Tiis TIbmainh or MxDruoM. Id dicing for ii foundation for tbe monument rcout.lly erected over tbe grave of President Msdison, tl,o coflin tii exposed to view. TL p. pearance of it U thus deaoribod by a Hich niond paper : Tbe bordi above Se eoffin L.i dtcayed, jf3 llemoval. ARRIVAT. EXTRAORDINARY. ' feasor l Has. 1k ( rath . introducer of tht AMERICAN ARISTOCRACY. . ExTaAoitTiiNAttT Kxrr.c.BioN of a Loco- IIistoiiy or a CannO Ham, At the I la every COUIilrv. from tint lieoitminr, nf ' m.rivi Tl... fo,.i il.,.. tho 1. .. ,f ., I.,,,,,. ' commencement of thu action on hoard I ho tho world ,o tbe present lime There has ! niolive 00 tU SaI1duUVf MttnsMd ' fri,.!. Preset, a b.lt. 8 pound shot,'' " nrh'T" n-'- XiUd a di-position to asenho peculiar ,' N . . . n.siroad exnloded a few '' ''d- eame oer the wt s.m'p l.i the old .t.i of M.M.r. . H,eriy, u...i.-r 'fta-. TUo profca.or '.. .iopP:g at that t,..,e. merit to ccrtuiu latmlie or classes of indi- , (.uino) Hsuroari expiouca a lew 0ot,of ,hH Pn-r-ident, and Hii h was the I,, a. Willi.i More, on TVauu .in-, t. where he- h.n.rcd establishment, the Fountain The vitluals, Willi e belief that this merit doe ""j" "P0t already ncen mentioned. foioe of the bail that It actually eul off, ' ' prri.ircd t.. ..ticnd tu ..II omers in h Uot die with its first possessor, but descends . ' tr"' " "'Olion at tbe tiuio, hut the without throw inir them down, the muzzle ' """" l, w "r-'rie" un "I '' 11 ' to bis posterity, hi atieictil days, men who P8'"'?'' were not injured. Tbe engineer of several of the' mu-ic Is, (which bad b.-eu , Golden Cook, Colder Star. Planter's and The M:rLcls. CCRKBCTKD nV R. M. OAItri 4 CO. .,.(. no earlli bad fal en in unon it. and eeineil distinction in btitt le or in council. H"1" Bremen, nowever, were iiarnv nruiaea lift there hv the marine, from six to ei.'ht everything appcartd to be ait when the coffin received titlea of nobility. Some, who bnd '."-Idcd. Tbe Sandu-ky Register says t inches in lenjrhf ; killed one mariner , took was deposited there, except tbat tbe lid was power to do so, themselves assumed such i "The bolli-r purled in several places off the writ of a midshipman, Mr. Mont. alighllv out of place, allowing a partial view titles, slid transmitted them lo their de-, simultaneously, t lie pieces flying with tro- goiiury ; killed another, M r. H:rd ; and fi. of ti e interior. As there was no fastenings seetidouta. Thus noble families first arose ; mendous force right and left, scarcely any j iiaily lodged uj Premium cook )s Ttvi:s, nnd variety f IVAItr.Ot: STOYHS. Alo, a gnfid aifnrtlttrlt of 'I'm ;ini II ii i w.: ;irr, Xt ijvoii the deck, and wa.4 takrn kitbin forty yards of the l elow fiy the nurrator of this, Mid !'own to nni'Tior oorinu oi mo uoci t was ra sea. ana iuri were rver a iter reraraca as tuticrior ii ac. un i rai ini-iii. w i ii'inni: not ies mcui - no ii..n iv u nun nu teveral (jentleitico ptesetit looked in upon 10 'hose who bud been less fortunate in the than two hundred pounds, wns found in a wrote upon it with chalk, "Cousin, I have te- A1! of wtmli f will i, ehesp for CASH or('on the remains of thegrest Virginian. The prowess, or wisdom, or good fortune of tbtir field to the left, eighty roda diftaiice ; while ceived your present, and wii! return it to you ( Hruuut. ois. joiners, oi nearly equal weight, passed tin 1 1 again ; men cmpping n in a gun nnusvii, u. it. j.ir.ni.i. nearlv oilnnc csn demonstrate more clcsrlv that distance throuirb (he woods, stripping nrcil the piece ; anel it H a remarkable rn't J' ' jilled with specie of mom, which adhered the folly of such dirtiuctions than the ca- hugo branches Irom the trees in their pro- 'hit it actually killed several of tho oni- IV 7 , (yrJ WINMJUiUUJI. ' firm of nit KM &. 8TKKLK w tl to prevent, the part of the lid covering the lpse of time continued their rights, and of them lodging w ruperior portion of the body was raised, and ibey were ever after regarded as superior track. One frnj. i teveral gentlemen ptesetit looked in upon 10 those the remains of the grest Virginian. The prowess, ( coffin itself, of black walnut, was in perfect ancestors, prexrvaiioii and the interior was nearly Noihinr. fillet with specie of moi. which adhered folly t pertinaciouly to the wood, li. neith this, pricious laws regututing hereditary dtcent, gress. A piece of the engine bell was aUo cers and men on board the IVIvidcre, and ' and oartiallv hidden ly it. were a few of which leave to the ancei-tor no choice of a picked up in the Geld one huudrcd and finally lodged in the eabin of thst vessel 1 rwii.'r the larjrer aud harder bones. The lower J representative, but regulate such represen- twenty rods from the place of uplosion. and was afterwards bung up in the Di-lvi-1 M. diaauived by mutuiil vonnrnt. All nrsni.s isw bad fallen away, the tones of the breast Istiou by arbitrary rule. The flues of the boiler were twi-ted into an dere's cabin as a globe duriug the war. ihatsre indrbim to u-.eiih.-r by Noiunr Arouut, and ribl were gone, and tbe only parts ef! However ridiculous hereditary nobility sl'i.osl solid ma,S; the heavy cylinders; Vo-t. St in lu L , 1 "' 'A"J. ' Odice. the ski detoo which remained were the ..kull ! ,uy 't is clearly necessary to the eiis- twitched off, battered, and blown a number ' . 1 "i " " T II KRFM line. Ilu I ountam ih tlie Imuac where t.i-ncrul Muy lnycd linriiij h! vtiiil to lirfltiiiinrt, una apie;i to hv the Dili. rill hotfl Willi all irrent mrll V unrlcrHt Hid Ini! 1'rohsi.iir inletitis to ilcliver I- rtiire li.m luoriiMij; at 9 n'rltk, at tho i r.n tre , Ragf-np, fiirnay , Mirket, wlun mi l whi-rc lie will fully convince 1 Heef, Ins beams ol the b' ne ficiol eft". cl oi huh.r f.uiied ; UutU-r Klertnc Oil in iKMinifii.j the an.T. riiifn of hamnn. I Bmii, iiy. Hai.to Si.n. '1'his tiret ilinnciiy fiiin be hud , lieana,.... , e! m uii i.ta litre. Stc atlTrrliaenieuC in unMher I Rrsiidy, Auple, .. coiuiiin. i rYach,.. i i Trkton, new fi.net. Km J CtlAKl.t'lTK. JANLAI1Y 12, le BAfON. Ilan.s, new . Suiin, " Hug mum., . Villiam J, Kerr, and portions of tbe cheek-bones, the verle-! ",lCe ' nionarcby, of which it forms tbe of ;;ds. carrying with them ihe pi-tons and l.tne of the necK. the spine, and the arircrl c,"'i support ; ana when the sul iects of Pri oi niv f?"ncciine roas , tne iruca uiin wtr uuuui wi bones of tbo arms. All thoe of the upper old Kuiopean de-poti un make up their driving wheel, with very heavy spores of Attorney at Law & Solicitor t l Fquiy psrt of the body bad turned to dust from ' wiuda to destroy tbe one, the other mu-t solid w rought iron, were bent holly out of C'll t lll. r'l i: V C. whence it wa taken, and in a few years die in its company. Uut our Republic needs shape in rbort, the enirine was blown to T,LL ,,rBCtlCL. in ,'il0 c..ur'i' d ' Meoklen liure t cry irace oi ins oeay will disappear, auporv. i ur lorm ui woveriimeni 'i"i ,.r ...o v v burj; aim ihe ui!j.ni,ing Jin. 1, IpjI. A C. SI KKLK. 4 111 17 AT TTAET V DUfiDPTiTV ! W UUU.IUUI X JllUA J14. ) Camlles Ad WT WJI.I. e:.oe to ."blie aa'e un 1 '" JBL 'I uenilHy 1. 1 next .inu-iry f ourt at Ihe t ourt il..oe in ( b.ir'o'Ie, roy hoi i: i Mir mtuiited on Tryon n:etf op.oite to the Trilby W'. rum ehurrh unci joining the h.ti of II. M. Juiimrm gun Rnbi rt Su-rlmi. -iid I..I heuir 3' feet f""t i.d ruunwg leirk .'I'i'.l feet. Vn the lot is a firat rite. llAelliliK ..ml Mule ll iusc and nut houses nils Well of ij.elltnt w.ii...'. I'i rson wishing In buy such ppt.pe.rty wuulu do weli to c.ill iin'lea. I MML flneken ! I b.tii.fi r-rt:-r'lour,. .er,. Feathers... I.uril, .Muttoi lneherrl,. it. until li e trump of resurrection shall uti le i uoi'' "nl require rooniiy to su-tam it. rso the scattered purtieles. The body bad been ' ucn cl'-' is recogniied by our Con-iitutiou. iutvred iust tweuty cue yeara. I There is no privileied order to staud be- i . ! tseen tbe Executive and tha th , .. . ,.,. r , as a check upon j in iiAnssuLs i-1. n.i it. a !-i urr.nAiiiis. i , , , , . . . , u.t ,v ic.-iipi ii.o uuiu euuroaciiuiuuts oi llie Ti e "harlctlon Com ier records a rematk t'u'.e opi rslioo in surgery performed iu that city on tbe l -';b inst: 'l'he esse was one of " Klephantiasis," and eitended from tbe parietiea of the abdomen to the round, weighing sotae ninety right jxiirnit It bad been increasing in siie j e'bt yeM. but has remained sttio:i-y for j the la-t year and a half. From the iii.tt.er.se ' file of the tumor, nature was inadequate to supply tt with a sufficient quantity of blood for its nourishment, ao that mortification took place at its lowest extreuiity, and threatened the life of Ilea " j. utieut," hence the only means to be adopted for esvina the life of the patient was its speedy removal. This was done at the amphitheatre of tbe f iu'h Carolina Medical College, which was sibility of repair. J be fence on either snle ij S(M ti .l was laid, by the escaping steam, completely c'1 open, presenting an appearance similar to tbat of haviuif been swept away by aauddeu de-poii-m of the one, i r'lsh of water." l lie locomotive was purchase", six years ago. when new, at the Awih, lor e'.a-Mi, people to ac. nut tew. II he j.aid to the eollec Oilier. Tbe law of hereditary descent, if at all ""d bad recently been supplied with a new tenable, should apply equally well to the bottom aud was supposed lo be iu perfect iiil.eiilai.ee ot good and bad, mental and.oHir. moral traits. It would be as just to as-ume that a man inherits all bis parents' bad A StAL'TIft'L EXTRACT. There lies in qualities, as tbat be inherits all (heir good tl.e depth of every heart that dream of ones. Hut we do not find that such inheti- our Youth, and ihe chastened wish of man- lance follows any rule whatever. Wo find, hood, which neither cares uor honors can Jan. !.', r58. 3,US faiT Dissolution. r ff l II ( p;ii tnersli'p beretotore i-nsting pne JL the firo eil by iMUlt. il iij.iiiist ti rsli.p heretofore i I lliueker i St.ini. ii. sent. Ml j... r 1 1 , h rm .ll r.seiit His-n nu. hied to LTiiuots, ii r lllei.ieiil, ud those unit hied lo Un Hrm, cither I.ViNolis or Iitok Acei.unts, lire rciieKltd to ciiiip tor. wjru unit o. rise sellh-ltietils lillliierj:.telv. Kith, er nt Ihe r.ntif-s are nnthor.zed to us, the Lame of Ihe firm iu liquidation. K. SOMMKIiS." H. DiaCKKlt. Chadolte, January I. 1K8. Co-Partncrship Notice. II IK Co.: bv rUDerience. that the son nf a bail loiiii is pltim-nUh the hnrm of rine il .v r.-liit- not necessarily bad, and that the son of a from the pursuits which absorb Ui ; of i. ! ' 'thdr, wine from ie firm, the unrltrsi-n. .. . i . r .- , ,. i , . : eil t gs lele I.. Unner his MiU-lull uekt owtert-e. man distinguished lor pure morality, or for terpo-ing between old age and the tomb, 11(i , his mem: ami ib pui.Ii c h.r ine p..trnn. a powerful mind, is not, of m ces.-iiy, moral some tranquil interval of reflection, when, ! Be he has enj -.(run, a no resisciiully solieits a con. or intellectual. It has even teen remarked with feelings not aubdued but softened, with liousncc ol U.c ..u.e lo i.ia mirea..rs. that the children of great men are generally passions not exhausted but mellowed, we 1 h. SUMMKRlS. below the ordinary level ; and ll.ii would may look calmly on the past without re seem in many ca-es lo be the result, not of grtt, ana on the future without sppnhen any natural di Ceieney of intellect, but of sion. liut in the tumult of the woild, tl.ia ii j t f r , ma., luiot.-js en'iK 01 auctsiry mat uots so vision lorever rcccucs as we sptiroaen n. , , ., much lo retard tbe advance of those afllicted tbe passions which have at'itsted our life I rro man was put under the influence of eliloroffni, and was totally itlsnil.le lo all jain. The tumor was suecsfully removed bv )r il. Mvddieton .hrhel in one hour When hieh prnd-ieid.be was riot aware that the opera tion had been performed, s0 perfect was the ioieoaibiiily proi'ueed by its luhalations. Now Firri), UAVINH nurchaai d A. f. Steele's interest ir. the STOCK OF GOODS of Un til &. Steele, ami aasncin led Willi me J. A. Ssoi.f, Jr. and . I.st's rem Am;:, Ihe Ituloess will here.ifler be e.imJUeleo Ulioer the Ann of T H. Ilr.-in A l ... We imII the nilentioii ot the I'lll.l.c I'Ut Stock, ns we li.t'e Miueed tne ij.icc of a g; st many oui.s. T. II. UliF.M. Jan. 1, -Mil" ffl TasiTas!! f I a FI.NK A.''tiKTMF..'tT OF Cmjl) I'KaS lor l-Jllllty Ue, colli I. -tin ! of llys. II, Yooli Hyson, l.npeiial, Uui.iowuir, F.nglisli JireJl.l-.l, and niuny oilier v.iri ties, f,r snle at n. m. rnrrniAF T'3 Fumily Itug .V'urf. ura i lAiui uoi T .eil Ii.. .1.,,.. i .b( tin. ili curr v with it. 'Iby stein to think tl.e glory of disturb our latest hours, and we go down to (2n(T')l Moi'f"! Htllf Rllillf's's their anrestors enou-h far their who e race, the tomb, like the sun in tbe ocean, with no !"1 llv-,,u ''- t-tt llll IV. IJU. Mil . . f !K subscribers notify ail pi rsnn detiruos of Using tits, to call ul their I lliee, oi.e th.or tiranite It iw.mid ui .ke w-1, elions of FtS Their iissiirtment is very eat. nnve. Or honu be bit before li.e ' aiili iti.l.nt at M'ATnmOUPE T50WKS. rlolli. Jon. 5, lo iS. U7 to ii.fii.ity that it i "a po-ession lo tier- gentle and gradual withdrawing of ihe libt nity;'' and, paral)t-d by this idea, they, i.J . i r .i i '! ''ke no exertion for personal improvement, th puient reenvereil from the aleen ' ' ' , i ii r r i aul sink Into iiisioniucanee. lbs! minnum iluiivm it i, chloroform t i. ,, 7 . ... , , T- j . . l . .i '! It was well satd by a distinguished L112- ! li-l.man, that if a man di-pi nd upou the glory of bis ancestors, ihe p ul of htm J ii in thr prate. U is indeed true that, whm wu make no ((Torts for our on advance ; ii.fiit, we die prinwituro deaths, aud are i butted in the ti.inl., of our fathers. As- of life back to the source which cave it, but sullen in its fiery flow long alter it baa lost ila power aud us splendor. NnvaPAPba. Judge Lon0'-treet, wboe views on all subjects are practical, and worth treasuring up, thus sets forth the value of a newspaper : " Small is tbe sum that is rrquired to pa- KSTIt inrH'IVsRV Ksnt- tlAM r -Vc trans lite frciin the "Heading ( I'ennsyl v ania ) ., v. .110 m.j is ., inst louo.Mijt "c-j wortii of rt-latn-es ami Iri-f.d kul urn msh -,.,.n..r.i.,l is lb. i.strnn I ii i.t bm count c-'the extraordinary eatlurance of an pri.le as will merge our whole exisUnce in bumble and unpretending Ibegax. tte which o'd porker : I theirs On the other hand, if we can feel be takes, it is nut lo impossible to till it fifty- In clvaninf out the straw shed of Mr ' 00 P''1' i" our ancestors, it ahou-d be no two tiiiic-s a year without pulitiL' into it souie- Nsthsni.l Ita'I.ach. r f J'enti township au c'-"'-' f di-C'iuragf inent, but rat In r an in- lliitig tbat is worth the subscription price oM sow an 1 three lar,;ii stray pit.s, beionr- c;l,:l"1'"1 10 f,r ourselves a p. ace :u Every parent wbose son is eff Iroiu lionif, t' e to neighbor, were di-covered, which - mi , isi ui .1 1 f im ,gm mi 1 . sci.mii, snuuiu i-uppiy nun u t'p" hsd been ml-sed fir eleven week4 Th at the old .I'n1, nr.ir K.s-r s Hotel, i.tin.-r iianic nod s'y e ot Urni aer ,V Un. bruit, su.l re. sp c I lolly siiheit a rootirnianee ,.f the l.fierj) pc 1 rori.;e besloiveii up-u. the lite firm. II. DRLTKER. J. HElLliKL'.V. ri.nilnlle, Jinuary 1, Ji-iB. 4.".tl To hi and to Hire. A iOol (iAlilll.N, nearly two Iota in a.Zi. to Jet on easy ti ruts . ALSO IS HOOD ( OOKS and Washerwomen, with 4 A si i fit 1 In 1.1 1 ftc. linu' r R 1 li t, .Mei kieliburg At! rir ol tur . I S..eii 1 .J, guested lo mi-el on itie tirst '. th tv, m ..etorcmee with a resoi mettiii. 1 1 a 1 nor t j nt biisiii'-ss is anil a lull attendance is irvited. A. 15. DAVIDSuN, Vxsulent. Charlotte, J.,n. .", li"."if . lw Also nt t'lo 1 m" time and place, I for B.1I0 Ihe I'l.AM'I'ATlON formerly owned hv t apt lsu..e f'annibell, del.'.), Iving .1 miles e.sl of Ch irloite on tin Hollers and f.iwrers' nmii, Join. m; the Ismlsol V ;U,, .,ll.,ce, M. 1) Johnston a.-. I others, 1 "iil.tninur -'I acres. On tlie pl iee is 11 rood I'weilio; arid out bonses, and at.me frst rate inesdow land. This place will h- s.dd suhj.-et to tbe WbioW's I'ower. Any ol tin aU.vu pnipertT will be sold privately if ill s.reii, at any time between tins and j inriarv Com I, lYrsonb ot sinng (o pirt;ii.iri- can sie '111 ( h..il.tie. It Tiriua made known on nay cf sr,J. . J. C. 31U0RE. D,t. 15, K1. -tJ ta R. M. Gates & Co,, V V, nnw reecirii g a liirge ancl (rth rpp.y 4 ol' i Inch w ill be aold ixclusitely fur CASH, Tlx I I. OIIO s.-irka of SALT. IOO bncs of Ido ( OITlir. 1 baS best l.aaljtra ilu. IO baes old troverriiiieiit J.lVs (W. it. lil.ls. ( .,n. e Si iAK, IO ' t ru.shttl 00. " l',.w,:ercd ,.n. 1) llht.S. rood lirnWH do. r 111. is. . i. ioi,Ass-:."s, 0 iih, is. w.st it ...a uo .'. H x.-s ( IIFKSF., bo!-, eitra Itui-hwhcat FLOfR, nd a Vanity of n'.In r articles too tedious t" men. ffcr Ml,,ses. N O.. VV.I. Monl ... Mullets Nails, N Osts,.. Pork, . I', as,.. Totat.,, Rice... W.imiitRt.t rlhern lltlleril...... Irish,., i firms,,,, i Stone-Warc... Salt Tea i Wheat, while, ' " ruLi,.... U'kinkev, No N. I Wool, 'beat C :b, rn... arolttL.1 Ib., WI (.,, Oil ....ih no r, no lb ..lij (a) t0 IU 11(1 (,,, l)l -yd it (, n Ii 5 u, e) lb U (.., ( lb -U ( 2i ...buahel 1)0 (k, lift " 1 0'' (.1, 1,11 ?al 00 '(., tl) lb 8 In. ! lb iyj (.',. It lb... 18 ,,, 211 lb S..J l,j 37 Ih 13 ( ii Ih S.". (.., In) ....bushel IM) (a, 00 ....bui-lirl 4) (.., 50 osei, UJ (. (I? . ...yam (a. 14 vnni -i: hi 30 dozen 1.' (,i 00 W.l S1J (... .',1,.) ' Ks H ( '-'i !! 30 (1 J.'i lb (,. 00 lb 5 f- ti ..h'.I.No I.. ..fl (', (I'i ....Hilts ,.t3u0 (11, 3..C a! iU bl. -al '10 -I'i ... bushel 1.0 (, II I ...hlil $4 tV I 1 lb S (n 00 lb 5 f-i. ri .... bushei 40 ( Oil lb 1 Tl ....bushel 7 t. 00 ....bllslili f..'i (; Ii ...bushel I'i f i .-..bushel I ('. 'i ) ib 11 (1 Id Ib 8 ( l'i al 3 (... UJ ....S.lCi. $laO (.1 (I'I :b "3 (,. SI ... bushel SI (.',. 1 I'I ....tni-bii :n ( i"t x-.: 4., (.. ..rT .,...g'ii 40 m. r. wa.si.ed '.'7 (o 1 unwushe.; '."! I,. S.'t ...bail 1 Mi (.., II" r.t.MUK. COTTON".--Thi re is s pooii demand ( r cotton winj to the lale news from Kurnpe, winch bro' n aijvaiice .n the article of 0. KI.Ot'H is still doll and not much coming 111. Ooisi oi-insnd for Corn for shipment. . turo: be tr. Ill leh. III., l.tit I i.sucted. ihe. n, is:, 7. 4 1 tt" A CAJil). TO THE LAIDES ! 'I 'I CM HI A MAKKKT. Ci i"b:s, J inunrv 9, 15-3. COTTON h!e of tlx ... foo't op aooul BstH !...!-. ,., 1 prim rai-;in.' floin f. fj, .:., mi..! aahs at 7j in. f cents. IIai.om. Ttit re is a lair supply oi' new bacon 011 tile lourk. t, .ili'i i.'-o f ,ir demand at ! (' l-l for bo round. N- w Ur.I 1J (.. 1 ets per Ib. Coaf.- Tlie'e ins bien an settle demand r font ucrif C t'a w.st week, and prieeaaiea bau )uj;!i-r. V,'c now quote fU to. 65 cents. l'ts. - The st. of pi as 011 sa.e is very lipbt, as t , For Sale, Ion n eaeli Inquire at tint Jun 1 1, ljsj. t" hire for t.. oltiee Good read ! (iced liread! ! IvV. f rin.r was still alire havin nearly de vour, d no of the piL's the third had but r. per t'y eti'ired and eaten a Isrjre hole u th" -trs, enabling- her to move about iu it but ij eii'ecMed ami smaciared as j p-e-t ule tha possibility of in Ttication. She wsijbr! aKout Vl'til pounds wh' O nii-ed, and lo.t, during her in. pri. onnn nt, three- wurtlis ,1 her original wnh.. lbeot.er then ail our own. I still remember what difference there was Napoleon, w hose clear min i saw the folly between those of my schoolmates who ef family pri'le, and w b , was ju-t.y pi oudcr had, and those who bad not, access to of himself than of l,i. race, slim a siily newspapers. Other tbiua being equal, the friend aiiemptetl to prove bun of royal de- fir-t were decidedly superior reason is plain, set-tit, wrote to him to slip his researches, they have command of more facts! telling liim he wa "the first of Li.-, fitnily." Youth wi,I purue a newspaper with delight Ther- i a .Spitti-li saving that be is not when they will read nothing else." agei.tli ti.au who riuuut trace, hi- de-ceut from ;p ...red to rteitvii FRI SII IlhtAl) ev.. Itieif lirinrr lirraifatl, at Vie liouiri of omiiss. sod Cakis, miring toe iluy lime. i J O, uers w ill he punciually silenced to bv lca,i,- Iheni at Mr. Teres' residence. FKASCIS KRAMER. Jan 13. IfaS. t47 Steele Creek Ae.uiVmv. r 11 1-: M '11 KXK.fit lLS of this sour un it 011 Ihe first dy ot K. r nt. 11,1, nee of J. W. Hen.: bi .tho puma t unutiT el laril ilown her throat. .,itiiran.,u which spisesred ti restore her appetite an I five ber a f irther lease of life, as she soon peered ia a fair way of recovery. Many an Auii-rii'titi ,. . v . . ... J-.rrCi'T of LlltrilTY LTON TUB N BORfl. Sion, oj 21 lee.is nt Itfu of such a rule lo himst If. lest, in ascending T' ' dtleU-iioue tiT.-cls of freedom upon the .ia..u,j, Uiinnir and Aiiiinnenr, the family thread, he ebotiid find it, as Sate nesrro race are very strongly set fotlb in the ''' "'.'.''jjll buuiorou-ly asjs, " waxed al the other end 8ubjoincd pararapb : I branches ul" .M.iibeniai.cs. n 4 t SHARKS of Chsrlulto Hank" Stock. JB. f f on two month1 time. Aiso, hie I nil pon Bonds ol the ( harlotte and S. C. Kai.ro., u t o-iip.. 1, v. Ap; ly to E. NYE IIL'TCIIISON". Jan. 5, 4 I-tt" Chanotto f c. oorclina Rhilroad TIIKA-I liKR'S on k H. f C. eV, S. C. It. K. Lon.p.ii.y. f gVIE Pireet-us of this tiumpsnv h. ire ordered J tne payioeiit of a 5-erni-Ariiiual divoleml of Tiir.e Doll r- per share on the Stock, which will be p .10 on first January neat, as follows : I airfield (.. tmutt-re, at Hie I.iiik in W-nns. liorn ; Stnci.h'tlters in Ciiefer ami Western York, by lite anent at I h.-sterj those in .N irtll Carolina ami l.astern York, by the i-genl al I barlo'te ; Cli r l.sl.o Sloe... blotters, ..t tii II 11k of til S.alc of s-..uth Carolina ; and nil of era at this i.tVicc. ('. IH l KMoHT. 7 . Pre. 20, lo.-,7. IIS fHAVK I.-irce ami Kicgant S'oek 01 f Y Sll.KS, latisi si!.s, widen I will -1 t (ist. rs; FAN. II t.t. W I . 'ill ets pre sin.!. Osts No I Lot s. 'I , 1 ..her to at and Hoi.mt l!i! I.011 Tl e t . Uld be pricn. CAI.lt ( IKS. latest pi.lte r II, price In m .1 to 11 I II at cost. 1 will sell t;'l quo of ll"Ur on sale 1 ther oul'. prices 1 v. r, 5.1 -i'i (n C r.flra familv lion Stfii pr l,',l HQNNETS, ( hariattr. Pre. '., Ir L. S. WILLIAM." ;. 3-.tr A CiuM.tsTdMAx Ri'initi). The V.tXi mora Patriot of Monday last says : Mr Jin is Cole, from Charleston, H , vn rn! bed in an omnibus on 'Jay street, on Thur-dav la-t He took his seal in an om rjtbus t - r.i fr .m H illimora streel to Ai-q lith, and as h d: I o. nitieed by his side a fine I ')kin. prrsou with whon he soon coui me iei d conversation. As the coaob, resehed II v'll street, ihe stranger rrtnirkcd he wis sorry ti lo-e his friend, but wis oblie'l ta see some p.-rson in the vicinity. Mr Cole noticed ihen ihe stran-rer left be held in his ha ul an umbrella similir t bis own, but ssid not iin; sn I beloro he bad been gone long hi di-eovered that several valuable books be had purchased for bis friends, bis utn'ireiia ev some pi(..eian vocaiioti, or lest in .... ,r ... lrarii.L' hi", f.tnilv line, it should be found h. Je,r" V0 la',, "'S n"P-d for to -end in a noose of slroneer twine " that "'"'ve plantations of sugar, coffee auddi-uiy ltd bis ancestors. Wmfni-gl m G.'l ...1 .1... ..r... r r cotton, but they have now altno-t entire Bi-ap esreii, except mo.-e 01 con, e, w nic u are tuu-h reduced. At precnt the princi pal wealth of the island is derived from tho forests which cover the greatest pan of tho mint,! sins the timber consisting chiefly of mahogany trees and the d.ffi rent kinds cf dyewoods." If negroes had tioesion of the fsoutliern " Fa'-ing along Itroadway.a vehicle was States they would not raise cotton enough arrested by some slight obstruction, and the to clothe themselves, or surjar enough to horses were not quite; able to start 11 ; the sweeten their own coffee. This would operat driver saw al once that but very little si I rather di-astrousiy 1.1 Studints will he received al anr time during lie session and will be chiirperl to tlie end, except cases ot protract, d sickness or eoiut oilier agree ie.it si the lime 1 f entrance. '1 erins due st ihe close ot each se- o'. f.tN.0 Ib.trdinir can be hsd in yoou f.nniies on Notice. FOH F.W A R N any r Note of mine 111 lavor ol I.anuii V tiil.h-r, ot Charlealon, S. C I p. Dink of h.rlolte. N. I'., dated 3 " If LB MB. is'lllPM ATK " The following good story, with a mora! to it, is tol l in Ir. Hail's Journal, a very readable and excel lent monthly : able tern ra.a 12, I60S. Till .IrO Vnii VK or T. North ('iinoiiA i'hristiam1 Apv.ititi t.(. riM the ye.,r 'Mf. Ot-t., the f IH LaFayetto Brcvn,M, B., I'hysirhm ' Surgeon, ffAVIVt, loeated at Davidson College, offer fi Ins proressii.nsi services to tl.e cmzena .1. vicii.itv. Olfit'e opposilt Kuinene.tn liiil. Vel.'W, II-.17. 34 ' l" I TI I'lll'.TA M It I flOESoi ! ! ! JtrcKt rNBt'FO COOTV AO A I NTS THE STATE. Et-t'E S I O.N 11. It is atateii, and from toe all thorny- of J r. II. J . rntehard. who lina nisi rc eeived triun llie inaiiutsciory, li-r winch be 11 si;e!,t, several Iniitrired pounds of the finest aril cle 1 ver offered 111 tlie town ol t hariolte, lo be el. abled in a short time to suoereede 111 qu.-iulv am sale any imp., rted article, and at a less pi ice. fal CflAV.-UfsToN .MARKET. ('H.isr.isT".;, Jaitu.irv B, Ib.'.r-. COTTON Was in fair mm.iid (o-oav. but llie light st'-ck i.rlVriiip, owintr to llie unli.vor.iloe wei. titer f..r samphne. Ineil. 1: ti e suits lo !.'.'; bb s. Holders wet" ti.-iii snd realized an niivnireof i in. ) cent on .Mt,i,.t:t) 'a pnece, via : 7 O ;ij. ' J ton ry 1 Saks tu" ca'h n Inlay l',jl;0 bales, al an advance ot (a. ,1c .-rndtian fair 1. Drugstore .R ('moved. t j'HH si.t.acribir ii.'nrms Ins frien.'s . r. , the I puhbc renersl.v, iit.,1 he has re,t,i.v 0 bis Mil'li S'lOI. (: iron,' t.r e Range lo 1 . urn's ( oruer, w Inch In. s been nt w 1 y fitted up ami ar ranged expressly for bis business snd where he is .oi, r- c- iv 11 u ,1 iarje itucli 01 ail, cits. r. Ins Inn II. M. May 12. l-:7 Pi:iTCHAl;l. 11 if it AROLIVl was nee'Ud, snd turning t another J ihti, who wais coiuiuu behind him, said," II.ih me rhlpiDate T ' I he ol her iu-tantl v sa w w hat required, and without a ntmucht s best- caitii. unon the coiuuicrce ol '""j"""' ' 'I'i penpleol Norlol ; nntrv. iis Till ohoiN 01 Ct..srrni-:Ncit. Ihr rhmpttn. 7iriti.'s Hipru is tti buiith. ..ii a ve.tr. tricti.v is so dip.rlure from I'ns rule. A.i.'.rns the Kuilor, Kav. R. T. Ii Pistol M.vTril Wo are informed thst Inch, N c. rd to top r. oil,.,, and UK Noa ru m of Two ll-in ired and Forty four 11... la - vcitt v Cents. Said little has been lost ai. l 1 wilt nut piy it lo .my person. J. 0. MOORE. rhittr, P'.-. ?, 1857. t lli (VitiiwIiaColiee, si: . To, .v r. jriy." ?? l.t t III! sec it. iiec. 1, is;7. i Corner. T N pmt bottles just .l.-prii f.,, hy in.rctss. u.-ilcr, received from Sar II. M. PRI "CHARD, 1 win's Com. I1O..AL ilAUM LOTTEIJV. I The prjl nntinurr itrnv.-in: nf he Vnyal Flt.vn , wi I.oiicry ri.m:u n ti by thr Sf inn It Uuvern tut nt, 11rt.1T Ilu (auptrv.ifii tif' tlit i .pt..io G--W ru I vf ' Cuba, wiii take ..uce al I1.tv;.ia .,a 1 'i'iiKAY, J.A.N. 28, 1555. 3300,000- S'ltlTFO NI MiinO 891 ORPIXARi". ( A Fi i Ali IMlli: SlCO.OftO!! Join I'r,., .1... ..'.,l,r-.,l ra-1.l.l,,, i- d bis purse, containing f.'ill in talion or stop, so eunled hn own horse- as ; T...;l..iil --.n,h. .. i'b gold, much ti hi, astoni-hiuent, had di.ap- ,k(. ,hf, lub 0f hi, 0WD carri, ,e strike (.;U ou-e. It is' understood thst ho has pesrei 1.1a me stranger. as a,l nope to j.,hily ltll.t that of the other, and each r. coter lem is in vain he CMiduded to keep giving bis own tniin il touch of the whip a sharp Molt out next time. f ,o:h e irrixges n.oved off almo-t as easily a-; if iiotiiing had liai pened. How ninny times Av Twrvi-iT Mam CoMiEMMIi The in the groat Uroadway of life ihhii 'hub,'' js put up Wales bets Travis tbat he cs n , ull";luru t rovidence I rihunc reports il.atoine twenty one annltier witnout, ineoiumoiiinj tnem- Jm. 12. It:,. jnuritevcd there I) accept the challenge of Junes W. Wales, fir a pistol mutch. The Courier says : " The terms of th mutch arc screed ur.011. and the nionev bet Sl.lHMt T Walker Kxpedilioii! ol the Ins I Slioe aud Do North Carulnia, I am l.ev it .Ma pr. l.t it bns bei n re I th,- counlrv lit a t t , ,,sl. I wish t f-rii iiMllllleE w :lll llii reaseil fce, Illness. The to XI essoin v. ill c :ir - f J ituar,.-, ami Tin Cour.se of liistiue ill ellen.l Ir a Frin olirse, the N iturai Si , en ..iley.e Classics, th. lltgl 5olr' i3 -NL I TS, just ami j ,rs. Sold low I IV e. 1, lr-57. .imi.i: eeived, hOd lbs. in bl.. ,r rash bv 31. I'llITCIIAKD. Irwin1, corn -.nmience on lite 3d Mc. iitut twenty weeks, ion for 1 in- pnseitt year tiry I lass, midway thro1 l.j a thi.roilrli Kii(;lish :es, I'ri p.-r.ttory Situues, cr Matin 11, alter, French, 11 unlit 6ve balls out of ten on a knife, at a months sit.ee Mr .Nathaniel .Stanton, a well selves! A friendly act done, an obligation distance of thirty ysrd, to wheel and fire incut ret, some luture aei or kindness pro- nt the words one, two, three. Iravis is to voked, al the txpi-nsc of a word, or only a split one more ball than Wales. The wbolo aitigln moment s lime. ' be mo-t of us re- number of allots are to be twenty." ptnt gsrd omnibus driver a rather rough speei- nf ihe J imrt. mens of humanity ; but ever since tbe inci- - dent above related, we have seen a moral ki. u r sident of thai ritv. etnbai ked ps.s.-ngi r oil board the Mary E. Smith, found for M otitevideo and Now Orleans. After being seseral days at sea the pass, n-gr-rs were ii,ftrin-d that their Je-I, nation as the eua-t of Africa, and if thav expected to fare well I hey musl assist in llie nelarious beauty in the odd expression, 'Hub iii,ship trsffie in whati-ver way they nilht be called male.' '' upon. The Mary Iv Sstinih reacheil the' African coat, took on board a cargo of IduTdiiT AM) .cn.T. A friend of our, 11 chatties," sailed for liraail, was cipturcd who lived nn (iro-se I-le, who has an eve by a Krni.lian man of war, the es.el sold, to a good horse, and who is always epen to HOOTS and SHOES si qn lity.nn terms to suit the ha Tho'h' m a'uks. I'i In Coverer, st ma ul.l ' The sale of tin. and all oil board who seemed to be eounected trade, was acco.ted near bis own door, lately, jjj" j ,nij' ,',.r with the voyaje condcuiiicd to i uprisotitiieot by a stranger who wanted to iiiquire the puriPii, Lsml -W c fir lif. An rffirt will ba mado for tbe re-1 way. Tbe stranger bad under him a smart ye..r over l,2uO w lease ef Mr. Stanton. I lively ronv. which struck our friend was ,.rk. SJ.noo w-orti ; near enough like one of l.is own to make a good luntc ; he therefore asked the way faring inn ti what be would take for his beast! " Well, I don't rome to sell bun. but it I let him go I must have forty dollars. " Our friend bel l bis pony at eighty, and the stranjer's animal appeared eveiy whites goatl ; so tie riiereu iinriy ur un , - taken tip and money paid over The after noon v. as occupied in seurchinir after his ins 01 ...ier i 7. , , , , deposit in the banks, i r0,,J. ' ' "V . A I'cun.K Wanting I'apkr MuMtr. The money crisis in Hamburg presents a stron citilrasi to th linaneial crisis in this country II. re there is an excessive ciieu ia'ion of bank bill, and, where the banks are with Hit the necessary s.ceie lo rederm ,' if pub I e sees in the banks the cause of (he depression, while in Hamburg there is 110 paper m ttist. An Immense amount of ..il ver ; coin is there t.-Iacd lie l.'r.ill.'s. Illfi trir (Dif. j This eelebr-ted remedy for Rheuni.ilisoi. lout, I tt. Mr-le.s. K.. Ipslss, Kioplloeis.Sprs.ns. I'.uri.s. I Felons, A e., is iiianuiscinrt n only hy Fml. 1 lorm De tiialu everywhere known sa tin- original dis. stabiishutent in I Inlailelplna. .real K. iiie. v b.a been uopie. tlon. , or. r ti.1i.IMI0 worth was it ia known, there it is u-ed. 1., of liichiuoiid, bought last Mb; Harm a Si Park, of New : S.-th S II i.iee, of II. Ilin.'.rr, l.UIIOj J. !. I'ark, nf Cincinnati, I,01I0 1, suit oilier large Druggists all ovtr Ihe tl Males. id and do likiw-si all Pealers and Drug- Osotice. n i-y neltt'y and ru all pcrsoni nitiotl dtdla V. ll"U-to W 1 Mi: hi I red Feci nr. omil l.ecte. ers hi 111-1 lie Apply to Pec. 3 loo u course ef tw. ntv caretnlly pre. on N tlirul t'liiio-opl' V, w lib ..era. on l omparalive Fhllology, curing d on tiif part of tl'e Tesrl i-l Insliluliull of ila clas C. W. SMYTHE. U'J Reeky River Academy, iiny. 1 r.U, p...U. a, 0 John I'. II- l.sloti. ot l lto. II CO II or shout Ho- I "till 10 Nov, 11, vhieb at e. nty.tive tlotlars baa b, -lite wt re ol-tttiiieil bv I'-iud am , mil withtitil Col, st. 11 ration slid v 1 are olved not to pay tlitni or sue psrt of tiient. WM P. HOl SION JA.MES KEKIi. Jan D, IS.'.. 147 HK I rusie. s of R,. 11, gr proeurid the 1 I llsitsl, a cr.nlu .11 of Da hlgolv recoiouiell.leu a. s Cicitt Teachi r, tu take 1 Who will t'l" II Ihe Sessn January m xi. Il .ar.liug can be had ii reasnushle terms, 10 tilt I Hy orJer ot tlie Ho.ril, It. KIUKPATHICK. Srry. Ihr. 24, lr:.7. t4ti II 1 fill Oil. r n w hie 1 tha llaiul'Uru public ilesire the -"" ,. , . , , : , j .l 1 i- that toielbir our fi lend was indueen to fi- issue of paper money, and In the absence of, '"(-em' -"" 1..1. .' ' . ., . .. , r . el I amino bis new nurcba-e a little more nar- ' .. 1 , ....,.. rowly. when be discovered by ihe aid of bis : 1 1 - . 1 .1 fa in iv tbat he bad been buying bis own o i declai ned against, in order to Prevent, or ' V . . 8 , , . ,. .1 r, L r . el hor.-e . Ihe stranger butur traclicd up, dr t b-at to prolong the future return of: nor '"" . , 15 rl. . J' :, ' i I,. , :. turned out to be the lured man ot his neigh- 'lauiir rrisis, in nsnirnri inern , r I V. J , r .... e bor a upon w bom our frieml hart general i-ptninii mat t no issue oi noica oi , 'in ill arneuiit w,ll relieve the depression. bor C e upon w bom our frieml cracked many practical jokes in bis times but none among them at all equal to this. Halt in, ore, Md., Dec. 3d, 1S56. rnf. r-e tirsth. r Sir! I'leaso send me per stesmpacli worth v. .or Fleetric Oil, the 1 st b-l is i leept 3 bottles and the n.-nisnd is on lliein- ih,. makes over ti.OIUI !' Tur Flictrie I bae sold during tne p. at 17 months. would c. M.I it n. iia.i r., " t 8 li t I. street also to the p, d brre Is another from tbe Wealthiest Drnr; pb.ye.i in In House in tbegre.it We... op,.o. t nn.ty Cincinnati n.-v. .Sit, ie.,i. r- n...r ii- n,..ili. 1 ,,l'l" l.t II Cross enl.l v I g coiiltniisece ol tlie 2 and V tsross L.urge Io. J snu w i Pi;,r,.i ulara sve auvi riisi rn JOHN D. PARK. I Another. , .., Indianapolis, Oct. 2.'.th. 16..S. P.of. De ..rath. Forward me per express. .WO worth your F.!c usual i. rnis. Royal Havana Lottery. 11 K r-ubscriher respeet'uliy inloiios i.o pub- 1 haVl'-g made ItecessilV ar,.i I nn nts at ti - b cure s lull sue . th. t will I y IT by attict , ,g made ItecessilV ari.nij II v ma l.ott. re Otfie.- hi p pi V "t 4 testis in the p lr.,;n pare illirng the year le.i-l, will ,V I Inters he m.,y I favoml w, i!ie ..tt. niion to tl.e l..i t tl ,t hi, shed l-r lie rly twu vears, s inpliii-s wlneh ho has always .1 e all (r.i. rs. He wolil.l take t! Ih tiH the public lor tne I, hi upon It nn i. rif.es of Mr. J Is.m College, wl. i,,e scholar and urge of Ihe A l on Ihe id Mo respectable fair Liiiniy ol the Ai Valuable 15 the' Novunl and tor Sale. C. un ot Frjuity. no lie November term, IS 7, I will rxo Kile, -il the ('...in House in tin- Ti ll , .Monday ul J .i.u try Court m i Valualile Plantation A VI Nf,; t iktn nti .aiiUgr of the prennuiB ot' ht tunfn, I itr:i rtcciviiM , l.v c.ti!i i-urfiii-r?-, h ti un tm iir-c nnd h U rifti ptock ol .Mt,H:ciin'!f, f 'hrm. K-.i.t., I iif-trurnt. nti-, i'ht-fU, Ap , to winch i nn-ft r.s(.tct!ulJy mviit yi ur nUcntirn. Ali (.rtitTs b m til or otht. wife, j-ut tip with ntattiess and (.cap.-trh. H. M. PRITCIIAKP, IVc. 1 Irwin1. Curr.cr. 'I .'unit i f) oi1 Train Oil, .Olt Tanher and Tlvntrrs use indress.-rg and JL pres. rvme Feather and Harm. s. For s. it by M. II. l-'l! ITCH AMD, Pec. 1 Irwin1. Corner. (iOO (sillluil-l g- sAMI'llFNE AND TU RNING FI.FID, ju.t X-..r ceiveil Iroin the iiisiiulacLurcre. Also, I.aioft. and W'u-I,. for aurning tlieui, li'O per cent, cheap, er and more br lliant than nnp t.tner light. II. M. PltlTCHAKP, l,r. 1 Irwin's ftirner. Limilicr Yard. nflK .ubrcrila-r. inliirm the c.tin ns of Cb.-r. lotle ami vicioitv, that they have establish ed a M .MHFIt YAliP in town, where thev in. t.nd seeping a supply nf all kmu- of l.l .MP. Kit for buiUiing anil oloi-r p-i-pnsrs. Mr. Jonas Ilu-di-i!l is tlicir agent in town. Api.ncalion Can he made lo bun oi tu eilh.r ol the undersign-d. MILLKU A POIMTIK. Off. 11. I si ..7. llo 1 prize ol M 0(1.000 1 ' I " 1 ' 1 - 4 Aoi.roxi 4 of rlhU l.t li.il to IU, Whole To rixciof ts'sl 00 O..HMI S " I.OOO o .0 I S'i " 1U.O00 I 1 Ij ' IOO S.OoO '11 Apt'xiiu's 00 in. lions It, the f 1 1,0,11)11 Jti'dJ each jO,l'l 0 i 4 of lull to 3U,U0U ; 4 o no; 4 ol 100 ta .'i,OllO. seist-'Ol ll.nwsefi; Qtmrnrr.. i cashed at .i;lt al 5 p. r i i-nt. num. olvel.l lianas la lieu at par. II be fern ariied as ..,eu as t iiiiimuni.-.iti.tos addressed to DON IK'HKI til F.Z. j. are of Oily Posl, Charleston. S. l .) uu til ihe 2lit!i of January, will be attended to. Pets, rn uriicrinv Ticket. ill please write thtil names plain sud g.vt- titett post oft.ee, couu'.y State. lid 000 . by t.s of pure I.INSKFD.OII., .-, d ore mil i.e .old low lot Ci ii. m. j-huvhaku, I: w tit's loi ntr. .yrup'I'.r, Hiu fyrun, Sju ile, Iih cite nd i'i Rmun "l irclorui a uu ( ougli incujcincit Jrur ' II. M. pniTCHARD, Dee. 1. Ii w .n's Comer. I'nrc 1'iturh J.Vfi ..., BTOII.ANP Cm, W hisker. Siierrv and s, Fonii.-n A'e old by key, Siierrv sn'ii Poru-r,' f 1C 1 ii. m. pi:itchai;i. ftnrh, .p.-r.Oiiig. r, 15 . 1 to Tarl..r, N i'lie r..v- g i:.r- -d Washing ace, Cinna. "sry k.i-o. 1 T i " If wit a'l-ns. T liuibi red. .f the best )!! .hty I5f T.,e a:; tit iatv Uancfihi. rt e ti rft'rt fih ant and h t ttivc, e H. M. PHIICHARP, Ira Hi's Coiucr it lo tin taste s so,,. i water. S-ld hy M. PlillCHAltH. . Me-iiuiii N'i on me for the , ..... 11,1 ii.sorted slice, oil V j liOlifcliT HliOWNINti. ItoltS TO fiOltl) I.UCK Mr John Marlitl, i rrt tlf demand con.iiiermg Ihe tune .nice nf I .,... Ion la belllc? liut III POaBa-asioU of the the article has hern discov. reft, l.s neeu ui, A bear was caught in a trap at North field, Vermont I ant week, and to save his life. pnaw.d off Ihe paw that held bim to the " Jennings property, V"J.MnV ; savage instrument. L'ipf no surgeon, how-1 period has been without a recoptiiaed heir. he ;,,., n,:i, .,t,cle b.a actr..!. evtr.be ne'-leeled to tie up the art- ries. The cash hfl inherits amounts lo the yigantto Th ()ul)1(0 niBM brwr,. They .re worthless, and Ins pur-uers readily followed tho trail i -mn of gs.nilO.OHO, til.ila his income will be u ,'ltITCH AltP. of blood for five miles, when they easily I gl.-JSO.IHiO per autm-ii. 'I Ins is f.,iiielbing I w1 t frrr,....t,.,..i .U by D.i.ggi.i. .nd Overc.m.. tha n.r.tii.n fiitfiiivc. exhausted awl lilts a fottuue. I be lucky Inheritor lias i si.irtre M-roh..ul. generally he sv, by the loss of the iul fluid ' peon wrotohusily pr .l bi pre. osiuig LI lion to hiu same. Toe next Drawing :2Sih ol" January. Furparttc nt to iihoih. r roluuin. DON UODltlULEZ. , IT Ti e Trrnsa st le. thai Signer floneoui. a. g.nt of one ot He Opera iroop. n.-w iu tn.t I lly drew the w hole ol the .In 0(iO Prize of the I. olierv of the l.aih ipst -nt. 'l'he nomls-r wa. II, 7'Jtl retract froni the llii.m Corre.pon. deuce of the New Yot'. Il.ralu of December Hit ih st.i7. CAaie.ian, Jnn. H, 18 8 Iw-r ' ;ra'i'r."ijoM,iog!"s"id ,,m,r heir, of .M A. Un I K. VrtemUr IS, Is..7. propnty cf t: rU.NLAP, c. : -l.t'., DR. POLLOCK VM, persons are forewarned Irom trailing lor a certain promissory Note, g veil by me to it. l harniian, agent f.r Kowm H. I lenient ami las ti Willie, In !t. oue I month, alter dale and dale.i S7ih diy of .M .rcb, s.'i7. Tne deside ratum for said Note having failed 1 do not intend lo !' it unites culliptlUs. by lave. J. A. OZ.MKNT; Pre 20, 1:.7. ''"' Sitftomfur, OR COM ENTRAIT D LLY. Warranted to make oa p wilhout liti.e, anu w id, lilt'-s iruu bie. 1 lie b.sl and ehi p. st uele in use. Prici Si and 50 cents a can. S i'd bv II. M. PKITCHAKP. IHc. I Irwin". Corner. UO.MM f':iis II'ST received and for sale at l,'.,5 per lit n- 9 . lW AY I'rcm o.v lis. 're I ihv riy Co., 1.2., e August. Ijti, uiy atgru ! II. M. rUITCHARl, lrwtn'a Corues. .t,w. 12, U08. OFFKIv.S Ins PI'ilFFS.slON Al. SKIiVK KS o Ihe eilttens of I barioltu and vicinily. W omr.' on Trade slrevl. two door. South ol i,-.rrr,,,r(. shfntT att'i Quit (turn Jffas ..... i FOR S.ALK lifia:. - rl 1 1 -U -i ' dred, by Dee. I A I.ARCK vSPPPLY OF Constable Warrants KOU SAl.K HKRK ii u iV;nA sijy..i. -s s nun i in " I I II S rs. He is blark and of n.ed uiB sue. '.'5 or je.'.ra v.irt. w ... laisvu or ."'Jr. Saipp, oi I. in. out e.tuii'y.anc sol.i lo me ev . i . ivy. iium.of Lincoln counts, F.-hr u. r y , t-56. I think saia boy i. lying about I l.ar.otlc of W. P. Uy. ncin'a, ot I..n'com c j. tj. '-r W ,: .au, MnppV of li t.i.in eootitr, is the b.-v l"t. re'...iins si ill of tnoae poinls. Iwl ip-.. I .1 III 1HI I ISO I.I. St f'-r hi. i.. nnension anu tei,ery in Cb.r'oltc tail, so licit I call net him, D. W. URR. Srpt. 13. l'-'t"- --t-l ' RtlM'S fnr the Pe'irrrv or I'rmv'ty, FUR SALE HFRE

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