r fW jY S 1 I CHARLOTTE: ! Tiif sday. il a r c h 30. 1S58. J IHlilary Srhsul. On Saturday last, the citizen, of thi place voted to instruct our Town Ceinniis .-: ..tiers f subscribe fli'iWil for the pur r.vo of en-din 'a Military College in this place. The vote ;ojd r.ir Appropriation 11-1 Ag.iimt Appropttali n fbl Mnj. for Aj proptiatioti M-mv voted fcr the appropriation who nre op;o cd to the principle cf so oltrn : article nlat.ve to ir. .Mstcui-II t- J ,w,ow , fot ;,.e ,n,V, ilu0!it eVer, other ! the recent aU (?) of erf dom i Ko,-eallii-g upon the citizens to c-n. power I he ! tiona among the mountains, e. e give j jiJrrgon. Tl,w eliurelie's are rrowHed, j sia, and expfUecd his surprise at the eon Commissioners to subscribe. If this is per- ! the table of contents : r.nd the theatres and other places of amuse- summation of ueh an event in one of the KstcU iu tucre is uo telling to wtiut IctigtU j i' nnyb. carried. f T " , r , . . , !i:,plCiU; TboinTlkcketVv'.c.'tioD'; Tl' Vou.S Men. Christian Association .1 Cn:.; CiUVal. s. KditorialTab'c , bold prayer meetiii-:s every morning at eibt 'i'lio -Tcr briii? us accounts of cne1'""'"' ' "'L' ' o'clock at Masouie IIall.it having been found of th most astot.i-Lit.g n ligtou' IJevivaU ; tilt yjjhout the ftitire North and We-t. AuJ what ii a litile remarkalle this has 1 cen I r-Might about without the Usual sp-;'.ianc-s. Na one lietiPiitiiution makir. the coiumencrmcTit. but rraypr meetings were r.p:!-.-'-.i and ail with one coi.sttt wen! up ' c 3 tii- b.p of t'i-.' L .r l.t ) the l.elp cf tiif l. -:d ::.e n:(;,'!v." We c vjM fi-! ourpsper with th-oi.e: if ;' I'i.'ty t'ioj--.i!i issiilby one p-ijtr to have j.-ii:ed o- (lei '::.'::at; mi d-jrii- the pn-t ii:tir, -.1 l.'T p'';cr s.ys tii it within Cve r.tv t;i'isand bf,p-. ful onversions :i pi ice n:.d :' th w rk gnrs 00. 1. a v ti li. .-Ti it p. ill', i I g .ffi .-c New York a re ..nie -II percr : rec-.-::t converts :.-s t:.i. " r nr.. r t w I., n pin -. a r : cX' cf any country. tu any a reader." I 'I. 1.: i'i:. t, a-t :. i T: I::;-. --te, r.nd o'lu-r sections in tie j ii graoioiM iiilluenc. arc prevaiiing. ' 3! in r-svect fs o.ir ATn sfction, iu the i- of thv i,'i.:n f c v ou: J cry, I r-i ::".p O' !,.- cr.n prev::i: A:i I a- a nueiitig wis co:a- M-t li-. ".s.l i the Metl.o'li-t church on Sunday -t t pffy ir the out pfurirr'.f the cur t-i M:v the L 1 h .-:::: t-n ef Kai!v;$. j l!y r-'ferenct; to the CongrcssioBal new it j viil Le seen tin, the l i 1 fir th a-iiLi-.-ion "f I(ana, uti h-r the Lecoptou Con-titution i has pa-scd t'r.e Senate by a majority of i,. tcveril S-.-r.a'wr.s bci-'j ab-nt. T(: IJ.i'ti- '. inf.re lwwn, in mahit.g s-nne remark r:iivc to the ps;a-.-e cf the li.l, gives hat i he fujp, wi'.l be the vote on its Cnai j '&--3ge. V,"e have compared the vote aud! ftd th-.t it eo-r-'spoii-Js, w ith one exeption. ' exu ' r. Mr. Camerr n is rcr re-et.te I as -;!':::; n -j i : -1 :: wbrn it oppcar-t that l.e Jid t.ct vite a, a'l. Iff di?assion ba been :n ileit-r.r topi? ar.d we h-;e it will pa-s the .o r.c .i put an ti l to 1 fvr I Tfiil, v;t w rr.atfr, 't con- 3 i- n 11 f r th'.- pirty d -hi, it couii :.ft- r tht Ip jjure of ii.e fraud that ; r r : r : t d. Kr:intr.I of luizr Lorii::. '.!ei -n our la-t. that the Lee W., t it- f Ma t-.r s-v-r-. t j:i to ti. ll'irn's ci I !- w r. lo'n p.r- 111 II 00 : .ts br 1 t-een etniearonn o adopt a r. cot'inH'iidH t've for tl.e r-n.-.ral of :!.c part !.e took in the t.g up a f'igi'i-e 'lave to that day to ti.is l.e bn4 tbe liiack H'pabiicsDs. . :n gi v From j bv ml ferocity, until they ba.e Hire f. in in.!;. a ting a faiti.f.l public :'; r, r. .l bcu i-e I ' l.u 1 -t'-d a d jty lit lecojsc he- bad tie Srmiui' to e ex-'eu'-td a 'nw of the laii'l. Ilo-y Massa-eb.i-.-tt is f .'.ieti ' .lu-lgi. I,.i:ii.g wil; r-t'ie with tte sympathy of tl i-i'in-l of l.i fel.'-jw c:tli' c at.d the .; ; I '".-it cf hi in ct: -iiierice, whiie 'ior. 1 5 . r. k " . ia Ci tool; and li.e I.egi-lure w ill rtc-ivc ttie -1' :npt cf very liw a: iii'u g c;i T u tiov, Bi.k n.ust bar fit the ba-ir.-', of the t? l.e ;. t.Iti' to ei"5,ntiti.a,e as be pretend- to shield ii'in'f If i bitri a itc. i it-' If wrong, of the State which pro! tt, a Ju-'ieial ortieer ..." that e'ftitiiotiweti'th from bo'd;ng at the Sl-I.' !;!IC t'l" ofliec 0 f I- oil. t!i : - - i '!- r of the I -'-i.-s. The off. -o we b..:i. ve J.jdge I.- z h' ' ! ritniiar With u 1 to a J astice ci the I'-- r. a hfj SiOTJ 'u': Tur't.-h off.jef who ;ccorn I-,:, t, I i:.:.:;.-. : ii.-. lie -erls of .- .i;.i. t,-, privite 'inoom ;'.g out r. C. iy!ie d a y d u: ln his soj--.ru at New Y-'-.oj -.-d in a :ory go-:.: b' f .uiii bloeif . f d i', a:, I SI ill .-' i b)en'y hw iu a I , .1 w i I fa. In I he Ml ,'.! 1.1! d h.lu cat be had be.-lj en . I d I 0 c a tl.rorv I.. up-. in. r th. Ml l.eiug le .ti-, , J bi:i, n) : sras o.er k- "What is over?'' askeil Mr. Oscanyan, b passing, addressing Lira in liia native tongue. " Oh ! KbVndi !" cried ihe Arab. " I was walking through this pleasant bazaar, won dorinp at ilic beauty of the unveiled women, and thinking how far away I was from my native desert, when heboid. I raised my eve, and hcho'd a cloud of dust, loftier than tho loftiest simoom of Sahara, coming toward mo. Ctrtain that I wa, about to perish bv the most miserable r-f deaths, 1 I did according to the fashion of the deserts, and nought to escape the simoom by burying my f:ico in the sand. I had scarcely done so when those people lifted nie up and be hold the simoom was no longer there." 0canyu laughed, and told the Arab that what bo believed to be the simoom was simply toe accumulated dut of the city, swept by the wind, and that the inhabitants were so accustomed to it that they went on, year alter year, without taking any preven tive measures. But the Arab shook bis bea J as he passed on, and muttered to himself: Masha'.lah '. but they arc a wonderful people, these Yankees 1 We have the simoom 1 only in lh desert, but they hive it ill their streets liiivmiljr Jlnrnzitir We have the March No. of tl.is period- j ical befure us. It contain an interesting 1 TV Mitchell invesnsations anion the tattT frirn Etlfpf. ; The steamer Niagara arrived at Halifax1 on the 2G,h instant? She I rings advices to , the IMh. The of cc.ton for the week ! amout.tcd to i.'l.(00 bale, at a decline of to J , owing ti the heavy imports. Stock on Land 2:2.1.0-.) bales, of which 173,000 Amerieal. Mat.clestcr advices ua ral !e. This news is one week later than .-lit bv the Ar..lia. bro riAli rtr Ar. ATIDENT Ar GREAT Iv-eS CF;?fPs We learn that as the upward fr..i,bt trait, on the Seaboard and Ilo,n- ,ke itailroad was erossin2 the Nanse,D.,d Kiver on '1 hursua, la-t. the -bridge gave i .. . " : r is ..:.i. - :i !. W'J V BIIU i;.C UOie ira.ll .en wnu a ie. I lino T-K, i.j. i crali into tne river. J ne train was laoen with .-ooiis valued at $M.) 00. .11. or u.o-t of which were rreall damaged. r.-n, f the good-, we und,t rul, were consign- d 'i's ci'v I't I " " ' " ! NuRfoLK. March 22. I Tii-tu'-. Ttvi- ri.Fr.fiitATioN Ilv the arrival of the stride from tiiinbetb City. NV C . we learn that a very destructive fire oo- curr-i in i't town li.is moruing. Quite a' number of stores in the bu-iccs. part of the ein,:.ii,..d. The loss is said to . . . .. . ! .;i:mr r.tc .- tnong tne stores consumen, n ruins. hen hi' been arrested and is now N. A in jail, ou suspicion of firing bis pr We learn, from the Alexandria G izette, it is n:;re than prot al le that, under an act of incorporation, the L- 'i.-s' Mount Vernon A ciatton will very slnrt.y purcliase trotu Mr. Wa-hii gton Mount Vernon, and that arrang'-iiiet.ts wiii u'tiinately be made to se cure th-jt c.j- ct, satifactury to a.l parties. I be Lndirs will be atl to m ike a first pay mcLt of about ?7'),l 00 iu ca;h. OfT f'F Drr.T Welesrn fr-sm the Win ston Smiriel. that. F.irsyth County ;s eut c'. del t. ar d h'-futids enoUL'h en hand tu enr rv her through anottiT year. The County Court therefore has laid uo tax for county purposes. 'Ihe fomnieti School Tax i 2) cents en the poll, and 10 cents on the ?1i U r,( ral e-tst- And the Poor Tax is a like amount on eneh. St. Lotis, March 2 1. The M'fi'-r'iv Wah. A le'ter from Cf 1 Johnston of the ( tab eipe'U'io"). d.-crihe' bi-i march to Camp Scott, compli.-'. n's h s and -ays the Mormons have, as fully jrd. and nctior.s. can. manife.re.l the trooji orita nH net. ors can manifele. l. r wnl no !o!-.-"-r aubmit to it their own"; and that ih- T. rnu-t either submit to a ln'el.tlOll tliat til" pe.jpie nt ne I ni u-u'ro'ioti of th ir tertitorv and have a government er ?t-d in their midst aeknowl elging no d f '-ti l.-nce up'-p or allegtanie t the federal aiit'n'jrity, or act with vigor and forc to cmpel th' tn to succumb. He ex-pr.-. s an earti-t h t that every exertion mav t-e male to lorsaru suppue earij ;n the -prhig. uti-Itr ruCcii-ut gut mounted iLi-n. -r Attj :t tat Mrt rr.p. We is learn tint on I hursT-iy night ot la-t ek, the boo-e of Mr. Urown, widow of Thtir It of ll-t .I-jiin Ifiown. deceased, in the vicimtv of Norm! College, was broken into, and Mrs. Ilrovtn ki.o' kcl down and brui-ed in a hor rible ii. . -inner ; and;the bouse then searched. Th.-re wa- a Btnai! amount of money in the house, but the fi' t 'l failed to liu : it Mr H m stui a'ive when la-t heard fri-ni, and iho'ii,'!. i'i a verv cri'icai and sufl-ring con it' ion, hoi,-, were entertained fir ..-r rP. eovery. 'ihe ol j-ct of thi belb-h deed is suppO".--! to have been pluicier. Wc have i o iiif-.rmst.''fi as to ho the. guiltv Wti-'elj i til-l ill I tl.e deed. lint ni'-Ori, Is.l' riam iiu. A filer..! ii An-on it f'.iu a Mr tint at the recent t.-rm of the Superior Court for that county, Ja Ige Man lv pre-i'l:ng. 1 fill was trieu wherein tb tiatlk -f Wa'Je-loro' was pl- intiiT and Win M. Toiiillii-ou an ! otner- dif.-ud ants. The P.al.k sued for about 510.0'X). Th- defen dant, plead fraud and usury. 1 -r t'l--plaintiffs Mcsars. A he, Osoorne, aij-l Har grave; for defendant,, Mi-tsrs. Strange, t'a.:;'-s, flirgari arid M -Comic. All nn le '.' e t.'-ei-ln-s, Rl.'l th j.,rj, jf'er t,. ill.; O il 'i.iee bour. r- t ime i a veru.ct in five.r ,,j icfcn lar,'.. Un Honor ;;nn- t. I !;,! M,Vira St-ii'lui I. -y.'-f I'MTU ba'ei a t!f. D crcaso J.',- ., . v v .. Wliiui A- I v..rtv' V Irviiig to get ne a domestic sti i..otile aooiil i i ',.,;r;;.;.T I, K'nftx- U T Mi"erV S ' PuHs sndmctitol lU Kan-as bill, but I that body remained in stv-son until a late i ,,' r.SlA.'-, Wm" -i!.n.-sn'. II Clnln. ttiiuu the matter will pa s off without the hour tbat night,.withoui coming to any de- 1 ' j. -h' w -i H lark's V M I inauguration of any revolutionary measures i Cision upon it. It ' expecteU that tl.e : i.;v''rtv,nd othe'rs. The Marine Hospi-' Th- PT-rs have cried wolf! wolf ! -o often, vo: would be ke. n yesterday.-oa- From our forrrsprindrnt. Chabmstos, March 25, 1M53. Matters and thinpsiu the great .Metropo iv are jogging on pretty mucu atlcr me oiu style, the people generally manifesting a ; commendable and praiseworthy deposition to take the world ns it comes, w tlho.it fret- ting themselves into spasms at vain attempts, to improve it. Wr are gradually learning , rrni: if not sooner. We are becoming more con- j ..iiivu . . ... munity of individuals, and that there is ac- : passed. ta.ll .rail, land and populous territory Among bos, voting in o of be bM bevond the horizon thai seems to girt, in . the fo lowing ron, North .rol, -rain bow hues the chivalric Metropolis of Messrs. tl.nguf u.Lr.ige, Ci.l.ner.aud M,a.v. the proud Palmetto State. There were wise j I Washington, March 2-'. men before Agamemnon, and trees grew and The proceedings Saturday were not un water ran before l'oin was built. Ipnitant. j The all-absorbing topic of the day is.thc ; In the Senate, Mr. Ioote, of ertnont, revivals of religion that are going ou in took the flooi lie was opposed to the various parts of the North and West, and comptou Constitution. The people of the great religious awkening i now extend- ! Kansas had repudiated it by popular oieo ini South, and the kingdom of darkness is and official rembnstvaiice. It has fraud upon being shaken to its centre. The most its forehead. Shall il be forced upon an hardened sinners and abandoned reprobates opposing aud . nionstrating people ? In the are being cut to the heart, and are crying icr merer, and their brav ravers, in many in- stance', have not been in vain, f.ven old Char!.k.ion the favored citv that can boast its i thirty churches and life hundred dram shops j is cxp ru nemg a religious rxcit mrm wnicn t I ds fair to eii'-ross put. lie atietilion, anu ;"" . i that their own room, wt-ro too snial'. to nc- commodate the vast crowds that desired to attend. All the denominations, except the Catholic, and Kpiscopalians, have agreed to "'! ,!" fC"er'' U"'" 3 1',' 1 le held everv afternoon at five o'clock, at Circular Church (Dr. Post's.) which is the largest in the city, and yet'it has been crowded all the week, both floor and gal- ieiies. At uigiit tue anxious uiultituue as semble at Cumberland street Church, tor the purposes of exhortation aud prayer. T he ru-h last uight was iinni',ii-e, and hundreds j cf mo'iriiers crowd the altar, and many have . . i. i, ,i .A nr cuna.i njwi u iuu kc . ; lJr'-;u pn. , i ,. i ,,i ' I "' "'e, Ul t,,reC W 1 "! J'j -'.y. rmhkc weather .d the gardens, fi.-.ris ,d fore s began to deck tlieniseives in tl.e aei'i-niiui nrapery u. ib I treei. eaiea and braut.ful flower, and some - , began to bchevc tint w..,ter had finally su-pended, or perhaps gone info liquidation. Nut our judgment have proved to have been at uult, and we were g.ii.ty of reckon- ing without our hast. Three days since the under the chilling influence of an abridged .iiiionof a H,.nro.,.be wiu.er. Fortunately1 e ''' b'1 " fr-f. an'1 w P'U P6 t0 ' "ape any think like t freeze, Politics and cotton are about on n par, htinS litt e excitetne nt in the market of either, and money is sl.il little ti -ht, a, ....It .. .,n. f hnUor.. Tt,- n.r..r. 1 "r" "j " - r-c- , something more serious tha i a family quarrel to excite the masse and rai.-e the standard of disunion and civil war. I believe if cot ton was fifieeu cents a round, and the Arte- jan 'ei; sl,d the Savsnn ih K iilroai were ft uir. L ?.l . the people would cure very about Kansas, the Aid Societies or li-tie or the JJ-irder Kufh ins. I The Indie of our "first families" are dressing very richly, and the milliners are Cjining money, wiiile the pockets of hen . pecked husbands aud indulgent pnpis are awfuily dyp-plic, or goin off i:.to gllop- ing consumptions. Your corrc-pond.-nt is -nsidtr-d little penurious becau-e be in- ve-t a f'e Jollars oec-iMotially in city six per c-nt. ,tock, and locks up Ins spare change in a tin bx and carries the key in nis vest pocket tie Is prol.atjiy preparing for another crisis, and wauts soun-thiri; fli back upon when every body fails and the H.mks suspend, w hich they will d ) ajain as -oo;i as they find it tj the'r int.-re-t. 1 lie afternoon are delightful for promen ades, and every body w ho can raise a dec-nt fui, ges on King street to see every body cNe, and nobody is di appointed, becau-e everv bodv that is worth seeing (the out side. I mean) are there, intent on the all h"'l'i!? of ''t-i"(? V"1 b ''"!:" '-horoughiy and met severely. he ladies with their miniature balloon, inif on mono, f'-i-inr the side walk, and woe betide that """ '' regardless of bi per-onal ifetv a- to throw him-elf into the eddying whirlpool of -kirts, hoops and ci ii.oiine tint la-be, f a f.jey the giddy current of f.i-hion and frivo.ity. lia-rpies ami white veils are ad the rage now, and soma of 'he more in dependent and strong m in led wear their dr. -.-es at half ma-t in honor of the memory of der.aited modesty. I he bo jk season l opening. anJ w luve verse repot n were ane. ,i r. i itcn. ot i n anv number of sensation works, undo to dia'ia, introduced i resolution subsist. t!y sdl and Lothing more. I re id some-and su-pendirig the J uciary in Ctah, and es. srme I do n t, partly for want of time and, pnrTj for ajrant of iuclinatiori. Partou's 1ife was ut.aiiiuiou!y i'errd to the Co.iiiiiiu.-e fjf A,r.f, j,)rr j, eveotly the book ' the'oti the Judiciary. The admisMo.i of Mm season. It has been published but a few months and ha aireauy run through eight e titions. I have read it just to be iu the fi-hi on, and I mu.-t confe-s. for the lime, that I a piea-ed. I like -citation book, and sometime, I have thought of trying to write one, tl.e labor and the feir of (allure have thus far prevented in". If ever 1 should so far forget myseif a-to turn author, I sha:i eip-ct a fir-t rate puff in the Whig AMII.M. .-. q-(, ji f,ir tbsdmissioii of Minnesota What Christian Baitism h The Ten- a, a State was nextaken up. ne.see B .pti-t puts lor:li the. fallowing : Mr. Douglas moidl to strike 0 it the c 'ieiiuiiie hpti-m i, not iiiim.r-ioti by an'ond section, so as pllo'V three r.-prc-i n , ,. I n.;,.i-ler r.-.r is it in.ilii-r-ioii Istive. 1,'notl lllis stion a !::.,'! hy dls- by a Pre-loteriau or Methodi-t preacher e'.'.-ti liio'igu be may have been immersed ; I. ir is it imiiier-l in t.y a liapti-t preaeiirr. ( i,i 1-ti.i u baptism i imuier-ioti by a l.i.li-l preacher, w no himself lias been r-guiarly immersed by a reguUriy imrner-ed Ibijnist inini.-ler.'' A Sk' Kir fill Lr.;l.st.A f'fi An old lemln r of tiic J-nii-)lvani Legislator, ho man' aii.'-d ins s.-.it and i.or.il.inty for a ii.i-nlj.-r of ji-ar', always vn.-.l in ui-u a vote was recorded "for," sail li", a hell a-ked his rea-jn-, " when a go-jl lav p i-,-e, no ji,e Ijoks fjr the a, and r. ay jn it vben a bal oi .J.-J.'. they al vija io " CONGRKSS. Washington, March 19. In the Senate, Mr. Gwin's resolution in- . .nir . relative to the murder of jn jie.de wa, California, by e Indiana or Mormon', was passed, SftWSrd pre,etited a petition for the im.,ion of ,,. Tll K,UM1 di-eussion was renewed. ... .he Mr. .,,... ..... ,a.,;,.nr n( mniiiiird men to be u-cil in de regime fence of the Tt xati frontier, and for four name of the sovereign Mate, anu copartner in i tie i niou.pii wiwse pari m fp", cmereu ins eajnesi proiesi ngumsi The House 'went into the Committee of the Whole oil the state of the 1 nion, having tue ui uncm-ji'in uuun .'ir. r rnvi hi, oi ,1 , : ,-,,,: rf i,vrr ill P.'sted in the F,; baui the frees, of ,.11 governments . Mr. Maynard of Ifn.said that, after having heard three mollis discussion on the Kansas question, he sat no reason why be should vote for the adnl-sioii of Kansas un- der the Lecomptoc Coititution. WaTON, March !?.r In l'"9 Sfntte Ust Mr' 1ou-8 made a speech to an li.inense audience. Mr. Green, of Missouri responded to-day and offered three amendments to the Kin gas bill. Mr. Crittenden of Kentucky, al so made a speech and oCcrcd a substitute for the bill. The Senate then proccdcd to rote on the various amendments t the bill. .Mr ureen njoveu iiirea ameii'iuitMu, ui which the 8uS.t:.Uce was first, that he withdrew the ciiuse in regard to Minnesota, I1)0ved to Mrik.oul the pr.nbl. and sub- ,he cons.itu.io,. is republican; tbat tofbill ,,crdo be lcon.,trued - , ? , ., to prevent the people from amending said constitution, CoK'ress dictiiuing the riht to construe or interfere; and thirdly, sev eral verbal auiei Jui.jiiti aii of which were carried. , Mr. Crittenden nuved, M a rahxtitute, to remit the con-iilutiun back for the vote of le reop'.c-whih w,s disced to. -'lr ru-il laoieu in nm; oe .jum cial district of the Uuited States- -w hicb was carried. I The bill, a, sjnended. wis then put and carried ; yeas 3J, nays 23. So the Le camp ton constitution triumphed Adjourned. Monda was it-t ans't Vy the Senate to axe ttie vo'e or) the Ktni q j-t:oii ; but Senators Stuart, hyard, aud Hroderlek continued tho iebat on Monday. The UaUimore Anerican is of opinion that the vote, w'ua taken, wi,l probably stand as follows t Ayitu Allen, By aril, !' nj itnin, Bigg, IJigler. Hri-ht, lirwn, t'lav, Kvan, Fitch, b itxoatnclt, ureenOwin. 1 1 a m uioirn . lien deron, Houston, tmter, Iverson, Johnson, H. V. Johnon, I Jones, K.mtiedy, Mil- lory, M.i-on, Pear-. I'olk. Sebi-tian. S!i- dell, Thompson, . J, Tbeinp-ou, Ivy., Toombs, Wright, 'ulee :i;l, Xavs Hell. HrUrick. Cvncron, Chan- Oiark, C-diaier, Crittenden, I xon. J)00i;tte, Douglas,)ijrkee, I'es.en.len, Toot, j.-0,ter) le, Hamri, Harbin, King, Pugii, u9nr,l, Siii.inomsStu irt, Sjumerj Truiu- buj WaJe Wiia 26. It i thought pibab'e that the adiuinis- tration t viz : Me I) lo-e tree v.'.- s Iroui "u-knesn. rs. I'.itiiDiVH and Ibid Mr. Davis has said if le vote should be taken during the day, hi will make an ffrt to attend. The otberoaonot. Mr. Thoin-on, of Kentucky, whs) ilin-.-, has ithdrswn aluio-t entirely froi the Senate, may, it i stated, be present, Vt only to eeparatu from hi distinguished cuvague, Mr. Crittenden Iu the House, otidonday, an order was pased trnnsferri.iji'lr. Jobr. W. Walcott, the witness in contopt in the tariff bribery case, to the civil aahoritics of die Di-trict for trial under theiw of the U-t . ion. The House then we into Committee of the Whole and the Kama d-hat was resumed. The Deficiency Appupriation bill was also dicused. Waii Vitus, Mreh, 2 I. The svelte was eeupied to day with pri vate claims, upon bich about twenty ad tab:ihiuj.Mrtialw i th Tri'ry. It nesot was dm-ussi. The House wisxjccupicd with the DeG- cieny liill and Kii" affair, Wsiiin'IT'i's, Mireh 2.1. FinaTIC Sev K Departmental comiiiu- ..Jeaiions were reeved and referred. A I e.ion-trai.ewss present'! tram the Legislature of Network against the ad nil- ,;OI f i, which tho President is aPC(J,ed of fal-choa". Mr. Ma, on oppe the rccption of the resoluiions of rem istrance, but they finally r.-'cived at, ordered to t, printed. CU'-iou aro-e. !' I hi defi cy bill wai , eu in coininiiice. oi whole fter which leratiVn of fi.nsas aff.irs wis re- the con suti.ed. j Tho sR' OMiWlT' l! WasIIIMJTu einti: eoutiir March the ! P. M. ission of the. bill t' admit Miilajota till tile hour of adjournment. li the lion". M phens gave not'ee I bur-day next to bill fr am the t nl.le. t pi e I'j'.s q icsi ion that I e would min 4 take the Senate K in He wonid ul-o move at. that time. With'i ...bate, th, rroTJ-.i- ii-jn n c-ji'.e..;cJ;il'y 11 fit'.Ui ! THE BARQUE ADRIATIC TIE. ESrAPK FROM THE niSNi ll. ; investigations prove mat tue "i""'j By reference to our shipping record, it j Arizotia, rich as it is in resources, promise will be seeu that the barque Adriatic, which ' W0Te f,0Uj tho adaptation of its aoil and has caused so much excitement in this eoun- : production of cotton than from trv nd Franceduriii" the ast twelvemonth, j l,M" r . V:""Z dWehadaloUgco..versa,io .11 other eletneM. of we, M, Gen. Gad, yesterday with Captain Durham, her coin- den, in a letter to L.eut. Maury, published iiiauder.'from whom we elicited home facta ' jn t10 g,tcs, cneUuing a aample, of ootton whii;h may interest our readers. ! produced in that region, says: it will be r,collect,d that the Adriatic Mit.k ran into the new Fm.cl, steamer I.,.ln..a. I Jn l cf ,!,.,, which on the 2d of.Wii.ler. loh, and that ll.o . wi c 0,iva.ion has .teamer sunk two ay, e d b. C. Jinas. Ceorgbt Mands, Adriatic put ...to Gloucealer Mass to re- I ,c,tfB1inB , Hnrida-is a n.tivo pnirda,.,ea. She then sailed foi .b.- pot . of Atitont. U i, from w,ere she took a caio for Lai .oat .Vjaon that the finest Mexican scrape. 1.'...., aliieli nnit she at once froceeueil to, and tliseharged her cargo. She then took in a cargo fur Sicily mid was regularly cleared nt the Cu-toiu House, but when about to sail, he'r papers were taken away from her, and an actiou commenced against her owners for damage. The case was tried in April before the Tribunal of Com merce, at Marseilles, and decided in favor of the barque. An appeal as taken to the I r,r at A where it remained iuri in aii, wut-ic i. .M..-.....- ".. . . i- i i ... niu-nt, and at such oilier times as tie coul l evade their notice I'rovi-ions were obtained from other ship- fiien lly to him, and a crew was shipped iu the name of another vessel n jt one of them being aware of the naiue of the barq le, until they were out at ea. At 4 o clock on the morning of the !th of January, the Adriatic set sail aud left ber wharf. Couiiug up to the guard boat bich was stationed at a point necessry to be pas.ed. she was hailed and her port-pass a-ked for. The raptain expected this and was prepared for it. Having no such docu- mint in bis po-aes-ion, he folded a two sous piece iu pap-r, and, having given the cau tiouiry, word; I'irntz 'iri'e,'' threw it over, hut in such a maimer that it iiTt'.'rn lull if fell into the water. The officer in the boat, supposing it to be all right, let ber pass, and the Ion; imprisoned Adriatic wcut on her war r.-joic.ag. i She shaped her course f or Spettia, a port in Sardinia, w here she i xpected to find her papers and an American man of war, from whom he might obtain an anchor, and such other things as were ne-ded. Sho found neither paper, nor man-of war, ami the ; French had telegraphed to all points, in- ' tructiot.s to seiite the barque wherever she might b-, a.i.: the authorities aetu illy sent ' a jfutt boat out to watch her the fir-t night after her arrieal in port, with in-trueti n. to tire on her it she attempted to sail or- ders to seiie her hiving been received from Turin. 'I he next day orders were given iot 1 to molest her. but to allow no comii.uniea- tiou with the shore not even for the pur- po-e of procuring provisions or water. Io a day or to afterward, however, the cap. 1 tun was aliod to buy whatever be eoul'l pay fir 1 1 iving pr oeurel what ha wsnieu, and , favo'able wind springing tip. he left Spezzia unn.ole-ted, and, alter stoppin at Ihe Madeira I-land, and one or to other places, reached our port yesterday morning .'apt. Durham is a fine specimen of ihe Amcriein sailor intelligent, bold and dar- ing and our French friend, will have to resort to a more sul.stantial diet than frogs, and rise a little earlier in the morning, before they can hope to get ahead of such men 'i l.e eae of the Adri-.'ie is a remarkable one, without a paraiUI in our maritime his tory, and is likely to become a q i"-ti in of some grave importance he'weeti the l ii'N'd States and the French tioverntiiet l TI u.atter has already been brought before Congra", Sut iniiuh Aet'J. until late in tie sucecca.ng cce.,,,, . . . ,,)e In Juno the Court at An being unable 1 'llu ,. to , eidethis matter appointed a committee, ! '" e1..r.cter ib.t described b, .ray to on uei.il i. an fa investi- I ncl others, as raised by the llimo, Indians, consistii.e of three sea captuins, to luvesu- j ;,.. tilLv gate and report ou it. They decided that "d resembles the Sea Island tu ..a fine silky ihe steamer had violated a well know n texture ...d long staple. nautical rule, in attempting to pass the barque to the left iu-tead of to the right. j V(ltitf wolltll IIaVIXJ A corres Tl.. y also decided that the Adriatic s light , Uhtof y () ,.jc , r(.Cenl letter was in proper po-itinii, of suUieient size, and ( ' t- ' set at least ten minutes before the collision , from Au-traiia, writes: occurred. The great find that has taken place lately In spite of this decision of seamen, the I was at Kingow r, where a party of f.ur Court decided that the Adriatic's owners ; men, after being very lucky for some time, were liable for one half tho value ol the concluded to put down on more hole before steamer alleging that her light was too making tracks for the old country They small or in a bad position, or sit loo lato. lid so, and lucky for them they did; fur While the case Was iu the court at Aix, fourteen feet from tho surface, they bit upon Capt. Durham requested peimissi.in tore- n nugget weighing one humlirl ami Jniti move his ship, ami in July last she was two yontnis weight of purr polil. They towed from La Ciotot to Marseilles in charge ; brought it down to Melbourne, last week, of four men, appoitHed for the purpose by and were offered jCTuOO for it, which they the prosecuting party. The case was decided refused, intending to go home and exhibit it on the 2 tth cf December, and on the 1 rth ; at a shilling a head, at which they ought to of January a copy of the deci-ion was served ' do well, provided they get the people at ou Capt Durham, with notice that the barque home to beiieve it is real gild, and no would be scii.'d tic next day for cnurt spurious, iuvtited nugget, of which I have charges amounting to. about S'.Ui) utiles, niy doubts, as the pood flks al home will they were settled prior to that time. As scarcely believe that such a piece of gold the Captain had no idea of settlt'.ig, the bill, can exist except in the Arabian Nights, bv bethought the Di Xt best thing for him to the agency of the marvelous lamp of that do, was to get awat -in the shortest possible friend of u.y childhood, Aladdin. This is tinie. " the largest n.a-s of pure gold, I believe. As soon as be had hear I of the deoi-ion that bu ever bci n found in any part of the of the court on the 24ti. December be si t , world. about putting his ship in sailing order he was clo-ely watched, and had to work at j FaTAL Hoax A Sheffield ( Kngland) the most favorable result. In a few min-F-.jti'AMZlv.iC.iTsorTHRpt. ui.l La ni.s tes aff r, tl.e current of Void began to Cow, Au.oi.g'l the bills introduced in the House. tf). , bhi ng r,f life was checked, the cir of li. pre-cntatives on Monday last was one cliion being re established, and deliver- by Mr. (jilmcr, of North Carolina, to pre v.-nt the accumulation of an uun.-cessary sur plus in the Trea-ury and to equalize, thn grants of lands to th severnl Slates. 'I his bill provides, in substance, that in all o.sc, bi.reaf'cr w hen donations or gifts of the pub lic lands are made by Congres, to any State, or to anv company or corporstioti of any State, a like quantity of land (in proportion to the representation of the State-) shall be due and granted to all the other States. Tli bill ai-o propo-es to enact that bereaf. t' r whenever at the eti'l ot each fiscal year there shall be in the Treasury a surplus of money over and above the immediate claims ou the Treasury, and ..Uo th sum of six millions of dollars subject lo drafl, such aur plm shall he deposited wiih th"; several States, so fir as they may be willing lo re ceive it, in proportion to their respective pr-eiitatiou in l ongress ; provi'ici, now. .ver, that the di-trinution of surplus ,o. ey- under the proposed act shall in no case eiceed the amounts received from ihe sale, ol the public lauds from and afn r the pa- a "e of tho act Xitiitiiiil Inti Ihrnrrr . A MAtrsTltr.M tt TIHtO'AST or Fl.oit- D A Tho brig Alma, Capt. Drown, arri ved nt Ne i ork on Saturday last, from Nassau, N. P., n-ports that on tha I'iih int. wh"n about four mile, from tho Hole iu tl.e Wall, tht wind blowing; a three knotj br.-eze al ihe lime, she got into a whirlpool 1 WilK T A Mi !(-K Wheat although fon which turned tho vessel around in thirty- sidered by aoine a, a native of Sicily, or.gi five seconds, and kept turning her sonic;- nally came from the central t bo land of tunes all th'i way round for two hours ! Thibet, wliTf il yet ezi-ts a, a gras, with a q iirter. The hreere then beoanr; stron- siu ill mealy seeds. Iti3.' w fir-t hro i ht ir, and alio aueceeded io getting o it ( t!. 3 ' from A frica, w heuc, it is t il. on t I u li i. vhirlj jil 'vithout receiving Jjtn igj. ' Jtid t'iom;dt ) Kiroje and Amoiicv Arizona as a Cotton IIkoion. Late ... ... T.:.. r are manufactured. I was fortunate r noush to obtain a handful of the seed from a friend at Fort Yuma, and have raised seed enough from it to restore it purely in thi State As these lower qualities of lon Cottons are getting in demand, I send inclosed asamplo of tho Cotton ax raised near this ciiy, as it might be of interest to you and the friends of that newlv aco'iired district, seeking to ,. P'f " .' " " ( . , . . 'silver nrouuci i mm nui.rrm .riim. . ,i t . .entlniian in that town has received a letter from a friend iu North ampton, containing the following : " A singular rireuni-tir.rc hippcned at our union last we. k For some nii-eor.duct, ihe n. t.-trr bad put a boy for puni-bmrnt in the dead hou-e. At "hat time there was d corpse in the 'dead ward' io the coffin The boy took the corpse out of th coffin, dressed it in bi, own clothes, propped il up agint the wall, and then himself got into the coffin, lay down and covered himself over. In the eome of a short tiint the tna-ler came, looked in at the door and nt, a, be thought, a ulky lad standing afainst the wall. ' Now,' said the master, ' do you waut any sapper V There was no answer 'The qietion was rrpeated, with the same result. The boy looked out froirt the coffin land said, ' if he won't have auy, I will.' The matcr fled under ?rror, and received sued a shock thst it is said he has aitice du d from the effects." . ,, , , , A letter dated Holland, hne county, !'.,' March 15, says : j Avery afll:eti dispensation of I'rovj. ,,lt. has taken plaew within twenty milra n( p,re. A 1're.bj tcrian n.itit-ier nm,.,l wis going to att nd a me ting 1 0f presbytery. He stopped over night ' .-!, another miiii-ter at a private hou-c J r ukro with a fit in the night ,,,, j, W1, auIf.o"xd he bad died. 1 tie other minister being in a hurry to eel to the ,r,ijni, in sea-on had bim buried the next day. On his return from meeting be left word at Oxford that their minister was dead Bn, l,uricd. Hi friends went iinmrdiately to gt bis remains and bring them l Oxford. B(lfn IO their great sorrow they Hi-covered ,j,,t ne b,r 0,rcn buried alive. The cover nf ,,, -r ffj n was eplit. and bis shroud w,a Completely torti off and turned nearly on bis fjrp He was a bachelor, and a very worthy m an i, Jua ifui Heath is much laii.ei.te.1. The delicate and interesting operation of tran-f. rring blood from one patient to auolh er has again been sncee-.tu ly performed by Pr Wiieateroft, an Kni;lish surgeon, iu f, ce of a fein..ie patient When apnar- cn-ly expiring Iron, Io-. of l.lood, about n po inds or l.loo'l wa traii-r. rrei from tl.e vein, of her husband into her veins with ante from apparently certain and approach ing dissolution secured. Dr. Wiieateroft miggeat? the trial of this operation iu the list stage of low typhus and the Oo'lapse of A-lalic cholera, when all other means have f.iied. I The Committee, on Foreign Affiir, in tho House of representative, have made a re r.ort in refen nee lo the e.Mi.ro if Walker nj ,,,,,, pall:,llifi ,,i tlrt conduct ,(f ,,(, ( :u,limo,or,. 0) iU.,t ocoa.io. T, coticlu-ion of the Committee a.e first that Coniiiiodura Paulding had no right to enter the territory of Nicaragua, without her con sent, and aeiz.' and carry away persons who might be there, and that it is the duty of ti.is lioverimi -nt to disavow and atone for the aet, provided complaint be ever made; and second Ij, that no officer of the United ia"-s litis a right to use the force under hj ,,,, jn tlft t,rri,rv o( f, eign Stale iitlit tit time nl utiU for lit Ifnrjil. A new sect lit, been formed in Wu.'tem berg, under name of " Friends of Jerusa lem,'' and with the object of re e iilri.ciur '" '"'"P1" of Jen.s ,1, nr, so as lo fulfill tho propl hecies. It has already sent out a coin- ion to undertake ihe ra-buibliiig nf tl.e Temple of Solomon, but it ha, only liven a hle to raise .11 ill florins for the purpose. LATF.R FROM EUROPR. AK'Rl VAI, OK Till'. STKAMKR ARAIIIA. Halifax, niarch 20. The Cunard atcamer Arabia arrived at this port this morning, bringing advice, froul Livctpj',1 to the tub instant tbrcs day. Inter than by tho North American. The sales of cotton for the week amounted to DCi.OOl) bales, of v bich speculator, took 4.000 and exporters l.Hllt). Prices have advanced Jd. during the week, in con-e-qurnce of tho light stocks. The quotation, lire for fair uplands 7 151(1, midilling 7 11 lCd. Tho stork on hand amounts t 11,000 bales, of which f"2,000 are Amrri. can lower than for twenty years pa-t. The sale on Friday and Saturday were lO.llOil bales, the market closing quiet tbo advance of the early pailof the week having becu lost. MJHTtlK.lt DV Tilt ARABIA. The n.cn.bf rs of Parliament who bad ac cepted under Lord Derby were being re elected to their seals, and generally without opposition. Iu their addresses to their con. stitnenls they throw hut little light upon the niini-teriiil programme. The Parliament, ry committee, appointed to investigate the charge of bribery agaitiit M r. Isaac liutt, iu connection with the affair, of an Ameer of 8ciude, had concluded their labors, and agreed to report to the llou-e of Commons resolutions amounting to an acquittal. The partisan, of the constitutional party in Italy had In en holding a conference from day to day in London, tor the pu.po.v of bringing moro prominently before ihe public the pie.se nt posiiiou of Italy, and to en deavor to revive the agitation for a national league of Italian States ubj. ct to the dire-:, tioii of a central power. It was re-nlced to prepare an address to the variou- powers i ! Kurope, utting forth the claims ol Italy tj have her wants considered. The Daily Now saya a London committee had becu formed, for the pnrpo-e of organi xing a C'ln-titutiutial oppo-itioii, throughout the country, to any attempt which might l e made to alter the laws iu regard to con spiracy, to which movement allusion Wa made iu last Kuropesn advice In re'peet to the great rx hi I i' ion for 1 "n" I , before spoken of, the Daily New, say- that a special niceting of Ilia Council of the Society of Arts I as been summoned, for ih ) final Consideration of the q ie-tioti wbei.,er ihe S jciely shall at otn-e announce its reso lution to direct and ri pe-riittriid an exhibi tion io 1 -111 , or any other year, and a'-o t define the exact character which such cxh, bitinii should a - n tn e . The young Prince Alfred is pursuing naval sniiliea with a view, il is said, of pass ing hi, elimination forthwith, and enuring the service as a naval cad-1. Ilcay gales and considerable fl!a of snow had been rxp. riencfd in lit gland, evislng much delay in the mail packet it ic: and on the various line, of railway. An official list of the victims of ihe me. morable earthquake at Nat'ea, on the 1'i'h Ilecember, show the total uuml er of deaths to have been D.M.In, an 1 the t.umber of wounded l.ii'iO. At Mor.trmurro alone, ,1,111)11 persona were crushed to death by the falling of hou-es. It is slated that the faculties of tl Kinj of I'rjs-ia decline daily. A renewal of tho powers confided to the Prince of Prus-ia wasexpect'd to client to six mouths in-tcad of three months as hid.erto. Letters from Copenhagen report tbat the M lii-lrrial erisi, bad Urmitiaied, fcy three Minuter, having il!.drawn iheir r-'. signations and the Ca' lin t having com to an understanding on the course to be ad, ' rd by il in the di-p itc with the (icraiiii.ic Put. A Er at Constantinople bad destmtfd three hundred bou-ea The palace of ih- lovenmr of Adriariople had al-o bcrti des troyed bv fire It is utT.cialW denied that the Ottoman liovertiuictit his aeecpied an indemnity fr the oeciipalir ii cf p. rsia by the l!ritl-h, a rumor to that eff'-ct bavin;; been put in cir culation. I lie int. lligr ne from Fydney is to the lrtthfif January, and fiom Me. bourne the Kith Ship I earing npwards f 1 'JO. 000 onncea of gold bad sad-'J f.r I.ngland during the latter part of Decctiibf r and the commence ment of January. Ihe total shipments nf gold for the jrsr li.17 amounted to 2.7.)7,tH7 ounce. Ihe barve.t waa progressing favorably and promised tub most abundant I.are storks of imports continued to deprn.-, the M- Ihournc market. Mr. Di-raeli, aa leader ef the Mmi-'.eri.l party of the lluu-a of Coii'iiion, has issued a circular to Ihe conservative members soliciting their attendance on the l'gth. It i, understood that there wiil alo be a strong muster of Liberals on the o'-ea-iun. In refeience to the question nf , great exhibition f r 1 "', 1 1 tho l imes b-!i. v.-it npressra the i-etieral fi-ding of ihe p . I l l ben il says that a Mifhci. iit time ha" i ' ' jet clnpsid. and wbl not in the year 1''I have elapsed, for any renewal of (his great t-ffn-t. A despatch from Msdrid, dated ye-ter-diy, tate tint Ksparte-ro l as re-igm d I i rank , Senator. I be death, at Home, of Lord Cliff rd is announced. His second son is the H""1 111 Catholic !'ihop of Ciiltou Wa'IIIVcton, March I Sr.MATun Pm.ih.ah' Hkmiisati"n Ti." report published in the New York Herald yesterday morning tbat Senator Douglas m ti tided to resign has no foundation. He has been confined to In b' ll'e several days by severe s.rkncss. There is no improvement in the henlili of Senator Davis, and it is fear ed by bis fiicuda that bit will loau the sight of one of his eyes. I A Hi man Pkast Kiu.is'i Pair wnit 1114 Tr.XTll The following scene to k plae.i la-t we. k in Belfast : A couple of live rati ; were securely tied lo nails ilriveu into a table ; three other live rats were t imed ! loose on the floor. A bet was ma le nt i five shilling, that a man would with bis I teeth kill the two rals on the table in b "s time than a dog weul.l kill the three rals ion the fl'or. The dog was winni r. tlnn of the table rats bit bis aai! nit rather ! neve rely on the lower part nf the jaw. .'"a; ; hfh ;oci . CiJRfi.m Wit. i..-The wi'l of i!ov H'at ehett, of Plymouth, M is,aebus..lts, in l-:)7, contain, the follow ing singular clause : I de sir.) my body t be kept so long as il may not be offensive, and that one of my toes or fiii-.'ers may b i ul off, to secure a eert iin'V ,f being dead. 1 fuither r. q M-t my dear wife, that a, she has been, tni ibled with nun old foil, !,! wi'ln.r t'onl: of mirrym,' a stfjj I,"

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