Lcl of your knowledge and belief. So help you Cod '. I" I lo"J Obitjrationof the lirst Degree. You, ami each of you. of lour ovtii free will and ac- s?i.rd, in the produce of Almighty Uod, and thc-e wituo-ses, jour riffltl haud resting on i this Hily Hihlc and Cross and your left Laud ricd toward llsaveu, '.r, if it be A:eferreJ, your .fit hand retiug on, your Lreast, and your rilil band riM'i toward Heaven. iutokeuof your sincerity, do sol imuly premise and swear that you will not mak known to any person or p?isons, anv of the signs, secret', mysteries or ob ject, of this Organisation, unless it be to thoe, whom, after due examination, cr law- j ful in form at ion, you shall find to be iiumh- , l!-rs of this Ircaiiization iu g.iod standing ; ' that you will not cut, carve, print, stamp, or iii w ay. directly or indirectly, expose any of i t If aecrets or uljccts of this Order, n.T suf- ', frr it to be acme by others, it in our power i t prevent it, i-.'ile: it be tor mtrue tiou ; that, ij 1 mrr at you are connected wi;li this ( lr.".iiizTti -in, if not regularly ili-s-niNsed from it, y,n niil J. all tilings, . po'.iiieal or social, so fir as this order is tonce.ued. e.-Miiply with tl,e ill of tin ma jority wli.Mi exrreed iu a lawful man- I.r.i ill u li it may ruiifliet with your pcr;o- no. ..i ..iipr. ..i,.r f it rfnn irt nn- ;ct w(, t. (,;,;,' jtttr nt S'wi.wiV , rt . '. ... ... ISO'tshli't !.. lc Co.nfintiono the I int. . .t.,t, ..t 1 ...y ... il Uf... i iiuij "j .urn, uic, w ,fioi 17 mi- uiciio m; which you reside, and that vou will not, under toy" circumstance whatever, know- , J , .i . f ,fly m-omtnend any un wor hy J-on for initiation, or suSer it to be done it in vour pjwer to prevet.t it. You furlhertnoie pro-mi-e and declare that you will uot vote, nor five yiur inflauiice for nny tnau for any of fice in the lift of the People, uit!o be be an Anicric-sLi-l rn citizen, in fav.r of Aine-rieaii-born ni:in America, nor if he be a Horn in Oiitlobc ; and that joa will not un der any circuit. stances, erpoe the i.aiue of any nutiib'T of this Order, nor rerenl the i-xileiice of ueli an 'rganiz-ttion. To all " t ho fore )in; you bind yo:ir.-clvp, under lio no K'm ret, ally t!:an that of being ei pcliel frnm I lie Order, and of having your nam" p,-t, i! and circulated throughout tho di fie re nt Councils of the I'.rted .""tales as a perjurer, and as a traitor to God nud yj ir cutitry ; a- r Leir; unfit to bo n-p!--y4, entrusto 1, cjuiiteiiaueed, or suppott i in any huines trstinption, a a poru totally un rortliy the eontiJeiiee of all pood n-'ii, :ii"l as one at whom tli2 fintr of s?orn hiiTilJ ever le pointed. So help you (i od ! Kach aimwers, " 1 iio. ' J Now Mr. I.-neL says he j oiueJ the Know NuliiKiL'S i:i Ualtiin jre, and tiie Standard n:i J otimr papers pul h-he l the a! ove astiie cbl;a:i jui of the Ntiiin ritu;il ; if i true, .Mr. Leac'u both tlu-t 3ert tj ik ii j ! in '.!$' ti.i.-t u h'tgi;i'.i, and ac eordinj U his owa as-ntloii ''. it; '.-rate-hf tut i ivi'jnUi; vi'il lt,! t 'tii m. Aocord iii;.' to the oulig ition above ptven ho prnini,. e l '.hit lie w.ii.i-l " a iiiuk'- kiiou-H to any j rnj i or . r.yms, ot tiunS, Sfcrtts n -,..'r 1' .v, ur o'jects V tnt (Jrgunisattun, A-:., 4 "," ani yet iu the face of day, he In e? fie sp.cli we pive above ' Now who would have any faith iu a man who thus jT5c!aiins t- tUe world hi-own diigracelind kifainy ? 15jt more of this mm. There is one i'jet wc desire to c ill atten t; u ti bifore we elo-o. Mr. Leach snvs that b join-'d the Ktrw Notbini in H.ilti- 1:IKF Kitllimrr V -i rt li ur rt.-Mit. m . - . i, ... j , in effect, that he took thne tkgnts. How doc that tallv ith the C xrour?s that th'e men made of the K now N jiiii:i. ritual! H'e I i.e... ... i i. . i ii a i- vnr urinr u. nun, wi;ii.- n 3.M1!;J j nt the olnce oi tup H.chiuonJ hn(j i;rcr, anJ it ives only tuo irprecj. Thi extr from fie Kn'jnirer office is dntcd March wth, 1 "". and vet Mr. Loach savs that list 1 ,iii.,ir, he took three itf'rett ' WLv the other ti t b"cn cxrM-d ' Where is it and what f- il! Why did not Mr. Leach enlil.t eu the r sp'.ctatit iVtiioersey of the Frut.!: lititcu C-jtiveti?ion on ti is ipictin ! LctLiui reconcile loia state:ie-ut i! he can. with the p'lbiieavioiis that !..'ve been made l y Lis (.'.vii pirty prfs-c. In the i,ic:i:i tirn-'. we wi.-h the l' rii'-v and I'ierce party of this Tv.-.. c . . ... , , J.b-tuct j-iy of tuisswirt w.tnes-Lo, accor1-'ex;ie in.' tn !.i own account, if he ha n it co:n Uiitted lei'al ptrjiry. has placed hi inn If in -it-ii a P'isi:' hi as wi.l nuke it perfectly ju,. 1 : Sable for the j.ab'.ie t diabelie . e ai v tuiii ' be may s.iv. i'.'0I Sl'ivmx (S An ea.-.tera paper contain a siirt but u vi ry excellent stniii" upon keeping Out oi (i'.Lt. Is it not irae mat tiinu.ii'is uaaie thetn-eires slaves s.",i th'-ir lives bv .... 'ractiil-' debt. ! I Lave s-ouiii'iuie .i'.-ir:i"i whether a home in a l)j tab-.i u. r. lie broad praitic. is not far prererabl to on..- iu a city where a majori ty mW be iu a con-taut strujie to provide t'.e " i!v at.d inea-is' of kwuz. The ia- -.pendent tanii.-r- of tl. eou'.trv know very Lti.e of the paii.fol anxiety cf tho-e etipa,'ed iu trade ani trafhe. lijl to the fccriiiali. t tr nt the W'oJ. itXT no in tn jnilim,t;. Keep out of (ic-t.t. Avoid it as ym w uld war, pe'ti'enc'! aiil fdinine. Mhui. it a vou would the devil. Hate it with .1 peif-el ha lted. Abb; it 't:i an i-n'.:-. an 1 ah-ol;i! abhorrence. Ih pot'o--, break stoiius, peldle tin-war", do anything that ii hoiie.-t and useful, rather than rin ill deht. A" V'.il Value e.jinfa.'t, q iii-t in ls'.'.ti'b tic -, k'- p out of debt. A- you valuf pool di-"'i-tion a Leaitliy app-lit", a placid temper, a ntiiOvtb pi.l'iw, sweet sleep, pleasant dreanm , !. s! i-- . !. ' it it Jj.b i.. the ti irde-t of ail t i-k lo-i-ii-rs, the mo.t cruel ol all pres-.. . It i- an incubus on the In a 1 1. l p. tads a cloud over the w hole irmauietit o' a man's beiic. It ecip-es' tLe sun it b .'t out fhe star-, il diint and deface the 1 eau'i'ul blue of th" skv. It Lrciiks tii" hai ii.otiy of intu-e, ani turns to ul! tin voices '.'' iii me bod v. It lurrows th" fireln id w:tii premature wrii.u i' , il lacks ttia eye of its 1 ".ht, it dras all n obi 'in s and ail kindii- out of th" l- i'l aril Leaiia of a man it take all t:.e -out out of hi l.-iui'h. ait l 1:1 t-.l"iirics airJ lre.doiii from his a,it. I oine not uii i.. r its neeur-. I doiniiiKm. i'a-s bv .t u. vou won; I ,-i. by n b'. per, or on.' ni.itt'ii by tne . i T .in !, it i, ,. Ta-ie not ol its (u.r. ( ,r it ?-hi!l turn to bitt. me an 1 ash"" . ii v .i. r Finally I say to n h and t 1 but rT. ' i.iily to vu'iii", kei p Out of d.-l.t. ClI'iLLnA T Ji 1-1 l.y,N I'.iiutA'.K? The St. Louis K pul ir an of W.-di..-lay lu.-t a I : " W liriv l,'i,ii f.,r home time thai t-lio!el ex 1 am 1. ti,v in w 1 1 er n t ul Ji !f -non 1. 11 : J' k 1 11 it "iid , tiiKe i ac vf h i alai min ch nactir t-i r-. H IUC ".t'i'l.ii ri .lire. 'I I;'' d:.i:.'l. in vii U 1 . a hi ' t j pr Tin jit treat 1111 i.t, Slid of the ti ll! iiu ii'i"r of p T jn a'tjcived abo'.it srv tt.t only fuite.'n cae. 'eruiiuat'd fjtal-J..'' D'ovili Carolina ftclMg. CAH CHARLOTTE : Tuesday, May 22, I $55. From the South Carolinian, (Ejctrn,) ARRIVAL OF STEAMSHIP BALTIC. Oik- W''k l.:lT from Kitrnpo. COTTON Sl.HiHTI.Y A IV. NlT.D. Nlw York, Miv It. lIN.S. Tlie 5teitnrr Hiltic ti-s airivctl, niih Liverpool date of M. y 5. At St-tiusioi.ol the Aliiea elter tlie mo.t aneii m.r v mm i iii r nan pniiicn. con-iiiera uie n ruunu n j v stair In Hen nearly all uie ku-hi.hi ontwoia. .oi. ia i lliM.miiinfT tliene suceKcs. Iiowi ver. liieir poai- ,'" .. , ,;, n ....... Ti... ' ... i. i .i . i ..i .i... o.i. onilgeo in iwacKcn li.e utan u.i ru i lit in oner innio, , i without having produced .uthVieni rnVrt t juti. j i f , A ,"rco " ! icireed lOn.ndiJ, wie couei utr itinir about lliu i . pU Ti..-re ....-.!. t.-ieyraphic co,,u,,i?. tion between I.i'iidon and the Cfimen, but the Government is vrrv enlltii us with the news. The Ein.eror .ipotcnn mirroly cseapetl a. The British Lidg t had panfed both Houses of P:, r!;4tlei:t. Tue of Prussia wna ill wth fever. I .IVMKPiiOI. MARKET. I.ivtRrooi., Miv J, l?--'"i. Cottou had Keen ae- live at it. aiivanee. S..le ot' the week l'C.IH'O h-lea, including- jO.OtiO to i.e-ul..lnr. and -t lml to cxporti rs. Kair Orleans Ci-'. middling 5 7-1 ("!. . , . ., j , , , Hour h ul advanced "Js. lorn -'a., and wheat 4 a . Consul doii-1 ,i "(. j ' ( UiinlCrf. ils. I , In the hurry of ;ettirj our p'per to press lat ; Holt we ei-ionnlteil an error in the oate ot liie eoiiiit' rk :t S.'i) bill on toe Ct.-rh tie Ink. We le.irn from the dioiier t i it I'.e g- Miiinc biiiii are diteil July 11, I'.yJ. and that of t'le counterfeits ..iiic. or- d lid tl.c tth April, If-'w before the II. nk we-it ii.t oi';j'i fc.tnit the U'th July, i;j3, :.d .,:!. c t!.- lis I i tuber, 1 -.".'!. Thr lufl!vls ! S-,i-raI of xrhang- have nit'nttunt-t! tlit p:;ir.iii ' of I.ociits in tlifi1- fitiutlv. Tiny ; re lit r- tnn, Lut it i v oo l: t i:,rlct any ih'iw a--f..r a wti rrt'j; 1 sec tt-ir ii"n'.'ii,i.iia ii i?. rtltf J i 'Tir iJj !,' . rr to : uc inar Xi.t in. LT IV, invite MUiitiim to t'ie article on fir-l p.ij;c heijii: " Mil NULIt I U.MK :" In cannrc tion wilti that article we invl attention to tue lulUjWii.g queries put by the Uak'iri U gister : i 1. Why ilnl not the " Jstandarii,' in itsacci.unt , cf Icli' Frankiintoo ezj-cst, nubiiah wtml lie i an'! !xiut I lie thiid degret TnaT it was hostile TO ASLITIOMSM ? ' "J. W!ijrii it not atite that towards the last oi" Ins d. velo,. mi nt lie vvna turced to admit l.e hev.-r s'ltiiUr-e n tr.'in tne orJtr.tut wah still , in.iM'rf r : , 3. W hy did it nr.t also Ule that Mr. JenVina, 'Mr. B-n-m I r, anil .!ier ei.tleuien ol liie Krty, me i'"ct.lne and exniaitiou ! as di'hoiiorabie mid base ? Il'ii v did it not state that w!iilt there were in the I on rint inn, men c.llinir Ihcm-elvea gen.' tiemen, who jutifi' d the aet, in the face of the ! solium (.:;;:'. .lion ne nau lakrti i aeep aierei. m ' . ! ... ..i ... ...... .............. wum fc ... ..i...rK e- '".. . '.. . i present bci-mrinc lo the Haj reiiows and .vi .sons. ho d I .r.r! T one, who would be guilty '- of mc'i f-'iiuru'-!, or !'il;h'-.; it, shoi!. be kieked not of eoiupai y of hoiioritde uirn ? a. If a W liif Convention were to induce a Ileiooi-r .t to mike a putdic expose ul Ihe ateretu of n " l'-;n .crj'.ic t 'aiicim " winch he had proiiii. ed to ke-p, ur I-.- et by and lileii to scrh an ex. pose. wt!hout indifffianllv r t-'iaiep; it, would riot rr rv 1 h'.' i.ian of tlie Demtcr4ty denounce it as a in... in art ' fi. V" mi iii .-.ii ri.l.t F. llm- in d ne,. a Ma unn lo i - - the .eret. of Masmirv. or a Mason the srereta of (i.Jd r e!I..wnin ? If i in' 1 he were lo one ip 1. in were 10. one wilo in ?ht liebr.s- citoilifll to make sueh -VIKU r, woiii 1 h t ent;t!'.-d to the r- ni-i t of tionoribie in' n 1 W ould he not be s . V,i! not timse vhn eneourle d mid iil?t:fled t'.e eondurt of I.i arh, blush a little when tin y mi t t e -rii otin r, t'.ce to, on liie 1 5th of tins ' C. H .ll .tndrrir Jiirkton fsach, flaij , of John, ston Counl v. lie pr- tnt st t-.e t'tiivention ? A ill triose " m iiiii-meii " of the Ikiiiv, w Iio hnve de. iiourieeii hi conduct, nt w ith hnu ? !id not "evi-n!, who had left the eo'.irntton, before Ins ;'rl'.rn:l.'ee esrnc otf. Cee' tre ir loy had been pres. ii, '-'-y would have tTi;rpd l.t i-i'ii Uion ? I '..ifie, n' iTneo. sne -k 'j-j ' "T'-.l toe truth anu ti.e whoie truln!" ' Eta wiCS Slltl rdilllilir. wire nre.ri.t. .! the oth.r clay with a beau- .1 l'i. inre bv S. M. Wallace. It 1 certainly I . lieu', d ind mr ore wi.hinir tn learn tin tautiful n'l ffin i! i o hy a-ylyn t him at the Mrrklei.bnrif !l u. IT An iiitprcin:i h:v cne iiSroaH thnt I)r. J ph J v ffitf .ri li.i-l f nioved to hi, jil UiU .i'n, i- ur- Ttt-t pU'4 w' that Pti' ti i not thr 5-'i. II.- cm T,wvj v fi'Uitd ;-t !n r'oiii ov r i. r. d he inijK i to in' "t Willi a iiiorc n't nivc pric tif.e jt iian v r h'T'- to. jfe ftcivnj. AboliiionivU ronld ert iimonN thfm!1 j Mr. t ratje in Iiib p-''hot I'ik h-iyy Ijut, at. Mfi'f e oic r .i'Mi k hy ih ra w n ftztt'ji r in H-e " n t n.- f nt jfii of I ,v KiHw-.rJ :;.ir " t,,at ' !itl'.I.,til Mi'ut f C t '(. gt I tit Id" DlliJ of; cour: ii i.t nt tli in bit. tl'- r i-u ton uru U vt ry. Uc io'.n MjiUfi tit, .in one f ti.e iiK..t frivo!.!! i-.iwr.s 'mi f iit y in 11 t-t Ir. ( ruijt! jut' ., t't-firt. .Iw. i.'mniJto tmt iutn uur multt to ItrUnr it Qgnnt tiurtitf! It ty jt'in tli?:t ht Hif Imfti run ft.r Lrgutit t.U t.t lit mv:r wuiiii iiiie Itiy-! in ij'',u ti liine ci luat' ii. 1't.e naiisC i. ( (Xt, !, I ! in jrjt j m t OijJ tlw Mu'iii" nt.': t,f 'IViiij rut '- 'hy all h-tld tin. tr ini'lifi-i ' n t! iiNht Jj'4 ai'iiliiinit ere-p in aiii'.b;t t t ft. I :rUt;tiy. f,,t atJliut. t:rt t',.,t !': inc. titivn nr.. hi ri 1, ia tiil r.Mjiiu '.'t vri t-iritfliu tiiit fi.t-v coulU t.- r':fr.ti.t to tsi .r ,uy t- wiu--w aiui thir - i, x sny ik h ii I tir jt. .Mr. ( rai" muit j'i-Yr ti; li.iuw S ;ti.iug by Iiib own t-n-dstrti tvi i tiiiC. .Mr. ( r;.ir? and th' fattioKn. .u'ii v.r j. ni i v. ry ttlriit f,n l-v v.hl Mr. . .HI 1...I 'J ij. .liny, Vrt if . .11 s Sf ....J fi.jt . rr;..jrw. .tuiiv n. ? t.e i..ii..!rr Iil:s ill tin. ) . W. uriii rt'iiil i.llii i..t lli'f.- K.ri: 111 this ic.ii.i-ry ,'j l'i .tlC'J .'ii . 'I'li.S it ;i'ij...irp i.ot i:i.rm.t. li. c i uf i . tn . t.ff ti..t the re si. re y, I. .Hl.lilifl ,,( f.,ri ;gn, r, und i.f ti..-..- fi or Tli'l.OoO rr I! ' .tii.jjirs. N.i sttdo not t'.ctiarge M r. t. witiiutt' mpt- irs; t. f.Iaify Iii., but rfo y JfJVBT - "w tassin ition on ttic evening ol tlie SfUi. An itai-i mane ny i rmee .ueiiirnien, ol .-uina, olhjui , severe the coiflitt be, we cannot tall ian rind two pistol huU at him while fitting- uu ; 140, to this effect, that Ufmtigmit troutd It at. 1 to be triiilnplatit. Uot assured, nir, tbe '' Lor77.'lin,:u'si.i'liranT i r"'e " ,ki tvunUV ' coulJ "tholica Mountain Bo are attached to " Sttm " and ha.' n .turned from Vienna. .nougn orr lo uptrtthit goctrnmtnl in a ftve yran." will do bat tic, for bis cause, with a perfect that he hat not made a correct atatement in rcla tion to tliK number of Catholics. If he will turn to p;c 138 of the compendium of the census, im. rucdhiUly under tabic 140, he will find tlint the correct number of Catholics in thia country in lfijU, was 1,173,700, nearly double tlie number stated by him. And if table 139 is tlie source from whence he derived liii information, if he will examine it he will find that he lia coininiltcd a great blundtr audi a blunder that it ia hardly excusable in a member of I'nngreaa he will find that the tuble iclcrs to the C hurch accominodationa I of liie Catholic, which ia C75,726, and not to the ( prpulution. If it waa his ties ire to be correct, wo auk why he did not examine a litile farther T On n- ,i. i; ft.,.,, il, l.n, ti, iiil...i;- i , , . ,o-, . i i Tii -on , population ahout 1&.4 t down at 1.3J4...00. ! The Catholic Ilireetory fur ls.5.", stal'-a the num. ! ber to be 1,835,500. In Xortli Carolina there if, ! perhaps, no dansr. r. hut we ..k. la there no dan. ... ,. , , . . , ; ger III .new 1 orh, I enil'! iv.ihi.i, ilio, anu u iil-iii I her of other State, where they are nettled ? Cer l.iinly tlierc ia. In looking over the censu table I ... . r j , i. . n I c .. . .1.. :.. I .. il. ..1 : 'I mc una ma i in .1 CL.iiia miri is .ihiiuuvi:uuj;ii to carry'the tlt ctinn in favor of any man they might unite upon fur 1'uet.idciit, and thnt in auinc , case they have done thia we veriiy believe, yet r I'-.l.. ....!. I lln... II. n r..n,.!o .,1 ll.iu and this district believe there ia no danger, lie waincd the people of Know Nothingian, well o be . , wall warn the people ol man, wiio, with . ; .. l e. the figure before re him cm get up and atutc that iper to be nporehnidid from the there ia no danrer to he nnnre Catholic in tin country. U IhfIT no Dnnert ! In a eon vernal ion with a gentleman the other day, he aialed to u a remark which he aiya n Me is fnsxtirt. in this, and although we have no re. ; collection at this linn , of hearing or rienig aueh : an exiresirn, yelweare dihpoitid tobtluve it, btcnuse we have aeen it atatej more than once. that the Pope was trying lo get the ascendancy j,, coutrVi am ,1, ,, n, j.r, fold of opera. .. .. ". .. ...... , . tion was the va ey ol I n-MisMstiif'ni, u iiere hun. 3 " ' dreti and thousiilds of CatltolicH were ceiiFtant. iy liocking. We at le in another article, that in 2I States the Catholics, by throwing their vote with one or the oilier of tlie two great parth of the cuuulry, could elect any man President they (iniiiii'. 1 nc etiarge lma been made agiunal rre. i.h nt Pteree that lie made sueh a coalition with llishrp Huglie. AI i v tni not ciceount for tiie large iimnU-r of Slutis he received in the last Pr.-nidential election. To prove to the s'ltistat-lion of ii-ry true American, the danger of fori ign in. rluince we invite a'tentiou to the following ei-tr-et from ti.e a-ech of tl.c Hon. T. I.. Ciin man, dolivered iu the House of Representatives on J..n. 0. IS lo, on the Presidential election of 1I4 : N'cnrlr une hundred tli'ius.mij foreigners arc i-suTii.iii u in i : in t .( rii ti ' ty in i in1 I linen .-.iiiun , oi ii:m iiuiiio r n verv ur-'i- ixiriion lire i.oniau t-.,l!,.l!e. JlyTueu,..". w-l.icn tune ! . not per- me to rt count, but tlie iiiuf t iiinitlionn and un- ,'l-titi.ihie, tile ll. mi" r.itiC party Slieceei!' t: III in iMieii'' them to tand tei ri'eivi'a t i;i th r unn r.illv tn tin- support ol' .Mr. Toik. S um- of them avowed their prettrcnie lor linn hecaiis his r-e traiie K-dicy was more I'.ivorlde ti ti.e niterei.t of the mother eonnlrti from u lneti lin e riitoi th.:n whs Mr. l iny s. ;iiei optn'y y,vLtm,,l on r.'.nr Imnnrrt that thry vmiU mil ht i ultd ly Amtricav: A. evidence ot ihe sort of t-. ln.g wh.. h h. a ! inculcfled into the uuniis of trie moat iirnarnf of ,i I i. ,a r..- - l.ii'.. innmii.t thai occurred in the room of a triend to whnn, I eli meed tn make a visit. While n.ak. himself also as a candidate for election to jinncj ms position on that question to be ad that is, if you do not repent and I cotl)IIl;t ,ue Gr,nj Council to a dlstmctin pid'wJeldc'mehrtoe,; tl f Jh tt House wa.,hat Ucwas 0l,pHcd to distiibution, Wl,i forsake your evil way. end cease your ( nMionaI pUlforl, of po!i,icll rrilf;r!tS ttlv'etl, tM:tt l.c i i pri't fri-nd to i:n tv)r for- quite crowded ; I did not hear tho beio- i in tle 0d and new Stale, lut that be was , of h-muel, you will, at tbe next elec- ,,ut , bt.,ng rf(t,rd4 the work tr-emi.-r.; we elected ee.i. do ,! any '"n? of Mr. Crude's speech when I first! for kccpin!, lnc ian.l as a source of reve-1 tion, be politically damned aud be fouud m , of tne vntultlf, .N.iional Council, ninwhee we all try." Mir. bad ii.e t..r.isn ( ath. - , , -,, . r . . . . . . . 0101 iiu trt hart tit rutiltiitl aiani .re lnnn J s tnrt a( fariii'nt.t heit. but liritish fold wi. own- , -( - ,.L.,V ,1 i i.r..niote Mr ';i:,t. . . '.r ... ' , ... . ' . 1 ' ..." the tariti" and promot.nir ihe sale of in illilt.ielurea tin eotiiitrv. in me -uf.u wy .v,,e i, our tlvnirtite mutlett. Th.a will be e,,r,id-red ond authority to Dem. oer .ta aa .vir. i lineman h is ixeoine one ot inem. In the same apeech Mr.rlinjinan. in a roph. f. ' ic iiiiniier, predict Hie formation of a party sun. : . . .1 . . i .1 . 1.- n . n.T to 11,11 1 oi me r nnw..toi;iim-. i r-ar 111111 : " Ann ii iori,7n 1 amours, or loreiener t' ner - 1, e.niiiiue imiiu'ij V'uar, sun 1 ik'w i.i eontroilini- t l.e eh , t,on ..f the c.u airy, tint will ...i ,.,...,. ..i f. ........ ii,. , ..ti lie UJIil to wlucii li.ey have altutiiid tin uiaelve.' ' itirrs of 5rw Bouk. Koa Sale t 1iwrik ic Esmss' Boi-iit Ptose. Divou rues on Truth, bv J. If. Thornwe'I, U. D., P.fsidi lit of the Moutii t. ..lina Collewe. "The tipies iiieusMl in thia volume are the Ilthicd System of the Ihiile, the Love of Truth, S:ncri'y, l-'aithfuln. s, Vow s, and Coriaicti nry. We nrcd hardly a.iy that these subjects are di. . cii'S"d w.tli greit breadth and vi'.r of thoupht, i "' ' ""'"' ' ol,!'1 e.rce'y discuss t'.i-ni in any ': e,!"'r B"'.v- The K-hie, are of the Wliest slaml. ''"athir.j a pure t!.el..ey. and informed by "anA t,,yc !' a"cl I"e--nted in s form of com- pirt.d Iotjic." Wo should like to i e a rpy of thia Wok on the tnhlca of our Coun tin j.liouiei, and in Ihe prtval cpnrtniffMa of all of our youth who arc embark, in? in the commercial world. Superior Court. Jinea and I. C Sl arp were, on F.iday lant acntfiicfd to lc hr'trnl'd, which cnti-ure w;n i.n. mfdi.'tIy t i'ciited and tl-ey were ordirrti to be iiupriiKjiied fur 1 month.. , ffi R TBI.E We hve thr Mty No. of tlie A-ritnr. If nny f n,.r r, r. .I,..!.1.! h is.1i a ur.A a r ir 1. 1 1 u r 1 Oil. ot-r wc C'Jiiiiitt nd IIhh t't t rw'tire. WV have HKt rcccivrd tfif I. "n i v-ri ty M trrnzine f'iT MijT. We l-iiivr not tune to ive a thorough ' x .iniiiistion, hut fr.nn fui'-ry iiw it aear to le i!i-d witu ifit'-rc ti n jf in .tier. .U'rinillural flrrtinf. 'l nt r.i; u.'Kli'd lo five notire t'.jt t! Mr 1. i.b AyriioiiTiral Society wiil I 1 4 ... .... f u - ijuJitrrly iiiiilir.g in tin: 'oiirtli'.ii'- on iii .-uu I I ;i :.k1i yn'i iiiid y'.ur hutir lii-tirf, J I 'c ul- i. tnc ruH'-rn of th ilmTn-', A..'J tiM'Vf t!i lilinJ n if t!i: t.jij-rt sm, .! ; Il it t V .if". -l ': J-t.rJiH t' Il I! ( ii r-1 r ul' St yt Mm- I- ( o il.t ' liffila ; Ai.-J, iiitiiu'ii I t:tii hrn 'nil ul'" to ;i.Wt W hlCit li.'t Ifitlllt-iti ly :ifi iTI. ' li, Il Iu u t . ii (i u it nt ii rl if C- it' f, I l..i il ft., tn -trhy d rt tV'tni ir i t.ii nrr : It i niul tlial, jiirr tifn A tun'. In a .Surtttf rn, hnMitri-ni rhnii, A liungry mty your HrtgfliTHiij -ijyicJ, S dlkiiiv nt t ly t ii tr( t !: , I-uiflf la'inf iu ail y,ur msirlol pruk ; .ning when sir all try." Mir. had ihe r..n i;n t ath. hearu llinii tin was pitctiin' into rvtiew ulies been divided in the l ite el. etiori, a other ' XotbillgiMll, untucbus, et calcibus, ct detlti sects an.) classes ?.-.erally were. Mr. Clay would bus, et dibus, a, old I'edapocus used to navpparrit i by a turvo nnjority it(t Matt t fvr ' , , . , i e York,., ai.,. the MiaK. of Pennsylvania, Iiuisi. "V, which ai-Scs that he was clawinp, am, and probably acme other in Ibr Nnrthwest. kickinp, cufEng, -lid biting theiu all over, .......... .-. ,.r..i .re jir.-n,,-...,, un. ... , . . j..-...-.. ,m 1.(.11. u,.,i...,.-r, iu ; b(,Ich jl( t,i(J (!()fjr jn Px(.it(,j on,t Mm i ner eitensive iron oro beds, commencing in1 ton yet Ihe lirnnd Council re ni. "-'" t.n.e nr. u. Tue .. iio.toJ ! Loth Mr. Caldwell ami tin: speaker : rip,,in.e the throat of his bov' and ' tllfi South-KasUra part of Cleaveland, and third decree with entire unanimity, li. ;tii..l. 'joined ii.o.vt heartily. I ret.ll y feared tlik t , , ,,. , -,' r,n.i.. tl.rn....l. I. ....I '.. 1. ' ft... k. si adoMioD ot 1.1 , , , , ,'iii.", .mi, ur , 1011 can i 1.01 ine 1 r- .... ..... i.n , """ j --- - :tU,r(:iiKi-r vi'l hAve 1:011.5 into convul- 0 b rvo rM(, ' ,a.t ,j fl.,. i Counts. Tho iron ore in incili.ut.UbU, ' forcKoiiiR platform, Ac. 'r.,MMrv,.it..u,.,,ii,.. !ion.( or throw d inn jaw-bone out of place, (JW Come hire mm, brre's Ham." Tho ! currinjs in viua from a few inchto0 A- all parties, and factions anl frW ' Unrra! Pirrcr, ? T l .rnjy 'Prt f I that went up from tbe company, wm 1 or H or tbe ItoIu- of partica, are fu.ig in tbe oppi i M.Ttcrora. 1 'l1!' lln"; ld !hui w" fIMO'c 1 a perf- ct y9 a, thu light .li,covoroI I -"nary war, t1,nb orn U,,k. as they American partita are dctrn.inJ to f,,.,, . nt. .i "toriMnn? r. h vod o H 8 fl ' J,,,, u t h an a htrarM Ie of an old toothless ha-1 rB P'ierally ralieii, attrartd the atton- licrn it can be done conuntly w.tb A a they called you General thia boy, a mendicant, Having for awcetmcuti a aon penchant, Aakcd of you a very amalpittanct:, And, although you wish! to have from him a riddance, You took Aomyour atrutd pocket three eentH, nt more, . Of glittering, .rklinp, light co(in r ore : And nid, uugnuiiimoual j without a word of ban. dy, Mere buy, go, buy youretf mine augar candy ; Thia ou ci.uld irry wil tbiril, A it took an little trios our great hoard : And, Hlthiiugh the nei)liura wire surprised, And your coure of ei diet criticised With regurd In the inalificmit pittance, II V which you nbt.i undo tlie oor boy a quittance, Vet (lit-v aaid vou InuUme miiu cor.d : I And the uoor liv mielbuy hiinaelf aomc food, "Inch lie could do lilt nanny, 1 I'ulea ho nrefeired Wluy augar candy : , Tii ,,ling'bcciinic al,bjicl , convention '1'lirouglmut the icnrh and breadth of the nation, j And haa never been jicccssfully denied, Mof to deny .1 our friend, have ort tried, linae biiBiiusa ia tiineauie wiiu poiiuta. And who are .kilUjii party tactic; Aa the truth of the jeiy remain therefore intact. I "m bound to con-kr it a lixi.d lacl. I FOR il K N. C. wma. Mr, Editor ,-;A Convention of "Know ! NolllltKTtt n w . . I J . 1 1 H 111 AkIiPVIUP VOhttTdaV sculled i lor the purpOscM notlilliatltlg a ClillUlUiHe to represent tL Coilgres.iotiill District iu A liirye deleuntion at mo i'Xi voDjris fended, repre.-iliii2 all the Counties but .three. Great Inmiiinity prevailed. Mr. 1.. . . i .... r. . j titrmichait, ol W tikes county, rccelveu j ""-.inniou vote of the Convei.tion and i will !oou be 11 the Geld of battle with (lift lU UJtr'M every true hearted Atnei- ; a9 ri;;htliaiid euppo.teM. With such leader alul guvliorlnra, no matter how eoufidelicc of a tl iuinpliant victory ill All pu.-t. i be Maititniu l'itnct m on lire . " S iwt,'' that ulitjuitotta individual has made hU footsteps wiore the 'tintsih rs '' little ex pected him axiil tiled obscure and seclud ed hovels with lis .'Iwc; iVni principles and feiliti:s, which ae burning and blazing with a brilliancy fiuflcieut to awaken an awful nlariu in the r nks of the l'njisli clique, headed by T. L.CIiiiL'iuan, whose efforts are a? untiring as hi defeat is cevtaiu. No hur ricane csu stop ' S.'tfi he traveb rapid lv agninst wiadtnd weatLcr scaling inoun- the Native Ameiicans for taking ihe same tains, leaping ffnees and walking over rivers! menin of defending theuisilves hew aucb as lifon dryirtutd. A mania has seized 1 combinations. Mr. Caldwell went on tu ' . J . . ...... , , ,.. , the people, aw no remedy Lut the ballot box iu Au-'Ui-j. n Americans a- " trvviptt has wake up evifvwhere, the son mint vtu r. enPo,! nnoii In d.-fend .,. .... I your rights litirgery anu 1'etnocracy tiave nothing to do si the present liiometitoiis cri- pis. ii you Iru e otip uropoi Auievaan i-iocu in your r. us, let it be f-itt in dt fence of A niei'cnn priiriples. Io all in your power' ele Vli tc tltel t' ' tVi whose iiitere5t and - ,. , i ' corrctpoud with yours , 1 SAXCt). rt'R TI!E X. f. W1IW. The Excited Candidate. On Tuesday of the Superior Court Charlotte, Jlon. Lurton Craige addressed the citizens of Mecklenburg County, Hi a calldidat for re-ekction to tWress, from . ... i i . . j r .1 . i. l!"r'l X'lairiCl and was replied to bw James A. laldwell, Kq , who announced ' Iteara lnm, ho was pitct.ui? luto IMicw - 1 . . ... - 1 . .1 1 . -i I rivlmr it tn rinn S:timii.l unit tori!ii! f--."" - 1 -'. ............ 1 ....1 f ,t 1... e 1 "H"'"-" ' " cry ui .1....1.. . that Poor detnoti-lied ind.viduai ; tnv itnat- natiou depicted to my atpht a pair of eyes! tuuyeii uui, m person cnoaeu uiaea,, in- 1111 1 1 I . . ! t 1 neau ana bony pommellea to a je.iy, ana bit all over. Lut I soon discovered that it ; wag only a lancy sketch, liKe that described in tbe "..eorgia Scene., where another equal - uiinracu-r was eieitieing uimm-u i in an iinaoina rv ei.ri t-.t. rin-nariiifr for the ( --- e j 1 g 1 - - ---o - - - I ounpral tunvter " ,. , , , , . , The audience seemed much wleased. and j 1 applauUed lou'i still Ion-, and that seemed . i.;. ,ii. i . a .i . .. t r.i. llnnnpalilM opntl. in n nliA f.rnlria .ryiin nnAti .i ri c .i i e i i i .t them like a thoyand of brick said they couldn't come that came over Lim he was very inucti oblip-d to them bo ondcrstood it all l.e knew it was Sam' dotBjs be had beard out of doors, before be came in me 0f Bn anecdote of a fiieod of niii.e I the prod ucU of the soil and the forest, here, that they were poing to do that very l0 Lall , runaway ncpro boy, and after' The turpentine and lumber trado is ex thing L understood Ihe game fully they jj0e w,lohinps and buntings, he and s ! tamely iueralive, i.d of vast importance bad tried the same thins with Mr. Wise romluded that tbev had f,,i.i,J not ; to 'l,c properily of our eastern citnens. couldn't fool the n.ore they - P - plauded.the more he scolded them. He tl..n I ftT Ar.r.n.lornl.ln eAnssii a sst I f . & l.iawli. ... e...,.B ... .... u,r. TirpSWIirA kr.ti-in no..i n miii'tv thlit OA 1 . ' " -J - " 1...1 ... .i, ..:.. i.. r, :.. . . A.,n ,fi,M,i,i,.,Uu, fir ut't: udP'l iimuii tit nnnnrtatf ft. Know or secluded house, to nominate a Know - .NOiiiinScut,i.iaie,ai.aii. rei.ewasparticu- larly rampant and uncommonly factious; be turned round to Mr. Caldwell, with ths air of one who had hemmed in and penned up his adversary ,nto a corner from which there was no escape, and now, when "he poor detected cu.pnt thought be had ..en ':, .. ,.,: , . ' " him from his hid.n- place into the h-ht of; day and literally Kkui h.m before the eyes of the whole community as one would draw out .fox by the tail from, bollow-tn.-e and hand it over to the do- to devour, He approached, the supposed victim so art - fully and so gracefully, and at the aawe time, ,tl, ,o much em-rgjr, that it wa sur- prtMiic that lit oi ponent did riot bolt I' ! I't'O' 1 :....,.i .. 1: j ... 1 .1. . . .1 .... . , ...... .u , . ', r, , .u .u.s .o-uay i '' " 6." i P"'-nK tO Mr I n 1 11. m until thorn tr t in K n.ta- N I. . w. - ..lA ' ).. I. 1 u v.-r u.u.t . . . . .c i. 1 w u'u'j Buuitory were convuiscu mm iauti . 1 Mis I . ' n me winnow at ins rear, ami fee ' ,,;u ,. 1 1 ...1 . .' .,... ,e ca td ere at and .mod I.i,...,r.....l rei.iionc sancnuen oj 1 ro.e". aar. ty ,n flight. Jle said Mr Caldwell had j wl)en uear hj ' ilIlm01 ; west of the Cutaba, . noble river, rUin 7- 1 borough reform iu the natulan bun atCabtrru, and at(,a,tot,,ll(,ard ; a - , ,,, 0; , d.-pnirin.. ! ' now.elal mountains of Wc.terti la"', . , ,., , , ,. , . and at other place where there were pub-: ,iriek of murj,. urdc ;,,rdu j," I Carolina, h " Old Lincoln," embracing ihe ; . " i' ' ic Kti, r,n-, but that he had not decUrrd . fM t;. ou't prMellt ;0in.tiee of Mt, Catawba, and a '',U1 f;,r 'ct '' clsse, "b ' himself a r...i,d.t-tl.t n.ect.n- of the j ,ive don-t ki , fr ' ; portion of Cleveland. I'crhsp. no County , '. " ' oti, U uuivcr,. Know-Nothtni'S bad assembled lt nii'ht.l .... ... 1 -.. .. ... . 1 i in tl.. i.. 1 :.. ., book. mucn oiMJiriiti..'! in bems tkinncd a ?Ir.iif . i , ., . ... . ;5 Lrai-e km in skinning him ; and evr-n the ,00 , n.mire.i luce i .-. el, o , ro boy fc'a.n, whilst her dnuchter KM r"' nifctare of inn. from the .rgill. ! Ir,fe. at the former w.Am, li'V 1 full of huin .nr and so ready to r l, h c M fif ( The, Ld un-! ceou !n found. .Not 1 of the fact hut ouo delegate from pood joke . le.m.iig ""! on-. f,irtun-(l!, ,ak,.u tf.r tha ui,t jn j only the Counties in which these works re ' Council admitted, (heretofore th"' ;.iin;..Mj ii.easure . that or nny ho.iy e ,n. th(, o,(, ,,.i00j.,0(ls,; Vou , " . . : situated, have teen henefitled, tut U,o ! Ill rot.) woutd rtprccntatw- f i "PI"-""1 to to " ""(-'""' '"l h,)W ndiculou .Mr. Jonathan looked and ! ''"' "gricultursl community tot a di.,tnre on.e I .'tm Councils. . stter Making Mr 1,1.1 well, the j f, u on ,hat iiitereitini. occasion, and the, of fifty miles around. According All concur in th. stalcment th K.,w,V)th,n cst,did.te,lo Isu.-h bilt , Lf(W ,u J , enumeration of the Ilokeill the mot intellii-ent, dignified and bar"' l..,r cLampior, was h.-.n so uninercif,, ly L.. '.. wUn h- Kiprcs, w hich seem, to te carefully niB,l. ou, tody of the Order that ever c-t H ll 7'T V' 1 ,"i-akf f" "'S tUat 1.. Lad Sau.nel r "ow the aatne County, 1 1 ed in the State. well, lo enjoy the being hcaten himse.f. : djwn , fc. j , f or WoMwri j ,,,,,. f j , , (tt1aiuB of Chutbuck, of ! But all tbia royftery was explained when 5Ir. Caldwoll got up and announced the fact that he was not a Know-Nothing him self, nor was be tho candidate of that body; nor did he expect to recuivo their votes that ho supposed they would, at tho proper time, briii" eut a cuudidate of their own, and that ho supposed they were perfectly competent to take cure of thenisehes that be came out, as- a Whig candidate, at the solicitation of many frieuds ; and that he was not willing ta bo transferred from the old Whig line, to any new party that he did uot now, nor did ho ever expect to be long to the Know-Nothing society, but that ha highly approved of some of their prin ciples that he was stronply in favor of ex tending tbe time for the naturalization of foreigners, &-C-, that it seemed that the gentleman was ready to denounce most bit terly, an orpauizaiiuu of bis fellow citizens, native born American, whilst he became the warm advocato of foreigners and of Catholics that those foreigners, Germans, and refugees who were always sneering at everything that was Amerieau who band ed together in secret political orpnnizationa in Hostnn, New York, Philadelphia, Multi more, Kichinond, and other places, to spread moral desolution and political trea son, to scalier anarchy and ruin over a happy land to di0'ue their loose and baleful doctrines of Red Republicanism, Fourrierisin, Jesuitical, Roman Propagaud ism, ntid other wild, extravapant, and olto gel her impracticable notious of liberty aud morality, and social order. That none of thoe bunded classes of foreigners against American law, order, morality, aud liberty, hceu denounced by the gentleman, whilst tho native tons of the soil, ' tu the manor bora," who leagued together against these destroyers of their liberty aud their religion, bad been most bitterly assailed that Mr. Craipe's sympathies seemed to be wholly W'th the foreigner, and Ins ani mosities ugainst bis fellow-citizens. Why! i i i .... .1 1 .1 ...-I .mU ! nau ue no- UCOUUllueu liie--J rnia. n- -v..!. Know.Notliinol-in' Mr. Caldwell s;,l lis, was not tho anoWUt or the del, ..- .l.rof il. K.iow.Nothin'. but he was tn.t'jou ought to stand by your country atxl i-oiim to denounce them, and he thought Mr. Craige ought to have denounced "tlie foreign secret political associations who combined together in an aggressive manner against the rights of the natives, as well as tt.scuss some ol tlie political ruestious ie- tween the V hig ami L'eniocrulic parties, and assailed Mr. Craige for his vote against i 1 1, int. -rests of the old Sta!e. ill toSsn-' I ..i i-.-t .r .1 . ...1 I- I 1 - t against tue uisninuiion 01 me puoi.c laima upon Kerr's nniei:t.nieiit to's land till, nud fur come other n.eaures in wliicb be eaid Jlr. Lraiire had been recreant to the interest. of his constituents, and said that he would not occupy more time at present, but niiht perhaps rep y utilc-s j Mr. Craiue wouid explain some of his failures to vcte for the interests of bis con-1 litueiits,' and laid that Mr. Craige bad made war ur.nn the Knov'-NothiiiL' partvi - - -i - , . . lone, and bad not saiU a word about old in;tar,v ;.fUC, Mr. Lraige fcrietly rejoined, t xjlaiiunjr Lis position, atJ stated that he had saved nf tliff nuh'.in lamls. OK.lKtO nerea bveotiiif j,. Mine.-,ta land bill ami havint. i ;;, -r., r :t i.-j ,,a B(f ,l c iioue,n,i . jla r.raised the foreiL'tieri. offi- ccrs of the Kevolution Gates, Alexander j ''' ambitious, polmcal, weather cock, and j tJfrjrnjglion 0f t,e third or Union degw, Hatniiton, aud others and said he was j John Kerr, the pompous and puffy, who is j by a un.nimom, ,014., which, toevcry Bim " opposed to all secret political oath-bound 1 lwsys silting r..traddl of himself, rjd , be,f of ttf, order, in the tiift conclu-ivc ei- essociation-." but that he was lint opposed to secret societies, for that some of then. - ... .' ' .. . . .... ri.i fc.i-n.ii0 riur Hrniiff ni infill had pood objects in view. I pon Ice wbolc, i, . . .. a !.., ru!t.r ,.xciwa st'aiust the Know-Nothini's. , looked rather cha.-rii.ed that he hnd I CT , 1,1: ammunition that he had ore-1 j rir,.d ;, 0 rouc, cart. al)d Ubour, and ' i j13() nol hit his mark. That after all hi-. 1 S0UI(j ap,j furj after all his witty remarks anu f-.eetiom sayings, they bad no effect, for they were aimed at the wrong msu that be had waked up the wrong passen ger hallooed before be had pot out of the i woods ami that, after all bis hellabaloo i ... . . ... snare a nest of Kuos I . i i . i Nothinpi'iii, whilst he was watching and poihtinp out the process by which the vounp ' nio-a r.f thai order spm lo bi hnti bp-l out. I .lt Le taJ 0T become ridiculous by ! ,liaL:n, . ,, of .,.,.f lrt reminded , 011ft coW wint,r ci,,ht, where the bov had ! uUn Lis bdgiups in an old school- . is. . . ... h)u,e Jue bart teen the lipiit or lire ' . i r i. .1 . , mere, anil leil certain that it mu-l tie Sain . . . s0 ,bt.y cref)t ueallLily near the house,, v . i . . -.i - j lhout ,a 0 clotk at ht uc(il ;,:,; about fiftv Jars of the 10U,ei when the n(,r n),de , ch at fu fpced, and , ; jmlli ,.rough the benchen piled up ; ,,,.linst ,he gt the ip)IIlilieri, per1 of j jlf(. anJ ,illLa 1Ic jUIlipcd a,trid of the , TccumLant Mj,r0i tt th(J .,roe ,ilIie grap. j ; t,iro.,t Billj ie ; of a yi(. .nj tiallooitig out, "tome on men, I ve pot lim tht.n taLi , tb(. , ,. (J, ; L j ye ux b j. Ullloh ; Ul!l.dat . . . . oh, vou hold j of . e(tick ,ike ' , , J f ; The poor ticitiu could out spenk, o! i . wa bfi cboked an,, 80 ,1d'en ,j j ; .1.. . 11... :i.i I "-"i"tv n1 IIC Ull?", Ir. ' 113 I1U, I'UIIIU , ,nd won', ftt.a nor bc? anymore." By ,iB1Pi the party bad Rot in and a ht i 1 .. r. J . fo trod ..(;...,!.. 1 t.l w, w f . -th . t , j r.Ihnintr from i- i ' J - !f t i . i , . .'..a...-.. "iiiiii sji, ). rvi(.is, M'lltlk IMnl . -. ,, ,. ,,,.. ',. ... ..... , I bive been talking ai Samuel the patriot, now let me talk at Samuel the prophet, a little, to thine ear and give thee a little advice, and for w hich I shall diner from you lawyers iu this, that I will not charge you any thing for my counrcl. Ah, Rurton, Rurtou, thou, whose air namo is Crnigc, you had letter let Samuel alone, for ho in rniruiTcd in a high, a noble, aud a patriotic duty, and you ought to be with i.:... itnrinn iii trviiiir to arrest the force of mm -y--o . . . foreigners ruling and doniiueering over tlie nafivii born eons of free America it is the birth-right of Ameiicnu citizens alone, and "It is not meet to take tuo cnuuren a bread and cast il to the dogs." They ought to bo satisfied to take what the bouutiful hands of the masters give them to save them from want, and not wish to take a scat at the head of the table and lei tho children wait until they aro satisfied. You ought to be with them again, Rurton, in arresting the insidious snares of the Jesuitical Catho lic, who justilies the massacre of St. Bar tholomew's day when one hundred thou sand Protestant Hugcnots were murdered in lYauce, for nothing else only because they wero protestauts, and which they at tempted to justify upon the pica that " the cud, no matter how wicked und ungodly, justified the means," and which makes tho supreme rule of the Pope of Rome und the Catholic Church, iu both ecclesiastical and civil matters, a higher law than all other laws and oaths aud constitutions, whatever, and which doctrine has been openly pro claimed iu this country very recently, by a paper called the "Shepherd of the Valley," published iu somo of the Western Stales Inst year, and w hich was openly denounced by Mr. lindpi r, from his scat in the Senate of tho United States, as well as by others, during the last session of Congress. Are such men fil to rule iu a free country, who will trample under feet tho constitution and the laws, aud establish a Hierarchy by which a foreign ' potentate, at a distance from our laud, can rule us by a despotism 1 - - - . . '-olute as that of the Ciaa of huwl.i, 1 or the Sultan of Turkey ? Tin h, Ih.rt,..., : 'he religion of your father-, hich religion , i.aJ to flee to this country Itoui the hand of Roiii-h p. rsccutiuii, to enjoy. j And I have uo doubt, llurton, that j au : would like to do right, but you are a jour,' , "'. a"J casiiy misled Dy the arllul n prc- '"titioM of the enemies of your country and iy a false liberality of opinion. - loo t;l. I, . ..rn.i. .. ...1 M.tul 1,1 -n I. ill -" - " ; ' , ,""- " -""j'B ' j-" deadliest enemy, whose flattery and deceit- ' ,u' suilles, WIM Inrow your Charitable JOjng ..n ill (ifTiftoiinril notion il iv nil 1(1 livt..i i.- l -t e ; - -- d- - . iim the uwora thai ie nny rrwen jour ( hraa like lie would kill a serpent, as no na onen uone oeiorc, ami iu ooinS wuicn, ie been taught to hebeve be ia doing tiod n. ...i,, ...... -V , tii cnui,,!!,!, eudof-rvU by Utiatnitiiij pose foreigners rtilinu the country because , vf)C they arc Jesuitical Catholica, Ued llepub- T,'f. CoN.STITt'TION. Majority and u.'. Leans, Satitnps, rillihusters Anarchists, torjt r,.,,ortJ were aubmilted, and a Mr.-1-ourrer.tes, Abolitionists, a-ad -(impose all s,itu,ion ,dopU, wUb great unanioilt,. the other aectionalisnis. S hereas, we r.,.i f ..;. il i, ,i ,- -., .ii-i t i rvnow..iouitn-s lane uign, patriotic, wnuio- sou.ed, conservative, constitutional views, '" " 1"" " , bo!i matter what the various member I may believe about other matters as ilidi- i viduals. And there is another matter, j liurton, that I will fpeak rather prophetical "'e same category ot Itiomas Clingman, i " Uiiipmen, thin nc is iuc crcaiesi anu ' e!o--nl man living. 'Iben tale i" it . . . 1 11 1. 1.. Ir.:.i' 11 .- ... 1 r.n ...I. ...w. .w. 1 ' "" suviec, 11111 iv u, mm ! our platform is broad and stron?. and thouph we Lave a great number on it, there 3 11 roo, picuij , uu meic ...y ) 1 r- .1111 hope and mcicy lor you yel. 1 have n.-ara of preater sinnersthan ever yourself, saved, What thou doet, thou must do quickly. lour loving frieud, lAMILL rrA IHK N. C. WHIO. THR WILMINGTON', CIIAI'.LOTTE, i IIUTIIKIIFOUD KAIL IIOAR The roflte of the contemplated Kail Koad ; from Wilmington to Ku'herf.irdton, is one of commanding interest. The Counties of New Hanover, t'oluinhu, Hoheson, and liie' ii ond, all ca-t of the Yadkin, arc rich 1 j of tb Vadkin, A..o and " Old Ii ! M-'ckleuburg. come in fir a full share of , ,.r i . . !,. I ..l...n I '..llrn i H n-j. ..... . ...s " ir.'f.r .uirn. in lh..A I nnnlt...rf.n. . , great succp-s in th.e tao Counties from i ....ii 1 1 1. 11 11 . ... :. i j . " I" "t-".""" tin ntirnnitursii f n. lit 1 lis lnsli m tl. . uiieoiiiu.oi. ,.,.nu. .u lll t (1 i I" fl fka-irtli-in rf it L- to Ii li tl n nn.iaa.1 y known a, the rovidcnca and Meele .rccK set lemeiii., nave .c,u,re. . wi.Ie spreau ceieur ,y ,or tue proutiime culture i mis prrai i-iapi oi nuittic0 com mercp. Corn, beat, out. Ac, are nUo ex ion.. r, I., rh.rlrtth. in. - - ly was tir- prorlnime'I, a spot oiicc riJiaot ! wilb I lie h j-i i i t of p;itriotit.iiif the ii.tHlii hi truvrlor would L pii'ascd to atop fr a' !iort frca.H'jfi ; ai.d. u h i i h t lie in 8urrin tlie tuoticrii iuipro fiiifiiti of the town, J would naturally conclude in bis own mind, I here too, tbe descoudant. of " noble sire. " sl'oulJ e up i.J . .loii.K, and fully .wke, as in the d.y r,f 1775, to their future in- teresU and in all ll.m , , f I - - valuable products. Iu the. rfouih - Kas - tern portions of these Counties, cotton is I HllCCrfMHl III 1 tf Pllltl Vflti-'fl Alii fnrh tiliant . Z . . ' . ' ' ry.t, out,, tVC., in creat ubuiidance. 15ut a peculiar source of profit bas been found iu tion of (M.b.rt-.rmnr n... (Vi,...,; I f..,,.,l ...J hloomeries -reel...! fr.r ,!. .1; 3 foundries, S rolling mills, and 1 nail fac. tory. Tho water-power is abundant and durable, and much other valuable machine ry has been erected. Within tue sama limits, there aro also about ouo hundred flouering mills, many of them turning out a supertiue article 8 cotton factories not only supplying the neighboring county' hut sending a considerable amount of their manufactures abroad 3 pnper mill? steam tanneries, 1 machine shop, worked by steam power, of excellent construction and several stone-ware establishments. Ths' remaining Couuty on the line of the Roa, Rutherford, is also rich in agricultural pro' ducts, particularly corn, wheat, rye, oats, potatoes, A o., mountain beef is also abun-' dnntly raised, sufficiently fat and dainty t0 satisfy the tasto of tho most fuHtidious. The inexpressible luxury of feasting UpO0' large mealy Irish potatoes, may here be in., dulged in, to heart's content. Uvea a uice dish of venison is uo unusual treat. Jjt time would fail mo to tuumeratc all of tbe commodities and duly investigate all of the advantages accruing to the whole surround, ing country, from the erection of t,e coo templnted Rail Road. Much of the th1u. able trade which now leaves our own State to more Southern markets, would then U transported to the good old town of Vi. minpton. There geuuine North Ca-olinj horpitality prevails, our bank bills are cur rent without befng sfimrif, and groceries are obtained on tho most liberal term. The products of the Boil and the forrest are thence directly exported to ihe Vest India Islands, aod their valuable produc. lions, principally coffee, sugar, salt, uiyuj. son and tropical fruits obtained iu return. Kut nothing more than a hasty notire is hetc intended of the Wilmington, Char!uu and Rutherford liiil Road. Its great u.e. fulness to the whole adjacent eouutrv, would bn incalculable, and its importance cannot be too earnestly enforced. 1. r F- .1 -I' 1- I 11 i . . Irwn the ork llrraln IMPORTANT FROM SYRUTSK. SvitA Isk, May I 1 ; rllani .ccurntt Amount of tht 1W'. n xs'if the Know Xothi Cu,,r,ilm All riht uniting the Coumil u,t tt SW07 Question. -pic ;rarilj fullc;jt SuUs of New Yurk couvem., lt Corinthian Hall, SvreuM,ca j Tuesday la-tat HI P. M , aod adjourned ou Fridnyat 1 A. M. .. ' . .. . . j J be atteinlauee was lull and uupo-in-, ,Very county aud town iu the Stale belt,; r(.lir,.sclill. J. m .11..,.1 ,-,. of th flrand I. : niiei.t, oe.ivercu on mo nrsi aay ot tue tea. - afwr tbe report of tbe CreJer.tnl toiun.iitu-e, vat received with errs! ttU it ,elll;,rlli4 ,n,l doctrines, which wfrs a . hrjrty national and conservative, aliurir 1 ' r no y. ,.Mt.Il(;,l f..,iure from the late oia ,,., :n . r.r :. r.r..ih.. ihe i,,nd. ,f ' making nominations for office which. It , con,titu,i0( j, rcferr,d iiiitnedialely to li.s ' i. ii f ,i ..,.. f .k. .)d,,, ' ,.;,. - !.. t). .Trfi rrorl. w- made to a.-fttiitA action was taken olher than liie rs- de)ce 0f the nationality of the Grand '. ci 0f the State of New Vork. la Xmi- I . . clU,clt, an third Ucpree was iepud i!'i. i i..-. ,l. i. ... ,1 ,.. l,(.i,iaiuri. notwithstanding its profes.iou oe r . . . , 1. understood, bewv ' ( ,cr tll ,Lr t( nuiIlerou, thir, dojre, j members that State, and that, with uor. , (j,rdiner ,t their bead, reaction is tak:- place, which will prcseully give the nitionil party the escendaoer. Senator Wilson bu j placed himself beyond the pale of orthv doxv, the Senator never took the third de gree, Jor tssnredly, as an honest nun, Ul could nerer have uttered aucb doctrine l'i he enunciated tt the theatre iu voureitr.; and will probably, be repuditud hj a .National Convention to which h ha. tf( ilected a member. Fending the se sion, it is understood the Allen party, so called, made orettuH for re-utuon. and with the ccneral feel. in the order for harmony and utoiuo, it is j be hoped il mil soon be i fleeted. I lie " l'te resolut.on, so ca.lcu, L (ll ro repe,,eH, -icre, iicverlbd 'U10(i;fi,.j ,uhordit , cont)0ils full Lower in the r,reini- , . . 1 v-yxii. 11m lull LJ-i III inn ...... - ,i... ..,1. , ' ;i.i, ...t, ir,.ii " as gave th proper .ssurance of h B . 1 ... honlco.0)4rttion Sn purpose. .... " " , Jlt MUt9- m U trJej - j pal(otm of ,UNf w' yurk Know NatL , u,)tj, t,i(; Iliett; f tb, Niliollil C,u, - i , - 1 -r,c" Arm ric. . Ltiionof llife Mt.. 3. No North No 8outb No Et Vet. t. The United States of Aincrn are, ouo and inseparable. . No sectarian interference in our UlioD, or the aUu.i tiintrat ion of Amc? law. , """""J "V' '"8, 1 1 late of the li tl. Ifotilitv lo the issunudiJU tbe bishops, priests, n. oinan (.atbolic churcn J , ... j Although the question of the P""1 was pionerlv referable to the Natn""1 vention which meets on tbe Jin Fri" in riiilad. li hia aud was so re U rr. the (irand Council of New York, at th" iJnn.l .A .loftrini. I It i. .,.,;,. .-J tli.l ihe stteiidance I