littlo tilings. H-i roust be faithful in. tbe advantage. He it weevj of least, or be will never b? useful iu the great- any description has Bbown itself since July, est. Can you make a good miu'ister out of 1856 I have dug 'down i in tarious places a poor layman t or Bgood, deacon out of a to tbe depth of two feet, enir'eaunof Surf man who is unwilling to do the least honor- a fin r tide. able dufies'of the Church? If bII were wil- in fact a g od dressing of salt to brghi ling to add a little to the interest of a pray- with, ' plenty of etaila dung, s judicious er'-meetirig, a Sabbath school, or covenaut- 'cropping, and a frequont use of the home- hitolinc, cr to the streOL'tli anJ iiifluprioe tif hoe." will clean the land of tbe foulest tho'Cliiirch, .there would not to so many weed; cure mu-t bo taken to U.s only praying to bo f xctised. If We were willing 'root'or green crops for a few years--oevcr, Is it pec,pri't$T' "No f for'w'e "btive 'seen j '" c weak, niake.sitiiple prayers and speech, under 'any circumstances, cow it down to persons utterly destitute of it, and yet hap- j when we can uo no better, we should pray grass uulil the Iuuu is perleclly cleau. py and contented. ,Yv"e have never read of joftciier, better, and iu every way do more After heavy application of salt, it is a poorer person than Lazarus, yet bow Tow 'good. Happy is the inaV who is billing to bcoeasnry to ' wait three months at least to rich mcb.' or princes, or tiugs, have ever i be littlo, tho servant of all, a donr-kocper, allow it to be d'ssoIveiJ, and in some ureas been as icell njf as Lazarus? "' ' ' , '"JVlV'riuger, Cre'bulliler, lamp IFgtteT, "any- jure to be carried off by the spring rain. Is it health ? Scarcely any other per- Jtling that will serve .ThrUt in the bousii of It is ulso Tequiite to plituf the laud -wilh outline tni t&tiut tivveuie. ,. From thai American Messenger. ' ONE THING NEEDFUL. Many things are useful and desirable. ' Only one- thing is absolutely Indispensable, 'in ere is only otic thing' which v? a Uiau pos aoss, be is well of, whatever else he may luck only one thing which if a man luck he is ruined, whatever elso he may possess. griculfuraL soual earthly blessing is-so valuable as this. tGpd. but many persons have bid their happiest 'Lours in severe sickness; and some habitu al invalids are remarkably cheerful and hap py. Health is uot imUspcttsalrfe. Is it a good ivpututiont It is possible for a person to be calm and happy vben as period by a thousand slanders, on J when unjustly reviled and hated. " IMes'iied are yc," said our'L6rd,'" when meii shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall sty all manner of evil asainst vou fahchj. for my sake." The of innocence w'iil ' nf m.U t.,l..i..i land I nfF.c of money and labor to sow seeds of any uphold a man ugainit the wildest storm of ! a few remarks for those . Uo may feel inter- 1 crf P tUc 6r' Jc"r' on 1",,ted UnA Lut 00 ! f'" "l" v,"'1'1" uf J .,u,n. Tl,. !,! ,,,,. ..I Mioktii.oa L ., ,t , '. .,, , i tear ncou ne enieriauieu 01 uiiure as ro- any of the following crops, which would be serviceable to the farmer, and can bo tram planted with the certainly that they will increase inor'o considerably til, bulk tj,an if left iu the seed Jacd : cabbages of sorts, Svtcedish turnips, kohl ra,bt aud maugo.ld j wurzel, all these being iu their native wild state, tuariuc plants, consequently common ' d,,. salt is a necessary aud beneficial addition It is pi. to the soil in the cultivation of all plant as mot CLKANSIN'O LAND OF WKIiDis.' ' ' na'tur'ully grow near the sea, shore. It is Having 'had some experience in the dc- mm"J that it would bo a waste JOHN IIKSRY WAYT, 31. D.. SU11G EON DENTIST, . (ORAOlUTf OV TUB lUl.TJBoBI CoLI.ME DlNTAt "" " "' 'PuaoioNs.) fFTtZ., "WW AVI N O Incuted prrnmnejitly, M.M. tenders hi" profumiiil " rvi. 'XlXlXJccj the "citizen's uf hurlotte and vicinit. '. , I' Or. Wivt nrrduretsnd jiiscrta ArtificiuU .-; nj .il.turuu.fs, un'd allciidi to tli correction ol' conifi-iiitul und tceidviitdl deformities ul' llis lettb smljtiws,' lie it ulno prepared to insert Artificial Teell al'ti r tWc innsl approved nii'tlioda. Ollii-e on Tf)on.ireel, in t:rori' new build ing, I'p Pluirs. - " ' ' I.iidics w.nli-H on at their remdtiicei irrwjuired. Koe. I8, ltifl. 3B"" S A IVS S A USA VA 11 1 LL A, roa the cuaa or Scrofula, Krujtitmi, Rlu umalitm, Im of Appetite, V'liilily, Dyprptia, Sinil Sirr'iit: and at a Sping d fall VCRIFIKK of tkt Blood, " ilt rjlcotu it unrirallid. Tlui Uiedichie lius been" in uo for nearly 25 yei ; and has obUined a Urge tliare of popular fuvur from its inuny and well eftiibliallod curs of Wnutc eaaea of diaeaae, M woll as of those of ecrnt opieruiice." ( Tl... iir. il iiu alU'ratlva niedicilia Will find i adiiiiroble iiicdicine and speedy relief in n I to the laato and is prepired in the ful manner by out f tui proprietors m lie himai lf a pliysiriun. PlsiiaB eall at Ir. rntchard's Drag Wire snd ubuiu an almanae for IfiS (jralis, which gives JAMES BI. KDSF.V . COMMISSION $11 AST, .60 JOIIM I STUECI'fNt V, BUYS and forwards ovory kind uf nmrehun. nze for SJ v'T nt. 'on.mi4. Kcli-rs to Govs. Swain Morehtud, N. W. Wwiilfin, J. W. Upborne, V. I. Mi mieiihull. A. M. tiorinun, Ksq. and ltev. F. Di'eina, lion. W. A. Graham, and others. JUaUe in' rianos. Meloilions, Or(rn. Iliirpa, Guilura. Mu-ic. Sewing; Maeliines, Iron Siifia, I'umpa, Gurden Knguie, 4.C. A printed i.. i r .11 iim riiirereiit inakcrs. Ninda und prices trul fret:' I'uhlisher of an, elegunl ilho(rph of - Hickory tint Oep," (f I,) unit um " nrjo- Kite I nvsieiAij n. Inuian G uiK To Health. I'lila iuvaluuhle Jumi y ugiH IioiiIi! lie in every House. 11 ircuisor an oiaeuar, iu m - It luxury und preserilie the riine.ins I'rom niiture'a IhiuiiUous stores, for' all our iiifinnilioa nd mi lortunea. It is printed on fine white paper, hand. ...nli ly hound fourlh edition,' 3UU pages, und is matted fire for ant dollar. Nik Itoscwoud riuuoa, 1 1 50. feu. io, ib;8. h S, M. HOWELL, ts-M-pMsaajaasjsjsajsjaMajgaaja Z I I AtlANT. m win. rii ii mi ma in; u.. .t aluuble information. The following nave made fcattiul to Ins fellow tneu, is fur j There is an error into wbicb niauy culti happier than he whom successful hypocrisy i vators fall, "that aggravates the evil ; it i. has led bis fellow-meo to load vith honors, j the collecting and saving all weeds, after "A good name ib better than rubies," buD 'dicing potatoes or other root crops, and even a goo.I name H not nuUiiteniuOfe. th'nUi the'm to a heap in a comer of th regards root crops . Ltvcujue, MurLct Oar(letier) Island of Jersey. HINTS FOK.TIIK MONTH The Plantation. Make ample prepa re can be happy without it, and can trail (jj t0 peri.b. Such practice would .bold rl,"ou Ior " ,fu" ,ai'M ol provisions for your for God to give us a pood name before tho W). if thev'were annual weeds, rrevious, Iun"'J "U" stovK uy ptaiitin anaeis, on.1 in His' priebce. to blooming : but wbeu such colliclioi re There is truly' no earthly good which we composed of perennial rooted weeds and otb- cntlnot fack, and still be happy none which er4 full of seeds, it is doubtless better ccon- wc cannot lack uh- pi:'J be fived. What 0my to burn them, than Vu'r"' (he' risk of a hirm i, it now tj Lazarus that he was occe fresh rop for the next season. It is a fact B) poor ? What didYrcuce will it mate tb tuat perennial rooted weeds will retain their you one hua lre l year, hence, aud a mil ; ,i,aJity for year's in a 1 heap." How often lion ofa.'cs he ce, whether you arc now poor 'have "fseen largo mounds of them, after sm; THROAT. Tlie fullnwing la sn exlrnri fiom a leltrr reeriv. cd from Mrs. l) van, who had been aflliutcd t'er several years with Serofulous L'lccrs. Dy pia, Ac, and recently with an auction pf llis Tbruut and Chest. IIaiuvbuso, Va., Dec, 13, 1845. Mcttit. A. H. 4f O iSno',"B. fore fnninnr need using youi Barapari'l, my suiurmgi were a.inott paat cxpreraion ; my ttiroulVas coinpleisly ulce-i Saddle & Harness ITanufacturer, THREE DOfitlS SOUTH Vt TUB MANSION HOUSE, " ' juii A ltM ' 1Ki.. C a r All k inds of Saddles and llarncssinde at the shortest notice. l rliKfADtlNG promptly executed. Jui, ll. )o5a 37tf li y i. it jk a. 'O ' .-j. w mb . Jli-catisc ho buyes hia H'Jt) Irum the Maiintucturers. ' UO. TAYLOR Would rf.pectl'ully snrjnuiice.lo tin injiohilniils of (II A Ut iTT K and vicinity. I hat he h;, r. front their Old Klnno, to one door MYsl of T. M. r'arrow's Grocery More, here lie has m,K hil.ili.n, juil received frum the Norlh, one of the not extensive asaorliornln of i f (M WEIi Ever offered in North-Carolina, ampng'hich will be found the celebrated tin whii.h has irained such faiimua reputiitmn in the .Southern Cimntrr I Tins Stove he warrants superior to any ("ookin" Slovr now in i hi T p i consumes h s luel, ano does mere mora in s pivi n linn . man r,nv oinor j-h.ii liCIlQCrSOIl 6C AlirCllS ' put one t.i.l.,aBy other Stove nf the s.c site in l.elml.-n M;.t..,an,l lll-rnow r.c.ivini. r Al.I. and W INTKK "'" m E"r" -"-" ...... ...u ...... Bl I.Ht fit li I j.:.- ioji, ItOO l M mill MIOi:i, a (orpe Stock of or rieh whether men now honor or despise ! raUiiiff some starved root crop, coutainiuji voj' . . , . Pouch t-r.,H fTriticuin re- '"nel.iu . . . . . ! , . . ' .1 c n-.... -i r . -...i - An interest in .ieu ciirit,aucipenuien- pens.T liindw.ed, ft ouvolvutus ti pium aud v"""' ) ' UP "" i ,,p,ri!lt. Vour fntnd. I...n. li. llivax ll uivilJe'of bii'gre'at Wvaftoo, U the ; rreu-is. Thirtle, Scrratula arvensis.1 n,1,loJ of mi"g which is detailed j fnpHtt4 ,nd by a. II it I). Sands. lruK. only 'in.HxrirniaMt thine. You cannot do ' Chfni f TuiU -u frfar. 1 Horsetail LK-1 iMr- I-overins, of Pennsylvania, will ep. ' N. Yrk, ACrnt in t harloii., N C. II. as soou the seasous will allow, full crops of Corn. Irish ant Bweet rotatoes, rpring Uat-; ear- riltd, I had dreadful fiugh, and there were ly Cow Peas, iu tbe drill, for fodder, Lu- i qucntly wtt-ka loythrr thai I could not spra eerne, iu the drill, io. Plant, also, the Chi- b"',c 'nd Vaidt., tin; inflauimafinn ti i r ii r i it.-' from lov llirual iiltmlid to my head, so tout my; oese 1'roliOc l ea, for hay, and for turntUi;, , . f . hrariuff ivaa sry niuuh impaired. Alter lalun; undtr, hen green, as a renovator of worn ; a,tMfmttiU , ,,lor, ,iM, oiy Uliri imposed out land. It ys unsurpaaved for these pur- ,d throat is n-w well; I am as fr-e from. CV TJTl 1FT Tf 'ft.T (T poses, producing from 1 to 3 tons of food ' cough aud tightness of the chert as ever I , JktJIJ sJL aCti Asliv "sTf 1 lay to the acre ; aud when turned under, ni e hear quite di.tinclly. .My throat ha rn)i,rcilie i Vcsia and rants, in every i'.ylc the soil " Plant the Chi- ' we almut llirce nionllia. Hie cure ol winch and vr-ly. oala trow f.t to 1H, and , hat ber e m eted entirely by the use or yoor Mar- "iew. n iuaune ui liirt. r:iM t i n,,! 'rami, 'I'irn, j I'mlrvshirlH, A , &r. .4 I..,l,e. r,!f.;,,n thiol, at It. M , the better 1 8 Ins ' A I k: v r PARIvaOH & BOX STORES. 0 rid cotmUntly keep on hiiriri. nn cjcu imn v .:. .int d Mork ui T IX. AND .S1IKKT lti:.l,S KKTTisl.S, CIST iitO.Y SSI.ISTS:.ll)s. . . HAT - RACKS, CILiULES. &c., &c, AW ol M'liirli tvill Ur lil, If 11 iirt IC In it. Inn )t IIijui I,;, s-v-r been lf-i'd In liii Vicinity. I wpuld return atoy thanks to my friends und cusiontrs for (lie v.-i a I ,.. imlhnul this Vnn mi. nnt e.i at r.vmoa mill, ' ..: ..I....: 1 1 -I . .. . . 1 P' " V IU OUr A pril II Utul"? T. Sir. L. has eUC- I -M. PaiTilnao, at Irwin comer. yourself, nor with 'God, without it. Vou ! usefui j,, , w,., but which oul-Ih uot ceeded, perfectly in making Su?ar from ttt.b.vr6h..nUtto,ti. ' have uo suCcieut rrepar..tiou for the dwties , J,e (ecB' ou ,)T farm. Large quantities of;r-'"rt n'1 ! statements ill be read with arid triaU aud burdens and sorrows of life ,ielu ,rt U,CJ frt.fb as betiding for eatlle.j mucb, ,D,e, without it uone for the inevitable, hour of ' ,,! -f, turned out aud inijud with the' '" P" Pring for your regular Corn crop death. Vou cannot meet (iod without it . j dung. heap's. ' " ' ' !pio" or subsoil your laud 1 0 to 1 'I inches You cannot stand at tho iud.'iuent-scat 1 vQW ,i,p !, nr JPtrnvin, ...!, 1. x,rv I ''"'P (l5''ches would be far better) ma- i on critiiui near your nuuior- i klont Shi CLOVK ANODVSK TOOTHACHE DROPS, AN IMMEDIATE AND lKIUE'-'r Ct'UE. Tin iricei Pr (, 37j, firft io liivsloiit ll..ot. at 3, lao fine ' - ) ll.-.t. anil SI,.-.. Ladies Illuck ( hith t'loiiks at i :. worth 7 jO, alis fancy aud eol..rrd, in it. al hentowrd aisin us. ami thev tuny ret assured, that 1 ahull endeavor.h together with s deli rroiifaiion to plesse, lu try and nu-rii a, cootinuaiice of Hie .nine. V V P.. VVt' i 1 1 ttinv u .ij-jiajii ;iu:. arielv i Suic'tpc French Mutiiatj, )? I.ainii, Ctl'iinrtes, Ihlmzit, IlliinliH. I.msetjs, Fliiiimls, Tie,itign, hatitigt, HrttWH and Itliailnil ShirtiHgr, e. be iwvi'tj 22 mitt zm julics iind (Ii iiilciiirii ;ue i;iiliruhii! invili d lu cull und x ;i m i n iii m lllZl'f.M OS JOB TrvOSS 252iit2ji SO HE SS? .ttt t U AOOUN." it Ib . It.-I will tell you wliy I heail uiy Hdvertiseiiieo t Vfe have three Wagniis Collotsntly travelhlif; Ihroui. tl withoat it. tality without it. It is " the one thing need f il " the one indhj'rntuUe thing. H. A. S. " I) 0 THIS." These are the words of tho great Ma-iter. When the centurion ssii to one, " Co," be went; when ho said to another, " Come" be cirne ; when he said to a servant. " Do this." be did it. If men are ready to obey iduocd and reproduced to that cjtcnt as to earthly masters, why not be as ready to o- '.mother' by its broad leaves any crop that bey our heavenly .ijaster ! Is he not as worthy of obedience? Are'not his com- ,'tbe simnleifdoneasldirect. and.hiehlhave """"'"y P,au ""J7-. '' 001 ,0" c"'u j . -.1 ' ' 1 . 1 j uiouieut after the dancer of late frost ii ,,u,rJ carried out with eomplete success ou Und e " that had been offered to several rent, free,! for a term of three years the land around j A' a0D yu LaTe fini!l'J ,ha P1"""'!. of that nature, letting st Xil (830) the acre J C' a ,n'1 otler P'" "P. P'"Prr . ... , , ., , . . .. i for Cotton. on coniiiuon of clearing it of the tus.nla.j , , .... -ii- , i Sweet Potatoes should now be bcdded.oul. go farfara, whieh grew so rapid sud in smti , 1 ' ahundanco as to defy the lahor of nianyj . ' , : e . ... uia.a. ,o crop cuiiivaieu in mo couiu in lact pro 1 . is more worthy of attention than the ifwect Potutoe. It is ouc of the uiu-t valuable es. ' cuienta for uiau or beast and every planter . years to cradicut;. 1 he labor to I act pro duced in unfavorable reult ; the weed pro bands as reasonable Has he not done as much to l,y us uu ler obligations to him ? Does be uit hold out as stroug iuduce-i tneuts ! Des he not set L. fore us as large ' a reward? Are iA the couicijuunces of e, (wo 0Ilj 0f ,alt per acre a heaey doo lotner Dy lis nroau leaves any crop mat ,,., ... v 11 . should have ful ' bank",' at the scttiu iu ght be Mini. .No pernor would accept . , - r. , 1 m ' t 1 1 wintci'.even if he does not make so mueli e offer, t I took it ; aud vreil was I Wmgti-., . . . ed at, for at best it was ecD'idcred a fool a bargain. I began operation earlv iu April, H.'irl iL 't is I plouoder'l shallow, and then sow disobedience as terrible? 'And yet, wl; he commands men to " d tins " publicly to protess 1,1s name ana ceienrata bis Ueatu j ,jen b.rto-wed it iu and lcll it in the Lord's supper, bow many there are , or ,wo J ploughed a'eain. arid some will say j but I had tried it frcjtiTit ly before ; consequently it was no venture. In a week nin when who uiobey. Uo can oue prtteud to be" tvur ,jie f0lia.e covered tbe ground, which the friend of the Lord Jesus, sud yet neg- ; j, j;,; ; , feW lIaJ, Altogether T gave ihe kct this plain command 1 '' Every 'Christian 1 ,, four ,,!,, hi ",,, 'ln,l then manured it wuo Defects tuis plain comuiaml dju bun Cotton. The iTati f white Varna) the Vauis. and the lied 'Negro Killers ' to called are I all fine, productive varictii.i, ', Iii-h Potatoes ahoul.l b planted in drills 3 fut't apart aud covered with a thick layer ' straw "or leaves, as heretofore directed ; r-r, 1 scatter manure in tbe bottom of the trench, drop the sets upon this, aud cover up wiijj earth, drawing it to the stem as they jrrcw. ' Soutlmni Vulln iitor. ' ! '' i Those wishing lo theniselve with any lo t pai,r. ol this dia.e sht.i,g thru ; f )p ,1lVe (;,.M;, ,nu ,.er. not herein rosn. iluir la nil irioul tornii iilii.f eraeveri.ncf ,and, tioiud, will find 11 In llieir interest to examine our a. is ..ften the case, have received but litllr arm. ,"" I"i"' " '-re hi.einf iMthy ffiui frienua on aueh octsaions, will doubt I inoeh pleased to knuw of a remedy ihalj Klufc Sprmfs' Corner. will never fail to qnwl forrvtr liie unniereiful of. j , .I'KNI'EHSON & AIIHEX3. IVniler. Ke-M-neii lias proved thai tins sriodyne eotiiposition will j; tve timncuiafc and ptrmatttoi re lief, after the lailiir of ivi ry ulUr remedy. Iti. pleasant lu tiie t.tlc md smell i K.ll not irijte Ihs tef to or j;nm iu any way i and a few apph. ca to a. will entire f remove Ihs pa in and aoreneaa It nrejveii tiuilli, f , that il ma; he lilku sud n ii!i rid unful ntnr. j Kiln ilircrtoilia sclnnif'.ny each vial. Priefi einla. I'r.p.rni and ..J hy A. D A D. SAM, lliutt' and ('liemi.U. Nn, 1 OIJ lult.i; ilrtel, eurwr i.f William, Nsw York1. ' ' Agint 111 Charlotte, l. M.piiiTaiAitn, Mutch i.:. lawi.Va o.Mii a 111: a i' 1 il l la iii:ai W ait r couotrv ."J anfl iinrrt. ht lore hi.rinf Our C.mh1s are offend st i.LiL ALLY LOW IHJCLS. JTA first rale aesortn.ent of GOODS may slao he lound si our Store at Morrow's Turn Out. I'ri ce aanie as here.. Orf. 13. Ii7. 33tf .u New Killlnery and nantua Halting KSTAIiLISllMLNT. W ,ilt vrtlrr trill br faithfully nut! pnmtlh ulHtutu! lo.jt A. A. X. 31. LWJ.OII. fimsflf, June 16, Ifc-i,. 3n iVotice. 'BAew Est4iblilinicnt.'' aHllKt -IIABUiTTK MUTAI. INSI'I(aV( K ... A OMFA.N V continues t.. lite mk. r'nl fB" "",!,r" '" " having eatahl . Ac Sa Ja. rienoMiiei, v in v ni.riotie. inteiio loaa hy r'irc on Ilou s, Goods, I'l ' Stor and I!r m ilrT. M. SMITH i. llu. .'Or.I iiifurm tli puhhe T w that li intends curry RICH GLOSSY- HAIR,- ' Completely Preserved . to tin: .itr:ATi:sT.A(;i:. ink on tho above Itu.ine. ct her rei-oicnrc, n. xi to 1 lie mo Kina cop.l t 'hutch hr w.iuld inlorm tin- Unlie. Ihal ahe has jol n reived a supply of L' mod 1 riniuiinga, con. .,.t,..-f .. t'lowf rs, Fealliprsf. Kourlirs. &c. Khc hopes hy emieavoriiij.' Infive sahsfaelion to l!ne Shi liny favor III r W.lll lloir eunluill, o oient s lib. ral .hare of public patron..?!-. Oc. a?, lrS7. 3jtf I lit AlM lll-I'lll-Sslill.'l l;ili ; fl for cabbaee. These I piantml in 'July ; JTJ aga z lae of U e f 0.1 luf 0 rill a 1 1 fjn. NEWi (.001)5 AND self ah injury, sets' a bad exauijile, aa I 'di honors Lis Sat'iojr. ' "' ' " V"hcn the writer united with the church, bis sifter, a few year's 'older than bimtelf, f- It t'.at it wai her d jty to coiuij out frni the vforld by a public profession. Put she resitted her conviction of duty, and full in- t) daikness arid doubt, and did'uot profe'an j M(ie'. there faces became ilotid with sur- ci they were fully grOwn, and all ca-ted to market aud sold iu ten weeks after plut in?. Of eourse I ued tbe fc r-e hoc as fre- l,"? 'i'1'. UevsiM , ,, iu.i., iy w n,e uisse c , . . i- . lii-liun of Mali llilormarinn. q'lent.J a po.sll,,e, to aslot the Crop aud- Th w.olul such . Journal 1. (e it hy every loil.,trov anv wcda that mii'ht eoirie. but n'H'l ' n.'ubn urairrs lu brionie at all. , .. qilainled with none appeareu. .ow ni m ionnors, wuo siil eunuiiiun, lulnre pr.wpreis, .e., aud by nui, re n vo.-rre. vroinlerd at its non. mimar- so much as by nur I., gialah.i,. , , . , 1. , - v ' in. 1 vie iua no sy-li m of statisties. I be ttril,uted to anv uf iliai.ri.l tub. be 1 Uir.,t till tour years alterward. Her evi. ,riae, Yet many predicted a fine show of I nere ar l,rKe ml. 01 v.,li..l.le and ,.,trrea. deuce of pe(y at that tibae was no clearer, j bloom in March or April, 16A7, for, said uZSJkmmXZ'ui lf .-rc were fiur years ist, never' to be re thev, wait tiil then, aud vou will see that "' !"' sinii..m, n.r all prurto .il puruo. 1 1 A . ' ' . . ' ..a... ... aeg, miifiit well be 111 the tlrirtrae rantfUMPe -amcd. kue has never ceaned to repret be has only Silicd the surface roots. wl... ..r Ir..l.,i,.e .relnve. e..ou,,f. ,.nr that delay. Io that time -At might have ,: j!e it rcn,en,bered this field has bad a "'"n-" ''' puhl..ti valuable ...,i,.,ri , made great progress ic knowledge and grace, notorloul(' cb.r.ct for more than fifty yeart, .'v'"', TwLnrZTtH'LZTtiM i" she h.vl wallied iu nil, the Lord s con., j and ww broll , into it, fouj ,lute oni, by H-" '-"; ", ""' '!' 'M 1 t r- ' . J J nu Uj cuitJ uf t'tf it rta ami M.ih ini'iilt from inands and ordinance. ! saving the weed, of a field sornn dial.nee lime .,, tunc hy ou, ,ne..,pr,t,d c..,pn,e., L- t tbo,e who hope the Lord has been ' offniiliBg ,!, ,ilb ,be ntablfl du..-, and ;h;"',,.",,"" l,e"'.. '.''- fj -v. --a ..iv,.i, "-- 1 a , then cnrlibL' the brccious compost to tliO fu colkel vsrmn iu nis nf i u forma 1 ion. ""i; li" " lore, my nit tliu.a. to canfeia him hrfor men If it.. . . .1 1 , . ; and rive lb. 111 Io the niililic in a i..uhi ea.v ..1 re. 1 rr""" '" etmriet 1 .. ... - . , i J taun 1 now apeaK 01. . Hnf .,.f;ili 'wHl do ,t with a smcorc topi. a-, and-o-j - Tu f j'brurtry, 1.17, 1 plan-fv ,,.., .,, ., re.Ue..e,, ,h,o, bey God, they si!! Gild that III keopiiiL' hi,; I , 1 , , , r . ' , , , "arine d.reeily or indirecily on our wo lib, proa , , . . , j "liuej.iy poiumoa aou ,rily.l,d llolu.lrV, IS ll.e ne.ien ol the Ju c libinanos tii'.re is ?reai rowsru. !. , , ... . . , I1UW ,-,1 ,, ,.,,1.1,,. ..,: r beaurv. am' In . a J w,, . - u- . ... ,. r... ... ... ...;.,- i.. ... 1...- ! their I. air lii a And alio that Is rr.y would not have it reator to ior.i.rr color; or b-Ki, but wotilu hare ihc 1 ooih rcaiurid. or troubled with (l.niirutf aud j rolnla, se.ld head, or'o-.l.e, eruptions.Ul "V-'V: MtV Va V r-d, or vtilh airk bend aehe. tueural. ' j a . ,j CT fl'IIK undersifnisl pmp-ara In publish in tlw '. t") bat w.wl be cued. It Will al.o remove all : M 1'iljr f Kahieli, iritrl 1 1, .,,, J.Kai.. ul ' ""I'1'. Irom Ihs and .1 Hi. I'rol. W'.xHi'a J. E. STEMIOOK. JOHN bTEMIOl.SK n nr ne.n ri.iivt vtiii do aii tin., set circular arid j ' tnc loilowulj,'. ' ' 'aUllK un.le,,1Bned are now alarje and Am Anson. N.iv.n.ber 5, 1e..n, v.el!-a.leeied sloel. ol P. or. O. J. w).i-U..r Mir: I have beard, ijuaiiiied with tbe resources of Hie State, our pre. '' ""' ",e won.lerlul effect qf your II ir , I I I I 1 1 I kl H I' 1 1 I I' S l. -li,, oui Having neen SO OIKII Clieiiteil tie j H j.,. rry and .(u.rk no.trums. hair dyia, u. I in Si.rinp.1 brick huihlmg. Jd d.M.r from l!r. J. Y, .,. .iii.,..,.e in pise yoo. He.iflrMive in the auic Bryee'a More, which they will sell low, by cabsory wilh the thousand and our loudly iru.u. 1 TTV1. 11 . pel ,1 quae, remedies, until I met vou in L-W.! AhnP?!l ft anfl Kftlflll FOR CASH. ' IT 'iffire Ulwcrn Park Bunding.' ' OFFICERS. M. U. TAVLOli, l-revUnt. C. OX K I! 1 A X , Vi.:e frtsidnd. ,K. aM'K HUTCHISON, t-ecy d- Treat'r. ihkei thhk : V.. 11. TAVLolt, V.. OYKKMAN, i. A. lUl Xl. , V.M.Ji;HX.(N, , J. II. CAKtUi, S. T. WKISTOX, V. tCAKU. May 11,16..,. lltf Dissolution. f Bill K copartner. hip hereb. on xiMijir. Vetween 'J the under. lened, la Ibis liny dia. oiled liy mutual conncul. All fMr.oos ino.Lud to os are requested to b pr. pared Kllll toe amount Ihey in a i. w dayi Lttieinenla niu.l be i 4S. 16, it; JOXAS lirDIjILL. V- S. VH1SXANT.. rencc oi.uiity .(Hue luuotlia .nice. In n you gave me eucll ....uruni e . i,,.l,,, , .1 ip, ,., .1 ..l ...... lf-.iorlive in my fmiity lint ,y my wife T'" v '" PT " 11 1 11 ' ''"' "l t h...e h., had iH comc vy li.; mi cntrrely' ,K J' -'" r -oll..n. Wheat an, while, and (H-foro exh.u.l.iig.ouc ol y..ur larkc -", l'J fnaJure tn.erally. b,.ilM. h,r hair ... i,..,lr t It, o.iB j J. K. STKXHOL'SK & CO. innl In auliiul brim ii coloi, , i dm thickened ami i kuilotle, (h- 13, l'S7. 3dif Iht ,oie iMautilul and gU,tr upu, and enlirely ' ; over lli heid ; .he e.ib.iriiie.iu na ti, mil simply I t.erinne of its brunt-.! tins' effect, uia.n the hair, f but li.cau.eof it. healtl.fiil ii.flu. no, hi the v. ... m. . aTffi a tic 'I-:. i will .till be round at my Steam I'l-iiiii.j .Mil!,; prepared to fill all ordera lor ' ' - -Sash, Blind- and Doors, with an n'otj 1.1-inU r tin muutrj ufl'tinlw, 1 1. (icttug to iiievotf my atU-iifion nnn jmrticulftrl y lu n.y h'p. nis .Kiiicil unlets l"f wurk in my line ul ltiPini-tus, UJ LunilM-r Hifftwrd lp oftior at nhnrl nr.lic pribc luutlcmtt atd umu Urittx rv r' iltr rl. J. KLl'lSILL. Af . 18. IS.'.T. tlie f... Iiiiein tirarirbe. o! biikiri.... ,z : .s"i rr 'ttng, iiun nr.u Jj:kt. . Jleil Jliiuiif: ; iiVrc, Ui"f ,., k inds nf Mrtiil Work njinri , ' siIioh Mill h,k a ml Harts n ' -dvrtdilr kind Dunie, nid vii'itu ' ttijtt? ior to otiy other kind vi .1 :, 1 tit rw r, a Alt of the above branch.. I e. a rr.-1 t t., in a workmanlike t!c. l oach makers at a' lii.talice th. I wi.o 1 titeir work .inoe lv.iiincp,rt i uijrati' aiapalehmff as I..M1II u. pnaaink. IVraotia at a .li.t.incc t.hintr Gtni. uHi r, , flint to p.-reus. kiii or otherwise ri 11 ,.-. , slockirijr, will have them repaticd auilnli' the soorleal time pnaaibie. 1 could pii-e any number of Jift-r, lie Horklimiialup, but I deem it unne. v , leave the work to .peak ,,r ilsi 1. m: your work 11. .oon a. pon.ibls ail. irOIUHMJ w.ll be cash. I'll ut five a cail al niy shop. North of I . Hoiiae and in xi Uuor to Overman A. V i!.. i riafe Suop. JOHN M. MA.-' CUtlatte March 1 S, IMS. A: Valuable I'laiilalion Fon s.ilj:. Mil- a.ile h; 3 lilllea Sou coiilalnmi. iiijj tlie I.iiiios ol llr. rs. It h.s n eooil I, uLnTil'i r . ili -k f.i . in od sl..liit I of ,.l t..te 1 ,1. hi but Ii. cau.e of it. healll. ful u,(lu. nee upon the V, . I'b ''S V 11 I head and nnud. "Mhnrsv,l my lamily ad friend. , CH WtVttW V W JjOOKS. I Al are li.iuj your .I.iralive, with too nappie.l if- -m j hold .a rib. it I pni Then- is ahi.ut t. r. .1- . I .- ,:.. 1,1 g .,11. . I., k ...... .1 ...! ! 'Ii'ir.u. "I a..v,nu h ,,,....,,, fc . ... . and ifCe.and I..JI !:i,l l,,.M roni.f;e s liberally beatowed umo' us. and w Ihe konwle.lje thabibu bu.iiu K. ill I., carried eijually as expeditious as wc have done. 1". S. WHISN ANT. Aug. I, 1M7. k. I.- k. plicii (id doubt, in 1 niir. lr re. and con. Parac-ciT's MosrsTsoN's Chablks Vtii. or Anra.ras I-ititi t, i. luyi T. V K. 11(1 I Can snd dft nwial fl,li i,l,.,l v re, i,n,.i.. .,,l il. ..... I.. ,.11 l. I.I kllick. have their hair re.tored wi.ile nr gmy hy Ki. ;iw or Ni Mr.Jico.mi He. I'tofLa, hy urn. I reason 01 ican .. or aje.j iu nniriual c.nlor an,d v vv . . ii. d.vis. now otl-red mr puiilie pHronarn. r nea.iry, nn, (r an ynui.( per.on. v. ho wjuld have pe,. Fains, '4,T. or . Art CtUht lTOM Sn l.r II I..., f..r ....,,, 1,,,. !,... 1.,.. 1 their .air b. aiililul anil sloa.v. I -. 1 1... V 1. u l, ' 1 , .. tioii. I then applied "i buihuU of lime teen ll.e pases of tl. HTA'1 Is r .,1. 1 Very truly sud tr.irfiilly vour.. ... .' on Agriculture, r.'emm.r 1 per acre, to neutralize the salt, and then put io tho horiMi-boe, not mo much to dc devmid 1.1 loour Topul,. , I'lioli.: Iu.i strov the reuiains nf the coltsfoot, for there ! "".' will y-m .1 In lor. I t..t th. buttle r It pre.ii titrir comjiiion DO A LITTLi:. Many Christians coneeive n.a''nirniot I i., -t it... ....1 r..i a4 ..... , . ' ' ! was none, but merely to ctii-u the soil, as I .Ami. .k voe. llllln nr.n.1 Th ..,l..b ' ,' , .,..," ', . . j found it became encrusted after . . .' . r' I sbowcr of rain. Then cm id be seen tho ways on the loon out lor ercat opportunities, , , , v ' v . t as also. Hiuieme ' . . i . '. briny efflorescence on the nurfacc, lookiiie; " ' "' ...1 t.:tr-.. r, . 1, .,.,..:.. r-. 1. J ' " and nrorre.s tA li r I A I 1- I Will IK pill m pre ivKduca. ,M mu'..' tor. , Fisl.e. I f iiirsn Wi V.ol.BT n. 1 1 was a Ions; time afVr I :. w uuve .men yini gate rnc on order upon jour ag. nl m ll., and when 1 511I it we imii ludeai 10 try il .-ii ,Mr: .Manli'a hair, as the sure.t l.t of lit (Miwer. Il has dons ll Ihal you'asaured His 11 would lio I and oilier, of my family ami Ir lends, ham.f witnessed its ealeets, arc How Osing and rernmno-iojinj? lis ui in olhera as entitled lu lbs biffin . I con. id. ration ymi ctann tbr it. Ajjain, Very llully sml truly, your.. MILUMIM MANN. and nur.rv.vres. m ecli. It 1. a ln Scanned In contain tho lteiorta (cos every """"'I0' ""' "IIIC ' r.'-urer, I onuiM.-ioiu r. of a tlie fin, sine Kund, So la-r ml. nde i I uf ( nniioon, und all other til. In (lllic. r. and lluarda: id ki BHt nl 11, e ruiid.lioii iriuua Itailroails and V.n. Vers iikfl . atiil lin.t -r ti.- ....... -r .1. :.. 1 ' ..... ,. ..... ..... r'. 1 ,uu crt,H g 'D. a ..'tl'ieiSfli n,..,,l-., n( ,e. .1I.1M E nee anu persona,, .0 new.r. ; ,ttuU,hy, but must be eapected; poor in ' ,.n,d f p..y the e-.,..'. uf lirlt TI,, ! ' . " j ofiittlo sins, aud to perform littis u-iics. U,a,ij. The field is now don in cabha- j will contain aeh. not has inau 150 pa j ri.iri.i, la.'.'.., JUn 28 H"i. ' ! Ooa who Utoilin- patently and faithfully!" ni'n - r'-nf el.nlr printed mailer. .ak.,,g a I,k l ! I h.v. iiard Prnt. O. J. tAoial'. Hair tl..,.. ,. r . , ges ajiain. J ''I P'l-es, or i.iore, U whiiib il be adi.'eil lull ) lite, and hiivr a.hnired its won.lerful elliet. Mr 1 03 ordinary oecaa.ons, will be prepared to J For mj Crit crop 0f cabbage I realil-d ! " is ii.des. - j b. . breomma, .. I ,hoUgM. pr. nisiunly mprovo rnoro important opportunity for X,0 I00J'per .ere. The potatoes .ill, if Ta.r. Io.M ...luni-o,. 1 Zl ZTuZVZX l"" "'' umciprriio j gt tlie ,,, market price , fcteb XJi) nmnl"m VT'"" "e ; perm.iiursiy .u; ... duly announced In ll.e public new. piper.. O. J. WOOI A I ti,, proprietors, 33 ItnBi.l. 'hose nersons inb'iidiua' to lliitroni?a the! War N V t, lb- V V 1.1 a, ...i ... Journal will send Iheir names lu Ilia tind. ri(;ried i t.. nl) and 1 14 M.irki I st. .el, SI. I.ouis .Mo" u. n.y, as ii i cn.raiilirio i.Mie the br.t I And sold by .11 l.up'' In the fjmrt and hv t'lUM SKU Tin Cows, bv Mrs. Mcintosh. ' 'II i us nna the Kocstaik or Lira, a book of Scr.'j Hid tin wood. Thi l reii.iy corded up iin.l a tine eiiai v. I jeb yon can p. I 2 lo!i.,r! per the I li..rlolle mine or in l'h..r!o til. II is nbuUt 'J lilllea 1 1 1,1.1 the t whiih I can ns l.e 3 tiipa per Oh I miikc, a full ilav's hnini', Io Vllllll-C.lKOIIVt Hutual Life Insurance Company. ...... ,vffiya,fi.ALnnii. a. c. I place c lairCr. .M ahuii'i Any p. II eon it" li nil eie k, jii.l U,.ve Mil),, Io ,. b'l'K PIIKX K. 11 I N f MIUS ("vnipsny insures Ihc lives nf individu ' JL a In fur nne year, Ujin of years, or for lile, j ou the Mutual Principle, the assured tor hlr ir ' ticipatii.g in the profit of the I'unipimy. Kor ! M.lieita granted for the whole let in "of lile ' when the premium lli. relor ann unls Io .,l), a note may be given for one-half the amount , Aar. .1, I8..7. AIIVIMA .111 VI I I'l For fnlirha,, lu tn. ni. ( Vstii. : rni'STAis or Lira, a book oT 9cr. j note may be given for one-half the amount ol loe Aticeinma n the hnj.v. mi; !L.. fhl lav read i tl prufit by any unc, i premium, bearing interest al 6 per ci nl. w ilhout tinnorrhoa, tiled, trt vVl.ites, Wi ewlon 11 11 1 nl. ...I . i. . and readiness for action wWh often ena-j per ,cre, but a. lLeJ .ro for ,,cd tiey w','f j b!es the possor of a .In.V talent , out- ; Uring ' Uy prcseVt'erop of cabbala K atrip tbe povsesidr of ten. One ct 'a,,r -. changes has the following juat rnutarks : ng more. My present crop of cabhag are fully Vuunl to last year, and mav fetch I more,leing Uter and the piiees higher ...any a urir.nian aestroys , p..el, ,nJ ar v , t niefalne, beea,.c b- is no. willing t0 ,',,;,!' and fihnt,, stand me in for little thing. He slants to .pk and' pfsy ,h, thr-' , ,P i?:i:i . eloquently, edifying, of hot at Ml. 11,. , cbuiTort.ble proCt of the land being of cause; he canndt do some crest thinrr. lm . .'..." , - i o- w-'mi.-iu it-ui irtse. won't do anything. !! mut ait in the hitrh- i A. r. . n . V , "") . At ...n as my eubbagnsi are oul I in- est at or nowlwre. ow no brother m Ct .,i , . , , , l"n' to sow it with early peas in three fuet to d ; lar" tump nnle'; ,:c ii wmiii" to do .I,". ,a it -I T . . . " ' dfuis, ro tlial J may Uio ibe horse hoe to number as Soon ss possible. (JUENT. LUSI'EC. Kalrigh, Jnn. ffM. 110 a. si. l'linc'iiAiii), L'harlu'ir , A'. C. TOP PPTtVTTTTTC I liuj' suit a..Xii". fun PRINIINt; t k.nos w,)l i,e nesllyj arm e.x! esneutee tl IS. North."..! ridtn Whf lltPi. ' 7!Nfl,S tor the JMtverv nf Yrnjierry, I'OK SLE HERE. mar 1 1.1. In- ph ased In receive, I f ' WW in the lepni'im. ills' of Mr:Mt INK I r-l hi; HR Y. I iile mu v he found nl hn ' York I'in'.rirl P.f. i'no. 11. IHila. profes.ioiiiillv nhaenl, be .idcnee, Fori Mill Ibjaii, by llev. II. Newton, I). 1) Tns VT. rinv.os Kvu. anu (oon, by John Yuunr. I.I.: 0. ' . j ' i s. Tns lloe.r.uoi.n Amisl in lieuis, by Mrs. Ls. lie. Tn lioi. iii.i I.iux r, ,Tnv Mi i l!iii.TiiiirTi: ; and Tna Poo. Gin. Ti kman :' three Tale, bound in vitt Volume. Fr.Ai s I.irs. iwiu tih Mormons. 1'a. Kank's Arctic f'.ieun ation. . 1. J. LOWRIE. Chattel,, Match i4. . 1-57. Eiiccuroge Ilcme Industry' I 1. TUllV.l am prepared to fill all orders for OfitdtrTS, .. Ttttfh Sirrthifrs, 'ShirttitfrSt IS ruin Hngi:ii!, lltiiry Drilling, 1 an, making an article of loth fr., tle r,,rpe 3( Milt.tll I'lnpr, Wheal hd ("orn. meraand Produce buyer, w ill find il in Iheir ad. vantage to nae il. All orders (rum dialimce will he ullendedlo with promptness. J. McL)OX'AT,I). Cinrsiw, Oct. 2e, IMC. astf IttfluilJX JKI'tS. Ih d nrtls, H'vU Itt'l,, Carjtct Chain, II ntvvhitr Tu-iur. v. The prompt manner in whU h ell looses have been pid by. thi. eonipuny. toeetiier n-tth the low rati, of premium, present groat inducement!, to such ss are diapo.ed to in.u-e. Slaves are insured for s term of from one to five y.ars, lor Iwo.lhirds their value. All srs paid within 90 uaye after sitis. factory proof is presented. DII'El'TOhM. n.arle. t. Johnston, Win. II. Jsnca, Win. W. Ilohhn, W. D. Cooke, J. O. Williams, II. W. II. mi .1. quel. line Durhee, P. F P. .cud. Win. II. Mi Kee. K. P. Halite, C'liarl.-. II. Kool, i. U. Kow ic, Rjeli'd 11;' ll.llle. , , , OFFICERS. IV. C harlea I.. Johu.on, Pre.ideiit. UW. W. Ilolden, Vice President. It. II. natlle,,Sccritary. W illiams II. Jones, Trensurer. v 11, W. Hurt, d, AUorney. lr. Wru. l. MeKce. M'.dical Kiaminer. TrerB(ir Commi((rr. y. Huabte, W, II. Mc. Kee, t harles II. Iluol. Medical Bonis" nf Conmltnhim. Cliarl.s E., Johnson,, M l., U illnim II, Mi l, re, .M. 1. liich'd II. Ilaywood, M. D, For further information, the public is refer, red In the pamphlets, and foen.s nl proHisul, w hicli may be obtained at the, tlflicn of the v-:punj, or any of ita Accncies. Coniiounications should be ailiirc.ed, (fa.t. pun.') to. R. H. BATTLK, terret.iry. 8, IcVaT. '.'Stf .Hid l Gold Mine liaisnin. ton 'l'. .,. or Ui spepiic Ililli in r Ti A ielt.r In, in J . K. ('.Hum, I u j; . e-: . . C., dnle.l A up. 1 I, Iti'. : I':. J. Kiml- lb . r S.t: i, in nn. . given entire Slit.alac.linll Ul this ai.lliT Iry. The Al mi.;s Mixture . -piei. ty approved of. 1 1 hiiMit v. r f., , I, ,i to . ., ease it sella s last, that I never ha,: supply the deinalld. Yeu Will !'. V s. ' Urge supply of it us aovii u. you gel lo 1 J. K. 0A1.1.I v AI.'KNTS. Win. W. Sanders. War, -T. l.o..g, Kuckingliam ; I'luf. r d. Yoia. ( T. J. Ilolion. ami r. j. y, t;,;,, r,i i I.. & Sill and J . II. Kmiis., Salisbui i i , ! ' y, I.i iingUiu. 'il.fohrcji j-t jL:(h, 1 1. la practice in thi ties and will lilt. .UI-.i .I l.i h,a ra I harlolle,Jmn. 0 ... I H . tJUIU'IaXA fr sale i 2 Si i Hi f Mi Stl J 1

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