"ge iirie U 6od, to jjour bomftj, fa jjaqr Jhty," THOMAS J. HOLTON, liDITOtt .t PttOJ'KiJtTOR. TKKMS: jrili.(":irulinii Wliiif will be (forded to nub. ti Jt TWO lMir.l.AKS in ouvaiicr; TWO m l.l'J AND FIFTV CENTS if nit ti I he ' ,)riiirrciiiuiiliiiniiii TUB l'-V OdI.I.AliS .lur nid '" )'' N paper will be diaco.i ',, until ll airearagea un- J.uid, except at Mm '.,.. nl tliu tiliiur. i v riia''1"1'" iiiarrliilttl One lullnr ier square b nr leap, tliia iilcl type) for llic first nimr. uni j i-enta for eat h continuance. I'ourtad. ., inri "d licnfl 'i Sl rhargcd !5 per I lnflu I i and (ieilui linn ul 33 J per cent, will it fniiii the regular pricca, for advertiser, by . .-,-r. Admrtipruiriita married imititlily nr rlrrlv, ' l,,-r Uro I'ur each time. Stini. j ,,nii, ij 7.i eul per aquur Itireat-li tunc. j , - ,liuister. ire autlinriitd to ne t ugi-nt. Union Line. GIIAREtTOW TO CHERAW VIA GEORGETOWN. ;-,:.. iki:s mai.iu.n and i.iiv. (.kaham fJMIIK well known aud M. 1'upul.ir ati dint r I Mari. S3 i it. Jnn. rir;uin i ,e i r- tx-lt-fii oafM piin, -ore lowit, and T1 f ((. Itfxliatn i t ' rf lil-l i3f m 1 and ,;, c i ul . ft 1 lor til lif tmdt, bli.l bftnj; , jj, (in I) tnii of tu oli Mud c iprtinc d com. .! t, '". J- ItVlyrr !. relied upon, li iitU- r,.-f Irc.lit Without l !f lil'oii. 1'ltf tiff . Gr- ,-p, II mill run lu tf'trgrtown tut will mn. t mt'i ll.r Mtriufi in low t;'jf- of (hr lintrr, (Iif.v t. in. (f any ilt tt ntioii In. in lw wntrr ,:- : nit .-ih w ell roiOtd Uitii imUblt i .,ii.ciiinrt 1 the Ajftiti in ( h r lrU.ii will . ;;,f.Iii! tirl Of rt(iOllilrK.f.. l Ai.DWKi.L .v koj;insi. A p nti at i ii r!i -ion, SflACKLKKOHU .V I'HASDIl Aj'Mii lit Jfcurr"'"" n, DAM, A. Il -UN. 41 fim j r-r ii- c K'lcciirairo Home Indiblrv! Si A UN'. II lit II ASj.h llu -ro( OKI r"AC iKV, I "tit r-prd 1 till !) vniiiu tor v f i", - 7Vi ( i., i,.r... '. ,'..;,. i i.ii l'mi!''ing, i'uijft ( Jiiiih, ll I '"i if, UlllJIl'iiir ''liltr. ! ii 'm ii hi ? an artii !. -it t li.ilt fur tl.e piii;h. kliiniii I'linir, Ul.oKn.l i on., l -i. i ,. rriKjii'e l.uftrawiil liu.l t tn tl.nr ad. ' :.E-, u-r it. A., 1,1, .TI ili.ln a tlst-JI'i I' w 111 Ul,l'lt4 Wttll ir'Jliiilhl ta. J. M hMALI. g.wij, O.t. i; f , tfJG. ,'fcii "iii, iioic .v ni.ni tut ulo rri -. 1 WIN; mxwbt'-fl otirprNr tlit-r U-r fa 1 t tu i.i' I of tar f i lii! ui the ! v it I'i'.s 'vy.ii .w n .ioi.m:ks !!l'INi:SS '. 1 rii ciifo, c t'ne thi nifl1..! nf iittorin ' t r I'li'-l-c tin. t e a rt at a 1 1 ttm r'J.yto 'i I in.'Mr n! ilt-ift f.ntjrr, in a alienor inati. , i4 iv.n.i of I.ntiitirr r'pv d mid jotnU-d lo or t ir iiii ai,i lUind oi triutM r in rotiet-tt.l -.'iU-.ti, vi.irli turn till' S':i and IUftU in Xhr "- i;-;.itiit aij A piji'jm) oi inpitof ordina. p-i kv I toiiPUI.lIv on haltu at ijaotiatic .i in. in :i.in a il .l.nrr f,,r S...li re Hlimin .a in our line will be pn.irj.ily alien. t , w. ii ii r ,ui Inn J andt"-ett" ( a sujiplj ' Is l l.tiuiiirr tilr r.-lillll t tiTliir.ik. " l,i i:l, mi. .ii.Mi ia uu t i.ili i'lr i I, Ktal id M- t'....li"t t'hureb, ri: en. . I u e. n bi nt uiijr t.il.e. "i. liMibiiiif in ti.r l il. at "I b a of wor'a. par ll ,,M,r atlindi'd In. Wti vntilil lnilv the at. ii'i- i. ut' tin eitit- na of t'biirb.tlr t. Ihc aiiaan. .s m: b. in of ibnng wolk Willi iliapateii our u i, liy iii.ln.ifv we Ibiin !inLsiLL X WHLSNANT. 1 " 'I'ii mi hi! fur thi pitr.inie at lil.t rally ! Um n ii.i- by the riljrriK I t liril. tt nnd p'i-roiiii.iii.f vonittry l.t r l'.i..ri-, I a i nn. ' '! o r f,t tin name, ! ( In-j; . pp u r d i'nf I ln wiil tit- pji-tnd l'i i'if. JONAS IU'I.ISILL (j: Notice. jl.!!SMs, liw, :,,,, inl. nl Ibe Cb.irloll, ( l: ...i, St,,rr, f. f tl,,- j e .r I S.",.",, i,,nl t. I! I.'; ti-u I.i .1 ..j',n-rtiiii .it. Lnvi;ii: a lnmss, V,; i".'fi. "ti - .un riiumMiiiicjii. ; I 'IIIK .1,,,!. r.ik.nrd having ,4Vi.,.i..d biins.li . - I iiiLinn 1 v 11, ( h , riot i- intrrii a c,ir r v me nn ! rm.inily in ( h i rii I-, intrntU cir r y me n ! 1 ummiiij hirihtti'P rt I itKin'Brt, it : tiivt hiti tittn anf Is .smithing inn liiti"tnu ; Stivrt lhe$ and ttl uiM; .M.Tr', ami , I lit' Urt,U H'ork rrr,,,r.d S '""''";' '!.,, il,U ha ami l,ius at the mini -.-.. la ,, alhn html Jur Mil. nid , i t ',,.,..,.,.,. J ,,( 11 ' abi.vi- l.ranelii ! irr.ii t to tii-n out . ' 1 '."riiiiMnI,;.!- .tt r. it 111. 1.1 I m. ilihUuru t'-.ilwirl to li . vr , -r w.,i a ,in, I w lil irita inrtit-iil.ir att iitn.li Ir ; !)h4; j .linn a. M...llib'. I ' rr.... t 1 ,l,.i , wi,,ne linna .Iti-ri'i' from : 11 'o ..'ii 11.MK111 nr ntbi-rwiai rri-Hiri'i1, rici .l I kii.j, w,j ,Hr tl,,,,,, r, , u,i , an, return) d nn ," aii'in.-.t t,mc 1 hi. s, Idt, ' '..iil.l eie nny ii.tiiilMr nf ri:li ri nse aa t,i t K 111 .tr.fcln j., hut I, Ii nn it uiin-c.-.ry a. I will ,'' lii. n.iik tu -.ak f.r It.ill. Su ainu ii .) 1. .,,,, 0H ).,,,,., ,r nil. II JOHItlN), w,!l be cab. I ii-rfit, . r.ll .1 i.v ii ,0, .,...',).' flu- l'rta. ''.""i ill ( h-ireb. sua lie joiin m. iM!;. MASON. 411' '"it loll, .MVft IP tir-r..-!.:i .Alu-f. a;33 BJIT'l.tC Millrr; ia b.nby pivi n. that sll I'ii- N.il.'aan.l An .uiiii. ul SI It ATT A Al.. I.lsii , - s (I A .,' , ssiH. A Co.. u ,1 A l-I.I A lUMKI,, air tr . nf. rn-u In tin- un.!i - i'"-e, Sir ihr b.-ni lit nl' the rrrailurs of ami. 1 ii ii. ii .. i t, vi-l v, and lli.it i In v are Hi liie h indu 'J. ll. IMMI.l, r iiiiine.fi.iti-. roll, rliuii. I - 1,'i.ir-r u,.liii.r11(,e eanni'l, be jiven, as tin " -(-l. nuiff hr jimii, JOHN ALLISON. J. 11. L'ANIIIL. 31, 4:.t)- WAXTHI), fc M'SHEI-Sof dried PEACHES A )PW " 7 perkd anil unptelnl, fur which the hiehct price will be puiil, by T. M. FARROW. .9,Hj6. 4i,f ti. r. ANniUfiON. W I). REYNOMiS. mii;ko tv i:i;vom., ' MliCIIAM'S, .'. 10, Koiiuskt rtqiiair, NORFOLK, VA.. Tar active, iitlciiliun tu the aide of Fb.ur and oth er kir.da of I'rnduri',, avoiding mint cissiry tbur. gra ami rendering prompt rc'.iiriis. L JVoticc. .Min: iiAiii.o'iTK jii n aj. l.Nsi hanci: X OIMI'AN V continu.-. t.. ur nukr ..fjniNt !.. ,y Kirc un II.iubi a, tigi.ua, 1'iuuuci, it., at uaual r.-ili-a. i j'UUitc in llrnn li v' Ilniliiing, upaUiii. Ill II hi l i.Hh : M. 15. TAYJ.dlt, l-TtMtt. .). A. YiiUM!, .1. II. Will I'M, J. II. CAItMiN, C. (VKH.M.N, A. c. sti;i;lk. I'.s'ci'tirt Cum. vnitic. .1. II. WILSON. Attumry. K. N V K llLTflllSUN.crjyiuy. -1i.. Ili. 1M0. L'Jif i: :nl ;iin T;il.- ,Aii ( I AS SI'I!VI I.Ni. ai; i m r f sn.iNcs j r.i.iii.M.in.iuH t, , u,-r up I In I u- A V KliiH.M. in.i-a of a n i -: j fun, I ih.-n fi.re i.i.itl'v pi-ri..,riM in. ill l.liu. tiliiir by Note i.r lii.i.k Arci ui l. liiuiil' ut ( li-ar t ifik or lim . )' Km r S o i , th ,t Inngi r in. iin.uriii e will riot b- i':v.ii. A ii.r l,r.'i i inn. b.' r ul' a .id .V'.i-M ..iid A I-, ui.l. i. vt n. w t,.Mi n,,, b.ll( ui. till u. I 'M fln,t, t ji.o iUirii-rt ri.iun will br (.oistirit Ii. r tin ir ei.'ii i tii'ii, t'.Jiat lli (wiHi ry M. r.- ..f rii.t' M, --f.1i'a, t barli tt' , or at lie Kin m l( . I, y !!,r.i.r. the bun. mm- will ut f.iiitiniiri;, ami nittle tin Mint l.iilll. w .ti.. I.KIIOY SI'IU.N'r.s, iwitiiiii J'fitliitr. I hnlil'r, .lujr. .7, )K".i;. -Jt SN ( "N-Kl .M ; nt' h.-vu.i: lout h the flic mi.irh urrurri.d m Una til.u t , on the inoMuiiir I t tin V tU o! M.' v 1 "M . v iri tia Vira .iid rl. jafniiit riHiiit roua rnoiia mi Ihta and ndjoiiniig j C"li'il:i ii'i h not' .Hid r!..iiiv i iiif the .rii. ; trly of A. t . :f. A. IVthunt V t t... .nni nth. t-r, In i it re pi d in u.y ha (or tr rwli i lion : A U ' r mi, tlx r tor , ag am ft w iiom an v of p u ii li ar hltlt ctalliilli-' tt : d, mr i. hv iiu. "''"d, li-i mn. ...1. 117 pH ar iini,.i.:ii.n i y nillj UI'JPl- Oil " T) I.'MC i'T I atlHIi Ix miii lit-ri t.t f !. , tor I-' it h, fli ll in j t u 1 1 .ti.rrt- h puhji tti! u. .i j - rpoi.a tu at.iiitiuii, I and nn- s. w. IAYji? 1 1 I hailully , Junt 17, l".".C. v i v v 7 e, v m t : ... v . . on. it. .11. oitit r It. I. I'C .'c3 i-i to ri i i ii i Tr-'fi n '.iiii ' ( in Uie in ii.iiti.1. nl ul .Ml. I'll I.M si. I.i. II; V. I p r : t km I Ksr.llt' i, i ni, in ,, in i v I.r ti.tiijd at I Y..r l.n,i l S. 'ri. I!. IS.,,;. l-. u M, Similar s'i.a k I"i.i..iit amiSlk im:. The Nhvi'.le (I'riin ) Whig of Thursday )at Las Le following : The particulars of one of the mostimac- rounlable auicides have just come to our knowledge. 1 o servants cf ?Ir. .lone.-, j mutely gaxin,; after the object sof my love j ri'prietor of ihe Tnii.ti Hail, iu thi' city. ; at first sight. Sho and her party eddied for one a yi liow mail, named Levi, and the other ' a while by the inner door of t lie concert black, Mimed Allm. lau away ou Saluiday roon. a. id were then drawn oi:.t into the re night la-t. It appaars that tbey intended . tirimr current, and lost to sight, to get on the night train for CnaUaiiooga. j folovri u.v th,.rMt ,!l0uJJ J.we but arrived a moment t-o late 1 bey loo. fort-ver , c ortullitv of i(elitifj in BT th. track on foot aud proceeded a few miles, I idol bu las, , r. , . , - secreted themselves until Moudav night in thicket. They then appeared at Antioch when the liit'ht train came bloug, and the yellow man purchased tickets lor Aim , j .... ra,.t for ( hattaiiooga J he tl.e. ; was not ileteeted-Lev, pa,-,- J as a white, . ... 1 .....I I.,.- ..,......r l ll... ..... n t..l.,rt , with the other pas-in.is ii.rted food lor: his scant at a side .able. ihe attention ' of Mr. Charles Fol, merchant of this rity, I who was ou boaid, and on his way to New 1 York, was attracted to Levi, and after liMlu scrutlnv he ieco..i.-cu him. ll.oui.-h ili-.-uised iu a fiin! suitol cloth -s. r. Vol, on l uisday morning bctoiu 1 . aehiug t'hat tinooi, ipiesiioneil Levi, and becoming sati.lii d that he was running anay, cd lared him and intimated that he a a pris i.in r. Levi was wrapped in a bi.iiir.et, and he managed to draw a pi-l..l from 1 .'s breast i(Uut t,.0 U)vell,pill ,ing noticid, and . ...... , j t u 1 u 1 ti llic iutialv iij.uit nia MuaoiiiL-ii, uieu I aud tell on bis scat. Mr. Fox and utlin iiasscngers tied in au opposite u.reeu.ui, un- ..,. :.......,,;.. .I,,,. ,0 was li.inc St them, and whet, they turned back he ha. . . , . , , , 1 j, coull,Hl,ioll A;;,.llt was arrt,tcd and brought hoi. -. Allm says that Levi was , i,.. . , j ...... 1 ,i,,nd at Chattanooga by a !- repiil.ib.e wninaii from tin city, who was to tiuvel with him as bis wife, while Allen was cast for the more humble position ol ser vant. Levi bad about ?M in money and a pood wardrobe. Allen snjs he bad provi ded bis female fiiei. I with line clothes, a good pistol, and a new trunk. Levi was an excellent sei ant, always obe dient and tractable, and uuilsually intelli ceiit. Mr, Jones is of the opinion that the tale nf Allen is due. as be thinks Levi would not have left unless tcduced by somestroug, iu duccincnts. A I'.KiiAUKAl.l.K Ciiw. A correspondent of tlin Toronto Colonist, writing from Int bv, of date March Hth, says : You published hist year an account of iny cow having four calvjs. This year the same cow had three calves. The cow is doing well, and giving a good portion of milk. She calved n few days ago. The above particulars yo'i can insert for the entertainment of your readers. The account of the cow you will see in the Whilbv papers. Ceven calves from one cow iu al J4t )ar. )fltfvii. 4 WJvi From tbr. St. Lo .ia Cliriitimi Advocto. WHERE 1 WOULD HAVE MY (iRHE. When 1 inuitt ulccp low in the toml, Aa ilt-ep ut l;it I inii(t, I ak no alone, with sculptured buse. To mark my lifctea duit. I would not have the willow irae htand drtKiptrif o'r mv grave; Nr nhould the tuij'rui cvrr lfire. 1 tu glouiuy fu.iii'o wavp. Dul I would have 'ime forrnt irro Sjirt-jd out ita uriiin ebovr; Wl.rrt- liltlf: hird mil.t Cfni(j a iid n.i, 1 lirir a vmphoiiit n nf k?i. Ltt nature there lu-r curptt piuaJ, And fatirrvl flow en bioom ; Ih l vtuli t aind ropff pbd Their frnprmre oVr my tomb. M t. Mr rlmg, M., l i b. ilG, 17. T. a. ii. r.nZUMlT fi CR!M)LIC-Bynffrrtrh. V.'i en h.icly mjhi;.n. 1m. oped in folly, tin-w more xt..uiv t rry da v, A no n.k-B lu-r luifshund mehnclody To think what hilU ht-'iS havu tu jm) ; When in the wiiith of faaliion nw !lini;, With .lir-ii.illoonii hr rkir!i may vie, T! e truth f what hiiider fundi from idling ?) Ia that ahe look a a fHirltet Guy ! liscdlaiuoiis. rHAPTril FIRST. W'hat lltijiprntd at the Conrrrt, Some jears aj;o flicu I w9 a niDgle man nd dreniing (.10 aomc tingle mm do) -;f double b!i jet ditined to arrive, I wont to t eoiirtrt at t tie Murical Hall of JSoston. Mur-ic is poetically and proverbially " llm for.d of love,'' &nJ in my ftntiuienul state I consumed a no dei! of it ; not that I bad any object iu view. Mine wai al ab straot love, I cultivalrd it, I increased luy tocit, bo tbat I ttiibt bave a j-ood ctock of tbc tender par.Hu!i iu baud wli.i.ver I saw a .) eligible opportunity of iuvebtin it. Well, to return to tbc concert : it was rrodrd to .excess, and the rush, on leaving, lo reach caus and carriages, was very great, i wore ,!. .. .- ii ' 1. ii . 11 iiieuioraLie iiifiii a imio col Willi I rass l.iitlons, and I fluitcred uijvef thero rre worse looking men iu the room. 1 tell you candidly, I admired myseil ; the other party I was struek with was a Cue girl, with dark eyes and black hair, who sat with some young friends, a few forms distant. I hoped she noticed mc and my blue "coat, with brass buttons. I locked at her often rnoiiL-h to attiacl her attention to bulb ; j and being as my friends would say in rather I a sjiimnty utate, oi ki d myself in a towering ; passion of line, liut ho wan I to come at the ol je ct of my admiration, for I was as diflident as devoted " as shy as I was vain," aa an over candid friend once said. " Hail Columbia," w hich concluded tbe con I Celt, suipiised me, as unprepared us on luy Cist glance to " improve the occasion." and the company wcte shoal:" out, w bile I stood "no glimpse of my star could I get." 1 rnisbiMl ami fi,.rslv iH.sbi.,1 fbrni.,rl. tb, cr0K j with a vi(Mof to ,,c 0Ut(T doof UhT). , y lair e1.r , , m 0,iaj , U of C b O J , , . ,., . , . . . , ," ,U"? " ' 1 "'"ttcred, imp itieiitly, as I '''". ,ue! at my coat skii t, and w as nistautly ""V"1,"9 ofu" f "7 buUoM ''"'"S bitched to some lady diesi. ; iny progress '-'J -' ' thoncht I, as 1 was brought to a stand, for I could not move without losing a button or tearing a dress; " b iw provoking the modern fashion ; a lady now has as many hoops, as many tentacle about her apparel as a scancn.oiie." It w.is with some initatiou I stopped t) undo the l uttan, but my hurry made the task tu ire difiieul", and in-tead of undoing, I only bungled aud more twisted tbu !. .ji round th I . ni i,..i " l'lcase to Ut nic try," said tho lady herself, as I bungled over the business; the ungloved her hand it wasaswcit while hand so I looked at her fact. Stars aud gaiters, but it was the very fair oue, black hair and daik eyes, I was in pursuit of. As -he ttooprd over the entangled button, a slight flush tinted her cheek. Oh it was te-'.ii'l m:-. I hoped sho never would undo the loop ; and iudec 1 shrt never would, for her fingers were twitching nervously, nnd mv heart was beating audibly; I tried to ' help her; our fingers mot. ; " Please to make way there," shouted a gruff voice behind. We were blocking up , the passage ; was thereover such an tin-lu'-ky spot for so lucky nn entanglement ! : ' Y'ou hinder the people from going out, Auniw," exclaimed one of her companions with some asperity ; " plague upon the tire some loop, break it '." and suiting the aotiou to the word, the speaker leaned forward, caught the sleeve of her beautiful friend's dress iu one hand, and my J at tail in the other, and giving a quio'.; and decided tug, severed us. The crowd behind bore on, and we were separated ; not, however, be fore I iave mv "star " a look which I in- -.,.l...l t i-i meiik volumes. I thought she t " - i , . did not secui uiiooiiseioiix ol my iiic.ii.ing isnr Me met. I V.now, and this was the only c-inaolaliju left mo, fr imiuediaUly nor wards I lost her an ! hf-r party O iu I tho daruv:S OUl: Ida. OlUPTElt Secom, j be able to nay whetbef sb cao upeak an to JIuic the Course of True love uKd not ''ivn j your identity, after wbteh it will be time .Smooth. .euougb to emivaasthe propriety of Bending Tbat tiigbt I bardly closed m-eves think- ! !or C0U!'tM'" in2 of my bripbt particular atnr," and I iou n,aJ' Le """""J I accepted tbe ipvi wbat ineana I liliould employ tc ihid 1(;r out. . Ullc"K Need 1 K furtln.r witb tbe dtory. I knew little of tbe town, w-hiu was a lar-e : 1Le -T0U"S la(, (toue 'og"age of the i. nui'H unit; ui luu town, win u was a lare one, ami to expect to know tHemmie of my fair one by a u,cro description tin hopeless, for there doubthvi must be a treat many many Willi dark evca and black lia - wiibiu t!.e cU ovcr tUu "' l'1808 lhe dvertwuiuenl in " bill of mortality " there aa .Isett beic. wllich 1 Publicl? described by my own My love fit grew more and more violent : Wlfe " as a pickpocket with a gentloumil) in tbe courteof the day tut tired out at Mress-' licn I charge ber with tlio li lenglb nirh uiy search, I returned to the ; Lcl "'""J"1 doe' wllat 1,a" Just tl,i" hotel anJ,look out my drvs c d from inv ; ,llu'"ei" J'ne, pay datnage.s for the slander portmanteau to fi-ed my flat' with the . '" I,,0Uut of k''seN declaring though contemplation of the m.; - bu-i.irs ! u,,t 8 Pickpocket, I was a thief, aud atole hi'tton.thri b'd dut.ir.,,: iib-' 'id 1 '(r Lettrt nui Vckcted ber traeelet. divinity so long. It -as with do little do-1 lS" ?uii tllB ft,orJr 01 " A Cuv lit: Lt 1 cow discovered wnt did not befjre 1 catch uiy eye a fragment of the silk loop lot' ber dre-s Ftti! aiibcrrd to the button twisted rouud the fL.tik. 1 pressed it to my lips j it waa lylac it color, and stooped to gently disentan(:le iifioin the bit of braja an gentle as though it were a tress of iny loved oue'a hair, whensometLing clinked iu j the skirt pocket. I uipG.cd I hart left pome j money there, for in aiy perturbation and 1 excitement I omitted Jo fearch the coat on j taking it off the nighi before. I thrust my ; band into the pocket (i racioua tne ! What ilid I behold: vtbiit lid I take out a gold , chain bracelet. ! ou could have "brained me with my lady' fan. 1 taw ata glance how matters stood in the excitetieiit au l flurry of un doing the loop from my button, the lady bad undone the cla.pef her bracelet, which li i't not unnaturally Idl into Die ccat-skii t wLil-,' iu! Bas eieJ. 8,111 io"bt;e' on ...i-Htig tt, instean ,i regaining me in ,romai,tiolig it ; she pit it dowu that 1 of the (.well-moli. mil bad run..oelv en tangled myself iu ivr dress to rob her of - . ber jewelry. j Here was an anh-liToic po-ition to find , one's self in, when i wished to br consider- ed tbe most devoted of knights, lo be re membered only as tie most expert of pick pockets ! Was ever an honest lover in auch a plight, and to make it worse, I could not see bow I was to escape from this inevita ble dilemma. I mu-t go down to thu grave : remembered only iu that dear one's mind aa (he nefarious purloiner of ber bracelet. To find !ier out was impossible ; but a bright idea struck :ne ssmy eye lighted ou a news paper ou the coffee room table. 1 raug the Cell and inquired of the waiter when the lo cal paper was published. ' l o morrow, sir,'' be answered. I sat down and wrote au advertisement j it was iu the following word ' If the ladr, whose dress pot entangled in a gentlcmail . coat ln.Mpn in leaving the iw..'w. vv..,.es,iay, willt;i at, or, end lu.lui., ni'l,' , to the Treu.ont Hotel, she will hear some- .i.:. ... I. ... .. J ... ... . luiiiu io un i aiimge. Tnere, I thought, as I gave tbc advertise- mcLl to the boy. and five shillings to pay in iuscrtion iu the Traveller, there, if that will not give me a clue to escaj.e from a very unpleasant uilcmiua, ami attls; same tune lo know w ho iny enchanter is, the fates mu-t iu deed be very unpropitious. My litis being tiius far adoj tml. I or- ilered iliuner, uud waited patk ntli, or rath- er impatiently, llic appearance oi tbc new paper next morning. It wasroui'lit to my room damp from the prees, aui th.-u read iu n.l ll.n ,r',,i-t.- nf -ir.,., ... .'...a.-. ... f- 'J " '"'e- .F,- IllllTill.-lllli; niiuojneeineut. Jiut, my stars; vuli w bat an n d vfit irnic nl. aai it t .1 1 au..! in ll,. vor. tame column. I oulv wonde; that mvhair did nut stand on an cud as I lead as follows : " S Rfvv tun -Lost or stole,, on the -. . nr." A..11. lu i or sio. in, ou uit M'.:lit ot tin! ijouceit, at tho Hail a tio.d ( I, .in lineeii-t It is t'nnn.'lt t i l,',r 1., i.n taken from the lady's arm bt a pickpocket, of gentleman! appearance, who wore a hire coat w ith brass buttons, aud kejt near the- lady on leaving the Hail. Any one giving rucI. information as wnl lead to the recovery o.' the bracelet, or the capture of the thief, (if it was stolon. receive tho above reward cn app-jnig No. 7, Cauili i lge Place. " CtiArTEii Tmsn. T he End oj It . II. re was a pretty plight to be adver- usca in.ue puuue papers a p-CKpocKct, I. .! IT -1-..V , 0 nai.ers l a t. ekt-oeket. when my only crime was like Othello's, that of ' Living, not wlaily, but t .s well." My determination, however, was ipiicklv - i .... a I , i ".. n i,' -mi. t in in u, ni in., i(:i vii on hi , , 1 . , , . ' ,, ., duhuiiueiit blue coal, to accurately describ-, eland w ill) the paper in my baud proceeded : jj No. 7, (. ambiiiig... Pir.ee. ! I knocked at the door, and a ked the ser- . .' ,ul N.'.'sHavtiioud ' '"'" I "Ye, sir." replied the. servant woman, "Wli.i shall I say want her! I .. 'I-..11 b..r " 1 r. nli. d. ' that the rick-' n-iekct with L'cntlemaulv address, and blue coat, till brass buttons ... . i . . . I L. l - w nn svo!e ner urace- ; let. i here, and wishes to return it to her The woman stared at me as lliou-!i 1 were mad but un r.tiatii..' my reu ie-t to her, . . the went 111 ami ileliverc I iny inessage. Soon there emus out, -.a my fair one, " With all tint's lust, of il.irk and bright, Mi eting in asp. i'l and i v i ," but a stalwart brother. " That " s:iid I. hauling hi Oi the braclet, "is Miss Ravmouds property, and though, us you perceive. I we ." a bias coat, with ' .. .. . . brass buttons, and am sua iiiu io...... ... "i - 1 l.,F.l llllltllL' 11,1 1 maimers are not uiigenueiiium j. t "i uuuuu , .i I. t v. I 1 iu canuor to say i am ....rv.t.. "'J hen.tia.you shall have the reward, 1 . . f ..... a r ... L- r I- 1 ' said the brother, taking out bis purse her, taking out Ins purse. plied, " lor strange as it may 1 h 1 am no pickpocket, 1 stole " No," I rcj .nn..-.r llwlll- the lady's bracelet." Tho man looked puziled ; but when I told j the Iruih, and pointed to my adverti-em.-nt j in tli.s a.-inie r.at.er. as proof I did not i want to walk olf with the property, he laugh cd heartily at the wholn story, and not the least at bis sister's description of the gentle manly pickpocket. " Wtiil," said be, "you bid better walk iu aui navo tea with us, and my si.-tcr wiil - e j 'vertiiieirient.) captured the ! h lacLolor'. button no lotige . blu0 co:lt' aui1 "ow 1 ''va fran .i m imeiiieni; captureu tue piCKpocaet. er adorns my . . ' b-" The Mvstkiiv cf the Law. la Maine, at the term of the Supreme Court now being held at l'orllaud, a bill of indictment wai found by the Grand Jury against John S. Sprague for the crime of polygamy. The indictment charged that Sprague, on the 1 1 tli of September, 1854, brxng thi n atul llirrr an unmarried man, was lawt' ',,lli married to Kn.iiy M. Clark, and that after- wards, 011 the Hill of U cetuber, l.'), hin first wife beiu.' still livin;;, he married Rhoda!61"5 uat .coi.inuuteu i j me nnwuua Sylvia Stewart, thereby committing the crime of polygamy : Sprague's counsel stated to the Court that the Couuty Attorney was uillini Ei, 1, ,it lltot ll.n fl i f. 1 1 f p lonlrt prove, that the alleged first marriage was not a legal one, Sprague at tbat time being u ,uriLd l.i;n, n o-if. Ii , .... t,. r.,,., .i,., v i,..,t ,t,r,. -.;..p Imt m t'io ! ;,lJic,1,iell, was bacd ut.ou the le-alitv of. a . tU Meoui Ilwrria4Ct wLicu WM ,.,!, s;it JU,t therefore fail. And further, if tbe - , ...1 .!.,,. ii... "v 1: 1 uiiii; ii b uiwi iuiiii;.! iu i.iiric iij.iii i hv fint. wile waa living when Sprague married the third one, he should object to such evi dence, as there waa no such aliegatiou in , the iii'lictiiient. 1 Ins lust position belli iucd by the Court, the County Attorney ed a i,ol.)rus., and thu Sprague, who charged with having two wives, got by having three. sustame entere was clear by ., A Cl.Btt.iV.MAS. Sui"IT)K or A VlltOIM.i The Woodstock (V.) Ttntk Legion records the su.eide, in the Staunton Asylum, of Lev. iioun iiowaru, ue esbecuuui i ;ur ui tne T. Pi I, C U'nlJ(.,nlr . ii"ia uu . v.. .v!tineiitaUroopsiutheouthcriiaimie. u ho Lad shown symptoms i ot mental alienation jd fgr Ue now aud imagined he bad been " comimss.oned , C0Ilunied i v suul, bodies of armed men ? to warn men that the judgment was near at; ,u ot(tr States, commissioners have been hand ; and so u.teut was ho upon the ac- iut)d ,(J ,PU e ie ci:l;,ns of iudividunU coiiiiiiishmeiit ot what ha believed to be t lie .v.., i r,;r, . ct- I I 1 " .1 " "e 0OU1J ""0-- lS V",UCf,d t0,t:,k,eitU'r T'St "r V'f'"b . from ;"''.' iuw-S-;. quoting Several Dassarres of scrinture rertinent to Ins thems. r- - a i i - lJ3n tl,cfe "vmptoms becouiing manliest, h taken to the Asylum by his friends, . w."fre nun-: " Q"' ""eJi' liallJkerchief. ! aid ' An rxruvsivE Familv. It often ! in tho Soutueru States mat every irgiuian ho travels thit way elaiins relation-bip with all tho lea. ling families of the Old : I'ouiiiiiou. One who kuows bow extended ; the relations ami kiu are amongst the old families of Virginia is not surprised at the r1i,n. I nil saI un u nn I ,.- .1 n.i wa nr.. - v.. " w, mv , most credibly ml. irmea that a gentleman ot ( Hi n rlottiv ft ininihir nf ft:i rtlil nu,l In , lil v ' respectable family cf the South side of the ; James, aud whose age docs not exceed 00, ! im-ber no less than Jire hundred nieces and , f j iiij.nci.aut uisunn i.., inuunui- iiujKqiuj oiucrs oi ner citizens ; uui sue u i in every degree. Who can claim a larger ; lateiy beirun to make effectual pavmuts "'""ber in his family bounds ! Uharljtles. j ri.'ic Adcoca'c. j WiiAT'f in A Name! We Cud the fol-; loivmg in tne legislative seruiny report of tho Albany Statesman of Friday 1 Randall Rreed put in a petition asking ! that his name might he changed to Lyman 1 Kircd Il inJall. The rcasou given was that ! the lady he desired to marry had an oh. j. ciion to the Dreed, but was willing to unite , herself to him provided that the prayer of bis petition should be granted, by tbe State, auu nis ,egai name cuangeu to i.anu 111. lie, .-v... ..... .... . inereiorc wisuen to iiui mo j.recu in lue , . middle. He had nearly succeeded two ; !. .,., rJ al,,,... ;,. ...,ii;,. l.iM il,ir.,.r, 1. f li.m n t hf 1 1 t iisi.t 1 a 1 1 r n.' ! I ."isit in I li .. J v.. h - " . Senate for the waul of two v.tcs, thus dc- j . . ,. e , , . . , t.riving him for laj time bung o' a wife, ' 1KAI. Lev. Or. Calvin Co. ton, I rofessor of Political Lcouomy m I runty College, (ieorgia.on I nday last ue was u gi uuiC . of YaU College, Massachusetts, and after. iam ..iiiiege, ''-.' ,"" I being a Presbyterian Minister too ore. in the hp lue r.iiiseoyai viiLin-u. in; nut i -i-3 . edited the Truo It'dg UVu'g iu Washington city,i and became well known as me writer ... mc .... 1. ....... .1 ,. ,., I li.s 1 1 , rl-l soil P. -II 11 - i uinns ii-.i v.un. ... --- ' . . ... .1 1 :.- It... ... I'l... paig At the time of his death, he was engaged iu writing tne me o. ..e ... , v...... for which he had procured aoundant ma- teii.il. I looking young Yankee has ap- 1 d in Cieufu,' vs. t uba, with &- banjo, : has ... i.:. ...... i- th on ruin : set niiii-ui .... ---r " Voim Pol -rass v.rowu go to near. mum. uu. n u -vi..r, the l.intorv of the murder seu-untly the general sy-t.-ui w is secure. him. IU sin f Pr. Cird- ...i i.i nirnf Jordan, and i i i :i n.t,;,.. ii.,.n 1'jmiiiT Coiinerv. I I 11 UU I - . i . . ... IT., i. ni :i km .1 r.lTUl I-iriuin- o . TlTElUlbWAY AiTlOKNT InCavAPA The Torotit) Globe of Saturday publishes a . ,t f flay, six dead bodies that have been j rccoVered. the names of eight persons severe -; The Torotit) Globe of Saturday publishes a lv injured, aud of fifteen who escaped only btly hurt or entirely unharmed, making ,1,t,,"0i' seventy -i.ino persons ou the train , ir.:, d fir. I he number on tlu train is nipp ' to he larger. The .Jara..-se have to.eraic.i n. c.....-, in d re years. "or two thoiisiud live UUU.lrert ' Front the Wilmingon 1'rall 1 ft. in ft. NORTH CAROLINA IN 17sS. 'Ti atrange, 'tia parsing atrange, Low much the world is tbc aanic. yesterday, to day, and to-morrow! Kach to-ilay in the elder brother of to morrow. The inveteracy of habit has been called second nature ! So much by way of introduction. It has been the use of the world,-at least of our world, this Western world, to abuse North Car oiiua ; and our Southern Mcr has always delighted to make a llansey Snitlles of her self, to deride and kueer without stint j while we, " good easy souls," have always been conleut to allow arrogance to have its way, relying, aa we might well do, upon no tuen-trieiou finalities or assumptions, liut vve will not paint ourselves. We will leave that to foreign nations and to hi.-tory. Header, we vera" led 11..0 t.iw.. ri.marka by peru-ing the following couiuiiiuicati.iu from the " " Hinintiii Criti-l " of No. ii, 177S, copied from the " Ne.n York JJmU Advert in 1 :'' The State of North Carolina, by nut adopting the new eou.-tit.tti iu, i-. lately be come the subject of much critieUm and cemiure. In this instance; having done what is supposed to ba wrong, it h hardly Kl admitted fiat ever she did aiivthing thai j Wo ur-' , jIi1i tl,:lt ,ll,ri"S ll,e I wa,i 'cr exertions were but tritini that expense aud that shfl now 1 .fuses to con federate, from a de..ire to promote the fraudulent teuder of paper money. Chart's against tho unpopular are uuaily liateued tu avulity, but liappi.y none 01 mur cnarges are well founded however current hey are in circulation. D.niug t!,.) who.c of l'e lata war, whenever the neiqltboi nig ' -vaded, North Caroiiua was ture to ii ti l tlu in anai-tanc". n e nave seen iii the courre of uur cniupaign, six or sevi n thousand n.ri. of the N..rth Caiy'tna , '. oue 01 1 . l"lP,',OTn'? ' lJle" ur uu meir maieii io us leuei , nun nm couMs three or lour thousand i.f her cisuens 'wbo fell a sacrifice in t'n oiii or S'outli ; ! Carolina, to their zeal lor tue. we.faru of the NX p "ay "-tbing of uer contiueiitai line, nor of those wt.-. fed vmuhi. tne Sute i wblU; eut;u,J' pervaded every part of it. la it probable that s annus cou l l i.u su.poitfii wunout tu .uev . Suri l v li"t. lut v ',, i ;,,. ,..,1,1 ,..! w, A ... were in ' CJljtilentlll sen ic , silB lllla uril;,i,ed V iviuiuviM ..... , HLdlli:! IUK 1. I.I.C'. , Id..', UUU ... vuiv. 1 jr mauv a million have been i-n-d by thos,, c ommislioimrs ; but no such officer, have 1 haU occasion io ettt'.u accounts In North Oaroij becaue the State baa t.k.-n ua.n ; . , , , , ., . itse.l ail tne llnlitl in it were ! i lo nsr t:tl- fc Lfc Unidlli CS(,pt s Mn.,;i b (j CJllliuenti; ,iuc. 'l'hoe I debts have amounted to several millions j Some part is already paid there is a 1 irg oaiance remaining, i rom tne puMic ncco iii'.a it would uiiiiear. that in the vears 171"- and n?;l, Noii.li Carolina had paid iiothiiij; to wards the specie requisitions, while South Carolina had paid her quota, but this is a difference only iu ui'jhttrance for the State Mast mentioned has a sptcie credit for ail supplies furnished the army from the begin- Af l'Dl 1.1!.. V.-.l. iSnn.'.. ...... HiHT Ul 1 I O., H IllC .19 IU V-JltfllU", IUHV furnished large supplies, stands without any n ..A ; l, ........ ul... l, hrnn i ,1 nn Ii .. r accounts, for several years North Carolina i,as been oppressed by dischsr.'i;i. the debts Le had aslu.ned to her continental line, and r . into the u'ational tre asury. Ou the last year she paid thirty thouaand dollars in specie j I and we are told tbat aho has another Urge paymeut ready to be mada. It is true that paper money nas oeeu .ssueu in ma. ,1,111-, mill it n u mmli. 11 leir-ii i,.h1lt. Iiiil 11. is alsu truu '1,at tlie general sense of the people is not iu favor of fraudulent payment on the contrary, i; is cimin on lor juries. 111 actions of dent, to consider the depreciation, and asses damages accoi dii'.-iy. Has the virtue of their citizens dona t.'i ssiue thing here bad money is a lczai '" ",. ' pf. ,..,p ' . ., --- --. , . constitution, and therefore it is . , . i '" -U-Idtfrl. and an er- my to goo I government. I bis is tne la-t ..t: ... . i i.i.. ,i t. i.,i til Ai rs, .uu uii;ttit;ic-t,i. ...v. tLa" l,e0P! r to, 1 eIu' xc' L i generally agreed that the new constitution over county, N. C, an interesting lieserip wiil aduiii of some amendments ; they have tiou ot th cultivation of this irit, which has heeu Dinted oat. It will also admit of been .-Ui-c,'s-;'ul.y rai-ed tor several years. several exidauaiions or alterations, bv w hie lt mav be rendered not a better system, but wieKetl mon. s.nna m those extdauni Biji doubtless be made by the general cou " - T, , Clirrencc ol he St , u - JV, powers w uieu uu Tiowprs North Carolina ba proposed on amend- meut No. 7, which others ol t!i.- S:ite may not be di-pocd to make, and yet experioii-e has tiu-ht her as well as Virginia, mat sudi vnen.lmeiit is extremely proper. Th. State wishes to seethe ail-ralion ma ie whit-h 1 she has pointed out. aud for this very rea-ou she wishes to see the new g-jverum.-in - m. nee If eight States oy,; atea, nneii me coim-iit. M. -.. . - - sat. r.erhaps t.t.'V oujni i-. ' '- - i . , - , , c u. ihe pause t.i it J. ( ar ) ma has mace i.i t li -J neces-ary . i . can occasion n U" 'J ii, .sii.riM nil- 110 .1-1. except uersi'ii, cjh be injaied bv it. rc toid. iu-leea, l.u -h ou.-ht to have adopted the new svstetn that so she might have assisted in niasingj ,0(,,i , ,,,,..! ments ; but -he replies.: resultii g ftom th? hasty legtslatioti ol tl.e if 'other State are disposed to inake;laie Con;ies. which i of no little impor- ai j.r0.nbU aft. ration-, they j tance. It appears tint, although the Com - .. .i . :. :,. ut,,,rt tim without her assis- IIIU.MI HI..-.. . , . I . tf . buttf thov are di.-scmt.img ll mcy are' a''o it to drop the stdrtt of ac.'-mim-ida-! lion and to boldly w .critics what they have gaiiud bv accident, she is safest where j she stiul -V CAUtious politician hi little', a.-. - dctermii.cd I faith. Lt u attend to tne t.ouvent.JU via tar -u v. "Whereas tlu Co.veu;is,a k;s '.lijugan proper neither to fVfy net" rejeit the Con stitution proposed for the government of the United State; and as Congress will proceed to act under tho said Constitution, ten States having ratified the same, and probably lay an impost ou goods imported into the said raiil'yinr Mtr-tea : Resolved, That it Le re ni,en.ied to t.e i,cS tl"'t be.,e.er Coup, commended to tl.e Legislature of tl. is Slate, esa shnil pass a law tr colleetiiig ail impost oil the .states aforesaid, tins c:a!c enact a law tor collecting a similar impost on g oJs imported into this State,' and appropriate the money arising there from 10 the ".:se of Congress.'' It was also on the same day Resolved unanimously, T bat it be recommended to the (jei.eral As nembly to take itieti iai measures for tbe redemption of the paper cm reucy, as speedi ly aa may tc eonsisti-nt wivh the situation ,nd rireiiiuttatieca of tl.e peon'.e of tiiis State.'' ') hese acts afl ird the clearest proof that the Convention of North Carolina was not actuated by t ) 3 di, honest spirit of paper money. They are fcl.10 i:i proof that shs wishe" to co operate with the Union, and hold bir.-eif in readine-s to confederate believer certain step are tak:3, w hick ciay rapidly be taken witoat her assistance. If it shall be urged that she might now cou federate, wiibmt nny ilangtr. and that' lies' -(foils would be of use to other State, whono interest is nearly the same, the writer con fesses that he is of the sani'j opinion. 1 1 4 thinks that some nits rati ous which cpnllv a fleet the several part of the t'tiirm, wi'lt cettainly be lua.le, because the Fpirit of :i nation is not to bo resisted. liut tbeie are two or tbruu alterations w bich respect tho Southern States, that they may have a greater security against illiberal or opprc.s oive combinations ; these n'.tcrations Le au-. peels will not bd liimle, bec.iuie the most triflim; Miming advaulag.' is seldom relin quished ; but he apprehends i.j danger from the eoneiiiieiioe. The evils which North ( 'iir,i:ni:i nun: .liri.d.i nr,. nt' sni-li .1 n.iilirc I the measure so iniuitou-, and so abhorrent - , ,., ( ,,.,. t',... , ljr ,., ,krt ilespnti-iu itself would hardly attempt theui, and all its ails and auxiliaries would u.-vcr u Me tQ iU, t;.c1 j,, I )l ce. j;0 tlis M it h M .ib(ract M,jeM;01lS f tl,is aort co,;(.,.ruitt tlu. fx,,cdiency of measure.-, ,.op;e arc' , ditfL-r, and No.tb Carolili people are aid ir 'he present case has chanced to differ from her si.-ter states ; but ii.tUhs?:inditi;,. of si;eh itid. Il'ei eucr, it sh.uiid be remember ed, that ahe has bevli second ti few of tho states in substantial altiuipts to serve th-j. nation. Hit 1 jto e induct is free fi oin every charge of s.-lh-hncss er dishoucsty, and n are hound to b.-iieve that she is determined, lo sufnort the federal union. A KKlTIiLTCAN. Sept-mber It'. IT-1-. Wn.i. Kansas nr. a Si.avk State!-- M ,'iul the J'lu.flittrrie filr.t Thii.i (iluut r.The St Joseph ( Mo ) coi respondent of r" -' fiu i the Misaoari l.'ej ul iienn, (one of tiie most Ueeided pro-slavery j .111 run Is to be found anvwhere.) writing irou. St. Joseph, under date nf .March Itith, says : " The eiuL'ratisn to Katins reuiin.ls nio of th.T t j California in the u ays of its greatest allurements. 'I rains upon trains are pouring; iu from very q larter, hut particularly from the free States. I had once thought, as I used to write you, that Kansas would be a slave State, but I am now forced to alter luy opiuiou from the overwhelming evidences to v 11 . . r , , da .. , ur lerry Doats are nB-agert lroni Uay VJrK l,";:rryiii: over trams, ! t',C. ProPort.'ou 0 .(frce,(" tj lue anngraiiH is as blteen lo one. J his is not confined alone to our point of crossiu?, but it is so at every other that I can hear from, and it satisfies me that the political dealiny of Kansas is fixed beyond all question. " Wars and rumors of war she will knowr no more, but peace will brood over her beautiful nrai.i.s and nraneri!v wi'l reiiru . . . 1 . ' . throughout her borders. 1 am a pro-slavery man, and would prefer to see my favorits institution t.siabiisheJ there ; but I am, nevertheless, con-, inced that ;he euergetic, enterprising Yankee will dovclop the rc fiar.'cs and build up tin country sooner than we c.i ild do, and that bv living iu harmony witn them as our ncigiiDors, t:i,-y no ui no injury in our pecun.tr property. Pla Ni'Ts.oatjuuusn Peas. Thefom- ...r i. l, v, . ,. reccived from Mr. li niel Siia.v. of Lidiii;ton Hail, New Hail- The crop ,;' la-t year 1 ""'.' 1 am muted to bushels, th-i over huulred tiiousuil ... , t , Vv.., 1.1.1 1.1 SVlluil niou is a the l'rot ia ys.vl1.' A soon 1 .1,,.,,, , ,;.l,li sf nl -.'. l.-ll.i , Wll.l i ml , lou,!, thirty three inches .cu way. . i.-t two or tnri e T ea :ire then dropped into tiie eros.es ta n k-i-t e.ean vt ith 1 mile. The p.ant are .es an 1 piouclia until the vim cover the grouud ; Hut n uirt is put on the vine,. I u Oct m.-r the y are -t a: w ,t a a r.,ae or I a - ' are dried tl.ey are stacked. t.-Ii t".i-he.s to t be stack. I logs arc then turned into tho tieiii, and they soon I'.tten upon tiie pen b it upou the gr-.imd. Puling the winter the nuts are gathered from the vines. When tiie viiit-s urc left upou tho land for the hog to feed upon, there is no crop that improve the laud so much ; but i.hcu the vines are removed, the laud is exhausted. VA. (nun. Rk-vi.t or Hasty LFr.isi.ATioN. Tha Naiional Intelligencer mentions au omission. g ftom th? 1, isty legtslatioti of ti.e mittee of Ways and Means had reported aa . , ., " , . . . . ' . . J itc'ii ot tiirce unmireu a:i-i ii ua...m dollars for the tiational armories, no such item appears in tbe law, and tne manure tare nf arms for the c.irrei.t y.-ir ii.n-t I considerably curtai.e.l, or te tmaueial ir. genuity ol toe n ar i' -p i: m.. ,.t ....... exercised to fin I t r.u tl, islu Oi II on o in i . vj tu , , eouu j:.n r .in l.

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