A 9 19 i a !, rtf . a., ZTiisrin 17, 125s, THOHAS J. HOLTON, KuiTUK k 1'HOl'llIJtTOK. TKUMS: T'e Nr 1 1 -t roi itm hip will lintTertlol lntnil, l TW'tt ImiII.aKSim .:ti,i,c-; 'r u : hicli would l,ave startled tho wildest im- Knvoy Extraordinary and Mini-tcr PI, nipo IMl.l.AtiS AMI ll.TY I..NTS , f p.,-,,,, ,., i I uginariei. of Alladdin with hi magic ramp, triiiiarv of 1..T Mj.-ty tlm Queen ol the- VTiT YAVt'' ,tCU!ati" f knillt f lT..it-d'Ki..?.Io, ofCrcat Britain Ire i:,mii .I u!inl H nr'rraruj;.-. un-.uiJ, ix. t at ti.e , L"11, , , bind near this Government. In making U'll"ll I III I.UIOT. A.lv-rl villi nl" inm-rlol nt Our IlnMnr jm r n(iir ; )o in - i-r K -a, Ilua a. ti lypt ) Ihr lite f,r t mat r. frin, u lit! US ft nlm lor eel, cortiliha,.,'.-. I ii It rl I'll- j I" "- ' I- '-'- " I"""-'"' ,', un v ;.i r. nli I iu..n: lor mcli tin. v. J l'IM.lmJl. r are uuthmuul lii art a ojinl. vt rli-cn cma uiiii ni.trm a ... a i,aiK ... I'ruiii our CuiriM oi!.! !. ClIAHLI.'luN, Jun 1, 1 -.'i0. Tlie ranir" of jHin.ii. r liy t'ol. 15rook i ati.l "'( t I ie ot roau'r ii it, all oinU". j ...... nun I,. it, i heel, lull llirmi" .out lb M; t-. an I thanks m,H fai.ru i..f rofamtu. I i 1 1. ... .,il,..r I...... . ti.e hrnto u,l fliifshir rrprrcl:tativr from I H i' 1'aSui. tto State. And ee0 mnio of tlm ! n on M ii-itoe and teiipurat Northern jour- I I !i imr eommiiided lirooka for the pen- !tv he ii.fltrr.-i on thin ral.id a!.olitiiii-t. ! f r I. is f ul lalld;r of the Slate uritl its v. I- rral.u J-etiator. A fold hea. led raiio worth t: y ! im, and n pa-r of du.-iiine pi-toU 1 it" l eesi mil ou to I im j hit lii. nd?. in ( I. ul--t- I., to 1 e u t 1 if I.. i'f.)-srv, in te;ich iiij N ilf-r n ahuiiiioni-it to i.e civil and re- ft"'! 'I to, the : out It an I her citii.int and Hi I I itlorn. I fie t'.t the CollilliHt -t: that .n ap point-. I to in t -rtite the :r alter, ha us r. r .niriii-iidcd l,is i xpul-ioit, Lul 111- fiiciid.4 L. r bare no ft ar ul any aueli re-u.t. It app.-ar that a iia,i;-e fatjiily to ha lt, ,1' :ile Ii4 iieei.ily I., en haitin ; uw r our il, v j'eil itly. 'Ittoiut'ii eie rerrntiv jhot. ., f wh .in i .Mi. .lend, and tiie other ,o t.rut.aolf iKia r r.c.ver. And iluriiit1 l!f l,"ay idow rn Saturday Ul, .ever.il fi-l.ir..- lot were eapMit d in our l.arl or, ai J to Vil.itr m i n and mi neuroe ere dr-ivtliej. M rtcvira! '.tl.cr. liairunlv ia- c a;. I lh-. .line .30 fate. 'I'ht M itilttii. IJouc on Sullivan l-datid formally opened li Monday, under the m- i'ii-t and immediate direcliou of Wan-' . M,er, th t aperi.-iired and arcommotla- t i ropfietftr of lltf 'har!c-tm Hotel, nnd nar .-ittn.-u.. are a. ready Utikini h CfOwoa Ij laat I r Ian, i , J ami popu ur auinuter re- rt. 1 think tlial the pre.iM flat of feel i fii-iltjj letweeii the Noilh and the fjat'.i, flioall iiiiucu ear cititeli t ) peud t:.. r u.r.iiet at Watf ting places Soulii of Ma- i un 1 I'ixou line. 1 am not now, and le v. r n, an ultr di-um oiti-t ; in ..thi-r ril. a lire eatt r, I nt I go iu for .landing up ti our ri.'ht. and difeiiilmg thciu at all l,j,,dp, ami to tiae l.ft t-xtreu.ily. 1 Le clouila have never aetnied more datk an 'Lthrcatriiing tlmti tiiose which now loner in "ur polities! aky, and the di.tant muttcr i".' ' f the deep toned thii'.der j.r'end a ft tin lit h hieh the patriot', heart ma y re II quake fur tiie c -n-eq icnccii. 1'ut the Soutit. i! fie- i wi-e arid prudent, ti'l holtN in her I.svl. thtj p mer to demand and ol tain equal r:.lii iu tiie I'm in, or iudi p. ltd. nee out of it. 'I ! battle La already l-czuo. JiioutI h is l.'li piit at the Federal Capital, and the Northern populace Lave heeti wrought up to a frrnxy of luadiie'S. The nt Xt gale tiat i"" from ti,. plain of Kam i may Lring t i ar ear tho ela-h of rtoundlng nrnti. 'lh war hi already l.egun, aittl in the lan- cur. e nt II....... I I. t i. . a-, i i t J he eoti-tnu ..em 1 1 he i.iev ilalie, ami the .. . .!... ; .t... i..,.. , r... .i... v 11JI1 . j I lie fiHonirig i an extract from a letter t I at Alt hiii on, and written l y a mem ber i, I the fe-olid Company ihat went out If. in ll,i,ci,j. It br atl.ct the true fpiiit and del. nuiiiatio.t that nctuale. the lat a-l I every Caro'iinittii rctT. f ntative upon the f K- :iin. Such men may be cm to ; c-- -Htuiii,!a;cd; but they can never be l"",'''cr"'1- I write yon in batr, we aro onlcn d t ) i' in h in nn Lour time to I, awn ne ireat tuetii. prevails iu our luidt, we .etnrt t i act in il, fctn-e of tbe rigLls of the South, a I I f.,r i-.n. p'.de you my w id nf l.on- ' r, that I wi,l tli mi fhae of lighting, I v "to ou Ve 01 ,"ay, nntl t-ai ! in that letter ta il 1 del not believe tl,ul ! a lint II to be Mint Ly an nbo'lliouictt. Farewell, if I re- tun from the ti. hi of duty unrat!n d and :'d ri - lit, I vi'.lat on.e iufjrin you, c." , "i elf. (I. V. I an, fnlle ,lvnr ,!,,, thi. ii a f.t iv aware that thi i a fa-t itgc- fi-t. p.ihip., in vome respect, f, r the; lot tl people who live in it. llatal i'... r Hanks sal 1 of tl.e I'liinn, " b I Lt r ''. ' and uiiL-f. she burst a boiler and s all s.board. she will only im t iu I oit the 1. i ' ,ii r l'ro.'re',re I le inocrac v , Maniff-I I' -tiny nnd Youii Ann ,iea, now form the t t anil triiimv I, ate in which i botiini up tiie o.'-lii y of tho world, or at It 1st, of the WY. '"i hctiii-phere. And firhn it from ti.e ' ' a,t,. t t ri,;;L. ,i e w LirUin I, rui L tho i irerrii, tempest, or 'lock the who I of the or, I h preat pro.'rcs. I would rather fa ci i I ite inn 't.r b y sti id in the aval an eh, or b' api,, abttr.rd the express truin of huiiinn- ' that is tLtiiidiTin over the gieat air line r ailroyl f i i f-, and tptir the swift winged -lit, linn into greater speed. It would seem "''' in these latter day of progrcs ami re form, th;,t thi. world ha been converted in (o inammoth wholct-ale w arehouse, ami that ' fowits, kintrdoiti am! contineiit are now broiii-ht and mltl, ami numhered among the ordinary article of roinmeier. I Lave born led into this rather cxtravi fint train of tliought by seeing an adver tisontotit in one of the inoriiinrr paper with he f.liowinj sig;rti(i.iiiit heading "Siit ' 5 ld.tn.lt,, r, l.-' Nw this would really "tnke art old fogy a.t rather an ixtensiv'e pro,,,.,,,n a(1( c v,o.e niat'iiilineiiee J r i oul.l aotiicwhat ralculated to Martlo r- v ' II th ' J'ow'aS luouaUclied, go ahead, ad- vocates of kIpbui and ligbtijinir. An htnml .F.ELATICM3 with CR2AT BSITAIiV. to rtvt ; and one too, on which is growing1 up a Urge mid populous town, murks un 1 Wahhisotiis, May '-'!), 1 -"Q. I tt in thu progress of (l.e material universe Tv Ihe Senate and Huns, of liepietentuhcrt : of which OUT fathers lillle dreamed, arid T l.nvi ccr,.il tnhnbl mtcrcmir,. with tli AS11LKY. Washington, Jane 4, 150. I t , . i , ur iiiuiiieiriiil . lection took D UL-e on Mar.. , ..J, oonir.ry to .!, very tofide,,t ex- .. emtio,, of ,Le A iiu-t ! rr. .w.,t,., , t I.c fo, inaliuu of tlif Ameiiean pally tl,ey , lif fail, il to t!ert tljiir CilulitJuti-s tor of- uro in ii i-. .iiy. ijut wLiler gntw ul i .. . ..ii. . .. r . .. . -1 - ... ... nr i. in i, unu net now aiij-e I nil il wan uu- ixf i cli ii, r.c rn.l.i.t he Mirpri-i-d thereat. 'J Le i,iil(j'i;iLt! of :hc 1'ic.si li iit uml Sen. le masoned a.'iiint u, wLiU thr.t of the Hou't;, where the 1 'ourki . ( t r ant! (,'ii-ik are Aui.-1 ic., has lu thein u-ed in our l4or. j;vtry office liold.-r, from tlie head . of 1). par tnsi nli. li.jwii U l.iborem and roal- i L avtr ie coihim lied to vole iI.b Au.ciii'fi ii ticket. Tn many cae. it "" mice a'ceitaiinJ ,o-e reritons ui-re ""l -t.tjtl-l to vote; ., j ea- tUrv eie T.-l.-et-iJ hen eh-.!:.... ....1 ' ''u ru" ''ia-.n, Loii.un f l'atertt- a oue " ' l.uu.hrr, and ackiiowlrdirvd r..i-id.T l.ii i-. 'f a citiie.1, of clt.V. bat of the Stale of Iowa. Willi "r' " fntrti. with, the won 1-r to me i, inai any u. lei Miintil Le iiide, ami ti,,: j H'.ot!; I -t .vi,, and I. t tlie. a '. -i i -ppo.-iliou 'hould . phi iitl uot c!t Liini-ti alioli any, i:n-e nti-ii j.,a, r.ile over sou 'lite votu f-riaor iti M.rul. Nicht, J.IIT ; lor lliii. Ainriic.-ni, ", I ; ii. .i it v (or Mjiij.l.-r ilnrt.i ,, 'i her it -uine tali, of Co,, I. -till i ti, eleetioll, and : e .:.:.. t . . . . ... it nil-. i uut.e our cantiiuie in ay I the lei t.lic.tle. i! it at iir.vri.te cue i t n v f oiue romlorl left ; we atiil h tve a majority in d tin ii t.-irtta ol oar city coiiiiei!-. o that chou'.d lir M titrit l.-r he the Mi ir ! ho uriah, c to g.-l iit) of Li puity mea.urca t',,'"-''- ' ur i-ommin. e i tne iion-e to invcti upon Mr. "te "uU of Mr I!to,k ' " r "I ' rl' " in l norol fheix- I u.-i oil of Mr. Uiook. I he minority of l'"ll""l,,v "u: n.aiie a report nter Lite in., He a report .it ''."''i''? '!," i tfuilty of a l.u-a. Ii of j rivih'.-e. 1 here v ill Le u ) action on i i lr r' l" rl '!' e. k. " e li' 'tttr N-.iionnl Co iirriit-on, " 'on at t'iiieiniiati, are hm in.a rry 4oi my l.tnc 'I he i rineip'e cau-e of tllffi n-: .ii liein.' t.,e ar pi"T3nce of two .eta of delet-al. from New York and Mi otiri 'I he t out .nt ion Witi ei iitno ,,,ly rr:-,n-il- d Ly the uppoiittiiieiit of Join Ward, r,f I i, oria, a-t l'resid. i.t ; It-dliti lomr, -f North Caro.ii. a, and thirty other Vic I'reniiiei.t ami a large n imler of Secrcta rie. A r.'inuiittee i.ri the plat'.rm lii I ro n ajpoiiiletl Lut La I, -t j, t r. p rted W i! L ive b.illiilii fioin Ciiieiiiha'.i Ivt.-'e- giaph to-d iv. Lett. r. from there av that '' Ihiii. us t. -udiiij; t ard tl.e Doiniiiutiou of M r Hat li an an. The Utter of Mr. Mi rry di mi-t-intr Mr. Cramptoo, ha Leeii pur ii-ticd. A to ll.e ju-tiee of tin. M.-p on the part of the rop er, it, let, I there are variou opiiii,,'o,i, Sen ior 'I oon. I t L.inicli-rit it a ut jii't. con sidering that the lliiti-h g Vi rr.int i,t ha a--..!..jri,-.i f l ,i r.ot.iiii. r It if thought I y ma, iv, to le in, r.-ly a olilienl n.oe on the p ut i-l I'ieree. Sciat-.r Sumner i. slowly rer'tn tin; l,i health thoUiiU Le ii not yet able to k-ave In room. A linn t amed John K-ex ki'l.-d an.ith i r iiatned J o i i le v on Peiinf Ivani i avenue iftr!,v. II- i t:i ,-vi i, -let!, no i while in he u-ti!v if . ,. 1 1 1H I,,' ' It: d.-in: m I 'on we. k, l,iot of the l'cu.o-ralif uL iiiber It ing III atu-tiu4i.ee at the convention. iu;' int'ks. M..f.K I'la ttliu!- )i ru.Ai If The Tan pa I't niiiMilar, ot 1 1 e 1 1 I h i n a nt . n th ,t a! ot. t dark on t1 e v.-tiino of the I lih, a liiittil,, r nf Iinittto. lir.,,1 .ir,.i ,1,.. inn.n i( , r)l,.Vi j., , rl,ai,Jo county, and ki,let! two of' hi chlblr.ll. Oil the I.th the -nine band of . avug.-, a. ia snppo-cil, attacked th.! tmin carrvinj proii-i...: to the Siale troop, fi nn Tampa to I -1 , j. i I; - irtiu, twelve tni'e from Tiiu p i. I he trai.i wn. gu ild. ol by fa ir w'.it.. m,-n, a boy und a neero man. WLilo watering tin i r horse, the Indian. Liu.lt it in a tho 1,1 t close by, fired upon tin 111 and ki.lt tl the boy ; the next liifdinr ;e the . " f ill er, Stirlini- by name, n killed, and iinine diati ly after man nameil Honeh fell Iln.son w:if hot n.-ro. ti.e breast, but pot "P"" ""' ''"if.-, r.n l cfc-,p,ol, :,s the negro titan. 1 1 alhi-bl , the f .mi lii "iiai d , flood under rover of the wragotis, nnd k. nt the I ml i;i tih off until he. bad loaded ami fired five mule. tin,:, lie tLen c.-eaped on a A tint Ii ( INK () KI! TMK I.KIT. A few day a sinet! one of our luii'troad Agents, a In tit r feliow than whom doe- not " live, move or have h, Lt ilij,' received a b Iter futlil a eelitl, mail in in Il-LIioi iug f it), inqniriug for rt trunk, which had Lren mifplaced or lo-l, atlding, by way of ilesci iption : " The trunk hit A . Ii.' nun ked ou the li lt end." here upon Le r. ctivcd lro;u " Alt'" tlie follow in answer : " Aflcr a careful ins pectimi of all (be baggage at this dtpot, and very mature ue liLcralioli thereupon, wo are of the o inioii that both md, of your trunk are left.'' TlT (.It TAT. The edit ,r of the Albany Herald says that he one,- knew a wild wld-lthe ovv who cut out her own tiiiiighler in the good grace of her lover, and married him 1 her-cll. loot. tain revenge tor tins mean, uiiinothelly trick, the daii-hlir s, t lo-r cap! for the younj luaTi'a rich lather, of whom he wa.t the only heir,) nntl actuallv married him, and Lad child,, n. to the iiifinite annoy ance of tho other partie-. This occurred iu (Juoudagu county. -t.ur. communication of tins fact, It. lias been deemed by mi; proper ulo to lay before l!iinreia the ronidcratiotixof indi -p'-nsal le ....I i: . ,1 ... .. i ... i.- .. .1.. .: I'luilij uuij wrmi Bit' ru u ill' u'ii imdu ', , . . , ' ' I"e."KU, " '"U . V . n tr,u , 17 ' ,t,,?,,,'1' " tr"L,1" MIA III.ULJ. , .. J.'r. M in v In Mr. DtUrni. l'il'AKTMKVT StaTT, ) Wa-!iin jtou, M ay V!T, I ? : 111? 1'ro-id. nt Ii n - can fully eon--idered the note r,f the :;ill, ultimo, a 1-dre-rj to you l.y the i;,nl of ( 'hireiidoli, lo'r J ij.ty I'riiicipul Si en t.iry of S:;ite for Foreign AfTiirs, relative tj the iMetion v l.i'h linv! n r i - f ' i hitmen this tiowrn meiit and tlmt of (ireit 15, it iiti on i1io:i!j- cr. .iiin.' nitliiii tlie I.'nit.-.'. St ites f r the I!i itl-1, t. r in iJ L i dir cted i '" v' 1 U' 011 v '"' ''"'"' f'T the ' ''' 1,1 'l ill' H.-ln li.aoe ki, 11 10 il' r s ''overn.iieiit. ! 11.- ti l I eetl lunch ertttll.e-l ! tlie C'Ml- ci!i tior vpiiit of that note, ami I vtht t'e , -iie m uiile-tt d l y the Iv.rl of Car. mi u to a lju-t tint rxi-tiug dlfficultm and t ipr.--ff.-rve and ft, .-nt hen the t:in lly relation 1,1'Ui n the I'nited State mid Uieat l.;.'i .l.iin. '1 he v rt -1 iitt.-ri ft which the (loverii ( un nt and p ojl. of Loth rouutrie have in l upli tl'itiiji anl chcii-hni.' mi.-'.i , cain.ot l e more aolctniily i't pr her M - j. -ty .a v-.-r, -it thau that of th" rioted St. t-. i , ion -.-.d Lp "11 it ii upon ly her int. ntion iir.-gnd f o tri i n I Ii'! uiicj v i t; il tli-claiiiter M ,j. -ly r. 1 1 o 1 1 i.iio nt of " any eilner lo inlrliii;e the law, or t; lii. p ,!i.-i , or not t i i e pert th-? il.t i f tin- l iiitel M itt .-,'' and tin ir tx- J" .t-iou nf r. ict " il contrary o tlnir niioti.- and to their reiterated direction-, I.t tin r .-f lh. I 're -t li.if hei-n any intringriiieiit of the la m l uitetl .State.-'," are alifai:loiy lo the lent, 'i he uroiitni of con, ido i r.t . fO far a it-peels Li r Majesty a (Jovtl iiincl.t, ii tita- It iito'.e.l. l.-l ti.e I'io-i !.-nt cjstr.-ii,. ly re.'rett t'tat he C J lite I Cel I r ill L il ti C , a It nil oil ' fa '. or al 1" f jiiiK.it of llf cc'idiict offline of her Maj- .-ty a ollut r- v- ho Here, u thi- liovern ii. i nt L. lievctl, anil, alter due Coii-i -ern r ion of ali which l as Ltt-ti .-li .r. d in their tie teiicv, o i,l Lt l.eU'., itiipitc.tled in proceed -inj.s "h,ch it i-re aoileaily i.n ii.ltti.g.-ui.iit at tLe iau ititd .,. i..i-n rihl e f lit coiiiiy. In I. fj ett to fi,, h of t!.. -e ill -i t rs a,-.,! a,, i t a. Inne no connt i I . n with tLif I . ov t I lt.eiil it ha nolhiiig to afk from that ut I. or M.ij.-.tv ; but liie cafe is d.iler etit in r, 1 tti-ji, t i Mr ( an pton, her M j.-.. IV. KliVoy Mill for ii;t try mil M,l.i-,er I '.ei. 1 1 ite .it i ar 1. 1 II. i ( ' . rumen-, a in! ll.e 'oii-ul- t.f Nt .1 Vol',;, I'h'latie I Ma and Co.t n.nati. pi r, , c tl TTe I'r. -:tii i,t is (. r .. l . -.; . J t ) it hi r Ml'.e-tv' ( ioVel nn, I lit would not Lave l.ei.,te.i to comply wiih the le-t t i v.llhdraw t,.--t! ofl'.et-is frt.i ).-ition if it h ail enlt i t aim d tak. 11 of their Cot.il n-t in I e- tL.ir ..-IT tl." V irM uril to n t railing contr.uy mil irn riht. of lL" l',,:t I i. Jii't lv le-i d ay that the I a t a and St .ii 10 III!, I : tl,! request no iniei ruptioi, of the tlij i,,.,at:e i relation between this (i ovcrnna lit and ihat .ofl.reat rit ,.i n w a amic'p. teil ; but, on : the contrary, the Pi Cfiiii lit w as a nd is sin ct ri ly ilesii oii to keep them up oi a mo t fn. i.dly ftin'. Mr. Cran.ptoiiV v.ith diaw.ii was ii-l.ed for expies-iy upon the gio md that " Li e. .urn )iio-i with tii.it alliir i rai-n.g i, er.ullf in thi country fjr.lhe le ;li-ii s . rv icel ha I'.-n l.-rod htm an una,--! it ii t.ior representative of In r In iianuie j M.ij ty m ar I io.-. 1 1 ov or i, un nl.'' For the sain... r.-a-on the withdrawal of the lime i lit I'.i-h t' .ii-aN w as also i i ii ted. Tlo -e j cthcei w el , , a - ti. i - ' .' ovet iiniei.t coniilei.t iv belie, c-, tlnji'y implicated ill ,ioc". .i iii.'s e..iilraiy to the law and soveni.-u rights ol li,e 1'i.iied Males, and roiilrury, ; a it now appear, to the iiitenii mt a.t.l icit, ratutl ins, rae;iti,s f iheti o.vn tiovein tnelit. It wa-i tuir peis oial at ts, ct i tain! y . b.-t the b'f ohj. ctiouiil for having been untie e.oitl ary to l lie il.rntioii of lor Ma-Jc-ty M'.ll.-lt lS, which r. I.di-red ti.eln, ill ; lii. ir ofiieial chaiact. rs uuJ position-, unae- ,.t..t,; lo li.it lioveihiiu til iii 'i-nt, fnr that c lil-i , t i to'it :i tin tr he w a -t It 1,1 lie has li, hi . Il leci'l, I -lie. in u that by this to ir-e coLitnhuiiiig Ij the common int,r li.il in , l iy o. ll.e t.vo 'i .vol nil. .'lit-. ii ', alter the too I in t.iie tii.l . rath aide to dial go in- v ir and cannot, cit ltie his of tin ir cm duct, puri ise iu It l .linu to tio-iii. lliouj.li ilit ir coioln.-t rel.itt il to it I . tl iu fact oiigMiuicd a tl.llieully which di-ttirbttl t'till l , ldl.ll hallll. ny Mini good tiiitierstaJin lelwe.u the. t o count! ie-, it constituted a decided ul j. el lul, lo them of a personal chat -icier, which lo e none of its line. 'by the satisfactory u.lj i-luieut of thai ililli.-uliy. 'I he only embarra-si:i, iit which attends ti.e rase is the tlulor. nee of opinion between t l.e two I .overtime nt - as to t he rotnp.icity of these ollict r in illegal proceeding within the I'liitetl States. Ill reviewing this soil jtet, the Piesidetit w a.-ili-po-cd to KVi.il him-ell of any reasonn ble doubts which could be 1 al-e.l in hi n.in 1 in ordvr to Lii no his opinion iu this rc-pccl into conformity with that of Lt-r Majesty' (lovcrnini nl ; but, titter earelul ri coii-idcration of the c.tte, In" L i be, n un able to cliaii".i) the conclusion to which he had previously arrived. This tl. flert nee of opinion may be, in s'. nie dcoree, a-enl, ed to the tlitterence ni lew ot the t w o I oveinments Hi respect to the iieutt alit, law nud t no soverngii rights ot mis country. Hi' not prope-en, iinwcvci, ,,. t .iitiiiu.- the di -ru-on upon that su, j.ct 1 oe c n- clusion of the I'lt .sitlcnt slated iu my ilrs pilch of the -Mil f Pet-ember, to your predecessor, in regal d to lite con-tructioil uf that law ami the ehai acler and , xlel t of ll.u.-u lights, tvLuaiu uucliuuned, and ho cannot forego the duty ofu-ingall proper mean to sustain ami limn-:. to thiin. '1 he main cause of this .1 i fi.-r. nee of opin ion iu tl,n ilitt'orelit 11 ,,,, t oi-i . t i , . n .I' fl..i proofs by which tha ehai;.tt agitinsj her Majesty diplomniie rtjiics, ntative mid consul nre sustained. I Lord Clarendon ask thi-fiovcrnmclit to regard th 1 ere dcclnrirticns ol tl ?e (.flic, i as of sijflii.j,.t weight to eountt rvnil tl,, evidence against tln-m. Tin ir denials- as presented in hi de-p.tch of the llh of Apiil and that is nil whi'h ha i.ecn coin uniiiieiited to thi ("" i im-nt on tl.e sub j..,., t-eem to Le sj.ife-c' '.,d do not traver.-c ( all the allegations ngin-t thcin. 'Jln-v deny that they have ii.fiiiigcd our i.eutn.li f y law, by cnli.-tit g p, r-on will, in the ' I'nitnl State" for tie Iiiili-li service, or : Liritiir or reta tiing person to leave the I I. nil. 'I States for the put pn-e of I i-iiil.' enli--ted iu the servce. The charge. against them are much broadr, and embrace ti.e (fft-nee of violating th; laws i nl soveifigii ri.ht- of th" I'n ted State by setting in opt tji'r.it vi t Ii in our tt ritory, mid ((induc ting an fx'endve fy-tein of recruiting, which wus not and could not be carried in to , iT.-ct without inliiiit ing our laws nntl rights; ,y employing n mm rout agents to engage person, for ccuniai y or oil,, r eoii-idt-l alb. ii-, to leave (he I'nilt dStat (or (he ixpr. -s purpo-e of entering into the ll;iii-h aru r. and by kofiing th-e iigei,t iu till-empbyi, lent after it wa-well known that they were coa-t :t,tly ii.l'.iijeing our laws. ' Tie denial of tbe in plitnt'd otTicer otdy com r a part of the Y .ii qui - licit imputed t ) I belli ; I lit, confining the tjtsu'j.-toiy tie duration to tbe simp'' charge of having violated the provi-i.,ns of nur neutrality act, it no..- not tm rii the i-n,-iJi ration w!.i. h Lord tharettloii l.a t.-. til-. d to it. Ly a.i..pting Lo-d Ciareli'loii'- coio.i i ut-rion of our neutrality law eontainid in l.i- note of the 1 i.t I, of Novetnlir. which rcroier- it alino-t tiiigatorj, nnd i- contrary t- th-t of tin- 'iovernm -nt ami of iis jiitliel.il liii u-t;itl-, tln .-e oirr-ers have not prolo l ly founil much eniharriif-ii.t nt in lit, t tin- tlie cloil "t-s Willi a general denial. Jo.', giving ta t,p ,',-t larntieti of Mr. Craii plon and the Coi.-u'- .!! the cnn-iib la t: w hieh call be fair y 1 .ii.ied i'. r it umb-r tho ei'cuin-tai.i-es of tl.e ca-c. it ciii.n. t coui.ti-i balance the uniii p, .-.cln tl ; lid w. 'l sufl.iiiiitl tvioeltce which e-tabli-lie the chrg- again-t tl se eff ct I el 1,;,-, iiig in tiii iji d the laws and sovereign ricl.t.- of the United St ,te-. " ' Lord Clarendon's to te to you of the f'ith of Apiil cenvct. the ic.j.r. -.-!. tl.st the cvitlii.ee by which tin" . .lo.r- rite in p.i cat.j i tleiivcd lioin o,,e or i o" vi it nc-s-s who-.! credibility l,a 1 et n a--. .Led. 'Ih's, iij-o-iar, i- not a eoirett view ; th" f ti-. liy the cyainiu ,li -. of n v tl.-j-'ieh of the '.'"lii of Iieceini i r it will" pict ivt l mat tiiese witnesses wer t,oi loriobo rated, and tiiat thtiu inept jo-, wholly in tl. p ir.eot ct their t'-l,n,, i. ;ii 'ii.ilai t'y si-hui- i.t lo establi-1, the (,o I't ty .-f Mr. I', an, pt on and ihe Con-uK :n too inllilig" in. i.t ol the ia wa ami sov eri ii n i .gl t - ol the I into I State. 1 it u-t it w i I i. t i e Ijtlos lijnt .1 that it lelongs cic, ,.; , ' -, n ihis t iovvi niectit ard itt j-.idhiai ti l.ouals to give a con-truetioii to if s in u ! I : 1 law, and to tieti rmine what acts, o o within its jurisdiction are ii.f: iiigein, nt- ct th law. 1 !,i- is a matt, r w Inch cone, i ; - it- internal adm.ni-ti ation, ami ir. u: ! i a lo.v the at it' of any f. reign I'-wer 1 cut i o v ert that ooti-ttiKtioii and ju-lity ly a ti . II,. icnt intorpit tation w nieii virtually rentiers thim r conduct f on r law., i-fi' ctivc for the pin po-es iiitcmled. 'ill.- Karl of Clarendon i',f ru- ym. iu I. U note of the IlHth of A ri, that Mr. Ciau.pi. n pnfitiuly deri, the charge of coin) ,i. ny in uny of ife. :'. if i. It gal riili-tiio nl in the V'ni! ti St:.'.-, anil that the thlee t'iinuU tttcil'patcd .1 tic -nine. I le a--, lilies that the charge i , ,:n-t tin ni i-su-tiiiin-d niiiinlv l y the , i i ee of two ,-r-oii, Strobel and I lertz, ! ho con- c. ivt's ii le unworthy of en ol ; and be ri peaN to the Aiiieiiean giv. ei I'.n.ct.t to ae ct j t a- cnnciu-ive tins declai 'atio'i of the .Mmi-ter and Con-uls. 1 i,m in-Mit-tcd to .-:,y th i' the-e con-iii, rations do i , t relieve li t! Pi'ffii.ciit a mind of the iintavuriibie in pr.-sions voiluc, tl by tl e conduct of II. o-e Lci.tlt nn ti in n iiitn ii to torei-.ii re el 'iiiim. nl iu tl e I nit, d St id s. It wi.l be set n by it f iling to n,v de-pat.-h of the '-'sili of lect inl't r, in wl.i.h tne gr. -und of , Inn ;.e iig.ain-t Mr Ci.V'ip ton weir I li y st'it. t:, that il c te.-ilinony o' Mini el and 11. r z was tpute a McrmiaM ai d .in liii-n p. it.n.t pan t fthe t voitn. c adduced ; tl.e charge I t ing sn pi I li tl . in- d. ,i ud, m 1 v ol th, ii- t, stiitioiiy , by otll. r witii.--c. l y ori.inal 1. 1 1 . i - ot Mr. Cran p ton ami ol In , -, ni. l by in. '. nicd and Ululc Liable act ol Mr. t'ran j tmi. A- to Si i "bt 1 and 1 It rt., how , ver, it un y be .,b-e, vcd that the tinea. m nls ti ,in-n.itr, ,i ly Laid t'lar. mien, a- j roving tho,! per ! - unworthy of ered.t, i.t'. entitled to but lilt e weight, c on-i'ing as they do chi.l'.v of ixpaite ntV.davil-, detailing inaltci.-ti.o.-l'y of incie heat-ay. Ami, whatever may have be, n tho ci .aiaeler of tho-e per sons, it by no means lolh.w that they .lid m t testily to the truth. They wetr agci't eb cted and Iru-ttd ly Mr Cianqlon him self, and to tin in be e. inioiili d most impnr taut concerns. Such an loioi -t u,. I t should (onnicrvail the iir.pt minuet, t of their veracity, founded on loose hearsay repot ts. Nor dot it si t in to le a ll .1 g of much mouit nt, in ii-lation lo the pr, -ent ipit -lioi , that Stiobtl, in t on-, tpit nee ot imputed lui.-coiidiiet, wa tii-mi--,d I'r. in employ tut lit by the Lieutenant tinvcinor of Nova Scotia, iitid afterwards endeavored to obtain money from M r. t'l ampton The fact re main that he held a cnminis-ion ill the l'.iiii-h For, ign Legion, and that, us it i clearly proved, and not. denied, he main t. lined, a a lt ci uiting eiliet r and f.-r a con siderable pel iod of time, association, per sonally or by cs.rie-poi.di nee, with Mr. Cr ampton., 'I he cmpYiy ineiit of Strobe! by Mr. Cramptoii, their long n.-ocia;ioti in the joint work of recruiting in the United State for the Foreign Legion, the distinction of her Majesty's comuus.-iou of captain iu that corps conferred on Strobel, would seem at ! least to deprive Mr. Crainpion the riht to i del y his credibility as a witness. ' Jiut llieie is a larg, r and n.ore con. pre- lieltsive class of cuii-itlerati' iis nmliculie to this i, articular one.-tion. l or a l eriod of m arly live months that is, frcm about the mitiille of Match, I s.",.",, to the 5th of August, ISlii, the p-ncc ami order of this counlty were ui-tuib, ,1, e'pcially iu ilie cilit a of Uo-ton. New York, Philiidel- phia, and Cinciiiiiati, ly the unlawful acts of nuiin tons I,, r.-ons (i.gii'.eil in rai-in re- ciuit or in beintf ncruited fr the liriiish For.ig.i Ltjioii. They rfcrc V upplied will, wtiat wa liotoi'ioim to all the world, that an pie funds by Jiriti-h ;.geiits. They through the iiiunth of A pril, May , J une atid i ol stinati ly resisted i.nd K-t at naught nil July the recruiting agent- in vu i.u-p. i t ll.eifloit- of the local authorities of the of the Unite i Siai. s. and con-plci! ni-iy iu I'nilt d Mi tes to ,ut a step to their proceed-' lij.-tou, New York, Philadelphia and I in ii.g. nor did tln-y ilesi-t until th"V u-ceived cilinati, were kei ning uo a ino-t un eoov Olllt r- to tlmt (fleet tl, tn tl. l!ii:i-h Cov- en ment in the month of Au.-i.-t. 'Ihe re cruits thus unlawfully lui-etl in the United States tliiriig nl) that time w re convovedl 1 Jbiti-h a . i t -o llalil'-x. i, lei t h. re Hi lu.l. n in ;he I'Oieigti J.eeioi) All tin t e act, as w, as I heir : canty. were iirtoiious. Lon" In-fore the trial of Hertz in Sf plciiiltr ai d of Wagner in Oc- tobi rtht y must have I ecu Lroii-ht to the particular notice cf Mr. CraiiiptDii. llicLri - li.l, Colisul tn.il rol.i."..,,.!.,- I,e r..-, no. ary jti.licial impiii it-s w hieh took plat-e botii at New- York and J'l.iladelpliia. In t- 1 1 1 -1 j 1 1 1 tit-e of the stt-rs to tint ef - f, ct t .ki n by me on the '.".'d of March, the jirop, r in-triieiioiis were i--,,e'l on the 'Jod, and pro-ociitions commenced in Philadel- Jihia mi the -1 1 1 of Mai eh and it. New York on the ;".th nf April. A i-xatiit'ie of the eh r' raeli r of thnse rro- ccet'ings. tht-ir notoriet . and 'lo iv eoiielu-ive icgali tf. t I, w t oct'uri ei pa nicul a r notice. Ill May desefyi" At N'.-w Yot!:. on the lih of May a nut, d.i r cf p'-r-otif, ti'Mio 'v : i i . 1 1 r , J ateht r, Vi ! I - in Sclioiii "ci.-er, Julius Far! ii-, l-car Croiucy, and Andrew Lutz, were i x-tiuined before C.uilni-bi-r 11. t' l employ ed by tie parlies i.ccu"d, v. ho tir- gu. d that no ofleiici; had been coinini't-'d, because it did not nt per that nav vain! Contract of enli-tiiieni had h.rn ean -i-u. ma ted. Lut thi- eioiind of def. me wa over rtil.'d by tl.e Ci'iniui-.-ioii 'rw ho, tho'.igli l.e ili-cha i !.d W i' to her lor dole, live ,-v idenre, c n,n,iited Luti, .Mihuuiacker, Crouiey tiled Pal k u. At Philadt -phia, on the '.'.Jtli of May, three person, llcrt. Peikin-, cud Luok- l.a:l, having net n a rre-t, ,1 wii I '! I rw of 1 i o - I, . r. crusting iu tie' sen ice ol (ire-t lhfl.iiii, i j pln d to the 'Circuit Court of the I nit. tl Siait , by habeas coi pu, lo be tli--ch: r"tl fioin cu-'ndy. The pr. -i 'ing j,i-!ge, the 1 1 .ii. John K Kan.-, on examina tion of the cviilet.ee taktli 'm the case I e fore a c..i.iiiii-sioio-r. fouml that the i-io-.f w.re sntiititiit to 'i;n nti'l P. rhiii w 'thin t! tin ei of ll'-riz ' co'o'i;:"!: of the kna'I. Ae't oidltig. law, I o;t i.ot -o a to H tekna'I. Aero-rd lv the latt.r was (li-e!iaree,l. but ti.e two lor, uer w ere committed lortii.l. 'I hus-, so early a May.it wa j:t 11, i illy shown tint what was doing in this r-. -p.-ct was unla w f,il. M r. Cranit t in was ne-ri ai n- led with .he-e rr. .en (1 ing-, rnd was thus .-"I'1-:; ot ty julnioni- i. tl that ttie nets of le- r ii i I tin. 1 1 1 carticd on under his authority did intact, v lateit r mav have I c n lii-iiit.'ii-rioit, coi'-iifiite a vioiali uof the iiiiinicipal law ol tl.e United States. This had been decided I y lite courts of the United State, nnd was publicly and extensively inn !e known. It was not controverted, indeed it i- admitted, lint, ho Lad ihe r.--i 'li'iug bu-i-i.e-.s iu hi. charge and under his control ; Vtt he ),iiuitttd it lo be t-onti'iui d, al- I li ".ugh j l l u l i i iy o . Id un lied to he unlaw l ul, li.i '-oil, ii ihe ii.ohii, ol M.ir.Jui.e aud Jeily, it.t i A ugu-t. Now, thi long soviet rf nets, uu'iwfi:! and otherwise prejudicial to the g od name and the trai .pnlil v of this country, were pel f Tiii'-'i by per-n us who were liner. lily pail by Fii'iti-ll otVleer-, illid III 3 II v dt whom lo-toaily enter, d the military service cf (ireat liiit-.n. That w.-it ineon'e-t ably toicd en the trl.al of Hetty, and W igti.T, by ivi leiiee v.h'. h ha- I 't Let lt and cannot be ill, i cached ; am) although the evidence ad.'uertl on tho-e uiais does not tuedcJi rohot alien, st,!! it may rot be amiss t j ad d that Iniii'li oth.-r ,-v idenee to thi saineef lecl i in the po-sesioii of this I iov.-riiinent, seuite of w hiou is niiiicxed to t his de-pat ell in tl.e form of document re-p, ii-ive to tlio-c at i- oiq iiiv ;ng the 1. tier ol tiie liali of Clal ctnioil. W ho i- to be h. 'd ac, oiii. table for these iinlawli.l act.-! Were th -y nil p, rforiue,! I y v ului.-.eet ami ii i e-pon-ihl pci -on-, as ar. ued in the F, iri of t'l.iromi .iil. t!o- itch olthelioii of July? That yuiunt he ad-i unit ,i 1, r il 'u-i c rca-'.u lh..t they i ! iii-li t ll.icr-, and of . .1 by some .t-i',,!;-ihle , i 1 1 ov ,-' i.im i t I ml, m, in Li half of her nt. disclaim all ii.t-.n-! laws, con ron i-e the : red iv, tl pay li oin enar-e v. . : e t n lo ugt nt .,1 the Ll it! The Kail ofl'iar Ms j t v . I ioV t 1 1 u lion to i,d. .to the 1 reiitra'it v , or dirc-p the '. i.iie r Stale-, I v in ther teititniy. le-ei veiily accept a with li.i- .i-. 1 aim. r. et the -ov i if .nly . I nl, sting 1 1 o ."". f with- Tl 0 I 're-idetit un ' fully sati-ti.-d' . ( . our-,- t' iiir-e the on.-l lul act- in tpie-tnoi wt re not r.mhoi i-'d by the lult-h Hovel nn, en t ; but the fact is, lie V titleless, Well t st.il li-hed ihat tiny were none, and done in the iiaiuo a:.d al th. , M .: n-e of (he 11' ills', l ovel ninelit W ho. the the i i . --po'i-ible for tho-e acts' Vo-n no tiiiccl pioof though tin re i- in ut- Ii ,,f that chat at It r I he ii ft r, nee would I e inc-l-til le that, t.ot b, ii'g a ul liorl.'cd by the ltiili-b Cover, 'tneiit it-clf. tln-y were the unauthorized acts of Lriti-h agent in the United State. Such agents having ac ted i.i wilful tliftcgiitd of tbe orders of tin i r l ion i nnirnt in thus infringing our I iws, may have failed to inform tn,:r liov ciliinent that what tin y had undertaken to iij could imt be done without i.ii'i inging those law; or, by mi-management, indis cretion, or ou r 7.ca!, tin y may have par ticipated iu such infringement, though well knowing it wa contrary to tlie wishes ami the txpres orders of their Government. However tiii uiay Le, it ia utrUia that on the charge ol romping f.ir t!ie-eree partn-ipa'e in t.ie eoiiiiuifon ct n ny in of (ireut Lrilairi. Kminclit coun-el w.-re triiigemeiit of the la w s of t he United Stat.. agents existed, because their acts appear. W ho were those agent t j (if this we are not left in d iu1 t. Iu thi' documents, on the subject recently laid be- fore Parliament it is ili liiietly stated that tho enlistment in the United States did not stop until Mr. Cramptoii gave order for tin ir cc-siou ou the ."uh of Augu-t, lie had power to stop the acts of cnll-tun-nt ; lie kin w tlie proceeding were, lioiu the coiniiiel.ccment, exceedingly offensive to tl.is Government, and that it was b voting it active encryic ti arre-t them ; !:. wa bound to know, he could tiot but know, cjt'ti st villi tin law officers of tin; bn:t" Stati-. and that at I- i-t tin; illegality ol tiie rir.iee ear. v ::s ol ay ngs had boon nroti Jimceil hvtlie let.eral court- iu .low I York and Philadelphia; and yet. liotwith- I stainling tin-, he perinilt tainiiiig tin-, he t-eriniit.-d tli" unlaw tui ! n't in tiie-tion to go on v. ith jut clue: ii'i i i til the iimnih of Augu-t. For thu giv'u countenance to ihe-e iiieil j roceo ling- he i ie(lilii,nlv reponibl. ; Lut his accountability" estends y-t fnr - ' f'ter ! f'P the fioin .Iron m,.,,, -h-.lt th-.t t:e; otltci'il mi rg..-t:on to th IJriti-!i I ov- ' f iToiient of the unt nvar I scheme of ol tain - 1 in : recruit." in the Unite,! States came frrm tiie eo, rt-p.-inilcm e of Mr. Cr-mptn, and;H of the Con-uls at N.-w York, Philadelphia, 1 b and Ciiieinn.'iti ; and that to Mr. (.'rami t n I w " ere t he superintendence and ex-en ting of the scheme coniinitted. Anl thu it is that he who dircC'od liiiJth" ,ower t " stop tbe proceeding; ami thu ', from car' V in Mare until Auoi-t. 1 i found loi-il y oeeet'it t! i i s'ipi-i ii tei 'll ag cn'i-tntent paitty iu tie I ii'ted States nlnl partly in Canada ar d Nova Scoti-i, ami in i .- -1 1 n t in-troctions to tlia agentsj engaeeil in that enlert ri: e. It tioe not snfnee for Mr. f'rttu ptoii now t say that ho did not intend to commit or lie wa the directing head of long contin ued iiifiingt nnnis of the- law; it wa under siipt-i i ,r author!-y from hint tinit act of contin'io'j- vi lation of law were pel po lluted Lv the tt.t.-r'or a-'ct't ; soint tho-t- ait-nt- iiio proved by ,i- otn b't.i to hvve h"ld tiii oot iniereoiirt wirii b in; and at every stage of inquiry, in iiiimetou ci-e- inve-tigatctl by the A iii'-riea n f , ov. rn incut, there is referent"1, bybtt.-r and oral declaration. I ) t Lo general siipt rintet, 1. nee of Mr. ( 'campion. ills moral and I;i l.-gai re-po'i-tl '-.ly are lh,i demoti-tr-tted. Wii it fill infr Itii.tiou of the striiigrnev of the laws o the ! nite.l State again-t foreign recruiting, with distinct perception of its beini 1 ut impos-ibie to raise recruit lu re with our in'iin.'ing the law, an i v. ith knonb-'lee of the coodoiniiatory it, do in ina-teee'l 'n o: Ap ilanl May at New Yo i l i t, y.-t he i . r-i-tod iii hand Pl.ila b 1- i r r ill Hie scheme until Augu-t. when it ob-tiuate pro ifori had at length 1 r lout on a mo-t uiipleas.iiit controvcr-y between tiie United State and d'reat Lilt iiii, And it i not the least of the cau-ies of romniaiiit again-t Mr. Cramt.ton. tint Lv his nets of coiniuis-n.ii in tin- Lu-iness, or in tailing to advi-e Li l.overninent of tlie iinpr tet'oa. biii'y of the uiulertiiking in which he was embarked, and the s--ri" of il'eg-t! act which it inv 'Ivotl, and in neglecting tj observe the general order of hi- itoverri. inert und to stop ihe recruiting hern the mouit::' it illegality wa nrotiounc-'d by the proper legal initii-ritie of tin' United States, he wa reeklciv endangering t tie h iliiioliv and peace of two great n itmns, w Lv the iract-r ot by other their o t n t 1 1 r -csii-idernt' "n, ,1 r.-l ali vis am have the strong. t possible. iaJ.iceluei.t cu'tivate re. dp' oral amity. to The foregoing cn-iderat vie rOi-u- lv :,p'v to the eoulnct of th" P-ili-b l'-,n-il at N. vt York, Phil.! b-Viil an-l ('in e'tmati. Though of .bordinate o!Vieia! (Inrneter. they are r .t K- re-pon,!.'.' than M r. Cramjitoii The eou'lnnoiis vialn ti on of tli-' ja-.v pro.'.'cil,- d within th. ir resp'o tive consulates month efter month, under their c; es, not only without any apparent effort on their part to stop it, b it with more or ies of their active -part..-! oati n therein. Tl," -.,i -.-,! r c at N"-v rk ap pear t hive been tiie pi'.nt at which ih- barge-, t xnen 1 it ure yvro made; and it i pro-id, by tleicii'iit utf htrewirii tra ti-mlt-t.'tl, that i-i vme'.t at that r'liei' r ott'-o to tome jf the rerrult'ii-T agents r."ti'.'.' 1 to be made Lv the seer, t iry of thcl'oiif il, and in tlie Couu':' presence, from time f ll ne, down to the begiiiiiiug of J .unary of the re-rnt ye-.r. Tl.e Prei len In- already 1 eon stated 1 y u.e, cannot admit the f n -o ol'the oi j o I i i , trivV urged, of t'leged wiil.t ..f r. tpectal ilitv on the part of o:no of the v. in.'sse-L v whom t i. -0 fact wei " provt i, and a ti whom a pi oininei t c iu.- ol sucli allege. I w ant of respectability it.'in" t L ih- fact thit tin ir . video.'.' has inculpated Iher ace niiii.ioet in toe : .. ''i 'n - I i iw lTi" t- -;ii.io!iv w i. 1 1 li mo-t ...lo.t'v i.nni pate tiie l.iiti-h Co, i-i:l ut New o k. a ni'l ! j ereeivc I 1 th" l.clo-U! e bore al'! . i- i" "I." alVil.ivlts. f th" v t r. p, r-.; r.-.i. I on by ht r M ..je sty's I tov e I i.t f r I" in tiii- oa-e7 ami w ho-c c. p .'-if "u iceotnpany l.ird I iiircniUm s lntc tJ vv a ol the otlth .'' Ap: il. 1 he Kali ol Clarendon p. rfect' v wo I! iimler-tand- th it in Croat Put-en, a w .l as iu the 1'n'tod Stitcf.it would ie impo. -iblc t,, ad. ,ii',n:stt r p. nal j'!-;: e w :, ot ocea-iou .'.ly receiving the i a; h l.i'" .dao comoliees. In (Ireat lo tain u only it evidence of this e'as received cot.tluu.illy, ill Slate trials w. il a- in infer: r n; utter-, hut reward and other -peei.d in lueeiio'nt are in 1,1 out to stieh witn, s, Ly not a few provi-ion of acts of Pal lian.ci't. 'Ihe coiiipetcitcv o! stieii p.-r-oii at w;tne.-t s in :i given Ci-c, and tin' credibility, are, in both countries, question upon which the curt ami jury, in their respective spheres ot juris, lu tion, yitimu'elv i a-. inlnepr eut ease coiu'lusion nave tu-eii estubii-hecl on docutuciit iry nroofs and other uniiu - LuaeLalle cviJtuee, ly piov'tcu.ugs tttore the proper tribunals of the Li ii-.:1 State, by tiie verdict of juries, am! by the- ruling! nf judge, which ni'i-t be In id ;.s Lual in the e-uiaiioii oft'lie President. 'll.e Kail of Ciarclidou suggest-', as a '"'ii-i ieraiioi: pertinent to .- question, that the Miiii.-tr-r am! Coi:-uU Lad i,o im-aiii or opportunity of r.lutiiug tloj t-liargti thu' indiettly brought ar; fu-t tht ni in the trial oi tlie iitknur lecr'i.'tiug agents, In r.-gatd to the Cjhsio-, the Larl of ('lar-mlou err in snpr Osing that they had not tuii nie-an- and o; ,..,r' unity, ii they .-a.T I.t, to a p ar u to coiitr-'i't aiel contra- (Hot any not allow lui-ie .-ti. indeed th. act.'ii-ilig wifre -t 1 ij r were tl to intorft r- in tlie tnaw Ly r- wil.tt n .': the ,.--.t-..ii. whien V Coiii not have ib-n.. Ii.nfnlly had tut re been no such prohibi' ion ; but, if coii-t in,, .j tl., ir own iniioeii.ee and that of the :n:i oil tri;. I, and ihat their jwuact woi.dl'ar , xamli, ation, it Bi.s iilikt. t l.e i r duty ai.-l th' ir light tU i-pp.-ar and say so on ith, i,,nl i t c o'.t rati at I y till IT I.--I ilooiiV wh'I'oVcT WO Ilibg. ! again-t J,Iit'-li i. -1 1 . e i 1 i" iv ;lge!i, il kn-.wu to tin-in to he ui. tun.'. N o- if it any ju-r r-u-e ef c!i: 1-tii.t that cvi leii'-o wa- ieci ivn.. upon these til t inpiigniii" tlie acts of Mr. Crampton. It j 'v-ls 'U.r in t1,,- tlti" tho tlti" coui-e ot r rocee.l I ng re- to b.- shown, against liie I' lilh - on 1 11 it', ti, ; w 'To en t the recruitm. nt- in which thev :t ..j wile I '..- th? -erv ifeof .i :,.r,!-;i ,v . i nmetit M r. 'r:i;: t !i was niiii-.'it prtv -ged from It !ai or vi'.iatiori ol the i,i:i;it : :i 1 law, but tl.e ..-r.-otis nil rn Le Cut -loyed were not lor that ca-i-e lo go unpi. 'n-ned , hoi was the a-imini-'rat' ui of p- n tl ju-tic-lo be in-'i t!e!eiy -u-p.-n led on M'c ,gr,' of his po-i'ioii and the t : j j !': i I i i- immunities h j w hieh tint eoiif. i l t d. t in li," vol. I l a rv , , ! . i v tn . imp i tri.d, per that tne I. .' 'ted. hot lor v 1 sir... lid b-: vi i i lien he w a md I, t be I 1 (I Hi! to III oi aw for tin i, t.t as w . in; irmiiUo 1 as that ol ;,' o ..' ii l ,.,'. ct nn t, I Sun. -. Yh,: bail of ( larcT, li ttef of th .') til of ts-itis of tl- II: ,ti-h il,. rang, in., i.t- n.a to to c into i xcculi-.li v. t re la i ov e, ninelit I the 1 intent i"h- r-.t '. arrat,:; Ion leinar. in l Al l"! " the !!:, :, V. 11. n... I t and the al - I rv th li t, n'i o,s .1 too,", -a l-'d ll el" I ; -; l.lte.i ."-1 it' - J I O-.J in. i t- win fri iihiy f slat..! l.y ."I . . 1. 1 i.m; r,,i. lo .nr. .'iar.-y. n . , Con', i -ati.oi on tha .' ,t!, if .';, eh, lo-"', and me oniv ob-erva.i.'ii wi.iei, Mr. Ma rev Ina' c tn I'.-idy wen-, , d' the I nlt.-d Mi th.t ti t'. S -v t'l, e Ir 1 b" iiti 111! V li.iiHy 1 .r-on enfore. d. but that any number of who ttfsirc'l it in States ami g t ena vi. ,'.'' It is incii i' nt thi r.- -p- it. lie i-l : Uliil, r selio i- Ii,i-i; it -ei'vi in I" , that tn , i-tn.i'i't -g t.t r ave the te J iu Ult V i, I , o-d l.'li I' ll t -a'' t. at. ill ; i.ors w iiilo " ;i '1 f Co. rem ci. i l-i"lt, W Lie!:, xti i:i lew it w t i t ou lor -o ina y moi.tl ina inai. nt-r c'litrary to t'o iot'o- e toons .. t( -- ..I l,,- ,.0.- crnini i.t. ai-o rv,- t 1 1 ; :.- t he w. igi.t ot .Ir. ( rainpt ni . r, y iii-il i::' y in tuts re- SpeCt. I r. pen i.ow, wiih entire coii-cioun, - of it accuracy, w hut 1 stated iu my b it r f the '.'Mil of I'oet -ml cr i:.-t : that at tiiat in terview ( ui the '."'d of March, tiie otdv olic ' ' v, r ''.id with Mr. t a he admit, in whi'h the recruitment I Ufines wa .aii'i.lid to)" he Mr. Cramptot.J had sali-fn d me til it his li..yertiiri,t iiad n c-nncxio:j with it. and wa in m way re-noo-ii ie f.-r what was doing in the i nit, d State-" ,j raise recruit- lor the Hriii-u army." ' it 1 am .( ilie c rtaiu ihat on no oeca -i n has he intiiu'ito.! to me tint the lb 'ti.-h ' t v, rn- nient, or any of its oflli-r. was or I been in anv way c .neem-d in sending agent into the "( 't.ited Si-,t- to recruit tiiciein, or ti 'i-o any imi'ieeniei.'s for that purpv-o ; n r ,ii-l ho ev.-r i, -ti'V mo that in- was tahi' g ..r iiiteiel.' -l to t ike any par. ia lutiieimg su.-'i pr 'oeeoings. S i.-ii a cm, n ui.Yation. lim.-iv made, would proba bly have arrest.."! the iiii.-ihi.f at it- o tn-lio-nccineiit.'' If he had then apprized me cfhe -y trin of reeriiit'iig which bad at that time b. on itlrci le arr ing- i ami pal in : ,. r f i within the i i.';:';ti Sta.tf l y 1! Iii-h : : t and under hi- -ii r 'ri'.r- i' i ' n g ti e:i;:i, he Would inv I t n I o : i ; : 1 v n, ;;ile,!, i;i the n.o.-t p'-itlve t. mi-, that -ach act were coiilts' v tl the iimi.ieiiorl b'W, ino-M', t tti- ble v. i':i the n iitrai ; ,.i-v of .he e unr 7, a inari oi ot it national sovereignty, am! t-sp. t i:i iy e'-opti.iiaLit- in tlie per- oi f r. pre-t litatiee nf liny foreign i , -. . ronient. Mr ("r:, ui) ton idn.i.s tit:-' I stie.-i-il v war ncil L::.i it.'iiinst tlie viol i,, on of a ir i:.':. tiaoty law-, let I lame mo t: w fr ii"t then stating to bin ti it tnv ron-triirt..-.', of tl, -1 law ti'lV. led from Lis own: i.-it t. j such tii;i- rcie -e of opinion w a then devt lep eit. .'r. Crainpton oi! tir t ocea-o'ii man il, '-I.',! a eoiiieidi I c in the ot inion o to tiie l i ovi-ion of mat law w!ieh I tl"iiic,d ai tl have since tu'-v di-cl. -ed lie Calied l.;. oi n to show a le'tei- w! ; h be 'na ! wiiilcii o'i tint el av t' the Ccti-nl at NYwr ork." tii- -T I '' ivilg th.' pi rc.-fflil gs o'' "i Mi . A n.us i.- icr.a'.d 1 i cau-e I t in 1 1 iiougt t, ho-e ro'.-eedin-rs would or tnirht be tah, i t.a c ..isiitate a viol liioii of the act of I -Is'' ill,- i.t .ii i' tt la v of ihe Ui i'ed Stare,. What were the pi vced;i .yf Mr. Miln-- I wiith Mr. '': mi! i' liioog'nt t.,i.d t e : -: ii at. a . .: tin of o -,r no ;tr:' ' o v . ih- sin pie is.i'i:g ot a ii n ti.il il si... ifv ing :ho t. rn.s on wni.-li r,e,uits wou'd be re ceive! at ll-iiif-n it t-l ti.e te' lien s st rv ice. I his .-i i i ion of M r. Ci a ii i tor scnre-as loaeli st: tt-.-. n 'v I i our neutrality ai t- ;n I U ever been eoiluo-d f : them bv I 'no ll v,-I-iineiit or Coorts of th-' !' .1 M ,!. -. I had t'.i.'ti t. t -u-pici hi, for did Mr :.! I'll give m- ir y cao-,- t." -:.-! t ti at he Was acting or mt IIO'-.I to a, -l upon an n.ter pretati' n o' t'n it law -;.!, 't wo.,'.) Hitri'y the act if M.-l'oa'o. which Le t'l.-n rtii .1 cm oc 1, nnd u . ake that I , but li"'.- '. et. r than a !, rl '..-tier. I c ilii n-.t , i sup pose th-t be viewed ;t i'i the atne light a Lor 1 t'l-trend-tii dt.l wli.n he wr -le hi de-pat. -hti M r I 'i'-,'!'i t ni on lie l'.'th"l" April th-real'ter, iu wlm ii bis Lor. '.ship ue- elared it t bt i.ut only very ju-t, Lut , very stiong-ni. 1 To show that I was not mistake!, in this reitct, 1 ouotc a tissage lru a tetter tt