Suito Stating. RELI'.loN IN TilK SICK ROOM. Tb'-Cl.r:,:"'nIiii-r.iSfueer"hMjutror.iiB ,.on eontmj gor., about art clt on themiptrtinceol con-j iJ. : S.aiatlotT 01 reallOIl, well s meuira in tuc sirk room. It remarks': The Kvangrlist Luke is cail.d by I"!. f p.roccod tio further than he is pleased to j Hko a load of manure; once placed in the the beloved physician,'' and the pLraise ' p01-m;t ,!n and if he should Mma in like j eartb. it will last for ages, while manure as become proreruial in ita apolioation to . flaoj (Jod will take care that hi fpirit wu.t le applied every year or two ; and members of the medical profesou. Every jift p standard against him. lie- besides that, manure is not halfao valua neighborhood ha one or morj praetuiou- I tncniiieri ,y rea.h-r, it is uo siti to be temp- j ble on undraiucd as it would be on proper ty who unite with Aill and tact in tbeir c , (je t)0 in rr.t-iw;,Iff cf agreeing', drained land. And, besides getting tarofearumal dunes, a hi-h ue oi reu- giou obligation, ami the capacity to " sider the spiritual a? we.l as the boany jf thi ir patients. V.i ;i mni h ! tniUili are not sf i'i. mind. Many medical men have a arrt of prejudice again-t the presciicc of a illlJ;l, those " a)l things " that eighteen inches wide, and about two feci c'er;!i.u in a rick room, fp-rally ' WOrk together for thy good. Forget not deep ; then place stones four, five or til CTiiil case hore it is desirable to avoid ' tje t.xiu,rt!lljon 0f ti,a Lord, " Draw uigh ; inches square against each sidu ou the bot ai.y and ail aue of ixcitcmcut. ?jmc-! tc, (j0ji nI1J Le will draw nigh to you. torn of the ditch. Theu lay flat etonea a-ii.-a. -.i they imperatively forbid the agitation anj jjC jj:,0 from T0U, cr0,3 iu ,op of . tbea tirow gmai of the rick person's mind by the imr:duc- j j 1)e jj0rJ tneth how to deliver the god- i .tones on the top of the flat ones ; theu t'.-Mi of n'.iuiju eoprcrsation, uo nutter j . . r teu.ptationa. There hath no'haul in vour dirt, aud voar drain is com- !.w orj. nt the n. cei-ity may be for such ti j ..t,,,!,!.!'.!,,! conversuii.Mi. 1 til" is a one undouDteJiy tor '1 bey lauit their ; bcalm of the Lo.'.y and con- ; iiUii ibat all cho muitbc sacrificed to lb: Bui there are two mistakes here. The one is a to tie relative importance of the soul asJ ibe body. If a choice has to be made bttwen th5? tc, 110 Christian will Lesi tatf a momput as to which is to be prefer red. And if ihtre is even 1 change, so to speak, tint the poor soul ju-t on the verge of trie u'l-een world may be awikened, gui ds.J, nl, 1 God's b'.es.-ir'g, surely brought to the S nioar, reasoti as well as piety de waul the effort ibou'.d be made, evta :L u.ii it imperil the p-o.-ptct of p'uy 1! re.:.rution. I'jt L, :e is the otber mistaki : In the ma.- of cacs bo such peri! is incurred. It is ofteu, r-.y ai uo.-; always, fouud that the mention of religion to au irrpeniten: pirea iu danger of death, h.i when pro rttr'iv ma le a soothing ratiicr t!.an an a Urttiuj eff-.ct. arc gtnoraily n -a .: t-. trier ain.-iwiatic ; they know by exptilerce what are the feelings of awa ktiJ persot: without b"pc, zrA erca wh.-n bo-t iiithtjl, they are at the same time oni lera'e and mild. They preach the 10-pei; jesthe gosprl. Tbo iieaage they bi'fjr t" the rseir. is not heavy but gUt tiding-. Their wru. oftea meet a want which, thjnjh fcitVythc ii.fferer. ia 1101 cirrc-st'i. TLey furui.-h the tecded oc"i-i"n fur utib )oiii:tig the soul atd giv i. vei.t to feeiings, tie suppression, of ';, eh is out a tie wor.-t .-.ourcc of t hy steal r1-n!rer. Ar.d if they probe the wounds r f the spirit, it is ca'y that the'e wounds iimv be thoro'thly healed. If they STieas c: iri; r, il.-i point t de'.lvcrarice. It' tiicv is-'io-e sins biiti rri'. th'T al-o exhi .'; tiie balm of tiilead T . . .' . , ! .1 bed 1- j-ir li' ' rt ajai."i i promoie man w rr-tird the operation of the reuicdies he is as'.r.g far the recovery of bodily health. JIr -AVKs FROM S!". luc anptl t -i:' Jeph, the hubar,.l of are Marr.tiat MarT child J eeuld Lu perls frvm their sins." All ri'jr lilt' reader? kiiow th'.t . is whit the Lord Jesus I r,.t iuto the woild f r. Hat what i- .' It is everything tat is tctci.r-! All ti'"d acti:ta., ani i.l wicked wcrc. t-A a'l nuked t'soajjkt', and a'.i wicl.e.l f,c':-.'. re f.'i. Wiata a ett'- -r: ssvr ba4 wori, h i , whin he iDdu'i;'" in pi .y itj-Tfi ti,t .Sah'-ath, b 't.'t. L-j t''ls what is c t exactly true, be When a little -irl "! aarrr, ar.d ca it her' i-tr cr 1 r'.ther hirl earner, i f'"S; t..:n 'he pt-jt- rii.d frets and f.. hat--lu.. --e Ji.J. 'Vnea the is i''jui, ar.J ti'f to uir.'a'- e c ry :i..;i t-j In r. ,-t i!-.oi T. .-1 ents mu-b wLithr othtr arc t ia not ntily that la" 1 : These tl'r,- 'oioe , I r., and they tho-v that wicked ; f -r y i know e 'not Irir f jrtii ba 1 t f'j ji.tai j J e! Lot send ff-n r! 'A I r. I.r . t " a p. r wattr. I il , item f anv iirtle childp n th-.t i not i mc wieked thit..;-. 1 do not i- that there are uuy n.c'u children iittie ci.i.d I.aa a Leurt frtatu which . i.e i- j'j-t ai sure 1 1 cjinr, a a-par a a i fly liom a b'irtiiiij: coal iLrn you dear t hildrr n that re-. pa- IV'd ;r-r a-ti ri' m r, and .jo't" they a lr in tbeir sitaa.'1 they wili griw up to I wictti-d men and women, i,' t loiiiaa ,J'il, ti laa 'T-r.? hi- coti.iir.t.'iitai.nt. not pray-' io imu. a'eriiip- they wili le profane t. r, pe,'.,ap some r,f tl.ern vill be li.-ei or forerr, titid p'ti;. liny wi';' bt !a scd rieh and live ill foe bo'i-ei' aud Late u.acy adn.irrra, but for ail that w'ii he s' !!-!., n'. It e C 'A nil nit prii , ai.'t '.a the tune ( -liri fir hiill t".' ai r. they w. 1 l.svt tj ! . li.e.r fine h aU laes an'i f nit of thia ji . 1, a:. 1 go to j 0 i iv i, .aaai'C that th"y are i,.,t L a fn-tadv and fiat he esrint kae thitr WLit vii, tl.eic be i... ti.ak.- thitn happy then" V.'itlvut f.jj f.,r thiir f.i?, wla -at ..'. ij leap liaaui fiolu groatiiij' Ui-jic f.,r thiir f.ieD ., uh .t v .; mere be Havre re ii uud r .. l ed and Oiioerauw fr ev ai,J eiai? la ar chlidru, thai it what ) i i r a-ne Ij, aiders there ia some one w ,', Jkal. J.iat J .icra j'lv'H til. r.o.r Cd tad Jto.J .... t. t-' 'ehois Li jmiadiea'' j't cf rati WAYSIDK TUULtjUlS. When the enemy stall come in like t flood, the Spirit of the Lord aball lift up a standard against him. Isaiab lii. 19. The anostlo l'ctcr compare Satan to h(j maJ Jcvour Tt is y, .-?. I. a v....... .nA ,..rr,1rv finiCai: ciPiinuirv...; .,... , ..,...t dear children, but blessed be God, be can rith, the temptation. Christ himscl. asUlora yalue for your manure when jour tompcd, but he re.-isted the tempter ; and;iat,rj s drained, you save half your labor,; ;t ,lie priTIi,,ge t0 fje uutj Uiri.-t under j because you can produce jut the same o- ....... t u i.:... .1 !,. every te.upi.uuu. .cu ,u. .u v .-., .... i i:. . -t A.,r.,.,A n,-,n it uuic n. ..-..-.-..v, -t - , tlj.e care ,iiat even tt -mptation ' ttm,tit00 taken you but such as is com- .,,..,,,, .,, mou tQ lucn . ut Q0ti s f,,tufut wLo ill uot 5,;., ,.ou tj ,e teuipted above that y bl Tlua is the rhri.ti: chit f. at j.iv, nigh; Hi. f.iitlit'ul Ci...t is n-t Whor rt. ', m.i .1.1 fl", an Protect him thr.ui h th a mlde Sluricultural. Kl-'.NKrir OF AGKICULTI'RALFAIRS., Kwry t'uir.g from the lips or pen of D-.n- j ii 1 Webster still continues to be read with j interest. The following is an extract frota , an address of his, delivered at the annu al fair of the Norfolk Agricultural Society, 1 at IVJham, Mas , in the year lr !9. " The principle of association the prac- , ticc of hrin-.'itig men together bet.t om the :iiii jencral end, uniting their intellectual and tiuir physical tfLrts to that purpo.-e i a prest improvemerl in the present age. We it rctrs ao perhapa. I might siy e-Rturies ago. It began in the profession al a'S'-'ciit.on: of the world in the legal, the ni'-cieal, atd the theological. But it. was long, in thtit eeenfry and in this, be- j 1-ts the principal of combination came to be sete ! up"u in thi great jy.tem of Agri- u'.ture before it was brought to that par- uit of life which is th main pursuit of life j before arricu!:uri-ts were brought to act in utii-on. Aud the rca-cn is obiou. In the cifT, comiuunitiev atfire together. The merchants and ship owners can come together at the sound cf a bell. The me chanics, peneraliy, living in populous pla- ccs. may u tiie saui. i ney nave me op- ty of ititvrchabging ser".i:iients every hour, and bat oi: kr.-ir, a:', know, asd what is ti.e txperieu:e cf one, a;! ason b-.-come acptiitited with. Hit the agricultu ral populition is scattred over all the fields cf tl.o country. Their lihori aud their Icils are, in some degree, tso'atcd. 1 hey are ia the mid:', of the billd and the val leys ,nd in the rec..'t of every solitary fore.-t. There ia uo ' Change ' for them to a-scn .ble upon at roon. There are no C'jffee-fcoi.aea, there arc uo Ather.cums for ihein t meet at in the evening and coa verse ou their interest. ' Il Laa, ther'-fore, be:ae c-ti titi?' o thij beet interttts of the firiii'rs of the com u.;i.i' calth, tlat these at.uual fairs ehould he t-:ab'.ih' d, and that they should be ut.iversally attcuded. And, as Ilia F.xcei lencv, the Governor, has remarked, it is n-.tej nvjch oo account of whnt is to bo learnrd by the roo-t elooj if nt disour-e iu ;he public ho'i -es or at tl.e.-e elLii-hiiii;ii;, a from the meetirj of men together who haic the same ventral OMecl, wbi wis'a for impr-avetiiect in the same "eneral puruin cf ii:'--, '.hat th"y m;y cot:ver-e with one r.o:ler that they may compare i-aca other ti.e'.r experieuc , and that they may ' tp up a coti-lant jtriiiut.icat'rjo. It ts in thi-. p jiul of view, that lh-e annual fairs are of importance. " Why. t'fiiticmep, every niST obtain, a very nut portion of ail that be know! ;n this orH, by conversation. Cciivcr.ation, eJ i-'-urceof uo-t of our knowledge. Books do t'.un tbiiij, but every jusri has not the ' op porti.itj to rraa. It is conversation th it iiuprows. If auy one of us here to d jy, ii an.' d, or unlearned, abotiid deduct what he has learned by conversation from (i hat Le knows, he would Cud l utl tlie left, ,: and that iittie not of the "".n't valuable kind. ' It is eonicretioa it ia theu.eetiu cf men face to face, and t,kiiig over what they hare common ia interest it i" this inter- t 3our" that males man sharp, irjte.iief nt, ready to communicate to others, and ready i to receive intimationa from them, and rea dy to let upon thoe only which they re c iv ly thit oral comuiunieation. ' " 1 heri-fore if there were not a thing tx- m hihite'l if there wire not a good pair cf t r, nor a fine Lorse, nor ii'.ely cow io ' . tiie whole country, if there be soeietr if tu,..rc te ladies, wives and dauj:Ltr if ip,.re J,, tho eiunected wi:h the tillage 0( ,r,.. I aay that these annual meriinn are Lihly important to p.roresa in the art to ai.icia they refer. I rotue here as a poor, to inert aiiii C ! r be'.ter firmer, ready u rLOciva from tlcm any ion on- ' t;ons their eipr;uc may Lava Uujht, ar.d dtrca oo'y sf tet'rg tomsthitg for tho'r re!s'.ijD wbicb now or hcreaf I, ma. draw their att.ntion n,efullj to something in the agricultu ral art. UNDER-DRAINING. It U time that underdrawing was thought nf talked of more, and practised .k... :. Tk .ni of n nalerrl ral n - mituiu im. a Jn is almost unlimited. A drain i not if.i n.ou.n ul gr.u. vu ua.. - ...,.w .. 0 i iri j 0n land dcrccading a little, i to dig a ditch pletcd. If you have no flat stones, round . ... ; to,,Cs will aurwer, placed lu the same way. j Gcncsfrc Hirmer. I Pltpimj. Bake a sponge cake, cut out the middle and put soft custard in. This pudding is fit to be eaton by auy one who can appreciate a delicacy. I FOIl PALATKA. FLA. 1 I.M.AND KOL'TE, VIA IltALTOBT, HILTON I lifcAD, SAVANNAH, BRUNSWIi K, ST. MA- j BYS, FERNANEINA, JAi KriONV 1LLK ! A Nf PlrOI.ATA. I 1 II F M.W AM SPLEM1I) I . S. M VII. EVERGLADE I.. 31. COX ET T K R, MASTER. I EAVES Brown & to.'. Wl.r.rf cr. ry TI E?. A IAV MOKMNU, at 11 o'clock, A. M., and connctd r julyr! v wttli ntnf t ifr Aifipalur, M i. (ii ic.n,!'a 1 1 a h!rr, St. Antiflinr.Oruni;e Spring M caiiri'T, .Ne nansTiiic and Tmu U.jr. .P A rc(iucl:t'n tuarc to riinpr Erttt-'t ftins-ened to this Agei.rv mill tr- rr. Eur frti'l't fr rSdgf, ann-r in (iF.OilUL ? lK'l'X. Acrnt, Hi :.n A. I'e.'. Wharf. Ca,ltt:rn, A'or. IT, lcj7. tijO Fivsh Coiifceiioiiaiics, Fruits. Family Groceries, kc. kia pit a a lire in annonneirg a 10 ii il the piitilir gt-nerahy, he t new in t rerij t ot a fre.h supply of f.y l-' I XT ION A II 1 1-.S. Fit U ITS and MTIII.l .K4 I ICII, , 1 e fC.r.iiir, Irani;. - li nain. ( urr:.i.!.' Nulr of various Kinoa.t hecae. Sup j., (of .'- .pile J. W. OaU.rne's cf. : rtallli,) WI.ere he H'iUi.1 tit: li ffln all of hia ulil eu.toinera, .' in me: ua refune any nes .-tita ) Ui their inureat Vt g.vebiiii a. i call. II. v rd cheap jnr .'., l e ill c ..ed lo aeit chfap lur f nth. M. D. L M0OlV. 31if n. I On. ll, l- E STENIK lg. JIjHN STENIICL'sE IK xie teii utock Ot FAMILY CKOrEIUES. in ?:,nr:.' r -ick hciM ing. 9d door from Mr. J Y. Br; r.'a ;.re, nhieh they will sell low, by Wholesale and Retail, FOR CASH. 'I -.. v w,a n.v the II M, II :ST ?I A It lil'.T lItiC'l;S h.r tolM.. Hi.e.t and L-'.ut.lrv I'f.i;oee gcner-illy. J. K. STKNHOUsK k CO. ( harlot!', O'f. VI, l."7. - 3.111 ' .JV N u ' "J ir.t. I: .1 Ill's I.l.-. Irit Oil. v for Hi r.lrnatitm. f 'ru, .oau... lti -.nir.ciuri.a i vhers khovan J l.y fr.,1. I I.l rat.abiiahin-nt n Fl it tJrr,l Kemraly Hut b. .r . .,.!.; t sllj.'i.l'iai) :to ' there il la ud. lid, Uughl Uat 4 P,:k. of , f l;.a,n.orc, n',i.....l,, i,tiaJ ita ..! ovir loe furce.I. I- .:.t ,r ..v. r S.i Vora, S)J,'.. II.. il i i,o; J. I). I r i.fe i'luu .kiwiw. rl Dearv and l)ru- njt.inorc, Md., Iiee. 3d, lejG. th. ,f. )r Crath. Sir : I'.eaae of h y.iir lili c t nepl 3 Uo't'.aa li Ir per ata-ainpucket On .1 .. Tad ti.i rreac th (J... the k, a over aj.i.hl'l of jour Vweelne i Cbr.l.g tlaa p,l 17 llaaalatl.a. MI II J. HAM K, 11 1 U-iit. klraet. fror,. ti.e Wraltlnert iJrug cat tVt. , II.. Ill t mriiin. ti Nov- 3-', I55. f. Ir t.r- h. . a. on n.v l. fVroas Small sixa- Va. I.C lealium No. i II a ;roBS Large Mu. 3 and I me le; l it anal, las ua-lore. JOHN D. I'AKk. : r. Indianapoii., flrt. tl. I'.ifi. I r in- ;.m. ; I..... er ejprr... ajlH'l wotlh your fc'ee. I on vo ,r n.rnl fro... I.oiil.l.'I llhOtAM.NC. nrund eonvioenrg ihe Line era" jf-K d.aeov red, haa. bea-fi uoprrrr. OW laa-ynrad i,!l pra-radrial. f r- r. ajaaier, Ua iont i a,,r,. -prnr g In th ,t l ..rta, ortlai In H M I'KIK HARD. Id l.y iJaogji.ta a; -a - ' , h ft 1 ' i ' - wtv ' v " -. (tJ won m 0 see si n OB niti of all kinds wills, tiratl itaoajsi e eSMlitM sltlaai N,rtla a W f Otna. sp-And still they Come.sB Henderson k Ahrens A U K now ric STtX K l li K now r.reivinf tln ir r ALL aU IM til Jf.V Yuml ST.iri.E ItOOl :! MIJI, a l.r;e St.. rrnnTaring Conta, Ver-ta nH Pants, in every :yle "YT.J",... If ,...,- 'r:.. I " '"- f ,,.,;.... JY . Jfr. r...ii.. Rom. ti. Mt-n'a (nut sii r.irL.- n. 3-1 ou ,, ,lnu, iuwt .t 3, lo fi Knot anil Minn. I.juiia tfi.ick I lot li l.loi.kt 1 $3, worth 7 50, ulo fancy and colored, in great J Suj'iiinc French Mr ri noes, Ih Laities, Cttstmcirs, Vitiates, $1:, lilunhts. I.ttwys, Yiannitt, Titling, iltrctiiig, Jirown und lllctii ud Minings, Thoae wiahinjS j-npil tlirmrlra with any 'ed, will find -t t their mterf.t i..ria,ine our tinoda and prioa. bet.-re linvinir ( nr (..mi are .,m.rtd i -MSUAU. V LOW l'KICt.S. ! Store at Spriniia' Comer. HKNDKKSON k AHRENS. U A Crt rule aaertinenl of l.'OODS may alao be luund at our Store at Morrow, 'a Turn ut. Pri Ce ani.e a a here. ' Ort. is. ih7 n.iif !wew Elllinery end Hantua Haklng ESTABLISHMENT. Mrs. P. M. SMITH OCm infTm H.c puMic j that hc inlt nd rurry. ! the abive Itiifinffis t hrr ! t: y : : - y copil t hureh She would Jl li int'irin toe I.-iiiea that ahe In. just received a anpi-ly of Honnrt Tiiiniiiing, eon. : ai.tingof i KlllWPr FpSllirrS II finr ll ( kt riOHir, riilllllN llUUllll UC. shc hopea by enil;ntiriii; to give a.itiaf-ietmn t thoae vliii in .y t'air h r with llieir euaioui, lo '. H.ent a I Ire r 'I of puldic patronage. i Otl. S7, IP.17. 3jtf I I JtHIV IIF.MtV U AYT, .11.1)..! i n ; eos vex ris t, (citniiTt or th UtLTivioaK l ou tog or uistil SuaocoNs.) AVIaNU pnlfd pf riiinnentf f , 1 prtifi upw.nal mt rtt. ' ci lo ti.e citiit-n ot t harlotlc )r. Wayl prepares and in.rrta Arlifici..l Pal. tr. and ohturauira, an-i attenoa to tor correction ot cori?rrtitii! anu aeciUenUi oelurmilua ,l tiie teeth . a n.j j j w. ' He ia 1"0 pre p red to inaert Artificial Tilth uf( lio.t approved melhoita. Offiee on Tryon-sUett, 10 t'unon a new build , I'j. Si .ira. I.adn . wailed on at thnr rraid.ncet if rrqairrd. .Virtr. I H, I 3 New Cabinet Manufactory I N (TI A It I.OTT F, N. C. J. A. tt CT. S. OlUENTi A l ) having- h en frd thrniarlvra oernianenl. 1 U in theb I I.AM !AW AMI I LAIM.NG Mil. I. of'j.', lor tiie purpo.t of MANUFACTURING FURNITURK of nil diai UiU re.peeli'lliiy ll.vilr ti.aa r.inr liie.r aloca. b fore pur la out up .n ll e beat m.n. ,g. The. ii. Wetrrar ..d t ilil:.-a for ei'tlinr t tl.ry ferl ronfiivi.t tliry favor ti.r.n with ti.rir cua I Ir.te a.l wlio (jRMlBS pn I pl y btlfii'.'cd toand warrant. rd l" f;.ve lato Tarn . T.irmng of all li aenptiona n the be.l numirr and at low priret, by J. A. k M. S. OZ.MKNT J'lntiaiy 5:7 I6J7 4S tl' .New? rNew Jiooks, ; rar oTT' nmras" ( vi lAf.ema cr Aaaa t'a f 'lias rra Vth. ucai I.iTvaaTtav, by luyc IIl. I.aiwo or Na v Mm V. . II. Dana I'aii. I aisr, a i r or s !.' i by S.V. Wilaa. Tn 'I WO I.KiMTa. Vioi.vt ua Tn t' aa Ale I ah. JOua a-aoaj the Fci ntaim .so Ilaa I ton a, by Lira (Vim I'ktoi.i THat f'sowra, hy Mr itr Lira, a book of rW-r- i w H ii prof.t by any one, ll. ll. ll ll. .S. . Tat Mvarrav.c I I.. ) 'l iar IK-.nioi t I. vil. a Ma taoon, hy John Young, Asor.l. in Ii-i iar, by Mra. Ia -a. Tur. fa. r.r.r .mh r. Tn .Miar.t ; kin rienrTara ; nn.l Tin Pooa lit Til Mas: 11 r, e '1 aiaa laaaund Hi one volume. IVmai.k I.irr. Attir'j Ti.e MoaM.asa. Ia. Kavr'a Air'a I.xrros artoN. I'. J. LOWRIK. Chorion, Mttrh w(, I-1.17. 7alualle Plantation von sali:. 11 snb.eriher oe lua I'l.nta. Sanih from nlTer. for FT n. lying -J; . ft, -2L rfTtlsaa i-'g 70 j" nag tne I.aa M ral lr. l.ilalK.ll, Or. 'I'a)..l .no olu. rrs. It h't S tf'aaial lor dwallllig tl'lliar laa,n ll, v ( g,, .d slal.lia, I of wlnrli has a lolt siiliieirot lo I l,.,!d r..nshn.-asrn..ngb for 3 or 4 hora.-a. . g..d , ( iraa, tiais plafe ia a ftral rata, n, rr ia ab.,nl 2j acres friieatd op, about 1 .1 ol -h ia In a al.,tr of eulli v .(.on. I llaank pl .Ce KOUlal .Hit aillf Hilt III I li.rhaltr, Wlaaa l lit-,, rooa ol .a.v,r.; hia lia-a f. h.a pa.rk, his i Ian lam r and faja. and,li la. nt laol, all III. e.arn an.l far. ofwl. 'I'liere ia a gr..,t ileal of pine wnaol rr.oy t.,rad .rail a fine rh-.rtee to cut yil, lor I,, raa ya,u r an f. I li dnli.ra . f Coral, ll. lava ra II .1 a the ( hwrloiiV lain e r.r in h.rlolte. 'I lot .!.,i,lj taoaa le nboilt 2 a Iraain ths ( harlotie name, lav wlnrii I ran an-ali.- S trap, per day, rvrry riaay t la a. I 1 make s lull day's hauling, faar Wllieh I grl ail doliara. Aoy p,-raon waahing lo ibia pl.aer ran I nine aa-a aor, living Uaa.ra I! g . r ir f'ri 'k. jurt ate.Tr Ma Oowell's brnlge, near the M.aon'a . rry ro.d. fTKPHKX R. TL'RNHR. I iVrar 3 f j7. til' ( ik. is. n. tOltll I rir.I. bo phased tortceite Profrari.anal falla TV m the oepartuaents of .YJ t.DK l.N V. , mi I bL'.'i'fa LCY. In less orofes alls abi,t, h. ' j may be fa.uni at hit rcid . I Vr a raatiet .(.. I frV 1.'. For' Mill liront XOHTI1.CAHOI.MA Katual Life Insurance Company. OFFIVK, K.i LEIGH. K. C. rjMHIS Company insures tin lives nf iniiiviiiu. X- ala 1'iir one year, term uf year, or fur lil'r, the Mutual Fri!tritli', the aureu tir lile ar liclpntnn in the pivhu ol tiie I uuiiniiiy. ror .i,rie itrunteo lor the wlii'le ti rm of life when the pn iiiium therelor imniinu io a ixile may be tvrn for one-lmlf the aninunt of the proiiiuiii, bcarirg interrat at 6 irr cttil. without jjtinri.niy. The prompt manner i" wliieli all !.. he U paid by this cempnny , l";elher with the low ratra nf piminiiM, preatnt great indocinnnla to Beh n are iha)nid to inaure. Mlavra are uimued lor a term of from one to five yeara, for twu.lhirda tlieir value. All luasea are paid within 90 daya after a.itin fnctory proof ia preacnted. 1)1 REt 'TOKS. Clmrlea E. JohnaHin, Win. II. Jonra, Win. W. H.-ldeii. W. V. looke, J. G. Willi.nii. U. W. Il-ifieil, Qai-iiime Hiiabcr, V. f. feaeud, W ni. H. Mi Kee, K. P. Malllc, ( hurlva U. Boot, 0. O. hi.wle, Kich'd II. Blilc. OFFICERS. Pr. rhar)ea E. Jnlinmn, rrriideat. V . W. Iloldeii, Vice rreaidint. I!. II. Buttle, Secretary, tt ii'iiin.a II. ioi'ca, Treaanrer. II. VV. u-Kd. Aili.mey. Ir. Wm, II. Mi Kee. Medicnl Easmmr. eircvriiv 4'wniltra. Q. llttabte, W. II. Mc. Kee. t'hurlei 0. Id ol. Mrtlicul Board of f niulalion ("l'arla E., J..hi,.,i., M. U., William II. AltKce, M. IK Hicl.'d B IIjjwoih!, M. I)., Fer furtlier inlWinntmn, the public i refer. red to the pilfphlela, and fmina ol propnml. whieh , ,, be .t th. urlice of the Company. , ur aMv of il Aeeneii . (-..muiuuieationa ahouM be addreaaed, (pml- P'" 'U R. II. BATTLK, Salary. Srptemltr P, IH.'i7. 2Stf fc- Dissolution. rMtll l. c.i.artfler.h.n hereto ore rxiatii-.i between .fi. the nodi rug oed, ia line day ma.olved by mutual cnarot. AI! prri-ona imiebtrd to ua are nqueatcd lobe pnpred itb the amount they arc uur ua in a "few d-.)a," aa iettieinenla n.u.l be made. JONAS RI'DISILL. i s wiiisNANi ,1ll. IS, lBoi. TI( i I will elill be fcund at my Slrim Pis rig Mill, rrp.rrd to fill all vrutra lor Sash, Blinds and Doors, w,lh " "' ,l" c onlry afrrila.e. cUng lo ut,ole ,. t.iin p,ricul.ily i,, ,itf .hop. aud aoiicit orders lor work in my hoe ol boKineaa. J 7 I niiiher difaaed to rrdrr at abort notice pribca nioeeiate paid upon delnervof the work. J. UUD1S1LL. A-g-18.17. I I r. tirinr frsm Ur tirm hrr. tnrnre ranting ( uo rr n.r o.aoe 01 tin.iiui a nioain, 1 so au killi ti.e kinei-.t ferhnga l-w arda the Cltitrns of h-irlolte ami surrnuiutinr eoontry, tor the pal m.rr an liberal!? he. lowed open u, and 1, hi'ia ln if iImI 1 he aa will lw earned on ju.'iiy aa eieed.uoua as we d'.ne. P. S. W 1 1 SNA XT Aug. I", 157. J: Notice. iullK f'M ARM'TTK ML'Tl'Al. I.NSI RAM E JL 1 (i!l'A.N eontirio.a to lake riaka arainal hy ' on Ho a, (uooa, 1'roi.uiie, .Vr., a.ual ru'ia. IT Office brtwren Park ' Store and I!r . lrj Kuildll'g. (.1 i n I'.ttri. M. H. TAVLOK, rrst.ifit. i:. OVKHMAN, I 1C' J restart,!. K. N V V. llU'it lll.ON.rc y 4 Treat r tuRiii'lMtA : !. B. TAYLOR, t' OVKRMAN. J A. Y il.'NG, WM. JOHNS! "N, J.I1 CARSON, S T. WKJN'JO.'s, F. t'CARR. n. i-.-.s. uif Encr.urage Urine Industry UAVI.Si; I'l'lif II ASKIa ii ( (iM OKU A I Ol! V , I am prepared to fill ell orijeia fol Otiiriht t , Vara -., S7i tingf, (i rin ii I'liggitg, Unity Vi tiling, I am in-kini; -n artiel f fa III a I 111 Flaat.r 'rhrrsh'iiig IlcjrM, lt .il I!,,,, I'ttrjrt I ham, Jl "HI'lHg Tu iHC. of loth f. r the Wheal and t orn. I.r. ni linii it to tier ad. fr Vant.'rr to u rdrra In ... a wilt '"'j. McDonald. i oe atirii.teuto vtilli pron I Cna-aaaJ. Gel. le.-.f, 36U rsNew Etablislirnent. I f V V 1 1 K un!rrarned haviog ratahliahed hima i M. h no-in, '.i j- .j. t h.rl.'lie.mleiide crryu.g tiie li'ilowini; bra tielo a ot buainci Vr,, yi,lUgi Qu and Jkimilhirtg, l.tll llntiging; Sliver, Jjrutf ami ' iiiiUot HJrttU Work rtpnrtd Cw. sttion Ulil JtiLs atti jjoiex of the mat duraltlr kind ttu?, I uiirravted lo U lupft tfr to way (Ahrr kind jur HJttt and 1 tuttfty ftttTpo&f. Ai! ol lii ulxttf Srjf-ln I wnrrant to turn cut in 'rk tuts nil ke i-tylr. Co.rh iimlt'-ri at riiatMfi'-e tliat wuh to hive tt.eir wo. k ilaui.i. S ill five particular atlt-iition to iIiko ilrhuitf am kiton an pttmmihlt. I'ffio-tii lit a d i plan Of wmhtnir 0 ttn altt-tfH fmm fliht (f, ( rro-moti i ii.ckirif , will hve 1 t tirrrpl time jhji herwiar rrpaired. rirrpl rrnairrd arid rrttarned on I rnwlrl gr-? anf nnmhtr of rffrrfie i tn w-!w hi" nt. hip, but f (ireni it unnrf-iiiiar j a I Kill irnvr ti-e vffk to pt-ttk for itarlf. t4o aM-nti on V'liir wor an ntn aa poaairilc irjOlililN,; writ he r.tar.. I'U aa- ie rtiil at my rnhup. North of Iht C'-m t lldUkft and ntlt doof to Ovrrroan V W i!aona t ar- joiin m. masox. Utlotlr Varek f, ISiC. 4lf fiis'T Yjf $ m:w FIIIM. V. would ra(nrlfully snnnnnrr lo tor public lost e have ti.isiisy l.aroaid a eopartneraliip under the nanae and atyle of OM'H.MIN A: WILSON for thr pnrpoae of niiaiaufietiiiiiig J$ CAUKIAC-ES vje" of avrry deaeraption. We pron.aae l aallilul work-m a word, noi.s the Sa.illh ah. 'II aurgaaaa ua. I .," A I I. W a all K W ABIIAN'I t'l. 1 H iVI'A I h'l.Nt; eoi r at theahoitrst notice, and ran thr nao. laialrralr trrme. I i Sin,a on Ti Jon anal t hurch Star' l, nearly oi'p.-aile to Ivan s liuui C OVKRMAN. C. WILSON, atf CUtUlit.JAv 6. le.'U. LLANK DEEDS for sale at tin offioa I V .W. RAN SOM. JX& '' 1 ( ALtANY. WAIT Fflll TIIE Wj(1 COL m..e me 19 yra hia i 7t) I A 6 A.A. 1.31. Would rrerctfully announce to the inhabitants from their Old ftand, lo 1 ur deer Weal ot 'I . M Inbitien, jnat received from the North, one of the B K QJ Ever offered in Nurlh-C'-airoliiia, among which w ill m .'xv' mv rmm-3 m whir h hat gained uch a famoni rrpntnlion in the rVaib rn f'oontry fr the in at r'rhlrrn n...nib. '('hia Mlovo he warrante iierior tn any ooking elote now in uae It ia aimple in ila arr-i.i n.rr.ia roiiaume le fuel, and dot a more work in a given time, ti an any other Sl..if now in n.. He mil p Up oll beaiile any other rinr of thr a mir ane in the I'nilr.l rl .lra, ml if n ,,( ,,, , work in a given time, fc win forfsit the price of l'ie "love, and ejnit selling and go b.a oraiu f.,r the miter one. : ALSO, ALL KINDS OF I He hai, and constantly keep on hand, an rv'.iaiv and vrrd atoek of I ... w a w v r-wwwsasr.i awa- J IA -rTtIJ .liril'il IIIUA) mt.iss MMTTLi ino.v rti:iTi:.ins, HAT HACKS, CKADLMS &c, &c, .tllaf W hlcli Will br ll, t hol-aule itntl II li ll. li M per I la it at line a-Tt-r b -ii ttllrrraj In la tw VK I would ri loin tnv thanke to mv fnrnda an.l for the very lit-rrnl paimrirr ll . y K, beatoned o poll ua, and tlary mav real aa.urcd. t,,rrtlirr with a urlrfimnalion In nleaar. to lr v a Tfr liir 0 vrfi ';t mi zvm u "win Lndirft and Crntlniirn nrr pniliruliirh N. B I will trll yoo why I head we bate three wagoaa conaiantly travelling rlirrugt. the eouotry w ,11. Movve. ret" tiu onli rn trill be litilUluttij j TIIF CKFATFST ' Till. Atal.. Dr K KNN FtlV ,of Koa bury, has diarnvrrrd none I ft our cesvanan pmst.tir trtrut a raai 0) tlmleuiea I M'fiY 1Mb (ii' WMW, fi .at Ikt irotsi i.safs inirs le s reetwio pmt lie haa arird It in otrr ll"0 eaaaa, f-ll rjr-epl ill two eaaea, (!,lli II lie haa now ill hit poraai n raer laa and crrt.ficali a ot it. virtue, all ill. :n ts nl j li.ili a of Boston. 'I aau bottles sre warranted to err s nureing tore moutft. One io Ihrre boft.ra nil! curt ll a Woial L.ud ol Till, flat ana the !-ce. Twolotiireebottlra willrlrartl eaj.t. m. f F.lia 'I sob. (Ilea are locajie tat o:al tat. ker in the n.oulh si,4 .loioaeh. Three lo bar L.ICia are wariaailtal to rors I' a a-or.l . iprl.a One to taan boll aarrai.t.d to cure all hu- ma.r in tl Kyi a. Taaoboliiat trs wsrr.nlrd t, runnai.g ol the tara and b.oiehaa ano'iig ti.e l.a.r. t --or to a. a b. tlt. a are warraiittd to cu cor- ' rupl and running "In l. Onr b.lle will enrr srsly eroplion nf the akin. 1 rI uo to thr.-e taoltlra sre warranlsd lo eiare the ! worat r .ae ol rioeworan. 'I wo to Ihrre bollla a are w rrauti d laa cure the mo.l ,;f.-t,ii ri-.e ol rhi uinat'am. Tltrte lo lour butlka are warrm-lcd locurs lbs aalt rhi ui... I I irr lo eight bottles wil cure ti.e woial ca.ea ol I acra.lula, 1 A bent fit is always eir,rncd from the fust J bolllr, and a peril el cure n a.iM.lto aln n toe j alK,ve qn.ntitv ia Uprn. I Keailrr, I ,-.'.!.! I. d ovrr a thocaand bottlra cf Una ! iii the vicinity ol lhaalon. I know il.e rrl.rl a.l il I in every cre. so .ore aa ltr ti l nni go aii ;'lr ol it but Ihjl .old vnoiha r ; aii.r a lr..l il Iways ajaraks lor It." If. 'I hrre art IWaa llill.g. boo I tin. helh thai appe.ra laa me eilrpr.aiig ; 6'". ll " '"" ("'. " " I'1"" qillie pleniliut, aa.o yal na vaiiav o. ..aa a lain known uolil I il.arovrred it in I "It r onil, laa. I it etaaiuld rare ail kimis of hiama-ar. In orerr to roaaae idr. ol the saaildrn riaa and grrat aa,puUrity ol the un ry. I thai .n A .r a I , rij, I Haaal!aal it. a:,il a. ill .1-1 about bollles ,arr Ua, iu A a ral, Ip.I, I a..ld e Ihouaand ba tl'ea arr ai. y of It. ' Kaiinr of the wlaolearlr iii(iaii who have brrn bueinrse ivanity ml II," i yr .rr, aaj t laa. t no. f anal. Ill laaca ir.nea a.. a va r j aoaog in n There ia a nniveraul praiar of it Jloaai .11 quarters. j In nay own p-arlare I always ki pt il alrirl'y for hsinora- but since l la lla lr.aourtia.n aa a gioa-ral family miOIGine, Iftral anal ava.paa. rtsa vtltuaa haVS bain bund in it that I low ao-i.l.,l. Krvrral eaara of rpih-ptir Hi. a daaraar vaharh was stwaya enwaideri d inrurablr, bate taeen rur.-d by a fa w laoiliea. O, what a merr y it it will prove erlea in.l in ail eases ol Ihut swlul ma,lady-Harre are but few who have rrti more ol it llian I h.rve, 1 know of several raaa-s of Orop.y. all of thain aged pw,.lr enrrd by it. For ths various diaeaars ol the l.avrr.hirk llnid'.rhr, I' p.ia, A.llimia, Kevi r and Agor, Tain in thr Wme, Ibaa-aaaa a of the lupine, and paartirularly in diaraaa a of Ihr kiilnrya, ac. Ihe niacovrry has done more good than any medicane eerr know ii. i No elr.iae of diet rvrr nrersavry .at the larat , ran gel and rnnueh ol it. ' Dista roa I.aa. Adults one table spoonful per flay i hiltirrn over ten yrara dessert spaaaaulol. i till dri n from five to right yeara. a.rnaaaoniul.-- a As no dirrrtions ran he applac ihir to all r. ' tiona. take suiTiciriat lo opa-r.ts on the bowels , twite a oay. HaNIaTAC-TUBCD It DONALD K lalS'iNF.DV, j Xo. 120, Warrrw Slrrrt, hmbury, Must, j Price II. W h.alreale AkmtNrw Y.,rk eilv.C. V.t liek. nrr.iVI Harclsy Plreri; r.ll. Kinr, IK'.' Ilra.aaiway i j I A. It. A II. Sanos, Hill ulmn Wrrri ; T. VV. Dy. I I ott at. 1011., rhih.drlphia j '.Yea. II. Kry r. I'll Is. I burg: A. B. M.rr. rlnfTalo; Hugh Miller. Tora.n-1 In John Hirkr. Montreal; hr ,nk :i,hft A Pinion,' Jamrs Keed. I John Willisna.l Irf, niton, I', W. At Ketail by all resprrtable laVuggiats in thr l.nilrrl Pistes snrf tirili.h frravaiarrt. F. SOAR R k CO., Arr.nta, . Cltarltittf, A'. C. A LARGK .SUPPLY OF Constable Warrants FOR 8ALK IIKKK. aei; (itovea an cheap 7 TAYLOR nf ( MAPI (I'll F und vicinity, ll-at he baa remotrd . Karri 'a (Jnci ry More. heie ha haa now on ex. no al rllnime a.aoilu iuta of W i IS ba found the relt brated HB-'H'iiaijari that 1 ah. II rll.leaior, by el ee ettri lwin lo L.n n.r i.d nir r I a roolio o . n e ol tar .1 hi m&i ? wxih -mm?: in - in d lo rail s i d ix;iii:ini' M Siurk. lerli.riHrnl Vt air ros Tir W aoooii,' Ur..i ami pn. tut I Iff tilliuitrtl tn j A. A- X. -M- TAVI.01!. 3ir t.iiiruiiii's iii(.(ni ti h, AS A L1VF.R MKLICINK. T I. baa lu. g a Lain' a ..! fi r I. y II.. I IUelu.1 i la.o.J j h. a baaia pf. paiao aivr l.i , I ,,. j it l.. air. i, ...o,. thr e ra by lie e. taa i taaa.aii.l """- j , Lit, .Hilar r an, A,..r.J. n.. ,1 Apo.1.! II..1 oro....u aiea al.owo I Ilia. jjrp.e . w uain ran i a I. tHony . It, I., r. la r -n 11 I lie, ...I-1.,. I.IIV- by a a l.t. r ii thr I.l. ,1 the L.ver. T l,e I.. ,,,..! VI, th whin H.i p.r l.roi. I li Ika laaaa .1 ll . o. A I w alo ..a ol ti.e f natgoret r r l.inuuir Irs l.ivi a I s proprr .i ..a. I n ... d u- I., ra aa oa. l!.t ta. j u . j , , . 1 a.irra . In r.a. I..r llaaaaa il I aa i-ny. Aaa aKCa.a, n laa a l.r.nry . -r.rly ll airilaa H-r at-jr. liar r.r a ll,.iriisa all. an. lor a Orb. I, I .! II aUI, av.l. ... loa l.a.g.,1.1. r h.a no,,, i,,. , valaa.l a. a r p' il ra.trrr. lUlj.Hii, ana t thr ' l s. a. in m tic tan, i nl i. l ol . a, I .V.r. r.d anal ...lal by Ha.ndi,iri ia Taa., Iraa I r. r V Y'. ra. I'raea II cr U.llit.ra.r.'. s i Ai.o ...le I t SCAUR k CO., Oa'arra'iv. aniSrr 1 1. r.',6 3'-lj I aa a. I fy .aaa.t aya, ' . WaAa. taS.aaak.WSa. ,llllMM Till I I III , If I.Of la, lolais. I a. ll lie a. raa , f . I on AHirliolia ,l II r K .. I a 1 a I I i lii.aaoa r. ..raaa l.oiiorrl.usa, lalarl, H. t VS I. .1. .. v a ,,. . . am! oilier I i lliair t oil pla. ll, ta . Ilea per tV'll-a . ern ! a-im II 'i j. (j'old Mine lliilsim. or I'y.p-plit ll lll.tluia 'I i". A ii ttrr Iron, J li . I ..lion,, hi i,( giat. S. t .. o-H .1 Aue. M. Ir-I'a . lr J. hhul- I'r. r far: Y'.ur law f ... n . nlarr aa tia la i .i i, In tint .a . to n . I Iry. 'I hl Naallire r.,-eili) a. high tl approtillol. ll baai.aarr laailra loearr io .I'J a aaae ilai llaao I. .at, that I n.i.rlM.a .ii. ori, I' saipply lli alrii. an.!. Van will a;,,..- arn.i loe I laryr anppiy .' It a. s.e.ta aa v u grl I a J. R. CA I.I.I M AUMf - Wm. W. S. ., o.r.. r. '; K T. Lena. Itocknif hnni ; M.ii.rA Yr . f T. J. Ilollon aim Or J. r. Oilmrr.t harl. Ha ; h,l A Hall and I. II. t.nnisa, Kaiisbur) , ' I - IV' ry, I.rlinarlon. itaaya ff ml iVSrV'Ira aw Ma R f ' Dr j Gsvi. 3:ta'iO. FrK-sg v;. ';. CARRMCtaS, KKC.a TREES. C I i f 0 F N 7. VI YORK, ar taj rra c-knt .amviiMi, s . Kt'm a H a iw.aa, J M M, r....a I. W. Wnoatflo. ami . C Y. vl.n4l.all,J A.C. ILLIiMSCit, 1 11.11:1 o T'i r ', .1 W II ! practice in ihle ? V lies Slid Will alien nHlhrailj.oninr' to all profraaml" j Sinras rnlro.lrvl In hi" rale. isalwa. Jan. ', rl.'U jaavt5-FrA " V arrW V, JOHNSON, FORWRDIKO AIvD CCBHTISSIOM i S( ) U T II A T la T ! r Y 1 1 v I'- CI1AULK.STOX.3.0.

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