A ROYAL WEDDING. Tub Dkk Ri r.a Miskrai.s. The Stan-1 Yai.ui or Time When tl.e Roman Km-, S l ) V I N ' M ACII 1 X KS. The London Timet' ccouut of tlio tnar-j u',r,1 of oiunly publishes a letter from j peror said, " I have lost a day,'' liu uttered i . r ,,of Prineo Fredrick William of Prui-1 'to- '"""'M?vicJ)? on accJUht of bat a jad.lor truth than if ho hud ejtclnimed, IWaaonS v fcy .113 UrOV e . , M uo iiijr io irji.iu iir iinn ot - i nave lo.-l a Kilii'.tom. " iMiuoleo'i Haul , ! .ill. Wtoru Adelaide Mary Louisa, iron Qr0( foua on lhc Ti.8or pnUlioll 0B that the reason why l.e ..(-at th Aii'trW J,incf9iKoyiO of hnglanJ, would Gil about i Deep River. I was, il.nt they did not know be value of 1 pne of ou'r paper. The following ex- The ore, aays Prof. Emmons, ia of a dark hva minutes. At the celebrated buttle of! ,n may interest or omuac our rend-1 l,row" oolor '" '"ass. which respect it Hivoli, tlie conflict seemed on thu point uf iraiw - I I.I.....U ruoMnTili.a umnn nf tl.n I, ...... I.,.. :.. . i u. ...... .i...! r&B.ker'iSev lag nachlne.1 i3 Universally por- ferrcdfir xvw vn 11 IJ 1 1 11.11 it i distinctly stratified like all other sedl- ct itioal Male of affairs, and instantly took ,.'., iu 'l1!. r. I... :. :.. i i i- i ...... n . i i . . .1. .. (.uxuri m vii uuvc, in which ni.i rt'smunou. 11c ui.spaicneu a na.r 10 me .i "The treat officer of State enter the Chapal, but no one hueda thenr, for there i ( respect it differ both from the bsomatltc ' Au-trian hcad-quarTers, whh proposals for ' thn. -II tr , peculiar movement without, mid a aoft od specular ore a well as from the com-i an armistice. '1 he unwary Aus'riuns fell ',,"l"l,,'' "' ru-lling of "ilk is audihlo. Iu auother aeo- j 111011 mapiirtio ore, whose powder is black, into the mere. For a few minuter tlje tlmn-1 "r ' J.rlu ." " ond the Jtido is at the door, and stand I JJt like the latter, it ia atrongly magnetic j ders of buttle were hushed. Napoleon seised 1 ' 4iU. Tin .Ou. eii ro e of iho rosebud garden of liirU," I aud hence it ia Drobnble that its chemical the moments and. ahi'l.- ainu-inr, ' ami comi -i that bloom iu fair array around ber. j composition ia not very unlike this valuable the enemy with mock negotiation, re-ar- The illustrious personage ou whom her ore. It differs from the common argillaceous ranged liia line of battle, changed bin front, rij.1,1 Uauil rest, la me rriticd consort , on ore of the carboutferou system, in the ah- and in a few minutes was ready to renounce ; -It ia tinirp iiiii!.", anil Kept it ., tli.m any other Maeliine 111 iUi s 1. S.'smi wliM-li will uut rii nr riv 1 1 vtrv 1I1 ri rliti b 11' cut. . Mr j P utmUip fur the mry,t of rutty my on ! ronfrcl Innary , F.ikcrv, Fruit, ' Retail Grcccry Business nib! j lte(f li?e in call the iiltrn ' ( Iwiriott.i mid MirrnuiHfn-p 111 Un riim.irj r;mi, iwi.mjwmi imMmi,m wmiiini; tl.rc.idia v i.l, 1 .ll'h, ut Srat : l-.n i- iii .eliilie en In- ada.U' "I pleas. ; tliry woniu Be ..se5 l c ih..iieif .ouls, to v 1 1 vintliia .anjuaiiiwncn-. i f the c.lij.".n nf 1111 1 r v In thru New , llr. in'si.iMl Fr .iik. t.l'i Sti.n.l, where e ull Cheir Irien.lH a MUUDV &, NISUET. he tn in, wiih qo.l 11 1 ii.mip us th i in.,, Iii-c from nl" li b nrr nr olhtrwirr. c hv tins mi' i illici hy li thread ! , iih. 'l i e team m 1 ' lie li luif. fi tli . I it I break in wi.lliny, IM- ,er left his M ijcsty the King of the lieli- gC,ioo of alomiua. and also in anvernl oib. r ' tba f.irei. of ili,e,isinn fnr iIih .tnrn arbilra- i beautiful thun any oilier m , ; botb are 111 lull uniform and wear tbe parlioularn, and ao also, it differs from the incut of arms. The splendid victory of "" Mi collars and of the great European liUckhat.d ore in its mall proportion of Hivoli was the reiult. The jrreat moral : in .HreT.-r'ni'vented' . r.m-trueii d Order of Knighthood to wbicb each belotiifs. . carbon and its bron color. 1 victories and defeats of the world often turn ri;v'ii,e. t lind. of liui.ilaa mr emi r: Chemical Analysis shows that tbe ore in five minutes. Crisis come, the not, seizing ( ,.,. 1 ., .... w,i, the r' I fVirl 3, I fl.'i. 4ej-tl . " 11. IJ. Williams & Co,," " Si 1:. in: ns in n:t i.i:nif. A! I absorhiiiK is the interest excited by (he ' IriJa herself. The jjorj-eous veil she wears , thun composed :- Protoxide of iron, Water, Carbon, Silica, J 11,720 8,r?(ll) 4,(10,1 of hieli is ruin. Men may loiter, but lime ; pne flics 00 the iiii,r of tlie uiud, and all the It'"" great interests of life are peed i 111; on with that auro aud silent tread of destiuy. .1, in inline from her head dresa ia thro off. and batiifing in inas-ive Tilda behind, leav.s the rxpressioo of her face complete ly ti-ihle as she walka alnaly her head blihtly stooped iu bashfulnes", and ber j cy ca-t upon the ground. Thus all can j Pie distinctly the mild amiable expression, : r. pleie wi'h kindness and deep feeling, aud ; Be... lo atteuipt to portray which woul(l ! J'r'''M''Je from this ore, is rem.rki- own eel, as represented in the Imperial 0(l,rsSS It contains t2 per Cent, of metalic iron. i The Qi'eknbjjf Eunorc An American j lady, who was at tuttjrurdt during the b-t The pi-metal attheCiulf uppose, 0 nieetiug of the Emperors, thus writes of her "ou y prove how vainly wordi e.-say to fix the -ivirk of beauty a heavenly ray lie tile tor its loii-tiness. I bo ore contains party: neinii r ampuur, aiumiua, nor any other ti.. (I . r tt,li,.l : . 1 1i;. bn bt.bioo.11 af eolor baa cou.hlewl, te,. ' ""'"J" f " '"'" "" teI an.I elegant woman- stiH Very '...ndsome, ted' her ; an I even .b-5 compared with her Pro,,u:nop '" ')f ,w for,,M 5 though .ha bs a grnnd.ou. M,e speaks " ""'""7 V rro' r.tnmonsa vaiuanie ,,L ..r feet 1 V , and k perhaps, the mo.-t add.tion .0 the iron ore. of IWp R.ver - , IICC011,f(j1.(i BOIllnI, j,, .;uro.,0. The yrin. ' nrtijlilc. l'ui. QLtrivts. y if her cheeks seem pale, and her ili... a appeirauctt deuotes tretiiulousiieta m il i).iNiM,iii. , c reinouies we believe the dresa of 1 ie '.ii le ranks only neit iu impoitanee j 1 1 the c-lebratio.i of the service j but 011 this A VALUABLE IVETION. The Kalania 0. ci-i'u tlie Princess Royal wore one ao too (Midi.) liaz.-tte states tb:it Mr. E. It. li, r ,,ik.'ily in j."d lata tli'it it is diffieult lail of that city, has recently di-cotered a D r. 111.11 k instiling, save that it is eni iia- mode of applying lver power, which is les- i' jy h. run inr, beautiful and whit. Iu tiued to bring about an entire revolution in -tripe, tberc was an immense bunch of Bowers, f ,, , il . unity 10 in 1 u J only recall the belle tbo process of raising large bodiea by me- i Ti drecs wre all something iu the same ol tli. I renr h curt, ho is said lo dress ' chauical means. The editor or the ja&"ttc 'style chip bonuots with white feathers, aud t lO llll'SF Will , itli every m. 11 a shoit tun.'. IT A I Or.lera irom t ' V fi!l-r un!l t the a e price i.1 tins olle f,-e in N. w York. J r t-n'y (,n' m r':,ctrit wi!l be ceived ill in vit.riit fr ih.' ' II. W. KINSMAN'. sit li'i'l Kiei' st. li..rli Bl.,ii, ant vicinity. F rh. is, 1 t;.s nr.Lis: ii:irs:: ijjlis::: l'r.ini I In- Ituslmi Uell lituil), At Manufacture' $ Price! " 1 ami run r: 2 inch Id rt. per toot. u iiivi 1 k 1 1 1 ,.i.rf iirr 1 tt ' ' "vff A Kl" ""W reefiv'ni; a Ijrci sto,.li '""iffyj lb",; r,b'. msy ,. -ire. " "1 U-y X , mull iai an 1, o to ,h H, irue ut 1 . . ,1 iiIm I Oi, 1 ... 1. 1..... I We ori ,i.v II m'u ii.. ir of. AKRIVAt. FXTI.'AORDI.NAnY. , Trofessor t has. l)r. tyasTii. introducer of the jrrnuine He firnlli'a F.lirtric fail, is now iu town, i having rriv d from H .rnrbur(r. I's., ycsterriiy 11 f;ein,.np, Tiie troilnr is stoppirifr at tout time. 1 hnnori d rilalil.shmrnt ."the floti l 'I'lie : is the h..ue whirr t.-r Lafayette , ISAfOSMania. L' w stayed .liirinri bis visit tn ll.iitilno.-e, snd UlM'ra ' '" i.ler, to he the liin.rite hi lei with nli cre:.t 1n.11 We- " Hog rouno, nnil.-rst'iRil the Prnli asnr intends tn deliver a I " Hhutilnors,.. . cture tins morning 1.1 9 o'clock, l tbn ' entre , P-ifKifg. liunny Market, when and where hv will luilv ennftace Hs'f. bis h. nrsrs nt the brn. final . ets nf nr Isr famed .Hn"-r Mi cfrir Oil io aiigi.g tlie nifn-rings nf human. Ilecuwax ilj . l,'i.To Si s- "J his ;reat liemidy ran bo hvil Menus ol the aiji nu here. Fra advertisement 111 another Hraiuly, Apple, column. " f'eacl Cotton, new, ( ortce, l!io, Java, Candle, Adaiii.111 tine o 1-''mtiii., Tallow Cm. old The 11nrli-t. fOnnRcTItft BV B. M. OATRS ii ut. ciiAiu.tnTr:. Ft:ni(tAuy ifc.: SI for 50 cents! A M- W",. l'liiilrd ., f.aines, wol lb 1 per, y4. vd. tor ,-it r nis. j T. II. DI1EM i CO. I y,n. Ir-.-.a. t.10 Fresh Bread ! isl, and piirli d dime, tne, ao Dint every ."ne ssiio, army rnoDicE. kcII known sIjii.i ric.ntly lie. eupi.o bv T. M. Kariow. i 2 1 i Hi to pininptly and as !"tv 1"" '' n,"jr Ti vil.MAMS k C , I Tiwh Sheet. 3 iro.. (mm tin H'l-r an,tr. ( .'w.iute, Jn..(, -.' Hit sta tu or yairni-cjiioLiSA, 51 Ki Kl KSBIllt'i ' CiUMV,, ' Court ol JJuitiitj lull 'J mil, l'-OT. -T-TSH FtlfKAl) at J. IT. la,,,,,, .ve the I). l.k of C i, Jan !6, CWiVmf... .(loth.Co,.,.. t.iiiiiiw s. every niurniof Kvl's Con feLtn.rcry , one d,s,r V';,,-ur Wiliiam J, Kerr, ' I'e.,th. I l,iir. i Vntl , I Mac , Attcrr.ey at law & Solicitor In Foully, i it tiii o rn:, t ., mrii.r. ,i,Piin. is i,e t:.n.r v. .'!. hnr and the ,iiitinniii( 1 1. Itt'ii lion will Oe p. 101 to the. colli li ... vii ....'lb lb ....ib ..bushel, .. ....?! al Ib Ib Ib Ik lb 11........ ...hiisnel... ....bushel... cae ii No I. ..Kills.... . N" o , V. . I . I Mallets ( , ! Nails. North Oil of cla Jrlll. IU. Irf.lfi. I Outs.. ' Torn. .pi. CC.-.S tJla is said ti be the tiainl-0111, -t Homao iu Euro,e. The Empre-s of I'm --ia is a refill looking womsti. These ladies were dressed iu while moire antique silk ; a stripe of vbiti fi.e or six inches wide, and a stripe of the same width covered with tlio richest flowers here; and ttn, in the white U2 -K.'Vi'- f 'Ins Mat n,,lifvin; I I', urt llu-.. .. I M- 11. : A Alimony. ,f tlie Cotrrt, is not a rei. l:,..t puhnra. r'n I -irolina t., t.1,1 111 It I eoiiolv, ut I hh M i .y ".!, ;,: il pi, ao, n p e-T-'gH I,IE V"' rU r'P I rct..ti,c. l.-i-t ?' '"gagKgrjVoaTii hmistks I .. iiM, 'f T li Anvoc.A i r opens wilh Ilia Jj;r, t.'t ,.. 'Iti ill i . rt ui It it eoiiirn'r-oi ,i to ti." , people of North t... roiin.i.iTiU ' t rut eno w or i fft. Noniu t i l ii l:i- E. te rhciit. ant! uttf r f t'e r in the !!.'.. . STRUT 1 V IN AlVAME. 1 !i sin II a pn-ei ption of (rood taste that no aaw a weight of OKI pounds rai-ed by bis i niajriiificcut lace mantles. I caunot for'ii e f'iel" ui, e can nit- rve wnat she wears. bile, maciiine, ty the atrentli of a ainjrle cotton ;me yuecn ot u recce tor tjeiiig a tar, tatr, I j n:er, we mention this as tbe actual ef- thread, and states that if the weight bad ' round faced, j illy lookinir huiuati. I ex .,iol il.e 1 online, wemaystate, for the been ten limes as heavy, the result would pected to see a maid of Allien-, and I don't fii.b-i info, msti.iii of our readers, that it have been the same. This di-eovery coti-'like my romauce dispelled." I" , 'uf a t ir. d by Mrs Ilarviil, deign- sists iu such an application of proper ma 1 1 ly x!i-a J am t I'lfe, and composed of a cbiuery lo heavv bodies, audi as locomotives ,' . ,.. , . ., , cl, iv .. ol w e moire antiane. nrnamen- heavy e.,tn,fc...'boat. in docktard-, and the!. N Oltraj ,e itraet the folly w- I w, I, tl.r- r 11 .ui.e. a of llonilon lace. like. a. to procure a balance' in tbe object :'n? (!.0m th,. correspondence of the Court, r T,e,l..i...olthel.eeco.,i-UGfbo,(ieta it-elf, then by rocking tbe bod j to and fro 7t , A."-'",bur-' V"'',i in -k of the rose, iham-oek. and on crt.iu standards or studs, connected1 . A f'"?' 1 ,,ere ! fr 0'"" t . ... im-.falin,,.. At the ton of wi.b the machine, wedee, are inserted with ,,""e P".t.,M J",m,,ul ,,K. ." .... .1 .t, ..;i.....i.. . .1 . .1 , 1 L'ir.s ot our city, ami cut oil tlieir fjjHii.g locks of h .ir 11. commenced at nioht under favor of the darknes, but lately I r .-.KAMI.KSsi lltl. T.S ,,isii.if..cttirerf t , ore, .h. rt e. co?y t 77.VC nasi: ..r ti ... f-r wte in un , to isr d uittct fiomtlie Mann. W,tl.-s 0 111. v , ; I ' i,ry,'A. L. Httiinu per punu. AKiO uf ail ueerii its i.!iH ci.1'3 LUONF, k CO. 41 .. .. j'l'.ce 111 11 ooi 01 1 ne uress are w re at lit eacu v.nrat.on, so mat as the roe a 111 poes f i i .iu- mid myrtle l l,)--ou.s the latter on, the wedge are constantly drawn in and bei'.! the bnil ui fl ncr of tiermany every the I j- raicd by its own motion. Mr. wre ii I. ter 111 naiiu' with b",uet, of the same li .H a construction of .machinery for this flj,n, an I the leiytb ol each bein to putpo-e is very ingenious, very simple, and en 1 jt. .1 ss to cue the appearance of a at tlie sune time entirely efficacious'; ho 'oh. di fi ie I by fljaers Iheapeiof this that one man can rai-e a locomotive that ,r- r i , .,i,l r..r,i...l )., . I.r ... I.a,.i trets thrown nf tl irl, .ill. ,1. a on tin. oir,;a. The train .bid. ts of and certainty as be could raise a bucket of person. Coii,ii,K up at the ti arc l'i: i-isl leuili nt more than three vards, ater nh a wiuHlao 1. of 'i!t iu lire aiit.ii ie. I rimmed with two ore ma v be raised, calm! boats, ciii'ities and n ' f II jiiiiou Uee, surrounded by wreaths boilers, aud, in short, any compact and bea- v.ti.i .r lo ll.)e on the flounces of the dress, vy body to which the maehiue could be ep- ii, '; -,,( h i. nt short interval.. pile. I. '1 be liazette concludes its article by V it toth inten t eieited bv the ap- aayitu; : " Wo think may safely say, that p. jranee of the bride, herself is tlie feeling ' r liail has maile a ili-eovery that will be r,jt i by the fair bridesmaids, who, "in of incalculable utility in the mechanical ; 0 - f satin and c 1 in iin-r of p"uil," fol- world." l it in "tstely array, bearing up the rich r ,:i. of the Pr-ice. l!oy. between lli. ui.' Iv tii a 1 1 a M.r.H V Tb. 11 no., h.. 1 ,11 LUD - MME IV li SALE. " M.I. be oid t II, e I te resit are of Win. V V lb roiersoe, inc'.i.. in fl ,slon county, on Ve.nesil.y, the I 0:1, ol .Mi I eh mxt, !. lionl..,, ,: . ... and 111 vter 111 I,. II CllurioUe. tl I. 'J-i 1, ,y ol Jal.U. 1). 1! Dl'NLAP, C.k M. E. Jan. yfi lion. fee So. l.'J Seed Potatoes ! K F vou n. a "cnauis ,tl,eH MI IM l it dan Jl h i:yi:m:i:i l or.tKU: n"i 1 ntrh. or,', l,Uj! mid .Vf'li Mo,'. lr ill's Coin. r. where 40 t.!.:.. 10 prune ..riivr. i.rc j-isl to b.i.d, Iron, 1. . . tn &- "son. I'Mf 10 000 nd Will i K od assorud I. US. I'ii I.DAI. 111 -.,1 and as ii (nr fa, t an. -,t Fill I (.'I I. iIP, .Kill' '',, ss the Kditi r, Ki v. U. T. Ilirns, Ra. ' N i ,,, l"eb. N. C. V.V,!, I, - ' ' Varti - Henioval. rjlU". si'i'iseril.-er iufnrms I... fneiies and tbe' I ' 1 ...K,ie RMieraily.that lie l.ia r.mnvid his I ro--r,,N- Ti Shop I., the ol.i rt..n.t uf Mnwe A II v , ri v, under . , , . I.. S. Williams' Siore, on Tiaiie .,e,'t. w' re h, P ens t hut . is preimreU In .iltilld to ail 11. li. lint, lie, nt (-notations s.v I has sti.i 11 f. vv articles on ii-. n-i su-h ; s ,',,r fij , itl, Golden Cook. Golden Star, Planter's and t us m Rood Premium cook vrovr.s, ami a v.11 nty of t I'AtiiaOi: stvi:. A. so. a i;(.'j assort. in Jit ol' (111 ;ir. il Hollow. air. Ac A . v I i, 1 ... s,:; ei.ii., !,.r CAM I ir I ...,ia (.,, iv j ....IS (.., JJi 1 1 f.,, u . ...00 (n 0(1 .,..17 ri, 00 .... 5 (1 ....124 fa IS ....i0 m 'il ....00 la. U'J ..01l (re. On ....00 t'n- (HI .... r-4 ia, 11 ....l!ij la II ..-IS! (a 2) ....2s 0,. 31 ....I'l fa .V. ta ISI .....ill V: i.'l .....10 I-, H!l ...VJ la 15 .11, la I.. ...-.. la Ml ..- a '.. 1 ...t (. 4 n r. on ...ii-i '. .:ti,n ( :c. ....1.", c, ,r.u ia .....',11 la n c. 1 .... .'l fa no .... .", fa K Sl ta 37 .... 11 1 j ..."." fa. I" ,...! ta 1 (.', ll ....t (.. r)0 ....11 ta Iti .... .0 U'i $i:,i) (, fni ......I (' tl (, t.'i ( s7 ....4.a fa aa ... II I, I. . . -1 ' ' ' ....'- J t, SI ..I lit ', I'1' gOO.I lillU, riv '. firm. lllHIlli ju I I.UI It I- in ; 1 (.1,1 MHI M M.'KI'T. I '01 rmu. I'.' t OI'li'V T r,- tn n nwniu has operated in open day. His first opera tion is lo put under the no-trils of tl.e cirl he meets, a auiall bottle, cotif .-lining a sub atance which causes stupor, and turn tbe ; long tresses are quietly removed. It I o , . forced lo fly. by baviriL' a rn.-to presented So heavy pieces of , , , ' , h ' ., , ii..:- 1 at them. It baa been in.po.-ible un to ibis 1 Likely xNero .Men. a pn-.d Itoot aim Sin lii.iiier, and one j ,11 1 llu-e S. rvnit ins .11 ,ue known 011 the day of ssie. 500 i;ai i.ias ri'iji: f in.-i;i-;d nil., Wm.lL.sie no l-et ,1, t run ci 1. mu.i'.s. N It All 1 Vm. II 'lifted IO IK'- iinii hli 0 are time, to seiie the tniscresut, or even to get his exact description. Many per-on. have been arrested, but I hey proved to be entirely innocent. 1 he magistrate has offered a re ward for his detection. I.adies are fearfu ot pe'nj out unless accompanicl by a pro- tcetor. The police are on the lookout, and eou.tantly p itrol the streets, jtt new out- ' rages are daily taking place." T H'!!l. .1 W. el" J 11 ua A. V.o.iij. r.b. :.. is-)5. i:ii( r 11 i:Ni:nt)UN, Jb , A-imr. W,ll ! . Pl.ANTA I I ALSO toe ...., liu To Unit. l;,s lieu 1. , r,.i I., triTii. lti:i. -,f I HON fo 7,i n.l I, 'j?." ), lit 1 1 ki;s 1,1s rR, ii 1 t V to tl.e citizens uf Ch.irioti J ' llliiee n 'I'raiie strut, I , the Court lb, use. ! Jan. I!.',-!. 1. II. liYK lil.Y. i.'.-f L, POLLOCK ID.N'AI. SKKVIi KS sn.l 1 1 IN on which tl d W, Men ,e M l or I f. a. , II ,11, mis. On I'.e IJou.v aud" very e n 1 W 4f ' at ti I 7 J. .V; K T. I ci,. i. IsS-i. riK, rioit. . N. C. TO THE LAIDES ! Y;i .liable Town rn iKity In- in lies honored with this distinguished m.uJ . ,.fr r.. .k. ii of K yl favor are all annry; the per- Bt-ivilrr of lh Boor oil ecrsooa rieept RjULBOArsa tv tri U.vtTt) ?TAtWsi sin Iriends nf tin y )un)r bnle. aud, what j 3 -lices of the .Supreme Court, Goverjiori of According to the R'ltlroui Jnurnnl iiyt Jan " 1 ""e""ar. are every one Mieal.y Ce- ,he Mates, officers of the II oue. ert. Veil- oary, there are now vu.viii miles ol rail- N d lro.,i the Kreat Itojal bcues ol bn- trrday, while tbe llou.e was io aession, a roaej in the I i.ited States, of which 2'.!M-i : 1 an.i c itisirl ,. Th.-y fj'.jjaj the bride tall, stout, j-ra) haired, old man, dres.ed in have been built since 1 "1 1. The aj-reatc I v Ho eifht in all xrTy p I av: 11 clothes, approached the principal co-t of tlide road, is between !bll millions I be dre-.fs worn by this fair train are entrance of lb? hall, and evidently not aware an! a til, ;pis of dollar. The average co-t 11 a des,n furiii.bed by the illustrious of the new arraiicenient. attempted to enter. Per milo is about 35.011(1. Vir.'i.ii. Ic bcr.eil They consist of a white place was stopped by the door-keeper, who in I'i'-i'-l miles of railroad, tl.e cost of which. ' 0.1, entirety covered by six deep tulli q iircd if be wa. a Chief Justice or a CJover- per mile was aoinetl1'! upwards of ?'-" liOil. ... , over which fills a In tiio of tulle ,0r. " No. sir.'' was the answer. " but bv New York has 'jr.illl miles, at an airim-onta a resolution of Conjire.s, all oflicers of the cost oS I !'), I ti,7 ti ; being about $".'), IKIO army who have received the thanks of Cm- per mile, or ncarTy double the oo-l of the ere-s are to the orivilcte of the Vncinia roads. M a-sach.ietth has 13ir? iOoor. " Are you a asked the drjor ke r . ... ne ,,-,. ,. worn iii me at the av art oll man "1 am u 1 I upon cch shoulder. my oame i. Scott Wiuiih. id Sontt, of il " brnlc rassca up to tbe a'tar she I'mtcd Pistes arirv." Tb males a deep reverence to her ,0or keeper underwent s evident agitation, and cbaiwe, a. lie very politely inlor ...... CALL-SOOXJ. IF VOU VANTIUi.&UNS! rI FOll SALE. JU.W V. S I.,lr,e 3(l Kb t Y M1.K-, sulci I OST. AIS.1. 1 axfttlt 1'S.CAI.MlK..- 1N. .-, 1 1 at ate.t patU gine 111 i.nee u, 111 :i lu . 1 1 1 offer to sell at cost. 1 will sell. . A I, , ve n frest nf llOtX' FK 1 nT. col e,l SII.Ks we are oft'ofine lo 11 f 4.S. ' XV- are also .rttng .0 s, 0 i.rot cur Wmtir floek iV .m. at iced prices, lo tin. ke r-oni far our lias l"ck'- l's" ",n lf want 1,.,rr ins ! liKUU N, ? TUT i CO. Feh li. 1-j-. Uii; ru;. ,i ti Will ..!!: tu rh, now nceuined by the -.,i,-e,.pal toe chnrrh biii,.,ir. 'I he l.ols li l?.,uiiful situaiion lor .1 f mnlv ri s. li e bl.liciliE, W ith a lltl e additional ciit be con VI rtcu into a neat and coin. ebuir The terms will he inieierate it the purchaser, ror p irticuiars CO-WETS. o M. F. WINHKLL. "I with ruches of tulle, looped up on !o i.h a bcriet of pink roses and i, at!ir. Tbe body i. trimmed with ns of tulle, with lunginij sieves of 11 material trimmed with ruches ( J .Notice otticer ot the army : , looking ith some mile rt"p. and tn oihi r. thoU'-h Kith li r face flj-hes like eriin.on ; tin ti'mnir. she renders the same In li.e I'l.nce of I'rua-ia. A a she dies 9 the I, 'i ! r ioiu elect advan?fs; and, kriseiini; 'ii on,, knee, prese. her hand with an ex-pre-. ion of fervent adiuiratioQ thst nioved tl.e sn-ii-t audience. Taking their places II, , 11 at tbe altar, and with their illu-tricus landing round in a proup of une at a cot of more than'Hl per 11, 1 ss Penn-ylvsiiia has 'J.1I0 miles, m a co-i of about fdt.t.'.lll North Carolina has J j Bl-Ij mi'ies, at a co-t of upwards of 817,0110. ,. If,, Is..,. maiiiier of the I bio h i. '."J 10 mile-, at a co-t uf muie than lUstatitsneous g t : . 1 . . Indiana has 1 at a cost of a- I tbe bout S-'-.tltl'i. Iie0roi has WU u,iie. at s.'ti'i (Jenrral of the repeal of the rc-olu. ion which a co-t of not quite $ .."i.llllii. Illinois baa jrave bio a riebt to the flxir. "Hut, said -o 1 miles, at a coit of upvv ards of ?.)J,l 1)0. b-, " pa's in tiinersi; I ill lain the re- 1 tern N-rtli ( a spon-ibiiiiy niy.elf.'' " So, sir," was iho aiiwcr, " I do not wih to violate any rule, sir; 1 will po to the gallery ;' and the brave obi man, whoe name i- syrrouytnous with the military plory of the Tinted States, clit. .1 lo 'he rstate ci Veo,iiegli,,iiee'd., are reijuesled t ii,i f.,y ui, hy liu- I. tm Airil, or il on put 111 Hie hai.ila of an.., the 1 B- aB .tSa, k. Urrp oiif IM.-iim in 'I'him lllK eitu-ns nf Ch P. HK.NlI-:Uj?ON,J-.vt. 01111" Ml -,tte and surioiin.lier; aei.m reminoeti tlmt the suhseri. ail timet to refiair and tune I'l. ns in the best oi.s;bic manner, that nil old instrument -"an he well as a neve 1 11, . Willi ail the T Wnlker Expnliiioii! :,rlie 1 r, jv ,1 Jl.s and vk' 1 hi, I h.ivmgrm, H-..1 .M,'k. 10 in w prepared u A curious ca.e was IroUi; limbed the loio' rati.'e of the tsii a and tout T'4 ''d Ir lliaticy, tbe service cnimenees his M-at in the crowded gallery, alone atid vi h the ebota'e, which peals through the unnoticed. If'iii. Cm J il,e'Ctn. En-. i.l' ' biiildina; with the ini-t solemn etf,ct. . lie bin,,, o,,r, the Lord Arebbi-bop of 1 aveihurv took bis t.lsea in the 0 ntre of t',e at.r.'a i l, assisted by lh ISi.imp of Major, in which a poor Canary bird i I, 11 I on . !.,,. nf tin Ch. nel lioval i hs volved. 1 1 see iiis t li at a eeiitleui an e 1.1! a li Ii ;, - I" l.aford, as Lord llih Almoner, "'" ld c,rrJ ,he c"r-' i,,ri ,ro'" ,he r;uroPe iunnediately. Ill' I, or, of Chester as Clerk of the Closet' ferry lo his home, and while be was t-lecu- j l .,., ol Windsor, as Iliuie-tic Chaplain, llM "lton. owii.f. to carelessness, the vl tl- Her lr We.ley, af Sab lh an of bird escaped and alighted on a tree ; a hack- le Ciian.) tyal, the marriage service is niBn fauj.-ht him atid refused to deliver biui "..el at". i',etly ten minutes to one up i the police were put 011 him, and he was Plill.APrrilU, February 12. A sham duel look place this afternoon, on the west side of the teliuy lkill, between tao young c men. named I'eCbsrn.ont and Sheri.lHii ' The balls cro draau by the seconds from the pistol. bv.fore they were handed to t!:u coivibatatits, a fact of which Sheridan was aware. As the pistols we" fired. Sheri dan fell, and !c 'harmont Icaiinj; the con before the reijiteiires, tied to parts unknoun. In a left at home he stated that il be ems that a gentleman enjiajred killed his autaonni-t be "ou'd leave for LOOTS and SIIOJjS ten Js le-j 1 : v .; eoe-i. r.ily on I AXIS 11. i.u'nct-i( r- In tin I v. en ti rins to suit li 1 ha trial sou ise c-nvaio'. e.. TIIOS. II. MAHK. Suit .i and Bonnet l!:'.,beiis a! cr.'l. The ( ssi i;l be r, 011 tree w hen si !iu nt tin r"Ll " L. S. WILLIAMS. tartfe. Pre. I, ;. 3'Jtf ! e.'ie'oicta vr i:i noir.s!j HI KrKLKMteit O CfU'.NTf AGAINST TilK STAT K. t lil.I i; STONK. It is stated, ami trim the mi tln.nty ni I'r. II. .M . I'rilehi.rd, wiiu haa just re j eciwti from tlie man uiarturv. I'or hieii he is aciit, several bundrvd pounds of the finest u r ti - ! .cic ever ottered in liic town nf Charlntte, In be ell a bled 111 a snort tune to u:crctitc in ( no I ity ami sale ai:y imported urlieie, an, at a less price. Call I), e. I, IS.'.T. Irwin's Corner. I'rt'sll aiio;l(..w t;ilci-, IN fent beltlci just received 'rnni si.,,,pa ,,,,Ss. I,y II. M. PKITCHAPiP, IVe. 1. Irwin's Corner. aint.i: fcii i.T. H, Mjek.twvy rt Kr-lisl,, t;, ntlen en's r?M. ITS. lost received. ") la, . ill U. .0 alio l-irs. ulu low for east, hv 11. m. ri'.irciiAHD. Pic. 1, l-.",7. Iiw.n'a cum, I? in 'N.l.i - r. uml H i I i 1 , ... :i I i: is ii ,. n 1 . . :.: . I l ot 1; , ... ( H,MiI.K.-T" M KKirr. I liVIILEsT V, l'.!.:i.ri I'', Isav 1 -i 1 1' o.- ..;,-. of fvi to,., v 3,0' i" i' ":' I '''';''! n' -ni.ri.?i'''t'.ir,l'j,e'. I)ri. St(no K(iiuovm!. riMIK'.r iiiferme I, s b e .'.ol .... 1 I li;. - J. o,.r; v. li,, I .e I, remove, I , I '1. I I. I ( lb V. IrOII, l..r 0,t- li lO 1 I V. I I ' Corner, v 1, ici, has hmi l: v . : v l.tte.l u r II. M. i'i:iTCii.l;iv. M., II. lepv. i , KUU-L UAV.WA I.OTTKkV, The io jt cr.:-.P'V caw mir ..fthe R..v,! I! ,i ir. I.o't r eoiii'ne'ed by lh- S..ii,il, .,a', i, ,.., under t'.r super v: -ion (,f t lie Ci, j ls i It t.i nerai Cut-., Will tiike place at ll.iv.'e , , o TUni.IlAV, MAl illl. 9, lv. $300,000. !-t'IIII M Mlb't. .iKIilNAlMii. i ni Ai, vuivA. 1 prii o: lt.llO ' I r.l.euf '..' 1 " . ll j ., ' l.t l ;t ii on 0 , , i ,-,ih I i i:t ion 1 ' 5,01.0 j 2" AjT'iiiii'i s .(W 4 Aimr- ,..,., ti,. i s t, tne !.' "..' ea.-i. ; 4 of Jinn t,. . '.' !; 4 , t f ..i. t.. 3' .ii- ; I ... ill ') t :i..i I.T; 1 i ."i ti U holt T.e.i '-Jr-.n: I f . : V - SJ, , ; Q,::.,.,r J". ; I'l I I.l s e-i,i ,. .It s.-l.l ill ,', p. r cent. ,. I -en 1,11 1. K.:' ".I f!,:i U.,i,i. i n i ,ir. suit b, I io v li. Im. b'.l'l.l- Vm. A. Owens, ' I'ltt i i:iii. 'l;il.c it I iff ! t.l I Z. ' of I !V I' .St. t.l the :.:i. of Ma:.-,', wii. i- i t.,-.. IVrsoi ser.:.!.,., "1 , :,.i- ,v... ,, nan,,, ,.!..i;, .Hs:vvt;,v, p -t . lln "-DajbaJli III thia county, o Il.e lllil, v'.,n HLMiV Wt.l.K. in the Mm vrar .1 t toi;. e : ii titi. Il'll.h practice ,1 rtur, Jon '-i A T LA If. ' V i n, oi. c aurts ot' Micsi, nl'urj; ! fl. ti, !'.'-. .iaii-:s r. i-: i .m-. v. iiintic". I'o.t tltlice. 4ftf I. K, p. i flit. Jan. 10, "a II asa i;i;h;gh. bi-ly ' ri-i lly aiihered lo tlirough- i it i m it: ok it ki t. MrcKi.rsaeaii l.ois.r. No. 176, I J .iv. an, fs'.S. i, .iled nirrt lnr. the .. Ilevv il j risol ut'olia nd and dn.ud : , .is It has plr.Mt d the disposer of everts nn tiiui t.. eternity elir heh.Tid lo.'tr, "liar II v IZ'i be l,.t words of the chorus claim bis property. Could a jury decide; lie,.,, vrn. Tn .. ... u,e J";- which is whicli : I ki is a ease tor atiotuer - - '"- "-; ' "' " . , . , ,"' the restoration of tl.e bird ) but now, the owner of the bird is in a box, for the man ii-unl priyr was then offmed, and h"d '" IC meauw bile put the little songster i, ate, j .iiiit.if their hanua toeether ,u " 1 n" ",,u u",c i'" mi bo. li l hsajoinad, IrH ao man aKe is produvert and the pei.ileman is 'ii ler " V p. aim and the Halleluiah directed to identify his bird and take it. o I I tic Lirua are an anae, so our irieiiu caunui, j-, CCMMls .si US ME 11 C1IAS T, fttt Jtlll.N KI Ki l l, . j EJI'VS ..nd torw.rcs every k....l.." mereh. n j tuiK t,,r vi cent t nimieon. Ivlertnj i Morelieait. . . ,slHo, J , . j - Dissoliitioii, Rnr.M a. s i i i i i; w.. ! n'ulnai ( is. M. A ii t us. i Hi., ' hv Note or .it the Mutual lnnir.,1 AVI.V; taken advantage r.f the pressure nf I tin tunes, lam reecivir.j;, by e ,s!i pur.tiases. an iiniiieiise am; s, it cue stock ol Mi ,'icines. I llcili ica in. Ins! r inn nt-, h, sts, & c . to winch I most rtspvi liuily invite your atti niiii. All timers by ur utiicrw -ise. put up wilh neatness and i:.-spstc'.. 11. M. riUTCHAHI', IVe. I Irwin's Corner. 'I .-iiiiif I , or I'r.iiit (Ml. re i I n ; 1 1 in.. J .-t 80 O.1 i y ii, m. rr.i !('ii i(i. Ajfi-'w I lifi-r Eff lot ;il f Sv-I.ll I ',11:11 Sv:.,;.. ,u s HTOR'S ll.' .atn i-ii.i I j. I. ; l'e.;.r..i a.,o l ci.,n mcicmes .,r (. .... w.,io .' U-b.,r.,e, I . I'. Al. ii.i. nhll. A. M I T. II lilvHM. A C STKKLV:. an lie 5 in -ob iiin echoes when the cer- n. a", as arranged by chamberlains and i' I , .-n led ; and the bride, fifing vcut h r si lent y lon pent feelings, turned I Iier-elf iipnn her ninther'a bosom ll.rp-. tiu Satis. I'll II arnt fri - ii. 'u i in l'i. s. M,i-ir Kiti" Solotnou. Chmlffton Courier. Kt' iter ran I'ol.t.v, An eminent French statistician states that the laud ami naval ti e a ii .1 p irn tlie t.irll tlieir .HI 'i ol hit .1 .ynip.,11" v.c. A printm j nt htliacr-ii'i "i hoi toe ' f nrso r. to llniT.i " loui,: l,f in i vert Jin. 1, IS.-.s. New Firm. ig gAVI.Nli purchusid A C. Stec i'.- intti STOCK OF GOODS B S JL prcscrvinc Leather and Hurn . Y - M. II. l'lUTCUAlvl), fVUli Tanne'a and fl niters use incr. ;IO .;illilii "tli , s,l, I, ,.. a nd d. p.h of feeling that fl)rce,0f ,1P lUr()pean artnif. number 2,"0il,- mouriune i..r ih.rty days. "';i:"i tliro,.,h every heart. Ar-ain and aoun... picked men, ID the prime ol their' r,"i"',V ' ov.r u' V. .V" n '1"."! "l'i" n'" r 1 h 'j.ii, h. r Majesty strained her to her heart pro,luc,i,e renpth ; the annual outlay re- "',rT.1u,i.' WI,iK for pnhiic t,.,n, ami tn.t acpv , Uvu p , tied. ,.pio and ki--e,l her. and tried to conceal her e- nnii hi , but it was both needlc.a and in vain, 'r s i erctived it aud there were few who '';d not share it In tli i, in Ik- the illumination of the city c leu, I, juired to keep up these armies and the ma- i,c ! n tct ial of war is over t- iiiii,iiiiu,uu, 1101 iu. cluditi).' the value of land or buildiua orcU' pied liy lortineauons, arscum", uusjovwi-. luti'lne and p..renlstf J II (ilLLKSlMK, X. M. A. Mu.nrob GiLEr.-MK, tveu'y. In. Is.iM. chools, tVc, moderately esiima- ,f the (.'nerai, incmuine me resi- ,tj f :iHihi,UIMI,(Iimi, ou which, at 4 per veral foreicn Anihas-adors , :.,,,.rsl ). vcarlv is more ''! Mini-ter. " A simple fas star ahone thall $1 .-iil,.llll,HUli' To this add tbe value il-nle the house of the Ambassador of the 0f i,(lr which these men would produc- nilid Mat, ." ; lively perfot m, w liich amounts to more than ' g.r.i'.tKlil,lMi(l, aud we have an annual war r n a 1 i K IrTlNV ma a Stik kisiI fipcne paid by Kuropcan producers ol ( A fine laie1 ox was taken nek, rt fused to nearly 8bO,tlOti,lM.O. ! ' il, M 'l, in spite of all remedies tesorted l', .nun died. At a " pint mortrm exa'lii- i '-Hon " a bard smooth ball, of the sue of Al-oi,,(lv MAKIMl.-lr. I raukl.n, we are , a l ire. opp , and resembling iu consi-tetice, told, one bad a servant who was never in a" w.-ll a in color, a piece of uratiitc rock, tjie r0n'. At Iat the devices to which : is taken Irom his stomaeh, and ot. break- rtrYul rfa0rtcd to rover up bis defi-j ii' i it with a haiumer, for cut it you could ... , , f , ,1,. ,:, , , , j . 1 1 . 1. .. eiencics became too much lor tlie philoso- '"I, It proved to bo a woolen ftorkili,', c" "Ll ' .... . ,. , ul,, 1 .1 tii 11 1 1 ri nhcr " My irood Iriet.d, ' was hn hnal re-1 aineli tbu animal bad swallowed, and nr P'"-r- "J h ;,, , , . . . , , ', ,, 1 lv " you and I must part. I never knew lis de. u rate rfliris lo digest had rolled I"J' J , . ' ...... k. ur and over, and finally computed into who was o,,,,d at an c,cuse to be good t ruvU,.. ball. , at auylbtuj eiss.. i. cat In r ! I cat In r ! I. father ! ! IKnilerk Si.fe la. lr ' t;,.on l,nig.d Sole l.tather -Ml " I test W lute t-,k :ti " lair ' ;" " Hanirss iind I'jipir Ireneli l.iuin; licit, a., il American Calf Hi", linn Skins, IV ilulllatloll l.riiliirr. i. Kip Ss. iitioa tor I.K TATK OF Mi;'l ll-l'Al.'Ol.lNA, ME. K I i:Mit Itn i t'UNTV. i Court nf I an. I (. u.uler rstiist Jan- ma i T' nn, l -a. ; II. IV v. iiniima i 3. II. Cuouineliam. S Levi, u n, ih. I IT o'.ci.r,i.. to tl.,. to .I the d. ti St ,tc, lit re-'C. . h, 1 ( is UroliiirOo'r.iJ Allachinrnt f P. C. t.rier. ot llren, & Sic. It . ami ...!. t. . I W.I.. me J. A. s'u,,,), Jr. all.) T. I V I V C I I C AIUVM'IS, .he Ku.m. ss will l.ereaii.r he c. ,., o 'act, ,i u t the film ot T II. I!r,m l ... We eaii the ..tluiluoi ..I !, , t-'..r mrr', - we live r H- d the puci u, a great llianv ..O'lcs. I t. ir. i;i;km. j Jan. . I"..". lit ! ,!?. 4 '! I MS IT mi mi KIN P. AS.-ObTMl NT T .'H'I TLA". (U,. n'."l...'p.".'i';:, Ou' nevvc. i. V., s!.,'l. Hreaklast. s A M I'll KN K AMI 'M RNlN'i. IIMP, just :'n,i WieM li,r hiirmii); Ho in, loll p, r cmt. cm a p. tr and tnort tinliiant than sup other light. H. M. HUTCH AKI', IVe. I Irwin'. Cornir. I.uinbcr Yard. II III: subscribers inlorui the eitims nf Char. Jt I. .lie . II. I VlC.l.itV. that tblV ! -ve i.tahi -all. ,,l a I.I.V.HLK Al'.H m t-wiv".' tn vi.i. for l.l .l.e .'!'.:,'..',: o,r;,.es. Mr. J ilisiil ;s tlx .r iipnil l town. Appllealuui c.n to I. on 01 loeilhiri.f the undcrsigncii. MlI.l.Kl! A rOKTKK. Oct. M. is;. t-tsi H M. I'KITClIAIir. I-. 1. !"';"- I'arr li fttrh llnimty. R II.I.ANI l.:E,Wl.rv. Sl.etrv an.: I' rt fl ft Wins. I ,..u,n A . n',t IVrt.-r; 1, r 1,.. 1. eal use. Sold bv Dec. 1 H M I'iUT('HAIU. Ill Starch. I Af K IVi....r. r. HakniJ sr... .v.,.j.l reie. I ,rt.,r. Nati. ,ts, M . ('.. 1 I, ,v, :,,.,! I ... v . r,,:u- 1 tr -eta .-. , ,. " ""I. M. Viu'i.'iiAi;", liu KAN AW AY Hem lev i;.i.r.,..f H 1, . ,t Autust, l-.'ti, i-y 1 ; n. n 1 I'liw ii'i. i;o(m: a ch. ii.if SAM'I, r. SMITH, A T7WR.VB V 4 ( OCSi:l.l.OR I T I. A It', m 1 m AY always be found at the ollice nf Wilha Jl J'.hn.l K-l. ll Troiiii't alt ntio.i t 1 veil tn t ollcctions, w I tm" ef IVn s, Coiivtyaiites, A c. not an nihil llltal I I'l "his .1 t 'ie hunt, nl the a ,uii . ; the I onit. 'I n A publics, as III Ihe Nor lie Or.. 1 1 101 & I.I pi r W lug. a newsp.per pnnl.d in II 1 town wl" I h ir- . 1. ctrt ,.tle,'ii.tityili; the aaitl r.','i ml act lo be ami ap li h.mi, 11 (,,r at tuc nrjl li 1111 ot our sain cuit, lo be held ia. li " ni. for Ihe coii. iv ot nhirr,al Ihe curt house and osfc.l 'i in Chnrlotte.'on tin- 4th )l h; April, ni at. ntioiitors then and there to plead, aiisw t r or tlemur, or joil. to p..v It un melll pro Colltcs.o wil, I I .K.n ar.nn.i ,100. , W itness, W. K. licul. rlerk of cur said court. ' nt i.tTice, the t li Monday in J i.iuay, IPie. nd in the Blst year of American t nilcncinlt nee. , . K. KK1H. r. v. r. j 1 . Piintcra'a foe 'i. 1 6 J tl. I e., 1. tti 1 LLANK l'i:ELS for a.lo ft iLi olllon. II. M. I'lUl'CH IU)S j'usni'j r-uasn, '.f- oticr. , .!..v ot M ,r .V.ii having I. lieu I d ' in I lilt' ,v I iw. J. A. CZMKNT. Ihe. i!2. 1j7. A I.AHtaK SIT I'LV OK ('oiistiiblt' Warrnuls FOB SAliK HKI'vK titrate tia$nfhiit. A N aeree..b'e rrfriali.'iit ami lxat-ve, a. n'tas. . Cs .1,1 lu Hit. lastc as sons water. S'iu hy II. M HU TCH A IU', n,.c. , lrwm'a Corner. ', OH l ONi'V.N Ti;AH:P I I, -H .'Tintirit., hie. Tne best ..mi eheat i title must. I rice .,, and .".U vents a t.r, t- 'i't bv II. M. HUTCIIAKI', I p,t. I Irvt m's t nrner. O.OOO wt-sarw I ST rccrivtU and for aa'.t at i. '.." per ii un - P dred. bv II. M. HUTCHAIU), 1AC. 1 lrw,VH.v.-r... 1 ,1 a ...-.-: a M . - . 1 n v. bi 'V I. IH saul Imv is luce . '"'ut ti ,r nuni's, cf I. inc.. .ii e. ui.'v . r W e. .... M 1',,'s, of l.a.toll e, UlllV. a. tlio h-V h's I v'i.. tl'ifls .. 1. . to., l.l- I w.ii iv I ) III tt I IMll.l. II. f -r his a-, .rtl,. ami ui.oi , III I li.l nolle "'i'l. ao ln.,1 1 Con pel rum. . w. i;p .vs-. i j, ie.".:. I 111'. I'KIN 1 IN. uf ali sums - ' -' v r,.. Wi( dine. H'.'M'S tl.r - e rr,'". " I' , 1't.n; su: IlKKK

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