ii J4m4JIIWW.MW'M'BI'IW---'B ii mill I Hi V 'I If ,-t I". I: ft ; f 1 r t I U 1 f-iiWrnic fiiTMUH in c-cl of the jsretectioo ' ordaiiiod urn) fulfihp'l, hii1 will take all fftlif I'liim. l!ut "the difficulties) in that otliur uccessiry- steps to assure (a its iiilmb Tcmrorv li no be.uti fxtravamiilv cxse- Mailt tlm mioyineiit, witliout obstruction or n. i ited, for pnrius of rjliiic:il auit-tli.m ;-' w iiit.-. Tim numb, r uuJ (jrn ii y oi t tie .Hi-.if lio.etice Luve lieou niagiiitieii, p.irilj l.t ir-ii. iiu n! mt.eric iiiirrn.t u.i.l tiii-iiv t.c tiMicvate i necJuuts ul t he fame rumors o: --... Tbn :!. Ter-.-iir,,-, 1 I....... .-..m Iii.r. 1? 'iilml with i-ntrcni.' vidctitv, hell the wlijie amount of null hum lm not been j-r, :if,-r than u lint occ i.Uiullv passes before u- ill Mugie l ilies to tiic regret of all pooA r!ii:ii. but- without bein. rc?iirilnI aa of general or -iji inoi t political cotise.:n ncff. I inl;ii!i! i r it pillar. tH'. ill the election h.i'l in K:ui;i", i i li ctf-caMOiml irre:ularilies of tlie :niie il .enptioii in' the St.ittt. were be oml the fplicru of action of the Kxecutive. l?;it inei-leiits nf a.'tu il vi.ilciios or of or paliiacl ii'i.-ti ictioa of law, pertioaeiiusiv rciuHcil Irotu time to time, have been met as I he V ocont i"J, by sucii means as were available ami as the circiiui-tanccs reipiirc.l ; and ii'.iliin; of this cliaraclrr lior remains to nffect tbe geu. ral peace of the Union. Tbe attempt cf a part of thn inirui.it jut of the territory to erect a involutional y pov crntneur, tliouli .dulou-ly encouragcii and supplied with peeiitiiary aid ftota active agents of disorder in noine of the Jtat.!., has eoniplete'y failed. Kodie of armed liieu, forcig J to the Icrrttory . have been prevctitel from entering or compelled to leave it Trcdatory bands, ctijaed iu acts of rapine, under cocer of tbe existiti? po.ttical distur- bances. have been arrested or di.-prred. An l every well disposed prr-ou is now eu- abled once inoro t- devote biuiscf in peace t the pur.-ui's of prn-perou industry, for ' the prosecution of which he undertook to parlicinau in the settleiiient of the Territory, It allords tne until. tig'ed ati-fae;io:i thus In announce the pcaceTuI couditi .n ot thin;s i-. Kansas, e-pecia U coi.Mderin.' the means . . r . - t which it was necc-sary to hafe recourse for the attainment of tne cud, namely, the in'.! ivnicnt of a nart of the military force .f I "nit... 1 .!.. 'Ph.. uithllr.i'ttTil nf that fore; from iti prcp-r duty of defeu 1- duure for the ensuing live years will not ex io' iho country aj;aiu-t forei.'ti foes or the cceil that sum, unle.-s extraordinary occa savages or th-j f ontier, tj employ it for the ' sion for increase should occur. Tbe acts uppreinn of domestic insurrection, i, rrraiitinu' bounty lands will soon have been w!i'?n the exigency occurs, a 'matter of the executed, w bile the extcLsiuii of our frontier ' iir. t eaiiiesi solici'.uile. tin this occasion af impel live n.'C es-uv it has lieeu (lone w ith ti.e best results, ana my satisfaction in , t'.ie att iiisn-;i;t of s nw reu'w by such tn-'aus is irfe-atlv enciiance d by the cotisid- er itioti, tii it, tl.rou;i the wi-.i.vu atid ener- py of tin present txec itive of Kansas, and tue prudence, firmness and vigilance of thi; Iiiiiit'ry offt-ers on duty there, tranquility has been restored without one drop oi blood Iiavuii.' been siie-l in lis a econi p .isuiue u I oy liti- forces of tin L lilted Mite-. The restoration of con parati-e tratifriil- v !ti mat lcrriljrv ijiui-hes tin: ui'.iiis ot . ---rv i is c .'iu'y, aa l a preciatini: at their j i-t value, the cents which have occurred iiicre,Hud the discus-ion of which the gov erMui;tit of the 'lernt?ry has beeu the ub- W f.orctr!; that controversy ootieernin i's future duiu estio iust.tutton was inevita- l .t5 ; -that n-i uutnau leji-'ation , u j wi-d?: prusietiue, no torin ut cn the part of Con- rtv, could have prevented this. It is idle to snppo-e tn.it the particular J.T'.u-IACs Ol ttieir or'u:.tc law were tile ciiisy tf a;it...'ion. lb -e prov i-i mis were but tii.- oeca-i m, or the pietext of an a.'i.a t i J i-.,- Ilbich w ts ii.Lelcl.l in the I.V.u.c. ol things. Cm,'r lejii-lated upon the sub ject in such t-Tins as w--re mo. I c-iii-h ii.t witii tin: priii c'j.'e of p pu!.ir sovereignty wb.'-li underhe's our to. .nuent It count not hav b. -i-i iled o'.ii.-r .i isc williout doing viiciicu to ai.oiiier treat principle of our institutions, ttie inprest rj ttvle ri-ht of -- its ' i til e At tl-., tlrnml Sis' . . tuat, -sectional n.t-r- Vie t-TCill'- Ay passions, Liive been the leat cmjent 1st il.e saiuvarv uperuirju oi iue or;'anic prineiples adopted, ntnl the chief cause of the su- c.s-i.e ditutli.iuees in Kan sas. Tbo a-.-ii:..p:i ii that, becajsi. in the organization of the Territories of NeLtu-ia and Km-as, Coiiress abstained fioni iiu pOsii! restraints upon t'ueiu towiiicii cer tain oilier Terriif.rtes bad been s-jljeet, rufre'ore diort.ers occurred in the utter years nper.itnuis, j;reaier ?e'irity to the Territory, is cmj ustira.iy contradicted by frontier it-hal itanr- tbiu I,a leeii'liitlu-rto tlie fact t!it ti mi? have occurred in tin: ' et j oyeil. Kxten.-ive con.bit.atiofi .aiunu fj'tii-- TLosi. disorders were not the eou-( tbe hostile Indian of the leniiories of e;j:ei.c?. in Kan-as. of the freedom ol self- . Washington ami Ore;;osi at one tinm threat- etnnu nt conceded to that Term 'try by ! ened the deva-tation of the m wly formed ('jnress. but -f unj l-t it '.er.erence on the settieiuerj!- of that remote portiou of tbe p;.rt of pcr-ons not inhabitants of tlie Ter- country. Troni recent information, we are litorv. Sorb i (t r t r-ti--. wherever it has peimitied to hope tlint tin; et.er.'etie and exhibit;. ittclf. I y acts of iii-nrituti jiiary I sucues-lul operation!, comlucted ti.ere will ' ' a r irTe r, or of ob-tructi .il to processes of prevent -u: u combination., in luture, airl h'.v. ha been irpeiled or Puppre-ed, by s. cure to tboe Terntories an opportunity t.je ii. cans which the Constitution ami to make steady projres.s in the development ti.e ias ', .i.c in the bands of the Kxecu- rjf- their ajiic jlioral and mineral resyu cen. ivc. L.gisiatiou has been r.-c tiniucnded by In tho-e y art- of the I". S. where, by me on petiotis orca-ions to coie lieiccti in i'3oii of !he iiiS.nn. 1 Sate of the public tbe exi-titc' orauit-oa. and I increase ef ii. m l, lalse r j'norj anl m;.. r. .resent atioiis fiei.-i.ey of the army, and further cb-:-rva- have the y'eatest currency, it has been as-i-.iiiied tint it wastU- d-ity of the Kxecutive not on'y t iij pre iuurr-cti-inarv move, incitts in Kjii-j-, but al-o to . to the reg ularity of loai e'ections. It needs li;t e "-jut.ient to ebow that the Pri-sid nt has iio iiei power. " All government iu the I.'. S re-ts -ub-tat.tia'ly upon p'.p-ilar b.-'.-'ion. Tue ffi- loui of election is liable to be no ! lir.-d I the ii.tiuloii cf unlaw ful it- tr t ft". n of awful one. by jo, rot lilt lie r i r. S i e. be v'o!' :::, of I or L". tj. s or by fr-i i i i- lliciiis. I . et a.i-soil.en ni p.iaruun- ol and to siipj.-i-e th it tl ev in ! 'i ': t a- m. a- v - i-- ;i Ii .eu '.in, i , 1 1 .. po-e t'.. t-i i- i" ;'.: "t s.-if.j 'renl.'i.t it" th- I.' bn tirpo-e in cl -li 0..., t'mee Hi w i ir own ri.-i.t-, I not reined v. hnts of . ,."i! in to l,a . e tv a-i- l t . eriitne.il. 1'h-; ' n it ex '-r l i in to t im ir freedom. fjiiva-s tljir vote-', or to in., noon ll.eir iiu'a.ity in the J.rriDries any moie tliau tne Slates If !, bad sueh power the ( .v. rr.'ii. i,t i.-ii'.!:t b tt-j i.i inn iu firm, t i! it nou't I..- a in ,;, in.i.;, in !..et ; anl if be li-id un ii rt ik.it, t i-x-ni-e it io ti.e ea.-e T lii--, hp wou'd have i -en ju-t ,y .sun j i-t to tu... eharpe of u- j i -i-itlou, airl of vi- L.ati-.n . f t' - i, are.-t ii-!.ts of the p opi- Of ti.e r. I . .1 - , I. w.se iu', itjiiuiy will. itrr-.-u. k'. rl--f-.ot,e nie. it) r,nt).j. t,f ;.e-.t , i.-iii'i.- I I'Xei'i: n' t'.e ' - t," It ti.e Lot Co'Jil- fr .ert ti I ije.-t t, ! iille illolef i:.si .tat. tiis tu. it iu a all exp ii- i.e o. Iiy ii-..- o..r-. v. I turioti i li-t- in i t. uipt to it : ' oil lo re' 'out. inasmuch xi niopt" ptoi.j t i. i .-hi of -e!f r- jiisti te -t forin. the :,t-'.V.-l it: ,n by it .v Out of 'i a e ; iiiiti i. I I I..' 1 ."vl i.i-tit.itt a' I u - in.- . s alT.r l ! It ti.e it !r- of w i o,'-'. I i- ti. li ! liily -t , n t t;,at i.ou WI.eil ti.' i - - -.; I r p aceful tel litioii of K itis-i it; ,i tuiiity t r Oa'io r-fi, I. oi an l i t ion, t ii her t b I. I it; i e a ., n ' '!-!- I ' ti. 'Ji'tlli jl .. fir Co-l-fesS, wi'l see fl, ,( j , ;,, t sl.ii, I re.iiuiu on its statut" ij.iii violative if t ..e i I'.eijt)- ti t lit. ('ijui-i ii jii.iii or sub v. r le of tl,- er. it '.t,j.-. ts f,r which '.La', kd, liridi:iiiciit, of nil tin" constitutional rilitt-, privileges, mid iiiitminities of citizen of tlio . United Stiile, coututuplalci bj tie or- t:ttiw tut nl flic 'leriitorv. . run iiilotinnioii ill reunion m nxcni c- -vffnis iii tbi Tprriiorv will be foimil ill the iloi-um:iits i-'tiniiiiiiii uted herewith from tlia ' D. partiuciit ot M .to iin.l it ir. t refer yon to tin! report of the rven ia- rv ot tlic I i-onsurv tor pnrttculiir into' ma - tion cc.licvriiiit' tin" fiiuiiciiil condition of llio 2m eminent, mid tlio Viirruus tranche trf the .i.l.!ir servie,! -omiccted with the rcas- ; ut y l'ep ti tineiit. j ! Uuriti' the last fiscal year the receipts from customs were, for the tjrt time, more than St54,(MH,0,.iO, and from ail noiiree,. ST;!,!)!-.!-!! j which, with the balance ou hand up to the 1st of July, !, made the , total re-eorces of the year to amount to. ?!'.', 1,1 17. The expenditure, including' f :l,0(ll,iliUI in execution of the treaty with j .Mexico, mid excluding ttuis paitl on aceotiut of the public debt, umoiinied to S0il,l7'-,-! 401, and, including the latler, to 57J,94,- tlie paviiient on ttiis aceouut having amounted to H V,77t,H:lO. On the tih of March, Is."i3, the atnouut! of the public debt was Soil, r.'i.!i37. There was a funseijneut increase ol t'-.i o.l.Uti.l lor j tlie debt of l ex is making a total of 81,-! . 7,!i37. Of this the uui of S t "),o-'.J,.-ll 9, j including prciniutu, has been di-t harjjed, re- j , ducins: the debt to :J.i,7S7,lJ!J ; all which mieht be paid within a year without cmbar-1 rassing the public service, but bt lug not yet due, and only redeemable .it tbe option of the holder, cannot be pressed to payment by the ecvernuieiit. Uu exauiiiiitii! the txpenditurcs of tbe last five vears.it will be seen that the averce. deducting pavmcnts on account of the pub- I - r lie debt ami f?ll',tlPj,vt'U paid bj treaty to M, xico, has been but about S4-,'JlU,0.MI. It is believed that under an eco.iotuie.il ad- Tiiinistrnlinr. nt' th,. it n n't I In. u cor-,ro or nun srtt.eiiicuts wti! cause a continued dctnanu . tor minis and tiULrineuted rvectMs, probably. Irom that source. 1 liese cousnieratioiiS will . justify a reduction of the revenue from ens- ; ioiih, so us not to exceed 4 or ?5 1,(1(111,00.1. j I think the exigency for such reduction is imperative, and ajaiu urje it upon the con- sidirition of t'ontress. 1 be amount of reduction, as well as the manner of etfectiu it, are questions of preat auu general nueresi; u uei hi" essential to iudu-;iial enterprise and the public pros perity, as weil as the dictate ot obvious jus- tice, Itiat the burd to rest as eiiuali v a: cti of taxation be made s possible upon ail tlass und iutere.-ts of the couu- es, aDd all sectijli try. ! 1 have heretofore rccotiitnended to your consi.l iraiion the reision of tlie revenue iaxs, prepa-cd under the direction of tbe .Secretary uf the Treasury and al.-o ic'-is- latioti upon .-oiue special cue-tions aflectiiii the bu-ine-s of tin t department , more fs- ptciaMy the i nacttnei.t of a law to punish' tne ab-traction of official books or papers from tile files of the pov erniiietit, and retiuir- inr I'll such books aud papers nnd all other public pro; erty to be turned over by the out-uiiis! otLccr to Lis successor ; of a iair iwij Jir.o.: disbursing ollict-rs to deposit ail public money in the milts of the treasury or in other b-al depositories, where tie same are convi nit ntjy accessible ; and a law tu extend exi-tiu,: pelia.1 prov isions '' " ' sous who m.,v i, r-vd of public py ilej. o-;r.e or otherwise, and- who shall refuse or litli tl, ou dae demaud, lo pay ti.e same into the treasury. I invite your'attculioii ane to each ot these ob jects. 'lie army duritii; tbe past year Las been so constantly employed aaiu-t ho-tiie lu--"iiatis iu various ipiarter-, that it can scarce ly be said, with propriety of ian.'Ua.'e, t1 have been a peace e-t abli-bnn nt. Its du ties have been satisfactorily pertoi Ined, and . e have reason to expect, as a re-uit of the Hon has but scrv.-i to confirm nie iu the views then t-xpi d, and io . uloree on my nnnd the conviction that such measure are not only proper but nec-s-ary. 1 have, iu adiiti.ju, i-j invite tbe atten- t on of Congress to a ciiiine ol policy iu ' the di-ti ii.ut.on of tioot-s. and to lb In-c s -ity of providing a more rapid increase of ine military ai uiaiiiei.t. J-'or details of t.i' -e atid iiiy, I ief ol i ar. :b-r subjects relating to the ar- i-r to the r.-poit of the .Secretary '1 no eondiiiou of the navy is not merely satisfactory, but t xhil its the mo-t ralily iu i ideiices of increa-fd vi-or. As it is Comparatively sin all, it is more in. J. rt.it Cut it -hoi -I i.e a- complete a- po--i iiie in all the clement of trctii.'la ; that it shoaul be i ff..i.iit ii. the ( 1, a meter of its olli-er-, in the zeal and il i -ci plil.e ot its n,el, III tiie re Iiabi.ity of it- Ol dnai. ce, and in liie capaci- ty ol' it-i -l.ip-. In i t.-s tlie lla i' j has hi a in tne I I I le v ea rs. ip-. In ah i be se i, aiio j" ijiaii y has made tn t pro.'r.:-s aiih- 1 In: execution of lhC la of Cotyres-. of February 1 vi pi jnioie liii: i iii,-i.'i.cy oi tin- tiavy. has beeii tlU-iiO'.l l.y I tie most ini . anf ajr'ojs r,.ij t.. 1 h- a ol i.romotii,-; di-ciniine a- moii tary llieli is Io. II, I CollVelil:l,t fcU-i nalu- i.e sy-t.-m of raiitin? an boiiora arge t faithful amen on tbe ex A lb. pi-iijd of th-ir tnli tiiient, i.'.tiin liietu to re-oiiii-l a t-r a ai.-eiict of a few looi.ih-, without of p iy. is highly b..i. iieial in Ol I II III II and per iea vc of e-.---.ili o Its il.rt Milte 1 1. : t.-;-l eiil,eij f -. -t in f.:. 'liie,) aeij.i.-n is kvio. l.liy iiC-lin(;.J to m . . . . . i .... .1 : . ..: : . . i . , d corporate into the sc..:e a lar,e ii-i;iib r of o-ir foiiiit-v lie n hi" n.-rto -o didici.ii tu pr- . it . J". -vital hundred Ann Henri boy., are no v on a tin.-..- ve il ' cr ii (- iu tr ti -ai v -- 1-, and -. I urn ncil ti a m--l s. ain-ii Iii toe ordiiau -.; o p iriin.-nt there i- a ile.-idel nod -i nt f in. iiidica'bni of prorc-s Creditable to it and to the touti tiv. 'it; - su.'i si. jt,s of the Sec.-elary uf tii- .Navy, in levar i to further iu-pro.. n.ciit in in it b.aiiih of th.: seniee, I toinuivud t i y our f i ura iib- aciwn. ciMium us - f-.,--i i.',r.. AT I.t'WIflK it F.NN1SS' IMKtK STdRK.' Tin Pictorial Fikb llocs or th !kvoi i'tion ; r illusir-'tmiiA t.y K'n ul t"'"cit, l tnf history, hiui;r-iiliy. ncrncjy, relic mul Ir.iiiitiinia oi' thr war I'm lii(icH'inH lice, by II. J. o H'ltr i r.vM.' simi ..I' Jsiiic II.. M.irM r s mil ot J 4 int II , r.irM r r, rn nnu I l'.b Kiitii.n, either vol nine nhl npuruli ly ul lti lliH r linee. I IIomf (;ARxr.R ; or the intellectual nnl inotnl tor ,r. (,.,ilnreil lor tlu- F. nnly Circle frmu tbe : neli cim-n. mi-t m..ny Uiililur unpen. liy . Mrn. M n; ('. l.lirk. I.ikiu i nto jksihi a view nt me evcrnisuiig i..-ih-i, nr u.c .., .v.-.hK ... nil! mi Hie great work nt i . a.iivuiioii, troui tiri.1 In last, hy Isaac Ainlirosr. Tn tioou Tma-I'omxo, by T. S. Arthur. Thk I.a.,v .,r tub West: or the iiM Si-cker.. by J.lllll It illMU. Tiiiikk MiaaiAOra; or Li to ut a Watering Place .V .Mr.. Hlll.tMck. .M..rr 4. IM56. MTMvI.I.V V OLDHAM. . n COMMISSION MK I! CHANTS,. viL.ii,;m, n. c. CUMCUHV, A. C. . ' IIF Siihcriber Like pi.- ire in nnnnuneintj; tn to Irii-iiUK niit I 1 ravullini; vtiiilic cm. rr.i.lv. thai he lu re opened un.i Ukm charge of tin Id well kmwn " TJ T?riTO HlT'n " j it'liVIt lluJXij in tins place, umlir the name ot' tl.c " SMITH Htl'SF.." an i havmn thorouphly rc.l'iinusl-iu and rep'i "d ',,""h"',"V '" l-'lrl to aeeMiiiiiiiie.ile hecul ar and I ralisu nt lli drinr- e H-.tters himself that every ni.nsary ar. rn.crtai ut has hem maiic to (irminite Hie confort of l is cm sl. His rnnm.iarr c..iiilbrl.iMe u ml well " til! n is hfil. h is servants ttentne snd ulK iiienl and hi taldc const. i ii 1 1 y siifiphed ith tlir In st ef the peasiui so ii.a, hi frit mi shall wstit nethine to j inike tdpir s..iotlfn pleasant : lid npr.-aiile. 1 Hi STABI.KS are turuished with the Inst j Hustler' and i.n abunrfaucc of the t.rst Prnv.-ioler. W.M. Ii. SM'TII I C'.r.c.rd, N. C, Jan. 89, 18i6. 4:uf hi nxw. a. s " Loot I siioi-; mx sioiii-; .1 o ::, stmt it tz.t.y ai:, Oy,iir Utr HI ISM' Kiwiriil. TSi;riir .!.iy will be ph osnl to t their V w Oi.i Frieiie. -Hu Cu-t.iint o, BOONK i CO. July I, !?.-;. lUlf Fauci Ciiiidsfiivs lli'skri, vj;ii:i v niujim. '-JO Bun- fir4 f, Ofp'i,(e Vi tuna llulil. II k II n i n a u i c , ! St'CC4VwoR TO . wiLI.R Ml'tili TLU oiU kiimii .,f Frtncli Ki-jjlti-i. unu & t ruidu t.ii.tj Oooti, '1 ol :vfy ticttenp. i ti Htjja.try. j Tif Sti,r- bi-iiijf Miionrit fir ttw LH I'J vrnr-, it Mituit. hf UH'IntS to jrivr kptC..l Ut-M-f'tjihoil ol" "II Ita. artiHru R-nt, tul. Mert li;.n' in tli- r.nni. ! Iry c-in rt-iy d.. (jiiuim inert , niwjt a hrv iuu lu'l jn'.rtitit ii t ol i At prici-P which will will vntur witli htc of' j-fiy N.rti.tni ( ity. tatj anu ju.Jgo fur yur. i Ulilil. ' Tan Hark Wanted! "B " 'NK & CO. ai.t to purchase a I.. roe .nn. ' 5 til v of TAX IMUK. lor wiiieh- ri.e li vlnst ant'.. i, Ik i..i i in f-.I.N. CkaHiilU, Muii li, l5ti. lllf mmU HALL lUZAAH. - lams (Cor,of Wentworth) M.. ' in ti:i.i.Hii, s.( . ripnK f!;(iM(ii;'KiR of ti.i. n,-w K.t.,i,!i,i,. : Ji. n. ml lay leave tu llifoim ins Imni., and tne pilld r. li, ,1 le lo.i ep. Iu ! at the iils.vc Slmd , on I. is i.u anu auir ateuui.t, an mine lr-i, Sli-I.K et I I'.ikK j mhI. Ti i ? tStiwit-i y, V f. ' llieli I... ii,,. iiii)a. ted liner t, he is i -.ahl. ii to si li at exit II iy ol tne liiu-l.. Pur.. -,S sn.,.u,K IVos. I.. I ...ri, I' i i) low pr.e l-howiiii (. 111 Stock ciiliHlsts p.. if l- s. t 'oioi.s, Huttons of every dsKcriptinii, ' :i.' .... li s. Seissnts, I! ,i,,r", l( . 7..H Sti i.;e, b-Jfs, Pere.i-si..n C.ps. Pisii.ls. St. ei ill I'eneits, SI.. lis ami Pencils. Pencil cSai t It...., Porte. .Moliules. Plav-nif. r'ts, i .iiihi. s, li.ee, Jt wi Iry , I',-, lun.eiy, m. , HI. rings, .sii uii sin, rs.j,.,r ii., x, , l.i.o a II .. I .lass. t s. Trif1hi.( U.skku, li. tieuk, lletius. (silt, ! SI' H.SIII. f, ,111 I ll.l.s, .s,. l.-m,,Tf, PlUI s, 1'. .. pll f M I IM Is ale, li ,-ks. t isii II....1 s .inn l.i l.....Ty i.io.ii. I hre.nl. S,U, S ,. i, ,i, (,;.,,,, ,,, i-ifty oesi ripr.. n, I ors. t I. ii is. Silk. Tl ni.l Cot. ' I . ... S won; Silk, l'..ln t 'I'M re ii, SmiI ( oiinn,! "11 H li I-' re, I. Mining, IJrai.is, '1 .i la' en I -ill,. n, li , ili.ns. Suspe inter ami liar. ! l.:rs SI. ir I C II r., t'olti.ll and .Mirm.i Drawers a mi Si.irt-, K in II. 11 h n U Si. .-in ( 'ol Ion, Hunks ami I. yes. buii ls, I'ms, .Sunns, I.,okiiis, Knitlni, Ph., II ainet M ire, V ire Chhon. It.-.-.-, Wliale. Is-i.e ll.i-'..s. Ii .it I. .tes, ( ..lion i riiif. s, Tlmu. , Ii!. s, II, :r Piis, Y lit ut t si ry uesi riptinn, Com. , l.-r!.. I lit... Mills, it, mill a general assnrtuielit : nf '.. noun ai.il tnijli.h Tnys. ' If M- r.i.,nis visiting tne City will Ki.d it to Ih.-ir i.li.iiit I., rail b. tote jniii:h.isn.tl r m-ii.I tlie r i.r.nrs, ishn li will l)B i,t punctually st. tel.'..'.: to. F. VOX SAM UN, 1 S..I.' IV. till, tor O. lie: .Masonic II .li II.. ..r. -V.y i. 'I. s J:Jtf fr j To the J'uhlic! II ' ' il ivr'i .in.! on. i . Il Sti-Ch of ..I, the I r- h u nil in'. i) i- i - , j i ) c Ci c i i ) c $ , t: i i c i 1 1 i i 1 .s , i'titty, Z)yrkttil, S'crtiujirt 7.! t" "ll -n-.! in ll.is n.atktt, .11 of I. is 1 1 .le .1 t,ri,i. . ,rt (,i, .1,1- l.,r f Aslt r,mjitlt'tn, 111..J 11, i,.h. t.r ou w.iil .,rl I d.,,, Irs In i y In,, v.11 t.,!i. j.,u thail be ut sfii ll ill til H l smith m c-in: I,, 1'i.rr ,1,0 (naltlif. li' 111 llnM , II M l'i:l If If A l; L, M )., uhuu.ii.u.1. 4 utriMi. in 1.1. tT. N... li, l.isiiii,, 1;.., Win C. I -Uif s, m, iiowell; Sadlle fe Harness PIcnnfHciuier, THUKK HOOKS SOUTH Of SAD1.BH 8 IIOTKL, t il tstl-oTTi:, .:. lll') ilhicriher thankful v the very liU-Fal .KitrniiHee -i A K....I..U ...J inn. li Itiin filtpiiiw the d:lsI V,, vfJr. h imwr inailc mnrcrxteiiaiTv i prcp,r.tjnll r tlie lulure ileiiianil fur work in hi ! line, ml will emlcamr to t'urni-li all that may ; want Sa.ldle ami llarm . w i n a nuperior ur.unc ! nt the lowest posihle price, lie hu new en huml a Very large usaorliiiciit of i StHldli s, ISrittlcs, llormss, j .S;il(ll r llai di. air, ! Whips, BufWo Iobp?, Saddle Cloths, j si, hi hi , ilof: .nins, iPalenl Enamelled & Harness Leather. I together with every lliii.e, usually kept in my line ' Ol' bUHill8. I IL'AII kino ol'Suiliilt s ami Humes made nt the t shortest notice. I , U ULPA1 1! l.M! prompt I v careutt ii: ' ! S. M. I1UWKLL. ( Onor 30.1eJj. 37tl ' Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford, I IiAIL-KOAl)( O.AIl'A V. ijl HSl AiN I' to an inner ol the Board uf Ii. ' rector o I' the itiiimlon, Cli.irixtic and j Uutherhirilteii Kail l.oad i oinpiiiiy. htH.k arc u. ' gam open lor Biiliseriptioii to tin- t upit..) Sleek f ' j s.inl K'osti.at the Unci. Isl.. nil Stor , and tne orliees lot" Win. Johnston, C. J. r'.ii aim S. W.Oivis. Ail j is hu tiel innnstt ti 111 tlir honor ami prusi rity ot' I the olit North Slate, are solicitid tu Coll. ts.anaii and aid in this great work, the oaly reiif ptihiic I enterprise tliut has ev. r pruiir upon our people. 1 CHAliLKS J. KUX, ' 8. W. DAVIS. AVM. JOILNslfiN, JN(. A. YorNtt, JOHN WALKKlt. li.p.oy niiM.e-', ; li. II. DAVIDSON. 'tmntsitinsi c. 'Or!. 3d. 5j. 3;tf WAXTI-I). I.C.S. COTTON A I.INKN Apply to A(iS wnnled. WILLI AMs'.fill.LKSriK A Co. Fs'.tioitv -il, If.'.'i. 1-tt' A wfcw am iii.iii4br hi. c,---.i'iil rin(Mv (r the eestMii, J .mud, re, Kli.-.nn'tnt'ii. Krtr, 'nt. fiuiitor, ,i f' Irrif 'iliilttv. I:tft.i.i.iii tirtti. Ile:tj.-ii he, l.vin m li-p Hr-M-t, S,lr, l.it. , fc'.d i.thi K'-malp (ciiMi...-ii,t-.. Ac Ac. i,.i-,-.i, rv few ire rhe fii,-- in nr.i h a J.rie AUr MhI', chic 1 not nnwr -r t Uirfi. mhi! itu.rh ( -k-n'4- ai.d Jtu tt-rfr ir 11.1t -t -rt-it-m.-d, it' h-.m-.-but mi'M;ti.ii L ttu.tf Mc nrvrtf in .re fre W u rd. Nti r'M cn fit-: vr i I wi.i.e atu-.lje of f4y pre ai! ; beAidr., it -n (-ij,ru '.,. scr m. .'tiJ . fin fatal rii-tnHK. wVh mi?-it ha i- im..-J Us Ine timet y uttd ti.iinii ii-.- tti atf'i-d ptirtf a tu c. 'J'hin in ahke Irue of t'onlf., t'ert-riwli tiii,r-i;n" arii hihoij, dprajiuinieiiu. I tu ril w-u ' '-".. t,r jri.ut,f Lite drtt4lri ilia f..rin.il.iti" -l!-.teiuj,r which hnuj the " il! H-nte a . relf: i.liyir i nf the nrt iniMirUiii(-e U the pnt'J-p henit'i, nn tht Till hat fiern prf.--ied w,th rfiiit-nmii .le '.mtl ! ni-r tltat d.ttiaii-t. An eileiiiive trial of it irIii- In 'hrtiri..ti, i'r fw -'Tn, and IVitn-t.u. mwu re.ulu turjjM-.-.mr HV th.l bithrrh ktiown t. f :ny Uiltilt IliP. ( irt he heeji e:frr'ti- i " v-mm! i.c!m f. w- ii tnjv in,t mii. t:intiattd S p-r.i.:.-i ( bii' Ium-i nlt-'1 mhiti. -n cliHrarter nt lo fi.n,ti t!;e -.ti-.i1i n.n it iiii'r'itS. Aiii'tni; the ti. my fiuhtevt gentle-rneu wba huve te'titifti in f.irtif L.t-, J'.;!, re umy .i.tiilu n ; Vr 4. i. M. l.',t Kis. An .i -k-J Cut ii.i-t, t.f . iu finTi.ili, whohe iiii;t. jtr-jf-nii'inil ciiarin l.-r U cn domed bw Juitx Mf Ju of the Sup(iin Court of lie C iiited Staf i iiim. Cnt in, "v-t rcturv -f tne Tren-tury. H-in. J. M. H'u.'iHr, litivt riici t.i In'Iuna. N. UsowiiH 1 h, ifr-.it wiiif i?rwfr"of the We-,t. .)n, im, J. K. hu ros, lniJ i-ht:iatty of N-w York City, fiii-.r-nl i,v 'Hin. VV. L. MmteT, h-iTny f Hute. . B- AtR. ti.e ri'M.'-ht n.Hi in Aineritn. S. I,elam V I'n , I'rwpi of ti.e Metr.ijjsjlttrtn H'"lel, and many cthnri. p.ite permit wp rn''i trite intnr hiindred rertitieatfis, fit.n. a.i p.trt wt;-rc th" JM: liave oe.ti ijed, l:t ev.tict.e pven more covincJi.r thi.n t.'i- cxrw rtfi.ee f ci. :,: it puttuc nn is found in thir eiicrts upt;ii tri.i!. The I'liln. the n-i-.lt of I.-iic in 'e-ytlifatkiii and tudy, are orf-red t. tSe yu tir a the bent and inisfii cornptete which t..e pr-nt -itate of medical rienrc can atfurd. 'J u-y arr f-riiiMiundt-! liwt of th drills theui-f ie4, .-it of the iiu dicnil virtoef only of Veitet;n..e f.-n,....i iif..i u-fl t, cuefiiical Jjrt.i o-, Ut a fctale i! pui-lv, 'nifl fiinrdned U-ncthe. Ui in-h a m. i.n r iv p. .ip.urc i h in it re suit-,. Tl.it n teii nf -jiiriiT. 1 "ii fnr infli- iitfi ha o f-tl fMind in the Cnir? Jtt--r:u ainl PillU'terth, Ut pftwlnrp a -torn (ffieifnt rcmtil) th. tn h id hit her Uj been oo tA.ied hv iiiv pr- "''. 'I ne ria--.n in perte tiy 00 ir,i s.4-i ov the ;! ii,,,d- ol con. portion. ry rit-.:i nie te onrtif-ii.-d wnih nmre or !t-M of a ri n.'.tiumj. atsd Hi 'ir:.-. t,n .!;tjcv, l,y tin. fa n indi-Tiiin-ii virtu im.y ti.tt i -i rl fur the curat ne e '-rt pr-'iit. if. in'-t and oOh.iin.?' u't -l- it.ru nf jtt.tn.t.ti i ciPl , . d rfr- it-It i-tit'.d. t n i"t.rt-i iftn... c;-.v Ui7.ir r-Uh-d. Il.-'icn it in i f'C v i-l'Mit the tritfU ..(! id prwe, mt tl hii- prinl, iii'irp purt-.v fT,vU. and the I'll", nun r, Uixtt powrrtm anfioi't v tliea than any otfier Ut'.jcioe known In tf wotld. An it j fr(ii!ii-.v cp.d1et thut my mefi- n fcii'in.d t-tkt n ui.'i'-t Uif -oii(ii-l cf an attciitti.'ig I'h " i.i', atid rut ti" c'ni!d n.t properlv jiitliO1 ! a rviit'd. wifh-nt Vi: 111. ;f it- -iiij'i.i'-iii 1 tli.'ff 'ippiit-d the at ciiiatf ortiMiIre hy win. h .iith nr t.r.ti and I'd aie madf ti th whif hrxiv uf H.-actitjiii.pri tn ti!.- I'nitwi int nt.d hntikh AntT itan I rv:iii (. I. howi-ti.T, tfirrc h-iiid he iiny one w no ii.4 not rc-Mtl ihrm, tin- w j!t l pr-ituptiy fi.rw.inied hv nitul U ) itijiiett. Of uh ti.e l'hvn I feiiciic tht nt oifT"J, , t-w wimid m- tK-n if their ciui)ni-.iliin ku--tii 'ihrir life eoniUt in their uiy.tiy. 1 have no mv-.u-rifs. i lie r'Diposiiion of iuv pr-p trjti tin ia laid r-n to mi. mii, and all who mf dyttiplrnt ti itwii-- t,n t:. -tiit,,,-. ! t r -... y a Unowl-diie t;.i-ir txh h -Uuri of tiifir iiitri!itr nr.t. '!, Ch rry l'c toral wa. proiioot.ced hv a'-wrtific men Ut he a w-.ndci f ti Inedicir iico r 1 1 "fc-f- war- kimwrj. Matu rtu inent 'hrtii-iiu(t have dciar-d tr- nim- 1htnu -f HU' Pim, af:d frj n.-ire fnh'l-n t tr . rd nrf wiiU ina t. !!, 't lii--t tl...' i r.- ,ii..i if in ti,,. ttfpir .iiiti-ii':iti'.ti w.-re iiitue hi tm ir piIi i Lm oiii tr im . i fn-f ni- r.t!r. hv thpir powerful ittfin-i.ci- on the ii.t- riiit, sin-efa t, ptmtf tle M'M-d ftini ttiiiiHtiatc if n.t' ) i,tjv uMi'ui rpinor tn (HMirtjctiiii. f tf. stofr tf p, hiint-.K. liter, and otV-r oiiraii. of t! p .,',, r .. ni,) ih-jr in-t'ni;tr actmn to h-nltU, in,d hv ci.rri'.-tu v. wherever they etint, aoch der.tiii.re nietits as rtrr the hrat finviN fl tw me. Hemic stfr-urr ,pi. tlier nir ie.iw.iiit to t;.ke, f.d fjii!if p-ire.) leit'-t.ihle, no liariu tan nrtve from tl.p'r ne in any -jo.ihtitv. J'or minute d;rt-tifirii, ee wrvtopei on the Ii'x. 1 Ut PAlCr.fl ItY 1)1 1. JAMES C. AVKII. Pl'lirlil III Iltltl t milylK-iil eiiini, I.OWKIX, WAS. ?rit ii Cemi par Box. Fiv Zozm for $1.' olu ttr II. M. I'lil lCliAlil), Charlotte, MMifi: v '). Concord, n lilt I. V H tn. M.-.-i i, ni. K l)(ii-tisi. evervw in-rr. - ts . 'I - - -- : TsJ5 i tffa -!-..' - j .-N--- ' Ci "-V , . y.,rv '. . ft'. Pi; IN mm; 1 I V 1 ,'f 11, tli i.s mm; I Ins ,Sof:i,.i 5 ..1 1 esm . 1 1 ,,is . AY Hil'S PILLS, ! jii r H ityss&zz-. Jn-.r Yf S.H.RANSOM.UCG. "5) - ' . Willi for" t ii E" A: i);"iKoX.--" .,iYi,it.B OVk. K4 XI 'U- XV iODS . II Stove, s.. J tt Tt . .. ..I . . . - e"Vl I V I. I .... M..iiio.te ii ri I.. I : f cheap ! liecause lin o nay i.n i, v. , . . , - r Would respeelfoily annuuiicr to lm i nli .hit.iiu ituu. d fnilli Ihrir Old Stanu, to one uoi.r West ul now on eAlubrtMiii, jul nceived irt.iu th North, & 1 Ever effrrrd in North-Cure itii'ii. w'nicii wi,l 1 fonnd the celshriited HraU:BB ..sV S X.'H n n is In. h li.i j ine.1 suc'n film. .us reputation i Ihe N.nlhrrn Ctmntry l'..r ti.e In.t tv',, rn nmiitii. Tins Slie e unrr.int npirie.r team l o.ikiii( Mr m use. Il i. .implr in il nrri K'-ii.t nl. ' consume l fuel, and ii..e i. ie a in a given lime, Il sn ny nllu r tl..e n'- in Use. W wilC put up one hcsiiir an) - illirr !ti.Vf if I lie same ire III tlw I tuleil Mnli s, nn I II il ot- le't tin lule .,rk in a ci veil tiui, aeaill fitlr.ltlie pnec el tin-Muvc, ui.u quit e.ling ui go l .Ui N' Ik belli r uiie. ' ALSO, ALL KINDS OF PARLOR & BOK STOVES. ; : Vc hi.Tc, and rtint;.nlly keep on li .nil, nn rxici.sivr nd iri. .1 stuck ol . ( TBX AMI SIIK'JICT 1HOX, isn.iss lir.rri.t.'s, i.t.sr uto.v m.stsri.i , HAT HACKS, rilADLl'S. &(.., lc, 1 .411 of u liicli will I).-.lil. tt Intl. il' ' lt i.iil. li. iiM-r Ifaan It n a-t i-r bc.'ii l l-r l in I In M'Mtll ) . We Wtilibl return out Ihsio, to l.nr fli.n.ls an. I rll.li.ll.rr for ti e very lil.s-r.il .i tr. Mffr ll.ey Into brsliiwrd upon in, ami thrv ma y rest nssun-il. th-l v. c shall mi.i tn. by e..se silent , n to bu.iiu , tifi I hi r i Hi s in u nn iui ion ii.-si , t In m n in. ril a ci utinu mrt ul the snttir. - oiiK mm vi " mjm , ll www: l.iidio iiiu! (Ii nllnurii nie jiiiiliculhil) iinilrtl Iu Cii,l M.il ( A.iniiiic biir S'-uk. j illZrht' Oi dV: JiiiAii ! N. 1(. We w ill tt-ll why iirsl "iir ti.erti-i'no nt e hsve tlir-r .-i;i.".u eilistnlly I rav ril n.p li r.-irj; Il tie (i ill Ut Bitn M..Hs. W till order it ill ht'fuithfitllH tnl n vmjilli alUtuhil If Cj.Ift, Or(..it-t 21, lsi T.c.&n.ii.woimi, i ommi ssiint an-! t'tn tr.irttin: -MI-iiCIIAMS. rR0w tun mr. o wates st. WII.MI.MiHy;-, .V V.. inl..liei mi... on twos. gt.ini ills. 1 1 b K. ANUKllsii.N. I unit i. .v i: 3ii:i:cjia.is. .u. 10, Ito a oka- liqiiiill', WORFOIK, VA.i Vsy -trlive ;ith ntioit lu L e xh uf I ".ar (' ttln er kituli of i'rti(;iHTlt avf.ui!jf liiificctctmr) Cl4l get und fiiidritiiy prun.pt rtiuri.e. I W I II IMS S I si' w t llv UIVsMAH UIX I I lil', 'or 'ft lt 1 1, Villi a, I iilltMlii.t, ( .tlVftit .. 'tl A tl-1 timi ., o tin K n. in v -in: f. t.r.ii ;-itnirrii(j!a, iiU-it. ti.i "Wh,?, VS.hi., !i.cr Kvin.ilt t'inf'i.X. Pr vi ti t btt . cent n,i f 1 j, (I'M Mine Balsam, nt I)vp( p'M Hi Item r Tu. i Ion Toil ii- N r mi J K . i ' lUiiii, l-i uttiH, M A letter lrMi J ll . i .. IUihi, liuii;i.-!, .Mill.. N. I' tl.il-. i Ant'. 14. l.l ftr. J. Kiiui o .r Sir; V.nr ti.uictitre liv Ijivtn i nure P-.ttn.li. i tn n m tiiir in onm. iry. 'i'he At'ii-'K. a Munifp t.('iitMv t ihj;ii. ty auprt.vvit ol. ll h i a ii v-r isHit 1 tu t ut tn -i, v iiu it at 1k m f,it, lltat I nt m f ht! rtHMili t uppiy tiif in Mi.irii.'. Vitii will uii aac wnu iit a i-e tuppt v ol it i mumi aa yil vl Immh. i CALl.I'M. tVa.),-.i,t1 : K. ALUM'S -IVi T. J 'ihi,' t'l'n' ni',""i'r""j. r'.'ilnir.llilV's'lij V Sill .in, j J. . Kiiniss, S, li..l,ur v ; atid K. Ter. ! fy. iiTi;-t.,.,. ! t.l.M.U il. MU S T. Fdlttt MPlSf, AM) I u.l.U.Hu s w n.:i jx. lot, . . lilt A. M.I.Mr: .NTS Luviti' tic li ri.iiiiili ti ti n tlit? V ilfiiirtL' iin a im .M , ut in -i r jil ui K'i.mI ( i.ni..iny , ami tin- Nmtli t .iriiii..i l.n i J i ('iiinptpy fnr the tr.iii-,fUtuiii oi K.r:pl I ; rxiuiiiuwiy irt.iii W ilniint I'm ti Itn VV. t.t i h.irltll. . I r in? ni-rviri'n ti. Mm ULHLIIA A 'I S ah l I'KOiJl fl:H. of W vhM in t '..ruin.. h.i. i jviil lu pr'unplty I r ifH'ii ti nnrrr, rui f'rtiilui i. uf i vi ry tl-cr iption rii:riv ii, nif fi.l fir ; (iippf il tr, uthrr ni;irk1 M v l-r j i x: ri n-t iti 1 tir l.f.airtt , liM-fififr a .tli iitipli' I'n tfitf trip Ma ' ; pyrfcii'til nriii' riitinn lur n inl, -tin p!r ; i ur.iii it - 1 'of my nlititty in m-tvc n-y ni n .fu ni hi f.iitlifiil. ' ly Wi t. m irMjnrf v. ill n- p-r-(i of, fnr a ! f-i'mnii-v-i'iM nf JJ p r rmt i i'fi.aa a .,rS. M.-r. ' f rli .r.rti-; wilt lit h-rw-inUil p.- a rh,im ,) i,f j 12 in r rrni nn rittrTrn iih tiI, rt 1 r to tin Vtrm. 1 MM nl k ot all t tic Han kb in U hhiiiij; t' n j w. A.t;wyKi:. A,;it 3, if-;.',. i:f : ff' Notice. IHKTjx l.i.is ( 1 ' 1 H '.-" , sr. n.-sv in nn- li.iiiils, 1 f. my n,r ins... i-i.ihi. I rt. uili.rni niu ut m y isjiilitc H till'! I ll.il.i III.-:, fjili st nil .i III. lis In. V. lm il lit 1 r nut lie ,. 8 1 Ail V. r.i.ns ll, t III, VC loll 11 -oi . u; -.ee r,i I'.m lm. lor Is., I, iMil tun ly t. ttrrt uuir . K. ('. i.li!!-,:; a fni i',, is.,n. Cnsli p.iii! for Hides. 'III' . .rn,, I CASH, Iy I I't I .r:. I'- ill f-.r mni I S. M lit .',I., 3 'iiitt .s'uhii i.f tl,t Min$'iiu tfi.mt . .(. I -li:. -u .' as atj J L'ondu for tjth at tLit Otkcc. .0' ( llAbl.H Tl I; and vieieily, ih. l thtyhave re Flin's .V Spralfs t.roi i ry More. hi fe liny ha im.u ol tac most eit. nsive ..ssof tiiiii.t ol 1 E i 'B( A IT IO Ills: ! I.U' N,M ll is UwfeliSC JLN KIN'S & TAV 1.011. C II lis 11. 1. s. c., Ittf .1. It. l IIOI.SOX. Jij-jA 'J !IH so'-, ri'nf r. i iniii ,t it 1' 'to ' ! ' s ..no I i- l; rtfenliv. i. I i. is 1...1..... tit li st .. .. u .. .. rr' 1 et lot, ul i . r It- i. i. i .i-ii .. . i. . r i' if- ( i; r .i..: t,-h..et,t a..sr..ers s i' ll.r rr. rlor c pei.. 1 ' ..e : tine in i i. inn ii. 4 ,e rv si r I m.i. t it. - rve rt.i Itiiglt c.,uli,Li..t,c. 11 ln- Llli.i M4t 1 i.1.' ..,1 ..,li..i .j-- v. I. H i. its. Itil.e i tn ts c I. i it. iiiisU t" ' In- II' f! in r. Lin n ,! ti. .1 , s, i , jf. i i n..'. inri l In.. In. ii. .(..- I . i-rinii'li tl r..i. t..rl i.' !' u I.., . t, . v ,t.i I :i,. : l.i. s .re ..In .1.4 . w. 'I.fiirni-he.!. hu rv ,ets .u, ,.n, ,,t ,. ,i,,'i ,,, . .run, Jin' l.i.t i I ull.t. fitly su..;n .1 itli (!-e, .U sli.t tl.c s. i.si.n, ... ti-4i hi ft i. n. ;il i,,.t I want iiiy t. ' T . t, . i . ii net .a, j f ,4S.- ti.iir .u j'.nrn n.i m i,i! .gti . .1.:. . II.. .t.inl., rc, tlln.lsl.e.l Willi i.r.,1,1! h.-l!i ts , Ml n , bu I. ,.. s ' 1. 1 .n i in-i r. .I.,! I,, is nr. ..t. i t. i,i..,. f t', n-.l...' 1., siil-j- ) his r.sti.,n rs u.tji pri, le r,n. . .!,,-.., i , , ry rl, lu 41! v pill .,l tin s uii. jiiii.1. in:; ".null) . If.' U..1... tu f.t.'ifn l.i. sr s..t i. m-r tlir fi Is lo tn. il . ir for (w.l 14. ot., sun s..,i.:il. iet li,c In. tun- f.il -I John j:. NKijni.i;tj.;. 3 3 1 1' Exactly So ! ' J " " "- ""l' ""I'ifl fitly nit. tins tl.t- r i f i . ri lie viol ll, J.lllll, t. MtXy, , ln -f h V' I J 1)1 Si I'S 1 1 ' V- O I . J..). , ..(.( If Kr,. ..t,..-i. esn he n.nml ,; .,... fulls. crimen uf 51 11 ..irl, will L ..4.1 I, v, 1 iilr Vt l,u v I K - r ftsii. ll.4. so. c I yI'if.Kli V.li;', fnhi.Jii,! Im tlhJ ( iijj'ir 7,. 1 Tf'iv 'J'ril.lr !,, I r,, iinn 'i'l,,.', u rts ii.iiii c I'ji'i Ciniiii&i-1 st C'i'L'i J.uiiut.tiiuu ls,,ilcri,t i.iuu Jaihijw, 1 mil 4 gru.t i.ii.ny nrticli . 111 tl.al Um , 1 li .10 a..i f, ., 1. ul- JJntfS Ami-li out, .'Jun-tl und Tuii!., .'' or ,sirw,'i ,;,., , c, ic., hH l-l. h v, ill l ,, I-,, w , ,1,, j i l,,,,,!,, 111. tins J,i4.e. I ,,nr ,, 1,.!,, j, j; w VAHlli ttPAliMIU liit-li will In? rt. nniisuil'v turn- fnr ' SI II . JHIl W(i;K,s.ue. . ' ' fit nfiiig GuUc-rlnC, Stove Pipes, fcc , 11 n' 11 lii-niT mil i.t ii,,,,iirt i 'l inii.ti',1 l. t ,n,t ,v.,r I viiiilil r...iliiiu.iiii:e ut ti,t-siiee. ill.-es. iilll'.l it SAM L. T. WHISTOX, 3 Mf A'if. II, 1.': . TiiI'.V..' PT:Trrt n-.r. m ,'.t.s 1 W-V'-ip N"T- .A aV-" n ii in 1.1" it il U I ism th 1 1 h u ii v in f CIIAItl.KSlON, p. f. ' A ItAl'.Oi; SI.TJ'J.Y or " - Const. il)!t Warrants. VOlt Sa lk ukkk. 4 i-1. 1. ! 11 A T E ' Tl-tltMirUGf - . ' .A f I Xi .y'rhcy.-irc ict-. rccom- Cure-alls, 'but ilniply for at'l1 ' r'iMf ' ioir. ports.: "J. ' TllC A'Lli.MII.'UGr, fu .expelling .'Worms ron the. human', .system, also benr '.idmihirtcrcd . t . ! ' ' xvm enc inocc .atistattor- rcbiilts to various- jinir :t t to Vv'crms. L J:c 1 -iviTs r n i. tlic rtirc f t I. :v r.n rLAiv:, r.:i IJ:r.:ou5 ). :ST?. 1 !::.- s,,. .Purdujcn will j ! be particular to a-.lv I" : Dr. C. Mt;J;inc.,s Cc!,. bratcd Vr.R.;iruc;;. Livfr pjt.L;) prcp-i:cd by SOLE PROPRIF.TORS, Pitts burgh, Pa., and take 1:0 other, as there arc various other preparations now before the public, pur porting to be Vermifuge and Liver Pills. " AH others, in comparison with Dr. McLanl's, urc worthies,. The cen v i . f. McLant'; Vermifuge and Liver Pills can now be had at all respectable Drug Stores. FLEMING BITO'S, CO Vtoi St., riTTnt'nM, T. folc IToprlftori. S..lir. Mca..' ll;Chn.itr.s N Nea Orli nn. ti.-i.. ral holeslc A. fur li.. "-ojll i-tn Mtei, to utioiii a, I oi must I.e. iiddte..,- !. f-.tld 1 V II. M iMinriiAiU), Char ' ' : C A I'll .V t'M . " " it IM HKS'I KltA .vriTT.M. " " .InllN UNK. Concord. " srr.r, yi 1.1.. i nn " " 1. J". Ii.M'..V M'T A CO .'Vm. , " " liKKLiV V WLIi:, CLotiit: , lv. rf (I lj;-.1i k' .," 's ..-a-, .r, i. At. I rv- f, a-. ; I.-;--. C A :t R I t. M . Hi I Tfl 1 CITY Of NKW T o r. if ; m r ii ltk-..o " . I-- 11 VI A. (lis ... U It 1 . I W si .,. , f ( x, : J .. It. If W.h .f.,. .1.4 sC.rt . i ! A. C. VvILLlABiSOH. Ill, furl M-p il t 4 I t t i ' t : .1 ill all. im t ij . ,i pf ut i"i' t' rri'riiMi(j f ft iVrart . (Tl 'i . ' tUJ- ' ftit'bZtt . -ftf UHT1-Cl (! ittri'i,v , li j ?.V..i M ktZZjZ'S' MOW FIK3I. U K t". II...1 . ' nu'fT r pQt I ' ii I IV li ft i n ' tvi I v n ll.i . fin i ltr in l iniin1 " Es 1 1 iii Iff 1 tiift 1 1 aiiits a nJ l flti Ol OVi's.ii AN ,V IliMl.N lm ilm purp tmvt ui ma ii u 1st r) ti r 1 ii ' ;:ai;i;i.(;i ill . f.-lt -fr"i f i,.l itia 1 ' : , V'e (1, mi,,v 41II1I0I om , ii( 11 nr. 1..1 - i sii 1 1 1 1st 1 1 ai. ,mm . 1 r 1.1. vVu.tK vt s k It iN'fr!' 1 K.f ii;i,u am- !.. n ' u,l 1 1" nt-ssl 111 .i,. 1, flu. ' 'sj Irj .ii, 41. u tiiiini :iin. " "j..i...lr lu Kerr . IJ.,ie.. f.lV.li':A . wa-"x f itUtlr. Jttf (i. JV. '' OIC'I 114 All,l I1A Hutual Life Insurance Coni;mnf ' ol 1 n i., l a IL it 1 1 M -"(irtipH k Mtii it nt . in 1 1 nn t 1 m. ah lirftjf li) V film I rrxinf r t.cJ ' i Tin- iffHTrwi 1 ifk ! 1. k . 11 1. 11 a -if r IL f'l' ft a rf f lit. it ri n. i 4 It . mi ni ci, It , till Ir vrtiur, orriitn IV. lh(ir l 1 T, J-mriri 0. I'll 1 ; VViMim It ItHv.i.fa. Vim Pi r i. i J'ltin U il,itiiN Sur.'iiun . H fh.,m H J T-i .ri f . J H. VV . II aa. t ft, tit... t . j lr Win. II. V- Kh, Kimi.ni mr '""' J llr-ri-iitm,, C i 0-t 1 $ 1 A I ' i 'tin prfwiH trii ti A j K'rintt "ntirt I'an.rthlrt. -i'n icf t r i"i ' t 1, if ti t riff I nrtiiifr nv . -n r ) r r ft -''' ' -t iSf fti nr knt. rf itr ArM ' f ' Hit-ai. ahnlit.' am dr. a- it H I ; fl I UMr JvtV, .1 l-.'ri - -V.i -li,4 W l.i ll,. t I'

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