e..-KiJTartl) Carolina Ming. to Con-res!-; a ltd ilie Government itaelf, at ; Z ii,.i in tie c-tinislion of the world becomes ' ' " " " """ ' ' " i, t, ccom lice iii the coin mission of ibis crime, tii ! it adopt, all the mentis necessary to prcient and to punish it. It would bo fur letter, ami more ia accordance lib the I tml insii'y character of our country men, for the (icvemi-ier.t itself to pet up such expeditions than to allow them to pro ceed under the command of irr-(-oii-bie adventurers. We could tlu n, at least, rx eicic some control over cur own Sj-eiits, sin pretervt thciu from burning down cities aud committing other acts of enormity of i;ich Wc; liai c read. '1 lie sowed principal which lies at ;Lc foviiidaliun of the law of nation ia con tained in ti.o Divine c nimaud that " All Vibat-OcVtT c would that men should do to you, d o yr even no to theni '' Tried by ibis uuerrin.' rule we should le- severely con demned tf we shall not u-e our best exertions to arrest such expeditions against our lechle i,t-r Kepub.ie of .Nicm-n-iia. Oue thing is terv certaiu, tl?:it pcop.o never cxi-tcd who w'ojld ell uy otberuatiou to a strict- er account tba-S we should ojracives. for tolerating lawless expeditious from tht-ir phorcs to itjaie war upou any portion of our territories. l.v oit rating sueh expeditions, we shall socn lose tbe high charaeur which we bac er v?n eci aiuwc mi; uti,s ui ii asnmgton, for the faithful performance of our interna- ti.ina oL i"aiion8 in i uulies. au.l ln-1'ire ditrjst ai;.iin-t us anions the membtra of tii- crcit f mily of civilixed natious. l.ut if motives of duly were not suffieieLt to rostri.ln us from e uaiin ' ia such la lr.s . , . , i. . i.U rprise-, our tviJeiit ititere-t our'ut to, Uietatetbis po'icy. These expedition ure i ti e most ff.etual moio of retarding A uu r- 1 i,.n in n s. I'llmo'li to tiromote tiiis ie?n pra.ns? , a.moij.u 10 prouiu.e mis contributors of tven uudertakings. It is b-yonU question the de.-iiuy of our race fj sj'iead I liemei . rs over the eonti r.ri.t of North America, anJ this at no tiis tart day, stwuid events Oe permitted to take their natural course. The tide of emigra tion wi I fljw to the S.mih, aul tioiuiiig tin eii-imalii aire.-t it process. If periiiit te i 10 co there, peacetuiiy, Cei V al Am li-r-t wii! soou contain an Aimnan popula tion, wl.K-h will confer blessing and Wiie- t- as w, il upn the citives as their re-p c - tue lioierniLent-?. Jiierty, uid-r the re trsitit cf law. will preserve domestic pece ; ahr-t ihe different trn-il routes scio-s the i"-::in: I-. in ibih we ;re odi-eply interest ed, u tit have assured protection. Nothintr fcaa r. tarHed UiU happy -oo'it-ticn of ff:rs o much as the uulanfu'.ex (e.iuoijs which have b u f.:tcd 0 it iu the uiied Stntis to male war upon tiic (.Vu tra: Ani'.-ricati .State. II d one-bait' of the n. her of Amerietn ciiu -n who have tnise- ; rnt.ly peiisbed in the tr-t u;.-a-trou ixpe-diMe-u of 'jelieral Walker settled in Nicara gua as pcacefji t migrai.ts, the ol jt-cl which wc all desire wonid ere t.iis have b. en. in a gie-at decree, aeeomp'.i-ht-d. These expeii tious have caused the people of the Ceutrai Auiericau utiles to regard us wi'h dread an.i susniion. It is oar true noiiev to re move t.,is at-l.riW-i'.n. and to convince i tiiciu li st we int -nd tJ J) th.iu good, an J I: it We desire, a the leading l'je-r on :ui er n'mciit, to open, an l, if n e 1 h-, to pro! -el nnj trensii. i.-itc ero-s tn- i-t h leijs. not only for our own hen1 :, but th it c l the w r J, aui ll.us r pey a free ee-i re.'H.s to ( eu'.rai Aiuerict. snd through it io our l'r tie poses-ioiis. J bis piiiey was c rr malice i uliuci favourable au-piee, w hen t'.-- oxpnii-i in. uod.r the ecmcncl cf Gen. Walker, c'r avd froiu cur territories and jro"eciei Vj i'-nt.-! Arenas. fhoul-I aujih er cx-rffdv.i-.u of a siu.slar cut: a.-ti r agaiu iiale t:.e ililnce ( oar officers and pro ceed to Nicaragua, this would b: fat .i, nt least fir a sea-oo, to tie peaceful settle tu tit of these counties and to the feilicy cf A rn:lfin p' "sres. The tr;''i i-, ut no Admitii-lratiuL ran fuccesifully conduct the foreigu affairs of tie country ia Ceutrai A taut ca, or a i y h'.-re e!-e, if it is to be inter fered Willi ul t ,'. ry : -p by ' iwle-s u.i.iiai y flpe UtijLS " S.t 00 foil ' iu the Uu "ted S; ate. JAM Hi LL"'.' 1 1 AN AN. U.v..ii,., '.n..r. 7, l-;:. Tl'E fillKM FKIOATE MlNNLs'-TA AITIIK CAFt or ; U t The Capo Town Mo'i.ior of S-;.t:n'jer 3 ni'es a K-ti ac count of th' ei-,t of tl.e 'ioverLor of the eio:iy. Jsir . r."? '.ry, to the Uuid Stains snip Minnesota, aiid ai-o 'ie'-ir p-t.-jn of t ie f'ri.'ate, wbtiu was very tuuen aiii ired bv the il-iio's. Some of our rea- may l ie tj refrfsij their reeoi.tction cf tb. steam frtjeate. She is "1 feet Ion? auu fifty-one feet wide, is pierced for sixty e'jti. and au iri.merise pivot gun, w-iuhing up sari- of a ton, with a lore of ten ineh-c-, and thr-.wir: a bs',1 wi!.in; l'-" j junus 'lie I'aj': Tun p:.ppr says the M'BWO'.l 1 ft Table Bjv on holiday inoru. i'g, having fired a parens salute, which wa retjrned by th Catle. It will le hs; ere the recollection of her vi-it to 1 a h'f Bay. atid of the pleasure w Licit was ex per ercd bv a,: bovi-!t- d l,..r, wil. be o:j i :e a'td Irom thtir mir.'is. A CIK.I.T f r.KMt.-X ANK A .'; (: C Tut llev Dr li . ot Philadelphia, i 1-1(1 fjr L-ief iei,u-iit:'oin 'ayings ii.ln I j.f.t a nil out of it. A be waa coming li .b t'in-ni.t sfe.-t the ct'.t. r day ag-mie L.an n it 1 lull., ' .:r, can you till me hew tf fivJ tl.e :T- .3i --' " Vss. fir,' - Ue r- p y, ifj 'ifif I, j't .. J,c. -1 - .-.'' it :." ."ayil.g ti..s ti.e ttttt.it w.iied e.n.i-LU - ie-l.o..er g.pli..' upfti tut si-.ti.k. lie .as a atranj-.r all t had ciw.c to to -an on bu-irss, and ask. d ir ,i.'e)!n . 1. 1 1 r n , but the more Le pondered, IW Ui ,t e ii" a as tou v ji ee i t iiat his ui.bv "i i.!', : uj i.i an-aer'l i.iiu is.-ir. .V. J'. U '.t,etr. A lii i ill n '' A wot: -ter rortar has I . , i; H....J ai. 'Avo.mtli. Ht,,"si.'l . ijr(f. lu lv, t'i 7H lb", of t)wd-r. tbuutb it full ( '.ar js i- il tf hundred poufds. J lie shell i. one sa l in disu:etr, and, uti' li trr i a il v in the etpevimei.t. it W.re up stoi.e., aid piini (Le e.riii a. b yb as a small Louse, at'd L ied the air wnb.u a radius of 10 hjcoieu yar.is Hiil, .r.rtu, stone", lu I roet ef irees 1 be m in-iir is com- .utd.d of wr .e r'.t at.d tw iron, iu arp. iic f.'rc", lifhily Lo....ii i.eioer. A' t.i ti.'b round tkej.u..e r.i.z .v m I aril !y, sol tuus in' i runte.i u. pi ae i.e. ; b ii it was soect-.fu.lv shown that 1 cjuii f;t.f a StiriJ we jhiu,; a tuu au I a t-.f Hen. Asa Kf?, V 3 3ntor from tL s : .'. i' .. .-. I P "k" 'n O' ss.iuie'oi in. -.i.iteT iri;t Court of N .rtB Csroliua, IU U jl Ja.j; PwiU.r deteeJ. SVS charlotte: T lies da v. Jiinuarv 19. 1S58. Walk.r JrrliM-1 Failure. We learn that a few nights .go an attempt i ' ms. to "crraw an impression in I etersourg, i ., iw h'j cm.uiv. Walker. A President and Secretary was appointed and the meeting proceeded to' ,.... 'n. v,. iinnn w wll filled with boys, and Mr. Giliism entertained the In the euaieou Wednesday Mr. Uoolittle crowd with an enthu.iia-iio speech and sat iulrodueed a joint resolution directing a med dowo amid, ereat applause. A number of . al to be presented to W Hiram 1'auUit.g, other persons were called upon but noue which was rc:id and passed to a secotd took the stand. A number of Walker men reading. ho were in the place, and not nppearin it leaked out that they had left. As soon si ,hUw35 tcertained the m- eting soou , . ,. , , , ,. d ,n.died down to nou.ui. . . njrf etinit lu iM flru'c ul"r"u- Much f mpatbj has been nianifefled ly . r j j ; and Com Paulding is censured in uumea sured terms This we (insider wrong inas much as many Lcli.Te ilat the Commodore , was carryinj out the wishes cf tbe President. ' Anolhir thing, we see it stated that among tbe p-.p rs fent to the IIjuo on th l.th iustai.t, by the Presi dent, was a letter from the Nicaragua!! Miti-ter thaiiLing the gov- . ernmei t for Com. P.uMiu'' conduct iu ' t . Walker and his f illowert w. What d j the j eoj le say to It : ! !r. IMrlmmn I lif.ii'.bfiil. rtiirin; the I're-i Jer.tLl coi.tc-st we over and oer again ur.-ed upon the Southern people not to tru-t Mr. Buehanau. But many were !c I eff uiidir the belief that he was ouiid ou the slavery q iestiuii, an they wou;,l EOt listpri to any tiling; we could say. Bit it is hiiit.'d that after giving Walker in-tracii Jus which were made public, ho wrote bun a privato letter iu ubich he gave secret instructions to favor the free soil men and then Georgia and the other Southern States b.ig'.t honl. This is jj-t what wc nojlli elPtct of Jj- I'-tl.auau, and hould It pro.e true lue outn c iu o.anie no one but her.-tlf. She would ti u-t a mau devoid of sound o'itical princ:pies. We hope the letter wlil be f-r:b coii,iL0-. Ktfaviii Ij B ttitc a Ccurnir' .V.fMa:. Tae Maryland lluu.-e of I'eiegatt refu ted to rcceiie Hot. I.igin'i Message en the fc:b ibs.ut. ILe Message was p-ibhsbed iuad.ai.ee ar.J tLc 'Jctcrr.'.r La.it; made vti,e (xti'es.-ijiis regardla tLe .:ucrican Pa-tv ai.d statiLg it as Li. "opinion that the , , , c:ry men.ber w.re e!-ct,d t y fraud a,.d violence, caused this acii m by the House, and the luotiou not to receive the Message was carried by a vote of 41 against 27. fet Ine steamer f-mpire Lity srrivea at , New Orleans cu the 12th it.-t. 3ae bnn.-s the news from Central America of the sur- - .. 'er of Col. Frai k Atd.rsou of For. ,- ..astei.o.ndtbe nver su.au.rs inhis po, session t. ttie I mtea 'I Lanua. Col. At f .i e surretid .rit; ' to Lave destroyed all the Lull 1- in 1 c'Jttlc at 'ati II in r , of tl.e lake M , n 1 broke uj -.uiers. e have received two nuinlers of a ueat psp. r pricted io P.utbeifjidton, unuer the title of 14 Tke Knquirer," G. W. Lo'an, IMi'cr r,,i'! L P. Krw'n pi1 !:-h-r and pro prietor, at -S-', in a-irat.ee. Neutrul ia pO.i-ICS. We Lave also receive i the Cr.it bumber :f " The Charleston Hera! 1 " s new r.s- per pu! li-l.td in Charleston, S. C , Ly W. W. V-.u Scs, i co , prooriet ,'rs. M Brad- , , ,, ,. , , . , ,, fo.d b.ie, Kd.tor. Its ,s . neat and we.l pi::..-d pap", at.J i--ud w. . t..j al l cts per n.oiilli, witb tr.e to., j u j as it inot' j " Indep. u iei.t in e'.ery thinj Neil trai iu Lutiiib.' 8rar The New Vork Ilnul I. states an eriene cf tie harines of the times in that city, in at tnere sre no ships building for the rricf'; OU tlie rvire and not a single new vesfl : k-, ' J t a frir':it'- f .r the Bu !sn and a s'..op of-war of the L". S. .-rviec. :.gii -.1. ju in tut bu iii.-s. ai,i eausc yieat i.i-ir.ss an, oil- ii.jic ti.gngi.d in that Lrai.tL of 1-usiiitsS. (ftr The ! aruer I-.-ibc! l.kli arrived at Cii . i le- ton f: jiu liaiina, on the l.'iiu i;t, Liingi i -pons of (in ielfui riois and rebel lions in d If rent portions of Mexico. 'I he sugar mark' ' aas firm but m .la sc. Lai d clli. 1 f " TL- re La. Leeu (-il.t su-p. :i.l vn, in toe cotton triie iu Motile within the pa t f. w days an 1 t u iu Nen triean-, in a J-Ji tion to three others last week. TLeM. i.i peri-ious are t aued maii..y by the Leavy luii in eotto-i tuc pa.t n.ot.th. S f.' v Wis hs. r'tlB a let'ee ll.c D u-ot-rat- of Tab.ii, i.iy Hid. A fiie Lo Las leai lue letter gives il a Lu op.b. lual bis exce. euey is certaib.y craiy. to KTTo" trn,er America arrived at Ha i.fx oi tn- ltiib iri-t. ftoe bnr -s J. t. rr-iol au l'. he 'd insl H i coeiuT, i.r i d.yi VK'uj'j i.c. at as air.L.e of i i Met according to adjournment on the 11th. Iu the Senate on Monday on motion of 'Mr. Wilson a resolution was adopted re questing the Secretary of the Treasury to repovt the amount of revenue collected in all the districts from the year l!52 to 1957, 'the amount expeudod and the Dumber of 'persons employed iu the collection of the revenue for each year. The order of the day was taken np, being the uiotioti to refer so much of the PresideuU iiicss:i,e relative ts Kansas. Mr. Brown leing entitled to tho floor declined to ad ilrea the Seuate, and ou motion of Mr. Hale its further consideration was po-stpouedto the li-tb. A joint resolution to extend the power of Indent was adopted niili this amend- , went, that whenever the pubho interest may r, .-iiMrn it tli.i President mav trausfer kU i - 'officer from the We Ut to the furlough ot the navy. In the Senate on Tuesday no busiuesa of iiiiportanc was attended to. Mr. Brown submitted a resolution of au opposite character. , Iu the Senate ou Thursday, after tbe usual i ... . . ". , 1A moruin" business the resolution of Mr. Doo- litlle ProvidilJ5 for lhe presentation of a medal to Com. Taulding came up, but its. : . , , , CoU!iiieration was postponed to the -Utu iu- statt. At au early hour the Senate proceeded to executive business, having fi;st ed to a.ljouru to Monday. In the House ou M.uday, resolution to priut OiMO extra copies of the coast survey was rejected. Il was resolved,on tnotiou of Mr. J Clancy Jones to limit the debate on the neutrality law to Thursday at 1 o'clock. The House then went iuto committee of the whole and took up the consideration of lie President' Message, the qucstiou being oa the proposition to refer the neutrality law to a select committee. Ou Tuesday the Speaker laid before the House a message from the President com- muiiicatingtLenewcoustilutiuUof Minnesota! aud ti e votes thereon. j The President answered a call of the House for i:ifinuaiiou whether the govern ment of Nicaragua had complained of tbe sc.'xure of iren. Walker ou her soil, by stating tbat no such complaint had been made. The re-t of the sitting was taken up with the consideration of the President' message. Tho House on Wednesday went into com- miiif-e oi me n uoie ou me i rcsiueni t uics- , sage at sa eaily hour and the ahole suungi ..... I was !)iisuiiieu iu us uiscussion- a lie wuu.e i.ii.eoi inn Mouse ou i was consumea in commniec oi me wnole in discussing tbe reference of the neutrality aw. 1 1 e debate was Ti e debate was suspended and the conituiiuercse witoout coining w any rco - iulioii on the aubject. 1 'he House on Friday Mr. Stanton of- ft-red a resolution .uthoriiing the appoint-1 , , , . c c . of a se.ect coai,itteecf five to invest,- gate the charge maJe thai $-;7,0('0 were paid by the .'.idulesex Juuufacturiog Company j to procure the passage by t'ongrefs of the tariff act of . 557 ; ... . i o, authorizing the ap-; poti.tiiK-ut of ai.-irL r c .mmitt..-e of fi ' e3ft i'ua J,,t committee should find that any ; member of the House is implicated by said charge, which latter committee shall have ' power to send for persons and papers, and , to suiiiinou be fare it any member so imp! i-1 ,..t, ,! t,. fr,r T1" " .I,, ... l,'l i, 1 t,ktn. f fP '1 i.U led It "...-ideralle discussion and , our r. port cuds without stating what action; the Hou.e took oo the sulject. ; .. a , , SiuarJ jiim ii j Ilie lii'ini.i S grues, j The Vi'arrenton (Va ) U '''' siys : " The Hon. V. II. Seaard, of New i'oik, at the invitation of th; lion. John S Pendle ton, paid that gentU rnau visit a few days s-ce, tbe object of which was to witness a regularoid fa-biot.ed irginia "nigger" corn nui"g, .'lr. J'in.iietou being desirous A.l Seward, from wh.l he would see there, ti i ii.. ou.d be convinced that ...very in ( ulpep-. p-r was not as ba I a. it had b-c n repre-.eut- ed Ly the ai.ti .luvery mcu of the Noith The ' frolic na.s-ed tiff rn. i,;,,.,,,.!, ,i,.j and no ore a r..,..., .I.:;l...i .e Hij ri.oie r-lentor. New Vork Tlir Lrtnuiptuii f'liii.liluliun. '1 he Ohio Legislature bas pa.pcd reso lution, instruct, ng their Senators and re 'jjesling ti.eir represebtaiive to lotc -jjaibst tbe Lrcco-pton Constitution, or any other constitution not a clear expression o' the will of the people. The Legislature of New Jersey has al so iii-trui.ted their j-eualors and Inj in tid their Jlej rtstbtativea to vote agaiu-t the admission of Kaunas under the Lecomp ton con-titution. Kanst. A late me sage of Uov. Denver to the Li-ci-iature of Kansas asciibes the animosi ty and Litter feeling existing iu the Terri tory more to pT-onal h utility than political toiisideruti uu. II. port, state that ttie free i s.il ii.i.o Lave ehctid a majority of the I.e -i .' . alur 1 be report of the vote on the e '' em. to be f ivorahle arid siuvery c w hope tii fiiebds cf the .South may sue- eeed ,i. carrying the day on that que.iiou. if Tbe Tuiperor of Brajii has declared ,.tPre-i ............ ij It is. .aid tb - - - .... u iLta t.d me-Ley, froui iU Uniud iti.a I j iHefhnnital Bakrry. Tho tditor of the Columbia, Carolinian h lately wished Philadelphia and while there I14 had an opportunity of exumitiiug one of ihe "great improvements., of tlia day, wlijoh ia a Bakery ou an imptoved plan, and opitated by nincbiuery. Our readers may' form tome idea of its sixo when it kneads ten "barrels of Sour at ono time for bread. 'As the account is interesting e will give it to our readers next week. Vilminfion, rhiirlultf.i Huihr rfonl Soil Bond. We Item that the people of Rutherford will voteeiin ou the question of subscribing $00,000 o tbe above road, some time iu Fehruar. j, f Slate Bum!. We lrn that a aula of X. C. Bonds toolt V' i' ' ' i - i' . l. r , eno " E7 The New York Tribune says tbat a r,.,i f i;.t. ko. m,,t. i,r, ;,. tW r-..j w. , - - r - city to fi for the entire ix million, of. TreasuryXotcs at an average of 3 pc 3 per cent, ''TV by the fclutVBl the depression of tbe market for cotton, in eonvqueneo of the late com mercial crisis, is more than $70,00(1,000, (5sT A Democratic mieting in Union couu ty bai nominated Judge llliia as a candidate for Governor. A similai mseting iu Jack- sou his nominated W. W. Avery, L'sq , of ii. , , ... . have given this week I resident liuchaian's message relative tl the arrest of Walket. It will te found ou the first page, Q-J F'x President Jones, of Texas com- milted -uieide in Houston cn the &th iustaut, bv blowing out his braius. From our Isrrr'poiitknt. Chahlcsiton, Jan 13, We are having a pretty gsy season, con ;.,..! -r.t eo..ri.i,,; ' !.out h.rd'Rtn"' statement of the coudition of the ,,.? the great toii.pla.ut about hard, h i. Moucy or credit one, seems to be Literary t und and the Public Fjud : sider! times. quite pi nty iroin the aiuounl of rich and ' costly dry itoods that chause hands fora roiisideritiou. Wive and daughters wili have the r iiuery, a hether tbe busbsuds and ' fathers lave any money or not. If a supply of 'he " jeedlul " is Dot at band, credit uiu.l ,,p"- " F ' ,,. " proper -ues would be so rude a to refuse to allow i handsome lady to rii herself out ou " tici," e-peciaily it he bad any hope that the .lege lord the lesser halt would ever be ible aud willing to ' fork over." There is great deal of hypocrisy, outside show aid hoMow-beartedness neeeaaary to ply a tuceessful gnie iu fashiouablu ci'y life. Iaere is a constant struggle to t.me our rea. conaiiion, anu iu .i iie.i wn.n n-; ,. . r' n aiiy ire noi. n m.e .a i..e K.erU ro.. where the actors in the great drama of bere tbe actors iu ine gren urauia oi r..l inti-.l.tn friunlitr Ixv aside the sl.' ,irf) dof , f.,j ,j j-judy rubes of the public stae, wa.-u ou me pauu, auu appear ! m their true cliaraeters But the world I n. i0" ,'"u ' .. .a .s wr iue latuiiy, ine nome ions, wnoreei no see 1 the o!ow eiptiueHI ,.t ..Je the inner circles of tbe gy, the giddy, the fashionabk , world. Tbe cemfort, cf home are sacrificed, the I necessaries rf life are di-petisrd with, aud i i;, ,lt woold eiTry J, nd comfort to t)f. tjri.,ide, and mnke glad tbe family circle. is ignored, set a-ide, in order to cheat tbe world, snd deceive ounwl.es with the fl-e mifi -"S-ion tbat e are Issiiionatil : ati'l tliere- , 1 . ... . ... . fi - than Mrs B and 'therefore Mrs H is per- ' tnsii I'lr. o, in. in ere tore .urs. ii. is per- fre,j n.iseral le, lest she should lose cast, and fail to receive an invitation to the next f'b! W ,h rhh' Mrl' I in .r trise nd here is the rock iicod L',, J JSVplit IleJ. 7. th. L.Liof .plit. Here is the happiness of 10 immortal beini;. soul and bodv, wrecked nn .1,. iP; ;,, eni.iiler.iinn nf few .nU 'of velvet, pstetit leather, upholstery and tassels, which, by some merciless stroke of fickle fortune, she his ascertained cost Eve percent, leu jlian those of her more wealthy ' aud fortunate i..ighbor. 1 u , f , n f 1 -. Such is life, fashionable, fnvalous city life, with it. ups ad downs, its sunshine and shade, iu storms and calms, it. hopes and hearthurbiugs. And who would i-b to be fa-hionable on such condition,? The dull, drearv. monotonous rounds of fa-bionable arc bad et.ou-h in all conscience, but then the coip. that fl it, iiuendurablc stuff miscalled "conversation'' Cans the climax of fishionable fo'lv, and con.pleies the wreek of every thing thai a rstional muni an'l culli- ' ,U,1H. "J- ,'ike, ,,,e .fil,deJ apples of the plain, they are oeautilul to ,(iJf ' r( f,lM of ro!1(,n. and abs. And who shall consider lull fearful wa'to of life, thi golden nmmer.ts, the jewels of exi-l.ne,, more pr.c.Ie cc!es than the gem. of (io'cotida thai are frittered away, sold for a men of pott... .It wou.4 .e.ui lo be j almo-t a pity that such beings were iinmor- ! tal, that Hiey bad ny existence beyond the decay of their short-lived pleasures. When they have drink the dr .' of the cup of plea-ure, and the nauseous draught has, palled upon the taste, and the painted; s. pulcher. rhey hare worshipped l e. to rev.sl theboi.es and corruption that are , , , . , ... ,, f'sterui'' beb.alh, then whither will Ihey r . r .e - turn for something to satisfy the cravings of an immoral mind ? j of an immortal mmd ? I ii tt -i J be crate vsrd of memory will t'lve up its dead, and ,he , hosts of murdered hour. will haunt thmr Uer,n foo.-tep, to the i f ii . . . i narrow home of all tbat is mortal in man. ... . . We have bn sent on a clorious mission, f ' worthy of the d.-simy and dignity of our race, anu yei we nave rrmercu away our time in cha-ini'the butterfly of plea-ure that riciished in the craso. iu r.lc-kilitr UI. Iichhl upon the shores of lirne, while the great ta-k and ob ject of l.l'e lay unlouched. Life has been a bluiider, nnd we have found il oul too late to sorr.-ct it Wc have mistaken our caliin', as well as the world wo live in, and onfu.lv shut oui eves to the diLi.it v of humanity, and the great objects and ends of our rreniion. j l lie mam Hea that 1 nave been seeinni; ,u.lrlte,i y , di.,ifip(i,.Led writer in the I Dec mber number of 11 v. per s ,MaC.z ne He mskes a d.sh ai th. orld and n follies, ',!,llb'-HP-,,-"il;k,'k n''of " lie say, thalof al Jt,e exp-dieiits to male tht. h.-a.ra lean, the bran, csuy, and to thin iif. dta tbtotU cottaLtowy of oau.iit handkerchief, the moat successful is the lit tlo talk and tattle which in some cbanoed circles ia courteously onllud couversatious. How human beings can live on auoh meagre tare how continue existence in auoh a fa mine of topics, and on such a abort allow ance of sense, is a great question of philoso phy which ia yet to be solved. All that we know is tint such men and women are, who mill goon dwindling in their way from fifteen to fourscore, and when they die it is never hinted en their tombstones that they died at l ist of comuinp.ion of the head, and marasmus of the heart. W nil the w hole bouudlesa universe of God, spread ing out its splendors and terrors before them, and pleading for their attention and consideration, they indifferently turn aside and wouder " where Mrs. li. got that divine ril'hoii which ahe wore oa here bonnet last Sunday !" The v. hole world of literature, through iu thousand trumps of fame, is adjuring them to regard its L'jrnered stores of emo- j lion and thought, and in the midst of all the tender wooings of tbe physical universe and tbe world ot letters, tliey " tuiuK tbat it is high lime, if John intends to marry Sa- rh, that ho bad. popped the question. wi,, . i. i,...on ;,k . .I VVnd n 7a IcJ 'and nrenare. its .mall j jj, bts of scandal, auJ bice bits of detraction, it becomes endowed with a slightly veno- of.f BOul- ' "f?.0" ryl !"Mh,"l'r' Seriou-ly, however, this levity of being, whether innocent or malevolent, which thus splits the mind up into chips and splinters of 1 thought, and leaves it vacant of substance and ' 1 sup, in it not ouu out of many nobler causes nf il,. , r.," nf ..;,.,! in Am.rls.nl j women T The men, of course, are great . prive women of their rights, hetheepreof their iuflueuoe, i rascaN, and d ami eireum-eriliM tlm ntre and bvpocitiically sontietixe lA-deiuonas or Kitchen, anl Imogens of the nursery, tnd I() beWM 0U,.r Gciaal as they are wicked all that is freely granted, but still, it is not possible tbat women, the autocratic ru- I lrrs, at least, of social ia! lile, can make it a little ; better subserve its great purpose of educa ting and enrirhiiiit the mind, without any I : loss to its more festive grace and airier; charm ? ASI1LKY. ,. i , - ,.. Comptroller S RtPoRr. -The puWa - lion of the report of C. H. Brogden is coui- meuced iu the last Standard. Weeopy tbe LITERARY r'L'ND. u. l..,.iuaJ..No. B.U I"'- l"-"0. Reo ,.i-.iu,.nf fiw.l v... . .i-j -. us . .,- .j,, , i,,l(UrM.1,Ki; ,) ,.; (wriu, 3.mM dj ; ' , " B.'.ncr nut this land, f..t ' ( Hi.l""13 ti , " r" ''' " 'J.'1'.'"?, , j.t,o I'rJ ti if, o mi roc Disbur.eiiirui. ilr aauw 'rm'd, a,"in.v!07 3j ,ur b. , r-u t Jisiti :.t u ,n .. ,,i pub ,c Tre.'.'cr. ' 3I0.MI :.7 The remainder of ih i report is a parties- ... , . , . Jar statement of the items making up the , uul When oon.i.ltd aboie geuerai aeeouuu v nen completed ondeused in tb Standard we mav make ae .,.lum.t F,y (M.-,rer II"ivv Stands uta Tn.sbi 1 1.. V.. ... V.W, T - - ingle winibof December we bar. sent to Ki.vlai.d aio,le of specie in payment of our dell-, from the port of .New Vork BoslOII, V .'.00,0' 0 J..VM .MOO TVtal, $O,H0U,IMIO " ( f the new crop of cotton, the Southern S'' hvt already aent forward to the ""-" ''; " ..union u, u...i.r, . wbich fitteen mill.on. has won. to Km-land .' snd the rest to France and (ierm.ny, making .i ..i ... r , .. - -... -.. e thus a total of thirty one millions of dollar. forwarded by u-, iu two mouths' lime, to T VTJT.r' ', '"" f" 'he di-posiuon of this country to preserve i ? untarnished. Of I .bilil, It gooil name uutarui.heil. I r its ability 1011111 notiou may be formed from the fact that the heavy pavments of December hare "It our banks in ew Xork city two millions n,e "uuurcu tbou-aua aoilar atronger tban tatJ --r8 oea Ilie moblU Degan. ' VAf,M IJuownLoW Parson Brownlow 1 , '''bow. I arson Urowulow, in a lute letter thus accepts tbe invitations re- Cet!y extended to bin. by Horace Creely : i Horsce Cre.l, has .nuouiiced tbit when I reach New Yoik, as I expect to do iu the Sprm.Mhe arr.iiemetits are to have mv areumeins refuted ' bv i'itl houvlau. oi.a of li.e colored orator. ! I have arranged to me. I hi. case. I shall take with me a aervant .ctiins here in the ranicil. nf b.r. her, and known as All Ahibrnm. H-! ia larje, Gi,e look in i; becro. bi-lwern ihe years of 2 and 30 reads and writes well i renewed in Oie hundred auu ihirly two 1 ,U(.ar etnpof Loui-noa forl"57 will he has some experh-rce as a public speaker, day in winter, requires only one hundred1 from '.' J.i.uO.i to '..VI,li(. bhds , against si out hue l. ntoi i hi !uni; is a strong and forci- ; nd sixteen in summer a fact depending ?.'tmi) iu KiQ. J'i ire. are, of emu -e, loe speaker rather eloquent than other- ou tLe " vis vilalis," which seems lo be pro-1 much lower lhau l.ul y ear, but, tie vet the i and is a native of hast Tennessee. portioned to it. Tbe increase of tiailsnf the ' le., planters will resliiu about to million. He will meet colored orators advocate and right band is more rapid tban for tbe left:' of dollar, mora fi out tin. crop of ihi n-.-on illustrate Southern slavery, and oppose aLo- liiioni-iii. ln the meantime, if ou can in- ' duce him to oo witb you upon an under- ground railroad to Canada, or to remain in your glorious land of freedom, I will let hiiu do either, and give j. opposition to stealing him. 1 j Ay At(MIMKrRATI0, M-m,0 TuR,-D A t.(iA(i M,BTINU. l p j,, lt.troilf , . . . f .in. , ,ir (Mich.) a few days ao, the Po.t Ullioe v , . ' , . ,,',.. . a. nd the I u-tom oBice folk set about to ret ! - . .. . i up a meeiing to endorse li President J ' """' " , course on Kansas matter. Ibey thought . , . . . ... . i ' b' - ' - t "" 'K' .'"' T0'"" ,B lions, hen It wa. found tbe hall waa filled i . ,-,,, ., , . . I witb " i it lie l' ants. ibis nroduecd au in. I fim mi ii.iim M.aiicra. . u.-j lu.u.nv . " " c . ',. '. . , tli.e eicttelileht. njti I 1. Uetroit Ail.cp . ' " f all tbe noises made by the human voice, ibis inciting afforded the greatest va- t .e.,. n av..t.K.vai K...e.. ui nmiiw 11 1 ui cat., do.-, tigers, roo-ters, elephants, hoc, bu.ls, horse-, crows, hawks, mocking birds, r'.iil.iii.,o.l',ge,.-e, liens. L-osl,i1(;.,jatksses, barley, forty-four pounds of timothy eed, parrots, and all other things that utter and lorty two pound of o its." sirange uoises, were represented oo tbe oo- j A law was also passed for punishing par-taaljU- t ties who mark on packages of sujjsr, starch. T UK ( li.D N..HTII Statb The subject of sore point with North C.'rolinian.rand we! remember once, ayounif gentleman intend, in to be somewhat impertinent, asked a d. - hiriL'yotini lady of the old North rftate if .he had any lar st home. Hhe replied. "yes cnou.-t. ,o lar ati.l Icib-ryou. Uood wtrfwu Mw.j'iiaUc' WvUXm. 1 '"' ' ADDITIONAL MOM CTAU. I LATKR FROM KUUQPK. St. LotUd, January 12. ARRIVAL OF THE NOKTIl A.MKIfK'AN Utah dates of December 1st have been PottTI.AND, (Maine.) January 14 received here. Tbey state that the troops j fif, U0y Mail Steamship North A,,,,.,. are all in sriuter quarters at Fort Bridger, e,n) capl. Vm Grange, has arrived "at th'" except looite oomuiunu, wuicu miles distant, where a scant supply of ere remained. The troops were comfortably atstioued. The weather was very mild, and pood , health prevailed. The provisions on baud were sufficient to last till the 1st of June. Two thirds of the auiiuals, however, were , Uesd It was reported that the Mormena were preparing to l:v' for the British possessions, and that pioneer Oarties bad already left. Young bad sent a quantity of salt to Colonel Johnston, and tbe latter replied that be would bang any messenger from the same quarter on a similar erraud. Young had also sent an invitation to the Uuited States officers to partake of wiuter hospitalities at Salt Luke City. It is stated that Col. J hnslon feels as ; aurcd that the Mormons will leave iu the , spring I Col. Camming had issued a proclamation declaring the I erntorv in a state of rebel- ! t: . .i u. ..:.t r ,i.. xinnn i..i.r will 'be ,h. first course he will nur.u. t thi. j failing, he will resort to military foree. He commands all armed bodies to immediately diabaud and return to their homes. fif The following resolutions were in troduced in the Ksutuoky Legislature, in ie ltio t0 (n, propos4)(l n.ti0Ual baukrupt m , ' " The General Assembly haa seen with , concern that an attempt is about to be msde i "itT ,,,e recommeudation of tbe President ' of ',,a Suited States and of the Secretary . " " "'5 ,u" " ' institutional and railroad corporation of ihe country under tbe operatiou of a national bankrupt law, and regard, such a proposed legislation a a dangerous a-anmptiou of !"- "j .w..e... r.r,.j within tbe control or tbe several Mates : 1m it therefore "KnoteUbu te Gre Au-mUy of Ihe Commontrrath of Aentyclcy, 1 hat the ! people oi n.einucy preier aeepiiig m eoy- itrol of their bank, and railroad to them- i,M, .yd earnestly prote-l agaio-t the ! trausfer of that control of tbe Federal .(iovernnitnt. ! ; power to enforce the forfeitures l ny t.m 1 incurred by their evcral banking in.titu - i tions. by a suspension of hpecie payments , ,d this power should be o exercised as to r , , . , , . ' - , oue'ht not to be iuvade.1 bv ( otiirre.s. f " IrsUvnl, That the pas.age by Congress 0f a national bankrupt act, applicable to ihe , miixs ana rai-roau oi me si ate. wouia c,e Conres with the domestic iustituliou. of the States." I SAD MISTAKE. Mot T Hor. Ala, Deo. 16, 1?37. ltlttor Aittrvtllt ?ttui; A auan by th nam of Benjamin Kollins waa killed in Mariou eouuly, Alabama, on ,, u,., ( ... u. A..r ...l the ?tu ot Uctaber last. Me was dear aa1 dumbrand was on his way from Son'. Caro ' ... ' ., , . . H" ",!Xr ""'f' T,V'' ,U h,, 'efl ine Puu.. . ...u.s ...ue. b- d,-o,cr.d by a yo...; .u.o wbo ei. hunt- .v. - .. " " ' tiy.THKuR.p?;!,!,r,,,PUt,',!k 'he young man say. he .hot say- : " in the h"" ,i"0,Ah ." (""' ' 'Wl,e,e ' I,61".,7 ";" "" f'H? " ' uu ' .0,, wou,a "w'n tion ceiiifying tbat be ! worthy of chanty, suppose! to have beeu written out at D.vid- , ,' ". ww ui auu or p. of iudlnitf prseii-e 1 in regard 10 the pub copyof. Dieiionary.suppo-sd to have been ,od,. H. ha. cfl,rd a reoluti..,. dir. el- wrmeu ut pi uimsrn. j oerw waa ise loi"4 00 hn PT0 Mta '', - . b,n,' fen"" '"of tb. Cor. D'1r "1 y", uh.-el lo th detii.od of In. r I utile! A fif ihitt Limn it m iro to the i . r. ''" j . f '"ll"'' "J Should'.ny oTbi " "J"1 " be ... k.Ile.', to be added , . , . , . relal.ve. or friend: i-b ; i u u pk 1' M address Wilson county, AlaLstus. M J. V. I I be writer ot ine above letter is Known several oi our cmien. a a man oi eirict, ""r'"J, n ieiiieru m.y ue iiu- pliciliy relied on. I lur State eotemporaries V3 """V kin'!"0",,on he ot ,h,l deceRjl(,d t y eopyi ng ihe aboe l.-tter 1 ' " .a ,a. vL AthnilU -V.ci. , I OT Some interesting facts are alal. J in the foreigu journals of medicine iu regard . to the iucrea- of naiis nd bair in I iuiq , From the statements made, it appears thai . the growth of the nails is more rapid iu children than iu adults, and slowest in ihe i gd- It goea oo mor promptly io summer 'ban in winter, ao that Ihe same nail which ' .it differs, also, for ihe different fingers, and . u order correspondirif witb ihe leneth of 'the Biiger being tuot rapid for the middle' finder, nearly eq'ial for the two either aid of 'his, slower lor the little finger, slowest for the thumb. Tbe growth of Ibe hair is well known to be much accelerated bv frequent cutting. It forms mor rapidly in ihwintb. night, and in hot .eason. "W. ... Wri. hit or final Tha Lei. Ulatura of .. " ' ' ni". iegisiaiure oi New York have passed a law establishing " P- th. weie-ht of pra u nr Liishe aa f. V. k giaiu per misuei, a i - W henever wheat, rye, India, b"Ca wheat, barley, o.ts, beans, pe... aced. t uiothv seed fl.x seed ore , ,,' , . . ' eca. n eea, or p .I...II t. . . i.. .1.- I i .i I in. weigiil ol gram per busbel, a follow.: i.U corn. clover potaloe hall be sold by tbe bushel, and do special; agreement shall be made by the parties a. to the special mode of measuring, the busb el shall eonsUl of siitv-two rounds of bean.. .iitj pound of wheat, peas, clover seed or Dolaloes. D t eiirbt Hounds of In. han corn ftj-i pounds of rye, fifty 5ve pound of flaxseed, forty-eight poiimU of huoawhcat or or any kinds of goods, with false weight or measures, or tare ptiar,iASB or M..UT Vr.llvo-s.It i. atat.d that upward of seventy -fire lhousud dollars has lredy been rai-ed, and put out ,t interest, of the sum required for Ihe pur ! ce n( Mount Vernon. Two hundred I thousand dollars . the ..m. .1. ,t. ,1 r. : the UuJ sad Uildio '. port, witu Liverpool aates to the Uilil, UM Lord llarrowby is to bo succeeded imi British Mini-try by Lord Clarnioarde. The relief of Lucknow ia fully coufjrmca Tbe slaughter of the rebels was ureat. The Miuuesotit, with the Couiuii,ioncrs to China, had reached IIon, Kong. SpUl.,y operations were to be commenced n.'nin3t Canton. a ll ia said that all the exiled generals hmo received unconditional permission t0 return to France. The British ateamship Sarah Sands ,, been half burned at sea. She succi-edi-,1 however, in reaching Mauritius uitb thd troop on board. All qualities of cotton had advanced d per pouud, the lower qualities iuipru,j '. most. The market was nrin. Tbe sa,., fr Monday and Tuesday were 17,0(10 knls cf wh'ch speculators took 4,000, md exporter 1 ,000. Manchester advices were more favor able. A better feeling waa existing. Flour was very du I, at a drcliue of frc j ..i. i..t . .... ' i ...,.. "'J ' . .r" -Vt." Rosin a dull at 3s. lid. per hundred WriiihL London MARKET Money wa easier Tljere wa a prospect of a further r. dui-tii0 of the rate of disoount by the Bitik of Ku.'. land. Consols ere quoted at OJJ to 01. SL'PUEMK COCKT The followiug yeialeuien ar fxumined on Monday Inst, al the Court now in CM,,un M U,eiKh, and admitted to practice ,, ,t torur5 .J counsellor, at law iu the vtul , oouul, eouruofihis Slate: J J JMartin, .'Isriiu eounty ; J f (ur. , ,nlow j J W. Kllis, Hl.d.n ; J Col,.,s W.-Lington county j At P.o... L'IUh.ieii ' George C. Woodsy, Lenoir; Aluer S W ib! !(,,,, Martin j David V. Caldwell, Greens. noroujb j J It. tfiiila. A -In l.oronjli j .Nr, ,. h, Jj ohb, t.oldsboro.jgh ; Gilbert M ' l'.ilersco, Kicbui .nd county ; A U Vc. K,ehl1 lUbesou ; Thou,. I). W,!.,,,,,. ( v.r,eOU . L W. Humphrey, t,,.i0 p' j J.00lei ,rren j John li. Yst.c-y M4 j , t00 C0Ulll. . K. J. tiaine., Mot,i,u,rv Stiaton Us las, ICslcih ; J It fc.ul.Me. Hi-.! . j j Sinclair, Pitt-bur'., j., . ' George WbitieM, Trboro : Ihau.as H li,on, Jr , w t'mioton. The Wlowiug g. ntlemrn wrre cxsininrJ 1 0B Tbar,j u,i.d lo , r.r , ,, , MT9T, S.i perior Court, of tin. St sic a. i uJ Counsellors at law: u. u. iroai!Oe4, la.l-bury ; tu. Henry n i k-i:..i..k n- i- . i ' .;iibeh Cny ( J. A A bell j jl.i.-toi. - k' j Unl, lra.g ; John 8. Moore. Wat nr- Luther Blue, liichmond count, : J.me. P. "7 HoMe.b.. KoeLiUeh.ui s.,u,.i.- U ... I tieol Grern-boro': Jacob C. Ilnehce.! Uavidaoti ; J. N Mailings, iHipiin ; J..i.n A Stanley. Kaufort county ; John li dillnii,, He r lie j J. K. Short, shiu,IO'i co.iiii ; Sydney A. tuiiih. Johnloo ; P.C. Uet--it-, Craven; David M. Ku:che, M-.t-k - n j William J Kerr, Cbarlutte ; Samuel 1'. Smith, Mecklenburg. T1IK PUBLIC LANDS. W. ar. pU4 to ob-erv. tb.t r.oluti-n.. of ,,.;,. k,rB i,roiUCfu iu tl N jout( UK1,.luf uvu lk, ,ul,jl tl of , , appropriaiion by t unrrs. M e ...t ii,. 6g.UIU3Ul pfl ,i, ,t ,M ,', (Jll. at.cie. in the way of a full and iUn,o...d. luvti(atiou of the wbola ii leslion I li- Lynehbary Viryiniaa remark., tb.t Mr liiimer, our representative from thi. Sijie, " has mad a mot in the rierbl direction, toward, an exposure of the iii'soiou yti 1 ing the iieeretary of the Interior to coiiulu- uic.t- l0 Coi.;reaa lb. foiio-ing iu' of I . ,., .. , u iiuuit oi puuim i.ini ! unmu.il. .-1,1 .1.1.-t of I., th. Cnterf j ,,Mlly ,, b been gr.nts.l . ' - .... b pi(iU o4 fof prpo.e la T'Lktei uil eori.ur ( inn. lIIi !h tljti tl I I lie aiuutil.t p. id lo ll. tflatr. s per e.nt- ' f, ,.,, ,-,n,-, aud lb quantity ytl remaiuiiig au- similar resolution was of7r(d in tl.s M. ( onresa by Mr. l.arlile, but the ,Vcre- tary, uuiler om preieuce or otber, relu- I to eommuiiiuate tbe iiiloriu.lion. lie .a. . Micbigin man. urf a. probably udwiIIii... to make publ.e ho. much bis own State had proSted b the .windl. " y""" j w " If lbo pre-enl S. erel.rr should furui.l. lU ;"f"""on 'd for by Mr Oi.ii.er . ro"o,ll",n- ,l,' P"l',e U"n be 1'1" ' " '"al enormou. aba-e. are rioted und. r ln" """ aylem, ami How t . t ttio.s-ly in.. olJ St,t"' '" b"!a defr-iu led of tlt-ir r,i! lu ,"e premises n it iitr.nu. - - Tub Sl'iiAa Cft'' or Lfifl.suiA It is ttate.l in the N O. lean- Creeeei.t that tt.e than froin.ib.tof I SiO, w liilc consumer. ill l,o pain gain largely. DicKPBst Wbi.L Ii TUB Woiil.P The Loui. villa Courier says th rl.iii well "I the Me-.r. Du;ioul of that city hs i,ow reached Ihe depth i f I OUU feet It a l ls : Thi is tint deep .-t wall ti l. known lo us iu the world. I'be next in depth i th well at Crenelle, ner Paris, whijli i. Id.idteit Louisville has therefore the deepe-l ell in Ihe world, aud the tallest steeple iu the I. States the cross on the St Louis Cathe dral being J-rt lei I Li-h , while the Sumii.'l of Triuty, New York, is only t feet. KMf'Ob'BA'JIvo A Iste letter from I.""- don slates that ihe recent advi.i in the price cf cotton may be regarded a. an un doubted evidence of lbo restoration ot con fidence and ihe resumption of manufacturing operations : and it also st.tes that ihe i (I- cis of returned pro-pirity will soon be full0" this iida of ihe Atlantic. 0-7" At tbe beginning of ihe preen! year, the old method of reckoning currency iu Canada by pounds, shillings, and pence, was abolished, and Ihe ilerimal sy-teiu nf this country supersedes it. Decimal coins nil! be coined lo meet I lie ri.-'iirct.ieii' of ihe law. They will probably corie-ond in value wilu our own. W Nathsu Ciiffoi d ha been eonfirtne by the K.-ast. a associate ju-iice of th Supreme Cut t of the Coiled State. ; an .Mr li, li, ii. nf Vnnil. t'jroliua aa bilbirUr iv iUu.

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