atock ia iMrokTfti, nd to famtliea wiahinr lo ripleninh' old n-.a, or lay in new onea, a rare ch.ii.re ia off. red of ro Hoiiir' ut a b .rifain. NI) a 1C1! UMJIJJ I liave a number c rrench t hina nomia in acta and other wire, together will, a coiiii.l.te aanrt-:"M" KLKf, it a duly I i.ue to nive!f and Iriendr ment of Ironstonii and other gooiia .lloi ther ' JL lo alate tn.il ..r reaaona a.itisi'.et..ry to myaelf riiinpriring in atllrartivc iiaaorlmelit al the pricea ami winch 1 hope to lie aide to eliieul ite r .lirlae 1 am now oH'erini; them at. 1 torily to ley friendr, th.it 1 am eunip''iled l.i oe. .vl'-antime, having icriecteii other arrnnpeiiwiits. ' I will clnsu out the t-nlirv stock with the food will ttf thr Suhim-ttt, on rMMuiiab!c IrniiK, to any pirly winbintr to t'lipicc in it, Tne buftinri'ta m profilalilt and coititnntfy grnvr. inp, and oflurs h pond npemnir to hupiu up man. I ALKX. MacUAK, Jr., Importer of China, IiUhs and Eirltifn ware, ! Wilmington, C. I April 17, lH.j.i. lino ! Jitt ICt ct'iit if9 A'IS and CATS on (Vna'pnineM . at ItuoNL'JS Iceland Shot: Kniponuni. Jtmtary 4, ljj. 4-lf i iu liivcr Oil. ' virtues of tins Medicinal Ap? nt in cane B of intip'ent Consnrnption and in v.irinup fJlainTular Atrtetioni., have become no wtll auliieiu tir..leil 1 1 he pl.ired hevnnd a doubt. A pure and uvnuinc ttl just received from the I-uborato ry by SCARR k CO.. VRL'VOISTS. KAXK STOCK. ir OOK.S tt.r SiibF.inotM.il ij the I wt.ilnl lrock of tlie Iltnk of Wilmington, will be optned ti-e 2d d i v ol April, lK5o, ulthe otfi. e of C. J. Fox, and remain open for ity D')i, undtr ttio direction of C. J. FOX. . W. R. MYKRS, eonimir.ioilri f . Chnrlnttr, .V'irr 27, i"."5. 7 til Astcii'hliing', U- a latJ liliU I W i- 0 TK nre juat in receipt of a very large ond V f well relielt d atock of all kind, oi I SPIMNC 5 'SUM.MKI.! Dry Goods, NEW AND PltlTW, j Hounds, Blitis, Hoots .J- Shoes, All of which we are determined to at. 11 lower than h.ia ever been itt.id in thia place. Ami aa re. purda compt till. n, we will aili lower tiniu ti.e loweitt. Ail we have to ray ia to call and Bee lot vuumll'. i r.ROWN, BRAWLEY & CO. Charlotte, Match Ct, livlo. tJif ( i-ii:i:i)N nco uoicii., ii..mim;to., n. c, rnHK I.AUKNDON IKON WORKS are now, JL prtp..rt tl to ree no i. rut ra ti.r lit. .in, Virl .l c..l, II. in .'.ii l.t I or t.)aiiiiuinit Sitiiim Kngiiit . Iiikii 1 or lit.w ere.trurt , ittid utlnpted to ali pu:pista; Circular, Vcrtic.il ami l't.rtable Saw Mills, eoui. . plete ; I'unipii, Miinii; M ichinerj, (inal and 1'lour Mill., riiiiinlete : l'.r..r 'I'.ir . r ...I ..t l.r Vt .. ter VVhe.l,, Kquippinj, of sicamrr, Cur Wheela! anil Axle. ; llorae I't.ut rs of v.irioua piilteniH ; liiue i 1'ield I'uinpa and Kii"n..r : Idee Tliraalicra: Shin, i rlnnea. Mi. .It ftl.eC .Mill l II. , Cteau, anil at CASTINGS. lrtm and l.rasa C. rtu.s t ., deM-riplii.ns, in. .-liltliliU Oiiiuinelil.il lit. n Ualtinjt, 1'ipt , Untt-e I '..atinna, Ve.. Ac. 'I ne Cm. panv would reppect lull;, 1 1. v 1 1.: i.tiention to their atylea and n.itlerna ol Kailing, which may be peen at llieir otliec. lKHJ.KUS. luouiir, run- auu i. ynuuricii Km urn, Water T .ilka, C'liiiiii.eyn, ami all other ku oa ol liuikri Work. i KKPAIR;?. I A separate tlep.tr t um n t and force will Iw kept lor repairs, w here work will he done thoroughly' ami itn r.p.ttc". AH work done in the Cfctahlishment dclivcrct! ei. ther on tut- cai.o pf he jlmincton A; .Manchester Kail Uotid or the W 1 1 nun" ton V Wt Inon Kail Koad, or in (lata at the t'oinp.iiiy s wharf, free of ciiurje. II .vinij lare f.icilitus, t lie abjvc Work will be' done on hn rcahonaLdc tt-rtna an el new here. North or noutli, and 10 a prompt ami aatielactory manner, Coi,Pultatit.n by letter or other win-, in regard to plana and iIcp-j-iib tor nulla or their furniturr, ami t..r li.jclnnery j;fiierally, illinely anawered. All onlera or eomiuuiiiciliuna to be addr -aed to the underri ned. I1KXRY M. HUAXK, Aent. Mirrh 20, l?.Vi. tr fun. Howard. ANA WAY from the aubscriher an. tl... Oil I, fit Ili-i.urtiLir Im','1 my nt f.ro hoy SAM. He n a hnnht in li I 1 1. p , .ihoul '2, year a nhi, .1 . 1 1 j nr G niche hiijh. He hna a eiir : nt hia forehead cauacd hy a lick fnm a atick, he haa straight hni, jt t hl tua.. and takca pood cure of it, he is very proud and loin) nf drcasing, he is very fond of hiskey and will drink too much. Snd boy li ft mc once before and went tu Kast Tenncmce and socccetled in pan-nop huust If for a white man in the iimnnLnns. Sain ia a carr. li ter hy trajdt. H will be apt to quit hia trade to keep down atisptcinit. ih wcara br.ii riiiif on hia njrht hand and w-ilkn with lin feet turned out. The ahoTe r ward will he jjiven tor his apprehen- aion and contiiiemciit m juil au that 1 can et him a ( in. Any in fiirm it ion ntven will be rcei ivcd at rincvillv 1. M 'k h -nburff rnnntv, N. W.M. II. MCIIULSON. April 17, 5l U'J.JB VIA 'J'LLg.1 TJ L ,,H-.I.UJ'x.'S,-.',l W.M.A.GVYi:i!, C EXE HAL AGENT, FOliWAROlM! A.M COM MISSION MERCHANT, Vt II.Ml'Mii lOI, . V. i I!KAM;KMUNTS haint' b en ei.iiinVleil Ts between llle Wi'mi- ctun I. lid .Mancliehti r It.iil llind Coin;.sn y, and the S. olli Ci.roliii i linl fiond Company tor tin tranafiort itmn of freight exH'ditioualy from Wilmin ton In Hie Wist via Charlulle, I ;,T. r my aervii ta to ti e MEKt IIA.S'IS and PROVLCEKX ..I" W'e.teni Cuolina. t;u,.i!a will he prompt, y forwarded to Hie interior, and I'rnduee of evert dracriution rtjeciyt d. ard aold or ' ahinned In other niarlf-la. 1 v lnn.f .... r. r,r. ;n I i the buaineaa, together with ample tlcihtlea for ita ; aucceaaful proaecuimn furniah ample gaurantcea of my ability to aerve my correapondenta faithful. lJ- "eatern produce will be m.poaed of, fr ai comnnaaion ni per cent on grnaa jea. Mer. j rnanuuc will be lorwarded for a coiiiiniiinn ot I l'J per eciitnn rtisbursmriita. I refer to the Tree. Kicnta of al I the Uauka in Wilmington. V. A. GWVKK. Apiil 3, 1855. Itf WildiiiitiPii, C linrlottt' ;iimI KiiIIm rloi il i::ul ICoad. TJ BOOKS for miljeriili"n to the capital aloek MB of the iliuiiiietun, I harhille and kuther- iv.rit.iii ir.il It'.... .1.. .... . .... i Blorcf ol Mcmtrii. Irwin, liu-'yins V t u., und Wil- i li.tn... Uixn.V Co., in tin- t.nvu ol l.turlottr. All' p rwma ure invited to come iur .rd and aul in tint, good work. W.H, JOllNSTflX, J.N'O. A. Vtil.NG, JNO. IRWIN, LKIKA' .Sl'lilNC., .MillN WALKER, W.M. MAXWELL. WM. M. MATHEWS, A. (J. WILLIAMSON, V.. W. ELMS, C.J. FOX. V. 11. MYEKS. Ajuil 10, If 55. To llie Voters of I lie Si li ( o:i:iTssional ! DivrKii i. elm: heme, i e.ni.lui.iio f..r Ci.'n;ri Ss m litis, oh. int-t nt the next fket.nn. A t;vtj ol' ii. Voir:? mU i r art nit the Hun. liurton .Triijjt: and having a intjli .urw ri l re. i I rttll lIli'TIIH'd t ini t ' e eaininiatt t to A J.ih. A. CaW!w. !! iT'l f r eaci 'tt tlm.f gentlt iin n I tint unwilling Iu mar t:ie prup-p eti. of either nf them lor tne ii :h pf.hl't ii dih'iiietioi, whicli they Ptdieit t your hanoR. fly this course. I am ui-Htrouh of conciliating the i r i ntish:p of each, mul ul tiitir nuimious ojifltt ui-ney uli of: whom 1 shall ite itto.vt h ippy lo puppiy v.th 'J su p nr nnu')rtt:(l prtie!t. of of ti 11 prai!ip at wlnph-Hah or ret.iil ns'ly tnn. I ufactured hy ttios; unnv .Kd niantif-'Cttiri-H 1. II. 1 Spencer t Co., whohf, rtpnt.tion ih co-ex ternivr nf all the varioni popnhir l!r.inlb aniuiig ia Inch will he found the lulJoiviig : j Fiii pi i BwiaiiO, l. i (irjTi.idinn, flio Ilnnno, I Ni baiafi, Carnt-iifo -jjuli-t, Ml'oHa, I M.iiKil.i, Itu.ita'. nento J" mihuud, rriL'f"innia, inpr..il K'uiia, ll.ct huf-, ; f I'laiitj lion, AUiii;indn, Loiidres, I ALSO r I EC i: ! ClfEWJSG TOBACtlO, ! wiln the ulmof-t limits of our tirn'ori.il gnvt-rn imi't (which by tin. by co r u conMotrublcpdlcli J t there ure nnr Know Nut'iin; in this Iihtrict I V ttultl t)C ptL.iM'd tu hit V In t tit 111 tll.tt if tlK'V V, ill cull ut ii i y new S par ,V Tob.ir. o Stnr- on Trymi Strict a It w taoor.i hi low S.njl th IT'icI und jm I a trfiull pit ce of thii in im it. i I'll in" uu t"i r t urt tl arti cle and use it accoriiing' to tlir -lions and d.int know santf.thmfr nlt rw iros, 1 p'ciic n.yticlf t furt't-it hnd py our limns :iid doil.trf. Kvery boy ( h tmw - Nothings inrluih'd) onii now be bummed on prtMtly hrttt r lenn than tver I heretofore. Call ami ex-iniine my dlut.k. i Calhoun, j I'topian, vp( iit r. (food for the fimir.) Jmminion. (light Ol' tin- WuriiJ) ta.ioii I.rjf. loospyroa Ouuiiuor, Mrchf 08. Pf Dcniocrul copy, Dissolution. fBHK ptii'-lic arc lien hy iufonm-ti th;it tne firm fl ot !n;in V Thompson i thm J.i y ii-ftolveti by mutual cmiM-ii t. All pt rsous infif-I.S'd tt.i,a tiri'n ure ret mted to cmnc torw.i rd arid eel lie th'-jr aCdiinlK, eittn-r by Nott- or t .h, as it is iiicesa.i. ry to have the L'muefS of tlie linn cluscu very i BUOU. blU AN & THOMPSON. JAMKS IHtlA.N r.-pectfuliy aniioHn cea to hi old tru-iuls, uml tlie publii ( n r..ily, that he will continue to coticm-t t't hunim h of the t'ornier firm under hi own mime and on lu own rcspniitiihilit v, nud ti: tiers h mi ft it' with tne hope th..t a IiIhtjI iiinounl of puhlic p.itrinae will be extended to him. , JAMKS IM'.IAN. January lb, 1 8.15. -1 T-lf lleinovnl. THK euVscribcrs rcspci'tt'ullj inform tlicir 1 friends Blld tiie public L'Oln riill', tluit thev have removed their TIN HUH" tn.m II.' ir oii si. md near Spring (roe( ry , ti llie st.md hite ly t cciipicd by A. 1. WillnuiiRuii us a l.roeery, ht re. they are prepar. d lo rxceutc any orm ra in their line. MUOUE .t 1YK1!LY. January 16, 1853. -iNI (o T V. suliMiTiher havu j; i ntt red into partner ship with .Mr. r.ilnn r is msirous nt cln.nn up hi ohl huHinrxh. Hhi. t. rc most e irntsily requtta hia former frirm'i. anri cnstonnra. who are in arrears at his shtp, to call iw twt n tiiih linn and our Ajril I'ourt iind t llle t' .ir account cither by nuU or cash, the LlUr il H.hil-. n. tiiAv Eehrtuny Iro. tf WAMI. j f U IS mnerior rirep.ir.ilit n nan 1..I.C in fl n.-ed ' ami recniint nut d bv many lb i.ii- ll pre. ; s, rvcp the tet lb fruni deciiy and reinox :.!l 111M nu. : ti'i and aoreliess 1 1 um the cuiiik nnd impart a i healihy and !'r. grant otiiuir to the bu..tli. l'.ir aale by SCAUK ev CO., tHl aalsTS. ,40 Ucward. A.NAWAV from the mim Tthcr. on the I 'tlt of Scpti mitt r. I N4, a ne. ,rt hov ii'Hicd, 1.1. IAS. S.t.i h. y i" .t l ii hi mul.. (to, i liMit uiitlt i IT t' t t h i ' i , round toll !'( , I tt t in t. :! f, ttt !!.: a. luit o, i ne ol tun i h nm ft otsin; vt 1 1 ti. i i n i u..i, Itkt 1110M m '"roc. Ih in i y hit km "oiiu w In rt in It.unlMp.i or tioil.or.i, or he in-.y oc ti..ie.v..r inj to make Ins way to the Noiih.We?. 1 m't U ivc a reward ot 10 for Im appr. nt hmhii ami t on. rim incut, if taki n out malic M .ie, ami 11 t,i. ken w ithin tin St.itt , ao th..t 1 ft him. Any m fonoatioM coiirerniiit; a.Mtl hoy w i'.I he thai kinli) retuveil. It may be that and hoy ha protuttd free pi.pers, hut n nit 11 her hia thun.h. My wst MtUcc i !andy Creek, li.intti'ph et ui.tv, N. C Al'MMl CUUKAIN. llinthtph nmntt;. Muck -I, IS.i.'i. ;itf ""a LAKC.K StCITLV OY . Constable Va r r a n t sT- F0II SALE UEUE. 1 .-K tISKJIOVAL 1 1 1!I I! MibKrrihf rn ip ctrullj infonnii r frirnda CI iino ine (h,Ii!m: jjt iM rin.y, lli'-l lit hut T in v -rti I.I. i'l-n'tM t ijii.iry mi-J liik'-ry into l'i niw Ltu!t!i:;t;, i""Xt i"r V V. W. Kluif-'n r.iin Slirn Ht"J itMlr t 1 1 Irt t ri;i it li irt h, wttrrii lie in .ff:i, f! Ik ncroittri.oO.ifr whip may U tii '"sni to tiiviurij;i' Liiii. rcruim will lintJ i.t Utt Cukes, W. I. Fruits and IVi'scrvcs, C't iKIi:. l T, at: Weddma find I'artiei. foii.iahcd at tile nhortesl :;i t.ce. H'.l allnierra ihii nk i u' 1 v lerriv i r!, t.ui e u. ally attended to.and packed with tne uiinos) eare. ChortoUc, .VarcA S, 1SS5. Gtf ew Coiifi-ciionery and Merr. A. r. t . PBAhK pleasure in unnmnieiiiir to their frenills a. a in: Hit- iMinltc tli.it tlirv liavu iht nm ut u in j tlie House en M dm Mi'i'rt, J tii-or rur.t t.l' liic A t i.ii nc.iii llnltl, u Jluhtiyuiiu i in i ft ti.-tiar y J'. I .l,iri.!. ll.ivinj st'CMUfii tlie st-rvi'Ts of n rxjcrt-nrp 1 ! Ii.ikf r i.imI titiiriiuntv wri.tnin, tin v ar- rci..ri .1 j to lurnihli Jarcud, Cakcst uiil t-vtry thii liiTc ut tin1 niflct MiptTtur tii-M'r . itinti . ijut optrit-il ati t:tt iiMtj vuntty f m-:st isvia mi its. An all kims Of CAMJIllS, VOVN, l'A.( Y AUTK LL 1 -n" m,'tfi every umt iiuuii v.iuiinu in tiuir '"''; , . , . , ,, - U a dlMrf to 'MfM' nnd IIIMWt 'U irUfltlt: t lit f HIV tit ICf Illt'lt It II l.lf It. 'J. ,1 E. LONEKfSAN. I'rl.runrij 2'l, l-".o. Hi' ! !ti my intercuts in tin .'rorerv r!i iMTKuim Hnietcil tt tne firm ' N. I!. 1 hive 1 l I J. I.'.IH Lfl'dll. ! .ire e.irnest y r r,in .'led lo Mill a h.iii r iiuiiil jjjt nee i:,n;i.ul lii. e iv. n. I E. LONE IU; AN ; I'c'rthuy 22, IKVi WANTED, i t OT'I ON I.INLN : s w.. i.ii-.! . A j . I y to , DIXON CO. , l-if WILLIAM; I'rl iunry 22. I .'i."i. WILKLXSOXS iladiirrrfian (ballcrn. 'I'lIK mVi''i il'tr liiivinjr poriiinncrit! y lom I Ifd in r'hiii'iolti', rr-pt i-tfully invitt." tin: iilt'. ii I mil 1. 1 1. it. ii n am: m o i! im ri i. iiir mi ;k r w rt'ji w t 1 ren;-e','V!,y ,! tlf' h" is vw tt'tiip Ii.t'jto rri !y-s upon .u I'npr.iVeii pUn, w Inch v.ilJ not (nl v aiitl to ti.e Beauty ;md Elegance of tl.c Tic! tire, hut will r ndcr it I'uralilp iind lii'illiiini for Aces. W' would alf-ti ( sjteetiuiiy nivile it rn 1't r s visit ill' Chariot: to c.iil nu:t ex untne Inn SieeiiiM-ti, as h ; is (it t'-rniint-d t hf y sitail t.i v.. r ably con -pari: with any Ittt't e.in he tiken Ni.rtii or Smith. J jII'oni, thir'l st'ry, (tr-tinte Rang, inniiedi. attly over Trotter V Smu'h Jt w-p-Iry More. j i I n.-'rurtiohft, ihorotiyli ain? practie-.l, pirrn in liiin btautiliil bit and all in.1 ti-ri.t I s tiirtup-li i. m:al vilki.h,. ( hai lotte, Ji.nii'tnj 'S.I, ir-oo. 'I.Hl" liiMiriiiict- 'nii:iii ul ilu- Val- aHtA"',,,'Vl,'Ri"ionxs. aao,tio WlMiOO A I.I. H rron. wial.inp to inftirf rrup. rl v i..ot:it ..'Ha. urea, .Mercliiiiiui.e, oi t oitmi wili ciil bit tin- Agi nl. 11. 1. 1LL1A31.S, ;isrnr. January 23, 1 sri!ix; coons. 20,00 r.u:.s OF Ai nvj i.C pifCCA For l!o Sprint! 'J'r.'nir, U hi It s. Q Nnrlail, prict-s thut DhtY n P ti'i-n, ind it.s lo nu.itiiy it nd !e e.r coin- atvle l.'-.ev cai.iinl be riirituHrti .1 in ;ui v ri- - ii.ilar ol.ibiilhnieiit nt the Nmlh. tlur sti.ck eiiihrat:iiiT so great a. v.iru ly ul' l'-iiterim, SI vies II nd irillli nl t ii' Ill's, I.iKiier, ll.'J 'r, M.s. , Voutli'a, t in cr u'a and lnj. nl's HOOTS SIIOKS. thnt it wmiltl he to tudious t.) mtnlnn tln-m hen , We wttiM rh 'tTore rt -pt et'iilly invito you tu tail and examine 'hem for ymir!-!:. We liavc also, a sod (-fortno nl of Sole & Upper LEATHEH, Einirh i'alf SkuiMt limmat Eatht r, far I'luntalion j'lUfmnta, Ihind Lmtiier, and Capper Hirctj, abtor E'liita, yV'H, Tmktt and Shift Tt'JU uf r"rtj fies'upUoA, AI.S ' IM- i " i:i.i it; THiMis. Ml v.i .ic.V C A REET BA d S tie,. A 4., c Tiie invitation is to ul. Conic nnd sie the in, fit voiirst if, r n.. v fur tinmand tcKrth in iway from r.Otl.NKS ictor .v shoe HMi'onn v. HI PI'S lnr.cn in excliiinge at C.irh prieth. . .VjccA -Jl, lsjj. Stf (---iti y .rli-li- li.i -i-rj II.mik ' Iml.l. TJNT. K-p'e Tripe.)-, f.r polialiing Geld, Mrcr, JL Copper, Sieel, 'I'm nnd all ofier met.i!-, a(ao lor cleanup mcowa, Mirrot. ana li.iarwure. Afso ini .tii ..I I., until I "r reinevinj; Irmi M.tultis. Stains, Ac. fnu:i Lim n. F.T aale at pc Ann & co, LATE FISHER i) tlEIMTSIt. .lit iifiiii Mii..-iii laiiiiiit'iii, 1 X lllT.illlnl la tir.ui. Nj.r. externa! application for Illicit ma. inr. I rt st V r.timiia, Itnrn", lcait. A" a cure ti r Spi no i, tt'i, C'Im :'-, hor.-i-- t niiikit, it at.ii.oa unnv.il- mi Sv, t i i-i; -II; iiis'Cf, .Vc, it o. 1 t r . lIc S'.WKR i CO.'S '.'(. SIOHF. A. liKTIll'XK. An. A, rniy" .m, 4 POOKS K.TH1 I lilt l'..l!I.l)ri !: DWK ( II III O l IX. . . Frl-ltl'try J 1 , l.'i.--. l-t- Splendid Variety of b?A.ti (iaihr MOTS, Si t r.n rn n llr tl.i V f llrlrtiPr. fl" iK i'k .nli n t. M Tfl;, I,.i.lle' lb " II s.'1'i'Uti ' 'I'm .l.i ..n C,l. S, k Tn. . i" ti. mi.i f..!.s,ik f;-M'iri;s, i lit i)NK !IHK M'OliK. rut w e tl.t ill. Sll" I... Nnticc. I WH T. i.tteml :.t Ciar'ntt - on IMiouhv. and i i. i i- ..,.i ...'.., I- !... ''-'... ' ' h.r the pnriHi.e ot a. 1 1 in a. proncny oi tvrj t e. w.. ..t ..... n.i . tact. Lit.' u bet. eallt d Dir. m ml i. la.i in t:cord and fvijjrbury. JAMES SLAX. J:rMrj 10, l;w 4?u' Ncwlillincry I DressMakiJig IX CIIAItLOTTK. ' rBlHEubarriher would 1nl0"m JL the l.adieaof Charlotte and I ti e nurriiiiiiiiinir country, that ahe a m m i. :. himi oi po:'e the Pi. t tittiee, !or tile i.eeoinniodii. (ion of tiioje who dm fc auyiliir'g :i fhe aborr hoe. ResiKcliiitiy. Mrs. 3 J. FRAZIEK - J.'arei it, le55. 4-vti N li. The I.nteat Faihinna received nicHfhly J i-e A. ii.C. method ol celling .cd. S. t. F. ! i&?fi iaf-W-A aSADDLES k IIARiVESS. Llfll. ttultfrrih "rtc h;ivr rjttrfd into copirtnf 5iWli ipi KnhCSi! AT H. if,lV' iil.U !T.llt Jt Sj.'nwrs JJrtci Comer i nil ding whrrr tiny Imvc ctm-tiiitl j on hand a lurge ani (KimIkI iiN-oiiiiiK nt of .SADDLES, HARSESX, BRIDLES, -ye, OF E EU Y V ES( h IE 770.Y. nrrorliiij tn tfip niot Bpprovi:il plyle and fflnhio of llnj tlu y. Tltry art: also iiifiinrcii t manu faCttir a n t In hjj in their hni in tla Hioft Mibiittpittiail and workmanlike nianm r anil Ih fter tlii-n thr- bcul. 'v rettiM t: I tt 1 1 y inviK- thy puhtic lo CuH und cx aiintit! lor tin mrlvf!. ' Ut-ariii dipnt; at short ntifc und wifh ncul j m-ht and uisik. tfh. j S1IAW & PALMER. I Ft Inuury 02, ls55. if Dr. li, M Norment tn the ( ite.ri-hK ol t'Mjrjnffc and nr. r.Mimhiis fttiii.tr y. II' hupes by ninfm? hip vti X r a tic r.i '.nft t. (JnMes of hid ptftli snimi, to nn rit p.troM.it', fit- may lie ft ond ut all Imurw, al Ins cMi-,! r;vpii:t- the Amcr.C.lH linlff, wiitu not ifut r-si"n, II v r 'i.icfi. Erinmiiv 1't, lr.7."t. Mtf i i:i i i: iti:i:ii 1J A M-l A C: A 1K3I V T II Aruli n:y , t u.neri 5 miMS futh.-ffit of hi.rioiu, ii. J't cuuni y ul .h Ct.U nbtur, in a he ! ti. , i i.t i iti' cnl, and moral ncinbortioficj, af. i foidw inany an v.i nt.i oTir nl0t lnt;lutlontt of ' t;ie kind, m bfnij r inotc trufii rise ticei and ttinp : tiitions '-i nin. in lo Aeatieniicp f Catid in (be vicin ity ot Mil. v !i nimnienee its 5th acaaion J.m l nary the Ml", IK.itS, under the ISnpe riff ndrnce of I Joh n I!. I'anki v. a jj nth-man of lon cat pcrit hco ! in tt aehiii, and one 'a h'i h.itt hi(l, with crcd.f to ' liimst It' Minn- of tne bcj-t Aeadtfttiti in the tutC .it the li Itowin r-.ttsnl tuition: I K:i-i:k ntny hr;.n--hc!i, $7.00 i Th.- Injjh-r Ur. n fn of English, U.(t0 ; I'i.Mti i M .tin inf it 15.00 flour H fiin he hiu! ;i the l-c-ft fumiliesat S6i per . month mclodi:. :ii! unw- ; Tuitinn dur at I In. t !:.' of eetisittn. Nn dcdtjc ! t'tm made tor lout imr from lie tune ot' t ntrunce 1 till eiuf-e of rc.sion ut which tinie tuition will be i ull.-. i It v orih r of tb j T11USTKE3. Janrrty 4. IK"5 4Krf l The ( 'h.trle-ton foflrior wiM insert the above six wt.ekn und lnvurd afctant tu tlm otact. llAHIiISON'S HOTEL 1). THOM PSI i MM., rmpiirtor. II. D. If liHV, Xtipninirndmi, . Tlur H..lr.l is i ligihl , .'urate . the corner of fticfl. iir.lMt.ii itnti I. jure! Sirct.- .nina, S. C. V i trtiua of thi. r.tiilili!wiiriit will k conveyed to anil from Hie K..il li.jatl Jtept.t nti.i: or t u.inar.. Dtermltr I I, i.i l. 4 ( BV AVINU purchancri the buiidiry on t' c corner, a iiw doors 1. mis I'., uf Kerr' Motel, and repair d and fitted it np-n lirht-rate sty Ic, 2 V"ould norm the Travel I inj; PubJir, that it in i resp-cituilT 1 now onen ffi tne rtecp'ion ot lit gular und '1'ran. 1 n nt Ih-iirticru, Prove M nnd ample tic com. mo;.ittonti a mv house. I Jan ruif y 1 ti, 1 v5. 45if 3Ialti,ei,jst,s for Sale. f ft III K Suhfacrih r respectfiiHy inform the citi. JL zciit oi i h.irltitfe and it-vicinity that thty unl k -p oti hand :. t T. M. Farrow's, a well ae J.MLd Mock of ? 'I'TH laifi;S which they vti'I ntfl at prices iii pitt the hani limca. Jj'Aii UKbLK.S pnmiptly aitendert tn. J. li. SMITH & CO. January 4, 1 !?,". 4G-ly l.t .illo i ! l.o.tll.t ri l.cithti !! 20I) side, Meiii'wk ?ole I.KATIlrJR, AO ' Itiltiiuore white oak Uand an-1 S ile no. Juat received at BOONE'S Dont and Shoe Emptrrivm. "fc i 'jaa'a. ta B-b M ') Uv IM 't(C. Iii Br,; S K-ive refpvrtfuUy to announce to the LatJica of .r.t; I an .( ii irlutte arid -Is mciniiy, that ..c has nptnid a large a.sorl. lueut nf new l'lTiich Millincrv, i .1 T fK ft eonaPlinp of the lateet aljiea of D It tS.-S .HAKINt.. IMOM-T1, CAl'S A.M I lit tl-lltCS.LS and a vp!l aeVcled atock of 1'iTv Triminiiis? and Tatterns, , pid fera aaaiind alit can irive aatiii'aclion in both tr ,neh.-. Vo p .ma will be ppared to plcaac. j jt ilCPKWS p. ly attended to. Oetobrr i 7, 36tf 1 ItttrU on toi'hiluilt Iphia. THr.Ol"'.ll IN -1.1 TO ,10 HOURS. ' rim: jo, .ii i; 4i nci.nci. American tteamshlp Company's Line. QUAKER CITY CtPT. J. H.lluDiiWt.N 1500 lO.NSBCKTUIX. I jff fllHE above new and mag. ' n,nccn'STf.4AA7ii', i V! --e'"'b-y built eipreraly lor tliia roula, ! frH ."'-a t.oc ol the lartat on the A im i ie .li t t.j.-l, apt! la nnsnrpaared, it equalled, f.-r it:.t t .1, rlrcnr.!h. coiiitorl, or aeet.mniodtuii. ' llin' oay p tr..iii each f.r I a. lulii.v. . : , Ar.t.r. IN I'll-I .iiif i run. j IIi:t;(NA TIN, :7; . rib Wbarrca. i Atirr- in I 'll I III i .ins. j fll'I.Mi: .V STUVKV, ll . vie A Co'. Wharf. S.ll.lMi li.Oi. I From Charleaton l'Mi., .mil and 3iuh day of each I nii-ii'h. ' From I'liiladelohia. 5l,. I.'itb lliii iiJill t o. do. ro. i All itrtM net- c uu. 'in-. i n- i-ie the AceliU Hi barb a- I i.. i. . . I I... ...r. ..itn .1 la. I'illiatle ll bla l.ee ol cum t "" - I nil on a. Ai.rim'.er ' 15LANK ATTACHMENTS for si.'c he: Mm