THE BOMBARDMENT OP CANTON. , The dcws by the Kuropa, published Tyes. ! ,iay snuouDced the fuel that Canton wag virtually m the posscMion 01 tnoalhej torces., Tho following itic.uebi.1 01 ti.o Douioartlu.cut ure interesting : The Cat-ton correspondent of the Tiruea v. ntes that l'eh'i reply to the demand of the plenipotentiary before the houibardment , oiiuieiiccd, was Bimply to the effect that 1 ,r,l Klmrt bad better aotile the matter umicably, as Sir Georgo lionham did on a firmer occasion, and for which he (Sir (icorge) was made a K. C. U., in proof of which bo (Veh) begged to enclose a Hong K oiii? now "jiapc-r containing an announce, intuit of that interesting fact. As for the 111c weans, h'. ku:W very littlu about them, nl scarcely was aware of the existence even I' such a ur.tion as the I'rench. lhe tame ,, . , 11 1 it'T. narrating on the lHu the capture of . 1 r t. Last or Liu a) rort, aays : 11 v ' ' ' " Our men were well under cover, and irm.suers werc.pusno.t lorwaro, l,o witn ,. Jeadly Knfi. ld, mado it dangerous for , ,e ,un,,r. to sppear in their large embra- tir.s. I hey couiitiued their fare, however, .kiriuishcrs wcrc.pnshcd forward, ho with j miii jreat pcruiiacr.y, until tne iiine-ponmler 1 pieces were got into position, and hat-1 , , I and shelled the place (from the village -, I,, and across the ravine which separates I 1., .ini. ..... it..., m" .Jtiuii. 11. 1 - jt the j f,Fr 'ein .j-... A -tin 111 1 up prty was now formed, but the Chinamen had had enough of It, and (in 11' a general volley at the advancing , V.uint., they abscond in some mysterious , ati.i wi re seen nmii? uji 1110 11111 1 1.1 si us iii-UL'ii run, ana mn rn au.-r ti iiit-D atpesred in the embrasures w.nv- i:if. the KnjrlWi ami l-rcneh fluei. About an bout after the fart bad been , r blew tip with a loud ex- , J he occupjit.g party, and also the I u i' " c' "ii i ' " . inn -I'll, ic .u. o) in motiun; ascended the hill, and desc uued , the other side. I saw. Captain Maclure a a. ('.plain Osborne's men, conspicuous by I tl,r white putcrs over the blue trousers, cither 011 a littio snmin.i aua uissppear iu , . va.iry m-ym-,. t nrro we ion iri 01 oiies or musketry a-ia nigiits t-J j r , kotseot.tinuea 111 ttiat direction tor s verai ; i ir., ana mere was a e appearai.Ve ot (filiate C-bt, hieh listed tiil suu-I ',:,,,,,. , , . I ,..1, e3 me the m.-ht and such a mght . j,- alino.t ceased troin ttn ir bong, , the city soon Lcc:.liie like our owu ,,shire iron counttien at night a plain' t tn.t .1 aj pesreilas tbouli tbe ( " "I ' '"- oi pi ie a-hesj tut little by little, as I gained, . i of po-m ,u. suiue idea of the tie a wbvle. the destruction waa UotfirU.t ,MOUu re fa von, w ..out a plau. there was a great Mate at or) , ,vaIlCe. li r!J west angle of tbe ett v I be gate I i , r is suruiouiiled by at'liiinse gourd- 1 . !. with tbe u.ual grotevjoe upward ! OT The Jpsn Krpcdition of Coin mo t .mud rouf. l!a 'and rckeU wer-Jdore IVrry is mu. h Commehted upon just . jn-l in (dileys upon this structure, and it . i i .. . ir .1 . . . 1 ,a .1 l i-i ,D0W. A letter just received frou that coua- . in became a sheet or name, lliroujh whicii me roof, the raficrs and wall, slmd out in ' iT7 'he following anecdote: ui.ioe H eciij.iant shower of rockets. 1 c tl line was ted up and down the eitr wall, ' ) .1 m incredibly short tone the long, i . line of firar sh.H bigl. iuti the lleaieus, .1 'ed inu so, vui.lciin smoke, " W bile this was stil! raging, the venge. 1 rocked dtsenbed a new parabola. They rn hurling tbrowh tbe iiicavnlight along - hue of lh ea-C rn wall. They sought three irits which bave been marked as -j.-e of tie triple assault 0 the Kng - !. snd freinh trout-, to mirrow. As those vir.,'.'l pound Kk"t. flaw, fisniei arose. ; seen, cd to J-si lbs Cre about as a ci.L.siit. tiiecisel v as thev willed: i at.'' never sseind to spread it'ls or lo slrsy fioiu the Hues of the city 1 '! I t cmiav, rv-crn !.er 30. I msrk the '. ! da v, but they are not divided bv i '-e An uight the city wa girt by a .e of 'J.niiB. Th approach of morning i 11 licnted by suspension nf the rocket vtiee, r;. lie lje rf. opening of the inor- " l ittery with rcduubled energy. As disp.j. 'lion towurds us would be manifested I' V 1 r .le, tha fiauiea sank down, and speedily and uneq iivoealiy. Their treat- un rose upon a ptrfcct'y smokeless m.'nt of us, as individuals, was alwsys cour v iteous, (they re a very polite people.) kind " It is now I wi nty Uiinutes aCler ten. In and hospitable, wherev.-r there were 110 two i" h ir, tLereforo, the hiil defences of aworded epn-s 111 sight." ",iv have been captured. Oough's Fort t t, iMs out. but this is a mere q-mti'in eft . . , ' ! -in or ,i,,ulc more or lis the r Io0' tha vespon,lent of tl.e Hal 1 srine lull coinm ir. Is it, in 1 it is within tnnoro Sun, wtites from Washington 00 the hit ri'i;.- Th" hole of the opera e In ii cotiduitcd e ith a view I j the iiiia!let p-sib!c Bscrie of M' i! mm r.n l'.ti iia The New Vork ' i this noCccs lb Turkish Admiral: " 1 i.e rhiii-e nf Rear Admiral Mohammed into ri--cute tl.;. mis iau is another ' f its importance. Ills Kieeliency . I a c', aniopg the new lights of i. y iinuo.i yoiims iti y ar, being: " thirtv five years of age, he is a most l : h. r fficir, hsviug pa'scd many grades j '.' hi vy, until be atlaineil the csptaitmy i i.e .'lahtnoiiiligr, a noble three-deck ...... ,,......... ! .i."at.r. llc'liX J itio'S .. ""! i . .? ' e' ii 'i ' V '0it of M, li s ( xlihlrncd views and mstiire l i t in the deliherstion oT the Hoard Admiralty have gained for bitn tho Col.. Thomas AlicP in Tu'.vv. An 1 -in ot lhe iiKiiibcis and the coiiOdence , l'hgb-h gentlemnn informs us that he yes-' l:" I'orle. iter, lay saw Col. Al'.sop, of London, in Sa-' ti . -I . . . 1 j '. i a . i c j i, very hest.y mi left hih, and of good pro i , , 1 V I ti m i a n M - IH t f a, ! h i i "i.. Mill, a manly coutiteiiauce ; some- ' 'I i Z.J I v .,,,1 ...,: . I. I'. ' ' i' , , i- . i f. . - , ,""B have the bnl- ;I rsnee. A reward ot ?l,(H)0, or A.'tM), is; Inch ?joigs to in'., native clime, and offered for him, and be is clo-ely being " e bearing is, at tho liine tune, alia- ; sought lifter by l l. licb and Kugltsb deteo- i'i I .ii .villi. -.1 ....i... t. ... ttl .. 1 i'... f 1 1,.. I,l,,..,l.l,.....,l L ,r,,l . i... : c H. e,t.. Turk ol ancient times and a i r. i un -,. inlof.l, WD fi-.iitiJcr ( Iirnl liilore lie can be ilellteieil over, as a e.t '" 'o' I I'aeha a IliO't flattering rrprc- 'question arises ill the niiuds of tho peonlo "f "f his counlrvnien. and the fairer "'four em ,:i...U,.l ii i . . 1 h in extendi, i- t ,,m tit' i r smiles , I ;'r n;:ir'., sinro lie is the honoial.ln . 1 ol a Sllie,, ifc." 'cut i t-ct An .-.iti The Trieste Ijaxette n '"I ti.. f.);uj,g singular story: .'"' of ,!' tioble.f f.imilir-s of Verona, has ,T ,,,, ,lU jt b3 .i(,cn the victim ol I , iraud. i tin heir to the nmn JV"ig many years ago been put out "", i' l aim broke Ins arm. hoon af ''" arrived ti visit her infant. r.fieid of ruvcaliug the truth, ''cd l.,r ou lLHiJ instead of the lit '"'rcr. Tliu fraud sucecoded, and the ' '' d it to ooutiiitie. Tue young :.i a.-coidingly rueoived lhe education 'e h,-, and tl10 yobleman brought up to plniigh. It was but a fuw days I hn peasant, her sou, is now mar- " t.ol.1,. ,y ; ,d it is nut known ' ic .nt. re.t, , ii.racd in the insttor rag t n H tit SI : H LATER FROM KUROPK. AKUIVAf. OK TUB NORTH AMUIUCAN. PoKTtAND, Mk., March 16. Tbs stearner North America arrived at tbU port to-day, bringioir advice, from Liv. erpool to the ad instaut ithree days later j than by the Canada. Sales of cotton for the three days amoun- ted to 21,000 bales, of which speculators took 2,500 and eiporters 1,000 bales. Iri-1 coa advanced id., and firm, but the mnrlietr is dull in consequence of the small stock u band. . lonsols uu.i to 1114. LiveiiPool, Wednesday Noon. Cotton is buoyant, with an advancing tendency. Manchester advices favorable. FunriiKR Br thb North Amtrk an-. The new Premier, Lord Derby, has de-vr-lnned hiii nrmrraiiiniL of nolicv. as to the ' . - - . r i - -- - most important topics, in a speech before 1;, ., r . 1 , .the Commoua. lie areues the importance , el , . ., , . . 1 I of aimcable relations with rrauce, on equal 1(1 houorable terms. a speech, before : The K,sl L.diaii (Jovernment Hill will not! lu preei.led by the new admiuUtratiou ' wi,bout (onie niodiDe.,iou, It is believed th.t peace will apeedilv be The Ksst Indian (Jovernment Hill will not concluded iu Chins. The Royal Uritisb Dank trials have tcr- allJ tlie Dirrctor, bave Wn n. ,CUC(.d l0 imprisonment from three to twelve! Il0ritg, prtal,t. MT Colin Campbell had not ad- ,allcc( on Luckliow, which was occupied, by ibe insurgents, believed to number 1 00,. Tbe j.'rM)cn conspirators, whose couvio- ,; u8 ive roporle,( ltTa appe,d. t j, r,,,lorted fcy ttiBf.raph from Loudon to Liverpool, immediately before the sailing ,,e or,u Aiiieriean. that lord .Maltus- tury (lnj r,.pj,j to 1'oui.t Wslewski's de. I p;,,ch on lMe rPf,,e ,,.ni0u. The j,,for. u')lition U jTen bthe Palis correspondent, of tho JjOU,)on Times , w bo Mates that .Malms-! bury's reply is strongly in favor of a coutin-i Ullice of the alliance between ICngltiid and France, but asserts decidedly the right ofi ,.j um ,nd urotection, as heretofore estab- i;,,,, .,, Euif.i. ,. T! .. ,. t . .I- I ..i r were pr.par- !IX.lack it Uen. Campbell was pre-! p;iri,l(? t0 rllH(, A i W a doll i,d h i .l.fliei. r ntii n. tains th lea?.t nitolallons. ! in or all fins . I era ii hrin at urea, IMIOtl, llt ..j. t Rice sLoa but few Iran a .id ts dragging at rate ;ri.,lltiu, firl Konjn i firm Turr,...,lin 4.1. lst given. Sugsr pioti d 4s 6 1.. and slid hi in. .Man e aud holders Iu one ol my country walks one day, a turn of the road brought me suddenly lace ,f face with two q icer little girls, di-cvtiiiy clad, wsikiug demurely under a big um- bn.a,. and ilrmii; a cow f) pasture; tue quadruped walked on ruminating, uixon- eerm d at my appearance, but the i.ltie bip- eds 110 sooner nsr me than they screamed witir terror, essl their umbrella to tbo wiuds, tbwi fled swiftly to the nearest bou-se. not nee darin; to look behind them Uut sueb as these were exceptional, and usual-i ly tbe children merely regarded our pres. 1 enee with bi eyes of wonder and with shout ' of ' Mcrikin.' Meriklli ' Thanks to lloui- Biodor I'erry and to the success of his big sq iatdron, the ' Menkin ' aro held in great- er esteem 111 Japan, popularly at least, than any other foreign nation. Soch, at least, is my otiiuiuo, and it is bacd upcu a month's aomcwhat careful observation. I believe 1 that if the people were ool-witbheld by the restrictions of their government and by the arful supervision of iu spies, their poo l l"lh " The obstae'es lo a solution ol the Kan a imbroglio are not diminishing. Those who feel tho liveliest interc-i in early ac repiancc of the Lecompton eonstitu'.ion, csn Iiot yet s,-e laud. Those rVmocratic voles from the IVnnsvlvania delegation are lo b.i eoueiiiated by the adoption of the l'dgh a- nieinltiieiit. This would determine the re-, suit in fuivoi of the l.i eomptin plan, if it d . j ' not at the same time alienate a dot n Souih- em vote'. " Mr. ( rttlotnli-u will speak in the Senate morrow against tbe Kati.a bill. Mr. Ri ll will epenk on thn side. An opporiu-i uity must, ot course, be Honied to Mr Dou.ia. to sp.nlf at length. Mr. Green, of M" ' h ('I",r!,',, b ll,..u.l ha. offered ! Minnesota attachment toil, wiil close the debate." I Pou-iias to spoulf at length. Mr. Ore vat.n - ui. it wtn to rcmcmbereii that the gillatit Colonel stands neeused of having J participated iu the recent infernal tuaebiue .Ir.1 I., i1..It. 1 n,,,. V.,.1.,.., t' . r larger reward than the above niut be of- whether the Colonel is returnable under the ' e.l,,ilili.,n law ,...rl wh.-lher IT- . i i i- - i . anything but purely a political one, aiding and ubellinir in a blot to overturn the tires- atiti 1i iiublienu (i oviriiiiienl of France We reckon that with all tbe intrigue of Jeau ' frapauu and John Dull, it cau t be done (ir.i n:;lt (tforgmn. Tub Rkadino " Olt l'Horrsis. At a 0f cumber of persons, said to be Peuiocrats, in Milwaukie, last week, Hon. .Is in ci hiichanan, President of the United Slates, was unanimously read out of thn Pcmooratie party. liiOIKhs. 'j-),,, 10.0l,nts by mail from India bring, KKNt'll. English, Cliiuia si Calcutia dates "to the aOlh Jauunay, tone ! P'inU. Paris Urillii.iila, nrmle later, but noibin new or im.'.'t-rm,ll0.g...l. ... 7 . i ' brirs mit cnoire cotton labrica wf i MEDICAL NOTICE. rilUK undersigned having Inciitod at Dr. Isase JL Wilson's, will, sit.r the llnli of April, at leu, I tn lis. prarlns of Medicine in the surr.u.ld ing vieiuily, and will always tui found in the ot. Hoe When not prnfe.slooally l ll( il. In all ci. ana oceiling eon. nil. .lion, it will be k 111,1 hy Dr. laaac tree of elxrv". JOHN R. WILSON. Virr WI, loMH. 3f T. II. BREW & CO, . AVE just opened magnificent sbick of ISe l.unds suitable for the Hpruig and Buinrhcr Weur, embracing every iiovclly.uf tl.e ecaeun. ChantJl'y and Brussels Lace, Mantillas, Fcarfi, Talmas, &0. We have now in Store, a magnificent collection f entirely new shapes, just received from Ntw York. I . II. JJUJa.u a. tu. AT MIJOLI HALF. AMI ItETAII,. 500 ELEGANT SHAWNS just opened, fur sale el very low prices, by T. II. BR EM & CO. W ICH Flounced anil Ilivsduc Rfttt;(, tint, mm. inns ii.aii; mil Ua vaduc til I.KS. HltO. MU. films PLAID mil B .1 y.duc SILKS. IJHO l AuKS, MOIKR A N I IQI'K unci every variety of lunas bji, nr. jusi received. P.I'K.M ,v en lUOUrDlIlS UOOUS , . rn , , , 'iW.f Z lt tZZto T, - d.. Mn.irrMTli? OnflflS ! lock INO .V'0'1'"' "'"""f"' Vl"ti,,- 2cnZ L'wVlJ.?'JZV Zl ' -p. II. BR EM & CO. CUibtz and Arnrncun nltd mid in jil.nn ckoitcu, C -in. ,r J ' Wl..r labrica wf tvtry vnriely, T. II. IJREM 4 COV mr.KACHKI) and llrown Siurtmp. am) lir l. M9 "I'd Klii'i'ting and Coitciti Tlufin !, 1 irkmua, OnitMburjra, SlriK:d lnabtirgi and Iu. uieattc ljuuda, iu gift vuriely ut T. II. DllKM k CO s. 4 l.4UrKTIli.H. L'nlmltl.tmv. V uimin M ,1. rl ai, Wiodi.w Mlioe., ;!! fVmces furum !. -uri.i Cord. ..11U Tls, l.a Cun-ins, - S"'"e .lTl,,!Tf.'i rvv . 1 'H A L " Oil. lAJTIIS, Duetets. Rug., Mats, &c., etc., at greatiy rerliic-d price. T. II. UREM ; CO - - - rv .I 1 I ll RST Spring F.xHHilion Pur. a Ihm. VfJT i nvls siiii ll.-au bres-, r" J.V" ! I W' d m esa'mina uur stock, as unuanul care tBll,,)iycd to ota ir , ,trlirrckt . a -) j HinrKins. inuie arc rcppi-eifiny invit l,rl,.r ih. .L-n. Wm eon it 1 ...i.e.i il ins i eiiooi (i. Liouof the I. allies, satisheu Unit lor exleiit, I r biauty iT variety, our assortment w ill be found superior lo any in the siaie. T. II. URKM i CO. l d IlKAl IlFt , !lernge.i;r-riidin0 Ti.. 9Jf iu. , Org. n.:ie sod Cambric ltd l.KS, T. II. LRKM k COs. .1 A' kONKT, Swipa Ki,'irifa and Inrr r-pn, Uinnty liiindkaud f louii!iii(f jut n-ra ud. T. II. 15" EM i CO. t) V.Y.W. I. At Y. SKI IS. winch we are of I sav Js fi ring very low. Also, a large lot of Cambric, Jackomt and sip C..llirs and Sleeves, j T. II. URKM k CO. aOIHIM' Uosoina and Collars assorted sixes, snd 1.3 all toe dill'-refit plain and fancy qualines, constantly kepi lor sale. T. If. BR KM k CO. T. If. limn t Co. A V F. a large sloes of Urn snd Mo litis AVe. Berlin g WtlbMI, Fill rioiniings, lliiltonv, W ...I.I H.1,1. te, F 1.1,1 i.f Silk, Ac Mr.. 1 fBlllK Skeleton Su-el Spring Skirt, wilh eh vi H . urn. gs made ot w.tch spring .'ie.1, also tm Skeleton Jiatlan and Ub.lei..ue Skirt. Ilia II I al Skirt (sr Rt4 ''iroif,l ti est ev.r i-tl'er- ed, made In order aud w iirmiti.t in fir. T. II. URKM k CO. ' j .Sheetings, Nip- k..i a t PI.KIDR Fa is, II... oestie-. Doylies. 'Poweliugs, Table Ac, Ac. Full Spring st.-ek now ready, j lo,n T. II. Ult KM k CO. T. II. Ditii) & Co. 1 RH offering the i st extensivs assort. nd L'-nbrellas ever ifS.orl red in the Stale. Ali'.rs GI.OVIS and HOSIKIIV in endirss I lanety. at T. II URKM k CO. T.H,BREDT&CO. 7 AVK just li U Ireneiil.. -e LSlensive .loek of Itlsck F1I.S, both round and square Corners. Rlack Thread VEILS, ( h.nttll v Vallenciucs I,ACI;:S, assorted. J'rint Aquille, Apphcine, llonitou, V.llencines and M-ilillioo I. ace Sett., Collar, and Handkerchief', French and Scotch F.nibr.iidered, Cuffs and Col lars, Setts Slid Handkerchief. ( l.-irlallt, ,Wu.c '3, Kid. 3tl" ' w p 2Cjio(iee. Y volte of a Died cf Trust executed to ni J J by Alexander (.'rahsll I will sell st public Court, sever. I j ,uc" , on Tuesday of Apr Valuable Negroes, AI0 - lull Air. K l. I I J KA ( 1 . and Team, snd man v other articles. Terms nude known .h. ot A I It I VAT K KKSIDUXCl'. H. U. WILLIAMS, Trustee. rh 23, I Hit). is) IN'olico t'hv given the children t, r. ui Mmiitn Aieaamtcr J .hn Alexander, Abiish Ahaandt-r audcr, w Im int. rmarned w Prudence Alexander, w tin il William ( aliens, ler, who intermarried wnh Da. "'el Mel an'ey. who were living on the 3d dav of Ar,, ,Hjfi, r the any who have died a nee that time, that they arc entitled tu a dietn. t"'He share undur the last will and testament of M Alexander, who died sometime in the vear -.1rt i that Ihcy are required to lay befo'e run of their being e'lililn n of some ot lhe store. n un iMraons. or if any have died since the 3 I day Anril, I8..6. that they are the heirs st law of l" eeee-sed, on or brtore ih.- a.l Monday of He tube,. IMjSt, tor sllbst tllm. I expect to pr, cd to distribute ,,,,. a fore iim. I Falate agreeable to said Wlil.s- ulay have laid the proper proof be- la. H. KRIMMINGKR, A.imr. M ir e It ill tnnrttd ol M. Attainder. Cswaial. V f ., flnrr ail, Ifj8. IS X3 Selling Oil" nt Tost! fll'IK T.ADIF.stsre res,N ell'ully inlornie.i that .JB ss Ttuslea of Jaroy Springs, I sin offering A T COST, a large and well selected stock of ve ry superior Luces, Silks, Crapes, &i,.,&c. Indeed, sliuost every description of valuable nicr cli.inihxe in the I, idles department. (ive us a eall st the new brick store below W'il. hams' eon.e.-. .Mr. Caldwell and Mr. Mc Lend will take plea, aura in waiting nn vnu. WM. R. MYKRS. Truttet. Y. H. Auction Sale to commence Friday night, and will continue from day tn day until closed. W. It. M. Charlotte, March 9, IPiH. !lf 11LANK DEEDS for sale at this offioe. TH3 OTIEAT EICGUisH BEBILLY. ETR JAMES CLARKK'S' t'rl bra It'll Iiiui- 11 IN. Prepared from d jirn&iptioti of ,.'tV J. flake, SI. ., 1 liyiicinn Extraardi. Iittty to the Queen. . fl.;.' Invaluable ineiliciiie is u n i I iotr ill the ... r 1 . i . euro oi on inuau pj",.u. ..-,,5.w . to whicii flie female cunatilulion is surtjict. It ninihrubl all etVsa and removes all obstructions and l ipiciiy eure moy be relied on. TO M A II Mil II I,A)I1-S it is peeulinrly suited. It vill, ill a shVrt time, brnij on the monthly pcriiiil with regularity. tacli bottle, price One Dollar, beara the (;v. crnnient Stamp of tireat ltritain, to pruvvfit conn, terfeits. 'I'ltttt I'iH tliould not fit taken byjrmnlti i tiinn tkt f lH.Vr TIIUKE MOSTHSnf frry. Ihry ait luit io bring on Miwiriuipt, bal at uny e'Atr (im tiey ore laft. In all cine a of Nervous and Hpinial AflV'lons, r.'Ui in the Hack and I.ilnhi-, ratieue on .neht ci.rlmu, Pa I pi is lion of the Heart, HysUrirs. and Whiles, them; I'ula williffetta cur a, luro a:l eth . er means have failed, and although t po,.,i reiuedy, do not eonlnin iron, calomel aolniK.iiv, or any tMnj. hurtlul to the eooaiitulioii. Sole Arent fur lhe tnited States and Ciirn.ilii, JOB MOSKS, (Ul. I. C K.!din i C , Kocheeler, S. V. N B. 1,00 and 6 pi'Stna alainpa eiielvcr. ti any autborise-d Auenl. will ilmurtt a bottlt, ot lit. Pil.a by return n, lor sale by il. F. SCAUR, Jt CO. $ult ugnt$ fvr Chmrlvltt. HAVILAND STEVKNSON i CO. WholnaU A.'nitt, Cliailroi-iH, S. C. Died, at his re.ii'inee nn Steele Cr,k,ou thai lltii malant. .Mr. JOHN M. P HiTLR, aeefl 50 i years, leaving a baloved wile, 5 cluioreu and ma ny warm Irienda to mourn Ins loss. M r. I'oru r waa a uieful im nita r of tl.e church f r many years, bosscsaiiig strong laith in J'-mis ( 'l.rist. and Hied instill assuroliee of 1 bhsalul iluiaorUllly bcyonu the grave. Friend alter friend dep.irt ! Wlni has not lost a Iriend ? J. .N. II. j Departed this lite, at the resiiiiriee of Iter son, j in this county, on S.ibbnth evcnine. the 14th in. , .t int, .Mr.. Ktlila-CA McOOtt KI.I., in Die TrJth year ol her ajc. Tiie deceased had been for th'Ktrort ytaio a P an ehuren at Steele Creek, snd died,'. r'f re" 'd hed uii.vers.lly belov,,).- Sue ha. gone to her reward, followed l.y the ben eoieuons in aii wno .new otr.i ir .lie was elu illy tl.e"""' f v 111 uieianl p. .rl. of ll,c ehureh who knew Ma her. Mill drop s tear to her memory. W. Jlemocrul will loeast copy. Du d, on the ."ilh instant, in Al:ig itor, 1 lorma, MAt.t.IK !l.i:ia.NOi;i!, ,i iy ol M P. and Salhe II. Iluby, i,gid .1 monihs. The lia-lit of lit r young life went uo o. As sinks behind the hill Tteglory ot' a setting st.r, ( tear, suddenly and still. Alone, onto our F.thtr's ,!!, Ooe thought hath ric u.iile.i : '1 li.'t He whose love exceedelil Has tsken home l, cinhl. Du d, in this courilv. ne ,r I) 1 Com. the )4h tost., u t. M PAi rnrsoN, m lot 47ib ji.i ol Ins age, son to mourn I. is toss. 1 y tl.e ot .Mr P.,l. ler.on the coiomuiuly in which he lived I. as hut s chariiable and kind i.earleo imii. wile has lost an alTeeto.l.ate husband and a sun a 0.1, ltd father. I'tact bt lo o anh.,. K. inv Spring (iVwls T At CTIO IMtlCKSj FOIt 4 AMI. ' K are receiving a veiy large and Wautiful S 1 ii i . ci a x n .s r i ax k 11 , f.i. 'f oV ring to eel1 at v r v low pri :es, a would sdvise all those v anting to buy Ciooi:-, Call snd examine our slock, betorc hnvini el. wbcic, particularly if they aie buying for l o 1!I!IIV' KTITT A- I'd Uirci IR, IP58. tl To Teachers! fin UK Con.n.ill.e of lOiaioiii.ln.ii for Mci k,t fl. burg, will all. no a I lhe iiiser.o.c t.::;ee,i 'I ui sday of April Cnert, Im lhe pur.iose nl xn Hung any iersoi.s who insy Wish lo nnlun e. r: licales I, 'J'eachers of Common ScIkh.Is ui tu cou.llv. Phase ullelld belwttn the hours and a o'clock. jon.v p rss. i K. NYK HUTCHISON, M. I. JOHNSTON, Charlotte, Xnrch I C, l"if. STATE UK NOUTH-CAKOI.I.N A. U.MOS COt.'XTV. AY rjJl lTY. Wi n. I.. Stig.ll, adn.V. of) Thus. Migall, dee'd. j Original Pill in the r. y nature of an si- d Sinelmr, Kx'r. of Ja. I tacliment. dcc'd.aini others. J r.M. 1,. STIGAI.I., tne plaintiffin this c sr, having filcJ his bill ut Compiainl as tlie detendams, and luivtiig made aihiiavil In : ,re me, that the defendants Jsse lleachuiii auo 1 r - olhea. Ins wife, resole beyond lhe hunts ol l os State, Therefore the said non-resident ui 'cue '"is are hereby notilted by publication tor s.a sunm sive week., in tbe North-Carolina VA htg, a mas. paK-r puhlislied in the town of Charlotte, p'-rs.'li-ally to l and appeal- bi tore lu Honor, tlie Ju, e u; our Court of lenity, to be hel.l for the ecu ly of I i.iioi . at lhe I i, ml House in Motir,H', on l',e lllln Mond .y alter 'tne 4ln Mu.iday of l etiruov, A. I. I.',-. men and there to plead, answer or ,,e mur Ui the P it of Complaint lu said Cnurl iil ing. whcriiii Win. I.. Stigall, adi-'r. ol Tho,. Sli IS I gall, di c d., is plaililitt, and I'iKil .uclair, exeru- of James Sinclair, uee'd., Jesse llcachum an,: Imrolhea Ills w I le. art-.lefeiidauls, otlier wise ju.lg j ment pio conl'csso will be taken against tiit o, and d dau"h- "'e same be heard n parte as to inein. Itxand. r, I W lU'iss.C. M. 'I'. McCauliy, Cuts tnd M.isiei ah Alca- f "Uf aaid Court, at nine. , in Moiiloi. Ibis the ) day ol r.hruary, A. IK lfj, and in lhe b..i year ot American 1 ndt peiidence. C. M. T. Met AL Ll.i , 1 M. K. .Ware 3. IH.iS. Friiiin's Ice h t." trTATK OK NOKTU-CAl.'ol.l.NA, L'.MO.N I'UUNTV. y.Y Lur; v. Charles Pry 1 v .. . ,. .. Original H II III the Nathan Jenkins. Cunen I jlllr,. ,,, a t. i''r.ol Ulil'b'th f 'u . Je..kli,.,.nd Asron taehuiint. tle.surv'g Fx. i.f J l.ittli. J g SlIAIil.FS ll(Y the t umpl. mailt in lheab.-v, J rase, having filed Ins Hill tlie ofliee nf the Clerk Slid Mast, r in lallllt the lountv of lino" SMiresaid, agaioi-l the dcfindanie, Nathan Tl. Jenkins, Cuoui aninr.' of bin IstH Jenkins and l itth viving Fx'ro'J. Little, and having niae'l sfl before the Sanl Clerk and M ister, that t'n d, .nl Nathan 11. J.'nkins resides bcynne the of this state, Therefore notice is hereby gi the said N Hian It. Jenkins, by pubiiclioii I weeks in the North Carolina lug, a new. printed in Charlotte, that heM-rsol.ully be si aiar before the Honorable tbo Judge of m.r ol Fipiity, al the next Court to be held li County nl t'llioli atiitesnid, at the Court Ho Monroe, on the I tlth .Manilas after lhe4in -Mon- .1.... .-C l-'.k.,,.. A 11 l.4 li,. Il.... 1.. plva.l, sn.w.r or demur lo lhe of .aid 11,11 ol Complaint, oIlH-rnise judgoiiil pro eon. lesso will he liken sgaiust linn and tlie same be beard ex parte as lo bun. Witness C. M. T. Mc.Cauley Clerk, i Master , Him toe i I lie bid IU l oust, al i tne.i in .uaire, una nil With day f February A. D. lbje, anu year of our I n,lt peioi, nee. i C M. T. MtCAl'I.KV., 2, IcjS. Pribl. r'. i.s .'7 lie.' to to heavy r six from' p.,,r front I ,d ap. , Di.lon rourt adinlli r lhe Ih' lin sr in Mel ol U. TEKSO.NS subject U nny a Tull Tnir to ia. tl"' Slate of Nnrib Carolina, wlw rcsi.leii within tbe limita iif tin- town of'c, on the first day of Febunry, IrtiH, nr who bud been prin. ciuiiMy iii,il-yeri in any iroleaaiou or vocaiiaii in jhi T'lwn, for tlin u month. ne inmrriliiitely P"'"g the sui.l first dy of r'Lbruiiry, ml i (lersnns wlm ofted nr vere imw sml of '!' uhle Prnierly niibin surd town on the first ilny oi Felfruary, are hereby nohlit.l tu rive in to tin Town J I' iU. la fore lhe day of M .rch, I8.".. AIIJ.i: VltOl'EUl Y. 'l lic biio I..-I shall l.,te Ilia lilllii'lirra an.l tit a itioll ol' the Lota uarta of Lots (iven in, with the value of which they urn assessed for laJMtion by the State, lilt ' liUuil-er of while taxable P'ill. l,f t.ixalile Shivis, anh of Fre .Nigroea, resiuin on the first of Feb. ru uy,on tiic lanim of persons (fivino. in sanl Int. . J. U. KKRR, Town Clerk. .ilarcH .1. IC.iB. at. t4 . Notice i I.I, persons indebted to the eilnl' of I)r a N. Wciiilni'fton.uec'd., are requested locoiut- forwird und pav un bv lhe latol Anril. or II paiers will ho put in the hands of an officer for collttlion. Jg p JlKN PEU30N, Ailnt'r. j (. Hjt j ' ' I II ' II ii. 1 !l IKIT I'ApC(Iil 1011 ! I f fllli: Citizens of Steele t reek r.n.l vieiuilv re respreliully inlormed Hint having employed aoine ol the best Mine and Hoot Makers III es. tern iNorlli I aroiuia, 1 am new prepared to mar. ulaclure JJOOTS and SHOES of lhe very I. ml quality, on It-rnin Io nuit tlie bar (.Uiua. lu giVL' iuu k trial und bu C'liv-nct d. 'i lioji. II. Marks'. Jin. 3, 3uil5 Wm. A. Owens, j a r rv n si: r a r la ji : ll .tKI.OTTi:, J I.Ij procure in tl.e t nuris ol AleCkh llliurg iu tl w w .-ii. i tin. surrounding counties. IT 'Office nearly opposiU the Post UIUcc. Jan. tll'i, leiti. 41 if STA'l i: OF .( )UTll-C.UOLl.A, I.IMOI.N l.liLMt. Superior Co" it ot Law, Full Term, ISoT. W:,..P. Ilvnuin, ai.m'r. of) J.-.VCaiiowuy, I ta. ) PeUti -n to sell I..ind. Isaac Willmesson andv ife and olht rn. j BN this e ., . It anaril g U!s,n lilflilaVlt that 1 illiiieksoii and will I sjinrlolte, and tiro. U. darling, di leiioanis in tins case, are not in b ..bilants of this Sl.ite, It ill hilrred . . in, ii. Cutioll Ik; made for SIX Keeks III tne North ( aroll l,a U nii. a newspaper pulilisneil in lot luWn of Ch.llioll,, C., co ..loill.g said cetelnl.ilits lo be aim imp, nr ai the next lerm ol ihi court, to be lulu lor t ie county ol Lincoln, at loe Court house in I.nieoli.too, on then!, Moio.av allei tin 4ln -Monuav in 1 i bruary, lrji, then snd to an swer, ph ...ii ir din. or lo this petition, olhernise the will lie In ex parte. W lines', li ihert Williamson, clerk of said court, at . tliee, I e eth M iikIiiv alii r lhe Ilh .Monday in August, irj-,. and in tliu f.'u viarof eur li'.ce. RHUKRT WILLIAMSON, tt.n.c. rh'i, I s-.'i-'. Printer's lee ti. to Xa STATK OF .NOU'i n-C'AKOI.lNA, -MEi Kl tNBIKO fOUNTV. Court v'' J litis uihI timrfr fissions, Jti tin i i Jcrmt 1 ;u" II. It. illiuio. , it. ( Iriginul Altachnif nt. hands of K. C. Grier. J. II. Cunning: S I.LVii d in Ihe V I anpearTiy to lhe altf..ct jtt. II,., t the O. ten, la I ... I an Male, hill rcem.a bcvnnd llie li li It I.'eiroie Uru'erili hi I hi C.i i n of the Court, III; , rt ot this nits of the same, ii. That puhiiea. o , oe lor .,x wr. ss 111 in,. Xortii I arohna liewrp.per printed in lie l.nvn of Char ilitll.g lilt s. Id lief nd Hit u be ami ap. !;i in xl t. nn ul cur sanl c. jrl. to ii belu oiiiily of .MeeUeiiloiig, at th? eeilrt. house Wing, hole, p, r .. lor the in Cnar.otli , on Itie 4lh -Moin.-.y in April, mat, then and there to plead, a ns v. i r or ui mur, or judg. nient procon'isso will be t.i!.i ii against lorn. W itness, W. K. I.cid, clirk of our said court, at office, the 4t;i Monday in .l inu iy, I8."b, anil in tite eist year of American lit.i. penitence. W. K. KKID, c. c. . rrinters's fee i. lib. Iti, Iej7. 10 Scell "Polatot fF vou want a-prni'int XmtUin .V." ' A JV YK .si l l) 10 7 .1 lot. r CZK Jan lo Viilch. aid; u, id bred Stoie, Irwin's ( urni r, win re -It) bins, in prune , D. I.i.ii.irelh A Son. I rh. 3. ISJ.O. are just to hand, from 4Jtf uori V HITK mid as-orled IO.OOJ:Ks .g.jusl I r,h. i. (iff tor ( ia. at PRITCHARl)-?. , inn's Car ocr. ;ik ; ai.i.i ins pi i; F, i.i.Nsi bu o;l, OIF 19 Wi.ole.i'ean.,, at riUTOIARD'S. 3- Dissolution. ffJVIIF firm of BR FM A STFF.I.F. w is this Jay M. diesolvd hj mutual eonsent. Ali persons lliat are milt btc'i to us, eiOiei by Note or Account, w ill please call at the Mutual Insurance Ollici , and settle with A. C. Stn.ii. T. II. URKM. A C. S1KKLK. Jin. 1, I'V. 4lf New Firii). AYINfi purcha.'ed A. C. Stecli's interest ir. the STOCK OF GCODS ; .in A Ste.-le, so, i d Willi mr J. A. If oi I! ' bv!, a, Jr. ami 'J'. I .K.vkttf Alt! iss will heren II. r lie 'onddcted n of T. II. llren, A Co. We eall th, lhe public to our Slock, as lit lut price of a great many ioois. T. II. iu:m. 44U 1, lei easjj SSnKTMi;NT OF tiOOll I I AS tine ol II IT, I.- gll- . lor sale at lTlll'CHARlvS CnmOy I'mg -V $S0 REWARD. v 1ANAV AN A WAY fsaso , unlv M I , - k iiioni.i oi is ilm la. il negro is hght coiophet.ti, of mt-ol-1 sue, aiH.ul 40 viars ot age, viiars a heard, has a sear on I is side, proceeding iCUtitl a klllll. and has lost an upper He iiv lieiongid to Thomas P. lllltv and Wis solo bv his ale lil his efficls. He'llliy l.,te g ..bout in bis old lieig hlK.rho.l or aUmt u Price's, n to re be Ins relations. 1 w ill pa v leril live Ik, liars l.-r n.s appr.iiensinn snu .i. i.ierv to lee Ml ItlV residence 111 MJId county, or Fitieeii IMIara for Ins eoiirio.melit in any jail in the tlale, so ilia l lean gci mm, son n-tv i in tor evidence, suuieicni io unioii mj ft i sou oi arisiroig hiiii. Mian run nty. Rl'UKRT Cel. s:t, Ir'. i liCNTLY. f sum rulintv, I rl.. a.i, I . 3. IV! I Wiiri i uti', .iierijl ail Quit ('mm Veo'.v TOR SALK HERrJ. tf&i TeasIT 1INF ASSnKTM I ." W for Fiii.iiv ife, con, lllan. Imneiul. (iunnow l II as' oi. Young linakla.t, , ami liiaiiv oll.ei van. In II. M Common School Notice ! f B VI E ciliienauf ,M"eilenburg ill rak nnlipa I '; S. that no Um 11 Katarday in April, the 3rd liay) lliey will be rfnnirid to hoM an F.lectinn nt I j llierc I'uhlie School linosi a in the different ili. ' ! Iricts, l.i elect Three Suitable frrsona In act as ( iiintiiiltrt .Men for the eoniini' yrar ; alao i na. i certHin lhe niiiubei of chittireii over ais and nn. iier twenty one years of aye, aud rcpoit lhe saibs j. r. ross, j. b. s. c g. Marth IB, MM. M ritllK Annual Meetinjr of tl.e Stockholders in i the Cliarlolle .Miilu il Fire Insurance f 0111. panv will be held in the ofliee of the Company in Charlotte, lit III o'c!u k, A. .M. the I2tll (.i 'Jues. day) April, Ic.iH. K. NYK HUTCHISON, rV March 16, leiJ. t? STATE OF NOirni-CAIiOLINA, Mb Kt.tsfilMtQ (Oli.M V. I Svverior Court of Late, lull Trim 1 frltZ. Martha II. Burner j i e. fVlitien for IXvercc. IO. t. Eurnr j. T ap.ienrint t the sat'ifaetion of the Court, aptuarini to tl. lia K. 1.. Hum V.H. till! aidenrheyond lhe limits of Ibis State, i fners. are fj, '.'ei.'i Ay the Cirf, that puhiiea lion be made weeue. mi the .ort'i Carolimi hi;,a news, published in the town of charlotte, iiuiu'v- pape I mg mg the said delendant of the fi!inif this peli. lion, and that unb ss he appears at the m-xl term nl this Coorl, to la? In hi for the eotiuty ol Meek, lenburg, at tl.e Court-House in Cli irh'.'ie, on tlie 1 1th Mommy alter tl, lo .Monday in febru..ry ItexC and answer said petition, tlie eaine will he t.iUa-n pro confesso suit heard u psrtfl as to Ion:. Witness, J. II. herr. Clerk of our said Court, at ollice, the lltii alter the lib .M inl-.y in August, neii iu the etd vear of our, A.J)., IW7. J. B. KERR. r. -m.s. .. . -W.iiei IH, li-.iH. Printer's lie $. 17 M 10. MOV A la Mb, moved their l.a -The uniteraisneri ha Ofliee to the one I'ortiurly seii bv J. ones W.Ohorne, V.ttl , one door a. he liana ol the Sh.le. HUTCHISON A. DROWN rh 16, 18.iC. Iw I I .Wo SAM'L SMITH. A TTUliXKY if CVVXSKLI.OH .1 7' LA W. SJff.U' alwav. he folin.i at the oll'.ce of Wl.l.n J fe,',, 1:-,,. Ij Proin it iittiiition given to Collcctiniis, vrri ting ol Deeds, ConVtyalilts, &c. i.f De i-th. a, i ?..8. 4"( Fresh Dread! ( RF.S!I IIKFAD for fanniiea, ever? morning 9 at J. I). Palm, r's Coi, fei t loi.erv ,' one hove the It. nk of I hiirlotte. Jon. -li, U.lo. 47tf William J. Kerr, Attorney at taw & Solicitor la Equity, ii t ki.o rn;, . v.. "II. I. practice in the Courts of .Mtckleli. burg .inii the iidioming eouuties. ij Special Lttclllloti Kill be paid tu the collec tion of cl.-iiiiS. I' t'tlicc in the Room lately occupied hv the State Bank. Jan. i, IH.". 3inl.'i The 3sd voi.cmk nr the North I t hpi.tmn Advocate opens with the year It it commended lo the .tat i of the whole country, as the onoam of tiic North i imii.iM Cmmkrence, tlit riroyiesl. snd on. i.f li.t brnt futniiu rrti'iout juiprit in ttir South. i Ttrni, tl AO a year. sTsit Tl r I.N advack. "o depirture from Hni. rule. Address the F-dimr, Rrv. I!. T., Ra h igh, X. . -. Jan. 12. lejH. 3ii.j!"i POLLOCK i ,FFl:iiS his PI.'OFI ION A I si;iivici:s X V to lhe citijelis of Charlotte ij' iJlhee on Trade strict, tw the Cotirt llorjiie. 5, lf.ifa. lil v.ciliily. doors South of 41-1; ! I Tl I'OKTA .NT li I tJOIiw, J Mtt kLrVBl'BG COfnTV Ad A INST T 1 1 K STATE. III.L'K STONK. It is slated, and from the M. Priiehanl, who has just re ceived from the mail ui.'Clory. for which he is agt nt, several hundred poll nils .if t he finest urti ch ever otli red lu the town of Charlotte, to be er.. ahleil in a short time tn supercede in una) ly and sale any imported article, and atahesp-ict. fail an.! si e il. Dec. 1. IM7. I-wii.'s fonur. Flesh ( iiiii -fas ssstlt'i, IN pint bottltt just received from Saratoga Spring.. ;.y II. M. PR1TCHARD, J'ec. I. Irw in's Corner. Muni: COT( II. Mackaboy and Knglish, (Jcnth men's Nl ll'S, jUMt received, tidll J bs. in blauiiers lid old low tor cash hv II. 31. PRITCIIARP, Dec. 1, Iej7. liw ui's cormr. I'hj u, 'l al.c .Aolit t' S I 1 AYINtt taken a.: vantage of lhe p.-essurc of I li the t,ini s, 1 am receiving, bv cash purt liases, ii immense and stltcteo stock oi Medicines, Chi m :.,ls, lnstruun nts, Chests, ac , to which 1 most :.iieetiu!ly inviie ruin attention. All toilers by mail or otherwise, put up with t n tin si- and dtsp.itch. II. M. PRITCIIARP, D. c. 1 Irwin's Cormr. '1 ;iiiii('i's. Train Oil. r;.:1 It Taiiiieis and Planters use in dressing j Leather and Ham, ss. For ,al M. II. PHULIIAIIP, Dec. 1 Irwin s t orui (U10 Is.'illoiiw 1AMPHF.M; AND lil HNINfi Fl I ID. just rt ce.v, ii iroui the niaiiutae'.urers. Also, Lamps ,1 Wicks for burning them, lull per c.l.l. eluap. and more liriiii-mt loan aep other light. 11. M. PIUTCHAKI Dec. 1 lr ui's Corner. 1. timber Yard. I. IIF snhscr, i, lolte nid , td s l.l .MUl Il I- ml k.t pltig a for bin. mug an oi.,,, is al hers inform the cit.zi ns of Char. v . that thev have cslabl.sli. YAliD in t. wn, where th. v m snpiily of all kind, of I I'M I'KI. purposis. Mr. Jonas liu. ml in In Mil. A I'll nation can be to bun or lo roller ot- lhe um'ersig m d. Mll.LLR A POKI KK. I. 13. If.'i7. t4.i t ititttc ollasnt via. N agree, I . ant to tl.i e rrlrishant alia laXalive, as pit tastt as smia water. Sold bv II. M. PKirCIIAliO.' Irwin's tormi t)nmif n r, If ( ONC FNTII ATFD I FY Warrant. ! t . out III upest ; . ,11, hn tool i use. I'rice tij i best and ch, and 50 c ut. a can. M. PRITCIIARP, I. ui's Corner. Ivc. i ! nvtd and !br sail ill" St al (1 jht hull I S I' re, II. M. PRITCII ARP, Ire in s Co; lie Dec. I i t he InrLs-l;. C0RBECTED BY R. M. 0ATE8 it O. CIlArMOlTK, .MARCH 33. I85t). HArON, Hani: new II ......14 ?. P! -.-12 H U ....11 4 !- ...-.00 ( on ....17 (! Oil .... id,- - .!:-'! (0 lb? (it, -a ...Am ul, oo ....Oil (V til) on k on 81 n i. lo i t IM Oi, S'J ....W 33 . ...U Oi, oil -.'.i Or lit) 0; 0(1 ... -.01) oi, no Ii, 15 ....l ij 0,. Ii ... -.'j Oi, 31 10r;, K'J 4 47."i -!i H n .. .:M (!, 3a IMJ 00 .i 0, ti ...lC ( Oil ...:iiiu 3.'. ....4.-1 f, id 33 0i 00 ."..- Oi. fiC ...t'J 0-' C.i .. . ,V to. 00 5 ('. li nil oi 37 1 0- 7 e,-, Oi, !IH ...VI t'n 75 00 oi $m; fo in N l-JJ .... b o. n l'iO t. oo .. .'.') (..-. SI ....!.' Oi. lot ....!' Oi !i3 ...45 ).. j.'. ...40 , 4'. ...-J7 (. i- ....ii 0., U3 ..111! (... l"l Sides llujr round, " ShotrlHers... Boirjrir'ir, Gdniiy, .... , - vd 'lb lb lb hushei, . '-."! J-'al lb Ih lb i heel 1 1; 1 1 L rV V.'.V.. i ! ' V. ..'. 1 '. ' I Fb-e.r:iz -ltn, new, , -:"ce, ltu 1 " iK"ti ! ":";"lli s, A.lllllialitilil: , I " Tallew i Corn, old,.. I new 'fhicUen 'loth ,(opper ,i I " l.iiuisey ..bushel.. ..bush;! ' f r1 . rgea,.....- toren ... bbl ...,b gs II .... 11 .... Ih... ... .I'hl.Vo I . ...Kitu .gal .. hll-hel... ...hi, I , ... .Ih lb ...bushel... II mr I Feathers, f.nril ',, . , - ..lacKerei, . . N.O W.l Meal Mullets ( V,liiunt t., Nails. Notlheni ffou'.liern tint Por Peas Potatoes, Irieh " Scct, Slon. Salt,, lea, I.e., t. While Vh .Not llii-rn, gd N. Carolina,. Wool, 'best tlco'-ia) wnsiu " " " linwa Varn, hi j r.F.MARKsr Cf)TTO Our cotton ini.rket is dull anj dr.K, ! ing and owing to the had weather there has bei ' but littic doing. Fricea ranging fiom e). '-i, 1 1 What Flour was oll'ered the past week W is Ire ly taken at prices ranging from 31 'l 'o 17".. t orn is iu good cetli ui'i at ,.i sup:i'y liiuite,. ' Cow Pe-is arc very scarce ril jond dnn.,i i at tJU fo !!). tt'U'MBi.r, sVnrch.i.0, COTTON. Tiie Colt-.ii iu;.rtt waa rntl.t-r Utr active ytj4i;rd.iyi.nd nllhonli the f'itjtioni (tf pri viuui day wtre (hi- yt ncrjl ruling1 ntef. still ihrficuit rc.ii to tl slill ijiiole, hoit ever, II t I i.V, hog round. CORN PI! AS OATS 1 Lot 11 1 1 j cents. II I 70 ( li hi) 9 Ui) .fl.. (i .110 to Sli Oi ( I1ARI FSTtiN MARK FT. fllaftLt'STuK, March, 1:1, I it iZ. fOTTf).V. Tlico.,u..i, market bi oav W is cm. p.ralively quiet, the sales having b.-eii c.itirined to some I.JUO bales, at prices sliunin s further decline on the currt nt ' ,t a of the pri viuu s da v, vii : 10 J Jc. Drutr Store Removed, p riMM; subscriber ii.forme his fii.u. s .iiu the 1 public gelicrsllv. that he .ins mooted hi4 IH.Ui STOKK from (.ramie Itaoge lo 1 win's Coiner, winch has been n.-sciy fitted up and sr. ranged cspn ssly for his hnsiness and w In re he is iiou reetivii.g a lar'-e stock ut aiticics in his line. . 11. M. J'RITCIIARD. -May 13. !fj. Mil iiOi,L uw.wa i.oraia'. ' Hie next ordinary dinwing of lhe Roral U na. n-i I-oiti ry condneted b lh Spanish Oovernnient, undur the supervision of the I aptaiif (ieii.ral of Cuba, will take place at Havana on ! mUKDAY, MAIUII 27, $300,000. SORTFO NIMFKO 500 Oil DIN All I 1, r.irn n. kizj; m(m.kio:: 1 prise of I)0.000 1 " 0.(H4) i " ;ti.w(io 4 prizes of si 'J.OOI. o " I.OOO '.' AOO l l " 10.VOO 14.1 " 400 ft,t.i j mi Apr'xini's fa ( 4 Approximations to the I ini.nliti t'tlUll each ) 4 of ton to .'iti,MHi; 4 of lull to :tu,i)f!J ; 4 ol Hon i t lll.hhti; 4 ol Mod ta .-.,ii"U. Whole Tickets -'l'; Haivtstitt; Qnart.rsj; 1'iues cashed at sight at o ier cent, discount. liil.f on all soli. 1,1 Hanks lakiu at par. A drawing will be lomardtd as sxili as the re sult becomes known. Communications ad. 'reared to DON I.Ol'M. t.l FZ. (core of City Post. Charleston, S. C.) un til thcitti of .March, will be alleiidfil to. Persons liaiues pla stale. Tickets ill please rie t st ollice. county Slid tlx n J , Ayrr'si t hen ' I SI". IK'S Ttalsam IVctnr.-tl. im and I-oXtnges, lioger'i . Syrnp, Squills, luecac an. Hid Cough medicines Fui M PRITCIIARP, Irw ui's I. orner. f Syrup Tar, II, all ke i ol Ptctural sale lo II. I'iivc 1'i cnflt Hi tint i. il'Vo-; c.i use. &oiu by Pec. 1 , W hiskey, SI i, Ale ..nd Ti II. M. PRITCIIARP. ten ch, I LACK Peppir. Ginger, Its king and WaV.ih I JVS.HM, t ream Tartar, Nutmegs', Mate, fsiii.. ion, t lovee and Flavoring l-Airaeis ofeviryktni or sale st Wholesale ..,,,1 retail, lu ll. M. PRITCIIARP. Dee. I Irwin's Cormr. $200 ItttWAKO. KAN AWAY from mv Haiiroao s.ian I. Otr'v e.'.l... -. about tha 1st ul August, l.s.".e, n,v nifio man inn: nn. lack and ill leedllliu sixe, -3 or , ulrt, as laised bv Mr. tSlupp, r, sun sold tu me by W, p. v. . unlv, Fehruai) , leiC. I ihollt aht.ut Charlollt , V. p. fl, , county, "r William MuppV, of tl e h. all of 11 pay I III lltl ffl.l.l. kli for his apiireliensien and delivery in V harlollt Jail, ao thai 1 un get lout. P. W. ORj:. S'l. 15, 1S07. "It I J OH PKIN I IN(. of all kino. w,ll inc rxoeoitti.nslv sxeentea at tne iis Wm- ilHi.- PI'NPS or tne irnv- ul '. (OK SALK HMvK. ol i.iiieolti cnu Ullio, ol l.iili-oi said boy i ly mini's, ol l.oic i! ""'y loose l-ot... I