Fmm tliV Kenton (0 uu) fit-pnblienn, March 10. M'titrrr ai Kiuiarknble Angrlic Visitation In Hancock futility, Hulo. A TRULY SIAHVir.OUS STORY 1 ccording to tie mo.t accurate anil reli able information we can get, Orange Town ship in the south-western corner of Hancock c lun'iy. j'ii'"J? Hardin on the uortli-wcst, nine tivo mil" froin Lhn"ton, in this coun ty lias recently been tnude tlia favored lo .'..iiiv of one of tlioso remurkablo visitation" 3 ,,i,.itne people tiovo learned to regard an v,ry "fe "" , ,r ,cl'opn: an An-gPi vis jt Inasmuch ai nunibci lf versions of the 6tory have Houe "broad, ami a considerable .mount of interest and curiosity is manifc'- I, il hereabout and cNw here, to " know all 1 nit it " we briefly pivo the particulara, as n 0 '. , .1 iC. . .v. . 11 ! concede is entirely reliable, and entitled I , ' ,,! ,lenee : Some time in A.,.,t last. . n c ,,. . ..... , i, l.ri dit nte i'Oiit lltllis girl, ajred five veara. , rl-' : . n , ... in ,, " ,, . , ,H daughter of Mr. ( harlea, who residea .. , -iiii ,1 ,, , ' ' r .1 1' . in the varJ, about noon of the day, aeemed in .ii.ei rn aoniethiii2 lnnh up 111 the air, and ; de'ceiiding toward her. Tl. ..lion of ... .0 m,.e1.i " ,: 11 mt to the object that her gnzo became riveted upon it, ami asit.lrew near, she a ob-crved to maKC ire-iuoni aitempta 10 reacn ltd in r iiniio., biiu 101 111 i.iu.11 r ... h,.r ninrderc'S niuiiiiaiiee wiih the atrango vi.itant. When I ,-i iie, me nine K.n . -'" rn in the pre.euce 01 an Aneei ; mat sue h-ul talked with it : Hiat it had marie com- n-.uiiicitions to her-, and furthermore, pave !, ,l,.,..,ipiioii of it. according in every par- ,,i:r.r wilh thfl penernly received imprea. of the appearance of tln'ie me. bave. I 0 a-itisfv hern IF that there ciu'id l-c no delusion in the mutter, the morh 1 r entered into conven-ution with the strati f, r, and after being sati-lled rith the real ity r.f the interview after having .leri riW I dLet v illi tlf Anrl Jarr t'l ju'r and af-t.-r n ci iiing information from it of the pro .o tini" when her own death would occur !,c retired from the spot, taking her lit- t'e j.irS iih hi r, and the Angel, wiving its , 1 ,: .-lit win:", n-t irned I-renrd. I Fitt t: Xkhhoks A Short, V.AHV AM hi-- the mother and child wee alone. Tkiir 111l.1t Kfmshv por A iioi.ITIomkm. t'l.y t4 '"l fieely of wh it they had seel' The Kiehmomi Ktupiirer av s that a corres anl h ir l, tu-l tho n.othrr'a aa liies was pondi-nt of the Savjimah tJeorjfian makes 1: i !i d.-i In r 1 v t'ie art!e- storv of the child, the following au-.'e.tion : " Should all the , lint - the A' iv l lo! I her she would i'jl t ni ltilli. from tlie time when she 1 -jw ii, at rrrcix !y twelve o'clock and lift five 11.i1, ute. ; that -he would b three - in iliitii;-, that her death would be un- ir I'nl of other.; that her frien If would it r s to be in a trance ; lint h.-r cvea I not be closed ; that her funeral wou' l I r p'ejehed in three weeks after in tlin new -h 1 4 li i-j.e of the lit ihborh l'.i , by a man wh .in, t J.-'-ther wnh bis Iio e an I buggy h.' de.rfit ed, a.,d that her Irien.!. would have tl.fficuUy in pr.rt.irilig the house for ill,- oeej.ion.' The mother kept the .ad ae. rM I . her-eT, and waited fir the arpoint- 1 tunc, hoping that ail urght yet go we'l .tli her and her., and rot ear in.' to be reck n- I a. ct.e who wot.! I a'ti tnpt to revive '.:,(' .! f ir.i t doetrine r f Stv illinium. liut te li the tune t ame the terrible blow ! Ihree das b.-f-r the t'n.e predicted for I it death, tl.e r.l'.ie girl f- il upon the fl or, li"in abtiiee abe n Isken to bed. and at ib'.- hour aii I iiiitiutc f in told, on the third iay, breathed her la-t. II. r eyea iem.iiu--.1 ;en afl. r death, and eou! 1 nl be ck- ! Friend., ..jpj "sing her to be mimic- !. rf'sny and tain ff r t to re-tore I r ! 1 A f. w days a:t. r h. r burial, i- U. r II I Psr-t w'. pi-. in; that way. fr . -. ! of Mrs. Char'n-s called tl him, t.l 1 : -t-'d him to tsrry awhi!e and pre.oij 1- Irt'i- firl's funeral si rtnon The ltev- r. id oi-iit.efnan cxeu.l hlin-c.f on tho 1 rjjnd if hav:!!. prior engage men's, hut ,- .!,-.-. 1 to do o io a bort lite'- Hi. p-r- ' hi strl 1 -fit rnct'.s corre-ponled in the ' i-t n..;u'.e pirt: :.-er'piion, and t i m I.i. pr .mi.e 'ii t th new .c: T"'1 it. refu-ed I. r-ulars -I, tl.l pr- d.rtip en b I n ti.Mi to re- wotkmeti who bad house, hav ing a b in it be opened for the r-ol rn-r ! ( run-: but sub-en ii-i.tlv tb.-v pave P lha k.-v. and the sermon t.reaehed " t the exact time an If lire predicted. 'I be l-rreavcl mother intended that the ioe.lkeof th"-f propheei". and their fill- should go out of time Willi her, but c iit'y, tin, accrecy bearing more cru-h-. 1 op n her, s!ie drteru itu 1 to reveal the ' o- ii. liter, ami in aceoi i ance with tin. b rminati.iri, one day l:it week, she s lit "John 1,-itim .re, F.-i , and Sainiiel U o d, l:e of our CDUtily t 'i un -I, i-aiope r ., an d lo -in git., the particulars, the nio.t promi ftit of which we hsve given. The g.-iill.'-i' n iiniied are aiiion the olde-t, nio-t re ec'ihie, and influential citizens of our "1' !. and their known character for in- ' -.Tilt is kumcieiit r'laranty that they would l tivor a tfo; action, or in nny way us--t mi giving publicity to a story, as to the -it'i of which lliry bad a reasonable doubt. !i .e gi ti l.-uirn, i ur lersfand, have la nd r.tii I Iks fa-is, as Mrs Charles related "in, for ti e purpose of giving them to the I-ic in pamphlet form. 'I hey both bear 'tiiuony lo the g-iod character and M ind : f th- lady ho makes the revelation, 'id woulil r.'i'srd ativthinc; corning f r mi r i tifit'e I t erclit In due time we, ill probably have more to aav on the sub i", toil at present iiolhitig. Lot is Yi.l. Ron's) Ha i.i. IlooM Col l I.TAt Tha I'afis correspondent of tin; "tli American writes under tlulo of Feb-l-lr y 1 : " A funny intince of the length to which ' ' i' tie n c irricd in the F.mncr'.r's purvrnu "t "as exhibited at the l uileriea hall, on ' '"idayla.t. I'ritice Christian of Ib'iimark is fher... ,n- jt wa, thought desirahle to1 eonnn ,.lin ,itn with a a,.t by the Ktn- ", and Kuipre.a. I!. it, niifortiinatily, 'n r..m t,, Imperial eti..ette, anil.assa. ' " 'sk precedence cf all prince, not sons I r .ih. r. nf rei.ning inonaich., 'J ho "n-li Prince comes under neither category, ' I as om',lors do not .it at th French o the Frince -onld not bo allowed to - fit, ,,-r' It w, Idctty p((,it bow lo 1 do n'" ' civil ' properly on the occasion Thj ,.' "I' tor solved it by his genius. ,; re- a ""'"! not t-, t;t him.rlf. B, ordered awav pur ' '"I Iron, the si lo of tho Kmpres, and 1 '" ' o-d tl,,, i 'ricr to .Is. i-l he-id.. him '. The "" a.iiiisi one ol Mn-ri.laii a , ' 7 asked to li. lp a drunken ac j "".(ance out of t!,f. gutter, being drunk! o himself, . . .,v ,,r fri,.,,.!. th,,, j, i,ti - i H '''', but I iu don ,c. j,e von! " ' -HIVArii.N or ll.M.K-1 A few drop. pt rfuiiie 1 ml will scour.1 libraries he otnumiug f'-i-n ni m 'iii liiioss lamji NAP.nOtY ESCAPE CF A YOU NO LADY FIIOM DEATH BY I'OIHON. A prescription was jirepnrcd the otlier day, aaya the Cincinnati JZnyuirert at i Main afreet po,lwcary'i, by an experienced clerk, for young lady residing in Fourth street, and sent homo. Some thirty minutes after, the regular prescription clerk called, and waa putting up the. bottlea, when lie observed jar of strychnine in the place of Home l.nruiless preparation, and culled at-1 trillion to it The young man, who had put, . - up tne meuicine, turnea pnio as oeatn wutn the discovery was made, and smitl, " Great I (!od, i have just sen( that to Mr. r, on I Fourth street."' Not a moment was to be! io,t..nd indeed . pre.t probai r that the po.soti led been already take n ; ' vui me cierif ucifrminiMi loiniiKt on riiori., ' "", uul a"" ru"""" ""' 'J the street, until be came to the liouac, ami V"'"K " V r, "P : M -( . room of a hdy bn met in the hall. Mie was 1 . . . ., . alarmed at hia matuier but aa ho told her ... , , , . . , .. . life and death depended upon hia knowing immediately, aim pointed to the door from 1 .1 1 1 1 , A 11 A , . , , , . ., , . , bidden and jt as the young lady'a mother nan fthnnt. In art minister 0I1M of the nnuilera .. " ' . .- ---- -- r - - - wi.ieu was prepare in a spoon, nearly ai tor ,nue,t,.r-n ipH, I .. ,0,,i for )io,r, tntf Madam ! That in' p0;,on t j, , your .Uughter, and you 'J )ir i(n(. 0f ,lfl clerk'a tlie .ed, and (lie rtauelitrr a aire ady pallid jolorlesa aa cli.-k blenched until it was aa col ,1(.r )li(,nt rol,ei T,e' ,ruist wns thought to be insane, Lu, fc. nor, of t,t,ar,on reveal-d all, 1 1 .rnrj. . (..,i,,..ia,ed in the light of joy at ibo providential escape. j The d rug-.'i-t returned, and relieved the poor rlerk Irom hi. &fu .iifpene, by tell- ' ing him of the happy result of bis errand, I hen the clerk swooned away. This little' sketch, thoii"h It mnv sjund dramatically, ,is a simple transcript of au occurrence tli expose, a glimp.e. of tho "ininr lifo " of a dru store. illn rn States paa the same law as Lou isiana has pa-sed, viz : ' all free per-ons of color f )Uii I in the State, after .January m-it ' are to he sold into slavery,' the Nurth would be so Ho nied with N gtues that Alioiiliou- lrn would ixpire in agony, with dt-gu-t. le t the pre., advocate the law in "late, others wnl u von add negro t aui ow, and by doing 11, ts to the w bite of the North, and n.fl an in MaMing cur-e upon all ii.ti nned. h, rs." I ho remeily t-ropo-eo wotil I tc tern Id bit iffeelive. How many " I!, publ icans " are ready to viraw doon upon th tnielve and the whole Noitb a toat.dUo-a cui.e by adopiit.g it ! Aff otk Di'ihj ,Y'i'. What Hah H".si'S Hav r. I --T. ccr- dibg to the e-t luate, '-the I'liiled Slates ha increasid in i a:th full a tliou-atid mil lion, ef dollars by railioads " 'I hey have eertailily coliti ibuti d more to the pro.peri ty of the country than they bate proved re munerative to their owners. Without rati road w eowl4 Dei.r-ttav 1 en ih wido extended repul lie t),.t we have grown j with tin in we can enlarge our territoijes ii;l fur ther. Ic is a fortunate- conjunction of events tiiat llie loeotn .live and the magnetic tele graph, two of the most potential mntrivan Cis fir ai.i i!ii!;itmg ' .h-'uld .pr::ig in to ex lence just as a new republic waa ex tending its power over a c ntiticbt. Ship Sou ik to a Mihur The ship Caroline Tucker, Captain ('ongdon, arrived at New York troni Havre, on the Hist u ti mo, when in lat. 41 V), bm. MSI, under c'o.c-reefcd sails, during a heavy sqia'l, and very dark, was struck by a meteor 'there was no ligbttiin?, but a tremendous report accoinpaim 1 it, an I tho mainnia nvclorcl ait.srei.tly in a ahower of rocket.. M'lriynl tbe crew were benumb ed from the i ff. rts of the sh-M:k. Tbe .beet b ad on the nia-t was coii.plet-ly ripped off, . and tl.e c ipp-r tacks around the deck comb- itis wrro l.ri.-lit.-ned but not started i::si Mi'i I'in ok Si'CT r.tvMrsTa. The Senate of Virginia on Tuesday last rc considered thr bill fixing the time for toe J'ahks of that State to rr-ume specie pay ments, and finally passed a resolution na ming the 1st nf August as the time upon which tb-y mu-t r- ome, instead of the .t of Novmbir, t..c lime f.x.-d by the fir-t t ill. A Town Fi tu it Asm nv osr. Man Tbe tillage of I.ow.viil,, Moiionahala county,' irgifiis, was purchased a few dayssiueo by Jonathan Mi Keek. The pirch-e-s in cluilid a very talu il le mill property, storo ; lion-., and several dwellings, li.ceiher with a well in- roved f irm of about ? acre. ' The sum paid was flu, MM) ; Cimrlotlr .ilacliiiic Shop. V. P. PirjTKK'EY It CO. llnslnecra, Hydraulic Press PI ikers ?.nd M' fi .tii litiit r) Hi Ht'iH'i iil, I j !ar, in.-., in Chi iitlc, i t an- prep, r.d to make y form or e-.n. .ruction, un.l tvrrta other di'fcrip sl CAM I M.IM.S Pr lo ., ..I M.el ry. i III PAIUS and Ji'M WOKK promptly .1 I ted lo. t li,l.,i.e. Murh 30, IS.. Iiitiv nnd ;iln,il)Ie I nut . i i.i:. in '.oprrly I I NHINli lo v. SrT!sV ... waT saa .hie I at Private v..n ..nd C. 'llie pr.. atrrrls, .110 it III. foul in a (alw ul lb pot. . rn . ) I'll It no. made arc.iiniiio.laling In lo. . h r. I f not I sl privale.ale bi lore Ihe i-a.l.y ..'' M.y Siioenor t ourt neat, I will ..II ! Pul.lic S .le or. Ho- premier. .1 !l oViock P. M. A I Ho At tlie .un. tune if not sold before, I will .ell 54 Valuable Lots, town nft'hl ..Oil b.r pnv some of them be WllM do tltlful well lo l NIK1. r : I. s-,l. m'KY. ( S.l,t. U.i FLANK FKKI'S t'T said .it thi Wanted, 1,000 COUPS OK TAN HARK, for which tin- rash wtl! be p.iiil. IIOUNIS & CO. tlurrh 30, ieS8. 4if A Isihcly Iri -'Inn lor ;il' TILL h'Ad At the late rrsiilrnce (if Wm. Hrnri.n. tiec'd., nf G mton couiilv. on ",e.JJi. "' A''r" " ''"""J ,r'' Man. the .11 e ol whom n oo.loot.ed oil if I Ol h j,taht. Term. macv Un nn the d. of sale HOIST. IIENDKltSON, A'm'r. Starch 30, lHos). 15 YcUcw and Yam Potatoes, i;sIK, r ,,., ,,OT vrol,s of ; f j nM nr. for 1 le. IVrmn. in w.n , ' Nd had better cuii early. I J. Y. 1JIIYCE. Afire 30, fr,H. T.ILBREM&CO. AVE juat i.pened inntrnifiecnt tock nf New Uonii. suitiible for the Hnrinp Hnd Summer II Wear, unbracing iv.ry Ity.of tlie aeaa"ii. 1 Chantilly and Brussels Lace, Plaittlllas, 1 c . . r. rrl c. . ""' bave now in Flore, a mernificrnt eolleelion nf entirely iitw aliape, junt receied from New York. T. II. UK KM & CO. iM.W si" KIM.' MtUVI,, AT IIOI.I SAI.L AM) it FT A 1 1.. I-M-tJANT ST KM. A SHAWLS 999 ju-t op-ned, for .le at very low T. II. I5RKM k CO. HI If II I I -linerd and II 1 dere lt-lt !.,i M't'Tt Sll.kS. into. b bene 1'I.AIK a-,.1 B AHE. MnlKE AN I igt.'Kanrt every vurieiy of Siuajnil reeeirnl. T. U. I5KEM k CO Mourning Goods ! fFI II. BKEM & CO. bare opened a taro (lock 1 uf the above it , .uitiible for ; lie Spring SPIIINtti . ."I.i.eil PIlINf; Cloth., Caaonere., Vealtega. Loi.-ns. eiilea and 'J'uib.r'a 1'riuiioini'ii of every 'iplMifl, retailed at wh"!e.aje prieea. by T. II. JiltE.M i CO. I FRENCH. Eogliah, Cbioii and Aio.ncati l P'litt-, Paria iirillianta, prinlt'ii and in plain l.ira-Eig.M..r.c-ilie-.Oig .i.di. ,J ..ckoiii U, Cam. ica anil choice cotton fabric, of every variety, r Spring wear, at T. II. MEM A C0'. n f.KAt IIKI) and ri'on Sb-rtmg. and Sheet. . aod Coll..., I'luin. I., Tn-ainga. O-na-tutd Oanabnra ano Umeatic liouda, in "y ' T. II. UKEM k CO g. X" lAIIPE'l IMiS, I',.h..M,rT. Curtiii. M .ler j ai., W ui.:. S i .,1. .. liill Com er a. uit . Il .100.. 1 or! .10 ( onia and Taoel., L .ce ( ui t.111 Ac, &.e. Spring o.aorlineiir. ehe..; at T. 11 FHE.M A COs. d . ( LOTUS, llusg. I Kllga, Mats, Ac, ..ty I T"7i. intKM A CO. fllKsTSprine K 1 IM'l,l.lili..) D i Vuti Bon i -i.d ieiFe rt-tifn tl'niiy invit jr rvt'c)r, hi unn-n l c rr .in thr nifii-l rtchrreht at. p co'ifiv.iitly Miiicit the utt.f.e-i tl " t for exit nl, ttp'tTlme nt wit) tit found t:cn of Hit tra-fln. iiianrln'ri of le Utdn HasutvauU variety, mi tijKTiur to in? i I he Kllla. T. II. UREH.A CP. H K A I " I I f LT. Il-r-ige, Or. n irlinc Tia Organ-. .e and Cambric KOI I.S, go., at t. ii unr.M a con. m A( h( Hu. A( KONET. E,1, and In r-g' H v B ui icing., ju.t rec HKKM A CO T. H .' HEAL L E SKITS, which we are of. ! fermr vry :..w. Al.o, a ..rge lot of I auiblic, t anil Swia. Ca.ilar. an.l S . . v. . t. h in: km a co. . II IK T Il. md C. "'irlcd a-rea. nnr fancy qualttit. I the different plain e.uial niiiy kepi f..r T. II. IiEM A CO. T.ll. Ilrcm & Co. AVE a large atock of lre. n, M till. : rnniuinga, Buttona, llraiu., Ac. licrl WiM.I, th. tile te, Eobrutucriug Cotton, V. .g Si k, ( aliV..., Ac. Illi: SWrl. t li lelnn Hatla a I Skirl (or made tou.d. .t Strel Soring Sairl, wilb el.vr larle of w . teh Ming steel, a I... Iio n and vvlo.lrt.oue Skirt, the B l Rrd Vffiriw',1 toe b.-.l ever etTer and to ht. T. II. 1111 KM A CO Lu ena, SI. i t llgs, Ni His. Hoiueal r., I). ic. I I-'UI Clutl. I, Ac, A. l ullS ng Sl.-rk ready, T. II. IlilK.M A CO. T.ll.nmn & Co. mg t:.e P.ra.n Site. brel AHIES (JI.OVES and HOSlEllY in end: T. II. UK KM A CO ly.-t T. II. BREM & CO. AVE ju.t orwncH an extensive .lock o IE i of Black t nd nqusre j l. Lace 1. 1 I S, both room B ack Thread Laee VEILS, j Vallencinea LACES, aa.orled. t Pivinl Aquiile. App'icine, Honilon, Vallcncine I.ICC S, lls, C..h. and and Scotch Eoibro ta and HanHkerchii end, Cuffs h.irlatlr. .Ware". S3. le.'.S. 3tf JJpV virtue of a D.-..I of True! executed to me by Altx inilcr IJraham, I will a. II at public ,.y of A,. il Court, acviral i Valuable Negroes, Al.-O a i'kivati: im.sii), H'i and 'Ir am, nd many nlhcr articles. T.-iina made known IC day of sale. H. R WILLIAMS, Trustee. .tfurrl 23. Icid. IH fr-f Sellins 01T at Cost! raii"- I.APIES Trustee of l-r A T COST, a large and Ol ... beted ato Laces, Silks, Crapes, &c., & i i til nm.. t evrry dt arrtption of vulu-ible mer- 11 in the I. n:- Hcp.irtiiiriil. m a call at ti.e nrw brirk ht.-rr hflnw Wtl. .irnrr. atU:t nn.l Mr. I will Ue plr-i-H' tltUtp on nii. WM 11. MYKRS, Truntff. Miction Sale to c. nee En. lav mght, : colli 1. nm lrom d ty to d . r iiolil clo. 1. .Mi. i II rj in r. m.l in H ii. I:f :fa"4 j. iPii. hs. TH3 GTIEAT ENGLISH HEEIEEY. SIR JAMES CLARKE'S Oli'hrnlti rciiial I'ilU. Prepared Jrom a prescription cf Mr J. Cluke, M. D., J hysicinn Fxtraonli. vary to the (Jvetn, Tliia inrnluiible nieilicinc if unfniliiig in tlie ' cure of all tli".e painful and dungerou. dineagni' to wliirli thv fumale con.titulion la .olijirt. ft modrrute. .11 t xoe.a and re nil oUtruet.1.11. and apeudy c-ure may be reli'd on. TO MA It 1(1 1 l LAIII' it i peculiarly auited. It will, in a short time, brinj; on tbe montlily eriod willi reguhrily. Karri bottle, price One Dollar, Ware tlie Cov. rrnim nt Mlnnip of Great Britain, to prevent r'lun. terfntw. 77r. Villt iloulil nol It lalen (y frmnltt iltnin Me riltST TUHKE MONTHS of 1'irgmnry. on tttty tne iuit to Oiiiw on jtiacwrrige, but at any ethei timt tbry mre tnfr. In all of Nurvotia and Ppiiiia! Art. rtion., rain in the U " k 1111J I.unU., t .luc on t,,i exertion, I'ulpiialion of the Heart, 1 1 uteric and VVhilea, 1I11111; IMIa will ('Hurt a cure lien n,i in. er mentia have failed, and althotj;h a fMiwrrliii remedy, do not contain iron, calomel aiitimuiiv, or any thing liurtlul to llie cunMilulion. Hole Agent for llie t'nitcd Slater and f'ansda, JOB MOSES, (Lite I. ('. flaldwin & (:...) Itorl.rati.-r, N. Y. N B. tl.OO and C poatape atmnpa nrlo-et: to any autborized Aynl, will inaure a bottle ut Ibo IM a bv return mail. For .'ale by F. scari:, k CO. tote afrnt$ Jor CKurtuUt. II AVILAND STEVENSON k ( J. Whotrltin A'nl$. hatlrttnn, C. liYMEriSiL. .11 llr Oath in. Ian!, by JO IN T. IIARIiy lu Married, in thia place, the. Her. Mr f;r flith, M M 1. a M SAN E. SHKI.HY. o' Tenne.M- .Mirni-cl, in Ibi. count v, on the ?3. iiidant. bv tbe Id v. J. Komole, Mr. S. A.KIIMU'A I 1, Il K m Mi.aSAIIAII M. ILAN.NAhl-N, b-.tb U .Meek. I leliblirg croiity. ! We actiiowkHre llie rt-erptinn ofnnr Ve. W,. wiaii our young fnende bai iie.ia and prMpcrily. Di.'d, in Ca'-arru. county, on Die M in.tant, Mr.. .NAM. Y II. MOSS, ., ol Mr. J. 0. M ias, ill ll.e year rl berage Tie i,e...i,.,i waa a menilier of llie PrchyU n.n t 1 urrb, at poplar Tent, 01 which .he waa an ornament, fi r iibout 3u ye.ira. Her piety . mi thai quit l. retiring co .r .cler wlncli ( xb.b.t. itK-lf n.- hl b. aaili tnliy and uliractiveiy m llu- laan-ilir intlr. She was a devoitd wile, abounding in gomi roonari, e ven in at. atrur. an i. tV. ctionaie uioiber a, kind aod ct'.ril..b e neighbor altl a gtnlle anil I Umaie nu.ln.i. She died in liie lull iriuinpb ol r'. ilh in Cbrial. And, lbooi-1. it w .b a h.-rr. I-;:.I to le.. vc tier ileroted aid amclionate bu.lMiiiil and her dear ebuuren, yt she her perf'.ct w iliiogneaa tu go at tbe biu.iii.g of hi r Heavtnlr Eat lu r. .May find, by the grace ef l.i. Saint, at'ioiniat-r lb. I tuliilort and cotiaolali 11, w huh I r ai. i.r call ati .ru, lo the frfl cled laiioiy in tl.i.r aure bu. re.v.m.nt. V,. .Notice; 5S hfrrr ffiven llie chiK.rf n. i nd ff a ti :laji.;rr .r..b Alt x John AI. X iniler. Abiiali aocer, who intermarried with William Cllena, pru-iei.ce A'cxamic, who intrrniarrieu wub H.i. mi l M-:i au ry. w-h-i were living on li e .'I.; cay of April, l.'jti. or tin- oeirs of ai.v who have oi.d a ore thai time, inat they are entitled I i a hnlive .bare under the last wili and teat iWieot of M-... a Ah xanilir, who died ronietin.c i.i the year r3 : that they are required to lay b, foie me pr..f ot bOng e'uldren of .ome ot the alore. nam ed peraoiia, or if anr hare died amee the 3d day ol Aonl. Jgofi. that Ui.j are tha t e u.-cr i.crt on or before the 3 I aliaw (if S.V Of lie. 14 r. Isljrt. for at tlii.t time I lo proem to riiarrthute .aid Estate agrieable lo .aid vriil.a nioi.g .utii aa may have laid Iht proper be I.. H. KIIIM MINGKR, Admr. With the Will annfd of M. AttratJrr. Conroid. A. ( '.. M ireh 20, I sits. is To Teachers! f llnr Cnnmiittre nf Kxnniniti-. i.r Me R. t"irr, will Mlrnd at the In-n'cthte tH.r-. ui d if if April Court, inr the jtir "; vi i x-.t i nin any ffrTft-nii wlio miiy winli to tihtam r fir. 1 1 f Truchcr ot Continfi SuIumiU hi tM Coutiiy. f'ieitie iitltnd bet we ell tlie Iioun 1 1 no o'clock. JOHN p. noss. .OSS. TCHISON, G, vSTO.N, S K. NYK HIJ M I. JOHN; f 'loihlie. March Hi, n5H. 8 : .STATE OF .NOItTII-CAKOLtNA, j f.MO.N CCUMT. I IX lqujti: VtT. L. Stigal!, acm'r. of ") j Tlioa. Sl gall, dee'd. I Original Ril in tha ' r. natu-e of an nt. Ohcd Sinclair, Ex'r.ofJ... I Uchincnt. S oclair. d. c' o'hers. j i r M. L. STH.ALL, li.c ptaiwtitTin this r-.e. II having filed In. Flill ol I oiuplaii.l aL' "IO.I t..e del'endinil., and baring loa.'e utli iavit n, '. re at the delinoiint. J. F'e Il- aclium am: l' r. Ina wife, rranle Iw-ynnd llie limila ol Ih. Plurefor" the aaid non.reaicrnt aefcm oita cllbea, i;.,!,. are hereby notified by publication lor nx au 'e.a ic weeks, in the North Carolina Whig, a news. Tap.r puhiiahed in the town of Charloile, p.-. n. aliy to ts- and apar leforr hia Honor, th. .In re ol our Court ol Equity, I.i b- held I.r the c. oi ly of 1 the t ourl House m Manroe, on lillo .Monday alter the 4m Monday of februarv, A If I Hu n and there lo plead, answer er t.'tr tnur lo the Hill of ( oinpinirit in aaui Court p.-nd. nig. w herein Win. I.. Mig.,11, aaJn.'r. ol 1 lies. Sn g..ll, il. '.I., is plaihlitl, and Ol.d Sinclair, t l-i II Mr ot Janice Sinclair, dee'd., Jr... Biacbuin and j ISorothea Ina wife, are iieleml..iili,otlier wise jildg I in. nt pro roiifea.n w ill be take against Ihin. and ' ti.e .aloe be beard ex lnrte a. to tlieltl. N in..,( . M. T. Met auky, Clerk end Ma.ter o our aaid Court, at virtue, m .Monroe, tbi. tn 2.1a ua of fibruary, A. V. 185S, iud va the fejd vtar of Ainericati I ml. pvndrliee. ' U. M. T. Mi CACI.FV.r.M. . .Vmeh 2. 1 rs.,e. rrinlei a lee lo STATK OF NOin'H-CALMil.l.NA, UNION I'Ol.'NTV. ix fucjt)'. Pry N ,th Cu!lcnr igin.-il It M in thi nature n' an at. taclincnt. 1 r. ol Lux b tli Jenkins, and Aaron Lit j lie, snrv g r.l. tu j -IIIAKLES PHY the Co m the ahoyr I of Complaint in ier in l..,i'ty for , agsin-t Ihe saul ing filed bn ffice of the Clerk and M the I ounly of I'nn.n afortaa defendants, Nathan It. J.nki .nmr.' of Kill belli Jenkins an.l Aaron lit lie, 1 viviiig Ex'ro' J. Little, an.l basing m.'n.c .hd 't! be 'ore tlie and Clrrk an.l M.atcr, that It ml. ml. ant Nathan K. Jenkins rcaioea bevooc l u,- minta nf this .late. Therefore la litre!, v given to the .aid Nathan H Jenkins, by publicii.on lor a x week, in Ihe North Carolina Wh g, a i.ew.parsr pnntt d tn Charlotte, that he srraonally le and ap. a-r before the Honorable the Judge ol our t ourt of Equity, at ti.e lit It Court to be he ,1 tor the. I euoly ol I nioo ab.1e.111d, at the t oll'l Hoiiae 111 Monroe, 011 the Kith Monday all.r lh. 4lh .Mon. day of february A. P. ISAS, Ihrn a il there' to :ia of aaid I, anaw-er or demur to II r;;- liitlgriitrit pro at li 1 11. and the .ante X parte aa In I Winn-.. C M. T. M.-Cauley Clerk, and Ma.t. r f our and Cnurl, at , flio in Monroe, Una the 7lh day af february A. P. I8.H, an.l 10 t'ie t'.'.l ear of our ln.leH-n.tence. 0 M. T. M. t' M'LFY. .-. v tc. Ynrrh. 0, IS.'.". Primer's I. e 7 t. irrntfe, .ltt-rri FOR S "it 'i i Quit ALK HKHsl 1 1 01 if New Spring (ioods Tw?K,r, j ? ai.., k of ' receiving k of vrj beautiful ; s i u i a X I S U M m 1: 11 c 1 ,lat WP arr f;,.tlt , .n .ry w pric,,, l4 noulil ikIvikc all th m; w.mtine lo buy (inic, 16 I C".U "l cx"",i"e "V .tel. I'ef-re t..iyii,c y!".'- nMbii.-, fiui iii.-ui.iriy ir inry uie buying lor l.n.n. liUO'iVN. ST ITT & CO. Maith If,, If jf?. tt " MEDICAL NOTICE, rwHK iMiJi-raigned bainir b eated at lr. I.: M Wil.on'., will alt -r llie Hun nf Aiiril, 1 . ,,d t i Pracln-e nt Medieine in llie rurlour virimty, and will alw.-iv be fnuiirl in I nr. 1 e when m.l .r.i'- i,i,uily enira u' d. In ill netdine e'limultalinn, it Bill be given by J ine Wil. ,11 Irec of i-har.r. john n. wiLsox. Marrh SI, 3,f n Notice. A I.L ri:RM).S .iibj.ct par a Poll T Bl tbe Slate of N .rlli I'arolina, w iio remleii Willi ill tbe lilnila of the tow ti nf Char lot te, 011 tlie nr. I nay 01 renuary, leow, or n 110 bail bj-cn prm cipnliy euiil.yeii 111 any prob.-a vncaliou in aaid I nwn, tor three ncnllia or more inimidiately precedicg the said lira! day of February. md all (.-raona who owned or were of Taxable Pi.iperiy will. in aiid lown on the i'rat day of Februarv, rre lierebv noiified to give in to the 'lown C'lirk, before "the la.t da V of .March, Ih.iH. A 1.ISTOF TIIEIK SAID I 6.I.S AMJ TAX. AIILi: I'lUH r.H'l Y. Tl.e and Iim lo.ll .uie tlie 1. mo re 1 e-i ,,M ait nation nf the Lota or purta of Lots givin in, with tbe value of which they ore nnH'-a-eil for taxilion by llie State, the 1, llinler ol wl lie taxable foil., ot laxnble Siave., n , .,( (', ., jrrriei., reaiilu,;; no llie lirM of Feb. ruary, on the lonna of per riving m aaid lint. J. JJ. KEIUl, Town Clrrk. Urr)i 3. ls.-,8. 14 A II 1 -bled to tlx eMail? of l'r. enm-al. d to col ta N . V caning ton, in c'C, forward and pay up bv llie I he paper, will be put in the hanii of an otiiecr c.l.ecticn. JAS. P. IIENDEIISON, Alm'r. 11. in, I"..-. .iio r W'alku Apediliini! rxii: cuiens X r-.pi-ei-uily aoiii) r.l the be. I lern Nor'.h Caioii uf::ctlirc f St (fir ( rn-k nrni vicinity are nioriind llifit lii.ving cimooved fo- ii iid fj...t Mjktm in' V.;i. a. I am m w pi-cfirt-d lu lnuit. II00T.S nnd SHOES nf v. ry b. el fju Jil v, t n It rm lo unit tiich.1rl i yiv Hit k tml nr.c oi c tu ri tf THOS. H. M.M'.KS. ! Jan. b, 1 ?;,. 3,,,,, Wm. A. Owens, A TTOltSi: Y A T LA JJ II A It LOT I i:, t. '., H WILL practice in the Court, of Mecklenburg; V V sou tilt ftiirroutnling coiiuliea. J '-Office n.rly eppoaitc li e Pu.l Olfce. J,n :i,, 4i if .TATF. OK .NonTir-CA Iv7)LI.NA7 LINf ('I.N l III TV. in.rri;r Coin I nt Lnir, Full Term, 107. i . P. Bv j. w: ini'r.ofl Petition lo ae!l Land. S. tin. caac, it appearing nml .aac Willl .ck.on alio wife C npon atlicavit that I. Inirlolli , and t.eo. VV nl. in tin os babllaril. af Ihl te. It it itrtlered. lhat publi. nun he Wing, inrlolle. mile b,r six wnl.. in Hit Norlli Camli. new.pitier pul'li.hcd in the town of . I '., coiiiiiiannii g .aid nel. ii.,.inu in .r .tl the II" xt lerin of tin. court, 1 i be county o- Lu. colli, at I'm ci un hciise n, on" the Mh Mmuiay all.r t ie Ehiuarv, Ip.i". linn and there to un. Lincoln pic ir dtinur to Ibis petition, oth ini'mt.' c .ami! w ill be beard ex parte. W.tiic... Hubert W, II, au.aon, clerk of . i.i etriee, li. c bib Monday alter ;he 4th .Mon ngu.t, l"o7, and in the fin year ol nur noencc. KOHF.HT WILLIAMSON iVsfrc a, IV,H. Prioler'a fee $. . S. C. i STA'FKOF M);TII-CAK(iLl.A, 1 M Ei Kl tMUKQ ( Ul'MV. Court of J ims and (jutirlrr essinns Jen- irni'V term I- ii. n. win, ..... . Original Atlicl nirnt. .1. II Cuionng'.an). 1 Levod in llie b: -f E. C. (;rier. ttiKtactioii of' llie Court, not nn iiihsi.itant ol Una u the limit, of liie ...uie, I T apirearing to Ibat thr u. leu. e, but re.n:a it i tiiertftue Vnhtrti ty the t'ou.t, Thul public. , 'ion br in tJf Ir . wtt-iis in I iio North ( a ml ma i W hij, a n W(..if r pruiUd in Il r town uf f'iiar. Inttt , ri"tilin; tlie hm1 rit f. ndai t tn ! nnd up. pr-jr t tne hext 1 rm iit'onr i-airi court, lo bt belt, for ti.e cntinty ut M.-ck i.-nbuie. .it tl.e lutirl-iioufe in Ctiitr.'ntie, on the 4lh Muudy in Aoril, neit, tlicn Jiirt there t pie 10, ..v-r oriuinur, ur ju. nu-ttt i"f fuimiFii wni be t.iktn jg.nnhl loin. Witru nn, W. K. Kt io, ci r o( our Kiid eurt, at i-ilicr, t'ie 4i .Mtiml.iy in J-inuiiy, ltr.ib, Miiti in tlie Cll Ttar v. .' Aim-ric-i n IinlrfMMirttnrf. W. K. KK1I c. r. r. ' FriittrrVn fee f-i. i'rb. fi. Jh:i7. tG Seed Potatoes ! il want a earnma ,,th,-n .VEKC7.' ina A A. I E .W E' 10 7.4 10K go to I'ttttk. IV;" aid'l Drue uud Srni More, lr in'a Conn r, here 10 hiii.. in prune orner, are just to hand, from ll. I.mi.'m th A. Son. ,.. 11. l.-.'.8. 4!ltf 10.000 l.'.S Pur, 1. 1. AH ill I W til l K ;l a.aurU'd kegs, J ual rt c 11. 1 Inir lor t na-l. ..t Fiillt.'lIAULi'S, Iivin'M 'vTitr 500 UALI.nNS rCI!K I INSf.KP Oil,, boleaa.t, alio I.', tail, at PKITCHAUIVS. i l.iS. .'ltf tr Dissoiiiuon. 1 lllf. firm of BlIfM & STKEl H as this dsy diss, ve.i by mum... ens. i.l. Ail persons 1 ait unit htcil to us. cHht r by Note or At rolint, ' I pU-a.r rail ni tin- Mutual Insurance Otlict, .ettlc wilh A. C. Sin le. j T. II. F.r.F.M. A C. si 1:1; li :. lllf Jin. I, !.. New Firm. J gAVINC purchased A. C. Ste.V. niter. STOCK OF GOODS of Urn Sam 11 1 tt Steele, ai Jr. and T. aa.0c1.1trd Willi me J. A. tlavriTr At.rttM'VR, the i II. Brim A Co. .te to our StoC have reduced the price of grrat many T. H. PTIF.M. 4U" 1NE ASSUKTMUNT Of noon TEAS i y o ae, con a. sit n- ill II sou, 1 oung ia!, r, Lngliah lirt-akt.i. M I'll! TCI! AF.D S i ;ni I," rai ' lit. on. I up Common School Notice! fHHIE filii.n.i.f MrcMenl.urr will t.k. nnlire .B. Iluit on llie I.I in April, (llie 3rd liij) they wiil be nqtiirrd to bold in rirrfin ut tlilrt 1'ublic School UoiiTa in the iiH'errnt di. tricl., to fleet Three .'uitiible rer.oii lo act aa C'omniiltee Men fur the entiling : nl.o lo ... rcrlnii) the ntniiliei nf ehihlren nr.r aia nnd nn. tiiT Iweii'y ine jrnr of npe, nd report the un to me. J I'. EOSS.r.It.H.r.8. Unt'h IB, I MR. 14 ftIVotice. rjVlF. Annual M-eiing of Ibe Sio.-kl.r,lder. in A the Charlolle Muliul Fire Infuranee ("o. panv w ill be hibi in the i rfce of the (Vninny in f hail. II.-. at in nVI. U, A. .M. llie I3ili ( Tuc. !ay) April, T.. NYE I!T;TCIIIfON,.tr-r. Mart!. IB, I8.M. if, STA'l'E OF .NORTJI-CAKOJ.INA, M K I.F HU Ril COUNTY, Svprri,r Cmut of .ct-, Full ' rrn t 157. .Martlia II. fliirn.y r. ' ' Petition f..r llivoree. Y.. L. Ilurncy. ST ap.pearinp to tbr lha E. L. Itnrnev. irtinn of the Court, fi-nuai.t in tin. ease, ) r' ! -.1 beyond the limits of tin. Slate, it thnc. Ottrird faj tlie Court, that pilMiralinn be nude X week., in the Norlb C'arohna Wiiiv, anno. j paper publi.brd in llie town of I'h.irloMe, inilny. mg the ...i.l in tendaiit ol the filing of thia ).eh. lion, nnd that unli.. be appear, at the m it linn of tlna Conn, to be beid lor tbe rminty ot Meek, lenhnrg, ol the Cuurt.llotire in , on the II Hi .Mouiiiir al:.-r tl,,, 40, .M,,n,i ,y m V . l.nnry next, and aniwr said priitiuu, Iht sniie will be taken .ro coiitea.o ami beam tx f. irte a. to him. Witncm, J. B Kerr, Clrrk nf our .aid Court, at office, the lltb Mnnriav utter llie 4ili M .n.i .y in Aiivuat. and in the rl:'d yearofour Indiptrndence, A. II, lUi. .7. II. KEHIi.r.M Mini, If,, If:?. rnntcr'a f.e b. i "S Fi.MOV A I,. Thu under.igned have . moven l aw Ofliee to the one formei ; i.ccuptin by Jan. .a W.O.t.oriie, l.rt one e.air I bovc Iht- lialih of the Stale. 1 HUTCHISON A IJP.OWN. .l.'rri IB, ie.iti. lw P. SMITH, A TTOKSH Y COVysF.IMiR A T I. A IP. ""5 AY alw-iv. be f.,u .fi Jobnalon, E.,. Ulid at the oflicc of Wiili J r I ri-rni-t .Ultnlioi ting ef llccd.. Convey J ,h. ii, 1 -'.IS. to Coiltctiona, v kc. 4tf FreLh Bread! U ESI I III! I' Ail for fan.i at J. II. Painul'a Collf. c tin R. iik of i l.arloltr. Jen. iiti, l!?.'..s. William J, Kerr, Attorney at law & Solicitor In Fq'iUy, f HARi.o ti:, i. r.. ""SlII.L practice in the Courts ol Mrcklrn. hu I i.c i iljoining c-onntics. a ill be j-aiit lo II. c -.m btely occupied by liie 3ml.1 : Jj ttinti. lion ol claiu... J J' I'llice in I St.. le Hank. Jan. 12, IS.K-. Tux 3r.n voi.r.Mr os hik .Noarii Cariji.i.s Iiisi.ti. AbVor TE opilia ma the : IV. t is coimnendrd to tbe in ofNorth Carolina, and of ihc wliole c-itintry.a. th x okua ok tiik Noktii I saol.l.NA fi.MHRtxi-r, f.r fhtaiKt. and vne tij tlie heft Junn'y rrignua ptprrt iri u,r 6'infi. 'P'-rnif, $1 ;U a year. aTRUTi v is suvamk. No departure from t'u. rule. Andrea, the Editor, Brv. It. T. Ilrrtis., Ua. Icigh, N. C. Jan. 12, iKS. .Imf.i L, l, roLLOCK OfPEKS his PRof KSSIONAl. Mill VICES to llie citizen, of I harlot le slid virimly . il '' Office on Trade street, two door. South of the Court House. J m. b, l;,. 11. ly iTiroKi.wr l.i uon-!!! SlrcKl.tNBL'BO COI'MTV 1 AO A INST THK STAIF. I r.LIT STii.NE. Il is suied. and lr..m the u thority ot Ilr. II. M. Prii' b ird, who Im. lust re. ' ceived fn iu!actorv agent, itiindred pounil. of the finest arti cle ever cm-red in the tow n ot' Chariot!' , to be en. ah icl in a abort tune lo . u H-r'-ece in qunlity saic any unpolled article, and it a lea price. Cn a no it. Dee. I. 1857. Corner. t bmti -j ti a t rectivr-d from tf-iratop by 11. M. I'lUTClIAKD, Lwiu'a Corner miii: KJI tlTi "II. MacLaboy and f.ngli.h, (i. nt'c, fS.M'PKS, ju.t recene.l, bUU iba. ill b.a and jara. Sold Raw lor cs.h bv H. M. PKITCHAKP, Pec. 1, lfv7. Irwin'. eon. I'lij siii.tiis., 'l';Ue Atiliif I II AVINl. tsken a.ivanlnge nf the pres.nre of a, 1 .in receiving, by cafn pur. liases. men. e am: aelt ett d slock ol Vioic nt, Cliein. In.triimim., Clie.le, &c , to winch I most ciiully tiitile your altenlioo. All older, by mail or olnir .viae, put up Willi licalutea and ueap-ttch. 11. M. PKITCTIAUP, Pie. I Irwin'. Corner. 'I .'iiiiici s. ur Tr.'iin Oil. IIOK Tanners and Planter, uae and pr.aerving and II irnt ... Ii.r .k by M. 11. riUTCUAKD, IVc. I li win'a Comer. AOO l.tllimw sAMriUINE A.NP Sl RN1N; H I IP. just NL, recrivrtl fr.,m thr inanutac'.urera. Alao, Lamps and Wicka for burning them, 1 0(1 per cent, cheap, cr and more brilliant than anp other light. II. M. PIUTCUAUP, Ore. 1 Irwin'a Corner. Lumber Yard. 1 nHK .ub.cribers inform tbe cilm ns nf Ch.-is. i, l.ittf and viciintv, that thev have eatabliah td a LCMBI.Ii YAliP in tew n, w here th. v in. tind keeping a supply of all kind- of I CM BEIl for buileinj; and olner purHcs. Mr. Jonas Ku. cimh t ... ir .if. nt in torn. Application can be made to linn cr to either of the ui.oer.igut d. M1LI.KK A l'OUIKK. Cd. 13. 1.57. t4.i HI mil' ollagnvsia. A N agrcrsh'c reCrtshant and laxative, aa p!raa. ili.lll to tl taste a. Mia water. Sold hy II. M. FKHVTI AKI). Irw-m'al ..roe Pc. 1 SupoHttirr, Oi; rnVCf.NTKATf.n I I"Y. Warranted make w ilhout l.n.t , - "d with littie tr hie. The best and cheapest article in u.c. P.-'t'e ' d Sn tenia a can. Sold bv . II. M. PIUTCH Alii'. Ir in'. Corner. :tO,O0O Srgam t T rcer wo and lor asie at t! per bur .1 drc.i. by II M ITvlTCHARP, I- -. in'. ' ., .- rORRECTFD BY R M. OATFJi k t o. f IIARLOT'l K. MARC H 3), I8r.f. i PACON. llama, new lb 13 p'J I " .-"uita, ...... I 'J (vi ii " Hog round, II (.,, j-j ! " SnoulUera lb Ol) fr, ()C'ing.lJunny rd 17 (i; W ! Heel". 'lb 5 ( K Pilfer in 1VJ (1; It, rt'e.wax lb -,0 (6 Hi Henna... buhel no foi t)l . Hrandy. Ap).!, gal fU )) i " Peach, ....fK) (,r On Ci.llon. new lb 8 fv 0 Cotlee, Kin !b iaj (, ;, " Jva !b n (.,, !J Cjindlea, Adaniantiue lb 28 f-r, 33 I " riM rinM lb t.i (.,, 511 Tillow lb -J.i (1. tin ' Corn, old ...bushel A5 (.1, 57 I new buahel.. S.r Cn i7 Cliickcn each fi 15 (loth.t'oppcria yard U'J (',: li I ' Luidary yard O.i (,:, 31 ; Egg. lioreii HI fVi. PJJ 1 Hour bbl... li (: 4. all I " b-Ks ('.. ."-5' I feathers II 3H . 35 Kurd, .. - lb Vi i.r, 13 Vluiioi lb 5 (, b '; Mackerel,.., bbl . No I I (i (.1. Oil 'I Kilt .'lull (a, 33 ijM"' s.N- Rl 55 ' ('0 ' " IV. I g.,1.. M I.r, (HI Mf-al buahel .15 (.,, ,'.r. ' I Mullet. (Wilmington) ...bbl V.) (',, li Nulla. Norlberil lb 5 0I j ' ..rtliicrn lb .5 ('. fi int bunhel 3u 37 , I Pork lb 7 (,,. 7J cPea- bu.oei K 911 Polal.iea, In.h hirht-! An (... 75 ,' ' Sweet l.ui.fic-1. (h) U lid i "ice buahel ft (, ISugar.Loaf, lb 14 (. IS '! " Brown lb 8 in i Stone. Ware gal 8 I., V Sail : I iinl (,. 17.T i 'Pea 'I. M f , H '. Wl,, wnilr bushel fl.o in: hl) rcu, buahel HII (-. v, Norther gai 4.1 Or. 5.1 " ' N. ( . irolioa. ...gai Id i.i. 4 i ' Wool, (b.-.l licoigia) w.iahed V7 ( i't I ' linwa.he.l V2 I.l i!3 Yarn,. bai ll't ( 0 ni:MKhs. COTTON' Our eotl.n n, rl.rtwsa ffeiiveaiirl brought full piim. up to the rr eeipt of llie Niag. ara. Aecoiini.. up to the I3fh from Liverpool bronchi a decline of from J lo 3 "f a penny. Since that lime there baa been only one bale sold at a decline of j c i t on last week', price.. El.orit Our flour market is a lntle d.prrta. cd and not much M-I'ing. CIIK.N in good demand at Ihc above quotations. I.I'M RI A M A I; Iv" F.T. Coi.rsiau. M irch 27, ISoH COTTON'. T i-r.i.y a, l,i sunjily of eirltou riis .aie vc- '" ner prn i a, v:f : J in I 1 j P MS. hog round I llli.V PEAS OATS i-..on; il. extreme.. ....II Cr l'. PS la 0l ,. J Oil I i. b() ....VlJ O 1 ( II A II 1. 1 S'idN MAKKIVP. . Hi.raTi, M.irch, K., COTTON Tli' ytattrday ; but i Ufiw..rd lending i. I. Ill hale., nt 1 1 n.i.ioliiig le) I, tiling fur l I-. AcociiTA, Mar nicti d nt anted to cb 04 -c advance . ii van t, w L-i.t p.-r I.i lar.c .alca ai i 1 i i Moan.E, March 24 ( ..Hon is frm to. day ol i.'.i (J h.iba at 1 1 1 ctnla to Drug sStore Iveinoved. niiserihtr m'oriiiK frien.' nd (he I.' geuerall V. th.t be rrhmlid hia LOI.E ro.o i;r..Ml. r.ioge lo Iiwm's v Ii i. it b..s been im wly filled up and ar for In. bu. iocs and where I. e ceivn g a large stock ol aittclea in h.a iu;i b s Corner, ranged t line. II. M. PKITCHAKD. 1 1 if May 15. If57. IIO i .AL HAVANA I.OTTKI.Y. The nrxt nrcTmnry .irnwrne of the Tinyal H ivb. nn I .(j I Wry cntiduritti hy tin. trnmeut, uniirr the turfrvii(jii of the l ofiljin (wfiiera) uf 'ulio, -Aili Uku phu-f at IJktv.ini uu TUESiaV, ATlilL 16,1S5 $300,000. SOMTf.O Nl MEHO 59H OKM.NAKIO. V. I'l I Ala IMlIZi: 100,000!! 1 1 rent l0.lsO I I ;tu.i)iio ; lo.oooj I prix.-a ot sv'i.OOrt S " I .O.Ms .'.'.' .t I I.l " 40 gu Apr'xim'. -s.-vilO t lin,liljll ttino each ; r t- ion to un ; 4 oi I to tli f llin to ii.,l'UO; 4 o Hi H i i. ll,l hU ; 4 ol IUO la ."i.liim. 'e Ti.kctel'JOi Halve, till; li tia r ter to ; e.i.he.i st sight at 5 per rent, discount. oil all .olveu! Hank- tahc.1 hi -f. t. n log w lii be lurw .ni. d a. a.Hju a. tl.e re Win alllt be Coi unicatlons sd.lre.sed to PON ItOPKI. ('I 17.. (.are i f City P .l, Cl.arleat.iu. S. C.) un. til li.e loth of April, will bt attended to. Peraons ordering Ticket, w ili plenaf w rite their nam, a plain and goe their pfl ctliee, county and tale. ,)i'i' lu rry IV .'torn I. m'IS'I'(R-S Balsam and L lcligcs, linger". V f SyrupTar, Hive Syrup. Squills, luecac and all kind, oi Picmral and iouli mt.uir.tncs for b) II. M. rRlTCIIAKP, IXc. I. Irwin'a Corner. M'urr rrtnrh lliimitf, nf'I.I.ANP (im. Win. key. Sherry and Port Wines, l-orie'r-n Ale and Porltr, for mcci. Pec. 1 H. M. PRITCIIAKD. starrh, fp LACK tfepiM-r, i.ingrr, Baku q; and JM S.da, I ream far la r, N ti tilt. g. Mace, Cum toon, I It.vca a l.d flavoring l.vlr.n ta ol tfert is I r: for sale at Wlioitaale and retail, bv II. M. IT. I 'IV HARP. IVc. I !.- '" '" 1 ''''" $200 It IOWA III). 1Y AN AW AY from my Kalroaii han Uti. I-'-Hrty cu., tii., ubout tt e Ut or AiJfcUit, It1), n v Jiijjri) luati I I II It A I VI. He is black and of n.a.num aiie, ','3 ey :t year. o'C. va. tsiaed by Mr. Sbipp, c, I. no olu colinv, and a. id lo me by V . f. lit warn, nf Lincoln, fchruary, l.oS. I th ok Bald boy ia lying about barioi'le ur W. P. Pi iiuin'., of l.n'coi.i county, or Milium S:npp'. of t.aston counlv. a. the bov Its. r., s i ,1' o." I , ,.,,,,1.. 1 will pay I 41 III .BUI t IHfl.l. lt f r his ajii'li'Hi u .1' i. anu uel....-y in Cbarl-.lte jail, so lhai I can gel bin.. P. V. t 'Kit .Ti. 1.., I "557. '--"i HON PS ;' 1 1' ivru t I' s I,K II V.V.V.

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