- ,;l Scrap fur lctiio?i'at. ' j Br. Pillmoft and thr no". Jflli.V E. WARD, Drmo-1 critic rrrij-nt of Ihr Cine inaali couvtnliaa- rEM ( H ATI TESTI MON V. The Savanuah, (ia. " Republican," one of the ablest American journals in the country, i is summoning Democratic Atiti-Ainericao ' witiuascs to testify to the high persoual char- ! aeter, hriiiiuiit statesmanship, aud patriot- ' ism of Mr. Fiilmore, Iu the issue of his pa- per of the 1 Jth ult., he called to the stain! 1 lio less a pcrsouagc than Hon. John E. War J, j I'l ffilent nf the Cincinnati Convention , j hi:h nominated Mr. Buchanan. Well, t what bad Mr. Ward to say ? He had much to say, and he raid it like a true hearted . chivalrous Snuthern gcntleoiau. We give , below what he said and the circumstances 1 tivlcr which he said it. Head, Democrats, 1 Whig, aud American, and lay away the scrap as a precious jewel found iu the tur- : bid btreaki of politics : Oo the -(ltof April, (nys the He- j publican) and nfier the close ot Ins glorious ' a Jiiiiuistrathm Mr. Fiilmore made a visit to the city of Savanuah. He was met at the : depot of the Ctnlr.il Railroad by the citi x -ti". a!mot in mnsr and the entir; milita ry of the city, under the gallant command ; ol Col. A 11 Luwton, Democratic R. prcsen- 1 tative from Chatham in the last Legislature. A democratic board of Aldermeu were the tirst to greet him, and hating landed from the cars, the Hon. John E. Ward, then May or or the city, aud pine- PRESIDENT, as afjresaid, addressed Liui as follows : j " Mb. FlM.MoKt: : With unfeigned pleas- : tire I perform the duty assigned me of wel- ; cuning yoi to the city of Savaunah. Wbiit t lie events n hu ll marke I your administration of the covrrnnicnt are of too recent date to le discussed without arou-iiiu passion, which on th'i3 occai-io;i should be hushed to j.st, we iim-t all reincuiber that those high and sol- inn tru-ts were not assumed by you iu the sunshine of our polity. It wa, , , dark and eventful period in tne history of "ir iiov rmnciit. liVn t h f I rat e legan to ,t , i.i .ii lrar Ihe pow.T nf aian.'and the pious to douli 1 . I the favor of liod. " Dark and fearful were t tie cl uus that hung on our horis.di. violent the factions that n-itiited our laud, and n en seemed to reck not how widely raged ; tl e storm, sn thai, in its fury, it upturned tiie institutions of the South. 44 It was your lot to breast that storm, ' and bid its mutterinjs cen-e, and to do that . yoj m i-t turn away Irom the cro't ds of flat lr- rs and tread tlie ihiv pjfu or duty. mnr o iu hmu of f.t i ni orer a vrtt Wiih vour rot cs of office ai with a pauoi-ic r,hJtj, in:o,y. .M r H,..iure r 'hvut of ice. voi wrapped yourscif from all tiie l: . Vt. l:l , , lrr.,,..tlrn , ,.t ,e preju lie-.- o: osrn. r i-ars. and from a. 1 the nirnuuf I IMI'llMi i-u I.M.AU..1M. tne uo temr t if O'H wiiiili tii n sijrrO'll! led jou. m n.. i ol sl.AVl.liV." ' L i.t rrifii d by threats, uniwed by clamors, . . vo i Lei I on vour stemlv eo,iti, rresorve i ; tin- I uii-ntLtion it ynur country. e:ivc peace to the land we love, ml repo-e to tiie insti tutions wLieii we cherish, iilustiBtin to the worl 1 that 4 paee had ii vi.torics no less renowned than warV Ii i fit aud proper now, when v-iu ha.e l.iid a-iu place and power and paironnire that the affections of a cratefui popm si:ouid toilow you to your home, and linger arouti.l you in your retire-, nient. As the constituted authorities of the c;ty of Sarann-ih. we welcome you within her limits n the r-preeiiitives of tiie peot!.', we welcome you to our hospitalities as a rnioo of her eitinen-, we welcome mil frt mir Knnmt .r.H mi lutarfii " t-uch an endorsement, Ireaihin? trath in errry syllable and line; should arrt the p' n arid cl.s" tne 1 p of every Democratic tr . liici r of Mr Fi! m ire in the land. On ibe d:.T foil-jain. Mr Fi n.ore was , , , . i.niiiir'i 11 'i r I'll' iir.ifi riiiriinr - i ti.e ) . stumps of which the same elofi ient eulogist offered the following settlements: 44 ('ur ui-tinjuUhed puest : ItaUed up by Fr jvidenee to i e ruler of a nation, he 'corn ed to btconi the leader of a faction.'' To this tis't. three cheers were p;ir.o-ed by Solomon Cohen, Esq., the present Detu- Ocratie r-t ."h'U-r of bavannati. Mr. W ard and Mr. Cohen, howevsr, were 1 not the o.i'v witness that camp forward ' and volunteered their homai:" on that oc- eiM.n. Several other di-t:ii,"ii-hi''l Demo crats were present and emulous in their r.iai-e, ani imonj theru t'.e Hon. John C. Ni'-ol, J.id.;,? of tl,,; I. S. Ih-ti'n t l.'o irt. and a Dein .erst of the a lainndtine, (iir'n-e recti fied sehool, i l.o offered the fuiloii.g : 4 Tl-.e CLii f Ma'i'tr ite who upon retirin? frim oftce couid say, ' I only cia'in for my self to have aen d hone-tly, di-interf td!v, lind with the sole view of restoring the har mony of the country which gave Liu. birth.' '' (Loud rp1iu.) We ei'je f ,r th rrest-t,! mhh t!. sinjlc rniuark that, from that day to lhi, Mr. Kill- Uior. h ii.i-n a private cini'Mi, has held no office and tak'-n no p-irt in public affmr, and vet be is now li'-i.'iuiir'. j a an .ii'iii v to the Sju'.b and tota.ly unworthy of pui,lic c.'iiij'jenee. ' h ! shame, wheie is thy biu.-h '. AN HONEST CONFESSION. Wo pice beliw an utract from Mr. S F. Meah'-r's leeture in Bu-tori, in aid of the '' B-i't-in KuiigraLt Scibty.' He confiiuis the truth of the argument used by native A nie i ii. j lis agaiu-t lilt: ta-y nut a r a!i z it 0f forci-'a irriiiiiratjts info this country : Ameiicabs rhould ponder well the djc-i tn'j s enunciated by l:i it iter : i " I, lor one. never ffjee tie rr-eord of my paien'sg?. Tb title Hi-i-Hs of bii Irih reti-l ar ui' -''frMptible. K-irtb cannot id.. i '.i rule, nor p' 'J iry pTVitt, nor laerifii-e i!i f . , lur aj'Osfiey disown th.m. '1 rui to tni in. when, and n far as it n in u pivi-r to do o, I hall fuifi, the obligations tin obi r.-si r,l.i.-. Life is toe iituit of tho-' t o'is. D. alh alone can exonerate ii , - from them. Wen- Ameri' an ( i t i n-1, i p ti i-ii.e. ! them, I i renounce the rui. itf ti-1.!' and aiil.ere to tiie oo,:gai ioin by hn h it was pieeeded. '1 he iaiier, impo. ed ly truth, surpasses in sanctity tin- f,r-:ix-t, wbicu is an a.Xinty sv.gg. -l. d by cuoiee rr com ps'.'.e'! by late. Jo.er, at ail tames, in every condition, must the neces sities uf n;y coui.iry be the ttiai.LiLt an- ,i i ja il. " NlN 44iltr.s.IMi-l " A Dw iu Brit tsu w riles from New purl : Uehsu t , , abnni nine tunes a day here. Fir-t. we pot on a dress to dress iu. 1 lien ire re.,.;v f -r breakfa-t. After that we dr -s ,r n,',; b'eh ibcB for the bath ti.m for il inner then fur the drive then fur the hail and then for the bed If that i-u't being put thiougk a regular course of diimty and diamonds, iheu I aui no judge of siteh pi r-fjiuijusea gfortlr Carolina frilling- s CHARLOTTE: V'edncjiday, Au"iist 20. 1 S 0 . AMI'. Ill CAN NOMIN A I IO. FOR IMtKSilPKNT, MILLARD HLM0R1', OK XKW-YOUK, FOIl YI.13 l'l(fM!l:.NT, OF TENNHSSKK. AMFUICAN FLF.CTOKAL TICKET. rR TUT S HTK AT I. ABUT. I.. B CA11MICH AFL, of Wilkes, JOHN W. CAMF.1ION, of Cumb. rlaud. Ill I..-inct, I.i t i 'ri.(.iii,in,i, ,,( i:rlu, i'l " I!. J. tVurrrli, rf Hi uul.Tl. 3d ( .'. Al. irm. ,.f N,.- M.niHVfr. !:h T. Liiti'jnliii, l.r.uiviile. "iih A. J. Sir. -in. ,i, ol rii.-itli.uii, t'.tii ' (if II. J M. 1,1 .n il. ui Daviusun, Till A. J. Irirji nf Anfi'.n. Stli 14 Jiio. I. llviiim, of Uunron.be. KXIKAi Is FP.l M Mil. LUC IIANAN SFI KK' UES. ' l'i null iiie liere. M r. ( h. i r msn, 1r z iimnii n t In iijifrtk n:.on u suhjiet, lo whicli I lute never t'd'ure iii.ttrltd U( 11 tin: liner, uinl tn tt lnrii, 1 t-il;.!, 1 iii.jV IHttrueain h ite ueeiiMim In iniVi-rl. 1 nir..-. tii.'muirei ot !.m rv. 1 HKI.IKVK IT jTo BK Vi! l.l".r'.N l Af- l I.N A sTv'ri: WilKlii: IT IH,KS '.NOT KM1-. IT HAS I i:i .N A . ,,, i v i , i ,. i.. . n . . ... . ... v. , ( t KI, KN 1 Al I.I.I) I i N I I MA I M. .. l io t mi ii HAM.S i a m i at ki,. ri. mv.i 1" . . i'H nv l..!ii..n! .in p. K' g itt.-r ul JKliuli s, I'.gtf l-o, vui. i-n 2 ' ... . 4E TIJT HAS Till, tit KsTION (f SI UtKV. W llisl I tvr ii. e lu-ii t ii hi. :.!.: itr i. t i m Minn, V'.cir lull inTf ;n.iJ v it. He coi.-'i.t'jtMfial riit ll v til in rn M t- rvt-T r .!..vt pro. r' i-, ''' T-t.'rL'Tmttr, i.t any act of . ur:;mcnt uf fn!i:rr Hot ii Ileuses of Congress adjourned on the 1 t ii, but tiie President hus called an eitn Ses-bDfor tie 21st. The principal ria-on assigned for this is the defeat of the Army lull, wbicu toe House relustd to pass wi;u tuc .""enate ameuduient-. R'..L:i:l lilt flilll. We l.'aru tii:.t a mail rider by the name Qf Currier or Cunie, was arrested ann im- n , Mn.U. !,. r. . ... - ' biL the mail between Newtou aud Vo. k- vi.ie. lie cjniessed tne laet an 1 toiU now he uece'-de,d in ji-ttiuj the letters out, and that bo La 1 pjr'uiued drifts and half notes, which he birnt-tu whole hi. .she tiau ; Mm 4kmm useu. lie states tuafc tiie in iu nuer iro.n . t it. . ..... . . .1 . r Lincolnton to Morgauton had tld him be liinl t.ceu roLtiii" the mail and suj.'estcd ,. , ' .... ii. . I... n , n . t.-. ll... q ...lAi.t...! t.- ' IV Hi . J mm . , ii y i u u i v v . jret the lttt'Ts out, .Ley Ud no kt-y, ai to pull ibe pck-ic? Letweta I'm steej-it. This oiler rivitr will also be arrested Compf Dsatioil tu lfjf flrnikrs of foilfrrss. The .Senate passed a bill regulating the compensation to Memi-traof Congress. W hen this bii! was taken up iu ti.e llou-eof Rep resentatives f.r Cju-ideration M rr otf..r- ed a substitute, wbic'j was Cua.ly al-pted veas 11-', nays OJ the Senate aKo con- i-i i i -i curred iu the substitute, and it awaits the signature of the President to become a Ian. This bill pr "i ii-s that a member of Con gress, should receive SOOOu fr a Congress, which would be at the rate of FJ'H.O, per aniiuin, an 1 u.ileai'e f jt the two ri gul tr es- .i.jas. 'J'he Pre-ideut 2'r" t'"c Seriate is to rec :ve tLe same eou.peii.satna as ti.e Vif... t'r.. :,!..T i i.t il ,. I' sc : ,1.. . ,.f M; ,,., ,.T tl I n.n ir ous.er to the death of the latter or o in Presidency. 1 he Speaker of the House, as at re-ct.t, would receive tivilie the com pe tiniitiou to be paid to meinbt r-i. When ever a n.iiiib r is absent, except for sick-ne-s cn bi- part or in his f m i'y, he is to receive no pay. 1 lib is au amendment we have long de-ircd t". see adopted. This wi ! prevent metnl ers from st nn; ing it over the country, except st th'.ir ob expense. We thank Mr. Orr for this. Ihc Nulional lull HirrDrir. it The Rich ii'.iid ( Va ) Kiamlui r sjys : " It is sotiiOiitatively state.) that toe . tiunul hiUtt i in i r , the time honor, d organ of '.'lay and Wtb-ter and the I'll Line Whig party, vi.il m.j. port Mr. Boi::iai.a:i for the Pri sidei.ey." do not he leie a word of it. We take tiie Intelligencer and if a:.y thing bn- app .ored iu il th it had tiie least ii.aliiig towaius sot porting Mr B,ei. anno it 1 as tar sped our notice. Let the lutelii genci r -peak oot. 'J h? In huh ml i, parading the name6 of a lumber of Whigs wh ha.e cone to the topport of Mr. Bu' liana ii, among tin in Percy Walker, of Ala, John M (.'lay ton, of 1 .1 ware and Reverdy Johnston, of Maiyiand. These hi t two gentlemen were in;.;u. Tay- 1 ('';..,.. .1 . . ! ;...,,. . 1 1 . 1 I'll p i..i.ii,' 1, aii-i ii'ii if . 1. 1 . .jii." 1. 1 , ir, l-il. more, tl,is liss given tin 111 otlenee ; amJ we had it fr"iu gojd authority that Mr. 'Tayton was It., eau-e of lieu Scott g.ttiii'.' tne n iniiiitiou in lS'iJ instead of Mr Fill- more. 'I l.is accounts for their oppo-ition, an 1 se;f i- at the b "ttom of the others go- doubt. And we art strcngt 1. encd iu this opinion after reading the fol low ing extract from Mr. Walker's speech : " 1 trust to preserve my own individual ity iu going ith this or with Hint party, according to the dictates of my own judg ment. 1 neither throw aside the party term of Americtiu ' nor take up the party term of 4 Democrat.' I simply stand I fear 1 may cay so alone, somen hut of au Ishuin elite. l'erhnps it may be so iu my own dis trict. Were I covetous of a longer service in this hall, I feel asm red that al! I would have to do to attaiu that end would be to take iu my hand the Fillmore banner and cauvass my district.'' THE nL'MTiKY ELEITION. . ,i .. , ,1: -.v ... i i... ... u,r1" .MMiu wj, the IKluocrats to clitun every thing at this I . , . . tune, we give an article iu to-days patier , , from the Louisville Journal, which ought! ,, ' , ... i to s:iuly any reasonable man that p olitics i J , , i was not brought to bear upon the late elee- 1 1 ' lion iii Kentucky, Rnd that instead of that Stale giving her electoral vole to liuchan I au and Bicckctiridgc, it will go by its usual nlajoiiiy for Fiilmore and Donelsoii. To satisfy our readers that what we state above is true, we give the following extract fioui the Louisville Courier, a Democratic paper. It says : " The electiou of yesterday, afforded no elite! ion o! the strength of parties, nor ol the popularity of Presidential candidates and principles. Thee were secondary con sulet atioiis to the personal popularity of gentlemen who had offered for the various offices." Aud iu further continuation of the above, Mr. Underwood, a representative from that state, remained io a conversation, that na tional politics had nothing to do with the recent election, " for I did all I could end exerted myself s-Jcct-.-fully to re elect a Democratic Judge, because he bad made a ''-e. "J as he was so, I cared not what hi - politics were. We ail enucavnred ' i . : ,1.:. ... : fj m vip lj .i uuv ui .e in ims eieeiiou. ' r ' ...!.-..- r e i-'ii . o ut me .--late is as saie tor i im. ore as ever u Baj (or M c, J Kentucky electiou. iro much lor the t .... - J , ...r.ai . t lt.- 1 'In! ...1 it. I I . cr1'" wt'.'Mvvu j vuv uuduvipuiu Ltrilner fioiu St. Louis, fcavs sufficient re - i. i i . .i lurns uave oceu receiveu io warrant iim aniiouiici nipnf r.f tht foil a win " Statft 'l'iLt ijovcrtior, Trustun Polk ; J.iutciiaut Gov ernor, Hancock Jaclkson ; Attorney (Jer.tr al, lit-1 j . F. Ma.-scy ; Auditor, K. li. Kwiu j Treasurer, V. A lulhiii;ton. 'I he abuve are ail Democrats, aud it is . . . . r , .. conceded tb;it tueir majority piuiaiitij will avtr.i -e 7 . Od. 'lbe Congressional districts Lave all Lecu herd ffoi... ai.i ho u delegution, it believed, will stand five Democrats and two Americans, not counting Aters, K. , ho i elected simply to Cll a vacancy. ti "e l.ewly -i RCieU .'i.tioii is as follows ; 1st district. Ulair, Kepublican ; 2d district, Au- derson, American ; -H district, Green, Dein- ocrat; lib di-iriet, Crai', Democrat; 5th j; , ., j i. " r,, r . . district, l ood.ou, American : lta district, ... . ' , I liH.fi I l,.i.fr.i. Im.n nri. M ,tn .li.lnt Pheips, Democrat, (re elected ;) 7th district, Carutliers, Ueuioerat. (re-electeu ; I be Legisiiture I'emocratic, but Lot largely .. trkllRUn tiftiloil. li.. i. .. ....... ....- . i . I' .. o i?i ive-jumi sia.e mai tuuwiv. a W1)'i Democrat, bad beeu clect.d 'joveruor by .J,uu uiajurily. t .... i-1 i : ini rlpiwmn iij.ii .ii.tivii tl . , . .,. . ,. I arru rfhiri.. Irnin 1.111 111, 11.11 n, . ...ulu, ...... .... ... .... mxt iacraM-i Duinocruiic lunjyri.v Tbr SlainJird au.l V. C. liirrinrrr Emj. A Meek or two ago we stated that Mr. Darriner had charged the Raleigh t ih. ur l with suppressing a part of the Cincin nati I'Ulfurm. This was done bef ire the Injocratic Elector of this District aud he diJ ,"'t l -- charge. A Pr':,tJ M-r not to kno whether a part of ti.e Platfuriii was snr r,ri..-il or ...t 1 1 'dU','u' waH supl'r,-i":a or not. . i ne ii .-les-rs. ijiui.cr aiei liragg spoael SI ii. here, Mr. (jilmer reit -rated tne charge ami Mr. Bragg denied that the Cincinnati Con- veiition bad adopted any resolution ia f i-' ..i.i. .. .. -ii. . vor in i ne raeiric l.aii Lja-J. in our notice of this denial we stated that the aiisiiiry ia,n,r had Col. Inge's resolution and the Staiiviar j had not, and we called upon these tao papers to eiplair. the discrepancy. ' ' ' r . -I . : . , . . , . Jlit .' .'.'( ii in noticing our article, 1 I publishes the resolution, which it states wai not aiii'jili't liy tiii Cmiiri nt tun . Weil, ad- j mil that the tnii iurd is correct, how does he account for this resolution being publish-1 i ol by the Salisbury ll'inwr as part of the : Platform. Let the two pip.rs txpUin this. There is a screw lio-e some where. j i Another thinir. We do not see the Wash-i ington f 'in,i, but we were informed by a 'gentleman who bad ace ss toil, that this ; resolution was published as a part of its Plat form. '1 he S'liniiunl steins to think that Mr. Barringcr is rather too ' ojuii k on trigger. " May he not. This is to bu determined lu r- alter. We neither expect to see Mr. Barringtr l'rt-i lent of tlie l ilted States or Sheriff of ''aharrn Cjuntv, but wo do l.pe to see n in a r pr i.t-iin. r,..i. lb.lr,.l ,. . Congress some of these days. TTiifif Mnn.l. ' In im n !o is storm vi-iti-d New Orleans 011 the I'.'ih in-t jnt. It nii.i 1 110 hours : .ithoot abatement Iiiiiinii-e d itna 'e has d"l,e 'I he II th.; Streets having been flood- i. ih.i .i ..r. ...i ...1 t ....... ... ....... .i..,n. ! auu tlie damage to li,e cotton and sugar erons i, 1;.. 'it., i 1.. i. . 11 in .ii'.'i . 1 11.- 1-1.1110 were v 1 siren .t.r.i.g place. ! a is e-timaieil tl,:.l't;,s .,., of Uie Sla(. ,fn fery f)r,irttar 1 . a t .Hi persons w. rc )ot, 1-2 bodies appointing hoi.uralde and di.iuter..4 par- j . I ha . 11 1; neeu 1 iiinu. neeu i niii'i. I T777 j IIIIlK IllM. 1 Since our la-t ws have bad several po-i ions shower-, and 011 yc-terday afternoon we had a very general rain wild hail. Kv-' try tbiiij sec ma to have new lifo. ! Subscription Siife. We learn from the Wilmington Herald that the citixens of that town Lave decided to authorise an unconditional subscription of 8200,000 to the Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford Kail Road. This, no doubt will secure tho road from this place to Wil mington. The following is the vote : For subscription, No Subscription, Maj. for Sub. 470 70 400 Ttlluw Frur in I 'hitrlridon. The Board of Health of Charleston h avo ,4r,,vl "v.ciui vu. ....... . , ,, , . . ., , ihe last report of the Board, which is , , , , , . , , the lith, states, that there being no death , , ,o i i ,i . or new case for the past hours, and that . , . , . there being na new cases now in the city, . . .,, , , , Al fi.i fiirMipr run.Arlj -i'l h. msdii utilpxji tli disease agaiu makes its appearance. iv,.i,;-i.i ip.it The Rev. W. S. 1'harr was installed Pas- tor of Ka in nil riiureh. on the S-lh int.. bv iiii i m it t it s f t .ti Afii-il I r rt V. v 1 1 r i The Kev. lr. Lucy, 1. 1) , prenchcd the j . rti in ii, y vjjucu til i uii'iiiuii viiii i ijucw : Rev.' II. It. CunuiiiVhaiu, D. D. gave the charge )to the people, The services were coirtlnucd'over the Sab- bath, and the Pastor bad the pleasure of adding eight persons to the Church. 'J'hree additional Elders were also ordain- ed on Saturday. 1 he cougrctratious during all the occasion ...... .. . . i , .. Comm u it icatej. f rom our lorrcspoiidriits. Wasiun.iton, Aug. 13 lir36. The laws regulating the succession to the I ; Prnsiileiipv in case of that offic becoiiiintr vacant beiug very defective, the Committee nf il.u inil.i.; r nt lli.. ..,,.. t ll.o iuhnra of Mr. Crittenden, have introduced a bill ! fmen.iai..ry luereto. ibe .Hot 1,0-' .le- voltes the orhce first upon the President io tihl.ot Ibe Senate, or. it thera he no such i ui. : -1 , r . l . - )i liV 1)1 Cil Ulnlli irllUUHi Cllllcr Ui lul 3C 1 officers be invligiMt ou the !core of aire, or I rthf rwi-it or uot Ld in xitfiu'. an iutr- i ' ,. , . ..... reirniiiu wouiu occur. Juue JJotier a but provides that if there be no President pro tern, of the ".. uate, nor Speaker of the House, or if these olT.cers should be ineligible from n eanse then tha Chi.-f .IikiIi-h of ll.e I'- uitcd Slates shall succeed ta the Presidency, iu the event of a vacancy iu that office aud ll.o V;.. I'r, ;.lr,r. .tt.T llio CLir-f .!... . .' . ... . .v . J I j tice, then each ct the Associate Ju-tn-es, j according U seniority, to hold until the F,- lectoral Cu'.ee can be asseu.bled. This j ,.u, oppositi.n of rirti aod p.rty men, aud jt j, intended to urge its passage during the ; present session, but as ouly lour days yet I remain it mar fail, aud it mav he that some - ' i of t lie members bad rather it would lie over. lion. James C. Jones, of Temiesate, on j Saturday went over t-j the Democracy ; he , made a lon speech in the Seir.te defining llls r130'10"- He WW be should not ideu- I tify himself with any of the existing parties, . ' , ,p.rr but, after a careful examiuatioD of the Drm- ... . . . ... ocralic pa.,'0rm, be found be could endorse every word of it, aud he announced Ilia in- i teuiion of supportiiij Ja. Buchanan for the ! Pre-ideney. What a fall is here 1 Mr. Jones, ! from beini one of the mo-t patriotic anil u:..i. .. :.. ...I .t. i r..l H'l.:.. ...... k;h..;.i;.l m,n nf tl.. ( iM Wh'.,, ru.r I ft ' fc I 'J I ui k u- on u' tew mr i. ui vuc - ni . ui: 'T, (to which I was myself orposed) has fallen - .. . . ... ... ' J so low as to cringe before the filibustering, ir'i.i.nr,,,,,,, .,, ,.r,. lent dav not the straightforward honest I . ... ... 'ii... .: - .i .. r i -mocraiie priy oi ue ways ui jaca-uu . . 1 1 . 1.. ., ,11 , . , n ia 1,. ail in 11 11 1 ntrt tin. lull . This name will contrast admirably with that , fli F. Hallett.of Iasaeb.i-etls, Vao Ua-! ru Frec Suiler in 1 " , w ho now belongs t the same party and supports tho same! ticket with Mr. J jiics. ! Immediately after Mr. Jones bad conclu- ded his remarks, his colleague in the hen- ate, Hon. Joliu Hell, aiitKiunced his intention ' uf supporting Mr. riilmore, believing bun to le a national man, and one who can safely : be trusted to manage th affairs of the na- tion at this importaut crisis. Tl-U announce. i merit of Mr. llell, will have a liiyhly favor- i e f able effect on the people of his noble State. Land Warrstiis are declinini. The sales ,1,: l, wn .i,,,'! n4 ih fol. lowing rates: liOs 9:1 cents, per acre ; l')'sj !l" ft-; J', 07 cts. The Southern mer-j 'i h.i. n nro t.rininnir in lirm miantitie. and i ! . , . .'. ,'-; 1 V. , the dsmsnd at the Wet bi iug small, a fur . .i. n,. :s looked for. It is now thought tiat ti,K bill which is before Congress, the pa"a''e of which is eipectrd to advance the P"0" ' "rrai.U will lail tins sessiou. ... ... , . tr : . -.in J .le new ejoeiiinr oi ian-4.-i. pun in , , . . . - . ..in K' i.r.l l.ii.iin ml l,rr.r,.i rH In liiminiif J M """"6 J J'.vv , BRONTES. ALAIiAMA LOTTEliim. If a lottery ran, under any circum-tanecs, command the gen- eral rc-peet, it is when it is designed to car-1 1 ry out some good and popular purpose, and i.,.. , . . , 1 .1. ii the fund thin obtained ar. devoted tosueh , i an end. Such is the case wilb the South- ! I eru Miiitnry Academy Lof.ery, under the 1 manat'emerit of Mr. Samuel Swan, of Mont- I i ....... a 1. ! fc ..... I This Lottery is on the Havana Plan all j the Prii'is being drawn, thus preventing the i possibility of mathematical combinations of I swindling. The sch.me to be drawn on the l .'lh of 1 . 1 . 1 I .t 1 jiteiut er is uneijualea in tne annals of l,ottcne, comprising as it does many bnl- 1.'. Tit 'rvi tin- lurmial ff M.),ii 11 ii St .'ill ((( he larget of which is Soll.ttOO, ' to the purchaser unprecedent- ) ed ch Cli slices. '1 he pockets of our citizens hae,. been loo cong draiocl to bil the coffers of foreign lounliies and Northern Stales engaged in i,4j''"r enterpri7.es, and it is full lime that we shouhl begin to enter into honorable i 1 competition with them. We'are plemed to' notice that the schemes of the A labama . . .... ,, , ... ,. i.wl.(.,i,,,i atljirj l.nr ll.at ,!, ..,.l ,.,1 f,,,...,,,,.. ; .,,,1, J Tie Lotteries are draw 11 in ii.ihlie. ami aiip.iintiii iiouur dine wok iiisiiitercsieo oar . . 1 :. : . u' l s ..'iiiuii-sioiicrs, .uo-v uuiy is 10 draw the Lottery, snd see that ere:y thing in eo.id uetell f.-iirlv Ar.art from ll.i ll.i.v have to certify, under Oaths, as to the cor- ' redness of i!,c drawings. j The particulars of the .Scheme will be' fouud iu the advertisement. , r " " o ""-j Vote for (ovrrnok. 131. 150. Comititt. Alamance, Alexander, Anson, Ashe, Burke, Buncombe, Hlailen, B.rlie, Bcaufoi t, Hiu nswiek, Cabarrus, Catawba, hintg. Vjckny. Kmof, Uitmrr. ii'Xj f!l7 t' 1 0 0 4-"i 233 f.i() ;i:)3 otij tl-.'O 110 s;a 4W 4 as ai) 0;)S 441 002 1171 751 775 420 400 um 410 02 1 310 f'.9 9 i4 215 304 4 til 403 (184 220 1137 !20 15S a an 1202 010 225 155 339 htl2 131 005 1015 351 351 350 551 3. 11 3l7 6"i7 12.-6 255 229 711 274 200 3: 1 299 07 4 752 7 11 390 052 95 414 400 2:h 10-0 490 331 70S 31 f.79 310 070 11119 1371 70S 500 40 4 437 74 273 472 1170 I'M 3-h 42S 304 1201 75 S 349 403 3.0 724 523 1)09 . I0S 409 539 4t;i 420 jOS 784 ' (12 5 ui. 291 59 107 491 000 1120 1100 43S 000 1 1 09 623 000 1113 1303 744 1010 0(11) 1223 571 432 411 750 7 0S 459 780 41 515 C33 101 005 151 535 . 000 239 3 B 473 504 000 211 10ISJ 425 000 139 1199 000 155 19 334 920 (100 994 2059 29 j Craven. j , - -- - Mjhowan, 23 I Columbus, j., . iaiiiclen, ! far,,.r..e ';,f , ' Cherokee, ,. 1 1-weil, Chatham :x l'liai, 512 12.) :!!)! 427 1007 1017 210 541 07 S 079 Sol 1001 j Caldwell, j Currituck, Clcaveland, ! Dat idsiHi, 1 llvj0 1 '"P'1". j Kdgecombe, 1104 ! I'ai,kIlil, rorsythc. yth 807 1074 523 a.rH 422 a 13 3-4 2:57 a3 243 3U2 3.10 230 0t(i MX 573 H oort 217 ti','3 iGastou, raluvil'e' -uillord, Jrp;uei i ."tM' , i a0011' 1 1 "x', H ertford, Hlhu. OHO 537 294 73(1 335 0U0 (1(59 351 000 201 1030 499 (ill 575 7ul5 530 7 33 211 0110 1021 ID .7 1522 f.95 771 1119 330 OHO 775 67 S 77 3 1 MM f--5 1015 5iifi 210 990 877 709 MiO 121 35 1093 M9 3til 000 1332 duO (133 610 54 893 OOO 647 1319 000 10 817 263 222 259 349 3y5 677 725 OHO 023 03 579 421 101 1045 502 41m 710 3-1 Of. 9 439 905 7-s 124 55(1 497 379 4iH 797 309 273 1124 101 377 0O0 274 1270 t"j 320 ,' Ucnder rson i Iredell, j Jacksoa, 1 Jones, ! Johnston, j Lenoir, Lincoln, ..tauison, -lartill, dcDowcll, I Moore, Moiirgomcrj, 143 Jleekleburg, 10.J ',Jsn, i 1 1 .i ror tlisuintnn n 4 1 " . i Onslo. flOrt . t'ran!e. tut:) :y.n 313 7 25 ri.il p,tft ,, b ' MutJta"i I'erquimaui, j'tl erson, lbjheon, Rockingham, 1 0:i loan, Hutherford !;t2 021 40A 113 HliO 797 vi.J'l 05 109 729 1541 75 4 245 157 1 1 45 325 IT.!) 639 II I.I. L i'-..iuu.p.i, Kirhmoiid, -anipou, Siirr?. Stanly, ' v. 1 ninn, ii- i. . " ei " arren. Washington, Wstsugs, , " a7ne. ilke, V.HLIn taokin, V . ( i' ancey, 4-',70.' Attfi'iO 00,000 0l),(i00 4H,(i( OO.O'O I!raff"s's mai '1 (li.'i Rrae-s'a m.j. 'J.Olj (K'.OOO , s,., , on J 1 oi'llll ni'lililfl l('(;isil'lllirc PITT. r f . i a rv ti i 1. i arr innaiii iicin si n ;r is - , ' " 1 II'... ....I L ln.. .. J. lllow and E. Moore, commons. tjliA.Nl Il.Lh. -' H. K. Taylor, senate. J. M. Bullock al11- 1 bos. 11. Lyon, oo.nii.ous. Dcm. gain. H'KMJIIE. John Masteu and Jae A. Waugb, com- mous MOKES. Joel V. Hill, commons. Forsyth .v stokes. J. J. Martin, senate. FRANKLIN. P. IS. I'awkins, senate. Dr. L. freys, commons. ROBESON. Morrison and Leitch, commons. A. Jef- Ameri- " K'n. RICHMOND i Ilor.ESON. r"-n. A. Dockery. seuat-, by a msjority f Votes Over alter L. Steele, dem. iiivlj JONES. W. A. Coi, commons, Dem. gain. ROCKINGHAM. fieo. D. Boyd, seuate. A. M. Scales, jr. , ana no. Settle, ;r , commons. i'i! s ci'V e.i..i-i,.s. 1 -t m-,. , ,.i ,- . ' .lain. a AllInF n.tial. I .III! K f I V anil . ., - J If. C. Jones, commons. I fll ITIt 1 TJ.il.i K. TNio.i 1.111.1. Co Tl f! C.t. ten, D. Hackney and Turner Bynum, com- t mous. Dcm. gain two. JOHNSTON. I'- 'mders, senate, li. II. Toialinson and Asa Barnes, commons. IAJ FV M. L. Wiggins, senate. ' Win. Hill and J. W. Johnson, commons Dein. gaiu two. DAVIDSON. J W. Thomas, senate American Jin. T 1.,,.. U' II !.l,r. ( NEW II NOVEr' : Owen Fenneil, senate. Th. A. Tata and S. A. Holmes, commons. j CUMBERLAND. McDiarmid, senate. J. G. Shep. 1..... 1 1 1 1 I'.ii... uiiUiis. iivi;iv.ib aii'i n iitiiRa, vviuiuwiio. N SH L. N. B. lluttli', Bcuatc. Geo. N. Lenis. rni.ii.i..t.ri BUNCOMBE. Marcus Erwiri, commons. HENDERSON. Baxtr r, commons. YANCY. Pearson, commons. MADISON. Yancey, commons. ' UUN'I '( IM l!K 1 1 UN I)I.I!S( iV VtM'V ' - 1 - MADISON. Coleman, senate. Dem giin. BURKE, (ilas", commons. M. DO WELL Whitson, commons. Dcm. gain. CALDWELL. Clarke, commons. Dem. iain. BUHKE, M. DO WELL A CALDWELL. Avery, sen ile Dem. gain. RUTHERFORD. Toins lJ Harrill, couimuua. Both Denis. CI.EAVELAND. Ill an ton and lUinsour, commons. HUTlIKIiFOIU) k CLUAYELAND. Dr. Columbus Mills, senate. - SUKltY. . ... 11. . Reeves, commons. YADKIN. Col. Speer, commons. MOOKE. W. 11. P.ichardson, commons. MONTtiOM KUY. Jatnos 31. Crump, commons. MOOltK & MONTGOMERY. S. II. Christian, senate CASWELL. S. P. Hill, seiinte. Vui. Long and E. K. Withers, commons. PERSON. J. W. Cuuninghaui, aeuate. R. II. Hea ter, com moos. WILKES. Martin aud Filer, commons. WILKES, 1HFDELL & ALEXANDER. Richard Parks, senate. ALEXANDER. A. C. Mclutosh, commons. ONSLOW. E. W. Fonville, senate. Col. L. W. Hum phreys, conimons. NOUTIIAMPTON. Gen. T, J. Person, senate. M. W. Small wood and J. Mason, commons. MAKIT.N WASHINGTON. Andrew L. Chcsson, senate. MAltUIN. StpeQ W. Outerbridge, eommous. WASHINGTON. II. A. Gilliam, commons. KEAUFOUT. Allen Griot, miiut. Je.sa 11. Stubbs aud John Ebron, commons. HAYWOOD. JACKSON & CHEROKEE. Win. II. Thomas, senate. HAYWOOD. Dr. Samuel L. Love, commons. JACKSON. Dills, commons. CARTERET. Ward, Ieni. senate, by t majority of one over Diinsou, American. RE 111 IK. J. I?. Ckerry, senate. DaiiJ Outlaw and ! Johu Wilson, commons. Trttpfmjditd fttr ihr .SuuM Cmroliniun. I'oiir :)' l.nli r lrm llnriipe. Aitun al or tii i; h-i i:it 11 I. I II". N;w rokK, An2 n The steamer Haltic has arrived, with Liv rt.ivil rlaii nt t La I'.iI. Cotton sis ti.m, and prices were tending! upwards. tales of three days 'J 1 ,1'OU bales, i Advice, from Manehesle, were more fa- vorahle. Lica. stuffs had largely declined,; owing to Tivorahle crop p ro-pects. heal was Oil. a Od. lower, snd flour V. (Id. a Us. Lard advanced to : a 70. Sjiirin of tur- penline 1. lid. Money was ii -hter, and ;, , 1 . P '. i""" w wuiLiiai) uetuaua ai o ner cent. Consols U"iJ ',!:J. Saraj;osa surrendered on the evening of the l.-t. the Royaiiots euterin without op-j position, and di. arming tha eitisens. The! whnls of Spain had aubmilted ta O IVnin.il, who it was reported was seeking to eoLcUi- ate the Liberals. I Ptlissier b?d been made Duke. It was reported (bat the Emperor was suffering from spinal Jie.isU. j It was reported that France had renion-! strated with Sardinia in favor of Austria ' Denmark pripo.a to fortify the Sound,1 and is sustained by Russia. Au eiplosiou had occurred at Saloniea' in Turkey, whieh had caused treat loss of; Hie SOU property LETT Ella FROM TIIE SON OF HEN RY CLAY. We have been favored by a friend, says the N. Y. Express, with the perusal of some lettcrr received It him from Thomas II. Clav. K... . .. f il... Si.!..,.. f t.l..! , , .... , ..,. i i 1 i- i 1 , lanu, atlU Irom hlCtl W 8 are I'irililUeJ I make the following extracts "July, l4-.Id. ; Permit me to return to you my grateful! thanks for the kind nieution vou make in it,' of my honore.d father. Had he lived, I am : coutident he would now be of ihe Amrrican P.ity probably controlling, under God . providence, its action. Believing it to be the only National and Coi.sersalivg Patty of ll.e country I shall , . . , " - . au ni re iu n au long as iv preserves us in tegrity." 44 August, 1 "."nl. I am pleased lo learn from you that Mr. Fillmore's prospects are so bright in New York. In regard to the Presidential election iu Kentucky we entertain no fears. Kentuc ky will be ss she always has beei, nntional and conservative. By lur vole in Novem ber she will rebuke, sectionalism and liu dicate her owu integrity." A Pill posnov The Hon. E.C. Cabell, of tior da has -addressed a letter to each 01 me jxienanan an I lillmore electors of that Stat.', asking them w hi ther they would not volo for the Presidential candidate of the onriosite nartv lin.lia.ian or l-;il..w.r SS tha rnlM limv 1... ,f tl. .1 1 ..I defeat ,h election of Fremont, or prevent! tho election from goinb' into the House of liepresentati.es. IHaoolnlion o' I'.t 1 liici-iit. ' 'B"' "' k"'Pn,"'" Co., haa Una 1 ML liny hem ill..., 'nil, y mnto.1,1 ronariit. All j u.ri.r.a indebted, will lilr,sr nmke early n. . -i, I Koi..iiinnn. wlm will eootinnr tia liusmeaa wil 111a own aimiaiii, a. llle .111 alai.il. 1! KOOPMANN. EI.IAS A COHEN. Augiui n, i;g. on,,- Notice. tf.f, peraotif in-li li.nl . ,.l0r II.U. Ilriiwley, d-e'il ,arr lier. I.y noliliri to make p.ynn nt i,n n 11;, ,,,,1,1 ; ami all oeranoa Ii ivi.ik ei.11.11a ii((iii,l aal.l falale. Wi ll present II" ... lor futy mem witliin tin- lour p.i -aerilied liy l.nt, or Una notice will In: pleailrii 111 bar of their reeov. fry. J. M HUTCHISON. Ailmr. Aujimt in, isjc. fin tT MHSSKS. HSMKH &. Ill Klltll.l.H S, or al Al. airs. Itreni A .Steele's, a relrlir..u u I'M IN I Mi M.ACJIIM;, For inapti lion ami salt limit at Una j.1 t,y .S. J. PERRY. 1 1 an an-' h . otirr. Ur AS r r,l. r.d on the Stray ll..,k of Merklrn. burjr enmity. on tl I'm, ,aUnt, l,y M,,r. I. .. I. el.our, living il.rcr ,.. rln ( ),. .,ti,i, on II. e Vorkville roj l, a alry IIOIOK MI I.K. aor. rel eoli.r, aionll sue, almut an yrfa old, Willi a a alii 01. tlie c it p. (S4lj Mul. Wj d, ,,,,',,, j lu tlie Value of t'l-2 fill. T. J. HOLTON, lluiirr. Aug. 1J, ItTiC. Died, in this enunly.oii thr Sfflh ulr.l0ri,il,, fever, slier an illness twit week, .Mr, .Ma'Lv A. I11M(KI., will t.i wr.z. I.. Morris, .nu u , duuifhler ol' Mr. Wilson 1'urks, in thr Jsil, ,. of lu r uge. M.s. M.irris wns .mluriilly u ''" n.i..l)le tliii)Hil.un, mid retirlnf in Ii, r Slie was curly nilruet-d in the truths of i;,,,',!' wnrd, nnd tl.u duties which Um li.i- imp.,.,"J Shu in Ihn ...or l 1 1 f .if I.Ib Leciinm niti "7 lower of Jesus Christ, and dining her lint ip' ' he wen evidently su'irinrtud lie ll.e cnnnil:,!,,,,' whieh lite iruniiM'fl tit' (ii.U aHnid. It win Our this periiid II. ui Chrisi ieeu.e.1 p.Tculii.rly ir tii.h unto hi r : nnd nlt-n uMIe in lha iiiiiikI - ij,' url'eriiiK the ereloii would hrtuk f.irlh (,' her lii, " Treemus Iti-deviner ! ' Preoinun Knli,.,,, er ! !" Her niiiiil seemed to dwell much U.i H il ven, nnd the eiiiil.yiiicnt of hcuvi n. Sim . iirtl,,' ed a deiirti lu live, only tl.ul she might u., , her twn lillle duiiflilers, the one an infuit ,,) ' few Tiioiilha old. l!ut l ciiinmillril llitm, t,,c,.. ther Willi her hushand, into I he In nil of (JoJ, ,j look lu r depurlure. ttf trust thsl her wciry i,. ril now reals with thi. t Redeemer who n )i n rrrt precioui unto her. " He ye 11U0 rinlv, (ur in i, an Imur as ye think nut ll. Hon of Man cumuli." - CfimmunieuleJ. .NIJW TAII.(Mtl: KVlAUI.ISlI.liLM'. ALEXArn)ERli LEKTILB "rOt't.l) in lor ni H W eitnena il l lir. Ii.ltit and the aurmuiiiin Country, that liny hatll taken the room .i, f Sir lMir4 (tow, fnrni. erly nceupicd hy It. . (,,. biii.iiu, where lliry iultnil carry inf on th BUSINESS in all i' hrsiiehra. Havmif npr. j i-rl the iiiniM of A. Ucthune, whims repul .tnm ua ( uln r, if well known tn thia coutii. unity, tiny feel no hm. tanry in aayinf llml litry mrm mm well prrtnriij tn gtc saiialnrtnin li any other r itatilialiihi t m Una part ol tlw country i and hy clous pptieu li.,0 and atnet Hen. no Io buainran, they Iiojh tu , it a liberal share ol patronage. (ood fita .,! rantril. IT Fashions rfcrivi-d monthly from rt ports ALEXANDER i LENTII.K. Auemti 19, lejfi. a.-,,,- Notice. To ,111 il'Jiont It a tiny oitceru! I I.I. prrauna inn. htpil to Klun A ..(,., , ( j a. II. Kln.a. siilM-r hy N .ir or Are u'it, ui j ft.nl ll.p... ... Ilia lia.ida of Wni. J. SiYi-iikmii, r)tIr i agent, who haa aulliorilr to wtllf lln ,nis, on I h.-i..r. ll.r I .1 .1 v ..I ln.l ...... ii , Ullri ,u lkM. . ;mJ.llrd j;; ,a"ZV. 1 tmti silii unit trilK mim lnmriiarr.'y an.J ;' d '''. - j ''"r"u" i C II ELMS. t-k.,loll.t Au ,3 ip-J " UA.1.1",, ,j.rL , ,,., 1Mii(,H , (h A , ,., i ,.,r ,, Wl ,, ia , , t More n..w oernp,.d hy I. II. Firm, hrsi lo f , ' H"" i Hi r an. tiioss wh ix hot ..., r"w"" ".rri. tmi I.t ..r ... iswsi.s. win. risi. iiina a.-i-oiiors sn ui,. i. t . ......... '""li tS W ITM!T tturii T tu lis. ansa. i dully. W. J. STEVENSON. As!' fir t'.Unm if Onltm and ('. II. .,. Aff. 1.1, J.V.I,. .hllKdhlilnni: MI Tl Al. IN si HAS' i: V ( DMI'A.N V ci'Mimnrs lo lika n.k. ar-i,.i I wa hy lilt on I l..n. , Uoija, I'rotuie, 4 c, t Uau I I I Ira. 1 Oifics in Hil. y'a Hoild.njr, npalaua. i M Kr TC'HM : M. H. T YI.i tl!. S P. ALEX AM'KR, le rrnVri t J A. YiM'Ni;, J II. Will i K, J. H. CAKSsiN, r. r, C. OVERMAN' ( ''"" Cof- acsikkle;, """"' J. II. WILSON, Mtornn,. JOHN F. I II WIN, fc.rrarV A.t ia. is:6. . ...:,- Ihr Last .vtire. H'r ndris.rjn.d. .r,lir ,(.lt Io I, , ..in at.it r, Ivtruw irir tr.i,ri iKmI mil im p. to HHifii.es I" him arr riuuralrd lo makr n-r : .. 1. II. .HI oy -or I.t lhlUr, aril, aa lonfrr lliiiul. g ore eiiitot Ue attea). , WM. JOHNSTON '- ll'-'s- I'll " ' ' Olict? i j -'.. 1 1 ".'"iZ'yXZ" 1 1... m... i.tr.; , ,:i pi, .... ...u ,,,' '"' wuh Inn,, si lu.thrr mWi,lk-ri,,s will n..i U r""! -.m sliiie stuiotC.II. ll.n... . imrlol'p. W. W. ELMS. ig; Amg. il, H... I Valuable Hot t: nm LO I' foil SALE. gliHK '. rr.hir i fT. ra f.,r s-' A bis l.ir i.id wi i.iii..ri ' ii II. 'I SK ami IOC .id, .irn i, n r aenlliprii hurl en. i.f li.wn .11. --ill" " Hie I... 1. row ownnl kv k. . I'lvitiaoh a.ni A II in, known llir JrjM rinrly, .Mr Jutm h. I - 11 1 i 1 fully t;iiTiitrird In ntike ilc nt uy i ,, ,., ., woll , r.., ,rf ,,. u , i-frwriT. Tli II e ami all ftl.l.niMii'fia ill ' n'' r"'1' "rilrr. rar.ion 1 iter u.i. , n"',,'1' T.innin.4 innni il hur, !,..., JOHN ALLISON. i-e-1-', I-.'.c. f Vj2 m'jIUi: lNolicc. ,1 Wihtnbl, IIOI l. ami t.OT for sai.i: oii i:i:.nt. K H'lf "iiharrilif ra 1 m r ll.fir . 'I aJk, liiiirnml Ix.la in ll.e inwni.f ' I1.1rl1.1le, lur bIp or rinl, niiuinl 111 tlie 1 naif rn imriioii ol" tin- ii.nn. know 1. 11 a Hit 1 1 mil l., on. in 11 . eon 1. .nun. 4 tela. 1 'I n. uiiiii!.n,n .1 l- l - r- vi ry ileio,.,!,!, 11, i, n e i l.ota. A..!y li, J,,l,,i l( I) I,.. I. i ALLISON i DANIEL. Atig. 1, 1 -."if.. o.,ii' i:.n t iiIoi-'m otirr. A person 1 leiviie i.nv ii.n.i.is arums! a 1 1 si II f gaV lalalrol II, r ,. . l. Wa ll..rr, w ill h I ' "e in ill liyally iilli ,l, ,- anil all ll.i.ae Hull I-I"l will llinke lllinn i,i.,i,. p i von i t I.i M. L. WALLACE. Aug. , Iftjii. 1 -.17 More House to Knit. ir!K"fr' siiliaeriln-r hnsinr rliaroniinm .1 liiiami.a al Morrow'a Turn lul, iilfera lor rmt I"" Sn.re llouae. It la anrt ruinri nirnt n'l i'1 ailiiatini. iilf. ra line iiniiiei-uichla lo any nl.c ilesir injr to open a I uniitry More. M. L W A I. LACE. Aug. I'.1, lH.-.f,. y.,if IIKVAV V OI.DMAll. v not 1: its AMI COMMISSION Mi:i;C!I.NTsS WlLMINfi'FO.N, .. ('. BLANK DEEDS for amU at this Office. m or Itf I I