5 YTa Tixas Tart ot nit Koma Em ,ggt Mr. H. I)- Tstriclt, of Texan, has f unl ' ,ofna distance be'ow surface (be ground, near Leonti, an ancient cop .r coin, about the uu of cent. The f . ;flgj figures and letter on both aides, . tbe Galv.ton News, has been conaifl "ih! defaced by the apparent corrosion of ps Un One Bluu, uvno hi , wait piaiiujr !c6en the word " Cwr " on the outer edge, d over an image much like all such as we l.vh Been of the ltoniin Emperor ou other ncicut Coins. There are vinible two or three f the letters of the word " Julius," on the a f Cresar, and on the right some of the Roman numerals, evidently intended to to the date, but are too much corroded o U clearly made out. On the reverie tide i the imago of a Homau soldier, with , sliiuld in one hand and the other elevated, but so much dfnccd that the we.ipon held u B9k yiiihle. iV- 0. Picayune. A Remarkable Cow. Wo are informed that a cow, I elonjiing t'j Mr. Lewis Camp bell, of Amherst County, died a few days rioce, i" whose womb was discovered one hundred and tiro young calves. One of then) w fi'Hy developed but the others, tbou'h perfectly shaped, were about the lite of rats. This is a remarkable instance but we re informed, on authority which e cnenot discredit, that it is strictly and literally truo. The " State of Amherst " is agrat State. Virginia Sentinel. Five Hundred Dollars Reward. Tbs ritizt-nn of Henderson county, North Caro lias, have issued a Hand-Kill, offering a re ward of Five Hundred Dollars for the arrest of a villain named Klofberry Johnson, who committed a rape on a Miss Mary Springs, of that couuiy, on the -3d ult. I'm 1'mtf.d States Senator. The Pes lee (ileorgctowu) Times nominate Chan cellor larjrau for the United States Senate, jo place of Judge lSutler, recently deceased. I". S. ?'ldier Eaten bv a Shark. A nborkinjr affair happened at Cape Sable, Fla., ou the 5th in.'t. Two privates of company II, 4tb artilh-ry, were cspsiied while sailing in the bay, and one of them named luuu, ).;u imniiiKr ashore, wis seized bv a .h.rkand eaten up. His companion got itlcTJ Briiwio. IniM. e.ini, ii the 4 Ih ii t., M A Rl! A R KT ,'ANL" Kl.l'.'.A lit I'll, only child ol Kotwrl i;. nd M.rj.nt l Mon I joinery , .(id 1 yr. 4 in. and k ii. a lovely child. " A "ltly fi hl.a U!. oin up, Wit. n veiling hlf. etniie on, (So Hied tin. ehil.l ; Ihr hnauiiful. The uiidt fi'ed wa. gone. Tir aogrl. would nit irl her paM Di-alli. ehilly .iitm .lone, An l thry t.if, a lnnii' bind. And bore htr to the lhron.. T. r. N. 1 ..' fMtt.m Co., on the lrtb nil., of eonuutition. M mM AK'.ARKT I. !AT( UFo!.I. daughter of iUdyi. kUr niuinlity of di-jHaailion anl fri. prtf uf rondut-t, won Io hef urri nf tit tod tilt'cm while lmtif, t t will rrnbalni br mrtnury in (le hrrl b-t nilVcttnni of nMiij lit it birr tiritvil lisrr. Her ftAtttit imoumi not lf, tio bav no lto)r," iuf Iri'l the clr-trett rt 'irnrc iht -lit tid g mi to t jJf tlc rot whicb rr in (if th (tt Un jsroylv of i. Com. Mr;i j f (I or Molrti, 0 S ft.md) il. .. ..... I l...n. II, m .nWfilijir I...... A .. .i' ...l -I I I...I. ,l. . I..... I... a - . - -- -t Ihill.K.aoin. 'J or 10 rear, old, ha. a .mail aixek m the Uf rye, and a lump on the left hind I'f vr the koir, and a .malt white .pot ou the .iri., IM i. . fo4 riding horte, pace, well and hi '.! of hie. Any inlormatioii will be thankfully rreriTfd, and soy person lasitif linn op and re. rqminr him to uit shall be liberally rewarded lor tur.r Irvubl. J. L. ALLEN. J.a5, )fH. I ill' l'UosrKCTua ur The X. Carolina Presbyterian. m a. i . s i i v . . i i ' Trie rrrshTtrruin C hurch n .North ( srolins ) Vtij iiVtfrtl uniler -riou diaxlvsntsee from the nit of a journal ta sivrute hef claims and re, ent S r intrrf sia. It ictiiiiat d that only 1 00(1 . , . , r .i i Frraf Ttrf. m Wrrkli sr t ikftt in th bounds of) fir iLr.T rrahylmrs. W m lutr I.I.OO oniniu. S)"nia, and it itjfs In infer that there sre 3'J.OOQ I'rratjy trrin in principle in th ftle, ur Synod I'.jniji htui in th I. iuun in point of nimiltrr, abil QKiutrraliip is prr-lrf than that o( n ? Synod Viitb or Wrttot I'rr flvanu. Our sisti-r Stales mi the Norlli .n l Houtli, neither of whieh h. a aienih.-raiip ao hni;. aa our., pubh.b the Central, ii'i tlia S uthrrn rre.byteri.it, for the benrfit nf Un-ir pro.s. The tun, hi. come when the I'reahy. Urun I'lui.'rh hi North t'arina should likrwie i Si hrr Juty to hrr clnhlr. n. It it a ennceiltd snd im.iort.ii)t turt, tlut huioirede nf our nirnibrrs i lke a 5t.il paper who will take no other. T.ie Tip.-r ia are.led to tie the arganof our Synol mil I'rrsliy terirs to elevate Slid enlightru the j re'jr i.four netnnt'rahp hy dirTtisir esanrlic-il n..wlr.ljn.to prninntv the riuw ot' Kiueatton i u Seiplup, llir uh nl. of our Ministry, and lo trrngtlim II. s atlurhnirnt of oar peopla to the wit I nclu inrs or tlicir own Plate. i If our Cli.irrn in oth.r Sutra, ami nthr Church. in ii.ii Si,if, ran .npply their memS-ra with a l ... piurrui, wny m.. y nol we r Are .oriii J ir'.l iii rretLvu ri.ina inferior in talrnt. .nerey j 'i i p tnotism to lln-ir neighbor, on the orlh or t l-"!!1 . ur to t 'hri.lisne of other denominations at Jj liomrt V,t'i tl,n ,,, r bittrr npporl .imtira of i in lit I ngu ige of one of our inoal able and use. I I 'ui Miin.trra, an adopted son of our Hlatr,"lt j ""c'-l I i h ivs bcrn uudrrtaaen SO year, agn, but J " ' 'o Lie to brrin to do right." j in ihr Ust I ao or thrre months, a fund of about r ' '0 tu. hrrr, subscribed as a s-rnianent eapitsl. At a Hireling of the contributor., hrld al t.rsrna. 'I'tivh i.n 1 1 m I III. rtt M - . tl.-m A ltl,Mr iornin, th, riier wa. unamninu.ly located ! .t K, vctti ville. uniler the name and title of the "en t'.soi li )' '"n and i v l'avTK.i. Kef. Win. IV . a tJeorge MeNeill were elected t i'i.ri : lie. f i....... l. V...II U ... S. " "i", . ll.kerandC. II. Wile,, and M. .-r.. '""I M. Ncill, 8r , John II. C.H,k and David M ir ill jr wi re .nnoinli-d an Kieculiv. Committee. t'lilish (I,, 'j,er and manage its bu.ines. It ia our wish .ml design to m.de the Nosth roi; PamavTiiaia a lournal of the fir.ti lu... j "(nil to the best in the country in typographical j '"faraae, ami in adaplalinn la the want, ufour ; niirrde,. h. column, will .tf.ird the lale.t in. 1 ""f iiee, tnith firnpii .nd "domestic, and special j "re , to hen to jive a full ami seeurnle nun. "nry of mi, BW1. -j-i ,, f tle ptpcr r"stiril t be sn einonrnl of it. ehsracter .nd j ".'items. Krom conviction, it will aiin.e.tn the I "'""Vitive, iHllinilox, Old School doctrine, and j "''-r ol icC,rr.h. ? ''ir first appeal i. to our own people lo N. C i lrr'"Tnr,ai.S. WI..I. I r.l. ...... I', .I r, 1 1 iinnn Ii,.,. I '-V ' I .avor, we tru.l that llie native son. ol North "'una who h.ve found homes in oilier States, ""I the uil, .pie, citnen. ol oul Slnte who form so 'isirtniii sn element in our Ministry and mem. ''"I', will tu!,, , deep interest in Hue enterprise, '"?."' 't their hourly support. IBB, Si . J.,i:..r. af Hi .-.....,, iu HMi,ir,, ...j e lir.t: S J Mi ... ... . s i .),. .i l cl",," "f " ot more. I''"B ' J"1'"'. ami when the Taper I. sent to one sdilrrss, ' ''"tint uf Id irr r,.t. bo allowe.l. Our liniiters and Eldera are earnestly desired to act ' AH",s, ami a, otliers friendly lo the rsuse will veaiie aeist hi procuring a, many subscriber, aa Posi(il.-, ,,lu Crw,ir,j t,,. ,le,i 4y Angwt 1st, to tlfliee. As .oon .a I.iOO auhseribera are ob. '"". the first nuin'wr will be issued. If a f.ulh. "and viyorou. eft",,rt i. made in the neat two h Ihosu who t. Ve a lively interest in tin. "', we wnl, without duuhl, be able to l-efin the l""lir.atm tl slid of tl. i M"iptioa ltof at le.M3000. fef" Dissolution. fliHE Ann of JENKINS 4. TAYLOR i. thi. JL day diaanlved liy tnutunl consent. All per. anna indebted to said firm are requested to mike ininieum payment to A. A. IV. M. Taylor or hi amenta, wliu aluna ia autluirixod to settle the aame. We acknowledge our thanks to our friend and customer for the very liberal patronage, tliey have beatowed Upon us. J. Z. JENKINS. A. A. N. M. TAYLOR. May 30, 1857. us Notice. The undersigned having; purchuard the entire interest of J. Z. Jenkini in the mm of Jenkins & Taylor, will continue the business at l old stand, one door writ of T. M. Farrow's on Tr.ida.strett, where be will he pleated lone bia friends and customer. A. A. N. M. TAYLOK. Jane 9, 1837. . " FOR SALE. "M Y virtue of a Decree of the Court of Equity, 1 will .ell, on Tuesday of our next Countv Court, (being the Stub, of July next,) 2 Store Booms in Ursnite R.inge, No.. 9 and 3, aituated in the moat business part of lha town. Person, desir. ous of .eriirinr valuable bu.ine. .tanda in Char lotte, would do well to attend the aale. Team Six month', credit will be given with intere.t from the day of ealc, the purchaser giv ing bond and approved errtmty. D. 11. IHINLAPjC. & m. B. Jf !, 1857. Pre fee 5. ti STATU OF NORTH-CAROLINA, CALDWELL COUNTY, Court of Tlcat and Quarter Ftisiont, May Term, $:T. John Hays 1 W.. C. "ion-, am Attachment leeied on Land. Wni. Si'ttlemoir. J IN tin. eaw, it .peariti(r to the ti. faction of the Court, that the drfrndant. re. id. bewmd the limit, of the Statr, Oidtrrd that publication be made f..r an week., in the North Carolina Whig, notifying the .aid drfi rdanl., to he and appear at the Hi-it Court, to be held for ..id eountv. at the Cou't-llnu.e in I-euoir, on the 6h Monday after the 4h Monday in June next, to plead, mtacr or demur, or judgment pro eonfewo will be taken a. gain.t thrm. una.., r. r. Utila, elirk oronr said Cowrf, at f'nrC,h M"ny fler the4th.Mon S. P. DULA.c.c.r. 7iie9, IHJ7. Tra. fee 6. tUU TCA1 w5tw II AVIVC rrmo.-.l fr.,m CBAMTE HOW to M'K'INtiS" COK.NKIt, we would my to our 1 uatmner. and the public generally, that a. our Slock i. large and aa.orted, we will ofTtr decided inuurrtntiiL in t too In ttml Shorn, i:r.ili.Yl.ile 4'li O T II I , ilalu ttml Cup, GROCERIES, Saddles, Cigars, Fancy Articles, kc. We would b. pleated to ae th. former patrou. of Mra.r.. Spring. At Mrlod. Wa will offer siarli in.luer ttirti I in IdMlllS In llirtn n fntnsU .1 II,... ,M.r..l f,., ... .1, ,1,.,, .,.,., All we ask la rise a. a trial. HENDERSON & AHHEN3. We will offer al and under eoat a Urge lot uf Books, I'onncts, Trimmiuss, Harness, Ac, Ac. C.ll at Sfirinfi' Corner. Jas. T. IIMiiciuo.N. F. W. Ahrkss. rol(, Jun 2, 1 122 l.t'silhrr! I.rnllirr Lrnllirr.'.'.' Hrmlock Sol US lo 31 cts per lb. 0tk 35 to 42 " , Heavy and light U'pprr La-atlirr, Kip Skins, f rrnc h stid American ( -A t.r -tK I INS, , . fl . . . I'lnpinf snu imiiiiiifs oi CTtry ucscripnon. Kui I ASH. BOUNK k CO. 14(4 Wanted, VMII.I. U III .11 I- to rebuild and readju.t W i lull's X ills, in Cabarrus counts. 3 miles from llarrisburg Itajiol. Any Mill-Wricht wish, log to rnfrage will ail.lrra. the auharrihrr, who ha. recently unuftit tlie pmiierty and wi.hr. to put it ' roo.t oruer. Addre.a ll.rn.bur, U.pot. U. ; banu. couniy, N. C, JOSHUA TI'TKR. 116 Jmr 3, I6.7. Prof. IE GRATH'S Practice. A Sheriff cured mmf night by Di Csath's Meetrie til. I.KTTITt F10J.M DR. KEYSKR. ' r.ltshurg. May 'Jlllli, 1S.6. Prof. I ClatTH, 39 Soutli bill t . I'lnlad'a. j j have a rrmar kable cure. Oeputy Siicnff Kerr of 1'itisburc. had a very swollen .nd p-nnful hand. i applieii tiie oil personally, w Inch gave inatant relief. It' has recoiiinienucd the oil toothrrasf. flieti-d Willi Hh uiiisttsm, in which lha rcaults were most sali.lactorv. Tnilv voiira, t'.Kll. II. KKVSKI!, M. D. Csr.T Cear.s Citifi, Ftn! Rhki'Mitisii Mr. Joseph II. Untie, , myrlre street, says Hie Electric Oil cured linn immediately. rii.es - t'hsrlea St jton, Esq., Ex Mayornfl am. d.n, aays an application, eur.ii him. Alao.eured. hia II he un.atiam. Ntrasiia. Mr. David Minn, 409, Vine alrtet.l aays, he wa. a great aullrrrr, but tn. (l cured bun. So T r.. ii. (.r.ni, r..q., ail, norm Eighth .treet. C,,,!,. This Oil is infallible for Croup. Ask lady al Oirard llouae. I'hil.ilclplna, Hcpl. let, loot) frof. Dx Gaaril pear Sir! I must inform you of the .rest bene lit a palirnl of mine has cicrienrrd from the p. uhealion of vour Electric Oil, The eaae wn. that of a f irl of 6 yeura of aje, who w.a terribly nf. dieted Willi .croluia, snn a unrnsree irom ine knee. The eg breame ao contr.cted aa In literally bury the heel in the Inp. It had been in this state fur .troll! 1J niollllis, ann . couiu nnu iioiinns; in the whole " Matrrica Medica In have any eltect or jive relief. I finally procured a bottle ot your " Electric Oil anrt gave n to me nioiuer oireci. i..e her to apply it lo the part, along the con. traded .mew., which had the etfectol making the Ir, nearly one fourth atraight in about 6 hoiira. The application of the Oil w. continued for.buut 3 weesa u.ing only fi bottles and now the Irg i. nearly .lerlectly .traiein. . JOHN II. M.-EWl.V, M P. ItiJ C.llowhill et. IMIEI'MATISM Dial'niss, Ncursl(;ia, Swcll iiig St. (loess and all pains, rtircd by one bottle ol 1'rnf. Ie Grath's Eleetiic Oil. This letter i. one uf many received recently. I'hiladelphis, June '.'.', IbiG. Prof. De Gralh ; 1 had swelling in my limb, nearlv a year. After tiaing miuiy things without hi nelit, the first bottle of your Oil I used cured nie entirely. I shall cvtr remember vou ns my restorer. J.K.NOLAN. i'jS Chestnut street. Csi'Tio. Thrre ore numerous imitations sprung up "ii the reputation that my article has acquired. The public mut beware. They are worthless. For aale by I.i. H. M. 1'IIITCIIARD. sole agent fur Charlotte, arid .old by Druggist, and Country M. rctianis jeneraij. Jutu2, !8o7. VALUABLE STORES IlemstbatRheumatism,Doafrres,Neurleia, Swollen and Stiff Joint, and other Complaint, to which we are all .ubjtcts have lo.t theii terror.. Prof, be Gruth's Electric Oil is warrcntcd to He- lieve a it v ene in u ahnrt duch nf iitna onrl iih i trifling txpemc. It can be hud of the agents here. Sen ailvrrtifi'inent iu -mother column. The tlnrUclM. COKRLCTED BY OATS & CO. CHAlt LOTTK, JUNK 9, lai7. HACON, llama, . lb. . 16 a 00 " Sidua, . lb. 16 a 10 " Hog round . lb. . 14 a 01) " Shoulaera, . lb. . 1UJ a 1.0 II if zing, Cotton, . yd IS a 00 lleef, . . . . fo. . 6 a 10 Butter, .lb. . SO a 00 llccwax, . .lb. . 30 a S3 Itcane, ... bu.hel . 00 a 00 Ilrandy, Apple, . . gal. . SO a 60 " Teach, . . gnl. . 62 a 00 Cotton, new . lb. 13 a 14 Coffee, Kio . .lb. . 12 a 14 " Java. . lb. IB a SO Candlca, Adamantine, . lb. . 33 a 37 8perm., . In. . 45 a 50 " Tallow, - lb. . 25 a 00 Corn, old . . buahel . 100 a 105 new . . buahel . 00 a (10 Chicken., . . K each . 20 a 25 i Cloth, Copper.., . yard . 12) a 15 " I-md.ey, . . yard . 25 a 31) I Egg.,. . . doien 12 a 15 Klour, . . 100 lb.. . 3 a 3j i " ... bbl. . f7 a bU Feather., . . .lb. . 30 a 00 I.ard,. ... lb. . 13 a 14 ' Mutton, ... lb. . 5 a 6 Mackerel,. . .bbl. No I. i0 a 24 . . - ' . . 0J a 00 . - . . 800 a CO . . . Kitta . 300 a 00 Mtplnmci.N.O, . . gal. . '.HI a tl W.I. . gl. . 60 a f.5 Meal bu.hel - 100 a 00 Mullet, f Wilmington) bbl. . t'J a 00 Nail., Northern . lb. 5 a 6 " Southern . lb. 5a 00 Out. bu.hel . 50 a 55 Pork lb. 71 a Peaa bu.hel . 110 a 125 PoUloea, Iri.h, . . bu.hel . HO a 00 " Sweet, . bu.hel . 2 a 250 Dice bu.hel . 14 a 00 , Sugar, I.oaf, . .lb. . 20 a 00 " Drown, . - lb. . II a 14 Stone-ttare, . . gl. . 10 a 13) Sail, . . . ck - (185 a 190 Tea lb. 15 a $1 Whent, . . . buxhc! . 130 a 00 Wln.key, Northern, . gal, . 45 a 55 " ' N. Carolina, gnl. . 56 a 62J Wool (heat Georgia) wa.hcd, . 27 a 28 " " " unwaahed . 22 a 23 Y arn, . . . bale . 110 a 00 j COLUMBIA .MARKKT. Col. DMaia, June 6, 1857. COTTON. There wa. a little cotton on the market yesterday, all nf whi-h was freely taken at full prices, vis: U'J a I3J cents, CIIARLKSTON MARKET. Ciisai.r.sToN, June S. I".1;?. COTTON. S..lr. of cotton to-day 400 bale, at j Ufj to It) cent.. I he market la unchanged. Jnt ISi'rivt'(l, AND. for aale nt the Charlotte Rakery &. Con. fectionrry a freah lot of .Tlarkrrrf, in Barrel, half Darrtla and Kits, Cheese, Coffee, Molasses, Iaisiu, llnlfi", Viz, Oruiigt-, Letnotia, Cornnnnli, Tluccaroiil , a as.oaTxr.xT or i" 1 1: r it i. it, such ss Applrs, Currants, Crsmbprries, GoonMser. rics, Diackberries, A.c. Lemon svrup, ult ciitjp lor C.SII. J. C. MOORE, tl 4 Jan. 2, 1657. Trust Sale. Y virtue of a Deed of Ti ust to me ex routed by Robert Shaw, for certain purpuecs there in nomed, I will proceed, on .Monday the Ctli of Jul? next, to sell the following property, viz : 2 Negro Women, I.istic and Kate, One Iloime ms st Lot, en Trjon street, at prisent occupied be Mr. SIuw, Household und Kit' hen Furnitutt, ONE I' I A NO, a small lot uf Mll.MM.UY t;oon, One COW and CALF. Ttasis Six months credit with interest from date. S. I Jvne 3, 1 So?. ALEXANDER, Trustee. tis f , 11 I p V M I) Tl II ITS. I I CJ 1 Vtttatcbit County, .1 . C, SITI'ATKI) S' miles North of Charlotte. 20 miles West of Stulesville and 35 milea Kast f Morgsnton ; at the foot of the inuuntaina and in a vicinity unsurpassed fur the ajlubrity of its air. The Proprietor, Dr. K. O. KI.I.Ii tTF, announ. ec. to the public tlul hi. house is again often, with every accoiiiniislstion for the reception of visilors. The peeulinr tonie.alternative and invigorating properties of this water, render it invaluable in disease, of the I.iver, Dyspepsia, Chronic Diar rhea, Nervous lability, iiuarlburn. Spinal Dis. ,-iara, Incipient Consuuiptien, Sen lul., Kruptive Dtaeasea, and all cases of liebility aeeonipmiied with di'h-ctive appetite and want ol aasiniihition. 3 r Visitors can proenre eooveyancea Irom New- ton to the ,-pnng. si an nnies Junr a, 1 M. . tI7 . Alllllial Ol';itill. - BwOOnY B. SMITH, Erq., of Wilinington. N fa C . ha. accepted the invitation to deliver the Annual Oration belorc the two Literary Societica of Davidson College, N. C, on Wednesdsy pre. eedinjt Cnmmencenient, the l.th of July next. May 12, 1S37. Ilait Is N llitlory l" .V "nrolin:i. IIORNE, the agent for the above book, ill ha. lelt a fiw copies at P. J. l.OWlilE'S IHH)K STORK. Fcranns de.iring copiea will please call soon. .V.iy26, l?S7. I3tf itS-LOOK OUT FOR a liTlll'ICS celebrated Fatrnt Air-tight Self. ScHline CANS, for preserving Fresh F'rnils, Tomatoe., 4 c., used during the last two years. by thousands of Families, Hotel and llonrding llouae Keepers, with entire si-ccess. The above Cans are on hand and for aale, together with a full ...orliuent of J 'ill. Hi! aW il m i -if mi tm U m-.-J AM STOVES, 3 doors ss.t of Spring.' corner, Charlotte, N. C. bT SAM'L. T. WRTSTO.V. My 26, 1857. 125 fll n 1 fTS j 1 C 111 D I C Ol T H S 111 0 II , , , ,, ; ' f.f . KoiiK-lliin ICutircly IVew. GKNTI.F.MEX, one and all, young end old who wiah to wear Good, Fine Clothei,go to J. W. COLES NBW 110111150 EM'OKIUM, FiasT Door Above Kerr's IIotkl, formerly occupied by Lowrie. Book Store, where you ciin get the bu.t fit. end the fmeat clothra lor the li'n.t money than anywhire t lee in the Stole. The vood. are all made uu to order rr. pre.. ly for tin. market. Everything ia gotten uu in the very lalrrt and neatest ileet .tyle., and the ma. king ol every piece is U'AIBRANTIW to ln.t or ntlierni.e made good. Let all ge and look at lua well selected slock nf R e a (1 j -M a d c C I o t li i n , and be sure to examine his prices; he will put you up a suit so low that you will be compelled to wear fine cluthea. Gentlemen wishing any particular anils, by leaving their measures, can have tlicm in 12 days, WARRANTED TO SLIT OR No SALES. He intends to sell very low and conn net . atrictly CASH IJL'SINESS. The purchaser will certainly find the Cash Syeiem st least 20 per cent, in his fivur. Ilia motto is "quick sab s anil smuli profit.," for CASH OSLY. Yes, if you want the worth of your money come to me. J. W. COLE, Agent. Charlotlt, iVny 5, 1857. , lOif miHE firm of Moore &. Moojiav.nij letn din. JX. lulved by mutuiil content, the nubfcnhT b-tr leuve to cull the iitlfntioii of tun friendf, the citiztnftof Ctmrlotte and surrounding cnniiuuiii. ty, tu liii new ttund and stock of Fresh Confectionaries, on Tryon slrrft, one dfor from L. Sprinpi cor ner, in t!ir Store formerly occupied by Uluir & Orr, opjKjpile Mr. Oolxriiei nfiice, where he intends keeping ull kinds of Hit. ITS usually found st such plncfs. with vjnoui ntlur srtirtes, such Sujrur, Coffi-e, MoIsskch, Vinegar, Kicu, Tickles, Fmerves, Stures( Lobslcrs, Oystrrs. M-ick'Tel, freiili and picriir.f, for rttail, tfg-rihrr with other irticlcs too tetimus to mention. You will have to c-ill und kcv fur yuurceUe and we hope by slrirt attention to business, vtg Unce in buying and sell, iiif to make it your rn teres t en to do. M. D. L. MOODY. May 19, 1P57. 114 .Miss ELIZ IUil II M. HOWIJKS Charlotte, N. C, sJ"kri'0-ITF; the P..it Office, will give Icrnona on (he I uto Fortt. Terms mane known on application. Mny 19. 1 tl 4 Drug Store Hcmovctl. f pHE subscriber informs his fritnHs and the I puSlic p iirrally, th.it he has removed his IUr- STOKE from Gmnite Ranpe to Irwin's Corner, winch Iwtft been niwly fitted up ttnd &r. ranged expresbly fur his btmness and w here he iti now rtctiviiig a large ntuek of articles in his line. II. M. I'RITCIIARD. May 12. 1 8.".7. Iltf Notice. H"E C"A"yTTE ML'TtAt IXSUBANTE Sk t OMFA.NY eotitinnea to take risks airainst loss be Fire on Houses, Good., I'roduce, cVc., at UKUnl r.ite.. IT tiifice between Tarks' Store and Rrawlcy'e Building. OFFKEKS. j M. B. TAYLOR, President. , C. OVERMAN, Vice President. E. NYE IlL'TCUISON.-yfc-y ij- Treat'r. I PIRKCT0H8: M. B. TAYLOR, C. OVERMAN, J. A. YOlWt;, WM. JOHNSON, J. II. CARSON, S. T. WRISTON, F. SCAUR. M.iy 11, I6 .9. 1 1 ti" AjiiiKnTYPi: LIKENESSES. ,fM HE puhlic ia respeclfully infermcd that J. M. i I.ANCASTKII S A 31 It ROT Y P E G A LL E R Y npnonite J. T. Sl S. M. Blair Grocery Store, in j aSpnnps .nrw brick huiU'ing, ia now open, where a colored Ambrotype can to procured at from 73 j cents to t'J. Indies and gentlemen ore requested to call and ' examine his aSptcunens, and have a Likenevs ta. ken of themselTcs or children. Call early, ss such , an opportunity is seldom rTered. i J. M. LANCASTER. ; Charloitr, ,Vny 19, 1807. Ulf f B VIE Subscriber respectfully announce, to the JL public, that he ha. just received a new sup. ply ot m.. ' '-lis. UsI (sssaNsi j aV. ial JS 1 consisting of Ladies snd Gentlemen's Gold Watches, and also SIiaVKI? WATCHES of all descriptions and at all price ; aUo, fini-: srrs or cait.os. da Breast Tins, Bracelets, Kar-l.iiigs, Silver Cups, Diamond Rings and other varieties, SLi: KV I - IJUTTOXS and all other Goods that are kept in a firat elms Jewelry Store. irCa'l and see for yourselvra. No charee for looking- All the above G"la will be sold LOW lor CASH. THO. TROTTER, Charlotte, .Uiy 12, 1S57. II If .STATE OF NOKTU-CAUOLINA, MECKI.EMtunO COUNTY, Court of Pens and Quarter Sessions, April Term, 157. John S. Means, J r. .Original Attachment. Clarence Julm.on. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant is not an inhabitant of this Slate, but resides beyond tlie limits ol the same. It i$ thereart Ordered by Vie C eurt, 1 hut publics turn be made for aix week, in the Norih Carolina Whig, a newspaper printed in the town of Char, lotte, notifying the said defend -.nt to be and ap pear ut the next term ol'oiir said court, to be held lor the county of Mecklenburg, al the cmirt-houae in Charlotte, on the 4th Monday in July next, then and thereto plead. answer or demur, or judg ment pro ecu less,-. ill be taken against him. Witness, V. K. Reid, clerk of our said court, at office, the 4th Monday in April, lr-i7, and in the 81st year of American Independence. W. K. REM), c. c. c. Fiintor'a fee fG. J-'- li, 1857. tl 6 .iftcnUon ! ItHUtinn. Y' Ol' sre hereby ordered to sp. pear 00 the FOl'KTII OK JL'. LV, at 8 o'clock, A. M., at your re. gulnr parade ground, armed and e quipped, as your by l.w. direct. By order of the Captain, J. Y. nilYCK. W. A. (Iwkns, O. S. .Wny 26, Isi:. tI8 Democrat copy. Rcady-Made Clothing A.Nft rnriiithii. ? I:m n bliftlniiciil. SPRIN6S & heath ESPECTFt"I.LY inform their friends and Jt. the public gencmlly that they have rem v. i ed and arc rceriving an extenaivc iii.aortiiient of Kciuly .Made ( luilung nt their old t mil on the north aide of .Mint stru t, to winch they invite ttrntion. Cicntlcmen's COATS; Among their .took may he found Itlnclt Cloth Coata, .ingle and double brcustcd ; bhiek ami drub Alpaeca in Sack., Frocks and Knghin. ; Frenrh ! al,a ,-"glin Lrp-U .te ; plain and l.mey t a.ai. mere., gotten up in luce .uit- pl.-nn and luney linen Mumeille., in .nit. ; while f.iiirn Drill and Linen lluek ; each style embracing the dim rent cut., Suck?, Frocka und llglnn.. l'AMAU)().S Pont, of French and American Ca..imcre.,Mack und funey ; bluck and funcy Alpuceu, .tcel cloth and Freieh and Enh.ii l)rap.u'f!tc j pluin and funcy I.inm and Marei'illi-a of all grade.. They would cull eepeciul attention to tneir lot ol VSiJaiT., bntli iinylr nml doutded brcuptfilrinbrorirp blnck and fu'orcd Silk, bluck Siitin,nnd the pretlirvt lot of M.irsilitB V.U ever ortYrud in this iturkct. Gents Furnishing Goods, The !:ir?'-Bt lot in tlii market, conmstnti: in part uf pluin mid fncy Linen and Co l tun Collar., Ryron Si. liiahop; linen and cotton Draw, era; plum and ftney Homery; Clove., .ilk, kid, etc., a variety ot Cravata, .ilk und linen; Hand, ktrcluufa, ailk and linen y Su.pcndcra, Jlc,. IScc, ALSO A fine lot of HATS Ibr the Summer wcur, riulir i. cing all the latrat atylc. of the Silk, tiiiitimi'ri and Felt lints; Straw, Leghorn, and Panama do. Tbey offer the above Goods VKUY LOW FOR CASH, or to punctual dealer, on time, with the express' understanding that accounts are due whin they! want the money, j Thcv return their thanks to their customers for the lib-ral patronage heretofore bestowed up. on them, and hope to merit a continuance nf the same by diligence in business ami uohriiig cltortit to pkaae. Call and examine their t.ooiis. SFRINflS & IIKATII, Charlotte, N. C. April 21, 1M7. H.4ni SIRICTLY A CASH STORE. Scmclliiiig New in Charlotte, HE SURK AND CALL AT CHINA HALL J A3IKS HAKTViV C O. ir Esri-XTFITLY inform the inhabitants of .Vi-rlh t'arohfi.i, tlitt tltey havr just opened nt Charhittf, in the New tSture, (the West suit) on Tryon. street, in the A t In i.truni Uuililing, a Urge and spimdid at.sortnit.-nt of CHINA, GLASS & EARTIIEKWARE, Also, a lurge rariety of i,oaKi. G fir.issi:, IJK1T V.X.I A A. Vl.X t l.U WAIti:, j Waiters, I.Dinps, Cnndlestieli., SnufTi r, Tea, Ta. I i.u nn.i . I, r.'..;u... ,...i I.... l . iu ted Sl,.r KrllSi Tca s,,,.. Pitcher.,1 Muns, etc., lilock Tin t'vflee I iltrrers, Ti n Hills, Tumbler Drainers, Castors, Tea Kett'es, Fruit Kettles, IVrcrlain lined, i.ri.i Irons, ("orii-i: .Mill.,' Toast Forks, lVe Turners, ladles. Table M.its, Wutrr Itnckets, C'ocoa Uippcrs, Tubs, t'hurns, Itrootna, Counter end Crunib Diushis, Feulhrr Uuslers, a guod vuriely of ti day and thirty hour meUl which will he sold low for CASH. I IT Cull and examine our Stock. No charge for looking. I JAMES IJARir k CO. Charlottft April 31, eif i BONNETS, AND j ""U.7 re now receiving the tarcul und Rich. V v vat Asbo. ttnent of Silk, Crape, Neapolitan and Straw BOXXETS, that we liuve ever purchase.!, and which cannot be aurpaased for beauty of style. Having honeht loo many, will rffer them at SMALL A D A.N, E un COST rather than thcru over. of all kinds and qualitie., suitable for the acason. ' i ds and qualities, suitable Tor tlie sot farasols, Fans. tVc, tVc. Pnrncnlc Pane ,t- r ! Ladies will find a larpe und well aMortrd Stnrk at ELI AS & COHEN'S. April i, I?57. fctf HI. EM & STEELE, WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS MY GOODS, II A KDU'A It r, HATS & MIOI:, cii.4KI.otti:, y.C May 5, 18o7. I Off Cotton Saw Gins, j FB1HE SuhncribtT is prcparrd tn furntsh Finn. M- trrs along-the lute nf tho ('li;.riitte nnd N. C. Kailroadn. t tTTt)N SAW UINS of the brut quality nt 92 per S-iw. Antony the linprovpnit nta ol thrt? tiini are the tin ctivi-rt u tirus h, nnd its pro-, trction from rata and tlie nitivahlc riln, by lncl ' liny can be renewed wiitn worn. j JAMES M. ELLIOTT, j H inesWo', S. C, Api U 2r3, 1 !-."i7. 13 i . Refer to W. F. Fhifer, of Charlotte nnd K. (7. Falnier.rx Pres. Charlotte I!. IJ. Freight paid hy the subi-rribcr. Notice. TBIIK Tax Lir;. r iJ'jfi are nnw to my hands JL reaiiv fiT inspection, and I reiui-ht nil per sons to inform me of any Taxable which may not be listed. Come now and piy your Taxes. N. D. It linqiii nts P.r lrs'1 and 1 P.'i.S ! Do you ' ever intend t" pay your Taxes 1 if so, now is a 1 favorable time, if t, come and 1 will t.ike plea. 1 sure in hatu.ing over yiur receipts, as liny arc' accumulating on my hnin:s. , Ii. U. Ulilhlv, Mierty. MnrA SI. Ij7. Slf ' l.tll! Ucllai! licit!! rNPlAN niBBLR II. Itmg Company, r.KI.TS, from tU lloston at Maiiulaeturers prices. ! i ! 3 inch, 3 ply, 17 einta per Ion 4 " " 2-J . t g i. 32 7 3r3 10 " " 60 y.-j t i. 73 U 4 ply 9-3 " " " UOOXE i CO. Ckarlott4, Afil 14, 1857, 3in-ll3 Tobacco, AND FRUIT STOKE. T IHEenbe.riber respectfully inform, lliecili.' JL icne of Charlotte arid aurioonding country, Chat he has just received a splendid assortment of spamsii ( k; ii:s 1 of the choicest brands. Also, a fine article of CHbW KNU TOUACCO, FRUITS CONFECTIONERIES. JAS. 1). l'AL.MKR, Opoitc Boone it Co.'s Shoe Sture. Charlotte, April 21, 1S57. -tf uEXTLEMEVS KEAIIY.JIADE CLOTIIIXC. OI.-R STOfK is l.AK(;i:, NKW and TASJf. ION A DLL, W, II .M.,e, of all Kraiks and colors, bought cheap, and will be solil the same way. Our whole Slock is unuiuallv I irirc, and u.durc ii.cnta will be bllered eiiner to V holt. ale or Retail tiuycra. KLIAS t COIIKX. April SI, lt57. 8tf Harris' Hotel, f',H -5 CONCORD, N. C. T HS IIOTKL, formerly known aa the "Smith JT House," bavin? been put ill thorough re pair, and returnichrri throi!j.iini)t, is now ready for the reception of giicM. Having the advan. tagc of a first rate market, the table will aiwaya he hnuii'iiully spread, lied. rooms neat and com. fortahie, servants attentive mid politi , and no pains will be spared to make all toml'orUble who limy stfp at this House, Travellers will find nt thia !l-tt-1, at al! timrs, files of the prineipal newspapers, published North or South, CIIAS. F. HARRIS, J'mpiieior. .V-rr7. 3, l-.i ltl LIGHTNING HODS! f 11K undersifned li n v i up pi riniini ntly lornted JL in the twn of Cliiirlotte, f. r the imrpoee of conducting the Lifrhtninrr Kod lUisinesti, is pre. pared to furnifh all H'ho tuny rlemre protertnn from the fearful element ' f i If t n i 1 1 C" ill buth Town Hiid tnuniry, with the best iiniteri.'i and ut prieei within the reach of every one who own. a ! tenement. OKDKRS, addressed through the Toi-t Office or left nt N. 'i!kinsoii's rcsioi ir.e, H ill inetl witit; prompt attention. Feh. '2 I Si". L. J. II AW LEY k CO. ft2tf ROVAL HAVANA LOTTKIIY. ' The next ordinnry drawing of tlie Koytil Iluvn. ns I.ottrry conducted b y Hit S(miBh '..nvrrninent, nnurr imp supervision ol tnc i apiain i.Lneral ot Cuti.t. will tsiku plure at Ilnviina on TUESDAY, JUNE 16, 1857. $300,000. SORTKO M'MEKO 5.2 OPDIXAKIO, CVtPITAI. Pl.IZi: 8100,000!! pr.z. ol Jt0.0 1 " AO.tttlU 1 " itn.oou Iprixn of 2.00 S " i,oo 52 " fiOO li:t " 4t '-U Apr'xim'a ft.fcOO lo.ooo 5,OtlO 4 Approximations to the (100,11110 SGIMJ ouch ; 4 of $40(1 to $50,1100; 4 ol $100 to $:ll,()U0 ; 4 ut 94H0 to CIQ.OOO; 4 ol 400 lu $5,tiOU. Whole Tickets 20j IlalvesHO; Quarters e" TVizes enshed at si-ht at 5 per cent, discount. Hills on all solvent Jtunks t.itirn nt pur. A tiruwintf will he Ibrwurded us .:iou us the re. suit becomes known. 'nm in nunicu tii ns addressed to DON iiODKI. (rare of City J-ost Charleston. S. C.) un- I blh of June, will be ntUlided to. ci i:z, ( til the llil Persons ordering Tickets will please w rite tht ir names pluin aud give their poal otiice, county und state. Dt itossrr tv inctnv.x, JJ ILMINCTON. N. C, ItKOWN 4.V Dt ltO.SSlr, si:ir roniu GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Usual advances made on consignrionts. .SV; r. 3, I f?56 JH-ly Cigar, sE !satf3sssjat5 aaaai r - r sw keiVNcw StorcSNcw Books, rRF.scorr's Robhstson's f tiAm.rs Vth. Cveiui .inu or Ami.rican I.itfrature, by Duyc- kinck. Gaivon or New Mtxico and lira Peon., by " ls- Fat'I. F'aise, or Fasts or a Lire Close I'ntoi d novel by N. F. Willis. The Two Lights. Vim. ft tj The Cross imi the Crowx, by Mrs. Mt'lutnsll. Fit t.s raoiu Tiir Foi-tix or I.irr, a book of Srr. nions that might lie read with pruftt by any one, by Itev. It. Newton, I). P. Thf MvsTERV.oa Em. ami fJoon, bv John Young, I.L. I). Tiif. IIotjfiioi.D Anokl in Disr.t isr, by Mr.. Les. lie. Thk fioi.nrs Lrntrv. The Misr.a ; Kitti r TirKETArit ; nnd Tiir Tooa Cr.s. tm mvn : tlsree Talc, bound in one volume. Foist e LiFr. ioo tiif. Monoa. Dr. Kane's Arctic LxrLu:iATioN, i r. j. LowniE. Charlotte. Marrk S4, ieS7. New Saddler's Shop. Mm Tin: srns( i.nn.it i HAVINU purehnurd (he entire lockofSjd.f rili i y belonging to Ilnbt. 81i.iw, in fur inn the : ettizt-nt nf C'hurb'tte, and the public genrdli", that be lutt nds to carry on the j SADDLK AM) II.IKNF.SV ii-..a. aHa1 HW-J S.. 'Hi-- ''fcsW' ; in ill its various branrbi n, nt Mr. Shaw' old M.inJ, where t't'rsoiiBi rienirii' ? un v mtie.e in bin line c;n be asitpi'lud. A ujiiiy ol SADDLES, HAR.ESSt lilt IDLES, $C. ; OF EVERY VESi RirTlOS, ! will iiIwsts be on hand, nnd the citiicnn generally i are infited to cll .ind examine in nrtich s. they '1ml bhc made of tlie best mattrul ud olfordrd j ; on tie im'st rvusotuible term. (LTKKPAIKINt- of nil kind, done t the hort- I e.l notice and with neatness and fiip.i Ich. J. S. LYLKS j Charlotte, Feb. 17, 1S57. 5Uf ,otic i:. A HOUSE era. taken up in Charlotte, about jhe County Court, which llie owner can ob tain by paying eienBe. lie is of a sorrel eolnr, blaie in hi Uce, 6 or 7 year, old and shod in front. R. B. DAVIS. May H. 1857. lllf t litTTfiri"r a. If Slf ii 1 SWAN & COS LOTTERIES CAPITA r; riUZH TICUHTS CMI.Y nJi - . . Owiiiy In tho sreat favor with which our Smpia Nu in her Lotierics have been received Lj the pub lie, and the large demand for Ticket., the Mn. gcra.S. Swan A Co., will have a drawing each SaU Drdajr tli r.'ii t ! nt the year. The following Si heme will be drawn in each of their Iottcriea for June, lou7. ClAaS 3, To be drawn in the Cifv of Atlanta, fia., in pnb blie.on S-ATIRDAY. June , lt57. CLASS 40, To be drawn in the citv of Atlanta, Ga., in public, on SATLRDAV, June 13th, lf57, CLASS 41, To be drawn i'l Hie city of Atlanta, frs., in pub lie, on SATt'l! DA Y, June U0, Ibj?, CLASS 42, To be drawn in the city of Atlanta, Ga., in pnb. lie, on SATURDAY. June li7th, lto7, I ON Till: PLAN" OF r -r rnrr'- i r MOItE THAN' 1 l'KIZK TO KVEKV 10 TICKETS. TO SK DSAW,f 1 Priie or I ii I i I f I o 45 rrizrsf llil) " 1110 'iO.tlOli is 2l),lMlll ia III, (Kill it 5,11(10 ia 5, mill is i.jnu ia i. U.oi U is l.ni'U ia 1,1'IHI is I.IHIII is l.lilll) 19 .111(1 are 1UII are oil ore tw.oon lU.lilil) 5,IH.'0 6,1100 2,5(10 2.3'iO a.jnu l.uoo I ,(K'0 1 ,DU0 I.lli.U 13.500 10.0110 6,000 ATPROXIMATION PRIZEH 4 Prizea o:'f J ."i Approx. to Jl.O.dliU are tr)00 too 4 m.'ti 2ll,oiiU are 4 8 12 1G 3,1100 125 " 70 " 5n " 40 ' 20 are 10.01)11 .re 6.000 arc 2.500 are 500 500 t;;:o (140 60,000 l.OUO urc 3 30i Prizes air.ouiitiij;r to (201,000 Whole Tick'ts $10, Halves 5. Quart'rs2J. PLAN OF tiii: i.otti;uy. The XuiTihtM fjoin I to H'',t'0(), corrtcpftndiiig with tlmsu ' ii in hers on the 'i'-ckel prmltd un -p.iriito Klips of piiper, are encircled with smull tin j tuies and pi.ireij in one WJiril. j '1'hc firbt '2M iVizt a, imniUrly printed and i n. ! circled, nre placed in anothrr Wheel. j The whit Is arc then rfvoivid. and a number is drawn from the wheel of Nuinhrrs.am! at the s..n. time a Vrir.v m drawn trum the other v heel. The Jomb,.r mid l'rt7.c drawn out urr opnitd und cx- ! hi hit d to tli nudirnce, und rr;istcrei hy the i -oni. iniFfiioiKTP ; tlie 1 rue bring plucr.d I'tf-'inbt tho Nuinh'-r drawn. Tliix opt-ruliun in repeated until ull the Prizes are drawn out. ArmoxtMATion Phizes T'in two precedinp and the two succiediii Nuitibrrn to those drawing tlie j first IU I nzt s Will Le enlutled to (he 4ti Ap-rf'Xi. j mation Iri7r arcordnif: to the scheme. Fr tx ( ample: if Ticket No. 1 1 ,2.50 draws the $tiU,0ii0 True, those tickets numbered llJ-IR, ll.tMU, II, a."l, 1 1,'J.W. will each he i-ntilled to 821?5. Jl'Tic. j ket No. ;"t50 draws the S 'O.OWI Vtrif, thoitp Tic j krM numbered ,r.-tjj, 5-111, .1",1, ,'i.Vj, will each be en ! titled to $00, and noon accuruing to the above scheme, 1 Ti't- 3,000 Prizes of 20 will be determinrt! by the hist figure of the number that drnws the $oU,U0Q Prize, for example, if the Numbvr druwmji the jt5U,tMUJ Prize emit with No. 1, then all the 'iick ctR where thu inimber erids in I, will h entitled to S'-'". Jl the Number ends with No. 2, thru ull ; the Ticket licre the Nnmher ends in if w ill be entitled to $:.'(, and so un lo 0, ! Certijicutrs of Package will be sold at tiie ful. lowing ratts, which is the nk : Cerlll5oiite of pUgc of 10 Whol i i,t 11 i.' Whole Ticket, 11) Half 40 " " 10 Quarter " 20 j " ' IU Eighth " 10 I Is Ordering Tickets or Cebtificates, enclose the money to our address for the Tickets ordered, on receipt of which they Willi be forwarded by ' first mail. Purchase m can huvc ticket, ending in I any figure they may designate. The List of drawn Numbers and Tritce will be . sent to purchasers immediately Mtcr the drawing, I ILT Furcliiiaers will please w rite their signatures j plain, nnd give their post nlVice, cuiinty and &fute. I lyiteiiieinber that evry Fiize ia drawn and ' payable in full without deduction. JZTAII prizes of $1,11110 and under, paid imme. dintoly atiir the drawing o'.hcr Prize, at the ua. ual lime of o'J days. All communications strictly confidential. Ad 'rim Orders for Tickets or Certificates, to S. SWAN & CO., Atlanta, Ga. lj"A list of the numbers tlint are drown from the wheel, will, the amount of the prize thatcicy one is entitled to, will be published after evcrh drawing, in the following papers: iVein Orltant VrltH. Mttbile iegisrr. i'hurlntton Standard, A'osA. rule Gazette, Atlanta fatelh?mrer. A', r'ori IVecA. ly Day tiaok and Savannah M'irning JSfits. Boots & Shoes. just itr.rKivKi), j FOR THE ; S ! It I .V a ami S V.li .? J It I e.- H , Sir- ....... M-li ' kj ! AS FINE AS AstiOltl'MENr OT BOOTS :XI) SirOKS, I As Has Ever Be ex OrrKRi'D To Tue ! Southern People. Call ind see thrm at ' r.OONE & CO-S STORE. ; !P"Ti rms, CASH, I Marrh 17, 1S,".7. 3tf FISIv'S PAT F.NT 3IKTALL1C !Ui:ialcasi:s. T 1HK suhsrn'.MT inrnrms the eitzjn. of Char. lottc and the public penerallv, tlmt he has jnl received a suoply ot Fink's Burial Caac., which he utl't r tu tlie pehlie. ALSO COFFINS either of M illegally, Walnut or other wood, u. niiiy tt dismiJ. ALSO Al! kinds ..flTli.MTlRE on hand.or in a tie U ordi r nt the si. ur test notice aud most reasonable rales. J. M. 6ANDEUS. 2S:f -t-CP'i V "V, S re, jr 1 Wasiiais.auU. .NmWbJ A Am T:iilorinc i;!t.!lili 111 rut. I'' AMES BR1ANT inform lua friends .nd for. mer pilron., thst be h. renpeneo his TAIL- ORING FSTAHLIMIMF..NT 11. Sprint;' new Building, where he will be hippy to e any una wanting anything dun in In. line. All work warranted. Sept. 4li, IS5C, 37lf ' 'I i Srpt. 9, IMG