.VALKIN'tt WITH JR3tT3. ' what have wo to do nj moro than our pre- flrst ostate; lorl of the laud no man has 11 they ( firmer bold ef the essential titlo of nobility. v 2 Aud ho need be 110 plodder because ha is isvS5" fl(l Jtl lltrinor. Jlit nay l pi'si wuun ana iwi an-j lcr wan confounded with the clod turned by his plow. -Tho poil i bi servitor ; be smites . it,' and lo 1 the harvest oome forth. The hoo and the tickle 111 u I a him music braver thiin dulcimers, nnd sounds the march of a triumph, graud t: ! v peaceful and blessed, ttut Le is Dot forever iu the furrow. For him aro broadest fields of ' Study fairest ficiliJn of delight. For him are honors linked to beauties tud wisdom ; for b'tm, periods of ( ;. vHi sr.1t i t: lent duly I Why take we troubled thought , for the morrow .Will, not the. Coo, who I provide for tho uparrow moro eortainly pro- Titles lor us ! ' .. . ,. ., ... . 'f I fcnnw nol'iinrr more honorable to fell- pies. ThoM, tWtplcs enjoyed prec.ww pr.w.j rf . ctr5stU to preserve a holy .leges. -They stood y the fide of Jo.Ue.j cht6rhhww in eT0.y ,ilu0 of affliction n, dfened to his word.., ..ml with hint In I ui(jasVer". IVple "or the world mark and ehe morning', froahuett, ivcd Wi.catu the j o( ollfil,fUnj t !l0 B??caT ,aii tJ;!j bright aliiuint; stars. Many a lover of .Testis I bowi4 'dJwtt'in' tiiu'ar trial,' and who seem has sail in his heart, Oh that I could hare 1 have no hepe, no Clod to sustain them, seen and walked with hint, and witnessed tIt quosllon ; their minds as to Lis affectionate klndno to his disciple.' ;,hc t oVreality of this roll-ion which is lint after all, our -privileges are greater rofoM,j. 1 I,,,, jiU.lv 0D op,orlll.; tll.111 tliOSe Wllieu wo are Eiu.iii-u.uro "I'f" to envy, .lestis. we cannot near mo 1. o. ,.,, .. ... ,,,: ... lnn,.e, 1 U .,..,.,.. fl.., -f l.M'inrr voice, but wo cati be quito as near to; . . .1.1. p t t .1 ti 1 . . ' 1 1 1 .1 , I Mlirl, 1 1 I'll ', fit n !, Tifsi, o nig iuitt , ov , , 0(j t(J tlt,,u 0,e (J0,i," " 1 be 1 .,. 1(ll.t and plane : aud thou, okiltal work- ... . . ' . . Ilhn, quite as intimate with Him, a were . onc f h A b . wri., f . . . d . of u,.cllille, JSutual life Insurance .Company. , v oreitw. U4LKWI..X. c, . . UJIlLi J f OlillS t'owpuDV inai.rr tlie lives nl ludmilu TT J. . 0. JL ! ui. jri.n, 4 lunn ut'yeurk, r lf life, IlClIUCluULL (X illUClIb cu llw llulunl rriMwpl,4iie uuured lur Hie Pr. H K now r.eiv.nt tl.mr t AM. and YVINTKlt . a r-; . y Ihc ur 111111111 tliiri lor 1 ni"uni In J". c HOOt'S HIMl IIOI , ' am tTuk '".a .rv.-. z m. vwi s lurga Sli.ok Ml' uriiMiiin tlirriTtr imuii v be ula fr mik.IiuII' llm uiii' unl nt tl I unmiuin, Lc.iiii.f inr l I A per ei lit. without C M ,' I lia iroiiiU ttistiwr .' ''irii iu i K l.v II. 1. r.u.nuint ti.ul lli. r (villi lllu low communion and rapture, of which the birds, nil v tn ! this. Lut Christian.1 !T0 on Head- ! n,...ra il.n niomi Ktnrs. And all . i -.. ... i' ... -j r . -. i.. True, we cauuot see thd body of , . . . ,loUutv n),j G,Ki wiil t.tlce I uo.ulrons thiis of the universe, may beai vr..iy. !.t. In.,., :i t I8. t'.ni.'and We csnnot hoar tho tones of hn ' , ., .,, . . ,,...t . , , . ... . ,", , VV.ts at all pnn.. All u.linus uf Kla to one to vs allvr uli. ....... . , 1 1 . . . . . , ,. , 3 Laillm l allnkin lliuim at 1. ffli-a'a aiul Pho - ' ters, " houe 111 their watches, and rejoiced j Hl,erel,y the labor of man s hand is Fpeeded j i( 3; flri, ,jH , .,, Bot, , t3 ,,, of bi. wordrf a Isrgor a-. . clc(., fuuc.8 t li-y showed li-lit nn- or ttbii,l-ed. liut ye are all second to the 1 lt""'" "' sl" " "- ,,lu,:k ln11' t"''"1 Ic truth til 11 II thev had. ,. 1 . , .1 c 1 .1 m - .. . . , ,, , . wrlh $7 5(1, alo fancy anil ruturrd, in ly iruui limn nn jr nu 1. to him that made them.'' fcurely the thris- fjrllier, If is miuter of the needfulest of vrli-tv the dircipjes Vi'e have mow mount of heavenly We l.nve bw uticranee roror.iou .1. ...e 1 -,.r u n mm u.)u.lh lLo auJ lha mM Bcr?ici!(lbiu proJuot,. goi-H and rarioua e, .Mles du-tated by ' ntimb of the .r,. ,,0 tM,th ,, ' ,,u ,iv() wjlliout yo yM canl)ot fsM Spiiit. We cm Ktudy las wo; Is meditate . t,,,c'crful. ft (o tU fjf. upon them, and draw from them fulness of j (j ,( Ut ,. ,. 30 Mm tUt otrj lii.Htruciion aim 01 eonnuuoi., naU j, SC(!jll Ms g00 j wor,;s UJ.)y giof, lla l-tl: are adapted to impart. cr wbo j4 heaven. Chr. Mirror. We may converse with hiiu through his be nulled. And houor to all hoiiebt toil, fulMun at tl. Mio's at. .nt SLor.ot ; fine k si ! crest ' variety , I Supiifinr. Flinch Mirtiim-A, l)e J.aiuri, ('iiitimiri.i, litljugtit, t'., ljlinihrt. I.iristit, 11111111 In, litl.inii, Sliirlin'r., iiiuun and Itliiuhtd Siitlings, r, - - Tlioae wi.!iin(tii lliiilv tlii-iiirlv witti any nl' llir bImivi- I.h, and otlirrn rmt lierrin nirh. Wi rks. Ail thiiiL'S were niado bt him. T-et r walk forth and behold tho works of his I.andi, the nieinoriaN of his (-kill and of his love. The lowly violet at our feet, and the, lofiy oak that crown yonder hill top are tlie works of his hands. Ict us examine and admire them, as wo examine aud ad mire tho picture the woik of a di pirted friend. All fhse objects which meet our view fpeak of him, of hi" power, his wiidom and bia love. Wbut Jilferent t h i 1 doc nifiire hrc vue when viewed, not as the cold ; object of philcophio tidy. hut as the exlii- hitbn of Chr;t's wisdnia ai; l love! 51 w for of ueh are the fruits that from tLe '"'"I. ri"' it ihr.r mli-rrsl l esonniii! cur ; Ixi'mi and iirw. ii.-i.-r nuvinp inr fMN(a are intr.rl ut (MSI M.I.Y U)W MICK.. crewning glories of the world. -Agricultural. i.d l.r Xnttli C'trtJmti f't.ii't'r ARl'LMXU 1-t m lT.imi'AUY. (no.- ,,ew c,.J r supply the plsee of the oM g Hi r. nt ttid exhausted one, ie on of tlx-uiul rcJie-' jfj and Chrirl-itiio tones! What a mis- do tbofe mahe aha regard nature a from intrnwii den e-oiiomy for the pruvnt w -Oth, to in-. that famine dark a:id sweeping wuld Ues- f!.r top.-s hy ! vwin; In fivp sure eucceis iu rji.iii, larly veeuLles ' 0Ute our earth. It f.sems, to look out p- 't h"H r-il.'.r'e'.T ruc p.'' J'-ut we would advise our readers lo com- 0 ,,! iravel over this State, that the uu. Vf. S7. J7. of the rod, if this woi k Las not b?t n done i ni -leeled. And belli? thus iif elect.-d, oh ' I Vinia flit fkUthrrijiiilon Ihnutrer. ! A'ilUCL LTrilAL WANTS OK THK J SOUTH. Mr. 1'Jilvr; That an eiil iiri'tle known, j to be remedied, is an obvious fact. That it is our friend who poiut out, and warn us ut' our fault-, H as troo an that truth is uu ' rh-a-siit. The SKfieu'tural errors of the Tho wise man Lath s.iid, " to every ihin- South are not only jrreat and feni-ral. Lut there is a season, aud a time to every pur- j roinooa if carried ie'.o freuorai na. The po,e ui.der hetven j" and among tho ret, j,;,.a tlBt ni:iO nim-t every five years, open In., 1 top'.ni'. True; b it we wut aekno! edi'e l'. ut tho si.n-.in i o verv dill' ' A .' - . t frui the rar-ih 1! time of pa-t yar, tu.it ,. Sunno-e tho world were to adopt i we do not kno-v how to anticipate w hat ,),; theory for the next hundred yesrs, with thc-iid Le the mode of r roc endure iu rr- ti. ;n. rr..n, mittinna it u knt ion nliin t'lirNtiauily. ' l.ct us remember that nature ia the Work .. i'I..:..'. .. t ' ht ; v!iwnl. ' ' ".11 luenee active eporstions iu tie preparation ' of the era is almost wholly unknown or become 1 vast traanarancy tiiroiiru , , . . i . ' , by -.-p'.el.i:i or spsdini' duriiij the in inlLs of lha most rro.luctivo sources of wealth is c! .or siuhor. ! , ,. , . . . .... oi ueiobt-r ami .oseinoer. 1 ua sou tint lot to the country auU to tlie wori.l. It i wan on t.'p U.t y'C4r, shoull he inreiti l,1 nut too late in the sei-on to commence iu hyrrviiug; at the sm time thi v up ; in -rieo!tara! rpi'iieration, and iuitca i uf the unJrr .vlraiuaj frsia leneulh to the vour iite presenting one peneral aecue of depth of a fuut, so that the atu.oaphera lrrvn, the green pstturei may be covered may exert an ameliorating infijencc upon ' with lowing herds. The farmer may rejoice it, decomposing tboe donnai.t eleuirnts of iu his waving grass and well stored barns, fertility so in.e sary l sreare a ! jx iri- C'ovcr is jour great wart. T 'A have thou ant growth of vesrets b.-s. Aftr tlie luius saud of acres ef laud that is now not worth Late b u objected t the ael.on o! the t!,0 tixtl you pny opon it, that miht be frofc for a wi.-k Ar t.-i piva fliio a liw .1. . .1 : . .)..n. , l .. pie. Theremaybeb..:. . . ' " , , V ' "orl" "' lu'"J , r . drcs.i!i from the comrot hsr, and at n,.l. . .;;ht attnnoo to t be sowin-. of tim- the samo lime apply sail lrodea.t, at 0,j end clover. Veuo- ind, farmer! of the rate of two luN Is to the acre, and Norlb Csroi n, it ia 10 you and your fith- plouch the aboU under lo the d.-pih of Crs we addres lL.e hacty thoiihl-. Turn four cr five lbcl.es. In ibis condition let 0ver yoar old fields, plonli deep, sow do- t n lir '.i iit tiii'11 th(i limn to nir ivnU or ic It nro tM riJtU-ge &i t urisi.sns. . it to i : fi- ireti. avail thi-mlv:i uf privilege', Fevr are intimate aith, . : .t.. I - l t.l s. ' ' ; '" J , l.iru Loose. .c.r.a:l oi.ions and cloves msv '. '. . ' I Tho said tl.jl lutlniiu- . ... Le Sfct Out SLiiI CililoU Nf("J SoQ an soon 11 -.1 1 .... - r V " '. ... .1.. . . . i'llv aeiiuires the lineaments , , . , " . ' t. ',, . . . . f'rnd is ready U n.ee,v t,.. m. Cucc of broom 2ra-i and crub puics. You :. If Chr;l;ans were more t 1 t. . . 1 1 . 1 . . iiiii luiiini may lie p.auic'i m 111 po.sess all th elfiiients or a ricli (rraim; deep furrow., two feet apart. L'rop the country Ikeanss it is not o hue, i no potatoes or pieces, ono fwt ia li.e row, rc.0n ii ahou'd net be ma le so. IWcsu-c tUtbe furrow half full of w.l! rotfd mv c.,y ycjM i,.,, ttt0 in t Ua.i-ii f nure iroin tuc hr, Mt.le, liim throw Jour itUt tii, ,tr- rea.0Q why tie furrow upon tb maenie au t potatoes ffUre should Le dciwtrd to r-if.ii.injr Tiur .with a I "shew p'ou-h, then cover tho K-l po.uion, in-.t, ad t,f ruaki: a vir-in .oil Wkvila i;li leaves trout the foreit. at k vt tt luebes thick, and throT brn-h emu -Ii .V UiKKUFUL TUloT IN uoI. rfr l Upp ,h, ftom Tie lesson which socms to me peculiarly j eUj 4W4j important for CI.riMi.ns to thoroughly at. ly! ;, t;1Jlc ,9 of fpiir in ih.se days. 5- tbe duly of trustmy .Q God. of ( yu I was wondsfinj: iho otb-r eeuin I . ., 111 n ' , . . early pea", cabhrj.-s, radi-lies, l. tiuco rt- w.i!!..l out just a the sun bad suuU luaii,., ,, . , , , , ., ,.. , .. ' ' Jlr. I eaho(Iy, I jrt cii'''iri hditor of tue Ins elort in th wi-it, and the heavens wcr . ... . , , ' ' t A me r.can t oitoo J lani-r, reciimmeiiJs a fl,-,.l-d with .11 the d.iieateand S?: ,r, c.t,p , ,t ,cj ,,!.. aft,r lb. fjl olors that can be conceived, and th- 'r( mhivU no u f .y w-.s balmy and f-.il of I.. .h, and ail ri.nt for t0(ltU( rn Qnc . KM,, p!.ec tor- ,eemcd inviting to the prai.o of lio-l q( ft9UuAf Ufip) ,u frBe . tJ le I was wonderitij whether w3 contemplate!, i,icuc, jCPp . i(J this put i-ix inches th-.c scenes enough. Surely said I. the of 0o,l cotton seed, fill up with g .rdc, soil s.imc Ood 1-ub.siti hi bound ! beoevolenee ,, p, 0 tla fraw). T, fria,e miy lj6 aol power as la,f, or iu any former ge mj.. cf r ,mimon ro;1.,, pI,ki (.UI tn, .SU'.l temponr; bsioM reverses-the re- .,;, t wiM, , rm,tmfl itl., T rv!) suit of human error-.-, or ettravaaneu cat rltorc at 8iri.'ira' 1'i-rnur. llKM'KUfc'ON A AIIKKN3 I r A (!rt ri a.x.rlii.n I i.f .OilIS ,.y al. 1-It.und at iiir ft-rcsl M.-m.w'a Turn tut. Ir On. 13. If.'.J. 3.1if srti fi p--i iiiiuiii, ifin mi sr-itt tnouoi rui h as are iliai.n. to inauio. S4I..V.S r inaiimii l'-r a tirm nl' if. live y-r, lor two tlnrua tln-ir ' All luaaea ura iuiil Willi in 110 Tittory uruvl la preaenUu. l)IKK TOKS. v n.arlra K. i..llli.U,B, Wll.. 11 'Jones. Will. W. Iloltlrn. IV. Ii t.k. i. ii. IVilliama, II. V. Hum.. 1, Uu. Mime lliialii'v, I'. I. i'l-rcuo, Win, II. M Kc. K. P. D.ittlr, Clmrlea ii. Moot, 0. U. l owl.-, Itieli'd II. B.lllo. OFFUtKS. Dr. "I.arles fc. Jnlinn, Presirlt Dt. W. W. Iliiliien, View I'reaiet-nl. II. II. Until, pVereiarv. Williams II. Join a, 'l n uurr, 1 II. W. HuxIkI. iU.rnry. Iir. Win. II. Mi-litre. Mrdical rxaminrr. LrHtte I'vmmMti tf. UuhIhc, W. Ii. Mo. Kr. l...rlr 11. IJ.H.I. j .If.iiail liumrd f ConiuUutiim . 'liarla K., I J.I. 1. ...1., M. I)., Willmm It. MiKn, M. 1 Iti. n'd B. lUywW, M. I., i Fur furtlit r iiifrirnnitinn, llie public ia rrfi-r. rrd to tlu- u..nuiii.-lalanii fiirnn. 1.1 iir-'iM..!, wincli j ili.y U i.l.t.iiovd ot Ilia tlice bl II. a kJuiiMiiy, i.r .ny ol ila Aoiiia. 1 r..ii.iiiuiiiC'l.una al.uuld be adu'reacd, (t l pis) I... ) 11. Ii. liAITLK, -retarV. StjI'mUr 8, IB..7. 2KII I'A' j -i' MilfxsstlMsWlssWs pyi ptfi -T U f . - ' i 11 i-r-'-.r-i '"71 S.H.RANS0M.UC3. Y A 1 T F 0 Ii T 13 E A (i (i 0 . IIY 1! Dissolution. rmVU. c..i..rltirr.l.i. I.. new Slillinery and Plantua Halting ,,utu.',"..Ml"ia'.'.'ii'1', rcit-al.(l lob- .ii(. r.-.l tr i nr. ua III a ' f. w d.a. a it m s a ; B a rM." It.ffOIX sails S.,n ciiuse be loiji a ki tiTOVJi Irom me M-imiluclurera. iidJlfAlLOii Wnulil ri--etrully snii-ence tu tin iiiim lulu sit - i.l I VAll .Tl F. and vh;iiiiIv,iI.i.i he fr.iiii tl.eir Olii tSlniui, l ne ilr Wril ul" 1 . M. Turn tln.ci-ry St.o. , win In- l.llB 1. 1 hi iiuii, just nttivtd In.m the Nnrlli, bin- ol ll:e in-st i xi-i.aae a..rtu.i iiin .,!' E 0J il & EvernrT-red in Nurlli-l'sroliiia, among wliieli will Iw fuunrl tin- celebrated axxTk' ' ras1- B . Ws. flt B " H Jki : KiSTABIJSIIJII-XT. Mm. 1'. M. SMITH Ji.iii u M lsi rn a e.') lia...ven by ,lt, haa fineil aueli a fumoua rtuutation in tlie Sniilln rn Country for Hie I. a iii.ietitid t" ua are (J-ij, huve he wsrrnnls superior to any I'nnUn.j; flm. imw in um-.Ii i am i tb ll.e i.n.niii.t ihry r,,.,.ui..r lra lucl, and di' iMi.re wis a in a piv-n lni.i, II -i. -.n ..tin r M. v. a till ii.rnla invat put up one bcaiiie any etbev Sin ..I tlie wn.i n in ll.i I i tniMl.f, mm work in a jjnen tunc, ne win mtn uu '""- ' iiiro.i(....u ...... mm i tbe In iter ene. ' tfiXt-i ?1ft(''-r inf.ffi.il... .-'..Me' :UWi3l.r.:;i ip.i.M-mr. i.i il tu I.m-. ti. Ki.ia. e..p.l IH'cli hi. a wuald al. ii.l. ru. H-. I...'... II. .1 .1." I.... Aug 18. !.'? JdNAS IM'DISILL P. S HliIS.VAT. ! ! I'. I mil ikII l I.-imM at tt.r HI, ;ui. I'Ui.m j Mill, Hu h. a preparto l. OH -il eruers M.r , . ri ctived a auii.ly of lluuio-l 'I'iiimhiiuf, ... ting f Flowm, IValLt rs. Ilcuches. .Vc. Snsli, Winds ;u;(l Doors, tisi'-.rtin .r custom, H it -re miy not only e. uvcrse with Thrift t! r vi'i his worl ar.J bis works, we m .ybo io,;t;.--l to a ."till clo.er intimacy. ' If say U:i:i I v.-e me," -ivs Cl.rist, 1 he will keep my w. r 1 and i:.y V'a'her will love biui, and we wiil come unto hi:u ar.d male our abode v.:-.). hiin.' W'k are Mt -liut up to trsiiMent ii u-i-. ie ti villi CUrUt. lie dcelsres that ii viii conic nn take Bt his abode with 0. 1! r- is an iniinr.cy greater than was en- joyed by hi t. -n 'i-- a:: 1 '!:ri-t a --riritoal intimacy clo s- r and dt -ai-'r linn was known to the di' e'ples wheu they wiikeJ by his side on the bat.ks of the Ii .iiUo, o-l r. t.re.l wiiia hiiu ;it the wildertics Judrt. xi:v GOODS . taxi Xi y a si 4 In hi lit ml ul hllnlli. . prtlt- iit'-tft. in. il. Ib.f iSiraas-d . ..ri.rr at abi.rt nolic Ii l.-nJ uc.l. us In. M 'I" ' J. HLI'ISILL ftto tl.c n l,.e Hi II... ... ;..l L.Ut.v, A. W ui.try J. K. TKni.l X 4UllKnn.:risiif...d. JOHN BTINHOfaf fe i. urn ..ptn.nf a l.rge and vcr. ajiil law whrit suJ Low long biore the face of nalurn will l. chanced, l'ay less a't i.iiuu to tuu brcsd t:l m imired with thl -npin -s from the ;.. f l,,.nil. ar.J mors to that of hor.ca tran-p.si.t. The beds d -Tie I for onions should be 'I lie sl-i-lt ft befVM. and polde family nuoc!:ini:s, ; in Hiiny.'brlek k..i)it.z,sj.l (. fmai Sir i Y. liryea'a .ufe, whi k tosy will acll l-m . by Wholesale and Retail, ron cash. i ..e ,ii P, ii tfi iir t:n r i i hi: r rim i:t r..r tuii.n. wi..t ai.o I ...u.lry I'r.w lies- r"iri'l. J. K. STLMIOUSK .1 CO. f isrUre, Oil .1. IJ7. S l.l nilt PA I. A I l , FLA. 1 see M.AMi K'.tTX, 111 liltsLri.RT, HILTON IlKAU, SAVAVSAH. IlKLNSWI. K, T MA BY S, riKiM. A. JA' KMI.W I Lt. SJ AND FlfoI.ArA. I III: MM A It M'M..DII I . !i. .11 ill. .IU- .I.H auiri uimii ri!-.f- I.ber-lti Im-i. lb a. gr I Mat tru biiaim .a a ill I Cornell uu rqelty aa riprditn.ua aa a. be timie. V. S. WJILSNANT. Auj. If, Itil. $3'' Notice. 4MI1KI H A I." I '!"TK W Tt'Af. INSIIIAM V. k ' Oill'ANY c.in.i.aes I.. ta r . U at vaioai lo 1'itr i n lli.uas a, 'ida, Pruduae, Ac, at uf I lie felovi-. i a a. -a 4i i i .r i v . m . PARLOR & BOX S'TQV:m etuiala.illy keep on liaml, an riU-niu- sn i v.rini ft." i. uf tin and siu:i;t hio.v. i:it.ts lit 'il t.l s. i. .'' i:o. lit it s s .tit HAT HACKS, CliAULES, tic, , f M l.lS-ll Vt lll t- ...I.l. 11 lint, .iili- naasl Its lull Ii. ;i.. l lli;,i ! t "t:;d rtturn n.Jtl"n U n.y fri be t..ed onoB o.. and thrv n-ay rc.t a. t rsili.i(f tumther witb drii rnii.ia.ini. In please. L.idirti iilid 1st nl Iriiit-n ill i' pailifuliili) inili (I hi cili ;:i:i! r.iiliiii.r !.i ;,,.;, .01' 103 V-OHE. &illl-t'u 10 V-HS y''.-'l. y. n. I will lell jell Wl.y 1 bead ti. y ad er. leei. el.t ' IT n. 1 .11 W .,... ,- i . . we have three wai-Konaci.naljntly Iravellii i; liri.U;l ll.e uion try iIIiM..uk. till ortltih trill br failhtutly ami pi inif lh; tlti i.t't tt to vf A. -A. N. .M. T.Vl,(i;. tkilU,Jm 16, leil. ."i s.ll.l . ll M I Ilia lOlllllt . . i.U mill eiiatioiu-rs f..r i .c very urH. that I aiull ellj. aor, !.v e ... i trv si ii li.e.t a co..l.ntio.. i ol' !i.. ... I do i rilllelia I.f r ll.e pvt. j.y flv Civ if !i Christ, tley would be more Hey rreaid lectins c'-aucd CVeV? EVERGLADE, tJ Od .. kla. rn I'sri-a' S.ort and Oiawlty 's t! i .' re. i.l Hi III. M Jl T AY LOU, i-itn.it ft. t. (IVKI'.M A.V, C i rrsftt,r, K yK llfTt'lliSt'N, .ee J- rVcniV. MHfci It-Mi t M II TAVLl.U, V. tiYKHMAN, j a vt.rx;. w.M. jniiNsi N, J. 11. CAl.M'N, ?. T. WllllUN, I'. iCAl.lt. y v i". : '.. ii if Ki:c uraire Hi iiic IiiduMrv AI.N(. I I l( IIAM.llil. TIIF C.KIiATKST tl"! " aSjS f " t s W'J'f-SV .adi oitirs. iii.: Ati A I.l V hi! M-.I'.. s. I Tl.l. ..!.. IIIF'lt F I.-. iv tl.. ivi rcn m .-lie y th..i euro Dr. k K.N NKljY.uf Kvabury . baa d i.l uu. cm. u jMlui ire's - re. r rom Ilit araial Stt.oJnU liaira l cossmaa ioi.,.. ever I I'll raaaa, and Pevei mi, (l.tb ti.iiMiier humor ) j( j. ll wilniu iwealy in II I jri.-t l; Kit ) l,n iti.a-'e. l!..iKr, 'lo you not dr-siro ti be f".::i t' Have yon availed yourself of th") t u.-irn of attaining that re'cmV-lanee 6' '. .l..'i- v. t.Ctnn to ll.e saii.e r jinous process. SiUAN'iKK. .I011X Iir.MtV W.WT, 31.1).. trite fios in:.risr, , HiriTi or the l.4!.TiMor f'ti4.rnr rr 0irfi WIMj lwtrti fin-urn t!y. Ii i pru ..it.ui .,1 t l..rt.,llo and np. I p Ms f n-li. . ar eaan.l in-, rla Arllfli ai i'akslea I At;.nda to ll e a... relis-a 01 m. i.l.. I dtlorniiliea ul liis tcatli re,! in ii... rt Ailili- .! Teetl. ii'ii, in l an-n'i n. w bu.li!. at '.it. .r rcn.li lH ea .1' re.jn.r.d. M I OXTTTFIR. M AST K R. I'AVCH llr..n 1Vbrfira f !'!: IlAV MOI..M.M.. at II i.-c.l.. A M ,ai,d ... nee. a r, anally ilh pt . Ii.. Aii.f .l.-i , Ms eia-..,T.IUb..aee.St. A B sl , n. . ( .( r C e Sprila ,M.e,.i,.,t y, N.aii,..i.ll.- and Tampa II. y. 1 t' A rrtiurlii.il niade to t mis-rKtlnn. l-.i-l.l c.es fa.rl U t ia AfMirr ai-ill U re h.r.l ears of th.rpe. I'r fre.al.tor r ....r arn'v l" i;kck;k s norx, Air.i t, tlc.an u.-. 1 l.arf. n...!(a., Va. IT. 1M7. IliO ii'v Stort'jlafflXcw Hooks, i -.- , i I'mmiTT'i l..s.aTu'a t'Hi ra Vtm. ' I .- e.ern r Avuic.s l iTiastt ir. I-y l.iyc. ' tmrv , l l.. f.a lull V. I an. prepare t "U yWa DC.Q t O.V. tKl I AC. tilt all f '( ri-s, 1 In. thil'' III lis. Ac'.r'S, I'ttt ordi, si,h-t,i, ll'ttl l!i.j t, '.illllll I'.ilp-.ng, ( llljtt tJlll'll, H'Unj Ihil, in!!, II iiij'jiilig 'J'u iilt. I am (tint. if an artii le r.f l"lh l'.r tlie .urMae )l lllHl UU I'lsim , S In--1 m! Cilli f ar. no n. .I... I-1. ... oi. Imy.ra will nn.i il I., ll.. ir ail. int is to use it. Alionters In in sdiatai.ee will be ctlemlrdto ailll ur i..il I.l-aa. J MtiONAl.I. CMnrsrai. Ott. V. 1 fc5(l. 3l.i i KS-iNew Ksiablishmeiit, llitl. end. nl t eatabliabed himasilf i.tle. ihtrnila carr . iiijf ua N Ji'sjico avp lira Pn , by eover it. In thU t.lant tii- su,.,l,; tli a .'loom all over tins neantnin woriii wn.cii f ij,,, Cui;ao ii .l has made, and ruaa.-s ns f .r. t tl.it r ir 'iod is the same forever and ev.-r ? Is th'T not enough in soil, if wo will 1 foiue tlie plants into a quick jirotvUi. I'i imM w ith.-r, tr.o off tho aih so that tlie pl-mN iir.y have fre-b air. Win; re eoli-.n eeii ciimot bu lis- .r.t Ill's. I N ti n- Oil. ua eelel.rili ren.e.ly f.,r llln-nni .liani. fioul, ' i r . : .a, Kf yai.el .s, I.. u(pt.....ic. ri.iniM. Tyr .is. - n, 4 . ., i. in n..ilae.ii-1'd him- I.jt I'r.o l .li.rlu r.. IS i .( j a i.sip lihiaii hi tin- orienial rtia r. r, -t Ins ..i'I i -sl,ili.;Wn. t m fli i ... i I ,.ti m IV II I' Part. Fnr, ua l iars oa a I.i.t ("u.r. I'niui u a ...... I l.y .S IV W iili., Tnr T I.iiciT. Vioiar na 'I mi 1 ai.sa iw nil ( ios, bv M Iln.is ra..M thk rii staim or l.irs, a bm.S at' H. by It. v llVo'i". I l. 'I'l.r Mtnri i, .is I'vn. sin ti I.l I. ...1.0 1. A.M.I.L III Pi .1 lii- 'S JL farniunat ; tlie h.luw itii Im .N'tVrrr YlutinZ, dun mul Ijksnlltii.gt iir y.".. " ' 'l't, b'rus mul nil k Unit H Airtul M ui L i r ji, mm ,- (iii.LWii i.vLa l..r ila.ll. 'Ib.r . rv two ll.ii.t; Ultl ink unit Hirifi n tht t.rewt '"bimi Uu. Irl. tb.l aipn..r. to me aurpri.ii t ; i n r n i tl.' L e .;.. I.,,, ,i,.lr.l In I j. ' ,"-1 ' r ' ,-ur patun a. .11 n-lil ..ie sujitiKir in tiny i.t!;ri iifid Jar MiU unit He haa in.d it I .1.1.1 i s.-, pi in tw.i ( a. lie l..ia l.fW 111 bis " Cei tilicli-a irt 11a aiilw ul ll.-els.ll. 'law lo.lllta arc warrai.leo ts. sura a uuiainy as.r. uh.uIIi. 11... iu n r. 1 iH.lt'.a will cure lbs wn.l kind ol P.ti.pli a nn Ibe Iml-c. I u In ll.rtt buttles willelear tbe ayali m ul lllea 1 a.. In! Oi ran a-rrui. l. u to cui e u.e anil ca 1. krr ill Ilia a.'.ulll ana rli mail.. 'I Iir-e b. five tM.llles are warrai.lid to enrr tl t ..r.t i..(! t.ry-.li.a. One t. t n I.. .11 1, a are warranted 10 cure all In ij...r in tl e Ky. a. Taola.tilis are warranted In cure ruiininr- pi li e i-ra nu b!..n In s . in. .ng ll.e l.-ir. K.-nr l.i six l tlli-e arc a.iinliltS lo eute o r. ru.i ai.d lurli.i ul.eia. 1 . bi.l.is will cure a h I y etui t:. 11 i f ' ak .n. Taw lo litres batliia are warrnlio lo tnr. tbe w.oat e.e nl rn j-aonii. I so to three I..II..- a.e warr.iiliu Iu cure ti.a ll.uat neaperale csn- ai rtsoui'tiani I i.rte iu lnur bull.. a ar- wart ali rlu uu. livi lu tijl.l U.lllea a il tura Ilit swil tul semi ala. A be... fit is always rl pit u i.r. d Iron, lb firal Im.iiI.-, ai d s ptrli el enri ia wi.rrai.ia.. i.. b tin- atM.vi- qanntilv . I.'kell. H. auer, I e'...lb d I, f a ll...c in ti.e tieinity ul llualnli. J kn. a lb e 1 II. i. ' it in evi-iv vi..e. e-o pare aa Water Wilt tra lil.p r. i 11 tin. si. sure will ibis curt I. uini.r. 1 in sir .ul.i a Ih.uI. ut ll but ibut aula an. ill. r ; alter a In -I it In (.ol I,, by 11- . 1. t-k. n a 1 J.elM, :. M . , On ... u nn!. Ii" tbe a oi a tbe ..VI I be 1, liC a ui 11 1 j aft .lid to run. iba I'rrr, si. N' ut 'a l-ea,r,. I ,. , ., 1... a..i I V 10 i- n- A . Ik. 1V.,'I ri !, ti.. F ei'AllK A Co., .11. Ibf.1, a. aa. IV ' - ...1 , tr, t in him, to make ns i!,ays hnnpy- nniiur( l ,(j ..I Ibia (. ..I II. lie. I'm. Co .i..s l.i I ns Vtises ; Ci Tirail: tl.n profit lia any i.cie 1, by J,n Y'.nrir; i.r. ty i. a.siys rij'.icing . It is mt a tunc ot tain-, in.-, or drought of tho itriliiuely dteiy of na t'lr. or of "cnr-rsl wattitii. .Ji"-ca-c with n ; at. I yi-t aotne !i,risti.-iti's I f.ar arc yrry nn 1. .ppy. II thb.'.aii!: ci ill Cti J eno'tjli in, iod to make him plad and joyfol, convciiii-tit some old tint'in, straw, or h iy, to plnei; over the sash in very eold weather. Tin: Fa KM K,".. V.'e have seld ;m fouu I atiit'nitj Vrof. i. r:. It. ir C r r-f tl -in v.. .nl. V..1.1 i.t 3 ; 1 I. .1.! l.rrv I. e 1.1 tlie more though the fi'-trer! should not blossom, nor( beauiif'dl and tmo than tho Miming, which should frolt be in the vines ; thoti'.-'i tlie Ii- "0 -i from the New York I-e'lfer. If l.-rof the olivo fhould fail and the Geld there U anytliin- in it from which wo dis a Lo ill vi.'d in inen.t, tho'.l.'h the flicli sent, it m, thai tUu firmer can lire without should bo cut off from the fold, and, there! 'he niech.ine, but not tho meuhauio without 1 should be no herd in the stalls. Aud can. the farmer. This ii true, il wu rcducu the' w" not tru-t mi 1 he happy iu 'iod in a time w..rd live to its ItwcH inoaniu;. iljl in the of f.r inferior calamity. seine of living weil propetine the far-r Slid Luther, looting st a little bird "ler needs the mechanic;, not only to make . p,'"",' perching on a tree aud taking in rest for' P;"w u'1 fC3per, and to build his house, (;,.'.' .-.', the n'hf, "That little bird has chosen its' bu' to create a market for hi produce 'i" "" aholter and is about to go to sleep iu tran-! The truth is, the farmer and the mechanio( Another, fiuility ; it is not il!f.iielet, neither, does r very necessary lo each other ; ami it is h it consider where it shall re-t to morrow ' "r,t easy to ay which uc;ds the otlier mot : ! t..ra....t ni'ht, but it sin on that slender branch,! What a fovercign tnsu is the intelligent, ",c ' 1,1 Ic tving it to God to provide for it." 'J h.it industrious farmer. Within his own realm I Ji( f ir( ii a true lesson for Christian trut. That of earth ho wii-Ids a sceptre to which all . -.rn. ie I. little bird fult no reponiLiiity for keeping must bend. The balance of the World life r, , ,,l,.l. I...I y.:.r ..I... for. ell. Ls.itf .V to,o( II i. I..,, year oaar S) I. Still molhi lUmea Vmk. a i.iMMj aruriii ; K lh H II. ns. r l.l'L-SI ! J. P. I'ark. at' I a.rtti,nn.l ...ntr I .g P.U;x I i.,l. .1 Sl ,1, .. Ii. s.l and 0" hk. a'.-all I). 1 J.i.lloO .,rtl i.d, 7 lit U .1 I' .rli, nt N. a nl l;..H,n.u,a. lll.Hll. S JJU'l all ll" II. II. ..III. M.I., lb c. 3 l, loot. lie l rte.l a.tol n-e prr ateampscki t ,r ' trie 'I.l, ll.e I . -t .,t i. a'l .ttlra .il.d H e l-,,, ,. i.n ti.e in. l-i mil .i,liOU of ynur Kletiiic il linrii.c t.- p. at I? in-.i.tl... r-KTII . HIM K. i ft . 1 1 .tr. et nnlli. r I.. on tlx V . ..tr,,...t lr..j .l Weal. I Hi r, i, i, all. Nov. 3 1, lis.-f,. r-.l!.. n.e ) Ooaa Mmall ana Sr.. 1,8 No. !t "I.d 3 .n... L .reu N... 3 ai..l tlie .mil. ..a l,. l..r. . j Jul IN IV IAIJK. lmltsnsK.l:s, Ort V.-,il,. B-ri mill. tpreaa. JIOO w.-ll. ...or i:!ec. in ; and Tin l . fin .una in .e volttii.c. Fran a l.irr .. im II.,,.,, .v.. Is. li.vi i Aai.ti.. I ariosari ..s. 1', J. LUWUIK. f'Sa.'.dr. .W.rs it. In67. ';ihi;illc I'lnntntioii ron 5.1.;. -a. fBMIi: .ul.rcril.er a.lT.-r S,.t fTZ" M-'TT. I ..I, . 'luB n.lv.ne tfrV I J u lw if Jilit jio&rt. I Sl r.1 tbe b.ir ttmncl-'a I warrjot to turn nul 1 iu s w.rSfnanlifc .tvle. 1 I f.w.eli in .lera at a diati.pci tlmi aoab tn Itave ! tl.eir a. ok .n.i.e I wiil (it. p.rticuUr atn nliun to ' I .nanH-h.nr aa ai.rn .a p.Nia.bie. t t'rra.. ti Ki.lnnee a i.bine tluna altered frnrti i flint to fa reu.aif.n or ollu-rwiae repatrrn, ei-.t pl i t.K-jiM., will b-.ve tbeit. repmreii and relurne.t uu I In i...le-l lin.r pu.a.ble. I I e.nil.1 pi-e hut number rtf rifrrence aa In I ,,ra,i,.l..r. but I ui'-n. it ut.ni rea.ary a. I will i le.ae I I.r a i.r k tn an-xa f'-r it.. II. N a. nri nn m.r work m. .Ha ua poa.ible all. - f r joiibim: ,n br c.ii. fie,,.. ( ,.i ae: t ,.l niv .b.... Ni.rtb l.l'll.e(. Oft I II nn. ir.,1 nest l..or tn .. rn.un & M iU. ii'. C.r Alii I A I A eoitba, I "il a, lnl't.. hu l,. il l I HI l.i t.i .. . i . r I . plrnlillll, and Vi I llavaiurlisa m . I kii.'Wt. unlit I liiecus.-nid it in 1 c tb .i(...iic:. it . i.uIh cure ..II kir.'ta nl' bun.ur. In i.ti.cr ti. eie a.in.e me., nt tbe ainld.n inu ureal unpuUrity ,,t u.c i,ae..very, I a nl tl..,l in A.ril, Ipyi, I 1'n.uku it, aim .om ,ii l.il.- per in. In Ar-ril. Ifi'il, I anld one th. .....no I...H1'. a r y al it. II nl ti e a l.ide..lc 111 ujjf: i I' bavr I . It I in bu.irsia. li-i.ty r 1 tinny yews, any tli..t no. (- tl n.p in tbe ui.iii.la i f ...l.nt n.e. ioinea win- rn , like it. Tber. la S universal praise nl It In n. oil qurtrlera. In my ..an jiraelice I nl.. v- k. pi .1 atrnlly f. r l.uniiif. "at ainee it. ttitn.i u. to i. aa u tem rui flinfy niniii-ine, t:ret mIiu w.,r..li i 'ill r.l t. In.vr been li.tlnd III It Ibal 1 In V. r au-prrleil. Hiver.il c.se. i.f eplb pl.c tit. . macs wlncb ar..a niwnva cntfatili-r. d ineninbie, b.se 1 1. 0 enreii bv a I" w liolllea. tl, wb .l a in.n V .1 it wilt nr.. vi et!i e'n .1 in all e .a. a nl Hint aa mi mnluiiv it.ers cut- ..no i -ii. tiold .Mine nt Dy t lii l: ll. l.cr '1 I A I. tt.ir jr. in J. li.u:: . I ., ,;i.t. .1 Ann- U, Ir T. I'r. J. hl.nl- He.., t-., j l.y. Tin '' -Tl Al - 1, Mlpioj I Al l N l - T. I L-. It,-.- I . J I . A il ..mi J rj , l.i vinei.o ,i. l;. tA l. II. K ll.e l.wll ria. lib, a r..... I at.bii, rs. . u 1 1 1 ir..... I l,.rl..lt.-, ' w i 7 and araw I .i. t.n.u. a. Or. I si I.,, Ha ,,u, ihhJ U.f tia'.ilil.f bullae- llpull II, Ii 1.1 as I . it la baa lull ai.ll.cu i.l .. , In .a ili.oial. lor jut I tiuiwea, a u.-tl I'i...u tina aUnfe is a br.l rata niauuow. ni.nl as rea lei.t:i.a ap, about l.'i ut . a e.a.il ai .ta ul taint a Won. j tliink i ' ...... VAC.(lV etl.e'n.l inaile.a.acl lbi.ta.tul .l.iy-.t.er.- f JTT. -. kv i--,- , , , JOHN M. MASON. ; mrr ...il ti w wl n h:,v- i en more ol tt tl.tn I I .or iViC V." 7" " ' . .' t I So.Ldla .Vic If). It-it; 411 i I Vnnw nrseiiri.lran.. l)mp.y alli.i th.m ; 'i f,f J, ' , " " aceii Bi.ple r,,reii be it. Fnr It aurmna aiswers- ti' lbi-1ia"'ii''SW''. : ... .... t ..... ...k I... ..i.-i... 1 1......,. .ii.... If-Sie-W .'"-...T-r..l S -v .. J " ' " J I i f -L. M. f . J 1 . 1 1 , : ' . I t.'t, ,. K'V.t aim Aaur, Tain In tbe Sine, l.-,.,sat tlie tf rs 'Wr..a ' . f i Af . Spine. and pi.rtieiili.rly ill ni.in.e. nl tbe Kionrya, S-v.. t'jLiiv sTi sVl,'lv 1 ' lijlt ffirKKr Ac. il,c i,,.c v.ry b.a .n.rtf more erM.u tban ai.v tA'-V. .D t "I ' ' ;I.'-" ' W&ri7-J& hiWT ...e,e,neeverkn..w... f.-Z1'iKrS Una pl.ict-nrsiruua i.ill.l t.ny i ..lie. m:av fiuji. . II (. wuuld n apectlully ai.nenni e lu ll.epublic I vv iliat ae bave tbiaday foruiad aouinrtiiurariip and sl I la ut Hi.i,; Ins beet. If a M.rk, Inawbii-krnaj anil ifxa. and li.,.ufl. I.at In I la.at, a .1 In, e..rn and ti.va.M.ii. 'I hen is a rrr..l uenl ul pina wimmi ready .um. d un and a tine vliuiira lo eul y.l. I. r i de tin nam a lo. Ii y.iu ran v,t il i..,.ra r r runt, u. l..r,..l II,. I b.,1.,1.. none , ,n ...r;..HS. rb.aplanla.i f I'.H.H IN A VII.MKN In. Ii la ..hu! nul. . Iniiti tbn t lia.k lta iini.r. ., ! . a In. ii I e. make trip. p. r nay. every amJ il,.,, t"' (l l'r".' of nisnur.ictuiing I make a lull day'a b-uliiiu, li.r wineli I art ail I ,af f W .... JTTP tip the steady reyoliitiou of the csrth, mi l ami comfort ho holds in his .talw.trt hand for thus briiigfiirr back the morning sun; Neither court4, nor camps, nor aruiim, t.,r ti .r evco for bidding up in its jiUr tint t.r.'e fleets, cu.i rxiat without his aid. lie i tho mi which he an'. Ha quietly fch-pt, leaving feeder aye, arid the f-aruietiler, virtually in itt.-rs which were t hijh fjr bis oontiol of liie race. Cities rpriii-r from the traOioj i tri uiaiiauiiiuut of that praat Jloiug win iu the products of liis indaatrj- a.omuier I. t,-.ery way competent for them. And i-f b'jrn t bis bcue-t. Ol the- ttata he is ' KOIiMiT lllioVVMM,. ' leinand eorial.li rittj. Ihr l,nia aince Ii. ii l.a. been dt.cuvered, baa Ih-cii liuprei-c. I mil . i.nw l y. ...I -II pr.-cienl. rinvVI'bera ara nenieruna .nntaliniia aprttnf 1 dull.. re. Any im-is.i wipb.iKf In ptireb..ai- plt.en e in inn... amt .e- n,r, livmn iiH.a II. if iSa. r.r I n ek, ju-l abi va .11. Iiawcll'a an,i,r,i.i ! f , tl.f l)(. r;.,,Iir, . 1 W.- i.n.n.t.e laill.l'nl v. ' Hi. Smith al.all atlrpiaa i till 0I tlie Tin- piibli. . putatr n Ibat i InU.t brwi.re. V article Ii. I'li.-V i,rc w..rtl.li.a. I.n II. M. I IUTCIIAItl) ! ar. apent for t lis r b.tie. a ml ...Id by lr.i... and funnlrv ll.-rehalils general! J . J.,n SI. Hi8. ! HUN1W r A Uruvtrrv of Vrnjirrty, I i-'OK SALE llfcKK. i MKHIKN It. Tl'KNKK. . 3, IP'.7. Ill' I ilu-t eve. nicrasnrv d i notieli ef it. llisairTtnhs sua TJsk.- Adults one tulile spoo.fnl per itny t'biiiirai. avn kit yiara iieasi-rt ,hh.uIuI. Inl dri n Ir.iiu tiva tu rijibt )fii, Uu.t'iH.ninl A. no direrti.-na cult be applic.Mi- In nil enatit.i. linn., take ..irl'.cunl lu umalu mi ll.e buwela la tea s day. staisi.rtcTOsn sv DONALD Kl-.NXEPY. Ao. 1 'JO, Wnrrcw Strtrt, liozbitry. Muss. Trico 61. Wholcaalc A. i nl N. w Vnrk eil y ,C. V. I'liek. ner.HI Itarelay Strei I j f. H. B in;, l'J'3 IJre.-e-.vsv A. II. Sc. IV .iiimis, Kill Kuln n tittei t ; T. W. Iy. i,ll Sl Si.na. rinbnli Ipliia : (nn. II. K. vacr, Fitla. buru; A.H. M.-.re, Bnfl-.. llufb M ,l!er. Ti.r.oi- onl, nol.e io tnj J..I111 llirke.Mi.ntrcai i Ilnnk inhi 6 ft I', nti.n, fi J.inies Kied, Cbteiii. ; Jobn Willmm, Ussi aat si,,.rf, ... CARSIACF.S. K a . CITY OF N K W AV :h ITR rr.M 1.0 A-e ' ll"tl A llr. .n .. ;.., .'. M M,tf.l J. 1' I" Nl. 1 , I 1 N. W, W,,o.lllu. and t-u. ra till. It. ll. s.lllt M'll.l. I.e ple.ait! to receive Trnfi a.n.i.at ( l. in tin .op. rt,i,.Bt ..f Ml UK INK .11.: SI U . Kit V. Iilleaa pri.t'i aai. m, I : ahnnl, I.e nn.v be fi.nnit .it r.ia rcatdt ncv, Fori Mill UiimjI. Vnrk tl.al 1. t M.f, n. 1.'. l6t,. I If a i' Al l, WtH.'K AUBANTr lV i 1 If KI'AllllMi.l.n.i ut tin .li.uliat notice, and nn 1 he nu.al r.M..ierale teri.ta. IL 81, np on '1 1 yon ami I burcl, Streets, nasrly 01 pi, ntr lu Kirr'a Hi. tel. (1 (IVK.IJM AN. C. WILSON. S(irjm.jar;. '.c:,!. ' air BLANK ILtl)S for aiu at this oLoc. I f.nnilot., f. W 1 At Krtsil bv sll respectable I'rueeials in tlie lulled StuUa and llrili.h fri,.,!..... F.SCAKK i CO .Apents, Chariottt, A, C. A LAUC.K Si ri'LY OF Constable Warrants FURSALK I IF. lit.. 11.11:1 O i l I II I..ro. . mil ir 1- t tint4 -nlr-lt) t- t'htttiotfr, Juti. 'J FCRWAitriivG at.-d cep'ni: MUTII VII. N I IC IVIMI'1 CllAliLKr-'Ii'.V r v' i