-rrnoTE OF WM.C. fnESTO.V AND r,ir Cr.Aw:rAt. and tub y eksacwlar. h ,Hoo. Wm. C Preston, nod the Hon. Lu U. I)vi,, tl,e,Pn.8 rtl, ,,on1orodl n1 ...bed monS ,,IC .1,V'"g' . , P" "nicd "" fondlj rcincn.bc-rcd aiuong deal, wero tt!ikn fc',THn t0.80",ctll!,.'g ,o monopoly of conversation, at dinner 'oeial P'!ie' D'1 b0th "P 8 80 V . I ,uliwry were never weary of listen- . 0 ,0ine dinner occaMon, they met at hospitable board of mutual friend, were,a V. ... I lies lutiif""1' uu" ' . 1 ' . ..: Slirl niUCU '. mo lllluTain;c 111 di..linj.'uihed friend and colloquial ,1 got die panpiw, ' " , " " ..ist.i i 'J im thorn, nf lli, ,torcoinpassioti.i,T.ie theme of the I mplishcd fljc-Senator was a favorite one k 111 III U(1 0" "tllgl.VVt lU .Hand eptit - wm tho cxtraordi ' -er of condensation, in both thought f ' ,xpreion, which characterized tho an 3t tirufk nml Latin language", beyond thin" of the '""K""- :it he Iirn11y " discoursed eloquent mu ' adorning it with frequent aud aptilltia hn, and.'aiuong other example, citing celebrated admonition of the Spartan her 10 hrr warrior non.on the eve of bat ..with vour shield, or upon it," The party were auugmuu Itll tha rich , i -I Ifl.nKin.rl rtf lliA unltnfYlllttt inneiii no,,.j., - j et hi' ' q tally gifted competitor for con--u'.ioiul laurels, who, notwithstanding .1 forced admiration, sat uneasily under . prolonged UifquiMiion, mixiouwy wan- j,r in opportunity to take bii place in rciure At length, n titilUtion seizing o'fartorv nerve of MKaaLVe-ton, be 0,ir"; . , , Tfl , to take a pinch of snirli ; and Mr. immediately filled up the vncuurn, i, up the i'ne of speech, in thin wio : '..V,ave listened," said be, " with equal '" . , . i . 5-itioo ami pleasure, to tho elaie div r.f of our friend, sparkling With penis it of intellect and fancy, but I differ I I .In nrn I In I.IAV SS V W hat llO ill iii- - w ; : I I 10 Hie .Ulienur .u...t..r , n nf lln'iL'lit and speech, chsrncterintic I, . . . i. .. r .... I tlllllK lfllrf H H'MII'M" CM1I w UUI ( .. .i i. .. .i firttii.atclr able, although from a butn-mir'-e, in j;ive you a striking eon-lu- .fiiiei le nnd illu-tmtion of the fact. A I wan reluming borne from Con-j , mme year sinee, I approached a r in North Carolina, which had been ', n It a recent fre-het, and o..erve.l , -mutry jirl, f .rclir.2 it, with lurlnl, 1 I a pirjjin of butter on her bead. As i-t at the river's edr, the rustic ..! emerged from the watery element. U ;ir!,' faid I, how deep' the water, i" wlial'a l!ie piice of butter?' 'Up to milt and nine pence, ' was the p. jmpt S iitiificant rep'jn '. Let my learned A Le.t that, if he can, in brevity aud t- o, rxpreasioii, ny a.iplit to nc louno in u ' irejury of c!a.ij lore ' ! i , i . ,i i . Amrof laughter fol owei thu humor- c . . . ejplo.iur), ail'l Uliai.llllOlM Vote, in fa- ; r of f lie vnrnurulnr, stvir'U'l the palm to ili.-linL'Ui bcd Bnd suercK'tul wn. over esieat but erptfi!!en competitor. i.Vj''i (.'uii'trr. ',xn SnVKKKio -TV. (n ThursiUy lat, -j lies tiegroe.. Win. Carter, and John seamen on board Ihe Uriti,h barque j, were arreite-l in our city lor beine . . . i - i , j nt lro-ii tuctr vml without Icvre, ud r grdcred by the Mayor t- b5 pumbcd h rip'.". Lt lirtuc of ttl act of Assent- ;a saeli cues niaIeatd provided. The ar 'i-i,:neiit was eommutod witli the aent it.e captain ot the barque to the pay "t cf coiti of arreM and other usual .:; s, to which, hosever, Her Majesty's J.;.!, li. I'. 11. James, l..q , demurred, ; t.u pround of the ne-rocs being !:.k auhieets ..if ihsreCtr. e. a. tint h nuhject, flli' i therefore ozuipt a Ihe punishment to which olher free the b. tier w, .ri.: rues sere liable for a violation of the ff 4,n,u' ' M-ii l act of Assembly. Our worthy ,, - or, however, maintained hi authority h tbe metier, aud gsve Ilcr Majesty g re dilutive the altHtnativt ! pay charges a h rn i t tu the piinKhincnt of the neroi, t; formtr of whieh h? aptod un-ler pro t. The derision of ttie Mayor iu thi u iu htriet conformity with iState So?e- ?ntt , the tn iitftinaorr of which h atmo .y nece-parj for the pre? rvntion (f tht bt of (lie Slareholding .State. Xorjulk Vai.cr ur 1'ii.itk;sm When Dr. Hum rey was I'resident of Amher.t ('ollejje, rnliiie one very c.ld day to lioston, . . . J . . . J . . .i en a lady appeared, wi.-lnng to rule. As e stnse was full, the driver inquired if T ge,t'.tlnau wouid ride on tbe outride, so j give ber a place. I.'r. Humphrey, u.'h an old man, was the only oue who ;.ii!iti'i-red to ivc up bis seat. The lady eriaiued who u was, and a few years at , "hn applioJ to cotitnhute t- increue i ' eol.epe library fund, she said, " I know 'li'ii ahout Aiuhert collejn or its libra J, l ut I know il. president is a geiiileman, " A il'iiHruKin, niiil here are a hundred vow Onu llt.Miurti FikT I'iiki Tht U Cnlifort.ta 'says : At l:w a.lviccs the inow on tha summit mni m iuntain varied fnni sixty to " liuii'lrcd fed deep; on Scott moniitain tweUo n U'l on Trinity mountain cij;ht ;t m il, ,(h. Tli passage of t.iese regions utreiiiely p-ritis, and can only be ao lnpiihcd by ue of snow shoe.. I ll'-i I'ap.timiitiim'n last Oh. those "'lI lurk.! they throw women into the I I,,,.,.) .... . .... . 1 w owj. 1, niirittnp annum. llio't. ie lUliaw., r't.U thre- tuts, they oujrht J 1 C"t the r,'t n' vine tniln, or be cast into 1 nihil t oiniil, (the Hullespoul,) to put1 top to t!ie baibarous practice. j New YmiK, February IM. I!r 'I 'lRl Kll llKI t AT OK (llMHAI, WaI.KKU. -A letter received in this city, dated Sun f 'ia del Norte, February 12th, state that I "iier.i) Walker had sustained two inipor "lt .Iff 1 a. a . l..i ! v ...1.. .....i; , , .on. ivi.i. jjoi a. 1111:0 . r.ii;..i- ll 1 . , 1 . 1 ' e.:;. uiiauuoiien ; ami lhat Ms ineu ?" re dveeudill'f thn l iver on Inn. ami rafts. Si 1 h 1 1 k or Mr.Mnnn.i or tub A'iuii.ant M VI rr T KK J, awi Davis, formerly of , r.r, ,j, naws navis, lormeriy 01 "'lord, Mas, who Committed suicide j .'r .. 1 ..11 . 1 Ir.ihei.e,,, Jatm,ry I -Ith, by taknijr ' s 1 ' Nl, I- ni'lillliie n-.d -n- e .1 . ..: 'l ... , n M4 all nine, r 01 1 lie. viiinoce ""nuttee, is aaid by tho an Francisco l!l 'o be the ninth member of that coin llUt'! I.o has comuiitted suiciilc. I I - K I N 1 A ItluiiLn' Ii.... , t-l. , - -- ... a . iv n r. . . jioi.p r'"'rew. in re.ne..;.,,. r.... .1.. i.i :.i ...... , --- . . - j. I, t, , )v, vu... r' "1'e1 met with tin. mislortuiie, on th "f luvin- hi, p icket book stolen, coti-ut"-i 10111,3 to or three bumircd doiUn". COMMBRCK OF TUB U.IITKD STATES. Tba , Vaa Vb. lfi..1rt mtmtnA m ffl itnvi ! tint ths Un;tod Sutc9 uin t,e d(,u ji9 000,000 for-tbe last year'a operation. The Journal of Commerce publishes in ro- P'j 11,0 offioial tMe lowing tlio import tJ ,mve 3314,080,042, and the export- 83 - .'6f004,08 in other words a ba'anco of traJe in 0Qr fa?or of $2 8t!8 9fifli ThU looks rery well. But it is not the wl0,e tory of our cxport;( e 15,74(1,185, r Jkbout onc.MTenth( wa8 j,, pecie Mut ubroad to for CXCJ,8S of . JI()w 'on e country iuatiin so heavy drain I laycttcville UMfrver. Moke Land. The Washington corrcs- pondent cf the Journal of Commerce nays j M - at an important treaty has been, or U u ne, co.ien.uiM. ny our nuuibier, .'ir. 1-orsyth, and tho Mex.onn government, whereby a lare share of Mexican territory. v ui w 1 a vi ii mc n U'J U V 1115 mnw VI L'UU'JIil, , . . t ii, ( sum of fifteen millions of dollars, three millions to go towards the payment of Mexican claims. luycltrvillt Ubitrvrr In (hi pluee, on tl.e'J7lh nil., Tvnlioid Vneii MAIiISJ., od uUut 18 yean. Dtfri, in thii rountjr. on the 26lli ulf . v. itli Tj. f,,,j ,.rcJu- d by on ntl.ek ot ,M, u. I el., WM. l;ns, jr., youiirei r,n of Wm. );.,. '''l . "lu ' irot hi. .pe, leaving mi (-! I ,'J,',.,l ' ,u .',r """". l" I ie diienw d i kind unu omiuhle yonne !,, lu. kf,.Lt,nutr Mll1 won ,lu. r... pi el jh,i .inm of all who km-w him. Iln m-p ir. i tore h it woney m tin- i i v umi ih u 'r. 'e ,,. ,er e.,n i., .ill. d. lie w the pn.i.- ol In. I illui lie.,rl and ll,i- nml i,l bin bn.lliet . , , , ir U iu hc ., ,,. Ccr ne.ah to ber In. ..,ul to the Iwven of Hern; I' r. i.e. I 11 fiimp lu ur ,iu mm 7, lll( moilletit ml lue li.i hour, of Ins eii.ti nee ! .b.iiidilil .i.l,..r 1 1... I I,.- ... ,..,..1 h. i S iviftur, oil it nii ii g in ( hr.-i 1 put niy triii-l. I" .ir h.frfim th ttvtT iir hiit gr.ive, l.ttht rett Ihe lurt Upon I.im t.frypt : And rft.fily I t the wi!ow are Wlii-nt l;e p tkll.f hip Jit fepf. I Mtth l. y.7. Frptir. J letiM.er;it fpy. Vnlt pi hip rtmili nra at II. it, r J ,.ri(, v ry Pod-dt-nl v, on Ttnim.ia y mor-iiiii", iie i '!in uli., A I. . M. IlLKTON, K-t., '.'n ti e VJud ye.ir of Imp iipi , f..fifi a wife niio five i iii!iitui, w ittt nu. 1 . ,ir,.rj ,,.,, Uu.ttt,, f. , J11U, ma.ter. he w. .(fcctiotiatfl snd kind. lu hi. f.i. I mi!y Hie hii4 i. irr. i ,r-.b!t ; loin tu i-.'lth,,r. it i : pre. I .mil ,11 Im. ri, 'iir.lv 111 ; in mailt r. ol lit. : 1. 1 1 ..... bf W t.H'lf C'l ITl".'II,-r ll'l Si'l'lnr, Itirll 1 p-,rt hi j.i rioriui d .1 ll Ijinr. . it.i ch. . rlullieM,, t 1 1 tiaii-l aiifl "' ket u , re .Ihu. i.k n to t',r .up : p.,r t ul l'u . j.i I 4 11,, rr .i i.,ll. M.rn-tu lie w-.n a C', mo, in, lent in the Kirop.tt I hnreti. Mr. H. : w:i. . l.al.re ot' the eounlv nf tir-liville, .N . I'., and r ...wv.'d ei'.nii.i ne, .! tl.e nra, lu-. of the I.iw. He wa. ...e. ce - iul n. Im pr,,n n n, and e.t.tili.lit a ..r Im... ''-T '"" u'' "'" ""' ""'"'I'v, a hifti nd m.i rea.i. eljhlr rrpi.tdliun a l, vrr : he hd i,nif 1 ' . . ' .nice ri tirrd Ir'ioi the II, r, and (,evnted hi. lime ,, .,!,..,, ,, ,U1. balance of l,l ll'c, to hi. faimif ami lai.n. Vummiinitaint Ilird. ill Iri-O. II e. iii.tr. . on tbe lrth lilt.. .!.. II. M. Al.KX Ni:it. vi ilc of Mr I.. N. A. rHa.,,t, r, in II. e j.ht yi-r ,,f hir i.j.'e. Sue v.. tin- d.u),tr ot" piMi p-,n nl-, th.- . i,il! of ou.nt pr.yr., br.tiifht no 10 l,,e off bovui. ol' Ihe Cliurrl. i -i t. r Ini'i u ,r .tie n, lt . iil,lu ,rn. IV. .1,-11 "I" hrr tatlll 111 I'l, ri.!; and froni the li.'l. Itluny ol II,,,.,- win, k n, w l, r lir.t, w 1. e ev.r re...io to believe that .n. Int.i the ('hn.ti-.i.'. luc, ""- ,. ... rc...... g the C-i.ri.iian . reward. With a well eroumle,: h-l Ute 6t ri ti n tbe ftj: rnjlJy mrBi of u.,,1 frt whieh r. m-.m ii. for ihe pfo;.. ot U ths brreT"d hu-'nd .nd nine ni'ih rl. cinl. , tsipf th( F 1 1 ti J I . ri'r i irelr ft I X lend . Imu M li'.l tu oiio tiiMP.' wti'i I' .ve nn hope, f'r ttinr gre t hp h. het n her gri ut'-r pain. VVk n ( tie . feod r tos tii.it hmd htiot) nit h wi lr, p ret. t u rid children, pre red t-j iht ley .h.nio of deth, we do not wonder that the lo-arl aehe liint It.e deep fount mop of lh'a poiil Hrestirrid up, lor vc Tr tnld tt.ptChn! lnoit ' t' een w;.t t tar ftf l,ttim. Ittl e-n then br fjith we nimuid ne with our fneo t th glunot.p rc ilitif of ut pnr.tf.tFt: ol iitH.ve llir home Kof we know, that if o?ir i. l, ,r .i a.t. a: i ..... i , , i,,,,-,;,,,,, ,,( . ' bn...r ...,t m..ie ;ih and., eierual m ii e hr ... n.." T. W". The Spml of the Am, t ,1! j,!,-iae copv. To the Miiiinrm (if' hlcnhurg Catlnti Jlii.'r .so- irly. k CCOlihlM; t.. t .- K. solution nd-ptedal the iw. l-i.t Aiiinver..iry, Hie M,oaers in erery ,,n;rre-..tu.n are exjM-e'ed to .i.nuuc lh,-ir r.i.. (H-ellvc liehl. and lo .ii.j.-y ail wi.o are Ct slitule w llli Hie ll.ide. T'h Mating- rs will reiM.rt at mtr Am.i .1 Meet. iii 3-1 Wcin.-.ir y in Miv. The tune is am.rt anil y,-u are earn, l!r ile-i.id to j(ive uist.,nt ..I.' t-'lltl'ill lo tins it, mi,, il , i,t m,t!i r. 1 no l-ll ob.! iam eop,.n m th H i. ie l'.,r r -. t u 1 1-, us -lisli itultitiii .a rn A Ki.ii'-s .) j t tht l).m.,..iry (I I- we in K. NYK ur I CIILSON, hrr. . . ' .Wj.cA 3, .',7. Ills. .U. II. . Ali") aP.rpfr-v MI.I. pen a Srh.-o! -t her o n n sn's ore, on M"nt.r, tin S-i ot ...rei. If. .7. 1 I ft Wsl t- i-ftm AT lo fc I . rw r iriii.t. nf ft v mmitio. fueoroniif tn the nd pr.-i-r of ths pupil. o i-eiMieto.n will be made lor -ti-tiin, unt p r-iogi fl tit Pit'knt'Np. .W.iff .1. 1 8.; 7. t-' .vi: 11 Spring Qocds. I! are receiving; 1. v.-.y lrf..e -l.ck ot' S,rna A Summer 1. 1 H I1S. We hive sonic ri.v 1 Roe III.' MStil M'S tin l.idn s, al.,,.0.11, b- a 11' 1 1 ill j Hi IN N l!TS. W'c are reei-iv-n a larpe sloel; 01 ; uk 1 ; w i ;; ( i.o hum;, ii.x r.s, iu v and Slltll'.X t'.ir ueiHieun n, uud 1 very t.'niig to be ' touiid 111 a Iry (i,,iK Store. I We tut, ltd lo oti'er iiootl. lower lil.tn t'o'V have jever been sold in tin. eily lr lio: CAII. All jw'fthing to buyliood .houhl e-ill and examine lour .to, k bi-lri' biivo eUcwii, ie, il they w ml w ,r ,111.. I IlKoWN, STITT k Cl. .ir.i.eA .1, 18 .7. t7 Tan Iiai-k Wanted ! - MM! want lo purchaau 1,000 cords of TAN I f) f I! AliK. f.,r which will pay the follow.! ing price, it. 1 AS, di liv.Ted ut our Tin Yard, j or at t-nlii r ol the K.iil l.oau Pi-pot. si Unspl-ice: W hile or I h, iiiil Uali 11 irk t-4 50 lint or UI.11I. 1 1 k " 4 00 HOONK .V CO. a.i.de, March 3, 57. t! nTfJ' Notice. a 1.1. PI!KH)XS su'.jeet to pay a l oll Tax to j Ihe M ite of Noilll Carolio 1, w ho rcaldrd within lite limit, of Ihe town of ( h.irhiltc, on the first d .yof February, lrl.'.7,r who had been prin. email v .-midoved in any ..rofcssiou or vocation lit ,uu nin,iii. in. nun .i rreceilmi - the ...id lir.l day of oi - ri.ii. who o. in d or w, re pa, ;....,,,,, ,;, ,nd Town, for thru, molitlisor more in.iueiil.iieiv y of February, and all asae-HM-d ot I ax-lltle t.erlv W.I.11.I said liiwn, on llie nr.. nay 01 Fehiij.ry, are hereby notil.cd lo pive in to lite Town Cleill, b.-lore .he la. 1, 1.1V of iMireii, lel..7, A LIST (r THEIR SAW 1'Ol.l.S AM) T.i X-AIU-K I'UOVKRTY. 'I he Slid list shall slate tho numbers and local situation of tho Lots or narta of Lots eiven in, Willi the value ol whieh th. y are assessed for t ,xatio.. by ihe State 1 ...1., . . .-LI.. l, , the number of while tax ihle TolU, o taxable Slaves, and of Free N.-eroes, resnlino ,01 the first of Feb. ruary, on lh. lands of .er.-n "' I'.t. .1. 1; ki:i:u. 7i'. ci"i.. W...-.', :, it :. 5t WORMS ! WORMS ! 1 ITTlicre i no disease morn common imon; children, nnd yet none which an frequently biif. Acs the skill of the physician, as worms. They are highly detrimental to thn constitution and tlieir presence sunnld be carefully guarded against by pi reritn. Oil the first manifestations of symp. loms, every incline should be used to fx pel thrm prumptly anil thoroughly. M Lane's Vermifuge, prcpaied by Fleming Drue, or Pittsburgh, ie well established as the most certain, safe and speedy remedy ever offered fur thia troublesome and dan gerous inaludy and all who jnire tlie manage ment of children should keep thia invaluable me. dicine on hand. In addition to id perfect safely, it never fnili to produce the desired effect. ST Purchasers will lie careful to nsk for PR. MLANL'SOLLFIIHATF.D VEKMIFl'C.K.man u(ilc,Pcd hy KI.KMIXG UKOS., PiTTsiiunoH, r A VcrmifEe. in eompi.ri.on arc worthless j)r jU'Lme'a genuine Vermifuge, aim. his eelv. l,.j r :. . n.n. ., . , n ,...,., . . . ... . . 1 .h'e nroir ntoreii. Aone pmtnne tninou iht noturt nf 44 j FI.KMIXO DROS. J Win. A. ICittolK'IniN Mull-!'. atuntly lu h Ifpuiitii'ul btid Nttural brown ur liljfk, witlmut the rut injury to hnir ur sk in. l itlt t-ii Ali'ii;.in and Difttr.inntf jhvc beti nwnrd. eJ l A. Uiti:hclr Binne lt?i!, itnii over bit,. UuO upplii'atioini have been mutlir to the Hair it hiit (u.trnh. of Inn faiimuji l)ye, I'rejmime egitiiifct I W i n tf the Hair htitl Wliinkfr i unjust, b it wotitu M j (fit i nut hld head with u wig. Wm. A. H:itL'hehrw Hir-L)y pmducrt a folor hot to hi dihtini;iiiitheiJ tiirtu nature, unii im wr r.ihtcd not Ut injure in the leant, liowtvcr long it dim v he continued. AlTiie, .nlij or itpf'li'd (in 9 privnle riom.) at iho W ip f" t'iry, l!rodw:iv,. j. ..i.i ... ..ii .i.. ...a i. ...... ,.in... n...i,l Ci i... tiv llritL'yixl" and 1'iiiiey Good lli'uli-r.. J I" The (ienuiiie Im. the nnnie uud ndilres. up. on a .teel pliite eiij;rhviii on tiilir .ide. of ench tut lie, of WIT.UAM A. HATCH KLOn. For suit hv i,M Ihe irni;(;ihl in Imrlotte. ini21), !';.. 'J:i3 liu.uiUu , N w York. 11 T Pai.i.rv's (irM ivr P.i.m Mitiaitoh will ... I..,.,.. ll n,. .,.. i ., lli....... I , r. II,. v.r.t Iiurim or c.iliU, in trntn oin tu twenty minute ti.1 lhat it will h.-al lit- wound, willuu.t ec; j .ml effectually cure t'ev.r Si,ri s Pih . S Mt IMieuiu lull im.iiatnry It In uni.. t.vni Sure and in. :H.uniil K.vi' 'u'h W'm.iid llruie. 4 lid i,nd j I ,v. t. r..tc Si,r.'. Scald lt,-..il- I urn. ami luiti.,ua j Dry.ip, U-.S;in,ini. Si I'll-f.'. -Felon. ( till. , iinr lliti .ot In.ei th-Sw el! d a.,.l llrokei. Un a. I jiore INipple. r.ruplion. and all oiher intlam lliatnrv and cutaliei.in ine.,.i, where the parts a If-el, d c..n he rciehid. D, n't he incrediihiu" about the many diseases i,-mid tube cured by only one thine hut r fleet, that the Ii w, but m.itive pn,M rli, whicii the . alley's Salve alone C'.lttaiiis, and a. heretofore enunuraleii oik- tn four .-mi reach not .Inne the I-I'ore. mentioned di.eaiie., but iii.tny ninre nut en ullier.li d, (j ,..,-. lo N',t r;e. rs.i. riiviciss ear. sesint I .I.. .i. i.NW... ni.v run aci.a.or in..-s. a t iuer4i.ru ! F.ach b.i of (J.M ivr Pn.i rr'. I'im F.xtb .ctor . . . l III ... I.'. ....a I ..I...I ,11. Il.u .ipnauirr. ..ii. ... .' ..-., lor., and IIKNUY HAI.I.I-.Y, ..anufaclur. r. A;! olher. an count vfcit. Price 2.. cents or box. 3 r AH order. .Iimi.1,1 he addressed to C. V. Click, ener A. Co., SI It.re'.r etnet, .w Y'irk Fur .ale by all 1 . u j; j; 1 throughout the I'ni ted Slii.es. A nl 2D, lB5fi. Harris' Hotel, mm C OX CO HI), X. C t Willi IIOTEf-, formerly known hp h South .1. Ilcusp." h .'n- h- n pu; in thonU(fh re. pair, and rehruihed tltrMighont, is now remly fnr tKr r'-e'M'tio-. of puftp. H..VII1J tho ndvui. Iije of t firs! rate iMikrt, ihe table will a!w i Ik- bountitully pprepj. Ited roonip neat nd cm for vh hit-', prrrnulp ptteiitive tind polite, and no pains W'.ll be Piotrt-d t iiink nil conilorUhle who may ttt. t This ll'iUfO . TnT lirrp will find at this Hotel, it nil timep, files nf the principal newtp-iperp, published North or South, CHAS. F. HARIUS, i'ieo .rlor. Marr!, 3. l-.',7. Kxcctors' Sale. A T llovlesville, tiastoti eiiunly, N. C the late S re.nienee i-l A'wiriw ll,,yle, ilec'd., will be Id ,m Ihe 17th of March and nay. following, all the fH-raouel property of aaid elatr, n,.l disposed ol' lir the Will, conaisiins; of 9 NEGROES, one n ijo-id W'ai'fin .Valer, A l.sr. ILtrsrs, Mulff, Ctt!r, Sl.rrp, (snt.ie rtne .Vo.')o' A I,) Jin ii si I io! 'I nml liitchrn furniture, CO US. ii I'irpr ijiimitily nf J1ACUS, Also n larpe .uantily of Store Goods. All ticr.ona indebted to the estate, must make pavmcrH: all ,,-en nceounl. n,usl be immediate ly closed by cash or note. All persons having c'liiuis seaiosi I he estate, niust present them wit! in Ihe tnne liuiileo by la"'. THOMAS C.RIKIl, ) .. W. 1. liYM'M, iiII's .7. 13 Trli. 2.".. 1."7. Hentoval! IteinovaH! f BlHK piihscrilier Ikip removed his TIN pnd JU S I'OVK SHOP lo the house formerly oceu pied br Mecprs. Riir V Oi r, two door llti of Sprint; At Mel.ed'p ro'in r, w here he will keep funtst ihtly 011 mind, u compU lu and full Piippty ol riiiin, Japanned & Planished TLN-WAliK. ! which he will sell, either Wholesale or Ketai', as I low as any olher hause in this place. He will also keep a full supply of I COOK & BOX W h. -h- s. 1 wnl'rl will be sold in h-w ; eun be , Horned m ( tht. muract. JTJi'lt WOKK of all kinds done vith neutnr.s ami dispuleh. Thankful for pa.l favor.s he would solicit a con tinuancc of the same. SAM L. T. VKKS TON. r.t. 21, ie:.7. 3... tia J KJHTMNii RODS! fl villi undersigned having pcrnianently located l in the tow n of Charlotlc, lor the purpose of coniliieling the Lightning Hod Hu.iuess, i. pre pared lo lurnish sll who may de.lre pn.lection lion, the fearful element " Li(;hliiini ." in both Town and Country, with the best mat. rial and at prices within the reach of every one who own. a tenement. (lli DF.KS, addressed throne Ii Ihe Po.t Office or loft al N. Wilkinson's rc.ulenrc, will meot w ith nrmmit attention. I,. J. I1AU LKY. ;. it, 1(57. SJtf UONhS for thr Delivery 01 ' 'inirtv, FUH SALK IIKIIK. 1 The iTInrkt'ts. tonitr.CTBD BV OAT8 k (.0. CHAKLOTTK, WAUfll 3, H;,7. DACON, Iliinis, " Side., - " Hop round Wiouiutrs, DupKing, I'otton, lltcf, . . Duller, Hueiiwax, Mean, . lb. . lb. . 'b. . lb. . yd - . lb. . lb. . lb. . bushel . lb. . lb. . lb. 12 a 10 a 10 a ID a IS . A 15 a 211 a 00 fill a IU L 111 a lij a In u a 45 a 2.5 a H'J a HO a 10 . MJ a a M" a i:t a 5 a II) a I '4 u Hill ii S'UI a !MI a till a SO a SO a f, a .1 a 71 a 11 a IM) a Oil a U a So r 11 a 1U a $!' a .V a lliu a 4j a 56 o 8". a 00 11 mi im (Ml 6 (10 iiv! 00 fill oo J-'J 14 20 3? 50 (10 no oo 15 15 30 37 Oil no oo ii 24 0,1 00 nil l Ii5 no (ui o oo sr. Uriiiidy. Apple, " I'ruch, Cotton, new Cofl'ee, Hio Java Ciindlc., Adtimuntine, rlmrin., lb. In. " Tallow, Com, old . " i,w . rliieken., . Cloth. Coppers., " I.niii.iy, Hour, . , Feather, -I.ard,- Mnlt .Miickerr!, - . lb. bushel . bushel . each . yard . ynrd doien 100 lbs. Mil. . I... . lb. . lb. , bbl.No! KitU jfl. Bn . hti.hel -bid. lb. . Moht.irt'i N.O. . W.I. . Mi-nl Mullein (Wilmington) N'iiiln, Northern . " Southern . Outs, . lb. . hu.lie) . . lb. . hu.hel . . bli.hel . . bu.hel . . btiNhel . lb. . lb. Bl. . .nek . lb. . bilhhel . - otil. Tork,. Pes., . Potatoes, 1rih, no on no oo oo 14 13 l!MI l 130 55 l.-ij Js 23 100 i rr oiee, eweet, Suptir, F.o;if, , I Hrown, -Stone. Ware, Snlt, . .Tea. . , Wluat, WhiwKrfy, Northern, I " N. Caro! i on gel. . I WtMtl (best (.toorri.i) wnhi-d ' " unwi.nl. ed Yarn, ... bale 22 90 COM'MniA MAUKKT. Cnix-eu. Fr.acaav 2P. 1P..7. 1 COTTON. There v. ..a a bur anarteady deuuind f,,r the article ycterd-i V, at loril,er qi.-H-'tioliw. Some 250 bale. w,.-re .old, at prices r... f inw from l-.'i a 13 cent.; most sale. 1 1 J .. 1 LT culi,. t'HAni.ESTo.V MARKKT-. CiiABi.raToN, Fra. 25, It.'i7. ' Cu-rroN. The market wa. dull and depressed to day, and to rfl'.cl sales to any exteat, holders wnulii hare to submit to a decline of cent on llieir li.ain rale.. The trans action, ai.iiu.lted to 7 e; bales at price, ranging from llj to 13J eenta Public Sale. 4 CC( C ("OR DING to a Deed of Truet rircutcd to : hy Dr. Wm. A. Pretntley, lr purpo s tlierein mentmned, I w ill pcH fur t fash, on the eth day of M reh next, the PliAXTATIOX whereon Ihe .aid Dr. Wm. II Pressh y now lives. containing snout 1 IO arres, ' j ALSO j jiorsi:s, cows, nous ! AMI j HnturhoIJ. nvd Kitchen VurniU're, with olher articles mentioned in .aid Trust. Sale to lake place on the premises. T. 1. (i. FAIHKS, Trustee. j . 21,1857. 14 i Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford j It A 1 L-UOA 1) COM IM X Y. j J A Srr.CIAI. MEKT1M. OF Tf.'r-.-STCX K. ;4 Hi )I,f)KliS of this ( ompany i. appn.nl. d to be hehi in the town of Wihoinwlun on TL K HA 1", the 17th d v of M irrh next, topi-s p,n Ihe amenduiciits to the charter of the company. Ilr order of the Board, II. V. GL'ION, FRts r. . Feu. 13. If 57. 12. . 11 iniwral copy 4 weeks. , iVoticc. fM'HK puhjicnber havinp diPponed of hi entire JL Stock of Snddlery to Mr.J. S. l.Yl.KS, lake grc-.t plenpure n reccuuuentling him tu hn friends hi d customers. A lli"e indebted, either hy Note or .look A', count, will ple ifc coine furwnroatiil sett Tin y will aiwiiyp find me. ut the old UnJ pr-pircd f'T pcU'iMiitnt. 6. 17, IHjT. K. SHAW. IVovv ISaddler's Shop. Ti112s1r11sc.1e111r.it AVJX' purehapcd the entire toeU of S id. dlerv beioorinrj to Rubt. Sh iw, infrroN the t-iii z its ot flnrhitte, nnd the public pei.t roily, thil he lutt -nop t drry nn tbe j SADDI.i: AM) IIAK.M.SS; i n il! it virion branchei, st Mr. Slip w 'p old st. nd, where perts'inp rieurinff any article in hJ line can be supplied. A popply of S.iDPLKs. UMiMss, RRWf.KS, AC, of rv.KV iu:s( RirnoM, .il' a! v ii vp he 00 hn ml, and t he f jti 'u oern 1! v t h re to viteu to Citll nno ex limine hip iirtit h hp they Hiiul line m.inc 01 me imm muiefiaiA miii unortieu on tie root reasonable terms. Qj'R r.rAUMNc; of kinds, done ut the short, rril not leg und with neatness and dimpatrh. J. S. I.YL.K!?. ( hnrlcllr, F,ti. 17. lf.',7. .".Ill Notice. ... fBlllF debTs due 11. II. llavid.on and ll,c late J. tirm of Irwin. Ilueems A- Co-, also, all the !ct-ts still due Allison ll.iuel are in my hands f,,r collection; and o'l the .',.tc rseeedini; $100 wnl be put in suit 20 days before the April Court if not paid bv that time. Smaller aninui.ts will he eipcled to be paid l.ninedi.. l'l v, ( i f not .noner.) J. '. SMITH. F,h. 10, 1H57. Il STATK OF NOirni-CAROLI.N'A, I'Md.N t'OL'NTV. Jn Jlijui'i, I'liU Term. J .tl,in Parker rl ul. i xt. Pililton for sale of Land. Jesse lliakcny et nl. t'P appearing, in Ibis ease, to the satisfaction of Ihe Court, that llie defenflants, Jesse Hlakeny, l-.l.zi Illakeny and John Hlakeny, are not inh.iii. itanls of tin. Stale, but n n.ie beyond the limit, of tho same, ll i thrrrinrt OidnrU In tht ( ourl. That publication he made !'r six wnks in the North I arnhna Whif, a newspaper printed in the town of Charlotte, in the s.id Stale, notifying said lion. resident oefendiinl. to be and anpear Ui I'ore the Honorable the Judpe of eur said Court, at the next term thereof, lo be held for the county of I I'nion aforesaid, at the court-house in Monroe, on the 10th Monday a tier the 4th Monday ot reh. ruary next, then and there lo plead, answer or de. mur to the aliens lions of the Petition in Ibis ease filed, otherwise the same will betaken as confess ed and be beard accordingly. Witness, C. T. M. MeCauley. Clerk and Mailer of our said Court, at ofliee, the 10th Monday alter the 4 th Monday of AukusI, A. U. Il!.6, and in the Hist year of our Indepenoenee. C. M. T. Mi CAULF.Y, c. m. k. f. 3, ljC. Prsf. elii. il Blank Atrurhinr.nts j'ni sale ct thii Ofilcr. ati J-s crtTXsaV a.' . at i LjutfoM To Merchants! NEW CANDY MANUFACTORY. 220 KIWG STREET, OPPOSITE TO llANCR'.FT, I.KMAN k CO., ( JIAIil,i:sJt)N.S. C. A 1,1. kind. efCANHY nianuficlured at NKW j Villi K PKIl'KS. lle.ler.will eim.ult their I own I .stth I'.TS by culling on or ordermit from un. j 3 J'OKDKKS promptly dlteiuied to, uod shipped (Lr r. S. One Priee. WAUUKN KINSMAN k JJRO. Frb. 10, H.j7. tl f)Tf"iVoticc. B JJ AVI.Vfj ft'iiinrd l U-rm of AdininiHtraf i"n JLJL nii the ent.ttc of W, r'. Trotu r, dec'u.. i 1 Would gue notice to u II im rmifl indi-lilnl to ttit lulo tirm of Thom.is 'I'roticr A lon, hy Not.' or ; Hook Account, lor the (our nr hvu yetir. to come forw trd iind py u; witlnott further delay. ( an the eoncirn inuft be ?t tt!r up und tht rchy !ave eoht. THO. TROTTKR, Attmiitiutttr and JSttrrirutg I'artnrr. Chotlottr, i.7. 05 The WATCH amt .IKWI'.UIY Ill'SI.NF.SS , will, in luturc he riiitiu It'd hy tue xnliiicri- i her who will -ire no po tni or exi-ne to ' give (ienT''it uniiNlction. ' ,11' Vt .1.1, Ifl'I'Al l I VCir.r,.- in i i inirertor man. ! ncr Hnii at atlinrt nuliri-. THO. TROTTER. Frb. 3, 1857. 40 if Cliarlcslon to Tilalka, Fla, IM.AM) ItOI TH, tl. BKAITOHT, SA A.NAII. I! It I .".MUCK, ST. JltltV'S, I l lt. AM)l . JAtKSOM II.I.K AM) I'l I. A 'I IV A. HIi: M.W AM) SrLKXDII) rinlai-:'. W el.rt la ssaC 1 I.. .!. 7-IIJ. Ie.,ve Ilrowi.'p Wharf every KIMPAY lio-riiil - p. :it t o'clnek, iind Will ruinierl w ith all 'he mil rior f t:ifjii on the rout , A rednetii.ii nt..iie on the regular rate, for thnpe enitgr..tinir with lit (rrn, Krcipht T''-htrt fire of rhi.rije. Cor frei'.'lit or piuo.p, h; v i n o; very elt pant ptate room .ieeiiiiniidntioii, appl v to GKUIUjK S. ltorX, Jl?n.t or to JirovnV Wharf, Churl' uton, S. (. W. M. TUNNO. J.n 3M 3:n tT Komovnl. TMlHK uhrrilier informs bip friend nnd tho .fl public pcnertMy, th it he hr-.a r 'uoved hiti to the h"U-e, one donf West of Rrein tV Steele's Store, formerly oreu;'ied by A. Rcthunp tV Co. os a T.tilor'p shop, where ih inlentia tn keeps penc nl iiprsortment of TLX WAl'.i: AND which will be io!d on as rean jiiiihk temm im ony other shop in thih piiiee. To Meeuniinodiite hi frirnr- frmn the country, he prop!).!- to t;tk .til kinds of in exch.m-e for TIN W ARK or STOVES. He returns his th.inbs to the uhlic fur their line, ml p.itrun.'tpe, and he hopes by ntlention lo bti. sineps to still merit their cn-tom. OrAlX ORDLIIS FOR j sk w rli be punctually uttendid to, and at the shortest notice, ii. w. moori:. January 27, IH57. 4p 3l 4':it;'ba:;:!;!:W "A "T s,j. ...jj.-.Vgia.- New Calnnct Mnniifnclory 1 X CI I A Itl.OTT 1 X. ('. I!Y j. a. it n. s. oznEriT. SiM 7 t bavin? located thrni. elves tierilia .,enl . V ly in tbe.'I K.AM SAW AM) PI AIMMJ Mil. I. o! J. liudisiM, lor tiie purpose of M ANUF ACTl'KING FCUNl'l LT.K of !l ih Hcription, would rcppertful'y invite tha public to 1 1 and examine their Mock before pur-i-husiitL'. Their work i put up in the best nuiii niT it mi w.rri.nnt d, ;.tid their t-- .'ilities for petting up nifK arc Mich tli-il they fe,I Contidenl they can pie 1st! ad who may favor them w itli tin ir cup- tool. 3 .CORDF.RS prompt'y nttended tonnd wurrant td t ffive salip'netioii. Turinnf; of nil rieenptionp dtne in the bv5t manner and at low price-, bv J. A. k M. S. OZMKXT. J,.a:.atv27. 1S..7, 4 11' -' South CaroIi:ia Hall Foa', ClIABLtRTON, I'ec. Ufi, lPoli. "sW,()''(i;. The attention ol Shipiwrs of Flour . X Ihreue h ( 'harlasli.il. 1 ' all, d lo Ihe bllw:n clause of an Act passed by the last l.egi.-l.ilurf m reie.cuce lo tlie 1 iisiicctioi. ol tlour ; s M'2d. Tiiat I.erc.ft.T no Fiour men ly passing Ihronah ti i ( try of Charleston shall be required 10 be in.jieetcd tn the said City of Charleston I 'rocnirii. Such Flour lo be distinctly marked In -! fore it com, a into the said City, npui the llarr. I.s or 1S.,, will, tne tninr of tlie place, from whom 11 ei.uit. and ihe ll., im ,l Ihe I'olt or .Uct ef its I ri, stin . Ion. v. 'th the w ori's " ,u transit" bi Iwi i u ; the n.-nie ,,l the ...ui two p.irlus.' I I'nri. r H e abtue Ael therefore. Flour passing : thiouph I'harl.sti.n, will net be subjected to tho ! tlxpni.e ot lnM-echon. ! 11. T. l'KAKK, Grit IS. ! Dt itosMvr v mtoAYX, ll.MIStiTOS. .V. c, j IIKOW.N V DslJONMrr, V'T YOHK, (. L F.I! A I. COMMISSION M F.Hf H ANTS, j Coal advanes made on eotistnin.'iit.. Sryl. 2, S5i5 V'H-ly 5 Reward. j j w.T!AYI'.ll from Charlotte, on the 29th Janua-j j I? iy. a bay horse MI LK, shout 13 years old ' ' has a while mark behind tlie ricjil ear was last ! I seen going towards Salisbury. The above reward I I will be p. id and expen.rs, cn delivery lo the ub i ; scriber at St. Cilh urn, 's M.lls .IOI IN WILKES. Jr.. , 1 . 1 . "I 1 ; j7. t.' 1 S3 THE PLACE TO liET YOUR MONEY BACK. Hermetically ealed Ambrotjrpes war ranted never to Fade or pat, "gllfOM the largi .t Life Sine to l-'llh sine. t.i. ji1 ken ; alkn, lor nil kind, of l.neki t. on mle.a and otherwise. Cull and exnmiue s,rciinena and pet owe of the (iiie.t LIKENESSES you ctrr w t.ikcn for t It n Immt momy, ALSO If ynu w.int your WATCH repntred, pir m n o.t iitul if f do not jrv nittuslac t iiit I will give ti e iiiom-y hark, Itooiii, iip.ntnirr, in SnrinifV N w llriel, finthl. ii'(;t lire r 1 y npjtopitn J. 'I. A S. M. H:.itr'i Slir. J. M. LANCASI KK. J.O.S7, 1S77. 4Htf Dissolution. fillip. fot..rlnerhip of FISH K I!, IH'I!. JL If (HI. IIS .V. (I) . wi. ili.nolve.l by ii.iitul cuii.ent on the firet n: Juiiiiury, IH57. All per.oit. mih hten t'. tin said firm are re. qui -Ii i! to make I M M Kill ATI! " " vnn nl to nsjiKi! k iii;itiio'L'ijii.s. J,in. 11, 1857. Mai A Vi il i-w aA'4 - - ii' ,lll umicfifrnerl In ihk (oirchyMil Mr. N. A, V Iluxu 'h ihieret in the firm of 1' , II. ,V Co,, will eotitinuf tiupine :it their Ol.l) STAN I. In r turning thank for the lih-rnl piirinnpp he low d upon the olti firm, thry li"p , .y con. plnijt uttiiitioii to tic wtti:lM ot their cuslooerH, to nit rit a cnnniiii iitct! of t U nnnie. .)oii. risiiKit. .IOH.V c. RLRKornns. t Imhitlr, Jn. 1 3, lb.'.7 Vi Valuable Providcncr Land '(). sa 1. 1-:. Till. Puhrnh- r tT r- for K;.le h 11 mtiilioii on whieh lie now ri nnie-, 1.1 nnlen i-outli i.t ('h.irlottf,3J milep frmn !Mrrw'p Turnout. on tht 1'lntrloite A S. ('. U ii itond.eontfinin? atwitt UOO ner,. hi the pl iee ip a eomfortiihk llwellinif j llmiftr, with A or .ri rrintp, new h. rn nnd all nre . , f;iry 1'iit.lniu- s in ponti r nuir. The I.ant if qu -1 to ;mv m I'rovidenr! Setileinent fr Colttm or 'r;iin. Then urv. two hr.iiiehep rtttHithji 'hrnuph tie Pl.inl l!oo, anil n No t v.i never -fiiihiiy 'n nt;. There re nNn fine indiculonip tu..t tin r' . a ft B H B m 7TW B B nn the plnre, hp p'dd Iiiih Seen oht ineii hy p:thiiin lnlo ol' the earth. Any prnoii wmiiu. to pur eiMjtf ean en II on the niioieriher. 'i'he t- niiM i til h mule ciidv. T. I'.. Cl'NXlNiiHAM. Pre. Ifi. IR..B. 4-lit )M HAVANA LtlTTKI! V. The next or'iiiiry ?" r.. v i n o; fifth floy.il Ilivi. in l.otfrrv f?ond urfi o' by thr So;iiiiit. ' o. er oiociit, unrier the tuiHrviision of the t'.ij.tani liriiir-l ot' (uh;t, will t.tlu: pl.iee lit H.tv. im oo ! SATUUDA V, MAUCll 7, !S-7. $300,000. sor.Ti:o ni;mi:ro sit okpixakid. c ri r 1 1. im: izr. si 00,000 I priTenfIDO.nOO 1 AO M I tt.i.OOW 3 iri7.. so(2 0( 2 I.000 2 .'.OO I " 10. OOO 113 IOO 1 ' .'l.OOO ( 20 Apr'.viln'. S.OO 4 Antiroxiniations to the 00,li0(i SHOO e.ael, ; 4 of S4U0 to 150,000; 4 of $100 to 3U,0WI ; 4 ol (400 to 9111,11110 ; 4 ..1 $100 ta e.",,i:liO. Whole. Ticket. VI; II.lv. 10 ; y.nrt. r. tr, Fri2e. cashed at sitjht at 5 p.-r eenl. dieolilit. Hills on all Folvent It -inks taken al par. A drawmc will he li,rw-,rded as .mn n. the re. ault beciinns I'.nown. ( 'oinmunieation. ail, 'rested to J)(l IIilI.IM. (il'KZ, (care of City Post, Charleston, S. 1 .) on. Ill the 7th of Marc I . ill he ,:tieiieu. Persona order, ri tr 'J'.i kets uili please write tin ir names plain and give their poiit office, county nod state. J""- f. 157. HEIW STORE. J."&E. B.ST0WE I A VING fiiinvri! to tlnir Ni w Siore on M iin. M IL Street, h-lov Vounc Sl Willi-nim' Hotel, piiU oppoPite Itoonp Sl i 'o..- New Shoe Sture, where thev now huve on p..!" n lare tot Ii nf V . U ... - N h- 'fa -ti Am and mip!i other nrtiele at are utmxHy Ut pt in such Iltinst'P, ineludiot; their RUsTVf II HCw'B AMI COTTOX YARN. NOW IN SrnIlK, ;0O Saelts SAI.'P. 40 l!ols. New Urban. MOI.ASSKS. llli.is heal Porn, Kteo. co. 5 bin!.. West India en. 5 hluls. Cuh. i do. .' hhds. of eood Brown Sl'tJAl!. 40 Khls Fur.. (1... 8.r bhl. 4 'rtlshed do. 120 lugs good ( OK) 1111. rlnclish dairy and comiiion CIIKI1SI'.. ii (;.;iNi;. l.nl'F. and TWINI!. Aii.im.ititiiie and Tall-.. CANPI.FS. North iarolina and weslern WlllShKY, AIL AT THE LOWEST PRICES, UJ'We recpet l;ul!y solicit a call from buyer. J. & K. U. STiVK. r,i'.f. ,V. C. fVr. lli. IK.ti. 43tf JOHN IIK.MtYWAY l M. It., si i;ai:os df.stist, (till Al'V ATt or THK lUlTIMoRF Coi.llCP: Or IFNTT, S"ir.;iP.) r:T'm7,x T A V I N . ' located permanently. J I tr-nderp hi prdeiion:il fcervi. -kJ. iLLJ ( ,-jt tn the citizenp Ol t harlotte and ieinil v . Dr. Wavt nrcpnreii and inserts Arti fu i.i I I.-1.. a ml ot lur.itor-, and r.t:nm to the corn ehnn nf t onjnit il nnd aceidi ut.! iirfnrmitM if the teeth ann ja w. He ip slco prepared to iup rt A 1 1 i He i. I 'J eth after the innt approved methoti. thhee on Tryou-strec t, in ('..rsou new buil i irr, Cp Stvirs. Aur. I?. lh.'ifi. 3tf I II rOKTANT VAX I TPVIIF. subserilM-r informs th. cilirins of ( b. r. m. b.lte und Ihe public ginerully, that Ureal Il.irentna tnav he ..htained at hi Cheap ..riety Store, in all kinds of r.'iiii y ai.tl ."".l.-iplc I)r l.ooil. Hoofs and Shors, irr.Kh-u.oie t i.o hum;, Nu I t itntl (tips, I riulti'i j ,f. I:iw tn r.t.roi'rricsi 3?'.ll I ask is, pive me a call and vou will "' attsficd of LOW PK! lis. F. V. AIIRKNS. ,Va. t. fianile litttc,.)ittU Ik .tfj.--i,,n llnusr. .Vor. II. If.di. 3'tf Kiver land for Sale. 1WILL tell at private sale, my I,.nH, situated in I rede' 1 county, adjoining Kobt. I. iMel Low ell, J. K. Ksinkin and oiner, lying on Ihe t ataw. ba river, containing 10 arrts 60 acres of which is under a higf. tUU of cultivation 4u acrts bot tom Land. V M A. I.KMI.Y. Vil. lti. 3Jll" SAK & CO LOTTERIES CAPITAL PKIZK Owine; to tha irreal favc? with whirl, oar Cin(;ie Xnmlicr I.tieriea luive been reteived by the pub lic, unu I7.- l.irfe ur in n ,1 fur Ticket., the Sljnu. rrj,S,S is A Sn., will hiitr a drawiujf each Kit. rirdiy tliru.ichuut tlie yeur. The folio wing Scheme w ill be drawn in e:,ch ul' tlieir I'tteriea for March, 17. 'I-iS 20, To le drawn in the f'ilv of Allnmn, On., in pub. bhc.on .-iATlTIDAY, March 7, Ini7, CLASS 27, Tube ilfawnin Ihe city of Atlanta, f!.i., in public, on IMTrfiflAY, March 14ih, le.". CLAPS 2, To he dran'n io the eilv of Ail.inf-i, ri.i., in pnh lli , on SATCKK.VY, M .n h 21, )t:1. CLASS 20, To Ite dr.ivrn in the ntv of Atlanta. Cfii.f in pub he, on SATt fit.Y, Mxrcli 2f-thf lci7. UN TIIK IM.AN OK O.ZiDU 1 MjILl) ! ! Mop.): than 1 rniKTi. kvkiiv in tukkts. .' r, r r ri . r-r 0U.UUU IlLiMLli!). 21' v i ..' '.''"f' JV'Vt (ii 'n 'Y' fi ' I Prize ot 1 iti.OliO ie JiliUllll is III.IMlO n tf.lMiO is S,0Hl i. 7.IMI0 i b.OOO is .',,1-HII is 4. mm i. .t.i 'Ml is 2.0110 is I.I OI' is 100 are 50 i-re fall.nOf) 2O.U0O 111.000 S.000 8,000 7,001) S.II0M 5,000 4.0U0 3,ono 2.01 O l.lll'O 10,0011 6,000 Inn Crir. 100 of APPIIOXIMATION PUIZKS. 4 Prire-i of I J.'ill Approx. to S.'ill.lioO are Jl.OOrt I " ' 2lii) 20.1 no nre ' H00 4 " 10(1 " 10.0011 arc 4m 4 " ' r)il " !l,no0 are 320 1 'J li.i h.immi i, re 2b0 4 ' " fill ' 7.000 are 21U I " ;,.r. " b',i 00 are 22i) 4 " " .'II " 5,(100 arc 200 4 " " 4.1 4.0011 are 11 4 4n " 3,1'HO arc )li0 4 " " 3il o.ol'O are Via I " I, I ii ill u re 100 3,ntni ' 'Jii i.re 60,01)0 3 tiliO Prie. i iim.i ii t in tr tn 'J0 I.OOO Whnle Tick'ts $10, Halves 5. Quart'rs2J. vi. s or tiik ijmtchv. The Numherp limn tn .tot(ifl(( Corn Spnndirj with tin ne N iiioht rr. on thiT.ehel printed on se par.ite Kiip o p..pt r, ;irc t n?ircb.'d with small tin tut" ."'Il'i pineeo 111 "He hot t. 'J'l"' tif.-t t'tl' I'ri7.eff, niuuhtrly printed and cn tireletl. are ph.eeti lli ynntiur W l"fel. The' win eis are then n vo.'veri,-ami a number is dntvii from tht w heel ol .Nuiohersand at the smiuo time n Vnir i or vn fmiu the other wheel. Tbe Number n im Prize drawn out ;re opened und ex- 1(1 lilt' if t' the U.,1. lief, ;illl reglcttTetl by the t "om ii 1 1 -1 1 1 r ; tht Prize in-int; pl.iei il nt'i'inpt the S ii m hi r nr-Hn. Tmt operihon if re pi., ted until all the pri7,'M are ilrawn out. A ITT" x I v . tion I 'hi .m T'o hvo preeedinj; inrl the two nuei-ei-iliii Nlliom Is t those dr. VS'llljT tllC first '! Pri7i' will be e;:llit!ei. to tlie 1 Appp jti iiijiIiuii Prizes, aeenrdni.' to tut m heme. 3,'iiifl Prizes ot $,Jll will he detrrniimd bv the l.t-l lit ore ol tiie li'iniier tit. I or,wp the S",-U0 Prize. Fur example, If th Nmnlur :r.iw inn the K5tttMMI Prize emir, with .'.i. I, then ail the Tick ets where the number end-, in I, will be en Idled to .. If the .Number end, with No-3, then nil the Ticket where the Number md. in 2 will b rntttled to $'J0, snd po nn to O. C errtfif tlrf of iitriier wiil bt d t the fI. low ui1; r.itin, whieh i. toe n-k : Cerliti. ate ut Paclv.it of 10 WimTe Tidiets $0 l't Half 40 !( (Quarter SO (h, res Orders for Tict.ctP or Certificates ti- Ho r to In o nrnvG Tickkts or CrtririrjiTr-, enclose the iooitt t. our ni:tirt'pj for the Ticketn ordered, on rtiiM-ipt of wiiieh tio j wtlil be forwarded hr fir-t until. Purehnpi m can have tickets ending in any fieiirc thry may t:iien;itr. The I.ist of drawn Numbers rnd Prises will be sent to purchaser- Immeriale! v nfte tbe drawing. 1 f PnrcliMperp will p!e :pe write 'ieir pipnatureP pl.iin, and (rive their o-t i lliee. ' nntyand State. X - I.' i ni in r thf't every Pria! is drawn and p.iyfilile in full without deduction , ij'AII piizei of fl.fiUO antl under, paid imme diately it iter t'.ie dr i w mj; .her Prixt p at the up mil time of iill riayp. All comu'Uiiicatio'is stnetly confiiitnti.il. Pr:xe i'ie!;etp en shell or rent wed in other i'ickt t nt either office. Address Criers for Tickets or Certificites, ci- 55. SWAN & C0.9Aftiti9 da. or S. SWAN, Slonfznnien(y Ala. FISK'S I'ATKXT AII.TAM.IC iu'iiiAjTasKS. fWlUK nibfcrib'T inform the citx.m or Chrr BL Intte and the public p-eni rally , that he baa iot received a supply of Fink's Purial Caies, w hich he etVi r.-s tn ti.e pchlic. AUiO COFFINS talier of Munory, Walnut or other wood, us ni.iV he desired. AT.SO AM kinds of FFUM PCIsK on hand,r m.nie to order at the -hnrtest notice and most re.itoii.i Ide rah 7 J. M. SA.VDKK.S. ,'Htf Sipt. n, l.-.-.c. Uriel's Iron. r fl s 1 1 II u later. her lieing a tent for thia rST celebrated ICON, Ins en hand. a'lavS.nd wt'l keep 11 r-eiiera! supply. T. M. FAHUoW". On. 7. l-."f,. 3.'!tf ,V llniauiru .VI I.V.MMtMMS A . w l';iilriii l!l:il)ili 111 11 I . fA.MFS llfllANT iiio'rins hi. fri' nes and for. ini r i;. Irons, that he has reopened hiaTAIL OKI.NU LSI'Aia.lSIIMll.N V 10 Spring's new Iii.ihiing, wh, re l.e wilt bt n- ppy to stc any olsw w.totru anvthiog cone in his line. All work w.irr 1 1, led. S'j.t. lli,, l-.lil. 37ii" Fnisliioiinhlc J5azar ! sasi Its. SUA W r.siectfullv iw i-r-fs furiup her friends and tht aiT-After ounne ei iu r.nn 10.it so. .. lh W.r-i ' . .. 1. : v n .. a i- y j' puftMc pt iurailv that sbv is now , rf - v 1 11 reel ijii 01 ut i tall ami irsi''B' UlKUsS, Consisting of NtV ini?- tp ant t ir.iofo.ihli' Millinery of the U t Im, Uo .1 k..... AM1 fiTUBH FANCY AUTICI.KS. e-iiculat, d lo please. All who desire to supldy themselves with F iahiouh)c srtielt. .0 htr l",e will do well to call and i iamine hir Slock. S''e will afford her go.d.at most reasonable prices toi Cash. ir Al' OKIiKUs punctual!., atundrn to. &;rf. 3ii, Id.vfi. 3'-'"' I fcLANK FELL'S for sale at tl.UOilico

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