11 Th Iat ok tub Randolphs. Ou the 4th ' V" court1(boT,( Cllrlo!t.9 .nitf . V a., ?t. George Randolph. By lii.l rount deceas. gr Iing become. extinct,. nd . l.nre patrimony U divided, lie waa tho ! . .. . ui.(...A n.AU - u: eldest sco of Richard Randolph, of Bizarre, and nephew of the celebrated Johu Hnmlolph, of Koaiioke, woo regaruca iMni who an ai faction as sincere aa it waa iu hi it wayward nature to fuel toward any bumun being.- fit. George bad peculiar oluinis upon the tenderness' of bin Kinrtrea, lor tie was uesti eofthefacu!tie.ofhearii1gndof.pech,l',ie,!,.e,!:"Ped .collecting guano, were and eoiildoniy manifest the quickness of hta intellect, in that untaught hut expressive L,oi,.i.nc which is instinctively acqui.ed f ,,., I.n.in hi f.iLr m r age, he waa affectionately cared f()r j Vy l,isneret relative,, and waa sent to Frauea for an education, that could not at that time be given In in in tlie Cniteu Mate, tin hi return to America a pad dispensation fell ou lii iu reaaoii left in throne. The circmutitaDne pave Randolph, of Hoanoke, he ,,,,-t poL'iiint grief, and 'e refer, sadly ' . a V"b d.sre , it i.. h.n le.tera8 That wan fortythree J r,le;1' 'ho lently and ur.emly re veira .Ko. and iuce then St. C.toip had "ced h " ,u""jre.d 1 ,u tl,e Pr- remained liopclesaly Insane. Yet (aaya the i"i , ".1 ' .r. r.r.e nf is. nlrl man r i - i i . .i he ordered to continue tho iie.'otimion at a, we have seen him wandering about the ,, ... . , . , . , , ii i i ir ir i :. I'Oint where diplomacy hue fat ed, and fi. ds w;lli his Icontua beard falling' in wliite 1 . .. , u , , i ! c ' .i ' ninke fcnuien of etiixue nn property in uiaasea over hit bo-om, ami hta fine, ret. sn . . r . r i i i i . , ,r 1 . ... '. nalisfactiou of the debt due to our fe low. eve nrtnnrthts animalion to a coutitenattee . . , , , . ', , i - . . nitifna lor oamuvn and iosa in councoueiice ol t Ue I Ur and Hi iking interest even in itn r .. . u i. .i ... , , , " ii.- i , of the act of Seiior I'lanaH." gloom, hind lianda tinootlied hi pillow, ami his end waa peace. And tbua died the1 -t of the KauHuljj'ua. ' A " FlXi Vi.l, "i::: " r. Virqima. A correspondent cimiuuiitcatea the follow ing, --" 1 1 r I r f-'riiliY Ii V PlfREvg. I)irkrn telli ; "tfler the title of A " Sad Scene," to the ,ve fol.nwlntr nory of an American ,e Southern ( hurtliman of Inut week : " A aolttary traveler lately alf'pped bin horse by raj.tain : j ,uu roadside, near the eouree of Potniuae nn his la-tvoj a-e home, the enptain had ( tvtc. in Stafford county, Va., and. fasteu rn boaid a youn lady of remarkable pT- jnf ,r,c to 4 t.e, proceeded to fyrce tonal atfractiuiia a phrase I u e an one ),ja way through a thicket of bu-hen and Leitijr ei.tirely new, and one you never met tramblen, which nurrounded the manure With in the newspapers. Thin youn lady w-alh of ' Potomac Church,' ri-ing iu tol wsn beiived intensely by Eve young gentle- emu majesty amid dome (riant fore t treea, mm, p'ssenjieri, nnd, iu return alio waa in which the good sense and piety of some love nub l h in ail very atdent!, but with- bone-t farmer left an beacons to the taste of rut any particular prct'trenre f ;r either. a generation (hat is no more. It wan a aad N .t knowing how to make up hi r ileU'riuina-i rrue. ' here, within a chort distance of lion in this diiernma, aheooiisu!..il my friend leveral small frame hou-es, for wor-hip, tiie rataio. I he captain bi-injj a man oi t0od this iinijjnilicei.t old ruin, in soiiiary an original turn of mind aaya to the young grandeur, a im-meMo of the a-t Wash lady: '.Jump oveihoard, and nitirry the iuion, Madi-on ami Mouroe, no d nil.t, of man who jumpn ft.r you." lie younj ten tiod its courts ; for it wan on a direct lady, struck with tiie idea, and Leiii" nat- r,ute from their I. omen in 30111I1, ahd the i.rally fond of bathing, especially in warm Capitil. Some ma.-ter genius had planned weather. 11 then wa, took the advice of ud built it, for even in ita ruins, it far aur the captain, who bad a boat maimed incase paea all old country churches, that hare of accideut. Accordingly, next iiu.rinng, been aeen in Virginia, or indeed in any the five iovera being 01: d.ck, and looking State. And it may el be filled with eager devotedly at the Joung lady, she pluiiired worshiper, if lotno pious band could be loid the a head f-reni't Fojr of the found to re roof iu ma-sive walis. Two Iovera imiiieliately jumped in after her thousand people rou'd find ample standing Wheu the young lady and ber four Iovera within its spurioun couria, whose mngnilj were got out agsin.sh.. sa. lo the captain: cent areimn are exposed to the combined ef ' what am I to do with thetn now, they are f,.els of the weather, the fro-t, and the out o wet?' Sara the captain, " taka the dry ward freure of a disaccled roof.' ntie!" A the iout.i lady did, atid ahe ! niarrh n him . ... c... I Jltirr.ll.SilN s I-ATHER a SlhEMITII Tllu, Prler JefTeraoa i H.iil,0!r Kan. dal! an "a man of gi.-antse ft ature - 1111. and ave-sc to uisplny he wan r,vi. Up' turn i'.vi) make, nd n "t over prompt to ' 1 actejit advance. He wan one of ih ,-e ca tn y and a.most sternly ae!f rei vu.i; i"en, who b an on none who (Us.rc help Inuu none. And he eortauily had both muc'n 1 and miud which oou'd l-O trute.I ' He Coul.l Itmu'tai.e'u-lf ' head up (rai-e from their id to an upru'ut position) lu hogshead of tuhaeeo, writthnik nearly tnousat.d p iiinda apiee! one lirectd th'e a- b!ed bcdled flaren to p'lii dou rainoua ahed by iiiraua of a r"pe. Aft- r they had anaiu a .d aaiu made the eff ort, he bade t-m af and aside, a-.a-'d the rope nnd drag- fit 6a the structure in an iuat.iut. Tra- .lit onn have come down of bin continuing bis line as a surveyor tiiruugli aire wii- deruesaes, after his asitants had piven out from famin and falt.'ue, aubsi tMig on 'he raw He-ii of game nd veu of hia carryiug mules, hen uihtr fjod fai.cd." , Sta.'.ino it to the Pai in.- The over-. III. In.ail lino uow int p. ra'ion from an Ai.toiiio, Tex a., to San Ihcgo, faifonia. rarncn pa-en-ers throuu-h. On the anth trip we-lward, f .ur were thus conveyed to San lie..u The way mail, are much in- . .., , . . , creac.l. I he 'Htre rn:n in now stora.ni with fj ir bun irrd aninmis, Iwei.tv fi c lach , and seventy five men ( in. .--.-n.'. rs a'.it guards ) Willi tnis 01HI11 tuey can sc e CommuJaleait tiassciigers Further irran;; ' " Incuts e beini cotiipleted to a ccom mad a ti pa-sen r.i tl.r null I J i: Oileann bv this ; ' The fire from San VU-.jt to New flrleam ' is ?-Uil, which includes meals on the route 1 he eigl th mail from S in Pi"i;o was to hsve be.-n d.sj.atched oil the 'J2dof October, wild a full complement nf passengers. The schcdulo f,r the trip of tUii line is thirty d.,1. A Vr.,r.rAnMtfr.itrr.sT A new orgam- ,ti..n ot nature, being prono,ii,ced by natu- ran. m t .e connecting una oeeween aoimai and vlt table III'.', has been found in the in terior of Africa, in th form cf a srictil with a flower lor a head. This singular freak of nature is spotted iu the body, dtags itclf alnn. au.l the flower forming its head is bell shaped, and contains a viscid fluid. Files and other in" ets, attracted by the smell of the juice, ei.Uir into the flower where they are caught by the adhesive mat- ter, The flower then closes, and remains shut until th prisoners are transformed into chyle, "i he indigestible, portion, such ; a? bead's and wings, are thrown out by the j "piral upeninj;. '1 he veg. table serpent has skin r.-soiiibliii? leaves, a wbi'esnd soft flesh, and in-lead of a bondy skeleton and eartiiliigfous frame, fi.le I with yellow mar row. 'I he natives consider it a delicious food. IleiW Ti) Tki.i.. A traveler called at iiii.hilall at a farmer a the owner being from homo, and the mother ami daughter I menee.l Iirec ltiig i lour anu-a nuii monius being alone, they refused to lodge the way- j d. Thi- breed are perfectly hardy, having farer. "How far then, " said he, " to a endured the past severe winter, on my ilnd, homo where a preacher can get lodging? ' without any shelter, producing lambs con ' Oh, if joo arte a preacher," auid the lady, atantly, which bore the cold as well as the : " you can stsf hern." Accordingly he ills- j eld sheep, and matured rapidly. They will mounted, lie deposited his saddle bags, ! 00l jump fences, cither stotio or wood. The j and led 'lis horse lo the stable. Meanwhile, . flock were separated last season from a rye-1 the nintl.er ami dsuirhter were ilebaiing the field, by a cobble stone wall, two and-a-half point as to what kind of a preacher be was. i feet high, over which they neve: attempted " He canuot be a Presbyterian," said one, to piss, nor can they be driven over any " for he is not well dressed enough." " He j description of fence. The fibre of their; is not a Metbodi.t," said the other, " for his wool is exceedingly strong, and the fleece -coat is n.it the right cut for s Methodist "j heavy. The mutton cannot possibly be sur- ' If I could Bud bis hymn hook," said the passed, as it is entirely free from the strong daughter, "T could tell what sort of a j flavor usiisl to sheep, and is tender, juicy preacher he is.'' And with that she tlirnst si.d delicious. The tsils arc broad, and her hand into the fiddle-baas, and pulling; . when properly prepnr-d, much rest tn him out a flask of liquor, she eielsimed, " La ! marrow, and form a dcligbtUl tuuracl for mother, he 'a Hard Hiell'd Foptist." jtha epicure. Tin JLxitbd States and Venezuela. , atated that somo very decided measure, ... . . , , . ,. ' , , . ,""u t!',"," ' ouUin redre'8 roni Ooveminent, long delay. .) fo ahi... a ... ""i -a"" muericaii Clltzein. The origin of thin trouble is u follows : " Io tho year 151, a pkr,y Df ;xrj A. uiericans.u bo owned mid occ upied an Maud eallcd'Avis Island,' wore than 30U mil,. from tho Vcuczucluo coast, and who were '"r , ""', jr omer oi me ' !" ';ela" Oovcrnuiei.t, their property sold, ,L 1"-. appropriated hy the lPHrPclrnto',' o' thin outrage. Rcprescnta- "ere iinmediaiely made to the Vi ne. f1"1" hy the InKed Stale- Mi- inter at Caruccas of the lanlesa imture of the aeiiure of the propnrly on Americ.in ciiixena, whose occupation of the island, and prosecution of their buMiiem, had hern aiinc- Honed by the United Statea ; but thene re emptory nuiuinotm which our Miuister ban bet ii instructed to deliver to the Kxecuiive at ' ' T "c"'' k'e disregard, Teasel of war wi AKeviiky Wi.man. The I.ouiavP.Ie Cour.i r re ste the fouowmif. which it says " ' 1... .....j. ....! ....;. i,. 1.1. .., ....... : .1.. " - - " - '"" . v..,,.,.,.,...,, county wh.-re the s"cne ia located 1 1 A wl! k nown gent!i man r.f J. fTeron co , ....... 1 1.. .. 1 r .....11.. ' . , v ,. . we,i. ill, made ainionoral.ie proposals to the 0f a I. ar.J workic; and indu-triom iitin in li.e iieihli irho'. I rt ferre 1 to, ho wan not posses. ed ol a Urge ah.are of this world a gooda. The lady enlerrii tiio house first ami when ths ..l.nl, who wmj iurt d.. tance behind opened the door, he i, P(ar- t ed by the app-arauee of a doubled bar- relied gun in the ha idn ot the lady pointed fuli at bis i reat. ItVlon he had iu i ppor- tunny to retreat, he p-j'ted the trover, ntheu the capexpicded without di-chtrgiug the io id and he. as saved Iroui a rapid trip to' ainud "in con.e.' Iln immediately broke for the tali limber, tut just a. be wasclearius a f, i.ee some thirty orf irty yards distant, bang wei.t the a.cor.d bair.l, and over tjmi.lt d our hero. 1 Iu rec".-rcd biinsaif imiiie.iiatt.lv, and ciapping bis baud a . in 10 , nia.le for bis home iu a hurry, w hen a hysicim was sent for to extricate ti.e cite llie mi. all al.ola that lodged iu hij per- 1 11 1 Fa TE (v 1 - 1 hat eminent n. troUger, Z.m kin, w ho, it w ai i be remember- rd. u" "J ,lie Jr'h ol '' 'J"1"" 10 l,ie Ve.ir 1 -.r7 , has " come out " stiongly in bin t.r. ,l,..l,n... for hull .... I I h,. ., nt.l I, of 1 - j - ry, l.oitls i i.-rti v ami t iaremiun are into ui.credil, and Lord Cantian to ' 1 t into an 'ti.er " er:o i.n scrape " The orld is to git rid of a luoti-tcr the King "' N"'' -in March, wiieu aUo Sir tj 'rry to have a ta-te of trouhle. l.orj 1'i.i.niiri. wi'l nwrisn'S an am. li of the fn" '"the month of .T,i!y, 1 co..seTict.ce of the moon In in; with Saturn in Leo at bis birth : and the following moiitli the " book sellcre in the li .w " are cautioned to be on their guard against fire and other michicf. A lei and er II t to h sve the. Iimibngo in Jvp-t-irbei, and the ejueen of .Spain the quinsy, in consequence ot Saturn pas-inover the inoon's pia.-e at her birth. Pritie Alfred ,lU , eail -ln tllfl II:t!th ,)f N0V1.m. hrr I,;,,,,,,.,,,, 0 ,le French isto look ,,, for . .. nioral earthquake, ina. much as the new moon falls in exact -nun re apcct to Satu.n, and preci-ely on the mi l heaven of the Child of Destiny. ' The crafty prophet, however, fearing probr bly that he had ven tured too far in some cf his rsi-h predictions, desires bis readers to totice that " as there is no absolute f.,iality involved ia tho dor- trine of the influences of the heavens, the mr i.i he foreshadows " insv be avoided L timely I r..-i-a tit ionsi " CtilsLsK SlIlKP A curious and ery prolifto breed of sheep has recently been I tro. lured to this country. Mr. Smith, their lute ow tier, says : Three years since, I received three ewes from Nankin, from which I obtained in -!ll month-1, 7 slu rp ( hie ewe now in the flock, produced 1- lambs in IS months three, (our ami five in a i.niu, ami nicy com- TB1AL OF TWO AMERICANS Br A JUBT OF I nr.ArKH in havti We announced in the Traveler, of Thnrs- ' day,th.rcB.iltoftheiril,.tPortatl Prinoe. of Captain Mayo, of brig H. V. Packer, of thin port, and hit associates, on the charge of conveying into the island of llayti, and there putting into circulation, a larj;e amount ' of counterfeit llnvtien bilU, Sinee then the cook of tlic It. W. Packer, John Francla Simpson, of Fox Inland, Maine, vrtio waa jmcu wiiu , ujn,. ,'iiju, nas arrivpii at una ! port iu the tchooner Oetieral Veasic, from i ' Port-au Prince, and as a trial of two while ' ' persona for their Uvea by a jury of colored ' fersoiia, in, in thia country, soinewliut of a uotoriety, we give hi account of tlio pro- I Fairrielii hiocsli.not r, at tlie U nl in IVinm-ceediiiL-a aa a matter which ma iiiteraMt our ; I i!ocl.li..l.i..r in Cluster an.: W , ,;Lin Y..rk, I ' , rea ; The court houie wan a one-ftory utone 1 buildinjr.tbe interior beio-' not unlike some of our own courtroom!. Atone end w an l the seat of justice, with the Chief Justice in the centre, dressed in his official robes and octagon hat, with hie two a.si-tatits in similar j apparel at bin fide. The Chief Justice was i a black and apparently a man of cousidera- j ble iiitellii'cnoe and learning. He con- ducted the jiroeeedinga with much fairness alio at.lliiy. ( Iii front of the court, ranged upon a bench, ' were the counsel for the five defendants (three of the prisoners bcinir Hayticna ) At one aide was the prisoners' box, guarded by the Imperial soldiers, while upon the other j waa the Haytien Government Attorney, with bin official ermine, cape and octagon hat. In the rear the public were freely admitted, and were interested spectators of the trial ding, commenced by the autn-' I ..',,. J , . . jfty one llajf.enn, aome of whom I he proceed moiling of fi were 01 itiicimeiy uiacK complexion, wnne others were nearly white. From liiene the 1 ri-oners were allnnre.l In t.lecl In nl eo men who were lo try them. The proceedings a.' ,' lo the admission of evidence were much the I fame as in thin country. The lawyers for j the defence all had a pica to make, and were followed by the Government Attorney and the J udge, when the jury retired to make up their verdict. The trial commenced at 10 in the morning, and continue ' until it wan finished, at '2 the In x morri'nj, the jury being out about two bourn and a half. Id the case of four of tho accused, there wan an absolute verdict of acq'iittal ; in that of Hibbert, who actually procured the bills to be printed, he waa ac quitted on th ground that the bills were not pigned when they were put in circula tion. Hibbert, however, waa acnt back to prison on a charge of amut'glinr the Cilia 1 inlo'lo em.nfrv .nrl th.r. r...nr,i. .1 U-t i J'., ,. . ' , 1 accounls. The Haytien audience, thouch airoiiz'.y prejudiced aeaintit the people of the Lniled Mates, manifested joy and approval , at their acquittal. Ye learn from the steward Simpson, that he was pe neraliy well treated by the Haytien authorities while in prison, though oblieed lo find his own food, which is supplied by the United Slates Consul. When they were ordered from Cape Haytien lo Port-au-Piince for trial, they were placed on board a small tenm l, with only a few banana and i little water, for I'. 1 soldiers, sailors, and prisoi.i rn on board, and bad they not been liberally supplied by the American Captains with provisignn Ihey must have suffered on the psace severely, if no artually starved. An it wa, the prioners. before the end of the voyage, were oblired to share their pro-vi-dou with the Government soldiers and failom, while in regard to water, a mutiny aw. very near occurrtn tj. '1 he I tiited States sloop-of-war, ordered bf the fiovernment authorities to touch at Port an Prii.ee, had not arrived wl nn the General Veaie sailed Jioton Tiavrter. Ve understand (says the West Alabatni an) that there is a man in this county who has moved so ofteu that whenever a cover ed waefoncome near bis house his chick ens all march up, fall no fheir backs and cross their legs, ready to be tijd and carri ed to the next Mopplug place. iiYLriiiiAL. Married, ..n the nli..bv I' c Res. II. B. Cue- nin;.l.. H. II . Mr. JOHN'S". I.tE, jnn'r. and M.sa I RAM KS F. C A TI1F.V. A s... ..n the ii!th o t . bv the Rct, R. It I.if. fei-v. Nl,. F. E.yKKIIY a'nd M..n SARAH M. I IM UR AN, alt of tins county. lace, en the 2,( ultinm w ile of Jonn F. Hoke, lllfhtel Ol' the late Wll Mrs CAT . J. An Ian jfc--' Dissolution. T sjll K firm nf RRK.M 4. STKKl.E was this da nvea by mutual consent. All ihosoi ml are in.it bleu to us, either by Note or A. coun ..I pl.iM.e cii al inr Vuiual lusiir.ii.ee Oliic id acllli wilh A. C. Sleele. T. II. BR EM. A C. STEELE. Jtn 1. ISO?. Iltf New Finn. II AVINi; purchased A. C. Steele's interest STOCK OF GOODS of ftrein .V Pic. I.-, nn.l ..s,.ei..ted with nee J. S.nirs. J-. and J. I.aFsvrvTS AisyesPis. Bu-iiH-aa v ill hereafter be ci.n.iucl.d untier l linn of T II. Hr. II. A Co. e Call the atlent ot Ihe public to t ur Sn.ck. as we hare rcdui the puce of a gnat many Goods. T. II. HREM. d Jnn.X, I?".. 4ltf Vas! Teas!! a Fl.sK ASSOUT.MF.NT OF GOOD TUAS a for Family use, consisting of Hyson, Youtiff llrson. 1...H IH.1, Glllls.wder, Fnglish Breakfast, and many other varieties, for s.le nt II. M PUITCH AUli-S -'miy Prug Stort. Gas Fixtures, ! T S.HH sub.cribcrs notify all persona rlea.rous nl lits, to call at tiie.r i. thee, ooe door b. low Granite How, ant! make frieciiuna ol ru in res. Their assortment is very ellensive. Or dera should be left betore tl.e Vioih instant at farthest. WATERHOUSE k BOWES. Charhllr. J'in. o, ItOe. 147 OF IF IIS h lo Ihe Cll r Iffice ol, tbe Court lloni Jam. : , I'Ri iFIISSIi IN Ai. SFRYirrs tens of Charlotte and vicmtt v. Trade atreet, two doors rstmth of 41 Iy sri'iillurnl flrrlius- T allK Met klenhiirg Agricultural Sk-m ty Ill, al. d to the first S .lure ith ion ol toe last be transacted. lotetinir. I .nt hi and S lull lte. lance is ii.s.le.l. A. B PAVILION, Vifu krt. rhsilowe, Jan.. IK. iw I i I For Sale, I -w ra ciiinfs r ri,,..i..ti,. n.i. I C 1 C on iwo lnUiiih'a tune ' . u' ric" w ",h "' '"H'erinr that neither station Also, five Coupon Bond. o( !- Charlotte and'"-' "V''1.1' 0 "' '"'''K ' " everywhere S. J. Railroad Company. Apply to E. NYE HUTCH I SUN. aa. 5, 18 .8 41 H Chdiljtie & o. oorclina Rhilroad. 'l'KKAt'H I-R'f TFIt F., ( C. l H. C. H. I!. ( ...i...ny. i; 1IIE Dim-ton of this Coinjii y h..c nn:erd I lie n.i VtnM.t of u Seilfl A.M.; .1 nivid.-iitl (if II..II r- l.. r sl.uru en tlie ek. :h will bo n .id nn llmt J.uiuirv nt, a rllw by the aifint nl t'h.stcri tuae in iNi.rlli ( .r.iliim ami Hasten. Yi.rk. by the . aent ai ( hrl..Hf i ( I. r- lt i. Sinctlnlcer-, ut the B .nk ..i' the sute f Bmitii Carolina i .n.i ,,ll ..ther-i tl,i. oBier. ,..U- ULKMG1II. Irrosr. ISIC. an, IOJ. no fr"- Not ice. FOREWARN any per" p-ra-na fr!un tru 11 OinK l'..r a Nole of mine in f.. n.r nl I.Hnni.ue, Smith Sl Whilder, of ( harlealol'i. S. C,, ur pnya. t the II. 11k of Charlotte, N. C, .1 ..led 3ntli o,.t., sj 7 ,nd .Lie four in .nil tMe ium of Two Ilsndied and rm "n,i s.ventv Cnta. K.nd notch '"' ' l"J' P''J 11 lo "n.v J. C. MOORF. , "I ;i ;iv hafteeaHiAi TOU, ."1. .'. W'-'K ,l l,"n i" ol tlie ciliary that ti ls Institution h is ,,.,.., , w,.h ,f, iti i;,r, the public, that i 1 c..iitinu I useiu'm ! 'then it). and increasing be next Bean.. 11 w ill commence 1 the 3,1 M-jn. v of J.nu.ry, and continue twenty w The Course of lur.li urlioii for the pre nt ye Will exienrl from a Primary Class, midway thro aCnU.ge course, embracing a tamrouijh Mnglih courts, tiie W .tur..,' S. iencea, Preparatory Stuuus, College Clas.'C-, the H olier .Malht matio, French, German and Ai.Jflo S inn. Tnere will if: a t-nirse of twenty carelully pre. pared I.eciuresnn N lural Plnlos.p..y, w ith occa sional I., ctu on 1 oinpal il.ve riiii.i..jy, during e ron.ii.r se..n. If Terms the ...ir.e as l.erf tofore. Noi ff-.rt will he sp.rcii mi toe pirt of I 't Ti c lo iiMSe IM tl.e uet Ii.alitot.au ol us clas Auidy lo C. W. SMVTIIK. Pee. 3'l, H.-.7. Hu Rocky River Academy. SUIE Trustees of It..ci,y R.ver Acau. n.y loir inir prorured llie nr,ciol .Mr. Jons T "f I H AS a V, a r atlua le of Da Vldsori I ol lece, vv ho com. s liicnlv reconiniend.d i.a a fine sclu.l.,r and on rtli- ,.ltTe.ch. r. to take charge of the Academy, !, will o.. c. me is. ..ion on the 2d Monday ii- J.nuaiy m Ho..rJii.(t an be lirtd in respsctable families 01 ruts, io the vicinity of the Acaueinv lij ddir ol the I! II. KIP.KPATRICK, ?rry. tji; K.M. Gates & Co. j RF. NtiW RWKIVINC ll) Kiirk A I. I' wlneh they sell !... 1 (JO fin. ( AMI. IK.'. 141 To Contractors. fcKAliKfl proposal, will he reeeivcd for huildin" 3 a MCW ( HLIU fl mar lit Steele Cr.t k, 50 7o tt-cl. (ialieries na antl siecific. tim K. I!. !.:, Cl.arlotti ie.-.iji.eri, e,r (am n.-.t t the Church on two sides and one etnl. senn be aecn by calling un , N. C. or n y one ut the Ctiurrh. Propt-a.ils to he and dt rision i.aite nn t' c oi" January neja. Ci.nira hood with tv i.pro. .11. tile ..n I. minlltef ion, if riser the r jiht to etiiicd necessary, am hi t.itir i irpt,a tur St J. 1SF.HKYHILL. W. M POKTKK, J. M. POTTS, A G .NEKL, remiet 1 1. '7. C"m. Valuable Land for Sale. UY order from the Court of K.u ty de the NoveinlK'r term, IS .7, 1 , ,... I ui.lic S.le, .11 the Court House in t : Town Cli. riuttf, on Monday 0 1 January I ourt licit, vef V Valuable riantation Iving wilhill one mile of town, con tain ing I.V acres. Tne tract is nearly all w.ii andheavi timbered. Tin l i'.d is of (he best . na In v. T w.mu 011 11 is nearest to the low 11 w men n.akt-s one of the most s-alu .hie places th..t has been 1 f. reti for a ilt . rersnns w ishing more a tract adjoining. Sold as tiie pn minor i'tira ol M. A Hr-10. .'ece.,-r n. a. I'Unlai PretmUr 1.".. H i7. -.d can buy rtv of the $3 s Mot ice. A I.L persona 1 ir ZaV a certun pp y Note. 1 K I tianriMMi. iiifrHl ,'r K 1 v ui i Wiiltr. ..r $ Hit), i:ur tti 'and tMtf.i WU d.y ol M-tcIi. r-lioit tur ..ni N"le h..vmjr f',t 1U-4: l tu pay it uiiift compeiiru ttv Uw '.). A Prr. 'J . I (.57. UZMENT. 4.1 if Variety Store. Fresh (onlee! ionaries. Fruits, Ac, Ac. he has o i New Ye k, Confeciionaries. Fruits, UUiiiVUliUllUliVLli A, 1 UitUl FAN( Y H IKX'F.W I l-.S, C'lf.' V IIS TUH.Ut'O. S.MT T, 'It I VS. 1litii-:il .i.lrH.uc.il, riKIl MOItKs, IIOIIIIV IIOHM, - a -tit , Uillow lVng'.ti-, ( lliliis, ts. I.l:nitl, A Iti sl ( ni'S of tv.l vanity. J. i. PALMER. Pre. 15, IS57. 4'iif I'.S. Having aeru'c the s. rvicea ol a frsl rate Rakei, I inn pr.-p-ind to furnish superior C.XKK.S ort l.oln I'.-ait mU'im ' A.':iel'iii t , 1'J hi 1 1 S ti m I Ii tsi 4 ' li t I 1 1 i'. fBHF. f'.v. rt-ls. s of the e. v.ntt. nth s, ss n ii ot J. Una S I will c.nnn.nce, (Divi-.e Vri.vi. dt me permitting) the tirst Monday in Jjnu .r. nest : 7 isas. '". J '-'I weria : Classics and .M..ll.eii,at.cs, I'J f.il F.nghsh t-r mar. Geography A. History, fi Of Sludmls will be received ..I any time during the session, but no dt .lut'lioii will he made lor lost tunc a fit l t "li alu'c. E. C. KUYKENPAL. rcr. 1.'.. t!".7. tU JmilxM' Yard. HI1 subscriber, in'orin Ihe citir lette ..n.i vicimtv. th.l they ha' ia of Chn I estahli. ed a I.l'MHFR Y A It f) in town, where Ihev i tend kcepiog a supply of all kinds of t I'M III for bniiuing ami mner iiiiwes. Mr. J.o.as ii ,l. ill is Ine.r iig. nl in t. wn. Application can made tu hint oi lo either of Ihe ui.il.-r.igiicd. MILLER & POUTER. Dec t9, 1 1).7, ' UTS . . icjre. I Dir. 54, lsts l UrUl, Pre. i tuor. Cuss. D Cratii'i Elicteic Oil. Tike it lu llie cuU.ig.enl tin! lowly,. ind relieve Ihe pain of accident or diacase ; -take it to the mansions of throiieli Hie wide world, ami au it inv " t'utc TtilcOll. " ia nut oil it benign niisnl .li, healinif. Hootlnir, and relti'V.-n, as In.a not been lioneail.ei llien.iy the Unou Sinniritan anointed tlie weary pilriin. Tne ihiifalnill hi'tr. the Ircmtilin: limb beatropg, Ainl (jr.in MlKUIfi. nielli.w inlo s"nj. IV. I. C. VK (iliATII, l'lu.iiel.hia. IT Thia Oil tuny hr rclie.l mi !'.,r dul..aa. U. be bar) of the agrnta hi re, aee udTerti-em lit in another rnlun.n. VALUABLE FilOPERTY, (). SAI.K. se In I'liht'iR aTe nn far I To. ..lay of., "MS-; the ('"iirl linns XI J.miiaiyl nurt t 'hi.rli.itc, my I M 110 ii: a. ad i.ur situiiledni. Trvon atreet, oppoaite lo the Preshvte ri.ii church and j'.iuini: the lots ol R. M. J..u.ison and Robert Sterling. s..;il h.t himir 3'i fret front and runtime I,,..: k oJD leet. On the hit is a fwat r-.ti; Dwelhni; i.l.d fil..ie House and out houses unil. 'i Will of excellent water. Persons wialiino l.. buy aniinc h property Wouhlilo well In ti.ll niidea- I it. A s. at the asnie time anil place, I w ill nft r date, lor for laic tn.- PLANTATION h.r.ner'y own. d by - Doll.ira '..pl laaae Cawi'MI, liec'.i. lyine, ft inilea raat i.Vi 1 lost or Charlotte on the Pollers ami I.avu rrs' rnd, join ing the niia "I W1U0,, Wall.ce.'.M. I). Johnston ii otl.i is, eoiilninin Jhl acres. I In tne placi is .o.imJ Drtiilinrf and out houses, and aoine first rati land. 'Ii : will Le solJ au'-ject to the Widow's .lower. Any ol tne a hove properly will hu sold privately if desired, at any lime between this and J irmary Conn, Persons desiring lo purchase, can e.t nn. in Chatlollu. J.i rim made sin.wn 00 da of sslc. J. 0. MUOUE. lire. Ii, 1K57. 4-' la (Iiiii'lottc Female Academy. II IS school is now open he recr ption of Jto.irtiiric and !)' scholars, uuti.-r tin.' .direction of the Ktv. Hobkst Bi;r.n.i. audi I.AUV iv .tlltTS of long I a- pcrience. The principal is happy to announce I ha I he has secured the atrvicei. of li. J. FcKHaXD aa proles, j n.rol Music a nu M ..i.-rn hing u-tp.-s who will al.o ! give inst: ut lions iii Drawnis; until arrangements . ow in pn cres sliall navt been cnsiliniii:. let Mr. r.tklUHi. is a Kent!, man of high library attain., Hit nls, nd a li.nroinrh leather in !. is tU p .rtmel.ts. Tne rchonl ii now luruisi.eu w iln a lull c.-rpa of ; tt aclo-rs in ail the iii partmt nls of Female ei.uca- , to. ii, and as the hinhiing is now completed, and lur lushed with every c.o.vt nienc , the principal asks w ith con ri.n net tin, p ..I run. -go of pn rents and a Oar. ' i!ilit, w ho dt she a school lor Iheir i.hiii.ri l. and wariis v. :u rc th.y limy enjoy t I.v hov. nt..;i- of a j, ulihc school atnfat the fame time he iu the bosom ot .1 chri.ti.in family Ti.e st,,,e will correspond w :lh llioae of l)..vid. sonf'oliege. 'IVrina 'pr sssioc.) I'ayahlc half in advance, j Hoard (incltfding everv acc'.ilio.intim.) and 1 Tuiti-n ' HS Tuition of l)av sclir.l irs $IH lo 18 .Music on rn.no or Suilar -'0 HO I f I'l rai for Hr. .-l:ce S I. atili and Modern l.,ntuaj,'ef, aci ) till HU II. dKinj: sun r.,,nlnig t:U t" 2fl , Poirth-rs will furnish tlu-rcown Inwels r.nU tabic nsi.ms. 1 l upiis ore chnrpcil from the lime of entrance, ami no deduction made for absence except in caaca of protricted sickness. Alter a fhnrt ret ess at Chrslinns, tie exefrises ot i.e school will hi-rcsiinieti on Tuesday the 5th of January, 1.1.1: tins wiil he a good time for r.linis lu e.itt r. j For further pi-rtirnlar address Rev. IJ.ibert Iliinieii, ( barlotle N. C. i 1 1. c. H-;.;. - til ) R M. Gates & Co,, j A I; F, now ree civ ig a huge antl fri th scpply ' el, w ill he s. 1.O0O SK 100 hag IO big IO bug a Hi. 10 A " 4 Hut AO Ii'.:. 10 nil. ;.o 11 v A lib', a van. Iy of hi t xcln-iv, ly fr C ASH, vu: .of SALT. of K...I oiTF.U In HI Laguira .1.1. old goveriiiotllt Java I . ff. . M't.AR, 1. gm.il Itrown tl... N.I). .MoI.ASSllS, W..I lo.na do s I II I'Ksi;, extra lluchwhcat FI.Ul'R, ill.tr art.e.es too t.ui to men- 41tf A Q 111). TO THE LADIES ! fHAYK a I. I Y SILKS. nt Stock of FAN'- 11 -t I ON 7'. .100;";V1,r,:,I;;,,r: UONXKTS, nl Iln Tne , t Ri!l be i t n selling at there WILLIAMS. prices. L. ( ortors, Ptr. I. 1SJ7. S'.'tf KIND'S AIa)r.T.I Preparatory Al Hilary School. Instita- nth J.. -. quired leaf, t tn be punctual iu attendance the assistance ol a rtct nt gr.i te with instini. I'lin.-ip.,,, w.l C'llllltmllUU! Hlllt u nil ft Irircl In in u rsitiufttt tinn, i .f Ihe Citadel A colllllif liCC till' yeal I'- nt-wiy crectid ti..rn e.-ps of five I'r i nt the I 'it I. 'el, alio oil 'li.ann.-Fi.r Sch... I1.....S.AC . Hoarding, sjjnil per s. lo lislie Vi ol ns months, von in. ..f me S. I i Mxpenses. .. s, Tint fagots, Fu. I ..in: H ,.lii oi p, Uliv.is ad-er. fin tltra chaige lor me. ileal attendance. one re- ctiveu unutr twelve or over i ightein years of age. ; I A I M Y. I f.il.ij. M. JI-.NhlNS, Vrnfrtnor of rN,-.,s I .""-'""'.- I im iials i ( A (tiyy .vl. r). p,i,.,0r of I Ft.nrh ml l.l..ruU,m.' I. ,f lit. C. A Sr. A Itlti Hth. I'l ol. nl ImIiii find tirrrk. I.. M. I.AVV , y'lt.rrssor ..f '.'sss l.illl". ' R h. 1 IIOM AS, t.f .Vin..i ' lf.nnf.liv Ji.l .'stfjIlsA. Hr.. Ii yUl.i.N A l;ti A T I ON,. v. '..... II K VI AM IN I'. illl l, Hur,ar. lit I IHIM I S. (i-n. J.mrs .loncs, e'o'.i.nl.n.. H. C. (.. ii. 0. F. Jinn Oi.n'g.'luirg.S C. Ion. II. VS.. II -, Jon. svilif, 1 mon Ihst., S. ('. Fy Gov. J II Me.rs, Hilt kh.-sd, S. C. lien. If.li. M llintlo Hi'. 'I'K lept.t, . C. Col. I. W ilstui. S ci. Iv Hill. S. C. tiliatr ,yt it situ si it. A N ag'tt .b c rein shut . m snt lo the last - ss s. II M Pee. I lid laxative, as picas- PIHTCHARK. Snjiom'irr, OK CON'.'FN Tl! A I'FP I.F.Y. Warranted l.. liial.e soap W ltl.olll lllllt , anil WHO liltie Iron, li.e. '1 he best ann cheapest article in use. 1'rice '-'i and ill cents a can. Sold be ll. M. PRITCIIARD, pre. 1 Irwm'a Corner. UO OOO Vmis ceiv'id and for sale at l, 9 .ii I!. M. rUIT'.'H ARD, Irwia'a :isrries. Ht4g fulinnt of pore LINSFED.OII., Jut reerivrd ana will he aold ..w (..rC'a II. M. PRITCUAni), Irwii.'a Corner. Iee. 1. foil PA I.ATKAi FLA. INLAND ROUTE, VIA BEAUFORT, IIII.TOM 1IKAI), KAVA.NNAII, IIBLNliWIi K, ST. MA HV Ii, IKK.N.AM I.SA, JA KnO.NVII.I-K AM) P1C0LATA. Tin: new am) si'Li:.Dtn c. s. mait. EVERGLADE I.. M ( (iXr.TTCR, MAKTKR. KAVi;S Kroni. A. lo.'a Wharf every Tl'KS. J 1IAV .M' iKN I.N', at II o'clock, A. M, and nneels riguUrlv with stus!" tor Alligator, Ma,. -00,'ri.llahns-ee, (at. An(iisttne, I intnt'C Sprmp a icauojiy, eis 11 inaville and 'J'jinpa ttiy. Jj' A reduction nn.de In emigration. Freight ennsiifne.j to thia Agency will lie rc. hnifwii vara of chirc. t'al I'reiuht or oissnee, apnlv to GKUilGK S. IlUl'X. Ager.t. Hn.wn A. Co.'s Wharf. Charlrtlon, A'oc. 17, IH.'.T. tt.'.tl ntir. F. L Icee 1 ui Hi Session of C.iticord I ticord Female Col. cln..e Willi ail rl Tnere will he ini.lmn on the I leellnjj Trustees nn the d:iy preceding t at 3 o'ciuck, I'. M. II. KKLIjY in.tio Xrci'tary. Pre 8. I8.17. N. B. Tne nt it Se.aion w ill day, the riili of January, ltoti. it:. mmenct Wc.lnea. W. K. t TI VI) KTA A T IS I TI Oli 1 1 ! Mrr Kl.tNBI .?n tolNTT Af SAINTS TIIE STATE. Bt.t'i; STUN II. It is slated, and from the an tlu.rity of Dr. II. M. I'rilchard, who h.ia just le ce.ved from the maLiilactory, t'..r which he 11 SKcnt, ev. r.al hundred pounds of the finest arti c.t ever oil. red in the low 11 ut" Charlotte, to be in able, I in a short time to supcri'ide III Ijuality am ny imported article, and at a less puce. Cal mid s IV- It. l.lf.V7. Irwin' Conn 1 I'eir salt- ir IC nf subscriber will 111)1 SI. and l. .11 on the S.'3d instani, 1 T at I., v. '- 11 College, . Iloustrm. The house ' occupied by l.eorge Well Calculated lor lloarolng Hou If not - renteu uiil:i the 1st of Jacua.-y, JB.".LI. DAN ALEXANDER Ptr. 1, IW7. A jt'i's I Iiri-rj I'fi'loral, 1 ISTOR'S T!..h Sy:,ipT..i,Hn .1 I...2.-ng all kmc ut I'icim-1 sale bv II. M. PRITCIIARD, Ilec. I. Irwin's I i.rncr. I'rt-wli en;;i . M.'tlt'i', 1 N pint bottict just rccciveii '"rom Snratogn A .-..rings, II. M. PIUTCHAltD, li win's ( '"rner. sunn: COTrH. Ma-kabny and llntlisl r?SNf I FS, just received, f.00 I G. iit'cincn' . in bladder nnd jirs. tolri low for cash hv II. M. PKITCIIAKP, Iec. 1, Ir?"i7. l.-wm's corner, TATTERSALL, Livcrv and Sale Stables. THE subscriber informs the public gener I ally, tb ut he bos purchased the large Sta ines for.iinlv owned hy C. W .liiamson, one fjn r cast of Kerr's llofif, r-r ft Jii. and hae added to ami r. fitt. ii them in s superior manner, for the purp. se of opening ,n Charlotte a I.ivery ami S.le Static, in cniiuncie oiiiirfor tne accommndaliun .1" li.e public IIi object is to make his e ihlishmrnt what '. pro-essea I" he a rc.l f.ivcry and Salt Stable, , nrt pt rona having good Horses to dispose of, will find it to tiieir inltrest perhaps lo call. He intends to keep Horses a"d Carri tgee for the accomniodalion of tl.e citizens g. neriill v ; and any person desiring any mode of conveyn ncc, ran be ; suited, and in good trim. Competent Drivers fur-1 rush. .1 win n desired. OJ-DKOVKliS will find at tic Stables fine1 accommodations, having pn pared lor tht m good yarns, r icks and troughs, and an abundant sop.1 p'v of provender renuy f..r their use, ns well nt a plentiful supply of water. J . IIORSF.S kept by the month or otherwise. , Ilia chargts w-ill he atcniinodating, wnd he hopes hy strict attention to the wishes of the com. niututy to merit and receive a liberal ahare of the piil.lie pulro ROBERT RARE, Proprietor.. L. J. 11 AW LEY, Agci.t. Charlotte. O.I. 2 I, l-..7. 41'f Attention, Ladies ! fj HE Ladies are respectfully invited to cull sr , it look at our nt w China and Glassware, .tin" ot a rnnelT of CI ina OrnamtMs. Jt v rnrielT ol'CI ina Ornaments e! It.uis.C .rd Reerirers. Cannlesti'ks, &c. jns! received at China H-.ll. Charlotte, N C. JAMES II ARTY .1 CO. On. 6, 1857. 141 LaFayette Brcwn,M.D. I'litsichiH 4' Sit rat oh. li AVING located at Pavieisoit Cidirge, ofl'e professitinal . to the cil.i-.li rinilv. I ttn.'c oppm fler.SO, If57. Kumcnean (I'll llrf g'lire Vi-nich itniiHlif, nOI.I.ANTI Gin, Whiekev, Slurry and VV,. s. I.omnnAlc and I'orl. r, for n ft 1 UUP. 1'ec. 1 e. !ohi hy ' H. M. PRITCIIARD. .Mineh. LACK Tcpnr. Ginger. Hiking Sun, Cream Tartar, Nutmegs, Cloves ami Flavoring F.xtriicta n Wastin- esery kind. r sale at wholesale ami rt tail, bv II. M. PRITCIIALP, J)fC. Irwin's Cur riii ii gum. lake .Aolit't' ! 11 AY1NG taken n ntageoftbe prcssnre of log. bv cash piircliasea, icals. Instriiin. Ills, Cliests. tVc , to which I must resHCtluliy invite y..ur attention. AH nr.ie'rs br mail or otherwise, put up with neatness and despatch. II. M. riUTCHARD, Corner l aiiitrrsts or Train Oil. I 'S.On Taiine' V pres. rung I Pic. I ml Planters use in rireastr llher Slid Harness. lorsslet M. II PUi rCllAKP, Irwin's oilier. OOO (.'.-illont Ct AM I'll F.N K AND lUliNINU FU IP, jusl r. eeivec Irion toe mantliaciirers. AU.., Iotn.ps and Wicks for burning tin in, KM) per cent, clieiip ,r and more brilliant than sop other lirhl. II M PUITCHAKP, flee. I Irwm'a Corner. ! RON PS f"r tkf Prlirrrv of Vrnwli,, ! FOR SALE HEhfc The Market. COBHECTED BY K. M. OAT IS Si CO. TF-. JANUARY j. li-:,6. lb !.oo (, nn ....Ih..... uo to, no tb lij on lb on ( on -ye ITJ (tv) Iff ....lb b (J) b lb .Si) (u 2.j ....lb q, "i ..bjebel JIO 00 ....rrsi oi 0 no gal no (a; tfl lb 8 ('i, 9 !h I'JJ f"., lb le in, St) lb 33i (."., 37 lb l.i (n, ill Ih 2.i fn t"' ...hoshrl 00 1:, CO ....bushel -i Ci. .'.0 each IJJ 00 ...verti l-'d ( Ii VrH. ?" (' 3" enjsn f.r l.i- .'0 bhl ! (., Wn b S -i (' -i 'b ...:) f.. 3.1 'h U'J fi'. Oil Ih 5 (V, t. ..hhlSil tl8 f Ol Kid 3.)0 C. 3 VI gal- SO (n 60 gal .0 fn. 4.i ...bushel 8;' la 00 '...ht.! H fo f 1 .' ii, 5 (.,: 00 Ih 5 (' .... bus), el 4(1 t J', 00 V. 1 U 7 hli'n.-! 75 (',, 00 ....husliel h"?J Ci 7a ....buahel 75 t 00 bualie; fi n, lb 14 l lb 8 f.V ?ai rv. m aiicU I 00 In: Ifi.i II -5 (' tl busl.-l tl C, 110 hnehel 00 f, l)0 gal 45 I- 55 11,.. .gnl 50 (.1, IHI wrnilcl V7 (" ! unwashed Oi (.,, 5.1 ....bait 110 0') RACOX, Hams, r.. w Cities, lli.g round, " P'r.uMcrn,.. P'.ijfjinp, Gnnnv Ittcf, ' IJr.tUt krawax Be:u: Ereniiv. Apple Teach J CntVin, new,., ! Coffee, Rio 1 Java, Candler, .4o;tntan tine. " .'j.i-rm., Tallow, Corn, old new..v...... Chicsens, Cloth. Copperas, r.,n,is,y,.. F.L'!?S, Hour Ke.ill.crs l.ard, I Mutton Mackerel s.N (I..., . I ... - Mullet" -Wnining ! N.ilU, Northern,.. Southrrn,.. Owls. ' I'orl I'ess, Polutnes, Iri-h,... ' facet,.. Rict Sugar. Loaf, " lirt.irn Stoiie-Ware Silt N. c 'best lid REMARK?!. PACON None in markil.! Nothing wria doiny during the holidays 1 11 ,1 Wo sithe- 'can scarcely give the price of Cotton. has tiiere been any Flour for some days, tne above articlea are dull and declining. ( OI.I MHIA M A l K I'.T. 1 ni.uMBi, January . 166S. COTTON'. Since the Christmas holidays coni- Rogcr'a nicncid, w. 111 iy say we have almost had no n...r cac and kcl for cotl-.n; orui although pricca are gr.i.l. s For usliy ainking, n t tlie .mount 1. tiering is ao light that it is impos'sibie for ua to give reliable quel. - lions, and those w e snhjoin must be taken asnom inal t'or the prtacnt, viz : 7 to cents. f IIAIH.IiSToN MARK V.'V. : lURi-rsTos. Ueceuiuer 311, 1857. COTTON. There was a very good demand lor cotton l. day, which resulted in the sale of fully li.lOU halts.' T..i Uinti'.y was taken pri.cipaiiy ny two buyrrs. 1'i.c heiit-r qualitn a contiiic lo ensjp, while the middling and lower gra.hs, from their coinp.arlive scarcity, have susiuiiud l.nir t..rincr position, mi ej Ii. 9Jc. I.-c- n.h. r 111. S .l. s of coll. .n for the wet k B.OnO buWr, at a decline of to c inidtlli'.; foi Si. .Drug Store Kritioved. f 1 1 II II siMjt.cn).. r ini'ornis h-s fi lends and ti e a pii'oic g. r.crnli v. lh.it he has removed bis Mil 'li STOI.'K finm Granite R-.i-ge to liwin's Cortiir. whirl, I,... In en mw!' filtt'd uji i. ml ar. r.'ingeU expi'ss'y h.r his business and where te i.- noiv ree- jvi. g a I. -ge siock ol articles in his line. 11. M. PRITCIIAllD. M ay 13. lt!j". II If l0)M II .'WAN A rOTTEIIV. Tne neit ordinary d'Ctliiif of the Royal Java, na I...t Icry c. n. ueti J by tin Sp.-iiihh I. ..v. rumrnl, nmlrr lb' supt i vision nf the Captain (teneral of Cuba, w ill take place at Havinu cm SA'iriiOAV, JAN', p, 3300,000. SOUTF.O Kf.MEHO A1H ORTINARIO, r ita la riii: $i (.0,000: : I pnzci.1 6I0O.0OO I 4 przeaof . OOO 1 50. OOO I A " I.OOO 1 IIH.OOO I ' ftM 1 " 10.1100 j I l.t " -I0O 1 " .',OliO I -JO Apr'iim's S.lsOO 4 Apprniirnstions lo the tllin.lit'll Jc.ul) each ; 4 of Hti t.. .o.tint i 4 of $ nli i3i',(.ii(l ; 4 ot tl'JU t 1 11,01)1'; I ol ilUO ta $.".,'ill. Wliolu Tickets -'(); Haivtstli); Qusrlcrs .7 ; Fr res cashed at eight ..I o per c. r.t. discount. Itills oil all solvent Hanks taken at par. A drawing W 'll he inrwarrteti as . .on as '''c rc. suit L. e-oincs l.m.w n. Comiliuniestn ns athlresrctl tn PllN RODIiI. til ! 7.. 'rare of City I' st, Charfest.-n, S. C.) un. 1:1 tut- P th of.f niilii'y, a nl he itttei.dt-d lo. I't-raons crd.-r.i-g "f.elif la will please write tin :r nsnn s plain and give their post t.llici , county and st.. tr. a o.uouiioia KMiverwaicnes f-s t I., v .ii .i ii inn rc ill.' riD 111 v j I u ur .umi ni n ni'i.io iLL. i nu n.s ' ilil it ine encapesi anu ot-.i in; i JL ever b'-forr ortired to the public. f VV.lcnea A rift 1 wnilll Irom ? tolU will be give,; sub tch iii proportion :.. its valne. He. eg it. intrccut'ing our goons prominently tt Ihe pubnc, in e-tltr lo mtet with qnics, rccy and cash salts, we nave a.lnplcu tins iiitlno.i h-r tht ir disr.s..l. West 11 Coinpnsilion Yirge. onen face, at JP.nO and 7.n0 Fine Silver fa-liine, " C.t'i) .U0 Hin t. ease. f2.H0 Iv.r. Heavy Ilunt.c sc IS.hfl ' I .l''l " Kng. I' .l. lever hunt. case nu.bl) ' Ull.l'o Heavily Gold rialed " " -' 1."" nl,i ,r, i.).ii face, S31.ni) SM.UO -J,-, no Hunt, case. 3d.'tl e-;i7.l'l " " beaulil'ully eogravttl, 4.".i't ll I' at. I .ever, " " 50.(111 ' " cjtra Hli.no ' 7U.I)n " and M igic V:lehf s, stl.tli I.. 9t'.UU It'll. no Any of the abete Walcl w iii be sent I y mail, free , together .1 p. ta log lie 'icilnu ring loll parlii ultra, w GUI). I'OW N ING . IC, No. 33 South Third Str.-t t, riuhiilLlphm. N. IV Ni w so.. in 's Ihrcugho-ji the eountrv, hv ill r (,o 111, rive in p.. l un l.t a sept en and ca'-f. worth o, ne same v.'lue, payahle ..pv cunt; nnng Ihe aavt (iti. 'JU. i3J ilmihlc y other Je at lue ti: .V Co. 200 lUVAlii). AX. WAY from u.jr Kailr..i 1. f t. hi (.rm f ty co., (ta., utuul itutat, fM56f ty mgto uu i.riiK.viu. srfo He is biatk Slid of men mm si, JjCjaSt years ..id. waa Mise.i by Mr i. .I . I'. Hv. nnio, of Lincoln c said boy ts lyio ti am'a, est I.itiet-i; G .sli.n cuuuty, a ti.nae ,whnls. "l !!. I. tlis f. Ill Cliarl .tt. J ol. .Sesl. lj. H..7. ovintv, Kehiuarv, llvjfi. I think sbJut I harioit- or VV V. Hy. i e. anty. o VV illiam rtmpj,',, f , H e la.v r,llsi, at .' ,. ii p y - y III 1 llltl l t ills :i pnri In li.toli and Uiliiiiy , i llt.it I can get htm D. V ('UK. 5IS11 , Sl,i ml nv.i Qi i! C!. i FOR SALE HERE.

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