vu.aiiuucan CHARLOTTE, 3NT. C, 5 TJ2XT3E3 2S, 1857. 1 THOMAS J. HOLTON, Kditor k Proprietor. TKK.M.S: X,r N'.rl'i-' iroltna W "hip will be a forded to.nb ', , t TWO 1HU.I.AI1S in advance ; TWO rvl.l.AliS AND MKTY I'ENTS inpayment he i, ji. il l'r liirceiii'Milh; and Til II LI. DOLLARS lu'f "' the VKr. iSupapir will be dicon. ,,,. until ill arrearages are paid, except .t lite ,1101 tin.- 1 alitor. Q j.mrtisciiit'nls "r t -d al Onr Dollar per square t( r less, tins mud type) for the Aral liiatr. ,'. , ,,,, -J,, etui lor eiii'it continuance. Courtad. ,.,., mm i and Sheriff'. 8ale charged Hi per :M."''ri , ",1 deduction of 33 J per cant, will I, u n tn'in the regular prices, for advertiaer. by ,,, v.-if. Advertisements inserted monthly or j-nri, 'li . ill l per square for each tune. Svnn-HNr-.n v "j cent per square for each time. jrl'.winiasti ra re authorized to act a. agent. g-JH Tlir SOUTH CROLIS4 WHIfl. TO TIL LI Li, f 1,1 y -;iiI r.rfdt olive pin lit I iff ti. i witlmut rompUint, I,,- i nfc Si vi nir .krn the Itt'iice Tj u.-n'in in liIu! in noctnce. -'I'lii ! mine llto in IlriYen, a . i . it. i.s Aft freeiy ij.uu,' W ;,.:r -t Tiiiy cl'Hi l nhiil never rie, A .j I rn r.J inure be-titm tlte eye. F '", ni v ci.iM ! the nn-tty flowers " T, ;:' i ic aiiii'l cei ti;il bowrr, ttn-r- Hit r 'f' shah never fatJr. 'I ,i v uc'rr ii.i iific ttk licaJ. , -iiv r lilil ! ftiri-p wMy on, I , ,i-' ! t ti.iy 'h H brightly .law a, ,n vi- v itj wt ri will Ui'WjrU Oar, T - ! e q luc verdant .iore. JWisffllancotis. From the American I'nion. l:V II.lKtlV BKLL. Qii.'a vs thouL'lit a star fcbot from the -e ii L. !VU to tbe earth, aud was lost in '..-.'.c-3 ami gioutu. It was a beautiful, : ii - nir'!it, and Medori Arton was t::.nj iy the window of her room in ber :.:.; i infusion, zaziug out at that bright it fell. The occurreuce, ominous i- :t r-iiy vm, made no itpre.atC'a upon ;?r i, fjr the bad witnessed a airuilar t.;:.t f an hundred tiniest before. Ai lii-tie beneath her window aroued i.-fruil.o reverie into which she had aud liftins the caement, sh peered '.!.:.) tl.e darkness. A white 'kerchief iv i in the street below. "11 Us corue !"' she eiclairned jojfully, r.i tjaiu,; ber jewel box from tbe little :" tii,'I, he desceuded noiaelesfl and 4 l'i-uUj at the door. A voice outride -.'.:: ! tin; wcrd " 1'o.well." Without hesi-i;.r..- f jrtli-r she opened the door and was ..tin ti.e o!'-curity without. '!; .r-i Art hi had eloped eloped from :V.her t h-iuse with one whom he foud- jv.!. a it 1 ,y whom she supposed her - : :r j. y I jv.-.i'iii return. In one week's ti- the v arriv,: 1 et their place of destina t .3 t,d wi-r mirricd. The ituaje of Iht ;'i-r iu,i -ouiotiiues ri-e up iu her mind, ' her f it ingratitude tu one who had : 'ii tir! U'-t of fathers, but fhe would i. : y ilriie tiij thoulit away, and for a ' ' ' as t'Oiuparativety happy. lisp 1. in tti-j iiiau iilic loved, and never for once -'.: i,t,,nj a doubt of his constancy. Alas, ' i.jr t fteduious heart, she was doomed ' p. jintiiii.iit. l!y decrees lie became ii h'l, and would pan! wholo days and aw i v from hr, leaving ber to watch : ' i entiling, hour after hour, iu the pain ' a. i,j su-p. iie. It was in one of f tit-iit wntclies tiifl last one she ''" i.-id f.;r him, that a kervant rapped at -r -t a il l put a note into her baud, which M i !). t'.,. ; ; "Ii a-.i M,.ilora : l'ity. oh ! pity jour td liii-haud, who loces you better ' i. . A cruel fate that ha purauud : - ' i. in y y, ithful days i even now, at 'iawii ti' of happy pro-pectx, ell 11 on my .'ra-jiij for my life's blood with its l.;.nd. Time is abort. Seek not ! 1 it.f i,r know my future course. This 1 -' ' t'.e '...--; ri clouds will hovir over me, ,-i I -m 'i be far away. Adieu ! i-ii t.. your father. I have left ample '- .:i t .. "hands of the Hotel proprietor, U lie iii nay on the receipt of the? en ' - I i.: I, r ' l)i-:ir.-t M.jdora, 'tis fate, ;- I.',':. Unee more, adieu ! JlohWLI.!.." " V., fit.-," M.-dora said to herself, " what ' ti ilo nith my lloswell ? 'Tis fate ' a. i ii p-peat.-d, slid dropped the sor ' i.-'.t tne encr upon the rich caipet 1 ''..! her u- t. T lien she pave herself up ' I '" ,j -m of yrief aud despair. i:.t with the proprietor the fol- '.' "".in; (ipiained e .erything, and ' lirnieil her worst supiciolii. ''ii Mn.i.ijd, the viliuin hu Lad ; iv n-dueed the unsuspecting firl '' ''" i- r Irvine and ruined her, was the third i u . ni Went India planter, and ' ; ii - t.t t ) a iiorthetn city in the ' t .t'-s to ubtnit, an education. As '' '''.r I, id b . n .rovident for the son's "ti'.. ti.e 'on was by no means back 4' i'i u.i.i-terin to his own animal wanta. t t . i:iy . t v ij (j,.. had kit college and ' 1 '.j. ii - il,ii.i.- in tho j;ny and difisipv ' "-j ,1 New (irieain. and it was here H in, l into t'nu very haunts of his ', Li-, now d.'-ert' d wife, atid here I.- r. II,; hud hi come aeipiainted ' i nt tin) North, and bud made ' h. -r lather objected to her bein ini'i. With the trusting eonfidencr '. - ii" believed the falachood and 1 ' !, ,t t, ars i'lj-hed from hi r beau ' '.. ihuac tycs thai up to that lour bad looked but love and t flection, as she' thought of her promises, and the ruin which ! a belief in those promises bad wrought in j her soul. She felt every word uttyred by tbe cold-hearted Hotel keeper frrm whom1 she learned the painful truth thru she was not Roswcll Minwood's 6rat victim sinking deep into her heart, chilling the warm blood I and paling her usually roseate countenance,! and she would have fainted, but pride cauio ' to her aid and lent its sustaining power. A dangerous fire was burning in her bosom,' a fire by which the love she bad eutertained ' lor Itoswcll was being burned down To dead liest hatred. Thus it is with all ruaukind !" he ex claimed. " I have been deceived, but my revenge shall be as terrible as my desola tion." Two years passed away and Medora Ar ton had seen the worst nide of life. They had been years of excessive dissipation to ner, sua many a heart had heen made sor rowful by her evil machinations. Her resi-1 dence was now at Washington. .Senators I and men of power, charmed by the fascina-j tion of her wit aud beauty, were her con-! statu votaries. j In the company of one of these admirers, j one evening, the thought of Koswell came upon Lr mind with much force, she could i not repress uttering his name in along siyh. ! " Koswell Miiiwood,'' said her companion, " that name is very familiar to me, did you ! know him too ?'' " IJut too well !" exclaimed Medora. j Then you have heard of bis death ?" 1 " Head ! Koswcil dead :'' " Aye ! He died in New Orleans of a most fearful disease, induced by bis profligate : course oi lire, lie wss very much reduced ; jiu circumstances before his death, as his: I father having become disgu-ted with, as well as disappointed in him, disowned hitn. I jWas with him in his last moment, and 1 j never at,t to witness another such a death." j j Medora uttered a shriek and fainted heu consciousness returned she was alone. "Time has indeed been short witbbiin,", she exclaimed, " and I am still spared. My ; companions think I am happy. Could they : witness the agony I suffer j could they aee 'the torn, bleeding heart, that beats beneath , this free exterior, how would they gladly ren.aiu as they are, nor seek the lot of her j ' they envy." j Tired of lil'u at the capital she returned to her native city. Her emotions at the sight of tho place where she bad spent her earliest days, may be imagined but not written. Kvery familiar pot that met her eye brought up old and foud associations aud the incidents of her childhood crowded her memory as though they had occurred but the day before. In one of ber afternoon : rambles on th inert nith a. At,.' ml, she' passed the minister under whose preaching she bad been reared, whose voice had so olteo spoken the sacred words to her childish ears, and the power of whose eloquence hid ou more, than oue occasiou brought tears to her eyes. Her fame ha I reached his ears,; and with a sorrowful look he passed her by i without recogniiing her. ; " , my (iod '" she exclaimed, half aloud, " is it possible !" j " What is tbe matter ?" queried her com- i pauion, " did that gentlemau who has just passed up know you ?'' ! " He did know me once, but not now. (), bow deeply, how deeply I bave wronged Lis teachings." Iu an unpleasant frame of mind she sought her lodgings, but rhe could not rest. The image of the minister haunted ber mind, and she passed a sleepless night. '1 lie next day she sought to divert bur uiitid from the; sunject, but to no purpose. " No '. no !"' she exclaimed, " there is no more happiness for me. I have ruined my self, and brough tho grey hairs of my parents with sorrow down to the grave. O, the misery of that one false step. ' ! Mie took up a paper, but it contained ' nothing to chetr her mind. n the coit trury, she read the death of her youngest ri-ter, a bright, beautiful litttle girl, whom 1 the bad caught an occasional glimpse of, on the street, and towards whom her heart had many times yearned in sisterly fondness, j " Why," she asked herself, after violent' burst of passion, " why do 1 stay longer away from those parents whose hearts must,! by this circumstance, have become- more j tubdued, and who, doubtless, stand ready to receive me with open arm J 1 will no longer : do so. I will seek tliem at once." I Without waiting long for her jiood reso- i lutiou to prow cold, she, like the piodigalj sou, soU''ht her father's bouse. How alio I trembled as she drew near its old-fa-hioned front, and thought of the happiness that she had there enjoyed. T here was the porch in which she had often set on ber father's knee lisleiiitiL' to his words of counsel and advice; and the little window that lighted the room she used to occupy, the very one out of which she bad gaz,.d into the heavens, ami wit- nessed the fall of that bright star OU the) evening of her elopement. j It was twiliyht. Her parents were sitting one each side the cheerful (ire, for the, wcuther was ijiiitti cool, and though every thing around them seemed pleasant enough, I their countenances gave evidence of that, sorrow that was sapping the springs of their j existence and shortening their stay upon earth. The recent los of their only re-i maining daughter had wounded their hearts, alreah, and this night in talking of her, they j talked also of Medora the t hild that lie buried, not iu the grave, but ia sin and wretched nens. i How their hearts yearned to see her, to1 cla"p her to their bosom, to forgive and forget all. so that she might comfort and ' support their declining powers aud he a aoluce to the bint years of their life. And Medora, at the same moment, how she dreaded to touch the bell that would opeli tho door of her father's house, knowing there vould a chord vibrate in her owu heart which she might hot have thy power to endure. Summoning all her courage, she rang the bell. Thrt same old domestic that had been accustomed nlwsyto wait upon her, opened the door but knew her not. Shu inipiiied for Mr. Arton, and in a few moments was iu the prctLcc of Ltr parents. The old man arose, motioned her to a scat, and inquired bur business. Ho had not recognised her. " You have just burled a little daughter, have you not!" " We have," be answered sorrowfully, " and a severe blow the bereavement has been to us." " You have another living ?" " Ah 1 we had snothor, but she 0 Ood 1 would she, too, had died at the early age of her ulster. Site is worse than doad 1" and tho old man buried his face in his hands and wept. " It is of her, the erring one, that I come here to speak," continued Medora with emo tion, " think you there is no hope of her re turning again to the path of virtue!" " Alas, I know not!" " Would she on her return ee that he merits not forgiveness from her pareuls!"j i II. t it ...i.l i !- t How gladly would we accord it. YouUrs. Grady, Mitchell, Willieuis aud Wiiu- ssy you came to fpeak of her. Have you seen tier : Does she desire to return " She does !" " O, then let her. Delay no longer that which will in a measure till the void in our now desoUte hearts. Is she able to come to us, or must we go to her ! Where is she!" "Here!" exclaimed .Medora, throwing herself at her father's feet and clasping his hands tiL'ht'y in hers, hero at thy leet, the proud Medora sues for thy blessing, thy forgiveness. Can you furtive your erring child!" ! ! 1... I -- I - i. "J ", r 'onier sue essayea to embrace her, but she had swooned from the violence of her emotions. Medora hung ).... v.-.i.:...- I.... i.. i . v.ii ci,k,iiiiu- iii-i irii,i,i,-9 .nil u-iuir ine . irc-i ruueiiruiB language to call ner baci . , .H . 7,., .. . .. , In IiIm ii,1 til m n 1 1 nn I I,., ft.- a1......i i . ., , . . . ,., ... a nuiiauou. i ., urs, o.jee, tua, met th, mother . eyes, a. she cue to her- self, was Medora. Then I h ive not been dreaming,' she said, "and Mc J01 a has again returned. ( I T . I !. .1 . . ,1 . . ... I . . :.. . 1 " ., . , . . ,. , .. 1 iiiaija, ii.rtj ma ui'iu uasi iierillllieu tniiie agea servant to live to mis uour. It was the happiest night Medora had spent since rhe had ict't her home, and with a joyful heart she sought her room. In a few weeks the news of her return had spread among the friends of the family, many of whom received ber wiih cordiality. There were a few who, proceeding upon the prin ciple "once a sinner, always a sinner," thought they couid uot do so wi:h propriety. 1 wo years more nau passe, 1. lwoioyiui ' ... .. . li' v i t 1 ns e 1 years they had beeu to Jledora Arton. H.ppyiu the society of her friends, who wcr few and select, snd harpy in the love of one who loved her and truly so in return, Deeply had she repented her past errors, and bor prayers to the God of all grace for forgiveness had, as she trusted, been ' an- swered. One of the visitors at the Louse was a yoangr ctrrcjm-u the rs.juiti, wtio come North to spend a few months to recruit his health. He had been introduced to Medora by the same minister who-e quiet look, wiihout recognition 011 the street two years before, had operaleJ ro strongly upon her mind and turned :?r o repentance. Mr. Mayvillc, the Southern clergyman, had never heard her hi-tory. Ho was charmed with her piety, good aeuse and in formation, and the continually calm expres sion that rested ou her still beautiful coun- ...1 .t ;. r,,. 1.;... .,.. ..1, ,. . i f m i li . ri. It was not euough for Medora. Mie felt ........ f st ii- 1 , that, 111 lii-tice to herscif and him she must 1 . i. 1 , i-1 1..1. t explain all, and she did so. At the clo-e of her recital he straim-d her to his bosom, i " tJnc," said be "who has seen lif in such sorrowful j liases, is more than ever fitted for the station which a minister's wifo is called to fill. I honor you for lb senti- ..l.aiivo, uu i'i unit " v.i,ul:... ment that inspired you to reveal to me your past bi-tory, and believe me, I shall love you more than ever for this new tuaik of COIltl'ieltCC w dav, a'ler this or heroine was n - few days a.ter In o.r heroine was united to Mavtiile.and the family removed to the field of his labors at the South. We mighl lengthen our little story by relating how Medora became the guardian nugel of the parish ; how she sympathised with the erring, and raised up tho fallen by her ex ample, but we have said enough to show that hosevcr low 0110 may fall, there is aKr.iys hope for them so long as the lamp of life holds out. How Ai.k Strengthened Him. We be lieve we have got hold of an original anec dote that never was printed before. A student of one of our Statu Colleges had a barrel of ale depo-ited in his room contrary of course to rule and usage. Hu received a summons to appear before the President, who said : " Sir. I am informed that you have a barrel of ale iu your room. " Yes, sir." " Well, what explanation can you make. " Why, the fact is, sir, my physician ad-1 vises me t try a little each day as a tonic, and hot wishing to stop at the various places here the beverage, is retailed, concluded 10 nave a narrei laa.'n ei my io.m,i. "Indeed. And have you derived any benefit from the use of it!" " Ah, yos, sir. When tLe barrel was first taken to my room, two days since, I could scarcely lift it. Now I can carry it with the greatest ease." We believe the witty student was dis charged without special reprimand. 1 .1 I. l . ... . ...... ' Pluck. Dr. John Thomas, Bishop of Salisbury, Ktiglaitd, wss married four times.! Tho motto ou his wedding ring, at his fourth marriage, was : j " If I survive I'll tnako tin 111 five." Visitors at Niagara Falls will rtfine mber I Throp, Isaac Newton T'illelt, Joeph Yenable, .ei - ..... i, 1 a' .1 : 1 ir e sir . . ' - .1 - Af final I.laiM A staircase un iiic n.i ni'.o ( colled " Uiddlc Staircase." home one asked a friend of ours why it was called that name. " liecausu it wound up tho bank," was the answer. The French iu Algiers are sinking Arte sian wells in the desert, which will he of great benefit. The Arabs are frnntio with joy in seciug fertility at ouco restored to their grouud. BYNOP8I8 OF THE REfor.T. Of the Visiting Committee and Vacuity of the I' diversity of Pibrth Carolina. The. Annual examination of the Senior PI.... . - . t. . . I r, . r . i u,, iii niu KtcriL i,i jui uiiciir oi nit in- ..;n,iin .1,1, ,i. ..,,; r i'i.....: niennement week, commenced n Monday .l. .i.i.i. i m i i i ' I..., mo .uiq oi npru ana oiosuu oniriusv me'. r . . , 1st M.y, and on the following rsominj the "g 'T ' tU' report was read ,n Gir.rd Hall. 8 I m' lh eW "'J' " ,,"n"f" ' ; Q n, - . , I mgly sighs over "some Itttlo while things" ihe Senior Class consists of fif members, that she ouoe gave her boys for marblef. j p.i.. mt,., iwarueo to members of this class in our isue of May -nd. Pour members of the e ss are re- eorded as absent from no duty .luring the full collegi.te term of four yerr,: involving &hn"t 4f t(lf) r ttatif) npr i i rts. ,.:. duties of the InstitutiMi. Thtwe were Mes-' . - - r i i it ii-. ii. . t - - ... wu'u aw berly. The examination of the three lowrr classes commenced on Monday the -Oth of May, aud closed on Monday tie 1st of June. It was conducted by the .'acuity, under the supervision of the Itjari of Kxaininers se lected by the Trustrcsfor the purpose. The Junior Class consists of 03 members. They were riamimd on Chemistry and Mineralogy; and Optics; the Klcctra of s'ophocle in lircck ; Cicero's lirutus in Latin, American History, Kacine and Mnliere in Kreia-h nnd t li ll,,lv Serin . .. ... v . tures, and were spiroved, with the exoep. tion of two in Matleinalics, one iu Greek, ouo in Latiu aud cie iu Composition i ' 'ri . i- . . . 1 he 1st ilitiiM-titiii in this , : . j . i . i i, . : assigned to Mus. Anderson, liuchauan, . . ' ' i uruuituii iii litis cms sai OW(, Ianinj0Il, Lor,, McAfl.e Morehe.d, j W,H w,1r ,t'j Wililfield. Tl, ' , ,... .. . . . , . . Aut-v Bin eaaiiniici ou Aiiaiiucni Ge .etry and Calculus i plain aud spherical j -r ai .1 1 1 '. 1 1 igonoiueiry 111 .'1 au.ciiiaiics ; two hooks 1 1 i t 1 ; r 1. . c T. r .1 o....- . 1 .1 ' .1.. e .'. ,, 1 o ,111- vu, aim 1110 1 iiisiiea ui 1101 lue . , . , . , , in Latin; Gons.Ue de Cyrdone in FreDcU , f-' the bustle large or small at the and the Holy Scripture, and were approved, 1 "'r,, I''"""'.. for throwing the fu.l with theexccptiouori.oiuGre. k .ndtwo "'w it ia most needed. Jhediffi. in Latin , culty of tapes Lreaking is also avoided. i i e . i- .- .1 1 I " Wis.' lultl. Itil rrst ftiHlinntf.n lit tliia elsau ia aa. signed to Messrs. Harris, G. li. Johnson, J Ji Lynch and Mockton M. . , , .-iii i .1 1 . r . .- i I . m to the 1st distinction in Mathematics ; Mes- ' ... 'i, .. 1 u . - . .1 r . 1 1 srs. Look sua Knox to the first iu rreuch , , cr"'l" u ""-nibers of this class have l";"l.fr0' d"'? ''unng the coll.- f,1'" v,t : ,,u,n. l,n L0o,k r l'tUr i1"' C',nV V, .. , ' f",; ,u.U"',n?. N'on. ' 1'iddiek, r. Vv lobb""'; f ' L' KoLI""' U' So""""", naiiou anu vvituera. The Freshman CU.s coo-i.U of 10 nicni- Sers. 1 ber wrr ev.minil on Alvst.r ati,1 Iteometry ; the first book of Hersdotus in i... .1 1;. ... l.i, ,.f II. .!,... ;.. (rrek -, three books of Liry in Latin ; Au ciout lli.-lory and tbe Holy Scristures. The first distinction is assigned to Messrs. liatU", lirooks, I. M. Koysler, Scales, ilsoti and Woostcr. Mr. Harry is entitled to the first distinc tion in Mathematics ; Mr. A. M. Thigpen the first in Latin, History and the Holy, Scriptures. i Light members of this class have failed iu attendance upou no Collegiate duty during . ,, . . 1110 enure collegiate year, vix : ?esrs. Hal- tie, rogle, llogan, Ke ly, McKe Icr, W. 1. ..." ,n ',. h. ',,(,' ' Nicko.son, 1 ool and I. JI. Koyster. - PliuBEW. The Degree of liachelor of Sciet,ce is con- ferred upon Mr. J. K. Lindsey. -y I)cr.rce 0f Mt,ter of Arts, in regular rur,e.i conferred ur.or. Win. Il.i.rv liunn. Henry Jordan Cannon, Iter. Pleasant W. I'.tlton, Joseph Adolphus Knglebard, John W. Graves, John Liartiey Gutter, Delano Whiting Husted.SamT K. Jackson, Thos. C. t ' "S . .. V '"T "' s, l,, u L Ledbttter, Leom.Us John Mer- ritt, J. JI. Jlorrison, U. It. Saunders, Kufus W . Scott, John Duncan Shaw, John I). , Taylor, Geo. N. Thompson. F. A. Toorner Jas. A. Wright, Thos. T. Iiisinukt's, M. I., aud Win. ltadbatu, Jr. rlMt. a . a a a j no Honorary yegrfs 01 .Master 01 -rts is conferred upou W. M.sou and Lucieu Holint s. j Tbe Honorary Degree of L. L. D. is con- ferred upon Aarou V. Iliown, piesent 1'ost t Ma-tcr tieneral of the L'uited Status. ! I The Degree of Doctor of Divinity upon ' Hev. Win. Hooper, 1,. L. D. 1 The Graduating Class numbered 09, who received tUe Degree ot IJachelor ol Arts, as follows: j John Anthony, Alplionso C. Avery, llenj. liiuunl I'.ames, Thaddeus C. lii'lsher, Koberi t liinghain, Kohert John Cannon, Thomas II.: Christmas, John II. ..ohle, t.ahrnl Jones , Davie, Junius Itynunt Peberry, J.c Kd- war,j Duggcr, George Michael Duskin, Jaooh I 1 1 ami I ton Kvan. Andrew Jackson Flannor, . HUj?j, W'alker Gardner. Itanjamiii Kranklin ' (;rajyj Jr ( I),,i, McLean Graham, John j ; Washiio'ton Graham. Joseph Graham, tieo. elirv Gregory, Jes-e Hargrave Hiram ' iUB.,"l Harrcll. Pincktiev C. 11 arriu-toti. I 1... .. .. . . Hubert ll.irvev. Leonidas II. Ilaylev. Wil-I liam Holliday II ay ley, Thomas Nor fleet Hill, 1 Mr. Koons, iu descending, lost bis hold, and Louis Whitlteld Howard, Eustace 11 unt, fell a distance of tilteeti feet, striking upon JohiiC.ilvinJacohs,LouisM.!iedith,liggitts,lho handle of the folk, which entered his Thos. William Johnston, Win. Hill Jordan, body, aud passed up through the bowels, Jr, Thomas Stephen Kenan, John Means j diaphragm and lungs, and was stopped Lawing, William Jones Lea, Kxuin Lewis, ' finally by the shoulder-blade. He lingered John Karly Logan, Charles Andrew Mitchell, Norman Alleu Morrison, Henry Mullins, John McKinnoti, John Calvin McLauchlin, 1 at f l-t a k.' . 1 will, i ncKliey iMCJjesn, nuurri onmuei 11 , , m'm;ii,. u-it Jlel.einore, II aim ton Jlc.'lilliiti, William .. - .,1 11 1 it ii 1 Stokes Nornient, Cadwallader Polk, Junius .. , ,, 1 .. .. ,, 1, , .. .in AII hellK K. Koan. .Ill Ins ......... .. ' , - - - ' Alexander Hobbins. Kdwin Smith Sanders, I Henry W. Sessions, Felix G. Smith, Jona ' Lafayette Steward, William Moring Sut ton, Henry Clay Thompson, Henry JiOan .Naliiau l urry nru, .'tnuu mgn t ai- son, James Louis WYbb. John F.lisha Whar ton, Nathan liry an Whitlield, Francis Smith Wilkinson, William Henry Williams, Wil liam Kdward Wilson, Geo. Louis Wimborly. The foregoing is merely a brief synopsis of the report of tho Faculty aud visiting Committee, as the great length of the docu ment and our limited space precludes the possibility of giving it entire. We have endeavored, however, to give all tho Jirn distinctions, together with the courses of examination of each class. C:ijii II ill (Jnzeltc. f.. . t n t . I Griicvinu r or Lost Pkarlh Tt would I h"vb?el k' r ' 1d1,"C0TcrJ P"1" at iSotoIi Jirook, is. J. Dozens arc bemoan. A schoolmaster lugubriously remembers t lint ' he has chopped op tight or ten thousand dollars' worth, with his pen knife, to see ' what wss inside." Another genius rammed , r.earl bullet down his riflo and shot away I 1 a. - - i l 1. I .1 um lurLui c. s u u u inuv i u n ill' kiimi hi months over her "wood ban-nio with the .... R o ... pedler " now discovers that she paid liiui iu pearls about seven thousand dollars for a calico dress. It is needless to say that she hasn't laughed since. The unfortunate man who had the $'.'0,000 one cooked for his breakfast has taken to bed iu utter despair, and refuses to be comforted. l-x.hunze. Hont'S. We are glad to notice among our (Xchanges the universal opinion, that after all that has been said about hoops after all the jeers and sneers, that for substantial utility and comfort, therr- is no substitute for it. Any defence of the hoop may be called seasoning in a circle. Hut they ena ble tbe wearer to dispense with the numer ous skirts so fatiguing in warm weather, and prevent the ungraceful effect of a soft fabric falling in a line curving towards the feet. This is so destructive of grace in the female ; ngure Hist a single view u enough to recon cile one to hoop, forever. A new iuu,tion, H'l f-f haa iti.t K... n !!.,! tlm .. VrJt j;ljr,(.. ,Liclj Lu, miut,gKt 0VeP .,,1... ..t v.,,., ij,. It is a skeleton skirt, with a contrivanco n iis.i 11 im'l, iisiiw. 1 answer. c .. 1,. ... uv . . t !hcn it is wanted to cover the sheep and . .. , , , r . L'.A.n If U..I.1I ll.n.,. ll.. fil.ta .)iu..n u ' ivwii.i. siw.ii ,i, iiir, j, in sheared until the frost conies you can sea ,he shape of every cl.p of the shears ; when ,,,e fro.t lhecu;j weotl,er con.e, it grows out immediately. Now, if you wish lor a heavy clip, feed when the wool is growing, lf Jgu L,T, DV eltra fel.jitllen is the lime to use it. The wool draws very bard upon ...1 ...... 1 . i - r . il,,.,.. ...A ri,. .,,1 ',.1 J.l. ,llno,t t fii mcr. Thev thii , .l,.n ar dn,n mhn il,j.v in .rAaion : r . . e poor, i cau make an additional pound of: wooi "nth one uu-hel ol corn, and my shfiji will afterwards winter one bushel of corn easier.. Let your sheep get poor while the wool is growing, and you cannot recruit them until the next summer. J. D. t'ctm berlam in titneare Farmer. - Sl iter EATIMi.-The theory of Sir Charles Landram, that a supper before retiring should be the principal daily meal, in order to secure perfect health, is confirmed by tbe I following extract from a recent English j paper : " The perils of good living to per- sons of aedeutary habits are not very stt iking- ly exhibited in the history of Hev. Mr. I'av is, 1 , rector of Staunton-upon-Wycd, who died at the age of l11') years. He made a hearty : breakfast on hot rolls, buttered, with a large 1 supply of tea and coffee. His dinner was' substantial, and frequently consisted of a variety of dishes. At auppcr he ate hot roast meat, and always drank wine, but " i P"Wy. i lb" , , , ,:, f,..,,,';,.. ,,',, .,, orDorL.aj ' Mammoth Stea jmiipGheat Kast- erm, We have already noted the fact that , convention composed or about a don.n 1 Virginia and Tennessee railroad compsuies, whose great object is the opening of a direct commercial :uticoiirsc by a line of steam- a,ips between the city of'.N'ortolk, Virginia, gll, t1(, principal Atlantic porta of Kurope, j mM ilt!, at Jiri-tol last week, and that it selected lion. Win. llaliard Preston to pro- c,.t.j 10 Kurope with the view of curry ingj 01ll .uccc.fuy the projected enterprise. Mr. Preston is instructed to negotiate with tho company of the mammoth steamship Great Kastern, and to secure, if possible, ber first trip across the. Atlantic to the port ot .NotloU. IlnlHmme .iii. Impaled on the Handle i a Pin h- Fork. Mr. Peter Koons, a respectable farmer of I'.icbiiioiidviile, New Yoik, aged about 41 years, went iulo his barn a few days sincu to feed bis Hock, and, having thrown some hsy from the mow, dropped 1.. . , .1 - . r .' .1 . 11 bis bay fork, tho tines fastening in the lloor about lorty clgni nours, ami uicu iu greui agony. . . 1 . .1 j .1 : .. 1 , , . . 1 11 ..... 1 . M... .. Charleston has had but two 1 ost Masters I . . ... ,. ,. ,,, 1 utiuer luc prcseni v onsiimiMMi 01 mc . , 11 r. .. .... .... ., : Mates, the late venerable 1 bourns Wright . ....... ltacot, who was appointed by .'resident Washington, soon alter his inauguration, and who died tu office ; and the present worthy Post Master, the Hon. Alfred Huger, who was appointed by President Jackson, in January, lbd.'i, ou tho decease of Mr. liacot. In a curious book on the Hound Towers of Ireland, the origin of the term Yankee Doodle, was traced to th Peisian phrase " Yanki dooniuh," or " Inhabitants of the New World." Layard, in bis book on Nineveh and its Hcinains, also mentions Yanghidumis, as tho Persian name of A-uicrica. Sr The I)ay Bonk publishes tho follow ing as the sentiments of the Simon pure Ab olition Speakers at the Anniversaries ia New York. I'rim: a Speech by J!ev. M. Fuss. (il.AVMIOLDKRS' NECKS TO HE TWIKTKD. , , . . .. ,., 1.1 If the slaves cannot Let their liberty, let ' , , v- 1 1 1 them use the powers which (od has iiiven , ., , , . 1 them. I hey need not arm themselves. ., 3 .. . 1 . ... . , they only want to hare their liherty. (July , , , ittvn ll,.,n lt,il nn,l Ihrit irill VIJI irtst nil I . - .... -j, ie nrrii if mrir muvris. 1 lie spesser was in favor of that, and would twi.t offllie neck of any man In the world before " ho would be his lav." (Applause.) HI.AVI-OWNKR'S HODSIC.S MUST Hit BtJ RN EI, The day must soon cjine, in the winch will be seen the stalwart forms of the colored men upon the cliffs of the mountains, as sembled to witness the burnings of the dwellings, and listen to tho shrieks and groans of the dying slave-owners of the .South, and see the, blood of these infamous slaveholders coursing down the streets aud lanes of the South. THE UMO.N MUST 00 TO WKf'ES. This thing must come as surely as there is a heaven, aud all is a consequence of the union of this confederacy. We shall live to see the di-solutiou of this I'nion, sid in order to secure this end he requests all per sons not to recognize or seek to carry out the enactments of Congress, by w Inch means the Union would be sure to fall to pieces. m.RRinLK Ilt.ASPIIKMV. George Washington v. as a traitor, .Teus Christ naa a traitor, every man was a traitor to tyrannous government, and an inuJeti to pro-slavery religion, the i ract Society wss in league with the devil, if there is any. J'r. Spring baa stood up in his pulpit aud ! said just what a rowdy ssys in a bar room : j " I) n a nigger he is only tit to be a slave '" Ir. Spring has said precisely this, only he has raid it 111 different words. He loved to denounce such li vnocritical men. They had plunged down to the lowestdi ptlis him to cook for them. (Laughter.) No of Milton's hell, and wtire trying to dig a '"gn of encouragement was to Lim so hope hole in the bottom of it to crnwl into. i ful as the signs of uprising at the South. (I'roiu Wendell I'hillips' speech ) H "s satistied that the colored people of God bless the Colonies which made a . this country must do something like what Washington, God curse the Cuion that man - ufactured an Kverett. Applause I THE " II MH KR LAW." The Stat.s Government could defy the General Government, and yet not be guilty of treason. HOW MOUTH CARl'MNA Is TO IIK TREATED. What we wr.tit now was to induce men to bate slavery and tlaveho'ili rs. lie would float South Carolini into the ocean like a moral iceberg. He wo''1- to break this I tiiou. Ihe New York pulpit was the northern end of the moral telegraph , of which the New Orleans cotton market was tbe southern. f'HAMiE IN PH'.I.K SENTIMENT. llev. Mr. Ktotbinghnm, of .lcr-ey Citv, , , , . , thought that the slave should be set free when his labor became unpro M.ble, and be am ! did tint H.riv r.!anr, from I in considered a nuisance, to be legislated out of the country. He winhed ju-ticu for ths a nuisance, to pu legisiateo out of the country. He wished ju.-tico for thsi colored man, and that immediately, oven 1' .l. -r .1. . ...i 1. . 1. tun 01 111c 111. e man iocrci. n was biacouvicliou, arrived at after long and serious con-.der.t.on, that so long as tho . , , , I n ow, 1, i'ii-.i.-r uiu , 11, c a ms lines leiuilT I.osition to aid the colored bondman. Ihe1.. 1.... . .. 1 t .... . 1 -. 1 ,, , , . . , , nio know who 1 am to write to, aud I will nion could not be broken mechanically j j( (r!1; it must take ,,Uc3 through a change of se'u ,,4 ,. T Jnt Km, (,f A.Klr, TIj8 timent-ofspir.t Not a breaking up of ex- we,t,cr u fo,j for tle 8Pa,011provisionj ternal relations but an interna ciostlt of ...... 1 ; .1 i . . . .1 . j- n .1 . ... , ' , , , 1 are very high hut liotwithstauding all that liberal sentiments, .-southern men were be- I l. .,..i. ....m. c, . , , , I we nave regular moils once a week, good ginnin!? to see that northern men were tc- ,., 1 ,i 1. t ,1 . e . ' . , , : heaitti, and the people of tins county are , iiivii nniinmru a u r w luuin ut'i nj coming more snd more estranged, becsu-e of the difference 1.1 their eoiincctions their idess of labor, ol ...or'y, and of ( hristiamty ; they were bcginiuiig to s. e that in that way was the I n.ou to be severed.' WANTS TO WHIP SI if Tit CAROLINA. Mr. F.duiund Quincy, of Mass., said he desired to complain of the Union because it prevented his own Sttte. Massachusetts. from righting her own wrongs and from pro- tectini? herself. With the Union she could not do that. She would not have required ( tratiou of tint impoi taiice of observing this the aid of the United States army to settle w'iu. the following is told as having re the matter with South Carolina. 'She could ! cently happened ut Pittsburg. A voter ran have whipped her with one hand tied behind 1 "P s the polls were near closing, and in his her. Iu tact there was scarcely a county in hurry, numbered and dropped his ticket, Massachusetts that would not contract to hich d.fnu-d his political proclivities as whip South Carolina for a very small sum. , those congenial to a third party only a And while aurh was the fact, the slave iu. regular outsider. Here it is : tercst, through the machinery of the Union, controlled the cutire couutry. Iu reality, "o.OUli slaveholders governed th country; aud they did it because any onc desiring to hold ollice must take an oath to support the Constitution, Such a condition of things could not la.-t. WANTS AS INM'RREl HON. Mr. William Wells Hrown, of Masacbu. ' believe, down there, that the comet is going setts, a fugitive slave, was the next speaker, to knock our little planet nil to smash, ami He was loth to speak to an audience at so ', have been greatly excited about it for -ome late au hour iu the afternoon, and yet, v. lien lime. With this belief, atid under this cx he saw on his right a lady who had knowu citemcut they wore tlirowu into great alarm what slavery was, and on his left another 011 the evening in quw-tion, that is described lady who was doing all she could to obtain as perfectly nwtul, by seeing the moon rise the means whereby to purcha-e a dearly behind the hills, as red as blood, and looking beloved husband from slavery, his interest , like the head of a fiery dragon. They in the general subject would not let him ho.d his pence. Something of what slavery is as it exists iu the Southern States the audience ought to know, for they had bien told again and again by those who had sulbred under Its galling chain, lie was giau to see 111 ; to " go up. the papers so much about the discontent of 1 So fright, ned were they, snys the Lnfay tbo slaves in the South, lie did not bciieve ette Journal, that the alarm bells were rung that God would ever free the slave until he .i,d the lire engines brought out, and tho was ready to free himself by his own right coufusiou for a few moments was iudcsciiba- hand, lie, had rather they would frcctlieiu- selves than be mado free by anybody cl.-e; and he believed that the tunc bad come when the slave should raise his hand in de fuse of his rights to ue the lion or the axe, or anything else that circumstances might throw in bis way, to aid Li in iu gaiuiug his freedom. He wished there could be a general in surrection next week, and hu had rather a million lives were lost iu an unsuccessful in surrection than that there should bo 110 in surrection at all. ll-s was sick of being told that bis raco was a submissive ouc, Loro to be slaves. He would have them fight. Tn him San Domingo was one of the brightest spots on the fai'c of the globe, for there tho slaves were ready to sacrifice their lives to gain their liberties. It was tho sottthero slaves wss thought to he pubmis- sivvi thnt Judge Taney bad declared ths .,i 1 1 . .1 .:..i.,. .. i.;i. i :. . I.UIUICU IIIUII ll,IU UO llllka llll.ll IUQ SUIkU . ... n ..u l inun was bound to respect, tie would have ,. . . . 1. ,, the slave assert nts rights ana forco them ;, ... ,e . .. , . . to r'spect bun. He knew that his friend, ' . , , , . . ... .. C. C. Uiirlclgh wonld not agree witu inn, . & ' a)(, (Rvv that fce wtts engr to pounce upon his views. DON T LTKE THE IDEA OP FfailTfNO. Mr. liurleigh arjse aud proceeded to op. rc-se whnt had been said with all his mifflit. 1 If ). ford alt VTV ''" r'7",v.- -tr im.- j the liberation ot tfie slave, he would feel it j necessary to take his name from the list of the .Society, for iu its constitution was a clause binding its members not to encourage an appcnl to physical force. He was op posed to a resort to physical force, and he believed if the slaves were to resort to it their utter antiihiliiliou would be the result. " DEATH IV THE TOT." Fred I)ourlass said t Mr. Goodell bad spoken of the afflictions which God would bring 011 this country for its wrongs on tho African race He (Mr. Pouglass) believed that (iod would ruisc up the crushed worms nt the South, and cause them to Spread alarm aud devastation throughout the whola laud. The recent election had been follow ed by two remarkable events oiip, the plots of iu-urrcclion at the Somh, the other, the poisonings at Washington. He could Lot say how this latter thing was, but he knew that those who were iiccu-tomed to whip their cooks ami sell them al t lie uiocK may well expect to find poison in the pot. (Ap plause.) Why did they hear slaveholders say, " You vtant our niggers to" cut our throats!'' IVcause they know they ought to have their throats cut. (Applause.) Ho would tell theni one thing; if they want to save their souls alive, let them not enslave) Mho white people d.d. He knew they (thu t.iai'Ks; were regarueu as juiei, inoneiisive people, a nation of Uncle 'loins, who could shout " glory " aud sing by hymns ; but that they were not a fighting people. Them recent evidences of insurrection, however, gave a lie to tint theory. He wished toco much more of such evidences. U.wgi'ik Letter from a I'ostmastkr. The following letter was received by the President of the United Slates a few days since 1 CitAwmnii C(,:;ntv, Mo., April 30, 137. $ir. Jin' -hit nan ; 1'i.Aii Sir.- M. is the Postmaster at this place and has gone out West, and has n.-, ,l..,.,itv !.... l.,,l I I. ... ... ' si the mails nud attcmlliis to it since he bus a, he left the key w ith me, and ; U)C .oMlll,Mer ,,,, ,n0 that j iut k rrnnrt ,. , ,,f ,..., ,,. ., , ... . , , ' . ' . . suppose 11 is to you we should make our re. '... ... ,.:,: f ,, j ,.r,)lm,nt of wlm.u re uow Vrcslfct)L u J0U M not ,u rj,,ht onc ujVrii!l(1 uf .,, ,,,, u , , kow wou,( if ,,,,re is ,n,,big omitted i ,f,t me kijQW y. you ...j Mrs. IJucLanaii. I ,.: . 1,.., I miui-tra- ould interest in my re- est respects It is said that Jlr. Jiuchnnan is so well I tilea-ed with this letter that he intends to give the writer a good office. Ciiitvtis should not only mind that they vote early but what they vote. As an illus- "Dear Miss : I cannot meet you at - this cveniug. My wife suspects ; keep shady. Yours affeuiionaii ly, Snit i k 11 v the Comet. The good peo ple of 1 udiaiiiipolis, Imliatina.wero terribly frightened one evening last week. They thought it was tho coun t that was about to hit that the end of al! earthly things lias tit baud, aud they s( t tbem-rlves to woik, with prayers, and tears, and stiplica- I tion, to "make their peace," aud be ready bl The idea of bringing out the engine un der such circumstances was worthy the ge nius of Dame Partington, who undertook to sweep buck the angry waves of the ocean w ith her mop. The appearance of the full orb above the Lorrixon soon restored the people to their sense", and converted their shrieks of affright and frciuicd appeals to heaven, iu a general guffaw. La.lies now dress iu tLe breadth not the height of fashioa.

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