f. 1'M.aunnM. au jhiiuuihiiwxi, VOLiUME3 S. 03E3:Ll.XJ,OBZ,f3X"S? 3M. O., DECEMBER 16, 18S6, : j.- si -1 aw a n r 1 '' T II on AS J. HOLTQN,' Km roil iV: Puupuiktou. nwuna TKK.MS j Tl,.. '.,rlli-','tiilin Whip H ill Li Jt i tnauh. r,ir, .,1 TWO liI.J.Al!S hi advance; TWO i,Uf AM flt'TV I'l'-Ni'S if ..yiii..t 1 1" ' 1 : .1. i l- i' in if 1 ui laved f ' l;t i "" K1- ''-LAI'S , jahj ,, i , H -g , t iae 1 'i 1,1 ja- J H,d lltllll "'J Hl'va'a unlmii "I lit- r.unnr. i iirrtin-nit r-d lit On u Ji'i-r will be ui.cuit-, are paid, t ici it at the Fair Notice. rnVK l--urluctliip of MIM)';'-: &. HYI-IHLY ' jl Inn lliia clay expired. All llu. at iiuiiliinl U ' Chi. linn uml winding lo si.vc cn.-t, arc r. n,ui .lid lu cmiiu fi.rin.ri' inn iiitlt ly and mi.kc ,(i..; 11.111I. a. I lie Itn-nii,,, of llu- firm mual a no tU.Al be wlllid ill kw iIiti. 1 MUOIIK- .V UVKKLY. ; '-'4 If JcfcvrA Articles. I rum our rurrcsjioiidcnt. I a 1 n 01 ice Dollar r atiiare ion. nt "d ntrirl' Salt" rtmrft d 'a j r ! 'I lulling f llttillCftH , .i,i. Inci" 1 i - 111 " '"' ' J I"1' "' " 111 : l ll.e t..l rlmi-l, lit n- til or iter, fur work .idclniin lhrc-i;iiirrict,ior mwiiwrinj i ,.uin lu.llj alUmlid lo. r.,r. Auv.rii.-.....i.L inrl. J mui.tlily -r , j. .MOOHE ... ,. v. l 1 ht n,uun- Inr each t.i.i.. f . n-, A 11 ' V "j c' "" I" r 'lu ,rc mi r.cli liu.t. ; it J ulnut"' -'0 ull""lid tat art an (; nil ' rilAKI.ri.iTON, Dee. 3, l.'iO. Viiilcr U till lingiriii in the lap of eur- 1 jr uutiiinn, uiil we ure r,lill uiiinit'ii .villi tlieti miiiiuilt liui-iUfieeri. w Mr 111 nu!ii.r i.OIIC C femur. Ainu ttll'l III 11-11 III I OUM. lillt IH-iTV liiL- tZMW. MiliM:ritr iiili.rii,. In. Oii-hiL mill ll.e trr U miM to Iihvp it.-t corn-fpolidili ' eet JL liulilic vim rail?, lout lie will continue llie 1 :u . I....I .1.... 1 1 ' i"i aula i la m va nillU IILII. 1UH.1 lliJIJ'JU ill'J pood. Tliis i oxi-iiiplilied in ihc Qiiiem- uni ana uu!canoiilile wcaUn-r 01 tin; l:i-t i 11 k s 1 1) i : r s 1 tin y.vt; 1 1. lluic-:ilizrti$ of the Sriatu unit of the Hume ! ljicsrtatiies : Tlie Con-titutiuii ririi-s tii : t the I'reii- ' dent .-hall, from time lo liino, Let only re- coin lliend to the COIIM'U all.m ol (on ti.- . . 1 . e .1 r i- . ' ' , , ' jieopm ui iiiu lor civil tvar tiy U0111 I peaceful on l felicttom hrotliitrliood into a of Statu 011 a fjitii) of perfect t'ljualily ( lirtyond those previouily as-incj ( j it, and j va.it periuaiieiit uainp of atiueJ men like the I viith the original Slates. 1 thatMich a it.a natural Tfell as intetnlej j rival inonsrcliieM of Europe ainl Asia. Well j The eiiuetiut' tit, wliieli eabli-lied tln re- elfeet ; and the.-e haseli. a.uinptioii wer 1 k no wing tli.it such, and sueii only, are the ; strietive georaphieiil line, was aeiiuieceed made, in the Nijithcrn Slates, the ground of iiieaini and the coiiaeiiiiiL'cM of their piam ; in rather than approved by the MMe of the uiieea-in' a?-ault upon eonstitulioual rihl. aii'l purposes, they endeavor to prepare the i L uiuti. It Mood ou the i-tatule bunk, hoiv. 1 lie repeal -in terms of a statute whiib ever, lor a iniinlu'rot years; ami tlie lieotile " mrtaiiv oti.selete, anu also null lor un- ucli meaMjrcii an tie luir juil-i: mcewary every tiling in their power to deprivu theiofthe te.-peelivc States adi'iiesced in ihf ton-litutioniiliiy, could lime no iiiBuenee to ami expedient, t-ut a -) iiat In; snail j:i ,c Con-titution and the lawn of moral aiilhorii v, . 1 e-eiiKetineiit of the priiiriiile as applied to oh-truet or to promote the propazin ion of iiifonnalion to amino! .mateo! the L1.1011 ,j l0 u..der..,iue the fabrie of the IniJu . the State of Texas; and it was pn.po-ed to coiiHielin- views of polilieal or ..oeial in.ti- lo.o tins lu.ly lUVOlvi. tipoitiou of a,l . ly u,llll!Ux to laiol) al,,j wc,iullili prejudiei . ,' aciiuiesce in its further upiiiieaiion to the tutions. When the aet or-anizim; the Tur- matters 111 the aetualcoir tloiil theeountrv. I. ,;.,,!.,. .-: 1 ..:.i ' . . 1 . . 11 .1 i-'. 1 . . e l- is- 1.. 1. . 1 II be - 1.WMI11 1 , . 1111 .imT. tu ....r,..!.. .. . . i. 1 . -...1 1. .. . . . I .... ..I l' , . r ... . .. " , J '"" "j; 1 '-wiiiu 111111 ii-vi iiiii'iii leiinuiy ai 11 'i 1 1 eu u i III: I n I u u i la u - 1 1 ' 'ill d ;..iest,c or forelgti. w lid. esv nu.ihy con-1 hatred, and by educating them lo :,d face ' Mexico. U..t this propo-itioi, was i-ueee,,. cern the general e la.o. W l.lie pertornun t0 rco ui rilther than bhoulder to fullv resisted by the repre-entative, f.on, s colista.il.onal duty I. t!s respect, tue Lhoui.i. r as friends. the Xo, theri. States, w ho re.anlless of the DUOIC X III. I l a . ca. 1 rn r a 12 a c t.' I Hones ot Kaii-a-and .telirasku was t'as-ed. tin- inherent i-tfect upon that portion of the public domain thus opened to le'al i-ettle- ll. flit U.l In 1.. rii.il -..lt'..rj IY.a... .. II il.. two week", for with all the mere personal 1 ,"-"i:'1 uot,i. "ut peM. ti.ertly to cxpi-'f , j, j, ,v tJU 0eljCy u tuuu uuwarl.alita. 1 statute line, iu.-it.."l upon applying re-trie- State, ot the Linoii alike, each with hi con and physical inconveniences and disadvau- : I"'"01111 couvicliouc, Ijl as the executive ( ,0 interference, fore'U and domestic, that; lion to the lie territory .'eiiei a'lly, whether ietions of public policy ami private interest, taeen, there has been a decided savini' to 1 r ol h"-"M uaoiea uy Ins , t,e niiiid. of man v. olherwi-e im.nl niiizens :hiii" norih or smith of it. therein,- rinealiii.r there lo found in their lii-eietion. miln-et in i the pocket in point of tin: consumption of fu- ; P '-H'"". '! caned you l,y his ol icml i.b- ; iiavc. tuvu su j,,ai,ie!l into' the passftauate 1 It s legitimate tyompi oiul-e. md, on ti:f ueli liinliaii,., - allj acts i.l 'I'l... . C 1 ... 1 ' I I I : 1 . . i liLirtl'vIJ" 'J Hvtlil v 1 1 t d Ii Illin.liLliii r vfl IIi c : , . .1 . . . x- . I i rt p i v .i - .1 ' . ; 1 . -1 . I u CIlAlCIaUTTi;. -('. if t'Ufti. titj; t llu r V ff VI t int if t'untt Ik I J$ ' tit I'Uf ,' "I 'Kitty H. f . iHi'io vr lait a i) .hmm:ks KL'SINKSS ii. ill in Ir iiirlirn, we taki tin ii' I IumI f inf'nn-.-,, . (hi- i.li!ic tlisl .t r at ail tun. nail), lo I' '.nr I.iiiiiIo' I h"rt nnlie, I" M" ri-ir m ill. ki-i i.l kiie i "f l.u nbf r ripiail nij jniiiiid n .r. .air Hit I lul ll'lli'l li'-el'IIM !' I It I'-illsl lt , 'al. .ii, wlneii tuill IT Saiih am) ll lMla In the ... ..i fciLiri.t' i! iitvli A iiiipi nl Sau of uriiiiia- 1 . ' . . i t M I I. ,1 ColiaHilliJ OH uliU l riiaoh.ibie fur Si wit nr Itln.iU lirst of November, and which cot tne the nun; little sum of nine dollars, still lies in ' the cellar, w ithout hav ine;, as usual, " grown ; beautifully less, and small by deres. ' I Fair Keek i just over, with its whiil and 'rush and liutle of business, and you ma? to the .N. f.uiri ,,.t. ,.i,,i It. il K, 1 1, . """ume my sin-i.ee lor uie p.i-i lew ni-i-s- p.. and en rj-i tl'.rl ill In main tiv Ine iimiir .- to the out-lde pressure ol bu-u,e.-s v. hu h all lii.il m- i., .on liim coiniorulili wlulr ralne upon me ail lit once like all i alaiiehe. Mv iitteiition lias ncetitlv In en i ntirelv "iv- If liilinilil.r llic filare.l llnlrl In tin: ll.iiol .... ,atl, luir m,d 'll. inanv 1 inful anu attractive articles, dot b amiiiate um! in S.I I.I It I Ii 1' v. llllS i;.l...ir Hunt it (ui, vii n n Hi! v ailiL.t'ii iki Hit ) .1 . , I, "u"ca,iJ ' tWir l"irt ' i le youthen. States, us at ie,.-.tl, to pass in- j compact, if compact there s titiitions of part of the North, pcrsistcuily violating thej "f t'onirre..!. mlht pfescribc, nc Stte, Ml'livl , . t. n liui.t ii.in it ... .1.. .... , , - . , , , 1 i iw IMIHV.s. UIJlilM Itil.i.-'I'JIIilU, i ir Um miii'in iti ni i.i ii.n.iA.iiA i,i ... . 1 - . . - '. .'. " ." """"-111. iiii. ie.-is , lv towards tli ot tlie Lni'jii stil- i'lieleiipoii the enactUK-ut ceased to liav eir feiiow-cilieiis of tho.-e bindin.' virtue in any sense, wht tlfei-r a iuii, its j:nCKuie, mines, maim- 1 .Slates, and thus linally lo fall into tempo- ispect, the North or South ; ami so In ff.-t-Lavijfiiti.jii, Id commelee, it is rar.. lellmv.-hip .with the avowed and active it "a treated on the occasion of the aiimi- fictures uucc-surv oij v to say tin the internal toos einmies of the Constitution. Ardently at- niou of the State of California, find the or and i laehed to lihertv in tlie uli-fi-net tln-e f)i t.'lliiy.:itinii nf llu, t,-ri-it.iri,.s nf e v Mizit-il perity ot tLe coutilry, 11 con tino oils sleaiiy auvaiiei melit Hi wa.lu a I. I 1 itiu a li,,.t ,., i... :..n.. i i . .1 ; r,..l 1 -.. 1 1 1 "vi civj iw luiriuu ..;iii;jM uvn IIIU U'l' i, kiii nii'i n .i-innri'i,) t.ou, and 11, private u. ml as public well- jnt.(, ,.v ttouJ attaiu c., (,e ucfoii.pli.-hed, Such was .he sUte of this belli!', attest the ttlsUo-ji ! our iii-titutioiiy. ..'11 1 .... :t .1 :i .1... .: :.. .1 i- . .1 . . - . were lis tli" time arriv. i am: 1 1 uit Iluu Junr 3, I Sti. W. Ii. 01! A NT. i.'.if In tie iikiiiii'V ami re- it'J?' Notice. 1 ,' 1 irili r fr.'tn .ri'tnrf , .. in nar I111" will ptmi ally Uen- . u,u 1 4 M I II '. IIAKI.u'r'I'K Ml Tl'Al. INSI I: A.Ni V. some rare specimens of whieb were pre-em, ! si. 1 i.'i.iiiuu. i" in tr rmk. at.-ii si ,olie Up , cmhuc, kids and calico, slljhl til r ire oil II : . . , '" ngeiii.e 1 j;rcat as tl.ev deem it, t hey have no lemed y territories of Iaii-as ami Net ra-Ka ,...1 I...II..I l in. I i..u. . 1 1 : 1 . '. . . J -. . . . .. i,.,,..!,,- ot- . u apply, and that it can he only ai-fjrav ated progress, of constitutional animate, to be loom! therein. 1 here weri . , . ' , . "V their viuli nce and uncou-tiiutioiial .-ictiou. ; tleetion, it had now lit length com a creat many pretty ladies to look at theie. """'i".' , I'cl'"d freedoin, has dis- . ,iije,ti.,ii, which is one of the nio-t tliili- seen clearl v that Coti'-re-s doe- not '1 hev looked at the beauties and wonders ol ! ,1"-ul,;L'd 1'1,Li enar-c) vi. t.ie people of , eult of all the problems of social institution, coii-titutiu.ial j.owir to in,p"-e ii-strn ti ,n- .1 tin ilea. ! i...:;t; 1 . ..... 1 i - .1 .... ,.f , , r.,t, ... if""'"-"' .viiwinj aim o.iiii..iiiju-iiii, iiiev ".' nil- ' 11 11 1" i"i 1111011 iinv iiv-iiiiwi iu""i with iihieasoniiiL' itilemoeraiice of State of the l uioii. In a loOif lie-of de- heiealter to be iidtiiilied into the Cliioii.- Il a- a fn e field, open alike to all, wlielher he statute line ol assumed restrioion were repealed or mit '1 hat re eal did not open to Ine C'liiipeiiii'iii ol the diverse opinions and lioiiiestic iii-iilniious a Ii. hi, which, without such ri '. would have been closed ;i i 11-t tiietii ; it fouml that Held of ei'liipe- pie-noil, When ""on aireany npeniii, III laei anu III ri . Z'ltt'jli el the i -vll I he repfit nnl w a- to relieve I lie st jt'He- t be art, and I looked at the beauties of nature '1' ""HY1)- t, i lu. t Uie ill h.nd aud CXHI:1 In k ,1 ll.r l .1 l.u'.iia r In. 1 -ut.tr jt llor. .. i;jr 1.1 .r-'ine n.nt la i II I oiii e iln i I, i. ial el .i(f Jl. 1 .,-t I liulvn, Wl.ili. one ol u. l-ll i"J V.H al IIV time. . i i- bo. ..!uK In liie fit' h ni .! p.ir I, u .r r .11. iii.t-.t In. Wf iil. I iii le II11 al. 1. n ,. 1, ill the til. fin I hatii.iln In tin inm. t.;., up hivi. nf iKsinp Wurl. With ilioatill nor laulio 11, " l(v imiii.iry e tlirne." KUDU-ILL i WI1ISNANT. vf.v 1-.i1.. iff 7r Ti.niVfiil fir t , jutron ce " l'l"'al ) I .' ...1 li" 11 1 by ll't 'I i' "' '' tr ti'f..uri''n. r,.ii-ttv liiri ti.n.rr. I I'lainrr ni the snr, l'-i ting eMUf'U that no ,i...i,t It tpiriil to i!i ia. "Ust t, (.11110 Pioiluei one, up. tan .1 i rUlliei ill llr.ili ' H1111 MKf.i TI'Il." : M. II. TAVLiil!, l',rn,;,t. S 1'. ALK.XAMiKlI.luf I ,ci,!i,.t. riittic mi t J. A. Vi'lMi. .1 II. Will i K. .. 11. ' i:si C. (iVKItMAN A.-C S I f.KLK, S J II. W 1 LSI N, M'-:ri:rv, K. NVi: HlTCIJISON,.vrMi-. I-.'. 1-.1t;. itxilire I out. mil Ice, Jonas' r.uisn.L t.riiil I iinil I .i l.t- Ail in- f i, J. & K, II. SliiWf, MAM7.V 11 'UK. t'r (OTTOX (i(M)DS Stoweville, Gaston couaty, N. R I A INli iMwtife? m lliiua Inr thv frtir 1 M I "s. in I i.ri' lt. , ii' irr lu c -II h t 11 i.r' M. n !i.nit t.i in. ir II Tin n one up 111 ca ly inflated by the cxpali-ive ipiantics of v hab-l one, w Inch pave them the appearance, i of miiiiature balloons, just read) to be eul loose fr.jui earth und go straight lo heaven. 'J l.e pay season ba no (ally opened, ; and eviry lady seems de-iroi.- of making 1 up for lot time by a few llu touches of fashion, fun and frolic, liall-. parties and diiitn rs are the ra.-e, find Kiuj -iitet is' crowded from tuornim: till niuht by fair'-hop-per-, piepariup to rule or ririj the empire of luichelordoui, and carry off at b a-t a sere of perforated be.i 1 1.- a- the trophies of the winter s campaign. How many will be dis appointed in havinir only their troubles ru tin ir pains, it wouid pel hap be unallaiit f..r me now to puis.-, but there is every pioh ubiiitv to sut pi ise that tu't a fe.v will be In the brief Intel vai-Meen the termina- treat lion ot the last and Ii coiuniciieeiiieiit of the ( ie-elit session of Lineif-s, the purblie lias heeli oi-eujl wiin the care of lor another cJtilut.oi.al tei 111. the f tin ir nil' b. (..-.... IS'.n I., an'! frill If mil hullfs ia r. ol . .'iti.l. I in ) .lu ktrp a J'J upi.'jf l .i.ri;u siiiwi:. k. ii. iSrowi;. April 1. IWfi. Hit AS M liN; IMI1T.NKIE f M'IMNCS HH ii'! 1. 1 in. I I It tr ml t i.i tilt iii t -ii 111 . : Mm. f it 1. 1 i .Nt.t- ..f M.M.k Acri.'tini, muni nt caujrlit in tlitr 11 :ij Ii r k liiM-k ) U rr S'of 1 , 1..ot iiii i r in. I. ilij,in- will IHI U I'tili. An I . r 4 t t-lllli- r tul jnt Ni'tt kiiO At fi-uiiU ii 1 tic Iim.i ti.o loiij yuti t lit ii , t in iitHi-( aii.ii fjiiirkipi ri umr it- br t'Ml nil- u t-r I in .r i . ; t .i-i . .. .1 1 t c (.nt ry Si -r. uf S.rinjE A M I-imi'.. 4 )...ri It , i.r at . t ' K t. L.wr, wi.rrt tin lu-i-n t.t It s.iti.n u 1, .. tli. I In .iiic tor ti. .-i. I.KKoy !'UINS, Atiiririnw i'.rlfirr. ISj;. -Jtl liil.nl seleCtil l're.-i.ieLt and Vice 1'ivlcLt of the United States. The del'-I lliiliation Oae pei.-ulis, who are of iieht)(.ir coiiiini;eiitlto preside over ti e administration of tin; jjemiiii-iit, is, under ur system, roiiiiiiiltt-d the Stiles and the people. We a) -peal tj.m.ly thtir voice pronotitieed in the foi lit law, to finil w liom s .ever they will to tl.fLh po.-l of. Chief Ma'i-trate. And ihiis it is t'ut a.a senator, tcpre-s-1 -l the re-j cctiv Stat.,,!' tj,c Union, and the no inbcis of toe Uie of Uei ri.seiita- 0t-verl coii-utu, c, 0f cat.h State, re -ate op ll uiiieasoniii'' inletiiberaiice ol State ol the I in in hi a Ion 4.' l ie- ol thought and lar'itape. Mitremes beyet ex- ci-iotison the fullest argument, and alter trcii.es. iol'-nt attack from the North liuds the most deliberate consideration, the Su its iiii-vilablo cousnUeiiee'in the prowlh of preiue Court of the United St il. s h id linally a spirit ot am.'ty defiance at the South. Thus determined liiis ;iiut. in every firm uudei in the process of events we had reached that co;isumii,atioti, w inch the voice of the people has now so pointedly rebuked of the uiu-mpi, 01 a portion ol the Mates, by a sectional organization and movement, to tlVl's tlH s.r ti.e I'rc ;"'ht r. jin,t 1 c . I I ' itioti-'I the I. . C-it, Ti Usurp the control of the povcruinciit ol the f 'lce of the Coii-titutioii, c o t .jual in do L lilted Mates. mestic legislative power. Congress cannot I eoiilideiitly believe time the (-rent body change nIavv of dotuesti'u relat'uu ill the of those, who iiieoii-iderately took this fatal Slate of Maine ; ho more can it in the State step, are sincerely altuched to the Cotistitu-; of Missouri. Any statute liicli propose- to tiou and the Union. - 'I hey would, upon de- 1 - this is a mere nullity ; it lakes "away no liberation, shrink with unailected hoi ror riht, it confers none. 1 f it remains on the from uny con.-cious act of disunion or civ il statute-book unrepealed, it remains there war. but thev have entered into a path, only as n monument of error, ami a bcacou which leads now here, unless it be lo civil of wannim to ihc IcL'i-lnlor and the stales- ; hunk ol mi objectionable ci'iietnietit, uncj.i ; -tiliition,.! in clb ct, and injur i.uis in tei ins 1 10 a lalL'e pOI-r'.ili nf tie' .MM". I .1- it il." la.t. I but. it. all the tit's, fl, d feioll- Of til I '.I!" 1 S. if I !..!;." :lti' 111 ' be i'dt file to art il: tills 1, p, ,-t f.,r it-i !', ; without b-al pt ilnl hint.- ,, i:ther -ide 1 slav elabor wid spotiianeou-lv 'jo eet. ' where, in pt"ferei:c.- to flee labor .' I- it the fact, that the pieutiar dome-tie i n-litut i. .lis of the soul hern States poess relatively si ' in 11 c-li of vi.'or, that, w liercsoevi r nn av i;tiun is fieely op. -n to all the world, they will lill 'lou, of Pc'"l'n'"(' lo the exclilstou .it those of the ;Nrihi-rn States I- it the fact, that tho several Slates of the Union are, by tonner enjoy, c Jttipaie.l with the latter. sueti irre-isiitiiy siM.nr vita ttv. tmleiien- . . t . - i winch the ij '--,' i.ju could an IT. ctitiL' public or private li ; tiotr. -if the public domain, of 'navigation, tun! of .-er itude. whether a? it- in ii us 4 f.n .vl , J a,'. CiiU7, fvCvNolicc. ntlula al the JfT4l.IIS.lNS ltir ,- . 1 l-. M .lf. l"r the Tiaf sjj, mi. .1 i I'iiarlntU II a HI '.t.i tue tir.l ul(.r1ilfi I LOUT. IK .V 11NMSS. Vll i VI AS x i.N ii ( iinl w i:l In- ri pntariy r I lip ailuiliiiiife I lii-rrln) a eli I i:.'T'i i;i: a. i- jut fi ri-inl 1111, ntii.i r-ipin d h i iit rt i si -' i il !' -J-' ". lH-k nf tunc hm' - fi t'.ipti. Y ' " P W'A'll lll I'iuiii t t f'if.t y yjjf iim.i i . i. br itiii ni it-ri Ai- 0, rich aifirlnn i.t "t ioiwi L !t Jt wt'in. I li.iiiis, r- llol milii.il Hill Ik: .-id l" Inr C ..all, "r I'll all' InliC In fiiiiirttiil i'e .ier Till i.M AS IlioTTl K A SON ai.ti , Jit lit 1", l.'itn II 1) in ii if :'t , in tr nil ( ltf4i )1 (i( Luotnt--.-', II Lltirfsnt Mrf'tl HWit rrptitrttj ; ('nttijm. ) ttti MtU Inks uttti J . ... ..,,. i,t t I'ijtiiij ttt otif otttt Li ml J 'vf J uUi , LuLtuty put jort. 1 A 'I -ti ti. nf, ,tr l.rnHriiB I r'uit In Inn. it Wirkiii.itik rlyl-. ' "' h niikrti at a (jitillt e (li tt In I. , ve 'ir w.iru '.nhc S will jmo p:if lirul.r -tli i.ti i. lo , 'Mil lllhg ,1 MilDtl ,tl Kfc lllf. tr fetir . f !i ti i ibiito' i plnn ' ) fr-'i!t 1 ' t In n rt uioli nf rilUtfip r' i ift'i', ri ,'l I ' M(, r,U hhi. ti.rfai ri pjirt fj itni rrlurm-iJ pii t i tr.t tir.iv (uot!c. j I mum jtt anv mint In r nf r- l' rt ot um lo j v' JUiiKthphiji. Imt I tivrm ( unfit Ct'-.f .if y I w il j r I'l.- urn to .ih -,,r ,1.,-n. N mlltl tMi ; ' own m iu-iliie ml. w III be ea.li. i P n 1 I .on. "- " eall al iny ii.... i ini isite tin Pn . i ' r. in I imrrh. JOHN' M. MASON. . .((. Mrr)i IS, !H..li. . til iv,:: niii'ti rrly n i f , r, I AO , i ; .. tin vXoticc. "r "rl , I J.Mtll s IVlO- Hiii'imrae this Knocking i III. iinil. .n'ln .1 hi Ka IravC lo r l.ltll Ina I ia lis. In tin,,,. i., ta i.fi;il I' in i w lh a i all '"'.. im U,t er n ,, te.,, tfiilly llll'i'll's '" I'U.i'ic t'. .1 lie lu I. in. .VI il In lim Slini I ili ly ''''i"'0 .y Al. nrs. I.'i.ie. A In.i.stil .mnnu " -' dr. J. lin n.,',-, planing ,.l whele he IB I ' ' rut (,, , hlu p ,v,.,, ,i, In. i ill t , a. Cheap ' ' ,J .' 1 ;' e.i.i he dnne III Ihe St ile. '.'urninj, Cuttln3 Screw, Utralrlr.g -nni.t.ws mi r.M;i. i:s ' -"ii i. ii , .tuiru, uirfkiiig .iiij. rr-inii 1 Mi ltimili'Wood riainns, l'lniisihs.1 Iroitin t ;i;ii., alui ill IIOIlS-SHOKEM.'. Ac. 1 "1 ..liii.,te Wnrt, Willi any i.tli Inf rn-alle aa, ' 'ml Hi) ti-n : lull ill ril l: !'" H.'-J 1 en.i" ' "' " II ; e.l ni, ei In. i, nr i.t, I I Jil.iti. '.'. 1 " iv,. rn rl. ,1 in, Air J '.n . l',.r .... It. , v l. it'll hiimvrra finely. The jnililie rati alio I 4'H'iosit.i.H I 'iiatil.i; by ealliliu at "".v. .. nl.itii, l,i(eiil a , I inr li I r li 1 1 1 f inlli riia. "' It r incit.il ovi r al retl.ieeii iriee, 'vith '"' nnl ij ..i.,le,. J oi.l r .... n. ... .-..i. .i li. i lb i Mr Willack, the reb braied trai'c.Iian from New York, has been turning I tie heads of tbe J eopie, Tsnd drawing crowiied houses ibis tteik. He is sixLv yesr- old. and it i reaouabie to sujip j-e that be ha- lo-t linich of the fire ami enthusiasm of his younger days, lint he still Jijssevses a healtl.y, rj-bu-t at peiiraiiee, and seeuis to Imve been enabled, by the ad vantages of an Itou . sttiuii on. 11 Wllh-land tli" ordinary phy -ie.il wreck of a'e, and defy the inroads wrou.-ht by the cerro'ini,' tooth of time. I le appear ed on Monday ni.-bt in the cbaracl. r of li a m let, in btch l.u is said to t i'.'el. ha Vlt acted it for more than thirty yeurs. L.i.l ni.'l.t he took the part of II. m-ii n k , ill the play of "Much Ado about Noti.ii.,;, " iu lu - h be excelled binisell, slid broe away the palm from all competitors. He is called the prt'iit ilelineati.r of Sh ik-pr are, an I per haps ut.il.'rslands the plays of the" di-tin-fui-bcJ liird of Avon as y,,',' as any man living. He was well u-tained by Miss Kay unite! who ia a star of no ordinary majtn- tule. The loii ii tli r of Ir 1 ie! t n y .-r in reply to Col. Cuiiiiiiir-haui s card publi-ln-d soin ti'ue aince. has created some fl itt' r and spec iii.itiiin anions the cl.ivaliic knowing ones, ntnl some shrewd puesses at the coiiMopii-n-ces to which its flings and rlevel"pmeiits may lead, have been indulged in. Nothing de finitely is known about the matter a-yet, as Co! I'l.iiliitiu-liam to whom the biter was a'idres-ed w as absent from the i ity when the letter was published, ami h is not yet re turned. It is p ticrally con-ideted a li.ht itij letter, and will, in due time, receive the attention which its importance deserves. It as propheeit d at the time Tabcr fell, that the ti'.'lnin.' had only commenced, and that at lea-t two more couples must meet on tlo' middled Held of honor. The friend- of neither of the fonuvr Combatants seem to be siiti-fied, ami serious results may yet ensue. ', We shall wait the filial i-sue with some de- j.i.'V' of anxiety, licpiir at the mue time In .il soitiethilii shott of human life itiriv he found hulliciciit to ive satistaclioii and re coiiciln the parties. The resolutions of Mr Yeaoon relativ e to the conduct of the Conniiis-ioiicrs of l-'ree Scools, and the operation of the system in Cliailestoii under the new regime, has cre ated a healed and eicilitir.' delate in the leg islature balls, and broiii'bt ou a worlly war which may.not he ea-ily allayed. When , ,. the present pulilnvseliool litiildtiii' w as el ect. .t. lennr llu.l.linr.l , .r o .,, ...i ' ...nsl.il.llv on l. ml a ""''" c ".", iio ""I'l''"" ; teachers from the North, soino dissatisfau- I Hon w a. cxpiessed, and the matter w as pfl Ity extensively di-cusscd lhtoii"h the col- ,i i uuiiis of the city liapers and it was then lln iiisi Ivea, i:etr ailn le in In. line . tlioup lit It would end there, as matters ol Ii h. i. ft..n. il mi the iihkI rma..iiatii lerina. Hint kind usiailv do. Init it appears that ItKI'Alltl.Ni; dnr.e at ll.e .holiest llnliee and . V,.tldli is determined to silt til at ter, and call lor persons and papers to prove, if necessary, wlntln r th- present Commis sioners have tratt-cctidcd their Ic.-il aulbot - J Heir c.ectioii nr and disunion, ami u l.ieh l,.i. nn ml,..; num. T,, r..nu.l It ..III l. ..!.. t ..i,,.,. , I Imi, Liln'i'l'i int H...1 i-.i ' ,. . ... . ......in. . v "r"" ..... ""V t s -in niii an ui me possinie outlet. I hey have proceeded thus impel f.-ctioii t rom the staiut., without ' , . . " , I ', . L , t-.r in tli.it direction in coii.-einieuce of the teciinn;. either in the sen-e of permission ur i ii " 'i in h.ui ... r . i . . . - v.--e-i... c.ucaoi ii iir nn .'ri'... iiiivin,. p,des, wa..-.,, t,y B..-i T'Cei.i,,0li,icalcull.iMl.j ,,- a tl,.iesof seeoudaVy issues'; '". ' i"Ir"lf tin ! ,' d have ec. of which .,r,..'es.l , 1,.. ;La .:,i. in cutistitutional ami peaceful limits, but COIistlf ut I r. 1 1 -. I .. I. : .. 1. .. . . . . . . I ' i , , ,. e i.l - . i i mi.. ii ii.uiieeiiv uyi le ' men cri'ia It v uf each and iut he .Mates of 1 1, .. .. --i- . i i , . . - v, , . . ..... ,l l the were wnhn- to do directl v, t hat is, t act l niou ks .-i.iu.-i " t mil i iniii ti;e -i....r... ;.. ..i..- i. r.r w .. i v r liriil'r. i. n- ir'n. I. i j j-..v...,..,., i;"ii'-i mi- uonsi uui lona I ri"IUS vl isansii. Ull'l .leilias ...... , .it., al. oi me ol Ilcaliy OUC !l.lil ot tlie tllirty-dlli1 Mates. "" ine Mates, or Ol tielioiied and iiiittvuLc-j J'hev have a.--eit., t1- con c -..' tis of the L . i it1 tin it nil -i n. when rtheir rt-.-ideiice ;they bain aint ai lied lio'abilbv of the co ,iitiiiiial iie, etiutis ole I nioti ; and tiiey t mancipation in the soul hern Stat iiiieu tint voti u ant iiniiti r- ihe second '.fl'-retit iave pr.'i us, niiaivvrr ; i n ttio loii set its ol acts of ludiieet nf oi tit, i.r their I'l ts.-ion. the first was tbe stieiioiis a"imiion by Vituelis of the Northern Slides, iu Coll- ot the . . . l l - . . - - . oi promt. niou, tt,e action o! the thi-ir ciiiz-iis. Still, when the nominal re-triction of this nature, already ti dead letter i.l law, wa-ic tonus ri pealed by the last Conercs. in a i lao-e of the act ori'iintitiii; the Ten itor ies that repeal was lvii-.-eliau nut a -I on oi tin aid" att.-.ciitiient to i ot.stit otiiHi, a obj "J i t Is jf Io ilanerous agitation. It was alleged that the original enaeitn.-nt beiuj; a compact of perpetual moral oblta- press and out of it, of the question of uero Hon: its repeal constituted au o iious breach ( ot I.lltll. ten iu tins tiath of evil con- !,t't ' t on 'ress, winn- it remains tin L iiion ami to the si-led of acts of the people of the northern repealed, more especially if it be con-tim luteiest sain, tier ; the safe'riiijf the ri.'ht i lice of the the lb .pui li have, at tii ndro- ;t tutis, and in several m-taiiccs of :overniiicnts, aimed lo faciliate the escape ol an. of tieisons held to service in th. Sont Ino-n it-tity, States and to teveht their cxtr;i'iitioti whin ; rcclatuied according to law and in virtue of same t xrress t rov ision-of the Constitution. To mncd the idea of promote this object, lepi-bitive enactments mere (eopraj local , and otlu r mean- were adopted to take away iNSI.gt I N. I! id" iiain.i; I. l.j .he I'm h nil uirti. .11 till. J.l-.l. nn till llinriillil,' rth i.t May I.. t, v I lull. .V'lt a anil I la i ma II llli.l I 'Ua I'tlaifli. III ll'laaliil a.'rf:.i, , 11 It l.ir ii mill 9 am! (-hiilna. In Iri' the iri)' A ('. M. . , A. la. Ilium J. I u., a i;.l i.lh. i ti w . it J'i 0 in in hai l.. .'! i "iii i I "ni : -.1, tni ri t.rr, .ii; .ni.pt w ii.iii wli V nt anrlt r- 'iii at .11.: Oil' ii n si 1 1 o ii . nr i i.i I. h i. ': iv imtitii.l, that mill . tin y .ij.fie.ir nn iliee i.. ! IV ..nil rl.,..- Ut .In a.nii' , t'V llula nr e.-li, I alial' In mini. i u I.i lib , tnrthw illi, 1 1 1 11 in IqniH .th.-rr. I.y aul.ji etiiii.. am h a raona Iii .ulilitioii.il tunl nu ll. ( i- a .a r y nail. S. W. IC IS. ( 'huilolt. , Junr 17, s."'(i. tl their to a, I v rsv as the spit it and ti peace, and j;reiitnc. In d.iiii this, t tittie, i inp'iatically ot -ati.iii' in these parties; ol marshal hi liotne array to wards each other tlitierent part- . t th country, Noith or ill, Kast or We.-t. euuiiic. ui nii.iiii, iraiiL'in iin id- itiu" extradition ol fugitives troiu stanicc, caii-uliible mi-clii'.'i.d which ti,.; cm- laws weie etiai ted in many Slates, forbid si.t.rate sense of bcople has r-jcoied. dim' their l-fbeers, umler I lie si vert-st penal could have had caiiance in l) t art of ties, to rarlicit'ate in the ixecutiou of any ..:....' . act ot (."iiuress vv Imtcver. in tins w ay ll tiotiahy valid m the ludnieiit ol tho-e public functionaries whose duty it is to dent ol climate, -oil. and all other accidental citcum-tai '.'es, as to be abb' to pro l.ice the supposed result, iu spite of the numed moral and natural obstacles to it- ueeoiti-pli-hmeiit, and of the more numerous popu lation ol the .Noithern Mates: The u ru'U llu lit of those who advocate the cnncrmeiit of new- laws of restriction, nj condemn tin' rl'peal nf oi l ones, iu iff.-ct aver- that tin ir pit tieulal- views of govern in. tit have no self exti tfi ill"; or st -If-su-t aiu iiij: powers i f their own. at,. I wi, j nowhere unicss f orie l .v ,lct uf Cotir-ri.s.s. And if C"ii-le.ss tlo but pause fur a moment iu the po.iey ol -tern eoerciou ; il il venture to iry the experiment of leaving men' lo jud'e for lllelllsclees f. hat ill -1 i t llliolis will best suit th'-m ; il ii be not .-trained tin to perpetual le ,i-lstivl; exertion ou this point ; if Con o . . ... . . j r. .. of liberty, it is at mice charged with iiiii.iu.-j to extend slave labor into all the new tirii-t'll-ies of the United Stall s. Ol course, thes,. nil., jiatious 0n the inten tions cf Cotl.'l-e.ss in this lc-ptct, conceived as tiny viere in prejudice, and disseminated in pas-ion, are utterly de-titntc of any justi fication iu ttte nature of thin--, and con trary to all the futida met, tal doctrines and the country, had t lot been di-"uied bv miLV'stioiis p'.ausili itppearat.ee, acting u on an excited wof the put iie mind, induced by causes lorary in their char acter, and it is to bled transient iu their influence. i'ctficl liberty olociation for poliiieal objict-, and the w i.oi.o of t!i-eiis-ion, ate the received aillinary conditions of pronounce on that point, is undoubtedly pi tiiciples ot civil liberty and self goverti- biiiditi'; on the conscience of each good oil i- tin-tit. Zen of the licpubiic. l!ut ill w hat sen-e can bile, therefore, in genera!, the people of i: be asserted that the enactment in ijuestiou the northern States h ive never, nt any time w as invested with perpetuity and entitled to arrogated for the federal povertiiiietit the the rt -peel of a solemn compact? lietuccn pow er to interfere directly with the domestic or deli-at rights which the c iiistituiion Hlioin w as tne compact 7 -No distinct contend- coii'inioii ot persons in tne southern Mates, solemnly puariiiitied. In order to nullify in' powers of the cov eminent, no separate but on th contrary have tlisavowed all ,-ucb the then eiistiin' act of Con-res- conccrniu" sectton. of tlie Union, treating as sucii, en- intentions, aud have shrunk frotu cuti-picu- tered into treaty stipulations on the snl.ject. ous antiunion vvitn tins. tew who nir-uo It was a mere clau-e ot au act of Congress, their fanatical objects avowedly through ittid like any other controverted matter of the contemplated means of revolutionary legislation, received its final shape and w as change of the ooveri'.nient, and with aceep-pass'-d by coiiiptoiuise of the coiiBletiiig tame of the mccs-ary con-i ipieuees acivil ami .civile war yet many citizen- suir.-red I hem -elves to lie tlr . a v e ever, in tins way that system ol harniotiioaj co operation between optiiious or sentiments ol tue uiuiibcrs ot the authorities of the I luted Mali s. aud of s ou.'iess. J5ut it it had moral authority sun, -red tiietn-elves to be drawn into one the sev eral State, for the maitil ainance of 0Vt'r meu's consciences, to w botn did ibis evaif!ceiit political issue of agitation after . their common institutions, which cxistid iu ' authority attach ? Not to those of the North, another, appertainiu-r to the same set of 1 the early years of the Kenultic. w as des- ' Iw had repeatedly refused to confirm it opinions, and w hich subsided as rapidly a troyed ; conflicts ol jurisdiction ctiine to be ' l'H extension, and who had zealously striven frequent; and Congress, found itself com- i - establish other and incompatible' r.-pula-iptlied, for the support of the Coti.titiitiou, ! upon the subject. And if, a- it thus land the vitnlicatiou of its power, to air. hor- : appears, the supposed compact had no oh- ize the iii poiiitiiieiit of Hew officers char 'ed ' iUatory I iree as t I li' V aro-e when it came to be seen, as it uniformly di 1. that they were incompatible with the compacts of t lie Coiistit utiou an I the exi-ieuee of the Union. Thus, when the acts of -ottie of the State, to titiiiify the goveriniiei.t in our iitry . Our in.-tilii tioiis, trained in ttilrit ot contidet.ee in ize the appointment of Hew officers charged natorv 1 iree as to the North, ot course it the intelligence n ti ' .. ri I v of tin- people, 1 with the execution of its acts, as if they aud ! could not have had any as to tbe South, for existing txli aditiou law imposed upon Co li do not forbid citiicH.r individually or . the officers of the Slates Were the minister, 1 all such compacts must be mutual aud of press the duty of pa-.-in' n new one, the Ho! for Kansas! OIII '.I.T HIAVV t.kia thin ...irliinity ol ami all win r; that he U ft (IIII.IIT HIAW til... thm ill .rininf tiit ptiMir griirfiiill dill-nil Kin!f l' K'HifuP in part.tui tc'HlP t' colli l ii tic the s Diiiii: & iiaiim:sc' lSl'SlNKSS. assoi i.u- i -iciiteiiattacK py ruing, ; rcspeytively, ot loreign "ftverniuetit in a h,or any ottierlyou-short of pnv.-i-! stnt of mutual hostility, rather than fellow ( Ollsllti inn) 1 In; VerV eX- I in.-l "istl-ates of :l iminihoii ctnnrrv t,..ui...f.ii;v rotectiou ol one wed- 1 bus here, also, apares- reciprocal obupation. c.niuity was invited by agitators to eiiti r I It has not unf.- ijiieutly happened that, into party organization for it- repeal ; but 'law givers, with unitm estimation of tne that agitation speedily ceased by reason of value of the law they uivc, or in the view of tile impracticability of its 'object. So, when imparting to it peculiar strength, make it tlie statute restriction upon the instiutioii-i al llu lorec isleiice of the U I'nioiib.Icr the shelter of . subsisting under the p rty, attei.tfd by the laws ! constituted Union. TI this great liber utid u-ams of the eminent they assail, I sion was followed by re-action; and the 1 lel 1" ,ual i terms; but they cannot thus iisinivatioiis have bcbrui'd, irt some of i attacks upon the Constitution at this t.oint bind the conscience, the judgment, nn l the .1 . ... . l- .:! I. ... t" i.-,, 1 . I oi r . i i i i , an 'tela lor ; OI '"V no may sueo-i'ii tsietit, ii,ve-ie t the Stales, of indivil who. preteitditur ! ti to seel; otny to pre v 1 he sprea 1 ol tlm ; its di fence aud securit y. 'Willi similar respmisit littles, and eioth llistiii'iioii ot hiavery., tie Ifesiiit or; 1 he tlm d .-t i -e of this uuhantiv s 'Ctiona . n tth enual authortt v. .'lore i'i telul tnv e-ti futuii; inchoate Sta'.-s the Union, are : coiitrover-v was iu eoiiin etii'ti with the or- gatioti may prove the law to Le un-ound iu puted Soutin ru c iicro.-.c htuci reiiily inflamed "with d to change the ' ganiz it'ioti of territorial poveriitiicnts, and : principle. Kxperienee may show it to be domestic institutions ol t-nj States. To the adiuis-ion of new States into the I nioti imi'erfect iu detail and impractic tide it. id but serve to I . ot new Slates, by a geographical line, had been repealed, tho country was ured to de mand its rest -rati."', atri that pr 'ir et al-o died aituosi with it- birth. Then followed til" cry ot alarm ti'.ni the Nort a-u,-i-t nn . v Inch cry at i i. oli! .lain vt ti. rt. in i.iti nils lo step j autjdy nf I .VI ;, IHKMSS, HHIl'I.l.S, 1 vf i.l I u V ii.s( kirTio., Ilia friend. ra- re-i'i eiiully invit. ii t enll I iiiiiy aecompii-h t heir object- dedicate them- When it was proposed to admit the State of execution. Ami then both reason an t r H-ltll III illln aa nnii ill r in .11 It) I'-', IS"". tie li If senes to the odi.tu- tas epreet.it nig the : .vl .line, by sep.iralioti ot tei fit govertiiui'lit organi. ill Inch stands m jot Massachusetts, and tin their way, and ot calming, with indis criminate invective, not the citizens of particular States, with flaws they find li'uit, but ail others- of' ft lloiv-citizeus tb t oti".hout ihe country do hot partici pate with tliem in thetiiults upon tue tniposttinii of Coit-litiitlon, framed inliipt-'d by our I f',illv r'e.i-t, d prang iu reality from the spirit of revoiu tiotiary attack on the dome-tic institutions ight ot the s-jutti, an.;, alter a Iroui'Ud existence iry fi out that eoinbiiie not merely to justify, but to retjuiie ol si le months, Iik bet n rcluked by the out I. etied A. V. KllliVAKI), I77TH.VM .V- rSSlU.OH AT I- I Ct INCOIM', c AllAHKl'l . ti.,) N,C, r 1 1. 1. a tie nit In bust ii est- e.inilnllti il t"tna esrt t '.tle.iri us .iitd tin .iilj.iii'iiiL' itniiilita. Xitiimy .., I (: int. ii. 7t. t mtii "'ii a no s.. Is.iG. I'". Iitlnl .1. runitv. n.i i Ml.l.li. .l.a,..l in reft, vet ." . , . .,- ,., I M I I H. I r. aim t- - - i - ill'kMlll i Call. ; i t v . Col. Mi liitninger is one of ihe new ! Coinmi-sioiiei s ami lias been loiemost it. lor ' wiirditii! the interests of ihe new .sy stem, am! ' he has met Mr. Yeailun on the floor of the : llou-e, ami defended the eoiiiinissioners and ! their conduct with much pom r nf reasoning; ! it ii tl eloipiciref. Mr. Veadoti is a bo-t of : l.itiisclf, ami in an ordinaiy fuht he never stuns to count noses, but rushes into the t iiiek- est of the enemy and deal i fathers, and cbiimitii le pnv leges it ' lias .(-cured, and the ii.'s it has cou . let red, the steady suj pl grateful reve retiee ol thrir childrenl' y seek an oh- j ft which they Well 1 1 be a revoiu- tate of Mi formed of a portion of tin- territory by France to tin- United Stales, repivetit:i tives in Congress objected to the admis-iou of the latter, unless with conditions suited to particular v te ws of put'ltci poncy. Ihe tieh a condition was success. 1! it, at tiie same pi-riod, the its rept The constitution, supreme as it is over all the departments of ihe gov eminent, legisla tive, txeeutive, arol judicial, is open iplestioti was presented nf imposing re-liic- timis upon the residue of the territory ceded j by Franca. Th it iiie-foti w as, fir the time, ldispnst.il cf by tiie adoption of a geographi ! Cill line nt hunt at i Mi. lionarv one. Thev aritetlv aware that j In this ,-.'t'liexi on it should not be forgot in Hi i si in; hi: v I ini v ba l.'li C a,-i-r.ir M.Tir i; i. i. A. t H .N.,1, Entire. ll tb) K 'V li, tli t v ... i- ..i vl l; i'l 'I- .( Al ' i-'iN... sniviT, I.ANIKI. i, I .. I AI M. "N I.ANII.I., .ii irni-li in . I to tin tinut.. "Und, -Int Ihe buiifil i,' the tleilll.iia of .till I o n. i , , l,v, ; y, ,,,! tIHt ,, j lv I,, ii,,. bam!. '' ' 1'. IrWlf.I, fnr iiniiititi.tr.. tolli tilntii. I i I.M tit D I i-ih. r. Ill lllllttll. III. I nleaa ir.il'eaaiiitetll V i'l . llilnl Ina ri -nn in c. I nrl.MIII l. a let S. C. . IK.rt. " his bloiVS Willi ASlll.UV. the change ill the re laonditioii (if the while and black races ie slav .'holding States, which they woulaiote. is beyond their l awful authoi ity ; to them it is a foieign object ; Unit it o be i If cted by any peaceful ius(runieiit theirs; that n Blattresses -MA I'M. i.t Shm l ' t-r r .tiiiili-..it- canuol be tivi-n. a. the JOHN ALLISON. I , J. K. AMUIIL. I I' ' I , rsv. itiu' I. Al1 .M.Mr. in S'o.t l "r s.Tiiii:a. I .-r ., wislnni; dttJert tal ton auu .. i- s, tl least e ill. ""' "iJUFAUKOW. 4i.nl Ir-.'i; u' JIONI'S Ihf ll'hnni nl X'rujin ty, loli SALL IIKUIl. At ill sl A, (hi., Nov. tin; OmiiAi. Vvtk nr At. vii a yi a. The l'.iiistitufi.iliali-t le il t't that the ..flicial vote in all tltc counties of Alabama for 1'ic-ii leut v as as follows -. Jiueliauail, -H,li:i7 rnitnore, ten that France,! f lii-rown accord, resolved, for consider itimis of tiie mo-t far-sighted sagacity, to cede Louisia.li 1 to the United States, and tli.it acces-ion was accepted by the United Stat.-s, the latter cxprelv en gaged that " I he itiliabitants of the ceiled for ihelii, and the Stal-whn h they are territory shill be incorporated in the Union citizens, the only path f cotupli-liuieiit 1 of tl is through burning citif ravaged fields, i as p L'ucLaiiau'l majority. n ii li slaughtered popu is inovt terrible in tot ci' il and servile wan in ihu alleiiiut is tin a country rmbraciii. tlegree of liberty, and mil and public pro-pit o par illt i in history plac" ll istile goveri and itievitably into t, fr.itricid.ii caru.i : .. nii'i ail there i t li 'nplieatf d wiih ,' of iai the first step ; tit ., .. i United States, and admitted as soon sible, aeenrdiiig to tha principles ol federal ( on-titulK'ti, to the enjoyment all the rights advaiit-igcs, nnd iiiimutii i of citizens of the United States; and iu i -ill be . c t-ni the ' to. a in f n . I in t-ii t t'V its um v let in-; am) I .in gress or the Slates may, in their di-crctioti, propose amendment to it, soli um cou p let though It in truth is between the sot etctgli State- of the Union. Ill the prt-etil in stance, a political eu ictinent, which had ccu-eil to have legal power or authority of any kind, was repealed. The pi-itiou a., sinned, that Congress had no mora! right lo enact such repeal, was stiangv enough, and singuoirly so in view ot the fact that the argument came troot those who npeidy re fused obedience to t xi-tiug laws ol the l.iti.t, having the same popular designation ami tpiaiity as cotiiproini -e acts nay in ire, who utietpiivocally disregarded and con.b -intied the most positive and o'olig iiory injutictioii of the constitution it,, ;!, :.il so.ight, by every means within their reach, to deprive a portion of their tVUoiv vitizi n- ol the t ipi.il enjoy uteiit of tho.-e rights nn l ptiibeges cuarantied alike to all bv the f.iiid.iiin i.t i! m itiitaim-tl and compact ot our t moil. ivtnent of their' This argument a-ain.-t the n p-'al of the riligion which statute l-iie in q i-stion. w is decompaui.-d iv, while it re- by another of canigetii il ch iraeter, and latiietit.'lh.e d on at the ' and b.-ippi. oi y of Kan. field, liOt so gatll i op l- i-ruptinii of. the uieantiiue they I road bosoni a -protected in the trie nn t of in. livid- ; , '., ),, 'i;io'i,-, ; tv , 1 . which there i-, ti,,.v profess " that i it. -muting III Its j n.ains in a ten it lrnl e Miditinti, Its inhubi- e.piaoy with tlieIoriiierile-f.tute.il toumU ti i i v i n at otiue t int tn e maintained and protected in the tion in reason ami truth. It was i.nputeil ib v.i-t.uion and j !,.,- enj iy iit"tit of their liberty and property, that the measure originated in ll.e cotu-ep ru.;i. . the it: ' wall a 'rig lit theu to 1 ifi int 9 tig O-'aJilioa ticu of i xt .n hug the limtin cf -livedaboi- voice ot a patriotic people Of this last agitation, one a- feature wa-, that it w is eat t ie to immediate eipen-c of the peace ness ot tip1 pc'tp-e of the lerrit sas I hat was made tin- battle much of opposing 1 iciietis or inteie-ts with. in it-i ll, a- of tne ('"tifiietnig p.isi ins uf the whole people ot :ln Unite I State-. Ke.olu Hon, ity ui-order in Katisa- had its origin in proj. cts j.f intervention, dciiherau i y ur ratigetl by certain liit tnl l is ,.f tl,-,t Cm,. gress, wlneii enacted the law for ine ,. zation of the fi-ri itcry. And w In n j ani 1st eoioinz i li on o! K lUsas ti-id 1 1, u- t.. eu tainte! t il.i ti in i-ia' -eeiioti v,f the Union, f. ; the -y -t.-isi -uii- i oiuotioi, f ii, pcali ir viewt oi policy . lucre t o-ii'd. a, a matter vf course a i o inti r action vv it h opp i.i;c y i,. vi ,i j,, o-,i r s.-ctioiis ol t In- I 'niou. In con- ipi.-ucc of these an ! ,,t,, r ;..;. de:,!-, tuaiiv acts f tll-ot -tier, it i, und. tiiaid", have been pi rpet rated in K t u-as. t j t he oe- c isionai mien option, t-ith.-r th in tae p, i . in i u.-iil su-p-iisi jii, of 1' g'iiar go-, , i niiii'iit. A ggres.i vtf a t id most r. p.- ehenlb'e infur-i ni, into the lenit 'iy w.-ie uiid.-itii.eii, both iu lite gs oi I ii and tne .um. ;1 t. its northern toi-.L r by the w iy c Weil Ms on ll.e ai.h.rii l,e an of and there has i-ti ! wttht as on the ea-t. there has xi u.suriecttoii a ties not with u'vt:- I V 1 1 1 - Il'l It oil 1 "V a, 4v o! vii-, 1'irt ; it a st.-. le i f uin-t tin' eoii-titot -,1 authoti it i 'Ui teiiaiiee from b ,. .q. ' r't t.v i "i-HI it I- y l