.--.;..-:... t . .". ... ... .. ... .. .. . V .' ' A ' . ...i.. . . , i , t ...... . . .. itiK tllAtitr kiA . 1 it .fi t i ; jTUMBExl SO. THOKAS J. HOLTOW, ' 1 KrfMii t Paoprietoii. ' : f.. V.,,11. .rSwillna Whir, bill hu f.,rAA l..k. cfib. Hi TWU DOI.r.AU in kdviincti TWO MILLAR A.NU MMIfW s 'I'JVf, ' 'NcTr ,wa I more turpriiocl tban when diUfed fur tnr mnlhj na J III! LK JX lI.LA H3 - : ' m tho tnd of tlie yar. ho p4jf wilt I di.coii., uo CBlliiljr replied,," I kuow it." tia.iad untf.il. ff.-.gi rHJfccctattb.t v J WM pUXiei but 1 bad r,Uly cf liwo oiitoai of Wia fcJilwf. i , , , 4. , !. , . , , . AdtriM-iaUiiMicru4aDnrUvUirrq.u.re'to " " hlJ '"1, for in (lii liiiot iir !, tliia nueij lyyt) fuf ihv llrl iuw.. few Hays I rt'turiieil to college. Au ' t-nB. and 25 ocliU kt vh'eonlinn.nc. Court ai.' ',i . 1 i f , i i .tii, higHrt i and a uvdiKtion of 33 pf o.ni. ill( again aut iu the village cburcli. .. My per- PnSnZ(; Z ,U5rterly, at H per .Uu J'" fiiiio, btroi. .U.l, 75 ocnt. per Mjnaw f..arh .!..' j ITIi-l"nU-ra r author tied In tclii tr;f(it. i). , Tilt CliLt?ro,s vti-iit6, Faiiiog i wttj ! - . , v . t. r. . V4ig, WaMllfig, 'g Nirtjf" ' F , iJii?4iij Irwin ibe I crt, fnl n riittrniii, f i..- YrsrttMt Id tfjdj-t. - if I'diuae pwjule and pmln f ISr f (ty r4e t vr.tf ? Wftifr Ihjr kinHfed lie i ' - Jilli tin fury illowr, i - I If theialltiiK ixilow ; : , IfU( ! iha irmt die. With a fuliittf Hind ; I.f ft I Ihrtr et While fhf li-arl rjoli f Whor 1 fo fyf bound. N-.w Ufe'n it (l-itiiY, t Anrf te fbrk tt fSnwing , , D iiij. with fir.grn. Near Ihf hr i t, trif(j litigFf , hH'H its ii.urniUt ijuU, At the trtii Ndv, Hut riiW CttliM IJUIftJj in4 ttt frnrnr i?rltl, ! Tftitmg oVf hm gr-. j. , v.w !'w Ituh iff rit7nj, " , An4 the ptn j fc-arl ginning liui uiU I IK atw row ,w iry:ii W4 hturt. iu or row , AM I ltmb li(lat)f Thr mt Hit t)tic( ImII; ft i Oie natlh u u-ittift And tiou'e n hkii Sticking to iU fall, . hc trrt ( nnycir, Ani rf iff trr!., of Mr rry ! r tt ! lautair, anJ griuly bw u, Ani ''cn flt h it fjilin, A 11 ti"fi Itrarfi rr quailing M . t we niM-kly r i f f ! 'iwr eft whin d g, Ub thy hfMm lyiiijf 3liscflIanfous. uv t. i.iw r.E. M ....nt.M. v..r,of a,.B I w ai more of I ... . . i I a man than I have ever been since. I wore , , ... . , , . i , .1 a long tailed eont, and boots, 'to which the , appurtenat.ee of spurs wai generally added.) j A moustache was quite visible on my upper j lip, and a consciousness of ripo maturity ucv cr left uiy nitiiil. I was siunying lorvue . . , . ..... i-i.f legal profession, but at the time of which I , .. , ., write was sm-ndimr mv summer vacation at ly father'. koiKU io the rouotry. Though j o manly ialmort sohlier-likc, as I fancied ) ! in iny npiCQranrc( mv iunor was !" tneaiis ffo Pttrn inj ootT mm. I lovd my tuoth er with cliil li.h tri.tk'rti', and vootior than pain her pirn., heart, I u.imurmuritiply sc- j eompanied her every Sumlny to the village church, to litefi to long sermons of whieh I j could nut tear a word, for the tremulous acccuta of the very agej iniuintcr who con ducted the services were so flint a. to be Inaudible whrre I sst. Though incited by lore and duty to the weekly penance, (well destrved by luy weekly aiim.) my conscience yet did not prevent me from whiling away by such amusiMi-ents as ly at hand that of ohtcrvirtg and speculating on the counte nance of my m ighbors, an oecupalion of which I was fond. - , The physiognomy which interested nie more than !l the others wns that of a young girl who sat not far from us, and who was ucconipauicd hy an aged woman, probably her grand mother the object of ber watch ful cart." Th girl's fic,from the tlrstclic Iting my careless admiration, gradually ab Soibed my wholn attention. It was very beautiful, but sport from that it possessed the greatest possible interest for me. , Nover had 1 seen a nouutcniBOa which denoted so Bmch sensibility iu the beholder to ruad hor innocent sou! like an open bonk. . One, Sunday I hnppemd, in coming out of tburub, to ho duitu to my lovely neigh bor. I felt an irresistiLle desiru tu fmuu her in some wsy to fiotiee in to speak to ' herto occasion one "f those' eharmitig blushes anything, I know" not what. In (ehort, like u iinpertiocnt coxcomb ' (in I I wa, I stooped forward, and with no iusufitr- ktla iu'soltDce wLith I blush now to rcmcin bri wbiepereJ io ber ear, You r verjr JrttJ-" I TPraW. . acu.b.t altorad. I UH wore my IHOU5taeh, buf tuy coal-tails wer(J 0,f of m ot tcen E0 ong and I left off my Fpur j My mcwier aud I were early seated iu . our few, and 1 impatiently waited for tlie ; work of dcatli. , At lust, aiter a long and , I . , f . . i , ! wearv search, be found one where there wa. arrival or my lovely enii;uia. I tmd to: , , ' , , . , ,. ' ,. " ,, no cholera, and he took up Ins quarters prepare mysilf for i!i0 pointitn nt. " I have 'tjjtre buu lliiiiking aud dreaming nbout an ideal," The master of the house was a pious mau, id I tu myself; " doullUi-a when the youii' lady appear, all my imagining will vani-h a," w, re """"i.w.ior ut.i ,-ur, om-, J. " , , r , the niaftcr w Of ofleiinjr prayer aud proaned l,.ere can be no doubt my f,..,ey ha.i been fome force aIlJ ftrvori fflien )C uutc.h. pla)iug trick with me, inte.-tilhj a mere , )lian fctnrtcd up, nd cried out, couutry tnaideu with transeeiideut grace!. ', Lort ! tot ifh tr matter !' i i vi'i:uTo. ;. , it,,,, I ' Nothing,' haid the host ; ' keep still, will nud charmea. bile I was reafouiu tnii!i . .'i r, , , . '. , ' ton, and behave yoursi If.' wuhmy.ir, the youn' lady appeared, lea-l-, n n fhnn (im( (e ing hel old relative with under C.ire. i lulehmau aturtcd, with hi eyes staring .She hluvbed, when looking round elie like aucer, nnd exclaimed, chanced Pi mm, aud again the play of" ' 'h, miueot ! dere ii sometin-ter mat- expretMon on ber fi atures, wliith ha. I soi interested jne forii.t i'y, tbariiud inc. , Aa mother and I n turned borne, I de-'ded' 'I am a melhnlUt, and it is the habit wcri.ed my fair neighbor, and asked who of the members to groan during their devo , ' . : tioti, and th;'t my way. Uername,- my mother sdiu, 1. uraee . Ilcniiy, and the U the loveliest, the JJiost'found one, and begged him 4J ruu to theltLere aru r,.RS0U, vhy we should place a J1 ' . co I.. . . 1 aunerior vonn? womeo I have ever in mv . t ,'. ' , . , .,. u.ings vet, sue coutiuuea, tn.inng, -lui. H. fi vetri lift 11 a it untilfl ti t I- a tt m !.f rrv , l i to ee my dear hou man it u lo just uch a i woman.'1 I I " Not quit to fast mother," said I, lau-h. ' i"g away a unit tmnarrassmeut Wbieu i , an most anxious to conceal. I found that Grace had become a ir-tar.t risitor at my mother ii, and I did not fa il ti Improve the opportunity of becoming i . i ... I , acquainted with ber t . . - . .1 i ' l.a tt i tkrlmirl m .ill..! aroln ,j ar.Anm. t wiiti .11 .!(...' r.t " SU -r, .1,. i ! danced, the converged withau tndescriba. t 1 1. . , r. ......w.. ,n 1 .....or Thr-.l. .. i j Me J.r4ce pecuh'ar to herself. Though gen erally thoughtful and earnest in her ner, he had a vein of quiet humor, and her j ! stroke, of playful drollery charmed ail the ! T Bier from b alluring to me plishmcuM, was i I'ltn'i vii iii ' IV.1IUK- ui uti bhiti id.j I .000 fouud mylf painfully inurested in! ber. .Sometimes I thought the remembered I ' tny early impertiniitice. and was' jto rini'h ni. Put there was a spocd..f I ... :. -r .. 1 aninio ity which wan carried on brtwren Us; two. i iin .; T .i 1 ,. ,t ,- , u.' irne cv. ning i ji ty ttie piano, wuiie , 0 raco a" SCO SailU to Ui. The COIIsin was Lot ' The cousin was not ' there : and dear (.race's varvinc color mie- ' - s f , ffsted sweet hopes to mv vanity, fe ' ' I 11 u' ,a!" -"nb OI racumn, un mini i iv" u ci'iiu. i,inn. n . u .n u . , in braces face. I as beside myseil with ! at the idea. As Grace ro-e to leave! . ue I oniitj, i vmiil. nei ii.nei, un.ieiv i-iiii-i i ' ' ' . " mo repress l ie one inoueiii iiiat inicu my i , ' " ' i II i 1 T f,.,....i .- , 1 u ""'J , '' Gracc-de.r Gr.ce-with all my soulj i . ...it.. i r ...... . I f I love vou ! She lifted her large soft eyes, and said I slowly, while a mischievous, smile stole over her face l kuow it. me was gone neioie i nau nine io pre vent her, or to recover from my surprise. I delci mined to be wiser w heu I saw her again to discover beyond u doubt if I were beloved, before I committed lnvself. as had done by foolish speeches. Iu order to satisfy myself on this poiut, and perhaps also to gratify a little pique, : emg unexpected. JJut wore I. jt--; previous periou 01 tue session meoioi-is , . .. , 0 1 14 1 1. r .1 . 1 1 . it llivinir ilmi. lns k 1.1 rjt rf.l u-ifh . 1 r . r.. ii . 1 .111 lOllIMM liu Oilier , 1 .ii 1, .;,., , -. .., I n. line uauL-uier 01 nit l-cuin ui.iu, w b j - -s - were on trie r ieei ir. a 1 pnrrs 01 i ,e uan i i i , ,J ,i i than all tier cilts and aecotu. , . . . , 11 i i rii,niii. il i n,.,!,. ne i'iIt I ,k ...n. i . . .! . J I railroads as the Ie 1 Ihmii thru? mid lotfr vi'im old. haroened Jiroliiptlless tliiil luaue ust.iiLlslie reactiCU . 1. ,r v,..v. n.. ...1 .. :i it-. .1.1. I. . i , . j I" ' ' 11 : ". , . ,.. , : , 1 LOli,'-, Ul .luiiu uiiiuiiiii!. auuu uie : .n-f,.a tcn-milt- the .iiritikiR" Sensibilitv de-' . . i . - . .1 t . 1.1... 1. Um. m t.. iim.. nn 1 n..1v t.i. -. nl c '- .. . '. .. nrotrress is evjuaiiv ,Vl""" ...sr ' ' cd T onward, throh tow nr. and villasea,! Mr. Paine, in the name of God and his ! from the c"e,lsuS( uinny otLer examples, ! a description of the Vo-Amite Falls and jway, and iron, whom Orace received, a , S; Jt,ar ,., ..ktj'nnd over a dreary 'country, iendercd many ; country, protested against this te ot.. e(1Jtlji palpable disparities; but Vnllcv, of wbkh the following b an ex- j " of ,ou. numberless little alten-' () luojit.r ubo WM b;,si 3 cun.. ia su. times more so by the sea'sq. All around j things. He was ashamed of them. no ouc uow-a-days, will have the folly to ' tract : tions which I dsred not even offer. I hated j ri.u.-u.lug the house cleaning" 6 , w as a vast wintry flat ; and fiuontly not j Mr Craige .aid he '!' ,'ti'"V6 fgaiway the rJ-cuPerating and vivifying pro-, As vou ,nt(,r tbe valley, almost ati un this man-I was insufferably jealous-but , O." .he exclaimed, do come up Hair, a vps,,8 of ,a" ot xxAwn was seen, ; a colleague .Mr. lam. ) who ot jected to the FrticS uf railroads. j liro..en of rock rises ou' both side, pek r. -:.l ,f. .,.r,.,.:,.u iiimther. ouiek. and heln father: for there's not cveu a solitary tree, to btenk the bound-, l-rciscol his limits. , li. ,.r,w rlim in .1,.. ,.v. - , , , , , loss expanse of now Indii'd no id. a can1 1 ne t erlt vainly endeavored to restore 1 ' . - or perlectly indifferent, to. he by.playcf-,.'''-' Cries of her the Clerk," - let j llow Mac"CX I.s.-Iu a late is.ue ot w hen I returned home I did not go iiunio-; awny off thar, tor I don t like the pesky I diatelv to see Grace, as my feeling dictated, j thing no how !" Ankviote c the New Chaplain-. but w'ailcd till, ut my mother's summons,) The liev. Henry Clay Pcan. the present she spent au evening with us. Even then, I A Quaker, on hearing a man d n a par- j Chaplain to the Tinted States I Senate, r " ticular piece ot the road, went up to h:m, Biid was sonic years ago a resident oT North though my heart was full of tenderness for , Md . ..Vncd, I m under obligatious to thee. 1 western Virginia. While preaching one her, 1 affected a coldness, I bad made up What thou hast done I would have done, 1 day at a church situated a few miles from . . i o- . t i ...i-i. i. ... i . .1... ' ts .: i, ., v. 1 1. :.. .1.,.. my mind to plav a pan, anu sutler as j. . i . t i.i .... Tl,.,.- ... . ', , . ., , .... i young lady staying with my mother at this , time ho nenrtv lovrd to flirt t . . .1 . - - . . . i 1 , . a i...w r t 1 .v t, d mvself to her the I liiu.emeut. I devetid mysui toucrttiCj kioU evening, and felt the sweetest paiu Ii ever experienced, whou i saw, ny uear l I Grace's changing, sc was deeply pained nn .... . i . 1. ; .. .1 a . : t mien mm - height, I perceived Grace suddenly rise aud i step tlirouch the open window out on the pillMl, In a few moments 1 followed her; sliu lad Mired to a little distance from the window, and stood with her head leaning aguinst the railing, weeping. Stealing soft ly behind her, I passed my arm around her whou I saw, by dear! II or-se. Horse, commenced l at. .Not enjerr.d . u J.rother William SatterhVId !" .cns'.tive face, that she 1 '"".tWity , said the teacher but . Aw-ti' - calIed QUt th prM(.l,er, while that " broth , . , ,1I1(l,j i'.v." "sure. rep bed 1 at, " an didu tyci ., astonished bevond measure, and ,d wounded. i ,U1,0, the other day, not to. say Ao.W. lie, enjc,.orcil in ,,,; ,- ,,,, Vlltai lliou napriml til Ii I t It- .. .. 1 !. . .. - n .. o ain.l and whimpered, "Ah, dearest Grace, do not deny it. You love me ''' '- " There was a little pause then laughing, yet still half srying, Grace turned ntide ber bead, abd said, " Alusl I kn..w it!" TlIK f'flor.kUA AMI the Mktiioiukt. Jovr that we are down in that recion, we' are tempted to tell the Mory of a Dutchman who inaUe In nry mt'j Ives Urlcana iatt:tj t.r, he pronounced ifijtift tho thirij:," , , . . , . , ... summer while tho cholera was raging there, and req.ier.ted the clerk tocuV.1T uiueyards.j ahl;,id' n"d ,""t lliC c,liiuce wlllcU wai ttf" snd wm grently troubiwd iu Ending board-'! ffe 'i:fV o" "3Ir. C. the; purchased " tix , ft'C! the members of the Howe, by w hich ing boune. He inquired of the first one he I skeins of silk and four spools of cotton. they might have been enabled to select a mw if they bad the cholera in the houe, j "Having completed my prehafic?, be ,,ui;r.b!c tcrsca to !! ibiit important orr.ee and learning that they had, be went to anoth-! pood enough to tell me what mv bill is."!, . . . , , , ' cr. and another, determined not to Mod at i Mr. C. said tl.ii to the elerfe. The rlrk ! liaS "0t UeU "f. I"" any homo where tho disease was doiug its and bad family wor-J.ip erery iiijjht. As . I .11.. T ' I u . I No. there aint.' mid the host : and then. j0 ealm his boarder's apprehensions, head- Thii was cut, ug" lor tlie JJutehman, wlio ri,,,rd illto ,l;c f,,-Pet, asked I or a doctor, bou5r on the corner. 'What is the matter?' fn;d the doctor; ' have thef cot the cholera! I ,v r d ,la t dor rjefMis n if J . .. .::i JT It r . firn i . " ' T - , f t 'it Jou Jon t gel Jere, if joa don t runt fas. ; .MyM.er thougllt it was " 5af.e. .'''f J' J"l! I V,,? hr.tr!, (.P.TTIW. tVHITEWASIlED. i .' u ojiliut niiupil re-1 cently ay or ui mi , down i.'u i....u. ,.t 'L.x.... j,.vJ .i..l not wishiug to venture outdoors, he sent f - r a barber. It was a ' colored " iudivid-, irtial h rfas thus honored by a "call" aud be K.vns arrived, the sick man got up out ... . . . a ,u"d ttt 0I) . ciair w,ile the barber, with lather box iu hind, commenced his . . t miu ouscrve! uovv sue jjhicu mi woiiuvi: .i Ihe Urborlatheiing his lace. She instant- , ' . ' u . ,uwu fainl t.i an.jLr lrt.il- i. tUa nnoriitiiMi u si . , hi.r that she mi-l.t believe her! ! c , eyesight; w hen she quickly made her way A gentleman being in company with a . , , , t , r ...rhi.y damsel about foui teeti. was some-1 what atitioved by her tdavful trickery. At what annoyed by her playful trickery. At en-'tb he exclaimed : ' Now , my dear girl, be still.' This was touehinir a chord of feminine v-(;Uy AjMJlllillg , air 0f i,pDI tanee, and r . , , , a no.iiion or t enauce. sue re- sponded : ' 1 - irl ' indeed '. I mil as much of avuman usynrarc. r-r., r Wirvrsu . l f.viai k itness.- Facts are stubborn f.l" .t I .... r . 1 . . . . tilings, earn a lawyer to a lemaie wuuess under txiuHtion " 1 J su i rp H(iiiin nml if vnti eft an vl lii ti out nf , :art 1(t n,e know it.' 1 ou'll be rnmamtcd for contempt.' , was obll 'ed to rematu lu f ed lor ai , ,1l,t""""' keeper announced. A message irom the duri.ip which time the oper.'Uoti - , , President of the I uited States." :.. . . i . . . m ........ 1 .... i The lad v said she. " couid tiiiuK cf uotli-i i. n i. .11 . .1.:. .1 oiu me uuust; inline jui .uu up-siu - 'n. vuiupuuu, m omu, us uuie iuau mot as L'oiue on, and colored men were iZ clse-" In dolnS t,;,s. how.'Vcr. we tear ol,jecb,.d to thl! rc.Ct,, t;on of tlie mL6sac, 1 in u't.i i'tfahiLitn. mui wt-ni iipft in ai.u j j--- - .or ; ri 'e saiu lie wisi.eu 10 know wiint o j - 9 w iu me ruou mi) lime, 111.11 u : mi- ....... .... , . 1 t Hid the rails to " order '" to . ! 1 1 t . r. ... !. ... ... 1 . - ... . 1: - ... f.,r,..r n,....f.-. V,. r i Kn.iAi;,...Cxcitean..- u'c c!' " or.utr ??. lor w.tauee. which. . ...! ,.l.......,.jl. I .. ... . . 1. .. v (A.. lilt lllll iipvii;: iicrii.im unii, c iioitf ' . . I i-1 I . V . ,w VV. Vl.ll.. IIG .UU U 1UI Ulll. w w 'Very well, I'll suffer justly, for I feel ; throws its ravs across the snow, trans- 3 ; Campbell, of Ohio, 3 j Messrs. Eddy, Ha tha utmost contempt for every lawyer pres- f f0nig it to the sight into a surface of (lia- j veil, Pennington, English, and Williams 1 cut-' ' ' niond.s. From the col I of the nijzht every , each. Whole uumbcr of votes '.'01 neces- ' i man and horse is entrusted with thee fros-' sary to a choice 11)1. An old lady iu Alabama objects to the ' ty particles, and the beams falling on them, Mr. A. K. Marshall moved that the tncs ercctiou of the telegraph near her house for,' too, seem to cover their rude faces and rug- sage above referred to, be read. I'ssvs she. " aufrjosiri ' thar should be a war sendiii" cautions and bombs along the tele- ' graft, and they should burst riht here and I tour pvcrvibinir all to nieces. I should like to ' kuow who's going to pay for it! Take it nut my religion loroius u. irou i lei iny tcieuco. however, bridle tliee. l.ive thy iu-, disiiuliou wines, and suffer not the prejudices ().o(her4 J ri,VM ie ,onfillc'of-jastioe " . . , . v. , 1 A pedagogue told one of bis scholars, a , Mn f the Emerald Isle, to spell hostility,! . I t . . . 1 ... '! it V.,t " n o-r-s e. nurse, Co......e.,eeu . ul . . ... . t 1 I jaoeim n. .u n...iS another the nixt." " t, tiitrsitar mere was a grc:n searcuy of water. An Irish omeer sain, - ne was eusy about the matter, for he had nothing to do with water ; if be only got bis tea in the morning, and punch at night, it was all that bu wauled." ' ' " A SIlOPriNG EXCtri'.SIUX. , .A SCENK IN THE IlUUSE.- 5 t GKOIWI A AND THH CAUOLIN AS. Tub Sibob of Sbbastoi-ol IieviKWEt, Wtli fome women sJtopliftiug omoutits to We' were iu hopes, tlmt (ho uoinitiatiou I ; Tba New Orleans (Jomnieicicl liuUilin "Van Amkrh-an Mimtahv Autiiohitv. apaion. Vide. ' A tdiorl tiBe Mr,cc Udy f jj 0rf of Sou,u CaroV uotlc(.d in ! drawa the following cenpamon of Ueor-ia, i ''t Vl'" "Srk ' t'Uutej. rewding on North Pearl street, ;l .,tn-f - -; . ' ., , - , ... ,, , ,. .. .,' , ' , I The New i orlt Herald of Friday contain tered Lroadw.y dry goods store for thu jolerd.y a wi, a a enndidate fpr Speak-, witL the two djoiuing Mateiof fcouth and j , comniunieation from l,icut,;Dant Colo purpose of purchasing u few yiirds of dt-lursbip, -wbk, iu n Diemmre, clearing the; North Carolina: U, lioberta, U. S. Army, "ivitu' an analy. lames. liic me ciern was louKing up ( way for a mttleiucut of tins much Vexed: J lie Uailroadsof Georgia, which comprise, : of the htratepioul taults committed by lie delaine, the lady put into her muff a , qUe(.lion . bllt jt feom, t,,e C0Illrary iA lll(J in round numbers, oue thouaand mile.-, have the Allies at the ciepe of iSebastopol. Col. rollof bice, aremuant of Bilk and a r-K-l ' ' r , , ,, ,, . 1 made her whut ihc la the rnoul propperousj H- thinks that, considering the magnitude oca of kid clove. She did tliia, oh she r"u"i .. l wferet.ce.to the .Mowing , odd. of tU .... . I nnd imnolUn of Ltr. .n, supposed, unccu by the clevfc. lietbcr she was right in tlie surmise, remains to be seen hereafter. The aelaino was brought replied : ' Certainly. There arc t:iue yards of de laine ut two shillings p-r yard, comj to eighteen shillings, six hkeins of m!1; comes to one and sixpence, aud four spools of cot ton are one and fjurjjeu.ee, aud thero is that r ieee of Mil;,'' 1 he lady blushed and . a,. : Tuu r, - fer to the p-ece tu the ,,,. i be clerk said Yes, and went ou w.th las bgunng, justaf toihmg had happened. ihere hvc four yards m that-vhioh, at ten .bll.ii.gs a yard, comes to forty sbil - Men shilhngs a yard hy, you to.d ; me yoaerday that 1 m.ght Ime a tor aix. bad reasons for putliug up the ptice." . .11, .11 U,, I'll. Cll.k.U llil.ll IIUtG j . , 'aid. the ladvbit her hp, blushed arid "Veil. 1 he c ci k smiled atid went on. .,,,,, . , "And tnr re is tlie ball of lace eichtceu , . ,, fc yards at Llty cents. ... Ml,,. r.lM 1 A 1,1 T I n 1'n T. , iiiy, ou uuitt stir-- y oe in staheu hi . ., ,, , ii 1 fly cents;: Miy, I can buy a luce equal- ,J ,,' .J'r . ,J ' ., )d, at l'rayer s, for eighteen cents.'' . . - . . . . that fi ly goo ' I ci ant it, madam, but as 1 said before. ' Li'h value 00 that particular pattern. paiueuiar imneru. The lady cave hitn a look, aud ayain re- J r.. .... 1 c marked. "Well." 1 J he tie ve pints of J.:d gloves are , , r e t 1 .1.11 11 .;t iv. . 1 ouwe iIkcs sells the same Liiid (r,r hye , t ! I vL''?;. .L!!!, I'1' ii". you see that wt do." i lie lauy aga.n Pi. uer , s, e mm loo Well' faces, she U the while thitikii P dice and a denoeunieu. The cleik bav- ig tslcd ber if e"ue wm .. that there were nothing else," ."ud being agniu an- ewrreu iu t.ie negi.inc, u ! ! r. ...!.. i tliATllAtila f ft- i'h bis iums, aud in a fc motnents re- turned with a Liu amounting to I 1 1. T ..I r.fl 1 ...,.v. .. v. .... woman and is considered Ote oS the Lest 3-i A Winter T.ANiisf ape in IVsma.. 111 - - ' , e .;, u.i.ei. you nnair.e yor.eit at sea. tar, farfrom the sicht of land. The Arabian! ,Jt.eorts cannot be more aiful to the eye ' uesciis cannot ne more armi to me eye . ....,.c a.,,,.,a ranee of tlis icene S'uch'is 1 .i i . -r .i .. i. . I the general aspect of the teountry during ., i .... i.i tite rigors oi a winter witl now and then foist skirtm- the the exception of a large ' various farts of the cmrdri. Thev travel "0111 IT ; , umbers, and from kll nnnrter. i dom foWor ,i13ll ,ie u,,jroa ad filtecn ill ! U string, having a driver t every seventh . . . ' . . . . uorso. iheettcct ot tins eavaleaile at a j: :. -...l :.. : I fls ,i,rv ..V.,,L ihe seer... V Us heautitul as strikimr. The suu then ris-, ced habits, with a tissue of the most dnn- sling brilliants. The inanes of the horses, ! and the long beards of the men, from the ' nnaiitil v of eontrealed breath, have ii nartic-! uiarly glitteriu effect. l auniuni, uc . "j me ui.incn non ot ins conpreeanon as lunin ,tcd turning their heads to see every body who J C11C in. lirc.hren," said he, it is very 'difficult to preach when thus intorrtipUtl i . . .. I I V.n- i)a Vrtii Titttnn till vou the name of every man that enter- tbe I -burcb ( if course this remark attracted ' ', ,...:, 1'rescntlv some onei - . entered :" Prother William Satterlifld ' tjlo ,,a(tcr. Another person came in " brother Joseph Miller 1" brawled the preacher with "a like result ; and so perhaps !n otnercases. -vuer a wnuc nc con-i tion was amnion at iiciirinj; me presener eall out in a loud voice t " A little old mau with a blue cost nnd white hat! on't know who be is 1 You may look for yourselves." Vairmfiitnt Virginian, . auu aL'ai , ai-.. 'IM. ,...!. I II Tl,., T Vi,. ;r.i inaduni . ' . , tr,,. i,l.i..l . r.r.c.r I ,1 i..' f ,. ., , r , . I tC ll'J C U 1 0 t C llC U HI . iil,.l.-.n .: r.i.r VV ... I ' i nuu-.. in inu" .itI L'OI'J 1 . " ' , 4- ( Mnrb 1 A ,flarH " ii 1 "uu ,v,'', v.V.lo u U M I nil I Ii ' ' ' I ' I'v uuiiii'ii ii'i ii eu;isiniri;ii'ie,eiii;iiiui nine. j i - - j r ii ,.. e . 1 .1 I a.:. la .i,.i.i:- ...... Mr ('uniiih.-U'snoint. was. that the House all the fuuof the tbinr to vourselt." Kn.it-1 0!,e 111 PraJ bctore " the i...-:- i- - - .. . ,i , -..I . , i .1. ..r i i . piu ivi ii I ru,s ni nriii r. I eitiinoL Me.i il uou u neie. t ru ri on l Ki-i.n .niu.tndia un k'u ouut iiuii'-, uu nxi I ' I I O V lf tfl ....s;. Tl ; f " ... . J T opening, among its lofty tries, from" which could do nothing except to go ou voting lor Ws oW ifootof the mo,,.. .n L , iau rem nde. c-u,ergee picturesque cr'ouplof natives and , a Speaker. I There was a real difficulty in petting a f f tta:,bi 0 their one horse sledges, w hereon arc placed i Mr. Stephens, to rod the dispute, moved j couveniont dc-ignaticn for the Anti-Ameri- ; '-"ru iu. ii lew nines up, on ,t icit, the different articles of eonhneree. ..oinu to. that the messasre be received ; and under i tau party, which should show its hybrid i ' tUe 'nuiUiC i.i.i, o I wuie.i.Jr. iiuttliings ; proceedings in ilio House, and l.y an exa-'ti,e miuatiouof tho last ballet.'it will be found th.tH.nkii. tho frecioil eand.dalr. .till , evcry effort made to fettle pectus to increase the difficulty which surrouuds it. The reception of a Message from the President, in relation to Kausa.-, created quite a scene asturtu of excitement arose, whieh was allayed with cousiderehlc diffi culty ; and the Message was allowed to be 1 ,.ead LuUhhmn the many objections ,naile ,Q jta n,et .,tiol). To wf,t ttud all tvui jt js ,0 j JJ,, t'd faid ,lmt it Lai beeB de. fire for u wilbdrw ns a caIldidate , fop t,,e f kmU al)d Le br, M. consi(k.red Lis uall0 uldcr lll(jir eo'uro, , aud ,10t lis OWB( lic ba8 ;,.ni,i.ted its use .tin.. .....-.. ... V. '. ....... 11 .. i I 1 I. I bllUU W i.J U .'UVIIt. UtfjlVllUlli till t. IIIV'U now to withdraw, and to have it distinctly ' ( M . , 1 i : . . i i . r lie returned Lis acnuowlod'tenicuts for ,i i ,t , , , , tlie suppoit received, auu tLc uuitorm kind- riess and oourtesv with which he bad I,..., ' . , 1 .1 1 .1 ,1 treated, expressing the hope thai the House . ,. 1 . 1 1 1 1 .1 may adopt some plan by which the existiti'' , .' . v . ..1 j 1 Ultlie litli'S lnav bo sett ed .nmr nmfli. nt "V" . J ,, , a"Jusl,"'u' "fteame to incuiseivcs, talis- tactor v to t hf I'Olllitr v . to t h,'i r Pi,i,-tu n,.i.l , , , ., ' , , ' ., .i.u , ,, n- , n- t , , ' . 1 hp rtoliition otlored nv Mr. Kn.t r. .,..; .1, ,,i:j... . r c . 1 . -,i 1 . .i . , , fcpeaxerslnp to withdraw, was then tabled. uri'l tbt Mouse proceerlod to vote as follows : jj-mk )V, o,T 6$ Filler 1 I.tcaud ' 1 ; Campbell, of Ohio, 3 ; Eddy Haven, Pennington, Milllcr, of Indian' KonneU in.rl l';ii:.n1 oanli V .. .... n r ,...,. 1 .,. t ,. . J ,,,, . M b,in aD(J fc the Bomiiiuijication was, . jjr-Orrsuage-Mtd that the private , of tji(J iresijeui uiaka the ana K-crc- mt,B( d ,L tLe BDi.Vtiien from Ohio announce. (M.r Caitipbel) iui"ht obiect to Its recep- i ' Q . (jon . fTLc confu was grer.ter than at any -. . d, " j iusisted upon being .heard, lie represented, he said, the d.s- Inlet whieh iroelaimed the declaration of !,iv.. . 1, ,1,-n, (Crl.ii. of order. 1 .1... l'l,l. I l,rrl " t 1 "-J . . . Mr. (. raige, order now l.eing restored, made bis point : That we have a right to I r ...... ..-. - . ktuw who tho messenger in, and the busi- j n vhi.-li l.rinr-a him hither. If the noes. ! tioti of order raised by the gentlemen trom I Ohio is pood, sustain it; if not reject it. j the operation of the previous question, the luotiou was acrecd to yeas 117, nays S I. i r i I, i i ,1 ' . .. . t i i l.M-gr. t,auipt en , oi i..iuo, auu i. rai;:e J previously withdrawn their points of orner.j Tl... r- iti ' f llio Si'pmtfl vntr to-dnv for Speaker was then announced us follows : Batiks f 5 ; Orr 6: Fuller 23; Rieaud A motion was then made to lay that mo- tion on the table, but it did not prevail yeas 10", nays Mb The President sa ys that circumstances have occurred to disturb the course of uov- erumont in Katisas, nnd produced a condi tion of things which renders it iueumhent on him to call to it the attention of Cou prcss, and urgeutly leeoinineiid the adop tion of such measures as the emergency of the occasion appears to require. He enters into a full history of the af fairs of the territory condemns tbe law less proceedings of both parties, aud re gards the formation, recently, of a Free ts"rUa !"1"'- CouMitutieu as illej-Hi a part ot tlie I1 only taking part in the rrocectir.gs. 11.. .1 .. ft,-! l'i ir.it 1,.1 ...ru tin.. 'HI .-.:?n election. " dowu in troi .MHii-1 .v ........ ..v. v , iiou uuisc, ueoria uau muitipueu ucr j- jp- 1 . . e, and 1 will telllV . . ...v....- ' V to 5U!'i,r'';s '" 1"'-u' rcc; ,10 111 territory, should any occur, and Jo aI1 1'U rOH"'r ,0 preserve the pence, and to secure to the people the full enjoy ment ot their rights. Iu conclusion he recommended that Con gress pass a law providing for the people of Kansas to call a Convention, with a view to the formation of a State Conntitu tution, in a legal way; and also a special appropriation be made to defray any ex penses w hieh msy become requisite iu tho execution of the laws or tho maintenance ot order in that tenitory. Tho message was laid on the table, aud the llouse adiourued. IS-1.'. Hern!. first census taken by the Government the population of South Carolina was three times that of Georgia, Carolina having a ; abandoned earlier or takeu ut any cost. population of C00,Oi;O, and Georgia only 1 Nothing less than the capture of Sebartopol, sa.liOU. They maintained their relative po- (North us well as South of its harbors, ar siton until 1H30, whw. .ic j.ivlMffu'ter-1 iioamjrioftf rivl of war would, to the eyen prise and l'ailioad improvement took pueh;0' competent military judges, justify the Hnvig hold on the people of the latter j 'earful ixpeiiuituru ot blood and treosuro Plate, and Georgia shot ahead of her iieij;!:- ' whieh has taken placn. Ho comments in bor and rival with sueh accelerated spi ed i severe terms upon the absence of tlie Un as to leave her fur behind in both popula-1 tib reserve, which should have beeu rea ti"U and wealth. An examination of the dy to launch upon the Iludan when Col. figures will exhil it Homo ttrar- results, AVyudhiim'a stormers had gaiued the CUT' well worthy consideration. l!e uniiii; with li,in the si coucl assault, and observes that the eoniiiirtieciiient of the railroad when tho latter were driven back, the iiri cra, vc find Snulh Carolina, with n free pop-,ti'b army becamu u forlorn hope, and its ulati..n of i!(i"i,7'4, aud u slave population commaudera the leaders. I'laced iu such a of making a total of .V-1,1.",. position, it was the duty of every man in Georgia, at the same period, had a free pop- ,that army to save England's houor or till a ulatiuii of '!l'J,'JU( and slave population soldier's grave ; instead uf that, the Hi itisli i!17,o 17, making a total of old, -J:t, or ti l, beat a retreat thereby eoveriug them 3oJ, lets than South Carolina. Now mark, selves with disgrace, retreat bein the stor thc change during the last twenty years ! mer's net of outlawry. Another fatal blun Tho free population iu 1 $50 was 3,5:1 . der wa the not having in rea iiuess to sup. an increase in twenty years of only 17,7:S9 ; port the English storming columns some her slave population had risen to ;i4,!t-4 of the mimernu lieueh divisions which showing an increase for the same period weru kept idle during tho conflict. Tho of (5!,8S5, or an increase of tho aggregate population of 7, H'.'J. The free population o" Geor'i:i in 1 ?fiO was rv.M.rrtlli an increase in twenty years of 5J'J3,'JI 1 i her slave pop- , topol, and tu lt:ave nothing but ruin and de ulation at the same time was show- vastatiou to the enemy, was a sufficient proof ing an iucrease for the same period of 1(1 1,- in itself of tin; strategical errors and uuskil I.jI, or an increase of the ar:rrci:ati! popula- ful eombinatiotis of the Allied Generals, tion iu twenty years of ii-'Jt'MU. 'J'hus set- Col. li.iherts thinks, on the othvrhatid, ting tho two .States against eaeh other, we litid that tho Uussiitu def uca realized the high the rate of progress for the last twenty years cal ideas of modern military seienee. In it as follows : Carolina's iucrease iu free" pop- : wee fouud combined all the prouiptne.-s of ulr.tion 17,7;t!, to Georgia's increase of decision, fidelity, energy ; and unyielding ; Carolina's increase of slaves (w ho firmness 0f purpose, which coustitule perfeu are the representatives of wealth) of !, tion in the art of war According to him 5io, against Georgia's insrease of 104,101. there never was a deli.nce iu which fewer Now this wonderful disparity iu-two errors were committed by the be-idged, or States, separated only by a uarrow river, more important results achieved. Tho enjoying iu an equal degree the blessings of cheeks whieh the Allies met with in thn good government and of the same institu- course of it, and their inability to capture lions, can ouly be accounted for by the su- the northern forts, me lo"k"d upon by sei perior enterprise and energy of the people cntific judges as irremediable military de of one State over the other, as manifested 1 feats, whieh DO future suceosses can coin in their prosecution of the railroad sys- pensate for. Nothinjr but the miraculous tela as a means of wealth aud gereral interposition of thn Almighty himself can, prosperity. I in short, retrieve the disastrous comequeu- A comparison w ith North Carolina fur-! ce3 of such blunders, nishes still more startling results. When ! Such are the conelu-iors arrived at by a the first census was taken, in 17ilf, North military writer, whose position entitles his Carolina bad nearly five times ns larg" a opinions to some w eight. Titty in f.nt prove population as Georgia. In !".'0 she ex- j but little further than the admission alrtnily eeeded the latter State bj ttK),i,io. In 'made by the English end Kreneh pres. l-40, in consequence of the railroad impulse Chi nil hands it is confessod that this mem Georgia had nearly ot up to her, and iu orable siej;p has disappointed till the caleu 1.JJ she had outstripped the " Old North lations founded on lon; established military and was f.r ahtid ot ber. J he States which necleeted vcr or motive power of, as striking. Virginia. until within a few years .. n tnmnril iii tho rnpf. nf iriiHrtml ' .em,llts 7lfls :.loreaseJ her Dol.-.tion. m twenty years, but l- per ccut., while iu the same period, through the sency of the J m.,i.;i. n. ,:.,, v. rv.h "'- vo' wr -J J- " Hooper, of the Monteomery ' Mail ' ... hJ.... j , has fallen iu love with his new political soub riiniet of tho 'Dpnineratie M.if Whiir nnrt.r.' H here s the point ot the joke! lioubtiess, there is something very fanny in it, but we ..t.,r....r ' linnisi.ri.iin " : l.l Vf ...ii-nr A. I, lll-tr 1 , 11 1 1 ... i.. 1- , . .............. . - . wi..uuu4i;i,. because it did Lot describe sueh important I ,ur froni V''S Mr. Ayres. 1 his .;-of the party as Messrs K. W. Walk- ' LU ,s thought to I e l.- er and Pattou, who were old Clay C-mpho- j -" f"'1 h,S l- weer, was dry when MlsEWintisandrn" Peinocrats." " Whig"jwe. w"e 10 !,e va' ''', , t r , party wouldn't do, because a majority of a! . About three ...lies uoove the last fail, tho party- in the Legislature were old " Dem-1 "ver ,,,"'k- ,1It ro the .animals you nd. ocrats," aud it was bad enough to make 1 '"ust bc tlie y being too rough and them work for Whig men, without compel- ''P ':,ke 7 faTeT- 1 nti. lin2 them to assume the name. In this "".'? ' main stream some two mi es, you cl-il.i nf rim iimwtimi il loir l'uflnndr us. peared, in a vision, one liiht, to our friend : "c 'f1'0'-, II P W, at the tlall, assured him '' ol,,r I'u"- ul"1 ,ralul'r !"' n? oiemt" that the true name was " Pcn.oeratie Mac faceJ', imeileelual one ct tue company, Whig party." The " .Ue " indicates the j wileu ht',hrst faw this Ian exclaimed, ' glo forripn tendency of Whig element of tbe I nous oh . glorious . lhs cou.pamoii was oreamzation, and the "Democratic" wns 1..I'. na n nf n 1 1 t.x.n u- ti i A cur fn 11. AnA iiifi.r, 1 ,.. n,,.l mnrp ri. porous leaucrs. 6 And thus it is. that we call llo Anli. , American partv the ' Democratic Mac Whig parly '" Montgomery (Aiti.) hi An Intipent niATnuAns its own Com ME vr Isaac, a body servant of Gen. Quit mau, arrived home a few days since. Shortly- after the General reached Washington city, Isaac expressed a great desire to return: home to Mississippi. I'pon bein pressed ' , . ,. 1 1 ,', ' i i . i i tor his reasons lor so sudden a wish, he told : .. . , , , , . ii i I his ma-ter that he had bct-n repeatedly he- , r r, . i i ' ei- i. nnnt fliirnul 1. rim fiirnv frrt.n to' i" ""'I" ...... -. -j . master, lb' stated that he was afraid he .. i i im... i ;. (--.,.l.,, n. I,.,' iiijuiu t'e 1. 1 un j' ii mi" ii.. ... -in, ... believed the two men were capable of tiny atrocity. Jhetieneral pave Isaac a pa with which he safely reached home to his in- ! finitj satisfaction. Xth !i t I'rcr Tmd: r. The Trotter Oi T-Tr.tiTTF.i. Po you keep matches " asked a wag of a retailer. "O'n yes, all kinds,' was the reply. " Well, theu, I'll take a trotting match " The retailer immediately haudcu him a boj of praudritb's pills. 'enormous sacrifices made iu the commence I mentof the siepe, it should either have been fact that alter tueh an assault 1'iiuce Goit- schakoll was able, to evacuate iu masterly a"d dt.iihcriite 01 der the snuthsidv of .Sebas- 7" 's"'" and the traditions or the old tash- ioned systems of military tnclics. Thoe who fancied that they hud learned the art t war under tlie lest European masters. 'are discovering to their mortification thut tbevare hut mere tvros to the Russian stra. : tcgisU.-l Xorloik lit nth. fore you like a creation of fairy land. I 1 H'ro a':e uiree. ,alls 10 l"e vu!,t j'' .Une ou the ht in view as you enter. This 'one dav may be five or 'ix hundred feet " " ni i ""'";' " to eon.e lrom a small lake or fountain a hi-li. t. . 11 i .... .. . SUUi. UIC1UU1.V nnn in .tiv. ii it in ' u t. ii i n as presentee me puo.ic wuu so unc a pic come to ttie rail ol tlie mi.l ana ll.e val- ... ..".. ...,. ... riy urew im revolver, anu savitiL' uere s o the sublime," saluted the old cataract. i . iu i itiiit- ii me .'irirr i 11111 iniiiiir' i", : : . I . 1 .. .1... M I ..: i'..1i:. - ., 8, ot 41,0 ltrU,ct " rerpimicular roek. The pool formed at the bottom of this fail is an e'ipse of some '.'00 feet in length, clear as crystal and cold as melted snow. A larjie " patch " of most luxuriant genuine Kentucky blue jibiss covers the uiountaiu side overlooking this pool, and nearlv iu front if the I'alN. 1 l.ese Fai's , are i rounded by ia uiense boulders. ... , , . , ,. . . , - An old soldn r was uurt martiab d for , rt. . . drunkenness ; the ofience wascleailv prov- . ... , . ,, , , 'i t cd, and tbe culprit wh-called up tor his de- fence. It was short, siiuplc, and sueeestul . .' I ' . Docs tho Court thiak ihal I'ncle Sum hires nil thf cardinal virtues for seven dollars a "Ql ArrRCiPBIATE Em i.amatiun. A gentle man, on being told that his wife had lua'le him the happv father of two children, Hie chanicallv eclaimed, ' O, Getuiul '." A ;, seeing a lady ut a party with a very low-necked dress und bar anus, ,x prtsstd his admiration by sayiug that ol.e out-. ''J7' th whole party. I ' A I.I l-'llTI I 1 Si i.tt!V V i.,rru.,.n..,!A. I

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