II. Illl.l. ..IM. .. ., ' " -. ' t .' " .1 . Si , . ,. (..-! , ', i .. , , ... t . ' J , . . .' j .; rV v?.' U .:':. ,. . . ' .- .' - - J . .-. - rrrs "Se fhie fo '60O, fo" jjotii1 Uy, qiO 'fo iiei -Duty." -TOUtTXEkTES '4. J T II 0 ill A S J . HO LTON, EnitOu 4 I'uoPuitTou. - TERMS: , ; T" Xortk.Pai-'iiiiiit Whip will , ntWiird e...uli. t. ribrr at. TWO DOl.I.AIIS in advance, J WO liill.l.At.! AMD MrTY ft NTS if p.juni.i he d.-liyv.l Kf three nuMilha ; aim TlliIKE I..Al(H I tlui mil it Hie year. No paper will In iliacnn. liniliil until ait (rroamgea are mi(I, cm. (it at the vitiN of lu Eat.f. , A.lvurliiir.ncnls inserted ulOnc Dollar prr Munrc IV l.n, p " . ..... ' J J I m nr. I III as t un, and ! ernta fur encli e.inlitiumrr. I mirl od vcrtiiaiiienta ! tSlirrifl't Sal. ehargetlVt kt cent. ,nlier j ami a ricilurlmn )' 3111 per ctiil. wit i-d' IVvni llif ri'tiilur prici-n, fur ailvtilui ra y ytjr AHertifenu nt tiiavrtrd montlily ur irl' Tlv, t tl f an,uarc fur cull lime. Kiini. nmnliily ti mhU per aunrc for eacli tuna, 1 Tnlni;il r an authuiiivil load nj;iiili. KX-l'KKSlDENT F.LMOltU IN ITALY. A cnrrc-ponilcntof ie Pliiluilclpliia Led ger, wilting from Leprn, sns : The only pfrsoti o was Dcrniitted to 1 lie laujrli of tlio thrive o(Ticcr for a mo- on liii brain, Iihi cruhed liitn, fill with one ment lroMiit tlto cclio of flio dunce 1u tlic dead pound on the floor, next room. Thnt wns hi bridal evel " ComparR bis American milk-maid nitli Now tell n.e, my fiiomla, ynu ulio lmvc the woiimn of Ituly !'' j lieard conio silly and i'mornnt preletider pit- 4 Or tlio hih of Eiiglniid !" ilully complain of the dititution uf Legend, ' land iu ndviinee of atlie rest was a young " Or tlio praeeful Hindoo girl 1" Toetry, Uoniniice, which cliiiriifteriies our j Austrian officer, (not I 0 or 2(1 year old,) This lauchin acorn of Ihc Hi itish off.eern ' Nntiolli'' History tell me, did you ever! , ,,,.,.,., ' , i.,.. l.i i.- ... , . . . . . ..-A . ,.r i,-..i l . v .! i - "o "-iu Tnuiig i ii u iiauuDoine jveiU"ee to Uie quick. " jmiuu Ui inf""iu, innvc, v.i " Hark ye !" be cried, ha!f riiii.' from bU iwrmunro aP!it, ith a flushed brow, but deep and r".,.r"aJ.d-'iberat0 Voice' " ,o-'"0rr0w. I marry a 11,111 1 a i m i Some of (h. teleirrar.liin nnrt ni,ar !.!. ,e New York Tri- lishcd report tivc un erroni.fm minr,...; of the ln.llmd nf r- . .l"10"- a liscuveuy ix ri:ni:A Suj10ud OF tidLD. L! nn- i'-.omas Kwlank, in a Utter to 1 . aUona! Lltei!i"eneur. cnmniin.ioat... ,th dy, compare with the simple history of hit-1 late K bunc lias the following de.pntcli from Wash ingto A i ii,;, . a .i..... .i..,. " . . I J " 'fl riWff V UtMH'A tli tfnu u..t.:....a 1 .... .! " . i and divinely pronounce the full name of' ernmenu ha, Cct " " 7 . . U.J: ' l'" I ' .1, ueer of the :i v:M,?r -:rk,!r h a dcdM,. r ti0nitlre.a,ion 'l-"1"!! "s euiioillij;. ' i he proceK . u , ,. ' "tii riiuuvo , eeni ui: rrces, t0 ri . . .. -- ,. . ' i ' ",scove ' "'c excavation of IV . - iuii" tin rrsnnn. i ui l.ui HjIij ! ... I i nil, JL V! a.y, or lpu,,orany other laml umlcrthe -""'r r r" ... each meintier Mr ;u; ,:t' i .d eonel,.:; V" .r.. V" t,' ","ra,e ' I.' r,c Jac" 1"lr"J l'ru. Jleavens, that might in point of awful trntro-1 "u lnB L,UK0 i'-)J,'ior, on ot tlio ; 'lr-j,., , , r . . - ' ucn ia received bv J r. ! . the xMr. 1I1C SNOW. jr ci.ta.CMHMfcl.vl. Thf an- I tit aiiow ! huw Ixiaiililul - It flia ot4 lull ami piii, A"l ! a aliruuJ fur puiiinitr Imuia 'J'liat will ni( runt- i';.iiii. ICjcIi I ifi ji H -ke tli'il tlir ir, VVitK uii.aaur-tl iffti p felitl a lu, rivcJta, iniu tU Imbu'5 ricf A jeni h kinjf rh a'iuw. Til" ll'iK ! Hi' nu '.' Ii.iK Ixautiful Tlic firiila art ln.ip-i; kJIi wliili, Vltru r.rl Itie amuiucr brrrz'a awrpt, VV.iaa trcra mill l- Jiia Here bnglii, llal tiu'a nit'i piktil iiruii-ltta lia-(it Tlicf rnr lh-ir imil liitnta. A m brsaat, ai'illi ! ro ami i-arl hcarta, lira ariultr'a biaala k-m tuiw. T'i ann it-: noir ! Low bright od fir It priiia Ilia IMih y mnii A ac)uiK on Wime l I.1HC i.c.iir rrallrta tide, It litca linl'ltH willicrfll ta Ts ann r It lire ini'unin aT-, Anit wakfkt anil anil t.uWii wreath T,' hi4 ! jcat. Thf antiw lr ann ! how liglit it ta!!a, Aa to aillwr I .!. Er cB'lawi'a hu" ! pnail aatat, f)r w.llirr. J ..uiu'a ff (). ia; K Ii r Tata! R.iaa acii j1') Tn1 rlirrnl Uie Mruing brain. Tun fjiirH in Ida lifM l noon r iill on the jlilis aln.ro. The t.w .' nw '. In un-otilu! It falla nn In'! pi 'in, An I i r ud tut ummrr bxira T"-t II it cuii.f -'. Klrrn nil- hinili ihr anni'T alrram Tl.al rtifli J mil al i. w. Ami Bwacra MUM Hi flxejr laW, Tnr purr anU utiuaa mua. wifet an Amrricun cirl ! To-uieht. at mid tllllt too, that Aaiariaaa crl mIII. JiJtn itlO i)uucri lo the lifil room. ou t)iall bee tier you rball judge for yourselvta! Wheth er the American woman in not the most beautiful in the world ! There was aouiething in (lie manner of the younp Refugee, tnoro than in the nature of his information, that arretted the attention of bia brother officers. For u moment lb?y were r-iU-nt. " We have beard something of your mar riage. Captain," said the gay Kiisign, ' but we did hot think it would occur no nudden ly ! Only think of it ! To monow you will lie onc nettled verdict brought in fen- tcneo passed tmirricl t,mn Rut tell j Uie T How will jour lady-love be brought 1 to this house to-night ! 1 thought she reui 'ded within the Rebel linen!" I " She doe re.-ide there ! Hut I have sent 'a nieMiigor a liiendly Indian chief, 'i!( ' whom I can place the utino-t di iicndiiiee i I to bring her 1 1 out her pren lit home, ut the diad of night, thro' the foret, to thi inau I aion. He is to return by 1" ; it is now Lalf- :p-t 11 :' I Frit ndly Indian !" fi hotd f !. veteran ' Colom-I ; " Itather an odd enardian fir a tlifl Jntif nm Ititi Tit i I Vnr it iu' a a ctsnw fioin llil narrative, with wImcIi i Vn of the F"-' Vr n capital 1 Cliarlc.. J. Albright." repeat!!, it three ! "w " .aturuay, reouinnc the !,iti,h the railroad of Afi-;, l,......,. . , " ' irnrnriiMiiu.i ii i it . . --. 'nuicun u Lrrnvr!i 'euau ..ir. t raaintoii r nru rii inr. : i- i. " . fce alternative of ,. ..i " ulc" r numerous lu- tion ,ivig hi,,, bin pr,s--.'.ru ! p, i ...r ' T;. I ."fv"-," The same paper tiguifie, dinc.ly the i rV r'f.ri revocation of the excuate,, nf (.....:; r-,-,,,, . , ' V " tho P . -I v"':u'n " i-iiuiu" lliiuu lli'ttd 1 r arrow lmaiis, Ac. ana, pots. Among other in an Indian wa hi -per: , jour licrtn, ana aratf-.neU by lnu, dur- " l)o you remember now, half anliourajro iug the voyage, bo 1 hand then, to the I stood there by the table jleiit and police officer as soom'you cuter the port. pale, and horrer stricken while you all Ti , j- ,., ,i , , , ' ' , f. .. J lie police olhcer tliioines ou board and started up round me, asking me wat noma I night I saw! Thn, ob Uteu, I beheld the c0U,lU o(f tU PS6liKliko theep, to we horrid scene that libnac, yoiider by the whether their numl enrn ypoDrls to the ;..- ,....;.. , fli ..r. ; .ml. i i r ..... . I .1- iii'i'1"" u'i iimuiiMiif; v. -i .,ivn nuniuer o, pnsf,ori:a ieu to linn, ror and Haines ! The red forma of Indians go-! rt. i . ,-e, . -,!.. . uv in i"- ..ii.v m nut u iiiu-. icr "directly prepared for tbi, rominnrv Lv ' " hr, J "m 1 1 T" "K " , . . . ' "iijic ii i , j, y n is una anan, r.vni.s Hates that in ii.nkinc excavations for liand-i Ilinra It Mi..r.. .... - . I VoaiC if. ' " fe-iiiiisii, tktin no n in ; tr av'l' ., alphabetical order tlirou.-b t.-n 1 u.t i i w,o ua in t, i t r a- . Han relies you have all been familiar from childhood,! f ' and thirtv-four. As his natne is calb-d tl,.. and that I have given you. j Ra"t(-"1 'f (,0"C f ,La 6lrang-! "H-mber answers aloud W!l " or Ri h trl..... !.. V..l.l..,..n. Ann. tl.nrn l )i mil H ll t I III O l)OI at H Ii iful i n . !. .... ' l" tressea ta uu ton, -r, ....i. wtaewr- ,k bv. uiuM be haled lo the canlai., nf . .. . ." ,u i im.,!ie,...,l i',i. ...v. .. . V. " , " "r.u , " ' ' "8 ,"",'ary 'i"- riblecon.,ciounessof (J the word tfeni. - .,,' , ' ,. ,-:",-e to ins vote, he makes it nt the 1 i,u',rr,,L ,' . I'-ng'.aiul ,.s siarieu out uf l, res bled from his lips, in a faint and husky I "- " " 7 ul 'our lukinB tliroui'h with ll n. U ...... -V . .ir I . do J !. . '. I o - .-I "iiw nuaini or u i u i " cyclic a temporary lii-Inic and noi vr, v-cutticir names were called (there!',' , S0I"U Ulll'.,ulty in tlio recognition ic u.an iifn or a dozen such ) r p and ,B.r'4 t;,',U1' ma v ai.o rrn request their votes to'he recorded, which is ' From ll V.Z .f-,nr,i;,,M,. ,. , . . . !: :. f, , "f""-' course i rv "" .i ri-cuuu uejiuiy nas.t'"nanie. ana must be euataiucd kept tally ou a printed Ji.-t. which he noiv,1'""1 makes it. the cause f ..... a. II " a-a.t J lUlin passes over to the one who cnllod iLe roll Mtllllr tu teutral American cmcsiioii t i.,g to and fro, amidUame and smoke-torn- 'If' . " " ' T , 11 e ,eads : " Those who voted for Mr Rich- I J U UU UWIJ- ahnwlr i,nd torch in hand ! There, amid '"e r " couiu ?rdson are jrL,,rj .. & j dead bodies and siiiokiiir; ember, I beheld ; throw the efheer ovdird, wlieu I saw the !..,, , wf., , ' ., '' ' ' , Hok.vck (JriFi r v T1. V.i :. ... i.... c f.,:.i..iiuj.,-,.,ii.l',..;,l,lt,,f Ui l omers. - . . " "m"c"'" i" J u .... r.....jvr..v..-v - "uu!Thisrecai,iil,,rion n,., ..... , ., . re-pon.tcnt of the 0 tietnnnti Time, ..i JfneelitiL' Pleauini' lor mer- 'n'rjL.,f. 1.P from f.t,. nl' .1... T...t:.. : ' ... a fc' ie ini'senger ev, eeu as Hie tomaUau M crashed into lid u ...i,.... n. ... Ah the horrid picture again came o'er h utes: callii,.r the mil r.l,n. . . wowing d iKepuhhcs) walk p. petty officer of the ,,. . - ;x ; ace Greele U abs'Ute PWr ? '' tUtC- '" 0l( di- isentee to r,.,nrrl Lit I,:....,... . f. : , No or- vrs the escrintion and .me.-d.-if.. f n. 7 : man in Vnl.i!.tnr . . , , , - . , i . , .i.i. in T. . .! ",la ,,-'v.- iinaiiv.a luiru . . . n'11 "ii more ai- nmtd, he sauk senseless apam, still clutch- elice to bis brutal liate. J he Duke of. jn. .. i, l,- 1 i tention. He cuts a uu-iii t (i.-nr.. u.,., t. nt.g i...... :.i i- .-, . .' I'll.ll llll III. .I.1...I... 1.. - I 1 g that terrible memorial that bloody Motitpetisier followeitl, a smile, and I pntty woman: Quite an original idea of 1 a Diirnnn, I vow !'' i "And you wiii tuateli this lady asiii't i the world fnr beauty!" said the Major. " Yes! and if you do nut agree with uie, thii hundred guineas which I lay upon the tabic, shall Serve 'our mess ' for wines, lor ' a month to come ! Rut if you do not agree ' with nit- without a doubt vou will then 1 you ore to n place this gold with a hundred 'guineas of jour own." 1 " Agreed ! It is a wager!" chorusscd the ' Colonel and the twij other officers. ! And in that moment while the door-way ' was thronged by fail ladies and gay officers, aitmctcd lie ni the next rouui by the debate a that young liefugce stood w ilu one hau l scalp and Ions black hair ! That was an awful RitlHAL I've! ; could not help whi p to him in Engli.-h, i that he probably red himself that A- ir.eriea and F.nglandc th countries in the woil the result in figures to the clerk, which he ' lo ' ",e "I'-i'lent, the workmen had cut up . magnirjetnt wiii;,r h,..et ami divided ,t among th-mselves. Wiih son,, '"'H'oul.y Mr. J. van. ohlained a frBgMll.,lt and oespatebed it to Mr. Rwbank. -Ir. hvans i,o:i,;.s as a very remarkable :cr ll.at in hundreds of India,, ..kulis w bicti he has examiued. nf.t one has eoi,l;,i0d a decayed tooth. Mr. Kwbar.k states that tiio weight of the entire shroud must have been eight or nine pounds, and, had it been pre served, would have been the finest sporilncn of sheet gold that we have heard of si,,(e those of the Spanish compiest. I ,mp p. o(.ient remai-Ks upon the prcervaiirm of -invenirsrif u,.. diparlc.l. and the futiliir of attempting to secure the great dead fl op, contact with their native faith, Mr Mwbat k -ays ,t i, ii,,.. ,., ot- ,,..,lllri In( (1)( body or substance of the dead, that should be preserved, and add, ; lamblhi.r ,...!.. .... i .i - cut e ui I'iKf i announces, "Bank.-, 103; Richardson G7." Perched lack on th. ', f .'....f',. j 1 : . . .- iiciita. it'll v. .. . vc. &e. : iug In creat whit- f.. s..,,..i:.,. ..... t lie muinuiica of K-xi, nr.. :... r. nl. a. f,..-l . .. i . :. . -.i"ri uu., nie ..., ..... .. , ... , rjt " An idea maybe formed from this how " Vf. ,', ot a VH luS"- 1 Z r" i ' I'haraohs , tedious t tirr... I ; r ., , ....is, ,,,, negligence t dress to .... .' "r iHeir slaves, are Nothin... indeed, txeced the unosten- L. .... ' .e. . ue oc. ,o-ly assumed. It was the biuer re. 11 "i"" am 1 i l'"'ut any debate, occupy as mucli 'mark of certain t; reel- ni,;i i tatious carriage and Iicay of the Aiiier-',:,., .,, ' J, . . T ' r, ek. P!lll'"-opher, con- ., ... w usuuiiy sneiii in a uai i v session. - ...an t. r . I 'noil e HI .1 u I... .. . . . "partaiis, tbnt " h e saw thei 1 ... wl,o,e journey j 0f courM.( ever). telj liiiMites minori vanity through the holes of their eart.ients " Us and see, every- . wn,te ; umicct.,,a ta)k aj CV(. or7 vanity is amply visible "in hi, pre. fiaut who ho is and .if ,nurlU , . Bna"7 ,.ded eeeeutneilies. Let me tell you a nan iioui t tic v can enmn-l to hp. nnsied Ii. m o ; . 1 i i . . . " 1 rrsiinir uron the t ile of eold. his ruddvfat-e 'grew suddenly white as a shtoud, his blueini.ikc a hurry doctor, missus tlniiK De a 'eyes dilated until they were each encircled . by a line of white enamel, he remained stan- j ' j: 1 :r f . . . ., uiui; iin-ii , at ii iietvu ij uiiv. ,1. -ji-itf. -ii i . u-i .. 1' . .1 . .. . 1 doctor enquired of the first maid now tier f " liy l.aptain, w hut is the matter . srit-tl , 1 the Colonel, starling up in ai ji u., " do ou nii-tres was then? " , eir, she ibouyLt a gbosi, that you stand gaiiug there, at jlie had it," was the reply. The doctor linr liie blank wall!" .r;ed upstairs, ruminating in his mind on cv- I The otLr (fT.evrs a!-o started up in ahiriu, I , . , . ., ... c . ... , , . ., , ,. . , 1 . ' iery kitnl of ailment the faculty luxuriates also asked, the cause of tins .singular demean- ' ,. , or, but still for tlu space of .minute or more,' -ni1 fathology inystifies mankind about, i in-1 r wiv Nothin... indeed, txeeed ll. i .. . . - '""""'' 01 ; moly assumed. It was ,l. . P"1 "SIIF. TII'irCHT SIIF, HAD IT!" The spiightly little sheet, the Petersburg Express, tells f ,. follown.g good one : b . E , 1 . i.i.. .. . a..... 1. c 1 ,ew '"n"" aS. ' "u,u thing, yet nobody arI woue up in anr.gnt, catieu 10 ner ser- c,ev,,c(, strliol occu j kd till he is vants to make all haste and fetch Dr. u Vati mille , j .1... .1 1. ... ...,,t. L l , te ladics) J ,uc tLou-bt she LOU; ll'C ,BUd.,0r r knCW ,m . another day. The nt of ,K, dc. ' r.-?d,"S . ( -rvan.s are great ;' 7"' '"T '"T" oul 1 "U patr z .d by tht l.dtes) thous.,t uliti, ,owe Amer,, jTlirrd for Ks. ; ,,, rn . f.? "U,a.n" Hcrc ", u, sudd, n- . L"" r." "-I . i 11 iu 11 . . .1. :.t. ...it AW1T went llIC liUKlul-B wi.ii lull o.va.j . . ... ' 6 curred in Marseilles - .1 1 .,.i..j... .1..:... 11 1 up, anu maruieu me nueiui , r. luiiiiini; , .... . ' . ... 1 - horn, ben the was, there was con got it . Ou arriving at the lady'r residence, the ' ienoa a nd I.ei- pl h.-ariied who he e rtiipmsmri. t . ie - "'"i uu wit 1 ri.e indll erei.ee assu many pill(. 0I, T. L, 4 and ba.saum used i eml,,,!,,,,,,. ,,n lllu, made them a g,,jd substitute f.,i- l,it,.,;...i... co:.l ; and thus the very means cmploud l preserve theni haie hi'C.r.,.. 1! ' ev can eoi,ln.-l to he. .s-,.J ;.. Iil. 1 T . . mK u i 0tt lor ,l...;r .Ii..; I ' ' . 1 .... ' ' 1. J ueuru tasi evening wlitlc at the , V r-"""- n 1 wiinj mate- calling the yeas and nnys on frivolous 1,10-: iNat,"ai Hotel. A trio of Irish servant.!, ' co11""' ''i"'" a '''s '"ark. t value; hods is soinucu towards postpeuiug an elec-1 r'; u",.l7 talking politic in the corner of ' J . , . u vu"a s a -'eenied tr. as. h. tl... I " Where'" exo'-.imnl ll. I0.' S)K! i hei.ee we learn how the kith -mhin" would natnra.lv exhibit o being lid fi ! Lres" 1U'U M T.-...;.I...,t r,il,..r.. it '"""6' wu 'vexeiam.ed ' the ri'lit snleofthe ou-e. tl, ..,,1'; ; ' tit . il. i t. .1 . . -1. ...c mi. niuuu mere .re 01 course ex ceptions. Cor. AtUunj Jju mil, ACCIDENT.- -THE Xllth SKCTION SAFE. was bi to serve him, but he led them uo op poi tumty. Livin? n unplest manner 1 and exaetiu pot'i 'ig'l , ii.,t usual will- Vrrda.- r. . . , - .. priuted. aud the forms were lieiiijr I in m.w ...ii.retcnt.iiio'aVistmnni'r 'IU- l Mult I uu fc v , , , from the press rooin nito tue composing room ; 1 he llibcrrnans g t en.an, ne omy e ropo t.rokl!) nuJ the outside form tell , tensely at Horace fur an instant, when tl,' that they cannot show mine proot ot ' . - vouiiicst of them, apparently a late unpor about twelve leer, earning wuu it w- vi .. - . , , , . - . .... 1 t. Patrick or lii-hon Hht!. . j them . . - A- noisted the tall gentl. inau.'' The Hibernians gizeJ curiously and m- theii re-m et. or some atu correspond- !,.- with bis .tatH.n. Mmore bn now '' rrcH b. " u-tained conIderable tatiuti, with wonder in his voice observed ancous. the l.rfugee Captain stood there, more like f and found the lady n, role tie nuit, some- . p:ri.,un(I I'rarj,us.-i:i, Austria i"j"ry- 'l,ie fdr'" WCT,t tlron?h thfi flj"r of j 1 5 ? STS, AimEsn rr.nM a if mto..m"iM; Oi Tlir. KEVIlLtTION," , a dead man, suddenly recalled to life than B;int calm and collected. j a living being. J V(.il, doctor," exclaimed he, graceful I J li llltillll'llt pnat, lir Bflt u iwii V.HU . rnld aliivrr ; made a strong etfoit aa if lo 'c'Uiiinahd his res-fin; aud theu Jjavc utter- anea to a forced Ihulmi. " Ha. ha! See l.ow I've fiichtein-d vou '." I be said and (ben 1. 111. .led t!i-L rild. nu ll Cf irti LIdbhiJ. Eld. : ..1 i,ji... u....i " i lliliuill. leiiiun 11...11 hhiii. I . , ,. . 11 )., aumtrirr ni2hl. tbv Mate of many I And yet, half an hour from that time, be crou" took "s r"c " follow' : lighuf ureaming from the indo of an ' freely confessed the nature of the horrid The lady in qnesiion had been reconiuien oll tuauaioii, ptrehidl yondwr among the 'picture which 1 bad seen drawn upon that ' ded a wash made from yillow ochre as a rocka and woods, flashed far over 'be dark llai.k, w ain-cotlcd wail, a. if by some au- j preventive against niusiiuito biles and to water, el Lab-Ch.mpUin. pernatur.l hand ,! 8f,..n the skiu at this season. She Lad 1 - , ...,l .ni..r...l.,.Iii Miaii'hf.r nt . I. .it it....- uitli tliA nine eun in I.im hninl l M'll't " -"'-.-1 - - --r ,, ... , !.. ,. ly, " I really thought I had it '." " Ha l what madam, in the name of good ness !" " Why, the yellow fever, doctor." It seems that the enuc of this very ludi- t.t m.i..i.in a nsrte .-f l.ritish ofneers. sit-' be turned from one comrade t.i another, ut- 1 . .. i.i I iil, .;m ) .,;..,. ,rt,., r......l nr l.e.Li,,,. i.,..,,!. arum, and had retired te bed : but as the .. 1.. .. ;,l. w ' at prognostication. e are iuiij compeii- , ih:ni ,.; u,iril nnioiiL- the ppr viands, di.c-,.se.l a topic of some ?t.terest the door-way, crowded by oflicera and U- ! ,ittti.i ,rieil np, it J,.ft . yellow coat- 1 ,,. k,ira (0 lo;c bis own ted for the loss of type and additional ex-: youn- man was partie-u hirly enthusiastic.-, .f !. ... .... ll.. ...ml i.l.r.t m I .nil. .Ii... I... hm 111 int'ili'il tlipm t.t .liqr.. in I Lu . . . . . . ' 11 it a ut ue iu-- , .... - .... . .... .. .. ni ou (iic (Km and cave ine lany uie an- f e.n.n,.;,;..,, hv tl. reflection that. '.whenever the Ariel o; me evening was ee ..... 1 . . . , 1 ivi .... 1 "v r . eouiui v . 1 . . . . ... .... n.j mi. leiiee. am .is eievaiiun nuai mi... - - - - t - . . r i....,i. .su. . . e 11 n vn e.niiLti tiitr.i in st'inr .iili i .. -i . floor of the adioiuin room. I beautiful women iu the world ! Yea. vrbile all was cavetv ail"? dance nnd A he spoke, the ho :r struck. Miti-ic in the lartrest hall of tue oIJ mansion, Pearai.ce 01 a Happening to rise in the night to get '.Vlvj 0 lu n.e Journal de lrankloit j some eurnms details relative to an " excoin- , iiiuuieatiou winch lia just t D pro 1 uouiice i at CubieiiU. The narrative is a- to. ! lows ; i CoW.Kvrz, Dee. l'-J, l-.". (n .Sunday, 1 f . , .11 1 " Sure an' he'" a '-hUe man !" I w wlln' " n ""' c-ren.ony w ii.ru nas A. e..,.rs whitemnn." nid the Wt been performed lor centuries, viz : An ' .1 . 'I l. .. ....... L-.nl ' - . - - .it e.11. .11 11t1ie.1t irtl the siil.iert hcinf M. ' ami lalv and wiii ha ve ill F.tirope 1 e- me press r jum. . ue .i ....... Lr.'t speaker. 111 .1 patronizing tone, a'- - - r ami l.aiy, an.l win navcin i.urope te ,.,.,,. 1 ., . '., ,1 ' .1 1 Sonnia.- a merchant of t 00 enlz who was UU1UU til a l lil n u11.11 1111 t iitirt-. uiuuii iiui aec aim e i v i uv . ..i; v , . . , elivoreeil ir-jlil Lis ursi v.ue, unu cigui ;ti ago was married by the civil authuruien only to hi- present 0110. Last year M. Sjimtag was commanded by the clergy t separate from h: wife, aud not obey in,; their decree, he was ou Sunday exooiniiiu nicate.l. Dean Krai'.entz, after preaeiiiug a sermon against the civil marriage, put on some other sacerdotal garments, and, ac- a dozen or two of editorial-.; and we are I vt It a t surprised by the eccentric action of companied by two clergymen bearing wax ehd on their account that we have been ; one of their number, who ever and anon tapers and read standing in the n.iddie of thw fc . . - , - ., 'would rie in his seat in the parrim'tte, church, the sentence ot cxcoininunicatioii the innocent instrument of applying them . ,,;,.;,. ;on nf the scene a-ainst M. Somite;: and hi, lady, lie then Amcri- it;' an Ppl'ortunity to display their powers , on fUtc llT morc esuberaneeof a"tinn extinguished the tapers, saving that the in- ten. I he I dividuals named were nt worthy to see the day of the Lord, ana throwing the candicstis'k to the ground, breaking them to pi. ees, exclaimed," Let the bells resound the funeral knell !" We immediately heard the sjuitd of bells and tho ch vuts lor the dead. The Dean, in conclusion, pr.x-luiin- fir., 1, n. ia 1 .0 . Smt... e mJ I'1' "u t , . . , delphia platform was set. save and except the , cronies. has every where been thoserve 1 obcr- " ' ' . 4 Well, he my soul, I've beet, deceived ver of the people and thtiltition, and Xnttl Ll01' 'I'-d u"hun- at t!,e 01ll,, fcIlow eIltiri!v," continued the will return to the Unitiates U-.ter! The boy (Robert Cook) was eonMderablj ,Lcr .. tloa..u Le was'a nagr , id,.e of F.uronenn votnU than the bruised, and one arm badly injured. J e - -1 rs whole body of uufledcd(ii( we are in the habit of sendingiad that they may become acquainted court gossip and court manners, inucthc detriment of their knowledge and uic-s in foreign parts. The manner in 1 Mr. Fillmore travels is tlio only one bich an 60111c of our Virginia cotemnorarics, by j T ... . , ' - , A TllEATUP'AI.Tvril'KT. Last evening, this exemption of the Xllth seeHon from ll.,.(.m ... w witui!ised by a large injury, will Und material suiticiciil to indite j nij ,riliant audience, who were some 1 ly acquired such a pitch, that rising in his YonKINiGlRl.S. II girls! who can- dentally, we admit.) to prove- that t lie Al UU , sel(t Lc fllin? a tWL.,,t). dollar gold piece at re 1 ., 1 . -.i ... .1 , :.. 1 . . - .. ...... ' ,.,.,1 ... , .1 ej.i i n e ii n r ti e ur I he r re- ,.. t,... t nt t . ... e Ii arm i n " sur tie. as a test 1 1110- ' 1 aiive. o ciock was inf re, auu wun 11 a a glass 01 water, sue pecucu in mi gis, u-s .riot love ttieni T witll el line t tic rosr, iruwu i. , , ... - r, t ... i , , ..., . i,, , ... , ,i rp. bright eyes, und elastic, how cheerful sent ; and we thin, our Baltimore anu , ,r-. ....... ll , ,at.)n, wi,. ,he ,,x,ommumc:lU.d, to sallIt0 they go to work. j g . ; prthend no danger to h j ,,., ( T1,h proi,i,itiin has not much ill make u aUer lts C5cnP lroul " 1 "'i'1-' tr y of motion moved a ten r.ct Iron, Ins ; ctlect, tor ineir nouse n.is veen uneu v.ei ., It fell twelve feet, through a two-inch pine treasury, which he cast at the teet ot Lali- 'simc will, visitors, ana at nignt iney navu hof liutidrrd lihu cuncca Mr out iuc iooi.i-p, ana iiicii voin inuian tomh chihc aJ os wi.. ever ami by the power ot her a a t '.I .. ,t l-t. .. l i water of t liampl.nn Here in mise 'iu t, urging inrougu me etowu oi lauies turoug- . , , herself slr:in hi colore,. ... . 1 !. room. uo in? co'M rvriitiiir kh-' " """'" , iu Yuu-in ..uw.-v,MT, . , inthrirfaceathrout!, theV"'" ido..,j Silct. bis r,,.s folded on his war blanket, j '""'? the worst thing at l,rst-.s,e here this party of Itriti-h officeri bad a-1 a look of tulm atoiei.s,,, on his duky brow, th'iiiht the Itml it I The doctor left. ...i .i 1...1:-.. .1 I ! H -rtll'le'l 10 UlteUsS llieir Wllics auu men tile iuui.ni auimiee'. mn ue .ue. '..,.! .i . ... .....1 ,,T tin. i., , " ,,.r,. '.. That topic was th comparative beauty no lady with him! of the women In the world Where is the fair girl ! She who i to be Tu.u ci.li.no Ciilese. A correspondent of the Cincinnati Time, writing from liur- Our reputation for it, gills .... i I I Ml i. . excellent wives, ijicsseieeu w iu iuo . . . ... . - . ., -'. .., i ,r ... ..!!. w .,..n..Ud y . . T. ank: ii its associates in llie luaitorni ; uan. .soi ouiuuue, uue o. uu. .,..- .s,. u men be who secure sue-izes. those who do live to follow T , r 11 U a , were knocked into pi. yet it escaped with-! known young citizen, drew Ins w. let . nothing bzh all da, Bin! ; " , , A ,., rolliti" up some shining currency in; a pi the fashiowho never earn , "1 scratch. Iwmv-i, 0cu. L. af'jml t,,tilll0nial was aWarded, Sih;.mi DiM-iniNK. " A for me," aaid a handsome young the bride tomorrow: Perhaps the Indian ' lingtoti, Vt, relates the following : "I ma !,,,. irfa.l they cat, or noes they wear, EnsitMi. "I will match th voluptuous forms h-,,! left her iu and dark etc of It of all the world !" icakinz cf old cheese of a ' the '.ext r.i.iiii, or in one of , reminded l . ' .. ..l.l .... .1 ... I I .. 1 . C I... r, ..I ... .t.i.ir. Ar- ...ir. ' .. . . . 1 . .1 iv ai'aiust iiib u.iiuiiti tue otnei ini.' m me v... , ... . . nMcedotn t. he sta'e driver to u me yes- . .., .,,,. ,i... " . . . , . ... r i- I 3 . , . in iu I ue- uuiei . spe io are lae 'r,J and Lrom one week's I llnw Mf i-11 Meattmf.y Fat is Nv at this rate, the Doton company would lT. I 'Yoiik IN A Yeah. l'uring the year I ",' nbh many returns of a " laslnonable uilit. I,i,ps-but the thought is a fooli-l, one-she , . an 0ld f.irmhou 1 a-.. I t v ,l,.ar f.i f liVl'T 1 1 . I 1 1 it I - ( C ho a simpleton ani . , N York butchers (says the Express) ! . Chrnnv a popinjay would prefetc of the latter, iave slaugblered of beeves, slice p, lambs Uu'. "JTiBIHl 111 H I rt iru U U U iriaiiii ll l.l I a tl -''- ' ' art i an. a , who bad ri.oo to a Cohmelcy by his long ri.f I ,o come and meet him ! yt-rday, and will, an untidy yaru ana ; if ,,c W).re ,,okil,, for mpanion. ..ve veals, and swine " ADVICE TO YOUNG LADIES. aerviccand hard finltl tiL'." ami I have apret- I lie re a aoiiieininff awim iu uie necp oiiapiuateu ouiuuiuunrr', uen sum . - a, the w orkiiie' en If. ' are worm tneir .,,-.,:? ... ....... ,i,t.l,;,, nr.. ouiv di. ... . n . .- . i "I.' . i i. . .... .. ... . i : - .. . i ,e limit irml ann nine auuni; -,". i u.i.'i't-u."." , ... y lass of adanc!it. rtl,erei,l l.ngianu, wi.oe : am-nee, ,na, reii.eu t..,u. . e... , - ; , n mnn on a pretty cure spct, ,o . Wl,; llt ,n you ,r fl.c them nun- " . .... . , -vmisr.. il",,. the ave- : l.unnrable and uncertain as to their rcstl blue eye. .nd flaxen hair would shame your ; the solitary Indian Moo, there, at tl.e lie.,1 , ,,. ownrr of ,h..,t place to.her day lint . , Qr . , f(:pt t0 hUl.T . v t, fraut, , ld coll!ulcnee o tragie be.utiea of Italy .alo very ng.nesw. oftlie table, gam,, sue,, ,y m. .no io,e saee s , I ..ketl. 'Uliy he ca .ed at t he , - 'hler o r lv , V have no alfee- 'Wr slaV..ercd Cvas 1 ,.:.,. The , rent. They are i al! aspect di-credital ' 1 litre aerved In India, as you all must l htic it fir at last gap'.i ine ,ei- . nouse to ruy cnecsc, i.ut wiicu in- came m . - ' hull eks canie fio.t, this State, lVnnsvhariia, : because, however pure or siucere, the con know," Mid the Major, who nat next to the I ,,?,.e. "She ha, not refused to conic ! Tell 'look at the let. he concluded he didi. t want Wn.or silly airs sle;V''- " lientnej u " oif lu.kVi Virginia, ! cealmetit implies a doubt of the integrity of ... i. . ... I I ..ii .l,i,rI.H. that I never .,, I, a. mt necidetil befallen her b V the Vm. the v were so full of skippers. So ho ! meet vou. the v spea.i .out rutting on a ' . . ' , .' , ".u.. .i. Wlilmr the -nsn is ashain- aaw nuintitiL' or stsliie. much less living wo-1 aav ! I know the forre-t is dark, an I tho roan, half ao lovely as nam of those Hindoo j id path most dillicull tell jne : where is maiden", iM-nding down wilh watcr liliea in the lady for whom I m-nt you into the ltcb their hands bending down, by the light of! el linrs!" turcln i, over tho dark wavesof the ianges." j pv a tnonient, s the strange horror of And thiip. one after another, Ensign, Col-j tliut. lover's face was before him the Indiau oriel, and Major, had given tlnor opinion, iwas sih nt. Then, as bis answer seemed until that young American Refugee yonder,1 trembling on his lips, tho ladies in yonder at the foot of the table, is left to decide the door-way, the officers from the ball-room, argument. That American for I blush to, a,,d the party round the table formed a group ay it handsome young fellow a ho is, around the two central figures that Indian Willi a faeu full of manly neaulj, deep blue Manding at the bead of the table, his hps ryes, ruddy cheeks, and glouny brown hairj parted, his fucc ashy, his clenched bauds that American is a Ilefugee, and a Captain resting on the dark mahogany of the table, in the lb itiah Army. II wore tha handsome The Indian answered first by an action rearlct coat, tb glittering epaulette, lace then by a word ruffles on hi bo-oin, and arouud lint wrist. made an excuse and was going away, woen ',i0Zl.u .!!,- nr, or v to show off to .. .. i . . ..i ..i. i :..... i J 1 the larmer saui io nun ; imut urn-, mtn , how can I get inv cheese down to 15otoii better advantage, ayou feel as it you j .ort;. it and, what i. strangre, t'Lio, ot the man, or sonieuouv , imertit, . ... . , .1 .1.', . ." . 1. .. n, 1. ...... t t Lu i i ,r i lie V , I.. .... t ... ., -I.,.,! .i-reati i- nil inner man uie iimei 01 one oi me "in... j. - j t.iles furntshin; citizens drew his wa'Iet, anil p. ay - i l.. i T-- t - i t...: ... :...s.... of whatatuoant wc cannot say. I rohal.ly. i J -..,., t,,:.n n.,1, .1 1 IV lassei l' t tile ..u.iv.iw. . .... . . " " f New York, at a niee.iiii; on Tuesdav even- in;. It breathes the rie.ht spirit, and smacks of that t'eimiue p-.ttriotisiii which we loe to reeoi d : AvWf.., That upon the great subject of slavery we pretend not to be wiser or bi t- its, ter than our fathers, but keep equally ei-ar f pa- ! as they did from i.Itrnim ot the one side. that sees in ti.e institution the corner stone of every political and social blessing, and from the tanatieisiii of tl.e oilier side, that wouid u Ifave, in s ile of evcrv con-titu-tional barrier, and iu disregard of ail ce:i seq.i. nces, the unity, integrity and brother- bond of the I nion ; aim tuai, in nce-ui u ane. compar'iiively a very cd of the woman, or the wouiau is ashamed " Come. Caulain. 6a tho wine this way '." ahouted iho Ensign; "pssath wine, and decida this great question! Which are the most beautiful t the red clks of Merry England, th dark eyes f Italy, or the grarefi.l forma of llindostau 7" The Captain hesitated for a moment, and tis,i,,g rfT bumper of old Madeira, ou, what flushed as he wa with wine, replieJ : " Mould your three models of beauty, jour English lass, your Italian qnocn, your Hindoo nymph, Into one, and add to their charm a thousand graces of color and form and feair, and I would not compare this perfeotioo of lovcliiiea for a winglu moment with tho wild artless, beauty of un Amrri- van ftrl, First the action : Slowly drawing his right hand from bis war blanket, he bcltl it in the li-ht. That .'glit hand clutched wilh blood stained fingers a bleeding scalp, and long and glossy locks of beautiful dark hair. Then came the word : " Youti warrior arnt tho red man for the scalp of the pale faced squaw ! Here it is!" Yes the rude savage had mistaken his message 1 Instead of bringing the bride lo her lover's anil", he had gmic on his way, determined to biing the scalp of the victim te the grasp of her pale faced enemy. Not even a groan disturbed the deep si lence of that dreadful moment. Look t here ! The lover rises, presse that long hair so black, so clossy, o beautiful to his heart, u-J theu s tbuu-r, a hu-e weight, falling the cheap st!" 'J he gentleman looked at ' were .-,a...s - - '" ' ' " , ,,, S ,,te f.Tr the great Wednesday ! design to deceive confiding parent or gaur- J w;,l, the provisions o. the i,.i,,,t,.iu, . a-m tho cheev.c a moment, and seeing the mac- a painted or fallen .1. If girls knew , Mir from ; Un ,ook at it in a wav. or light, the ,he pa.-t usages ot this t.overun.-nt ''. gots sqtiiiin.ng. said : " Well, I'm not cer- bow ,atlly they u,i-s -bile they endeavor , ' . 1 '. 1 proccodin ' is disreputable. I he vou.,- wo . uow State seeks aan.issi.-n into the I nion. rain, hit I think if you'll let Vm bo w day ff J.( u,IMiled ( il- rcoinp'roniiaes h'er reputatieu-for " poo- ! ul, l presents a republican constitut,.,, it or two you can drive ein right down mi toas.ld aiM, tcy j Whistuno at Falskiioop.-A clergy- plc will talk,'; scandal will or tZ b " , , would give world, fdie situation 9f the ' man in Scotland desired hi hearers I, ver , , 'a a j halves determine. A fellow in New Orleans was , t - . U,Wt wbc. any on ; ? 'pri.y ofj'"" with stealing a piece of cloth from a dry ..' very .Un as the XMol on' 1'i Is, is ever ready .1 regard the wo- N, ME r R.umn.i FV.r T eoods store. His lawyer put in as a plea , - ... ,. . ,,,.. 'L; , fi.,rs. i;,.;,, ' ,,, will, suspicion, at least. 'I hey think, , Hohemian a -riculturi-t las successtuilv " I . . . a t . . i . .' . ..... . . .P i hi'i H.l NT 1 . J .i v urt n nit Mr t rl -Jit' Jill bo havo ina.bols of yourselves t a los to explain, tie saui ia, ...v.oa.t. witu ..'.'V - ... . ..... ...... .1. .. . . .-.itr-Mi.l neii.ieeOL.tel. . t .. . i ..... ,.a hire It.iisO l o.et- - i.l-i ,. .. . 7 ...ui...-, IICW ICai. ana . . , , .-, . . I . .U. .Itomntm-r to deceive . I . . f )',,, .l.-. .. , . .. . ...i. i ..;.i. .ii:.. .!..,( . ' i. 1.;., ns the ills ot s-eotianil. lie na nave a care ... - , - - . ; n.i,..fi hi ... tno lawyer, ta., '""fc : begin, though late, to and act as liumau , - .,.,.., word, v,iu be others, vou are li.--t yonrc.ve Ueecifcd. i ,.,:,, that he did not see it. " Not see it!" said tho recorder. " The individual," responded ( cloth did not see it, sir he could not sec it, 1 fc(f . sir it is an tm imble green I irotieti in. au.u . , ,. ... .... , n l.i.r as ine inn i.i ... ii,. .,e..ele nronotiiiccl the words when he others, you are lift y as coinnaiiic t.J Ulillioital men , ..i . ,,.,.1 ..-l.i.tl,.." , neai ii ii i", introduced a t'.ew inooeui pm ; of usiu- the proee ( gr illing, le: take an an apt !e t:ee ! r : . . -. . . . . 1 -.1. 1... and piM't ii in a pi:u. ci , il that five. I i .. J..i a. Innooth-I i. l,.,i. tliatT sain he. " WHO can ine BUI! IIUI IS Jiuijllliiifi. ....... ' - " , . ,i . - " i er wav can you be ha1 nml subserve the : a liar ! bv in!, 1 , -.i ,,- ; W I "It's I, Wally McDonald, the baker. , k, i &m eU' ' J I " Well. Wall?, what obj.-ttion have yc .Vihn, I only wanted to in.' earetu lv placed in . . I .r sir ii.ehi' o( the shoot shall 1 c above 4 New Year's Hail at li.ifTalo t N . . ,j This latter takes root, trows witll 9JT An Hibernian waa reproved officer for daring to whistle in the ranks, 1 llirjit whilo coin? on duty. Just as the officer spoke, one of Ruesia'a balls came whistling j . eood anecdote is 1 of an old Me . .i... .;iia Put cocks his eve up to- thodist preacher, wlrod uiei mw . . . ... - - -- - i wards it and quietly laid" There goes a boy on duty, and, by Jabers, hear how be whistles." to what 1 told y " None, master hall be above t! riiind. . . . '.. :.......;.- i e ... . .e. . .. . .,' r.u!, a tree was prepared laden wan vaimu n. t rnpidity, aim proouce ine uurst vi . fir the eounlc who hottId wait j .1-ir l-'irm-.-i: I... l. j-i i.v .- - . tho longest. Some titty couples enter el tie a circuit a few years ago. hiloing to one oi ui appointments, ho met old anpiaintanee, who was one of the agistratcs. of the county. Ho asked I 'minister why be didn't do as the iSaii did - ride an .... .. I.-..I Ml:.. VI 1 know what kin. lot oveictuey usee, t.; , ; ... ' ..; , ,,, I.MIfM 11 ' irJOCIlU'lalHi I'M r- lUt IV !-" - Why U a pretty girl like a steamboat! j Recause," said tl.e fine. " tho people ' J ,, .-..i ... i . . ...l .1...... ... iiiur istratAis uI. Detain Lu always Uai a aweu a:icr ucr. uiv w.t e QCr" Pap, has Mr. .Tones" eyes got feet !" " Why, my boy !" " because I heard mother say to Mr. Pew little that at a party the other i..ghl, Mr. Juea'cyea Wlowtjtl bet all v4r tua ruoui. goon after, one of the three ladies tainted, creating some sensation. Oeorge tlros-man and bis sister won the prie, having waltzed for three consecutive heurs, travelling in that lime a tliitaccj of five aud a hi nii'.ta. Ntw CtMENT. new rooting material , has st come into u.e. hieh is hithiy po I ken of. It is a eoiiq.o-uiou or ceincnl. made ! in a maimer known only to the inventor, but which has gr--at solidity. thoroughly tire- i.roof and iiistructibie, sunjeei io uu ,.., . a non cniduetor o: h- at and cold, aud is cry - Jil'-

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