s . 1 , : . ' ; .' ' - ', at ' , - iim u wawtn mui'nM Hum nitaci "Dl S-Uii - t?. a 1 I. X... 1. . T . M -.1 VOXXJICIU aasauaai im MM imi THKniToa! Pborikmr " 'V 1. 1? f si TEliMS: T rth.rariilin Whig w ill bcofr..rkd to nub. ' ,,, , 1 WO IKtt.l.AI.S in advance; 'J'WO v(.-t AMU ' If'I'V CKNTtj if payment Imi for three niontlie J unit Ttl l( K V. IH W.I.A ItfS c ..nd of the year. No purr will l.t diacou. j. d until all ar-mnragcs are paid, except at the ,.,. l I lie KHitur. l(l,ri, cut" inserted at Otu Dollar p r square , in.-t nr leas, tins au'd type) fur the firm mm r. p tMf rrnta for each cnntiii uaiice. I 'ntirj. r(J. -..iP -its rlicntr" Halt a charged Ub per , ( j,!,,.'; am) deduction n!'.13J per cut. Bill . ;.,ni the rsjuUr prices, fur auverliaera by , y. ir. ..d-riiaviiiiits inserted momhly or ..ii riv. it 1 per qure f'-r curh time. Snu. ,i i r "j :'-nt qnr lorrnrll time. y-i'.,.iiiiJiittr r iiollioriiefl to art aa aflll'a Union Line. CHARLESTON TO CIIERAW VIA GEORGETOWN. i :vmi:i;s MAiuoN a no r.ov. graham. . faMHIC well known and I'opul.ir uramer Mari. ' -l"-eT. r.ni I'anl. Jno. Kfr-'iittfin ia iJJgISi now rreuljrly n,(; .(;cl in rii:- l-lwii l narn-aion, utoreciowii, inn riw ai 'l ia l-i'i.wTi aa ll.o nioat prumpt a::d ef lit Hut "i the lriie. , r.. r.r iliam ia a very liglit dranjl.t and I Jt.-.i''i ) t"r th- !!'VT 'ra-lt, ani l-in; .n t.n lr.la of Ml old ar.d rxju-nertcrd ruin. .. r. .'. J- !!'! r call t" relied upn. tu oi-iit . ,. i irnyt.t w itlmut H trillion. Th lii.a. lira. ;i .iilv run to Ijt-orir' town but will run l H i'. .-it "Marion ill l"W atijraof l!ir l,',. r, . v .nou, mt "i-y ort'-i'iH-n frut low mlfr ( .ill frili wvil provided Kltu atiltablr ,;iiii.t ti t lo t!.e A ger !a in Ch .i leatcn ill V f ri! fn-e of ri.i-.oii.P'"ria. l Al.l'W i;LL .V KOUI.VjON. AtT'-ntu at ( iuirii lor., sn.uKi.i;rui:i a fuakk A t nl (iff ! n, DAN J. A. H,)RN. 1 Kncimnii; Home Imlibtrv ! )ll I V, I am prrpareil t.i fill all orutra lor a'y'U C ."tat' a ! i - : 'I'lin'h.n'r l!ft.i, - .v'l", e ( 'fi.r, ..-..:... u.:n;,r.. ! ;n in 1 in an ar I trie nf ('loth t'-r ihf pu'r Ml. MtlJi I'ltMir. W deal ami ( orn. Kflf. ' y i (1 I fn.UC ! rr l V.lil find i I If .I'Mf hit u to n-r 1 1. A,f Kflffi trm a ciiUitcr will : 4tUii(lC(:Lj with (roti(rii. J. M'.I'ONALD. ( tie. CP, le.'C. 3oif I MI. IOOi: A IILIM) c iiAiti.oi ri:. .. f 1 I A I N .....eiatr.i ..iir.elv.s i-rithcr fori l 1 Me pu.J-.ar o, r,.,,,i( on to, J 1 U!1I. IT.Ii A.MI iMM.M.U r.rsiNi:ss . Ilea, Wf t.l'rtl . Itlfifnioe I'Uli rtfinl we real nillmoa rraevto I ni.,ir ai iin.rt n iiier, im a u(m rmr man. ,.i , . of I.uoil.. r nppea aim j..inl.-il to or. . - II. .no io eh.n.s are ,., ron.tu.l , ic It turn fit -th and Ilia, a in Im I.tti.. A aoei.T v nl s.i.n of oriiint . , ' f , . ' ,-l eon. tint. V 101 Ii. li. I i.t lr....n;il.ie i ' ii,-ilr from a r!i'. irier f..r S.-., I'l'.ii.'.a " -7 Wor in otlf line I b liromi-llv allrn-l 1 ' I . to. nn b iiJ and eift I" kerp i supply ) ' ,l.i Im-.I l.nrn:.. r lh Lul.lfy alb. loir oi ii hinr liop ia on I oib t'e .1.. I, l.aal ot , M l uioi.t I liuikh, wl cle ono of ua roll In I " i l a uy iimv. ' I !(' - t.'i ..ill ncr bl tor latest alyleaof w-fk p-.r I' i ir.v i.lti-ii.le.1 lo. We Won!, I ii,i!e tin at j '.::I.mi ..f (ha r.liioii ol I Imrlotti' to the ailan. I' , . Si- ii.tr ol UiOf wnlk Wrtli tlinpalell our 4 n'i , " I' H'.l i.trv e Ihrite." 1 KfPl.SlLJ- k VHLNAM I VjV i:, iKiii. Utf I IT ,.!, ;ltt f ,r fbit p-alrnnasre librr-tHy H j upon mr by Itip filiirnn r (Miarlott- and I ' " uritsuiHiiiij ct'Utilrv bt trVV-tc, I " ' I bat no I !:"tHtlf j La... ,) llt 'fiir, frv 1st j PeHift d 1 JONAS IICDISII.L -Notice. wriKiivo .1 ..i ,i. r-i..,)ntiM lio.il. Mir, for ib.'v,.,,r I?Oi,u.ui tall and LOWRIE A EN.MSS. j -V'ii i, is..r,. "tr nv llstaliiWinient.' 111. .it is.gori, litli I wl.-lil.is.ifti billlreil s- )' rut , in 1 1 y mi I h .ro.tte, intend a earr VH'K on I"li., i.ianrhea ot l.unn'as, n : ' Si.'rrr 'luting, I'.nn awl Is kimithtvr, direction, he would probably mei I face to! II muni: , ?i,'vrrt Jiruss anil ii;fce the one from whom he was fleeing. j in.j ;i Mrtut Hoik irunrnil ; (toiaj. j " There is no help tor it, Clara," he said j .Wooi ,li htl.s mitt linirs nl the must j in a firm tone ; " I mu-t face tho liou in Lis ..i.ivi'V ,,. tnii'ir, mul uirritntnl tn !' dr-ti. For your sake I could wih it were ! 'it ir ri ,1111 otlur kind Jur Mill snd other wise, but for my own fiend as he is, ' 1'u in j,uiisr. j be could not harm me." j A l..r I'.e ,i.vr brunch.-. I warrant to torn out F-r a moment the beautiful gill's face) i a.ir'nosni.i.. .i.i. Ii iiiioii ni a iliatuner th.,1 wish to lm! w,,k r!,,r I ,, j, p,,iiiir attention io ; -li.lin as ao.in nm nu.aihl T'rai.n. nt j, o.iii.-.nee -arishing Ouna a'ti rcii frinn 'd to p. ri-i,MMon or olherw.ae repaired, rierpt "" - iii in vt ill h.. ve the iii ri j.aiird anil r I ill m il on ' ' s 'Orli.. I,, pnt.atl.il., I e.iiil.l p,V. hnv tinnihrr of rrfirrnee aa tn trkinaa,!,,,., hot J .1,-. m it nnr..o.rv . I will ".'VI. if,, ,!( ,p, ,i f,r ilmll. ,s.,i a. nil on J-i'ir rk ... .'.un ... .o.Mhle all. r JUIUlI Ni; wi,U : cash, t'li .i.e yive a call at my shop, npanailr the i'rt-a. bjtinaii I hurrli. JOHN M. MASON. Wuife .VaiclJ IP, IsjC. -tit' i ar''bl.l; MI'I'IO'. i hereb fiven, that nil I Ii t ie Note, nn.l A.-eiiiiiila nf SI'K VI "!' Al. AI.. I dsns spit ATT, HAMKI. . ft., and Al.I.I W'N V llMI (,, nrr transferred to Ihe Ulldr. ' Sue. I, lor the benefit of the rreuil.irs of aaid rirnia iep.-ei yrl v, and thutiher are in Ihe bands 'f -' It. INKI. for inline. Ii.ile mil. ctinn. ' 1 '-'"""r indiilg-rnea canni.t h given, aa tin ""it" mutt br ,id. ifOHV ALLISON, j. R. DANIEL. "' 1, leij. btf O. CHARLOTTE, jXT. C., APR.II., 23, 1S57. ii m i mi. .m nrniTMWui - - i i in i i Mmn.. , n, -ruii.,,, ,. i ill i MMi .i..,, 1 firf 1" tY j'cfore yofc fiie ;" and with this; remark or. , lo on the wide shelf near tbe'openintr, and NORTH CAROLINA LITERATURE, rj 'vlU). lips be seated himself in the large arm-; then divesting himself of" hisest, he closely j It is incumbent upon us to report the . .chair that Clan had drawn in front of the ! wrapped himself in a blanket", and laid him-i doings in literature of our sister States, an. 1 " '' " ' """ ' fire for 1i!b nee TLn wlmla ..minn. rtf il.A'.nirH.. in. .i1!.. i ' .i . it t i .i ra, , Alt TIIIMiS ABE (IF COD. rr Hnr.ar. TIi"U f rf, O frft, ihe life ami Irpht Of all tltia wnnHroui wtM we an-; lit pli-w ly rt.y. ita aim I.' by iiijfhf. Arr btit ri fl'Ttiona catty lit i'ront tlicr. Wheri Vr we turn, iby plfnra ahin ; And all U.inga iiir and bright are Ihinr, ftJtli r.re-wrl b"am. ilrlnrg Aiitn" Ih oi't-ninir riotirta of ettn, And hp can alntoil think we paz TlifoMjb op-ii Tistaa info bt uven 7Kr bura that mnrk the auri'n ficclinf. So ai.lt, au ruint. Lord, arc lliiite. Wltn hijrl'l, with winpa of Marrr g!oom, Jcral.do a all tiir .rlh nnd akim, T.ik aotnc fbrk, batil"iia bir.l, wlir.f pHirnr la aparkliriff Willi itnhurnlK'r'd f)r Tltal aarred glt-tom, thtr fires i'ivi r, Ho grand, o f t.utilU Lord, arr thtne. Vhn ymitliful pring n round brralbia, r p fir tt wnrma htf fraprnt aip b ; And tvrrjr flowrr (hat lummrr wrrafln-a, N born bfrtf;ifb ihv kirnilifip nf, Whrrt-Vr vu turn, ll.r ylorfa ahinr; And all thina fair and bnjM ttt ti in'. njHistc!(;uicoii5. 1'iu.n the Anirrv tin I'niov. t ii i: ! i n i . ii r tvtm a tai i: or a niti :iV! i.in:. nv .MM4 I ' A It H A . fIlAl7Ti:R I. 1 ii K mi.k:i iiumk; ami hi a, iii-uiNuM;t HHFMAN. In the little low parlor, cf an old lime- ' .i.ii r.it- . T . . . l stained, guide roofed bouse, that stood on the corner of a dark alley, sat a young man. ; Ry bis ride w as a beautiful girl, with her fec upturned to his, atid her dark eyes bestuing with love and confidence as she hh-wercd bis l-t question : Can it iudet d be true that your miserly old utielo will destroy his wid that is now in your favor, and i-ive all his vast properly lo rtrancers if you bi emne my wife " lie tol'l me so, tiliam, and forbade my evrr si.e-iHnjr to vou sijain. c, he even. told me that if be ever found you here S"aiu with my rormix-ion. he caied not bow creat the storm i.or how intense my sufferings, be would turn me from his house, nor allow me ever IU CIUI I o aj;Rltl. "Wretch!" exclaimed the young man, mf , not do it ot that I care tor Ins l.lgotien I gold-the price of widows' tears and orphans' hunger : but i eaunot hear that you should i :i r. ..i... r.-i'i .1 I'ai.ouess lor irj iar , mi i tail. 'I ii.mi;, i . . i. . i I..-- -.ft..- .1.,. .1 . rvj't-ai iji'w niu. i ua.c uuru ri.,,i-i i.j you that I have i.othingto offer you but , ,,4rt tt would will g!r give up its lile- , . ..vi ,,. .-,. .."; M I,,,.,!.. . .- ,. . . re toiledstan.ed, and my pure la light ; .!.!: . I . I I .. . - .1 - I .. lint lor 1 li:s, mid i ins m me, u oea y - mr nncitj bear me such t nmity but I care not, Clara, kitt lur. L tinw led ied that vou love -,. , ,, , . ' , , me. lnu shall be mine; perbrps wben no ' sees that vou arc mine irrevocably, he will . " e.l, can you not unlock the closet door relent, aud deal justly ly bis orphaned when he is sleeping, and let me pass out!'' i niece." " 1 wi-h I could, William," answered the " He never will, William. When 1'neln miser's niece, despoiidingly ; " but be is very ;?imon has spoken, his words aie ucvr re- cautious, and always makes every door se ! called." cure before lis lies dow n. J le always lock. " Curse hi in '." muttered the young man. Lis sleeping-room door, not that be - afraid, " A man who would sacrifice for gold the be says, hut it is a habit he has always had 'only relative he has iu the woi Id, ougj.t to from Lis boyhood, and he can rest more jdi." quietly when he dees so." j " Hush, William 1" said Clara, imploring- " Then give nit t he key to the closet dosr, ly ! ' it ill not make him better to tall; so. dear," said the younq man, " and when li3 lie has alwars fed and clothed tne since my , , , j.i,.,,,.!, I Ln l,; f,',", are great, I eauuot bear to hear him spoke u j of har.-hly." Itefure the yo'ing man could reply, tin-re : .'lore Hie vo'lllg man coiiiu i . . : sounds of approaching footsteps in the nw walk that ltd from the street gate. wire narrow Clara li-teiied fs-r a moiiiMit, and then spring- ing to her feet she exclaimed, jfortal.ie where you art, for ot late I have " Fly, William ! for Heaven's sake, fiy. used this as a .tore-room for l ed clothe and .. ..i.l., .i. r. Im baa reliirtn d froiiiihenvr oarnieiils so vou will find plenty of bis walk tonigat earlier than usual." Alr.ady was the miser'a band on the latch, m.d ibrri. was. not a moment to be lot ; but; tint moment to be lost ; Uul ; how could the lou r escape unobserved ! for J the little parlor contained but one outlet. ; snd if W illiam attempted n:tes in that aof nn d, li.-n biie: t ben serinL-nig to t lie ,i.,,, -f . l.r. rlosi t that received air from .n.,,r,r" i,,t, tb e outer kitchen, he motionsd for the juung lini'i to enter, ; saying, " s,illC tt liliam, Come I l; W ill liOl open this door, and here you will bo sale till be has gone to bis chamber, and then I will let, e you out. I The old man's hand was on the latch of .1.. : ,1 il..,r ati nn time for! . . i' iii-iii- . lurtl.er remarKs am. M,ia, s, -,...., tne ciosei, uu in . in. ..i.e... "... , .i i.a a.1n.... i isra inrtuvii the key, and then went to the door to receive - her uncle. " 'Til a bitter cold gbt," muttcre d the .: . -- l.. ...., .il. ; n.l .l..o,i..;i...l ttisi I llllM'r, " liu tnn.t .-.vni. ... ... -..-I - - i .., behind the door of the room which wan' used for Parlor, sitting room, aye, and some times sleepinj-room too, wbtu the weather was intensely robl. It is cold. I'ncle Simon," answered the girl, going to bis side, and helping to divest the old man of bis outer covering J "but we have a good fireplace to warm you." " Too much, too much," return.! the miser ; snoui.in s w..e mn , . . .i-.. ....i. j his lips he ("rated himielf in the large arm - rbair that Clan bad drawn in front of the fire for bis ue. 'J he whole contour of the old man nhoweil thn miser No lineaments of benevolence marked his withered brow, and why ehould ther.: ! fur to no hitman being did he ever give even a pleasant word of eneouraetnent to cheer him in the path of duty. To him all appeals from the orphan and widow fell on closed ear, and in the proportion that ho kept aloof from mankind, did they keep far from him. The old gallc-roofed house where be first drew breath, and where he now resided, descended to Lira from his father; be scarcely ever went so far from it that he could not look back aud behold it, save at dunk, when it was bis custom to sally forth, eane in hand, for a 1on walk; it was on fnese weli-known iweaslon thit William harle would call and spend a short time wttn his tieiovea t;iara. Once or twice the miser had caught him there, and when he learned from inquiry that he was poor, be bade him begone, and say nothing more to his niece. It was now ninny weeks since that command was given, and he had never met with the voutip man isincc; 0 tie liaj almost cau'l to tbinl: j ' about him. . j j Tor a liltle while the old man sat by the j fire, resting his coarse shoes against the j ( andiions ; the.' turning to his ciece, he said : " Vou lnsj go up and pet my bed-gown I rbail ideep here to-night, it is so cold. , What makes you look so strangely, t'l.iry ' , Are you nfraid I shall spoil the parbr bed, i or are theso old fashione.l ways olfen-ive to ' you? My parents ued to have a bed in this ; rootn.ai.dl ahull hav one here tn aa lour. i ' own tins old hou. tt lien 1 am gone, vou can do just as you have a mind to. ( ). I have no objection to vo ir tlcepin bf re, uncle,"' laid Clan, rising, and averting bar head lb at he mi'-bt tint "e her emotion ; and then stepping to the farther corner of : .t . i . ii i.i ... i . mo room, me turned naen trie w:.ne sueers of a high post, cinopy-torped bedstead, and reuioved from the patchwork q'lilt various little articles of her own that had lam there "Are via coin" to eet mv bed-own. Clara, to niirht T" inouired thii miser, in a sharp tone, and tiriiin" his head to see what t!lP ' ir w doTn-. - ee- " . J6'. J'1'. uncle ; I will go now, was answered, rallier abstractedly; and then tripping lightly across the bare floor, Clara went out. i She did not go dircctlv lo the chamber occupied by the o'd man when the weather was mild, but pisjU(j around to the-olJ fashioned kitchen, she stepped near the ion:, narrow arierture. where in bv-irone dav 'dishes were passed to and fro from the large lyree crod, closet to the kitchen, "Wiiliatn1 William she wiiisp fteaat.t!y. I fear vou will have t remain a in iso'ier r. here you are to nicht. for uncle has taken a fancy to ejei-p in tne parlor to- night. lou know 1 have often told y" . !.. .u r...i i. i i - :.. t.ij : i.. i. lll'" w.'i-IAoejutjn ii ini,iui-i .i.- u-3 . 1 will have a led where he pleases, and sleep 1 1fr(i to(),. I "V, llnut not, Clara, Icr I am never absent from home wilhout Ii tting my widow- cd tnot ner know the cause of. my absence ; mi i iiii-ij, 1-.IU, 1 1 llieil" miuii ill lh: mi .iisnii . i .t ... . , .. :c .l ..i i.i i. - - -i h"mc nge of vi uu-, iiij im-ii .i.i lunm nij .-ii. - r -:n .1-. their captain's absence, w hen they know that I nave not gone away from the city. .. I I... It t, .,! i ),",., vn.i sbon',1 're. .no' it is too bad that yo William," answeied the i .i i . main, iA nliain, answeied the girl, trcmu- !...'. . i.i ... !. J :r lousiy ; ui un orn r . II l"U sun io p j--i out and uncle should see y j j, he would d j u bi h:m t b n ti' ned . Yierhrina llinrr. for lie . , i . , , i in' is a bad tempered man when lie is aroused. is soundly sleeping, I will unlock the uoor f.., il';,;,l. m.l r..'.-.no inrseif " " I thought of that way," answered Clara ; " but then 1 recollected that owing to some detect in tin) iock, tlie i;ey wi.i not usten "' icci m mo iot.it, nn- it.j win nvv u.-.. i nor unfasten the closet door on the inside, Rut don't lie so anxious about going away to - night, William ; you can be perfectly com jquilts and comforters on the shelves at" the right hand. Do stay here, dear William," she continued, imploringly ; "tor w. wnni she continued, imploringly ; "for should 1 do if inu la should find out you were iu tUo Lou'e, or that I had deceived; him . ' "If you wish, after uncle has retired, I ! w ill pass noiselessly out the back way, and j go down the street to your mother's house,; and tell her the cause of your absence." "Aud will j on arouse your uncle, an 1 release mo. either privati ly or otherwise if the fire bells ring ?" j " I will." I " l hen 1 wnl try to rest contented, tor i- would not add to my mother's sorrow bv absenting myself from home without her " knowing the can-c, nor would I like to with-1 tatil the quiizing of the company if I did HOI B ppear WIICIl tecue l. JUlipiaj iiujw me from my place of conlineinetit us early as possible. .... t.'-it' i. -i . .... fs, oiin...iU..t.. j , early and " ; " C!larv. are VOU never COtning with my ; -w i ea, nullum, Olit....) ii ,i . . v . j t. - .l ll... I In bind sbnrti tone - .'.-b " " ,y " ' . , .... teAiti inn nnrntr ninir. n vun iiiui, i imi -,r .f . " - . ,r,t:,l come am. g.- .k iiiywt J" ' -' t" , vou . t Ch.ra sprang irom tne Kitcncn io crry ueri .. . t.l - l.-t- iinrla while the young firemen, as he turned j -- - , n , awav mid began to arrange a tcc in the long" but not very wide closet, muttered a cur-e on the n'lset s unity ncari. uau me weather been warm, the young mau could not have been comfortable in the place where he. now found himself, although the aperture in the rear of the closet was not very small ; but the night was intensely cold, '.iaKiug ouly a small current er air acceptable. Tiers of comforter, did the young man ; then divesting him-iclf of hi e nt, he closely ! wrnppod himaelf in a blanket", and laid .im. I aelf oi the nile to aleen. Wb tt'iara naaneil ' tbroub the kitchen on her w u to her own 1 is a vvrjr decided exhibition of a desire, on J chamber, she paused for a mon'vut nd aked the part of the South, to aasert it proper of Wiiliatn, '" ! claium to intellectual position. Ju our " Old j " Will your mother not bt v,'ry with me ' North Stale " the tendency Feenu to be to for detaining you here !" . revive the ancient chronicles, to explore the J " No, dcareut, no ; she lo you too well province of local hi.-itory, and to j;lean all i to think that you could be ti biamo iu any- 'poniblo records, from legend and tradition, i tbinjr you mijiht do." ' .which fhall supply the written chronicle j " Well, truly, I thought tlr-i 'ne!e wnUH ' when defective. It gladj us to know that have a firo made in his cbea '.er to-uicht, Pr. Hawks a native of North Carolina U and sleep there, or I might have devised now engaged on a regular history of that (some other pbm for you t e-cipe. You''tate, which will, no don'tit, render itn mijfhl have hidden under t'ic Ved in the Colonial und Revolutionary annal complete, corner of the room, and tb then uncle We are told that he baa made eonidcrable wa asleep you could have ,. j out." : progress in bis work, and that we shall noon " Well, never mind, dea-; -Jim vrycom- be put in possession cf it. Meanwhile, it is ' jrta'-l. near. aW.-;;-,(j when ' f' W know that ctlir minds have been very severe, and vou mar tret sick I am" so sorry, Clara, dear, that my imrirudeitce has caused vou so tuueh ttouble." " O. I will take rtd care of myself ! never fear." " 1 shall be itnpaiitnt till your return." This conversation vas carried on in a verv ! low whisper, but evenif the lovers had spoken louder no found coild have been hnrU by the old man, for tine had blunted his once acute sen-e of hear n?. to nr. Jo.vriNUEn. Samuel W. rndy, who died in torvn last J-ri,nv, was oho jf the three survivors of the lade massacre in the Florida war, and was a soldier in the whole of the Scott ;..n i.. M.i k i"h.r.a,li..f.e h wn t,rexun-t anion tho-6 W ho scaled t lie . . .i I I wall-, and was so severely wounded as to be at lirst reported in the H-t of the killed, " . . . rst rep .rted in the Iit of the killel. mis nor.ier struggle me .uemoir oi nr. ueei, ui-.oen (oi;r.-si, i lain, were accomnanied to their la't Caldwell gives an excellent account, and the j collection a couple of treatises on " Malaria." rdace Saturdiv afternoon by the'ork is one that is absolutely essential to bv Charles K. .Johnson, M. D., of Raleigh. ... J , , ,, -1 , ,. ,(i. it.i. :.n. 1. Ills rem: re'tin'T Morcan Cotitinentals with militarv honors. , . . r. . '. ' V 'iuchesfff liCfiUii-fin. A ramrod was t-hot ihrounh a boy's betid "t Rockland (Maine) last Tuesday, a gun having gone off while another hoy was load- i"g it. The rod entered near the right angle of the right eye of John L. Craig, came out 1,1 the ri-ht oi tlie grcate-t promiuence in inc back pait of the he.-d, the point protruding about f-ur inches, and it stuck so closely 't 'ho bone that a hammer was used to drive it back. Notwithstanding the severity and delicacy of the wound, the boy may rc- cover. Dkatii from THE BlTKOF A FriTER. A lady named Ann Klira 'Jjler, died sudden- .auy iinmeu Ann r.nza j yier, nieu suuhcu- ly on lat Thursday night, in Richmoud, ( Va.,) from the bite of a spider. he was linen on the ri;-ht cheek, the niiht before, and died the followiiii; evening from 'he effects. jN OlICC f l(llullr tlOI'Sg (III (I LOT KOi: SALK Oil KENT, y M II K subscribers offer their w II - ' 1N,IIII.I',.I 1...I. Ill ti. I..U-I. ..f e-e-1f!f4 si -prove, PJ!R. iiarlott, , for sale or reiit. situ ited in the iriistern portion "I tiie town, know n aa the li moan property, cont..nn ig 4 lot 1 ' u i. improved lot. are very .!enri.lc tmilding I.oin. A ppl V to Jol.n it . I r.airl. ALLISON tt PANIEL. Antr . VI J .,G. I'l I K p li'our Pinna's in Tunc! f My) tlie Citicna of Clin r lottc inn! ieinity. The SL sni.M-riber h:.vine otltn been eulbti upon, hrir ovine arrn0emt oils by wbieh he i prep.irfd t.. tune nod ri piur Piano Fortefi, M. indi nns, iVc. Vciir I' .IrooJiee ia respt-clibliy sobc-ti-d. a .......-.... ' .. .... ."-'.. v 1 --, .Tt lil.-IW ... 1.. I..O .1 l.... t. I..'. More, or Iir. t hi a Apotncesrv Mure. ASA GEORGE .-t-.j. Co, iftr.fi. artf F. AM'KKSllV. V V. UKYM. Mils'. mi:i:so. v iti-:v.Aoiaiw, -f - "-- f -s r. a fy.y - - -.t- .- .:,. r j Ii. - MI-IICHAXTS. !. 10, lton:i . Squill e, fay artn-e nti NORFOLK, 'M.. nlion to the sale of Floor snd oth er In i." s f Trounce,, aio.dinu unn. e, ss.irv cb..r. gt a ao nut prompt returns. . Vfifirsia 'f-S ',;,, VITK M I Tl'Al iWi: SCV. ooifANVr ,, io take ri.Ua .esint .. i.v I.... on II.,,,., . liooo. rro.hi,-. if..i usual rat. s. iroflicr in Prawlej Ii-ilding, tiP.t.iira. MHKi Tons: M. 15. TAYLOR, President. S. F. A 1 . 1 1 X A N 1 1 E R . l'i tr J'rni.ltn:. .1. A. Ol'NG, J. 11. WHITE. .1.11. CARSON, C. OVERMAN, A. C. STEELE, Executive ( 'am m it tee. J. H. WILSON, Attorney. V.. N V Y. HUTCHISON, Secret,., y U, lsi.-.f,. S.'ilf .sP k'OUCC. N conskCiCKNcI: "f having lo.t by n,e fiic tf w h,, , oeeorred in tos plu-e, on the limnung of the gnh ot May l, various .otrs and claims ":"n c.iinl t ntimeiotiM persnns in this and adjoining ,'H wlt.rrt notes ni"l claims, being the prop. rrty of A. I Steele , A . H. Illlireft I o., a lid ol h. crs, whu-h wt-rc pl..t-e in my Imuit for e.-lli cti..n : All nemcna. therefore, span, nt Whom SUV of aoeh einioia are atill alanoinc unsettled, ate her. -I.v illl- lv n,,.rt. .,,, ,." .v pp,.ar i.,,,,,,,,,;,, - ed eb-.r ...o the aaioe, by note or rnah, r-hnll u ,.M,. ll.-.l to file, forthwith. Hilts in l.qin.y.tm re. rv sunn- subp-rtinc such p. rs.-i.s :o aa.iiuonai and tin. nt:'i'ss.iry coeta. 3. W. PA VIS. tf Cl.n'oUr.Junl 17, 1 J 0 5 . I' 3 0 " 3 ? I SO H-ilJ. CAS 1, IHJ. It. 71. 'HK Tit. I. be ple.Hfri to recp.se Prnfes.inl.al ("nils in the dep.artnn llts of MKUIClM-i in.i iSl'HUKItY. t'lileas prolras.o.i ally aharlif, lie hr found at hi resiri.aec, fort Mill Ih-pot York ILaun I S. t Vf. 12. Ifii. tf It ia incumbent upon us to report the i doinpa in literature of our i-ter tntes, an. 1 ara reiniec tn av l,i i .11 l.n.Hg iln.r I body of local literature which has been ireceutly put forth by citizens of North Car- olina, calculated equally to enrich her re- sources in iiittc-v. and to establi-h her cbiims to the possesion of writers rjnite equal to the assertion of her intellect. Anioiii? these laborers we mention with pleasure the name ' of Rev. Ir. Caruthers, known loojr itpo to ' the litrriry and religions public of t!i South i by his Memoir of the Rev. Dr. Caldwell, one 'of the Revolutionary fathers of the H!'l ' North State. This memoir of Dr. Caldwell j is, in Uct, not simply a narrative of his in- dividual life, but a very good account of the ' first beginnings of the Revolutionary conflict , in the upper part of North Carolina, extend - ing to the enriioat demonstration', in the 'same direction, of the ancient Regulators when thev tried the odds with Gov. Trvon il.. iiUMf.f V...I I' 1: "--I un: oyil yi .onil cannula, hi nc n;ii .ii.i i i.i j ,f .i . i .r emeu uy me i.e'jmcn. m mc uiso'tj ui j this border struggle the Memoir of Dr. , every student w ho would make himself ; . : .i .i ..i i i . . r . i famiiiar with the early chronicles of the i South. It.-. Caruthers has not stopt at this labor, J,ut ;,), )a,inul,le industry and patriotism . has iriven us two other intercstiti2 volumes ! of Memoirs on the subject of the early hi-! tory and biojrraphy of North Carolina. The-'O are called " 'ihe Md North State in 1,70 first and second series. ' I hey are collections from manuscript and oral oourcen, and supply the local history in various pre-i cincts in North Carolina, eivinv detailed ac- counts of various pi. blic events, which bith-r- to have b en di.-misscd carelessly by the historian; bioeraphies of remarkable indi-; vidua!, and anecdotes of others, all of whom were more or less concerned in the local struggle. These narratives are curious, n i uu. iur?c nai rtMi:s mc ..unui, lively, instructive, and greatly assist in fill- ing up the gaps in our gcnernl history. The compiler deserves ereat credit for his pains- takiuj, leal anil patriotism; he writes in good stj le, simply , without affectation or our catalogue b.iw only a small portion of ambition, loosely and carelessly at titties, 1 what our sister Slate has done and isdoin?. but always intelligibly and to the point. These volumes we picked up in a hurried He properly seeks to do justice to the Old progress through a portion only of North North State, whose services in the Revolu- .Carolina. No doubt a large number of tion it has pleased our historians to slur writings, of various classes and various de over; as is too much the. case s:.th their , grees cf merit, have illustrated, locslly, the treatment of all our Southern history. II is! wind of that region, of which ours has no error is in generalizing a little too freely, I knowledge. I'.ut, wc thould like to know, and of exaggerating the importance of cer- and we nrpen! earnestly t the press of the tain of his topics, lie has, besides been too much disposed to take his statements upon ,ru,. Wc ara reeiiircu, w.ien getting oral testimony, fu long after the event, to insti-j tutc a sharp cross examination of the testi- f.v'n? parties, to take assertion rr?i prano. and never to forget the slwsvs suspicious attitude nf n w!tr.ens srVici crimps forward wit h 1 Li revelation u-islly in his own behalf recent number ot the New Orleans Creole, long after ai! other witnesses are dead.:"' End a very interest, description of an These" witnesses must never be allowed to establishment in that city from the maun disturb or assail the " written record," at fieture of oil from cotton seed. After de gllc R late day, which tiny never ventured to attack when the writers or their witnesses heretofore been regarded as usetul were living. We cannot give too much head only for the purpose of manure. It has to this rule ; if wc disregard it, it ii doubtful i nothing to the value of Southern pro whether we shall be allowed to have a single ! duction ; but it h now shown to be litt.e m unmutiliitcd record, and we shall be required ,ferior in inlriu-ic value to the silky fit.re in to reverse most of our historical judgments. ! ','ioh " ' "closed. The eital lishmetit to (If the same class with these writing' of.chwe allude. produces five hundred bar Dr. Caruthers, i, a neat volume of Lectures, rcls of oil per day, from the dry cotton seed, entitled " Rtvolu'innary Jlistont nf Xrfh A novel and beautiful piece ol machinery Ctrolira ," from the several pens of r.rjW.'" it with tho utmost precision and the Hawks, and the Hons. V. I.. Swaiu and Wm. 'greatest rapidity, leaving the oily meat free A. Graham, to which is prefixed a sketch of .from every foreign substance. Kxpo-ed to the Rattle of the Alamance, Ac, of tlie i considerable heat, and subjected to pre Regulators wi'.b the Colonial lovernm-nt s sure, oil is produced, which, by a n"w compiled by Win. D. Cooke, A. M., by whom the nice little volume has been edited. This'ior every purpo-e lorwuieu n:,..-, ia,u,u, narrative, and theso lectures, are all well; Prm oil is adapted. To-day, it is used on written. Thev deal mostly iu the cenerali-1 tiesrf the snhieet. avoidin". .letails as Ineon - f 8 f the subject, avoiding details Hstcnt with the lecture form of com position;!'" " . .. ... i , but they grasp tne su Licet completely, an i without detail's, the reader wiil be able to gather from these lectures a very succinct alld n,ottl. r(M.rr(,t i(),.aof the claims of Nort)j (jarolin;l durina the RevolutionaTT ..;, M l,. .t,. is lifll. nrimeJ with fine illustrations, ,d is altogether ! P' ln motion. .i,.nexi.rriU,ri.l, aru. ' worthy of gi neral perusal. Like the voluir.es of the accumulation of the waste hn.ls has of Caruth, rs.it well .le-erves a place in alljWn shipp' 'ort!l " ""rk-d into cur libraries. We welcome it to ours. Ibookdiinders' boards, for which p-irpose this j ignite an interesting narrative of the Life j material is believed to be admirably adapted, sod Character of the celebrated Flora (fix months have not yet elapsed since the McDonald, has been civet. t.s also, in the hnarbinery was set in motion, ad n.'w the form of a Lecture by" Jas. Ranks, E'tp. ef;il ''5 fi"1'-'-' i"y iio the country in Favettcville. N. C, which wc have read w ith I preference to lard tr sperm oil, end n f.r pleasure and instruction. No doubt, with sale in many establishments of tin city a liltle more research, the author w ould tie (The sale is quite equal to ;he possibility o. nV.l t Tnnnd this lecture into a nice little i production. volume Nor has tbe State Oovernnirnt been :n- (lifferelit. while ber sns have shown then. - selves so honorably bu-v, in adding to the .- , . - . 1. "l 11 . pioois 01 ner irieiieciuai acuviry. iicrt" lit I n htir well frit-ted octavo a " (leological : i;,.rnrt of the Midland Counties of North t ' i'ari.!j., " by J-.beiieier l-muioin illiptra- , ;.,,..,...:,. a volume of lar -e n-cs , ,,;,. c ,), .r.,t .. the development of the r.atura of the country. This work will be followed i has been shown to TtlTany A Ellis, the well by others cf the same class, carrying out known Itrsadway jewelers, who estimated the survey through all portions of the Htnte. ; its ralue at 51 ,t)!0, and off' red ! i ad vattpe The ll'cvernment of North Carolina has g: 00 en it. It lacks the peculiar tint cf the r'one. and is doing, more. It ha sln.w n a i Ka-teru pearl; otherwise its '.' would laudable real in the cause of education ; has put her public schools on a good foundation, and has created the office nf a State Superin tendent of Common Schools, who is entrus ted with the whole duty of systematizing their aotion uudt-r an uniform and general rJ-UMBBIl taw aaw ail iaaa a ! i n mtaaaa nm f i 1 i erganlfation. Hi powers extend oven to Ccrr,,.,o,--.,.. of.',,. .WW- Daih, normt. ! the preparation of the proper sohool book ; A MAN IN THE RAPIDS OF .NIAGARA. one of which a " North Carolina Reader " NrAOinA Crrr, March 31 2 j o'clock. i- t ... - ;i .. .. i,-tV ! the preparation of the proper reboot books ; one of which a " North Carolina Reader " li before now a eoinuilatinn w'lieh ' largely includes tlie writir.pn of tiativea of the States, and all of that aort of raoterial; from its poetry, tradition and history uliieh would be liWy to animate the younw , ; learner with the love of birth place. The j present Superintendent of Common .Schools j of North Carolina, is the Rev. CM. Wiley, a gentleman who bus acquired a sonsideru- j hie reputation as a man of lettsrs ; to whom two owe in Historical Romance, called " Ala-j numce,'' founded on the War of (be Rejju-1 j lators, whieh forim so internti'ie a chapter I j in the history of the Old North .-'tnte. j Nor has the Muo of North Carolina been i ;silcnt. Here, for example, are two volumes,! , modestly ollud ." It ood Solo," which we j jowe lo the kindness of an unknown friend of I ; our pineere Ihanks lor nt euru 'pliment. These cotisi-t of seloetions from ! the writings of near fifty native poets of the old North State all of them exhibiting taste ; and cultivation, many of them grace and; 1 poetical sensibilities of the most protniring i I cliameter. The veri are all fugitive, as nui'lit M expected tiling" sl.cl like tlie ; j ar-jm.-i of flowers abm the highway s ; , fur we arc not. to expect Homers r h-re there : -are no atdirnera. The volumes are vety ; beautifully printed, atid edited ly a lady ; , 'J'ene ila the pretty fom iir jhnnrl we arc : ; told, of M rs. H". J. Clarke, v, bo has hr-r-rlf ; I written unite a number of the prettier! things . .in the collection. ! I It is a nr.mewhat abrupt tran-ilion to f.iss ! from po-try to pestilence ; but. in our array ! - f tbe recent tierforiiiances of our sist.-r " mi, , ,.- i r .-.im t-i iu p. . u ... v. . -.. itJ, - . M. ...... r 1 -n ..... In ?. ' i..Hr..:,....nn;.....i...... i.n- , .i... y ' " iounm-npei ... been lli-poed topres,; and we find in our Dr. . I olmson holds an enviable rank among i. : . v ...i. i ' l :.. H A K AUA hi profes-iou iu North Carolina, and these essays appear to us quite worthy of respect- : fill stu"iy. The writer hai aimed rather to 'clear '.; the old rubbish of theory on the sub-ct of Malaria, than to iiitroduro ariy :.ew ono of hisomi. He has shown how (utterly in conflict. Imw illogical, absurd, Icoiitrailictory, and baseless of truth, are large portion ot the received doctrines ; mil ' this is one great step gained towards getting at tho truth. All professions have their su- perstitious. and those of the medical, in rc- ipect ,o alaria, are perpetually divening us from t hose aspects of the subject from which, studied properly and without bins . from the past, we miL'bt at length behold the 'true genius of I'c-tilenc emerge, lint we have no space for iliscu'sion here, and mean u.n. ow r-.n.r .-..i mi. u-in m -. only to draw' attention to the work, as one 'of the recent issues of the North Carolina prep. Far the present, we have done. Ofcnttrse ; goo. 1 old North Stnte, to give us, from each j precinct, a ait-ilvgur raisonnrc, of the. local publications, such as we nave here in. per- fectly presented of a part ouly. ( 'lin h shut Mercury. Tun Xkiv t'srnr Cotton Sf r.- sending tlie process tne Lreoie says; i.orion ; elieuiical process ot c.anhestion. fecomes nt 1C tables of many ot our citizens, as o.ive : oil. It hums in the solar and astral lamps our parlors. It is used on machinery as I . I .. ..a . ... . nH nntv.ri iinif tfOer nor. "'--' - " 1 - .. . ! rose for which hno nativo or foreign oil is ' needed. The eslnbltshnient is self-tistu:n- in-- The rcf.ise hulls furnish the fuel tt i dri va the engines. Not a s'lijle slick of wool i haiw bsen purchased since the machinery was A Jr..rv 11 -itkvknt : ii-re appears i to be considerable excitement at ratter-en, IN. ,T in regard to the fin. ling ct about throe ' I .1.1 . . n 1.. rr,..inl .1...1U (l,u HUT'. n;cn j'--u i ir.'i '' affair seeming likely lo transform the Jersey 1a into a ne w East Indies. The New W-rk . . - Tribune lias the 1 l. owing ! A friend Ur -e as a nua.i !i:ar!.:s , not a piece ol eh a he almost hirredib le. ir.tman woo owns it has a'res.ly sold small pearls to the amount cf ? -O'b Everybody is on the search, snd whatever miy be the result there is svident'v no Uk of muscle at the diggings." I have just returned from a most ereifirje and thrilling scene, which happily terminated in tb rescue of a man who had fallen into the fiir'ons rapids rear h great Suspension l.ridoe It appeirs that he was a g'cst cf the Lud low Hotel, and after breakfast went out to view the bridge, and proceeded down the perilous steps near Winner's Souring mill, on the bank ot the river. On reacning the bottom he slipped and fell into water just above the br;dg, r-nd when discovered was thirty or forty rods bebow the bridge, near the shore, rolling over and over, borne alonr by the resistless Current, tin til he caught bold of a large roek, and n'er some fruitless strttcalcs succeeded in reaching tSe top. Th nlarra was imnediatcly given in the ..;,.'ij.-, hoop . nd it was soon decided that there w is no wy if le.M'uiig bi"i 1 j 1 y tii'-ans of a rpo and ladder. This was im mediately procured, and, nftcr much hesita tion, dU;., and altercation, occasioned by the diT'cul!y of deferniiniig where tj pla'S it, inasmuch a the man cctild not be seen from the projeeiing bank over bis head, it was lowered to the depth of perhaps a hun dred feet, and became entangled among the rods and trees. It was r.t once decided that some one mu"t "0 down to disentangle c it and conduct it dow n a far as the shelving rock over the man's head. Rut who anions; the crowd w as willing lo nndertake the haz ardous and doubtful experiment ? In a few mo'rei.ts Wm. V. Churn, porter of the Ludlow Ilott 1, v olunfeered his servires, and proceeded lo the plaet; where the ladder was attached to the trees. He needed as sistance, and soon two more hrve men, Anthony S'l.iley and Nats Crane, offered to go down. The three courageous men worked bravely for more than an hour in conducting the ladder down the precipice, while men nt the top carefully let it down. At Icn-tS the waiving of handkerchiefs and ebeerit.L'S on the Canada side indteatrd to ns that the man had sprung ft the shore from the rock and had begun to ascend the the ladder. Crane, the Dutch butcher, went down over the shelving rock to meet snd help the man up the ladder. But ho pre ferred to eliti.b up without help. Crone went below him, and in a Iv.v moments bis l aid lw ad was seen i-mrrging from below. What a thrill r( joy and dread at once per vaded the hearts of the multitude that wit nessed the exciting scene! Joy became of bis success thus far, and fear h-.-t, wet, cold, and a'most exhausted, he should lo bis bold on the ladder and be dashed to frag ments on the rocks a hundred fet below. I'.ut cautiously, aud with firm grasp and step, be climbed up the ladder, three hundred feet in length, and was greeted by the shouts and reclamations of speciators who Lad aaaeirhled to witness the nei ting scene. lie was f r n few moments borne on the shoulders of the exciting multitude, all were so anxious to congratulate him. As might have been expected, the mass of the people seemed to forget that the faithful, brave Hitch butcher was yet below. A few remained twar the top of the ladder to see him sate up and to speak words of commendation for his self-kf-cttin:: courage. The whole three displayed a nub Is heroism that will b'.ng be remembered to their credit. The rescued man, K. C Taylor by name, was from West W infield, Herkimer county. He is a L'eiitleman'y appearing man, fifty, seven years of age. From the C''iri:'i,;;i Ai'vncat". WALTERRORO' CHCRCH RUIINT. Mr. Editor: On Friday, March 27th, be tween the hours of twelve end two o'clock, the Methodist Episcopal Church in the town of Walt erboro' was ennur?ied by fire. Pass ing to my Mission. I o-eacbed the village in time to witness the conflagration. As I looked at the devouring element, my firct cnnvietion was " an enemy hath done this." From all I can learn, it is believed to have been the work of tho incendiary; but why a nd what oljeet is nn inexplicable mystery. 'The falling of the galleries in the old house seme two years ago, rendered a new build ing necessary, and after earnest begging and protracted effort, by Rev. A. W. Walker, aided by the brethren and friends in the circuit, a new and commodious bouc was erected, and had only been used some three or f vir times for religious worship. The old building was left standing had been used for a work room in dressing the lumber for tli" new, and in it the fire originated. My feelings on the occasion was indescribable, my heart grew sik within mc, and I con cluded the Lord surely has no work for Methodism to do in this place. Seeing two churches burning side by tide, aud no means nt hand to stay the flame, is a sight rarely seen. The adjoining fences sustained much injury. 'The benches aud sashes and pulpit furniture were saved, but in a damaged con iihii?n. A large debt is still unpaid on the new church. As a denomination we are literally butnt out of house and heme in the village, and. judging from the past, I fear it will be years before another Methodist Church is built here, if another is attempted. We t eg an interest in the sympathies and liberality of our people elscw here, and hope sucb. as can will send us lulp to pay for our liouso of worship which is now a ma.ss of siir'nldering ruins. Yours trul v, l'Al'l, A. M. WILLIAMS. Till CsT.r.vr CATASTitornr The it-pro- sioil that the world is to be at an end on tho 1 ;th of J.itio, is so prevalent iu ia'licia '!,: t the peasants are becoming somewhat diffi cult to manage. The poor ignorant ereatutes have been confirmed in the idea that the v have but a few more weeks to live by the abolition of the " passport torture " in Aus tria, and the reduction of the passport tax iu Russia. According to a r,...i-h corn s pondotit of the (tDeu;sch P'st, ti e low. r classes express themselves as fo'i.tws ; " N i one now tvot.blcs himself about the wiv! J and its inbal itst.t. A R'! can go where he p'eascs, as it i . n ir a'l tha auii; wl.at'u, r be is here or in Au.ciicl.