, on the latter fitlJ, and with Lis face to tho foe, w'l" tlie & raa!,ou "rung iu dentil. ... I bad a few n,ore '"cu' ''cnis which I vvKbed to pive you, but I slt-jjt too long, nud the mail (dose'-in minutes. He member uio kindly to jour fuwily and readers, and buliiivo me ever jours, &o ASHLEY. roil THK N. P. Wllld. Who will respond to a cull for a Conven tion of Ministers mid Members of the Melli-odi-l Kpi-copal Church tei meet in Charlotte, On, UVih clay 01 .'lay, icuior me pur j-c of adopting preliiniuary iueaurea to ilrinniw a CongrecalionalMctboJUt Church onlb following fUn ; I The Articles of lvcli4,'ioii, ti:nersl rule where, having lelt his ladder below, be "J 't"ur '" '"'i " ...I Darliinui of tb Church t be retained cluiift by hi arms and h-s, f,.,t,lR.J i. ; ''' i Lord llih Chancellor, rfir V. J u. ,,0 r.'i"t,iiod ami lauglu Ly the Mclli-; lu,t foul of the rod and attached ila point , Urd 1'reM.lfnt of iho Council. Karl oilist En!eepal Church. !-.,.iitu heavy piece of metal securely, 'J i Lord l'r.vy fceal. Karl Hard- A.loiu)f LV r-p.ei. 'iitatiun in all the ' as be supposed, to llm cro.a uruiouutin-' w,t:k crelury of Mate of lh IIoue Do Cu,'fcretic,S of the Church. , th- aleeple. Ho had ju,t completed tlii, : P"'"'". P ' U "'P ! orctary of :t Vllow.ii" all tbe Lender of Clashes, ' dilhcult and dangerous taak, wateisd by a ,K rore.Lrn Departineut, Karl Maliu.bury ; .,,.ra and exKurUra to be elected bv . 1 , ('Iar whom they utit I Allowing every Class or Cotigrpjati.in I, ect and call tbeir on Mi mne r or Miui-icr-, aboliiliiu tbe official 'li-tiiictiomt b, t"i'U lrd.iined Elder ill the Church. .'i I'lohiliiti'ij tlie nul j ct of plavely from ) . in " cauvaised or dicu-ed by the Minis- r - M ...l,.. ( .1.. M... I. in . f, ii iutipi. ineetii.r.n r. e iniin.' it polilieal iit'titutioii, oier ! cr and intiiiriiely to the pire. lie kne vl.irli Miiii-teri and Churrh Mcmbera, i'ljnot what had occurred, and to Lis coiifu 1 4ilei.ia.tical relations have no e-introle C'i ei,-es it appeared that the Mei-p . .,1 i4ith h thy caiin .t intermeddle ' ai tumb!iii', or that home i-:rarip can .t', nit injury to lliciiirelvu and tho C'liuich ' ' abimt to brin,; the va-t structura t . ,,i j the ;rouud. The a! uve call i not male from any un- Some forty seconds an to bini- iiti I fe. -!iii. nr prij'l'lice iiu-t tlie .M I) ' inu-l Lave t-lapMil before be eutfieieti: y ( li.ire.i, but fioui a eunvii-'i hi tlmt the iiiup- coileeteil Ins fcailercd th-iiiliti arid sub r mt t. hi i" nt n iw so edieii nt as it ot.ee vet ted coti-eiouni -s to know that (he cu . and t'i:ittlie tnt-of the Cbui ch re.) ure ,tiie U p. r Jaltol' tbe rod bad failt-u upon in j.. n.'t liio.'i of lbi cbarje'er. C. , his head, causing lln- blood to trickle oe r liis futebead, sin! nearly blind bim. lie : I'-kl"""", A R C l T L t) L i -1 nwl.l 1 , t .ecu eiclil aiu nine o ciock, as tlie ,iu- 1 I, r or were about ' ariinjr. ibrte men i , 1 the ears immediate!, I,el,i, Mr.;.,,, ,t m, ,,, foM iu ;U ' Ii I! .hhim. of oiinii.us c.iunlr. who li"n.e l h at tvii.ui.' and "-' ' :"" 8-"" '".' ": tbe result of fate tl.sn of fM-lin Mi.uci. i n V '" P,xa U'K "m out (( '(.( r. If l.e stirred be n.i .f.t fui j if be re k,t, aol was ID the act of n.k.n- off . ,,;,, e c,lUiu!y MUil;j, and a. u'eier i, ,i, a!,.,, Mr. Kobl iu, di.co.ereil tbe I(iillj ,t j,, Ru l frjn(or Ll. . .... firm erxrir. la.l nl I U n.iy ... , ... - , ' , , .,ine one in tbe rara cabin;,' nut " b l I .it ,,.1,1 Co I" be r. leased them a lid the, lu.de Ur , Ulluu, f , x,.rrH, h,. , j. Id. ; earcb n made Ii-t Uf.'bt1, ., ,i ,, .... i ,. i i ol ti.e lor'U"S was fund bidiuj he- ' t iinp, in tbe fviaiiip in the rear of imel l'.i i i:,d IVpM. He ss brought j the r rcr aud lodged in j til. 1 Li nritu- : i. e I'uiiec arrotrd tbe ul'(. r tnu in tbe . r i't - f the twn, and st prei u: tin. .l tr.o are snugly enscmeej in our i.'y Iu-l'tutiuti, awaitit trial. " : am that about c ' mU 'ti from 1 ' j e b w as c autured in tlii J" wamp ; , , , . , ' ' I. "h bis IruDas bcili Opened, several ; : . wa'rb'S were ili-cov.-n d , a i willi i . : a ijusnlity of borljrs" tuois. This I .i i, t.iditit'y a buii'i- tnau ; fur on I .i,.' r..jie4 lj ibe niBi-.lral! to pi r..-r a", 01 bn ioue rfcangr, he piulc'y ak- "!:'f ' ree.:,.lf.r the aan,.. We h,,p b. , .(.-(: ree.,p',-i...e .ui.eo. ..,.0i0e 1 -Zl"'l!,e,:'i ,y".T t W ..l.iel'il.1 t. IIMI , , .-,iee rilm lue auuve, wo i-aru tnat a ie; tte1, has t een leeeivrd by ojr Sheriff, . '.tii-l U rt.iiiotid, a , .utin that a rSibe rt tia.ii been eomniitt, d tbsre, an I waruin. Hi' .-Ler if to be on tbe lookout fr th Til , N 1 .mit lb. n- are the aanie feiioa i 'C.n.u,'it4 iLe I'jbbery iu UicbinouJ K Riuta 'r.ltl A Liter from N, Yorii selate the f illuming : An inter--ting wc Idih to ik p'nce a few i! r - . e, i , laeeii a Mr Henry Ii Mtinim .,l Mi- ."arih K Seymour. Tbe parties I, L-th inn Harried befire, and each l.tv- a .'.io'v of seVen cb.l Iren t!, j r.f t:.' .- oi.. in 1 1, comprisini; six daughter and i 'i. and tho, j, of the lady s.x ions and a ia.;hter. T'e tr,a lelrd on tbe n, I's-iun ti )ni-tii. n tit lb. ir future f.ilier, and 1 laiafl-len as brtdrsmaid to tbeir fu ture iiiti.. r . Tbr- whole fjurtrt'ti children, '' ' i a.:ke, accirdirig t I b -ir sex, ei.t, r ' . t bureb inn in arm, and ranged theiu - " -i e lb' r side of ihcir parent wb) r'.ili remarkably band-oine. and looked i"'o T!ie bride is wealthy, and was i -uly dre-.ed in a pc.trl colored moire an 1 ' i ' , lt!i co.ily lacca and diamond brox h a tot hue. I. t. li i : ivi 1 ,r ii,r r ' 'be fu'.iowirtf item l fl 'in an Kiijj'nsli j mrnal : '.. w e, tiin-f. aB-o, as tbe play of .Tes- " ere wns ben j performed at Woolwich 1,1 n reached in wbi.-h a t rrilic strut?- fir iiie p i,4e.ion of a child lakes n'acc ' ''. n ll, f il l ni.nher and two hired a lari-e Newfoundland dir. which n i l I J n:m means (tallied silrniitinru milli i'"",i"r '"to the nil. leaped over the heads of th, tii'i-ieimn iu the rchetr, and Hew " Ihe :eseae, isinu. ni n of the assaviiw, at. I s.rnv-t t)rs;-in bur to the prouud. It m w,rh d T;eltv r. inuTcd, and lrad '.: ti," ,ue. The .!.,( which is ihe prop "tv of t), ci.it-f enoh,.r of ber Majo.lv s " P I'ltl.tl ), baa been habitually aceuston- 1 to ti, society of children, for whom he ' "oi nnny rtecasions evinced strong proif a'! ,-t, ,, Av Ks f'ti. sTnr i.rth An efT.rt 1 1 unit the Hnfi-h Ar-.etiean cd- ,.',',V '," """ -"nJ confederacy, cnleiiipia- :iy, ueville I'i ol'j tery, aud rv. . ' ur'"'" ly an indepeiident ifov.n nioeul ';,,,,,ver. i"". ui't. j ',' " '"' t e with llir Imperial (toveriitncnl Lad on the subieet. and I lie rndv . . .. t . ... te. . . "' ii i.'r .1 -.!u,iu a .1 l- -.,'... l ... ... .. he of tne colonies tli, iiii!ie jest; and, in pursuance of ibis "" ' 'I, at n u . i 1 UTS , ,' a. r '"" r ,i - rrv pl, '.il, 0l'"':J r" 1 'j" i " 'h-r'arj i' ,'" t""" ' ',mrU';'1 '"n" a,d, a,,,m!n"ll,Or,0,f ;. ' P"P"'"on nearly three mil- this it t'Oud found atinn for another '"I ire. A r, ni'it.s lii.sivi.ii A l'h;'s4.!s,l.i. of ii,,, o;ia ult ) Ktxm . 1 f.llo I ti if Dlauard is enii.nicnnu.U ! "T''sy 1 in a show ca. ou fieeond sireet !davs aco. into tho presence of the Kintieror ii t f ar frotn ri,,.,,,,! . , i:. ..! .c a, ways keeps tta eoleir l..p 'esp ll.,',,' 1 to.'t a peep into t ju case " 'i a teuiptuiij array of two oven MfJ twenties, all Well naii-u-; deceiva ll,..,....,..,.,,. ...,li. ' !.... 1 . ' .ltl',1 j ai niiht Iv ither a curiou. bus- j 'o ba puisned ao oj tajily. I THRILLING SCENE. Mr. Thomas Kington, say (ho Ciuciu nati Euquirer, who tor several yeaia bus followed the business of putting up light ning rods, which, of course, rrijuires stea dy norveu oud a firm bruin, met with nil aceidi'iit recently, by which, but fur tho uietit singular presence of mind, or ratbi-r supernatural instinct, he would liuve lallon r.i.. . r...... i : i. ..,.1 i .i i i . Iroiu a uixxy bfiiulit. and been dashed to ii ' ii ... , , ,. pieces, lie is compelled to climb ruo Is, r ,. j . ... vtr chimneys, and up spires, and In i , ... 4- ! i from pieces. OVc run, Mini in'ricci. cuuiiicsfi uuu r. e ci-iloll, , , r. .. . , .i . i i buudrcds of leut abova the evcl of the enrth. Ou the occasion to which we refer. Mr. ; K. had nsci'udcd .St. l'aul'a Cntheilral, w ho-e 'fpire W about 3:15 feet bih, near tl... hi ad j of Uroadway, and pone to the very top, number of persons iu the atreet below, ami . .. , it .. a,.,h ....I o.. that aii.faetion which results from hazard '" ,U V P' P'!"'' tje"-r"1 .i hr,t ! passed and labor accomplished, of a ,ud-' I0''1 "f th" AdoilM .it , Sir J. I arliuton ; j den, noim lbin- heavy Mrurk him an.) made , "'tei f.eneral, Lord (.ulcheMer; I real bid brain reel until he eould hardly ,ue. I d"t of the Loard of Con.ro Lord KW Imtcad of luaing hi. at once, a. would '"- 'ie" f",rul . tll.u Lab'"et J'"' I .., to bae been the natural and incvita. f"" t ! bej-n made , . I.I.. r..uit. I.o elm,,. . r.-.e ....,. - niiiiKe I anil a mil aimei iiir tn hi. no . was iu a ilrc v'lui perplex. ly a:nl mot "I rou4 rii:oll. (I,, tlleilt if ,,e IUOV j 1 1. nu;,! .i..,;.,, ,jr . . i,.rri,' ii ' j.,.,,1. . ,,' ,i i ,.i,lor ., . , ! , . i . i ... . r i : ... . i i : . - ,.. , liin. he pill one I .ut very rautiou-lv, tofii i ; i ,i .,, i , , , . ' , of tho 1 nl.i r, and in a f . w ai coi. ls luoru wa- iii-i Iu of ti.e r.te. ,ie an I afe. T In ii it was Mr. K 'a .Teat couia.'d and tr. i,i.-t!i f iriso.'i bim ; Li-, turves and t.n.. fie relaxed ; he grew firk unto death : bis knee Care wav; I. is ib-iou asaiii.ind be sank upon th plsifnrtn men ionic ,n" : a" en-ib!i". e niut h iv" lain lli're ha' a i , . . f . . r' !i't ti'it r,.cTer Irorn the sboeK fur more ,i,. . f.r,,, .i., r, -.,..! T he j.en, l- giinir n, t billl f.-mn the tret i!.erile the scene as painful and exciting in liie .xireiii. VI:.-n they ob served the rrjd ft.'l, a ibii'.l oi" horror ran tbrciiib tb.'tr beartK, and to women awo.ni- rJ ...f Xpected to bi bo. I I. nn ,W m x, 11n,ru, a,.bd , nieee- at f. - t I.-Ain bad "tH.-red ..rl.er.-v Afr;k.afiit pjr.ue.f.l, ,1 Tl e r.i u s I th"ir oca- tln; bbt M fv. if be VMK.. 1 .', ., re to live a thou- never would f ir.-.-l the in- i t. n-e I, ,rr ir o! ttu-ie eei.tury like nioiliefita, when b teemed lo tiani; upon the air in ire tban to buuJrt I fe.-t ahore the earth, and tube muiiierit ari! v ile.eeii.liii- 1 1 a dri.id Iu! death. tt. .'. : .(. IIi.w Nk,. Hots Vav.z i.i Ni;w Y'di'.K A New Vol a. paper of I'l ids V la,-t s i s i 'J'l.tf body of au a-ed ne-io nsiiied Ked.nau in found ye-ierday alternoou in on.- of the sub seli. rs of Ihe larj.'e tt Helm lit houe, in the r.ar of No. 1!" M oil n y Street. It was terribly mutilated, a puiiiuti of the deal having leeuialvii i,T by rats. The d it ai : . ii was lit. rail v starvtd mill. A i. Mr vit,- smf boat, invented by (if Nr York has n eel, ill II- I cil nil'! at the Navy Yard ii, preaci.ee of the t' iiiui.itt. . nu tbe Nav, at.d in .' mi ni, rce of b tttt 1 1 on-. if (itore, ihe Licht I lou -e Ituar d , iiuim ruus (.f!;e,i of tbo N a vv , S, 11, tors and oil., rs. Tbe trial was pel f,rl!y sui-ces-f d, and tury one preselt tt pressed himself entirely sati-1-d with the superioriiy nf the boat over cverv other in eti-teneo. The r Hirers of the Navy will ; aoon make an official report mi the aul ject. land there sue ins little doubt that tbe adop tion of Ibis boat (.' tierally will be au'bor ii' ,1 and ordered l y the (i.iteri.ineLt. Imv ihtavt At". i k Wl.ut wars and b!ou.I-he 1 ln'iilil bo .avoided ; l.sw maiiv duels mii-lil b-i pieveiitrfd ; hi much strife, contention and but. r ft-t-iitiir ntiiuiiii-t men niicbl be suppressed ;' how mmh peace and hat iiiony n.i jl.t . xi-t on this side the grave, w itbn ii r. I, r. to tbe (I'lrliceS wlr.cb lie bi'voiil it, I if nn in tlnir intercourse with cash i would eonsiautiv bear in mind tbe advice of a : (list,. " .v., uislied iV. tii writer, who any : or speak or write when you are anorv a pa.siioit ; tot 1 rs oie.t.t ii'-f i(iw.v fo sr 1 timn'j a farm, '' ... j., A ItNKIlAltl.L MlMoTfcti 1 be, N. ('. Presbyterian bss eimineneed the publica- I lion of nn Autobieierarjhjr by Kev. Itohert i Tate. Mr. Tale was licui.sid by Orauau J 1'ic.byiiry in Apul l;u, marly sixty i l t years a'o, and is the oldiat minister I in the N. r. svnod llo is attached v.) the idea iu New i i'I.hen Pr.Aru. e ree'rit to hear ef the. sudden death by apoplexy, of Pr. K.1-, n.und Mcyut-fii, of LuuiberKui, . (.'. W't, lesiu that on Tuesday morning last, he slept iei u toai ..it i', utrir n from the brcaklsst table lo hi. piaxxa, when 1.0 fell and ..most ,n-ttlly txpired. He was a oentielnau of pener.l .nteic,.,,cc, and f binU reputation as a , hy.ie,a.-l.,i. vrr 3 I'ttKhlATs nv l.r.w is NAPut roN. The I eoiiinitnv ol lancers which formed the mount- i I escort surrounding the carnaeu on the nicht of the atteuipt to assassinate Lewis Nar.cbon. was called to the palace a few I'l l l'.sr... in r,...,i.. rewards f,,r their ii r sale nailant conduct on that niht, and for the , inm any per.vs who may wiaii. to obtain eerii 1 , tr . .i... h.. In,.,,a ainn- tviih ; Ic-'Ue " Teacher of f oitimnn Mehool. in this c and i suffering they have underoone s.nee wi'"i0iiUll reM ,,,, t tho hour, of 1 1 ami a their wounds, lo cacb ol the omoers his , lm1 B,L,M.tl M.jiitfy presented a gold watch, with a J V n,. ll.a ei.ae and l .uaeil of tli ineii, twenty It ti lo i.uml.er, a similarly dtteoratod r.r Watch, I.ATKR from KLfJorE. ARRIVAL OK STEAMER CANADA. Hai.iiax, March 10. The steamship Canada La nrrived .t thin port, bringing advices from Liverpool: to the -7th ultimo. The allies of cotton for the week n moun ted to CI, 0(H) bales, nt an advance of Jd i some circulars quoto fraction higher. ,. j -, . , ... ... , lair uplands ti, middling 74 stock ot i , , .. ,. , ,,,,,. band yii 0(H), ol which 10i),0t)U are Aiii'-r . mi. i , i , , lean. Manchester ounces favorable, llread , ,v . i, i : stub's quiet, Provision bave i , , ' st , , declining tendem-y. Money ubunduiit and Ui.cbat!- cd. Consuls Jitij To 07. i FUMTI1EK UV TMIt CA.Ni ' l'-i:;lih Cabinet baa lit nd now Mauds aa follows 1 1 I' f LHIIIIr.ll 111 THE ( ANAHA. i.een changed, rentier. Lord , OI ,st 01 -oiomai ue,,a.i i locur. lora cianiey , oecreiary oi .-(ai ui '"-"Von rir-i i nmniiitinner oi iDe i uu.ic orit, ' - T. K lie; Lord LnuWtaut of Irela .'.! Etfiiiiji-ton ; J.uid Ciiai.cti.ur oi iie- i land, Jutice Lia.tK jrn. j i'ailiauient had acjotimcd till the 1-t in-. . I Tlie tiial of the conspirators f.;r tho death of the Emperor, at 1'aris, resulted in the convieliuii and chtciice to death of t'r- Hiiii. Rudio and I'ierri. (luimx was i.eri- tenced to ppual servitude for life. An iiu mene number f arrei-ts bad taken place- Tbe Iar.ih Ministry bad reaigue-.l. Canton bad been captured, and Yell ",' and a Tartar Genera! were prisoners. The allies would continue the " protectorate " oi 4..aii(on until satiM jet.uij is L'lten. Tbe allies lot men in tbe attack Col.n Campbell , prer.rin3 t 'er liide I'jr a iin.l ttru; As m t'l UKt lltcir TED The Clave land (Ohio) Herald, of tbe - tth, sty, Mr. Huik-itou, a citix.'ii of tliat place, wealthy and Lenrin a rvpectable cbaratler, bai been arrested for desijuir. : ti jet his prop erly on fire. Ti..: biji'. ii' o'Tned by Mr II are Iu '-be e. litre of a l trK'j block of wooden uruct uici, and bad be carried out 1m deain, the c )tif,i:rario;. would liava laid an important part of the village in ashes. On an cxmiit- r nation of the pri'ini-o s undi r tbe direction ' of tbe informer, it was found that Mr II. . bad made his building into a couibuatible material from eel n-twork of r r to eanet. . lie had bored holes in the wails, iusertin 1 una!', bails ol waxed tiuis evcloped in li.iauo p:iper, and he had connected ttif-e Iroin ti ly t storv,i as ti tiioruiiL'bly fire tie j j.ts in i be partition, and introduce the flames under Ho- pia-tti -iif, aud hj an iiii(."uso.e contrivances bad be laid Lis diabolical plans . as to f. nil bo who a buibiin- i:.to an in slant bsare K.iivjif this btt'lf.i. too, mas bis own family s iit . of a brjll- r aul Savkv-., (rVK "ifrtr-i u pi.'l .? rred, and the Dutchman tuld Mr 11. how 1 oiif and how faithfully Le bad watched bim, Mr ll.i.k-tun made a clean bre.i-l of the matter, and cotifeased that it Was his design I) fire bis builil.n aud tin secure tbe iu auranec ilium y. A Lauoe Cave I-.xpL'iaEn. A friend iu I li.io county w rues u au account of the par tial exploration of a remarkable cave iu that county. Keports made by ome boys, vbo bad ventured into tbe , vt, li; )'ti, as Spring Cave nenr I'oiut l'leasant, on GrieL river, , ron pted tbe writer, and several other geli t i in. n, to make au exploration of it. An entrance to tbe esve was effected tbroti.h a i snow ii-ri,T, about liiiity feel luti', w i.i, ii np.-n.'.i into an rjn shaped ro in, same thirty l"l I't,.'. an i tifU'.u bili The x jlvriii,' party v i-ited, through vtiiuui pas sa.'ts, five other r otns, iu one of whi"h was a .--.ns.l set ' '1 as it made by m iu, and on it w. re tbnc bo iks and aevcntl letters, uoue of wbieb the c'litleniaii could make out , 'I hev ai-. luuiid iu il.ii room silvery-look-in.' metal, that bad 1 e. n run into lumps i Iu anutl r room they found human bone.. It is tbe intention of the retitlcman enaed in ll is exploration t i make a more thoruh ' exsininail iu ol ttiis csve t ir corre-pou-dent thinks it will prove to be as exteuire a cave n the Mainiuulli. Luunri!':- Ky., Jjitritnl. i Alir.t.lTti.S ON TIIK Pk. LINK. Frc.l Iloii4.'!ass complains bitterly that the friend a of tbe abolition of slav.-rv ale fallin,' awav from the came some for anutbe fir one reasuu and p liciod many because -l and "its principles rtunrcd ibeni to tieat the ) man as au ciual brother in all the relations of life '' There's the rub; the ab olitionists never were tint true fnetnli of the colored race, and after preachinir equality and freedom so long to them, they : shrink 'Willi loathing from I lis practical illustration : of their own doctrines, and would iilmo-t us ....... . . soon c 'me tit contact witn ."at tti litiiisel! as Xew Spring (ioods t i rion nut lisroitriMi.j V S ' fl are reeeivnie a te' V Isree and brtuilCu! 1 1 ..,.S of " I ' ' " s ol a I. ,s i; 31 31 it I SI' III A I in .mi If 9 IJ , .. rT II . . l..u- i.r,e and 1 ould 4.,lvi.c all tiiu.e wnluii: lo buv tiood., lo ill and is inline our slock, b, fore l,llvina t.lae. heio r..,rl,, -nl. rlv ,( Hie w air huvlnd lor ( Ball, in.oii'i. .'tu i' t. r ! 5UW.s,0.a w I .Varr fi. IS!.. 14 " I UI .3K) V A la. 'I'1',' uiulcrsif ncd have rs. ' moved im it l aw (Jtli-e lo tho ,.ne formerly i.i'4-Bpied bv Jaii.ea . (I.hoi.ie. h.q , one door a I Ih.vu tlx Bans of (he Sl.,le. HUTCHISON .V HKOWN. Ware IH. . I To Teachers! burp, will aitciid ;U the iiiPtiri ncc Unice, cm a .. c ,...i . f. john r noss. :oss. ) II'OII I SON, V Com. fSTON, S K. NY F. IIU I M. P. JOHNSTON. firi(t, y-treA ll, la THE GREAT ENGLISH REI2EEY. SIR JAM Ed CLAIlKJaii, j h fit ;i l IVuiiilc I'i'lU. T-rcvnritl it dm a vrtirivliou ot i,'r J. (Jluhe. M. D., I'liiskina Hxifuor.'i. ' iiary tn the Quetn, I Tliia invulunble intdiciiio in tnfal?;-' -n Iho' r .11 .!... .uinA.1 .-.I Hi. ."'(. i.i. .. to wliieli the fcliulu t-'ii.t. tutinii ii luinnl. It .ileru tea nil nun ami funovea all oU:n:tlu:.B ieeiiy euro may Ue rtlini ni. ill l It II 1 1 1 I. A III i n !1 ' " " on ntl,iy r"""' 1.4 4 tl iHille, priee line IJoiur, lr.im l.t nun ut Sliiiiii of (iii.a Dr.Uiu, to urtti ni terfeits. Thrne t'iUt nlnmld tint If lultn ly fritm'tr i.'" ihr i-iu.sr Tiiiit:i: Mosnisuf I'ttwm,. they art uie Iu tiling on .WiaP'rrh'e, ht- at attei timt titty uie tvfr. In nil eiiRea ot' Jcrvou and Spiniitl Affe Pain in I ha Dack and I.iniliv. F-tifue in .. exertion, I'.ilpilalin of the lie., it, ii r:i. e t.ht Wliiica, Iheac Pills mil ( tl'-i t a eure wl ea . .. i i ir intai.i l ive tailed, 1.11,1 altl'oni;li a tr: .einecy, do not contain iron, eiilomel ii ..i.-.r' t.r any tiling hailiul o the rnni.iitu!icf?. Sole A(;eiit for the I'nileti N'.il.n aJld if iio.a. Jolt aiOSLS, (LjIo I. f.'lialdwi-i A r. II..CW..H,,'.. V. N B.-!.0 sil 1 (toalnge anmp (,..: .. .; any ulllhoril. d AL'inl, will lluUie h.'W e i I ll Pit s I v return mail. For .'ale hy v. (wr.it. I . 4 ,iv. II. i-. 4.. '(4f. - ;:av;hm- ?'J even mis & ".). I' Wml.V A 'W l. f ku'l'ttnn, .V. (' . I I .M.irr.e,, lllMLU'llinL. l-'iiljarroa cimiitv, nn llo ' in'l. KotnriKk. Mr. J'J'IN .a k' 'i'ii I A I.., yumi-cni ' hy me Ifr IM aoti ol .Mr. J. hn Foul . la a roontv. on ihe -1 1 1 , Kev S. I!.,Uir,k. .Mr. 1:1 Fl s (. 1 T mid M;.h l.r,All l. ,i..UfM,-,ol .Mr. S A'o at the re.h'enee of .t .hn W. !. on II e io.l , hv II e (! v. S. II (I W Al rX SULH MLI.Oe K and At,.. N ( V.N. le, l:.e , ' -..n. Al".. ..('I A. In tl.. '.VIM it -, ..n felrr-:,y run in I1:. i;?ni ii-nr ol i, tiie H-pl.-l ( I n.- In I! w.-i , SA.MI FI. AI. ... v. oi, I' I Mi J IlfiAWI FV, a-,.l Coinmoii School .Voir -( ! fJSlll; e.lll.', .ol AI ct,,'!,,,,,,. '; . J2 toil on the 1st ..tiir.-.y : A:" 'i.r r.ti loev win he r.nu 1..1 t.. i...,l a, I'-. .-ti..i I'.. hue S ,. H..UH . in ;i.e , .' r,l , , I., toet iVree ,;,!..: Per'. I.a t ..,'t i.Htte .Men tor the ens. v.r . t'a-, o, , li.e i.un.b, , of ehili rtn ,.i.-r . mi.i w.otv olie v.ars o.' er, ai;-l r- n - the j. r. no.1- tf.rrli IC, l6. rmvir. a., i.uul Al.-i 1. tic 4,1" tut r?io, .ire.Me Ml I I l.,., ii. 111 in the . hV'r of , ,. 1 Ui I'tiwi, A. .'il. l. e , Jn k. sm: urirui;'. Jlsr, I 6. " 5 je. .-TATF. ( )F NOIM H-CAKuIJN.V, SfL' KI.Er.' IKJ i in M i, .iiprrittr Vuiut ot L.iv, Fall '1 e mt I -uT AI irll.a II. Pom. v I r ' ' Putlllon f.r l vr.ree. F..I. li.rn.y. S'V apM-..r njf t., li.e s faction of the i urt til.t I,' I,. jr...-V. toe ,let,l:.,' l . I:... . .... till. Slate, ( I.' t pilt'lie . h iohl.a U a of I ll..rh.Ue, I O, tr ill' .y t,' ',!. Ii, rks, in the X .r til ( ll Ol llll thai he upp. -tra at lii.. i.t tola (.'..nil, to he hi I.i lor tin- r..lllil , lenliurj, .1 the ( null II 0, ( 11. rl I lit'. AI .i.e.. y alter t,.e liii Alon.i.y i. 1.. 4t, and ni-v, .- said pi'litn.n; ihe' sal heard 11 parl a- 4, J P. K. II1I1 Ali rr, I .--1. M. "-( i.m v a i, r li.e 4: i M 'J y e. .' of our I... pi J. R KKIlK.c.ii. I'lll.Ur'. he lj. A,. A. 1 If,, I .:.!.. TATKor NOli'TII-CA HOI. V, I'.MON ( 4(1 M V. ay Ltivrry. 1. I.. Micstl, aoin'r. of 1 1'i.os. .tnija.., i.ic'u. I Original I i'l ., t:,c ea. V nature 1 1 an a t. J Snieh.ir. Ka'r. nf J I.I olh AI I.. STK.Af.l., the Mil,; fir.. I his Pill ti tle i,lc iillicvil I" , lhat tlie c, le ea, Ins wile. a lit. J. sac lie. it'll (All h. the 1 1 nerefore the aanl in ..V notified hv puhl h. II. the Xortt, ( wivr. mi.'., u in the low n ol ( Ii ,i s and appear hcturc hia H oi Olirl ol l;.UltV, lo U4' lte.il f. i. :! toe ( uiir'l House in AI t,,l.,y alter tlie 4 111 Alo.olllv ( j 1. If.'S. t" th. lo the ll il of ( I 11,1 III (.1.1 ( curl pen .!,. ml u'r. oi I'l,.... I iliH-ii Sinemr, t nee Jease Ilea, hum ai 'liaanta, t.ttMir it iae Jlld toy , vt I r.ll, .1. ls.ir.u,s In "ne.ii pro e, tl.a ai.o.e In in. a no I., th V,t lie. ',.,'ev. i '.-a 'h,l Vt ollo-e, ,., V.ei.-f, tins A. Ih 1., in.. Ill Ihe M. 'i.' An.KY.c. m e ('. M 1' ST ATI', OI'Nt )K"l'H-i.'.M' 'I.IN.V, I'MJ.V 1'1'I'M V 7.v ;. t-T. Ue.aurvV fcl.ol J I. It A sHAHLFiS IH! V ine I'.tim. J e a.e, havina fUu hia H toe ollice .if Ihe ( lerk and AI tin. i uuoty u,., n.ial.l- ,S.,tli.,ii H l.a',,l Kill MlJcii vitin); Ki'r oi J. I.ulle, ami I. foti-n the .aid t'lriL and M .,,1 Nathan II Jenkiua reaidi bev-nd Ihe mints of l It lav tatll, lherelor notice la herel f ijittn lo hr J tlit, .aid .Natli.n U. Jrnkllia. by piilihcal'on lor su tr, I out ka iii in .North fsrolma W mt . a m sp..n r tr, j printtd in C'!i.4-i"(tc. tliat bi' fsrraolially be and ap- 1 1 uear bt'tore In Ii ,ni4-abia tn Ju,,e o : nl Kooity.at In neat loot lo bo I'l 01 for too i feu'ily ol L'n.on atiotsiiri, al the f enrl llousr le .Miiirne. mi th filth AT, 11, I'T afur il.s 4ili Aln it.iX of February A. P. IMiil. then ana them to sleit.l. anavver tvr dcntiir to tn shej a of aaid llilt of Complaint, olhtrwiae ju.igmn t pro cun Neo will he tikvn aejaiust him and rie aino bt: heard X pari as 10 llni:. WitiiM. C. M. T. Mcfatolry Clerk, and Mattir of our said Court, at onV 10 Monro, thi. th S7ih day f February . P. leA-l, and tn Ih -Jd year of our In lep. noenee. C. M. T. MrCAT'LFY, r. a, v.. ,V irek. 2, I .'. Print, r a lt s7 Ill'l'il r-.V I I II '.., II. I'l pel I, I. ('HO . . .. l(lr,,nl lt.,1 ,h U,'" """.v '"' '" than Jenkins, I u .en , j l.e..u,o',.olF',.'h'tl. " "'"' "' ! kins, and Aaron Lit t-' . tool. - j J 1 ,:aal" .1 the above ; ill i '. I 'itpl unt m ut, r in Fiiii.ty fi.r 1 I . .. .. , . t ns an. i A,, .,, I.ittl,. .ur' ' -..a;,....' 1-S t.i.l'hat.heii.t.li.l. . Tit in rtK',:ri A it hi 11 Him Mm 1 In ol I hi., t.iv. 11 vft 'It:,, li.lte. on I lid tirht any nl reliitary, Jk.t?, tit wlio hud been rin ipal.'y eiiiil vi nid Town, for ll, y i-rufranion or vucalioii 111 ree ihMiilliH or inure in'.mcdiiitity pr''"F ll:t ard flml day of KuLro.rv,--iiiiil nil WIlMl or were , d of TainWa Properly witl'in K.'urt town on the firt mi ef F.'hrni.rv, nrf hi-reliv notified to wive in to lite '1 own til rk. he lore lio I , ! d.i v ol Vlnreii. S.-,R. A I.ISIOF 1II':IH A IU I'Dl.l.S AM) TAX., .$Tf "Notice. IX PKKfiOX.S ubj,d In pay a Po tliu St 14- iii Xoriii Carolina, it-li Alil.i: I'KOl'l.lil . The ruel Imi l,i,l iuiu 1 Hy. Hai.to fes-'l hia Of-it liennoy n.m he hart the niiitihiTK nun I. nil aitu.itinu of tin. f.oi or!"' ""' nt here. N-e ailverliaeintlit In another ( porta of int pivi n in, W illi the valine of whieli they iiie aaeMtii for l.'ix.lioii hv the St..te, Die ' ll'luiher of while h'X.ihle i.!. of t:, jt l.j,- Slm.a, Bllh of Free Kerroi-H, t.-i-lllllll' on III. firrt of Fill. - rainy, cn toe l.uiiia of p. tiuiii ln.K in i- iiii li.t. .. Jl. KKKK, T"u-n Clerk. .Wici 3. i-:,. it i.f. p in.leh, ..le. f I,r. ?. II. U 1.111,1. 4'4 'U.. I iv lip hy ll.-. ! pu: III lilt: h re4U4'trd to euine i.f Airil, or tl.nr of du ollieer lor fo JAS. T. IIENTEItSO, f'iV. S-uf if-, i- Walker Kxncdilioii! fg III: (il.n oi. ,.rsi.,:, ( r-, k and v..:nnly .EL ri'Min full cone ol Hie heal lied I'll. I h.VI.; , il.d Uo.,1 Sli.k.'l. a ... in w prep ini t-ru V u'.iitu; ll. HOOTS and SHOES f the ti ry 1 i l (in mlr, . n I -'nn lo Ki.t tlie I 'J E M.5. Jl. MARK; J-. ' !.'. 3nii.i Win. A, Owens, a r roii xj: y a t i. a ir it la.d i i i:, . T., t.ec iii tlie I I'llrts ol Mi-r j'l'f in-, lro? rr'J A'l i: OF .NolfTJI-CAEol.l.NA, UM I'LN fdU.vTV. Sijfiinr Cum I ol J.aict l'ult J'trtn, J ".Ti U in. P. tt v ii ii in. ar'n.'r. of I J. u . if ; .. .l-i haul. ii,.i V a. h.-.r. ,.h, rt Wi lh A! lee -till Aloi.un v 111 i;;ii!i:i:T wii.li.m.-on, , .(. lzi-rA V, l-..e. Primer's le, S. t5 TA'I FOF Mi; l ll-CAi;i.LINA, MLi Kl.KMlLIKi 1 (if.VTV. ( 'tin 1 1 o 1!. II. ' .! II Cn (x lit. rt.rr r'im, 1-0 I'jrlS, Ju .: i:..ihni' i f i:. . f.t, In IT fe Mai f 1 uiiUl's tun,,, Air.,i MI.IH 11! dan u:: for a um: t.. r,u,'t. ,i Sour, I.- .i.'s ( . no r. vv lure or..tr. are just lo hand, Iroiu 4:tf 10.000 rniicii ai;ls, Inn;', ( ererc. : PI Iii: I.INSFFI) (III,, ""i'Kirai Aims. 500 Dissolution. 1 'III' f.l hi: KM A hv mutual Fi l l K w II llKF.M. C. Si KKLK. 4 III "ev Firm. AVIXt. I'Urciiasid A. C Sleeii's lutei. STOCK OF GOODS T. II. M.KM. i in il Tw! A i, ti. i mi n r Ol II. M 1'KI I'l'MAHP'? I'tmi i ';. -V, $Q0 REWABDi i S A.NAWAV iron, .y r.' s V j. ll.e 4"tll,ty ot I ne.il. Oltriii Ine ....... .oof l,c...isr 1...1. niv ii.jro man iA . a r set ava w i j '.,,.' lie . r., is lijtit c,iinpl4Ct4d, of merii 1111 aiie, aooul 4o V ara ol awe. eut a pro I uppel ,n,a. P tT hn ,eriy ll. uuntv a id to I'l alt ol hit .if, lis- Ilontal Ire Uutj ale Atel nliiim Pn 111 Ins olvl lltltfilOorinard or alaaii 1, wh. ro tit haa rdatrooa. I vtui 1 .ntvfivc U-'iaia lor Ina app-t ocnaion anu nv lo tot at my rtaioeiic in aa'U couuiy, ur Fifteen R.l.ars for his conn..rmcnt in any j-.11 i the Hate, au that I cn net nuts, an.i I .liy men for evi.:iice autSeiont to convict any person of liarborin him ROBERT S. HVNTLY. ftii. 23. I8..I5 t3 ... , H "" Shtriif ami Quit Ci'lvi Pff-h KOU SALK HF.KK. i if-, if'.'yii.s Ih- 's. o! -"f. in' n.t h, te no p. pear at '. -.' mil t. rn, I.I t.i.r Sal.. I'.. II, I, to 1 J.ei,; I. r the e.-U'.ly ol .'!, , hlfliloll (, at the fourt-liouse ari- in I !,. i. '.: ,..ii I..4. 4tu .i MV :n Aoril. i.m, V.fV"! lo. n i. ti t f ... (.- :.ir .. ai.s.er o.i. mur. or ma,. n.enl pro e,.,,'".... ..I he talon i.'ii.l.sl i im. ,,.,.,,, ,.iM H ue. W. h ken,, '.era of . ur said curt. ., ' t ..H'.ee. lot 4m, Mo...:., ... Jai.ua v. l.-i", auu in 1l' '"'''' '" the .-1.1 v..,. of.Au.t nr... lint- r. o,.,.!,.:. . I"'1'' "' IV IV. lil.il, 4. . 4 . '. . , ,, Print.- . - f". iW.. I... I--..7. ir, I'" (.ft 'H Tr. V lor . ., ..,11 y.... A. ..HOC nv fl' l;.,..li.l. tat ic'ciiee in 111 allCU ard. ba a sea ,., a kllll. h. lie I. r., Uir at ll I AP RIVAL FIXTRAORDINAKY. j Proftumr ( H. ic .aTil introiiuccr of iht (jenuine le liraUi Klectric lil, ia now iittuwn.i Ii 1 1 11 ir nmvid (nun ILirrmhnrv. Pu yualiniity Ii t Irr iiijoti. I In iifiilerHor l nto'pi!;ir :il Inn 1 1 line lloimri-il okUIiIiiWiAi' IiI, tlie I-oiiiii.iiii lintel 'J lie I ount-uii i tiir l.iiiiae w lierr (.eiieril IiNyelle tiivea uitrtne "lit v mit to liiiltunert. una njoi '" "'6 rBH.r'.ic .linti 1 wall nil great men Ur it W6 onrr.-t.r.J the I1 lecliire tl I niorn'liir at S n'elnrk, ut the mi! Al-irki t, wlien nnd where lie will fuMv ennin hia l.euri r ol lie lien, licial T. el ol hi !ar I'ulnrd I.t-elnctlil in.nminrirerSau!T.riiif.'i.ol ho SAM'L. P. SMITH, a TTonyict St rov.si:.l.oH a r i.a :'. ItAV alwa. found it liie oirii.e of Will tan I'iven lo Colleethins, .f X.I. in 'J r Promot nt. ii I nir t Ihe.lK, Cdiiv -a. ', lrSS. Fresh Bread ! ni(7:sf HKF.AD for f.miilica, rverv morning lit ft t. Pmii.t i' I'tii.l. etn.Krv,' out door Imvo li.e fl-iik of I hsfioiri'. Jnn ill, JVlf William J. Kerr, 1 Attorney at LaW h Solicitor in Equity, II A lil.O I Tl., sj. -'If.f. pfnet" in C.e Court. f .'Je.-kliTi. hiir- and the o.ijo.niliL' r...!i,tiea. J.( Sp, c, ,l alt. in. on will be pain to the collet. the K'. lat.lv cd hv l;'.i vC Kemoval. CBMIF. 4 ma A Pyrr.. llu Golden Cook. Goklen Star Planter's and Premium took srovr.s, fvvieisOs: Nrovi. 'Sin anil Ii ol , A.: f vhul, I ,!! (,., (I.4.. trv I'roiiui.e. . a rp. A 4-, or I A.-ll ,rt, II. II. IIYKIILY. toll J,n I, IC.-;7 I)H. POLUXTv J y t I, liS his PK.il PIMFI ssios.U. M.i:vi- F I j I lhe. Ihe IVorl ll Jiu. ti, la. A OA ill). TO THE LAIDE3 ! Fl. ..nl St..eU ,., fas.-. m V, n I. -. U i V fll.K. i.UM .iv , .., vsr.. ,1.1.1." alk, PS. ( Al l. (K i.f -t 9Ht?r em" iii prof treiii .7 1. 1 ..tie.' lo .ell ..t toil. I tt ,il ...Ii :r. .; vvh.n ,.J:i:.l!l., L. s WILLIAM?. I. 1-.77. virci.'t '-nrra cnfNTV AGAIN.ST TliK STATU. Id. I F .-l'( I.M:. I: .-.'..till, and tr..in Ih, si i,,t it v ol I'r. II. AI. I'rJ, n ru. woo l, .s i,t rt ut, i Re. I. !:'..7. Pm's (.ri I'rfwli i iiiiKi's Hiilcr, X p'nl hollies just received 'roni Sir 1 Spline's. In II. m. rniTniAiip, lrtv.n'. ( r. siiiiit: II. Alack. i.N I I I'S. just j ir. s..iu luvv ell hv II. M. I'lUTCII AKP, I'll isii'iaiis. 'I : A I, I in- ! vatilae'f of the prt H.rjre of , stui-K el M.iticiiies, t uerti sts, Ac , to which I mod AVIXli taken a tlie t ines. I am r lllt-ns. ..1,1, .liiC! I nslriiiii, ills, ( ' 1 luf iy niv ile vo oioi'is hv in'., 1 i.s and neapalct' 11. M. I'KITClIAliP, lrwni'a Corn, '1,'iiiik i s, ' I I'.iiii (Til. (i!t Tannera and Planters use martasin i V oi .-.ti v.i..' I .e-tl.tr a i.e flun,.... For M. H. l'KITCH AlvP, .. c. 1 Jrvvii,'. v ...Mil liOO 4.:illniiw (iAMi'iii:K am' nrnMNt; fhip. r. run t: tr. m tin em ntltaC . nrera. Also.L..-l nd vA icks lor hurnii.e '.hem. foil kt e, i t. cht I ui.il rco.-t Or.,!. ant in. .11 .u p older !."tit. 11. M. !'H!1XII AHP. Per. ! Irwin's ( orner Lumber Ynnl. fr suOscher. ml, .-n, M. fil. r. 1. ami vic.iitv . to. I tl-. I...1 I I Alllhll AliP rn I, irn, w 11 ami oLi.er p n '.--- Mr. , j-, nt in town A ,pi:el th, lo III H to eillier ..f the unilersij; nt 0. MILL i:il Jl Poll I I".!l. Oct. 13, l-o7. tit rale tTlanwsh. X affrt-e..b,9 1 , .1,1 lo tnt la. lit and l..lal'e H. !. rMTCHAKD. Stiftomticr, K I'OS'l'F.XTRA'I VT I KV. st. o b e. Tu otal and eiicapial H. M. FRITCRAKP, TCHAU5, i 30,000 1 JTST r. dro, by received and tor are ai l,JO per nua H. M. FRITCH ARP, j j .1 ii an. Advo.'4Tk oper.i. wtin Iiu i Fril f?ar ?'" leSth ; ?' "-lftl-:tw It is '"'iiiii' tided to tlie I people ol NiirlliC.,ro"iii.i.iin'l " ot liie whole e.untrv...s riiK ortOAN ok i lit. Nor.iii kb ni nr.' , c.KoMvt .e.ni's. e. thmmu. ! ;m ot t.'.s ir..' .min ..,l.iiu ;ai;,r.. in l,e NenM. ' 'I'' ro.s. $ I .'.II a vv ir. BTW K Tl V l. Ai.v.i.-.ci:. .Vo ! !. p rlnre Iron, tin- ml.-. .4,1,1. 1 1,.- K.nior. liar. IJ. 'P. Iln.i. I;.,. h .-li, .. r. Jin !". -.j-. ?ll,l.". 1:,::: llllll r, i.u n,.; I i Tj Ji i ell arkf i ritmiri-TEP BY R. M. OAfKS k CO. - 'JMAf!LtI"l't, MAKt il IB, lB.ii?. ' i nA('-l.s. llama, new -...lo VI ( 13 'Sie lb I:t ((. ii liuir rouiui lb..:.; II r,t, r.iouidur Ii... (Ml Oi) (Hi Mnrrine-. tJniiny ye IT (Ti (Ml ' Itrct". lb a 'i i lillller, II lij (' I t ' Ihe-wax Ih -.'II f.il 2i j llians iiuahel (Ill (u, IMI r 'r is, .Tpille Trill l1' f,t; ( ' ' Peach ;al..r 00 (o ("I , Cr'ftr.n, new 'h Hj (.,, 1 Coiiee, Kio " ...II. I Va ( 14 I " Java ;....'lb...'. ...! Or, KU Ciitidles, AuuniHiitine lb 'J8 f-r, XI I " Ss-rn II la O- flu ' " 'Fallow II. V.i ( 0(1 (urn, old ..bushel All (. S3 i " pew bus!,:! Wl ( ("I I'llieUetis each lit) (- )j Cloil, . Cooper ,s yar.' Vi Ct. I't : " I.inoaev vr,l -! f' 3U ' f.ge ('n,7 h Ct. Hi j Flour V hhl U ft 4I.J J " i-ts vj (' .:i Featlurs, :...ih ...:u f; So i l.ard Ill l-'J U' 1 Aliitloh,. ..' . ! " . 0 1 Mackerel hi.!. .Vol I fl ((, hJ j Kit's :" fi r. .?.:?asses,y.O .... imi 4.'. (.," 51' I " r. I ifai 33 Ut. m j re:.l bl.ehel .'.II 0t. !,.t f,!eiiWiiini.,rloiO ...LSI ffl f I.J I Nulla. Norllierii Ih 5 fe, ht I Sonlliern,.... lb o (''. Mints' hll.het .Ill ('. 37 PorW Ih 1 ( ; t.,.,,, l,,l,ei 7,1 ( i h" ' l'.,t. I,,.-!,.'.. .'.'iiuahel ( l ' Mtu't,... ouahe! it I'j I'd , IK,,-.. , hll-liel 'l ' '" SiW. ,- I f. lb... !4 in ; Ilrown h b i", IUJ St V..,r. ".I K ' ! Sill ...aaci l.il' ')'- Tea : 3 ( l W'h. .It, While ' I.U'lo l 'l ... ! t ' red, tui- 'i, I H (' C Whlal.ev, Northeri c'si I.) (, "' " ' .N . ( .i l ,i!.ll . , .. I'l f" 4', Wool, lic4i-i.t; w... litre i-i. iiii.,.!.4 I'l S3 V.irn iiai .'. I I'l f t un ! i ci.i Aim a aiai:ki:t. loUMflt, Alir-ii 1-isi. ! ( , ) TliN.-Tlie cotton 111..1 set was ijuiet hut st. . my .'sl.ril.i y, w.li.outanv no. ten. I or (jonta. I.le ,.'li..,: ,i. prices. Iron those of the pi.vioila Ik-mi -. 11 , ( in, !,. r ., II ( l-i rtUS 70 ' , on Pl.. if.', i- l IAT I i" r l.iil'U, ... ... ti9 'j I llllll I.St. i V M!K F.T. ! SIIIMM V.-. h. J, l- HV l 'l i". f ore .,s :, u '"; ''- Ion lo .1 a!.;,t v. s'., r,l .. v a prn:. .. ,!' ti. c.p' Ihe hover i.r ,o. m 1 1 , n an repoit.-.. a snane ,.4r, 1.7. . lU ... i-'; e. I,!.. AI,.ii.K. AI n.ii U. ( H l"l'l.'. S.h'i. of eolloi, . ,.,!., '. I.tl'lll I....S, 1,1 i f. I ee..! .:. en... t..it..ff 1 1' ' lla'ela. Jlc. lor toe etk ill'. ..no. .on r. i,,;.-.17.u..U hues, afloat 7,'M,U lla!...l tl. ...In.' till., i-'l Drug JStorc Hcinoved.- riMli: r,i..r i,;.... t... . ' ii.e I ,.,,1,..,; a.ne.ai ,. Ih.t ,. h.s remove.! h.a in.-1 1. .-ioi.i: !,. ,.. i. r.i i; m.. t.. i.-wh.- ii. m. ! Ai:i. .v i .uii'. i i if liOUli.AY.l.Vl l.n'iTI'ilV. The next r.ii..r ...w.iit' ft!', P. yal Il,.ta I.. !... ..i..:..el4.i by ti . ...... i.i. ...-.. r-. ... i.i '.'., wiii I....4 idaet i.i I'l, '..., o.i rA'iriMAY, .M.!;ril 2: i: S800,COO. 'inn.'.) m ah.?'. 5 .ii::n.Ai;i'(, FAriTAi. im:ii; tsiioo.noo'.' ,,f..,-a! ftO.OfO J 4 !!.;' attl.OOO I ' .O.OtlM I I.OOO I " is.' IMIO I ,'tM i I .; I it loo I .'l.llt.O ( Apr',..'s S.ll(l 4" A',.r,.im:alin.',s lo to, 1 illl.l.l.ll $ Coil e.i cil .- 4 ,.f a iiiii t.. ".ui; a" of i .0 t. J3t.,i,f:; ; 4 of imi ti. ltl,l ll(l) 4 oi H() la ."i.h.iU. W hoi, Tichi-tsoi. l..v, . Jli; yart. -s .'. r Pri7, s easli-ti at s,,ht at 5 p, r eeut Uiseounl. A era Willi' rll he tors ariTU as a n n as the rc. a,!,! ,. Io Rill IR!. le-toll. S. C.) un- order, hi' 'f rit 1 ptair jfid (;tvt lit; lirtiinl ji fid f,nztnn'-, Ht'Cfr'n fivi Syrif, qal!l, Iimj4C and .'ai alt.U UU'' IIILOIU1U14. iur I. M. I'RITCHAlvP, I'll re I'rtnTh Hiamiy, I Of.l.AA'P t.- n. HbisUe?, Soerrv and Tort 13 S Win... t eon A e aim PeiUrifor ll,ee,. ,!u ! t ' H. M. FHITCHAKP. stair h, . ;.i.J;.'r. H-km; and AV..I, Tartar. Nirtll..Ss" AI.iC4.t i., iav.,r, l..l,.ila U tvirv M H. M. ' l'KITCH AR P, jr.; N r.'PP , X. ftJlM 8400 HI.W Vl.fi). AAAtt AY from 111 fi.-lr ill I il ry c, I.a., a!, le. Tt. 11. y a. f ru 1 ritKMTi. a'3 114,4. I-V M" M'lpp, .. cc '. U. P. H. i.'V.leoli. f t tt 1 ti ia , ti or VV. p. Hy , o- TA lilian. Mlipt.'a. i-f y .,, a mi iliora at al' ef 1 WO IU AUIil l f cn f t bins r. w. OKI? . . JOB r j J rB PRIN I fN'tj or tJ;L l.lto .tig 1, Call l t 1 '.. ... V. 11 u m 'a, of l.u.M,. e. . - "'.',p..r,Tt-''"V " 'p.' I;ol.l. tltw - ' -" .11 Chirtei'. i.'u. so mat