from the Hichmond Whig, Jan, 12. GOV,. WISE'S letter: ' la accordance with our promise on yester day, we publish to day Gov. Wise 't letter to tin Ttmmany Society it) New York. It will doubtless be read with avidity by all our retdert tt one of the most marvellous pro ductions. of the day. V bat his Excellency in aiming at in denouncing the Lecompton Constitution and playing into tha bit', .-in of tha Muck Republicans, with Seward, Sum-! w iTr.olo. th..r !l h. n ...eana diffiodt to perceive. The South ii ' no lunger the qotit rolling power in the Con-! foJeraoyj it is uuroeriually weak, and is, growing .etlier orery year; while on the contrary, the North in strong, Lvlug a largo numerical rtrepondererjee, and, by tho ad- : .: f .,,.1 it,. :...,:.. "I""","' .: . -.B-........... of new lerrttonea, all free, It n continually actiuiritiff more atrength ; aud the project e ., . , ,, ! ' in coiise.jitroca ja, that v,e ahull have no o re fou hern I WMrtUHla ... no more and 'fetlingt. Our Gubernatorial neighbor i tt i : , .ji . j u pain y Cf all till" ; and beitw animated by I 3 . .l .. a steru flet-rwintttuu to acquire the l're.i. deucy at all botarda, if ho can, he baa be- gun to moderate his Pre eating propensities, and is ueiinnraMMj striving to propitiate ma sisraiioun in me ceietiraten tl.tend laiules North, by reekle-a and iiiierupuloiia a- to are explicit and full. The Cincinnati Plat- bandonnient of th" South and all tho South contends for. ii ready to proclaim him self anything fih, flcb, or fowl if you ml only in mister to bis smhitiou and re wanl bis turn coati'tn wiib the honors and emoluments of the I'hief Magistracy of the ' lt.'t.ublic. There has never been a period . . ri: i:e l , ...e m.., u. ...a Lie w ne on wa. , wi.lina ai d anxious to aume any lido of .: :r .1 . 1 ,:. . . 1 aj roli.lo.l interests could be nromoted - i All bi party desertions and all hia change 1 . . .. : 01 pillllicat uinaiva aa.g ill,, nitu m .juica, and bountiful reward ; aud acting upon tbe auaiption that hia luck In this reaped is to e-m'inue. he now makes a bold and daahlng lid f.irtbe "sweet voices" of the peoplo of the North, and even promises tbem that the TWce. f Viri.,i ah. II stand h. Irm in hi efforts to subserve Northern interests ing its peaceful purchase. U'e now learn j at. I administer t fatal blow to tho-e of the that this intention is still cherished, and that i jut h. , 'be I'retident !oiy await indications of pub- ' Hit Wuc'a letter is iu a'l respects unfur- lie srntimeni upon it to carry it into effect. ; tunate. It is ths most tli-tinied doeunient sbeuid eunai'ler i! v doubtful nheth-' f r the South that ever emanated from nior-, cr Mr. Hi luicni would return lo Kumpe 011' talp.n. The President and his whole Ca- such an errand ; but we have uo doult what-1 lnn l ; iiit Southern people, almost without eer of the President's corru. Iness in tup exeeptioo; the Northern peopl.. ill large poing that be would have peculiar ad van-' tutiiher', led on by Northern Senators, Nor- tage for conducting such a negotiation to a thero uiemh. rs of ('or,gr.:a, and Northern sue.-ee.-fu! isue. , I iotirnals all were heartily and unitedly ad- Hut it is not alono to peaceful diplomacy' vcatiu the acceptation of the Lecomptoti that the Presi.lent is turning bis attention.: t'oB-iitution by t'onu-ress as the just, prr,p,-r The Washington Viium had a significant and trtli! e mre. ,Tb Governor's orjjao here article a d ay or two aince, w hicb was copied ; in Ilichuiond, the Knr'iir!r, was doiri tho u the 7'imej, der.ouncingtbe Ji ivnte fi.lihus-, stue thi'ig, and oti'y a dsy or two a'O came terism of Walker, and aayitig that it icouil out in denuneistion cf -Senator Push's hiil, " f ry tusy matter to Jinil ground! of w'.ieh recommends i tentically th" same c 'jr as that tan urged with e muoh ar- d jt and earnestness by the (ioveroor. In- deed, with the exception of the Ihack K j ibliesiit and tha duaffeeted Democrats at the Noith, there was no voice raied again-1 the Lctooiptoti t'otitttutioo. I y tny o'i", in aoy section of the country. News, two. bsd j i-t reached u fi mi Kna that trV 'i 'iou. sti7 totes were polb'd fo.- liie l.ccoinploii Coos'itnli'ia a m ij trity, ss ws aili g'd, cf the wh tie v"fs of the Territory, li it.j j-t at this particular moment, under fncti cir- eamstanew when the sce-ptanen of trie le- cmpton ("ons'itulii'i and the consequent p dy a !mis-ion of Kess into the I.'nioi. uler it.' were almost i.uiversaily reg.r.ied . . . , e ......'... IB the lltll 01 Olerj act, BU'l'ieni V a rjonio- shell is th'own into the camp by the 'iov- trnor of Vir.-inia bv a irol iu! f:5uth. ru luan by a leadinj and it.Uu. ntiai Democrat tod what is l;kely to be the effect of his teekie-i and unprecedented folly upon the soliiti hi of the long rex I Kansas . i.-ttionT I. hit letter, so iii'ipportuuc iu its alvnt and ao i!i.advi.d and tui.-cuie vou. 111 its sen- t.tnents am! aiiirge.tifns, calculated to aid in the solution of it ! In the contrary, mill not i-.s rficcl Le, pecr-sanly -n ! iicitahly, to emUrrasa tbe President ami Cabinet, n- di-courage .u. dismay all those Northern ri tiwno hx bol Cy t ikru the g.uml that tli L e jtni tou Coii-titation 14 a p. r- f ul'. y ut-tr uiuei.t, an 1 that there is uo vioUti.'t of ricbl iu tho refu-al of the con vention to submit it to the vole of the peo t? What can the-e Northern men What can the-e Northern men say or do, when t!.y find tne dovernor of irgi ttix denouncing as " uuveilcu trickery an I ihan.eless fraud," what they h .ve defended is riri.t and ju-t thr jughoul Ilow cm they longer Lsl I up tin ;t beads before a Norlheiu eoii-timciiey, under the bitter and biiing as nulf cf distinguished member of their par t - at the South 1 V iihoiit doubt th" craii ne.s rr the faulting-ambition of his Excel lency has douo more to exalt the courage and the bopea of tho epemies of the South, an i to ncpress me courage n-fi n.e upcs (iti N itthera ftieiuls, 1 1-a :t anything that h. transpired in tu ny years. It reji.iius to be s,n thitthcr tli" icliliilienta and po-i tions of the tioyernor s letter, a he c t,fl. ilri.'lw ,'1.,. .,11 r, the ease, will .h an- prored iJ endorsed bj the De mocracy ef We l ave no tttiirj at tre'ent for further c vi,iiiiit, upon this extraordinary and ill tune 1 production. We cat only take occa sien ij exj.rew our hearty admiration of Ii 1 i .vernor'a eminetit siiec-ss in the difficult fi.-ld of J'U ri" !'. Open your ey?s, mouth and ears, while joy read iho felloe ing. Sublimely, in pun. speaks his Kxceliency Inu, " And yet, gentle men, there are a great tntny A in onr country to.. ... ..... k.lf ..ol.hoen a. ,.,1 IH V:t c" j it J. A driver can get .long . manner with an as that an, hut the cru- el. tgo.J will with tho a.cs who '-nt. They are the stubboinest of all, and a.e snrs t. stall jut in the w.y. and tt tha vety place of mo-t danger." What brilli-j fint and glorious punning 1 I We agree with his Kxeclleney that there are a great many """ ot' all descriptions n country, and we bae always consider- ed him tbu chief of them. We used, too, to ciaa tii i,i iniiinv' the S'tni utrt, but of late Ins many baflle i attempt have induoed us put him down tiuou tho ' otn i-nnrs lie rco. ntiv tried to overthrow sstrr.niiil in that effort be demonstrated himself t tt urn at tbu very first water. He how trying to tuaku himself Pieidciit. nnd 'I will show that he is the biggest ... ., ... . i: j :.,i,. ,:,!..(, -m i h. j mat eve. .... ... ...v u .. In a word, instead of being known longer by the, tit lo of UtSi'nH J-'ft" and "7.7- vit," bo will pardon us for calling bim hereafter our " Can't 'isi " (lovemor. We Luis: thee, oh, precious and vrer bleswd neighbor, for inventiuj for our daily ne and for the dclct'latioii of tho world, so many expressive and clegsnt epithets, tlesoriptiie ol thy extraerdinary seil ! I Dear, ever dear " f ' ( rtx " neighbour, we Ink-, ou lette for the present of tlict nd thy " Ciin I itumral" epistle. We shtll Hum to tbe often, however, with gratitude for thy manifold furors toward us, and in ad. mjraliouof I genius which, whether" Kant atsical" or " Can t tis.iica.l," is, and ever will be, eminently and amusingly Jack-as-steal. Tot CcsanQuestion-Mvsterious Move- MtStn AT WASniSOTON. We have sundry int,re,tin. r,nr. f,nm V,.i,; .11 . ' . ...,., whtli IW1 r,gm.? wnile l resident Uuchantn it very tnxiou! li,,lii. .... :. .. ., Oui.-tlv. rowinJU anotherWhile ih.h,.!- country is wondering how be can tjossiblv escape from the entanglement of Kansas and Central American affair, he is turning the whole, current of bis efforts and all there- touroa of bit ingenuity to the tcquisition r.r n..k. n :.. ...i '., . ., - ...,.,jni,uipi) n.iino nccorupliebtnent of this object would divert, publio attention entirely from the minor! r . . ' . . poiats of tbu Aduiiuiauation, and rally to' its .upp.rt the great of the peop.e in It la scarcely nece,ar, to recall the sev-1 I i- , . ., , . i era! occasions upon v,bicb Mr. liuchaniu has ' :j. . i l- i i l j , . , indicated bin deliberate and determined pur- poo to mako the acquisition of Cuba the! leading act of bis administration. Ilis de- form alluded to the subject iu very clear and unmi-tnkakle terms. In his conversations with Senator Brou,ot Mississippi, previous to the election, as reported by I tic latter in a letter which became very familiar during : the canvass Mr. Ilucbaiian said, in tbe tuoit utire-erved manner, that be considered the . i .1 ' - r .1 . -n -a niatver o. me Utmon importance to Una .country, and tbnt if be -,'ij .1: 1. . 4 , . term, he would cbeerfullv "rrsrVr, and L,d ' , .. . ' . 1 tbe office oer to Mr Hreckenridge." Our' n Jll.u.uu vuiicnvuuuG..tivui. HHrtD Rllita Utd that the President was desirous of an- -.inting Mr. IVImoi.t to the Spanish Mia?ion, frm a knowledge of his sentiments on the 1 sulj-ct, and from a belief that bis conBro.! tion with the great bou-u of Iluttj-cliild ' would rive bim neculiar facilitio, for I y're with any of the countries who-e . territoiies we n.U'ht cou-ider ueedful for our j i curity, and thai it would bo tiiuob belter j to sciio them in open war than by such ' movements a thoe which bate been made upon Nicaragua, And an incident which h rec. ntly come to our knowledge, in con- tK-ction wiib the Military Department of the (i overntiient, gives a iiiitijnai imj to. these deilarslinn'. ! Home four or five weeks sincn, the rumor was current in military circles that Gen Tot-' ten. the head of the Engineer department, at Wa-t.ington, had bad unpleasant differ- ,,""" with the Seerelary of War, and that'1 he had received a furlough, which would permit bis a'.iic from the Capital for six ... .... 1,. vv.. :..t 1 .c. ... ... ooma. nil. i.i.o. .Ull nc u- been ordered upon a tour of inspection of the ..unary lortihcationa 111 on the liu'l. J end it i al-o taf. that this t 0r of in-pee tiec will be extended to the Moro Vtle at, llsvaua. Of course he will visit Cuha for hi health, at everybody dot-, but a his bur. an at V as hi no to 11 proved to be, upon' the nresting out olttie Menem war, in pi'ion of every perfect plan of the for- :fiatbnt tl Vera Cruit, it is not at all tin- likely that upon bis return it will be eijutl- V prepared for a similar contineeuey in the case cf Cuba. AM these thirgi do not tmount to positive evi - tenee 01 an intention on tne part ot th Pi lent to tslie any "eps towards effect-' I ing the aeijui-iti tn of Cuba but as indiea-j u.., tions of a probable purpose, they are eer- to. t.miy worthy of some de-eree of publio at utiou 1 orh limrs. Ilovr Jam'ady 1 camr to tin New Year's Day. A writer iu the National intelligen cer r min is u- that we do not now celebrate New Year's tti the dsy our fathers did ; on the contrary, that little more than a centu ry ago thai festival fell on tho ."ttb of March throughout the liniish dominions. The alteration was made in the '-.'1th year j e reign ot iienrgn thai Second which will appear by the following extracts of ihe tct ot parliament, entitled " An act regula tint' the eonimeiici.meiit of the year, and for Correcting tho calendnr now in use." I rruml !r Whereas the legal supputa of 1"' 3ar of ';ar to ' 1 " ." . I. IrV""-,n . of .Match hath t.eeti found by experience to be attended witbldivers inconvi nicnccs, ,Vo I'.nnetments That throughout hia Ma- j. y s domitiiniis in Europe, Asia, Africa and j . mrt,;, the said stipputatinn, according to which I be year of our Lord begiiinelh on ih.i twenty htth day of March, shall not be made ns.t of frm and alter the last day of December, l-ol ; and that the f!r-t day of' .lonuaty next following the said last flay ot , D. ct inher shall be reckoned, taken, deemed i " "i" U 'U 8.-' d ?' our ' "" fr.""' 1 '"; fir"' jr ?f iu every year wbub l''FP" " ' " '"' rrckuncd the first da, of tbe year, Ac. K' MPHM There will bo four eclipses during the year 1 ', two of the sua and (Wo of the moon ; . .,, p,rti, eclipse of the moon Feb. 27, only partly visible ill the United States. Th. mono will ri.e nartlv eclipsed, w Inch w,jj taj. generally after the lime ef the createsl phase L'.l An amiiilar eelinse of the ami March V The sun will be centrally eclipsed on i tho meridian in long 8.15 west of (ireen- ...h :. t il.. 1 1 no-ih. in soma nans oi lLll i;DlU..i s,., ti.a ,,. ;ii be partially I .. , .ciipst'O. pariiaI eclipse of the moon Aug. 2, some j,at,c, (1U urs. COnttct with tl9 penumbrt wiil not be visible; but to nm.t places in the United States tho whole eujp,a will be visible. 4,1, t ot I eclipse of tbe tun Septcin- ber 7. The eclipse will bo total on tha me- ri,ln,n. The auu will ie centrally eclipsed ja tho touthcrn hemisphere ouly He who follows 'n the footsteps of another will tlwaya remain behind. A Grateful (.mest Vhcn Jurjge Il-n-dcrson, of Texas, wa first a ouritiidute for oITicb, he visited 1'rontiiT county, in which he (u, except by reputation,' a ttrtngcr. Hearing that a trial for felony would take plaoe in a few days, be determined to volun- T" T !. . , . pnT7 7," I , , h .. .. v . ' U0,4"C? U?1 J""1- . ' countel conducted the case witli ureal anility, eonfad tbe witness palavered the court, i i . .... , . . ...... , , ?ru'n'"' . The prisoner woa a. quitted-be nun uoi stajieu i ne pinioi. ine counsel re- ceived the enthusiastio applause of theauj dience. Ilia innocent client availed himself ! of ihn ,rlmti l,, t h !,..;, . f OOllcra.ulatioiia to take Lis counsel aside. " My dear air," said be, " you have saved me, and I am very irrateful. I have no' - do 0l cineei to htve anv and J! . ? . " e "J 1 i not exnect ever to ee vou atraiu: but to i .! . r . ' ? JV" you drew '"j" VWent."A tbaM- touiihed attorney, the very piatol the attor- . i- . l l . . .i ney had just shown he bad never stolen or jiaj ju osses9jon ' " P0S!lesal011, A Model Luirr The Courier de Lyon Bays that at the marriage of a young cou ple, during the long exhortation of tbe priet, the brido went fat aaleep. The groom dis covered It just as be wus about to put on lUe rine. ilo was much autiovi u. but C0U- B . cealed it out of repect to tho holy place. ? ..:. . i . . j, ' ut as soon as tbe services were over he got ,r , . . , , , , ofl, a ri IjoutiCI iitr to the bride s father that he f j f- j n, ,;,.. J- , , , f ' 1. if she pleased, otlllllg could chance bis ref- !.l,"?n: .U. ,1,B loffcit (-U0 (ranK) st: nu uteri in t ia n.arrm.fn eot.teaet went to Belgium, where be has a situation f e.l e ,jr""aD of 4 tol'ac:o tr3. - 1 II I) H'illi i nic K' Ci iii i), jiiiains & to., r a 11 rt' : 'itwi niri. VllOf.i:i t l.i: and ti: r tf. A Kr. now reeeivii. a lari-e atock i aoewiil have weekly aud. to.ns aa their sales may reqi; re. Ti.ey will sell to tho wholesale trade at a small cotnmtsaioit. Our Ttrmmrr C ASIIor COVTRY I'liODll V. V occupy the w ell know n stand rec. ntiy oc. cupie.l by T M. harrow. liJ'ORHEk.S attended lo prointitiy and aa low aa if preaent. II. B. WILLIAMS k CO, T,adr Strrrt. 3 d 0011 Jmm the Wttt l oner. Charlotte, Jan. 2C, liB. 47tf Fresh Bread! 8,sUES.:l BREAD for far at J D. I'aiiru r'a Cm above the U- 11k of L'narlotte. n!tt", fvrr niorni' trttionery , one .d Jan VG, ISiS. SI lor 50 cents! , W,d Pnoieo D. I. a, woiih sl p,r 'i. lor tst t t.ts. t. 11. nr. em k co. 'Jfi. te.'.S. I5D A',' JiS Wm. A. Ovens 1 .1 T TORSE Y A T J. A Jt', til Iff LOT I i:, X. -, m TIf.I. in tlieCoilrta of M'-cklcnhl V T atu the a cotriee nearly opposite the Post Office. )' Dissftlulion. fj,. I till: firm of .1. II. .V M F l II)F.I.I hasoived hy mutie.1 consent on Ihe u.rv, isjis. tlio.e it.d. bud to ll.c firm i';ee eon.e "'" '".""r. ar! it, and H...S,- 1, present t 111. T'10 Uuacnht.- . ;l.r ha i.f the alitor. z.d to Ktti. Ihe In.. ilea .1. II. WIN DELL. M. h WIN DELL. I4b . CG, Iii N T. I Til OF SOUTll-CA ROLLS A, IK, KI.ENBUKU II.UTY, Cvirt ot llqutly full Trim, lol. Sarah Walsoll i rs. H I! for Il.v.rcc A. Alii-iny. Watson. S P apjear,iip t" Ihe sjl!sS.ctinn of the Court, that Ihe oefeiid.iit in thia ease ia not a resi. , dent ot Una Stale, Il teal I'luV.r.. II. at pill. nr.. too. he made six we. ka in the North Carol. 11. big notifying him lo come forward to the 111 xt j Court ul be held for said couotv, al the I ,,url't in Charh.Ue.on l.e I I tt. Af ilm.t j alt- r the 4u. Monday in February, I(-.".S. and pica,!, answr or detour, or the II II w !l be uk.n pio eonirpno and he.rdei parte ai mat hoti. W.tin ss, I). It. 1'iinhp, clerk and m ater in I. ami', at elTn e 111 Cilarlotte, ll.c 2'J 1 U .y of J .iu. a'ry, A. I), l-ef. D. 11. DUN LAP, c. .1 m. E. ' J,in. 2G Prs fee fi. t5. j $20 Reward. yt stolen Iron, the snh. y V V g. w teritser, livin; 3J miiea i K . r& eastol t harh.Ue.en Ktl.'.v niehl , g . IT U-t . stt.wherry roan MIKU. i intin ,fil,r 17 hands Inch. Ih or C.'yra old, -tar In ti.e forrii'id, l-ght cea well, new shod .,11 al md t m' ihavcd 'fl leal by the breichmg. I lie peraon ho stole tne , i.-.l, ,.il' . ... . no ....ia with o .rllv roll Web re, ns and a cood ha ter and an uld w tail. The reward will he fivtn f. ry of Ihe Mare, or 110 if taken up and ml. 1011 sent tome. Lettera, containing intern wiai.i ,lu"' bo tent to Charlotte, . M. A. ED WARDS. i.. Jan 2fi I P.'..". T. ii. niiiiM & a)., tjrrH0IjE3ALE and RETAIL LEALERS 1)1! Y GOODS, I! litis M A it r.HATS -HOli ii in otti:, mi. C. Janumy, IHjX. slTif STI. HOWELL, - TsitJS.0 Saddle h Harness Ilantifacturer, TI.ltKK noons sofTU t-r THE mansion rmr-K, Cll KI.OTTK, Ml. C., 1' Aiik.n.i... i.f Saddles and llarneas made st the shortest Police. T rKFlPAIRIXO promptly executed. Jin. Itl. IS 8 37tf 111 ti a ' ILL be mreu puuuciy i ne t eon ..ou. ... I oarlott .1 Tuesday of the Count ' ILL be hi d publicly at II.. Court, if not hired pnv.telv belote, SIX NU.liO MFN yollli" and likely . First rite stout hands. K. A. HARRIS, .ltio,;rr. Jasi. 19. 1:..'. lw - BLANK DEEDS for sale tt thia oflire. TO Kcrii your I'i.'iuo'H in Time, j f,HE citir.fnt of Charlotte and tur-mtn.Iiri? 'I country are again reminded that lit- auhacri. J prepared at all timet In repair and tune t'l-1 and Melndcana i the best possible manner. bur He would not air that an old instrument jttn he , road. to sound hi well ts a new one. with, all the , mod. m tt-c.i ; hut he i, prcpar. ed t. any that on ohi jnt.uiuciit which wi in. tif, rcpfir, .t ,11. cm he n,..d, to ,.,, .. ,L. nd s imrt a tune. a the him instrument ever ! did when hi , ' Iff- ahrn intends kecninv Hon.-ti.til I ,.n hand. . 'r'V ll i vaw INr-W 1 I A AOS frnm most celebrated n.atiur.ictuicra in the V mien mates, wmcn will neso.a at mil.,cturrr nited Klat.-a, which will be. rmid VWnm received in Dirt nav for new one.. I aceonli..r to their volu, . al... intei,, ke pine oo. si,intly n hand, .e. . e"'"1 h'nf In.tromenta to e!l r to rent. I Any nermn hnvinir old iiiatruinen'a, and arc de. ! . ...n:.. . ., repaired unil Kept txp'.Ked ta m'e in tin kit. ; J-TR' pair Pimp and W',.r l:.,.im nt the .Mnalci.l ; Hall, up-aluua, over the Clin -n Hall. i As.V uKUUGK. CharUttt,.lan. I'J, !8j8. . 46-ly A Ch.mgo in Easiness. I HAVE aold all my intrren in the a lock and Icaaed my 'iin Y -rd to M . J. II. Al iore for a term of yi ar, and would rec .unit aid hiin tu the pnbtte a fiinahed workn.aa, .nil he may iinerni anireoi I lie pitr Tine I Ii.itu hereto lore rec. ived. He will give'ff iKUti prices nice, anu u ra ai.u aeii ni ,f buu,;"ul ""y U"": " ,' N"rth c ',ro1'" Wl11 S"oi 'lock ol l.tATIUJK of . on hand, t. eclli. r with Sill )fV ..nd all km of WAtJON IIARNKSS I' ill V- s. id n. lite I All ineehted to by the I at of March, 1 am del.rrn.m.l lo a. Hi, up my uurmieas lortlunth. t all ...ou and a-ic 1 1 T. M. DROWN'. t4. i r. .0 ,c-o To Hire, WTNTir, the 2.1th of IVocmlier t, SEVi:. J NI.t,IK)K filoufh hoya, a ' cotr.liKHjutlug t. Apply to 111 a i 1 1 n l' I' 2 lil.ely men, d in and 3 ' hiicren. T.nua ac. h aa will treat litem well J. M. HUTCHISON'. 4Gtt Jon. 19, If-.",?. William J. Kerr, Attorney at Law k Solicitor in Fquity, 4 11 tit 1 01 ' 1;, v -., Tir.L in the -Cruris of Mecklen burg and the ui:j. i.nirig conniks. LSprei4 attention will lei paid to the enliee. Jan. U n.".H. 3.t it7 Dissolution. fB'IIF. C..p...tiifr.ii.p her. n, ion E. ti.e firm ol briitk. r ,V Sun e.l by ll.uiu .: eonselit. Ail p.rli against the fitin mil pr sent t.i.-iu lorS.-ll, and lllose 1 bti-ii lo the firnt, eil her by N. .tea or li'jos, arc r. q uesl.-il to Cuit.e lor. Ward and ...:, c lellirinenta illioiedi .telv. Eith. , r of the I'atti-a are author. x. u tu use 1 lie name ol lite firm ri l.qiiuJutiuii. K. f-OMMKII.S. L. DIU CKKll. C'.or.V"e, Januaiy 1, I ' In wit'icr-'.einir from tt-e firm, the undersign- e.l Lm e, leave 10 leer In J'atetull acknow le.'je. mint to h.a 'totii.'s 1.1, t 11, .. j,u..hc fur liie patron, axe i.e baa enj.. yi-c, a no.res... ct uhy sol. tits a eon. titiu tncc ol the aame tu I.IS 1t cetsor. K. 5-OM.MEH3. ; Co-Partnersiiip Notice, rginE t:ii(ltrBigncd hivintf ttue cfny cnirrcd in. JB to t'o.i...rtriefsitii p, iti mrry n li.e (icneral Mercantile Diisines.s .', near K.-rr'a II, tel. inn er th. of Drucker V Heioiraii, and re t a conlllitl .nee ..! I e liberal p.t op-11 Hie late lint. L. DKlTKEPt. J. UEILUIIL'N". t-arti I, I.",8. 4otf rr I ,.4 I i !!!.. 1 u i ai aim w 1 1 iid VGOOI) f;Anii;N, nearly two it t on eas Uritis. ALSO t (JOni) COOKS and W as!i, r St, cbi'iin n each, to hire f.,r tin- 1: i n. w itS 4 i ....d alone. ! I, c Jun I J. I at 111. .IV.. (iood Bread ! (icod Dread ! ! W AM pv. p.rt.i to FRFSII HRKAU eve- I kl' t'r ii'iuict of tl'.iera ng lilcni t be roiiiclt ally ni at Mr. Teres" receiv e. FRANCIS K RAM Eli. J,m, 10 Steele Creek Aeadeniv. J 4HK I.XKRl ISF.S of tins sel 1 win he re. sum. .lull tie first da v ol I . I rilart , uoo. r e aup. nniendtnce of J. W. Hen,.. rsuh, its for it 7ritl . ;.er Srtsion, l! SI ttttll I.'fvrr : -..iit.g, Wriln g and Arithnicl.r, $7 aalish (Ira inn. .r. Oc. r .pliy.l'hil -ophy. Jkc. 10 iic.ent .md .M.i.icrti Latigu. );.' am; I. branches of .Mathematics, 15 Students w oil be received t try time during e session sun will be char)jtj le t'n- end, rasfsol t.-d sick nfs. or a. .1,0 ot ne r ag r,e. men! t Ihe tin.. trance. ' i due it Ihe el of each s. s.iol had 111 j;.,..,! O.khI H a.onab e J,.,IUu. rilitig ca fern-. IP.-. l-ltr - -- L-wt or the; l CllMsTlav I , will, the I ..led to ,'e j . . .. . Tint .'!an ve loKTII I Atol l .nvocsTK ep, ear I-.. - It pcop. ul N., ol the whe'e country, aa rvt ClSOI IV. ('.Minuet, Ihe ch brrt Junily rriitom piyris in 'lVriiia. il .".il a ve.r, sTau to.N .-r iiik Nortrn pt$t, a ml vur i.f the i Sou!!,. .V is tuvaacr. N dep-rturo fion. tin rule. A. idtcsa Ihe F.uitor, Kiv. R. T. It-. eh, N. C. jn li, I:.. lint 3mt Walker Fxpedition! fMlHfJ I'llixena of Steele l reek and vicinity n reapseftillv leformed thai having einp'ov son. ot Ihe heat' Shoe and H",.t Mak.ra in . tern Norlh Ci.ioiitia, I am new prepared 10 ma ufacture HOOTS and SHOES of the very b times. So c Iity, on term lo suit Ihe h i trial sod eonvine. d Tll')sj. II. MARKS. 3...1 j tt:3xNok'e. E and loi.w.rn all persons, lie ol lliree , 1,-eut. d bv I AlcKin.yi , and dated , lo t to Ira Nle. t ch h.r one I .united coll-is. i Jan.ea h'. tr, N 111. P. H. 11. 1 on and I to Join, P. lioualiM.. ol I'll lull ion or aooiit t lit' l"ih ol ,, i.'.J, u 'which sivetity-tive dollar has tetn paid, a wee obtained bv li.ud and misrenre-ei 'lion, and w ith.oil con.i.:.,n in, I we arc solved not to pay tn-'ln or any part of I'.eni. WM. P. HOUSTON I JAMES KERK. ' Jan 9, IS". '47 1 OB PRIN 11NO rf all kinos willea neatly j t.n eaneoilioiisiT eyeeoten tithe N.,rtr..Cs.; na Whi, lth. t j ,I.)I.SAM)i;iS. CABIXKT 3IAKEB, CJIAHLOTTE,S. C, 7' KEP3 contlnnlly on hand a l..r(f c nortinr. nt Mwl. of Funulure ut hia owu and i.nrtl'orii inuii. FiVkV Meliillic Duriii! ( iiscs. n. 10, ISjiJ. 4i-ly D. L. I, POLLOCK fh'.rs hia PRoFr:.ssro.v.r, SKRVICK3 In the cit.srtii of htiriotte ami vicinity. I) )' Otfire on 'I'taiie Unet, two doora South of the Court Hnnee. Jun. 6, Idjf. 44. 1 y H cm oval. and the ived his r, under f UMW. siihrrib(r it.fiirun 8 frumls ! JL i nblie generally, that he h s reu Si.op lo the old of M &. liver1 I I.. S. Williutna' Store, on Tudo ttrei t. 1 i ia pre1.11 red to attend lo all orders in his line, Jlu 1 has ttill a few articles on hand such as ; Golden Cock, Golden Star.Flanter's and ! Premium S ( (OK STOVMS, PAItLOU NTOYI. Alt", a liaoi tun nt of Tin :mi IS.llti -t :rc, A c. AM of which I will nil cU .p fi r CASH r Coun try frounce. I). II. iiKHLY. Jai.II, 1807. 4tt gCf" Dissolution. i rg'HF firm of nill-'.M & r-TKKLK was this day! .al. dissolved by mltnn eonaent. All persons 1 llii.l are 11..!, bici to us. eilli.'r by N ile or Account, 1 wnl please call al the M.iiiiaf Insurance Ollice, and acltle Willi A. C. Sittie. j T. H. liREM. A C. S'l'EKLH. Jin. 1,1;?. 4Uf New Firm. j j RAVING pnrchaa-d A. C. Steel, 's interest ir. j STOCK OF GOODS I of Itreln i, Stucle, and associated with me J. A. : Saoi ra, Jr. umi T. I.Fverrt A..NDr.a, the iJu-n.sss will here. .It. r be eomiuctctl uiiuc- the' firm ! T. II. Ilrt-.11 Ai I n. We e..l ll.c attention ol Ihe public lo our Stoca, a we have reduced li e p. ice of a great many lojous. I T. II. UK EM. : Jn. l,l?".R. 4ltf Tens! Tas Mil " F-tmiiy ufc', r.uist-liiit' Hyu- n, Yonnij Elicr variitu', Iftf !utii Jit II. M. PIUTITIAIUVS Ftitnily Dntg Stute Gas Fixtures. rmMiV. su!.rr,b.-ra notify all p.- csirousof n.m ,1...., JL using call at their elii'. below (.r.miic I!..w, and make selcctl. lures. I'he.r ys-"rtnitnt ia vtr cer al oii'd be lelt befntc Ihe th instant at farthest. WATER FIOUS K i liOWES. l'l.rUf,J.a.i, IW. 1ST t U 1 i c ti 1 1 11 1 ;i 1 f 2 t i 1 1 T .Mt-ckicntnirjf Artc ui tura I iSccittv i Ioi ami a lull alte A. H. DAVIDSf-N'. VtrtiiiriJ. Jan. 5, L-.'.n. tw For Sale. SHARKS of ( on Ivvo iiiontir Ci upon l.'.o.irs tloite Il.nk Slock. of ll.c I harlottc a Apply lo HUTCHISON. 41 If ilroad Coinpany. E. NY! , 1858 .Cat0iJpi :f4 Charlotte & S. uorolina Rhilroad. 11 ti:i: V l li Fli'S OFFI i:. t . o. s. i . K. li.e... rmVW. Ihrcctors of tln Company h M. tne pavmeiitof a Semi. Annual Tnree P..II r per share on ll.t Stock, JUV. vv orucr. 1. Iivniinc of vllLCll Wljl he tendon first J a ll liar v neat, aa t'xloM s ! Fairfi. Id Stoclihinders, at li e B nk in hot.. ; Stock. hi: rt iu t'hetter ami Wcstct Lv the a.ont at Chester: timsc in N'oilh ( York, ai.i L an. rn York, by the ag.-nt at Charioi:, jt I. ?. lest . n Siocsh.. ., rs. at the I) nk of Ihe Stale of s.-uin t.rohna ; and sit .11 ers t l.ns . tli' r. C. lit. I KNIf.IIT, Jrrns'r. Pre. Sil, 18.',7. I4S 'JL'1 Catawba 'oilegc, ,i: .t Tir". Mi. V. XCK it lias been reported in v-i .1 the cniintry thai tins I list. tut' ist. I wih to inform th,- pubo i nrrtioriB ncrid tt il ttil asrtO 111 The . aim. will commence on th- 3.J Mon. dav of J .nuarv, and continue twenty weeks. Th-Course id' Insli nctioii f.r the prea-nt year ' wdl xtei.ii from a l'riiiiary Class, iiuiiway lor..' College course, t ilihraeii.a; a thorough Knj;i..h course, li.e .N. tiiral s, n-iice. I'reiar.,l..ry Siciea, Co,!. Se Classic.. ihe Higher .M at henia t ics , French, O-rmati nn.i Anqlo Sax-n 'I'here will he t. e.oire el twenty e-irelul'y pre. I pared'iifesnn N.tural Chile-one y, Willi occa t ao.n -1 Lectures en t cm para live Phiioioe y, din .nf J r Term. Noetl-.rl 1 the a heretofore, don ti.e part of the Ti st liistiluli.-n of n. c nkc this li.e le Apply tu Vr. .11, If c. w SMYTH E tin Valuable and for Sale, Foui.y. in, . I will rn. Court If. iJO.Ja,,,, V: liable Plantation one mile of tuv.11, cont..ii..n r.,cl ia nearly ail w.ll and le land is of b. -t qnaiily a. If. Pel aa the property of the ci. 01 M D. R. DUN LA P. r. i nUr 15, H 4.l!s (0 aNotiee. i LL pera,m are forewarned Irom trading for a oerlatn proiuis-nry Note, g.sen by me to ' A 11. t .ii.oiaii,atei.t (.r L.iwin H. Ciemriit and Si. las li Willie, fi r fiMI. Hue 1 H iiionlhs allcr date ' and dated i7th day of March, I '57. The oii.iiie. ration for said N. tc h.vint; f.ll.d I do net intend ! to pay il unless cumpelleu by law. j I J. A. OZMENT. 'rc. 2J, 1S..7. 41' if BONDS frw thr Drhrrii of' Yrirprrtv, FOR SALE HERE. a !.;: Hvson, and ARKIVAL KXTRAOBDINAKY. ; Frofea-w.r I K .aTn. ihtrnttceir of On . ' gonuuio Dc Gralh'a Klcetnc Oil, . nov in tnwn, i hav.ii" arrived from Il.irriaburg. Pa., Jul, may nl'lernu.Mi. 1'he proftaimr i ainppii. ai ihut tim. red uatahliahinrnt, the 'oun-in H..UI The r'ountuin ia the hntiac where (General r.nf4yetto iiayed daring hia viait In llaltitnore, and appc.ra to be the favorite hotel with nil preat men. We mideral.n.l the Pruli-aaor to deliver a lecture tti.ii morninu nt 9 o'clock, nt the i entre Mirket, when and uhrrc he will fully convince h.a iuur. ra of the beneficial . ff. ci ofhn fai luiued Kleetne ( I.I in iiBninrii.(r (he anlT. ritira of l.u.itan. i'y. Bai.To Sent This Keined). can be had of the aui nla here. See advertisement in another ! column. VALUABLE PROPERTY, roil SALE. IV. ILT, exooae to pal. lie anle on Tuesday of m at January Court at the Court House in Charlotte, my iiori: . lot situated nn Tryon street, opiKaltu lo the P.eahytc nan church and joining the lots of R. M. Jannsm. and Kohert Sterlinr. said lot beinj; 3l fiet front aud runnins back 3'.i!f feet. Un the lot is a first rate Dwiliing end Store House and out house and a Well of excellent water. P. rsons wishing to bay such properly would on well Iu call and ex- Also, ot ihe same time mid place, I ill nfl'er for sale the PLANTATION lormerly owned by ( apt Ihh.c Canieliell, a.c'.i, Iving 5 miles east of Charlotte on the Pollers and Law vers' road, join, in), the landa of Wilaon Wallace, M D. Johnston and others, containing jjrt neraa. On the place ia a fied and uut-houses, and sonic first rate u.tadovv !mi. Tins pl..ce will be sold au'.j. ct to the Widow di.w. r. Any ol the almva properly will be aold . if dLs.ted, at any time hetwun this and January Cum. Person, uceiring to ,uicl...i. en sec nte in Charlotie. JJ T' rms made known on risv of sal--1. J. C. MOORE. Per. IS, lP.j7. 4-.' 1 R. M, Oates & Co,, A UK now receiving a large and fresh sepply .a of ch will be 1 OIIO s i 1 o I b a ild exclusively fur CA.-II, viz : l;s of SALT. of KtolOKFKF.. best Lap uira do. IO bars 1 nt Java do, 25 lih s. Collci O " Crush sic; a it. ft " Powdered do. Ill e...l Prown do. ftO lib s. N. . Mi)LAES, I III:, ia. Wi st lo.iil, do iiO lioxest lll-.LSK, ft lli.iaeitta Duchv heal I'l.tH'R, and i ti..n. . ly ofi.llicr articles loo to . fi, If.".?. I I If A CAR). TO THE LAIDES ! fHA CY HAVK a La e and Kitgant Stock of FAN. .tist slyi.s, which I will till a 1I.KS, I t nsr. 4 P-S. I'AI.Ii IIKS, latest patterns, ran. y9f pu.j 11, price from 5 tu 1 1 c, which I w ill ell pLd lnVTrriI x9 IMitilli I VS't lun selling ulthise '" H"'inel Ribbons at 'Ihe Lush Wl.l ber.o L. S. WILLIAMS. Charlntlr, Pre I, -57. LaFayette Brown, M. D., I'iysiriHH f- Surgeon, II AVIXli l.eattd at llavidsoli CuIIcitc, Ins professional service to the til in, icinitv. llfice oppi.alte KuilH lican Ort. 20, lc"7. Sltf iiiroicr t vr 1:1 not:!!! ! MFCKirNBrno col'ntt AC A I NTS THE STATE. nt.t'K S l'i lNK. It i slated, and Irorn the au thority uf Dr. 11. M. Pntchard, whohaajoat re. c. from the iiiai.ufactt.ry, for w hich he is accnt, s, v, ml hundred pounds of the finest crli tic ever btVcrcd in the town ol Charlotte, to b. en al.l.d in a short tunc to siiMjrcnie 111 quality and sale any imported article, and at a leas price. Call Ih 1, l?u Ir ( im.'l t'ss wain, IX pint Springs boitlw iut re c ived from": . by II. M. PRITCIIARD. Irwin1 I'nrnT. null: JCOTi II. Mackaboy and Kmjlis'.. O. rt'. n -M FFS, just rerei.ed, AUU lbs. in blad j .rs. Suid low for cash bv 11. M. PK1TCIIARD, cc. 1, IP.i7. Irwin', torn. I'lij it ian, Tii.',i' Anliic ! Il: of the i, I .un rtccivut" bv CiiHh (turcji.'mt i, I.Mc.iiru..-, hem. , to winch 1 must wifp. p nt p with hii tutint'M)' iint! pel cue t-Vn k H j h, Intslrmm Mi, ( Iittv, & rtfK-vttiiMv iimtt jnur utltii Ai! ou vt hy n.dil or pIIm nciititCMt unci (jeepitrli. II. M. PRITC1IARD, Dec. Irwin's Oirm '1 ;i nncrs., or Train Oil. I OK Taunt's and Planters nsc inc'resainu I ptcsirving Leather aiici Harm sa. loraslthv M. II. PR I TC HARP, Pec. 1 Irwin's Comrr. COO I.alloii". lAMITlTXE AMI Itl liXlXO IT.l'IP, just and Wicks for burning them, H"1 per cent. er and mure briiiiart than anp other liehi. II. M. PRITCHARD, IV c. 1 Irmn'a Corner. Lumber Yard. IIE subscribers inlorni the elm :n of ("liar. Jt lotl" and vil'li.llv, tilat they hat.! establish ed a LI Mill. K Y A li 11 in town, where tluv 111. tend keeping a supply of all kinds of I.I'M CPU for butln.iif. and niner purpose. .Mr. Jonas Ku disill is their agent in town. Application ca.. te maue to him or to either of the undersigned. MILLER k PORTER. Oct. 13. 1W7. 145 ( if rate lfnsnrsitt. t N aprceai.'.e rifreshalit and laxative, as p!ca. 1 ant t the taste as soon water. S- Id by li. M. PUITCI1A1U), p..... 1 I. win', tui.or. Sopotiti'irr, o R CONf F.NTK A'l'FD I KY. Warranted to ..p W 'thont I'li.e,.. hi.-. The brt u 11 J oU cent nrl cheejM st artith ill use. Price "J. , can. Sold bv II. M. PRITCIIARD, Irv. li.'. Corner. :iO.OM) fax-is:. I I ,'eived and or saie al $!, per htm- , II. M. IT'ITCII RD, j A LARGE SITPLV OF Constable "Warrants FOR SALE I'KRK. 1 orte i The TSarl.i-lm. COEIUyTtD BV R. M. CATC8 & CO. t -HMlUm K. JAM'AH V S6. I5U. DAtJON, llama, ne w ...lh.. " de lb.. ' " H 'IT round lb.. " Shoulders lb.. Ragtiiig.'iuiiuy yd.. lleef, !b... ...00 ...Oil f., 0!J ...I2J W ...lit) rj ...17 in, ... S ft, Ul) liult. r ll. t'W lieana liranuv. Aunle. . .bushel, ...,1b lb.... lb.... lb i J 2 no on Peach 00 9 (Si 13d (:, IB f, 33J fi j (, Cotton, new Coifec, " Jaj" Candles, A.laniant.i Sperm., ... Tallow, ... Corn, old ....bushel.. ....bushel. fll'l .....Ml .... I'. i "hi i' n Cloth. ( " I, Ker... 7jiperas ....I'.'l ..j 3d IJ f Klour . bbl... !(!.. II Ih.... lb... ! (a '-ii - :m d Uj (n 5 ( " Feather, I.ard , M utton 1 Mackerel, .bbl.No 1 SIR Kilts. bushel i.rton) ...ii'.l.... lb.... lb.... bllsii. ..3U0 f.t ...:.o (.. ...4.1 (.. 3 Ml in SO ' Molasses. N.ll. W. 1. Meal Mill! tf Wilu , Northel Pork, , Pesa.. Potato 71 (in S't 1111 'I0 I'-'i , Irish... Sweet.. bushel... hnahe!.. hiialiei.. Rice Sugar, liaf... ?al suck... ib Salt,. Tea, . Whea skey, North. " N.Car unwashed "J"? bale III! F KM ARKS. COTTON Tin rc is a rood d.i al fn'l ririces L' I! R. tu in 1 r It i t f 11 e has bf n but a limilca! supply last week and prices si.ghtly is s 4.oeil tli-mand fur Cm at 1 i.! for seel. OATS i in dt CUI I MHIA MAKKKP. CotcMBu, January ".I, IfnS. COTTON. Toe new oruiiMiit over iroin Liv erpool by tin- A.oer.c i lo l!.., J 1 .-, t inalanl, hail a very favorable ctl'.-it on price, the quantity efl'er ing la llei.l, ami tr inaactiona were only l'a I11111. led extent. S.lea ol the wee a eopi.irlae about 3:dl Laics al prices ram; ing from ej In 111 ...-nis, ami choice a hie l., r. t llacoM. Tin dt.ii.inii for bacon is -jtii.-t but ste.,. dy. Former q io.ations m .v ! take., aa a lair eri- l.-il' f tie irue luamet v. hie 1,1 the arliele. vu; Oi, T'l l -i hog round. New Lard 1JJ c per In. toss Tlitre is a fur supply of Corn on tho rAel, wtt.'i a moalerate tn-iiiind. We continue to 'I'mle 70 (n, 7:, ctnis pir busnel. Piss. There is s B..o.l demend tr tl.e article u"w peas, auj 11. ey iree.y coiiiill.111.1 OJ 'o. J'J per bushel. Oats There is but little doinj! in oats, and we then lore quote lonunal fail (.. Lie, per busiiei. tici 1 ne n .or ni .rr.ii is iinun, nin: uie toca lur lite present to lareur tne deitiand. We quote of all kmc J J lower, viz ; fc.i !;. t,i ii 3o lur ca ext. family Hour hb 1 t . -iip iriinc braiiii , ii 3S p.-r bLl. ciiARt.r.sTi n m rki:t. mat ri'Ti.s. January vv, ifsr. ilH Ul Cult. .11 lo.C.V a.tldl) ba'l to arrive at Ml J, tits t.-r co I tne wrck 3,100, at a cecl r t OTTON J l.n'l(lo(,Ki.lcl, ai illine fair. S .le. of lull i cent. l)ni sStore Keinoved. TM.iv, tfi..l i.e I. .in r. imn. .1 l.i VUW M'CHtK from .r:.riHr !(-in- lo liwm' irnrr, uhicii am tn-t n n w iy liiit J up ;tKi ar rari'iti fjprtsMy t''( hi li l.M urs - .t i J in r(- if new rrctiviii(j large frtock ot urtu!!'tf ;n hi line. ii. m. rnnriiARD. May 12. 1S..7. 11 if l)M 'HAVANA LOTTEMV. I until r ti ii.,: j.Irrr ;it Hinrifl 011 TIIIKSDAV, JAN. 2S, 1S.3S. $800,000. POT.TF.O M'MIT'l 5l:l DI'PIVABIO, A1'ITAI. rifiZi: iKI0.!IO!! ! H (M).tlOO I 4 prists j'.0O !.oim I i .ooo :ttMM) I fj ftOO 1U.IIOO I III ' 410(1 S.OtiO f '-'" Apr'xim's s)0 4 A prnx;ni 4 of too to i. $1 ."1 to SlU.n Whole Tici I'.ircs cash ttions to tu-- ?ti,i.;!(.fi:i.O each .".o.l.Uli ; 4 of tint) in e3o.lliiU ; 4 o (i; 4 oi $ u VV't't' HsjiJll ; llalvtstl.i; (JualUra d at sisht at j nor cent, discount. Hills A dr au't be ii ail sum ting will itncs knot. Hillh. latin at par. ,, to IHi.V i;0!'!il. f.l t.. til tl e t! I'trao Pott. Ci : rv. will hi lis T ckels sill pi st ..tlil ie tl C LIN-Mli.P OIL. Ju. t 17 11. M. PIUICUAKD, Ajn's I lu-rry IVcloral. ISTOR'S rta' 'm and lt'r.,e. T.c Syrup Tar, II 1 ft Syrup, Squills, L.-eca. ,:s" ol P. ct. r .1 Cough n.t-uicines. II M. PRITCriARP, Ii win's torn I'ltrr 1'ienrh Ifitintif, Whisker, . erry and Port I. r, fur ii.eui. cal use. Sold by 11. m. nuTciiAnn. s ttt re It, ISs;;: 111(111, ( loves atn F'ur alc st win ,,p, r. . and AYai in Tartar. V Flavorms t acta ol every k lol. H. M. PUITCIIARD, Irwin's Co,,,, TTi AN AW AY iron. CTAS MM,' tees, ill l.ibertv ( , t 1.1.1. .All list, -.,b, ui. int iiriiK.tivi. " lie is b!a 24 yeir. by .Mr. Ship,., bv W . P. Hy. Il'ni'.k or W. P. l;T. . ol Lincoln .iid boy is ly-1 1 ntiin's, ot Line (.,stn conn. ,., s..r.-. I I.I.I 1. 1 Ito ,iv,. r ttul, tllC U' ill pay I MV III IMI It r Ins apre... lision anu dc.itery to ih it I can jjrl In.... D. W. OUR. IN

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