TAKE CARE OF SPARE MOMKXT3. i A. letin, awkward boy came to the door i cf ..principal of celebrated school, one j morninp, J Mked to kirn. 1 ! . liia mean clothes anc fhinlcmn . bo looked more like a beptiar than anything' , , ;. You went a breakfast, more liK" pcr.Mit. " and 1 cao givo tbat without tlio Movant troubling him . Thank vou," aaid the loy ; " I ahould ... ,0,ceMr. , if he en nee we." 4nme "id clothea m,y be you want," r..aikfd the tervailt, eyeing t!,e ' . r . i naicbcu cioioea. "1 mien be Jja If., w , par- heftiveaawaya-ht." And .iihout minding the boy a reii, lb.. r. ' , went about hor work. Can I Mr. ," atrain asked .1.. .. after fini.binv bU broad and but- tr " Well be fn in the library : if he mun ! . -i ...l I.. Il I., alnne, ooiuelimel, miu tne girl, m a pee- li.. J.,.j.t ii.;..i i. .... r. ,nlo ucb a boy into ber master n pre.enco. Uowe. rthLo niped her Land, and bnde him follow.- ; Opening the library door, the aaid, ' Il,:re a roin.boily who la drcaUlul anxioua to fee ynu, and o I let bitu in." , 1 uout know bow tha boy introduced l;iiu-i n in u-.w u .... ...... - , w. knu tiiat after talking a while, th pnn riiul iiito-i'li1 the Tolnnie ihit he mi M.idyii:r ! took op ome t.r-eK hooln. nn'l lo'au i.J eiaiunw- me nrwruiip-i. r. , rv (j ici-ii'in ibe prineipal ockeil the l.oy, ,i,-iT. '1 aa readily aa rould be. I poii niy w.iril," eaeliiinud th prin cipal, ' you do well," looking at th boy frin iii'id to foot oer bia pictavle. " M,v u.y hoy, wliere did you pick up o . ll It I",1 .'"tf tpiainenlt," an'irertd the ,. . ii was a rMr, hard ; rpMriuitiiie foe aplioolinp, yet iiim.- f -!. d t ir e !! ,, by aimpiy iuiprovitif hia .(.if i nioincM", Tru'y arc par moment tii "n.ll d.i-t cf cnie. Ilow precious Hot OiiliI'I be' Wiiat aceni.t ran you of vour epir moinrrtta? W hat ran u ba f thrm ! Look and ace. Thi i ,i rn I : 1 you how very nin"li can be laid up I i in. f roifip ibeui ; 4u tbt-re are lua ii, inanv otliir boya, 1 am afraid, in in.- ini. and in tha hu" of correction, in ... told him to g around lo the kHohen. a--"-" .- ..... - . jfrvnardie, THOMAS MecULI.Y. Em., of t hus. I-m botd.il aa be was Lidden, and aoon " w da, ! J e not.ee e werrtv.l. , M, SAI.I.IK A. M.. r A. .rodat the baok door. of aktrta at Cowso, Dickinson fc Co. a, at Id.oi T. VV.Iker, Esi , ,,t ciu-nor D. strict, S. ,I'!lV.i.-.M lika to sec Mr Walker and 0 Kcefoa, at Piper & Royd'a, fWe were favored bv a r....embra,,e. n tl.i. bo t ,- otn.l.iiiij.' holm", in the tippling .iifp.T " u , if ou were ti a-k them where theyj Tut! Fvprnon N..p,.f.F'). Yc!cr3aj. l. t'.n tl.eir stLful p.ir, miiit atiawcr,iLc waa in the Itoia d iiouionM without es. " mytjiiit rMo.wrn.'a." Icort, and wa- wali.ii.,' about willi the Km- I !i. ha very eairful bow jou pet,d your prea and Imperial Prince. 1 laprenrd this piiL u. -uiruia. Tha tewpter aiy bun la tirrtiou l I. a a Billion lo the altnoatra'b I., - it in am all wivioi iik,' tiie.e ; when, way in whi. a he acta at nauyht preciutijtia i ire not Uy. he (ret into ) ur be-irt.l which mo.t Di'it in hii-ttion would be tike ii ii -loir can. iu y.io auch (fa pa. Tbeie ly to take. Paoinj through the Tuilli-rica i. i,i !r li i t-if. plawamg all aorta of mia- warden, !.etwe n three and fo'ir o'clork thi ...J ' l ake ear cf our apar inoineuta .' a'lrn hmi, I mw the Kmp.-ror abitie, atand . ( in,' r.fl the .t. p "f the li'lV .taircae 1-ad- fflvt rt:-cx v exTtr -f;.Tb! i iu' f:A!" '. '" ; r;"" which i oi.,y . i. era on from llie public t. i or ., A ' ."'V k'-iLn it t I " ' r' , promenade 1-y rmlm-j' no more than forty f; p..iieal apewker, ba Iwen coniartrd iu y(rd friw the pslae.., arid z ratling wbieh Tira!. Oa Wadaeailay lft be ap 1 at 1 . I'nOn Priytr Meeting in and inaJs a atstemeut, wLuli i . '! aa .."'s : rrtnrk'd that fir I""; Tfr ll.e 1 1 had been hia mster : for if he bail Jiv el; to it he had pnn bis .trent-'h a' 1-i-t li'il now he had cnoen anofh -,d 1 better ir.ster, fhe I.or l I. -n t'hri I'- ': uh remiU'v r.f 1m nnaorthi i ... -e- 1. .1 his hope of a!viion whnliy Ci 'h- r'S" "f lie apt tbat when I - n- ;i !!. d 1.:. h. art 'j C( l- f t, ! - .I i. . npiLv n,jM, i i . L.ii - .f ini t; - ' -r.-o Lis mod intimate friends i but n in eomeri. n wis pnMi-he-J in the ; sr. t he then frit that te had notice . ' : .'i I. I'll t i i -t t.at on'y ll.j.J a rje, i i '. ih wn l were upou bun; tl.ii it a.njl.l fe- bis duty in s'j Lis ways to 'l-mr-hfv in" power and lles-ei!re of In. ir'i.- ..n of li.e oni 1, lie was sl-t. r-no.-) heti-'ef'tviii lo bear l.-'timony for ' !.ri-t and live fur Ln glory. Mr. Kurd a .'iii'-r as- earup-t, tut ul .led and 1 i -i.t. e, aud bis addr Lr.-u.-l-t . art to ifialiV eves. Vuraii l.apT t A TtiAM. X, On Tu, s- d it ereuiiir ! t, a young i;ir nam- d I al.r l I.i 1 1 son. r. i.i i tl;; in I'. 'i-i.kei p-io, Nr V rok, coiirii..-. I of ber h,it abiia at a i.-th- 'i-: eburclt .o tLn eiiy, aud ntti ! knelt ! l!:e allar. About ten o'clock sbii sud "nly lifted h"T hands abjve h.-r head and b ' ! ickward, apparrerniy a corpe. Mie in- Cjuiiyed lo her reid-i:ee, ntid laid up 'ti I.. r bed, whea it was found that he yet Ir' sthpd. hhe contiiined in thia tafe tor tan dat, l.r ey.s giaieU and S"t, au I b'-r i III. untie c i!i. ''n . i!urd ay eveniiu', s'u aii.i.leni y threw I .p I r arm. au-1 eripd " arlory, hslleluj.h," an I Kirn lurtnnf to one of h.-r frirn-d if VOU hid nliat I have, you would not coutinae i i vour ius another day, but wiuld pray to 1 . . i lo pardon your sins I hive a.-ei heav ' n ni l tiir great jrulf Heaven is bt up with 1 ' " ory of tjod, aud there are thousands i. anels sround the reat whit.' throne, winv- in.' s,tiy th prai.es of tha Km, and by1 "i I by Jeij cam pa-t and t-poke to inc." She was. very wek when she awoke out of. the trancp, hut wan to fr recovered on n div a. to Utpnd the metins. This ainc'i- : lar ci,e ,,, cr,..u"l eohat lerable excite-1 n ont st PoubkeepMii. j KTiur-Tita to St.AVEiir.i.nrt. ' no 1 .oi,.-J a day or tti apa the eonvUmon - a white, man for the murder of a slave,; winch t-wk p1ae recently in Ceoria A- ( nnher cue has ju-t transpired in 'ieks-' "if;, Mt..iaippl. A man uanmd Iavcnport, j r l;ir-l with killing a alave, waa eon .ictcd ". nun. la i.;!itcr and eenieticed to asjteti vests hard labor in the penitentiary. The V i ksbu'g Vi'hij any. : I Lis w is a ea of some importance Id '''" ar.-h iiilers. The acemei was an o- ' er, nml pa-al.-t in hi defence that the te re-i.nn his authority when he file the Mit causing death. We learn hi. b i. ,r Judn Verger, at llie. instance of the ' i'e charged th j.pj to the elT.-ct, tbst the when ,:s lifg w it tl.ra itrnp.1 or endan f"r.d by the infliption of erui-l and nnnuV p nu'l.tiient. )ind the tifiUt to re.iht even the n.i-i. r, ai,, thai, reiistatie ander such cir c iin. ; would ba no j istiSnalion to the a-cu--.-. f,)f killing him." ri.n VirolnU P.-uJtintiary ia crowded " 'h I inonern 20 are iu it U of whom &fu fn-e negrooe. Tahms I5nov.Nr.ovr o TToom. ITere ! a puff for boapa from no lei person tgl than tlx Rot. V. G. Urownlow, editor of the Kuom, whi . eJ Bkirtdom it aliU eipaiidii.fr, and th. die-1 and olhn Mnrtl Tl,n. l.ni. .n.I mo...,I,l 1 - --j k'"t! ?'e' 'V"2 in front. of. U" ! or alove the counter,., look graml and prncnu;, even wiiuoui eminent)"; me loun ' t-e'"'f' ""- V hai must they be ,,en f J fhrown around a living anKp' ! T,,u,!. thffy now crowd off of 1 C0IU- I ",on Pe'"t 'l " "''" V"7 come-id aaiiI t.iil lli.tn ItLn null mil inttA kiv -1 i lb aa" of rHttn. whalebone, eord, harH' ""d "tcc' 1 W "? rel""" r"rldl V" flexible, or Muhborn, on the street, when he ec l b"J or ," ,t,, "'. '' KruJ. graenui ana vnnuwng aain loomiiifr up an.t ' ar.lLiiiiT llif. lr..t lik . tliiiiKnf !ifa T ' , Tu!lt "b,Ut th! tTtu,lnT f tr,"in of "! ; driven furward by a or.st cia lueomolitre I ' .,..i;.... ' ' ' ' . . . ' ' about Cve m feetaix inches l their nlippera, I V'd " T'" p1'" ' ,'hi ',!'at mli "'r tbe drJ of departtd gallantry I . IJnowNI.fw OS Dantixo.- In the editorial corr(..rodence of the Knoxville Whi,?, Par- aon Urownlow pivea a graphic de,cription of the brilliant ' feMial and ball" hicb came ! nn , t. n.nlii. on the 1 1 til ultimo, lo c.-le- brute the opriiinir of the " (iayoao Uoue." A..,o., oll,r ll,i. Ih. l'ar.r.n tin,. ,1:.. I cour. r,f Uf mtUt , po;t , , . . , ,, i . " I am do advocate of dai.eing, and never I tried the exorci-o in my life, but I could I not refixt the trti.ptaliou to look op altbia ac. .,e,f,r largely upward, of an hour. My vulvar eurmily ' u anli-fied, however, in ih in;! fifty fellowa with long beari!?, (oatcea, ! and l;e birkcra, plaj in? the alls or poika, with aa maiiv chani.itiL' Indies. 'He qiiadrili abe po ka ' waa the cxelaiua- One feature of the walla pot me It Umel within an inch of bin hie, i'jn'ril"g a la ly t'-jrht around the wit with one arm, and wilb the other, aa they mil a'ti with .t .1 ,rn .li All tr in nni'ra in ihj .latip . " ' . ' i-rniry inir.f ur rrm, a no me ocea.ion- aily rumif ll L iflin, all, however, lo keep it (ifT of the floor, and tin; lady leaning up t.j bim like a ick kitten to a hot brick ! In Ih.--e sstng quadrille.. I uolictd the hor.pa wete rather in tl.o way.'' anybody iMthl jump ovr lit at leat a quarter of as rJ'ir ti remained alone, lean ing on th ham.ir ra in the aintuila of eontem. piation, with bia lej." crossed and smoking a citfir 1 he day bemL.- very tine, tlioifali'M of perpV were wal'ainj in the cardena. and (real nntnhefs leaned over the rinnj;a to Marc at I, ,111. H iiru at Unpth, being UUl 111' in J by n ruber le pire au lieiiee lo aoiue one, L . I.t tlil.' hi- Mii-Jj, having .ft (he o-ii. r ii. r op. 11 VYhmewr may le -aid a.-aint b.M-. pua.. 'a-. r.ty i 1 .it one of bis CU-irscteri-lir. Jsf' urn J in . Hi.r.'in i. Ciutritt , Kansas Cj- A Kaiisa-i corr. 'poui!. Ll, it) ailu-ai- n to the rapid growth of Kansas, says : ' TK- jrrowtli of U'e-t.-rn ('.lies ha al ws vs l.rtu q a jte-l as aoiii-lliiu( uiarvi lioua, anu llua oira of Lraseuworih wi.lnot la. I far behind ibe tn(i4t niarvell ins accounts of their prorrss l.eas than f .nr tear ao, B"t a I uiiJuin was io he si-eti on the. "pt wh.-r now re.idi-i at lea i eijht thousand p.- -pie. In the epaee of thr. e rs at.d a ha I ii hi. t;roii up to iia pte-elt proper ti .in, at, I i- stili inrri airt rspi-lly. Iwo d.ii'y pajeis and thrp" weekiirs ar p-ib-liVe.l in this c ty. The various riutiUL; cflires are oterrun vi iih j b work, and l u-.i-nr-:. getiera'.h ia pro p.-rous lo adJitiosi to the prof.rc-4 in the nea-paper lint, the citintij era preparin,; for the introduction of aster iuto th.ir city . aud aUo intend likl.tiliL: it aih pas. A preat di al of a.--tiniy la appirenl, ari-iiiff Ironi the prepa rations Lriujj lualc here dr the ( tub Kx pcditici. , t- , I I Amos Kendail pubii.hra a cant in tbe Wa.liiiiiou psppra, statin): that the in. now t r i ea I of bitiia-lf and other, ifitere.ti-d in the 1 1 V 1. 1.1. !:... 4 . .. 1 ,,"c"" ay a 1 in coinpcinn leu fjrnj 11 liner, aa r .., i t.-d in tbe neas paper., but oil llie 1 eor.triry. " a-k '011,'rc - o fo reulaf the' forttn t.-icjrn lite intereour-e ol the couu try, as t pr iti.ole aud preserve competition ill the builtie-Mi.'' THE GTU'AT FW0M5H KEHEDY SIR JAMES CLARKE S ( rls Itt alt tl IVttialt' riilw. J'triiiri Jtnm a prrsrripfim r.f Sir J. ( V.i.c, .17. I) , I hi,ti tun Fjtran Ji- tnii if In the inrrn. Tins matin.!, Ic nieilieiiie is nnlailinj in llie anrr of all Iho.r p-airifwl sn.i deneproii. discas.'. Ij wIiipIi the fr-nulp eonal-latton is su-'.jirt. i Oiwb'r.tps all eieei-s .lol ret.msra all oblrueUona snd a spt-ecy enre may le riln-il mi, ill Ai i: l: 1 1 II I. It'll S it is teiiloii'y suitpd. It will, m a shifrt lime. br.rK on ilea . fMTii.il with rceiiUiity. line Ih.ll.r, bears Ibe :.iv. Ill !luii.p ot l.fe.t Itfil .lli, I i p.-l . 1,1 eoun. U-rlaiU. 7'Ar I'illt aAmif.i of fce ',en li frnnln abit-toc rse l-'lltsY TIIHKI'. IHVTW firfiMnr. aa till ei. .Of 10 rlar a Af.sr.fr. u;., I ml al any I ar naae ihry mie sole. I In Nervous k .mi i.ii lion ol 10. ind So.n.sl Alleeti. Tain es. rl W hi! ., t allgut: on p.. 1 I, lll.l. ti, rhi 1 Pills will i rle. t s eare whin all oth niei.oa h.iva tailed, and allhotijth a poHertol oi.-ov, n. not contain iron, enlomel antiinony, . 11 1 Ihinu bnitllii lo Ibe colitlltiitioii. S,.b- A "'I for Ibe I mtrd States and Canada, Ji ill .MOSF., (1-nU- I. C f ablwin A l o.) gn Rochester, N. Y. , N n.-II.oO and ll nostaee stamps cuelo-eii to: any alllbor.srd Ag.-nl, 11 insure a bottle ol l!,r Pit's by return ami. for sale by F. SPARR, X-CO. jto.t i" j"rr ( hut'vtt". HAViUND jrr.VEN'.'ON' f, t'O. JiYHSKSAL v.':" Married in tha vicinity nf tliia place.wt the I5lh lnsli.nl. by the Rcr. J. Monroe Ao.ierson, J. M HUTCH I SON, Eaq.. and Miss LIZZ1 E J., dauKri. Ur of Al.ij. Bunj. Morrow. . : , '.. iiutira.iiij occasion, i n ytiung cpnplc hate our fo' "' ,.,,., and prosperity.) , ; rff, -JS Waare snfhorized irinnnonneaj K C. OillFdi. K-q.. rn,l, tli"r ri! ! eli..ii l.i tin-..fflce nl' Rluiriffnrilie..uily ol Meckl.ni oarjr. t tne enun.K AuBul rleetin A fitit ' I. I HfiH. Notice. Trust Sale, B Y firiu of n fTr...l I i m. i. r.. i ni ricf-lllcil M.hmIv, I will l.v J. CM, raiioac in iuIi!ir aiilp, at lif ( I IL.ii.c mior in on SnlUDlay, llie 2al iluy Mjjt mxt, C'llarlollf, Ml ''M House and Lot 03 "" y J t'. M,.r ci a r.m. ncr. Tha b.ii.a'. mt eonuina a (iinaenirnt Stor (...,.." j. n,i r.K.d B.,,,Ovn,whieli r. ndar. H. a ii.irahlr lot ,. lion lor a Cn eclionary. A errdilof three monilia, with intrrutl from ilate, will l-e piT-n. Iute na fotiyble in Hie fl.nk of Charlotte required. SAM L. J. LUWUIE,' Trustee. April 16, 18.08 ill " ; ItiNotlCC. w INFORM tha T.x P.ytra of Mt-rV Irnhurc ooniy u.ui I now he ,n my hunda llie I i '"' """ ' " ' U, and j-r ,l recelpl ;ii,iy lo rect'iTa the Tax. 1 li"tH; thor iiil.'r.Dl.r.J wil oblice Uie an f.r a to cjII e.rly and aetth-. aa it will uiii me murli iiinr anrf iru ihlr. E. C. GUIKlt, lirrijf, AP,il2n,hW. ;n 7i Y7 LaHlIlil MllKM'al Spriri'S ,. , CABARRUS COUNTY, 17. C. IWIM, oiH-n a fCiM)l, ir Birla. at thia p'are o, li, I.t of Jolv. II... rd can 1m- h.dal 97 or (ill par month. K..r Tuition, aui-d aa lleanintr, Wrilin, Antliniot r. drmmiMr and ;m.jrr..pbv, alti p.? ninnlh. Tunlin and Nrntle Wo.k 'if rrn lirr.1. Tim ln of 11... ..Inr .. k. .. i..i.y through Una comity. It i... curun Uy.,.-p. ai, li.a. of th- I.i. r ami h'l.l... y nn.i .. r. AfficliB. Tina .Mmarai Spri 'if ta not pl-i'e ol pilhlie reaort, nj nuliV of oij- nalir nc wUcra. I fl-anci It f.r the .it'l-il on for uliii ll flVrerf. .nri will be frrr fr..n, eoi,n,e,. .,. i'i-.ea. Any ditecliona, poat paid, will rteeio ai.-t...n. S RAII SO-SSKRM AST. Pi-" U',U-T,"l Iron and Steel. M rrtraiaurp, V , Import r add i ti r in Ii.aii ii.l Mr l. Hi t turn uH-nli n nMrchnf tod 111 iiu)-nurer to tler Urc WL orl. ctl mi of jinn a lid him I, riin'f iJiir.jf 1 II .in.it.-rrd 1 V tor I'Iu.ipIi, 6 lo In iiicn.a I F.nci.ali I rl. hna.1 IKO.V. l M.n.l. Squarp. and Kl.t It .1 s , all Hifi tl.nl, II .11 .! .no II . ll I.'.,,,,,!, I Ho-.p, II, ml, Sproll tl-.fe ami Mule J U.-t CM Slrrl, I'ng. and Am. !..stre1 alui tier, maw Stirl TVi are a.-o ,rn'i for f.e .,!t if M,n-t .VwTa flu ml Manutfirturf rt pn -. Aprtl t), lif 113 Pairbank's Scales, rajallK aodrr.ipm.d, apali for liteac iu.1: v cele'.r-. 1. .: .:i . a. 1 V a prep- red t.. tur,ih , iapfc,0) "od r-eramrw-in wan 4 and aecur.tc reaie, with ail da. ser.pliop f !:'! '. ut, Trr.r.'.-nr.'l -hh .- ll'.-.'4ul-' "l I ."i;C '.' Ji ' ; "' '' Ar.if v.t'., lioiu ') i I'in'ir i in in it ., I.'if. fr ami ('nur.irr .Scinrt. Tbeap .re more r iieni velr nerd lh.-.n m era n.l hire lHM.n I. -of and arrrpy tp.t.-rt, in rv-fv l'.t "re b.p corn entire .t-.i.r h'or u nl ,V..Ra'ifre. a' Prirps, o )iv. 'e t lurl. .Ion, Vilni.i,fl..n ..r Pit. r-hu-L-. V.. (jILLlAM fi I'UNLOI' lJ t hvNweet M., Prtrr. lire V'.'!" I ':' ' ll'' A Reliable Notic Ci fflUF firm of lire,,, JL D,nlllin.sa.il . It- WUB d -a... I I.t day ot J 1-.1-. To,- buili.s ol the t oil. I. I. rn.lci lo.n and .. Itleio. i.li and I rhy res- Int.- iale p. , f - u,i v r. otip.t a.i an iwit-a ind. bt ind. bled li.m i f ll ok A. muni c lurovrii an.: Ilia L . j ..r July, Ih.i In ISO I, ll a. I .... .l. al tnal In. 1 A C STKKI.E. April 6. IK-. Iiiinortant Land Sale, AVINi; ,1, 1. r mr m! my valuable snd hili. r'ovrd I tMl nn or.l.Ciirurriiseoiin- l'!!rA fi nub , fr.-m Ibe N. Miml e tr ipI of Cl'O arri s. I .10 on ' i..r. in a hi-b (.!. of e-i'-vs. ' 1.. d rielun a of Kill. AtioHli-r' . on wh.eli I re.h-e, rtn.lfl'i My ' 1111 .jreilrlit I-Uoi-.m;-., n --1 wV.!i R.a-kl CXfl ol'Col' ' K-" ,;:.l- O b(h en'p of il.p I"""' H i f Dill) r n.p.o. .1. 1 'a".aV. U'.laBltlB wiih all auii.ii.H.- nxliirpB l..r .o.'Pt-e.t'ul bti.iii.-as III tunning; antl l.rnni.g. Tip anova lamia rn acil.aau-trd, anlubrioii. in l.alitvand a large -pn.Krtinii of woodland, atT.i'dii.a; an rali.ustkas sni.y of food limber. Pure sspra would do well to rxinnne soon, ss ' it is seldom thai w r.eh and wrli nni.roa.ii farina ' are i.tfrletj in maraat. , C. .1. HARRIS, j April fi. I .. t .'.11 I Pair Notice ! ! I.I. Notes snd Aeroonts due o. not sptt'p.1 i hv the lat of May neat, anl b pel ent icr polii-etii.ii. ' liOO.NK A CO. I Maarsi 1 . 1 -". tS i Pare and Valuable Property! rot: s.it.i:. i .. f XTFNPIN't. to remove J to my t.,r, , tl.o v.. iMi'.ti1!! euiiiy, I ofl'-r the verv dp. a Sow live at Prirale S-.lr. I he prouarty l.ya he., latrn Tryon nd l i.iitee alrttte, ininieu'i.. t. ly in ( front of the l)tt, and co'il on" four b ia (aU.lit 3 ,,;r ) T,,e Ifi 111s mole a. roinmoea tnie lo the 1 r.,ir.-h ... r. If not ""M t private aale lih.le tjsa Tiirniay of M i Supeiiot I ourl mil, I will air it at Tuiiiic isik on the premises at '2 u e.uL. r. AI. , AlJsO - 1 At the same lime ll lol old belore, 1 will sell j 54 Valuable Lots, I in the town of t hsrlotie, some of them honutiful. ' ly located for private resident p. . I Persons wishing to purehasr, would do well to . gite me a rail and eaau.ine the proprr'v. DANIEL ASIJERV. 1. Jitvi 30, lt.W. I'u j Wanted, ! Ixwi't CORIW I'F TAN' tiVRK, fi.r i mt H P which the p-iah .1! br pud. I boom; 4i co. j Alan, on Ilii- same men mar. by lie Rev. E.J. BOOTS SI'.'MMi SUPPLY! BtOHNi; V CO. are now recciiuK sr.: .-j, M9 ill):, the tlitDfittt atocU of AND 1 n... hn.r P,P, hnH H,. ,,l ure of oflerii ihe j . .... . ! '. 7 K.vniiF, cash i5isif:ss lliey will nfTur rert indurrmru't In CASH and in miinl.iit when- c o lm lo br 'h i. ap uddttumui enar ut 2a per cm. wiil .m r.ooNi: a co. W At)lF.S'Fme ItUck r.aatine OAITI.IIS. U II ( as. r-OONFa; CO. 1QH ILKS' hf at'friea im,t H0(J'j! ,d U1,S. .Til Kl i INS. at tl V) a'h. i :, h. HOO.NF.'H i. t:.r ..M .W.n' fin.- nly lo, ... poors MHrs.l:,iM oii.r-..,.n.i-SII')r:- and . A 11 I'M IO I aue at unprrvtiienltd Uuj friers t lioo.M; i CO. KVS noho.1,,,1 Ki H((. .s. ...)(i ari l Prime do. 1 a .. IJUONK k CO. 4 F.NT-S F.i C.,!f Pi-rr'.t liRoii s s lixlru 6j i aCi, nl P)'.Vi: , toll f FATp v ?i.irn:rs. ?! M 11., hK;NK & Co PI'-h ! on.) MFPFIIS !;;OXKS. A S,;m I.aat n, lliniilif, I; at tl lurk. 1.1 AIjIKS Km i l tl -i:,. Conor l .Ml, ( at!,. J.'JONK k Co. G -i;'t;.fmi:n' who lion I s or ; . a 1 1 J : .11 h I'd at i;tn- 1 li.ei 11 ,u-t m li.. Stair. p' "im: April 1.1s' AVER'S i ll VAX MY PECTOIt.VI, V 1". TIIK. p..'.nii f : i; (llllll, t l-.-ll-.. II era rit'i. C ruup, a- Ytl4.t!,.iDc; CtiiJe ilii.au ivki.: I. IK l.J. 1I..VTSI Asthma or l'hthilc Sis : X.mt P-.rn r.,..r.. .,0 In il. It h.. nnd Itronr' I'M 'l.tn-M ff e. C'nnnmpliota Mi .111.1.1... or : Ayer's Cathartic Pills. M-IIK oT n..ii-lr. and Me.ll.,1 . . 1 r.n I l.l II.. ir i.luj.-M I. ,.,..n.. e I I.i. l,t. n, i..... 1.- r n 1 rrftii lo pure -r win. nl. ie II,. rilrf .ti. I ltv. i.lh..n-, s- with a.irriti:ti in tt T iurm th nvrrr My ,. Ma.... Will tittle ' heaal huvli skill -'i. e p we.ft.I l-l..ili, I larMkinn. IK. , I'lefiefalirt,.. eonuil., .frlw.lMl. Mifferina Ml. Tit. Aral N-!e n:t An.rrtiiii Aim initr op r, rt,nctM t.r th. tr .-u , II. I ,-t 1 II.-..11..1 . II- Ana, 1 In. art Iw po. e .III. -Ip' eil.pr (-HI il.py ni.Ue m. ..- -p "I -e '1 ''' ATSU l'm.4. n4 (Ak, neth'i.r e'-e No ' "t ea ira ixwera. The "Ipk ,...! Ill- si.l H'. i.' i F-r Ihem, I., I thej .l,...,M l ave 11. rrcpnred by Dr. J. C. AYER, Practical and Analytical ChemiEt. Ijws'.I, Kata. I'sk s al Cra. aa it.a. ri. ll,. Mil. SOI.P 11 V II V PHll't'll Alii). Chi li, lIAViLA.NU.iiLVE.NjON i CO.. r.;.e.V..LS,t, J.C .- .i. a i.. - ..f riM: Of : .... .. "Charlotte Machine Shop, , !... ... l.glaetr, IIylra!.e Press Hakw and ?I;i Imirr) tn K nTiil, JEAVK coniiiirnncil Imno-xa in t'hnrlorte. ir : & ihi. !,l, v- Imc. nnrt urc inp'nil to ninka 8'l r.AM F.MJINEM of any form or cnnmr.iUion, j i J v i r u 1 1 1 1 1 : Col imi i'tuM unU evrrv other deacrip- I lion of .M i. I ry. r ar-RKPAH.'S ol lOV. WOKK nrrmptly .1. I. I..I. .I In. ( ImiloUf. Mirth ."'i, Ir.'.f. 4 f T, II, BREM & CO. i . r- j'i't I (;.,. r, cinbruc. oi nr.! II oli'L-iii ti. i nl t,.rk of N. iti.l.i l.,r llif SP, i;lt, ,,,1,1 Hu,,n S utry nuT.liy ot tin- ,rtn. Chant illy end Brosrels Lrcp. naniitia?, 1 f c.:rf3, Talmas, tc, V. I a vi- ii..- in S..re, r, ii.rir,r, nl roller. ion of, i lire, j .; al. (, ji.vl ret-,,,,., I r, .V, w ! t. ir. i:i:km a co. AT H1I(II,I:SAI,K AMI UKTAIt.. "''(iANI K1E,XA SIIAWI.S T. II. 35Ui;M it CO. e. ICHFi.i.v ( h. or 1 J.,1 n.iyi..! ltoiir:. ai.n Al.'i and H.,vai:. re .-II. KS. liKII. Miillil-: AN'I IQI Kmi , v,ry varioiyof lilt I- Sll.hS j,,. rftr.r.A. 'J . II. I'.KKM & CO. rZouiring Gocds ! 1 II. I:fll:.M i Co. I,: Tr..o-. jjpnr.f; cioti-. 3 Al.r.. i.-. d. .: ,1101, r. I.nit , T.'O.-K.VIJ. I by T. 11. i!i:i:.M co. f Iln, 1 1 Ir'.l I'. u l-.f-ritri (,( t.tsty viii t. ?! r.r. i:m c pvf.f:. Iif:i) i ,e,-, a hp .-. . ()- T. 11. i:rem & cos. lVh-.!t'-y. CnilMii .M..t,-ri. "1 r;,:"t ( ..r, , t rt.nn , and T-iaeeh.. I.. e l urt-.ini, .n.rtiii. 1, 1, ch.-.-j. at T. II. I-:RK.M k COs. 111,.: MIS, i.,p..-i., i;ue, M.ts. Ac., T. H. Bill'M A CO. RIJKM A CO. icii) & Co, 1 li. I.re TK t ai . none irl. Ine II . T II. inil'.M ,L CO. .. I . p,o Ss. Tab: V;hkm' co.' T.ii, Umn& Co. A IO: rl,i fir in -i . t ;. r, (.1 1 i:s , i lH.i-II'IIV 11, end'.. IT PR EM k C I II. BREM & CO. 1:;... :. ,'fi.ire nil s. 1 .re ,' r.- p, . .' I A l I ,.-,... II . Co'l ' lll.ihr.., nr.5. 3 tl .i I! I I I. Ptiircii ai;i?, ff-l'. CTi-r. pn.r 1 in.-1 i:l 011 , . i.'.-t 1 , -t pi.ncii app's. 500 Not iff JV . . -.'- a lee.V.f T'.-l re,,,M.. ,, M bv A'.a ,-.., ;-..!. .m. I witl s.ll at pub., au. li. 1 . .1. I v Aon I IV. ml, nv. r.i Valuable IJcgrccs, Al so private Ki:sini:Nt 1:. ICo-o,, 7'r,, ,, ... ,,1,,-ie.. T. 10, ie i.e, w 11 o ' " ' ' " ll P. WILLIAMS. Truftr. Selling Oil" at I M I are r,. 'v I .. -or Mi, 0 t Lices. Silks. Crapes. Cc..&c. nd Mr M : I.i ill tflllC pi. WM R. MYERS. Ti'Ksff. ; Fr.. lint' C'iar.A.,, .tf.'ca ), '.cJi. of I,.- h..-n , mill. V. I. t- ,;, to- in..: rr, ,.,,,. ,r. I,p.p. of t.-'.. ,.t1. V C'.l-fi.le" Ill- -OH.-lt t'.. , trie ; .;t:i I, of tin l,.:ips. ..!f,-o lit -1 lilril. nl, 1 b" " v.n. ,-r i. lioent v.i-1 N :m,,,; fhf n-.-,r..rt-..;v...the ' IV;s ' x-11 1;I:,:M & co- au r m !'t: ,r Tl! ! I. II- r. -.Or r , inc T:- ' ...ii zZg) - t. ii PR em k cos. 111 1 V'js. Ai K'lNP.T. Swiea 1.. o.i.cs and l....r- res. 'V.Tr tf4 e 1'u.i; ll..i,.i:i;,ii..:,i5,i.,:T-.ri, T. II PP. KM Si CO. A , f'.T" - - Wtc, '.l,e"l.'.'i ; l. I . I. M S. -.,e!, w- UT, of- lroi " t '"" .i.2-ry Ait, a br(r is ,.( f-t C..OI l i."" a' t -...r,J.-,.i.il a'i , :l-;l-.u and ..s. : J"H- ' T4rrll. I I. ... 1. II. .,... U p';'i y . . :"; 10 him h .-a v. .,:.-..,,, y.?rA turn il.a., ,a an. - n, ,p- li i .,- n ih:, n: jH.ii, i.i.u I..I. ) unl.ui, ar reaw ji wmmue 'whpui w '. tn j i Cash Paid for Hides, ' ""naif, April u, K!-. .ill - - Wm. A. Owens, att o n y i: r a t l a jv, II IKLOTTi:, V... CTH.I. nrar.tire in t!ic fonrtrrf M-cM. nTiur; W ii'io Mo- nrr.'lin.lini; OoiintM-a. Offre n. nrljf t.U(HH,le tU f'oat I .r.. n !.', ! 41 If i fjJHK Coir ni. of Kraminuti. n for M.-eklew. .H hnrj, will iilli in! iil.lhr ln-ur ii.i c I M',': r, on i Tii.K.i .y ol April Court, li.r the (iiirinsr of. inn. ' ininc any ri. ri who n.ity wiMi toohtHin rrrt. I',.:;il. n i. 'l'i -uenrra ol Coiiimoti St'lioolv in llwa '.ouniy. Pn-.iae alii ml U-twern the houra of 11 hllU H OVI i JnllN P ItOSS. ) k. n v k nrrriiisoN, 0,. M. I. JOII.NSTdS, S ! ( hnri-tlr. Mutth 16, ri. I? jf-Notice '"' .' bl.'! ; N. VV,.,:,!,,.,,,,,.:.',! r.n.l pay nn hv tin their , for 11 bi- i.i, ; in ti t.- .ias. p. ii kmikij.-mn:, fri,. ir, i i.i.-'. ;.'uf MEDICAL NOTICE. n.l.r.-KiH.I !, .v: "n', ml- r Fmrnrr of M. i.t n ..r An r II. th i h fm M.IC llsol. .Vi-r', 21. ! JOHN T,. ,VII.?oy. .in" T A T V. O F . ( 1 : TT I f ' . I .' ' I . I A . jim k l.r.vm 1:0 1 ( -t; vi y, Svyrt ,r O.urt nf .ol.-, Fall Trim, 1"5T 11 !l. Lurney J Petition for H,i k. r. ;T 11 ll..rriy. 1:. r.. n.ir nf the Court.! I in tl... ,: It f.tir- -f, ne- nt ol ii in lea be .. Mt. febrn,. l.-nhofir, nf flip Ci 1 1 Hi Momoiv nil. .: 4th .M.i .ptii...r, a, J It S.'. rr. Clerk 1 li-l, M, i.i- v 1...; in l! ha.) year r A. 1" J R KERR Printer', l.-e . in, 1 :.. SMITH. AT7ortF Y .v rocsrr.rs)i at i. i . "5! AY always he fol.nd at the ofSee of Williaw 1 u John-too, F.-,). J ; Pr. m I Ii'-.o, I'-rr- l C,,'ii,-t;-n. v ri tnH'of I'. ee... Curt' JHIK. r, r J eli. '2, I .".(. 4"tf FreEh Bread! P'f!l H Pi; y. a 1 ' 2' lit J 11. I'ainor ie II. nk of U. fi, le:.f. DR. L. L. POLLOCK FFKIIS b,. PROFFSON M. SF.K VII T.S I I ten li-b 41. ly E Ti IMHITA VI' I! I' MOi: ! ! I sural r.Mn'no r..i n-tv A(. A 1. VST TIIK rT.TE. j.i.t 1- m:.-Ii is st.-t.L., .. tne nn. lr. II. M. he r. I. I-.'.T. Iiain'sCorr 5'f's,Jt ( m;i'. 11 ; If r. bo'tiea h tM.rine. 1' .-. I. II. M. PRITCIIARH. Irwin's C- r,.. at'll.i: tC(vr-H. M:ieke"-e and FTrirliah. f tM n-.-s. ji t ree.i-.l. .i.mi lbs II. M. PRITC1IARP. 1. i s ;.7 t in .':( i.ui. B AVINi; t: k. n a.i (.net,,,..-.. 1. ,.,1 rec loin, net an.' t.i-1. clt-e Iii-trllim nl-, Che Talts .inlu r ! IV I II. l. riilTCtlARP, Cor 'C :.ii:i) i , nf I r:tti Oil. n'J Tioee-e ami P. 1 titers -i in ilrelt'r pr.-.n.i I...-I' e.- Hi' Il-iTl. I-..- ...It . M. II. PR! I'CU AMP, e. I Irv.iii'.-C.-n.r. C.tlO l.'illoiat vmi hfni: Ai ru ';n:m; f i.nr. -o ,. r.-nm ir-ui lb.- nou iit-curpra. Ais, I ...in an 1 o- .s i'.t hnrn.ne t'leili, li.m per e- l.t. ehe. , r si.l, no re hri.lul.l inan tl.er h;ht H. M. PliirCliAKP. IV,-. 1 Irwin's C'uieer. Lumber. 'Yard. tUV. aiib-cnher. if "'tie c.i.r-rs of Ci-a 1..;: ... v.eno.r. tl. .t they Hive e.Mblie ..I a I I VI lU'.Ii V A K I ' .11 town, w'n-re f -. 1 MILLER .V piMMER. itrtilr Tlttsitf sitr. 11. M. Plli I't'U.Mii. Irwm'e I ..no Stifuria'nr, V.STK VI TP I.IIY .V-.re.n'i o.:r II. M. PRITCIIARP. :tO.O0O st'tirw .-t-IV.-.l and for s-..e ..I I. '-Vi ,51. 11. M. PrCTi'!! "lv . f . r Seed Potatoes ! a.lt a .pr.ioar .V,.rf(,-a VVRCFR da KVf f'f'f vo i i tot: et. to ',Kp. iiti Srru ,ir, li a m'a t orn.-r, s h. re ; ii pi n e or. or, are juat to i.an i, Icoin SF vu vi r ,(, O'u -t .i a. ,l- ! i i N.ii- Ftii. '.). Ifc'J- I!,e !!'!ll CHARI.OTTK, AHPnir. 20. IflaS. PACOX. Il.nna. new lb 12 (; 1 , " J,lM. !b 11 o n i " I..ir rounn, lb. II f. li I " !hr,n.lrr -ih Oil ft, On I Rnrpmj.'ionny. ya.........l7 ("V U( I II:'. .'lb , 5 (. H Ruiter lb I2J ( If, ili.TWRl. lb..,. ill frt 8 lU ai.a... bul.al 00 (a ( lirn'idy. Auilc r il OH i 00 IVarh ?al.. 00 f,n IHI Cotton, m-w, lb a, JOJ Ctr. r. Ri. lb Jiv ,...lb ,..-lti4 li 28 oil.-. lit ft tl ft P h.., frrrnM lb Ih... ...bnahel. 4.1 ...,.5 o,. nn ...M (.ij i'.K ......i; ... .'.7 .... IS i (: I. ,...I4 I.". ...45 ; 3H .. 0',: i'JJ ....$! ... 4S! Kpca.... V Uuir.,.. ..Lbl. Fp.iUm I.nr'1, Mn i to ...IJJ (, 13 ..tilt ( ..anno r,,. I " !' n.N.i) W . 1 . I Mm I, Vn,. Nana I. V , i I I .S, j fhil.. I'erk..... ' , l'.-a ' j Point,..-!., 1 Ripe...... jS,rir..r.J- Pri s...m-.Wi. S-It T.-4 '.Vhe.t. K .. ri. Wll,f., htl?li':i . ,..-...hiel . $U9 lo I2J ...1 .... f :(rr rt. tlr cotton murPt has I een brisk po prieiis t..t..iin nf.wiird up li .Saturday, when : ve r in tha r-e. which showed a .' r d in' and I -wr gr wip J.t.lllllt Imlea. t 'I.dtl!. nr Fi. b.g .....I ia.rr.-i4. fli.N --' .in n. ,; f-reign arcounta a-l. on fhe mid. ! r- otton. Sales of the it i duo nl Hi f.u IIA M Mtf!-:T. I'lrsei, Awil COTT'iX Tl.i tr?.- al Hi is i (.;. (oi:.i..., I'K.ts, ... ') V. ... ruicit. l llf.' -3 CIMHf.FSTuN MAT5KFT. '. s,Ki.r,T., April If t (v:rf)N.-.T; Alrte'. nets 1 Notice; 'by p.vtn l iic 1 hiiureii, , and ilsugh. .i..i..n-r. S .r ..h Ale, a t tl U'l'lli.ni l a.h-na. I Aorf. I -.!;, tint 11 iv r- ' e I'm at w of I t'.e .:. . e.,i.i, r be hire lo. 3.. .Monday of 1 -. tu.i. r. i n.r at 1 . a 1. .in- I . a-.-ci to'prop.cd i to .lislrMoitc .aid F.tal, htrppnble lo said will, a 1 100 1 jr .ihiu aa m.y I. ae lain tin- proper prout be 1 ion me. i I.. P KR1M VjTN'JER, Admr. ; Uitt.ttir Wtlt asn.xm m M. Mnandtr. CoTiroul, A. ., .V.-..A -.hi, -v?. tq i ii Sturo ilciiioved. ' I ' II y. m.i.( -ribir iiih-rina bia lii.-l,--. and tll I p.n.-r.i! -.:..! b. I... reu, .v, his IHffi ; I r i K from Uranifc R-.i to Irwin'a Curot r, n In, i, h-.s i.t . ,. n. w fi 1 ut: up una ar-. now r.-e.-ivii.g a .ir,-. .t.ck e: artieUs in his II. M. PRITCIIARI). 11 n' lluM HAVANA I.OTTEIiV T' ' nrif oreina-l ..r .. u.f of ih. f.',.y ,IIIi -: I.,.':, .y .-..Ooilpl. . by 1 1' e S 1 n ; ! h I '. . v. r 11 11, pi 11. 1. r th. aiiperv a-on ' ibe ( a, .lain liem ral 'u.. , ill l.iKe piii.-e si Havoiia on Till'liiiA V.MAY li.bA $300,000. KO M'Ml.i:.) fa i'IUMNAKli v I pi 1 " I " I " h a 1. oia) IIO IIOO I 4 11 IOO.OOO:: sofs.-J.tXMt ,MI ;ui 100 I....'! s aaust .,if f oil enrh ; , :bi,(ilill j t ot .'O.tMttl :;.i imi l.)40 A.Ol.O an a,' r 1 1 1.0,01 t of III" lo V4i.ll t .r,,h. II. ; II .Iv. e H; tjli hi t ' l-r e. id. r, : ' unt. IOX KOPRI. Hon. S. C.) "'I- 1 l'a I Ist'l'i'j IV"lir:il. P , -r, I. . . -. ' ISTOIC: II. M. PRHCHARP, t'tirr i'rrtirtt llrtiney, il.l NI. li o. Whiakrv, Sio-rrv an.l , . .. I oie.-n Ate .no I'orl. r, for II 'p. 11 M PRITCMAKP. lurch. C.tlrael. ol raasiy kind. PKl'lCllARP. II. M pl'.PS UlT tnr V'nrrv iV FOR aALK 11 EKE