CARRIER'S ADDRESS. J.VMAltV 1, 1858. Thi day time winda t!ic -x.tauittcd chkin, 1 run lite twtlre nmnih'a length again, h'tft now wt n c the nheila ofttfwc, Tin-if annual fund have drtTrn, liriiigirnf rth t rcvn'inni; tne, A . tlit-M p.caurr liirh r Cull oor own. VtX join wan nie a mora liimir. And th.nk what did yeaurmi;... uehirrT, Why aiiuthiT e;.r ha cm lor cvr, And what ia (Ins day'a talning Ugeatiin, Tu think what l.itie Ihiiiy we real on. Wi't trot id naI wilii pr.nrrrbM lore, A a J to uur JflV one miuulu more. For old Father Time Wing me here Hefore you. Not to preach but till thin ttmplc Ury, Tiit l he w.tevia of lime do bid me wr, You're "nc yesa Jucr ihia AVir IV-tr'a ioy, A:.J wi:it a tome what rju.h leer and wiiik, H bade u.e pMi nn you lln word fAini, J'ur all jc juutha quite w itti hope and ap.rtt, hn think to in Time by dint of merit, ym we bav itoint titinjj ir.ifurtaiit to any. In a cniitt anU pleating way. Be can f ul amiJ your thc.uiiiitaa ratt.c, Ant! remrmir the fi-ct Uw i hail" the bat tie, Vli tht r au.i. rmc 'r fortM-ann, Great t ,in; may he tin- Iv peracirriinj, For pl -aur- i ynu know j nre like popp.ta apruai.. You attic the .lovcrr. it hl-wvu it niu-d, Ut like lite t.."W-fil in the river, A monif-nt w-'.iit" then mrlti :f trer. Or like the b rpili race, That flit ere you Pun pn:rt the place, Or like the Hainan'. 1 ,c'y form, r.rjnii.iiijf ato.u Uie iurm. In City or T' wn, ye runtf rout throo; Your hrsxj lota we rlrpJore, Njw hiilfritinct your power are gone, Fr wci t oM ye r m no n.ore, 01 fifty eight ihou'rt but a ynut And Bixn oid time will be crn piiif on, Tnou br -irfiUa b I pray like care, Tlioa now h in t-t thy p.ipa' rhir. Not htn.rriifTJ ntuztl'd half tUckl'd regent. !;:,.: hin.c!t ip.e .taier.t, Tbog one of erizv c:ire nnj cnntle-a tijrh, ivi onii.-r iejk iuirortn!ic hlitmg tyf, I HHt.'.l tu liiat nrrt tfk of man aiie, 'I m-kv T .rec D.ilUr. flo the rk of Five, ,n niiafurt'tne'a faor tSe brliinm witth, S-y yoo'Il b merry, tho you cnt he, List t'-to not 'east, ye youthful fair, Angt ic foros h:g ti he-v'na peculiar care, you ttd Fuihr Time amootlia hit wrtr:k!e brow. And tiumb'y Ik-h you'll miud t!ie jtnirtant.noic, T rr mn your happ'nept lit aekt your litre, Au. uT- T9 t! ct to an-.l r- c vt-. F r ' i:tcerc llio weik endcav0't, AVjiI jnlr'ul pr.iie wc uku jour nmny fovor?, And !touid our tTPiict lno'iH revral if, ..Ur gloving b.?oi:,K trw'y ftl it, Tau wi.y a ill you roaia, When in t'hirlolt1 tlicrn pleasure at Acme, But mt fr panegyrte .:'o I "pveir, I cvme U. wi:i jou a! ii-pj.) N w Yla. And Dfr ki:i ;en(.'E rry t?k it rirne, AnMhfr )r rf yc-r !.ttl turn, Teffe to yu III come, ufi of tjp at)d ice frm jai'i, To aat you uuw itty merk r-pav. By h-n:mg tite t qqnrfer l.ut 'rw Ytia gefrrrrir Articles. KEASOXS FOR BKIXG HOLY. I A man wiic bat been redeemed by the j blood of the Son of Cod should be pure. He who in an beir of life should be holy. j He who is attended bj celestial Lein-rs, iud i aho is ood, he know not how soon, to be j translated to heaven, should be holy. Are j angels tay attendants? then I thould walk I worthj of mj couipaniouclip. Am I pooin j to go dwell with angels ; then I should be pure. Are these feet oon to tread the I courts of heaven? Ia this tongue soon to j unite with heavenly being, in praising (Jod ? j Are these eyes of uiiuc om to look on the 1 throve of eternal glory, and on the asccud- ed Kedeemer ! Then these f.'et, and eyci, and lips tliouiJ be pure auJ holy and I aSAndslilltheyConic.-asa Hendrson & Ahrens A KKnow neeiving their r ALL ami WINTER STUCK o! 'W Mi W L4 on i ii-rAiioi.i a Kutual Life Insurance Company. OFFICE. RALE JOU. A. C. f B1I1IS Company in.urr the live, at inditida M- l' r nne, a ttrm nt'yrur., or li't I'll.1, j Dissolution. f W K ciip rtnrmh i hi rto ore cilili between jl. the uiiderxignt'd, i. tin. tin y ilianlvcd by fiiuluul eminent. All prrfouii intlrbleil to us arv rteurelcil lobe urcpnretl Willi the umuuiit tlify ; arc due ua in u "Tew duyt," a. rtllcmeiita niunt I be made. JONAS 1UTIIS1LL. . V. S WIIlsiiNANT. I Aug. 18, lj7. DOtl n lbs Mutual i'rilieiiile. the auurrd fur lil'e r ticipatifg in Hi. ir"til of ttitr l uiiipiniy. For pnheira prunte.l fur the whole term f life when the r iiiium thertlnr amounta tu .'), note may be givrn U r uuchnlf thu auicunt ol tne uri'iiiiiiin, bearing mleie.t lit 6 per cm I. withnut gunrunty. The prompt munncr in vthicli all Lwnea hnve l...n I,. II. i. ,..., ,!,u t,.,.. II,.. r will, ll.alnw IIOO T ami ?IIOI, ratea of preiiiiuin, prraent (; rent inducement to ff THjBaai "J"5 aue-h are di.jvifril tu iraorp. i SUne. are inaiirrrt fur a term uf from une to a large Mnck of fiTr yeara, for twe.lhrrd ll.rir v.ilne. I wjh ra ?.-td I.ninhcr aa the reuntry urlnrda, e. mm tt a1Ta waM mjja ny wrm mm I All luaar. are pjid Kittnii Vu day alter auiia. ,, i,ntr (. x.le my altcnliun mnr. pnitieularly C&Vr afttS JaU liS' J '"lur3' Prof a i enled. in ,y rhup. unu auiicit uidei. lm work in uiy line unlet IWU. I I will till he f"imil nt my Ste i pr' p.. ted tu rill nil uriilfa lit riaiuing Mill, mbracinp Cuita. Veta and Tnnl. in every ktrle nd varii-tv. Ccti trm 3 tu r' and Veal, at all price. All niiahiiea uf hirlv Ili Jittri , l'iava(, Tirs, I'mlci shirlH, Ac , r. I.uiiin CnlMiin Foot, at 91. Men'a ainnt Chnrlea t. Juhnaluii, Um. II. June., Iloluen, W. D. I', J. C Ilus'eif, Quentine llnbee, I. I. Pi ae iVm. V. IP" Lumbir Hicaaed lo iirrier at abort notice H W. I pribe. moeeiate paid upon itrlm-rv of iho work. wm.i J. KCD1S1LL. -.)Oll!J tc dead to tho wor.u, aud lire foriyl STj, first nii.lilv atnut lluuta 3, nU.i tine hcareu ! Mitrt Uarxts. ,' l: ... si,.;. .. l..,d,e. Itlaek t lmh ci.wk, .1 , $., wurtii v7 U, alho fancy and colored, 111 great t vnrietv, SujHrfihc French MtrhnMt, lh- Luintf, Cnshmrnt, iAn-M, ir., Jihinfitls. l.histiji, Fliiiiinh, 'riclwst, Zhirfiii!?s, li.uuu .,,..1 V.L.uL.J Shi il in its. r. " "If we will be contending, let uB contend like ; Thw ,,,, g lo .,,,,,, ,,,;,, wilh .T the Olive and the vine, who .-hull produce ' f the almte and otht-ra not herein men. .11. .1 . e . .i-i .1 ' tionec, will find it tu their mtereat In exmiine our the bcft aud tbe mot fruit ; not. like the as-d .,.,, hrl , irr.. I CuJtTK.Mios. An old divine, eautiouin; j tLe clergy against engaging in violent cou ; trorersy, uses the following happy similes ; pea and the e'ui, which ihail uiakc the mast noie. in the nisd." I A Eeai'tifcl Thocoht. Some one has i said of tboae who die young, that " they are like the iambs which the Alpine shepherds bear in their arrus to higher green pastures, ' that tLe ficcks may follow.'' DwEtTivB Keligion. A religion that uerer suffices to govern a man. will never suffice to tav hitn j ihul which dees nut suf Gticijily di.tiriguiili one from a wicked world, will never distinguish him from a perilling world. lime. tlT. redal A I'Sl'A LI. V 1.0 W 'A7c''. Store al Sprinpa' 1'i rncr. UENDEKSOX Si AHRENS. IT A firat rate aaa..rtment of c;(OUS m.iy alu be found at our Store at Morrow'i Turn Out. Pri era aame aa here. Off. 13. It-iT. 33lf Kew flillinery and Mantua EUking ESTA1SLISII 31 EXT. .Mrs. f. M. SMITH UlT.U inf-rm the public tie intrnda ctirry- :ng or t e :ih. -? II renidenee, nrxt to 1 Chu eh Sh iiitriTi tiie I.Miiea AUKee, K. P. Il.ltle, l liarle D. liool, j). U. Kowle, Rich'd II. U -ttlc. OFFICERS, i'harleh K. Jihnunt Preaidcut. W. W. Ilolilm, Vice Prealdtul. K. II. Ualtle,Seri.t.'rv. ilhum 11. Junta, Tren.urir. II. W. Ilu.1,,1, Aituruev. Ur. Wm. . Mi Itet. M..neal Exli.. I'xtcutiwt I'tmuiDttrt. H. iluarxe, V. Kee, liallea U. liiml. MtUtctl Vumrd uf Contuliutiim.Chu Jo.non. M. I)., W.IIoiiii 11. MeKee, Kieh'd B llaywoo.:, M. D., For fuitlier inforiniition, tl.c public i rid tu Mie pan'phli ta, and hVin ut proui i iny be oblaio,Tit the Otl'ieu t,l the I'i or any of ila Aiirneira. oiiimuiucitioti ahoutd be ndcreaaci! paid) tu. R II. BATTLK, herniary. Sr;Umhfr 8, lfj..7. UHlf Aug. IS. 1841. In retiring from the firm heretofore rxialing Queer the muc uf HuiiimII i&l WliiMiiiut, 1 do fu wiin tl.ekimhat I'trlil ea tott,rla the cilllena of ) Charlotte and aiirrounuing eoiintry, for the pat 1 r.)n..Ke an liberally beatuwed upon ua, and with j the knowleiig. that Ilia buaiuta. will he carried on j eouuily aa cjiptdiliuua aa we have none. I 1 8. WIJISXAXr. .lujf. If?, 1657. II II ' S.a.RANSOM.UCS, "paX I I JltlANV. M. U. I ref. r. which pmy. WAIT FOR TIIE WACOM. iyra hi S'IX I'W Irum the Mjniii'aclurcra. A. A.I.JI. TAYLOR mce tu the inhabitant .( ( IIAItl O'l'l F. and vii n door W eal of T M. Farrow 'a t.r. city Flore, ji the Nurlb, vne ul the iuot 1 alenaiv ur!iuei S 1 Qi W E S3 1 mm'm he h. It is not rreat talents God blesses, so tu n:uch as great likeness to Jcus. A holy FioWP!'?. IVullltrS, Kt'llcbl'S, tVf. uiitiisur is aa awful wearoa in tho hand of si,, k tl, .:. . 1.1 v uxur Inr ki 1 .iiare of ju'n JOHN IIKMtV WAYr.Jl.ll,, 6L'l'(iL0S DEXT1ST, lC0Li11i or THE II A LTJMoa B C'oLi.auf or I'a.MAL fiauroN.) ! ."la ?N 'B'WAVINtS located p. rm .n . :.ll v, 1 I'Kfeisll tenner l.ia prnfeaa.uio I aervi. ' - eta tu cititrua uf I h.r vieinity. IV. Wayt prepare and in and obturator, nnd atieno cou'orntal and aci.di nUl u ami a. He is alan preparid to il after the itum approved meii.iKi. Otliee on Tryun-at.-ett, in tV ri in, I'p Slaira. I.iiche Will, ci o- at tiic.r rtaiJi Acr. l-i. I fib. Would reapectl'ully annnuree In the inhabitant t,f ( IIAItl O'l 'I F. and vicinity, thai h. h.a r. OrTS V ii-aav j from their OI11 Sla no, lo in door Weal of T. M. Farrow 'a Flore, hi . I,, a now J--f UlILl' liibili.n, juat received from the North, one ul the ln at 1 llrnuve auiliue nta uf .HllE IIAKI.OTTI; MITIAI. INSl'llANCE X I U.Ml'A.SV euutinuea to lae riaka aeamal i.,a. h e Fire on Iloua, a, Uouda, Truoute, it c, a I uu il r..h. 3 1 Office between 1'ari.a' Slure and Brawley'a lluiioing. 1 til(KH8. I M. )!. TAYLOK.y r.i-e. (?. OVKUMAN. Vice i'rrntlrnt. I E. XVE ULlCllljON.ecy A- Tieasr.' PI K x Turin : Z.? l. IJ. TAVLOK, C. OVKliMAX. ; ' , Ever offered in North. Carolina, among which will be found the celebrated fx "jv mm.' ''aroii m nd . I PalMea toe correction Ol ; miliea ol tne teeth i irt.a Arlilie J. A. Yul'Ntj, WM. JOHN.SOX, J. II. UAliUX, S. T.'WKISIOX, F. fcCAHU. May 1?, 189. lltf !A.MU lll- l IUiltTOIt, AS A LIVEH Miil'IClXE. gained nieh a famoiia reputation in the Poullu rn Country f..r the Uat rihirrn mi,ii la btuv. he warrant aupi nor to ny t noktnr !toe no in uae II la am p'e in i' , ,,,, aumea lea fuel, and Ji more work in t .in time, thn aay other hb.11 1.0 m 1, ' r h ha put up one I. .aide any other Siove of the amc ait. 111 the C work in given lime, he will forfeit the price of the, the better one. iied Kt .1, a, and if 11 do and quit aelling and go i4 110 1 hi drain .,r rt Artificial 'IVtlli .V ra'-n'a new buiM. ' i God. i-ril a libi Oct. 27, ; Lh their CUalulli, pa trona j;. 33tf ,Fniits, Family Groceries. &c. A Ui h: he la new er fk CHAKLi:- H Pat. HOLTOX. i tuiritiiiK linn' I inin a - ArnF.n Matiiilc, whj canie to tLis n C . country Iron, France with the Count de f L Ifll! f C 1 1 t'lUll'lC ijrj?fe, d;eii iu Davie couLty (.N. C.) recently, at the aivauccd a-e of iiim tyix years. We copy the slots aniiuuticenient from the llalfih (X. C.) llegi-'- r. We bare known Mr. Mathieu from our cLiiJLoioi. lie was rjre--i:t at Yorktoan wheu Corn- wai'iis urreIulcred, and afterwards served COM- hl country in the Ea-t Indies auJ in tLe battles cf Nspolcan. He was a wituessof the Marat, r,mton, and Rotespierre saturnalia, n.i.tineofft, v j 1 I itrnn, .Nolr ,1 -riru when "trance got druLlt on cttnie to rount ,,,e c al ,,. ,j .1 Mood. lie was a pooJ citizen, brave ai Julius CaMar, and a Erenclnnan all over. On ot;e occasion when rtturnu.g from the po;t office, with a letter io Lis hand, tome one a-ked him the teas. Very good news," he innocently replied, " my niuJder in France is dead, and leave nie leu thou sand dollar!" and the Frenchman danced for jiy. Columhus (fo ) K'.'ptitcr. ANISIC otyim: XaiUiXiaialsXaf alwl im 3 JtmSZ m nl!E puV-c i rtanectfiilij tiiftrmtJ liiat J.M. vk I.AM'ASTEK'.S a i iu; 1 vim: c; v. ill h K 1- .u loiig txiti d a h n ur d for audi t r-u.e'fy th-l outi be rt-iieil f at ante and tui. J'hia rnne-.y h .a t et u prrpareo to tlicct ut intiitl ; ana n trleiikc trial t-t it vn turtt anwAti iiow uttitttrauy it b- atCoiiipiihed purpvn' Auii-i g the Loiipi.iiiilt h haw bi t n p tuily rtrt-ij b) tl.c u-r of the ;.idior. we iik itin ii Lttet ( umjuumt irhirh it riut ul many ullni liiara r ii.oi g wlin h Hint tioiM . , i'alli in Hir .-u;c a oil f, li i.'M.ti h vir. Ku r atit! A, ur, Jiuinlite, f Ap Bi-mpo plemure in nr.oiiiieio0 11 tiie pnSlie generally, that pt of a fresh auppiy of Ami ml to f 'l. I...I11. and J. T. A. a. II. lllair' t.roeery St.. Can be pruturvu al lie VI .hlify- all . ftrl.on i.l the 1. unm u w nn pi I n II. l 1 . r.11, ua lot e. u I W 1:1 ir. The I l uiar reli rt I.i.t. l.r.l ,go lh 01 la taken ttur raiel' tier per action, and tiee, (Hi: no'irit an . anJ he ; who i.r.y Ca !. !!,,! . i'.N AlllllS.ritUITS AST) 1 aICUCI.Uir, . it.0f theinatVl'.-. Oranre. R-iiain. Currant, an opportunity ia ua kll.d,( heeae. Ko.'.r.l ,,f le 0. r .Norn, cat of ma opisite i. W. ('B of. tirr' olu atn.l.) where he wouM .Id 1 II by no no-rina rtfue an lino it to tt.L.r intercat to LkailiAU. .Vuy i3. Is.' Like tarl3, M. LAXCASTEK. 7. 1 an" On. 13. is.;7. r'lrl fnr l ath, he -,;) ci Ij -ew cite:? w ( ath. M. I'. L. MOODY". 33 If --Jtk. .' r - V . i,,i-r..- 1858; rg tU S-C,i, l aitr Buttxidt ur Leaf )"cur, an ui-inj 3C' Diyt tinrf vi.'i! the 4th 0 July, tat IZud yrur tij uur Independence. JANUARY. FEJJKL'ART... MARCH.. AI'KIL. MAY JUNE JLLY... Al G! .-I'. n I'Tkmj;i:i: 3 4 C C 7 io n r. 13 1 1 1.3 17 1 19 -jo '1 Si A Fl.;H ?Ti.v. Tri. following "C-h Miry," says the R.-lviJtre Jaurtal, was told us by Mr. Frederick Senrles, of lielvi dere, who vouches for its trutb. On Satur day sftrrnom lat, while a couple of Mr. dearies little lota were plajitig on the banks of the race which lead: into the Wi- t 1 power, tLey discovered an oi l boot ly- . ,:t !'ie k01'0"1 f ''ie tce, which they detiriLiued to fi-h out. After aoine c trouble tLey succeeded in their endeavors, when they were greatly a.'tuui.-hed to find it ' literally packed with fi-b. It contained L twirty-two st:n fi-h, large enough for the 2 table, ovpr thirty smaller ones of the 9 same variety, a dozen shiners, and about ; Iti the same numbei of .:'., 2:i a. savs it would have bet Stoves! Stoves! Stoves ! ! NY pr..n wanting a Coo,i ( (IdKINfi l r.ARI.OK STOVE, wi:l no e; by g.v n.e a n I br purehas.nj rltrwlurr, aa 1 w to i-eli s al u. v al.-k of Sinvrt and ouit tle Si nurinepH pv 'ie lat of J .niiary neat. I will them lower than they have tver been told al thu place. 1 l.ave ll.e Golden Cock. Golder Star. FIanter"s and of Preminm , COOK aSTdVlIS, and a vanely of IMICLOI! NTOVI. A'ao, a g.od aaaorlniert i.f Tin .-mil ilollou.M ;tr , lc New Cabinet .Manufactory I ."N I1 A H I.OTT F, .. C. BV J. A. fen. 8. OZCIEIMT, m T HO hme :..eale.l then. a. !vea pern.aner.l V ly in the STEAM SAW AMI H.A INI.Mi Ml I.l. oi'J. iiudi'ill, lor tne pur.e of M A X U F A C 1 1 R I N i F L' R N 1 1 L" R 1 1 ription, WOtl'fJ Tf (ttrCt ? ul f T II:Vlr li.. itnl UiiiMit 1 ut if .tira rw-f-ire pur cti.'.iiij. Their wrk put up in the StM m.n ntr an1 Wtrra nt'-d, n nd ti.e.r :..tinlu for eltin(j up work are turh that thry f, el ronfinfi.t tl-.j can ptttae. til who may U ,r H em wild ti. ir cut a;:y. A U nt II. r Intif " Uri to ciiifu) tc il -r Liv r to a p ; by 1 1 cot.tinue. ue t rt n vr ttiv tiicaar. 11 hmp ; uit ii t.kcn wilii if, al ucn hi c - t o) Lkotie, Ihi.i i. ry, & -., .1.1: U.t V e it-.. bm lim.i) a i-t-ry . f":tl fii n r. r, r y. An orr.ui. na tjft ati- 1 niotjti tiie ai.intarh to a hrnlitiy aclt'.n mil re. tiinrt-r n.e pi-ute inn y (r. Out float will rt. ; tu ft U't- opj.ffe.n v. unea)riett ita-riri.crn by ir a licurly on urr, a it 1 anl t the d gt-ti or g 1.9 to inur lift ... t -li. lur a drbil uird tale oT (i e ) h n tt.. IiiViporaU.r tiaa rm equal athicb ei pt-riri.Cf provet. at tt tpl"Tf toe aytriti t.fd fro.nt the yrho net Irnii !) akiii.whicii tm l'fer.,rN ard by S n.:ford X V , hH Front nt. .kv York. Pr-ce $1 per totlle, eoutaimr 40 flo-tf. AltO rt hf F SC'AKR & CO., Chftrlottf, ftottmUr 11. if?.,6. 3H-Iy ALSO, ALL KINDS OF FimZiQK. & BOX STOFSS. He ill, and convluDtlv keep on hand, an eiiru.n. an, I varied atotk uf TLX AM) siii:irr 1HO.N, Itlt.lfsS J.77aV, f.l.S'f it:o.v S l l.llts HAT HACKS, CilADLKS, &r,t wliirli talll bf..l.. iittd l( I111I. u u..r n, .,, a-sra-r bu n tilltr. i laa I hi V in nil ) . I would return ny tlianka to my frienua and enalom.ra for lot vrta lrkrri.1 ntn r, t, il , , l.t.l. aeu upt,n u. anrt tny may real a..ur.u, Hi I 1 rn.l. nr, by t lo.a alUnUon to l.,,e!.' tocether wit), a or It i nunaiiuii to f'laat, li, try and merit ronlinu .1.. of the tau r mi wm n "iwtt mm t zk&l-l Hmm: LaJicsand lirntlniirn me p;iilicular! imilt J l i nil aid naniinr Li Slock N. II. I will leil yoa wny head niy ailvrr tiarn c M " W it rt.a mr aoiao," it i. L.rau.a w hate three a.r)oni cuiiaiantly trattliii ( Hirout th. eoui try with Mi,ta. W . ortlct t trill br fuill, fully tint! putii lh tttlt tittrtt to A. A.X.JI.LWI.OI!. (karlfle, Jumt l, I 57. jtf TIIF UK FA TINT ailla. t llliaaiytMilu a. I Tlal. At. I. Knctitirae lk n.c Irdiistr) I! AV IM. IT l;( II AEIHh. ( ON. Oli Ir i AC. 1 Uli Y , 1 am prep ired tu till all true 'a lor npt'y attended lo a d warrant. ii ti e beat 4 31 1 1 1 o -U 2i 1 20 27 2 2y 3d ha,ve replaced them io the cat-li.-h. Mr. inipsrible to A:l " try P i r rh I ill Cl. 2 3 1 5 C 0 10 11 K 13 10 17 1 s l'j 2U 3 21 2.3 20 27 2 3 1 5 6 7 ? 10 11 12 13 14 li 10 17 li 19 20 21 -it 23 24 .3 20 2; it 2'J SO 31 1 2 3 4 5 C 7 J 9 10 11 12 13 14 1.3 10 17 it I'i 1 il 23 21 23 20 L'7 2 29 Zi 1 2 3 4 -3 (i 7 h J 1 0 11 12 i.; 14 1.3 li! 17 1" 19 20 21 22 21 23 30 27 2- 29 3 31 1 2 3 4 0 9 10 11 12 10 17 1, j W;ld Sii.k The d'-p:!;? of the Central Auitrican forests will probably yield some new urtlcies of commerce. In th llar.' ha there is found hanfinp from the trees a sort of sack, home two feet in depth, which i the not of a species of siikwottu. The silk is woven over the iu.'ide of this rek. Ir l?14 six pounds were sent to England, where it a made into handkerchiefs of eicellent quality. A profitable trade iu this artit s o-ibt perbsp- heertab'ihcd, s this material can le gathered ia at.y required quir.tity. An old Mexican author speaks of wild ilk a abundant in the Iitbmua of Tehunifpec, and tats that the natives were accustomed to rather it for exportation tu Spain. CVii ''JTIXMI jiapi.r. i. n f.r CASH or Cou ,d of M.-.rc A- Hvr. , on Traee .Ire. t. D. II. RYERRY. .'it; if iJ ORf'ER3 pr. ed to five aalialaetio Turiiint: ut all il manlier and at low price, l.y J. A. A M. S. OZMEXT ni,tr27 iH.'7. S tf f;. -,r,, -i I ; . Gij'-u . anj Lh tiling, it lii.)ii;i t I r.,,i ,i, 11, U .'..;... Cm lit L''11. II Kill '"'S 1 "''M le of loth for the ourH.i -, 1. r. will I. no it lo tl rir a. Dr. K'ENNKDY.of RoiKury.l tl oar ca.aas.ia Maiirrc areetij Vina 1AC ScioJmlm a'uar r. . O.a.t laapia He haa In failed t act pi He baa now rti l.htal. a ui , ol llo.ton. Two buttle, are ' aore mouth, j On. lo tiir. l-.It I Pimplia on ti I.rt I '1 uolo three ho'tl j 1 wob.ltlia are . arm lit. d loeiut toe wor.l cat ; ker in tl.e month anil aton.aeh. ToY.e to tite bottlra are warranted to t ore tl , .oral raae of lyaila. ' line to two b.itlta are I. cur. ,i hi .e, veretl iii "ii. ted y that care ro rate., (I, .11, tt under hono.r ) ia -.eaa.i n over l.u huntir.'d tirtue, all wiliiiu twenty ua.l.a rraritro t,. rare a iiurairf iii eur. tn woral kind ol l l! e'ear the . 1 att In ol fliira eJlll'JU-'.CaiJj.JJ. CIIK61J.R, H. C, 111 J. K. K'llOI.SO.V. r a v. li E ai.ttoHr reapr. tiuo A lo.m. Ilia t, li.. t ,. ,,. .,, , the ' h-.lroad hoi.1," up,.,..,t . t..a n ,.r (1,r ,,,, , .1 tMr...ra and Ilie I. 11. liberal pat-, , lo kli. lie Ball, I rangi n.i bi. ol .11 ari.o al.ap il well form. I .i, hn ai.: l it beat uf the hn h b .. 1,11.., i, i,,, , a k,n Be1! II... I tt. ry . e-r. tahlt anemd. Get. ir1, ISiB. M. 1'OXALJ). 3611 .NEW pons o oreiSi New St Phi m ott's Roataro'i or New Mai J. E. fcTKMICl'.-K i.frnt.l .re no ten ttoek of JOHN HTKMI0U-E. hr"e and ; 7 !3 14 13 20 21 2 23 -Jl 27 2-! 29 30 t 2 3 !l J(i 10 17 23 2 1 3 I 31 M.'T'.LKR xovemr;. u;clmii;r... 11 12 13 11 13 l-i 1W J I 2! Ti 23 20 27 'i-i 29 124 .3 7 - 9 10 11 12 13 11 13 10 17 li 19 20 21 U- 23 2 1 2.3 20 27 2 t0 31 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 H 9 10 11 12 !3 14 1.3 10 17 1" 19 211 21 22 23 2 2.3 20 27 Ui 29 3 Two HfNbttfD a Mi Fifty c,m Fvium- T. KK9 TO I'HATIt O.N A SftAMKH The ateaio er Kentucky, C'apt. Jack, went tj Mayaville on rfjuday, returiiiinf ye-terday uiornii. with thirteen hundred .he h'-!. Two h ind red and fifty head tiied during the trip. 1 hey wi re densely crowded cn deck, appears, wcr-s aino'.hered t7 dearf,. They .id at to 3 ceLt. gro-s, netting a loss to the owner of at ieat twelve hundred dollars. 1 he Caledonia, Caj.t. Jenkins, hro' dow n eiirht b'iudred head, OLly one cf wired died Tue e wine that died beloii to M(!.-s. J Ir,xl ripi; and Rice, of Rath county, and Walker and Dsvi", of Fleii.iiiL' county, Ky C't'i citinuti V'jinmerntil Jjc.cmUr I. jfpMK un.; F.AMILVCKOCKI.IES, in Spr i.?' brie k', 2.J d.a.r from .Mr.J fcr)te' S;ure, which tl.ey will fell low, by Wholesale and Retail FOR CASH. Tney Will nay the II I . ; S T yi It. ' i-. lil.T I'liif , 1 4,11,. n, Vi heat and 1 he ;,.i.i,c I.iOAt V. lountry jee reneraiiy. ,. w ., , J. E. STEXHOCSK .t CO. ' ., . ',', t. f tmilottr, O'l 13, c,7. 3:t;f kinek, F.I.. (.iioo W. VV. II. I' tu. Pa- I. Fain!, t a Pa.r. ol lioei by N. P. W ill. The Two f.imrra. Vim tr o 1 He o , Moi..h. Ilii.iai raoa the Foi nta mm. o. Hint iini-hl he r. by tiev. R. N. .ten, 1 Tua Mr.ttr,o Kvila- I.l.. I. Tne Hut.tHoi o Aeoct. i faXew Books. ( II A I EM TH. t I.i rkaVATtftk, hy iiiyc to a in d Haa I'tori r, hy S. M. IIOW ELI a W4.xtV4' Saddle It -Harness iSIaiiLfactuitr. Tllk(K MMLiRii Kl.tTll Or HAM.Klt'k IIOTtl., cu t ai.oi iu, y.i . nted lo enre rwnnii f -tt the l.i.r. . a air ai.l, u to cure en . la. lib nre warr. and ba.t, he an ,i an U. It.. ii hi. tile will cure aealy rruotion r.l i t three btittlea ar. warraliltu I caae of riiij; worm, lolhr.c bi.tu. a arc irr-nud I. caper.), ca.e of rh.)l I. .11.. r to I. ur liotilea are arrnttd to care :)ir T QOtt I li all rh. urn, r ive to eight bultl he aLin. itire the lure tl.c enalila aia .lit,,!,, .ooat ntly au,p ,.. ao II. .1 I, . want any all, n'.mn wrr.urr to u aur pie. ant sr.o in luroiaiiiU With ft,l hiiel.. ei ano l,t i pr.paiti. at a Vintiee tu myy kia eua i n.i ra w it !. nt . i, , , aeyanreaol eaery aorl, to ny part of theaurn ol Uf country. He deaire 10 return I i art , , . ;, , r, , ,,, llre'.ln lor pal future, ani a lit i la h r 'i t ture an eqnully l,Ui, .1 a'r ol pair. t;.fe. JOHN R. MCIKiRFON. Orr 5J. 3.1, e C " s the i tneed from t i w I t eaaea of firnt or l.irr, b.-k of S. Willi prolit l.y any one, ffy-. ."t ,ealo ' S-'; jear.i,,, 1,-iOU, by John Voting, ' preparation for tl.e lute iir.i . and will . I).i..l.E, by M.-a. Ia. w-'"' at tl..- hiwt-.tpi a .e,y l,e ,. 'IIK aiibaeribee thankful for tne very lib. ra! tiiilronaae i al i dun i the ol Il .rn. .... ..ibleprin . lortro.-ri t of lie I, d for work in In. -h all tlo.t may a anterior artirie now on hand Valuable Plantation i on. sAi.i:. HE I. 'ft, i ik's Aae'rit I ir ttultr, Marrh 1 I Mom A bei.i fit ia al. ay. -! botlie. and a m r) el c)ir allot- fjll.OtllV i. taken., I pr'uoltll ll.ol.aand lultlea of thta ii. li r. iicuuiy iii :...lon. I know li.e i H. . I ol il in tier) ca.e. Su aor. u. ..Mr w I eatiiiLUiati 6re, ao a;lri . ill Una cure htiloor. I mur .oiii a b.iiiie ol it but loat an in anolmr; alter a trial it peak tor iielf. Pl.t re are tw a thinca abi'Ut Una herb that a peara tu III.'X i rirt, I!. it (row a in our paat'iria, in aome place, quite pli niiiii!, and y.t ila talue haa nee.r I.e. known until I ilia, ml led it in rif, a) eulitl, that .1 almoin core all kinita of humor. Ill "roir to give ome id. a ol the audit, n riar and rei.t popularity of the Uia'otery, I will al.. it that in April, I ".'..l I p. '. Hen it. a ,u ...'.l about an botilea per di y in April, 1.14, I Bold ovir one thoueartd tiott'e per rt.. j of il. Nine ot the w h.deHle llruKi1 W bu bat. been in buamiaa twenty aotl tbirly ye.ta, aay that no. AIIV'IIA .11 1 VI f Itl , Fur r,.i,cl,., Cold,. IiNih., C. ali.n.r... I, ,a Aftrcl.uh.i l tl r k ion. a I i l 1 .. u i; e r , I . i n r , I (...liorrl iea, t.lrel, ., I, , I, .. . h,i. ullier l.Mtale I oo.p.a in la . pt,r, l,.ti!,,-j Cents .nu 41 Ui. Cold .Mine ilatainu Nervine al, .M.iu J. LOWRIE. . ... It , II! t .4 Mm aaie r...n.a.o,n,ly,s , 3 " fL,"l'l lr'"' ' '""""e, -f 1 1'HK U,l.r..ei.e.. Ii.viop ...,:,.l,ed I .., eo.,, M iiw ,,,,,, 1 permantiiy,,,. ,r,o.-e,..,.u.ear,J.i;I, ,..Z me Ur...,, ol 11, .,..,. lr. I.t I., .,,.,. ,. f.,vl,n., ,., ..., uu..t,.aa.,: I.., I of haa inn aa in'llfli lor 3 . I pon tin puce a r 4 hor.. i flr.t rate :i 4 10 II 17 li 2 2j 31 I .3 0 7 12 13 11 19 20 21 20 27 2"i 12 13 2 3 4 7 ) 9 10 II H 13 10 17 1 - VI 2.) 2 1 23 2- 29 .3 0 7-9 1.' 13 It 13 10 19 20 21 22 23 21 2.3 20 27 2"5 29 tit Ji Cllli.nupv. Chrit, in llesain; the litt'e ones of Judea, lleseed all children ; an lueanl that we rLoulel revtreiiee them ai the hope of the world. How, when lift j-rows dark before us when its woes oppress, and it crime j pals, we turn iu'tjetively to little ci.i.'in tj. w.iti their brave, facia of faith and oiod cheer their ejes of uticoo heiou prwphecy, and drit.k Iroui the full fuutmn of th ir fre-li youn.' ratLrr., t oir- i-e and cotnfort. and deep drauohta of di vm.j love at d con;taocy. lion a child s pure kia drot-s the vei V hotity of In.aven into I; the heart .ourtd by worldly tni. fortune ' s"' h .w a child n sweet sniile fails iike oil on the watasraof thauhts vexed ly worldly ciro, and auioritbs theiai into peace I (jrvr ( 1 " t huissI. i,n h. ,ny i h a U-ef, . ',ut'li i ,ere .. a (. iik.ui i.: II. I Ir. ntle, li ik. In ot lea. I, all li 6 9 15 10 22 23 29 3.1 I ma dolla Cat 01 I.l of pil; .! Iianre to cut yet, for a p r cord, C. Jinretl ..t n.,r olle. 1 ,ia p. inta li e ( harlotie mine, t.i pt r ila t , e i, r y is , y ilit ,lh'r Vluttnp, Ij'tol Ultil 1st ktlililiuii, li'tl J.ivt; .-iW, r, m.'l nil knxis',1 M.i.,l WoiL iiji.iirerl ; C.u.j-.j. ill ion Mt l,,kt iiml llujfg nj Ihr im,U ilimt'ili i.ii. ii mine,!!!!' i tirrtnttril h l,r nyiirtii th in., iitlirr liml for Mi'l iual I 'm Ini y j i, i . All of ti e above I - ,i,i I,. . I w.rrai t to turn oul 1 Oero', Alikind. of a' RUPAIRI.M a.lially kept in nd lien . . a ma.i i raal pr alw.v. it all ;i(lll-i y ll:ii lta.irr, Whips, Enffilo Robe, Is addle Cloths, M.itHUK. ItOX ..., Illk"'- 'e'e... Ul.l. " " j quarl' ra. raipni j,nameiKa m liaintsi 1 tallier, ! in my own practice I ai.v. ,t .inni, r, ry ti.n.g u.ually kept in my line humor but an.te it inlrouut tiott aa . teoer-i . i l . y meuirini , rei am, r lul tirlu. a l.ava : ' been I. Ul.d in .1 that I 111 In arj'p. le.l. ! 1 Several eaaea of epileplie I'll. a ili.eaae wlnrli wra always eunai.lrr.d i ur lira Lie, h te been en no 1 ' by a lew bottle. 4), whal a merey it it will prove I j.l.. tu..l in all caa.aof awlui malaiiy ll.eie , are but li w who have aei o mini 1,1 il Han I pave ' I know of eeveral eaaea o llrop.y. nil ol tin in or I)ya(a pile II. tie I. er Tu.elure ' A leltrr from J li ( ..Jium, I'll N.I'., d.teti Aug. 14, r4'i : Dr. J. khul l'e. r S,r; Vonr mid n l..t jinn ei lire ...(lain, inn mil,,, , to n , rm.i try. Tl.e Al ia. I,, a M.aloi. ly Il l.a.o.trr I,,,;,, .,,, .,, ,1. . .at- ,t ailla aa. f..,ii..i I n. vrf ti., i n..,i,cl, I llpplv the,,;, ,, u w,j lr,r ,,,, ,, , large n;.p!jr ol it aa a,.,.r, a. j, a j,, , , J. R C'A LI IM. A.JF.NT - W, W. S.,r, . V a. ..I; I T. I.U'K, fioekn,, I,.., ; -,,,r 4 York, f '... r. T. J. II. Ill n arm I Ir J. F . ..iinrr.l liarli I tr ; ! S,ii and J. II rniii.a, .-alial ury ; i.u fc. 1 ry. I,, a, i.t l.,n. uptly eiernted- M. IIOWIlMi. .17if U, I. a th. ell 1 tin lo p.ireli in urwin I!, a; So. i'a b, low,., near the ' rii.ju.t above M. aon' f n y roi d. STEI'IIEX R. TI RNER 3 4 19 11 17 1- .', wewttrw e ii'or if ti isos hit delight a( Laiiiag Itti, a ujjt c led ' honey " by the H '. i!.t l.e loves, beeaujc ale called hull 1 i. 1 iaael ' at ILUf lakt IB.vtiiJ WaT (' vim ABE Goon For 1 bi yield uf it.u in lh. r'uuth of Fraucv tl.;. y ar ia said lobe til precedeutly 1 h r - c . Il . equal in quality to tl.e famoja wine of tne great cawet year, I I 1 , aed as the, present year has also produced a number of 1 conn tf, the pataiita Lae christtued it "thu jre toiittt wine. ' I'h leave the wora ' your Wtft aa a. 1 Ji.ljIilM Plea.e hytenan our- e p.rt.eui.r alnnir l.uri n nlwr of referer i it niineee.aaary tor it il. be iaeed (iroplr eiireil hv it. lor the ., io! th. Mirk lle..C. e lie, llj-p. j F HI anil A(ue, l am in ll.e Rule, I ; Spine, and pailn ul. riy in die. aei o AiC lli. iliacorery hna dene more H ! ut .(irme ever e.ii..w n. No eh.nije of C. t ever neeeaaary j yon ear. (i t and enolii;li of it. liiaacTMtaa ma I be. Adultam ijienjay I InlUrel, over leu )i ari j ml dnli In ui fiv. to eight year A. no direction, can be applichli . e ia y ii I 'ion., lake ililTieieli t to operal. It I J e" , twie. . nay ui rfer in. i, i li.e aim atyl. ol , A.thn... iraa. a ol lot 1 ul I hv K Ml or y , 'ntit than an) y- t..t the h at e tahle apoonf.ii raaert rpwonful. , tw-aHoiiiu!.' Ui all r.-n.illU nn ttie Uiwela o;.t r,. !, ,m l. Il-I - . CARRIACKS, mv,. TUFF. r-pnrli.erahip A. A IlaSO.N ur ttie purpose of runuufm hn iii op. opp. .lie ll.e P, rAIIPtlAt.-;S Civ. V ( La, lull, M..,ii I -, JO'IX M. MASON. of . work, in a word, no alo.ll , Jrit rll.L (. uien it. yi. co mt JOB Pit IN UNO f ,' .no Miaai ,,., rnio Wing; on.. . t tr.. Noriiiat I SI l;i.LKV. i i v I- toond . , Yrk liiat in S I Fmt. 12. 1.6 r,,,. r. I. of M 1. 1 ill I N L nn. nl'aa in ann . 1 1 r ahaeiit. 1,. in. reai'it.ce, toil. Vlill In ,, 1 . MI. V. r.I.'K W AI.'IIAN'I Fl. i i llhl'Alld.V.ioneai tl.e ahor u at notice,. nd on li e nn l moderate terrna. l.i riimp on Tt von and . hun u Street, nearly op p. ile to K.ri a Hot, I. C.OVKIS.MAX. C. WILSON. rhmlolle.JutuC.lHM. lltf RLANKDIaLDS for sale at this oiW MAKerACTiia to av DOXAI.I) K K.NMCDV, aVo. 1 20, Wnrrr n Strrrt, fciahury. Man. Price fl. Wholeaale At.'rnt New York eitv.r. V. Click. nrr.HI H.ireh.y Hlreet j T. It Kiny, IH2 liroaov. :, y ; A. B. A. l. ji,,,,),, 1 1.11 Fiilloii hirer! j T. VV . lly. tilt &, Sona. Philadt Inlna j (,. o. II. !,ey r. Pitta, burf ; A. II. M. .re. Ilutialnj llt., Miller, Toron to I John Ihrke, Montreal; At Pinion, Chieapni Jaine liecd, t hieacn; John W illiam, Lonnun.t . W. At Itetail l.y all reap.rt. ble Irur;iaU in til. t'nittd Statea and llili.h Provmeea. F. f-CARR A C)., Apciiia, Chariot If, aV. C. A LARGE SLTPRV UF C o 1 1 s t a I ) 1 ( Warrants FOR SALE HKRK. CITY OF NEW tor c YORK, re. ti, M.a. J M SI r. o.,0. A.C. WIIJJAfiiSOH. ll.lltl O't I i ,.1. rntrus1cd to liia er. uf ILL practice in tin Ilea and Will alien atnee. rntru.ted to In par Muilmtt,, Jn. 3.'i, H 'J. C. J()ILS0., FORWARDIWO AND COnCTISSION SOUTH ATIoWTIC V. II AKI'' CIIARLKlslOX. S. C. tt'urfcntre, Shmff and Qvil Claim Jjfii FOR SALE 11 EKE. wsn