VOIjXJME s. CHAR.IuOTTB, C, i5"TJIXrEJ 3, 1806. NUMBER 15. THOMAS J. HOLTON, Euituu. & 1'itoi Ri tiou. TKlt.MS: The N'urtb.Carolin Wliig w ill heafo-.-rdcJ loa.ih. a. ril-t-ra it TWO IHU.I.AItS in advance: TWO DOLLAlfS AND Hr'TY ( J;.MS if payment bo ; dexterous fashions delayed h.r liirt-e mouths ; aim 1 Mi; I I. lOLI.AI.c) at I lit- end of the yeur. .No paper will be discon. tuijeJ until ell arrearage arc paid, except at tin option ut the llililnr. Advartiaen.cnU inserted al One Dollar per auuarc (lli lima or lc-, thi. mcd type) fur the first inaer. Pun, and - j cenla tut eucli continuance. Court ad. Tcrtireiii' iita and Slund 'a Saba charged '.5 per rent, hi ir her ; and a tit duet ion of o'll i-r cent, w ill be made Iron, t hi rr-ruhir uricia, lor advi-rliacra by I tr ......l .... . . i i . . , . ' , ; ' , ... i lie maue a l.uss, a nil Inn anta-'ouist sent Lis the ver. AdvertiMim-nt n.aerl.d mouthy or ' ' ..,.. m. v .ui i. is of Lis foil to try its temper aud spring; it proved to le of the best German steel. Al varez tossed Lin high in the air, caught it with the right and left Laud, threw it over Lis arms, aud played with it in a thousand At lust they saluted gracefully and iutirclianged the preliniiua ry passes to ascertain their distance. ' On guard !' cried lint Spaniard, stamp ing Lis foot, and the glittering Hades were engaged. Traverse wsi counted a good swordsman. Lor 1 rave sou Lag fallen in a quarrel like this!' 'An embrace and tears from you, seno- rita, are cheaply purchased by life itself ?' LETIEIt OP HON. EDWIN G F.EATjE, I "Willi n view,. therefore, to accompli)! these .and denouncing the course of that party in Boilers into ofTice, (just as the Vnioo pro r.if K-ni.ni i-Aiinr ivt j ol.j.x-a, more iImii twi-nly youra (;., tin- l!rinh I rcr...ir(j to the -'-"nh rule, of the House, he mised s-hould be done,) but Mr. lironsou vi nun i i ai.oi.in.-., d ,0k. maker rinrraliv. were Ktiinul.it. c r ., ,c.,..,i. A,,,! Mr l!r no,oe.,,l In.,. ti'vvtk ... i ... I, :., ... ., , . savs as ionows : Fvlhw-Citizctis .-It Las ken said that a.-iva'iS.rC3f,T1' I ' i n .t 1.. l tj ilia v t . i . I co to rinbiirtv in a iylt inulic war aomin-i iiipid , , x . t, t ala.ery m tl.c 1'i.iled Sutea. Al-.lil.ui. K-etur. i " W.i it done a. cmi- i..tlon to f.r.V nM,o "'iiouu i -emc.., -uu F were a-nt uver, and mom y liirni.lu il t' eftnbli.ii "llir i;i .e AurA, '.y W" '"' V curriin ine jveuuriu in iiim (jiuei-, w uu mi nu ujjcii quarterly, ut $1 er aiiafc for eai:b time. hLiiu- muiiimy 7A eeQia prr auaru ior eaen tiioe. I "PuatiuaaU re ara authoritrd to act aa ayrnte. )oclvii. aWNi. T h t Coed ON Tiiuti. I tth the fBihiunt wire th me A ttitrt )rr jn, I fn'l yine ftlul cn niake Uiinrt cbnr litrni ao : Wiim 1 wt in my ;mi.. I nuoi A COatl of hoilirftjUH On, Afl'1 Hicuglil it rty fine lu have My hair tici in a cur. And n ttm dy our hfrrcim wcr Ail tui hlrrt at tlis kfire, Ant iv r buetirt wuulil ii.vuro The hcl v( riinpnjf ; Oar bvieii f r oi cumriy thtp. Aud irpt "d un uii r-m Oh, how 1 wtpb liner broad briiiitucJ liU, Would rme m vcgue tin. I'm tfuHkd with hr yrd Oi' rl.ah hial y U t ; M v rM t i niu m irf jr ua llt I"ho Up will hinltr in t ; Tiphl knee r nil (he ta,ttun nrw, At. J hf Mitt! Il- (ur tu ; V)rr fnliioii irntt at Ut, Tu tati.ur ottiy kni t. TH pcoptr of tin fternt dijr, line vatcti cliiitii li nf fold, Yoit'J (iimk thrir ninni'ruiii rMH-kct book; V fitted with uhtM ! Mr fatiu-r rure a ilftr w.iili, A ! tka K'Md tir! rlbint A'trf U I rrrulircl !! airtight OiU pewter lteidtd cibc, 11a owned a lrre end ihnOy farm Oi wMiJ and Mt4ili juid. At! nlwjy h,iU a ,lrnt of Th dfir CMita in hand ; I f tir .ni dhy frt-ni . nf min Wutiltl find it r lJr r hard. To pay for coata InryV urirni; now At " lfl huiiO Un per yard." THisccIlaiuous. blade whirling thiity fut in th.-, uir. ; "j "- . . . , wt're i nt ovi-r. ami mom v nirni.itiKi i' emioiifn oiifi tu o.r .yo, i.y -(..r rcnlid Traverse, nith hi-h-flown callantrv ' rtI'rtM ,nul;vl- y V near io nis ,,,. ni crciai,. punpiiUu to influence the c-at ."utea nf New ork and 1'iiiii.ylvanni, und rrt'e-soilt'r. I Don thnt the UeiMocralio 1 " e; J' inti.hhi..iiU in nnlt-r I lilt In u ih4L' l.qi a . . j . r.i i . . .. K ; . .. . I .... i. I. ., . I........I l . I'..: L ' . - i . . . i i . i . i. i ... "--r- - j "j iihook 111 im- pio.ie m no iiriniMi .-.one.. ..kir. .- ;. ., - tm rt v sili t. a ml has remameu uninea over Ag-iin Le says : mc,., ( )UK aide is culled the Hards or . . 1 .1 - at 1 t .1 .1 i; . I . -1 b,v.( iMlruluiid to ii.riu.-nee lb.- minda of the I " " '" " c"m"" n " ",r '""T" national; me oilier roiis or r rec.Foii. l'lieir viewg w.-re most ri-.i.l- nere were Ulcatioll. 1 aui profititeu to It at Ibis tunc, the r.-nininaot toe oi.i nnii.iiierv InKi'iiista, mill , 1 , . , . , '..-i fl..l,l .o.l ..il,..r nl.icli of tin. siAt . ' . . . ' . .. i . , . . i ... moll .frni-i. i on I ie e k-rlliin t n V. I h IH la ou I n If 11110 , ail U UllM'T. OW , W li!C 11 0 1 I lie M a l J ormritr-i is lnTicri Ann iM ii-i wnereiiic in iijs . iniiueiici nur, mr ine nisi n;u . . . , , . . - " , .i , , countryis in pt-rii, arm its pa to the fact which I had occaanm in atuin at ihe'ttould ou surposc the adiiiinirtratiou fa- ..... . . . hii.t .! th.il liiia n:.rlv IK lit. Ill to't.tl.rr bv 1 Tt ...'...- ...if. J. .'... 1'l..,t i. .l.A :.t ,.1 .,. VI . it tt . i . . t I , , .. . . ' ,, iiocirinea were cranuniiy innuacu, to a ereai ex- - . - j- - , iuis. ' i""1 'j'"- j -' m iua spitted you hkc a lurk. Lut what s to be further consideration that my colleague, t,t, tiiroll:,nu. j;,e Nof;!,." , ,w "',-K,ve ,-,.,-r ot ,,,,1..,.; uluuier ; u, I, i ""' Ldl)liniftmi,m rarly j .ew York, t ilium tio 'Mr riiiifMiinn li-l on a l.-ltor l,i.-li! . . t? . lore, whenever the y are ni.iknnr alriiKtlc to if 1 1 . V i i. . i none tion . I '" . lineman, OJ -i.ua itiitr n litt U ',.,r r. iM, luna m' It tLor ar . - ...... ...i f.nm.rn frnm t n Nultor.al Lh-iiitierat. the nr. 1 . ......!...-.. LJ-.. 1 "V -V ' '"W'.-r,, 11 IF ll p.irj o. ,n.-,r gv, ,lmi .-...o o. . . j ,","- " . 7 " " -1. "? ...no, w not: w iv w,u l .Mr. r H2HIIII VVU.7UlUl.ilb.1l III 1 a !... .1 11. - I . " jju. urjr jour origin eyes or pupare ; tie L. tic- lit of his lufoi Illation, and he tho inn nhen.l, they Koul.t to iiicor...riilo their, to shed tears for tho lancer-j for the choice 1 benefit of their iuttructioiis. I shall not ''oetrini into the i ln.nl. buoka und pnhhcai,.i.a . r.f iiiiMin. lion ;iK n.i B...1 I, t. !j il... ! have un oimoi tn nit V of scciti2 vuu soon, and ' ' ' ll' ' ..v..... ..v ....ui .u,., nu " v jr ii -i. . . - i . 1 1 1 1 ir iii. a itrin.rii in. 1 i.eir news were mi ,llt.r(.y,' . , therefore 1 adopt tp method of couilnu- ily received in M..acliuett, where li.ei 'Ieuved lucky, too!" muttered Walters, i , ' 'It it baa been otherwise lie wouM have t :(1,Um .,U i. .r..n....l -''ry, U . n, Kr. -uu-m. I mm th ' .. . , ' ,, J (lictriiM.'tt wcru t rrl un 1 1 y dinuned, -Til k I i . . rt..lii i.Idpi.ln.f.1 Mint In tl Ar.llah...k - . " i of ti ma t:V: .ir, it ih a coiiuihh rt nrtra, mm mr i"' "" i QllOIiai ; llie OlIHT CO US Or I irr-ftUU. tiua a.,.call.-ci l.;ii.ucmtic party, Iioiv.t th-y T.e Hards aisled by WckillftOII, UlOtOll, V tuUt fiiiiHjfcilf; aid mi im'hurta tf pulicy, 1 .1 i 1. 1 - 11 i 1 r aplit !,,e,r vote. ; but alwa,. n,..ke u com. I'd others , the Colts by an lluien, lied- 'To tl-jt raritln'a ninrter ''rorili...!' Tm 'T.lo n.;... fl.... -i i iiii-ipsii, anu wincti, iroin me position atm - " t. ....u... ui " tuu. nuiu Aiiari'T. mil'. ... . ., ... , reputation ot the author, is likely to liave ith polite bow. j ' Adieu, ladies. a wide circulation. ricking up the American's sword, he ra-, ' Good fortune go with you, gallant cuh- i dcirc, in the irst place, to iire you tewed the encounter, aud touched his an. ' ullrru ' eiied thn oirl tnontl,. r Jfiich inl'ji in.iliou as I have in regard to the - inlo oiiuviT il la 11 nir. nf fto.ir (rctirm! t nil Ml I not, wli v w on Id .Mr. ( liiirjiunn miv the y are r t-irties, thn I rnoh aei-iiieiit hf tne patty Khoutii u. on ii or tue 1 1 aids. I n ;ta is tie ol Artril 1 in will eonecile that lie would state noth- ; doi.l thit fide of any niustion llnl i ir.,nesl i 1 -.jfi. t-ncakint: uf tLe -Softs, itsa.Va : in2 which l.edid not believe, and YOU will "l ".mr ,..,d tl.erehy inert.i.e tl.ur ehame of -j.-,,,,;,.,, , ,,. ,,n,J(,f of 0ir ... . , , . it , , , c.irr v iii(f ine eitciion. concede tli.it he is well informed. And couditiou of the ccuntry, its danger, and tue vaiiap. And, a. toe i est place, to sug- tagouUt lightly on the breast. Travcr.-e Traverse, putting Lis arm in that of Lis lunged in return, UI1J Wttfc disarmed in-, friend, strolled away iu the direction of the ! tho r ,! If- " j . "'"""y- .Larracis. ) Our country is of vast extent ; of every ' I give it np,' said he, gaily. ' St George f ' V'hy the deuce did you o-t mind your 1 V!ir'cly of climate, soil, productions, popu wa D.,t a more master of the sword.' own 1i,e-.. r,.,.l.H K T.' : lation, and interests, aud, withal, is an u- .... ... . i r , . ,'' . ,' periuieiit ill government ; several iiideiien-i I f 1 1. 1.. . I . ... 1 . 1 4 1 n.frtii mil. fl lo.L-1. .1. I l.i i... ...... 1 .1 1.. u 1. .. J. . e- . . t I -..v.u.,.s, ..n.ncu me .-pamaru -r -".v. n..u a dt.Ilt g0T(.rp,i;nti united i . Iff .. .... . . ....... 1. ! . .... , . r inuiucre miy, ytl well plcar-cl at the com- mau a uia.-ar, unu you ouui to uuve Kn-jw n many and vet each rclaiii.ui; its ovc' pliment. 1 My fencing is like your shoot- ! f't"'''.' mmnjin one. 'J hat tln-rc should ing. I Lave lived with the sword iu my! ' How should I V ' be perp'ciiiies .nd dlfliciil.es is tobecx- . ! r . p-cteii, e.-n. ei.aiy w hen tin. simplest toruis L.uJ. Iiuu.7Urontow..,un.' j 'Ignorance h no ma,c tic y,s of . . ((jt tx..hl.tl from tUvnu ilc id an iurcftrau dutli-t wlii:proil tu-tom any more tLan in the cyrS of ibo latv. ' bt ih,-re t-licaM bo tx it. invut und lii.s Waltrm t ) Via friend. I!u hz& ktlk J fuur 'ut 'ou rtJ i for it now. What do you pates i- too iKittral lo sui yrv. u ; but lb:it, iufiito my certain kuowl. d-e. and m. proio M do ?' Li-yoiMl tbtN th.re M.uulU be a;:tum violenrc hy IIhj put iu nan of thr government. 3 4 ,,,, " . . . , - , - i j ,i id ( aillllll niiu in uir wiitaim i'' ini in niri' uiu. . .i . i . i , (1. .,, J ' .i . i tern, winch claum litcin aa iiiocr.iU, lUtv are coiiSru.atory that what he says is true, ( .1 : , -any w ,11 Bo t t-ieec. I um, ir, o. the roek ., i (r nLW ,,,),.,, ., ,. i ,,.,,;.,,,,. any confirmation were wanted.) ho copies hieh y.u are .i-.i.ti.-d to split. I boul. a Vu. , yli,i,aITi,un i ti. Soft 0 ,p. from a late London paper as follows : i1'"-'1 vrsry, I warn y u ul the danger. jw,,,, ., &,,, ,f A.lmwitOttim ; enl.r. ' " 'I'lie nt"'ri -f-ne fpiril of Hi., people of the l "'JW '" as oV,'r ,'u(;'1 "lt'ri'.v shown t.iirmi now ll.e a.nne vii upon the alavi-ry e,uia. nil, .l Stt. Vr 'i iri r an liuiiiblinc. m.d it is for '0 ch a cu'.ptit And how tiiKiuestiotiii- , lion, which they held in lt-14, and 1C4B," m. ua to p. rionn thetiBs. Knirlaiid' inim n into biy true, and dangerously certain, inu j 'J'hesaiiie paper Las nn articlo Leaded ie the i..re a m.rk c innii need hv her in )ia"ve ,le tri,tf 4 tuuuierated. to have !" A word in sca.-oii toS'outhern Dciuocrats,'' i"06'1 ch a kindly, sympathetic ju,if!fro,nl,ich I. juote asfollows: l.m.nrin the loite.! Slat,. I f. therefore. Ihe tobave Paraded thehl 111 t lie lace of the, I'he Nation:.! Democrats of X. w Yolk r. lit SOVcreigntita united iu oue 0f of j I'm i,-cj St.,t. (ion rnnont eeny. and ia reaolvcd , world, aud to have given them the endu- tVaiued from p.osini the adminiKlrutiun of .Mr. to itl. HtMn, toe riylil i t t.re. t llrit nn to tier t en. rill" IlOtOrilV of a CoilTeSMOtial rt COrd . I 1 l ree, until longer u;.!Kirl ol II woul.l nave Uc. tr. I Aio-riein posenon, e, the p. io. of tin: , ", 1irrl ,'"..... 1 Inml, 'Brad.d tin in ; uniil it n.M.i.d upon purKuini; a ..,.' . ' ., Un p.-i'C 1 1 1 ol tne same, lie sa v s, in suii-i ! ' . ., . 1 . " , lint i kIi l.inpir.-, are revolved to ulnar off the " '. , -. , . . . Ime of p.-ln-v he h it w t..r.-M . ti, i ulil rt snlt Khaeklea from the f.-. I of l.er 3.0hll.l)!i0 alav. .. i:,aliCe, thatthry arrayed III their L. nlt i buiidn.g U. i.n w tin 1 if-ioMl jjarty ut"!S4t-.' And tiure ate lU.e aiimnj us l.o will aauct.fy iU Ullj.ricciplcd A l.olitiui.Ul-." Audi mm nat.cr .motci from the Wash- K " : v I. 4. i: tie ii llie ill ue I ir j ei 11 1 ' u iv .imiri i j j Aii 1 then Mr. Cliumnn snys, as follows : his party i:t all Lnzards,'1 (just what he There i, too, a rumplete nn.h n.an..iiie be. !ays now ot the Americans.) ' though 111: n . iir en. nm s in (riat Liriuin, unc tiieir doing so he should act in oppo-ition to the a ill this c untr y." !bi-.t i,,t..r...l nf ll... o.uintrr In turn liil t .t.:n. I :.. . i-.tr -i .. ' sJ....d . ... .... wnr,l ' "" nii"er, oi-'m id iiiuh-o eiciv n.i.ii, . an u I iiru iu (i l icreiii I .'.CP IIIk .HP. j i , . , , . . -w . . .. . . . . ' ... . . . ...... . , 1 , ,, ,, - r- , w ho is capatleot appreciating the beauty i 1 have ipi.-teil I bus liecly Irom -lr. I iing- party will et;ind by Lim, r.inl protect iuui ' cuatiiutiial men ..f the 'rih, and In titaliza icsi makeJ liim ouie!lung ol a Lully. j "e 1,1 " -,ul and i xceilel.ee of our government, and its , man's letter. becaiic, from his lonj exp.-ri- . fiom the consequence of any Clime, provi- 1 lion ..(' th- Vm llun n Free S.iier.' met your a p. inL'ton Jst-'itiiii 1, another rstunal Democra tic paper, as tollows : (ptaUing of Jlr. ricrce,) " Yon iir" aKK-d i hi r...ure in the New York control ith v hi prnir;ilion of the rne annnd 4 ('ime, pentlemcli to horse aaid ('an-' i,,",u'J ""Il'o-e Ins prolesMjD wi,l ex:, tuple to thewnrld, ami of iiiiaginin? the : alio..- in public affair, and his admitted aiil- ded it be done for the benefit of the party." I pr"b,,,,n ' - Vur i","'T ' J"'-L'''' tain AUanV ' The suu has almost touch- fufCe Li'" il'' shame and di-fa.-li. ii of it failure, or 'he , ity, I tl.ou.-ht it would be the mo-t satis- ; And now, if the administration party shall j ",,1 -v" U" '" '"? '"u' re"M ,eJ !' W.l0-th.ae.lm "tT.S ' Vf killin-. Lil" i,J" r Ca" U - o c i,l, wLieh he is acting ; and, al-o, because th,,,, to remember, that if they ducredit U .L??"' Ml ws-' ,up we shall not be in time lo pay our re- . . ' ' have i.-t.jou-d tin choicest bh .:sins so loii", I design to u-e it for another pnrpo-c. ; M r. CliinMiian, no one will believe a word 1 " M '' ''' T111 u aa u s' specuto the ladies on the IW , I 1-k hs, a ruffnn, Vahcrs !' as to suppose tnat there e:,,, ba 'no end to j It nppears, then, that we had our f,uar- ..hat he a.ya against the Americans. Uu ,ZlVt !n7 Usi::: ti . ........ . cry we. I, then, vou lire in tUe air. the in ; and ha.e tailed to remember the r.l ol.nnt Jnir Wo .til..,l It m.d u.-r,, oafiu 1 17 he eontiuues as follows : ! ... ...i.... , : ..,...... ..i. j lie pay party ngnte.l their cigars, moun I ted their liUlo Amlalu-ian horses, and can 'tcred tjward the city at au easy pace. Ile a di.ssati.-fied, demands another shot you grant, and very likely the fellow will you. No, no ! you tn'i-t wing him at Touch him it: the arm.' hit the fir.-t shot. lesson, that ct.rual vii.ance is the price of at rest. We are disturbed n-ain upon the ..The Abolilion p.rtv hu-l nominal, d a. it can. !- r.-coUti:,-.l aath- 1. umer .cy of N. York ? On them. I do' tit desire t . bo an ulunnis'. t ..l, ,,, ..,t,.,.,..l u ill. ,1. o..i:.i.. i.,r ih. I'r. ,i,i. i.c e. J. Ii Ibri.i v : but ine one In in) the fr.rniia of V.n liur. n and Mar. ouinismy uny io occu y ii,- position m turn. And that diaturbu cauie is, foreign It was holiday time iu Havana, and Tra ' vrrao and I. w frij.iol l...iU ... . 1 .1 ' , . .. .' limb: leant think of that.' naiung ,, a couple of lovely senotitas, fiaai lit Celvmlm , S. C.) .'.-o-ainrr ACS OP ZWM'L BV IRA.tCIH A P I' It IV AUK. ' Twenty to ono I L:t it at the firt-t shot " aid Frank Traverse, a young Amriican, ai Le pointed out to bis companions a proupe of Cubans aud Spaniards a play ing card, the ace of apadea, pinned to the trunk of a plain tree, at twenty paces dis tjut, id the capacioua garden of a country c ou whom they were making au evening call, when a i ;j uf maskers entered tho room, (.tne ef them held a euilar, in hit ham!, which Lf touched kkilftiilv, while he sam with a voice whose richness was uot entire ly siippretsrd ,y the mask be wore, the rorda of a Spanish ditty. When he ccsed, he approached the arnorila Meleuil.i, and said : j ' Manucla, do you know tne V , ; 'I kuow you not, aignor.' j ' fan jou not guess ' ! ' It flasha 10 my mind,' aai! the aenorita, 'that you are S.hattiin Nevaro." 'Wrougl' replied tue strauger, with a ( light laugh. Try again.' j 1 I iil be sure thi time,' said the cay eirl, 1 . ft . aou ane sprang Iroin her seat aud snalelioil al Lis Ilia-. The stranger def.-ti.kd him clf, and ahc was much taller than his as sailant, bafll -d her ilTort.s coinpictel v. Traverse, laughing, sprang to her aid, nd had already soiz.-d the stranger's ma. k, when a shriek tittered timuit iir-ou-U by the two ladies arrc-ti-J his Land. I lo turm-.l a will' iiiun, and to cry danger while it is influence Jet in tue distiiicc. I tliins there is .lati-i Y, 11 mioht the K.itl.er nf his Pouiitrv 'And perhaps cause him the loss of a tor now. Thbet iiifjnin-d thiuk so. M r.' Wai 11 us " against t tie insidious wiles of for- v. i.i.giii-iii, 111 uu i.i.e u-iicr, says ; , C,, mtlucijee 1 ' Then all I Lave to say i, that it is a very bad scrape. Whsf if you pi!o-:i' V ' Apol )g!ze '.' cried Travuse. ' No 1 no ! the blood of liie ('id Dominion i;l not al low me to Mo-'p o low as that. I can LleVd. but I cannot IdusL. It is nn awkward af fair as vou ay ; but I luu-t see it tl. rough.' ' Very well, or rather very il!,' said Wal ters. ' And here we arc at the barrack. 1 am t j go in an ask fir Captain Alvarez, and hand him your card ' ' Kxnetly, ami wait for an answer, what ever it may be." ' Han I me your card, then .pick 1' ' ('.'.i.f.Miiid it !' cried Traverse, eare!.'ng his j. ie!;ets, ' I haveni any ctrJs about 111c ; I left tin 111 all at my hotel.' ' How uniueky 1' cried Walters. ' I'lilucky indeed!' iStay ! have jO'i a pencil V ' 1 s ; here it is, have you found a card ?' ' Vcs,' said Traverse, produciu? a crum pled and soiled card, there it is. That! I'u you call that thing a card T ', it i the Ace of Spades ! 'J he very card you centered five times ! , it must serve the purpose. And Wal- T' t t!-.c I'tiinte I'estin v ..f our iires.-n' p-ht. ' I have stated the dancer, and the cause, ieii aysieiii wilt e-"rnnu. .1 I y events k.h .11 to Mow, what is the remedy ? And hero I ...riir, ,.! pmhabi.." , . .. , J 110 further aid I am sorry to be obii-ed t 3 a-rce with him : from inv dl.tin.rni.beil collen-ue. Mr. Clin.-- Ot tins number a very laree proportion are fin. ; r"?" '' ' - . ' r in- .r. i.uunary -e.mn oi man. I must not only sUn-l unsupported , ''" w"' 1 '''' i ,,r,,: n.-l,. ,r. :,n , i in ,r.H hr ,., Wf. Demo. -rai.c partv, ;. tlur w.i r.i, iikewiKi- noininat. ' T-eni 1 u.-maei it.. urBn.B mat innr rrrrni. eO hi. n f. r the 1,- i-latere of Michigan, lie i.e. ''V ' urtiiBiroiii Kliouid tt tnkrn ceiled the iioininilion : and by in, I means, or'"1 " n.v i'iruon oi ..nircroc,,, , ,c ni-riian hv more solid auidiunci , he was induced ' ii. lit.' ii.tlui-oi.i. uilh lt.s narlr tor Mr. I'i.ik." So Ktrmi", hoivcv-r, sir, win liie partv i'T'i't I i'lininslration und it rrrie'iofic i,i t!,c country lat even this nmoaiivrc would 01 i'rnhrd AMUiauuti at hrUrr Ihimnati than nn have o. fi-ated lis. bad it not K-.n for otlor '"nWrr; winch uppeal uinl come u,i ut fin. siniii-r srtifiec. Nenrlv KlU.lil'O fnreijn.ia are , cinnati." ... ii. u i.... nr l r . . ' - c.r.. ..... e-lioiiit. d to arrive iiniiua Iv in the I nlled M it. I .... ... ...... inil, liie lljr.i or X.itioiiol I), umcrata hate solemn ami Ki rimi ujti-eal troiu the pro. 1 ut I desire to encourage the hope, that the storm nhich threatens t uproot, only steady and make us the (inner. , , , r ii inroiii on- lo rciuiiiii, uu i inv in..-, i n s 10 . u p ..n.. by, but must stand against him. Indeed. I,,,,.,,;,,,,, .,cratic party .ucceed.-.l , The cau-cs of this unsettled condition are sev. ral; but :Lai which seimsto be pr.itnii.ciit now. is the controversy in regard Iu the saie letter, Mr. Clin; to slavery in an s:i vs : o Th,- (hint., r wl ich imv i: fnee of the I. ii. ra I I'nii.n nr of hosltlilv i nlcrtainid iu -he S-'iitliefii i rli- u. ami esineiailv of n.-firo sl-iverv a it xists amoii leader i'mm N.w York e , , v . tif n em i ii tut i atiun a t iilitii'jttii, inriitenccd hy M-irev. ttifik upon ittrlf to tit r !n if tttr h'rrr amir it a ioJ not the Nationals, to be tne regular tm rrtry." N'na. Imv I not sbo-vn you, ntt !y whni T say, but by the be-t IVuiocratie authori ly, that in li.e "real Stat.' of New l'ork, as largo aslialf a do, n small States, tLe ad iiiinistrati'iti party sides with the Free- so strange is lils remedy, that 1 tear some , imiucm tin in to hand Ihemsrlvea tofethrr, nml one will doul.t whether he understands the r.'Iy to the supp ,rt uf Mr. Polk. Some of ti.em cause. It C.lll oil) V be explained Upon the .V"ed thcr preference lor l.lm, because hn Irrr. , . , , " i i . i i trade iwuirv fi more aroial'lr to t:f intrrrtt tit udn-e, thnt, "the hair ot the animal ,, r r,.tnt Uom ' trhirh then rami. Ilnin a that Idle will cure the wound." Hut there Mr flay, others frorlvtrntil mi tihr Unnnt that M a phiioM-ipli v win eh teaches that. Ion lT i-Xpe- fat .mid not he ruled by Amern-ai.. nad vis. rience in political life, w hile it furnishes the freiei, (.t!...!.c !,-, divided in the late . Ire. . J . , , , . , t,on, as otiier aecta and el i s,-s i;ener i II y n re, .vl r. . " III. 1.11 I II 1 111 III il I I II .1 . I' II 1 II 1 111: Mill'. Ml. MIL ... ... .. ..... . North t.,.ir :. the " , , , . .., . "' . ,' lay would m.v.-earnen, ny a nirje ,rJorii i , me f0;ier, and has prostrated the .Nationals ! ti . in litiilioii ' ". . " .... - ...,,,-. ., .tew . .. . -v...- i li.it vm ask f the ermrs-o of the adm in s- -r, prbiiily oin.T in the Aoruiwi m. ) . , . . Nut on! V did we have to Contend with ttie in. '"""'i i eai u io i.ans..s out in noi, mm i-reu". .1 V lJU, .in", .i "ill in- ii-i iuii. . i , , ,, i , . . . , , .. , -, i ' 1 ,' evenly ami protua. 'y used. c. : supposed errors? Ioiiswer, 1.0. On the And now,. ny fellow.,it;zcns. why should "ul "ol ' -""'" . ,uITse"t I " All the woHd may intertere ,n nnr e C0UrH? j reard t0 KallSM tiie controvcrsv hetweeLvouot.d il,e North, n.ay really not le rqual to what it appears matters.- Am-..,, nation .t , ' every. where . . " , 1 ;.. jt. ,., , tt.t If ia ei-Ail t-ili o t- our mipidlv quiet while idle ton cuts, lor her own ud. . vo mi . i iiu nn.urt. ncij nutre, upon that subject, tl.ie, ten the destruction ,,s w "-l,t- It H cieH.t.U.lt. to our . mrsUC 1 it tsn and especially at the South. And the wit- .... ... - n. . . . . . ... tl : 1 il ro t ii M t In. n An r I. '. lo w 1 11 rro.il f ! .1 e.i - ' 1 . - ol the 1 mm. thai Ihe ?ort!i .-l.oni.l l.e , self aud party : and which teaches further. I have now stated thedan-.'. r. and I Lave ""- lJ ,l,.ce of ti.rei.ners here. be.-. Brit ,h cold was ! the vSouth at lea-t. to atone for anv and all mi .n-.rinf -An i . , . . Cip e l to siaverv. Jlnoist to a man, an ,1 a sense of our injustice makes us love too cirv .iron, the p. mtentiarie of Duropc, un. that vou should be in favor of it, almo-t to imicli. And when we have loved an un- hese tire the facts: Kmsis and Nelras- ac.iiia ni.-u e. 'ii. ii..- .1 PUiiFI' ... wi.i.i. tin I niii i ... C ! T 1 c . .worn, for th. t ,!,c know not." ! a, e ! "ntorios of the I lilted States. And if tin fnriiirn CMhi.licft, rr fiirricnfra 17011. i KaiJ.-ft W j'lt Ve-t of Missouri, and Ne- ,..... ....... (.."...d l....tliiir aa-ith m V . f U. nf ' l.vn.t a !,.. n .. a- 1 . a T n a a MI., v.,-.! a i a ir a I 1 " 1 J 1 1 ' ' " 1 1 ' " ' - ' ' 1 L'lU.-RiH T, lli'llllUI l .1 isk., -'J l.-.-VUI I 13 cannot till how much I must Maine anv ....,' ,!,, ,t. , ,lf ,i ,.., ... ..n,,.,, -will ....... .. e." . - i- . . . . .i . ..: ,, , . . . . t r , . s - - a siav e .-simn. ixausas uas tue ainu laii- in u.i ini-se viri'.i'-s im in.: loss i n-eiiii nui i..- aronitea antiiijoniixr irennn in rir nmrim or o.i . ., - .... i. ik. ...:i I .t I r 1 1 ..... . i u .M U1llll.'VOIIIU " I M . I II 11 a . i 1 , . away in atoiuslimciit. .ilauuela, "ilu as .1. v -. l r it 1 . I'rsw i la ntr iii.i.if.r lor nivrn , death, tank into a chair, aud covering her Traverse wrote Lis address upon it IS I rinlr ' atl...nri.1 l.ta rrmial .11 . n ' ... .' ' . ' face with Ler Li.t.ds, sobbed convulsively. "ier, .sew lomer, long a resiueui o: Cuba. ' TweiltT to one I ei-nlre thn aon '.' renrut. , i -r , ti- ii- 1 ' I'on't you know,' replied Walter. ' that ' In a few moments his friends rent peared e-i traverse, lookin.r round luni. 1 "-s , tl tors took (he car! an! disappeared, while I ' What the devil Lave I done now !' a-k- Trarorse walked to and fro, wrapped in 'in. ...... . .. e.l iraverse ol Ins Ineinl. deep thought. V-. .- i -i j i- il is a Ueud.y uisull to l.i v your haml on a lou are jeatuig, amtgo, laid a dashing " ' nuc Sr-anish officer. C.nlain Antonio Al- nM,"k ' n mo'"'n "" r""!-'?. Hut man ... 'i beard varea, of the Lanceroa or you want lo throw away your money.' 'That's uiy lockout, Captain; will you tale me up 1" ' Certainly.' ' Well, then, I'll make the offer fairer. I will turn my i,ack to the mark ahetl at lha word lire, and discharge my pislol at one two three. You shall give the word, if VOU like.1 ' I'one T Traverse turned hit tack to the card. The captain gave the word. Traverse wheeled and fired at tun (V.r.lsin -Viva. ,t"t tan up and examined tho card. He re-larn.-d stroking his coal black moustache. 'Vou did it ccrlaiuly,' aaid ho; ' but it f' chance shot. V. l:e . . Il .. ... ... Ynu are ie-tin- 1 1 ,,c' " " "Me Pu",nii n "nental Py the It was the ,,,i ,1,:. 1 ,,., ,i v- 1 !...:. c ...i-. i--i 1111- . 11.1. ti- 11111 atJio '.i.T vi Soon as he saw Mr. Cli-i-'inan. who. in nis letter, savs : I hp niiti.s'averv f V-. I i a cr.ului'lv s'liisiii.d there, '.1 Ihe North,! andlhe cuntrv riuiained nuiit itnlilaii'H- 1 n ll ui-n r .1 hrou-lit to bear on it." with an exultant countenance ' Joy! Joy !' he cried. ' iiat do you nu-ati !' You've cot yourself into a precious 1 1 .Mvercz has backed out scrape.' I . co of Spades that did it .1 -11 . 11 a. I 1 11 lt. . ion 11 rutin ny me, v in ; .11 no ciiangoti color. J ner.i s 3 note Iroin ' Ye e s,' replied Walters, with some hes- him !' itatiou. I Traverse (ore op-Mi the note and read : At this juncture, tLe ftrsnger approacli-1 ' Carina Mt (hithn: Had I known it ed Traveise, and said iu a 1j-, deliberate V3' )"ou- wbo laid hands upjn my ma-k, tliu 1 Voice : j affair would Lave cudod in a hiiiuh. W'c j ' iou desired to see my face. lJeliold it, 1 cauuot Lold foreigners for ac ts cotnniitted then!' Ilu raised his mask. 1 ia contravention of our social usages. Let I 'Captain Antonio .Mvcrc'! 1 Traverse. 1 -. . 1 1 . e - ... a man. i. just what lch sides expect, and " ortny onjcct wc naie h me worse lor lue ; if..i ;. i,.i i!.., i.,.. love we wasted. f 111 iwil, Jll v " I 1.1. J ' 4 I - ' . yntj cannot thii:k nliki, t hat :n v r'(i-on : 1 - . i 1 .1 . ui u.i 1 I'M v i n ii' . 1 1 1 i t: iii i it'cini uul lit- nmuura ttnintmiAiir iff ntur in ine nrttriw oi un wny vou Mioui'i (U'Sirtv flit? e -vi rnnienr-: . . , . " , tUtlc, Mi l:::: rii:1:,, ;t . ?: z 0,1,,-, 1 uUuao c - - a ,ei,.,i ,; Iiavtj 1I1 IP red about iOther u..i!t'-rs; but , . , , ,. 1 . i ,i. .1.. .... 1,,,.. ,ir. -....i.i ,i I entertain, as to the proper remedv tor ihus spoke, and such Were the sct.ti- -.0,1 have ahvayssettl.il them. . '.,.: l.... .n' . r, :.... : .. f-.,v dUtimtnisl.,1 eollea-tue. iu ihe lo 1--.1 M ...: -J....1 1. ... ,. H. 1 ""s u-.e.i., e.oi.uu-soi,, v..., ...i-iii ...nit - --- - - m.. ts., ... .ei. "" .,... T.-l., 1..., l,.l ,1,. as a M ite, into the I nioti. Il.-r constitu tion allowed of slavery, The North objec ted to h.r comirg in, ml there v. a very d.itij. mtis excitement ibout it. At lonotli it was eomprnmised, ii this wny: it was a jr -ed that Missouri should t-cu, r in o a slave State, and that all the balance of the i.-ri.trvwe nan, shoia I . tnvi.leil t-V n "... . , , , . - '. -.i r ... i i ...,;.. c, i: K of ,: ... , J ., . , , I, t i . ... .1... ...il it..n.i tt.a a!.An..iic toLavc bIvcu it Northern wan to Nebraska .... I. c. it.... x...l. ...... .. sl..,.,l,...,. . .. . ..i . . : ... ....n.E...in K ... I. ...uu.v .o.ana ..villi, uuu i-ou.u-...i make linn praise it now more ' me .-inurieau panv, v.-mpviiu m oo.u , .... . . . , ..... .1.1. I- ... 1J . etice It he r, lovcl tlu pa-'v "iu v.o,ii ;ress. imi inn,, i!'-".,iu: m more than it deserved, may ho not be lit, .'"seems t- have had a clear idea of the tie too severe in his denunciation, now thnt f"-5'. yet he was utterly at fault as to the 1. .1.-1 i. :. 1 v .. J : l. 1.... ........ I lv. :r..ii-..ilr Then ho Kni.l the Whir l.altv .' , ... , i ' ...n .-,. ,t , ... ;i . nf nor ol a I crntory has almost cnti. moer-.f.e nini i. itiwi.il ir as ir ir nfi.i nor n eouni u. ..ou .no .n-. ju.. in..t.... v. . - . virtue in the world, mav he not think too that, the evils put down the Whig party. , II, Ul tin .Is that it b.i some virtue: iilav nu.: climate : ano theretore in- vitinj to slave owners. Nebraska is not suited to slave labor. In Ma v, 1 ") I, Con L'ress oreantzed a govcrniiiciit for these Territories. It then became ihe duty of the President to appoint liovernor for each of them, lie appointed a Governor for Kansas iM'th June, 1-..4. The Gover- power at Cist. Now, under these circumstances. line rit-ht throush it. aid that nil .--. .1.11 1 i' Vol now ho tl iiil-i tho n.-nioerat c nartv ""at sort oi a oovernor ouchl the rrest- ii .! it, now that he has loiiie.l it, and -Ana now lie thinks tne iMiiotranc pariy . , ' , -.,!. '., ,,,. n , rih T?,,r tl,.. truth is tl-it ,''"t to have appointed 7 It seems clear s that it L.i" some virtue? Mav not a can cure tne e ns. lint the truth is, ti. at i t i u a i it i,e ii ii men io prcsei v c peace uc uun n b ..... . i- .i.i. ... .. n that line should be fro. After this com. "Hie spare lavor inai ue may ,naru,y, ex- promise, the public mil I rested ipiieily. r''t troiu it, than it deserves? And mav not the com- ! tin' old parties. imau to Kansas; or, at lea-t, as that was menduhle vanity which he feels that he: I do not charge the Democrats, as such, " ' ""'" v.y - may not be tlMu'ol.t to be worsted bv thedth Abolitionism; but I do charge the shd, conservative, able man, dtstniguishcd exohanje, excite in him the allowable pride 5 administration, its party in organiatimi, of , ldr -deration and whose character .- i- .1 e. t,ii. ,,,' . v . ,c ,., ' would have teeu a guaran.t e of linpartiality ot exalting his new associates above any : dealing doubly, now as bcretoloi e, and that i ff ,- . , . , , . , ii. , , i ...i ,i,ii, ii ,i:,; :, fln,, . i ami lustice, to ai sections, and all interests, that he has had before, or that any one e se it has pandered to the A'ooi.tioti ii.tluence . J v 1. i . . ii . t 1 i l.,., . l tr . i l'Jt instead ot Ibat, ue st tit a Southern wi ever have b-rt-atter ? As to a that I , and 1 proceed to otler jou the evidence, i 1 i. . r i . . .-ii .,: , ,.i , i ,1, man to Nebraska, and a Northern man ami do not know, li.it this I do know, that, winch has stitislied me. 1 have already, .. . . . I...1.. r :.-. i .i.. - after bavin- made out a clear eae that 1 Given you the testimony ot Mr. (. .ingman , , .. ..iu "im-,..- wi uU, iriiioM,, mm uir ud'iihi a- - - . - . . , . , i I fl i' r Illllll OI no Wt'P'llOI L'UilrHCttT. auil. as .piiet. How much it is to be tegrot.ed tho country is about to .be ruined by for- that such was, n,,?ues,iona dy its po icy 1 mor urt,t u ,ur, a. that It could not remniiuiu et How much ,,-n '"""oiico, ui-ii-ni oi joining uu,s0 wno :-" t----- I ll.-l. .l.-f. I "!1 I .........1 1,.. I.t; .......nl. !. .M-.ll-O t 4 to l,o r..r. H...1 il...f ..no ,.... wouin siriKC down tnar nitiiictico. tie unites ' "a' " . v." m-- Here, then, you see. te had our iiuarrel and we compromised it, and divided out the w . .-i - .'. 1 1 , , in u inai iinv iiiiiii.-.u-e . iii r v l I .1 exlaimed P" . -1' tlio Carnival. r.xt-Use should be brought to bear, and disturb the '' '" w',"''l down thorn ; tuat they had one face .Nor.h and another honest purposes. Iut 1 will let the l resi dent speak for himself. Iu Lis Kainsas i . .. . i iii- nn on s i, ui.. i ' lint Ii I,. i a In. ii tn;,l it,,,, that wou.n itistoTi ot niaititaini ng the - lu,M- "c,v- ( - - iny apparent rud, ne-s, and believe ever "-'"on . quiel . I.nt It I...S beou said that, ., - ......... .;.,;. ,1 l.v ....i.sr ino-.ns unit.-.l the' " " t'v.r.,..r of the Territory of ha. ..a. 'Thesamc sir at vour service ' r.-nlied 1 yours. " AvruMo UvMtfc?" ! " The l.,nr l,. l,r. will nnr the lio,,', rest." '." ' ' l. ",,lr ., 'l ' i (.'holic votes '"" --vd . .. June V'ftl,. i.4. did not reach i in. time, sir, ai your sir. in , ripiicu.j"1 .i.iiu.mu .lu.wu. . come Americanized, he mute with those loreign ami lainone votes. . . i the der.pu..i.-d eat ..t gou-rnim nt until Tib tnsu- tLe captain. " alliant Captain ! ' cried Traverse, as Ami so it is that something La 1 n w ha maintain, that there shall bo no '"iffer-i I next offer the testimony ot the L nioti, j ,,, (., ,,, L,, r, au , ,, " U:vu j t ,aKe t,u 'It an., ear i-n l-,,ow ..... tar. I .b 1 the f.i.ndt turned lo r,.ni t!,.. r ,l.,. "roiiglit to Pear to break un th" " rest ol ence. even in bestowinc- the office w hich , the organ ot the party, as touons : nr.t u (. in its lec.i or.sni7i,ti..n. u,t ot ordrr- you to favor mo in return by disclosing !" 1 appreciate his moti.e ; ho bad no idea the people ! lie that it. what it may, govern the country', between a native-born j "The Kree.S il Deinocr at-c leaders t the North It IS nn 11 lib 1 1ln u-i.,1 um, tn.l Hot.om.a tl... 1 .. C... ..:.. 1...... .1......!. .!.... f..X .... m ! n ... u n... 1. a ,.,r . . . , .. ... w .. v ., v. ..v.. a.i 1.11. IU ll'l l IL, ' I'UI I . I KIUL'II 11 'll J I L'l I .. .... .. your iace : i um very anxious to know ol being centered like the Ace ot J-pades.' poorlo s ceiisnro. Mr Clin -man state that l,o l',.,.i;.l,, ..-I,.-. I,, I ...,-..i',.ll.. ;"'n. rnree it el 1 l,. i ... .it ( w hum I shall pay re'pocts for the honor you chance shot: repeated Traverse. . , ' ' influence as follows : 1 i ll jg- the et nsus, iinti so l.,le u day that the eke . t i.,.i ..I II in , era i f II, I i in. ili.i ,ot the ivnonraliepiriv ...no im, , , k . ,, ,,, .,.,. 3 leu , w 1. 1 no. se on n is in" . " ',. ; i , I I I ,- O , l.v. tl , , .. . ,' Asselllbl V rmr it cultivated, from the time when the earliest Im -I wren them nml the rest of the Deumrr il n did ine just now iu the presence of these la the distribution of the ntnei.il iiatrori.-i.-e unit Hi 'In i IU-.Mi.i-n l T n- CtiiM.MV Tho estimates dies. Kemovo Iho mask if you ploac.' j of tho Administration reveal Ihe fact that 'Not hero Captain, but you shall noon the expenses of our federal government for loom ul... r .... I n...,.r ., 1 ....... .ii- the present year will be seventy -one mil- ....... ..... . mi... & .. I U.I. . .. 1 111 . . , . - i: .. . v tium.rcil to one I'll do it again four ' running " ' I one !' said the captain. The second t hot widened the hole made y the first. The circumference of the third fwt ihe circle of thn io,.ii,l il, f.iiirili "''i nil tlnu you will know to.whoin to, when the highest expenditures of his ail l:'hh'u widened the aperture. The card ''''"o"' )iir cartel for I presume y ou con- ; ministration never exceeded thirteen mil- i, !,.,..! i . -i . ... , aider vonrs. If i.l1'r.iiit..il ' i lions. Fillmore, a iiuarter of a century wn baiide.1 rouml ai.niUt tin. adiiiirntio.i nf aiuer yoursi n aiirolileu. I1.,lr i. . .., unci, i. a-i ciii.i-.ii aim . .......... . ,v .-, ' 1 am to be louiid at my nuarlcrs in the . ' ... , ,. , - , , ' 1 : Pecan." , with the war debt upon his shoul- i:... i.i... ii..: . a .1 .. .. .!..:...,.. a. . . , . , . , , IIUIIS. .IOII1I Vllllll 1 .1U.IIIIS ...is ...i.e. I iioiii a iricnu or loe. 1 will seuu vou mv , . , . 1 .. ... .. i iroiu uuiee ny mo cry oi csiiavag-. -Ill . i . . . J . . . -. . j ..IU r trie Territory w as con -to illed bv the Act of "(ie,t n .tain h,., ,, run! rod by the force of school-Look was put into Ins Uautl, to hate .'uU-etio.. of arenl. th- admnusi. mic- tl..- .otrrn. j Vl-;rjlI j .,., tf llJU (kUi ..iiiianomd ii ..ii .nui- i ,,i s,x ,, i in ti i ji.i in. u- v , !iiimeist. poss, s. j OUT 111 - I I r 11 1 lolls. lllt-ui, , .-s c . .en. tt .inconi I s j.-r. n ... . .. ... . , " 1 -' l-nivmc, al..no Vr. (Tin--iiiai.' ri medv i this : Join the ' a I'"' '-'-. I ll ,1.1 n,'f lllnri. 1 ll. one a,, r... m , ,'i.ni. ... ... .. i.i.. I...I.I . ..........e .. i.. -I . I-.,....., ... .... ... ....... ei ...ry, a c. ,. . - - It... .1.1 ..!.. .. ..... t li.,r... . !ir or. . r. litiotilsm. lias, liie l.-ai.ei O. l.ie ! -a . . .a in vw.ij... , I is heut a rol!,;'rli , t ri.li.t lit, viiihout any Ux ti ve a nt her it v, w ith. ut lee:. I I.: w . and of course. lis ol .io. I . ......... -.. , .. ... i ... -i. .1 l I .... ,tl... ihrt l...a,n.ini- .it il r. I ,11, . .. .., I j ....i. e he! 1 in -I I . I' . 1 I - . ' t i .11 111 I lUllL. II pally UliU SiriUC HOI. U UUO- : m. oni . .u . ( v . . ..ai..r.ui i aiiu yuu- After going on to show how cruelly (hose i ;nice, o oompauy Tr rravcr.e smiled as Lo put the card io Lis ' cavlll7 l",r'"-",l-S hither I am going direct- j jt.r,( ie Sp,,h, bi,y miliions. lint in tl, ' pocket. i l util wo meet again, sir, farewell.' y ;nrs this economical " Deni.ieral.c adn Mr roitiniK. Is .1 is .T.iin tlio l,i,nr!,'qn poop,,, are troatcrt by l-.tiglaml, -Mr. I ling- tv ,,, s,, ike down for, ignistu. which is man proceeds : tl,,. ,',,ai ,-:iUs(. v .boliiionism. These ,,,,, ral.le laborers are inain'y ri,L.i,.: I j ,., Vl. wo ol-i.-.-tioti to Mr. Clitlgtna'l' III the cultivation ol tropical proem tnin. to sup. 1 . ti . - .i . .1 i .. ,i. , i ,- ,i i . . , .., . I reined v. Ihe hist s thnt tho adiiiimstra- piy ttu- th oi.nid ol lb.: iniirkels ol (.rr it Ilntm,.! . , aim limsc ol her riistoiner.a. Ii was ecn. howev. 1 party I U'ell an evil, and does not do-e.-, t!,.,t oiving t'. ilu-,io, rn" skill and . in ri v ol 1 sire lo aeeolnpiish what is proposed. And irec ihe South, they w.re able, by meant of alive la. i j the in xt place it is powerless t. do it.cvca ...io. I,.,r. I.. nn,, .......... . .:.... a. .. ... I ... . : .' . ' It bcinu chared in the North thut the Km., j "1-'r tiyt,. tU rnmr. b.u-aduf bill wjit. fiivoiui lo to .slavery, be rott c- the lueord New lhiuijLire rutiioi.cn 1 1 t h February, WJ4, a- IuIIow. : Why .: tin y ittt t.t.itf tin- m ilt- r truly, ami cl .it ti..t ilt'ptnn i.if t-uuntry itrrtit.m, hy ic .v. tiit ;m-'!u r (' t'tly !t . tv dH tin j. ( ;--a Ajain, in a ictch in the Sii...iv- I'Mh fvis.iitr ciMii.uit .jm!.hh.i, rtjiii jiiitiinc tor th , nis i nt r if tn j-rrvt'tit or cnuitt rct live ttiMiif. ftt'M In iiit 4j;tlit Inch etrt .prniic lu cxiit in ai) iin-'rfrt'tiy )Tjrinzt .1 anil iitwly apitit tl ccm cutiil t-M, -iin.M i i inn attetilmii tn be tiii rti d 1 1 'in ftl'u .-ii i'.'.... tun hy iil..r vby c !n, mm li'm. . '' 't .in r impif ol' ti.. vi..l.,tHin et' law in tl-c iv inrip iTtoc of icts w lu-a-li rt iii.i r .: it my d ui v ,n tiU' stqufl to rt'imiVf (inn trttin i tl.rt." ataW.,. I lu I .....t . .. . I- f TIT - I . l.tlv. ' I a I. .. . I I I ' I , - . ... . t , ... r i nnrti'i i j um nv iuci t nzaiu. p i . ixii-Hn . v ' ti rM iiiiTi ii uiiiMini ill it dm i ui' u'iiiiiii '". 'iiunc rti'i.i n. t'lir. r rt-. a c. nf ,.iit: i-'. 1 i . i ' i .. h i . i f am .t i 1 1 n u ih-aiurt1 i x- . .1 . t .. . I " " . f .... , Iril,- in I f lutai la. 11 I. a I ' (lt'"llt-U I 1 111 0. ' ......v ... . , )" " , .'U" ( H I? I I1H t II 1 n '1- T T"Ut . If tllPV Ufr- f r "us is nothing,' said Le ; ' I Lave made j T ho atran-M-r offered his Land first to Tra-. J.""1'0" D ron "rp P j , .V,. Tlie Hr,,," ,lk;;, And h.-r.- I rema.k, that I have no .,ar- iiad prevailed, ; ,n. why would the .'resident say they arc' Utter shots. There is nothing wondcrful'i Tt r,u n,"l t''U 'o Lis friend. Then with SfeJf'Oiie tutliious. I- . ' ' .c,u, il..i.,i, j,. thr V,-tt l..d... .-uit.vai.-d hy r.-l with IVin.icrat. a such. I am eo-ope- i - The whole of t.-miory ncquirci from Is it true that the i vernor of Kansas II it I Ii.- i : a -,i .. . low h.iw on ui, V ,.r,- , .,o. ... I i V E ' " ""' """ '"" "' "' r r,'s' , r-'D"-'. ami am proml to eo -pperate. ith on'.''.. .0101 ai 11, .in.. ..-m-.1 u, .... a . oiilil not go to In post until the licit f 1 nave lived with the Pistol III inv low ll0W n" ' ' uxt'ini s u um tltis.l there w . c....... , r.i,... 1,. ....,11 ..... . . 1 . , .. ., ... ...1 t..,.j.,m f.,r,, hv . ...i.stiiu'i..nai t.r... ......" i . . r '. . jk-,,1. ' 'li r.t :., . ..... I . i aaeriticr .( ti.a u i i. . ."..', . ..... j t ho ti s;i n s ui tin-in lo accomplish it great, ' ' . -' . 1 .-larch ; or a meeting ol the n, en,!, ers unta ' tniMLii i.ini. . nu iii.iii.s ui vi. inns ,, .,,,;,, , .-. . : co Jil. 1 iut the ailuiuiistri. I ion pnrt v. us or umr ;! mi su..,oi,, .... . .luiv : 1 it true that j 'Do you understand the small sword al Bcnor,' asked tho lancero, carelessly. j Indifferently well,' replied Iraverse. I A hat do i'tain. you say to a bout?' asked the W ith all my ha.rt.' Alvarex smiled, aud aignaled to an t dant to bring the foils. II. offered the Atierican his choice. The youm laeu laid 4d their ctieto. Trvcrj W tho llail i F.ncL uf Lis comrades exhibited St,'P- , fr' I.-T-T.,e friends of M;: good.' lint the administration party, as the same II. Sedgwick are exceedingly anxious to , cr.. -lav.-, m n,r ,-st lini,.-, and thereby re. ; gani.eil, is a great evil. And such is I r tw t stately curiosity, and tho two Americans ' ll'1"11 wl"'r" lie is.,'t V"""1' or 6've nuch . :..r.. U..I1 .,1.1... .I.i.t.l 1.1 tl... .VHV vo motjlLs wero left ttlonu with the ladies. .Manucla information as will place thi-ni iu tiie way to (md him. He resided at Chicago a uum threw herself into the arms of Traverse, and . i,,. 0f jenrs ago, and was connected w ith Wept upon his shoulder. I one of the first daily papers there, after 'Oil !' she exclaimed, 1 1 wish that I were i "'i'';'' wcut tarihvt west, and alt traces ol bun hat been lost. 1 uiiihiii-i-.i 01 papers who wi'.l copy this paragraph will confer a dead. I have brought this on you by a thoughtless act and he will kill you as be has done so many others. And what will your pour niadic do wheu tho Lc&ri lliat favor, and information may bu addressed to llobci t Sedgwick, M0I1 nc, Lock ulaud coun ty, Illinois. , the! man as to what tt wis, ami the promise o! , ,;H. Temt iv was without law,, and in latiy of tho best Icmo-I'hc I moil as to what it would 1.0 it -'r-i .tate of anarch v ' Is it true that durin- crats iu the la-id ; and such has been the i "-'ree w. re eiected, and ot .r. 1'uugla as , )lis ,;t . ,1 p (l 0V,,rtl0r w;1 , orleotir," hi llnee,. lue lat.m.l In a State..)' Ronrml oel.v.. r m in .,t a .nut. m-i i vi. . ., ' . ; 1 . r . .-,.r iiii an irr m.irirm n ir.i nf ftiini. . lift I fn inrfm ... I ...i.J a'.... j. . a . '" ' '.".' ' 1 ' "'" '"""' M - i'i:... ...1 ... .in. t. to the nui no jo ot us measures. 1 1,1 now .1 1 1 :.. .1: ...11. ojii.xo.i.i .iioiii.. 1.. .in c-iiii'ioii 1 1 - 1 1 iiuiii . air, eiii;;..'. 111 ii,-ir'iiiaia' j:r;ic- lnm in li.tj ininnrr, i irH-elinu. if lh 1 was ae. compll-neil, lo he iit.lo to all.iplv thn world, st l.er "m l- 1 "g""1 " mi-en uiiueji give the course of the I'rc-ideiit biuiscif. jtices? The Preside! t sivs so, and the own prices, wiiii tropical pro,! m tiuna iroiu her asststam o ot .nr. i lmguiaii, tnan wnii-ii.t 1 on w 1,1 observe that I Pave shown the ; 1 resident ought to Know. I lien, answer ureal l.istern possession. " 1 wherever I can have it, I desiro not hing , r-romi.se of the I'niou that the Free-soil. -rs I me this nocstion. W.v.i'. fie tiol initore bettor; because it will l.e acceptable and j should be cared for. Well, noon after Mr. ! hint t Was ever such state of thing Mr. Clingman states further, that Em-- land regarded us as a rival, and sought means to alienate the North and South,. md break up the l'nion j aud tln u Le proceeds as follows : weighty with thoso who maintain the con trary. In a speech which Lo made iu the '.'sili Congress, to bo found iu Con jtresional tjiolt:, il. 11, P-go Mo, ia .sp.o.Licg of was instruct d ft put l'l Fierce went into office, Mr. F-ronson, Col-1 heard of I eforc ? Suppose, my fellow citi- lector ot the I ustonis at New lork, an ol, lice of great responsibility aud patronage- C Tr ions, that for twelve months the State of North Carolioa. were without laws .mi IrJl.. .1. 1 .,).,'il.a. j. d.J nilt-a 1

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