, ' t , .1 : ! i I beeu far a long t.u.c i.euliy working up- j aid. from a j nt depth. lx;uoid, .ttu-ir i coli-umatiou is tlio--' few I tul sectional strifes, ! ubii-b are reucaed at every alt-p of.oar mi : tucug lei ntoiiai march. ! la.- piaeticc of piivt.u war commonly j a.;a U.-U ri-u. Wuo put that biur up j on cur AiutrncaU U.H1I"! who ::li ua uced j tl.al peit inla our At.iciicua bceit-ty 1 A iiinliailt of the leudal ages, nothing could 1 be more iu oppo-sitiou lo the traditions cl j the Republic or lo the euriv character of our , people. '1 be policy of ueutrality iimugura- I t.iu by M'.u-"bhiirton ; our neutrality laws1 themseives, enacted n. luu tu.-uid wuu llial j'v'iirr, Dear tumoral if tertiuiutiv ol our au- ; ticiit respt ct ter tiie right, ol in t'.iDurn. aiatts. They UtaV be cobwebs hi-w lusy b .re -a. '. I I - 4 t ', to '- Ci t. We in at pr.il abat tin.;.., iu legal. i U Kii'U'', ttilu the ail-ctai' .d it prude, at.i auff.-r tin it. to be v'.-uii J. i'i rege-fd to C.-uirai Am-lieu, with th;; effrontery cf a! M : u in ct. Ru, fi r ,. Hi a, .here lbi-y are ou llit I of hitvrv :i,id In tin- book of; the law a mtniuinci.t n! Ann ncau civ iii , a -iti-.il iu the beat days tJ iko American lie- ; jiuli.ic. i eu have but to look iulo the fire of li.- 1 Jibu-ifii-ru to re-cv.gi.ue itspauruity. U.-got- ; t. u of K-aiai Kuf-ptf, it bas bixu bruubi forth here. "J ii pru-jf is abuiida:it. 1 iko ! a soule !ac;. 1.; 1 ?"-, the lon-ii:ii.-r bel'l i a t'oiicroit id the City of I'l.ilaii. lfbia . Tbe-v I'oriw.xJ' w nut the y ca.i " I in. ASieiisali: H.-v'jia! u ujry L.i.'ao. ' It is on u c.'u.i I f : ::. i itt-:i'!il. t-i be pIM.tij a 1 town.- ot t v crv tat in the I'nioii. nui wpraini ihio j , x. .alive l-raa, ulc I'o in.-iu.-vs ui pn- ' K..ry av- jjiatioiis. It? -i jvcW ii-ealvclarevl ; to -J-: Mb.- radical hbvrr. .jafi-.ti of tWe Ku- j..-..., ;u coii'.iui ta " J ii'- mcar.a to be em- L rl v txactucus : ' 1 A.'uaiiwn as .! iu Europe as a A- j 2. Accatiiu atiou o'. u r.cTe.u:i 'iiary fund. , 3. Kortuubou ul 'armed Ol uiatioM lie-' i wf .i.u; pv.r--.ji. :'.; iut-a lU mrvig-' k':.- and o; prii ariLj :c; i". by ui.itaiy e- . : i e. Iiii-. i'.vu a vt projeC. t.- kvrt-p jar rclit ;"uieiu opuialiuu oat ot peacilul i,ii.uil- ji.vi ij lo.-ii-r iibiu ibc.u ii.iiliuu- ' i 1 LLe i,ir!l ot war aud icvo.j. ion. t U a.i .is ra.u uca:ivis, ,t i.- an iu!-.r:.a! sc:.cu,e i j break up ti.e peace aud lo tan.Ub tue ( UracU-r c! WJr t-..us.-ry. N jr has it l-c.U v.t-uu: iu.,;.. J-i-tr u.al ii.au-picious year ,..f lsju'. Ke-bare bo prot iaiti i.ou alter rt.cli.wi.ticM fio l..-e hie. .via. -.rate, ea- - e 4V ul . li tc restrain tin e tr .in Lauus oi . , .... - i l-e-ec-tirt. jser auo I a, i i r.tt,., o-jl. a.. Vj.,1 J.illl.Ol ill.r J l !t."M I.-IU be U-g-siled a lid 1. 1 a. - i. u 1 ( c-tuc i.,wt-t. tlu ..i. a.-tel I . . i . ...v.- ot etu- L.: G 'Ut fcui-.u, l wi . Uui ill La. a I eft j-l j .Vise. .j n. ..'i.s in: Viewed i.-c: ,u.i niy ad a. p.-'- influx of anus, aud tuiir j i-'.jl, ti Clt.xebsl..p aud to po.ti V-lTi -e. Erowtt more :..,'.' ie i. 1 1 j Zv.- sL-v.li; I- la I- 0 -li honored pe.'pb , La- weil l.i?L I'I.e to ps au.olig Us ai.- ' l'Le ira!'-..-r that is wttuiu usf si. itet i.p -ilove tcfc tv.sy ii'--'., "t.d thou tit A t.B.e i'un trl ( low ; lie sua.. Ue the bead ai:d iliOU rutiit be toe ta.l. Let us, tutu, my couB:rymen, has tel. li.ek into the ;d pi. h:cb the gvod way, uu .:' lu- aat we may bud I.t' l't a) l!e.i.eu for doub.e p-T- I .. lei- spuit ot our tatUers- l.ei us t ;.,lle: :U"-e ud fraternal gv' tetu ti.'- several aeetions ol oji read i'.ipul'... that peace may Uo ike a L-t us cherish a j'--t : L-.i't.l.-v aul a fervid lova oT couu- Wi- - aj - p!.C l 1. to tae rot ot thia He it t-t jl vlI. :, .ei.fc? .... c . l j tii. ne al ro-- 1 1 .1 r. 1' I 1 1 'N A 1 j i-.ii' i l.L'. : e"!Lillid St.il Sel S, ill t..e- faC'J of to the c .-.itrarv, t J iu luce the belief .at .Mr G,.ii e i., 'il,j.-t I to " Tree ttif f . '' U.al J apt r Liwas this charge i.s liu'.rue. It eauuol he ig..orii,t of" Mr. Iiil uitr' rt ezpres(4 opii.ioii on this subj- ct. We ai;ai.i publ.-b what I.e ,a!d in the ben ate of tne Jmsk; 0:1 "ne 1 1th t'eccnibcr lol j-j Mr. I! , Uiii. I: vtas as totiwW. ; Mc. bl tAKP'i : I tiu iu favor vf the !..a dint.' pro vision c-entsiiiid iu ti.e oiii ittro-duc-d t.-y ttie .riii ji , 1 Mr. Ilovd.. t.'ic tx-t.-n-iou of 5j,iiii.-e. t., rej-uhiir.n fre'.-d' m. . .".if t,ut j.tjj.ti tit. I ull tttf u-ttli tii;'.'., are lo rf lor innu- i-rs ol Die ll;tise o' C-jin ,nu, MioaU 6e t'ij ..-" to to" io. li u"- eor ,i f,n'lrriy tll'it tot J rln.fi Ul jr,i,tt "it I' It'l 1'j.r ul llir out ' to i'o's OijO at lite ,1 r I' uoti. :,',; irort timii 11, e .-x-cu-r. .-. nf s ilTriue n a- "jf' rr, i ( wo it I be tae la-t ti t.. n, y voice agu.t it Il .i-ei and educated as l ave t,e.-i-, ;t w'u:d be contrrtry to my inclination ami l a'ural impul-es to oppo-e any un asure ten c;nj t s cere 9 ny teilo liters cijial ri;i.l -nd priv i-. hire-., r and win-Lever 't." en;. e isn ! t dr,ne coti-i-t.-ntly wim tiif rulea of jutH'r, u tiou;, securely - - r ' - , r sua -at.sf.t.ol ::T reguixted. I'UKCM'T VjJ PRACTICE. 1 ... re is up .ii.! ig the following iiia'.o- cue v men v ejum- r . We I.e.,' . 0-i lUe I ilUUiL ill 1:1 eoi;vcrsati"ri '.i.e 'l'rer dsv tetaeeu one of our Clt.r. lia Slid a -1. hlie ati troii. one ef the iieii.t oriitg eout.ties in Al.baii.H, to 'his .-If. ct: !-. .11-. r t so i..i-iiiy a- t the .ti.te of p'.'.'-'-s 'i- hi s' -:ti 1:1. t':e Al ah ami a 11 aid U.i.i : is t)i-i'i, .u wei.. n.ti. h li.iil f ! and d.d ool know r.::t til. ' 'hat tii. v s'i '.. art- i ti.iit Fr ir! v. 1 ijld hi- -. !i (.-..-H . and ti .."I ( -,. ,-p.,' s,.,j -;i , s -i; ll v. -on,e w :il:ti-d If -1. II, r I a it 1 u a '.io., -ft -IJ. l id "so .1! ll t I Ui; 01 r i!'.ii'-' ami oi, J I-i h - rii. l.i. U ti tut v.d VJl - 'linn what Ij .., ''it f . -1. !'. r rs l li ! t ori.ourl --. . L nioii four or IS t m Aiai.au, 14. 1 ') vi-s h . v n. 1 r: jour l--d to ii,.Ki,ivi: ti.e p.enty ,,f ' e II. Mi H .. -iiai..ii 1,0 ' l.i. n 1 ii ti if n A ri the) Ii f ecpie to u.iiie on lV. 1 1 sa i t the I '1:101. 1 A Isbamiau r "-, I he Alal siniuii tu'-u le-t u. J iiimore. ,rde 1 In- friend of i'.iluiute and D ,u'-;-o'i ,n t id 1. o Hii.g a lua-s lnr.-tn p in K n'-x v ills-. TeDL , f niuU.ei.fi. , it, tbi' 4th tf .--'pt..!l-Li . .m- lu ..-i lM,'be V.- id. - as "-- A .1 ; i . it U A Sit . i I . A 1 1 1 . . Hi LiiBB tfilHOBI, ri:: vii i: vui siitnt, i I l N M.--i.--l 1.. ICAN V.LKC I OKA L TICKET. AMKi L i'. CA!vMICilAi:J.. of Wi.kc. J.'ll.N CA."jj".l!1N, of Cuiiibt-i-iabd. I- i' 4.U 5 i 6 tn ,.i ul. I .' '! !' - I.. J tV.,rnt . I i. V . M itr', 'I'. I..rti-j. . i., f I , .n . .1 li. -uii-rl. .i Ni a ll .ni.vi r. ,.-ii. ..' t.r..iiv,liu. ri'i. ii.. A.J.S' t.n. J M . Lr n i.. I'jv :ijvr. , A i. !' rt.,i, ..I Ai.. ii. .tnu. t. ii' inji., cf Uuiiioiiibe. Ii.U uoVlK.vdR, JOli N A. H 1 E M MH ft UL ti.r'"Kl. ( iiL'NTY. CANDll'ATi-; Ft'.'l SHEKIIT. t ?'.- m , r .i utiii,ri-ii) l.i rti.n.iii n,-r K. i'. t.RI- r.n. r. ii . -o r. -rie. H" . t" t" " Sim .--!.'' M . L.i..uu:; .LUlilv , -l ti e l.i fu;r., A6avl K.el.i U. ISTK.K1S mi'M :h. i,L HASA.X $ SfE 5M. it ii-t- iit-rr, Mr. i ll .ii-i!. Tin, I'T a inoii.i nt Io ;.tit ii - n a t u ci, lu w i.ic.i J i. iv-e m-v.-r . r..ri nuviiuu Ui I. l.ii .1 ! i ii. :, 1 ".-V I" T ' v j li,t to i. icli. 1 , .H.ii I., ...;v.-rl. . 1.1. 11 , I -! I , . , i t. . . , I i,' - - r V . I r'l.l. I l-i r. It i in. , .i i ,- TO li!.' i-lil A 1 - .1. II A I. Ii . t . !. r..v 1 ii i ; A L tv 1 1.. I'I 1I.VM. i. i'i) AIV l.i'T HAS in i .- r l.N A .! v I I. vv nr. l.i. i i i"'i..-s 11' HAS r.K.K.N A f r.M- i i HS1-. I.MAll.r.U 1 1' I s 1' IHAI .N. iii i w ii it 1 1 .t Ak i . rr a i i.j r.. T ul i; K- Htt.V-H 'li. nlll INs-lli'l TI...N.V-;se : lt. I: I.ia ...ri i! l,ll"u'i i""!"- ' l.i :irr. iiiC l the iine!utii.ii t.i iiip:.l I -i s . ... ... , ,,. ,;, .. t l ei" ..' I I ' -I'.r.'', v,,. rvfi'u-M'vir -ivvisv. V h ,st 1D ,.tr 'i.iVe in- n.l li-ee , ami v. r sl.. I. in-1 1. o . ni t-;ir -uli (ore au.i v.S".'. ti-i c.iisl tul.m.ai ,.t ,.'' i... S-...H.. n. Sl'.t.. . v.r ii.. i r -.. i't. art fr.: t. ' hi '' ".' m.ac U rtu 'U li- Umt-t t ' Lm:n .ro a ar l.;e:'Jii-J ' "y- t. r ;' :,"" ii.iiver, I v...- s,i.- :tn St efj- n-, al.e ..-w in.. I, v tii 'it :. 0 il-.t...!l "' T.I" vvii: U l!,e iiie-i. Li MI I IN'- '" fciUltULM. l..e uw- J OR TI1K V ' WHI'i- TO THE HIKE-MEN dF MLCKEEN lit Ci.'LM V. The friends J Gen. JUllN A. a'OL'NG t.lse tl i- Ii. ei.'. J i lo auuouuce imu a coo oi late to re; re-' lit lh- eo" -ily of Meek.tu bur in the .nun of the i:- it Er,ti-iatore Qf Vftrib 1 aro.li.a Thty are t pr.i- d !Uat il,C- th.- drl u Ot' i.is .at meuieu pa.iuer. K (' i s'-on. tii" whole ou.-iue.-. ot a lare ot a lare bten luiown up- tiit.i.-luriUt iiiiei1 s i'"1 li I is iini 11. ei. rii. Kre'i a canva-s the e uii V .-..;:' oat ot 1.1- po er ; ne.ti- tLe uui a-'.n? iu.poituiiilits uf a large rlw-r ot al'Jvid trii-mi-renders louder re- nu Hi li.e-. tiiele'l'itT' ' " ; 1 ie i. it) to l.i- country, .ij:; name t- i ,.- u-."l ii, tj 1, J r 1 . .leMllll Ills "i-e-rs 1. a,auuou.,:,b:.,,,nrb'i;e:.,mum...,-, ua.. as a candidate .0 -.-,,. Me county 111 ti.e Coi: n.ou-. e t- 1 y upon the patrt- uti-Lii of tbi co-atity to .usta.n tliesv u.a..- . ... .... .oil. . lie ;' :-'.i ol Or I AU U I Isu. T.e.- lily MANY I El EN I.S. itit-r it-.i it . I tin- I'oltw! T.i. ! t !a.. to t!;. 31. 0! mt.li. .1 uur s u t 1 1 u-. 1 .-, et'ore ti.e tlay ot the e.cctioi. Lut 10 su h a.i :,. v.. it. would U'-l"' them as ii,i-n,le: ef the- A ni rie-'ii. I'artv stav ln-t ffvm t;.t i'oln ' J.-t each lOlt fur their ticket. Let lie think tbat one volt :s ol no C3isc.'pu-t.ce. borne ot the n.-j-t i:i.p..i'tant m.- t-ore- hav r.eeij carried by one or two vote.. 'J'Lua it Will appear tut ,i is b c.ssary f.i ever; mat t j Le at his pu-t. Reuitn.i-er that e. cry v jie i.lveu fur John A. .jiliuer is 0 iiiueh iu favor of the pr ,l. eti. n ul me landed interests. Eviui-ii.be 1, toat iu vot.ng for Mr. G I! mtr yoa vote f r a tetter ..-.end fra?e than Guv. Ilia?'' A i'i Reu.-n.ber. that iu vo.i..tf fur Mr. iiilmer o ,utc lr a in-tiu w 1,0 lias always been it. favor of Ii t.rnal lri,pr-iveii.tnt-, whiie i.ov Ur-.-g on i i.ii fiiii,--, !,av-1 itu ftiici.i it!o Us S-J) poi t. ileii.ti..1 er. tt, it tl,.- A: of N -,rtl. Caro lina is iini; to with au -.bid;, g inter.-t Ly tLt lrieii'1. of both patties aoroad aud tuat the le.-ui. : l ie Guberi.-.loi ial eieeti iu may s-iiousiy alieel Mr l il....ures jros , et 'J ii.-n lesoUe, as t-r as imi i v id uai etirt i- c . ue'-i iK.'i, to ue at the polls, and do jour uuty j '.utiug tho Auiericau ticket kcin.iii let 's m r 1 . . 1 , 1 . , .i. u e .. 1 y i.'.j jj.i.i:,, fciie'.l.er .;y.ui.,u, tii.it ':.i u.vii i e-'.ii.-' . i.'e: tainm. t.t w ,!1 tak- p. ace ..i.-IK IU J n.li.r--. W, I :i.. r. bv in i , vuSV J.veuilg . iilinSI I' ll'.. 1 I, s g. Ul.e-li.aU ill l. iul.. .-toi , . ( lei W 1, inn . toll iii li,., ,--t h -i. I.ij i. We- i.-., ; ' a tt t V M .sen of i j eue jju .1 the I '' " ', .1:.. .( ll. i 1 is L jv ii.ri.a ( i -i r i, j 1 1, s, aiid I 'oi Las i-u' d ins - el. i-ii'iij of pri ..-.:- r. b llro.i 1. 1. j K. ill from ti.-ir -re e ee-.eu with- r"f-r.UV Uistil ol o.. ue.t.uu j .73 mm TE - ii c i -tMlI''iK I Via learn tlit tha Maa Mittln of the A luiericon pally on Fi i J j .Mid Saturdny la.t, : at Martinvillv, the latllo-grounil of old Guil ftd, was a grawl -affair. There was from 'fi. tlioo-Miiid u .-ix tliouaud peraous pre- rnt llo.t ab i? and elilliusia.-tie llelua .1.: .... l.av.v Vionril . ... .Ill tiie taller ca.-m 1, wore made by Hon. Wiii.-A. UraUaai. 01 f ,,18 duc, u.,we(.u Co, . Jllo . Cullllit lg,,alu . ' " ' r - "K"-" ,,a Law Counsellor be ... ,u l, 11,. 1 , .. Ooor-ia, to b Mini.-ler hxtraoidnary and ueaia so IiiUi h of tae Kawaa-.Ni braka act Ih.Uboro , Geo. 1-vh oi , iu ugtc-u, Uou. ( of ,W Evening NevvS, and J. L. Ha.eb ol , ' . v. The non, I a. al.ro... tea the Midori cou.pron.iae but gittv Slave luvr. bo Keuiiitb l'.ayiiir, ol Uiitlord j It K Standard. The affair v'rew out cf u ; . ' . J ,. fl, t v. . any iieisou law fully held to service iu ei- from Mr. Filluioie, it ....... r n.uii.-iii f.l V Ve r r erne, ol tlic fcame f tale. I J i .. . . . of llilUboro; Hon. boyden, ot aau.uu-, rtice ariieared ia the Staudard, , . ., v I tber Kuii.aa or ebraka i uot to be oia- ,he ..i,,,,, 0f aj ... v ....!.:,..! ..1 ".. . . . ., . I to bo Secretary ol Legaliou W .'uexieo ua ,,,. . .,. ,U1,. kl.rvieebv reaaon of . . . . , -. ri' ' I ii-ll .1 llll. . ltU L'. Ul IU a IHiluv huh .. . U .)-. a....... U U.i- i, ,i (A I ,v -Ii. - ' I V a " ...... . Dpl.rahii Urevard, ol i. abanui. i he uiej- ! lInj,ilani) am 011 rt.(UrU ui Mr. Hatch, ling occupied the gmmcr part of l'liday ui.J f vjprall to retract what tfaturUBV, asid the i mine crowd were yer wa4 0flVu.-.i e iu the article, Col. Cuu lotli to depart even then, and desired the i,1;;UaUi clullengej him, and a hoti!e meet ejeri ies to le resuB'eii Monday. ' i. g toeV plaie u.tar tl.e V.'a.-.hEtton race - eour.-e at ii o'clock in the after noou ol Moa- rr-'f I. - .. t' t.. tur.iitiiPt. L.. w , o. oi .gin- to Mr. llcaiti. school not lc.nK in read,.., tl. openiiv vltferrvl until next ... ...... Mjuuuv. t ho 1UU. cl'O av.c;i;cuicui. j NOWS 1I1H TIME. AM' .NUWS THE ... . The toiiowui Mjiuitieatit apveal Iron, tue . , , ,. . ,' . ,. , . i Ka!iib li;ual, ai plii- not only to tue mew- . , , i, . i . . .' 1 fers o! the American Tarty, but to tue con- .... .. ' Kt rmtive l orii.ni ot a.l p;ii Ilea w no ai'Piove ; , , , . . ii ,,. 1 of the f tl.itii'iisol tu Auicneau larty, , i , ' i ..- . . i (',... 1 a-, laid down in the put:o.-uj, to be louuu i iu l bis paper. , . , i , , r . r , 1 John A. (jilmer, our candidate lot bov- ornor, is luo-t as.-urtiily the uian on whom . M it-niM', mi, v sai'cl v li n it i : he has i roven , ,- . f i f i- o lii.n-r.: to be tLie lat f.lelilof liee but- . Ir.i::-. Internal Improvements, and a.l tbe '....t i,tf.,r. ,u f.l' thi- taiH at lare. ' He ,. ,, . ,. , r,i. is a ridding lu pul'licun, one Ot tue people . .I... i. ...K-.. a fusil of i.Hiitiine riatiiutim tlrong intellect and stciiiu;; ii.iegruy, , . , i id stciiiui: iiiieitruy, ti v. ill serve the .State, and the w i.o.e tate, ui.biasscd by sectional or parly prejudices." Vu thi other baud,ia the lanu'itage cf the Kaleich Kc'i.-e, thu anti-Aiut-ricau s- c. ratty "Lave renominated as their candi- J i date for Uorertior au.au who Las aiays bevu opposeJ to Internal Improrcnjents, , . , . , . i , r , . ,. , r,r no in an v - - o -- xUQIl iuaualiee t be in, bvs uuiforiuly ?aid and done all he ccj.d to cute a tUtui, aud , ,i ,r tlK.;u odious to the people, lie Is at . ,,,.., present playing the same game ot C( .ivo- cation and evasion to which he resorted in l-ol, endeavoring to create the impiessiou lu tt.o VVtSl, trial ne is, av leasi, uoi. hjijius ed to the pr.jiels io Vtbieh lhat sccliuii is so vitally iniiresti-u, and I'LAilN'i MLM upon the who!-.- subject iu the Eut.' Urn J'mr,. , , i - Tic near .pp. o.cb of tue electi.u reu..era ' 'UVVrcne aVrt .d wau- Tw' uh ci.'si a ni v i - . U nee the n.o v e menu uI- ,t)e a iver-arv. ll th. u. bear in mind tint ... L ilout tjalv-uce ourcau,u ami stcurd the victor' during tbe IaaC Kw ( . - rl.,.f .....i,.ia:!v k,.-. a-lfl t!l Uaj of election, thau at any other period. At tbi. lime our pva-pects are good to car- ,y inio.i.i. that gananl .tanuarU-bearer,- -1' tr,l",iF-Uut ,uaJ"r'' ;ty. . ue news ir-jiu i-veis vmu mi - J " la of tue mot aalteru.g Character. IjUI icl ,l0t our liiend. Ue luneu ,,, ...,,, ,, t he belief that ail is s .i.u t.ei.ef that a.l Is safe. Y e mu-l laiior iueo-autly until ll.e ia.-t gan iu ihj couf.ict n f j, ired. Against one thing, we wou d warn iufc ;ntuus 01 our nonuev '" m iitiuw. uuu!,i on tiie eve ' tiie e'.ectij.i, laise- (joods will be stalled and mi-represciiiMious 1" I -.'- hi l-lectloll. 1 :.i- o-.r w i.y ll J I '.ii.e-i Ij do 111 nines past. I hey wi!l iu a.l protii bi.ity do ie again. le prepared I tt tueiu. tZu. tlV.&. . J ouo fur.-'t to vole tor Gil X.tet tt advance the cause ol any of the loeal eaniiidatt. bee too that your friends and , e Kelute ttieir l:.i - e J... ,1 . o.-s vote, lieiiie-mocr mat 111 itic Uo nur .1 -.. ction -'very vote counts every vole push.-- our caiidiiJal: ahead. Erteaeh - 'tcii.r-t in eai-h county he supplied yriib tieaets If joj cant get printed tickets, 1 iie tickets. lleiiii u.h. r that John A. Gilmer La, dene his djfy ,.i.e a true maul His ele-ctioti wi'i pljd'itu the heaits'.f the friends of Fill more a.l over the I. I.ion 1 The .Standard 11. 1 ten t iivj.-uutl tii .tj 1 ily again-t us. I'uii -e and humhei L t U S t e tue ta les on the-e oraL'trirt.- and roll up a rom 1 1' tr m:ijonty lor oui tii It l.u tl I t.Z UtUf l.ai.t leade ll't . '.liter ii o ni ui e you ifi'iy ? A GREAT FEIMND. tiov. R'gg and his friends are trying to -ho that be is and has beeu a consistent fri.-tn! of Iiilernsi I luprov- 111 tit, despite the fict that he and his whole party h.ve siren- iiou-ly opposed them tii! withiu a few years Lack, wni-n it became popular to advocate tl.e-.o. Ul u. look into his brief .'. tri.'nii... . . ft record a litt.e. Iu I 43 he was a mem her of the House of (Jominon-i from the ccn.My of Northampton. At that session tiie U iiiiiington railroad, be-iii iu distress, a; piird to ihe Legislature to pay the inter- est CD the bonds of the road endoised by tiie .State, and to ive her time to psy it I'ni lirjv. Lra -L. and his friemi. i-ei. ne nr. tr. ihe relief of tue road Not until they a- dopii.d the foil -wing preaiiibl.- to the act, which wi.i be friftd ou tiie h t't th Jias of the Jouri.a.s 'A th-it session: Mr. I J 1 moved to .iii.iiid, by inseri- n It i.etore It..- i iiaeiii, ciau.(- ilJC juilo :v.i pr. . ..I .', t. fl hf-ftofore r-d by i.. I . -. i to- ul pa-M-d i an lil t of liie ' j, ie r the ear 1 - to-11 . : plO'lc treasurer of tills Mjte, toi i 'ul i'i iii and l..iitijfi llniiroa I (ioin lv 'he ani'.oiil et ? ..11,110,1, .re now I! ,.-i.,y J r .ti -i. ai..J the .Statj is l.d the Slatj IS looked to I 'I p;iy I'i' 1. 1 ' ' Id-re is a fiicnd of fuel, walks in- ed 1 A g...iit i,r, one of the trst in -i.e -'ate, w.i- ..tr-i,'-jii,g for . xlst-i,e,.-, and v. t th:. pr-t.-i.ii. ,1 hi.-iid of improvement wis ui, a iniiig to provide lor iiuet.iig ohli- J. gMiiiis asiiied Iv trie .State, until he had pia.-.j a pr-.ii.blw before it declaring that the blLle was el, -honored . Away wit'i such a .;.e-d. .iAiV.u-l blnul From our Currtspouutals. CiUBLEsTtw, July 81, 130. This i the hottest day of the beason, al together too hot to write, but I will try and make a few tbo'wblH htick together so aa to be undorstooJ by the render of the Whig A it litrit w!ii-.k KK..t. vtt.ri. I v l-Iiiirit'fil witi. out injury to eiti.tr parly, afur k.cL t,,c difficulty - assevll.J honorably to both par-! ut-. ad )0u sec vy me corre.-oiiaeuce whir b Las been pLbihed iu all tho daily lTtrs tuo c'''- ' '1 be ipiaranline h arc beiug rigidly en- forced, and we hope o escape- the veilovt fc- ' - I vcr thiit season. (Jr active and efficient Mayor i indefatia le in bis effort to pre ' " j . ' vent any coinnion'eavon between the eitv ,,.', anil the nuiueroua ea;l8 at iiiiarantiuc. bo I if Ut the fuvee thi.i i'Oar, wo caiiuot bay J it waa imported. A few more will tell, i, i ' aa it seucrally makts its aptearauce ly the ' ' J middle of Aviu-ust. The city now is exceed- i 1 i.i- ii i -. J .i. i . i 1 v hi.I:liV. ol,.' 11 wliir fii.:h4 Iai week, and oulv --in all. Cbarlestou h.s i ' t,nr..r li.-ti ll'!-C.r IrV.i unv Lit..! hi. Li.Aa , ' tnau it is now T e most of tho sickness we bare bad thus fr has been pretty much i confined to small cildren aud infants. ixiu bvici-. ia unv, ,umi-' l r e ai. i ;u prove - c 3 " fe ' iiicitt.', new l.ousesire goinj up at a'mott every comer, aud ones are being enlarg ed and repaired. )ut city is rapidly io- ereasing rn wealth coainu-rec and popula . . , , . . tuvii and I hav. i.-r knou-n tl.ti .tur.i r.f , ' . j i enterprise and pigressive improvement! more rife in our mist thau it now Not less than live bunted new buildings hare .-one UP duriui; tb..tst year, and probably! twice that tiumbrfcriil be erected for the i neit twelve moutfcs : i Uur tucrcnauu aibccinmni? to look tor. ward to the fall trad, and anticipate a rich , ' " and protilahle barvt. Laree nock, will JajJ ttuJ greaiuddciucnts offered te secure the country Lde, the mcrrtiaiits of the utb W C COpe 1 11 a l , l... .....r .,.is nf tli. .,,1. -;m ... .e. priity, if not tl uci-eity, of patronizing SoutLerii w'uolctitle hses aud not like loo ,. ,,.. iirse tie I, 1,1. .f ' !, 1 ' . ..J tbei-,0 and fpend their "J lai cofer.of their worst and tttte.e., cnenii. Cku-ncy i. . jewel.! ,U .! of wbi ia wub etb.nced by iu .mm,. nriit i The newsof.le.ro,jiKcroptiu,oultf of tb middle aai duncM of this State, ar, rather gloomy S'Ley -ere. iu th. .! ,,w itljured b, t. df weatW, ,nd tLcl, j washed away Ly tiahet, .l I iu Green- , , i . i i ii 1 that tl,s lr Vilritk is I Alrni in. ' - - J (5 e.e.j - an,t tue l'arisbn. eliev. the pro-Pects arc more fla'.terii.g. hey ba-.e not su.'T.t- I ed so much from thought, aud have bad DO frUshet. Ihe Northern pr state that fewer N.th"u ttiis year than fur ly years formerly Thi. ia to be tasi! .-counted for on the , .. . -. ,1 - pruicip es ot just arduitah.e reciprocity v J ' I P-'Ciple. o. jst ar.u.t.b.e reciprocity U" &iUtW,U "vttU& f'U"' ; aro crowded this .on, and the people j have determined tpeiii their money atj ..... , , 1 , o , 1.. l,,.t 1, hi-tt.il.d ttll, ril.,' r.l are - borne aud among f friends. The Modi-; ti, .... w a. ..'1 -- .1 :.. :.. . . . t r 'Lilt; irju.te ia e. unit ii . i . .ii l.n muuiiikji is making liit ud! K,on,y uuili. sue fa making fiitudsvl K,on,y buih. Tue nrcekly bop comes to-night, aud I should have gone but fo -riling von ibis letter & nhich cau.-ed ti.e niss the la.-t boat. My dancing day. is true, are over, but I hke to Ijok at bo")nd io pecked dresses, ami think of formiay., w hen I was on the - ijarpet, and on ihtikout for a partner for !;.' s gay aud ch. red cniiion. Eut now I am spproarLi,);j; .ere and yellow leaf, . ai.-l mu.-t be tl,i it-: of the downhill path uf life, with ail itartiing aud aterii real ilii s. but I h.vot, and Lope I never wi:i lose my ta.-ctir female beauty. ASHLEY. V.'asiITON, July 23, l-l5fl. rjinc very atr rumor have been pulj iu circulation bewilbiu the pa.-t week, ! . : :,.i. :t . .i .1 .M .1.;.. .. ! ! ' ' " I ; tintr ling to politician, au anomalous position, j Ou last Wed ijc night a caucus of the j Democratic inciiia of Congress was held, and it is caul f IU that caucus se-vera. .. - ! ami fil tin l:ili" 1 1 on. Joi.u fur; inn. Ol I ... . .1 ,...( It ,. l.n n. promiiiMit uiemlt openly eiprc.sed the.ity) au, honor of this country that such opiniou that Uutian's election was hope- less, in con-eiUH! of his unfoi tunato au- t. .-..fl.-t.t-, bis P-raiisu., Ins anti slavcry . hKUti,UKUU' hi li"n in ,b (hltwi I .u...v-..,:..v.v;...... 1 ga.i, aul corrupt.. .a.r aga.n.-t Mr. Clay. ; and a proposition """-u lor his with dra The Fcriicylteiiuiho tatieu-, however, ' l "tr "di-ji.ant ilh proposition to with- J a .is .1 . t oiaw I in - ii a i , a li, i J . ti 8le i.ed lo t. re ak u;i the party if it we attempted. It is presiiiii--iofc.ur.se, that old Ruck Wi.i I., it he withwii but the lad that such a thin w as (aik.ofrhouid lend toinciei.se the eonli li-uet; ;ve.y Aine-riean as lo the siiecesi of Fillru and Doiiei.-.on. The con dition of the Loeraey luuit be n ry de- j i , .i ... ,r. , .;.i i ...... i. , j -v.i-, v.vu, .i.-.u a propositi.,!,. passing any tt nut J.iil; iaar, or isws im- 'I he llouac Jurday fixed upon the 1-th ', p.irii.tf tho viiiidity of .contracts, ahridi'in-. of Augd.t .s .day upon which to termi ; the freedom of spe d, or f the pics, re-na'-e the ,,re.e..io of Congrt-PS. There ,.,irin3 a, ,y properly final, fieatiou or n il. is no iioui t tmhat lue ftnat w... art tiu , t - t , e.a day, s- , ni. ..l.-u , it defciro to adjourn nt a tnucb earlier pe riod. Thin beilii! the oae, tho Mfho bavc tchcines for pluudi-rinj; the public trisury have not cjnito 11 uionlli iu winch to nccoui-pli-b thtir Jesigua. t)n yeleidny the- SSonate conliuuej the ! nomination of Jolin Korcylbe, of AU'uaiim, j . alsu eontirmed The aeeoud trial ot 1". T. Herbert, for thu niurdcrot Thomas Keating, the Iii.-b waiter, is nit yet concluded. It ia probaLic that it will be given lo the jury to-morrow. His acoulltal is expected. Iu tic uieall- lime, the Democracy to keew their bauuaiv.! Kansas, vice tMI-ou M.auuon, removed., ,.u arekin (ff niore of ,,., p,rly. Two of ibeo individual living iu u UJ . l;irrcl U,t u,.lt ttl)0ll 1 a l!uchau:it. poll, aud one of tlu;u liaiued biuiuis was killed. llou. V. S. brooks was yesterday arrested aud held to bail in the sum of S"',U0O not to engage iu a duel iu thu District, or to leave it for the purpose of engaging iu one, with I the Hon. A. Hurling. me, of Massachusetts. I It.a the ii.f i.ti.il of the olEcers also to re - .piire bail of Mr. Uurliu-amc, but be k t.ius tar eluded tncm. J,a..d Warrant, ate now ,,.iotod at Jl cents per acre f..r Iritis; D'J ceiila for fd'a u tenU fjr and fjr 40-. ,r ...mnoaitor ...s.ia me in ,., l..t- ---- -- r - -- -- -. v, v.. ,u.. . ter ot the 'Jtli, that the House had pa.-ed He baa ueer beeu one of thee narrow thu liver improveiiieint bills by the ' con- I ruled fcp-'larity -seeking demagogues who tribuUwual majesty," instead of the " cou-1 have kept North Carolina so far behiud her stitutitiual majority." l?ut u.Uakes willjsiswr St.W. for fear be "could not be re- , I , , ,,.,, happen sometimes. ;elcctcu. No ueh Uitser.ble time aerun:; I . There has been nothing of importance policy ever marked the course of so true a done in (L'ongress the pat week, the Iluuse'ou " John A. I. IL.vil.rt. being ergagrd mo.-t of tlfc lime ou CuUte.tcd ! K"r l'""s l,,ttTn,i 1V" . . or any measure designed aud calculated to vlv.cl.oiiS. Idauc the iuterest o'f the people of the Ju!y 30, 1 "".'jO. i Sl.le, be has beeu amon the Jtitt audyo.e- The Newark Kjb'!c of the ".'3d contains a ""'' to lead off. He did not wait lo see if i letter from Commodore Stoektou withdraw- ill" bis name a a candidate for the I're-i- Jt"c- " be recollectca that in bis let- U'r of 11C:''P,U,1 reaerved the p.ivilege of withdrawing whiuevcr the fiicnd. of Mr. .... , , , -. i . i . t " - " " -i r- ii. ... i " -erol wiibdrawal ne says," the (.Sorts 10 I'revi,lt ,at, great Americaa party lrom l" '"' "l'e'io'iliJe'd or aboliliouiicd, have 2 " Clonal no auoii.iou men ana dogma,. t i II.. .... -i : . .. i - i ..c .u....e. c..s, .j Ul.ji, si.mjvcci, ll4"":', 1 "' uo 'ouger a cau J.Jate for the I'residet-T " Ue Vwarit tsSIe a! u.,,,, t i. letter : " 1 V"' a-J ' 'J " " -dueled. The .lie. are bright oJ " -"P over uic cuie tear, oa iu ms tut lui i . ; . L'-. J'-' tuu-.l.nce. from every quarter . g.ttd lining, ran upon mo ear. n. nave 0DI 10 M (rue w P"nc.ni... "4 .bi.- n- f.U x - .s - sl - e t ,cU,n' ,bat vtr 'BCtri6 tL" Au,cr .... . . , ., lean neart. The prospect f -r Mr r illmorc'. electiou . ,, ., , ... v " J ... I 1 1 I t - 1 of Congress from trier cMistit aonw iu differ- cnt portions of the country, and a!! r pre- ent them improving iu their respective ics. If imilicit rdiauce could be . I' tee uii t.-vT, .tvj.nii 1.1-. nil .iuii l.n -ii. ' " " ' ' 1 .... ....... ... 1....L. ... .I.... .1J.. ,.f ....... ll. a,C IIIVIIC f 11.. . I II .. I ai.liV .-.!. ' .: .. -i.:..:. .'. :. I juJ -t of elect ucllt;y co "llucl' ' J .... it, i. in, it . 1 leiratiuii wi.ieij Bum men u . u iuws, iju ' . j- ., ,t -. 1 . cuons aceordin ' lo tlieir wt,e, y they are .pt to form incorrect oj.inioiis. and the publication of those opini- ons causes much of the disappointment wt.icb f -I..., ... -,: . , w. y'.viaii'ju- b-j'i.eiaiij nuvu 11 1 1 u - . , . , , ... ni.,1 i r.... I th.iiii h I,.., II.. V " -f"""- t li . ,1 I , ,1. ul , a Irt I .. ...I....... T .1 . fc- ' ' " ' . - - ing a gei.'-ral survey of tiio whala political j horizon, there is n.uc-1. to cheer and not ! much to uircour ige us. In the la-t four weeks, a ravo'.at.ou has beeu wrought in the 1 t.iil.lin itiiiid .11..I1 a. in ns Ii'sh snsei. nf cver 9illtsv4 iu ,oy o( le ci;ilil,.,j wollj. This change is yet rap- idly progtessing, and w.i see nothing that 1 mi arrest it, but many iufl lences it work to impel it forward. Every day the lure of our glorious Cntoit, which iu many parts of the country, North aud South, bad yielded ' to a morbid utilimtut of fanaticism, is een to re. ppeur in its origin tl purity, and wheal November reache. us, we are encouraged to believe this fell spirit of di.uiiioiiisiii will . .... . . . , . " "'"deuce, and tbat tt.o titout, uj ,,,,, ullo uf Amerivun vutrr will rr,.igi, it to the tomb from wbieh there1 all be no resurrection 1" 1 . i, t0 1,- honed, for the r.eaee. t.rosi.er I ' i 1 .,,., Lo tllC CMe. My firm conviction is i ,;)Bt ,y ,l0 0-uur Ulciiu, ,1(.c lDy dirahle elements of .-reatnes. be accured, except by the election of Millard Fillmore residency. 1 ..en, an m.i tends to tnJB ttvMw.M wiU U , . other!... - o mutter w hlch of bis comi.etitors may be e-'. irir.. Af., A i.., ... 1 1 ..-.vov.- ,.....v.v.(..v.,H...4 uuaiMT at IHIIIC. and war abroad must await thia .-lorious Rcpublie of ours ; which mast uec-sarilv I away and leave but , gli-,tly rem- na.it of its present fnatues. u mtik its rise, progress, and decay. On )cslcrday the House pas.rd a bill proviiiiiig t ,r a P organi; -.ti iii of tl ritoiiesof K. Unas and Ni-hra-ka, of T.T- the. folloiviu; i, the nih-tatie- ; pro, id. , for - an ei.tr.: re.r.rjan -ili ... ..f ti. 'I'..... I...... ...... . ,, . aim I'-iu.os i:: i-.-gn.auve .saeii.niy lrom gioo t-l for the ri-i t to io'. li vore, no. t olhei. . 0r lutr, w !;'. ou jttnc iattLJWM W Ml IWWUB III1 oourt'of justioi neither Sa any person euti - tied to any of iaiJ privileges to bo requir- id to takuao ontb or atfcrniatiou luaupport any law oiber tu.o me n-utuuou o. .ue -i . .. . . r .1... IT. '....I i.ai. ihi f,rn.l int iir.ll.xUal tlllivu , iJ'i-ii , - M - " " .miiiabineuts to be allowed, uor rea-ouuble i bail to be refuted to any pcraoi. accused of I any crime xei pt treaaou aud murder, nor umea tue inooi is ui- W .... ,,11 uch relnal it nucii pcrou aball bo penna- m ail lemo.ed from the .aid Ttriilories prior to Jiinuary lvt, If'.. ' Thia bill w pis.ied by a vote of to 74.', Ilia rumored here that the Incident has noiiiiuated John W . liearv, of i'ei.itaylva. , , ,. .-' , . ' iiia, (lecei.tly j: i aiiioiui.il lo be tio.-eri.ur . .... .. 1 .lie cause oi 1111s reiuoui in uniuimu- The accolid trial of 1. T. Uerbeit, for the murder of the Irishman Keatiu- his been concluded. '1 be jury, aftei an absence of an boor returned a verdict of not gui'.ly. 1). W. Jarboe, indicted for the murder cf John K. Nallev. (bis i.te- aeducei) baa also beiu atiiailled. EliOXTES. jijii.N A. GILMER. NORTH CAROLI- NA'S KUIEND. 1 T)- rwu.)Uf thu increaaiuu interest in ' behalf of JuliN A. Uilxikii, is to bmfouud ju j,;, ,...lrio,:0 cour!ie as a legislator. j F,alu lU Crl Lc'eutered the legi.li.Mgiv, my opinion iu writing iu regard to .!, ,uri) ic j,,, tJ,0.u himself an ardent friend con-titutionality of e.rtaiu clau.a of u, oi luose "real lucasurea urojeciej lor i;ie ft I : t I..... : f .!.- C... it were popular in certaiu localities Hi only imiuity was, will it benefit the people ior us ue uuen secnuuai in uia course. Currituck and Cherokee, llrunswick and Uurke have been lo him alike, part, and ; rll",,', North t.rolu.a. Iu bis effort. to iuiprove, lo elevate the character aud' I'ol.ilititsn (,) rtr.im.-vti tli iiitrfst nf llit u.,, lu,e ltt La. voted for improvement iu the fc isl aud iu the est, dipt Using the ' bl"-in? of rood aud wholesome laws, for j. ... ... i. r .i MiIm m nU ...v .rHLt.r anil iu r.irtt .ri - --- a. - rcM,;lu, til0,e ifJfU. . i . iuo ui.prov.mtiita wlicb n.ve been and re now going ou, owe pernaps, m,rt lo Juh A' Clm, lhau any o.ker mau It, s toice uas teen raised teanr.ly in tlnir ,u aeai.gogue. d,d their be-t agsinst LU. If .uy of .he .ppropri.tioo. lav. been ""'" '..iproprrly spent, tbat wa. 14. - j,,,, fc M m,krJ fof Tb S), ri ii !( nil iiniiifiirp nia rntpi in riip-i- eouij do, If .fur the uieney wa. obtain- 1. j.i.. J. - .u.propeny usee, m.i was no ; -f n- fc M. ! gro. th. oi.irr a f.rm .f land, and one of ihnu turouch protii 'acy .0 maua.-e .a to lose bis Ugaey, lhat will not be imputed as , ,r,rue in .1,. father. u 1.. V - ...j c....l ,. II flUI. UU UUC .IUG aillS ,-OUIII l'.r..i,:.B f r Ii.. .I ' . .. r m r. ............ ... . .. t- v ss. ,, , . ., a U p t au Wiukle, and at tue same time ii.:. 1 ... bleeding us of onr auhsiam e, and add to thpr eoffer, ihe gallant Gii.mkk. with , .""""' tr.vii,g to re- .MSt.te, ll.e.- In .... . , r ,11 l.n Irjllt ru 10 lue c uaxy of Slr.les ' jnu v "r j"!' ' " .... r,.r.stn.I i ...... J f ... I !...! . .... .v.vi.w ...h-k... .., vill, tl, IIIG UMiHliri- ;. .v. . . 1 r ...... in tho march of imnruv.-mrnt 111 !h Is.l 111 . - - . Ir .r... .l..-.i: .:- irnrs. urn lor lue uo nui III 11(7 sell IMil rove , , ..' ll.eliL llieasure. nil rnl.ilti.tt tf I ...!.. hlullut .. ,ud Li, eaje. ,e iiouid have beeu ten years ', where we are now. The ititc-Higetit people of the State are ta- king tins matter iu baud tor themselves and ou.e extent have driven tLe.R hard - L It .' .l i ,- ' e sm-i.s .m u.e.r rmuous poney , u,s ore- 1 pd aek nnvs i..rl iiiilit r.f (l.- r,i. i.. r.t 1 1. ...... - - - r - j" -.-.. ...vi ant tils Irieiids will t,rmg to their support, numb, rs who have heietoiore opposed Ihem. ' hiiiiton American. j GOVKRNOUS VOTES. Iu the (iubernatorial election of lh.Vl, when Ibid aud Mauly ran, the followiug was the vote: R'-.d. - ll.fs.i MaUiy, . . -1,1,(11 Rcid . m.joiiiy, . U,7sj. In I -''!, when I'u-id and Kerr were the candidates, I lie vote was a. follow.: Eeid, . . . I Kerr, 1 ,UllO Rcid'. majority, 5,101 In Il.')4, when Iiragg and Doekery were. the candidates, the vote was as follows I5rajg, - . -JH.7or. Dockery, . . -Id, ti ll Rragg'a majority, ,M31 of Zrrrlt""' I'"""1"' ,U " ' I.r.TTKii MuiM Kx-Gov. Monr.ittAl.. At tiie recent great Fillmore and Donelson ' ...t.,illf ; NeW York, the followi,,, letter f i- ,. .,,,, - ... .1. ' . . I r dh . I tt It sValliill'i I...... !- tiKtisAi-iiiii in . . uhc ;'7 - untrasi. 1 I'anr.iit f.Hr-iiiit. iiithi. f A,. .. ' "','ll' ''aroiina will give Mr. .. ...V.' . . .' ' tl' -. 1 1 .,, "-' -W'lty. H a.l,,. tr.- tlull iiii-.,. e.-tiri. ..li.l .. tl..,. . .. .!. e.... ,k ,,,,,;. ha, he, ,, w,'i.,,', j,', J,,, 'balance and found .o w.iiitiitg. JJ, no Democratic, n . Federal blood ti let out 1.1 1,1. lit: deeds , luallui,,, uy v.li.ci matl l.onventioii-, to rtand upuu. ,...,' ." ' , .' . " pi .urn in, ,a-"l upon i.is own udm n -Ira. li....- .... ..I...:. : ....: . "...""'" ....i..i..- ... , ' -.-''-, " 1 '"i " "".'orii, ami -,. f ., somlted d.snord, .,.,1 . t. , t , i .1 adii,n.,,,rat.',i, North Caioiina Will pei.ee' a Mir li b ' ;.""'i ssiislied. and I ho,., it,., ,....,;,. ;ii be blessed wilh it,'' At th ooi ciusion o." the readi mg ot tne .i i'... .1.. .. ... i i t,iiiin L-jrit cu' eri Vfre r- .S u.u U. o..l. ' uri.,u 1 LETTEK FROM Mil. CRiriENDUN. ; The following Utter fioai the Uou. J0l,n j ij,i,ttn,e 0f Kutueay, tbg "uubli.L . f k Amiiricku s , . , , ., , luu I"--""' a-"l' "f t.. lie in oc ratio ieaiiera and Jribjii upon Mi;. jufj l'i!Iiuortf, i.cau.o be bad the ,l0: .,,.:,,.:,, ,. , , a, . fore kiguinu the r'. far from detiaetiii.. houid eicvaiu biiu iu eouaervalive and tirbt. . . i i ... llllUBIIIU HI...I .W. "V WHOM fU-I.IWJt: li. , lulraliou of bis iliienon, L.a aiodoni, .in! hi dwotiou lo the bouth. Would that a', 0Jl- )'re.-!deuti would exhibit like pru dti.ee j,atrioli.llli abJ Jefe rebec U the jaJ.Uitu .. ... ,-, , , i . i ; r wt tui-ir l.ou.a.t.itiotial ad.i..kr. ... . ij . .. .... ,, 1 ,f 1 ,1. l.ii.l r.. . i , I I. a I..ll..r ..I Mr 1! t in r..i. w I.. ... " , ' -, ' ' w wi,.vm w,,.. vj . u.. ... u u .j.a.j, (icoria: A ichmoij U hig. WAStlMi r'M, July 11, 1:50 " 'rll)"f " " J"" V" "f 1 'e 1 "'P1 ll'hl uuri"K "r at any in,,,, did be ever .ay to n.e, or iu my ln-ai ii,t-i " thai the fuviiive slave law was ui.i-'H,,;,. tulional," or anything to that 1 11, ct. Ni an. er is it true " that it was only by your (my) urgent aulinitatiuu aa hi. ailvim r that li could be induced to tin the bill." For tL puip'iM1, us I aupp-jscd, of acting, and ii)p' that be acted, delibcrately'aiid ud .i,, j. ly on so important a sal j'ct, ho require! bie as the law officer of the GoVe'ruiiiei.t, ttf liill, and I fid so. 1 believe li.al be ro,'u"I. ? u"u"'- " "'""''el's of hi. Cil,iill(;l T,lU w donet Dl JuuLti ojt o. r.p(.tt for (.j. Cabinet, c-H i.. rrcuri. t0 bis conduct the highest aauctiou whirl, tiie advice ol bia Cabinet counsellors could fito. All ihe member, of the Cabinet, I belie.,, d viM-il in la,vor of tl.i! bill, .nd in so doin . . i . i . . , , , . omy ooiicurred, as 1 cuaerstood, m t.,,) President', ow u opiniou ou tt.e sui j.-it. There w.a no urgency or aoiieiiaiiou u Mr. Fillinor- to sign the till, ik.t I kuo. cf. I certainly used none, nor did I vr suppenvo that any tai ureesary. Mr Ki',.. ioir, I have no doubt, i.'Ud tbat bill fire- ly, mid in obedieuee only to bis oan i ju- irlion and sense ol duly. '. The above will afford jou, I hop, sir. a u inurr ia nur fin.ttiru kn i i h.- the honor lo remain. Very rcsp-ctful;y . your., Ac , J. J. CKirix-uax Mask oir FAVtinvnta Caxa Tie caes si-i.t up to lb Supreme C'ouil from I iiia county, to Procure a dei'iiMoii on tie ' ' . . ' . i. t . i i - . t'kii't.i . uii HjF r.yui input ttue bini it a , . ... . v ,. . - , ..... ... butJ. There Were three of this casts : l i, ,ellI,.t lb- corporation itself, one gin..i , V. O. il.tiuew.. Taller, aud uu ....usi lexai,di-r Vrl'hrr.oM t'in k uf ll.e l-.t ?.,rc.; ; ll.nk. ou the Kround. a w, U.rn, tb.t the proceeding should have ben t, !J, ,- lt.jn ,ud Lul l? MultHtHl. U i. Mt i.e- v-... -v . a,.. . I . .1 ... . .1 . . .4 . . . tui'iv imiiiwiij ui uiy.TUUic. OtsUilU i K J &f ( Mliu( .c , vttd ou ta drti..oi. : iu otl,.- word., the ease Went oQ on a U-chiiicsittr Ia the other two rise. tL. merits on re. 1 hed, si J tiie decisions are t the' i t) -t tb.t the iiank baa not any .utborily to ) .ue uue . nd twos. It bad the right lo A; .0 befoie the Revised Code went into rp ration i because it bad authority to ij . rWii, au i no Uji Lad prrscrihi-J w i.u t t:. , ueiiuiikiusiien wi iftrpe iina si.oui.l tie 1 , . . ... , , , , law pawn'd by tiie last I..---H, sure .aid il.isu .1-. . . .- .. .... .1 . I I ... I 1 Tl a rule lor ail l.atik wuii li bad n-t tirr'i limited it: this respect, and tor.e(ii. 1,1! ,, the liauk of b a) ttluvi.lo thtb vuutc under ti.i ai r, gu'sli-.n. I In- oue. aud twos i-. n-d before tic Crt of Jauu.ry Were, therefore, rii.hif.iny put out; .mi, it would senu, thry mav lc yet circulated by ilidivi luaia who hold t:..-:., ihoucb not re issued by ll.e Uat.il. We- pre vim' the dt-cisious will be put. 1. bed over I u iclit'itli.'t Arf.nl. j lia, n,n.i v l!n 11 It ..it l. .. ..,.,.. r . ed thai an .ccounl of a ealilDi' at ihflt Melln- l.i... 1 1 ,...1 1. M .. t ..t. .1.. .1 ... ..u.v., ... ..... .. i- m uj .iii.siiti. , Rtsoo. severely, appeared i., our rolu...,,. i - . . . . if a .ew mi. nice. voiinecti.l all 11 .'ir i.ks w hive a tale to unfold wbieh wi.i B..ke thu abolitionists of Philadelphia bvi kl.r u,tuf. ll seem, that when Mr. Vleks was ahoat U Uavt Nuttb Ciroiiuft in con, ;... y i'. Mr Harsurtil atn & V.rlkri. .. -a-.... a i.,u; tr, wa, rrl),ie. ,y .lltU. i0,.i,.. to take w itb buu a negro w ho b..l been s. n tenceil to baiiishine nl from N01 lb Caruim. ' for a daring ouirag.j upon the laws of tl.sl blatn. Mr V. cotiseuted and oil bis arii.sl at the Hotel iu Philadelphia In; regi.le'e-J bi nime V.cks and .Servant, boon .11. r tU abolitionists appeared and used every per- Suasiou to Itinuee the lirgro to .b-roliil ; ai . be intnrmed Mr. V, that lory bad urn " A him f.'.il to run off Mr. V. advised lis boy to demand f 100. The .mount paid .nd tho banished nifro wb w-s t.krn to the North to be lelt there, received aid .iiirxpeetedly and is now ridine' sinoi.j a class cf people alloy, ther Worth bi. a-J-c i a t i o u . ( o.'u ,'. 1 1 j 'I unit. I 'NSETTEKD. Tbo New York Expic-s calls llueh.n-o the "Great 1'nsculed." and proves his lit." to the name iu tho fjlljniii-' eoinluM'" manner : Tin Great " ENsxri Ll!.," Jaim 1; chain,.,,,. ,l,e ,,,. that i.ev, r .. tiled any thing. lie s,-ed dow n a Fed. raiisl iu r,y !'fe bin bis coimeetions ..-e.i..iiM ... . .... uii"' U.imI, la: turhrU utit ft fil 1 t tdi-J '' i i ' i.l,. otrht. An lilpiOUlittll.t llf Uli'ltMtook ( 1 . ' settlc " the Orrt;o.. com rovers v , by I ,ly,1:lU ,.,,;, : ,Ul )..,. was awfully ' uiisetii, d " by the ace. pt ."t0 ol some Bvc degrees less He w. nl to F'S' land, but " eelt'ed " nothing. He riune y lea viii, eve i j ibii.if uu-eltieii. He l'1"' to, bul did n.it niile ihe Centra! Aim'""" il'.e-tioli. He did i, nt I,. tt!u tlia dl-l'Ulia .rbitrstior, of tho Clayton lid.w.r ll .'. I. i . i i . n. i, r 1 " H ho setli-d ll.Jll.il. ' Alloci I"' ' ba led a very uns"ttld life. ; nu Rank nt in it btATk The annual in"1' ing of tho utocaho'iieia uf tno Rank '1 "" btut : f Nji-th Carolina w hi 1 1 in R " Monday la. I the II..11. Th. Sefle. ": Est.-.; fi - l"'f- - ' t; . . Hi ..ia. y IU, J t.u cita. i