Tlorlh (Larolinn fft'lliig. "We&&9 ! CHARLOTTE: ea Telegraph Company, the operation of Huchea' priming telegraph. i receiiujr im- proved, by which tba extraordinary feat 1 performed of tending and recording, at lh r .... J I ..,- rlilb I. An OtlieCtlOn DClllS I AN I.UFOHTANT . Atn.v inrnvi - The Senate was not i, ooFrid.Tj...d.itlie.ovr. Wear, opposed to any -J"J jJTAn and Saturday tbe 21st 3a ult. sucn proposition .nasuaucu wa .cv w.n ... In tbc Senile on Monday. letter was com- ei.-ted the CovernweM m uuicated from tbc Seorctary of War .how- In the House on Wednesday, Mr. Zollb ing to riuu.oer o. vroop, ,,,, ...... couer .u.r.u..cH . - - V" j ale ,,,., opposite end. of Hie .ire, sas each quarter siaco tbe 1st of January, dopted, calling on tbe President for "fr-; tw0 aisiinc e'p.ihe, end this is done iu 1.".j. niation as to tho cause of the expedition to ; pHin alphabetic! characters. The electric A number of petitions and memorials dab, and for all tbe correspondence with i current meet ami cross eson oiuer wnuoui Unchain Young in regard to tbe affairs of ' u'siuroance up i.rrgu.imvy , s ..,... ..,., I cases the ansr to a despatch begin to be -,"u received before tbe original l wholly trans- Tbe de6cicoey bill was taken up in com-1 niitted, although but one wire is employed niittee of the whole and on the motion of I to perform thy hole double duty. Tbe in Mr. Theirs, the debate will terniiuale on "trumcnts are now completed, and adnpted were presented, among them ws a petition from citixensof New York, praying that tbe j public lands may be laid out in farms or lots of limited aiae and granted to actual te tilers free of charge. Mr. Mason presented a report from the Friday. A general debate then sprung up 'for practical ae. Foreommunieating in fith- Tue?dav, February 2. IS58. Committee of Foreign Relations on the Dies- laat f-'itu the President relative to the ar ' rest of Wra. Walker, which concludes with j tbe following resolutions: Urtoltrd, That no fertber provision, of ! between a number of the member. In the House on Thursday tbe duGcieoey bill was taken iid in of the whole. A general debate ensued in which a num- "P'di,7 M ont ?Pctr required to , , , . , . I receive ad dtiircr despatches by this pro ber of memUrs took part. I cess-for, ..regard, despa.chea received, In tbe House on Friday, the deficiency , j, j 0. neciasary to cut off the slip, when bill was again takeu up, aud was discussed completed, the printing done duiing the up to tbe time when our report ended. er direction, but two ordinary cells of the Grove batter are used; and although the wire, are wording both way at the same time, tbe business i. executed with the usual fuunlj" il!lf!S. The following Magistrates wrc elected on the 27 th ult. the Special Court of Meek- 1 law are Lccessary to confer authority on the lenburg eouotv, for the ensuing year, vig : President to cnu-e arrosts and stiiuree to t i n 11 iv ii .....,. I p he made on the liivb seas, for offi't.ccs com- John a kcr, li. . A.exander, J. I . lio.s, . r , 'muted ajiaimt the act entitled, " An act in vtn. N.xwc.l ana .). .m. i otts. , .dd,tiou ,,, ,h. ... for tu. runisbmet.t of Wm. Maxwell, J. L. Prown and J. M. c,rui crimes against the I'uited States, The "urillOD SI rrnjlh. Hutchison were appointed a Committee of j and to repeal the acts therein mentioned," JIUCD 0.s been said by person, who have Finance for the present year, aud Samuel , Fproved April 20 151 n W j heen .mr,s tk tUro -Utiv. i. ikeir r. wu,, iverper. ... . . ,. ,rT.,A ,. ; strencib. some statins that thev could muter ' - . r "T i " ' " " "T, " , , .1.. t Ii t." . - ' muco importance, a greatly increasing me our secoini war lias never oren represented urm now u hm, nai ing ioiik loriiourn nuim reu iuaukiii i the walls of the Capitol, fcince then the ! all Ins sorrow aud tni-eries. Sir, there u rou,,ui wnen ne was iiaulrtf was Hero of New Ur'eans." and two of thoe ! noihitiir to bear, whilst the presence of (Jod fouud that be had no ' asst ts ' and itie biii.k nhotbcn voted to perpetuate his glorious j cheers my soul, and whiUl I can have ae- . therefore, ' in-ured bii life' to the etient deeds on canvass, (Messrs. Polk and J5u-ices to him, by constant pi. yrr, through of ibe-ir deb, upon hich, they, of eoure, chsdsn Wiave been elected to the fir'toflice faith in Jeu. Indeed, sir, 1 am truly P" "rJ heavy annual tax 'I bin g, n.' in the people's gift, aud the eighth of Jsu- , happy, and I Iru-t to be happy and blessed tleman called on the bank otnetiiiie alter, urv is generally recognised a. a catioual i through eternity; ond every hour thank and told one of th iiiangtrs. ' I am r,ff..r. , liod, who baa brought me from a slate of " lucrative situation in frra I-eone I J -I . . . i . l .f i ...... .1 . .. oarues nuo dis marvelous Hrni, anil lias ) ""- i mere, inn poiirf , . i given me to enjoy the unsearchable riche be vitiated j however, I must o . , "l ."? . " , " '' - of Ills grace ! ' J he impression made by this cannot starve. w list, then, a. : , hi exhibition while the wires wcie working be jtwecn New York and Philadelphia, was I noticeable fotiw aecu'acy aud clearness. I The type i. arranged on the periphery of a la heel, from f-'hio tbe iuiprewiou is taken, in ikt i',ii '"hecking its motion. The I result abova iViced is looked upon as due of PicTuBtcr Ttit Battlc or New Ob-i Th most Intebihtino Sioiit in the i LATICll FROM KANSAS. LKanh. Thirty years ago on tbe Mb of World. Una day, the Rev. Henry Veun. 1 gentleman from Leavenworth arrive,. Janunry, 182i Mr. Hamilton, of South ' author of tho New Whole Duly of Man," tt St. LouU on the 20th instant. Ie r . Carolina, submitted a resolutiou in the House told fats children that in tbe evening he porM having travelled from Weion t" of lU presentativts, instructing the Commit- I would take t bum to aee one of the mot in- Uootie'ille with a messenger and bearer of tee on the Library " to inquire into the ex-i terestiug sight in the world. They were dispatches from Gen, Calhoun to the uiein. pedieucy of having a historical picture ofjanxiousto kuow what it was, but he de- hers of the Cabinet at Washington. Th the Ilaitle of New Urlcsn. ptinU'd, and j ferred gratifyiug their curiosity till be bad tenor of these dispatches as derived fro, placed in one of the panels of the rotunda" i brought them to the rct ne itlf. He led ,he o,isettger, is that Gen: Calhoun lu'd four of hicb were then vaoKiit. He also ' them to a niieral1 hovel, whose ruinous rejected thce returns of electiou which dejipnaled, as the proper artist to design , wall and broken windos bespoke an ex- o (iovertior Ih nver, in-iend of to hi ' and execute the woik, Washington Alston, treme degree of poverty and want. "Now," on tho ground that they were not in te'eot'. who, like Gen .Jackson, was a son of South j said bo, " my dear children, can anyone dance with tbe Lreomptoa t'onveiition a, j Carolina. " There would he," said he, " a ; that lives in audi a wretched habitation a eonsequeuilv null and void Tl.i.!.;.' the two A warm debate ensued, a. the resolution 'ouly nineteen, consumed it h constant fever, i Mr, Stover, a Demo.'ratia memV,.. e .i was opposed by tbe political opponents of , and .afilicted with niut painful ulcers." - Legislature bad been shot while travePi Gen. Jackson, and by a few ' ttrict con- J " HowNwretcticd a situation I" they all ex- iu a stage between Wyandotte and I.,'." structiouist." The IIou. John Randolph, : claimed. He then led them into the cottage, renee. He will probably die from the effic ' of Koauok,' was one of those who spoke i and, addressing the poor young man, said, of the wound. 1 against the resolution, although hi. remark " Abraham yvidwood, I have brought my I J. ). Henderson was .till in' custodial acre more especially directed against tbe I children here, to show them that it is po-si- ' Lawreuce. painting by Col. Trumbull. " One of these j ble to be happy in a slate of disease and ' pictures," said the gifted Virginian, "j 'poverty aud wsut, and now, tell them if it i - -. designed to represent the signing of the l)e-jl not so." The dying youth, with weet A WH'HI 1USK i anaction. The Uutolma. " 1 here would be, said lie, " a ; mat live id aucn a wretcuea naoiiauun as ,re) eonsequeutly null and void. T happy eongruity in the fact that the conduct j this be happy I Yet this is not all a poor the Stole officer to the IVmoemu, t and valor of the one should be illustrated young niau He. upon a miserable straw bed majority of one iu eouucil of by the genius and taste of the other." Jwiilin it, dying of disease, at the age of jouve, . ... . olaratiou of luilenendeiice. but I think a far smile of benevolence and oietv. itnmediatelv dilor of the Belfast ( Ireland) Journal h more appropriate name for it aould be ' fht , replied, " Ub, yes, sir 1 I would not change ilei himself of the columns of the Lon. shin pirce,' for such a collection of legs wa. j my state with that of the richest person d00 I lei, to expose ai extraordinary never seen assembled btlore ou any oue upon earth, bo was destitute of these view, iran-scnou, in aoicn one ot the Gla.gow picture. " ! which I possess. Jtlcssed be Uo1 I 1 have " conceroeu. - .ot many year. The resolution wa lost hv a vole of ti8 a cood hoDe tbrouL'h Christ, of beinir ad- ainee," aav the writer, " a eertaiu ieiitle. iw-103, and th croa titng acLievrtntnt of i milted into those blessed region where mo became indebted to one of these bank . . t ,:..! r .1 . i . . . mucn impcrtance. a greatly increasing me ,v ... j.ij it11""" w in, without tLe jurisdiction of the Luitet) . fO,0()(i men, but the foilowm;- extract from capacity of a single wire for business, and on the walls of the Capitol F. Harry. The fcliowing tax was laid for ihe present T. sr. fur coor.ty and other purposes, vix : Uieir arrest was wilhout warrant ot ,t,e Sacramento L'nion fives a vcrv different . tendino lo dlmiiiish tba tltrrihio rates.- Hi.t in vie cf the circuu-stances at- , f , , j ;,. Amm. un ri d i n i: it. sn l its resnit 1 1 k i i' 2 a n a v $100 v!. of Laud YAU 5tslo 1" Si r0 ity 14 25 Court llou-e 15 3 I'Aor 6 15 School 5 10 R. R. S-K 5 5 6J 1.35 i from the territorv of a Stste in amity with! " Accordin. to the I nited States cen-! . , , , .the United States, American citixens who 1 us of lol), the whole Mormon population, j A STURDY Pm.!TIi'IA W e read lately ; were there with hostile intent, it miy not' nien, women and children, amounted to H ,. a "otice of th death of aold gentleman hi cail tor lurtncr censure than as it in it.j., ironi tne minutes ot tne . , " ? i i . . ,r: J ' ' bol'djv Wathmeton t nion ' hereafter be drawn into precedent, if suffer- Mormon General Conference, it appears, ! "h" boasted that he had a bis lite been a , : ed t ra. -itl.c.t r..n,.rk. that the roDulation had inereased ti. "51. federalist. He joined the party in his youth ! Ti,. -..r,,,. ,..4 .A th. making the total 1,206. Takiuij the same D,i in ,,ie you,n of ,1,e fount"?, be clung to . :. .i l III.- ii i .... . ... . i" uu iric ; j ue impression maoe nv litis M ,. i ii inrouen ai us reverses, its one surviv- i as I hm n nm hum .Mt v ih. ,. " . . i ti . . r prci.l order for the 9th instant. , " 1 ' V ' ,7 ,s to 3 . ed its, but he reft.ssed to hear any I Ciueinoa.i Knauirer. which is ie e..i iu C.0..r- Up '9tt- Z " ' .1 " '.7 '"'1 . r r - - a . . ... , , ,. , ... . . eu JCeu. I K t vwwiiMKi.i. vii .u auuuii V. itfao. Ti.e special order, a motion to refer so (,i T.kmff out the relative nmranion r,f other party name. Tbe title of Federalist , population w itb a rsoi'litv that auite. or al 1 mneh of th President's message as relates children rhicli cxiHcd in 1 U5-J, with the in- ' bad becon'e a wor d of political odium and ( most, equal that of our new Northern A ta. rf 1 i..r rent tras laid on tn K,n., tn tbe Cr,mnS.,t nn Trrltori., create of cipulation. ssv 0.000. we have l.ft ' prejudice; it waa enough to damn ! States. We allude to Texas. At the late ,1 , ,f , , a0,()13. 1'educt from this amount one half c,u,e or ,nJ nin o ue associated with State election, in August last, about sixty he "'"' to followin. de the valuation of carnage,, cents on each, wa- taken up. After a speech from Mr. . the W0Ilirn .tle S9ra nrcnartion lhl. . ! a ch. r.e of Federalism. A politician fliiiibt ' thousand vote were polled. A. it poouia- ,',e K"gl'h Priucess Koyal, Virt po.d woteh, 10 ceLis on each silver watch, i Harian. from 1 etinsv.ratiu, and adesaitory ;n js., tll(.re rtB1,iu, j )l0,i 1 be forgiven for stealing a sbeep, or robbing tion is scattered over an immense territory, d aughier, from the pen of a ft) cent on each Piano. 1 1 tcr tent, on the ; discus-inn between a number of Senators fi .Knuc n .n ii olnrlln tU. m..Ui .A. : a bank, but Federalism was an untardoo and in manv Diace is (in its inaccrsi-ible tu ol an AlienJeeu iournl : ted him by this bank, ahieh aunuity ad. A Royal LADT.-Our Udy reader, will ' , " " V ""',"m' ' '-''Mr. lorn.. , .. IllCe little Item Hi tlm rirun... il. - cription of , 1 1- i , r ' l"" irtoria a eldet I oorrj..poiideiit value of gjlJ aud silver plate. Tbc lat rates are to be applied exciu.-irely to the pa;.oientof tie interrst on the Kail Road fco'jJs. i,e que In t-c on was lui.l over to Friday. j'fDate, on Tuesday several com- miiiiicatioiis from the Interior and War De partments were rcc-ircd. Mr. Seward presented a petition of citi xi es of Waiterloi, N. Y , prsjin that a rrovi.-i-n he made bylaw for paying the Southern States out of the Treasury or Ioiiiii rn'i llirMian .UvOfiaIi'n. At the late annual nicctiu. ef the Vounj Jlcn'a C'hristiau A -sot iutioti cf Charlotte the following member, were elected to office I public land to manumit their sUves lor the year I", viz: llev. Horatio II Ileaitt, Presidcut ; Dr. Uobt. Wyong, E. A Yates, Ths. M. Staith, S P. Smith, Viee Presidents ; Thos. W. I'ewey, P.eeordinj Serctary ; Dr J. II. Vv'ayt, Corresponding S'-eretary; J L Uioan, Treasurer ; Dr. M T: Tuyiot, Dr. K. .V. Hutchison, J. C. Bur riu?h, R N. Tiddy, M D John-ton, S. P. Al-xsiider, T. M. Farrow and Yf . A. Young. SiaLuing Cnnin'i:tee. SiMiii.Ai CAUAi.Tr A f var.ced. This is probably the whole fi ht- l,le " eertheless, the sturdy old ge-t- the poll-, and as it contains a large number v "U tne rememtiranee, as had teen , Mr. y Ifc ckaith, of IVeltwiih LanHm,, ing s::engh of the Mormons. C tleman gloried in that party bsd.e which of slaves, it is safe to estimate that not i)e"'r,J of" the boom of the gnu heli Mis-outi, aecoinpn.iid by hi tigrj iu,d ......... every one else disowned, but which he com more lhaii one out of every ten in the popu- announced her birth, I was scarcely pre-; started lor Hickman in a skiff, fur the rrnr- Anothcrtlung.if the Mormonscoul J muster forIed himself by reflecting had been worn ' Utstlon voted. This would rive a ropula- "pared to find her a full ron woman, taller ! pose of rolUctiiig a debt of aeme hfiee hUB such a force they would have no disposition to on tbe brea-t of (jcore Washington, John . tion of -t hundred thousand. That this i ' J "up' of inehs than her mother, and dred dollars ; this bring aeeomri i-bej ihrv .lent Irotn tbe fact that it rrjin ucrwu wiui mo e-e aim grace or stsrfeii Mr home. ICev had prre. .-d. d I i than Mi-sis-ippi, which omauhood It Is ho utretcb of loyalty or a short distance, wlea Mr It , from .oilie ired thousand inhabitants. 'ouriesy to call the 1 rioces Koyal pr.tty uiiaeeounlabl r.a-on. eonciuded to ft out D.inulBtion of Tt xa was but tua ' PTfeCtl r lovoly I be regularity of and walk, the tnonrv beme- in coin . 1. 1- so as to cripple tbe army should they at-1 prostrate forms of its noble companions, i little over t no hundred thouand. It ia, . her features i perfi ct. Her ryea ate large : in tbe boat Scarce bad be touched th such a force they would have no disposition to on tbe brea-t of George ashitiu'ton, John ( ti.m of -i hundred avoid a battle, which late accounts state they Marshall, and other giants of Revolutionary i uot too biU is evidi will not ri.-k but will resort to a guirrilla fr --'onw-qwiitl, bi stood amid the ever ! pMled more vote. " ia.-tn: aiutatiuiis of parties like a brave 0m1 ha-ovrr six hundn warfare. I Ley tnund to fortify every pass on tha moulltiu top, surrounded by the j lSi) ,,e popula If tempt to pass the defiles of the mountains, but refusing to bend to the capricious gales ; therefore, trebled in seven years. T'ie and full of intelligence, imparting to her : shore when the bank caved in, engulfi the slaves were free what would the North do for cott.-n for their ma:nf ictorles o-r army but to S iflit them in the same way A mesag w-s received from the House They should be rooted out of the territory rici.outicin .: the desiu cf Hon. Jus. Lock- as a biij.Lt ou tbe body politic. bart and the Hon. Samuel H-cnton members elect from Indiana. Suitable resolution.; Riilliil!! .Ihc M.lil Irrrtt. OH, when ibe next fe that sort of merry aspect which indi-j negro, money aud skiff Mr. I! W.. ..i... r r : which swayed more pliable objects to every ' probability i. that by l- . , . , . . , point of the oompa.-s upon which they chose census is taken, Ti xas will have at least eiht eatca rood humor, tttiinjwrvd. Nothing baa been seen or h nunnreo iiiousaua luuauiianis. uci'kiuj .uu vi cnui r negro, mouer, or leg aiuce to direct their ene CJpfd 4 rgw. We know not wheiher there are any more the anoortioiimetit njt to be mai.riallr exqui-iti ly formed, the latter pi'inff ao it- ' eralisti living. They bavi become chaii'-ed. tuis would civ her about mvpo Kre,t aweetne. The Princess is! mor use n- r rattier than .rr mother. Mie 1 is like the Q ien to nothing but her uo-e. old fed almost as scarce a revolutionary soldiers members of the House of Ri prescntatives i ue uriuness oi principle ano siaLiniy or character which distinguished tbe survivors iMrBRtsTfiiO Dc Islo Th. Atr-r;ea t- - z'- . r.aprcu company wag eatrusinl with , were aaopteo. , 1 tie editor of the tpi'U of the Ag' Las ofthisonce powerful party command the ...... . ... j ... ..... .v -a.vr. w. .H.... -... .m.r J,,,,., c.ll, attention to the pre-ent In all oth-r retpeot.. she i a female image 6"u hJ Mar.faall i lli.ley, of M,l-a..i as lulere-ting -Rich. JjrspuUh. present .ctn. Paulding with a medal, the Route Afrents, e , with takine letters C(n). , political principles. Senate took up the biii to iccrease the miii- taining money directed to that office. But j tary establishment of the Uuittd Slates, the followioir letter copiel from the Teters- : Vh Laoy Wirn Tilt RXD PxiTI oat forrod. j which was nuder consideration the whole burg liipms, shows a here the true culprit The Washington correspondent of the Ph'la Ye ti-ifd our ai'ter viK;a dating Court : (c'ttib of the Seuate. j is : jdeiphia Paiiosyivaniaii say of the red pe; w .tk, and alth'-ujh hir citiicn.-, like other I Iu the Senate on Wednesdsr, Mr. Doolit-1 ItAl.rion, Jan 20. places, are tff--cteu more or less by the ,' -' prest tjted a petition of citix'-us of Wis- i't. I.rprns ; Charles Camp, a young Dritih Minister Uueky i.r5sar. we are rei.dced to sea that s sni-it consin rravir. for the casaae of an tnml. r"T"J-cu ' ln rrace ' V"" i . f.t 11. .." I., u ui-trirt, tor stealing letters and money from the Po-to9ice in thin city. He was taken before U. S Comniis- d condition ot Hon P-nkrr Maiden, who but a few year ago, was one of tba nio-t prominent business men iu that In ate a large leaned cit a. n. widely known aud respected, and o.'ice in pro-perous oircum tunces as lo property. He wa several tieoat, rectntly introduced by the wife of the nvt member ol the Legislature, onee a memlier of tbe hxcrutive Council, wa for- s r.a. - .... t . T, , J , , "'' of ber father. I should a l l, . ' to vour laJv reailrra Lhal nh. ..r. I,.r hair slightly off ber forehead ; not pushed back in the Kugenio fashion, but bu-hed lalitudinally from the Umples, and rat-i d at th sides above the ear iu bandeau to deliver at the Stale liaiik ia M Wisconsin Th K. press Company iii l lender of llie money after banking hoUr, but it was refu-ed. During th ui.btiiw Kxpre-aafe wa robbd of its contents, m cludtnu the $7,50.1, Suit wa brought W 6f iirprovetceLt is alrnad there. Mr I'. V.. A'..isca L put op a Lew Incit tuiidin" ou the iiortb ta-t coiner of the town Lear the court-bou:e hicb, wl.i.c e m;-i--te 1 wiil , ike ,1 I,,. v . i; Souib nii;;ht be compensated ou the tnaDU- uiis-ioi: if their slaves. Mr. Wil-on sub milted a jir.t resolution ai u greatly to the pparnee of that por- for the appointment of a com mission to io- " There is an En.Iish literary lady cow in this city, whse dre, known in Loudon, as the ' peasa.t co-tume," ha caued q'lite a atir among the fashionable. Tho dress consists of a red and black stripped pitti- coat, descending within six inches of the (really th ladies must excuse m if I am M,r"l & I ll-ly to recover the money of talking noimen, for I have not given that " r.xprevs lompatiy who held Inat once bontat to fasbiou wbirb would enable me 6'0sl mad a Uudnr of thw money, i.-y ... -peak rz eutkfdrn ) Well, at any ran, ! "er 00 lufr re-ponsible for it a com. tbe Princess i fair enough to be tbe beroiu i 'rier. and (bat tl.ey kept tt 0 sr of a fairy tale, and the Priuee Frederick i ," ''' of eeo,hn.l.i 0 shonld consider bim-eif a lucky fellow, lor f - xT- The jury returned a veruicl k. i- t. -.1 ii.: ..:.i i' 1 . . 'in lavor of tha Linr. l!min.i.i highly respected in bi day and generanon Ja( ujr 05 " ' I - mrrly Collector of liaih. and waa the fir-t Mor of the city of Uardiurr. The Intel- tigrmrr statea that tin man o useful aad is now, iu h.s old hood. when his bodily and mental power ' Th Secretary of the Tieasory ha issued tion of the vli a-e. We Lope others mav feel able to follow his example ior t'uu;r is greisl room for itiiprovnuent. 1 We culled cj n " n ine i,n't " of Harris' Hot-.l at.d found i im f.j',1 of fan and humor a:.d rtaJy 10 wait upon all who may desire to be "cared for."' Persons bavin? busi- , io Coneord will find Harris' Hotel a very , agreeable placi to sojourn wtile in the vil- 1 q lire in'.oine diScuitiei in Utah, with view to avoid tbc employment of force. Mr Dvis off''rd a substitute for the bill sioner Bu-bee, and rfq-iired to enter into tot: ds for Lis appearance at the next term ." e'"t wiwim wis ininea 01 iu ,re ,.ufU4 , M-n pauper that bt ba , TttELVt IT l' statu Milis oJ Foot ' " e ul,r w "ollertots, f iret-of 1 .f iK. l;t.wl 5-..-. (',, i feet, over which is worn a dre of the u-ul 11 . L 1 1. '-i t , fl . mm... J,...;,.,;.. .Jj ,t . . ' He wasdeiected and the money taken from htm before he left the Postoffice. W. Friend Gorman should be careful how he length, but hooped up to the height of the skirt. A ' dreadnought overcoat buttons, serve, to keep out the damp ; while a straw hat screen tbe bead, actually been sold as sucb. by a mi-liLor. The Leavanwonh Tit. ;k'.,.-.. 1A...r r nioney, depositaries and other off.rM. au 'with lit' '"n' l D'd,J'. for ' up- t tbe Hth inal., aay that three young men, ,hor',",, " reerive dues, dehi. and r of cold rnd IV,rt" 'l ran3 DB necesary that our reader j Henry H.ker, Jams Smith and Alrxander I fM'bl lud, payable to the United State". in. j u, iu 01 mis saie 10 , rrauci. arrived there on I hurxlay alter- ! ' - vmi .mm-nir : . -imui 1 fr the coti-tructton of a ra.l ro.d to tbe Pa- reBvets on Pc tinklers and others for pur-' 1()d real, genuine lonj legged boots protect ' , t , " '-J " , e in. oirect trom rort Hnuger . . - f " - "S 1 t , . . ,. . .'.,,' si j . .7 , , ? I towns of Maiu. and aome of the Northern i 1 bey eame the who Is dit nr. twelv. Ln. I 01-bursing officer", tlier will be dirrctrd to cine loiuinj nis letters, lor this is not tbe hrt tne teet. 1 oe not lumit tne ores is very 1 , , . ., .1 . .. 1 f . : . . , : , . T. ..... . . , , i . . , , ' , icl or nrettv bu' it i. novel aud that is S'U for -"""lie. to plve out to uch , dred mi!., 011 fo)t, nd accomplished thei. ' t,,do,-,u'''--- 1 be date ao en- The bi.l for the u.crtas of the army Le- time that he has lo-t money, for a boy be- j faj Y j"" " "j" 'a -u " persons as will take them for the loweH sum. journey io forty-five d.y.. ) dor.ed by an officer or ?nt of the Umfd in? the order of tbe day, was lalten ip longing to his o3ke did tho Mine thin,' a t on'lh Kloomecoume "i ""a I'Tbt P,ur no' ''J' r10" of age or io-j They report that the d.y they left, six 1 ,,!" ',6,l7 retarded a the true Hat Mr liwin moved that the whn'e li'l be Lorl time ao an 1 was w LirLcd for it. We ! -.'.j ..t . IV-..I.;"0.?' C.'.U-T6:. : i firmiiy, cau do very little labor. A a mat- ! Mormons came into caU'P and reported that I ' '"ae of uf'1 note, from which tue stricken out and a new bill be substituted. saw a private letter which states thia fact TLey find the proprietor kind This led to a discission of the merits of the j better dress than the street .weepi'ig ma i ebiue. which hare so lorjg prevailed." ni obliging arid a plenty of gjod fare. . TLey ;:! "d ' mine Lost" ready fori e j-ke as the iViif-ing article from the Salisbury l.'rr iCI wi,i e'ear'y xbibit : Nut UaI). A fi ienl of curs vi-iilni' Coo- l v Messrs. Ik-11, Davis aud Ieron. In the rme '.n Thursday. Mr Foot pre sented a bi.l proviilit; for c n-trurting a rail road from Mis-ouri lo San Frarci-co, ty tiit northern rou;-. Mr. F. explained aoIHNoton. January 23. Nrws FROM TUB L'TA.I tlXI'tDUlov SlIAMEFLL ('L'TRAtJI Gov Despatches hate been received by the Department from Col Johnson, dated Noteni ber do, continuing the previous reports tcr of course a great many case of hard ship take place under this eualoiu. "In , . . nn ui.w ,nnm i muni .loom i v SlIAMEFLL Ci-TRAGI Cor. Ligon, of , 3 0 cock on tlie iaruiug of lbe , 3lh lnu, 1 a,t Lak and eetahiishi War Maryland, jual before retiring from office to , t.0 J0ulli: ,, ,,re rj.ij, from Corinth to ernmt"t l,'r'. "d overt fem- hicb the peeplehave preferred another p;t CoriLtb .( t ) in a li-ht sleigh to a hicb ,Ut P0""" ,hit be ''' 0f over him, orC.ted a Wr ,oj.yi to be; . ,,Uc(l,d . ,oun? IIlire. lbe nre be. i Leavenworth last July, f . .. w i aw. ft . ja, ,..,:..... a ...... II.. . . . . c . I I I t. e t Vi -I.- ATI.. wL .1 ihe Mormon were in a state of civil war 1 ",,ere,,t tbvrton ia to I con.puted. j hrigham Young and about one half Hesirinrj , to march .gaio-t the troop, ; the other i.lfj A HiOiment M't tii Fliiiiit nv 5u iavi Ik . " ' m 1 j A IIMiKtsTfOT TO rl-HillT Y A SvVAI) RMHT -About )r,"?. 'B U'f'r "oopt coming into or , ,,,. ,, . Mv b- ,, the 15th instant I"'1 L'k', ,nd ",,l""h"' military fav- ... rrllirulf ro0l Alumbe.b to c.u.p, iiiiiir Irani A um ,uh Lifah.n .iiii the pre.- i of lUe J,.B,tr, . u.,.,ua ,q ... ' ... ". e"''""'U I'' into a b-e,' ne.t, when the ...nn at one. with Ibe tram of .. .... . ...1 .1 . ..1.1:.. rur.j last .ecu, gnea l 4011c au amu-iLg: that this ti i was not a proposition antago Ti tort of the estimable proprietor of that .- .. .1 .- .. 1 ' . the eon mittte, bat at an alternative. Or dered to be priLt'-d. The order of tl.e day, being tbe army bill was taken tip. It was di,cued by a num ber of members at.d lefjre coming to at:y rc-o'ution en the subject the St nate adj-urn- w. ,i conducted house, Mr. Harris' II jtei. It appears thkt for the amusement of Lis patrons be Las a monkey i:Lin the gtui.crsstit Li.i. Mjniey occupies quite a frotiru-nt ; ,i on the top of a closet, from which he vit as. ' wnn a critic's eye,'' bi L. any iti'jai-itiie inUri tutors. A Locofoeo. alter fic iui monks v wan irinaerbread. and a-e .Tiy many mteliige i.t ieatioo monkty ed to Monday ( Kju-i .'y inttl.ig';iit an.wtrs. ,K (w,i trie niotkiy; time up to the landlord with Ltr-M.'t.n ft iy, Cbarly, whauver ibdooa ea pu to bey that tre tliiug ! j. ; t sir, 1 feared there would jt ;.i f ytr ";.r en.'U.'li to carry ti.e n-'St t. I- !.-e I ba J out iu,p-tled ii.'j Louofnco vamosed. the excessive aufferin aud reat loss of entered in two mdictmei.t. pending again"! . eomim- fri -htei.ed and ...tin Iaa. ' "'"r) t;brle. On their returD tbe were ! ...1. r.,..;,. ,1,., ,., .,1 .i ,.:i .,.,1 draught an.maUby snow storms, cold and ' notorious ro.dy named Dallon, one of the i from th alci h, diverged from the road, j "''" ,.n1 rm, at Ivoek Ridge, and ,,, offiVrM n,tl) .haudut.ii.t ih. ir jtsrvntion. A sutlicient numher ol oxen, """" '''? "r rioiing, anu me otner . ni) orr,e Itt0 the hoa,e o N jj l,Ci J ' eon-eraoiy , rut iney we.1ner.11 j fna tui ,!jpJ diJ M top u(ll h.y b,, wivuuugu -ui, u-j uccu uitu ri niifpij 1 .......... y ,..-.,.,.,, ... v. pM4l,a uiro,jgh three door before , ' - ' j Dsn ration tor six nava in 1 ie Weex. and iiut m tnumnmiiiire-i n mi. i'huou ainrmni i r,A .... ... v.. A lyociocos 01 tie city 01 liaitmiore, and torninc. ,he uu.Ded over one bed. in """' """ a freat violent hirh wa Mr It'.lr. unit . .l.ii.l v.-.t;.. derlaking at tbiat season of lbe year. it down ; then over tbe oihtr bed. in which 1 ; reached the can p. here ihey were mi I lo paMially pioiee'. tlicllise, tet fruiu tbur ai.tiv persecutor. tLere was bacon on Land for one da week for seven months, tog' tlier with sup ply ot Dour and siuull rations. j ne storm Lad Ji Cook a command. horses, besides a number of mules. Further of trial waa sigied by two defeated Locofoeo in the other mrurr Mr Kl.l. .!.- 1,;. ' eommon in ibis State is, as usual, an impor I pa d a bill eroiidm for the eoueeystie d varices toward.1 Sail Lake l.'ity cannot be candidates for l on-ress and others. ; wife and one ehili fmm ii,.,r l..i... , tation from irgtnia The Ilichmond South I to the St"te ol Vir.iiiia of the birthplace of Ii rations. stead of being punished for his crime., 1. not w Mrr jj ,,, two c(ljMren, oversetting ! Uluxm :lt roughly with Col. even permitted to be trie J. The application in her course the light atand, and extinguish- I .1 , He bad lost half his lo the Governor for bis pardon in advance ; tb. She then broke down a crib ' ner 01 mules, further """g,r,"J hou'iwih t.ocoioco , the 0 it Lake l.'ity cannot be candidate, for l on-ress and others. j wjfe ln supply of such animal.-, This is the same (iov. Lion who called jc(, y 'apt. Marcy had beeu out the tniiitary for the election day, and , ;. ... eapatched to New Mexico to secure a sup- borrowed some thousands of musket from not 'v for use iu early .-pring, wluu ti.e army, bro'ber lunitic, 'lov Wi-e, lo arm thi in t.e ,,c, XRIVO LroiSLATION. It would ibe blundering legislation so Till PIRT7tPT.A' R if WASItlMlTCIN -IJol h 1 branches of the Virginia Legislature list e, of f made without a new supply of such animals, ' 1 Ins is the same Gov. Lion who called wjcu bad been demolished carried tli.m c,ret lb follow ing clause from tb Code ' Wa-liington, and lbe borne and gr.v to pr.xure which Capt. Marcy had beeu out the tniiitary for the election day, and , jhl0 tn9, ,,r room aud struck a light. f Virginia iu 1 SI tt : j hi. proLM.iior. in America. The adopn despatcned to New .Mexico to secure a .up- ' orroweu some thousands or musket lroiti not UIltl hi, t(.tara ,hlt ,he C1(j8e o( Kv,ry ptr, duly convicted of rnur- I -"r-rr may be regarded a- 1 'j' for use ia early .-pring, wl.i-u ti.e army, Lro'Ur lunatic. Gov Wi-e, lo arm thi in t.e ,sc,Je,t WM a.etriaiued. ! dr in m brat degree, bis or ber aider.,- st'c VrM ' o-.n-uumation of ilie 1,0- with volunirer force, 2,0uO rtroiur. will re- Fortunately for Maryland, she Las, ! bettor and eonnrellnr. J.'..k bl mitrpuse in which the Ladita Mount ..... by hnLing by tbe neck. teruon A-oeitioit is enrnd I he lull ,1 ir l!"TA tTiru-H Lm i P"n duly convicted of ta. crime I .ppropri.le. f5.i0 to , i.cia-e ,l.e pi ,c-. the Hichm.i.d M h,g that K. Itidgway, K-q. ; of luriJ.r in ,h 4 . ... . j .h an iron fence, and 10 erect sub-tant,.! Rail KfKl I- !!:r li-inla Ut-.. S rrr-.t to i.arii tii.t the bl.i to char ter a ra 1 roi i tr'm Lvn-L jurg to tne ir g:t. a li.K- knb w.b so u.,h cfpoMtWb in 1 ' -'.ature tLat it is feared V, tb-t 1: 1 gr-t.'td. l- ' ' 1 u '.' u, murli a-atn Siati-, fur tieaji'li wtle BCli B hi t to la a. 1 t Jii hmon l. 1 V-d road t. s.ui way. ' toitl. d. U I.ICb r:,'t l to t iie 1 1 tui: 1 t Lire coMii'mtte fun :u-' L-.'i-.H'.af the imerrst H h.s ia 10 be re is ti.; a riiarti-r lor any Us I) construct is acting vry I'j tbe House on Friday no business of im portance was transacted, the time of the Hou-e being mostly consumed by a di-cus-', in -yj vr riojs .-urjec!.-, and ihe Hume ad- jojmoij to ..'.a.ij. ,,M trcli as soon a supplied with bre discarded so bail ao officer I ay. (h$ Iu tLe Houe ou Monday, the Speaker an- an J ;.;?" std gri on the motiitaiu suf - ncuncea the fo:owin? a se'eet committee fie lent 'or Ineir support. cn the P.eifie Kail Koad, !it Ms..,, i Another letter fr-.m as officer of the army say the .Mormons arc a'raid 01 uiounteu men. TLey are great cowards, like ail as-sa-'ins and robbers, aud be fears their leaders and those who have no c:.iiu io tho valley wl.l run uway, rr quii ing their deluded followers to dcutroy tueir property lest it may benefit t':c army. Advices r'Ciivid in this city state that 'he Moimotis intend a guerilla war'are. Kvery man is ordered uuder arms next Spring. It is believed that the Mormout have -pies in JoLti.on a camp. i0mPiiheeo.torol t ,atL.per,w,....u,ted,nhi. ,,olli ,4 ...j..-. . .,,, tablets to rommrmorat, lur the ti-ing w ti itne H'j.ii t., t;,,.- Davi:; i' it Lave the e wiieat !ijiu tuir d may uot tne conti t'pTite i l.v Dchb'j Salt f liar a jio'k. At ati executor, suit in Anon e. jtv a fvw Java ago, 70 abare- ot it, ti.e l;i, vt Wa'ieabwro wa wid, wLnh Lroughl the f inuwin; pner, via : '-'J shares pr value " at : (,1 II ' - 61 , -; - ii Pbelp., J ue', t.f Teni , Vi'aLburn, of Maine, M lson, Curti", Corning. I'nderwood, Grot. berk, Giimer, Singleton, Farnswortb, Philiips. L ach. Lryan and Seott A very long debate occurred to day iu which domestic slavery in the .V.uih was made the L -jrds D. but i.eany every other t jl j'Ct in tLe ci ei.!r was eoiM.i.ntd on, tie tai'ff-, batiks and many others i.'.toteth tr irreli vtnt. Iu the Ilou-e Ou Tuesday, t'ne bi.i for tLe payuieM of the invalid and other pn-ions !or 1 -.")-- ?':i. mi taken up in eomtnittee of the wL'yle After t' ici' under considera tion f r s n et:tne the coti.mi'.lee roe and teported it tack to tl.e llvu-eaka arccoui menilition that it pa-s. 1 Le di-ft'-iicy h.l for piinting raatLen tani-n nj and was 111. li-r c-n.-.iJerat; on for tou.e t.u.e, but the committee rose without coining to any re-olutiun. A reso Ht.on cfl. red by Mr. V. air t ins lij.'.n tii..- rftt.ry of ti, Interior lo eom- due the ibl and then add", " Von will al- biil lor a reform iu the I sort Laws, ia about to be introduced in the Legislature of New York : N elion I . No f rati, transfer, bond, note, biil of exchange, contract or agreement, or loau or for be of any money, good, or things in st'.'on, shall be void by reason of any paying or receiving or agreeing to pay surli rate ol inttrent as the partus may agree upon. .vcctuo U That in all eases where the rate of intrre-t is not mentioned, it shall be deemed and taken at the rate of 7 per eenv. Section 'A No limm than 7 riel- e.rit 1st a.unieaie any infoi oiatim he may bar of be charged on any judgment rendered after the pr:n tu il: tv of rail roads ihrou 'h date of reiidit.nn. TAJtltK IM SotTH CaROMSA. ;,',lleVer,,0fSrtCOll,'Ur'r' u""!T " 3 U,';bf, 0'1J.,,"',n,,ff-Priod i.Ml.aRtb.a6...ri-ort than "".ti., tho., mble spot.,' .. r. notice that he I... of that State forbid the I-, L-q , on .count of alleged abuse to ,; ,;, ...r, ... , by Lewi, W. W bii.gtou in bis oiler of receipt of the note, of an, of the su-pended Gov. ,sc, the f.iher of lb. aaulte, Mr. 'Thf , fc,t j( or fc .onvey.uee. banks in psymeut of taxes or other money. V approached Mr II. and .truck at bun Ttr w-j a law w.s D-is.ed in th t - ll.j five a li-t of eiiiht with a cane. Ihe blow thouvrb aimed it ' .1 . .:.n :. .i.. j. i . . V . j nm i.i nanus v,otiiutiiti i ui. bauds of the Pr-ident. 1 1 bas been f"" ev-rI day engaged in preparing tie me-sp which wiil accompaiiy that instrument to Congresa. it may be sent to that body at Oyhtm P.i:liEg IM New Fork The any moment. Of ooursa a the m ilter ap- rxaiiipi oi repuoiating us oiligauoii" lo ji.y, j a, lie na. oone I'.r year, past, just a. , nuiutier 01 person employed in tbe oyster, roaches the culn.iiialln toint of aetmn, Nrw Yokk L'stp.y Law The following h'!t it di-ei. dit. the paper of oth-r banks , h my deem fit aud proper. , bu-ine. is .tiiut.;d at from fl 1,(1111) to 73,- P , ,.rc,t',-t anxiety is betrsved ou sli side Ih S'tt glutei. jic-i...; i j iiij- i.ini ui me i-iaie wincti are 'e ncao, waa warneu ou oy 'ir. n.. wuen ,ir 1 j ,1 , . the parlies clenched. U bile il this condi ht s attia ar amlitta 1 lit, 1 a ,,"','s decilitietit I at present III tin .1 , . , , .. . . , oy a negro or mulatto, .tiouni be ruui.lied receive .he t..,, or other dues ,0 ti... Hon, persons from . adjoining room came h druth ,nU jf Cl,imlll,tl b ,r Satein the I , I, of t he Hank of bt htat. it, - p .raled ,h, be ligereut, and Mr. Hue or' n,,,,. should be punched by ZZ of South (.aro.iua." 1 1ns liaiik, be it known, ' left the building. Mr. It. a state- ,,.,,,,... ()lltf,v,r is tho txrlu-ivo property of the State and it merit in the M lug of Saturday, deuouueing ' Was the iir.t It suspend specie paimen a , the anaauit in severe term., and declaring ' I And to ae have the Mate it-ell settin,' the; hi inteniion to speak of the (governor which foiiow ;ts example. I'uy. O'-ttner. I OUU. I he host enL'ti'ed in it are valued at j over $11,111)11,(11111. At least half tbe aupnly Senator Douulan A LnciHiAMA Plan TfcK. 'I h? Vickahurg True Southern stte that Senator Doulas Las di.-po-ed of hi.-, plantation in Mi-iippi. Tbe slave, of tin- plantation will be transferred to L'Miiiina 01' A ( .in... Tiiti is Hutu A ..... t..l. ! , .1 1 r 1 . ii- 1 ' 01 oysters come from ir.ina, either direot ; in one of the leading circles at U iintnn ' . . . 'l 1 ..11 1 l or as trao-plauted from Priiic Buy, South i was coinpiimeiiied by a gentleman on the , 0. , 111 ,.- , , . , , ' , 1 . . l j of Stalen Island. It is est 1 111 1. led that 1 -J( U simplicity and good ta-te of her dre.a at au i 1 r n t . .... vl ... ... , . vessels, of ail siaee, pom 4 10 a.n tons are evening parly Mie replied : " I am clad 1 .. . ... . . . ' ,r" 1 li.e mv dr. ..:ite-l .... i.t 1 J7 ''J'sv. traue, in con- A partnership ba been formed with a veil tlein of New Oilean to carry ou tbc plantatiou bii'iness in l-oui-iana The part ner i. now iu the Northern part of Ihe st.U-, looking after a place to locate the furce which ii numbered at a hundred bands. do'lar, ami I made every stitch of il my. it th. Patik f lgiau : ha. ii'i (iiiOIK.U 1 bsi lU iu,-.ialM ia v OviM. 1 jl :ou The 1-. pi. I'as-, wa ud'i ted. M-jti-, cf I'.i'.nu'.f, acktJ the unani coi,st of the IIoue to off. ra ro- ivt to tut. "lonnoLj -ct of the re-clutioo was to effer Section 4 llepe',( ai much of the law A at is incou.istctit wuu the provisioua o! tnla act Ccetiyo 5. To take effect immediately. TL. a't ai.ier Ariel wiilch :u Wat sur no l jM' pf -pi rty .ud lit ti,tui be luit. La-bet u l.aard from. d to N'lttTit Car'I.ina Sto ki. We nou sales in New York, 1. Saturday 1, of J 1,(101) '. C 6 per eeots at fill j fi.OOi) fir.i mortgage bond. Wilmington and Manchester IUilroad at I'J Later sales of Slate stocks are reported in lw Yoik at 'Ji aud 'J-i. The Yankee Ulade tells the lo!loing anecdote of a college chum : II. a nn niher of one of th el"', was distirgui-Led u less lor dry t i"' sly wscgery than for uisaddres mevadmp the writing of themes, and palniina off brain coined currency nf other as his b pm mat "lender." One Monday iii.niii:r red a theme of unu-u.l merit; but P' " fe.-or A " sinelt a rat,'' aud as H Guished and sat down in the pride of con SCtou excellenee, ked ! ' f that origiua! H ?' I 1 " Ye, air." Mobile. Jan .". .A.,. ,0 ,.,r, 0f it TM queried th Pro AaesTor Gsv. WAi.Kr.rt Gen Walker fe snr, dnuhtingly. arrived hre ve.terdav. and t,..d. ... . .1 Whv. .. .ir " renlid It, with hi. land-, neir bis reidenee, which appears rested by an order from New Orleans, but the imprtui bahle ra.iijf. aud that jia-te-10 abound In lare tiuatititisa of tbo.u ralu- wa discharged on habeas corpus. Jud-e board o'liitenstire he iay. wore. " it had abiu until. ,Galo jaL4 tuu rcviiu. wri;iu' -vvr . iu tLa papsir 1 tvk it ifJi. ' ni-Gviun wiui .tew 1011 ciiy. 1 lie trade is Wheuour young Udiue pride them- ' V. , .iV i -f An rO . .'i .elve upon the home man itsclura and. , , ,. . . r . '-' 1 r .. - 1 1 , eaiea of t ircima oysters are made in t sthe. : clieapnes. of tin ir attire, instead of the ex- L . b . , " 1 , nn markut and (Jnve a in 1 J, ,. total an. pen-ivenesa and foreign importation, we: , , , , . . ' ,n 1 .1 1 r .111 r 1 nil! value or Ihe sales of irciuia ot.tera .hall have fewer "broken fathers and ; . ,-. ,, , . '"'"" Je". Iiuj.bautl. : (ineludiiig those obtained from Princes nuy.; in mi city, cannot ht much under 8;i,auo,u00 or tt,Oiiii,tini). A I. iad asd Si i.v lit Mic i.m Alabama. Mr. K. A. McKadden, who reside near the Squaw Shoal, on th Warrior Kiver, ii.. diseoveied a lead and silver mine on '

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