Junton lie; f, in thr Niw England Farmer. ' lilt NOT AI KAII", ONLY MCUKVB." Mil'k. If there h ono h-.cn mora tlun another that life's vicissitude tiach, it i? faitb, trust, belief in GoJ. So irmny lurdous looked appalling tiicb we afterward bore l.ritelj nntil they eru lifted from our shoulders, that it beoroei o tittle to nhriut frctti any that linj hereafter lie i our paths. So many task, for which we thought oara-clvc unequal. prove.! themselves afterwards with in our aViiitv that we sonsht bPseefcTtb, wiih a pride bom of humility, to a;suun! anv allotted at, witho'H di-tru-t iu? looked to God fur strength to accomplish His work. Sorrows that loomed like mount tins across our wv, we hare passed over with divine a-si.-tritiee, and have again trod ten the peaceful, suu ii.;litej valley, the grief "till isitijr. dark and huge i ehk.d up, tut soften in;; somewhat in iu aspect as we near the uli loaded lieht of eternity. We have barne so much of chance, uis .ippoiiiluieiit. temptation and sorrow, and Lave not l ei a overwhelmed, that our soul ah-'uld overflow ith rliPd'.ike. ulctissive tru.t, and should feel tbeir eorucbusnos of tr.-iiith, tbeir certainty of help iu every . holy eudeavor. There is do proper pLi! f-.r Ji-tru-t atd fear in any human heart. Life in itself may be made eo beautiful, so irons:, o full of tle.-lr.' ti other so rich in f.j-nnrtiiTiltles for si If-iuu i ovcnietit. so shi 3.ti a pa:!, to the p art!, of rtrrliii J. that it l. i;.-.',i tie proau.-t of 'ilessiii.-s. It it ttetit out iu daikticss nt the crave, with it? wastcl iron:ies, it ur.tV.S.it-J Lope, with tin .mi1 j '.c'.i partially developed, and its Holiest tie ru lely severed, then were it. t- i. '..-ns too grievous to be t.ortse. l.-jt we biiieTf. first tlsat oar lifes were ir.tci.ded to fulil great purposes both for ourselves bl 1 for all within tb" sphere of ur it.R jtrc ; and nett that there is a life lcouJ, where all that is incomplete iu this, fhnll be perfected. I5t take t!ii li-Mi-f t heart, pitidtr it, set upon it, aid 'life will s.-?uu a liclkr pLa.-e. a ireaT and saertJ iii.portinee, and the realization of its rcspon c ji.itifi will giva that butuility that i.s tue rwil of Christian grscc. TLc-re i.- :li distru-t that throw, the heart in it- ctusr 'Miri-. opoa i.od f vr support; ar.d : here :, aether ap -et of the sasie trait that been weaktie. ai.J reliance upon one's fell-jw men, arid vacillation, aJ will s. :iietiiti-a betray the soul iuti po-itive ailt. t!.-r f.-rc suTjld we c ;l;:v.it.; ttrentU of tur; o-e, and if. lliT rence to eoeiijer.ce jr. iu w-.y o " d;.lv !.. '. ien? a-e r.c v- in!cr;lsr. t!:e - -j-t:n- i I c irt can t! n i.uti-a are i,erer stror.ffer tiiaa ib. true Lc cn ov.r;ou.f . If l.i -i ' of ti cre ; if clj.'.-irtn groT up t- f !-.nt thorns iu'tead of Si-vcrs at our fict ; if fortune mi le aid frown until we grow (.' of U'.r p tic.', we ad -till bciiete in that world ti.it sha'l s-t this all rL'bt," and move on, ICi n 1 perbr.pa, vut r-ocquere-). Ot.ly teli-ve." 0d'jrovidc5" --cr Vp. h ilp.' ':-. s iignt and fbiiows, l. ikes our way smooth and e'en-. "r ptr- :r-jt - it to r iLi to be c ua with fre-jjc:.t ai".', 1-iped-i clouds end -b'! Tt.re i lo su;h thing a chaace in Hi w. lely cttetidcl ot.i?er-e. He takes coj-Lizau-ie alii- of tie motions of a dir. a::-i tie i-l'. of a bird, and of cour-e H.s t.o ' .e-t ceaiioii is ti ;i ovtil ok . 1. Wo in iy uu t'm'-s feel tbit he has with Irawu Liiu sr.f af ir. but If wc setk. we shall tot iiil to htiJ llim very r.-;ir, even at lie Jo'.-r (if our i.iU. :.'? bell--" iti.l tie wb.e lart. ar.d i.. 'j l, ai: 1 ."rnt'i, an i til fenr "'ill pass :y, j: i'li';i '! Ii. i tie. lb- ui'.rey, 1.'. 11. s worl. i.i:-ir; Ills Sou. tlro'Jb nr. Ti; -ill o ir iiiowli-de tf the Ktl-r was Miu.i :!. Let i'i' pan, fv..! uier- e. " a':b u tils tru-t, till we et all Our f-i: j.n-ny a.ct- t II: jr .Seted prviu's a i art Have f.:, i-j t: j'l. i:. int-tity, in )( l--r- tri':.'- . ii, p'j--r tj live lie l'l i.-tiao li.V. il a ;'"! ti A-'' Lature, ad there i- to i;..i.6 to fesr. Il;re i a soiuetiiine ;-i ta;.!.. b'-yoi 1 rH ".l jr.'- p',wr to ; itr : t:.;e it the leacoo Cr of Lope tl.i..:. 1 . y :.i tin.e's drk river; tLre are Infii-iiMi ai' tuajr kuw, if they fill ual j . a .' fir tbera' .th sti wlo'e bean. As ofu.L v t ',d tui f r . 1 c t toe ptayir f. u--. ' L.-rl, I tidier?, b-!p Tboj .ir.' a-; !:' n j t.. I :, ti. A.iT.e-n V. 'L,.V-ILKii CIHtlST Jl.-'l'.-.-Cu-. r the Api tl- ; i li.h pii.-. r.' -,:,r proJe--;!., ('Lri.t Je-u-." i K o . 1 . V. i a.e to const Jer titu a our Aj ; tie aet.t of '.I, ai.J our ILatb-prie.-t, xevut.t. a Mei.ator L t a thcae o:f.ces oir 1'tophn, J'. i. t, au l Kieg. We ahoiiid contider bi p rs'.a and bis e'naracu??, u.t grcatii'.u and j;l try, a. " i i n.au.fet ia tie fie.b ;" hi ,::'. at d L i work, bis atoriemetit A in-teu.-.iMi. bis love, bi eiautp, bis faith , J.m - Ta tlf ;1 t.' 'jo 1 w bo appointed hiui. (jltiifi to bis pcp', nevrr dceeivia,; n r de-trtn.j them V.'e r.oill crxs.itr w no atil athat be is, what be hs do'.c and is doinf. at, i l. at h Lis proii.itt to do; what mj i i' tL eonwi itn-e if we r;ct ' l.iin, and wo-.i i..'; I, c t a aeeop b:m 'f i.r w bo be. ve Liin i-ija. . 1 e -i 1 -t Lo uuen i tj-i to c'.r.'i"r ir. .!, nsl Pid we pTIis.der (Vr.-t J.-- in i-.'.r.-, we rLju.d ;"' more, a.J rv. h.m te'.- i ' jnider sg him ai we o-jght, our k ;.: "ul'i turn wttate m, and -s.i. I'ul , ws could say, "The love of Christ constrain- eth u.." " For us to live is Cbri.t," i DM we consider Christ Jesu more, we ; should hut-tin ...or and depart from it.- I t w is to take away our sins that he beeame our Apostle and High priest. Our sins nailed him to the accursed tree. Did we I couMder Christ hs we ought-dying for our sins we should say of our sins, e shaU die, fir you have crucified our Lord.'' Did we con-id. t Christ Jv.-us more, we should tiust in in'ti mre fully and liriuiy. lie is faithful ; nnd lo distrust him, is to "Krve and wound him. Never has b failed of doiliff what and ill he lus said, and never u;i! In foil. Ilonsi Jer hiiu. and tvutiti him ; i . , ,i i . j yea, tru-t him even in the dark, uu4 tely " i r .1 i i . . i. ! on him fully, and on hiiu only. I Did we con-ider Christ Jesus more, we : -bould iirir to him. aud to him a'..... Has 1 1,e died f,r us ' Then let us live to him, ' aud devote ourselves to him as a liviuj: sac- . riliee. which is our reasouahlo servie !);.! . no,i,l..r Christ .Tlsus' more, we 1 shsuld f.r Li:; ,,..,, .. r,.lrin ,,',. to hint, and Lc cut reaiiy to i.ie ; we should die to every thing else for him. and i j,.,i, ., r,r a hen death came tor us, ne , ,1.1 ,i- , i:, ,,. i.:... o.l .!;: to hiiu dving as well as living, we should be t'.o Lord's. w Sluricultural. lma;;ii-:i Asuns iiii manl'iu:. Wo are fully aware ho.v nuch pu'.ie opinion has changed with regard to thj value of leached a.-hes as a mar.. ire, but at ti? same time have reasou to believe tlut lare : i iDtities of it are aufcred to be na-ted. aud that, iv.'ii wirhiii the Cir are . cle if oir int. Hi . -i.t real some ciltivat'-rs who do no". a'ptreciatu i ret. W't pr.'pj.-e, t' refute, to p! ico be forj tl.e rt-jvL-r the opinions and eiperi nu Lts of ;;nie otbl-n, to oive. force to w 'IT we Lave okon stated ooi iu re jard to tii-- vr.'.ae of ills article. Mr. CoLman, iu bis valjnblc " llcfort ou tii'.' Agriculture tf Mai.-acbau tts," in o:;.e cib.-ervat; :as rula:i'c to li.o valii': and riT.'uy of the miuurts u-ed by the far n.rrs of tii- State, siys : " a-h, !e j.j'.i. -1 or crude, have been applied by different individuals will various success. A fi.r :nor i,il: autlotity in Newbury it;tC5 I tuii.k lea.-lei a-Les very vulun'tlo to spread on grass land; likt.aiac for onions an 1 rai-o. I tice t wenty or thirty cirt loads a yea:, and jave this sea.-on 6 ' per l;.i of fifty buslieU." Another respecta ble farmer siys ' he dcnn tiieia of no u-c ui.l.ss aj plied i'i eoT.j jucticrj with other ruanure, and tktu of jjreat eff.-.-aej. In tlclr stjlleaiiuu tipo.'i a rich loam to coru, b-jtb ii. lie L.i! and spread round the tU at l Gr-t bociii, I hiv; sc- a o beneft cial result f; o.ti tbcta.' " The jje-tioa nnttirallr ari v-s brre. wbtth rr, if tie corn bad been planted oa a ;w or on j-r,r iay, :iij 4'.e',? and part of the crop bad i.et treated witb asue, hi ? 9r i."t, there woi'.d not have Veea a marked UiHerenae between tie to' Cat tie a-hes was applied to a rich loatu that would lave brought a good cr. p alone. That is uot tic beat mode teatiu ai iiiiaurti. ,!;e Lac!, man whose A i o n V n urmj s-jsjret'. aud accu-.e cf bavins t;ive.'. C3!.!.Ct c irr.. i;0v to nie sojdjisin, ii the ion.' cj.ir.-'j cf hi, most ardujus and i ln" t.irop:c eSarU to auij..jiau; tne Cjnl.t.on cf Aui'-ricau ajricuh jrr, sat : "leach el a-i.rs. sr oip-1 odcr'j w ute, which cou-ta'r- a niaLttyof ilu.e, 1 have u-e i wit.i aivtLta" fir wheit;" anl an other di-:ir.."aisbeJ writer, who-e labors have, liie tboe fcf tbe i'l'lividja: first Lamed, btcn the means of aroo-ii v aud i;.-i;ctiu in-.jirjr on nianj iuip-urtaut topics, runai : " Leached a-i.e I have ala;.s found to be a n.'-t eft.iil asd eS-.-ient manure. As a toj (ire-sin for grass lands applied at tie r.'- of tweo'.T or.i.iitv lu'l.els per acr a'.'furd.ii to cir:suii-taiiC'.3, ti.ej are unsur j a !. Ti.ej eorrett aelditv, and WM t-n tne oil, a -ad have a powerful eiTc-t in wr.r ui i :j a'l'i iu,bu:tig it wiiu tnc.".'j and life I '.'.i,-,'l..r li.'-iii au ecor.oijiioai and desira b.e loanare at aeveLtetn rents a buLc! etio her I am eoiopeiird to draw thern Irorn lhre to t ; j'i.1 tr.ile'." We h.-.v? ',ftvn r. itlis.d the good effects wLi-h due Dje; d'jrnhe, and ri"t on'j ou U:.d, hy wi.ich we s ippose he meins iiiow'Ti'4 In. J-, but oi pasture which Lai ber-ou.e great! impov .-ri -be J, n l even pirtia.ir rovere I with ui"-. In the Farmer' Cabinet, an in" liier.t cif 1-nt fib-eriea ; "Of ail thi:,.'s to unite ro-s yt'ml n hf I rjt ; this oi u.ar d(p:nd u;.co. for I ha'.e tried it cf'eii, an l it Las iiiv. r failed yt. Collect as n.ueii of it a- ;,ou can, the maie tl-.e bttr, u 1 .j,raJ it over O'jr froun! J, ar.d i" i' 1 nm t",f I'j'i'.lw til' a$n-rli'ir,t." A writer iu the Fini.er't .Journal, ob erre : I do not ee wood aih'.a vrr often tpol.Mii of ss a ir.sr.are, in agricultural pa-' p( I am ii c.ir.ed to think that the arc t.'ot valjej at Lijblj th -j d rt. I have hal a jrcttj Nvorallo o;-p'.rtai.it for c' ervii; rhelr tSecti. In my Loil'.ood, a o-ji hoi. : r i if tahli-i. n;. t waa et up in thr neybLoi hoo 1 in v.l..ch n.r fatb'r lived, in !..( b .! .j-aaol.tif ftf wood a'iej were i. 1 :.e n.. v ho ran ! ..... . a I a farm of an'aut a hu.iiir' 1 ai r-., wl.i. u, U'l , i r a fa ..' j -jf-wiu of iiianain-!Ol. had .t very n.u.h ran ou'., and tl.e owner wn fet-! ting erya.- more in iJt,:. A';r CVBilBni faap-f.';i';'.g. t;.er !t:r.aJ deiuauii for Us leaded abe bo applied them liberally to bis land, and soon, from being one of the poorest, bis farm beeame decidedly the most productive iu the town. His crops repeatedly obtained the premiums at the county cattle howa. I think I never knew so great a change produced on a farm i '. !-. It & erai ami auinmi,0 uutrinu. J -J creased productiveness or ui iar.ii, uuu lo the prcGu of his soap boiling, he soon) freed himself from bis pecuniary etubasrass- j merits, aud at his death he left to bis chil-1 dr-n not only a farm free from all incum- j brances, and in a hirli state of cultivation, but also considerable other property which i be bad accumulated. The soil of the farm ' .. , i was l:vbt , iuelHiini; to sati'ly." 1 ' Wilh M,r' an1 1 rs which arc eooauutly occurring, it would eeui that sutheietit evidence lias been accu-1 to convince tue mos Miepticai niiuus ou this sut ;ecl. In our travels turoun tue frequently see piles of bruk and , ruuui.-u or various sorts, carriefr away irom . Ulu UL'lJ:i 10 ll,u roa 1 MMe or ol"er uueulii- Ihe UeMs to tlic roa I side or oilier uueulll- vateu spot.", ana mere liurnej, tnus two I ' errors are committed ; fcr.-t iu the loss ocea- ,1 . noned t'T not turmas upon fa. low land , or U( J n r i i land that is ititetided tube plowed, and , secondly, by fertilizing in a bi-h decree the . . . j ro id side, and stimulating it to produce this- , ties aud burdocks, which shall aunually j . J -cutter tut-ir seeds broadcast over the con- ti-uous fields. There is room for consider ! able more hfa-i tcsrk ou the farm. Xtiv F.K2,lvxd liinm HUSK COLO 11 EI) ri UDIN'tJ. The day before you wish to serve this pudding, ycu must tibe as many sfft ap ples as will cover the bottom of your baking- dish, Cnhicb should be vhitt ware;! peel , . , . . .uu co.e .ueiii, puiuri a suei. oi ciuuauion in place of the core ; put them in a kettle, . witb tarelv water enoiiL-h to cover them : add suifivietit su;ar to make a thin syrup, and boil until the apples are transparent ind tender. takin wreat .jr.. lo i.rrcA , , , , . , them whole. hen don, set a.-ide to cool. At n'zht pour a piut of boiling water 'over a . " , .. lar-e cup ot Sago. 1 he next morning place your amies iu the baking-dish, aud pour the sao over them. Uake a few minutes, aud fet in a cool jlace. Serve cold, with sweetened cream flavored witb wiue for Cute For Kam id 15urita. A writer in tl.e Journal of Industrial F'rojrress re eonnn.'ti J- that butter should be kneaded with fresh milk then with pure wittr. He ilites that ly this treatment the butter is rtLiiercd as fresh and pure in flavor as wbcu rcc ntly made, lie ascribes this result to the fjet that hjnc acid, to which '.be ran cid taste and odor are owing, i. readilj vol uble iu fresh milk, and thus removed. Eriri tijiELKT. Put iuto a Hew pu a tea cup of bread crumbs, a tea cup of cream, a fpoonfal of butter, with salt, pepper, and C'ltmog : when the bread ha.a absorbed the cream, breik in the c2g, beat them a little -s T witu tue Uii.Kture, aud fry like plaiu craelet. f ' it i- r ., j . 0 fr . r- , h O..SIK.S i.t Ua.,.-ia.SlteeBar. t-f ecru rat: J, with thrc In re talc.-pooo- fals of flour, the yolVs cf rix tgi Well bea ten, with p.-pper and salt to the ta-to ; kt all be w.-ii uiiied ; have tlie lard boiling hot, then put iu the batter about tbe siie of an ojst :r. l::or Cake. 3 3 ounces butter. C ounces au'ar, f ounces of flour, nutuee : drop on the paus ; lake iu a (juick oven. JOHN IIK.MilV U AVT, 31. I., sl j;gk(. ii;s7j.st, ',ilh. .Ti.ir T1IK tAl T.SI. I toe or Ic.vrL SfaOr-.-Ha ) II AlSi l-'tti.i rx-nninii'.lv tenoera lua p".f.-.!.ii.:,l tern, tne cilif na of t furlolte anii llr. W.yt ortiiurea and inn rt. A'l.fi' :ii,: TjUt. . acCitJciilii t pr ?;'rH In i r jou-ntrcel, i ert ArtiSeial Teeth .Id. .r.lsi. i.r.'LW m -Vtr. I f. 'f refjnirtci. 3-if' lie (.'.-atli'i 111. li ir Oil, a ..!el,r'.. 1 r'll.rlv , or 1, r 1 , j ,,, , l t . f.rMi... t. Ki, l.-.i,.. ..r,ii... Ho T-. I ) i. nly '.y I'i 1 1 rn. i..erer, ..t h. ol'l e.t.Lli.' o.ei.l iu I'niiaueihij. J oe a..r ol tl.it treit k. iiie.ly bat neeei wipre. r-r.Ud. y .r aioui ,over lia.a.utjl) worth waa .,.:.!,.; n.i.nril ii n ri..wn, tl.ere it i oaerl. Porn II, I.aoU .S. o , ol I, iiinonil, bought u.t .. .r (.vi l.o.;ij worih; li..n,.a 4. fatit.of V Vom. I.I.IIU worn, l S. II. S H,fe,l il,,ore. over i. I). I'. is, ot ( inc.ni.Jli, $l,!)(iii Wi.rtii. ami 6ti.r Urgr Jri.egiau ail ov. i n Ln.i-.! t.i-. I;e.d and R.j likewat a.l Inilera and fTrar;- Ua Ml , Ivc. 31, l.-f, per lUamrnfl Ine l...t let ia Ki. ' . pt 3 te.lllea li. I ll, . una ii..H.. ...er ',.IV,n of your Klectnc I rie S...U Lunng tne (.i 17 'n ..ue. i II S IIAM K, I1 S ll. l .Ir. rl ..1 re in an- hr from the Vi raitlu. .l ttmg in In; jni.1 W eal. ea.i ti . Nov,3d. J.i6. f.r..th. I I.t TI No. I. C l..ge .No. 3 ,n.i ; JOHN 1. PAI.'K. .ajeoie, Ol. 2iih, i-r;. a. V 0 worlh ,.ir K ir. ' ol'.Kr.'l rVutt mm;, ..l.ae'.rm. the I.,,,,. ,,,, .,.. !'.!. baa l..-n ii.m. I"-' r.V Prof. J-e Oral., r orm.ii ii, e per i rl,el h. br. I'k II. M I'lilTf IIAI'.I. lorf bariotu., tVi! eo'd by lrr;iaa a, I. rehanta ger.eraM I fit ' ao.a ,ge-r.l i ' a . u tr 1 S, M. HOWELL,, 4 Saddle fc Harness Manulf cturer, : SvVrll ot- TI1K MANMl).N mvtiSi , .,. - - 0:r"All kiinin of SucUtlt'K nnii llarnma inoiie it tlie liortest Mfitiee. If TH KPA 1 U INti (.romutly eiccutitl. I Jta. 1. Id S i 37tf A lill A I' I I I I L II mm GLOSSY HAIR, Completely Preserved TO Till) (.KKATKST AG LI. Ami wkii tti-it is g'y woiilil not have it rcalur- eil In luraiir color; or bald, but wuultl I, prul, rt..rd. or trouble.l wiii. danJruff ud " " with si-ro'llis, nciiiii neatl.or ouitr rraplmna, aui tvuirlU ! cured, or n ilh ick he.nl ache, (aeural "'-'" ., , ,lt.. (tL,, ,ilt ,LJJ 1m rriiMivs ml 1'iof. V.K,.r. H .ir Kraivr.. uvu will Jo all tlua i , Kr.ir..uve will ilu all tlu, ee circular mJ : -"'f , Av Anm.ii. Sirn.bi-r S. ISSfi. j r. 9. J. oo.i Uiar Sir: I luic linl i " "",,ut,ll ul" J"UI " :,,i, ii,. hut idiinu ... m ,.ihn c wilted bl qarkiry nj qnck u.i.trun b ur tly. & " '"l"-' u I'1"" '' Ut..tivo m u cjtiuorv itb tlie tii.iusauu nu on loudly !"" (iei a quae rnnidim, uutil I niti jua m U- ' ' cTuly """""" '"'" ,y".u g:'"' in- audi b.-urancc ua inunrcil the irtnl nt your m d. f.in.lv-first bv n,y S.vl ,tl. rhonj hitir bail bewiim .very llun . nd rnliruly j winU. md Dtrfora rxlisuaiui; onu of ymir largtr bottit-a, tier liair wan restored nearly to its ong tnul beautiful brown color, and had tllickrtird and iiecoino basiulitul and ploaav upon, and entirely over (lie hajad ; ahe oit t . n ue to una it, not amitily tieeauac oV ita ben nti! y int i-rlVcia upn tbe h-ir, but becaiue of ita liealtnful lufln.nce upon ti e head and w nd. Oliirra of my umily and Iruit'la arw ua.ng your .ea..rlvr, witb tlie huopictt ef. ferla; tl. err fore, my akrpliciam and doubia in ref. ercnee I.. its cli'irjeler and lalur are etitireiy re. ed ; jiid J can an.l do most cordial. y and con. 6ui nti.nl r icon. uit'li.l its u-e bv all I.o oud i liate tlifvir h 0r t restored fr.,in ajlnteor gray ;by . rcllkn , ,ckii.-a. or Jir.) lo onir nl ' ix-"!)'. ant! by all voui.ir i- rona i.o would h mcir l.-ix tHnlil'ul anu vloaa. y,rv ... omnfullv T..nr &UI.OMO.N .MA.N.V. I'mrsu Wo It v., a long time after t e.w you at ll ujli. ld before I tot II. bolt: of Reetor. ante for winch you g-tm n.e an order u;iii vour aeillt ,., i.iro,t, ,m ln I h we c-nriuurd lu "X " M'" l '""' lair.a it" aure.t teat of its power. It hue done ill tlut you aaauretl uie lt would do i and other, of my i.miiy anrt irwn.ia, h-"""!? w. tin-earn n. erlecta. arc n. t'ltOine Ita ll.i- III olhers au entitled to llu higl.est cneraideraiimi row cIjiui for it. A;'uin, vtry reapecliuMy and iruW, ynra MJLUMU.N "MANN. CaaLVLC, li t.., June SR. ld"2. 1 :..tc -i.e.) T rot. U. J. Wood'e II . ir Keat.s. ' live, no lie admired ita wonderful rflecle. My i.air w.a becnming, a I thouvlu, prm.tur.ly gray, but by the uae of hie l! -toralivr it ha ru. feiimeii ita original euior, ami, I h.ve uu doubt jierin.tur, 7 S. rirtrF., ri Senator. V. S. O. J. WOOII itO, rr..,.nrt-.r., 313 Hro.nl. .V, N. Y , (in toe fr-At N Y Wire H i.Iiiijj F.a. ti biial.iiunt) nd I I I M .rart at. ft. St j.uie. Mo, Aud aold by all l)r,i;.r..la in the L'o n nd by II. M. V IlITC MA II D, tlO CUailotlf, y.c. 'Hit' .orlli-t .iroliua Maliot AM) BlajaiiBecf Ueful Information. 'HK unoeraiyned propr.aee to piibh I I .IS of Raltiali, a fini aW J in the sl, ol boe Otie, desoled eiciuuivtJv to the ti.aaeHl. tuation ot 'UliMicaJ fri formation. The Ku. lul euch J.,l.rr.jt ia felt be run in. Ull genl e.iiizeti whadeairra to become at all ac. I"-'"""1 ' ''"' of the suit.uu, pre. r tit Cvtuitt'cn, future Ufrf ctt, fltc, atitl by none ) m much or lfi-uiori. 'liul wft kmn no rtfiiUr y'trm of t4l.(Mi, : ran not be lUntutcd t'i ny jnl nf iim trrul. There ire li re riiouiil 01 -lurie ni mitrrt- iu(.,.Mn .t.,te,ed tl.rofb ou, V.,,.u. Ur nc Ktrrutif DK.-utneiit atni Urcunt; nich ; in if ut r mcil be n Mh? C hine Unju-e BeaiUc !'' our Lrg iUtie arcliivre entitain, our imriitMirr -n n publixh T4iuu(e uiitic-l in inniMtin, rtiLh i eiO.rf imit, or if prer rti by Tcrt . i i if con t fntiit to find w-tt n wiiit ! rii.ljmt th deli are x.n (urgniitn. 'J'lie tame ' nijr tw bw uf tne JiporU anti St.iteatf nt it om tmr. to ttme uiwtie Uy our in;orp'irj'r eurnpumrB, ami others tngngtd ia .Mimt-ciUfL. Mme. I oki. I nifrw, r. Ti coil-ret thw Tr-.ou ittroii of iiifaf Mixtion, j and ve tu .it tu the publte n ilupc ev ot r fennee mt 4 Ut rpetual pretwrv -.lion, ttrll ta .itiier T 'tn li rviIaM r.wjurcc, merylhiiif bruriiig Oit-rt' y or indircctij on our we lili, pn pmty ti ucPiry, it ide detiyn ol Uie Jurn-I ii'w i(fl rrd .if puotiL m Ifdii-iK o. ISo Ur ti-e fi.n fur cod octm the ime hn btrtn mstu'tU. tl.a Drn ol' tite STATIST wnl bt tftot;rt l the urrmrnrri.t ol Btcii lu.tlei rrl-t.np toi.ur Piipfla itfiO Agri-uitur-,t omiiterce, Kmjc- ticm, rub' c JiM'riTf niriiti, Mjt.u'-ciurt-r :ue. r.i-m, .Mtn fj Sciul .U-t:iif:r ft nrli, will prri tir;r co.idilion, snd otir pr-crmmm in pntti. It i J'. iif;i(n:d to Cfntiiin the liorU iemn 4m ti) of .. Public Trtaurrrt i onitiii.r,tri of th Si i k i ti Kmlr huprridU ntjn.t of imni'n fitih-Ii, ai o all oilier St .te Oftirt-M m4 liourbe; a IA. Httr nitiila ami fJ jk.i l of tU CundUiiMi an.l prof nnm of the friuue Kai!fo(J igd Navi- The STA'I ls.T b ptit to preaa e..ffie.e ,i-r ol albl. ii. 0 in uey the exa-iiae of nublien fnhara w.:l contain ckih, not lira ti . The I jil p. ' ol t!"-r l ,srmled matter, maa ine a b. i p-.a more, to winch will be aatiid I s- .,. W Trinr?: T mrf f..ffr.aRt per anenm fi-aw 1'sf.i.aa a Firrf I r.arw, for a montha; payable when in fii.t M.tr ia r. Jer ..r i.uhhc li..n, wi.irh f, wilt he V rroorwr.) in me puMie ne w.p.pera,' J.r"fi..e iieif.r.e iriten.ln.if to je.iron.te the Journal w.lr irend fhrir a niea in ti.e nnriraif ned .' wit.i.ml it.l j, aa it rjer rnble lo laaoe II. e firat ' ' number aa aooii aa poeeit.te I QLMNT. ITL'TEK. I Kul.x!..Jn. IWa- ! KiieiHrac Home Industry I nAVIUfi It l.'( riASKDiheCO.Nl OltlJ I Af. KKV, I aii prepared to h.l ail orilira h.r 'I'hrctlunH l'l"S, , S7,;o";, li.,l.,r.tu . SI'iitifli.', 14 dl Jt'trl, j (ililin i.-ift!llin, ( urjtl Ltllin, ' fl'Uiy Ih tiling, lliiiiqiing 'I'u inf.. I am rnakin; an article of loth for the piirprn ; af lll'lu I'lliur, Wheat and Corn. I hit. rresenet boyrra will find it to Iheir a tdi.f if., t" nee il. All orrlera from a dietmiee - be it'.. u'Jf-Jlo with piolliplr.eaa. J. MINALI. f-sr.i. Oa-I. 2. ..6. 3tf unity' iR PRIM I IN', of ail r-Kixa k.r Orhca. ,KSAnd still tliev Coine. i Henderson & Ahrens ' A UK nnw r.-i::iiMg tl.eir r ALI, and W IMI'Ell X STIX K ul tt CL R : 'iS 1 -Z Vis 'w "i tlHi W mill MlOI, CLOTHSNG, ' rmhrauini; t'oal, Vpi anil Paula, in ev ry ;1vl I i.n.1 v.trirty. ( tiala trim, f.l l.i 9IH, l'..nl mid Vcala at all priict. All qu.iliuca ul Miii l. Ir;i i f, ( r;iv:ifs, Tien, t'mln xltiris, Ac , ' c. f.nrlir. Palfakin Pont, at fl. Mi-ii's pt"l SlirH-aat 1 37, I""1 qu llv alout llnota at 3, !. fine H.iola anil SlitM-a. Laiiica lll.ick t lolli I'liuka it $5, w or Hi 1 in, alao fancy and cnlurril, in great vnritty, Siij'triue Vrriuh Meritioit, De Luines, I'usltmt-n, IhLuirit, Dltiukcts. J.iiisitii, t'.UHHch, 'J'ukiiitrs, Hirrtiiics, BioKH Ulid tilcmlud Hiilttlig.1, tyc. Tl.o. ...Inn. lo .a,.,.N II with .ny rihe ,!.. d oil,.r. n-l lierein tinned, will find il In lluir inli rol tnrian.ine our i;.H.a aun prirra. Wt rp ktivina- Onr Gmda ure offirad at LMULiU.Y LO H IRUM. Start at Stjirinta' Torner. I1KNPKRSON k AHRENS. IT A flint rate aa. rln i nt of I.IKtltS may alao r (ound at o.ir Sn.r. at AK.rruw . iiirnOut c'" ,, Oct. 13. Ifj 33tf , , i WCW Elilllnery and ClantUa IllaHlng is-.rii i l.i T o 11 II Pf 'P Mis. P.M. SMITH 'Ul LD inform the public mat al e inlenoa erry. .llf on the alf'VC liuruieaa at her rel 'enee, next lo the new Ulna. cop. I t'hu'ch tsiie would ulisi ml.. mi the I.'tiira that ahe h.a just riceivfd a supply ol lion net 1 nn.ii.ingu, con aiatinf of Flowers, Ffiillif rs, Kourliri. kc. he i.(m-b by enileas.tr i iif to give erttielrtt''ti lr thoae w i.y f v..r lor witn their cuaiom, to merit a liberal ehare of public patroiiar'-. Vet. t!7, I6o7. 3otf m':w '(JOUli.S AND J. t. eTMleA r: JOHN fcXKMlOCSK. L well lc tc-J tort of FAMILY GROCERIES, in ")irinjra' brick building. 2d ). fro Biyee'a ("tore, whicli they wiil atll he Mr.J Y. y Wholesale and Retail, FOK CASH. In.y will py He II K.IIIT 71 II. hl.i I'ltlt llw lor loll.n. Wiril and Country J'roduc frnerally. J. K aiKMIOL'tK k CO. Cka, loll,, Oct 13. 1-57. 33i f I OH PAI.A'IK A. VI. A. INLAND rtr.CIE, VIA BACroRT, HILTOM II BAD, HAN ANN Ail. BBVMWIl K. T MA gl't, rtMNAMINA. J.K KriU.NVILl.lt AND 1'ttiXAIA. 1 II K I.VV AM) PLl:.N Ll U V. N. ?l 1 1 1. EVERGLADE t. M. OXETTKR. MASTFlfi. I LAV US Rrnwn A Cu.'i Wh.rf every TITS A L.1 .MOI.NINb, at 1 1 o'clock, A. .M , and eoi.iiri la i. guUrly w uu t-. AN (il'i, Ma- nieon.'l'allah.aaee.Sl. A ll( u.line. Or. I. g e fpringa .M ir:in..j.y, NrwnaetVtlte and Tsmpa It , jr. 8 r A redaction made to emigration. Freiht ei.na.ned to tl.ia jtney will be r aliipurrl rati: ol cb'rje. loi Ircigni "1 i-t' P"!y OKOH'JK S ItOl.'X. Aprnt. ltr..D 4. lo 'a n. rf. ( iorralon, ,Ve. I (, I'i7. ItjO ( j 1 - , Q tCFC rcoTT'a Kcaiasos'a ('Naai.ta V C ioruu or Amebic Lniiarir, by Iu? ainra. I I. (.a:oo or New Mexico aSD lira I'lori r, by W. W. II. Davie. ftiL False, a I'aarj or I.irt (i l'.roi o a in atl by .N. I'. Vsi... The Two r.ioHH. Visi.it oa 'lux t eoi a o the Caows, oy Mrs. Hn.ia raovi the Poes-raia. or Life, e boot of Sa-r lii. i.i th.it might be n.l Willi profit by any one, by llrt. II. New ion, I) I). '1'nr Mr-rear. or T.VIL asiu f ioola, by John Vooai, I I. U. 'I'm lloi'atHvi.D A.sozl nt I'l-o: in, by Mra. fa. In . The li'.i.i.rs l.roacv. 'I nk .Mieaa ; ItiELtTienrTart ; a..l The I'ooa bra. Tir.wt: H.r. e 'I a.r hound in out aolun.e. I-emaie I.irr. AMAM) lflt .Moa MOM. ,Xaj. k.M . Awaaaaw l lnaaitw. F.J. LO'.nilE. Charlotl!, Marti, 24. I Mi?. Valuable Plantation roit SALE. rS'HK Hlbaeril 1 a. I. I..B I'... I, i..iitai..,o. ! n.ar tTo. il.a ouih iron, t h.rt..tu, f 70 e 4 -"' a ol 1" t.ihlH.n, llr. I . i h.r .no otn. a food h.g ilw. JIir.ee le.uae upiiri It, 2 I of which I,. i a a loll aollieiinl to aa enough for 3 or 4 horeee, a good h.i. Una place la a f.l.t rale mtaoow. III ar lllC I. all. era. It b.e good eta hire l.o.d roughs end, Ac I re ia about 'io ai rra I. ik.i.1 up, about Id ol , 'h la in a good al.teof cultivation. 1 Hunk I I'1"" ""'u 1 '"I "'" ''"'''. ho ,. I rout ol Bating hit bed. lua pork, I.. a ehiekena egg., and lhnughl.lt l.ol le-.t, a II hi. io,n I fiiewood. I here .. . great .lalof pint w.nl , y corded up and a fine ehinte Ir, cut yet, for I i-h yoo can git U dollar, per eord, delitered at I 'I...- '.at mine or in I'h.rloile. TI,,, pl.,,1.. la ab..ut a! milea (rum the I l.arlolte mine, In -h I c ake .') tr.p. r day,, eery day lh.,t .ke a lull day I hauling, lor Which I ii y pera tiaht ' I" 1 1n , Iilll2 H.h II a fin. . juat . . rry r. M. llnwrll'a Uiinge, near the SIKrilK.V It. TL'KNtll. IIK 3, 18.17 me. ii. .vi. om: II I. U pi ted loree. it, Profeaai.o.B i ( alia parlmrnt. of MP.(I INK anrl leea proleaBi..r.iilt abaint be si iti.mty. be found il tin real Putt .Mill Irtpnt. I li I ft... 12. IK.C. i Hi W IN ii ' "sri ?v?tt ; r 1 fl s ''M If S.H. RANSOM. UCS. ""fiwiAV. , ( I I ALI4NY. ' U WAIT FOR THE WAI1C0I. ' II Y la it k' TmUm r T f Hccauac La buyra Ilia S7XJ VIS Irom A.A.I.3I. I V,.uld rrai'rcti'ully announce Iu tlir inliatiilai.ia I ft, thr.r OU. Kl.,., lo .. ., W.. ,.f 1 . M. hib.t.oii. ju.l rrrt.vrd Iron. Hi. Noril.. on. ol tl.c aft Ertr otf.nil in Norll. Carolina, ainonf whicli will c s -a' -mm.'rB-xji wliiih haa faineo auch a famona reputation in tlic -Jliis 8l.. he warranla aupenor to any t ..-kmr eonatin.ra Icaa fuel, an ronaninra lor fuel, and disi mora work in a (inn odirr Clove of llir eaii.r h wilt forfeit the price ALSO, ALL KINDS OF PARLOR BOX STOFBS. haa, and couaianlly keep on hand, an rilenaise ami vnrd aioek of tin and sni:irr ikon,. IIIC.ISS HI I I 1,1 S, I IS T IIIO.Y m.its i i ,.M, HAT HACKS, CI. Allies, &c., &c, .411 of It icli b oM, U hl rvcr brr.i oflc-r uiu rciurn my i)iarn 10 my inrnn aim ffirnHg tifi bvtird upon u. fid thrj tiff rrt aura, Vf rlltr with n drfrrnilnafton lo p!rar. Iu ry amt HIS ItOri'G IS "?Siit ZKLIZ t SIHilLL wmr Latlirsi itiid I M-nth-iiirn arc pailirularlj invilid lo rail and r-ianiini' lii.s Nork N. II. I willull you wny I hta.t q, jirrl i. . mi it i a inr N tua ," .1 tl wt have Ihrre waggon a c..iiauntly Iran ilu.g broul. ibe country witn l..le. W .III urtlrrtt trill bv fuilhiully mnl pt hhij IIi tittuutnl lo. ,.,.N.)r.V.0l!. ! 93-Notice. iJMllH f HARIOl-I K. Ml TI AI. I.VSl ItANCK j JL I (IMI'A.NY c.nl.nora to lake riata rainal . hee by f ire on ilouece, Uo.tla, 1'ioduar, Ac., at , uaual rlea. If Office bttwren Prka" hiore and Diawit j'a j Duiluing . err U tug. I M. H T AY LOU. rfwcft. C. OVKU.M AN. Ytcr J irmW. K. NYE nUltllON..-rxrj. Trt.itr. timn Ti n M. 15. TAYLOK, C OYHHM AN. J. A. YOU NO. WM JtillN.Sti.V, J. II. CAKHJN, S. T. i'.is 1 UN, K. MJAKK Jlay H, IBj7. 1 1 tf Dissoluliun. 1 1I L cp.rtflr-rtiip h rr U l i M E D It li.Utual d'HHnl, All prr rqortrtl to bi. pFeprcl r tiur u in "kf day m imtrhud ua are tti tic amount Ihrjr i tlirmrnla inut JtiNAS KI'MSILL. I. 8 WIIIS.NA.ST. .laf IS. 1 PiT. 'Jatt I will ali'l hai I. .ond at n.y Slum Plainii.f Mi pn pared to nil all ofiirra lor Sash, llliuds and Dunrs, w.lh aa E.'od l.i i.brr aa the n.y el!t i.tioi 'icil ordere I affordi, rl- part.eularly lor w..ra in ii. y lint ler al abort notice erl.r. rtef ibe work. J. Ul'DlSILL. : r l.i pribee n li.btr diraar..1 ncer.te paid III rrtir.rf fro o.ur the o r . m the Him heretofore ri.a'iee I Jixttaill A rt Immnl, I do a.. nn IL. kind. . I l.rhne. towa I hail. jus and aurr. ui.oint coi i. Irr. tor the pat lronre to lihetlfy lalowrd Ue.n ua, and wi I II. e ki owlr. e that 111.; Lu..,.. aa will lr Carried . ajully at taped. tioaja aa we have clone. T. S. WIIISNANT. A,t- . IM7. Mllt l ! '.tlCOM VI Flutna. Life Innurance Company. Ot l e. H 4 I.t It. U. A t . i pa.iy inturra the litti o:' Indiviilu . tear, a term of yetre, or lor Ii la-. on the .Molo.l riinriple, tl.e aaa.iri.1 ' r hie par. ticipatll g in toe piollia of the I olopaiiy. L or pa.lieita granted lor the Wliole terin of lite when the pr.iiiitiin lr.ir.-lor unonnla lo $.'0, a note may bo gitrn for one ball the ano.uiit ol the premium, bearing n.tertat at ti per cit. without i;ur..rily. The prompt manner in which all ..eere I. ate bytil p.. l.i by :hla company, togetl.er ..rilh the low rata-a of pleni.Um, pffettlit great lliducciln nta lo au Ii aa are diapoard to inarjre. HUtca art iiiaure.i f.- a term nf from onn lo fite y-ara, for two-lhirne Ihnr value. j AU loeaea are paid within i0 uata alter aatia- i factor V prool la preaa nted. lUKIl Kills! nMfr. K. J,mUini W ,. il J,,,,,.,, Vm. W. ..ldeii. W. U t iH.be, J. t.. W illi.ma, II. W. ,urltf Q,,,,,,. t.. p. . pi.ru.l, W .... M, K. i. ,,llt) ,;,,.r. . (ot, I), li. tuw. , ,.ie, I I HUH r-l"- llr. "iiarl. a H. Johnaon, Pre.olrnt. V . W. Ilolden. Vice Pie.ioent. lt. II. Hal.ie.ft.cietary William. II. Jmiii.Tie.iBiirrr. II. W. M.i.l.d. AH.. in. y. llr. W,. II. Mi KeC. .M.dic.l H.n,in-r. A,rii(ira t crmitn-!,,. tj. liuehit, . II. Mc. her. l.arlra II. It. a. I Werirol ltrt af tnnallutmn ( ha r le. K , Johnaon. M. !., William II. irir., M. I Kirl.'d H Haywood, M. tl., p'.ir further infnrn.ation, lha public .. refer. red lo tile pan. phlrla, and form, ol propna.il, lueli luay ba) nhliiined at the Htl.ee r.f lha t'o.i.pany, or any nf ita At'n'i". foiuii.unicatior.a ahoulii hd ud'lreaaed, (ioikl paid) to. It II. IiATTLK, Syrrlnry. .trjat.rajAar , rt ,f. 'Jfi( Cluvta w c,tt(i .( ( IIAfiJ 111 1 K anil virinilv, lliat ha dat ten,, U,..cr,j .. litra he ha. nw un i t alei.ai.e .....rlim nl. of be found the cclcbralnl m m i ? ulltirn Ci.untry for t'.r riplilern mninh. floie n. in u.t li ia an: lilt in ,u arrai ri ,. ., ttn.r. Il an anv r lbtr Si.. if mx m uar . aite in I lip I nil. .i hi. l. , ni.ii i n , , vf tlir Mtoie, and quit aelln j and o l mI ICc-lail. b .iirr IIih Ut 1 in I til irtiil). runntrr r.ci n e rrjr iuirit p-ir. n t)ity K. cut'inrr ff lliat I lull tii or, by allcnte lo tui nti mml tu. i lite .,f riMin I. l n l.eu ha r'lf eatL lle.mu r. trill II le l-.i..wtijf Biai.el.ra oi hu na. l ; iilitr Yiuiitig, Oun um4 L"i Lf ' i'rlt JAil fitr g ; J)i.tr, liruit at,,i limit o Jirltit irk trp.nrti,- en titlun Miii Jn Ll unit Jiuin nl thr i dvtul( ittnl luuiif. unit u uiKii-trit I tiiyrmtr uum ot'in i,imi J ji .hi,. i intuit yuiyur. ,J!'loi lr krai.ci.ee Iwarianllo luri. i a workmanlike atyle. loirh iii.ioi at a ni.l.nrr thnl w ..(. to .r 'ar.rk none I wuTfiti pjfli.u.-r ji'...t.. .'...Irh.ng aa ptM.ii aa p.4..l..r. Irra.na at a .lanre r'.a.ii il. rn. t lo per oil. .re i.l base IIk irjuiiiuNc. A i.'e I JOHN M CiaHla .W.rrA I", If ... .MA SON. 5s r. i nlly ar.n. u tin day forrnld a . loin. pi. opart... r, under the ii.ii e and Blj le el OVi:i31 i.N V II..SON lor tl.t porpeae ef ann..rlur. .r,K15I.HiKS ry deacrtptioft. ft t t..M,ui I hi JT'AI 1, MOIiK W A I.' HANI I I'. a , It HA I II I Nt, . h,i.ii..i alior.. .1 1 C r-n Ihe ...... I ...eri.le I. r n lM.aMn Tij. .. ar.i I hurrb Mit.ta. t.ra 0,p.,Bte to fc.rr a Hotel. C (iV KI!M AN. C. V I l.S' i.N. fA.liln.fe. Jult r.. !'.'.- '-" eaawraia i:r, I i.iigha, ( eina, Infli AH I...I.B ol the kliil.i I I I in.. tionorrho-.. .l.ci. Hit Wliii... Wt '.'; otl.tr pemale t on. plan. 1. . Prire per centa and $1 alai. Gold Mine IJalsaiiu or IlyaMplic Hittrr.trTiiiilurr1.ini. TN " ' "' A lelt.r from . It. i.lliiin, Hi k " N. t ..u.Ud Aug. 14, Ira: : l"r. J. Khul- De,.r h.r: Vour i""1 """" gitiit , ntirr eutiBlneto ii in lint t"'" 11 " . Iiy. The Ahya.i.i.a .Mulule tapei ' My " ty -pproi.ool. III. er failed " ""' '' ","10 raw ll tell, in fast, ll.at I HI l I b-' " aupply the iIiiiibui:. y.u will "lease am" " Urge aupply ol it aa ...! .. yu g.l r ; J.K.CAUlM Af.K.NTB W in. W. UiLiler., W ! ah " T. Long, Itoc king In,.,. I Ph.fer ft Y-irk. ('"'"" T. J lloli. n n. Ir i. P. t..l.ner,l it Mill and J. II. Pumas, Saliabury , ry, Lexington. I Yr A.C. WIUJAHSOH. I Ml. I II af O ''.'.. w . Ill ptaetlet in 1 1 iaal.il I lie ai!'e. mng t tie, and will attend to all profe...""" neat en'ru-lrd In hit rare. fUeir..,A.. ir. 1P..W '"' - ,taV k,' the Miiiiiil'iclureri. TAYLOR 1 a