(he satellite of Weed, Greeley, Seward & Co., 0D'? unpleasant event of tie BessioB. His parte cotniuunications, thro' Swain, to the I imet, presented altogether (U uufuir and unreal view of this acta nud doiuj,' of tue session. 'i'Le Order, instead of being in arrear 111,01)0, required that amount for the com jDr year's operations, and the full amount wanted was secured without difficulty. The next quarterly session will bo held at liinghauipton, liroouie county. United States District Court, His Honor J tunis Uilchhut Pkesidino. The case of the United States against T. S. Ec clcs lately charged before the District Court, with breaking letter and taking moucy (herefrom was brought to a preiuaturc con clusion on Thursday last, it appeared that m. lVi-lea had been mail aiieutof the 1'ost Office Department upon tbo line of road 1 from CV.luu.bia to Charlotte, stiel that moneys ' ,d ...."Carried, under circuniKtaueea which ' "j. I.;... .... ...hieet f a.iinn. I.-Hict. ! - ---J I ' menu were presented to the (irand Jury, but, charging that the acts were doue IcIouiDUsIy, without staling, also, that thuy were done unlawfully- They were decided to be insuffi cient by the Court, and were quashed. His Honor held that felonies are cognizable on ly in the State Courts, and to make this of fence cognisable iu the courts of tho United States, it is necessary to charge that it was done unlawfully, thoso courts having power only to try such casea as aredeiiucd by law, under which the jurisdiction has been spe cially eouferred.-C'irt frwi Stuntaril, 1 Wi. Til E K ANSAS TUOlliLES. Chicauo, May 1, 1S55. George S. I'''k,late of the 1'arkville Luminary, pub lishes a letter iu the St. Louis Democrat, elating that Atchison and Stringfellow have organized a accret society, pledged in lorce e-,r- nf esrma la une-l all l'res-aoilers from MS-.uri and Kansas, even at the risk of lil-nnioll. Ail the Whig and lleiitou presses are to l.c eU'stroyed, and camion were being cou - rrjud to destroy tbo hoU;l at Kansas, and the presses at Lawrence. He aays Atcbi - non instfgated the dectructien of the Luiai- niry. He has telegraphed Gov. Price and I're ii Jeut l'ieree on the subject, and pro-j Blises furlher developments. 1 MORE (lEOIIilIA Ool.D. The Augusta rwimtmnaliat of Tuesdav. sava : " We , wtre shown yesterday another lump of gold, from the mine of Messrs. McCoriuick i leit- er, Colu.telu county, of which we W'U'J j like to be the owner. It was the product of twenty -an bauds in nine working elays! from surface are, some of which had been j thowu asiela for fifteen yean. Tbo lump I weighs 17611 penny weights, und is worth I sbout one thousand sii hundred and filly , ,, , Oll'. t'leorsia is rich in Mineral wealth, and if the sains labor was betued on her gold mirie, as is friveti in the gold legion of Cal ifornia, we have no doubt she could pro- , . i .11 '1 duco more of the precious metal, and avoid many of the hardships that are eiptriencsd fcv OliuerS iu that Stitfl." j Arliatisai nsners aav that there is not in t;..t. II V . l,.r,l f fli.r si hnshel of IsilllC llVt SB W s a i v a. hv -..-. . meal, or a pound of coffee or auijar for sale. Flour would go off readily at $15 a barrel ind corn meal at 8'2 a bushel ; sugar and coffee would sell for any price. There is Wo ths greatest scarcity of every article of provisions or family groceries. CONSIGNEES PKR HAIL UOAD, litem TIIK 1T1I TO THE 2IgT MAT. Hoke, W. .t Co., Kennedy -t M., J. W. Cnrad, L. II. & A. U. Uryan, D. B. k J. L tiai:Lei. D.rel, in CaMrrus county, on the llth instant, Mrs. .V AM Y U, wife of Sunuel Johnston, in lha I. it yeur of her af . The disease thai terminated l.iee.rt.ily rtisteuco of the s.iejrlof this notic (!n in its mnst niilijn.ml form. Iler disease is rpid in its course; but thoui;h the Msti-r nie suddenly and called lor hri, ws lists reason l'i Wile ve and encnursgeilic nl lo hooe, Ileal she hud Iff lamp trimmed and her loins firdeei. Mie had tyrn tor a number of yrars s consistent member t.f the rreibylerian Church. In her IjsI s.ckncsa k enjoyed ths consolations ol lhal fo.el 1 1 eioetrme s of whirh aha aderneel by hrr walk and rnirsation, and had a hope which was aa an an. m to the auul. May her surviving companion, c .iliiren and relatives, lieur tlic voice of I he crr"t M.iter, sH..kinf to them in this itisi'nsstieii of I'rafidt-iice, asyin, be up and ri-iig whi.c it ia "iled to.el.iv, lor the ni(;ht comeih, when no man on work. Prerieiua in the aighl of the l-ord is tilt neurit of his snint Aio, on Hhj y;tlt, NANCY E., inf-nt dau2l Irr ff Mrs. Johnston. seed IG months. They weru love ly ami pleasant in their lives, and in their rlesth t:y sen not divided. Surfer ltlle children lo e.ine unto nee, anel forbid them riot, for of such ia In' kingdom ol heaven. ' " vaIsIiaum: GRAIN AND COTTOsV LAM) rttllK subscriber, having concludes! to rcrnove West, otT. rs for sale the followiiig vain ib!e I '' of LAND, vis : T.e lt...nw net wheoh I now reside, eon tnining II JO acrea.neora or less, tin this tract ia a !( eoieifortiebla and commodi. 4mf' .sua dwelling houae, gin ..no seeew. barn, stables and all oilier lie 'nry out buihhngs, s fine spple and seach orch. j tovciiu-r with s "spring snd ell ot ricciie nl i'lirr. Thia Iruel contain sbout low acres in 1 I I' illit.ition, well adapted to the growth of Urain j t ' ' 'ill ;m in hiih atatfl of rullivntieiie. Willi the : f-'"riiig ami mil buildin;a all in thorough repair. The Wiley Trael, ailjoining Mra. '.eks, Mrs.j I'o'nel and MeLouirhhn. Ivm" 01 McAlpiu'a' 1 'nk, containing 7I aerea. I:i Ibis tract there I ' "line very fe.rlile and proetuetive bollniu land. I Tiie il,,il. n I'lsce, sdjniuing S. A. Davis and I " ,M.ins..n ni.tainililff tl tt tl aerea. Iviiiir on Me. fl cll.eel'a rrc.k. 1'lna nlalMI alao contjina aome .liuble bntleim and mrailnw land. ' T'is Miilncsis' and Polls' nlai'ea. eontainin? acres, aelioimnir Mra. W ilson. Il.iruet anel ' A irreat neirteon nf tills trae I IS wordlauu f N'o. 1 cotton luiid. It also haa some boltnni '4 U!i!.il nr h ......Mi.nl niLitif v ill enlllVatllill. I place ha anme iinpri.veineiita and lor a small '"11 would be verv deairahle. '"any person desirous nf purchasing, Iheabovs, ""e.fler rare mduccmfnls -ailueUel aa tney are. ' mift.t af a i-iimit-uiutv nervadrd bv s deci. M'f moral and reli;ious influence, within two f1 "f Morrow's Turn tlut ein the Chsrlntle and j 'S'k Carolina Kailroad, and ten in ilea sou 111 of '"luttc. 'I'hue ailvnntugea, added lo its repu 'ion for health and llie characteristic fertility of sail in n,,, reifion, make it a most desirable "m.nn. whsle mas be aold together or divided to Ml Ik- . ' . !.l. Ztl afl I the purchaser. My son, liing with me will I (0 presenl their clsims tu tho undersigned, legal I'leasure jn ,howiui the land lo any person I iv authentic ited. within the time prescribed by iroua of purcli.ising. Terms liberal. 1). M. Wi tL LLUCI!. aa, h.-,s. I4tf JARrr.NTK.IIH TIMII.S, 1 "eriUaro for anle hy SIicks, leather slid l'AUKS k, IIUTCIILON, 17. 1P55. atf DR.Sl'LANK'S VKR.MIFLGK i V During a practice of more than twenty years, Dr. McLune had attended iiiriumerable pa. tienta afflicted with eve.y form of worm disease, and induced to apply all the energies of his iniu'il to the discovery ol a vermifuge, or worm destroy, er, cerluin in its cITccta; tho result of his labors is tho American Worm Specific, now before the pub. lie, which is perfectly sufo, and may be given alike lo children of the moat tender age, or to the igcd adult; it purges mildly and subdues fever, nd destroys worms Ivith invuriable success, tt is eaiy or ailniiniatrutii.il, and aa it does not con. lain mercury in any form whatever, no restric. lions sre necessary with regard to drinking cold water, niif is it capable of doing the trust injur to the tcnetercst infant. An incredible number of or ni have been exprlli-d liy this great vermifuge. ITT Purchasers will please be carclul to aak for Or. iU'f.uiHt'a C l brule-.l Yi-niii- ! and lake none else. All other Ve-rniifuges, '" c"'P":""n.'-' worthle... Dr. M'l.nno-. ge. ,n" U"'fuf. '"' Celebrated Liver 1MI.. "ow h' M l U Drug Stores i., ,1,e ""i f'la. mm . p jp-f lJ' 1BjJ 2w HYMENEAL. M irriad, on the 1st instant, by the Rev. M. T. Allen, Mr. W. Henderson, of Mecklenburg, lo Miss A. A. Alexander, of Iredell counly. 1 T The Carolina Watchman will please copy. .Married on tl.e 9th instant by Iter. J. M. II. Adsms, lion. DAN I IX W A I.I. At K, of J.mesville, tnion District, and Mra. KMll.V H.STARK, of Vol kville. 4 nj:w Ni rri.YOF lawks mantle, i. from J 50 lo :i.'i. LT.K.M k .STEELE. 115 May 22, 1855. RKi.n.iois notk i:. The Mecklenburg County llihle Society will hold ila Anivcrsury iu the Presbyterian t hurcli iu I'lmrlolie, at 10 o'clun, A. .M., on Sunday, the 4,lh ol May. ICj.i ' . i. I 1.1,: to u,e occ.ion. All Irienela of the Uiblc and its circulation are invited tu intend, 1 I). It. I'l'NLAP. ! Arl"! Vrfidm Mtthltnlmtg t HMe .Soritiy. j T " OllCC. j fipliK Annu.l Mc.imir of the Smrk holders of JL tne CliarMie and Tsylnrrville I'lsnk K.m.I l ompany will be l.eld on Kriday, Hie 1st dy of 'Ju.ir ni it, at l iv idrnn Col'e ge. A piiiictusl st. j lendsnne uf all the Stockholders isrnrnestlv re. quested, as business ol inucli impoi lance lo the ' he traniclc JAS. I. UKNDEnSO.V, Pri. Mny 15, lj5. t5 ST A TL OF SORTII-CAHOLISA, Ki.r.NiiLl.a cou.M V. "rt J l'lea' a,lJ W'"'"" ttisiu,,,, A. piii'l'rrm, 1;5j. John Simpson f Original Attachment. E. 11. Slire A. Co. ss-l' ... .-.u. IT spearing ti the aatisfjctmn f.f the Court, lli.t the eii Ictnlai.ls E. U. Sliee ek to. are not realdf-u' eit' this State belt reside beyond the lirinta ot the .-ante, ( is titrroit ordetrd hy Ik Court, that publication be ensile six weeks in Hie t har- k... a. - ' . 1 ... a I . - eotir i, ntr, a newspaper priniea 111 llie leiwuol a,atlHr;tu, .a,d d. f.......... to appear at the ne.t term of tins Court, lo be held for the county of .Mecklenburg, al the- 'ourt. House in Charlotte, on the 4th Moniiay in Juiy next, and plead, answer ar demur, or judgment pro coule aso will be taken sj.mst thrm Witness, U K. Rrid, clerk of our s.iid CMirt. at office, th 4lh Monelsy in April A. I). lbS5, and en the Tilth year of A"ericsn lneleenilence. V. K. HE11) c. c. c. r.-:er fee C. tla i3r Notice. a l.l. persona are forewarned trailing Tor a i m Note given to Sydne y Mel.ure or Jaa. Mc l.urr, for Ten Hollars, dlcU aometime in last leee-mbcr, for the rent f a planl.itioii lying on both aidi:a of tiio StaUavtHe road, known aa Ihe Mel.ure tract of Linrt. As 1 am satisfied that they hid nn authority to re-nl e-iid land, I am de. lerniinid not to pay it unless compelled to do so by Uv. his W. J. X SANDERS. uurk Mny IS, iSS. 3t odd ri:Li.uwy i i:.hai,i: ixsTiTirn:. Of Horcard lAxlge, s- Ae. 3.'., . O. O. F., located at F.t.nv, N. C. 3 f 11ME Trutrciof HoiTd IsOtipr, No. 55, I. O. JL y fn a fr in t Iu Sch'M.i in the town ol S) Iby, on the ft.rl Monday in June m it, to be under tltv auptrviaion and flirrction of the Trnatt c. The iiMMt riprirnrcd and efficient Teachera have bent rinplor d, tlir ilctipii ia tu render it one of lh 1m t in llie y cmnitry. Thry hktve now in ctu:r ot' cnnatrurlinn, a ixtft b mt citmiiitHliuua buililiiiL'. wttich will be c,,,,,,,, , ,J y,.tr. Tlie? courac ol' inmr:ttnn embrace nil the branches usually taught 111 sum. lar institutions. It ATI'S Of I I I TION' : Orthogrsphy, Heading, and r.tn.g, per Session of .1 months .... 66 (10 (eeigraphy, tsrammar. Composition, A.c . 1U.U0 Higher llrunrlie's, et.iliracing Ancient l.angua. ge-s. Algel.rs, tieometry, IkiUny, Natural aii.i Mental I'liilosopliy, A c. . . 15.00 I I'll A M I ll l-x : Mi-sip, on I'uno, ll.irp or l.uitar, er seas. 8i0.00 I'se ol liisirem ' nl. .... 2Mii Fusaoiot.sv, liuauiNu, i'smriNo, A.c, . 10.00 Is 1 sen, .... - - I.i.lKI lloaril can he had in the be st fuoilies un rea. aonable terms. A. W. liUItTO.V, ) TUCKS. WILLUaMaS, Trust's, I FUONEUKKij KU. ) tony 15, IMA. t30 Ccorge V. Williams & Co., WIIULKSALK GUOCEKS. SO. 1 II AVM: NTHF.r.T, CIIARLESTO,S. C, ll K now re'ceiving 1ADU bags Kiu, Java, snd l.agusyrs Ct'l- FEK. 4011 hhels. N. I)., I'urlo liico and Muacovada Sugar. 500 bids. Clarified, Crushed anel Powdrrrd do. 300 lihda. new crop Cuba Molasses. ?IK) bbla. N. t). Molaaaes. lillt) hale Heavy tilinny Cloth. SIMM pieces Heavy Uunuce llaggiug. 4000 coils ll.ik' Itope. 2000 kegs N.iils assortrd. 400 tMixea Sierm und Adamantine Candlea. AOtl hbls. ne w No. 3 Mackerel, 1'awder, Shot, l.esd,Sap, etc., etc., all of which well be sold st small pro lils for cash or ptompt pay. Muy li, looj. Notice. nAVlNtJ qualified sa adminiatratnr of the Kst.ite of Alexaneler Springs, deceased, all persons inde hled to said Kslatr, are hereby noli lied to come fiirward and make imniedinte payment of the aieine ; and also, all -raona heiv. llig chilina aguinst said Ksliitc, are hereby notified I law, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. LKKOY SPRINGS, .4emiiiifrfirt- of Alex. Strmgt, dre a. Jlfuy 8, IHS5. H5 UOM'.S for the Drltvrry of Yropertrj, FOR SALL H I RK. The Mrtrkets. CHARLOTTE, BACON, Hams, Sides, . " Hog round " Shoulders, Bagging, Cotton, Heel', ... Butter, . . . Becuwaz, . . lieum, . . Brandy, Apple, . Peach, . Cotton, Coffee, . . Cunilles, Adamantine, " Tallow, . Corn. ... T lb. . lb. lb. bushel . gal. . gal. lb.. lb. lb. lb. . buallel each yard . yard dozen . 101) iba bbl. . lb. . lb. . lb. . bbl. . . pal. . Chickens, Cloth, Copperas " l.indaey, Egga, . t lour, Feathers, . t.nrd, ... .Mullein, Murkervl, Molaaaes, . Meal, . Mullets (Wilmington) Nails, Uata, . I'ork, . Peas, . . I'oliiloes, Irish, . " Sweet, . Itice, ... Sugar, I.eaf, " Brown, . Ktniic.Ware, Salt, . 121 a 00 4 50 a 475 !' a 37 a Ml a 41) t 121 a (i s 16 a 50 t 90 a !) a 00 a 50 a 6 10 S 110 4.1 67 9 61 40 . bushel lb." . . bilalil-1 . lb. bushel . buallel . . buahel . bushel . lb. . lb. gal. . . sack . lb. . bushel gal. . 51 100 a 00 31)0 a 00 6 a 75 M i 10 i 5 i 10 i $.'-5 75 i 125 . G24 . 5(i i 27 i 23 i bu i 50 11 9 00 00 i 1.5U 70 IJ2j 28 23 b5 Tea, ... Wheat, Whiakey , Northern, . I iiroillia, jrui WimjI f best Gcoreria J washed. r. I nromi gal. " unwashed Yarn, ... i.ale REMARKS. COTTON Salesamount lo HDO bales since Inst report, at prices ranging from fcj leiUJ cts., w ith an upward tendency. I ORN 1 s tl ID, extremes. BAlON Hog round, 10 els. COI.l.MIIIA MARKET. Coi.LjisiA, M..y 21, l(f55. COTTON. The saleaoflbe week, ending tho 1'Jlh inslant, fo.it up 1,U7 bales 1. 1 price running IriMU bio !!j cents; and a choice article might comirsnd a frset,oii over our highest figures. CHARLESTON MARKET. Ciiasi isroN, .M.iy 19, 18,'ij. CO .TON. The siles of colton to-day were 4"ft bales, al 9 to II cents piincipal!- 10J. Market firm and prices full. ', ftlVotice. W RAVING bought out the entire interest of J2.fi Win. E. Moss in the firm of DAVIDSON A. .MOSS, I will continue the business it the eld stand, and am determined to offer preat induce ments tu all who will fave.r me with a call, and especially to those who buy for CASH. The Notes anei Acee.unts of the late firm are in my hands, and will be settled by me alone. 15. JL DAVIDSON'. May 8, 12tf 5 AM NOW KIXEIVING a beautiful ssaort-1 int-nt of I f.i:.TLE.Mi:X AM) LA 1)1 KS for summer wear, which I will sell very low for CASH or lo prompt customers. All persona wishing f;ret bargains will do well to give me a cull. ; 15. II. DAVIDSON. I .W'iy P, 1835. it GENERAL PURCHASING AND COItl niSSION AGENCY. J. A. Hcmio & Co. W V AVK ojirned an office for the tranaarlion of J the arrive buitinraa in all Its varum brHiich ea. Ttu y will give their ptTtonaI attention lo the collection of accounla, rtnta, Vc. 1 Mcrciunta and otUera having nrtea or a;nunt to coilrct in thia or the adjoining countirg will luve them promptly attended tu by placing I hem in our hunt-la. Tltry will bur gooda for Merchanta directly from Vhoirale i)cilerr, either torCaahor on lime lid fi-r lithcr, all kiitds of Merchandize to be fuun1 in thia mark t on the bcl poamblc tcrma, j Otfitc on Trymi Si reel for doora auuth of the ' Amcricm lfott-1. J. A. HEN NO, W. G. COLVIN, G. II. fePENCEtt. JV '. 8, IJ-jj, 3ui FHIIK FubntribtT liaa on hind, and wilt ur , .a. chapt fr c ti, or on ftliort time, the fot. j low in p property, lo wit . 3 two hurc W'apgons j and Cer; 1 tour hnriw? Wajyim and (ican ; tij tine waujjtin Horaea ; 6(Kl ft i t of 2 inch Whym i Hojie, (iit iirly new ;) 1 I'jtrnt llorae I'owiT, anit i- Me for t or f'ur lioraei.; -1,(10(1 fvet of p.ileitt ( Kunt1; lha. Qui kudver, and many otitic? arti. ' clea ailuptcd to nun in q-, qu.irryin;, Slc. ( 110RACK LASKLLK. ('old ft, Hoiran f'ownfy, May 8, 4w pd j Watches! Watches! Watches! fRlIE aubacribera are now receiving a lurce Mock of IX II trnm the moat celt bratcd makcra ; aUo a rich ' tOCK of Fashionable Jewelry. Chains, kt , j ; all ot which will be aold low for caah or on abort j time to punctual dealer. T1I0.S. TROTTKU i SON. iVoyl.IMj. II If i To Mill Owners k Maiiufudiirers. j riMlE undeaigned having Cuniph-trd bii ciigitgc A. nient with ltroy lStrmj;a, Efq. at hia .Mer chant Mill in thia pl iee, in now re.idy to attend tn any Ihtnir ill the MIM.IVa busintnH met. aa Iresiuc Mill Stonea, Kixiny limiting ( lotna or ' any other muttera relating ti a Unst mill. AH lettt-ra adiireiMd to the " VVealcrn Demo crat' will be promptly attend d to. ! DAVID LINDSKV. ! Charlotte, Miy I, IS.'iS. 2m ; "SlIIP XEWS!!!' MAV 22, 1825. lb. . 10 a 00 lb. . 0 a 11 lb. 0 a 10 lb, 0 a HI J d . 1C a SU 6 a 8 IS a 20 2(1 a 25 90 a 10 75 a 87, $1 a tll ' M 12 a 14 US a 45 18 a 25 100 a 110 18 a 2U I g 10 a 15 U5 a 30 . HAVING bought the lurge three masted sail, ing "Ship Commerce" 1 have commenced llie direct importation of Cuba Se'garaof all grade-a and varietica. My model "Ship Commtree." Can now be accn at my VAX S VAi K V TO II At 'CO STORE. She is full rigrd snd supplied with the requisite numlicr of life boats, and will be re.idy to soil for another Ceergei as soon aa the present lot ia dia. peiscd of. Hj" Cull and examine, mil aalial'y your. eelves that, the it sea worthy, and that uiy stock of segnra and tobacco sre slsu worthy your attciv- tlein. M. W. U015INSDX. Apr.l 4, I8.'.' 7tf .'iiiiurl II. Wnllstip TII.L practice law in the counties of Meek. V lenburg, t nion, and Anson, and will give strict attention to collecting Pension Claim fc War Bounty Land. Every soldier who served sa much sa fourlcen days in any war eince 171IU ia entitled tu Hill acres of Motility Land. Nn charge will be made unless the claims is eucccasflil. Office at Monroe N, ('. Apni 30, Itjo. 3i AND a plenty of them, WHOLESALE and i5L RETAIL, LOW Kit TF!AN KVKR, at ulias coin:, Ae. 2, Cranio Row. April Si, 8SS. lOtf ARKS At UTCISON, sro receiving the large-st and most varied Maaurtment of LADIES AND GEITTLEMEifS (mm goods ; ever purchased by them. They solicit nn cxnm. j inntion of their Block, bought rnirey fur lath. Their Cioo.lj w ill be told loir.. ' April 17, 18.i5. etf I NcwiJooksffiarNewRjoks. Jl'ST RECEIVED, Stanhope Burleigh, by Helen U'Hu. The life of V. T. Ilariium. Heroines of History, hy Mary E. flewctt. Misa Leslie's New Keeeipta for Cooking; con. tnining over one thousand new receipts. Revolutionary History of North Carolina, by Hawks. Swaine V. liraham. The Old North State, in 1776, by Carulhers. The New Nurlh Carolina Form ftooks for Julicca of the Pence-, Cort'i tiles, &c. Koinaner eif Sluelent I. lie, by Kimball. Children's Trials; tr.insl.'led from the (ionium. lieautifully illus'rnted. Clinton, a ltook fur Hoys, by Siiuonda. P'or sale at LOWIUK & EXNTS3' Hook ISlore, Cliarlollr. iri( 17, Itl55. It II AIM' A I AS. WILL pell llie balance of stock of I'll I K'KKUY nnd GKAS.S W A It K at coal for i r'n. 1 he en tire fctock ia impohtku .t.H In t'i....;i;s.. ta is.l.is... l.t c.l..n.l. uiu a ih, or j.iy in new onci, a rare Citsti.ee ia oll't rti f no dnincr nl a bargain. I h.ive a iiunibt r of Frt-nuh China goods in net a nnd othrrwike, tnpeiht r Willi a cninpti tt; anfirt- ' incut of Irotifctone and otln r gooiia alt(ttlier j cofiipriMn an itUrnctive anaortuuiit at tlic pruca I am now ofiVrinp tliein at. sIt-antiine, having pertrrtcd other nrrfinctneiitw, I will close out tkiu entire block vitii the t uil will of the btimnruB, on rt'tuiublc Uritia, to any jt.irty wiahmif to encage in it. The buMnt- m pntlitabl; and conatnntly prnw. ing, v nd ollcri a vtod ofti-n 1111 to a lunaim min. ALEX. JIacKAE, Jn., Importer of China, tjl.ess and Karthe'iiwure, WilininU.ii, N. C. April IT, IHjS. lino .lut Ktrriti'rt, ATS tnd CATS on I'einsi'ennii'iit at IPM)M;'.S B-JOt and Shoe Emporium. January 4, ))'t. 4iitf Coil Liver (Ml. I" S HH virtuea of this .Medicinal Aljent in cases i 8 of incincnt Consumption and in various fihinduliir AtTections, h;i ve be'eome so well authen. licatcd as to be pUced beyond a doubt. A pure ' and ff-nuinc Oil just rcceited from the Luborjtu. ry by SCARR k CO., VRLOChTS. 1UXK STOCK. WOt)K.S tor Subscription to the Cupital Stock H of the Hmk of NS'ilmingtem, will be opened on the 2d day of April, lS3o, at! he office of C J. Kox, and remain open for Sixty Days, under the elirectiun of C. J. FOX, W. 11. MYKRS, Coiiimistft'onifrs. Charlotte, March 27, 8jS. ltd sES55 w TE ar just in receipt of a very lnrge and wen seicctea stock 01 an aincs ol SPJUXC; ; SU3IMEK Dry Goods, NEW AND TRETTV, Hound, Hals, Hoots $ Shors, All of which we are determined to si II lower titan bus ever bei'ii aoid in this pi.ice. And ss re. . garde coniK-titioll, w-c will sell lower than tlic lowest. All we have to say is tu call and see lul yourself. I BROWN, BRAWLKY & CO. Charlotte, Mutch 2f, If jj. Uif ( l,Ali...l)0 IISO.V UOKK.o, . u ii..hi.uto., k. v. f I111K CLAItK.N IK IN IRON WORKS are now JL pr. purci! to receive orders for Ileum, Vcrti.j cal, lloriiontal or Oscilistiug Sti.am Kncmi s. High or liw IVe'Bsure;, and iielnptcd tu nil purposes;' Circular, Vcrtic.il and 1'orlable S.iw Milis, coin-; pleie j I'uinps, Mining Machinery, Uriel anil l li.ur Mills, complete; l'arktr. Turbine and other Wa.l ter Wheels, Kquipping of Steamers, Car Wheels, and A ilea; llorae Towers nf various patterns ; Rice j l ii' Kl I'umijs and Knginea ; Rice Thrashers ; Shin gle M ichines, Shalting, 1'ullics, Hungers, Ccari,! anil all other .villi ork. CASTINGS. Iron and Truss Castings of all descriptions. In. eluding tlriiumental Iron Railing, l'ic, Urielgu Costings, c, Ac. The Company would respect, fully invite attention to their alyie sunil patterns of Ituiling, which may be seen at their oflice. HOILKRS. Tubular, Kluc and ( v 1 1 enlrical Boilers. Water Tuiks, t'hiiiineys, and all other kinds ot Holler Work. REPAIRS. A aepiirsite drpartinnit and force will he kept for repaint, where work will be done tuorotilily ami w itli dt i patch. All work done in the prtnlilinhtntnt delivcrtd ei ther on the cir of he U ilminpton A- Munrheater Hail Ifoe-ul or tlnj U'ilmiiijy ion sV V elilon Kuil Hoad, or in flati at the Company w harf, tree of elm rye. IJ .vinjr tiirijn tiiciiitit, the nbovo wt.rk w ill !' done un i re.ir.nn.ihle ternii a eUcwht re. nrth or South, and in a prompt nnd aatinfiiclory manner, I'oiisult.ition hy letter or otherwiw, in n urd to pUna and icsii;iia for milla or their furtuiurr.nnd for inachtiiery enenilly, w illingly anawered. All order or conimunicationa to be addreaited to the nnderaigtud. HENRY M. PRASE, Arnt. Murch IS."i5. ti bin. 50 Kcwnrtl. UANAWA Y from thosobscribe-r on the a Ith pflV-ccnihcr. 1M."3, my negro boy SAM. He is a bright mulatto, about .'7 year's old, S feel 5 or 6 inches high. He hns a scar in his forehead caused by a lick from a stick, he has straight hair, jet black, and takes good cure of it, he is very proud anel fond of eiressing, he ia very fon.l of whiskey and will drink loo much. Said boy left me once l fore and went to East Tennessee and succeeded in passing himself lor a white man in the mountains. Sam is a earpen. tcr by trade. Ilr w ill be apt to quit hia trade tn keep down suspicion, ie wcara a brtiss ring on hia right hand and walks with hia feet turned onl. The above rcwurd will be given for hie apprehen. sion and confine ment in jail so that I can get him agsin. Any iurornintion jiven will be reccive-d at Pinevillc P. O., jWe-eklenbiirg ennntv. N. 1'. WM. U. NICHOLSON. April 17, 18.". 5t Blank Deeds for tale at tkis OJ'ce. IW GOODS WJT. A. GAVYEK. G EKE HAL AO EST, EORWARDISU AD COMMIhSlOM MERCHANT, VI I.M I 1 (i l ()., X. C. ( RRAXBE.VENTS having bee;n completed ft i between the Wilmington and Manchester Kail Road Company, and the South Carolina Rjil Uoad Company for the IraiiKport . tinn of Freight expeditiously from Wilmington to the West viu Charlotte, I offer mv services tollic MERCHANTS and PRODUCERS of Western Carolina. Goods will be promptly forwarded lo the interior, and Produce of every description reeeivrd, nnd sold or shipped to other inarkel. My lone experience in the busineso, toge ther with ample f.icilitira (or its sue-cciiHlul prosecution furniah ample gauranteea of my ability to ae:rve in v corresHiinlenls faithtul. ly. Western prnduec will lie di-po.oil eif, for a coiinnissiun of 2 J per e;e nl nn ijrws anlea. .ler ehandihe will be forwar.ini fur a commission of I2i per cent nu clisbursmentt. I re-fer to the Pres. idents of all the Hanks in Wilmington. V. A. GWVKIl. April 3, i R55. 7tf WiliiiiiiKtoir, ( linrlotli anil ICiiIIii i lonl U.iil liail. nOOKS for sithscriptlnn to the ejupitul slock of the VVileniiigton, Charlotte ami Kutlier. fordteiii Rail Road C'oinpuny uic tie.w opeei nl the slnrea nf Measrs. Irw in, ilu"i?iin V. Co., iind Wil. liaiiis, llixoli eV. Co., ill the town nf t'liarlolte. All perreeins lire invilcd to come furwurd nnd me! in this good wurk. WM. JOHNSTON, JXO. A. Vol'Nli, JNO. IKW1N, J.KKOV til'lUNT.S, JOHN WALK KH, WM. MAXWELL, WM.M. MATHEWS, A. C. WILLIAMSON, W. W. KLMS, C. J. 1" )X, W. R. MYERS. ( vm mimionert. Apt it 10, 16oj. To the Voters of llie Congrcssioiml IIS1 ICIC'I. SFtXIa it a duty I owe to myself and friends to plite tlttit for rt afoniH u t jhLilitr y to tnyM'lt und w inch I hojie ti he able lo elu'-ide.tt' n.ttif I'.iC- tor 1 1 y to my tiitiidh, thut am cuinp'-IIcd tn de clute being a i iimiulette lcr ifiifrreaa in this di. trie t nt the next elect. nu. A- 1 it in inlriued tiott two of my frienda ar', or arc to tie ucim'uiiitet to uit tlm Hon. HurtiHi 1'raif Jjs. A. Ciilowdl and linviiif n liih p rs ti,.il it anl lir cadi ot' t hoce jm ritU nun 1 urn liiiwillin to m:ir llie prospects ol' eiliif r of tin in tor the hili Hlitic.il tli-lt;jitii.a wliicli tin y tfolicit at jfiir I'uiitis, liy t in k cmi'-bc I o nt (lolr(u ol' coneili itin the lrn ot' each, ami of their iuiiiktohh contii tn ik v all ut wlinm 1 chiill l-e most intppy tu an j. 3- with a 6U pcfior iniMirtt'i artn-h s ol of nil pratle at wliob f -h; 01 ret.ul montly mniu ut'icturid by tliottu uuuv.iltil t iini f. v I un i. II. Suffice r iV. to., wboe riput ition i co. xttnivr ot till the various M)jtuliir Iirund umon winch will be found the follnwit.g : KuipnuMaim, I.i (rnnndinn. Kin Hniifjo, Nebiitti, t'urneheo lU.ilia, AlMMri, Atiiiola, Jluttarin'ntti l-"i:ilf(1.ttl, I'.ofjranimii, Imp rial Kt.tlia, It.ieelni, riant tioii, Ale in 11 nd a, LundrtH, A LSO NtPKIt IO It II .M r.U TI K ClffiWISG T0BiC0, with the utmost limits of our territorial govern iiiiiit t which hy the by covin a consulirabh atch ot Land.) If there are any Know Nutliincs in tliit H.atrict I would be plruMil to t.iy to (lit tu liiut il tin v will call at my new Sifir &, Toharco Store on Tryon Street tt Itw doori below .aiilera lltitrl and g t a null piece o I' thia inimitable manufactured art 1 cle and use it according to directions und dnt know Momrthitiz after I nln!ge niyfeif to forfeit ami pay our thousnnd doil.ifs. Kvery body (Know. Nothings included can now be supplied on greatly In-tlc r terms tlian eur luTttufun, Cull und examine my slock. ItHANlS, CHllioun, Fxtra. I'topiun, SptiiriT. Pioiiyro8, (feod for the (toci,) I'uminion, Ointnofir, (liylit of tiie world ; ioil Leaf. M. W. KUIUNSUX. March, 28. I &5.r). ftf I uiiocrat copy. Dissolution. TRWt public are hereby informed that the firm I B jI Itnan i 'l'tMm ptnui is thmday ilsnlved by mutual consent. All pcrMiiii indebted to ?aid tirmcrc requtedto come t'orw i rd and settle tin ir account), either hy Nte or ( nlit os it in ncctsa rv tu hac the butiiitb of the firm cbicd vi ry HUIAN et THOMPSON. ; JA 31 MS HKI A N rcsprrtfully snnmin. ; cca to hiMidd IrieiulR, and tiie puliltt (generally, that be will continue ti conduct llie bufineH of tho former firm u I.i" own name nnd on his own responsibility, and tint tern himself with the hope thut a liberal a 1110 11 11 1 of pul'l ie patriiag will be extended lu hiin. JAM KS 1UUAX. ! January 10, 18."ij. 47 tf Kcnioval. rriIK teubseriliers re.pcplfully inform tlu'ir 1 fricuels and tiie public fjenrrisli', that thry have re'ineivrel tlie-ir 'l'l.N SHOP treuii the-ir ulet stJtiei 111 nr Sprinr-e.' lirnce ry, to the stand late-! ly eeccupicil by A. L. W'llliiiinsieii os a Itrorcry, where tliey arc prepared lei exe'ciite' any oreie r in their line. MOORE & BYF.RLY. ! January 16, 1 8.1.). 4stf i Notice lo Dc blurs, j fBltll- subacrilHrr liuvin entered into partner-1 B atiif willi Mr. Palmer i desirous of closing j up hia old Ihimiu'hb. lie therefore iiiohi enrnolly requepta bm former frienrts und customer!, who; ait in arrt.ira at in ahop, to call lK-twtt u thin time and our April t'ciirt and aeltle tin ir account either bv note or eusii, the la tier if poMsilde. il. SHAW i'.rVrwnrv 2J, tf 'I't tii:iii,i An! i-sefoi bitlir Tuolli WAMI, f W1I1IS superior preparation ha lonjf been used JL and reeoiinneiiiff d by many 1 b nlifrC-. It pre. serves tht teeih from decay ami rciimu al! intl tin. ination and soreness from the j,miiiis niol ito(K.rU a healthy ami fragrant odour lo tlic hieatii. Fr 'ssiktiy gCAKK A CO., i)Rl(;t:s$Ts. &40 Reward. D ANAWAY from llie- sutieerriU'r, on EC i.i.,. ... i.... i-.i , .... ki.rii Imiv ii. line el. I'.I.IAS. r iiil Im)v is a liriglit mn l.e t lei. a hllle tuiilee f lei I li;li, round lull fut't-.a little; Ire. e'kli il, i ll. tea. leire-u. eiiec eel' Ins lli'inites liisliylire-el, ti l l IHit llt. like must niprofs. He; may lie' lurking sunn he-re. in Kieueleilpli eir ulllnrel, er licill.yl'e f ee,lea er injj lii inuks his way to the Nmtli.Wcst. 1 will five a rrwarel eif 4II for his : pjer-1 ... usion ami eon. fine iim'mI, if t;ik. n out eif the Male-, .Hid if t;i. ken witl.in the l-iti-, that 1 pet him. Any in. foriii.ilii.il conei rniuif s-uil In y will he- t'lankiullv re-i-eni-el. It umy he thut saul hoy lias procured fre-e i.ine-rs, hut rcnuirher his thumli. My nte.t ullicc is fvenily I'reek, K.inil.ilpli ei'tintr, . I". ai:m:u cdltuaix. Randolph tountf, March 'Jl, lf.i.'i. .Ill' C'i7.!i Jhrnih fur s.ile at this cjnee. BLANK ATTACHMENTS for w.'e here. B-tO0YAT, THIHE snbserilier respectfully infurms) l.i-frien.'s . B. and the public generally, that he has remnv. ed his Coiifeetionnry and Hikery into Ins rnw i huihiinp, ne xt eloor lei W. W. Elins'i Lirani 6-ture I and opposite the Preshy terinn Clmreh, wlierr he ! is prepaied to iiccutiuimda ti' all who may I'cel elis. ! posed t) encoursgc him. Persons sill siud at his Store, : Cakes, W. 1. Fruits and Preserves, ! CIS DIES. XVT, &. Weddings and Pkrties furnished ot the shurtsl notice, and all orders thankluliy received, j.in.ctu- aiiy "'.U-i.dcd to, and packed with lite utft.olenrc. J. M KM). Charlotte, March 2-, 185.". ttf Aevv Confi'dioiicry and Uakny. ' 9 A K K pleuaurc in iuiiiouiH-int( to (lie r frrinc'a ' m mid the public th.it tlo-y bate juf-l I'pi iii'd in ' the llnuM" mi .Main ht.-ei t, Z dora i u I .f llie A. uierienii JIcti;l,it Il.ikt ry ami (.oiittflhuary ts. . tablirihiiK-iit. ll.iViiitr secured t!,e aervieeM of nn rxprrirnrrd Ileslivr bihI thorough workman, they are prir il to furnich Itre.sd, t'iikeN nd every tliinir m 1 1 ir line of the nmM HiipT.nr di hCripti' ti. 'i'ii ) have jiint opened an extensive vnrbty of WEST 1SDIA ENTiTs, AM) All. A.Y.V OF VASDIES, '1)S, IA SV V AHTJt 'hES, of Ectiy J hern jtt.tr n, And indeed every thing uauuliy Ibuiul iu their line. ( If a denirR to plena, and renaonalilr fcrnif, will insure patronage tlieyare determit'efl tn have it. j J. k K. LONKIUJ.W. I February 20, 18.5.5. J if ! N. IJ. I have old my inti-rot in the Ci'roc.cry to J. Lnerean. All pernoua indt-bted to tin: firm j are earnestly r quisled to at tth , fts bpnt r imitil ' gene.e e.mtiot lie given. ! K. LONKIU.AX. J February '2 2, 1K. WAXTI-D, U.ttS wntiteil. Apply to WILLIAMS, DINOX .V CO. i February 2J, Ijj. l-tl WILKINSONS 71:imifrrri:ni fl-nllrnt 'Till'! stiVis' ri'ncr having pcrmntipiitly loe'a -1 teel in t'liarlotte, re sjiettfully iuvit.'s tl.e: attt i.lion uf l.ueiie s o ten ttrutle iiilii le lite ujicrieir ni would rea,M tt!u!Iv :.y tli.it h is imw t;.litj I i'uerr oty pea upon un improved plan, It i tit will liol mil V Btiii to lite li';uitv nnd Elegance of the Victurc, but w ill rend r it lliiralilc and Uiilliiinl for Ajics, lie wouhl also n pi-i ti'illy invite htnmers bit- ti 'hurh'tte to call imd ex:iiuirc his spefinnnn, nt lie is Hi trmined tin y .liiill f.ior ilily iinip.ire with noy tiiiit cm he t.ifccn North or iSnu i. 1j IIikmii, third Mt.ry, 'ir imte K.inr, iiuiiKiii ately over Trf-tii r V Stii'i Jewelry SliTe. 'J i I nt ruettouti, thttrutih and pr;rlie.;l, pivr n in ti.i Iwit uttl ul ftrt nnd ii il mn ter i.i In fit r t i -ht il. NKAL WILKINSON. Charlotte, January ri.i. -l!Ut" Iitf.iiraiKM' Company ol'llu al ! til' Virginia. C'AI'ITAL. KIHI-I.L'S. )?:ioo,ooo ro,oo A A, persona w ifliiii to insure VflJI'i ty . IoihIf, - Wares, tMereluiiibi-, er ( uttoii will cilj on the Arert. II. 11 WILLIAMS, Azrtit. J.tnuirj ')1, Icjj. shit simuni; cool's. a 6bt6b TMns or Fur the Spring Ti;.Je, Mh.I i-iIi or U tiitl, at prices that IlKTV com. petition, tind ok to qu;ility ;.i;d H E they cannot be FurpiiKst d in nnyi- ...il'.r ...t ,1,1.1,.,,.-., I :t tli.. S.-sssli. Our htock embracing no yreat a ar it t y of Pi t terns. Styles and iianx a ot tit-nl.-, L uiks, loy', Al.t,M-, Youth's, i 'kildren's and luluiit's HOOTS SHOES. that it would be too tediouit to mchtioM them here. We would therefore re.-peetiully inv U ;"U tj call and examine them fr j-onrselt. We have aNo( a ihmI ansortn.ent of Sole & Upper LEATHEP, French C ilf Skin, HaritPit Feather, fur Plantation I'tirpngfft, Hand Stent her, nud t'npj,tr Uirrffi, S'ioe ,M, I'egg, Tack, and Shoe Toiut of every ilrgrnfitun. ALSO A II FE T R A rV.V, The in vi t.i lion is tu all. Come nnd se the in, fit yourteit', (p-iv fur tiitin) end teke tin in ava" frum DOOXK S FOOT .V SHOE EMFORH'M. mPI- t.iUrii in exehniige ut I'.iMi (inrt-a. - March -Jl, I?.'-.;. 5lf .ct'eary .r!irl-t for it'r Iiiim hohl. INT. single Tripoli, for polishini fJolJ, Silrer, I'opper, Sleel, Tin and all other meUls, olso tor cteaiiiiig Windows, Mirrors and G Unaware. ALSO ial !: f I'iiioit I'or remr-.iiip I -on Moulds, Stains, A.c. from Linen. 1 or sale ut FCAIUl k CO, LATE FISHER $ ItEl.MTSII. .m xu-au .11 ul :t ii Liniiiicitl, ! VX iiiTalusblccxtrrnii) application furlfhcuina. tism, Sprnini, Kre sh U i.unils, lleirn., S.liis iinei S el I in irs. As a eure- f.-r ! .'.;rin s, Ci.ills, Chute, : ltriiisi s, &e-., in hor.-e-s or mules, it st.iutls unrivul. i leei. fur viile at I sc.r.n k ro.'s I VKI t; yirKE. j" A.'lSET II rXK. ! rS7 .- :a. a se eis. 5, sjiriuu' Hon, !4 MKK. KASTltf TIIK I'll A . I. 'l TE DANK j ( II X lit (IT Ti:, V . 1 ' V-'iieiv '-!, lv."i.". 1-tf ; jilrmliil Varirly of Ludios' (iiiiirr ; hoots. RIKT.IVKP this i!iy -.) i t.i;L- of I.adie'a lllnek SiTk Jnli .ii LAlTI'liS, ; .. .. ,shl.-.iid ' T.TIl ' Jllli.-11 ' I .. .. .. ( .0e ! r.ii. Silk Tn. Aliases' HI irk n,: I nl. Silk t: A I'lTRS, al HUONK'S SIHiE STOUI-;. I.ndies, r!l and see tliem. ! .V tirh 7, 1 r35. 3if .Notice. ttenrl Bt Charlotte on M.mmu mil Tuesdays of Courts and other Tuhhe Day?, lor tl.e pnrjse of aellme property of every tie scriptiun. and t len lu re hen ealad oii.unu u1ju in Coneord and Salisbiu v. ' JAMES SLOAN. New Millinery ! DressMaking IX CllAltLOTTK. rwIIEsuhseriberwoald inform I tl. I....lir('lisrlntfe! and llln sltrrnlllldilirr conn tr V . ths f ' 8 'i hiis nnened a room onuoaite the Post Olfeee, feir J tion of those whe 7' 5 in the shove lint I Rrsriectfiilly, eir the nceejmtnodt i Vioelesire anything int. Mrs. S J. FRAZHTR. March 14, I85S. 4-6m N. II. The Lnlest Paahions reeeivrd monthly nnJ tl e A. IS.C. luelhnd of cutting used. . S. J. K. SADDLES & IIAHNESS. f BV!K (tiibT'tHrra hate entered into roprrtfivr ! JB. ship und oM iied a new 31 AxXUKACTOKV, AT K. MI AH S Ol.l ST .I, , In Springs' lUitk Corner lnildiug where thry Imvc cmtiiitly on b.iiid a large and aplendid uaoortiiit nt of I SADDLES, HAHSFSft, KH IDLES. r.t j OF E EIi DI.Ki HSFTloy. Inrrordiiifi' to the mo ft njproved style and fushron ' of the day. They are itlso pitpureii to man n Inetnro any tiling in their line in the inoHt Mjbstantia) and Wurhiii.iiilike iriiinniT nnd heller thtiii the beat, i Yu reupctt fully in ite 'he public lo call and ei i inn me fur thmti en, t Kt pariiiij done bt short notine und with neat, nekk und uibpultli. i SHAW i I'ALMKi;. j FrhruarrjQI, 1.')5. If Dr. I', M. Xornient Es'PEtrTFLI.LY oflVrs his professional rer j JB A' vieea to the citizens of ('harlultc und t:f. rixiniliui! eoui.try. He hopes by devolmj bia ti tire iiltrntioii to the duties of hia proti ?ion, to no nt p.itn'iiae. He muy be found at nil hoiiri, ; -it bis ciTieu opHhito the .American Holt I, when i nut prof ssionii !l v engaged, i S'eiittiaiy le.5. 55?tf 3i a i.i; A:.i)miYt f BiIIIS Acudi my, tituab'd I) mil asoitth.wrat if JH. I 'ha riot te, in thy eounty of Merhh nburp, in a heulthy, ititi lii' i t, and moral iit'.liLurlmiMl, nf. fonls iii.tov ii(j,ii.tit(;i s nvi r iiiot iiistitutiuua of In- knit!, in beih r niule Irom the vtets and temp, la linns ci'iuii in In .A tat! inits !ie.i tt il in tlevem ity of ili ;o, will cmii!..c nee ilti 5lli sc.Mon Jin uary ibe rti I under I lie Supcrintt ndence of John 11. I'ankj- y, u gc ntlemun of long cxHri nee in leadin g, diid one who has lilUd, with i:rcdit to hinost If niiiir of tlic Urt Aeadt lines in the htatc, nl th IuIInMi j r it s ol luiiion : Illenientiiry branches, 7 00 'J he hiritr hr.in hes of English, Jh.UO t lashirs an tl Al.itiieiht lira, 5,U0 llo ril ran be had in the best f.iniiliea at 56 prr month inchnlitip nil entente Ttntion due it the uhM ot session. No deduc ti'Mi lo.id- lur hist I the Irnin the t.mt of Mitr.inia till eli.se of acssiiii) ul wl.ieh lime tuition will bo ft tic. !y onit r of thu . TRUSTKE3. January , T'r.',. Astf The t 'lurlcisWiri t 'ourirr will insert the above an w ha ami forward ueeount to lUn clTire. ! IIAHHISON'S HOTEL, ! -ny. I). TIIDMI'S' ! M.MS, Voine tor. II. I). IIAl;i' , bupeiintrndtut. '. Tl.i- Hi ! is i-Iifilrly limete il !! t Is.- e-.irnrr of Ricli. nrilsiiii unit l..eiin I :trl't, ('o!uniIb, S. C. rulrmis eif litis ICMt;ili!isiiniriit will be cunejed to mill frum tilt Il.iil lluuel ile-jeut ;; or it. mar. ; lUcrmhcr 14, IP.V1. 43lf ; MECKLENBURG IIOIeT ! 3. R.BA. lffV If INtj purcliased the building lM I 1 II fi 11 on the corner, a fiw d'X.ra N. In K. of Kerr's llntt l, and rt paired and fitted it up in first-ral stvle, I would rrspeetlully inform the Travel line Puhlie, that it ia now open for tiie reception of lit pulur and Tran smit Buariiirs. Hruverswill tii.d ainpk aeiom. inixiatious a inv Ionise. Jattttaiy lb, 16'.. , 4tf i 3Fattrcsses for JSale. ' f BMIs Subsrribers respeetfnlly inform the eiti M. zens ot L'liariotb- nnd tU vicinity that they J will keep on hand at ''. M. Farrow, u well ae. b rttd stock of Jl 4 1 Tit I S, which they i wil! s'M at priers to suit the hard limeit. l'All OUPt.KS promptlv a trended to. ; J. 11. S.MITII & CO. I Jiinwiry 4, l?3.Js 4G 1 y . .i .1 iu w ''w ias .esj 4., .J UM, ,Hi "JBEliS leave reapeet fully to M 0 aiMiounee to the Ladies of 1 wMw?J: tte and ii vn'iniiy, th-t mm us opened a Lugo assort ment ot new f v " 1'n-irrh Jliliinrrv. fj cnnsislinj of the latest sty Ws UUKNS .MVKINi;, 1MI.VNK1S CAPS AND 1 1 K A I -l ) It ESS ES and a well. selected stock of Press Triiiiiiiiiis and Pattern?, and fe els assured she ein rive satisfaction in btlh hr.in-l'e-. No pains will he spnrtej to pleaar. BJ-OUDKHS promptly atle:nlcd lo. Octvhrr 17, lfj-l. 3Ctf , t hatltstoii toi'It Hath I pit in. TllI.Ot.'Gll IN .15 TO SO 1IOVI5S. i i'AKi:2o, i!i:iin( Linti). 1 American bteamship Company's Line. ! STKA.MMIir qivki:r citv, ; (.'ATT-J. II. lloIiGlON lt-OO TONS Bl'RTHEX. FIIIE lebuvc pe w and mar. X riliceiitS7'.I.VA7Hej- Jo. eiu.lt cxnretlv lur Una roula. mZB2t2Z3S3Z uc l the Urges! on lUt Aimni'.iii eojftl, anil is unMtrpassed. it equalled fr sprd, strength, eomlort.er .i"(omn)odatiwn.-w s.ii h ii jj days t'm iucii jh-i t un Holuwa : A"t NTS IN I'l'tl API LI HU. IlLKON MAUllN.siTi NoriU WWm.. A(irTS 1 ( H.l.lTO.', R(!..M!:s a MnM-.Y, iUcm i CVi Whtif. StILINU UAsi. IV- iii rhrtrhKiuii lOiti. '-Ait n uud 30th tiny of each tn":. tli. Frmn roiI.id I)!i:a, 5lh, 15th and 25th do. do. co. AM nrMluee consigned to the Amenta in CharUa. tnii w:H tc le fw-rcLj U rUi.Lddfclp Liu tj.e uf ces. in:ions. Starmi-er T, 1S54. J?-fm "jjl'll TKIX MM; of all kin.ls will ha neatly anil t xtie-iillteiDs! v r. Ima W'bif tifi--e. A LAKti K Sri'l'l.Y OK Conslahle Warrants loU SALE 1 1 EKE.