OU) SCHOOL PRESBYTERIAN ASSEMBLY, LtxrviTn, Ky., May 20. Yesterday the delegates appointed to attend l!.o Congregational Association of Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Rhode Island, rc ported, nd tlii r reports represent that the two last named bodies had declined further correspondence with this assembly, oa the ground that the assembly decline any remonstrance from thoe bodies or their delegates on the subject of alaveholding. for the reason that continued correspondence under tbc circumstances would be inconis fe ut with the views and principles of these associations. The Massachusetts Associa tion did not adept this course, but sent down a proposition 10 adopt it for the considera tion of its subordinate associations. Rev. C. C Jones was appointed as prinei- j pal to preach the .innual sermon on domes- , tic missions, before the next General Asscni-, tly, and Pr J. L. Kirkpatrick his alternate. The order of the day was taken up, til : The consideration of tho report of the com mittee on th report of the board of foreign , missions, lief. IV. J. Lcigbton Wilson, one ! of the secretaries of the boar), who had hero seventeen years a missionary in Afriei, addressed the Assembly, during which he i stated that the tressurv is in debt over j $1 1 ,000. The receipts of the board for the j year have been : fr-m the churches SI 0-1, i 29; fro'n the U. S. t.overnment for Indian acboa'is 510.C;j; total S207.-H0. j Her. Pr. J. B. Adger made the report ! upon tbc report of the board, pending the , consideration of which be and Veveral per- eons addressed the as-en bi v. i Dr. Kingburv. for forty years a mission, ary anion? the Choctaw Indians, addressed j the assembly. Atnmg the Cboetaws, as the result of mii"nary labor, there are lti Miun-he. 1.60J members. There are com- . nun seboMs and Sabbath schools. There, is civil government, and the raee is com- , mingling with the white, and will soon cease to be a separate people. To-day the report of the board of cduev tion was made. The parochial cbools mini- : ber about 100 ; the Presbyterian academies 62; the colleges under svnodieil care !. Tee arc generally in a flourishing condi tion. The number nc studying for the ministry under tho patronng" of the board , is 3S3; whole number who have completed the coir"- -J.'i.iS. A resolution was abnpted appointing Dr.. J. W. Alexander and Dr. Robert Baird , j?-le;at"S to represent this assembly among the evan v Vi'-al bodies of Europe. Ir. II. Rreekinridge, from the commlHoe on bills and overtures, retorted, recommend- ; ins? the granting 'he petition for the forma tion of a new synod in Iowa. Overture No. 1. being a negative answer, to the iu.'-tijn. wh. tber the session of a , church hu l anv control over money in the ' ban Is of t d. ac?ns cortribute.l for the j V"ner;t of tb poor, was discussed till ad journal! lit. The tra-tees of the Union Thological : S. ni;isrv rfporied the rvhnle nnmbT of' students durin.; the year, completed the cuarse.O. LETTING POWX THE ARISTOCRACY. ; The e'cjni t Miss Maon. whose father' ha I made a sp'. ri'lid fortune as an enter- pr:-inu' draper and t-ii'.or. appeared at a j rr.3;riltioent nitertai'imert in royal apparel, i With that fiisti li vis ex"lu-ivenss for which rb latest com-rs into fa.-hioriaUe circles are the. mo-t r-imka le, sbi ref ined various t.fff r f ititrodnetioii. a5 she did ol wih to ei'erd th number of b.-r acq'laintai.ces : h-r friends were few and very select." Tbe b'luilf-i! Miss Taylor, radiatt with good-natured smiles, and once well aequail.t-1 ed with Mis' Mason wbt-n thy weut to the j public icbool in William street too ther. ; Boticed the hiuteur of her ancii-nt friend, wl.t was det.Tnr.Ded not to reco.-cize. o..e , who would only remind ber of ber former low estate. Rat Mi-s Taylor, the ro?ue, as clevr ashe was pretty, determined to bring ber up with a bort turn, an 1 rot submit to leir.g stubbed by one whose ancestral as sociations were na better than ber own Watcbins ber cbanee when the hsu'.-bty voung lad v was iu the mi Jrt of Ler i" , Miss Taylor wslked up and witn snilei of win cif g sweetuess, remarked " f have been thinking, my r.'fir Miss Mijin, that we ought to exoLang narnos.'' " Why, iudtcd ? ' " V, eiuse niy nam is Taylor, arid my father was a i"it atid roar name is Ma on, but your father was a tailor.'' Tbre vai a sc ne thei. but there wa no be'p f r it The little Miss Taylor bad tbe pleasure of fayir a very cut ti.i'.g, which was soon repeated in the ears of a dozen eireiel, an 1 the win wished to see her, but Hi p.-O'jl Miis Mi:u bit ber lip ia silence. COURTSHIP RY LKTTKK. A niarriare has jj-t come to oor ear", the eirc-Jtu stances e: iiue-'-trd i;b which are ouiewbat i.ovel, and wb'..:h,in tt.i-utrt-me-ty u,-iti'.rtf fact wjr.i, we dvttu wor'.jy of itcurd. Dr. G , a widower, of Nashville, a den tist, was war? tbut tbe'e existed in New II mii'.-iiire a vju'ig laiy of tiie name of Ji'l . l,dd heird that sha wa beautif .l. and I ii -sed with t;j j-e j:.liLca ftjus which would make his boine a bappy one. 'id niji t ti.e p.afe cf a mother lo kiT lill.e on--. ai..J bc 10 h.tii ail that a he'p Diate should b. He kt.ew the lady was ri--ji-i t il,ly eotit.'-rted, baling in yars pa.t fvritied ti.e ft' j.ai.'.ULC'.- ji feuiue uf L. r lui ,1'iiiiti r-la'nes. His bu-ifi-si was such th'it it precluded tbe po-sii.i.ty ia bis vi-itinjr 'he 'iranite tiitH, and eo ris'ved to wi:t to Mi-s II , acq-jaiht her ai-.h bis wishes, pro-p-( ts. te , si.il tiius commence a cvrr.--poirii-jce wh.cii iu tne did. be hoped Diil.t cc-eyre to i. -ii, a worthy pirtrer in the pith through lif.'. He wro'.e bisi lir-t I"tt-r ; it reci i'.ed a lorai.le an-er ; vti.. rs I . . -d in riiii k sueei-si'-n, and a pr' p'ifiofi nas luaie on I'r i s part ttrt t!.' y t'noj'd lueel iu tub, e.ty. Mil -.l.at tiere ti.e marriage enemouv ti. -o'. l lak place. Miss II. c ,i,-eiiti d, and last fji' lay uioiuing bolii the p-iilies ar rintd n ti.i- eiiv, at very m ariy liie tan.e b'-ur I r I, snivii.g by wai r, ai,d M;-n II. by rsi'r .aJ. AccorJii," to a.-'eemcnt tiity bwt'n stipp. l at liie liiirn-t IJou-e, and ia a f w Ii .urs a!er their arrival the jrailabt Doctor n'.i.-l.t !.' j r-. . .- of M:-i If , in troduced bin-., f, i 'n.f with tbe ap pearanee of his tr. ! ti.it w3, i,, te had to reason to li.n.is s!.- wri not ii.-cwi-e fi vorably iu pressed ar'aiiyed pr-iiii,iiiaries nou-.'ht out a fii- '!. .( t..' linn t.f J S A Co, who was ii-; at -Led !,r the Rev Dr F , and in a few hours the inaia wer in de 14 flesh of one fl'. sii and one I one ;" m.d the day they w re compamii rely stun ners, aw the wedded pair joirrnymj to wsrd their future home, in the city of Xu vi.ie C'.'i. ii 7 lines. "SV .. v A K l nrtlT 0 rnllllH (1 Ol M 1 IT CAB, CHARLOTTE: Tucstliiy, June 9 , 1S57. IT W'c u re ut1urized to nnnomirt; J KNN I NlS B. KEIflJ, Km., n a ('niiiihitr I'-r re-rleriiini lo the rtiT of uiii-riiir I'mirt Clerk, ti-r li-cklrn. buff ciimtr,at trie ensuing Au;.uM titt-lnMi. l'Wc are nultiDrired Itt amt.Miuce '.M. K. R Ell), Em)., n a t'amiiilite fur rr.( lirlimi lo tlf r-il'ire of t uiinlr Court Clerk, for .Mecklenburg county, at th ensuing August t-Iiclon. EfUving eonCuedon tbe Jury last week, we have bad very little time to devote to our editorial cMjmns. In f.ict another such a week would place us on the sick list. t fl!iillintifs iVe state asin that obituaries making over ten lines t ill not be inserted only as advertisements. We fee compelled to a dopt this rule and shall ttrictly adhere to it heieafti-r. Extra Cmirl. The txtra Tern, of tie Superior t'ourt, which commenced its session on tbe 1st did nut close until Saturday evening the Gtb. Judge Ellis used his best exertions to cx podi ite tbe business. The Court sat gene- rally from 9 in the morning until after 7 I o'clock. Several important suits were dis- j . . . , ., , posed off. The most important suit deeded .,4 il, ;il fia.n Cal.ari-ns I Al was the w,ll case f.om Cabarrus, J. M . , Lnj. rropouinlcr ts. A.J. 1 orke, and oth-1 ers, caveators. This suit drew a large l up a tho tou;h beef, and left us something , ' . . , , , ,. . j Pairymple a brakeman on the ash.ngton crowd of witnesses on both sides, aud took ! voutbful and Wer, but an army of Un 1 1 bc, Ion- Mr. W r.gkt of Indiana, Minis- j road. As far asis known, be wasoot a partici twodavsin iis iuvctiio,, fter a ra- ! ibou-and has scarcely made a bole in it. ter to Wlin, in place of Rrown present in-. pant :n the not, but was .truck by a chance two days , u, lu,lauca, on. After a fa J of .. h cumbent, recalled shot Hi. body will be taken to Raltimor. titut i-lnng cf both s.des.the case "jis$aid fiy those who profess to know, that Henry C. Murphy, of New ork, Mm.s- . by tbe morning tram. Several of the wound submitted to the Jury about 10 o'clock, on i tj.e wor)d owc8 us a li vi:if, aud if it ' tcr ,0 Netherlands, in place of Mr. lielmont, td will, it is thought, not survive. Friday night, and they rendered a verdict: auv'Ut j u luti iu idut vi e.uc 7riui. -V ... i , ..1 1. runrtL.. -.---.s-.. IhcDameron suit has been submitted arbitration. Our Ju.-t.ccs wnl be pu.as.ed i at this. I Much credit is certainly due to Judge l-n: r. 1 l. - .! 1. . Our Table I We have before us Russell's Magazine for; June. Tbe foLoiur i4 the table of cju-! ! ten!: lue Aggressive Nature of Clsri.-tiar.ity ; Stanzns "Isi-he not lovely;" Lstcourt; or, I The Memoirs of a Virginia (.tutlemao; A j jaj iJSj bl;cu tj,ere fc;ouj bave moved Leavtnworth Herald learns from Mr. Wil- cond ward to night, but it was checked by Year's Courtship; A Rraid of Auburn Hair; t0 ,n!enj the sentiment by striking out tbc . liams. who left Salt Lake City, April 15th, ' the ippearance of the artillery from Ralti-S-haet; A Few Thoughts on Southern Civili- j j d th - i beef " in its that Rrifham Voudit was carrvios thinrs ; more. z uiou; n i ressirig VA-nain nosers inr- garit Fuller Ossoli; " One Too Many " A , Tale of the Equinox; Sonnet Infancy; ! Charlonionf ; or. The Pride of the iliaec ;j Sonnet-" Grief dles like Joy," Slc. ; TLe i Sout!i-rn Quarterly Review ; Summer and : 1. .-K .--1... .1 Winter ; Victor Hugo ; Hope'- Oh '. lose- Uriu? p;ace,( or the Ligblauds of the Hud liest Hope ;" Nueces in the World : Aurora tQa leot,le bave alrfariy coniMeueed pack- L..-U.-U, r.i.i.ors iditie, Liierary .lonci. IVurson for July u also before us. We have recommended this periodical to our , - , ., readers time and acain a the cheapest in , . , , ' , the country. Ins afforded at S-, and the plates and patterns tbatare afforded during the. vtar is worth to every lady more than double tbe money. Address C. J. Peterson. , , 1"2 CLesnut street, I biiade-lpbta. We have received the Carolina Cultivator far May. It is afforded to Subscribers at jl peryear. Asiievii.LE Pl'Ei TATCR. We omitted to notice sooner the reappearance of this trriiu- Air.erican paper. We welcome it tc onr'sanctum. Il is under the manage- , ... ... ... .. . f Nf,. II V f'.J.K K .. A IT, uieut ui .'ie.-i5. il. i.. vu.iuu .uu v. ji Henry, KJkors. Hit)' I.AMA'lIn.N liY THK OOVKKNoIl. STATU OF NORTH CAROLINA. WtlKKtAS, TIIE LAST GlCNEKAL A.SSKM lil.y, by an act entitled, 44 A surplemen taiy act to take the scwe of the peorle of ttie State- relative to the proposed amend ment of the Constitution," did coact as fol- , ' j Whcrea", a hi'.! to amend the Constitution of ti e .-tale of North Carolina, has been r-a 1 in each house of the present General ' jU,s ', fooi 0f u, au, j Assembly on thr-c several days, aud agreed; For our part we love qui-t rurality in sum- The Co.mkt Prof. Mitchell, of Ciuciu to by tw t!,:rd of each louse respectively, m,r tirjei wL,.n ,!je d tUr ea , lnu. B8ti j,, , rcent ecture on astronomy, ridi- in tne precise woras lonowing: A tii.l to am,,, . .1 ll... i .T..t.iIiltr.n r.f !.,.,...- t.f N.-.l, .... v. j, . Caroiiua : , Whereas, at tbe f;ssion of the last Gene ral As-'tnbly. bt-LMtn aud held iu RaieiL-h. on the t iird Monday of November, iu the year of or Lord one thousand eight buti d'ed and tifty-four, a bill, entitled ' a bill to amend t'.e Coustilutiou of the .State of North Cai bi.ua, ' was read three times in each Uu.c of the said tjeLeral A.isi-ruLly, and s-retd to by three -fifths of the whole' num ber of me tubers of each house respectively. And whereas, tLe bi.i so agreed to bath be.'O duly published six months previous to the election of tho members of this pre'.et.t '.eneral As.cruMy, according to t'.e c. ijs.. 7:l"a " ' , C , ' l ": a;',l:"U- tained iu ti.e eond secticn of tbe said bill ; and it is liie intention, by this bill, to ajree to the pr. au ble and f.r-l section of the biil afor-aid. coi.t .ii.iri.' the said altcratiou of the Con-titutiou of ti,is .Stau: : And where as, a large number of the people are disfran chised by the freehold q ial:lication now re quired of voter for members of the Senate ; therofore. yi'i"'""iiiiwo , the ni'ite or iitrit't ,i a , una it is irie- , . ,1. , , , i,i run' ir.l 1,1 til' aiilmnil ii of the lr,W , , ,.,,.. i i i , I'eZk'l Vi u'r 1 r'rr.V A ', "7 f ' r". e'au-e of the th'rd seetnn of the first art.c o .., .: ...I..J. vi iu uiii-n.i-u '..iii.iiiii:..n, raiinen uy me I"'"" or .soiiii i.aroiina. oa ine secon 1 M . I.- , v i - , Muiidav of November, iu the vear of our l . ,. . i 1 . , ., I. Jld eiL-hlCeu LUliiie J and tLiriv-E.e I o - - j I V mmartAnA lo fend S follow! ! " TilW fl ft !'" f eae tunty-ore year, tm'firt nr iiulurali-ed citizen of the United States, and ulio hasbeen an in- habitant of the ttatv far twelve months im- and shall have paid public 'taxes, shall lie entitled to vote J or a member of the Senate for the district in which he resides." j i . r fr.t,nr nrorided bv to the Constitution of this State, as nubodi- mrnuueiupfel"S'ne"ay",a"y" cd in the preceding section, be submitted by the (lovernorto the tdeotde on the first Thursday in August, loi, sixty days no- lice having beengiveu in ten uewspapers NOW, TUKKEFORE, I do hereby give notice to all persona entitled to vote for members of the House of Commons, that polls will be ...t C..I 'ri,r.r!., v in Y u c- t t .V , by the t;heritrs of the rospee- August next live Counties, at the election precincts with in the fame, to take the teti.se of the said voters as to tho ratification of said amend ment to the Constitution of tho State those for ratification to voto with a written, or printed ticket " -17" om;" tho.se oppos ed thereto, to vote twill a similar ticket " Xot A proved." tliven under my band,.as Govern or of the tate of North Carolina, at L.S.I the Executive office in tbc City of j t!..lil, .!. lfliK rlv of Mar. A. D.. 1837 Ry the Governor : TIIOS. RRAGG. Pulasju CoyKR, rr.cc y. . F rt in our Correspondent. I Charleston, June 3, 1-57. The Fifth Regiment to be replaced in j '' tired hy the rioters. I cannot cive you anv thing very bright ! Florida by volunteers, who are to proceed to 1 be marines returned the fire of the rioters lo day neither shall f.-ive you a long dc- Jefb rson Harracks, and there await further nJ soon it was discovered that some Oveor tail of 'empty "sound tTud fury hignifyina 1 ordi-re. The Tenth Infantry are ordered ; fix persons were killed and twice as many nothin.'." I do not feel as though 1 shauld ' to Fort Leavenworth, eight companies at . wounded the larger portion of them inno trouble you with many words, and still fewer once, and two to leave at Forts Spelling and . " far as ascertamed. The accounts in ideas. I made rather a heavy dinner on ! Ridgcly as soon as they are relieved by tbe c.rculat.on are very contradictory. The tou.-h Charleston beef which cost cightecu , companies from the Second Regiment. marines are still in reserve at the City Hall, ccuu a pound, aud if I can digest that I ! The above movements will be made with Anticipating a large reinforcement of not shall have accomplished a good deal, with- the least possible delay. The military or- , " '' Baltimore in the 7 o clock train, di -estin.' ideas fit to be seen iritlie col- unins of a newspaper. I would write some Itn-.l l mn, ,n.lil.r ttiis 1,111. Vorf lilll llltf ft foJ ; ,,,, ,e i aul' otuu.a ! it WM .evolutionary ,tock, only one remove , , ,. , . r , , j- i . e i .1 from that winch bled and died to feed the ! ao diers of butiiptcr, M anon and t . re.uc. I. j lf j , , . t. i . don't feed us well, we can bring an action tT-.iiuf ir lAr nm rti,in i nv mip nan mm i nst r for ri.K 'i ril ons. ' tv tc has :U - j . arfl a1 ou tv ciri ad fine LouseSi an,j brave n,CU)rand fbionablc society, as lone as we have to live on short rations of touch . . ,ir I lit I innirrc a aitnr mil i lint ill. ; gc-st Richard the third offered his kingdom ; , lor a lioise but ! orse flush d vinulcs into! nothini; io tnv estimation U the side o-" a tender, fat young bullock ju-t ready for tbe .Km,e- 1 atrtck Henry, in one ot ls glow- in sr rieals to his fellow-citiiens of A'ircinia !..e.i.: . . j. .. i !....! r.n t,a i mliftr 1 fi ni'f. ff ft fft ft ri in tr t hrriisi'l ves independent of Great Britain, made to pn . ive me JibcrtT. or cive me death." gtelji an.j if jt bad been in Charleston, 1 1 fou,j )ave crricd it by a unanimous vote, especially if the beef was tender. As warrn weather is approaching our fasbionabl- Lirda of passage are preparing r ,),..:. .., ,,., vftr,u,.rn ... i itile bave alreadv eoniMcneed Lac- ' I J I ,ng up, aud before a gre?.t wbue the city will bave con.mer.etd U empty hself of. tliose who never dream of staying at home ; he? the tueremometcr is w degrees .u the shade, isome go to pleasant county retreats j in tht;r ow) euucy v;outhi t0 cott.J(,e ,0.1101) ; ! among the blue peaks of the mouMaius, to j ' villas nweitly nestiiiig anions the green trees ! ,f ' 1"1'1"3 i:, , 'he midst of glorious lawns, or surrounded ; by maje.tio oaks a.id elms. Rut f,r the j greater part go to what are termed, in fah- ionabie parlance, watering places, whi le one ! ', peeked away in clo'ets to sleep, fd at a ;table with huudreds, if i.ot thousands of' otiierSi like. a herd of swine or becve, and , - subjected toassilly andseuseless, and health-! destroying a round of fabionb!e follies and "'"igances as tc evil one everconcActed How Miicuiar it is that people will 4 bicfd ni v.ape .'lav, .sewpori auu .-araioi;a, wnen , ' , " , 1 . . , . n- : they "o about home with their pockets ro 1 . , E , , , , . , .' , tisiitiy buttoned and tin ir bowels of corn- i J passionate liberality never moved! Ho r ..... J . r . , , .. ,. ' - claim to a tbare of ordinary rationality and ... .,, , i . .discretion, win vote a uuict, cool, refresh-: . ' , . . , i I iu Lome, and comfortable meals a bore, - cin.iiih.r it id Ihnl in.,, atil wr.tni.ii l.n 1 ;i v ' ttlii.n I .n tKr. ri M,ilr i. ,iri nnir.li . 1.a nineties, and yet pay any price to be bud- , , r ' . ed by free negroes, at died and crowded, and starved, and intuit a Ifiiiiiiatile water. . . .. .. ..... . , . 1 me piaoe . J- ashio'. the desp-it that mak's . - ' many slaves fashion is tbe terms-rant, the ,!, ,:. ;,...,.l ,., .l.T ...'.-... , Jltot.. ,ltc U e !ovc lU C0UIjtrj j a;. .... .. . v . s JJS ,or tljere where we W(.rft Loru an,i r!1;,i Ti,,.r. .AI,..i,i i;ri annoying to us in hot bricks and mortar I ... . w. .. . . ... rv.....nii u.,. , 'I. with a blazin? summer sun pouring down , upon them. There is agony un-peakably connected with the very idea of hot hotels ! with long awning piazzas on sand banks ' t--...lt.t- i-....i.- - heated by the unmitigated rays of the rag- in.' trod of day, even though the roar of the 1 sa.t -eif may make music to the ear, and me ever hinging y- preak its I mm .cupped ( billows at your feet. We delight in rurjli- I ty, delight in a quel littie bamlet i'i some rasy vale, or upon tli? banks of some ir t sparkl'nar river. There it is we can about with book and fi-biiii; rod and eatch idea, or fi,h just as tbe circumst inees may seem to favor I thought when I commenced this running ' account of di-jointcd odds and ends, that I would hue given you some account of the ! I 1 1. . ..... i . v.: i... i i at the village of '.Mount Pleasant U tlie Pre.s of Clia-li .ton lo il.-lr ;.ii; l.r..il.. ' reu thru in the city, but I have not time to do it justice tveu if I felt ia the humor. It was one of the most nleasant and agreeable 1 re unions ii lias ever neea iiiv rood lortuue to ... - c- alien.. About fiftv Dersons set d isn to tin : .ii "uinny p.rsitis si i u own i tne , table, romr-tsed of rer resentat tes from liie ' i i r.rr- enratuesir om tin , C"jrf"fcf "r'l"1 T' tl":':tU M' v"-1"!" rulc'' '; hr ef nee;.. inn ami . ,1 n . . - . r..-. , . . . . ' agreeanic nours as it may ever be in v io'. lo speti'l affiiti. J',iet,ard leaduul , ... of the Courier, was nremdinff rifTiper ., I , hi r i ii . , , nr " John ll.nrt of t . Mrrcn.ru i I' . ' - - j " j , -. y I JoDt And to those two tbe party waa much i indebted for a large part of the enjoyment of the eveitinir On Monday evening Mr. cad on gave on entertainment to the press at bis house on " " 1 aud went oflf injin exceedingly pleasant and agreeable manner. Mr. Douglas, the May- or of Memphis was present, and some doieti I r 8i f u distant members of the press. i n.ll hours of the n.ominK, and then the :J " "ul" 6""" f.u, "u 1'". V"V " ASHLEY. CHARLOTTE FIRE KNGINE COM PANV, NO. 1. .-: .i.w.inf! u w .m, KverAiaa tnn..iinn ".I Saliinlut i n .1 una sr (latl.,) 54 o'clock, 1. M. . M of ie c held May 1 1 lb, 1807, tho following rcso!u tion was passed and ordered to be printed : lirsolved, TEat Leroy Springs, II, M. Pritehard, J. R. Kerr, J. L. Drown and L. (i. Junes be appointed a Committee to soli cito aid for the Company. MILITARY AFFAIRS. Wasiiimiton. June I General Scott, with the approbation of the President. I,s iust issued thn following orders : The two companies of ibe Second Dragoons tojupve from Fort Randall to were ,ucr 10 preserve tue peace, j ma or Fjyt Lcaqr: the Colonel of the Se-'derws tauntingly disregarded, when the conil" IiiifTTTav'ut'fach tbre compauiea of "ivel was wrested from its posaeasora. One that RegimetJrtwo to occupy Fort Suelling, t 'he marines was shot, and the most fear and one Fort TiidgelcT. ' i ful alarm prevailed, as frequent shots were ucrs were seni oy n-Kgrapn to uay uotn to -ew i ork anJ Lrareuwottb. t ,..snvnT t n Th "i,r ' . i . 7.J. AITOTNTMEM8 1 he l'resideut has made L af,p0inUuens ; .... , , . Hon. m. A. Richardson, of Illinois, Gov- ernor of elaka. it tlace of 31 r. Izard, j recaiieu at ms 1 own req jest. . ""aK " ' v-uu.su. . ..v 1 rii'ii - J 11 ; W Thompson, of New York, in place of Croskey, recalled. i V1"""'1 8' Fleurot- of New lork C0UDJcl , t0 Bordeaux, to fill a vacancy. i . ... to' V asiiinoton, June 3. I 'i;..v.,, ,!,,.' r Mlin r Mi'..or; l.i. UT t ,( - r II K All R II IP 1.1 I Till t I. .P. sjUperj,lU.0dtut of Indian Affairs, has been teit.cttd fur the Governonbip of Utah j Sr. Lou is. Juue 2. i IIlOH TIa.M'ED Doings IN Utah The with a high hiV.; it. 'respect to driving the Gentiles away. Judge Stiles, tbe U. S. Marshal, Surveyor General, aud a large number of emigrants, had been obliged to leave the territory. Washington'. Mav 30. o... r-i. c .1.. v.... .niniu i,d.int.i. Ul IUB .,.11, ii.vutu ,0 ,he i.aciGB fquaHron, has reported to the ,aTy liepartmeut that he has discovered a o.-cjicable and comcarativelv easv route for , M e,Bil 80r05S ,Le I:,lLluus of j)a. rleu' W Oblea:.s, June 1. Not a single bale of cotton was sold in our market to-day ; receipts of the day jo0 bales. Flour bigLcr. Frcigl.U to l.ivcr- pool 010. Gen. Walker left this city this afternoon, by tbe river, for Washington. At the municipal election to day, there was no oppoaitiou to tbe American ticket, A NovelCa.se. Several weeks since the UUiim i;iuivj ill' lit il IUU fill) iUIUV. I F.i 1 11 s u. i .n .i....... .u. . ...i r.i.'oft"e place called upon the tomunttioiiers r-i l, I i i r i Chesapeake, broke loose from ln r moorings j j f. ,i . . i i r u ana drifted out to sea ; and being fallen in -. , . , . i i r v- v i . Kill, i,T ft tiI.AAi.i.r l-.t.t.fl Irft.n N 1 rrlr . ... . J. . , . . ., A , this nort. was taken in tow at liie- n iniest of ' ..... I the people on board the light boat, and ', .' , ,. ,r . t roue hi in hero. Liiil-cceisiul eflerts hav- i i . i. r iiib been made to obtain compensation for , r i i .1 O ' of the schooner have commenced a libel suit . on the Admiralty side of the U. S. Court V. l.n llif.;n L'.... ., iiil 1' -iiiv w. t,ui; 1 . . 1 r . -.if. ..-,fcbiive,auew e..sc 11. .licwuifc , 1 1 1. .1 11 n t i' a 1 of Aaiiiin tv.t hit lit. inn i.t 1 I, S. ti .nl - ; :cuM ,e j,Ju4 o( a coiiion of comet1 ' . . . . . ... . . , Hltil tl)C cartni ,L(j remarked, iu relation to , ', 1,. :,i... ,rTs. ....1. ...... .r,,.. . .n v.. HJ; I . . I1IU, , I U Vl.ll, .11. T. .1.1 HI, L.V destroyed by a comet, that he could not tell, ' .. .1 but thought that 44 if we lived to meet such a catratropbe we thould pass the age of Methuselah about ten millious of years'." We think but very few people would be con- . . , . . lent to wait so long for such akpcctacle. Nervous ti-ot la mav take courage. There i( a good chance for them to die peaceably, aud iu a good old faebioned way r-..11- ..! arraigned before the Police Court, cbar-ed ,ri"'1' in tHe al aUm-bang manner of, with bavin - nolen a wateh. Tbe J.id.,c that uneful class of citizeDS, threw it down asked him what induced bun to commit the' "lL tucl fljree M to eplde a pistol within. I theft. The young man replied that, bavin I Tl-e P'1"' plodJ canister of powder,) been unwed lor some time, the doctor adV4"5 powder exploded the trunk, aud the ! vised bim to lake something, wbieh he bad tru"k exploded tbe baggage man, tumbling aecordindy done. Tbe Jud I -o aked what1''1" over heels ; aud served him right' had led 'him to select a ual h. " W h v " . i at ,uat- H such an accident could happen 1''' t'1" l,r',"",r, ' I thought if I only bad i 'he it iik that nature would woik a cure i TimiT Timm. Tbcy talked about tight; limes west of us, but we doubt whether liiry ,....!,.. ,i...... .. . i.,. ... i : vii'.iii .iiej . i r. iv'.ii':., ii-ii- I i i i j i . lat 9V have seen and b?ard be true if I e I , li,:i,,g , j,,c, one 0f our denizens sought , 10 of paper 44 dono by a certain b...k i to. ,,. 'The 44 bank" ' did " it r l-ivor, ill sir per cent, a month ! We . r.. not a !w,ed bow many months the paper ' . l l... .1... I .. I. : ii ' .... ri mi wiitmri mi timit lurnruiiiT . j- - i .. . ' vai.es in ui,coutits lb auvauce. ueiioil .. ... 1 i rcc i n4. WASiiiNatOH Monicipai. Klection Riot and jiloodshkd 1 iis w ilitary t ikdkk ed Out Tkooi's Snt for fuom Fout McIIcnrv. Wahiiinoton, June 1. Tbe municipal election held to day has been hotly contested, and there has been considerable fiohtiug and tome bloodshed ; at the polls. The executive authority, by ' the request of the mayor, has ordered out out the cty, and to preven an .mpropcr.n- ..... v is much excitement. SECOND DISPATCH. Wasiiinuton, June 1, P. M. The election to day resulted in serious disturbances at several of the places of vo ting, whereupou the mayor obtained from "'r ' . it .. , -resnieut an order to can out two coin panics of marines, having stated to him, ' upon the representation of reliable citizens, that a band of lawless persons, most of i hem .non-residents, had attacked one of the polls at w hich the annual election was in progress, and after maiming twenty good aud peace I able citlxens, had dispersed the commis sioners of election, and threatened further violence on any attempt to carry on the ' election. I The mayor sent tho marines to the North- , ern Liberties, whither the rioters had con- veyed a swivel. He commanded them to j d'"pcr'e, informing '.hem that the troops - .utu - p"- . receive mem vispatcues are saiu to nave been sent by some of tbe " Dug Uglies '' here for '"" wn.rdcf to come down to-morrow, " !f. '"'l lLe ""P1'00 'lh - i h.t mil rfeter them Tl e reets are nw (" o'clock) quiet with , 5,rer,s ore now K cioca; quier, wiid the exception of some squads ot drunken bruit ler. A mane the killed was Arclnbalu j jjiguii lumuir j lie cxpecicu 19 arrive from Baltimore about 9 o'clock, to relieve - .1 . - . LATER, The rioters have obtained another cannon, "od tur,at,,Q 10 dehtroy the bouM-l of the j mayor and Capt. Tyler, of the marines. I hnir t 'k n, i t rm m w A 1 a I. Kama m m tm,1 ,-uvi. ..... m.uicn . . v ... t ... u - '"tly been removed to placet of aafcty. T. J . , ., ' ., . r a . . . . 'na, n4 no steps are being taken by j ,J ,un"er lrout"e Wasminotos, June 1, midnight. The city is now nearly quiet. So far eight lives have been lot and some sixteen persons are wounded some seriously. An effort was made to renew the riot in tbe le- The Democrats have carried four of the seven wards, and have elected most of their candidates. Washington, June 21 A.M. All is now quii t. No further outbreak is apprehended. The Democrats have elected I their collector, recister, surveyor, aud ama- 1 i,irii of il i.ir nnimil J "J " "J I A strong guard of artillerymen are posted in the vicinity of the mayors resideuce and : 'hat of Capt. Tyler. Introduc tion or Yankee DouDLf to KuKorK. During tbe negotiations, at Ghent, of that treaty of peace to which I bave jut r I'iri i of that treaty of peace to which I bave juH; a.iuue-J, a fe.uval or baminet, or it may bave been a ball, was about to take place, at which it was proposed to pay the cus- tomary musical compliinent to r.il the Sove reigns who were either present or represented on the occasion. The sovereign people of tbe United States represented there, as you remember by Mr. Adams, Mr. Rayard, Mr. Cl-y, Mr. Jona. Russell, and Mr. (ial Iatin, were, of course, not to be overlooked ; i aud tbe musical conductor or band master to furnish bim with our national air (jur national air, said they, is Yankee Doodle. Yandee Dcodle, laid (he conductor, what is that ? Where shall I Cr.d it ! Ry whom was that? Where shall I find it! Rv . .... ' it eoinnosed ? Can von siinnlt mn with iKa score ? Tbe perplexity of the Coiiimissioncr I mittance, by wary diplomacy, pained a sight' niidable character. Tbe Gladeuitcs, orAr0 may be heller conceived than described. j of 'i" precious treasure, and then, by one i utc ,r"" lne Smioi, Pure farth. a ri'ic They were fairly at their wits' ends. They i "uddeccwJ d'etat of backshish and piastres,' ciated by Rrigbam and his adherents, hiv bad never imagined that ibey should Lave,' c"ied off five hundred Greek manuscripts,! f lte wonderfully increased their nutnberi cores of this sort !o settle and each turned to the other in despair. At last they be- j fr ages. I am not apprised of their nature; thought tbtni, io a bappy moment, tbal!or value, except tbat they belong to U,c ; there was a colored servant c" Mr. Clay's,' domain of e celesiastieal history and thenl-i who like so many of his race was a first rate : sT. n'l h I-arned Ioetor t.U.iehes i whistler, and who waa certain to know j 10 fm k'gn value, and wears tbe air of Yankee Doodle by heart. He waa sent for j conqueror. Not such was his success i accordingly, and tbe problem was solved ' ,ne Uonvent of Saba, between the Dead Sea ! without delay. The band master iotled down the air, as the Colored boy whistled . ..... it. and be Tore night, said .Mr. Adams, 1 an- Ti,iu -..... . 1... m. i svij.t w n.B .,1 ,U PU ..1.11V 11.11. IIIUl ' you would bardly bave known it, and it came out the next day in all the pride, pomp i arid circumstances of viol and hautboy, of j : drum, trumpet and cymbal, to tho edifies-! i tion of the Allied Sovereigns of Kurorx. and i '. .1 , . .. ... . 1 to the glorification of the United Sovereigns of America. II. (! Winthrrm't AiLlmt the JJanton Muticul J'estivul. A Fussy KXPLMHIO.I.-A barrirav man at the Central DcnoH esterdav. while handling I aemi-occasionally, it would be a l orious thing. It might kill a few baggage-smashers, but tbe community could endure that Ions ill euli.ideration of thn irnutlrr La ml lin.. which their biMf-o would receive. IUI. 'jalo Commercial. bh- c - .... Statue or W asiiinoton. Gov. Rrairc , k , , , . f s' of North Carolina, under a resoutou passed by tbe Legislature of tbi- State, has con- traeted will. W. J. Hubatd, of Richmond ... ' ssieniiiouu, fr the casting of a bronze statue of Wash- ington, after the ons now iu the Capitol of ( ' '1 . ti . i . i iruiuia. J lie worn i lo cost uiu . . . . . . ""' wlien umaiied is to bo p need iu Iront of lbs " J" "raiui me Capitol at Raleigh. THE OniO FtTGITIVK SLAVE CASE. A Speck or Civit, Wab. A tclegraphio dispatch published in tho Sun on Saturday gave an account of a violent resistance to the laws in Ohio. The Cincinnati Gmette of Friday has since brought us the following particulars! There baa been great excitement during the lust two days in Greece county, in this State, io consequence of the arrest of four individuals charged with aiding a slave to escape. On Tuesday, U. States Deputy Miirshal Churchill, accompanied by eleven assistants, left this city for Mechanicsburg, Champaign county, Ohio, eleven miles from L'rhaua, having with him a warrant issued by Commissioner Newhall for the arrest of Charles and Kdwurd Taylor, brothers, Rus sell Hyde and Hiram Guttridge, who, says tbe warrant, did, about the 'Hit day of Aug., lrt")G, harbor and conceal one Add Whito, a nerson owini? service and labor to Daniel G. White, of Flcn.iugsburg, Ky., who had, j that city on the 2 nh of March, .W, previous to said date, escaped into the Stale "cy were attacked by the enemy, some a . of Ohio and waa then fugitive from such j f00 strong. Four or five houra sharp fiJ. service and labor, so as to provent the dis-i iug took place, and then the foe was drfeB covery and arrest of said Add White. The ; jck itu los of more than 400 men. oiTeiice charged, it will be observed, is not T Americans fongbt behind bnrricadi-s, that tbe slave was aided in his escape from j "'"d lo"' " k'HeJ "! ''outthe(ail' his master in Kentucky hy the four accused wounded. All passed quietly it tti city persons, but that they sheltered and pro-1 fron '" until the 1 lib of April, tccted bim in Ohio ; or, in other words, they ! tbe euyi who had received rcinforcementi " put him through " on the underground from Gustemola and Leon, and now count, railroad. Tbe penalty for tbe offence is ai e( tou' "00 "lrnt "8"in wiled Genenl Cue of a tbousaud dollars and imprisonment. I Walker. The fighting only lasted until (j On Wednesday morning the deputy mar- j .o'clock in the morning. Again tho fue wM shal left I'rbana with his posse, in Mrd 1 driveu back, and with a loss of l.r0. Tbe carriages, and in Mcchanicsbuig, and the Americans, from their superior skill iui neighborhood, succeeded tn arresting the lour accused itiuivutuals. hiic the ar rests were iu progress tho most intense ex citemcnt was created in tho vicinitv. The news spread rapidly, and a determination i "K,T country men. r.acn report snowed t,jt was expressed to use every means the law I tne I'osta Kicana were becoming more die. provides to rescue the prisoners from tbe ; organized, and ibo hope was confide ntirm. hands of the 14 border ruffians," as the of-! eraincd that they would soon retire 'ft,, ficers were called, whose sole object it was ' t'' country they bad iuvaded. Thus il,in;, confidently, though erroneously, asserted, ! went on until the l!..lb of April, when Cap. was to take them over tu Kcutucky and I uin ''". of the L'uiteJ States wloop of lynch them. j war St. Mary's, sent an officer to the city -to A writ of hala corpus was procured , proffer to all the ladies a safo escort fr',, from a judge in Champaign county, and the j ti,e r'aco. This was accepted, and many ,f aberiff attempted to serve it; but before hc!b useless of the men retired could do so the officers had conducted the ! them. The abscence of all thce men mit; prisoners beyond tbe bounds of the county. I him feel stronger, as some were diby A second warrant was then procured in : "4' others mere loafers. His proviinnfr Clark county. The sheriff in thia instance ; oo ofTT abundant, and less mouths lo fc..J pursued and came up with the party ; but were al o a consideration, they refused to obey the writ. The flieri4!; (,,a a",l April, Capt. Davis agsig ,n not having force to compel obedience, they' to bim, informing bim for the firt time ef proceeded on their journey to this city. A ! failure of ('ol. Lockridge, and addm; tb third writ was then obtained in Green'coun-j uis eau? Rivas was hopeless, and it woj'd tv, and the sheriff of that county, with his: fr him to take sbelUronbo.nl tie vwie, served it upon tbe United States of-j ' Mary's. The General was unwilling ts ficers at six o'clock yctcrday morning, in lioten to this counsel, but agreed lo let Gen Jamestown. j Hennitifseo uu another of his officeriutte The United States oEeers resented the : interview with Capt. Davis. They re act of the county officers in iming their j turned to inform him that the Captain m horses' reins before making know :u their ; peremptory in his ton, and had threatewi business. A warm altercation ensued. Tbe; f itil ,h,0 Niearaguan schooner leaned., sheriff and his men were assisted by an ex-1 if opposition to his wihea were maintiiard cited crowd of two or three hundred per-! Finding that he bad an opponent to deal sons. Rifles and pistols were displayed I with that he had not couutcd on, the Gene The tnarshtl aud bis men drew their we spon",1 ''' disabled, much lo the aud several shots were fired. Mr. Churchill '. noyance of Capt. liavis, and leaving bb sick discharged bis revolver at tbe erowJ, but no nJ wunded to the care of their surgow one was injured. j na 'he protection of the American fi;, t The ceofliet was sharp and stubborn, but 'B company with his staffof sixteen oft . superior numbers prevailed, and tbe deputy ' proceeded, aome inounlcd on foot, to gi. marshal, with al! his posse, were made ' Ju M Sur, a distance of twenty n.ilee prioners; aud a dipatcb received yester-j Tuis was on tbe eveningof th first of Mt. day afternoou stated that they were to be ' The journey was accomplished in fi urLoir., sent last night to Springfield for trial. 1 ! oon after nlibtfall they wtre mtUA At Springfield at ono o'clock yesterday,) a board. Tbe sloop bore them loPinisit, Deputy Marshal Keifer arrested Isaac Sar-, wb1" 'P1- I1" went on board the Com- gent on a aimilar charge to that made against moaore a suips. euers oi me urorrli the others, and brought him to this city,' awaiting bim here frc-s .friends bo wai bii where be was held by Commissioner Newhall anxioua to hear from were withheld from in S1,5()U bail for examination next wek. him and ihe Com-nodore led him pUinlr W A dispatch, dated Cinciuuati, May 2l, infer, that while the General remained tr-r,, adds : ' he would be treated as a prisoner. W-ti The United States marshal telegraphed ' b!",'ff b '""" "bt K"' the Secretary of the Interior to-d. for in-1 l"-T n n' eTeolcf BMC struclions regarding the arrest and imprison-j ,be reached this t.ty. mcnt of the U. S. officers, but tbe nature of' -the instruction received in reply h is not yetj iMrnr.STlNO IntkU Ioxn b irom .''al? ; trat-pired. Judge Leavi : Judge'Usued a avitt. United States Distri. r- Judge, i.sued a writ of habeas corpus to dsv. I SI1J the marshal has gone to Springfi. Id lo ,t.rve it, I ease resistance is offered, it is. reported that the United States troop, will be called out. Five IIuNPnui GHrr.K Mani wripts. A letter from Reirut, Syria, says: A few! An expedition is organiiin? in the V! weeks since, Rrv. Dr. Clark, Librarian of 4,J for prospecting lour to Walker'i K -the Rodleian Library, ipent a few days in' " ; it will start about tbe H'lh of .M.y this city, on hi return to Knlnd, from; W'alker'a Hirer is l.'iO mile south of l'r toura in Kgypt, Palestine, and "some other! '". rising in tbe Sierra Nevadas, oppcute countries, in search of old manuscripts. He I ,ia'4 heard of some in Greek, in a convent1 j of ,B0 '-'ept, in Rgjpt, and fortunately sun ; feeding in getting upon the track, followed i it to the Convent a rate, and obtaining ad. I wr"c "a" r.eerr concealed in the convent ! '(, Jerusalem. Dr. Clark bad heard of vaiuanie ureex uiatmicripts heing ronrealed io this solemn adytum of superstition, and knr.nil fj, itarrv . . .. u 1 . from the Coptic monastery, in which, bow- ever.be was sorvly disappointed, findinsr .. -r w, j m mw mn uiui-ii i' i ii ii nr r as ever, be was sorely ! '"l!e l"a0 execrable pictures and 14,00(1 ull of early martyrs, as alleged, all piled 'D one great heap in a cavern in tho rock i:t. ....i. . -, . which makes one side of a chapel. Governor or Utah Major Den. McCul lough. the di.tiiiiMiished 'lexan P.antrer. passed through JOiiisville, on Li wsy o tr i . . . . J "ashington, on 1 hursday last, bavini' re cc,vr.d '''"pateh from President linrbanan du",rl" Prc'ence' From this and other Tr'nnn w re t0 lufer, says the Louis tli,n J'""', that the administration has concluded to confer extraordinary powers '1 ',,'1Jor Mcf.ulloiigh in connection with '' Governorship of Utah. These matters l"'"? definitely settled, C,e Governmeiit will "i iiiitm iiiiiiiu i'iko lovue k sistance of tbs uew Governor. A P.KLlC OP THE PaT One Hundred Years Ago The good barque William K Ann arrived at this port from Rarcclona yesterday, where her long and successful career brought her into immediate notice. She was built in 17-07, and in 170'.' carried flen. Wolfe to Quebec. She was originally built after the old Knglish man-of-war fash ion, but has been modernized by having her stern rounded off. She is commanded by Capt. Magall, and looks staunch and strong, as though she-could weather many more voyages. Savannah JepuUi-c.n, May 20. what gen. Walker, says The New Oilcans Daily Time, ;',., graphic account of the entbusiaatio reiL." of Gen. William Walker, the hero ol x a gua.' Upon landing, a constant ovatiou given him at every step from the l"" the St. Charles Hotel. Tho reporter , ' After the lapse of some time, durin' which persona wtro advaueiug aud retir' ' tbe General and the writer drew as;je "'f1 settled together, attempted to outer iutoco versation ; but it was in vain. I'tan each moment would conic forward, one Sould i&a to . 1 t a 1 1 . friend, liglitt were placed in the inner cluV ber and in a miiiutc afterwards we (r" closeted ulootj n!b General Walker. Succinctly be, informed us of Lis aVa. tures in Riv since the time when the news came from that quarter. He and men, numbering tome lour or five hun.lr.j ; iu a lit elate for action, wore stroiii-lv fn.,:' 1 position, scarcely sustained any injury. I ins was the Ueniral s last battle with tbe foe. There wero several native suldri with bim, w bo were continually bearing frca Lakx Citv We takethe fullov 'n? free ta t' ..... r . I.. i'.I ... i'.i;r...:. , 'v,...l ,,U. Ill .... . IV III'-' mi. , . u.w- Pu. r,ullIi.l,ed at Bl.k.luron. 11.11. daki Monday April 20lh ' v ' . . .,, ' . V' 7 ' . I J mornine; l f 'th iti't, Mr. Thompsou, tbe daring and intrepid Cir- son Valley Kxpressiuan, arrived l .Mok- uuine Hill, via Murphy a and liig Tree I Road, from Carson Vallry. '' Mariposa, and flowing eastward, il siuki i lie Pir"J" n tne Great Uasin. Prom private letters recriv Lr, Mr. Thompson learned lb received frai Salt that the scima ! n tun Plormon K Imrch lias assumed a i- & grown so reneinoiis, maims 1 i""" forced to environ himself with a truj guard of the fafhful. The letters state tut '-'i house is guarded niht and day, by " friends, and that, so bitter are his cn-rtin g'i"t bim, he is fraid to slio hini'ii in public. He has deserted the 'I abrrnac.tf. 1 Mormons of Car-ion Valb y. en fount of difheultice apprehended ' 1 ' ' neigfcuors, naa oeei ""''rj' ordered to Salt Lake, by the Pre-phel.b lliitili in a tta.iinr Irt tls,tfiti ste a licacetna . s- - ' o 1 , aacriliee their homes, they hate rlnf hands with tbe Amelikes, and buried tomahawk. JlPiir LoKINii Gov. Gardner, of M saehusetts, has di-playcd a spirit of in pendetice and ruapuaiiimity worthy of ,M Iiigbest honor in rcfin 'nir to remove 'ui6-' luring, as demanded by a majority of ! Legislature of that State, i .... ...... . lature of that Mate. His only il.... k r..:,i.r..n. n..rV.r...,l the off.: ,nti un iiii.uiuiij . , t'i - v - duties, according to the laws which h' I"1 aworn to obey. One of these hspprufl V be the fugitive slave law. Counterfeit new cent pieces are hi ref lation hi New York, intended, no ilo'ihb niix with tho genuine in large quutines They will easily deceive ptrsniieat a "J1"! glance, but being a pewter like nil that c of coin, a greasy feel and a slumpy ou(l that any body will recognize. Am Impiiovemest with a IiVm' Anew reading of an old couplet ia t-"' rendered by a savage hater cf lioep'. n that style of dress which leaves too btU woman's beauty to tho imagination : f , '. mi a nsrrnw nrrk nf lml. ( 'J'wixt two ui.Imi led , !""" We verliy believe that Clinton i on the bealtbieiit places in tho world. population of near 00(1 we scarcely avers, 3 deaths per year. CV '" '"'(