old-world ; traditions would have been to take from ' A'uviu o.s sung auu io cioiur inua iu tuu hi- inour of Paul. No man f aw this more clearly than Wsshii gton, or felt tiiore deeply the ti eos.-ity for burning the ships to cut off all Lone of return to systems which bad beeu lelt behind them. jbe rule for their gov-iiauic-iit wcie to be fuggesfed by the occa- . m !ii w bich rc opined tin . The law of their 1 si ll'-lcvel iptni'ot mnst depcud, after ail, u I on 1 1 io peculiar circuiu-tapecs which at ti bdtd it. " I waut," said be, " au Ameri- can character, that the powers in Kurope : tiny be cnuvi'icod we act for ourselves, and ii it for liber's." Accordingly, after having ; established securely the government credit, and orgai.ixed the great arm of the publio irvice so as to eoiiiu.aud respect abroad nd inspire confidence at home, be cut loose ' trutu all embarrassing au 1 ctitanirling aliian tes il!i the political sy -terns of Kur -pe, an 1, tumm the bea.l ol the American column to ivantax'(,s . t'n the one liuuJ lie was to hold in cheek the aggressive spirit of power fui D'ltious abroad, ami ou the other he mu-t encounter the suriig waves of popular vij'iii-e, wliieb bad aii-en o high that none but be coM have breasted them. In vain t ue roar of the people came up demandiin: to be inrd a place iu tbe great melee of '.'aim and unmoved, he held fast against the tTa nf l.i .in:.rv tliron - (lie door o!' the t, ..,r.' ..f ,cr il.r.i...,!, al,i..i I..,,A thnv'te ' ii. i..".i : i CUl'l nave iissseu io Hie i T'l'i'l'ii-ii'iiriji ui governed ucb I people by these old-world t in wilderness, Iir directed it upon that in- ... . , . . a, . ! ""-' 'aw lur laaing iue tni.-n. u. .. j - , ,broia ,XOl.eJ .r tell dollars a.lieau auoi ner. tmei lor - .. - dependent career of .elf-develo ,,eut which J J B0,,r'ach Uf kub'-r,bers- , the people. ! "Htleme. now, instantly and after what , knw- .c wu bave placed then, is on elevat.on. I be, has made us what we are. And vet ho He bad our paper out in good time, but , Scoud-The law calling the convention, j ibe Senair from New i oik has said, . think 01.,b ,Ut ll)0 Vorib aeuda to the South a are elevated from the eond.t.ou in wh.eU much did it co-t bi.n to establish that great forgot that the mail left in the aflernoou, Third The registry of the voters, and ( it not unnportaut that I should attempt to mr)uut of the ,,roiuclious of her in- iod first erealed tbeui, by be.ug made our , principl,. of uon intervention iu foreign af- ' BIJ ,Ilcr,f,ire did not get then, to the cflice , the pporlioi,rnent under it. bring th,.Nortb and boutl. face to face, and d td MavC(1 01) of r.ca OI1 the whole j fairs which was nee.ry to secure us those !: ,.. ... ... lrl , ,, . ,.. .. j Fourth-lbe assembling of the couveii- I see whatresourcos each of us might have J for the thirty or face of the globe can be compared wiih the ( . .. i. ...... " J 1 " . tion and it lOtirual. the com hreuev ol separate orenmzaiioiis. . -.. , ,. i -u.,.- nf i South, and I hcv kuow u. l nei their Pri.M. A comn.anditii pirit, lii,,:11 l.,.,.,, ..iv.n to tho-e who were ex- voice ii : 1 1 1 c c.iii.d ha staled the ra.'iii' fary1 of tli.it storm. He c-ii.q'icred p - ace for otli -rs ; b it to Ao it he n.coiiut'-red (he shock of a war which, of all other"', was tl..i mo-t crii! is i's c Mi.-e'1'ieDce upon himself; for it was a war upon the popularity won by the hard sen-ice of a:x:.'U yar.-, and upon s:ipr.-'iia-y in th.' "if ctioiis of a pvopie f. . i.-c" '. t ,u:z-.l b.-yotid a!! earthly . u. the bo ; v ; i 1 .vi'tho ,,-n-l, t-i .J, :t N -r ii. ':.-? I, ire I ,-p:r ..up1 hie' ! i m . I or re -I. ,d ".Vl-d ' who-. " r'l ixt!.? reins un'il he In l ! bi-' d ..!.- and f .lfi'!.-d his When hi- did lay tb-.Mii do-' n -t-rilv to .I f. nd hi- ni tn -ry. d'-eds t" viiidirid; then-selves f'ie:iees a n .!.:. oonB i.-iiee ne" l:.i- -i.TVii ts line Le.'i si ! '' i r r p - pi ' l..ft r t r. V 'hi i. l -ip-l iKiwi-i 'y Pr-t iw-! ...-ft or-ier where a Se iia-l foi!.I eon'''! -ion. 'i inninv in-trad of , dN' r 1. a -veri.tn.-lit of hw w'l.Te ti" bid f . ind o:ie of i;;fl !...., an ! lor divi-iel oun- - an 1 ' t'.e S'tat: il'. au'l e - ,i ;'.-! fire ;. u 1 t jVoo s a;:')"--' "f r-para!-- ac::o:i in '0 ubs:it.iii'! a union o! ihetu 1 a .iiiT i-;. ! t str.-rvh t j r.e rp ,-,- -f -l.i :r r.l ,1 c " i i! i 1 1 -r'd. The ooii-'i . in l.i- ii .ii.-i- a dry p :i-h-i f 'i, Tt. It-:: ft d !t!" r n:eii u.-i: iti'..fi.-ti. arid it f ,1 -r-::i w !;'-', w- H "e l disel.a-. "f all t'.e fui:?tiotis -,rv ii -i ' !. an 1 '.'Tressive tb t ar I ti. ' be leave it. to ueh i- 'v - l to postetlty ") :i- ra-ik 1 hi or l.-r ai - w'lieh nri tbe cou-ecr.ited an L.y.j .Ti.! a hiiiration iu (he i : ! i r. !Tl 'r!e::D I'i. l U"e K I 'if-C f C ! 1 1 T' I, W i in.- !! of ti e r--'jthfT0 l'ari.ic ri-.' KAir.Ri.Ar - The Nt . v.--y roe- l.t int.l' ieii i,r. i.j.i jrs' i in; V pu'i ari ot t in th it i-ia'c. IVw o'jt of loc-.l interests r. a 'i - v'-.!.:-, the Mite, fi.'ts connected w::b the ni-m-ig-mi.-.t of f jrt::tr a J;n;' ;--' i-i ,:)-, and vry l it..r..l ! .j' cf the inalt'liy of the new to c-jre the charter aud carry on the ril with vi-or. tier" has teen in T'-x i- of ;-.(,. a -e-i'.ra: lu'ie aru. i'' "I tl '1 u v jt---t . a'i'i ..me f"?lal and fcrmi-1 ! hj-t. : iu t -re t". 'I be-..- bav re-.-ntlv ;ivr, Way be f..re the ,rW' f tie faiihrilne- r-f tlii oirTiy i-id the ener-ry f i" ii wl.ieh th-y Lave c-t:; ti w ,ik. 'I'lrouirl-o'it T- a v-y ttvorabie ciian.".- ha- :en 5 1 ace, great v to lie ad vantages of the eut--1 prise. Km.-. Ml. oil TH1IM) I'M-'. An aiuu-:n .pi-) e toj!; p are m 11, e cour-e 01 e to d; p ;b of the 1.0b raMe ....tlcinan wbo moved the r.-f.ly to 1!.- Kxeebeiirv's aO i reus in tiie lli-i-e of A--tiibly. 011 Tui day. Tins feutleiiian. touehin upon the su: jct of e.iucalion. came to 'his burst of orator) " Mr, we nu-t iiiji itc our eb'i dreii.' IJjt it instantly fl i-bed acro-s bis lui'id i ii at In; was unble-t with " barjie-." .Hid be r 'vi.lc'l bliii'.elf will, ; '' Sir. you inu-t eij.jcjtv your children." JJut at this pro- postii ,11 th..- '.'hairuriri, who wa addre"-d, bo bei-au to aiiake hi- bead and ifriti. " ?ir," a!j CMiiinurd tbe perplexed orator, anno-t thy roar of the Hoo-e. " ."-ir, you tin y we they mu-t t-licate their children. I'urTRY tl t. V J ' t. r ssy 111' r'i". ti i i.e t'lo-si.ig poe ii,-.. ir, w-ii.id d j Luti or t .n;:y e 1 1. drill M I'-!., vi ; Th. C-V'.t Fav. by Irak.. I.-fe 1- l it t; - .1- ti.'r l.o-e. 1 y The ''l'at-r Fi'. bv li.",l. Wo. S; a- r at '!' . i V M-i'i- ; Mare,, IV, bv -.".ck ; 'Ibe N' '-I'.i Wi I'lTiiv'a! ; The wMmv of Nail., by Wi'H- 1 Ti e OU tUkeb Du-!:rt. y worth; and I'll fill this 'i't to 01. m I;, J'inrki.ey. Thi e -l'teiioti ' He. nt.l j' -. tie f-'i, ' r A',1-1 . 'lilt Mht'l'-rxB UK I.A".F!TI.H U i r-. eor'i.d o! I Ir Uriffin, m wruf-r in the At'a'iiie that, l,Pn I'resid'Tit of the An i over I h- o'o -leai Seuiniary. he convened ll. t jd..-nt at t.i. roo:n one fvei.iii;, an l U. d ibeni bf b-.d ohvre. tint tbey were ad win... li ir. and l -p-; t'-eal from a ne-ln-t of the n .i-e of ('t,ri.jat, laughter, r'i) iim-'eJ -jpT-, t that t.-y -iou!i go tnroueh a eempatiy !: in it th' i tu'l tl.re. '1 he do?t"r wa an iin'nn-e msti over r'ir. fret in beifbt, w'lb treat air piltode of tbe-t and most Bisgistef ,ni mariners. " Here," aid be to tbe Cr-t. ' you irjsrt practice ; now bar me !" aod bur !.,t- out 'uto a o ECroua laugh, be fairly obliged bis pupil", eae I t one, lo join, till Tbe whole were al no"t convul-ed 'Tbst will do for once," sid tbe doctor. " and now mind jo-i keep .:. prsctir 1" VP The rre.i.i. n: b:i al ii-. . jr.t.oti !. 1 approv J the N: YY il ,M Y- CiMt T JiJUy VL-dr.UUlul Villi U.'' CHARLOTTE: Tucstlav, March Hi. 1S5S. Iltillill or I'hirl.iUf. It w.is stated iu our last, by the I ntc ti ll : u t of Charlotte, that a ease of Siuiall 1'ox had been brought to this town. Il W;n also stated at the same time that the suijeci nan ueci. rc.io.c., uuu i. uuj, ulul. : eae should lur.k.- its appearance it would i reported. The Ilileiidant Called upon . .1 .... i .... i .i ... ....... us vr.-ii.iuay uno siami mai i:ver ain ii- 1 ai.d liable to con-ia.t the disease. ' .. ,i,.., .. ciius" lor alum in coin.iig tj t. i.ur advice lo every one i ciliated, as in many cases it pt'i-.iiis from contracting tho to be vac- 'lil prevent 'e. isea-e ev w hen ex' 0-. Wliu art rhrj : 11.. lM.Lb .-ay, it Mi.e ot .he A iiif nei n k.' of ; are uiiwi'Ji l:-!ri' atlon JVm..erat for ti.at it bear , who, for the ig to ote for .be tffice of lu-riivt will, iu i'jo event t ! y cm. W'liii an 1 Ai.ie.iem cmoiJate to submit i defeii'. ion; for an at:ti I'i ti ilution ' mdidate of the pure Democratic .-..ibe. : 1 l.ol iini- : vrr, ! in cm moil uil.i tin m. W ill tb-- I'.iitor 'idc them, l'or on. we could not bear the idea of adjuiiii: ' such t.-.U'-l . m r.i , ,, , ,, , p-ir is o:,iy bel l logctlur by the " cohesive, pwer or" J ublic 1 1 in- d,r,'' no act of iirs shall evt-r aid in j la-. icing cue i ,t,.utl tUu in pow.r.- V.'e have seen j i.!.i:i.t inf po-ition to tl.i 1 I it ii. uc h to confirm our eppo.-i "hall I'-vr bend our knees to' " " "v """ the "powers that be that "thrill may , follow la.inir-". ' ! Kuiiifrfo-'l ni;i: lo ;t nriia. We b arn from '.lie Ujllierlordton In jHti'r, thit ihe following order was made Iv the County t'uurt, an the -1 it;staut, a iiiajoiity ol Jjstiecs being prt-xut : It is oiuered inat the county ol t.'ither- u(. ...a. ....... , .-iuu u..o oiivj.u a Lii-jrer reoro. : .uu,.u ..... .. ...ill r t. Kovirmueut reconstruct: d, your pro; ... . ii v .:.,,;., .., ,i i..: .... r-.,.. . ,l t,r,,v,il hiir in i ...,1 nm rie have a revenue iirliHiuiite to all tier wants, h. . . , mane its appearanc ; tut tnouiu a case, .ji... .v .umi-.iuu iwuj j -- , ,. s . , , .i, divided, nut as they bave iiulaK.-i.iy m appear, ,Li Win, .he Villi day. contrary -"'.' tbe inquirie.-.Fir.t .. to the ap-j waste,, toprotect us n our rear, t au you , for he Niu -"Id i u, , , , initl., McU proceeding, t, - , ,. , . ' , plication. Secondly, as to tbe regularity I hem iu sub a territory as that? You talk would never need an army or a nav, be i r , to all ex; eetafon, the public ..11 be ii,Jor,- ; J,f ,e 0CueJi . thir, hcfber , of puuill; up a of fire aroulld ri,, yond a tew g.rnson, on the frontier, and a - o " "S" L. of the ballot bo, el of the f.ct. Our country friends will constitution is republican iu form. I hundred tnd City thousand squire miles so ' revenue cullers. It commerce that . 1 s. e fr, this .b.t th,re is not the least j ' Mtv.ated ! ilow absurd. ! , U" ,ureMb.. ; .i'0'; ; id o l,k- f-.rd si.a'j ju' sc: a-.' I -O l .hares of tl)c capi- tbe stockholder, bave the satisfaction ot their baudi ui -lock cf .lie W. (.'. oV l.utberi .rd Hail- knowing that tbe Bank is at leasi fciiO.OOU ; If we tale ibe North, even wb.-ri the two road c-mpHiiy, a nnj'Tity of tbe uaiifie. . belt-.r off than thry expected, as it was ,rj,e 5ut f Kanas and Minnesota shall lot' r-in the cout.' tavorii.g the same ; and thought that tbe bills had been signed and , j,e jjJmine ber territory will be one buo t a.-eertuin ll.e --n-e of the voters It is or- iaain;;!. and their entry f r;ottcti to be made ,r,.A thousand smure miies short of nnrs tiereu tl.Jt an t!icti-fi be Lei ! by .be Sheriff uf tiie county ou the first TLurs-ity in May tj.-xt, be '.ivii.g OC o.y tiot.ee ct tnis order, a, .(l ir. ftl iKiii-. T,nr-oiii - the direction.- rf tte :tb st-eiiou of the- A..T to alter and amend tne cbait. r of tlie W C A. Kuther- f -r I llaiiro'il Con patiy. pas-ed at the I act sc -l-li ol tbe 'jeu- rai A-seu. Uf'il Lu of I if' Tb': Mo'-lie .V.' '..'( and ll.e A-ifr'itfi coMaius i.eeouMs of tbe burning of the .Uii lner Uliia Uittic oil the 1st instant, on th Toii.ii -bee river. 'I be boat was about K miles lelow I'einop .!U when the lire w:is dis corded, anl it comment J at a point on tl.e' boat which soon coinmunicuted with the iaui- caiiu aud cat -It a.l ac8- to tb.3 life- 1 yafrl. There were btwccu 30 at. I fi'l p. rsom on board and -l'J and .'id it is siippo-ed w-ie l -t. 'Jetween l'.'Ull and llliiii bales cf coitou were di.-troyed. We app nl th-J following from the A 'fitter to jo v j our revier a rn -j ilea of tl e tufi.r ii g ti.e pii.sf.-1 ' r 3 Lad io endure : As soon as it was ascertained ihit the yawl and life boat couid trjt be reached, aa 11 his of 1-a v.ng the Ii ves ol those on boar-l . con. .11 bales, stac p aiis and every other avai.abie arti?,e wre tiirown oerboard, that I a:-, ngei 3 uii'ht ciing 10 tut iu for safe ' Wh'Il fir , tin Cre in 111. vital. .as bla y under ry , h i , .... up Ir... 1011 'ii'- cat. in afiu 1 i.-ii the flame" 1 tnev spread a. lie r Ihe nor-, i 'e but '.t:i h . ivery tant.y t pan oi Hi'- boat, n I but a very le lion rloie tl.c wb'.le was 01. e .1 of Mr C Mr Frat.u who swam ..no en 1 1 of ll.e boat, lie- ibr-n placed Mi I urii'-r'nu a cotton bale, and !.!.;) 'all ded I c-r on shore M e -sid t bun, " Vou ba.e sai- d my ii.'- ; 0 n c n.y mother and my sitr. ', lie thiu swam cfl and rescued i.er n-.er, w'1.0 afterward, iroie to death in bit arms. lkr nioib. 1 Ir ,ie to dea'h on a tree, v. I.ieb was tbe fate of almost all who peri-bed Ibe ai'tant pilot, Mr. I-.uid Hurtle,, saved Mis I'.obiu-on She threw wat.-r on hi w hile be was pad "leg her o-l.ore on a Cotton bale. . :. r. . . . .1. .'J 1 '';,. it-1 in a Tfuiaikab.e ujaouer. heo p, covcr- d, b-. Cjtt.u Slota, il Lad only U. night clothes on and was b!u with cold. A I Ian- bet clo ik .o.ksd with Water was at hand. rb the C. (....u ..i'i ujaou . liKiuiiil! ton l aie snl ih -ii wr..ppej the babe in tut- steaio". evve!!!j;. It w no alive an l - hirpiL ' , I Capt. Stoue also aaved ibe mother of the I I Capt. i5toue aiso aaveu iu 1 P "S on tue mtaut ny placing uer on iu nwvu, ... , two wire made s comfortable as circum utauce would allow umil the boat took ihem off. Report tf the Sclrcl ronaiiilUe on Hit Knusut Qtiriiiun. Iu the House of Representatives ou Wednesday, the 11th in-lant, Mr. Stephens from the Select Committee of Thirteen OU the Kansas Qjestion endeavored to intro duce the report of the majority of said Committee. This was objected to, but Mr. isteplieus said he would take the respou-i- i bility and have the report printed and sent j tuswf to tiie stUcnient of the uucstiou Norlh wjlu lcr pn.-.oo.lKiO surplus; but, in any atrcet iu any of your large towns. -before the country. It commence by say- , MPn,llllllona remarked : adu.iitiiiL' that she exports as much as e i Why.sir.jou meet uijru beggar in out iui), , ins tbnt -the sutjeet matter to which attcu - ' tiou should be drawn was Fifth The cou-titutiou so made. Sixth The official vote of the ratification of the subject sul luitti'd. Seventh The committee filed, not deem ing it material, the act of Peeember last, providing for a vot for or against tbe sla very clause ou tlio -Jib of January. Kighih The official announcement of V"' . f , -Ih. written statement of ben n relat.on to the reL'itry of votes, winch sheds n, light ou the sub- iutljThe Culliouu in etc., ( but i.-i-t 1 n-Prt MJ "'nt fc show ' .... ... . a., ,ul 0 S;lte heretofore applying for ad- i.. . i . .i .." i V. ., .;., .., .1 i.. : . ... i.-.... t,... r i . . l . t ... i ua uuvu ri u. 1 1 in. r,;;P).ed last week, on the authoit ,v o(- a correspondent of the I'etersbur. r.X)rrss that SOO.OlH) of the funds of the KHrihetb City bank bad bc f foaod. Tiiis turns out to be inorreet. The Sen tuifl published at Elixabeth City gives the fL-iioititig expiauition of the manner, in which tbe statement originated : nine t wueks a.-o or more, Mr. Grif- n cntne to town, and iu (he presence of;proglalj :.e Cashier of the Hank opened a private i I1US , tbi private sa'e in tiic Hank, where bo d to keep j''" valuable pipers, io., and found there- , , .' 1 , le , 1 nd finally a rmcka'-e of lilaitk .... ..'c ,1,- .,. nt Slid IMItl - How the patka-e of vouchers, certificates or blank bills got there, Mr. UriSiu does 'not KUO'.v. I ue nuoiiiij ot lUe co in l-.ai.ii- f.'ave it-c to tbe sheve extract. No (1?ubt brarx-b of the Farmer's Hack at lireeustoro' was appiised of this discovery, and the report soon found its way to the correspouocci ci i u.n', .in ik ' one .lusli ol the peu, tiiruid cini.iiiiu ol i.lunk into 3UO,iHk good money, and bran ded Mr lirilfin wiiii ' rascality." livery - tody kuO'Vs that the blanks fiun-1 Could ""' - ' " o.eipfcs iji-ui ivi not have beeu of any benefit to Mr. IjriUin, jr '"'J ere not signed by either of the i'resideuts that tbe bank Las had. The finding out of tiie SoU.llOO iu L'anki-, mak'i (be mmds of the officers of ibe Hank more at ease, for they bave been bothered , more ti.au a little to account for the num ber of tills Btriekcii off from the plates, and the number i-sued by the bank. This '0(1,111)0 worth, wc understaud, fills up the n.juuiit, all toid within a few Oollars, and in the books of t!, Fanam Bask el Elizahrlh Cily. The '-ojirt frets sajsthat the Far mer's IUuk at Kiizabeth City is makiug ar raucmeuU to wind up. It has been asenr t.iintd that all tbe liabilities' of the Uauk wiil be paid off, and tbe stockholders will receive seventy ceuts ou the dollar. This e-timat'.- is made, allon uz a loss of c0(l,0UO for bad debts. The bill boi lers arc said tc - be iu uo dang'-r of any loss. Lilitoriiil (hnn;c. llr. I'.. V.'. (Jibbes will retire on the 1-tof April from tbe editorial cha:r of the Colum bia ('aroliniun aud Frauklin G . . the WinnsboiO l'rgislert w ill assume that re'p jiisible station. We regret to lose the Doctor, bit we believe be has made a good selection in the choice of bis successor, aud the readers of the Cut u'tnt'iH will lose noth ing by the change. (TV" Com M C I'errdied in New York on the Hh instant, and was interred ou the ti'.h instant, wi'b every demonstration of respect JUll marines acted as a body H'lard and the 7th rrgiin. nt as a funeral escort, and tbe members of the City Coun cil and t he chamber of Commerce were in attendance. He was a brother of Com . H. who made his name memorable by ory on Lake Ilrie. lUv. Mr r'.-rwi 11 died of po- The i.-xy while travelling from Kockingham, in llicf.mond cou'.ty to Favettev.lle. He is ' . , ..,-own to man, of our cn.zep. aa the efb- citi.t ag. nt of the American, Uible Socie- ty. II county uo was doubt visiting the diff-rcnt , ,, m jcie'.ie. wai.-n lie wa. caj.ea iroui .ators. , V Ti.e I. rand lurk, who was long looked for, arrived at New York in the atiamer ! .orop, A been paid to Lim at New iork.was tbe takine of a dairaerreoivpa likeness of blui b 6 ef bd su.t. " jQe T, f:r.ri.i j..rv 'Wfcsbiiii'ton Ci u i. ......A 1... f4 . ' ... ' true till agaln-t v. alc .tt, thfi recusant w.t - Hoe iu tb. TariS fraud iove.tiatioD. COBgrts. In tbefenate, on Thursday the 4th in he conaitred as debate, nd Constitubn embod of Km.. lie aleo nidied to the speech atant. tbbi for tbe admission oi ,.. rears. ncluJnii the two cxirac-iui- ... .. . . i . ,,. watakApforeonaideration. Mr. IUm- j nary ye'ars 0f 10 and 1W7 They are peaW .be fiat u. poor 0 ,ives (lui,J mood Jlfered hia views iu favor of thej,,ar.y double th o amount o J he average .,iU,... at ,h,a, a,1d w lo Leco.Co,iuUo. In the outset be , u.f JZi S to put out his fabor iu the m,k., replied ( the remarks of Mr. Douglas, who ' ,H?of M pr0(,,lcri there is not a take the besl be can get for it , i Uu, t. .1.- At. - TJ.nina nt t 11.4 ' ... .1 ... f I ... i..rl . till I II 1 1 V VOUT VIIIUIC l" ' of Nr. Sward, who had said iu bU -peecb ber Bl.CUBlU.u-d wealth, with her conceti , l... fi...l.t .nd won.:.r...d and intellectualited rnery, makes and thalif a dissolution was intended uow waa aa utable a time as any we could have. i . .. , ,:, j ow, r, as I am dispo-eil to see thiK ij'ies- , , ' t.onsettld as soon as poss.ble, and am per- If wo new acquire another foot of territory aud fifty thousand nuare miles ; as large as (jreat Britain, France, Austria, l'russia, od SpW Is not that territory enough to ,.ke a .pire that shall rule the world U ,.h tht biiest soil, the most de ,g htful , climate, those productions none of tbo.-e K 8 ? t f I . jtbousaud ales of continental sho e lme i and so inteutcd with bays and crowded w.th i- and., t.at, when tiie.r shore !.,s are ' added, wi Lave twelve tbousaud miles of shore hoc 1 brough the Heart ol our couu-, waters, .to a hose bosom are poured thirty- .i.....i..n.t ,..;).. ..( ,;i.,...,. . .wl t.ruv.il liar i ha . !,.ri r.r-iirin I5ut, sir in this territory lies the great Ta'loy of be MiUsippi. r.oiv the real, and soon to bethe acknowledged seat of the em pire of lltt world. Tbe sway of that valb. V , 'H he as great as ever the Nile kuew in the earliei ajes or mankind. We own tne mo-t of that rail. y. The uio-t valuable part of il u-ior.gs to 03 ; and although i ho-..-who have H tt!ed above us are now opposed to us, anotier geiier tliou will tell a ditlerent tale. Thqr are ours by all the laws cf nature; akve labor will go ovi-r evi-ry foot of this creit vaiiey where it will be fouud ie to u-e it, aud thosn wbo do not :, are .ooi. to he united with us bv such ,;e, as willnmie us one and inrparabb , 'pne jron ,irse wJii soou be clattering over' tbe sunny plains ot t.'ie outn to bear tbe i .... . ;fJ I . . . ' I - . . . t' ' ' i3firicporB,asiiuo.TciaTiersnveriiieiee- Louud North. There is tbe -rest Missis- sinni. beid of union made bv nature's l forever vlnlesteber r -l.t t0 tbe l:nia). Ou this fine territory we have , !,.;. fm.r ti,.,,.. ,,l. i,i, ,irh these colonies -eparaled from the , Ul0ti1(.r eosrrtry, and a hundred, I might say a tbou-aud, t Jid as strong. t)ur population js now ,.j1T7 per cent, greater tbau that of i t,g n10le United States when we entered !;,,, .1,. ..innl w-ip of in, l.i-n.!. .i.e lit. u .-.I,.. f . itari aa lsre-e as the whole noru iti .n : ,ue IJitd States was ten years after ihe : ,.onelusion f that war, and our export! are three limes as great as those of the w ho! L'uifcid Stales then. I'pou our muster-roll, we have a million of men. la a def. u-ive war. upon In cmergem-v, every one of them would be available. At anv time, the South can rai-e. vuuip. and maintain iu tbe field, . u.,r rm y than anv Power of the prth ' .. .fn,l a,i.,.t her and an urine of soldiers .. rn Kr0u 'it up On hjrscback will I do uot "Hak of California and Orcein; there is no! antagoui-ui between the .South anil tbo-e ilBuutnes, and nerer will be. I he 1 population of the North is fifty p.-r cent, greater thm ours. I bave iiothin- to say in ui.pararemeut eitlirr of the soil of the North or tie people of the .North, who are a brave, intelligent, energetic race, full of intellect, Lit they produce uo great stapi that tbe Msuth does uot produce. ; but we produce tto or three, am! tho-e are the very reatust, that she can never produce I : her men, however hi-h they may be,,clu,rlty box of your maontficent financier" the? have never proved themselves to hi uperior to thoseof the South, either in the field or in ibe .Senate. liul, sir.the strength of a nation depend j a prr4t t,,fcsure upon it? wealth, and th th of a nation, like that of a man. is to 1.. ...,:..,.., I l. in ..,r, .!,,., , ,,! i Vo.i ma v no to tour tra.-bv ein-11. hoots all of wi;-K is perfect nonsense, and the, will , 'ell ,ou tuat in tho State of Tennessee the whole number of bou-e servanu is not cii'ial to one half those in my own house, ' and such things as that Vou may .seer- tain what i. made throueh-ut lhe country! from there oeusus books, but it is no matter bow niurb Is wade if it is all consumed. If ' a man is worth millions of dollars and con-1 suiues Lis income, is lie rich! Is be compe- ! unt to embark in any new enterprise ? Can he build shi'is or railroads And co ul 1 a people in that condition build ships and roads and go to war ! All the enterpri-eg of p-ace and war depend upon thu surplus produc tion" of a people'. They may bu happ,, they may be comfortable, they may enjoy them selves in eati what thry make ; but they are not rieh.tbey are not strong It seem-. by going to tbe reports of the Secretary of tbe I reasury, w btcb are authentic, that l ist year fie I .nted states exported in round numbers I H 'JOOOOiM) worth of dome. tie produce, excluding gold and foreign no r- chancre re eiporre... . , ...1-.mourn e,..,. 1)00,0110 worth i tbe cicar produce of the . t,iat fn Dot (i, llia,je at the North. Here are jli f 'll,. lino, IH. 0 mrlU of exports of products of the ' rV.s,..t .,.;,. I nrnwiatnn.. anil l.r-.ill ,, R". r - , If we as-ume that the South made but one- j r .LAfag ,,,! I ihitik that is a low cal- culation, our exports are S 1 11 ., 01111,000, 1 leaving to tbe North less than JH.o.OoO.OOj. ' In addiiioo to this, we send to tbe North1 ' , 1 . - . 1 counted io the exports. Wre s-end nilT,i , store", lumber, rice, and maot other minor ' articles . Tb.r- is no doubt 'that we send 10 tbe North M0,00o,(MiO i. addition; but. surp,.e lb. amount .0 bo VMWspn, and ' it will civc ua a surplus production of g-'.'O,.; Ooo.oOil. The rccofOed exports of the Soulli now ar rttgr than thu whulu cxporia of . .. . ..,.. c... before I8o0. r UU'lOU .bole aver.ioo fB i. Tn tea Stat., for the 1-t P"'"" - . . , ..,., ',,. nTudand, ith all . ' u"" "jj f i Pcr. ,,i . I,,1tp11lii0n n to the do, a . ' uld be but little over twelve dollars a ih .p dio hhin ml in 14 OI Dlinuuiiuii it would be but little over iwcive ,(eJll, t t,,e outsilU.. 8L. cannot eiportjo J , , i ., iilinn in admit that she pays us considerably more; 1 .capable, Iruni n.tellee ual "'H'"""""! but to bring her up to our amount of surplus ever to give us any trouble by tUtr a-pua-production, to bring her up to 8 .JO,IIOO,0IO tio-.ii. . ...... '.. .j. .i c i b Vonr savus are white, of vour own race ; 1$ lllis, in u,,,,, j liou o iU country from abroad and paid for in part J The thinu- is absurd ; J uj . it cau never appear any- ?'c7L R;);l(i.0tMl.ll()U worth inlrodiie. d into tbe der the ir:.i -. . .. e i ni 11. ill flilll ..... ""I""? ''.,, ',,,,, 'yu!d ''f 5 0,m0,0l f .revenu.c. itb one-fourth the present tariff she would nave a revenue ani'i 'line io sn rise to i.avii-s and comuurce H it we Lave n thin..' to do but to take off restrictions on foreign inercbaiidi" und opi n cur pons, and the whole world will coine to us 11 tra Iu. They will lie too glad to bring and carry for n, and we never shall dream of a war. Why, cir, the So-itli his never yrt had a ju-t cause of war. Kvery time she has seized her sword it has been on the point of honor, and that point of honor has been mainly lovaitv to ln-r si.-ter t olomes ant si-tcr Plate's, who bave ever since plundered and calumniated her l'u r if tl.ere were n other renon hy we eh Mild neier bate a w.r, would anv mm "'on make war on c ton T Without firing ithout drawint; a sword when they make war nn in ue esn I , r i r- the wli .!, ,!,! i.. (... TI... 5 1.;. ...f..l. "..--w ..,.vu .cou.petvbt to go on, ouc, t., or tlftt years, without planting a seed of cotton I believe that it'll as to plant but Lalf her c won. It would be an immeu-e advantage to her mi not so eure but that after tiirue years' '-atiou she nou'.d come out stronger than ei she w as before, and butler prepared to ter a.'Vi.li up iu h'.'r '-reat career of enter "" " b it woui I happen it no cotton " furbished for three year- ? I wiil not stop to depict what every one r .t. inn.'iue. but Ibi- is certain : Uld I'ln-lund would toi-Dle he id long and carry the whole civi,izcd worid with her No, sir. you dare not nuke wur ou cotton. No 3i-r on earth dares make war upon it. (tton i King Cniil lately the Hank of Kngl.ind wn kin, b it she trii i to put br ferews as usual, the full before l is., upon the cotton crop, aud was unl. ily vaniiui-be 1. Ibe la.-t power has been con- 'I'lered. Wha can doubt it that ha looked at recent events 7 When the r.bu-e of credit an 1 aiii.nn.ai. 0 conuoenee, tvi.en lliou-auus of the strongest cominen i.ii liou-. s in the world were coining do-vu, an l hundred, of millions of dollars of so; po-ed property evapor itin.' in tiiili air. when you came to a d"ad lock, and revolutions were thriatcueo . what brou.ht ou up! 1- n tunately for )ou it was the commencement of the cotton seiion, and we have poured iu upon you one i.iiiiion sn hundred thousand bales of cotton ju-t at the cri-is to save you from sinking I hat cotton, nut for the bursting of your speculative bubbles in the North, which pro "-""'J 'he whole of this conviil-ion, would have brought us 5Hiu,tMW,iniu. He Have sold it for S.i.i,OIM),0lni, and saved you. Thirty-five million dollars we, tbe slave holders of the South, have put into Ibe your cottou lords, your merchant princes. Hut. sir, the greatest strepeth of tin- South arises from the harm-on, of ber poliliral and social in-titutions. This harmony gives her a frame of society the best in the world, and a" extent of political freedom, combined with entire Fi-cui'it v. such as no other neotile lever enjoyeu upon ti;u lace 01 llie cartli. Society precedes government; creates it, and ouirht to control it ; but as far as wc ; l'k hack in hist, ic times, v.e find the ca-a d.fl- reiit ; for governuient is uo sooner seated tbau it becomes too strong for so-; ciet,, and shapes and moulds, as well as; controls it. Iu later centuiies the progres.,' "f civilization and of int-liigence has made ! the divergence so great as to produce civil wars and revolutions ; and it is nothing no hut the want of harmony between govern- ments and soeietiei wbieli occa-ions all the uneasiness and trouhle and terror that we s-e abroad. It was this that brought on the American Kevoiutioii. Wc threw of a lioverniiicnt ml adapted to our social sys tem, and jiade nun fr ourselves. The (piestion is, Low far bave wis succeeded ? i he South, so far as tlu.t is eoncernrd, is sati-fied, content, Loppy, harmonious, aud pro p' rous In social s, stems thero must be a el ass to do thu mean duties, to perforin the drudgery of life. That is, a c! iss re.pii.ing but a low order of ii'tellect .nd but little skill. Its requisites arc vigor, docility, fideli ty. Such a class you mu-t have, or you weuld not have that other class which leads progri ., refinement, and civilization. It Coll-titutts t lie ter V III U'J silia of soei. 1 1 ami political goi -ermueiit ; and you ti.ivht ... ' . . ' well atlompl to build a house iu the air. as to build either the one or thu other, except on the baud sills. I'urtunately for t! Souih, l""u" r"e '"P"' totbat purpose to dooilit,, id capacit, to .-laud tbe climate, to answer all ber purposes. We use them for tl!eJ P,,rr""e. nd call them slaves. Wo ,re ,C I lb South yet ; it is a V'' rs polite ; but I ' " b.rac.erixe that !., .t the North that term; but you have it ; it i, there ; everywhere ; it if eternal. ' n f-snator from Nw Yrk said y.,.l. f- day that (bt whole world bad abolished I Hvcry. Ay, the name, but not tue lu.i.g , ; and all the" powers ot tno ear u ..v.i: . , ,i on v oun uo it wnru nc there is no starvation, no beetfiiii., uo u.. r i. ..nn hi. ami not of employ mel.t a.uon ; out P";0I,I: ' too much eli.ploj u.eiit '"", r," IO ours ar not oareu tor, un ;" i r I ...peute.l, wMI, ,y be proved in; the most deplorable luauiier, at any hour, ,u ....... -j than you would meet iu in the j ., t f whole South. Our lave, are bl.ak ol are baa.nv ccntilit. uuasiiii inj, and utterly j ! you are brother, of one blood. They are ',our c,,,la, iu ...tural endowment of ,. Irct, nu lliey leci ganeu ny ium ... n. - tiou. t ur l.ea do not vote, eg.ve, them no po.ihcal power. Yours do vo.e, ; and being the majority, th, are the duposi- Varies of all yourp.dUical power. If th. y kuew the tremendous ucret, that the ballot- ' box is stronger than au army w.th bayonet-, your ,ocirtv oMe u C0I).trueted, your " . . ... lecturers or a -itators orih, to tcieli these people this, t aid auJ assi-t iu combining, aud to lead I In in ' Mr. W and others. S. nd lin iii aleiig Mr llaiiiinou Vou say , "I'lid thrin North There is no n. ed pf that They are coti.in.' here. The, arc thundering at oor doors for liouirstea.l of one buudred and sixty aerea of land f.,r nothin , and So itb.ru - Senators aru supporting it Nay, the, are e in L. 1 1 1 1 ir . as I have a. id. with arms ,lll'ir hands, all, d-mand l.ii- -ark at 5 1 ," - uii mx liOUf a uy. ii"'" " heard that the L'lio't of Melidoia i sialkin-.' iu the streets of yojr lig cities; thai the iufjui-iliou j, ,t baud ! There is afloat a fearlul rumor that there have been consul tations fr vitiMiier committer. Vou know what tiat i.iesu s'reidf. Trausicnt and temporary causes have thu" far bm your presvrvaiiuu. The great U'e't baa beru ,r". " -,our '"T"? '.' "7 'V " o. .omi nan ar.ar, .a.. ;- " rrowiiing in year by year i u j .. . a creat m in iuent, and iu call it pro;re Wbitber T It is progress; but it is prores,, towards vi-ilaiiee co'Diuitt-. - Tlie South bnv .iin -.l jo't in a gre.t meaure ; Vou are our f.ictors Vol bring ad carry, for ih. One hundred and fifty uulliort Uol-i I ars of our nuney pases annually thro'jhj rour bands. Much of it slick' ; all of il as.j.ts to keep your maebinrry together anl f in motion Suppose w were to di-elire. 111 1 suppj-c we mt of yo.ir binds r to lk' our bu-in's" we should con'igti you to anarch, and poverty. 1 Vou complain of th ruV of tue South ; that bis been another cau-e that ha" pre served yoti We bave kept the i Ot r . iiiimiit eoMcrvative to the great purposes of the' ", erii-iriit. We have pliced her and kept ' ber upon the Con-litu'ion, and that h ben the ca'i-e of your peace and pro-perity Th- Senator from New York say. thai that i- about to h at an end ; tb' you inter. I to t-i-.fl tbe (ioiernme nt from u ; that it will pa from 0 ir hands I'eriisps what he "av4 is true ; it may be ; but do not for getIt can never be forgotten ; it i written on the Irighti-st pare of human hi-tory : that we, tbe 1 laveholders of tbe South, took j our country in her infancy; and, after i ruling her for sixty out of the "evenly jears of h r exi'nce, we shall -.urrrndrr ber to yiu witLout a staiu upon her bono, ! boundless in prosperity, incalculable in her j strength, lbs wonder and admiration of the 1 worid. Time will show what you will make! of !i.-r ; hut no time rin ,'ver diminish our glory or your responsihili'y. In tbe Senate, on Mond a;. , the bill for the 1 admission of Kanas was taken up. Mr.' poolitlle, who wa entitled to the floor re !,.,, j,;, r,.niar,4 , unUoti to the : Le"eompton Constitution. ---"--" Senate oil Tile. after some private business was alien led to, .be lil I ' f,,r i,c mi- ion of Kan-as was aeaio taken ' jjal1;ni l,r,,,,l ,, ,Me-ialn j 1 , , , i opj.osition, and rep.ied to that part of Mr. Hammond', sperch in which he refers to the J laboring men of tbe North. I i,e flt-e, CII Wednesday a reo!u- ' . ,',, f f . ,' , ., i "'" or' "r'""' copies ol e I at-lit "dice reports for the u of the Patent Of fiee was adopted j A resolution submitted Ly Mr. Yule', to con-iler ths expediency of limiting the' franking p.-iviirge was adopted. j The bill for tbe admission of Kansas was taken up. Mr. II uuiin' roiic'udud his rc marks in leply to Mr. Haminoud. ! In the Smnte on Thursday, the I'rinting It-lieiene, liill was passed. The Kan-as bill was ag.ilu discussed, Mr. j.oIk ,,,;., ,i)t, !,,.,.,, On-lilutioii ; . ., .. . . ,, , , aim .or, i.enjainin lor It. J lie ocnaio men adjourned till Monday. In tbe House, nn Thursday the 1th, the Speaker stated that the first business was Mr. Hoard's resolution a-king the appoint ment of a select couiinitteo to il amine into charges r.f llxeeutive influence. After remarks by several members the wlo)o ,j0(., w." laid on the table, T.,cb,I,providlp(r.regi,,T,ofmoun- ,flJ volunteers for tbe defence of the lexas frontier", aud authorising the President to r,.jvr four .d.litional voluufecr rgimenis 1 t ,1 , 1 m ., , rn !r' 'tl""n rU"" i ,1'U l'" M l'"' posing a force sufficient for the emergency, and took occasion to eulogixo tbo valor of voluntoi-ra in tbe Mexican campaign. I In the House on Friday, it being privatu bill da, the standing committee, were culled 011 for reports and a large uuuibcr of private bills were presented aud referred. Tbo private calendar tvus then taken up and several bills wero reported for coneur retce ; but before a final decision iho Huu.e adjourned to Monday. Iu the Ilou.se ou Muiiday, Mr..Tayo.- in. troduced joint resolutions relative to tbo bulk Adriatic which was referred lo tbo Committee 011 Foreign Affairs. The House then passed thu deficiency bill. The diplomatic mid consular bill was taken up iu committee of I bo Whole. Mr. liocoek addressed tbe committee aud gave his view, on I ho Kansas question. After concluding thu llou-u adjourned. In the House ou Tuesday, the bill to raio volunteers weru taken up. Mr. Faulklur cousuuicd Lis hour iu opposition to tbe Liil. Tbe diplomntiu and cunVular bill was then taken np. Mr. Kent, Mr. Kuglish and Mr. l'billips spoke 011 the Kansas question. In the House on WeJue-day, ibe bill to raise volunteers was under consideration, Mr. Curtis delivered Lis views, aud after tiic expiration of his hour the diplomatic and consular bill wa. lukcn up and Mr. Foster, Mr. Taylor, aud. McDowell delivered their views 011 the Kan.sas (pie.-tion. Iu the Houoc ou Thursday the v .'ui.l. er bill was taken up and Mr. Stanton made a speech against (be admission of K ansas. 'Ibe consular aud diplomatiu bill was take II lip and discussed. I'toin onr (nrrrvjii'iuliiit. ('HAHi.K-ro.t, March lo, 1 9. The weather U bitteily cold, aud I bavs a violent cjugh, bolh of which r.- unfavora ble lo the Coliipo-ilini of a spley , tl-r And Le'-idis, I have beeu iu lulgiug iu a prohibited afternoon imp, an l .w.ike with my ideas aoQie w bat confused, after d ream in,' that Kan-as bad been admitted a a t- - Slate the Mormons bad uielCol. J oLii-oti'i eon. ma mi and defeat, d Ib.iu, and thai ivult I. ad knoeked down sit I laeli r. pul lie'sn-, fre fiebt had oeeuried ii: wbi.-b i4ie Norlli and Souih I ilc'ue 1 in, and Cot.gr.si ba I dissolved ill a ro. I wa, very much troubled iu my sleep on aeco int of the u:i pr ui -ing stale of aflair-, and finally aw..e, very much relieved lo find thai it was all a dr. am, though it-may orlen I thr approach of troublous lnuer, and a pail of il u.a; be verifi.-d at no di-linl day T!, ptice .f e tt m is s'.i'l ri.lii.-, au ! tl.o Stite street Hi w Let 1 are as-uriiii, on iLu bib road U forljne. The Frenchman who sells roasted chrmuls 011 King street is rpite elated by the news brought by the la t steamers, froiu'wbich he leariu lint ihe de mand of aniclia iu Lis line is likely lo ex ceed the mi ply. Iu fad ail kinds of bu-i-ne-s is beginning to look up, and there is a dun pi j-ptet of reviving ihe troubled Ihi on of the cumtu ruial an J u.'"i'c aorid not oblj of uiaklri, money ou a sm.il scale, but also of speculating and 1- IU ng mil. My it piove as p'.ut.l otn as l!vnpi 's eh"l, an I jjl' Lot -lawn at the LidJii.j vf lh I ao fcard times I'd ill Slid thai li.o L'-e of iiinti.-, was ti,.; root of ail et 11, but s re n-i'i touu elude that the v mt of it is a sl.ll r.'a'..r evil, and leads to more s. riou eousr.ju. n'. -Il certainly has proved o during the Uts panic, and 1'aul uo gre.it tinaueier afu r al', and did not live in the days of a:-. .. joi-biiis;, ii:rod, ere.lit and HilK '"ii"p- 1 sioti.. Cireum-lanees a t r and iu the pre.rnt instance most mat-riallv. '1 here ii sai l to be an affiir of bon.r cu haul belwet-n iwo of tb" letf.l fraternity, but as it has not yet transpired, I can' t give you ibe dttai'v. It arose out cf a knotty law case iu the Court llou-", aid may leal to serious on. rj ietiee" lb" satisfaction due to the woun led honor of eetitleiiiiti, according I the cade, i", for t p rsoni of und Jubte I courage and ura-ity to lodge au ounceof cold lev! iu each other s bodies in order to satisfy the public that they are uot afraid to be shot at A sensible wri'erin (be March nimber of llarpe-'s Migume says that a duel i sn appeal final, (t in the rhetoric of words to tbe logic of arms. It is thu court of last resort, in which knotty points of etiquette, abstruse social problems, and ipioti ns el doubtful veracity, ipielionable propriety and controvrrlid riehl, are iipuunded snl enforced by the COtivjiii iiil power and i.'re-si-table il.fluencc of gunpowder. The process of ratiocination is cf' -edit' luiiiiiiou", an I so simple as to be adapt. 1 l all cases, and the commonest capacity i seems to be based on the theory of son.' supposed connection between saltpetre an I a change of opinion. It asuinea that nn argument made by a rhetorician micdil be no intelligible or inconclusive, bit that as)!' (jiui propelled by powder, if properly aimed, could bsidly fail to carry conviction ! l'i dullest intellect. It is believed tliat th'- in tricate bearings ef a subject eoul l 1 l-e ' investigated at ten pac;". and that prop-i tiou. difficult ari l apparently irrecoi, ilal .c, by . pi.ee of hollow hardware, hi Id parallel to the obseivtrs lino of vision, could It) rendered peif, ill y simple and hti mfii.' u lleneu thu pi-tol is e.t.u med ibe n.ost 1 ff.-r-live of moral agents, though new view, d duty were sometimes revealed through th rifle, Mid obstante idea" exploded fi nm lb 1 ii.air.lc of the mu-kct l'rtncipals with lhir friends, sce-.nds w ith tb-ir iiisiruineiits of d-iath, ajid sur(." nm with their instruments of relief.are fi erpicbly tbe sole wltiies.es; of ll.efo desp- ratc pro ceedings. Tbo ground is measured, the choice decided, tbe antagonists pi. rid, ih-' word j-iveii, and thin, b, an administration nf justice s in. f bat peculiar, and if tl. 1 honor which had received an injur, ar.l demanded redress for a grievous wrong limped awa, with the loss of it, i.o., or the reputation which had sought to vindieato itself freni unmerited aspersion, re"t-ived a ball through its beait, ihe " saiisf action was deemed most ampin and eonijoete. A" love and war are nearly nlMed, we also have soma tender diHiculties on haul which must be settled nt the 00. lit of Vi ihk. The appeal to nuns in lho-e rns. s are veiy different from tho- of the L'xte. and, accord ing to my fiekl.! f inev, n'.t'v'.ln r wore agreeable. In the iutl. r u.-lai.n I "houi-1 ba-o no objection to shoi teiiinu the ilistanr.i and iioiiin.uiiig Ihe eouil.ttt till one or both full, and ihn "satislacti.ni'- hnuhl be mu tual mil eonipleto. The daitsnf nupid are not so dangerous as pistols, and the incense fioin the altar of llvme ii-bn ofTrnsive than fumes of the villainous saltprire. Il ever jou should bear of f1i f .11 of jrnir eoi 1 cs .pond, lit yo'i nnv fe. I hi -ti' 1 that It

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