Itnhn U;ibtn(T . SALVATION". Some men rill si v, the gospel for the luo-f part, brings good news; but then it i only if I belief j. To answer thi, if tbe pO'pcl held forth Clnist end salvation only to tiie thst believe, it were li.'He better ti dings than the law. IVit the g.i.pel saith i:ot. brlntr faith -w-itli the. and then bore u a'l the grace and salvation. No; he go-pel expects not that any eittner should" of himself brinr faith, for be bath it not - flat the gospel, . it brings salvation, so it breeds faith in the heart of a sinner. The same or.W tint imVrs known salvation. beg. ts f.iith in the heart to receive it. The God that gives his a!:n, eiecs a pure to eirrv it. Therefore, w heu I hear of graee, glory and" salvation, by Jesns Chrit, I must not eansider nhere I shi!! hare a Te.sel to carry it !.-me. ithere I shsil bava faith te rreeirc it ; but it e.rries the Tessel with it, rM I go ani take t'te promi.e ; and by th 1I1t Spirit that.ame rnel that brought i .v.. the 'grace will work f.uh, or else it were as harsh as tbe law. Therefore never'. atana off about faith 5 for ha that grace tod salvation will work faith. EPh. ii S t . This, then, is the door of tU gpel, the . vcrv entrance uto tbe Christian religion, the Cr.t tone in the Chriiau tuilJio.'.'" There m a ki.l of devotion and profeslion ; but it U not tai'.t aocorait.g to tbe Gospel. If rnu would walk acccrlinj to the eorel. .1.:, ... .!...; r.A i;.- ;.nd salvation throng ' to siuuers a a:,.ncrs. Th-u3h they be lardhe.rud, : V aciv-liJin", tl.e chief of .inO!T, Vet se lor" , r' , . . ' ., " as tney ba sinners, ana tut s.uuers, tncy wj Wr. look upo-. Jesui Christ, n.l vaii-M iu his LuJ rcalv to be be-tow. e l upon them. Tlti is a truth that thou r:.Jt leirn, and be tai'ut of God. or e!-e tl.iii not go one at-p in the profe-MOU of the go'p'-l ; for beloved, till you kuow ai.u iearn il. j-;u w..I le like n, en in tLe t'-,.' dari. you will be groping for Christ JW, b'it vouaill never be trafti into ' t .w.. b hi. yu i,i never be ki lt to Chii-t. V. ".. ur f,,t ! V. ELISION. TI 1'eve t.o individual on earn y u t'uat r-U.-lou i a gloomy t! t'v.t 'us pos-tsioi. to iu.ilancL.yy. jou lik at a pious p?r-o, and fli.O tciis .ic;, and Should notice a tinje of gloom 'ipor. Lis c:ititctianfe. tLml aot luat it i-. religion tiiat uarkens the as pect or the fiafuret: it sobers tbe mind, but ddts i.A .-iur it. religion ebli-huna tie -oul, con-e q-ie-jtly ear.not ob.-eure the ii.i.t which abouid always beam in the ( i'ri-tin eye. It checks ti e wild mirth if fi-il-, wLleb in Script are, i eosrpared t" tl.e " crackll:ir cf tborus un-lcr a pot bat it coti'cr. a e'ifcrf lines, to the heart w'uleii uiil 1-ia.n iLe face ti -Liae. a miidnes, complacency to th. It gives '. feelings, occa'it.s gentle, cbetrful mai,nera. . It creates wmpl'city of chiracter, so beau tiful, so attractive iu y-ruio, and produces tLat epcti frar.k Le:teii;e?s and bcbivolcnt f'ieadi'iesi cf .".etceanor so Isvely iu ail g.-s. We H.u-t recollect that divine grace, although it renews the heart and swer iTi. the ten.per, doea not change the ccriMit itiou of our physical being, from ueftoti in which n.Llancbo'y auJ gloom ia religious charac ters freq-iett y arue, and if indulged dark Bea will be produced; but rei'pion makes tverv slii ht'efui to the soul. Ij assured, in tvry trial aul ficUaUade of life, that it i. e.i-.inu oi.iv ihat can make van har.v ' . j j ' i . i tnat cau give you ciieerfulDUo of heart, liapjiiiess is a sober feeling cf tbe jr.:r.5. We should cevt-r, then, periuit au ialea to ari.-e that the great God is a severe f istnj L- uig. 'ua dtligbts ia ttiisery ; but Lht.tUl.l tUitit tf liitU 3s tl kitlde;t frijni tLat we have, who admits us to c n-.eri.e will. ILsn. Yes, the great Jcbo Tah dtligbts to ll-tru to the prayer of a'! J!l cLildr-r. CVtl fro!) the mouths of "babaand s'.e't.iri.--. ' Le can f.erfect pra:e. He attei.da to all our wants. I. ft to Him aiita buttiblw cot. t U, then, ; ray that tte would he the es cur youth, the Hrer.jth cf our tuanLood. at.d tl.e h'.pe of age ; ar.d that La a nl J f. ve u that nisdoin which alone co:ues f- 'tn above, and which is, of iUelf, tuSciei.t t i u-kke us " wise oo saira ion." KLLP THE S ABU A TIL l'.e falcas on this point. Whether you lilt in Ur. or cniiiry reolve not V pro faor? your, or, in the end you will pive ov.-r carinit f.jr your .oul. 'I he t-t p. w!,i. blend ( tiia are regular. Ji ,'in with Bot honorii-g God a houe; cease to Lotior i.od'a l ook, by Dd by you will give Cod no honor at all. Lt at y d ud lay the foun dation Yn no sabbath. and I dbi sever ampriM-d if he Sub-he with the lep atone of no i; !. It was a remarkable faying ef .l l '.'e lla'e. that of a'! persons convicted of 'apital criu.e", while be was upon the l',, fo'.nd few who did n-jt cotifes that they brgan their career f iei.due.. by uci'ct nf tl.e? Sabbath. A Srnii 1 1 a.'. I. Si:m Cbri-tlao reader. Ler ia a aum iu add. lion for tou lu work ut. It in leej ni, oi .eenee ami eare, aud idmll of BO aaM. d I me . Add to your faith virtue ; And to virtue, know.eie ; And to koowl.dge, t,.u. pt i a i,, e ; And to temperance, ; And 14 paMesee, godtlrcas ; Arid to podliBe.a, brotherly ktrdt...; And t. broiberly kitdness, ebarity. Tb Anawer: Fo if these things be in v aud abound, thvy make you that y hall tuiiber be barr, u nor o.-iruiifu! in l',e bnu.iedi'e of eeir Lord Jeu I'hri-t. t Kter, 1 . fi- C"' ut:a j.Vz. I OnCllIlltral ' ' - - ..tV From thr Tli ugh. Loom and Anvil. FOM ETMNG AROl'T POTATOKS. An i;rm is going the rounds, to the effect that potato tubers are r.ot exhausting to tbe Hbe tcP are very exhaling, and ' ,1,culd "'"cfore le spread as evenly as may , U ,uJ lcft ' lK"? in ,he AIlot.ii.- son.c.l.tng for exaggeration, the Frr""" e " I". " the collusion . r . i . . Ti . 01 F",ct '"ipor.auee. iui ie aro, that the tuber draws Urgelj, ami the tops still more largely, upon the poti?h of j the foil. Coilenueiit!v the nrowth of both n.n.1 l...liil.lin.. I,.., lUl lt,d Iah .- . .. ........... -.i ... . . so, on toi.i not overtiotata wttn putaMi , , but if ,hf ,rr " d"? ' 8oil lhi' restore J, .nJ the whole j rtTu" " m" "." rc '-""u"iufc' V" t:ns irora cirenence as wen as irom reason- tpu. -.iperteuee tban tLe of crops, While ou this subjecme wi.h to say, or . . e . , . ."j ?. . . t . I ' "P"'' ,or we mTe "ta 11 tt,ore tui me!,D t0 kofP h b'fore oor nic" tUt 10 fT'og f-r "op of potatoes nnlcs ,1,e foil is ' -l'ou,ld io TK H.i ' sl.niiM V n a nr.M,. in... r i.,,.r.. .';. !.. 1). . tUou,,i 1 c p-omitici.t iufcreuieLt 111 the ma- DUr'- Tlie I'0""0 be'"B n Po(s0 P't, not ' -tries e ff a very large amount of( tbat bul "" iTett of i uunrrl f0"1". "W f0 houl.l Le well mrplied ith it. . W !J clj,ini i0 n "Pacific for tie rota "'Feted tt ; tne flLaU'tion of the Ota-h io old fields ,. l,.r I., el .Amntnin.. in A miih U . ..J ! the flmt is txtr to regain a cMru?t4 is-1 cendaucy above the power ef the disease, t.. s- strongly inclined to the belief that it iil be by supplying it plentifully through j succctmvc growths with tbi favorite food, j wnrAT growing. In New England tbe farmers often raise' eieel'ei.t ' ?p. irjt wheat." bv purging tbe : ' cour.-e : Tbey plow terj deep, ' hj make the soil Ct.e, aud ruaiiure very rmr..'. .V..cnr .J, !,. cArl : if, "V .' , ' . iiiej i. .... u-iiein suiTieiimca to the acre. We have seen wheat fields groit g on tbe mountain sides, in Ma'fa-cu- tt, which bare yielded thirty buhe!s to the acre. W'c ktow one faruier, in tLat tat, who bus aid attcn'ion tc tbi.-f.tnat- . ter, sud who say. that there is do difiiou!- ty in raiding ricelleut wheat in abundance! in New Lt ,,'and. lie has a mountain farm him-e-lf; and yd be rarely raises !es tbaa j twerty fvj tur-l. Is to the acre. lie raises I ."priiig wheat, and takes the greatest 1 pains in every rpec! 1 Such facts a thrc, from New England, : are a..m otntory and encouraging to us ol the Wet. All we need to secure large crops of wheat, as regularly as other crops, is to take due pains the i?me pains in circuin-taticc. -r 1. ivorable. rive to the farmers of '.he same orain. We would c - say, tt.eo do the following tblDg : 1. Have vo'ir land It) t tie te-t POS.-Ule i . ir.mliiinn Vt and t LtS-nt ...1 1 v.;, . wig ana Uarroft m'. fa 1 -. Sec that it is rich, either naturally, or by the use cf manure. Manure should ei .1.,.. i 11 . .. . t:..,t ,. :.).-.: .r r Oils crop'. I 3 iet .he very best seed, taking tbe ad- ; w r'A nf tl.a Vpvt f:.rtnpr n:.l-. it r..r fpef. ' !y clean; u:-e none but the plumpest kerii'.i. 4. To prevent smut, u e tl.e preparaliou r ii- i e . i of urine anl bine hich wc Lae several .. . ,, ', r.ici.iK ncd in the litrmer. , Io not be pritig of the seed ; two bu.-i.ils to tbe acre is r.ot too much. 0 Sow earlr and cover evei:l7 and well. . Dice arc old ngjetion, well under-: stool ly practiced farmers, but a great many do not understand them ; and many who rio, fail to rictirc th-ni. W e, there- fore, it.-'.rt them low, (.bile farmers ore pr. paring their ground for wheat.) hoping tby may be of u-c. We have DO syrnpa- tt.y a it n tl.e devtairit,ir f. elinz which prompt men to abai.C'm tbe growing of wheat. Intelligent careful culiivation mav i ... i secure g"t.erous crops stiii. . L0'K FARMING. 1 'ie of the w,ot tractiesl raees of ' book ne 01 the W.0 practical caes of book" farn.ii.-r ' lLat has come to our knowledge is told us by a friend. A voune Maryland ' farmer, a re.diuc man and a wo-kitg Biau,' . 1 j e I - i' . i - i ol ho, d of Ltebig s great work on agncul- t'jal. U.l-try aono after it piibllcation, and I'C itt.e e'.nvined of tbw roprv'-ty, ' iiotyrit!.stat.':ir.g that hU farm was lime store land, of xt.akit g a fre.-h application of t'uat fcr'i.iicr. Alter a ,,-oo4 deal of hes- ital.',n ot. the art nf bis father, the lime was tri. d, and after being tried, contin ued. '1 be improvement in eossequenec has been fcucb, thai where fite and six barrels of corn was the outride, as much as fifteen per acre have been made, aod other erops ia pro portion. A debt, tl.e ii.ter-t of which they eouid kcurcely ktep iir. before, baa bccr pa .j au.J tl.ey have bor.!it field after f.eld with ready luoiiry from neighbors who could r.ot afford to buy l-rrie, cr agri cultural bo',ks. AntmcuH i'utmrr. TO MAKE WA.-iiiIN; FLCID Take 1 gallon of soft i-onp, 2 quarts of aoft water. 1 gill of spirit cf turpentine, aud to outicca oi sal sod ; boil tLeia togeth er f.jr t-t minutes. When wauled for use pot out clothe, to soak oit-r night, and in ti e morr.ii. r add one pint of the floid, and then boil the clothe for Oftenr minute, af ter Luh rit, ti,-., ii, coll .ater. Dissolution. JL I'll., wi dissolved by mutual consent on tlit fir.l da of Jnlv. lt?57. The Note, and Ac count, for muni be paid forthwith Tbe Account for le.i ci.n run oul ami will be sclll.d at the end of the year by L. S. William, alio will continue to carry oil tbe bueiiice at the old aland. The late firm return their thanks In the public fur the liberal pi.lroii;e r eeiv. d, and their eiircrM,r iiopt., by inaiiitretiiig a apiril of accommodation, to iiirril a continuation of the same. WILLIAMS, r.ILLKSFlK CO. CkaiUtlt, Augil 4, 1657. iMlf OTITIS. All. Irrinn having cinima agninti me iaif linu of WILLIAMS, flll.I.FSI'IK &. .(!., will firi'n-nt tlieni to the underaiji.e fir jettlemeiit. It. H. W 1LL1AJIS. fcj Dissolution. f 3 tH K eouarlnerahip hereto ore exiating between I . ... - l. i. .. J- 111 ! ...a ,n I.. ..,... .Li ..ii. .t,. . ....,t th.. "; ,,, ,,.', bv mate, JONAS IU'DISILL. 1'. S. WIIISNANT. Soil iug. 18, 1 SO". -tt SOTIVV.. I will ttill be found at n-y Steam ruining Mill, nrenared t.. till all ordrra fur ' ' Sash, BIinGS 311(1 DOOl'S, . .,. .,,.' inciin, I. dc.otr r.., attention more particularly lo iiiv ahi p. auu aolic.t or.. era li.r worK in my line .,-'' ' IJ- Lumber d....ed to order at abort notice Aug. lb. I8i. I" retiring from the firm bfrntofore rxtiiij ' nnr'rr the nutiie i.l l!inliill A. Whinaut. I do ao with the kmclint feelinrr tnwarea the eitiaena of TC.n-7h the know Ire pe tii.i the bnainea will be carried on cetull aa sjtd.tiou a wo have done. P. S. WIIISNANT. Aue. I?, g.r.7. r- hL. A3II1ICO TV IT. I JL i. II K puhii ia rmprctfuHy informed that J. M . ANt'AS Tr It s . A M U HOT Y 1 fl GALLHIIY, "''P""1 S M Blair . """' Sprirg. new brick buili'inff, is now open, worre a eolrrd Anibrotypc. can le procured -l from 74 c nl lu iJ- . .., ..... ,j , -,n .,! l'.;- K.w.n........ and J,a ...kenea. t. ' k.nof thci-lv.-a r eluldrrn. fill early.. a .ucl. : 0ifmr,ut j, .!.., offered. ' J. M. LANCASTER. f k-nloitf, .Voy 19, 19..7. 12tf a5r "-p a .A . New Cabinet Manufactory I.M II.lli LOTTK, . C, BV i J. A. ft. H. S. OZHEKT. IK) ha Vllijr lr,t , ld tliPmsrlvc. p rn.arirnt. S T " Iv in Hit S i LAM SAW AMI FI.AlMNtJ I MILL of J. Uudi.ill, lor tnc pure of MANL'FACTl'RING Kt'RNITL'IlK ' ':nf .'.ldeaeripli.,.... Would rcpectiuj'y mv.te ll.a, ihli i nuhl.c lo c, 1 and ex-mine ll.e.r before pur , cna.ini?. Their work is pot op in ihe best nun- ner ami warr.ntro, ano ii.cir e 7 . .. i.-e a.. wi.rl are aucn lllal tney lie' cniiurn. .nr. t CJ0 ,,'eH(t 1 no may favor lliem will, tneir cua I It'.n. , ni.I.rP5 nrmnCv .itich.leJ toaod wirrant. pd to ifive aKat'aotioo. rurnmr ' !1 utacriptiona cone in u.r oeat ., ... .1 ;., urirM he nionutr aiid ai low uricen, ny J. A. k M. S. OZMENT. y.,..i27 Ii7. 43 if ia ; f "X j 4CW St01'ef W IMS, ; I'sfi ott's RntrToia f MASira Vtm. ! (;., or Awr.aiCAT LinaaTvai, by Doyc. kmck. Kl fiaiw.n nr 'tw MrJico aso lira TrorLr, by W. . H. lAVl!t. . ,. Tai i. Faise. ..a I'T or a Lira Cixse Ls.toi.d- ,,..,lt,y N.P. ilu. Tiir. Two Lights. Violit o Thi Caoaw i thk Caows, by Mra. .Mel .1...I1. I: .1 1 1. H'.m Tiir Koi stais or Lin, boo of ?er m.' tm.i lu ftit r r"d with pn. 6 1 by any or.e, by l.'.-v. I!. -N wt'.n, V. 1. Thic Mv.n av.oa Km. and Uood, by John Younj, I.L. t. The llni-rHoi n Aori. in Pi.Gt.-iat. by Mra. Tht j., , , rH ,c,rr, , jji.v.a ; llir.i tneaiTAca ; and Tut To.,. Ce. three T.ica lonnrj in one volume. r .i a i.irit a.s th Ia. Kanc's Aaetic r.xri.oa .Tin. P. J. LOWRIK. ( httrhltr, Marek 24, 1".'.7. . . daC"" l".Y I4 NlJlHI KllMKMlKC at) IjMiIUIINJIIIUU. ftiWr- "".t. r.i(ned h..,., ralabliah.d hun.elf u, , Cbariotle.intca. c-rryn,e on l'.e (...lowin; br.r.che. ol brjaine.a. viz : Stvr Voting, G and Isxksmitlung, JU H,,,.f!,fg; Sther, lirast and ail lim'fof M'lut II ork rrp.netl ; Lmnpo- ;Vl a,t jJoxet 0, ,Jlf mott tturuhie kind ittnie, and vnirinlcd to bf. i in mi to it "a tjihrr k ind J'vr Niil und J i ' uitmy ),ir;,osrt. Ail of the b. Lran. liia I warrant U. turn oul in a lyie. ( oHrii m. cr. at a di.tnee tliat wiah to have l;,.ir w.rk r. ne I will ive p..rteui .r attention to .l..pale;.in a. .noil 7i Jtilllil.N'U m ,i; l.e caa.i. bvtrnan Cooien. ...... ... ...... JOHN M. MASON. 1, '.X.',ii. 41 f f'hotiltlf M'irrk it X a-. ...... . . , Wt IH IMIM.ol .11 kind, .will be neatly j mtw . . vr.i. i ...u., . b . -j, vtKV .. i. l.n. in . . i l' at a di.tance wiabm( (nn.aite.-ti trniii inary .. .-u.r new I ne name or tl.e I ..per la gT 5.J f ' -A ; I i flir.t to p-r. ur.lon r p-.ire.,, eicepl de.ivne.1 l l.e .n e,H,et of Ila character and Aijd?!. -r Jf j l''-ry- .No clianke of diet .v. r neee..., r . -et, I I lie beat Bid In III.. ,.t w..r k . H' ""'-,.', ,, at... an.e. will ! ti.. repaired and returned on Kiom eonvietion. it will .dv..te lb. hlfMa-4a. .a L-.r-, ta (A'. ;- can g, t and enmifh of il. i enlnpna. thai b. ever .prune m- tie , -.on. at l.i... (w.-ble. eoi.aervat.e, ril.ti..a. Old teltw,! doclnnca and' IfVJfi 'JT.. vjt fcji 'a.VSjSl liian-riosa rn la. A.iiill. table j fJIAHLUS .1. I'"A. I could g,e any number of reference a. to ore.-r ol ti.e I l i, h. 4Vj4iiVSf-",xtw a;4iav-V per .lay n over l.-n ) ear. d. ...-ri fp,,i,lul. ! s w ,Av.w . train. ip, kot I a..,,, .t unneteaaary a I will Our r.t appeal to our own people tn N. f. I "' ' t bilorew Irnni fiv to eight year, haepoumni I '' . ' h,iimti) the wnrkto.peak f-rna-lf. So send on Pre.byleri.i.a. Whil.l we rely conlidemljr u,k, : V 11 1 1 r 1 1 I -w , A. ne direction call he applicable to .11 cnaiiin. j I!, all'll.v. v yc.r work aa anon aa poaaibl. all. Iheir "avor, e tr.,.1 thai 111 nalile aona ol .North 1 X 1 A T? i 1 1 k 1' I a lion., looptrale nnth. bowel.l J N O. A . 1 ' .N 1 . VH-VC.v "v'VS. .is..!-' -. ,' - ". . -.a .....a la, nig rHI,.-.a (Br Notice. 3 HUE f HARLoTTE MUTUAL INSURANCE O.MPANY eonliauea to take ri.k iigain.l lo hy Fire on lloiia, Goods, Produ.c, Ac, at omul mica. 1.3 Office between Tarka' Store and Bra ley' Building. .FH' HS. M. fl. TAYLOR, 'resident. C. OYKlOl AN. M't I'ftsidri.t. K. NYK UUTCIlISON sdr Treast PIKKi'TOKlt : JL B. TAYl.oli, C OVERMAN. J. A. YCUNO, WM. JOHNSON, J. II. CAKMiN, S. T. WU1ST0N, K. SO A Kit. M.y I'J. 18.-.9. Htf .IOIIX IllOXItV WAIT. 31. IX, 5 ivf a t: i h VKxns r, ((.BAtaiTf or Tit ni.TiMiai Cot. true or Dr.NTat PiauKosa.) TT-ji'T. "MJAVIN't loeoled permanently, I Mii4ij4 -11 tender hia profra.ional arrvi. , JTT T Kvt t the cilnena ol" (.lurlotto and VII'initT lr. W ayt prepare, and maerta Artificial Palate and obturator., and, the correction of congenital and aecioeniai iiriwiiiiuit. v. u.o icetn ' and jawa. I He la a Inn prepared to inaert Artificial Teeth alter th. niimt aiuiruvio ui I bona. (ijlire nn Trvn-atr el, ill Caraon'a new build. iiig, I'p Stair a. waited on St their reaidenrc. if required. Aon. 18, IKr6. . 3m f 'Notice i ?!E uhrnber b; , . . . ti 1 itlt-l'trij tn dim to cm lr. bo-ika wil 19 left wilii .Mr. of Tin W are.'Stnvea, , 1-'" ',' w ; Hyerly, who t. auihonied rlj. to a"-t'ie with prrua. It. W. MOO UK. 33tf Aug. 4, fT5Vft mow hn-rrtl'tr hinf porcliiied of It. W.J i JL M M'Hire hit enlirr lfck of i TIN WAKE STOVES, r.nd ii. tiny i.tber articles in the line, off.ra them to : the public en it lii'.at rcaaollahle ternia. To aceoinmoria le n.y friend, from the couo try , ' P'l- ' of ! 12-HE BJ "CtJt'"H3 in exchanSe f..r TIN W AliE or STOVES. U- ALL OI.'PKKS FOR "w w aas trwa , will be pauctujt'y attend d to, and at th ahrUif notice. Ife ho, by a trief atlriation In bunjoca. to rr reive a thare vt the pull c pstr'i.xge. XT' Shr.p, one c.o r W t rf finm A Str!ta Store, lorinerljr ne.iipud by A. lkihon &. Co. i I. H. LYKI'.LY. 1 .lf. 4, IS57. 3u IHt. It. It. t tililt T ILL be pleaacd to receive Prof. iionai Calia I nie.. pr.iv...on.ii .h-i.t. i. i WW in ine .irparrmenT ni ,.i r. I 'IV. I . . r. ;io "T - " '" o,t.M,ll Dr,-,l. Vo!y'' Fri. 1 11. lo6. 1'UOsrECTl'S or I flM . X " 1 ! - Ia I 1 .raw Sh ra a at ! ; 1 nc i. tfiro inn icnan. 4V , , " "reabytemn ( hurrh in orth Carolina haa (,...'' ........ : .nt of a t.. ari.ucate her claiii.a and re- e " S " nt.-..l I... .nl..l. 1 1 ... .,..,.:., A .I..I... I. I 1 1.111 ' lr..i.....l.n sa ......... ,,. ..i... . .i. k. i uur Hire. I reabl lent . U.bav. 1.1,111)0 I omnia. riicani., and it i. .ale to inler that there are 3(I,IX)U ..Tb.: ' h.-r men, twrahio i. rreal. r than lhat nf a... Sv.x.d ! S..otli or Weatot FinnarUania. Our si. ter St.tea ! on the North and S.nth, ntifl.rr 01 which baa a ' ,i. can. tc.. .. iu . mm uui, pumi... t.iu ciniti, . and Ihe Slither.. I re,.,, -ia, ..... f..r the ber.efil of m . ti ... , ,, . ; r.. r 1. ,n ,.r,l. r..l,. .t,..M .I....L! do h.r uoly to b. r Il ia . ennecdrd and , important lac. tnat i.unuren. o, oor mtmb-ii ii laki Mutr nn nt r Khtt iii tn kt a rallior i 7'he f'apir ia mri'i-n t. In tl.e org-ai, of our Sjtikk and Freahyterie'- to IfTst" and enhhtco the piety of our mt inU rhip hy ditTiMirijf knowledge lo pronK.te the c.iuae ol lion to develnpe the tui.ntanf nur MiDialry, and to! atreit;ihen the alt... ; .... nt of our people to the eoil i an.l anef uari. of tne.r .wn State. ! If our Church in oilier Slut. ., a.l other C'hnrrli. c III lilt. State, ei.n ui,ly tl.... mte-tfl. Willi . l!elit;i.,' . y jrnal, v. hy may not we I Are iN'ortn ' tarnl.iia PrrahyU'ria na ifii.-rior m talcnl. ci.erfry i ai.o pjiiioti.ii. lo their ti.i.hbore nn the Nnrib or St.utii, or to 1. i.t. .linn, of other denomination, at j , home ? With the ..r heller oppurt jrnlu. of!; lhi. work, .hall leave il on. lone 7 j In thf .,l.ftu..e o. noe .l nor Htie and uae. ' ' To I M niatera, an adopierj ..m ,.f our rute,'!!' ought in hje h.en nn.!. ri 20 y ara ago, bul ill. nnl Inn I In th p ii to dn r?l'l y ',f he la. I two nr three innrill... a fun.l of abrut ' n '" ubacrii-d aa a ( capital. ' At, ,,e,,nK ot t?,e cm.lrihutor., held at lire,,,..! u..r..uKh on ir e Mill nf .Mav, ft, v. A. It.ker.i l,, .he P-per was ,i'na,,..u.iy l..e,ud , K vt,t. v.ile. i.h'.rr Ine n.ire and titie ol loe ' Nuirit I ..mi., I' Lev. H .... . M-h.t ..Jkr.. be,,,,. .McNeil . el. eu.i ' M,nr ,d c. .N ,, and p , (ri!e AlcNeiil. Sr . John II. C. and Uv.d 1 Mu.phy w.r. a, .VteV." K.ccou.e "nl,!,e,, ! to ealablia1. the l'.,-.f and u.n.'s ila buaineaa ; ,' ' .... , , .. i It ia our -..ti, .'.. trn Vi ira-'e the V.-..., i. P.t.arTrniAS a journal of the fir.. !.., e..ial lo H,e i-.i 11, the country in typ' f r,.phie..i pparr...e in.i in ..l.ptali..r.a'o the wai.taol our liiiireh.a. J ' r..1 .... ,.i i!i 'k fl'..,d tnr l..l,,l in. teilifc;eii.-f, b..lh (ii and dnmralie, and apeei.l I arohna who have found hnniea in Stittea, il.. r,....., ... 1.... m1... t: ... mi.Mjri.nt ,. el. iiiri.i m nnr .11 v und menu , 1 I...I.H, tti.ll I. L ...... . . .1... . ! ...... r, ,,,, j ' Trsai: J per annum in advance, o,nn .1. livery I of the f.r.l: ! 50 in all inonll.a: 1 at The rr.d 1 ( nf the year. To cluha of 2a or more, paving m , , advance an.l m hen tl.e f a per te aenl lo nne .ml,,.,, ; a .Jib. oiji.I i.f Ih M-r cenl -eni. will he .lloeu. i .re .avncly ... renin ac, era frirndly tvfhi-emw l MifTl.t. ra and l.ider. are ' a Af er, a:l oihera friendly lo the e .uae w.h f pwn.e a. .1.1 in pr,.'ur.l,(r a. auaov ...U.. ,,!,. .. ,,. , po-.,ble. and lorwnr.l l. ,...-. t, A.1 1.1, l; , tl.i. OfTire A. .-n a. I..00 aol-enUr. are i i-Hiuco, It e ur.l numlMr will be laaaed. If a f.iiih. ; j ful and v :,..r!M el)rl la in in. nest I uinnlh. by tnnaa who ktk. lively intereal in Una j j work, we aiii, without doubt, be able to begin the ' poblie.iino ut tl.e end of lime Willi a p;,.n. e.tH.crtl.on ..t of at leaat 3.('0. ITAdiire.. Kditor. -f lb. North Carolina Pre. uyiertafl, V tt. .tlie. v. r. " v rv a. i I r""aT TT Town Tit if s. 1NOW hata the Tax Mala for 1857 ready for rtllrnient. Pe.-aine liable In puy lui will ,loe eall on the untli-taijinrd unii aillle fcrtli. with. It in btd that Ihia liolii-a will be audi, aa the nmnrt mutt be enlli -eled.. 8. A. ilAlilUS, Tux CoHrcior, Jum, 53. I8S7. 17tf . Cigar, Tobacco, AM 1UU IT NTOKE. I HE uhrritK-r rr-cttully in for Mm Hie citi. i, hi nf i'hurluttu h(l unrrouniiiittf country. llifct tic Iiwp jutl rirvirvti fplt'iniiil aariMiMit ui' STAMSII CIUAKN nf the rboierat branda. Alan, a fine artiele ot" CillAUNU'lOUAilO, Fftl JTS ej- CONFECTIONERIES. J.V3. D. PALMER, Oomaitr Ri4ine Jk C'u.'i Sl.oe Store. ( harlotte, Aptil 1, ltS7. 8-tf a l.M)l Ollll a I "i ATtUt, .u . tttl'ii M !' 1)1 CIV V. i ' t "JtMERK'ha. lung eiiatrd a demand fnr nifli a ' JL reinedy that could be relnu on aa .alt anc , . n.etual. Thia boa bten nr. pa rut to met I 1 that iirni.inl ; ai.ti an exleiiairr trial of ila irlu . ; ha. ahnwn l.nw I'liiverrully it h ace. uipllrbt d j ! "e er.ianeo. tinonp tl.e cn.piaiiita which have been aoe.oiiv cured bv the u.e ot the lnnforalor, we niniti.nZ.irrr ( i.mpjil which i j the cm... .'I in.riv uUier uiacatea-ainot.g ; are, i;tit.'tii.t.a, iiean.-:cnc, t ain tn ue r-i.:. ana ' l.ninat, Ilili.tutt IcTtT, lftr aim At uo, Jaiin-rfirr, s li.tiici Uoit. l.itui! Mor alio fati uf aApit tilr, l.iftt. . r : J, , , . . fa tor is t'oiniiiniicn with pn rttr u!r r n li'irnre ti thr I.i.t.-r, anu hen thai tnn ee in rriti'Vt-tl ail Ihr rcat are rurtd, ai the rauav of thtm u Ukcn aw.iT. A (Vw dnfea ot liit Inij,ratT rarrly tft-r Ikil to Mmiul.tte the Lifer to a protM-r action, and j bv iu conlinurd u to rritiove thr di-rn.-. 1 1 h-t t bff n taken tth f rtat uccra iu ciwi of I hohr, Uni'ittry, &cM and fur thte it haa brrn h'lini! a i ?r rflirdi-K.fji rt ntriiy. An nrri.aiun:ii do atu niuixUi the alomacb lo a health? action ma re. f alort tlie .pewte and viur. lu udm wilt re. (f,e blttf ifit. j litvo the rppretuivi une:innem r iW rin rrd by eat ! trig s hearly dinner, aa it riritia the dicativ if. ! ' pana to ?igorna arti n. ror a dr lil atnto j of the )'ti in the In? ijr. iBU.r haa no tqiut ft hicb ' provta, a it rrtorea the jru-m and ! rfinuvfi the yellow ieaa from the akin,fthich i : the reautt of a diaci acd l.ivcr. j Tj-tpurrd and 'd iT SnciftrI V I n., IH Kront nt, Nt w Vork. Price 1 per buttle, c.nUuiuj; 40 df.pca. A'ao aold bv j F. SC. Hit l CO., Chofiottt, , j Encourage Heme liiduslry J H B AV,NG J'l R( IIE1 thr( tiN( ORH FAf. j 1 JE lll;V, I am prtpir.d to till ail orders !..r Thmhliig Iti'jct, lUd ( '?(, ll 't li I!' j a, Vficrtingt, Shut wg. Grain liiipe-ine. lltiry Ih Wing, ( I am makinjf an article ol Chith fr tlc purpose jf I'ltr, V hrt m. si torn. Far. mera anc Frodure buyti ft ill dnn it to their art. tanUe to oc it. Ail or tier a Irnm a bit4iica will be ll,nticd9 with prori''a. J. MONALI. ContmJ. Ort. 28, 1856. 3ritf c-r .aV Saddle & Ilatncts tiantifactoier, j THRKK POOB8 HOl'TII f'f IAPUB I HOTEL, i t II A II I. Oil i;, .vr. UK athcrrer thankful for jr, jf:: II the err j Jib nil p-alrmiipe f- .,.....-. -r,..s Tear, haa now m-nlc mora r itenane pr.p-ratiop for the future demand for work io hia r - , j .a- . ., .1 . line. nn m ill endesTor to turtii-h all that umv want Saddleaand !fi.rnea,w ith a article I atthe h.we.t pnaathle pricea. lie haa now nn hand I .11". I..WC.I a verj larre a... rtii.enl of SadtlliH. Uriahs, Iffii ict.f, (lli'i-v ll:ii tl. tirr. Whips, Buffalo Robes, Saddle Cloths, ' Ittl'l ll m . MIO ..', Paten! Enamelled k Harness I.C8 Iher. . .. .. .... ,0?"h" " every lh,nr o.n.lly Wpt ,. my line ol bii'inraa. lrAllk.r.daof8d.i;e..nd H.rnc. .1 lb. ahnrte.t imtice. IVBEPAIIMN.; promptlv r,.rttr ' S M lit iWVT.T. Orl.ier 30,1 H'S 37tf Dry Ooois, G'inrifs. f'.rrr; !t;'!T?:u, trc'i; Sn sir-.L in. ia. ietr. CAKRIAGF.g, FRL'.i TREES, CITY OF NEW YORK, AT 5H PH IMT 0-MI-r.i.V Rfr U H n W A Graham, fi lU.'la-r. I L. wm, 3 at C, p. Mwleol.ail, J W otr-,ru, It. W. ibmrt. iM A.C WILLIAMSON, ft-.c'roeij ti Jlbo, ie.itti.oi rt:, ..., 16 ILL practice in thi. and the a.ljnininr coon. aine.a t no.i.leti l.. .... .... w - ... t .in, wi itirnn It I lirulr.llnn. bn. I liattollr, Jan. a. ' r.'.'J. f . i . . W K would re.peclfully nn..tince to thr public II ....... I,.,. ,. ,. " i.. ... . ' ... ..,,(1 V un.jer tlie Name .1.0 alj ia ol ndei OYi:iOI.N VII.K(). .r the pnrpnee of manufactur ir,g for tlie pnrpnee of nianur.etur ir,g r MOtf 2 t' . n n . ITT' IK UIl l. (j IK.? KSZtt -W-J- lJ f , , d. .cnptlnn. Wt. , ,,,,., w,k (n t lt ,,, ,,.., I TALL W f ill K W A It R A M t., ' " Kl' A I lSi tlone at I r.c eho, teal nntict ,nd "" m"i nti.ei.-r a I term. t Shop on Trym. and I hurcb iStreeta, nearlv - ... i. ...... it. .. i ... ..... ....... S. M. WOW ELL, iX-'- m Wtiffll t ' a '7 r. ovmiMAN. C. WILSON. Jlf a-i ? jiZftZir c-J IT "1 . I t S.H. RANSOM. U.CS. Sai vw-ll amany. WAIT FOR r MIY i. it j ikcauao be huyea hia S'lVYKS Irmn i A. 1 1 . tttuw repeei:uny .nii.iir.rr io ine inrai".." ' their Did j hibiti.n, ju.t ricei.ed In in the North, e tic ol the u ft. n.i, , ..... v ..... v. IS E Or t Ever onerre i 1 or (hi a , rolina, amour; which will L" H'B-aC3 v - - - J hkh bat f ainru auch a ftiumua rrputnttoit in the Spoilt hern Cftimtr for th Ut n'Siti n m-.nirit i(0v be ft arrant" awp rmr to ant ( iMkin Iot now in unc.It ia am fI in its ckm-diT fniiatmira traa fuel, and dtxa niorc rk tit a itn time. tUun any othrr ft. r it in URt. , H pU( up enf braido any olhr iStov of lh unit me tn the t'nitrn M.iia, and if M .- Rut d., n,f FfI Wurri ,n a f irn time, ho will forful th pn e of the Movi , and quit acilin iml g ,,B j,,,,, , . ALSO, ALL FAHFjOR & BOX STOVES. He baa, snu cotiali..iy keep on hand, an rxirn.iT. and vnried .t.n-k of TLX AM) SIILLT IKOX. ISK.ISS .l.iT.V, CIST ti:tKY It I . Ti .tit V, HAT HACKS, CI.ADLES, &c, &c, Allot Mlifoli uill hv aold, bo'Hl mI H-ii. Ii Mrr Ihmi baa rvrr hevn Ird in I til ' ir it 1 1 j . I wtitiM rrturn my tbanka to my friend" and cuatnoirf f tr he trty !r.rra! patrir.. ii fy tf9 be hi wed upon on, Mtii thef nay real of,rt, I jtltH rft. i..-r, by tin-r a(trt.a.n t,. i,i,i(licti together ft itn a tin tcrntutaiiufi l. p!eac, to Ir j ai d mrfi! a eoitttu o e 'f tht ijn.r, Kndirs and llrnllcnu n arc jmrliru'arly . iil LlTi't 02 JOS vv OKS ATS2ii SO WISH LEiilKH. i N. B. I will ttil jou anj I he.d mv ad.crlia.n eot ' W .it roa vjir V ,uo-.' it i. a.,i0 wc bate ture w.f g..i. c.-uaian liy ti. ..iiu.f il.i. ugi. the ee... UJ ill. M.... ,111 1't ili i n will bv faithfully ttutl prviHitli ultrmtrit to jh A. A. X. 31. TAYI.Oi;. j ( hatlttlt, Jr IR. IP!!. 3tf ' ... . ' 1 " u -ii i i i . . j Till 1 1 1 1 A T 1ST liXiaaaUuf-j&aiJl LtiilVJ, av.wJ.a aWwVw.kW.1 I I Ol- Till; AO I.. I'r. K K.N.N I I' Y.of, haa dic.,rrd m .m. of our C'm mon yaalw.r arred. a re....0y thai cur. . roa. lr aewtM Ae atviea a rvmiaiw. fimUt I ll hat iri.d il in ovr Mil) r.aea, and ne-r ; f .'. o in two c., ( u.uncrr boinnr ) lie be inw in hi. p..... .... n m.ll lou.nd ' ccrliric.liw ot ii. .irtu', all .ilh.n twenty n.tiea jof Hj.L.n. 1 Two buttle, are wirrant.d t. cor. a nur.n.r a. re irmutl.. ' tir.e to three bmllea will care the wor.l kind of j Pi.i..i. or Ihe 'I n tn three boltlt il! c.e.r tl r j l' m u! I n. 'Jw.t boltii. are 0 In rurr Ine Wor.l can. htr in te nnjflth and t'Oir.i. Three to tr 4V ttWa are -rrant'd lo ore the aw. t f i ul Kr j a,p"a. i hie t l o boVI it i in warrant d to cure all hu. n t,r m the Eyta. Tobi.f .ir warrM. t to cure runnir of thr ear a and 0..-K I a among loc hair. F.'Ur to aix h.,tt'ca are ft'trarttd t rare Cor- iun iiu raiii'iii hi cr. Jiie bottl i.l cure acaly no pi. on of the a k in. Tn tn thr bullh-e are ft-rinicd to cure tht , tt'il eaa of ringworm, 1 q to Ih r h'.tiUa are wnrrriird to ear the ! "?' ""P"" r...,.n.t..m 'I'hrrc to four botlh a arr ft ri ted lo Cure lbe ault r he niti. f if to eight bottUi wtl rure the worat caare of acrtula, Abrtif fstl a! aya t xprr ! n4 fmm the fi'at Nt!!.atd a f r'rrt cure , w .rr-iitra whi n tie! Irovt- qnsntttjr m t.iktn. i N fti;-r, farHciiid o r a lhni;ii..r,d tx'lttr nf Ihia ; in the vUihily ot trtofion. I Iwh'W He Bri -f it j m t f fy e4f, N iurr aa 'U t Will ito-M'-h j fi rr, mi i-life ill tin rurt h oroor. I nr er rO j uottle of tt but tiiatt void aiM lhi r ,' alter a tn I it 1 nlwaifa ptpfi.r 1 1 we-ll. 1 t arr tii linpea Im u1 thte lerb thnt ( ifi in nt anrpnir j; ; firt, tl4t it ?rna a in our p.itar a, in ire pU . nte pfriiiijl, and yit i'a T.ln lua oevrr hen kn'n ui'lit X dine) rt d it in 1 !( tfiitri, t imi it amimjri mrc all kunii nf liurt '-r. In ofti r to give acme idra of t?ir ''': n nn and .rest pnputdrit V f the flia. n.ery , I .ill .1-1 that in Aim!. IK'S. I l e.dle.l it. an.l t.nd about an b llle. r da. -in April, Ih.W, I ...Id over one tlmoaanil't a p.r d-y ot ll. . . . .i i. . i k - i . .. , in boatne.a twenty and Ihtrt. lui., .ry that so- t thing in tl,e ant.u.a ..I p. It nt nienieinra w.a ever I il.a. ,1. There i. a .f It Irn... all .(i..ri.r.. In my own practice .way. ) .pi , .trict.y r..r . htiitior. bol ..neeila ii.lrn.lueti. ,. aa a (eorral f mily ineoieine, fre.l un.l wnn.'.rlul viiln.a bava j jifJ a.,4.'-5 S'-l kfY been found u, il that I n. ver -.. .i rT a-..'- Several c ,.ea of ep.i.pi c fi... ,i,.. ... winch ! Wilmington, taharloU and Ruihetloia w.a at..a c.mai.irreft incurable, have been currlt ; . a ... 4 V t hv a ft w bnttice. Il, w ha I a mere, il it will orove 1 1 e ft", etu.l in all r.n.,,1 that awlui in.lady liwrc ' "lr uul tern ... u i.itn I nt.t. I I inc. of r,rr..l ..... l !),..... .11 ..I , I..... aeeel K..,,le cored by it. For the varit.lia diacaeee n. ine, rtirm. ,ica,l.i r ne 1 1 v. p .Wl,. Art hit. 3, t- . . .. . - ' . ' i rev. r ana tie. rain in the ,.!. , ,.i i he . r1! in. . and o.rt.eolurl. n .1...... . ... ih. k .. . . . ! A.c. ihe di.ei.vcry haa d.,nc nmre gid than any twice a day. SlM'r.eTlf.IIl PV DO.NAIJ) Kl'.NNF.DV. iti. 120, Yiarrtn Strrrf, knihury, Musi. I'lire fl. Wholeaale Ai'nt-New Vrk rity.f. V. flicli. ner.ftl llarelay Kireet; ( Ml It, up, j i,nW.Tf A. B. . I. fil.oa. I I'll lull, ,, hi, eel) T. W. Ijy. oil A. S,ria. Philadelphia i (i.o. II. ! burg; A.n..M,.rc. Iliirt..!..: II., gb M .ller, 'I nr..... j loj John ISirkc. Vnnireal i llriiik ,,i..,H t, I'.Titon, .I hicago; Jan.e. ee.i, Lbicar..; J..,n William. London, f. W. At IVeiuil by nil reapcrtnblr Tliuggirta in thr United r-late anrl lirili.l, I'rnviticea. V. fcCAHK A. I'd., Agent., Cltmuttr, A'. C. A LALGK f-CITLY OK (,o ns la h I e A V a r r a ii t s FOR 8ALK IIKKK THE WiUllOL tBa .rlla Slu ao rlienj, j the .Miiiif4clurera. T A L 0 !l " i ... ..... ............... ne n.. r, r.j . j - now fin . ni.t cileB.ive of W 1 IS b found tnc celebrated H T J - -- ' - y ' - ' - f KINDS-OF iiniiMl lo rail jikI cxnniiirc l is Sinrk CIIK5Tr.ll, 8. C, II) J. IC. M(.()IX. AyA f'IIK .(i'..r,Ur .-.M, uu . i Ttf. M a. Icrtn. hi. In. . .o. ..i.u tl.e i.t; c I!!;, ra' 'I'V. Inal i.ia buna., kt.a , , ... ... .. . ..... ... . i . . i . . ll.C "K.itr.aU II. .lei. .!.. le I: . t ... .oji 1 N.i, la at i It ..p. n i. r the , j : . i , i , wlr and trii.Nt .ltd lb tin. ,ht.( l t- e ; an n ! b i. n.. a .ue . y . ,r, , , u tt. rtf arsar. a roa. lm ..I n . , . libir.l w meb m.iiiu t. ... . tin lo him. lit lUttcia bu.. . I lo. I e. if r. .tta .1 lal,(.oi.,l i... U. n ... .C. tn lit t. n : n of aii'wbo ! p w,t bin. i .a r.w... jr. well-lorni.he,.. Kia arc aitt-ni... .n.- dnrt, ai l.i. U bl en.untiy ...i.piK.i ! .-. ot'l ol tl.e araa..B, att lli.l nt triet it .h 11 want any atlcnimn ne.raa.ry lo k ..c ii.i t. ' fnu. 3 pefe.l.t and a.ri.h, 111. , i;. ',).. .t d itb good bnollrre aijd an V.i...r'e .f .r.n.r. antt bet. prepared gl . r-ntr"'. n. l.rr to tnpply k.a r..t..n..r. withpr.oi. r.a. vryanee.oi a.,y aurl,l any p.rt .1 lb. ..u. ... ,rg c-untry. He deaireaf.. relnrtll.a . r . i., I. . ti , it. i. i Ut peMie tr prt fnwa. fcti. I. r li.t utr mn jiy hUi-1 ol i.. JCIIN 11. NK I.( 1M .v. to Hi itvtg'wiytfl . Alii viMA til I III, fvt tV.ft gha, Oli a , I nil ur r x, (l himi I" A Iff rnfn yi Ur htm ti .ii 'tw)(ir.ttritl .;. nTf rii'Ta, 1 4 lea I, It a ),iU . W . . -i j ltl-ff flLflJattf ( Oil. p I., lilt. 'r(flJ"Tj l.',.d1 e Ht ah. $ 1 aid. Cold .Aline J5alM.ii!, or I'y.f-eptie ll.ttera cr '1 n.t lui. "I .... t N' ' 1 ;,,r A lett.r tn.lii J Ii ( ..i:.;in, 1'i.i.r."'. .N . t '.. il.i. d Aug 14. iMi : Pr. J. )ei.r H.r: Ymr n-',e,i.. fitn et, aali.lacl.. ,: in tin. ..r.1,11,,1 e.,.,n. ir). 1 lie a Mia.are .(eiil) ; ly appru.tuol. It l.a.h.t.r l. iii ten'. ' en.. ll aeli. .,1 1'.. a t, I l.u 1 I It. 'l ; ' 1 "' t,'',r auii.iv the demand, tin will "..' "": n" 4 ! nr,,, ol it aa a n a. .n f I I j j j 1M ... . ' n....( ..." P 1 Af.r TH w i. W . f.,.i,.ir. '"" T. j. Iluiion ai.e lr. J. r. l.iln.rr.l bail' M" J. II. ..... . ry, U,t..... I., l.i. -tJ-jmt rf.VjHS tfr.'-i - ! ff,, - ,.. . B r.( lo, nl Ihe W llmi. lnli. ( I .1 J ft . ! , el ' ' "' rorf!l. o Ii a. I Load I ..inpan) . . ; r. ...... r ...... .- ' ... A ...... , . i.- it .. I.e .... ....... n. I' 1 ' " '" ". ot W in. Julin.ti.n. ( . J I m al.e r. V ,... n .....rill ! w l.n f. el ii.trre.i, c ,n ihe n. JOHN WALK MIL Ll.ItoY H'HIM :J, IJ. II. DAMI'foN, 3. H Oct. 3. ler,.4;. , r. joiinsos, FCRWARDINO .ND C0rWISSI0r vjilil'iiIlIAiI SOUTH ATIaA.XTK- tVllAKl'' CIIAI1LHST0N,-C IlOMiS fnr Ih JJrhvrry ot l''v, FOR SALE 1IKKK UrtVse1r, Sheriff and Qui. -"" FOR SALK IIKItK. I rynitTtut,M,iPj,iji. CkurloiU.Jvtt C,

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