ghrnhn Stalling. Krom th, Amerir,-,, Mnmnpr. TFIE NKr.l.K.TKP H MLKT. TWe are baml-t-i aod aolitary faiuilitis If life have energy enough remaiuin;?, tbo en the bordVr line, of ciuntry parishes, aud cheated aervant will return to bis old niac in the aaburbs of citiea, which do not belong tcr a before j and if not, will bewail for the ta ini eranL'i-licsl eonfirreaation. and are li- I rest of hii lay, his service. Cin we not able to be Defected by all. Too few to nup- pel, aad too distant to attend public 'worship, the natural port the gi? cou-erj'ieuejs of a deprivation of tho mentis Ol grace appear, l-noraucc, error, anJ are left to their own apootancous growth, and ihe moral waste degeueratea iiwo a mio- I pid o dear ! Can he not learn the error iature Sodom. a it often appropriately ' of the prin-iple of that life whose fruit, and called. In (he spiritual, as in the natnaM hope, and aim, can be bla.stod by one of the field, briers and tborna and noxiou' weeds 1 periodic insolvencies of that prince of bank occupt the which bv a akiiful hus- runts, the cod of thia world ! Can we not landr niL'ht produce a precious harvest; and the more uncultivated the soil, the more fertile it is, if it can be broken up to receive ' the heavenly grain. I These neglected corner must be tilled or i tLcy exert a pernicious influence on the ad jaet ut heritage of God. Here the teachers of error 8nd easy access, aud the garnered B-jeds of ruin are carried even to distaut l iu ls. In one of these mora) wastes origi nated the primitive founder of Jlormonisni. Here are nurtured men of strong minds, gome cf whom go forth to establish the most ab- j furd and ruinous systems of error. t" loe of tLe-e wa-te place cf Zim on the ' border? of X , was extremity uupromis- ' ing, cons p. i.-iiiz a clus't-r rf families not o-; jaerous cisouh to be lietiominated a village, ; but the dwellings were sufficiently compact! to of that uninterrupted aocial inter-' course, which, in the absence of Cbritiani itiS jclco, leaded to tie mutual depravation of uiornis. A very few professors of reli-: pen resided h.n, but they bad become dis- Learteue . in iLdr tfiotts to rcstraiu the .rcva!etit un-odiiniM", aud bad Ust the vi- tality of thti proft..-ion. Tluy generally ... t .v- .....i.u i..uUS .....-. t Vc.;, cration of the Sabbuh, but ee.ajoDaUl- trHvc.iod to the nearest p. ace of worship, a di-tnuce of six miles. ' IV tuinUter of this cTurch was invited visit them. The incipient effjrt, in the 4" - e ' i . j- jjimi i-i au L-ieniiig ii-nure, wa-i uiacour.- in;: but the commenccruftit of a Sabbath- schwol wa p-rmittd by two or three fain- iik J. The i.-bio! nro-ncr-Mi bevoud einee. taiion, onder the care of two or tbreo devo- If 1 young laoies who travelled the long in- tcrveneiti; iititjce each Sabbath ; and eoon ail the children were present with smiling laces and in ilneiit apparel. The next step was the iijrr''lu.tion of religions worship by jayujfa, wbo read tbe Ser.ptures, aod fjl- lewed lbs reaJirif; by prayer and cxhorta- Wo. Ileli-.-iou' tracts tleeted with refer- c:.C; to the 3!U: of n.ral-i, were al-o circa- iattd ; a-id a 5-bbath-oebool library wa-fur- ni-btd. Tbt it wa mw rreptre J for the vtek-dv lecture, and for preacbiuir on the Sabbath when s.jch aid could be obtained, In a little time the power of the Holy Spir- it was m: r . .i -u i ai Elen. and the de.crt iike the e-.rJin of li:bt. aud sandy suiU more stiff aud teoa tbs Lord. The revival was iBTjn!, rc.'u't- ciiu, retaining moiature much longer, aod in j in several marvel! jit conversions ; bends causing heat aod frot and raiu to fructify of families, in tbe presence of a'.l their ebil-' and fi rtiliio and improve the earth, until drr-n. came forward and made a pre'. ?.-ion it becomes as fruitful ' the lands of the of th-jir faith. Nile. Vith all the.c facts so clearly ea- One mo t rcrjarlabl o-tance was a man wbose children were in the Sbbath-cbo-jl, and wbise wife now becotn'! an active Chrii tiiO. The fatb' r and t'ic bu-bat;d ttood a-Jo'-f from alt rtli-ious ibstructioB, nver look- j.' into tbe Bi! le. or a bcok of any '. So violent was his oppo-ition to a!l religious meetings, that Le Lad more than olcb en-1 and lakes, before it roac'ies us and that the : this way. Tbe receipt I consider of great t. re J fi.iu-e of prayer n here the few were othor is of home buinufaetare and abounds 1 value. A J1UL SEW HE. assembled, acd cotrptl'ed Lis wile to leave, iu any portion of the Commonwealth, or i II. s children r.l carried Louie from tbe ii- it owing to the want of information on the! HOG Y A 11 D 6 . l iary a little utV narrating tbe eonver-ion 1 sul joct on the part of farmers ? Surely, Mr. Keep your bog yard constantly anu lib of u child. This proved on arro too sharp Editor, to the latter Uiast be acnbed eraily replenished with materials for manure f jr Lis coit of ita,!. One riav dav the tinv tU'a Dcplcct, which tafornsatioa tbrong jour ' uiuek, chip-manure, caw dut, spent tan, i ,',i. ,ni.J !.ij nt.'x. ..i,t I.-, tl.a ' J r.-e of bia wife he looked at tbe title. He j'. 1 n'. 'top there, l.t read to the end. farmers of ibtcience and leisure, who are , u bo ari.-e io angui-h of spirit, exclaim- capable of writing i;ittllij;ib'y on this sub '.' If this ...lie cLii-a awae-i tu lie bortij-et, tic mi-t in.prtatit of ail others, ahou'.d iiii, ti it wiii b-jc.riie of rat. V For aev- be so little di-po-ed to impact ai! the iufor il diy. be weLt i jn into the depb of mation within their practice aud experieoce d' -pir, ,n l at length inverted from tbt Lou of corruption 'into tbe glor;o i liberty of tb" ttr. of God. A more periitett and 'i ,iy 'ii-cipie is rareiy r-eeu. The miniater v iio Lad put iuto opir:ion the means of it) iu r.e;-cv", uatniet, wen; town It s..c thia braui plucked from the buroinj I !jiin to his '.oor, be heard a low, aob inn w:tbio, which coa'.d proceed only fmui a rr, ii;-il on r"tu-n i to hi. fatbrt house Aiready Le Lid rec:r-d t'te fatnily-altar, and ira.lKriri l.i' ehil Ir. u au 1 wife we-p-i:, in tu" f iitjfs of h-r joy, h': lifted up in fcubdut'l tones a prayer wonderful in it. ! p'h of per.iteiicc, iu-..i:u-.-s, C9i.fid-tve. t.;,d ,rai.-e. I;i view of such a hnrvft from a grain of ii. i'ttrd seed ca t i;. i ri.e "onv geound. by -Louid we ti"g!"'t any moral wa-te V jy Jejpairof suTcei's' VLy nMbe .tead-f--t. unuiov.ble ; always aboundirjg in tbe work of tbe Lord T forasmuch as we know t:. i' our iui.or ii not ia rain in the Lord. A Pa-tor j I.KMiN 1 O LIVE. ' Many Lave now falletj op-n Ttisure for retro p'tt',09. for the Lrt timn, perbsps, in many yesvf. Tbe retropet ;, h,,.r for ; it is one of exlreuae, protracted to.; st. ! ,.f dea a'. f"r uoubt. Tit Lair has whitened, tba face Ls lecoio furrowed, the 2b and tie Lean art ttoaaned witb eare. the l.fe. cf ten, twen'y. or mov y-nrs past, hai been one piteous sacnlee aud L'jlhir, to snow fur it. It is one of the bitterest thing to t .e rational mind, to have ii.Jured and ppfj' 11 -th in vain But wriat vail ttcse litter reflectioua, and what avail tbo leswos of this hard ex 'periencc, if do truth rcvaalad from aoe, 1 8eti the past eareer in a now ligl.t, and ex- .pier,the fallacy of iu gulling principle j learn that it is not merely unfortunate, that it la wrong, to iuveat oar Htm tbaa iu the treacherous richosoi thU world j alike what h. , . , ... , er we aucofed m aecunng t'le glittormg rc- ward, or wuetucr tn ouon.e nursw au.. leaves us defrauded of all for which we had bubble bursts and be rursuaded forsake the acrvioe 0f Wealth, and devote the remainder of life to a Mastor wbo is both rightful and faithful ; live while we live, and secure each day's rcward before sunset, in a success which no change can reverse, and a garnered satis faction abich cau not turn to disappoiu; ment t -V. 1. llniwitier. jrintlfuniL From the Southern Plutitrr. LIMB AS A FKRTIL1ZKR. IIanovkk, Feb. 17th, lj3. J&litor of the Southern Planter : Pear Sir The list number of your pnpt.r reached ine in due time, freighted j with its usually iuterestinif articles; but the lack of information, on the subject 0f ' ii,,,,.. ,y your corre-poDileuU. is greatly to ; be regretted, as this is one of the mo.-t iui- j porta:;t ti well as permanent fertiliters that , r.t.r .v. l .e .v- I cornea wuuiu w.e rc.ou . iuo -sl,o..u- rist. For it not only roots out ben grass , and broom-straw, but it a!o roots out ague nd fever and bilious diseases, purifies the i to.o.phere and .-ive Loalth, vigor and eu- i erjjy ahere these life-killing diseases have l . r. . !i i ah -i- r nerctoiore prevaueu. jn .ue iiii'iruiaiioa then, that can be elected en this abaolutely necess - iry article both for the irrprovement - of tho il and health of tl. countrv. is or ' should be sought after with all the avidity that bunjer seeks for food, or thirst for the , cooling brook : and if I held the pen of a ) ready writer, your columns should never be without something iu favor of this Alpha : aud Orucja of ail good fartniDir, until every ! farmer below the head of tide water should be made seti-ible of its importance. It is an arti. le, too, so cheap and so esy of tran - porfition. aLd can be so readily spread on the land, aud such a email quantity w-rk such wonders ou tho soil, drivit tr out poverty, and cauiD luxuriant crops : to grow where before ail was sUrrility and ; barrenness, changing the character of the ,,:i ...1 f.;.t.! ..J tablished by tbe experience of sime of the ' ... .. . , . , beet farmers among us. i it not wonderful that lime hou!d be o little ued, and that ' .... , guano winch is so coH.y, should be ao popular : Can it bf, Mr. Editor, that the one ha to ' be trinported over seas and rivers and bays ijliiniM i'r,e tin surnlvand rectifv : and .. ,,, ,, , " greatly to be lamented, that gentlemen t those wlo ueed the most rou-ing articles before tb-y cau be made to understand their true iuK-re-ts. lyt u strive tbeu, Mr. Kd it ir, to L a k ! off tbi enoruious nod oner- tribut.; to a for-i-ri government of very ! doulttul va'u sntl feeH ly n,i ti.e n.-.-ans aitbin our reach, lo promote the treat per n.atii.iit ir.terestii of aiic ulture by changing the current of th";e iare expenditures, and eaui-irg tbetu to flow in a f-ir morn profita ble direction. I am, with frnat rr-spect, Your friend and obedient 'ervanl, AGIilCOLA. J'l'irn llm .V u llnlilAil J'irirtT. I'LMl'KINS A.MONiJ COIiN. In lb? ' mrr of February lith, in an swer to cert.iu queries of a correi. ondent, you expiess sotte doubt whether "any gain is maic by the introduction of tbe pumpkins teto lue corn held. ' Thin question belongs to a e'asv in practical farniiujf which can never be aetticrl ty theory. Careful expe- mnenis, H.aue uuuer Uinrtrit anu adverse cireutuianea( can alor.e ictile them. And it ia to these experiment that very intelli- got farmer o.ibt to contribute somelhing for the p-enerai good. Th. question of utility iu cultivating corn to the aioir field with pumpkin, ia Dot by sr.v means raiaed now for the firat time. It it o'-ler. to my certain knowledge, than the " M ,ouri ' 'oiu promise," and may dale bsek. for oui.t I kno. lo the first bill of Cora and the Cr-l pumpkin. As a snieral rule, I srn oproftd to in.xe'l rror ' ; yet there arc ex np:. u, ill tui.j. iu faruiin, ad I tbiiilt j tliia matter of corn and pumplsiiw is one of ' them. I would not loowirigly, do anything I to di.-parags the value oCthe corn crop, for I hold it to be by far the roost Taiuaoie gram erop of New hngland, and inUeod ot any oin er couuiry whose climate is adapted to it, ,A .hn.o .nil will not nrodo.CC wheat as .topic. I recollect ery well that my grandfather ba.l all the Old laainoneu pr.-ju.nrc .n i. d all the old fashioned prejudice in favor) of r.Wug pumpkins, an 1 would plant thru. ". torn, Folatocs,ud even beau-, it the I soil was rich enough to hold out any pros- ou WM r - ' ' peci oi a crop., - ... ' ' Buii.Dkins and' n"0. doucitea me was epeciaiiy oppoaeu i .uJWu.uS "",, TaIlul)le illfrillioll could, by any possibility, detract from the product of his com field. With thee op - poiing views upon the same farm, you wiil peroeive at once that there wa a necessity i for ring a expcritnei.t ; fjr " a bocie di- .. . . .. it r.... vided against Itsell eouiu no. aiauu .Ur.7 vrars si'O anv better thsu it oao pow. Ac- j P j i eardin.'l. iu the vear I think it was, j the corn field was equally divided by two or '" l 4--J..-Brfor. I -nd , , , i lining you auncrinaa were uimoal throe rows of potatoes through the centre, ; . mj ,.., wa. coinoIe,el, ul. and one half planted to corn ti lth ptppkins raUiJi , hti , JntiM CIlUh, .nd there were fre and the other U it tout. There was UO per- ; nucntlv iekt lovctlier that I could not aiwak a. ! eeptible difference in the growth of the corn, ! and when the field was harvested there was I ,. , , , , , . j not a d.fference of three bushels in the quan- I tity on each part, although the whole field j embraced an area of four or five aeres. i Eleven large loads of handsome pumpkins f er ennsidpred bv mv irrandfatber as the weight of evidence in favor of bis theory j (or in other words, hit die of the corn-field,) i which eould not well be rousted. I believe wj father, ever after that, planted pump- kins with his com. I It scetiH tome reasonable that a plant o j adapted to tb shade as tit pumpkin, anJ "icn receives so large a share of its uutritnent from tbo atmo-phere, can bo plwa- tf '!n corB. without injury to tho laller, 311,1 hoet much detriment to the soil. Indeed, it is held by some intelligent farm- ari that tlif lrn li'aees of the DUUinkin. bv -- - ----- e- " ' . ' - sh.dmg the ground, and thu. preventing the un irom oisioagtng ine various jases wnitu decompose aud 'orra soluble matter in the oil. to be taken ap as food for the growth nf rJintj nro Hirft hpnht trt tfa JftDd. .--Itnefiennihififfnf thu value of thanumniiin j o - r- r crop. It is well settled, i Deneve, tnai pumpkins, fed out, vithout tho seeds, in moderate quantitifs, to milch cows, impart a rifh flavor to the milk. It ia also eonee- ded that they are very Ta.uaUe iq tatten- ing beef. Let tbem not, therefore, b giv - en up, without some tang.uut evtJCLce ot their inutility. Somerville. E. C. P From the Christian t?ttn. GAPES IX CHICKENS, ilr. ljlxtor : The trapes in chickera i oc casioned by a collcctiou of small worms in the windpipe, and unless removed will kit the chicken. I give you my plao of curing tbem, hoping that it may be tried by others as well as myself, who have been greatly I.. .!. (...t1..nn,. Take a stiff hair from the mane or tail of a burse, double and twist the two ends to-; . '.'ether ; open the moutn oi lue cniciiea anu fjree tba twisted hair down tbe windpipe to: thi depth of two or three iucbea, according to the sit; of the chicken, holding the two i-Lds of the hair securely ; when it Jias been t i tr .l j . - . j forced auflictfiBtly deep, give it a twist and draw it out gradually, and the worms will i . . . , ,,f. . come with It. I have taken .'( or tuorc worms Irom oce cuickcn. Couiniue the op- eration until all are removed. I have ne- ver failed to free the windpipe of worms in atraw. refuse bav. rubbi.h from the fields. - , , . and spurious vegetation from the garden and wood-iot, roehes, peat, clay,, cob., rot ten, wood, and, indeed, every substance that ! L.-nru- J or reducod ti il. primary !) men's or principles, is capable of supplying' pabulum or pasturage to plans. hen the mass ii sufficiently broken down in its phy rical texture, elean-e out the yards and com mence accumulating more. In this way a larfe quant'ty of most excellent eompoet may be m ai.:, and many articles ordinarily oterlouked in our iu,prrftct economy and' coiitr-mplatcJ as worthless, converted to an iiiiportaiit .nd valuable tile. ' Mew Clillinery and Flantna Blaklnj E.STAI5IJSIIJIENT. Mrs. T. M. SMITH ' rOI'f.ll inform tin f ohlic t'nt .tie mtenila carry. ! r,e :il,ove Bu.ineaa .t her re.i.ienre, 1,1 it totUe new K.n. I hureh Slie wiilld alao mlorrii toe I.nlie. thai . ..c lua .pj.Iy of llomitl 'rriiiinniii;., con. 1 I Flowers. Feathers, Rouehej. kc. Khe (tfv hf cfi(irv(irinf lo jir- mtiaf-etiotw to ' lho wtin mwj f.vor ii-r witu their tmmUtm, lo mrr i r !il.r.l it.T9 of mUlic ptmtigr. On. ', i87. X',tC Encourage Home Industry i AVIMi I LIf IIASKI'thetOM tjniiKAf.l II I UK V. I an prepared to fill all order, for ' Ornifj'rstt Tintfhlifr HojKtf Vie(t', Sfttrfinyr, '.jratn lint'trif ;, llriiry Drilling, hidr,l Curj tt Chain, rojyrrrijr 'J'u ine. ! aoi mak.lifrso arlirleol loth or the pnruoae jt Mi.illtf I', Whrui aaii Corn. t.r. inera ai,r. 1'ioi.ore t.oeer. Wi'l fiftil it to tloirao. fjoLr' 'o oe it. All ordera Irom a rtii.tni.fe wit; r.e witn uroiofjtt,.. J. Jk DON A Lb. ( ntwi. tri. 2f. i?;c. aut W H ju.t reeei.ej 5 at i.ln.g of SAND'S SAHSAPAKILLA, rot mx ccri or Scrofult, Em pi inn,, Rkumtism. Lttt of Appetite, DtMitf, Dytprfia, Kigkt Svf. a a tyiiar .d F-U PVRIFIKR l i'lW. il, rjieaey it uHricalfed. Thi. medicine hat been in u for many -a year. and Ua oblmd a large b.r ol po-amr favor irom it. miiny unu wen iu - ; obstinate t.e. ol dim- will ua of tho.e ol - .iterative Cn.I ; jn Uiji , lt pl an ndiiiirable inedicine and aK.adjr rclif. pleuaanl lu the taate and ta in lli muni careful manner by (. . of Ilie priipriclura wl. r Pl.e e.ll at Dr. Prilcbard'a Drugstore . obuia an alaianae for 185U gratia, which gitu The following ccrti ce,le j, .elected from a boat of olliera of miliar ; tenor s SOKE TIIKOAT. Tlia follnwing la an calfnct from a letter receiv. from Mr. Bivan, who had been afflicted fcr evcial years with Scrofulooa Ulcere, Pyapi-paia i 1 , wU n t&ccllvu o( Thnt nd Chest. PaiLrrauao, Va., Ptf . 13, 1845. i b.ive a whieper; and bcaidea, the inflammation j r""" ' throat extended torn, be.d.w tli.t n.y i hearing waa very much impaired. AOer taking g ,,)l)rt iy ,, jnlnrilTed I tn(J WJ moA jg 111)W Wl.. ,(u ,ce ,, ! cough ad iighmcaeof ihe cbr.tlae ecr I waaj ; and can hear quite diatinctly. Mj ihroat ha , ' been well a hoot three month., the cure of which ! has bera rfl'eclcd entirely by the ue of juat ar. wpari-U. Your friend, Locia II. Ilavaw. Prepared and sold hy A. B. & D. Sanda, Drug ei.ta. New York. Arrnt in Charlotte, N C, II. m. Pitihad, at Irwin's I baltie, or 6 bolllia for ti. Trice II per CLOVE AXODTXK TOOTIIAIICE DROPS. AN 1MMEDIATK ANDPEBFECT CUBE. Thoae who hare ftlt the painful throbbing rnd excruci.tri; panga of thia diaeaae .hooting thru' Ihur jaw. Willi mo-l toruienling eraeveri.nue, and, ai is oflrn the, hje receiaed but little aym.' flom frMD(i.on .uc, occ n.. will no I be ,,,, , kBOW ,- . trmt6, ,., . i(, tuinr (tll to fute,eT tlt onmereiful of. , inder. Eipe.-ience haa pruv.d thai tin. .niMiyne j MHMiim give re- 1 MT, - ' I p!....nt to the taste and II ; will not injure ; and a few appli. - ' ln, tti, or juina ia any jy cation, will entirely remove tiie pain and mrcocs from a decayed tooth, m that it may be filled and rennered a. uaeiul ever 2j I r"-' "-'r; "": , Dro jtU tui nmir,,f j,,,. m yallun tUn, l corl)fr n(- Willum. Sew York. j Agent in Charlotte, II. M. PIUTCIIAIiP, .VrrrJ 2, '58. Ja i.i' t. o.k a iniAtTiri i. iii:aii RICH GLOSSY HAIR, Completely Preserved TO TIIK GllKATKST AGl. And who that i T y wouiti not h a re it re " tur or b.,Ul, byt Wuulil have Ih. ed '" ffn.wl. realorrit. or with riumlruff and : itclnnr but would hac it remueed, or troubled wnn acroiuia, rca.u neio, ur inner erupuon., nui wolilu be cured, or with aick heud ache, (u.-nral. but would be cured rill al ill f'" ('om t!,e f;te ""'tl I HeeMratiire will do il thia, Me cucul-r anil the toilowing Ash A a aria, November iP.'fi. Paur O. J. WiMd ih-ar S,r: I Ine h'nrd iucl. .aid ol the wonnerful eg'-cl of vour II ir Koturativc, but havinv be. n n nti.ri chented by noitckerv arid niur-lt nnalrunia. biiir rivta. Arc. I ; w.jii.noed to pU.:e your KfiorMne m tl " a.nnc . e.lteof v Willi I le lliouaanu alia one loou'V if viol. pfl ,ta:rtlttt uh; , yu ,;, u-. renee comity n.c mwiin nvtr, min jn gv me such aei-urmre a. ineueed tie trial of your KeIlor.u ln fnn.,t,6i b, m, ... . ifc. wiio hair had Ix-eoni. very thin mil entirely white, aod b. tore ezhi.ualiiig one ot your Urge bottle., her hnir wi. rei-tored nearly to it. nrig iiial be.ulilul brown color, arid had thickened imd becooi. bcalilu! and gln.ay upon, end entirely over the heaii ; die continueato ui it, uotainipiy becauac of it bfnQtilying erTect. upon the bair. bat brcauae of it. he.illnful iiid'jinre oi"in the head and mir.d. flthera of my lumily and fneDL'. are uanig your S. aloraiiv. with the happicM ef fect.; therefore, my akeplici.m end douhi. u. :. erence lo it. character and iaiie .rt rntireiy re. moved ; and I ean and do m.i.1 eorunliy and con. 6iienlially reconnmnd ita uae by all who wou'd lmv- their huir restored Irom wmlc or gray vby reaon of aickluaa or are.) to ont'lia' color and besoly. and by all ynuug ptnon. lucl u,, , f,., ho would have cry truly and rrit fntle Tour.. rstJl.U.VIu.N'.MA.NN. finvr JJ',, K,u: It .11 ieloi I f;- t ti e l,itl I.- n I g..i it . i'a hair, -a Ua , ur ii lio t you n of n,y i-oiily i.i ki- agent in Ue mmiU-d 11 ' tlHt Ir.Miii, try it i Mr.. M Il rec .ini... rniiog it. u.c lo i I hi(fhlt co.Ai'lrrj'ioo r' n e Ajam, wry rtn;cilullv rntiticd to tin hOl.O.MwN MANS. fan., 1 r, I.L., J I hive u.eH Pr-t. O. J. Wwi'a an. H'S. Ihalon live, Mncl liee .nnorS 11. wonriertti w:ia berr.ifitii , aa I llioua-hl iuri,T rr.T, but by 11. e uae of hia li. W,r itiee it haa euii.ed ita f.rijfiaal eoior, and, 1 no uoubt orm.lurcly .0. 8. BRtS.IE, n S. n.tor. V. S. O. J. WOOD Liu, Proprietor.. 312 llrod wy, N. V.. ta.- great N. V Y. ire lUilinif ta. I.. 1,1, .1.,,,. ,J 1 14 Mjrkel .1. .1, Mt Ia.ui., M, And aolu l.y all Ilrnei.ta in the l ion be II. M. PKtTCn AHI, tl 0 Utail;tle.(J. ir. ic. n. to 11 it V Krltf. be ple.atil to receive Profe W W ' e jcpari.iiia ut jn fcMl iiI and lniaa profrMiomtlly abw-nt, he 1 at hia reaiience. tori Mill Depot. X "P. PRINMNCaof all aino. will m null. r.aeenirw at the r..tfth.r.. JJ'NDS Inr Ike frhvrrv at YOK 8ALK IIKI'.K 1 tr t T '-1 J A SI KS SI . E D X E V. COMMISSION MERCHANT, s i60 JOHN STItrLT.N. -fjrfal'YS and forward, rv.rv kind nf wttkil I M iliie lor 21. per tt. Ccmmitiio. Rc-fere to Swain .no Moreheud. N. W. Woo.lfiii, J W "" . ; ; """"V!"' V ' '. . ' .. . rnne, MehMlrttm. Urn. ll irns, t.uilira. mu-iu. pcwing mienw . ShIi . Puuipe, l.iirdrn timine, c. A pnnuu Ii.i ol' all IIm dillc-nnl Hibkcia, Mnit. ana price seal iff. Publiahrr of un elegant llllmgraun Ml .irlor. Al 6rn." N.C. and V" r arc I hviicux; Ihdias fitniiic to " Thia iuvaluubtr Jvmvf airtaer ahnal..' ! in rvr hi.uae. It treats ill' all uiaeuara, ha a copious lhiaMfy and preaaM-ilie Ilia renirnna trnm nature i Imuntroua fturia, lor all nir infirnutira and Inia lorlunra. It ie nrinted on fine while paper, hund i liielr bound lnurlli edition, 900 page., and i mailed frrr Jor W(r. New Kn.ewood t'iano, ISO. f eb. 16, iM3. 1 S. M. HOWELL, tea . Saddle fe Harness Iftanutacturer, TITItEB D(inR8SiUTll Cf Till MANSION HOUSE, .r. . a ..i-aoa l a, a- XTAIlkinJaof Saddlcaand Ilarne.sniade at the horteat notice. gr-RKPAIHING promptly executed. I Jt: 19. It58 37lf ! as'S. A11U Mill IIIUV tUIIllt Tf J P- KriKAnn llenflerSCn 6C AUrcTlS a RCno. receiving their t ALL. ndWIMER slOCKol r..vimi t.r. IIOOTM niiil IIOI, a large filock of CLOTHING, ,....,. e.erf .:3 -hi Jd v.Aefy , Ut. tr.. 3 to 118, I'.nl. .nd Ve.t. at j.i prices, au qu-ni' I of Miirl., r Tie. t'mierhlih-lH, At , J r. Calf.kin Boot at II. Mrn'a alool Shoe. .1 II 37J, firt q u .lnv .lout ll.-ol. .1 . It,-. la ami Shore, tjidii. Illack loih CI . worth 17 SU, alao lai.ry and colored, in great Superfine French Mmnom, Pr Lafnr$, Cahaurt, IhUig't, if., UutikttM. J.tnscy. liunnetr, iijro-, jnrmvs, Iirou-n aud Bleached Skirting!, ijr. Thee wtahing to aupply theni:le. with any of the aboie Gi.,eod otiwra .ol herein nie ra tioned, will rind it In their intrreat 1'ieian.ine our I.imki. .nd prire. before bovine 'rr (i..oda are offend at I A fits LI. Y l.O VRlVtS. flore al Spring.' forner. I1ENDEKSOX Jt AHREX3. I r A firat rate aa..rln.enl af OIKJUfi may ataxi e louml atour Store at Morrow'a Torn Out. I'n e a. I ere. fvr. 13, !8o7. 33tf New Slorp.SS&i;w teks. Pa rvtrr'i RntriTKa'i 1'na.i.u Vth. I ttuiruiior A.taica.i I.i rraiTi.i, by I'uyc kinrk. Ft r.mwionr N'rw .Mrlico ... lira I'torut, by W.W.II. ll.ti.. Pail Faixr.ra F.ira or a I.irr Cunt IVroin a noeet by N. t. Willi.. T.a Two I.IOMT.. Violkt wa 1 ua t Kiiia asu thi faowa, by Mr.. Mi litlneh. Kilt, reo-j the FoesTAi. or Life, a IkioIi ot' moi-r IImI imp 1.1 Uc rr.u with profit by any one, by Itev. li. Newton, !. I. The Mr.Tcar.oa Evil mil Goon, by John Young, LI.. V. The lloe.ciioiu Ascil is Dimuiu, by Mr a lea. lie. The lir.Lcis I.roic r. The Mint a ; RiiLr' irraca ; and The Poo a Geh- Ti.Eaiax: three buunn in one volume. Female X.irs .mow the Mormo.. Da. Km i Aac-ric KirvV.mnoa. P. J. LOWHIE. CkwlUr, hUitk SI. 1-57. '1 lie ,rllt( nrtslina Mnliol AND Magazine of Ue lul Information. fHvflK underaigned to pobh.h in th. Jt I M? of Halt tgh. a SffNl iiff,..l Joc.a.L, ot Ihr ulKiTe title, rfe0( rf iimti'in of Suri-ticl Inf ely to III. .11. n. The tntil terii Joitm-il l It by tvery t. -1 1- nt r:tii n Ik i.' iif . In Iwf .m.e tit uti c qU'iiiitfcO with ttits fftufce ot I be bUlf, oar pre ciil 5ondilHtt. future pri "irc i, fee, aud tT twti i,iwe im.e im r.;uir ytrro of tUlmtifi, em nut Uiltiteti U uy of ni-it-n.l- tjf .,!.,ffii uoii trfliurrU thrrush r tsgtmla. live -sfn: r.itculive lrutu nlM anu licronj. h inch 111 tlu ir jirtimt iii'U"tMiii, U t ulj frnrt'c.l ptirpj -, nnpi't wrl be in tlie l'(iinH Uii(fiii( It iik win nur layinlailitt r In vet cmituin, onr m vkmy-ttrm oft. n publirji vlunbii tUtiiticait in titfiiM tu p, wliirn ( either Utt, of if prrwervrri by a ry lew, it io mci'iiTcnitrnt to finO litu mbt ed. It -t tlw r.rti r n lortfottrn. ' Um nmj iw aia tif me WcpfflB atiu hUtenieuts Ir&m (mif. i, tune nmde bjuur n.corpor. t0 ar4 ttier trtg-ced in MMu!cturrf , Mto m, t oiw-n-rcf , 4 c. Tu cotk-ct l.tse virrnui itemi of information, Dvi tin 111 ! the iijlilic 111 alisoe tj ot tf. U rt ! !'l for brrprtuatl pri-aervaition, wi II to gather from ail evi)hle rroarrea( everything tKsirir.g drrcly or intiirt-ctly on our we lib, pro tiij ..nd inrlutrr, i the nri;n of the Journal now (.rt.rerf fr public ptr.iM(-e. Hit f.(r ( the pi.ii li.r c-.tidtittinj the ime hn br-i, riiMturrtl, il.e p.yi ff tho STA'f IS'J' will be d vf J Ut the firrunif'-iitciit of mifh thha re luting tn-ur r"pottion A)f riculturr. ( MHiriierce, lloCat. tion, I'a r.l ic Imprt vrni fit, M-nu'Wctiirrt, ,;. tiff. Mine nod rt-ial Sii.ti-tica (i ir'allji, am will pr-;iii their tmidilioa, and our progrep in eeU. Il ia atfn dfaivneel tn ooataia th Ht-oorU from. J,;.) of the Putin I rca-air,t inri.i..iortv-r of ltie Hu-liiiig Fund, Mnrwrinti ndent of t on. men Hflw.l-. and all other Rute, Oftic-ra and Uonrda; a a I an, statement, .nd Hepntia ol the condition and peoKreaa of the variooa kailroad. and Mavi. Ration entiibtiniea. '1 h. fc'i'AI IHT will lie pnl to pre., .a fton aa a a..fl'ie-nt numtier of rfoniM narnea are ob. tamed lo pay the eEoeoa. ol nuhlirelirm. 1'lte number, wilt aohUili, each, not It aa t nan Ifitlpa. ye. mf vIoMily .rint.d matter, niaainf a b.iok eif 3iKI prea, or more, to which will U added lull and eoinoUte index. TRU.Mil; 7'narx D'iI i ax per ani.uni Oxi Ilnii... iu tiriv Iiiti, liar en month; o..r ible when the til at i.umber 1. ready for pnMic -lion, whieh fMrt will Im- duly annouiten in th. public sew. pipe,.. 1 Thoae ptraori. inl'fiUin to patronize! tbe Journal will aend their n .rna lo th. uodiraiyned will.owt del y, aa it ie deairabli: lo ikaue tbe hrat nuiubcr a. eoou aa posaihie. QUKNT. I5USHKK. Rulrigh.J'n. ISM. LL A.V K bbS fur al at tLi. ok $?5 rN f S.B. RANSOM. O.CS. ?a WAIT FOIl Till! WAG G 01. -w;llY ia it -flak at J V f fiecauae he buy m a ? r res bia i'70l'i'4' frnin J.H.M. i! Would reeprcll'ully aniinunrc In the inlmbitanta e In the inhabitant" ofl II A li I I I'l 'I I! and vii I, (iranile Id.w, hti be hue now on exhibit if aaaortnunta of 1 frni,, their Old Klunu, In 1, liranile Id.w, whiio Ue Una now on eiuioni.ii, jui rtiintu in, i Nurth, one of Ihe mut exlenaiva aeanrtinmte of S3 E D Erer offered in Norlh.raolina, auiong which will aa ai fx wa.' mW 'Ja.-3 which haa gained each famooe reputation in the ,7'bt.Slot. h auH tiur U y I aoki.g eoiiaumea lea. luel, and dnea ..or. work in a gut n put up any other .toe of ll.r a.i.,. f ,ie work in a given tin... he will forfeit t. price of in. uetier on.. ALSO, ALL v PiLRLOB. So lis ha. and eoiialanilv kern on band, an t ilrn.i. tin AM) siBi:irr iko.v. Itlt.l.y.s h'l 'I Tt.lS, ( .1ST iito.v 111 its II . 1 v. HAT HACKS, CKADLES, &c, &e, 111 of Mlilrli vatll tr aold, tl lilrHlf lind Id l;i II, Inn M-r limn Int. rier ! olli-r. aj Im III iri nil . I would relura any thank. In wv fruails and , ', . 7 y real aa.nreil, tut lo pifane, to try and mi ttCTTOJS "mm I.nili'ps and iVnt irnu n are piirlirulurly iiiiid to rail and rxamiiic bi." MocL 01 JOB WOSS diSifl'EJ 10 WISE lilis!jLUi. N. B. I will tell Jo. why I head any advertisement " W air roe t W.oooa," u I. brrno Wa hare Hire, wegfoue cuaauntly lravet!in( 'hro.l. the country will. Motxe. ST ,111 ortt $ b trill be faithfully onrl prvniiilly nllrnilrd Ik.t .A.A.N.3I.TAVI.01:. Chmttott,Jwn Ifi, 157. 3tf Notice. ajnlfK MlAKIaOTTK Mtl'lAl. RAM K A MPA.N V ciaiitmuea tu Uhr rm itnil In hy Kire on lluuaa, Ouwdt, PrwJ uar, A e., at ajaoal rati a. I f Offirf bftarrn P-rt.' Slur and HraU;'a Building. crririit4 M I) TAYLOH. 1-rrBwnt. C. OVKJ.aMAiN, lire ,tutbmt. K. MK 111 11 HIi'N. er 4 7i. I I K m 1 p ; M K TAYLOK, (' (iVl :i!MAN. J A. YCU N(;. VM JOTlNXiN, J !! CAKSON, S T WltJs-TON, K. hCAMU. jj Dissolution. T lilt prtfirahip Im t to ir 1 i Ire 1 . II mult r.u U, ia Una d w mutual ci neni. AT orwoi. mtirhltd rcuralid to br prepreJ with li e tit,t in ? arc due ua in a - It w da,' a a ullimrnli mn-i be iiiiidt. jonas r.rnisiLL. P. 8 Wlll.S.NANT. Ag 1, ir:7. ! j aXOTici:. I will .till he f..o.! at njr Me a 01 pj-i"" I -Mi. I, prenared to fill all oruere lr ISiish, Ulinds fliid Doors, with aa gW l.un.hrr aa Che rsuntra alTmdw, ei. ! pre ting lo devote ny atintft. n-re prtieuUrlv t n a alMp. and aoiicl fdera '.ut work in iy ima of huam"aa. IS I.uuibrr diraard to uttrt ) tiliort nutirr prib.a niosjralr paid upon rfrlir.t ihr ir. J. lit lMSlLL. A.g Id. Ii7. In retiring- from the firwt l-TM-ifere .ti.lll.fl, un.ler tl.t name ol It uuo.ll .V. W ....1..0I, do j with the kllidrat firin g. ..wari!a Hie eilitelia ol t harloit. and orr..unoii.f eoui.try, lor tl.. p-l ron-ife .0 liberally beatnwed Ofarf. ua, aoH will. tbe I11 ".-!. 'r Dial the bu.ln. .a will tie cjiiii.0 1,11 I equally .. eXK-r)ilioiia aa we hate r3 i.e. I P. H WIll.SNANT. k Ayg. If, IH7. ; lolt'l ll- .t Itol 1 1 ' Plutnal Life Insurance Conipacy. ii( nl.i,i. ,s ., I- : f VII IS Com,. . 1 I Ml la l-e one IV in. tire. Ibe live. 1, a term ot yer. f mdr loo the Mutual rrilieipie, the ai.ure.J for 111 1 ticipatii g in the prohia of the lonir.nj. ; polieiea granted for the t. rio 1.1 r j wh ri the premium therefor am to .'(!,. unt ol the note may m gm-n ior one run the .mount ol the ''premium, bearing inttreat al per cent, without jgo.ri.niy. The pr-'mpl manner in l.u li ail hate I Wen paid by thia company, logetlie, Willi the low Irati. of premium, pneent trial inducement tu au:h aa ere riiauoaeu ui inaura. MJ-.i-e are iiiMireil tor a Unit of Irom one lo five y.-ara, lor two.thirda liie.r t.lue. All lonere arc paid within 90 day. after aatia. faet.j proof i. preaentrn. UIKtl TOIIH. (harle. F. Johnalon, Mm. II. J-.riea, V,. W. Iloldin. W. I) fuokr. 1. li. U. VV . H.J.I. .1. Qui olio. Du.bee, P. t Peacu.l, V m. II. M. hr,, K. I'. Il.llle, C loilll. II. lioot, I). U. towlr, ttieh'd II. Il.llle. orru tas. i Dr. ."h.rU. K.Jo hnaon, Prr-aldenl. W. W. Ilolil, ,,, Vie. rrr.iUi.iil. I II II. llattle,Krelary. I W ill.Mi.a II. Joneal reaaiirfr. 1 II W. Ilu.led. Alb rey. Iir. Wm If MrK... Mrdiral I'mtHn-r. Frrrwliee ('Mnmittee.q. Itaabrr, W. II. Me. Kee. I 'tiurl. H. K..t. Mtiunl llumtit of rlbtMHl l.'harh t. J. hnaon, ,M f)., William II. .MtKee, M. U. I'ieb'd B lliywoo.!, M. I)., For further iiilbrnmlior, ih. pnhhe i ref.r. rrd to the pamplileta.and fomi. nt pvil, wl.irli my he i.l.limeil .t th. Iltt'ierol the I'uutpvnj, nr any of Ha Airmen.. f oiiimiiiiic jliona ahouiil 1 athlre.ted, (p.wl paid) to. It. H. LATTLK, Xielury. &4aUr el, Irl.'.T mfrj aaF -. aella 6toei an rlinp f tlic .M.innl'iicl liters. TAYLOR ofl II A It l.OTTK i ity.llml he li. 1 1 S3 be fi.und the celrhraU-d a gC HE. mm-B" WS I foul hern i Stoic now tm.i . tl in tl I the 'ciintry (! tin in iik li i an. i any other Si. nd qt. KIM)aS OF BOX STOVES. ai..i varied .tork of eu.ion.era To the vtrv li lrm t p$trmusft tUty It it taft If rtoM Bltl Ul.iatl 1., liUfl n ihutrc of iltr 9mt. I .h ill en no ril E too mil ft iyhma umm: srXfw IM:ib!LsIiiiiciiL-i FIMIK wroeraif tieij hvn f e.'.hl..! rd l.itaie": r;ii. tin- I-i."iO bro Sxhrr I'i.iir, , J.,, .).. 61 ,.o. re-,, Vf itnusvf M'l'ii li 'ut L trj'tiliitl i tttiijj. Hllim Alul unit liuirt of titt tiuttihlf It nil t.m-.t, arm V .. , unlr -i Iu iri mt tu ut 1 ij.i 1 hif'tjvr tMiU "nd Ail ot l. .iM.le ranci.ea 1 a.rr.l.l " tMic Sine I era l.f (.an. -itee . 1 I I. .1.-..., m0 fuioW-e of rel.eenr. ' o yean it unner.'.eerv .a I ' ra r "u " p"""".e ,.0lM. iH h. e,.li. I ry N. .1' ri A ir, 1 Hi ai dofif to Her r Of l.op. JOHN M MAHiN. 'alnal)lc Plantation run s.11.1:. JoS, 5r----l .i...oir 1 ol lie. lie t.,1! It I... i.t t Mi !).. f. Mi:rm:.N r. 'I I'lIM ill .1. I -.'.7 aaaSr. tjim W t all a IMI ' I I I 111 tut 'l.ncl... . i, .. Ii.ll.l. ma, t o I .... Atlri in n. ol He hu m v. tun III. iii . t, . I..,l.rri,.i ., 1. 1.1 I, tie I, il. . , U . I. 1 . . nib. r Ki iiwlv t I nn (.. 1 b-n ci lit. .11.1 1 Si. (iohl .Mine ...lUini, i.r l'y" li' 11.11. ra. 1 T r. 'IS.i ,. linkl;i ill. J I!. ( ..ll.iin, 14, IM7 : liar K.r: Yo lat tl. t, in III ma ,M..liir. fi. '.. ilal.-d A 1 lr. J. hluil- (i.M. entile a j liy. The Al.yi ty approved ol. it Bella o Il 111 t, that I In i. r hml uppl) tin? it. lliaiii' l.rge .up.lj ..: it .1 Af-KST W m T. l-oor. Koekuifh T. J. Hoi ion anu i & Sill and J. II i: ry, Irf-amttoii. J. 1!. I'Al.I.lM. i.. r.. W...l.....', o . I'll , f Yora. J. I. t.llnirr.l I in... Kali.boiy , A.f. ?n.T.IAElS01?. i, ,. , W M l,iraetier,fi..1nr,tti.ilo.iiiie-.rrt It twa iail w ill iH. ml t,. j ti if ..10,1.1 1' am. a riitrw-led Ki I'm. r.ire. ( kmilmu, Jin. 'j ,, 1 1..V.1 ll :,i;ui; a.s fr hu i tui. ...t, .