From fie North frolina Presbyterian. TI1K POWER OF PRAYKR. Tbe general July of pryar, aod the nio tirci which should prompt u to its dia eharge, are very frequently explained and tired. both in the Scriptures, and by those rb writ and preaou lor th benefit of the christian p-b'.ia ; yet there is bn. a-peet of this .abject. v,s : its pner, that U not pro- J 1 : firly appreciated. Though all christian, admit, that it is a very great an! preoious privilege to be permitted to approsch the throne of the beavouly grace, and spread ,t tb-.r f.nta wTtfc the eonfilent expect.- Con of bavin them supplied; jet there U ofuo so much unbelief- mixed with these raver., and the reliance placed upon their .Bc'aeT it ao in.P-rfeci. Ih.t the petitioner ,! 1 1 . fail to real'iie the benefits wLich miht otb erwie be derived fVoro an sadi.-uee with the King of Kinja auJ L'lrd of LorJi. It become.", however, a very grare q'les- ,;. -hat is the kiud of praver to wbieh : tLis great power is ascribed T The Apostle j self, which is the vertical top of all religion, James furuUhes the answer, " The fervent ; is nothing cUc but a union of joys coticen effectual prayer of a righteous man avail- j (rated in the heart, and refl. cted from all eth much." Here we have three worJs, tf j the angels of our life anJ intercourse. It is j- ; . -i i . !.-.. j.rik.. ! rcHifin" in God. a gladness in our neit'b- U as iwfht and u-rUu-rohtprayrrMoT; welfare, . pleasure in doing good . with muck, pond mud river depos p . . i . . . . L j :. . ..n anenL tan. woods earth, or and adds, " It must be a pourioj oni adds. "It must be a pourio; out of the : heart to God ; and it must proceed from j faith onfeigued."' ft springs from a heart j that overfiows with love to Cod, aod repose . with tbe aost perfect confidence in His good- , the -ee day aerte oi a par,- " -- . t ' ,. ' which has not been duly estimated, t ither , wej , , taluable addition aa pabulum .ess mercy, and fidc.-ty j by philanthropists or patriot. I lis official j fo. wh ,.c.d iroun(, h Tuis prijer lays hold of the pmmtsei ol , n(j reco:nixed character furnishes bim with , f,.J and so plead- them as to of ! a re.dy passport to ever, habitation j and trees, after having been thoroughly clean-deuUl-it va iu the lanpuagc of wrestling j he will soon find that . visit to the bouse of .ed of tie peach worm, H a,d to prevent , " ... ,, ,TL T. a parishioner is the sores way of finding ao- their reapproach. J acoo,-- I w, not let Thee go. exceF. Tbou , EvcQ lhfi haTikit ! , b1." This i the nature and character mgt )0p:eM Q rice,cannot altogether w'.tb- " tZ ctaai prjver, whether an tniiviauai ; rff r it for L m-ci, er fr ethers. What is the character of ikt .- -hose . ., ., ,,. , jr-jer i Lere Mil to avail much, "e mH be " a rig-titeous tun," cot righteous j i-j an abso'ute serse, bceau'e this is B-)t the ; v -1,V!, i'e ro.tV attaches to tbe word. fr !:e iay. " k'.ixi wii a mm tuljoct to f -1. ii ai we are i tiiot is, ue en noi p-i ahoiute rigbteonsnejs bet right- j e n a i'wpei eerwe ; cot loving or ap- ( frs'.uf at.y koowu in Or in the language j i the Psai. " If I regard iniquity inj rr.T heart, tiie Lrrl wi;l no! Kearrne. P. : I. xv 1 : 19. i To afffjich the tlrotie of grace accept-! sl'.T tud suj;e..-faViv, we tnuat be found iu j the ctrefui U-Cuarc'e of tvery chritian and , relative duty ; there mut be a sit eere de- , p-riure frnat kVtry koowo infrsetionof tjod'. Hc'v law ; :n a word, we urjst be good men ' avi I'i'.l cf the Hofy uhoat, or we need not . ' rr-Tt pir pr"!Ter to avail runch. whether fyr cijri--es. or for 'ue wbo desire us to. j.rr.y for t'Mt"D!. Tli su':iBt which we would inrite the att tiou of the reader ! the pou-er of pray rr. This is the propotiou which we wih to ii! jtrate a-4 prcre by a few examples froia the word of God. 1. Tie exiep'e of Eiijaii. ' iliiaa waa a ntn bjet to p-iis as we are, and Le P"avtJ earttsi'y that it uii.'Ut ooi r-iu ; ST.d it rained not era the earth by tie spsce of lre rear aud ail ic'utls. And he rared ajaic, atrd lb beaven gifg rain, ind the earth br:ught fjrtb Ler fruit." Admit- t'.Di tli ere was tonietliit!; mirneulous ia tlii f rsv vr, f t'W tie tuaniier io uU.u tte Afio- iii wits ;t, tiww tb at it was ii.wrsded for c ir tweaarage.-ner!!. Even in the tpost tw- r jp spes of t;if w-rld abd ihe CL-rcb, Jod tas had son-e fi-itlfjl imiif, as iu the dava 4 eorr j&t and wic.ed Ana'u.t'uere waa a L'j" tA I'i'.ius Klijab. I he fact i i V) io t U'Jije of James, is tbua oar- rat 4 in tr? Oil Te'taiietit. (-ee 1 iriinj- IT. 1. " And -rt. ai tUe iuotnie.teuoxw of tir ri?ii!.ff?r, if Of! "if, 'iH unto Abab. "As tbe Lord God of Israel livetlj, before wb'Lu I stsnd, there shall not be ce nor e,j. jiir.,i. at ae;ording I j my word 'I j tbe fury of law turajed t:n; be wi d'rec.ed to bide h:tnseif by tiie brooir i.'btrltfc, wbcre be wasfel by tba raveu, at,d af'erwsrds, to fi to Zsrephitb, wbere be reiuaiiH-d until tbe th of tbe fsujiue. A, 'o a aftpTinted time, be nbowed bim s!f tfl Aheb, toDvirt.d bim of sin, destroy ed V.i false p"' Heti, ea.ed rain to descend Lpn th eanb. and re.iev.d the land of a jrt.ev.-.M .1 i:.-- 15;-C) '' In tbe bistTry of Jh we have r-; ral a a ii t.' ' a of tb riowrr of rravr It s. r Sii i ef him, tbit V'. " f 'i verr roe, k a love a,, tue iutn wiii. b re ujion the eartb,'' and l.ene b' prarors. wtnicaltriy for bis fin n. . . wrr n Mna'ly as-red to ht p sway tb; at-irpr cf Oo! 1 Wbe. l'taraoli and b: fe';'e were smart Blunder jrriTii. .fll ctior)s wbi' b bad f tlern, v)aas tbey T f i" A to tA tbe csptive iTrae'.itea thi. haughty' nonarch Cal.e4 on M .es to intercede with i, ,'. tbat ,'bese eril Bright be removel. If tbe question were aked, " In wbat re s; . lo'es ippsr ra-rre 'oriou, wb- ' tbc? :b ra'rr-p tbe rod of God and trintnr ; p'ajene npu Keeps, or in iuterced ng that f bry might he removed f tbe spiritual ehria- 1 tan would Hid iio d ".e.j'.j jn arj.werin He s-pears to ir, ie' b.-.-, r ava-.tape -ben lu U L'rg tt,e ebaraet-.-r . at. a ; prevalent otresor. 2 It is well knon,' that tbe I r.'W-si luriDg Ibeir Eoou'n in the i!Jerne., re jjeaieii rebel. el apaiu.t Ood, and .pe. vi! of Mj'H, St,d beo we read j.jef says, " I will smile them with pe-t. ' and JU-r.b-rit liie;n, and will uf tuee a great er ujtjjn, and 11 gh tier than they;" bjt od man throw Li:u.eifiiito the breach, ai, S r raisao earbe.t'y f.r tbein tbat tbey art f jr.v. o. Ia the 1 lib '.'haptcr t'f bere the reader will find en of thes. re- niarVablw and effectual prayer. , Aqd wbea hi filter Miriam was aniittea with Vprosy for speaking againt him, " ba cried unto the Lord, saying, Ileal ber now, 0 Gad, I beseech Thee." Tkan r mmirti'ila instann of the powor of intercessory prayer, and the may be profitably studied by the present race of christian.." Other example, will be given hereafter. So for the present dear reader, farewell. " - J. P. M. CHEERFULNESS ASI CHARITY. 1 Cheerfulness- fills the soul full of hsrmo- ake nnd publishes cloriScatious of y I God ; it produces thatAfulncss and serres Ul.e end ofehtrity j and, when tbc oil of glad-; i oes. run. over, it makes bright enmsion. of Might, and kindle, boly fires, reaching up to the clouds, .nd making joy round .boUt ; ! ....... . land, therctore MDce u is so inntjpeni, im may be so pious and full of boly advantage, ! whatsoever can innoeeutly miuiater to this , i holy jov does not forward the work of reli- pn and charity. And, indeed, charity it- rejoicing wuw oi.o. u have no joy at nil.' I Pastoral "Thero is a charm . . . i . ,uj this inllaenoe j ana at limes, in tneir j own domestic history, there are opportuni- tie.. wb,tb.r ly sicknes. J duster or ; death. whicK afford a weighty advsuta.e toi ,he Chriti;.o kindness that is brought to far Up0n them. LI is week day attentions, and their Sabbath attendance go hand n hand. It is thus that a house going nun a ter win for liiinno'if a church going people. Dr. Ch'Umeis. cultural. From the Richmond I'lautrr. LEST MODE OF APPLYING MANURES . T TI.'K SOIL. Mr. Vren eiit : Ia obedience to the re- j j'lircuit nt of thia Club, I offer as an anuu- J al eontribution, a few thonhu on what may j be considered the tes-t mode of applying manures to the soil. I mesa, such manures as are u-ua'.'.y njade fr-MTJ stable, farm pensj ind cKtierwi.e. A tuljeet of paramouut importancs and of such practical utility Iji agriculturists, req-iires serious coasidera- j tiou An abundaot supply, properly ap-) piied, superseding almost any routiou of: crop., biiug aa it were the aheet anchor of the farmers' hope, a lever with which be i can rduvigorate bis exhausted lands, and i mike them erial, if not superior, in pro- . d2cr?Terr',s,9 to the Califorw placers. As, . however, this it the great resource aod de-; sidrrsturu of profitable becomes j Licessary to use what little we bare eu-' tio'i.-il y and so judiciously apply it to the; surface, as to obtain tbe greatest possible , lenefii. There seems to be roueb dire.rsi- i ty of tp inivn as to tbe proj;r deptb tf bo-; ryin" it; aouie are iuc'ined to thiuk tbat it niu'as io tbe soil and is warned down by the percolatir.g raias, and ebotild coD-wqueurfy te ar plied oo the surface or jost beneat'u it, wLil.t o'.bers affiTin tbat its volatile and mitA ralaable parta ascenJ, by a ebcmical ( process, whieb renders it oceessary that it fbou'd be coered deep in tbe eartb. If it' true. ao4 I io bot mean to question it,' tbat matjure remain, very ccarly where it is placed if sunk in tlie eartb deep it re- J urartra -Ci. aud if near tbe surface, there . !-o it remains, it is very clear it is iuima-; terial whether it is applied .hallow or deep,' a. either way miy enwer, fr I have nni- j fortuly eeo the tame beueQcial eCTects when 1 applied t tli aurfaee or oti;rwise buri'id J deep; and I have also observed tba soils j which form the bottom of mnure hapt en a it bi u a f'. w inches of tiie r jrfaee does not seem to Le enriched by tbc ecilef'.ion of ferti i litis matter wbieb reted upon it. Wh-n it ia taken into view that clay usu- j ally po.'eM.-s tbe power of absorbing tbe 1 fertiliilng properties of manure, it eetns evidett tbat toils of the tame decree ofj tenaeit wiih a medium amount of loamj will derive a'l tLat ia valuable from eonj. j moa manure, and tbat the great art in it I apr..icil:rjn is, tbat it should be in sufB-j cieLt ejiair.ity and ihtimately mi led wilbi through all of its prts, in order tbat rege-j tatioo Diay obtain Ha fail beoefir, and not: to be made too luiuriatit atone part, whil.t anuther may peri.b for went of nutrition. ! K"pectfu!ly submitted, i HKNIiY E. SHORE. I SAM A3 A FERTILIZER. Itl val te as a fertilit. r baa been long Known, awa aurirjg toe reign ot oeoroe ui Third, tbe English farmers were almost io . state of insurrection in eooacriuetice of a proposed salt Ui.Miice which liute salt for arieuitural purposes has been ad ant te 1 dj.v free, end no turnpike is permit ted to t'nur' toll on si.iui loaded with sa t, alien in'rodefl for agricultural pur, a'ui'.e r-.',roads ar compelled by law to eiuvry this material at tbe lowest rata of freight, .a.t i eouipoed of chloride and aoda, atxl when separated front eaob other to aa to form new compounds, they are each taluable additions to most oils. If laod bo over .wilted, so to do away with all egetation, this effect lasts but one season; the next year the land is found to be extremely fruitful. It U usually placed opon ibe surface io its granulated taU, and suffered to be carried 10 by oew. nd rains. Many insects are de.troyed by it, and many weeds, even where appl.ed in .wry rive .... , often a larger q,.w,, ma, be applied 1 .-t.l. ..fii It fpn land III addition to rendering it fertile j and to those soils which habitually suffer from drouth, cives a tendency to absorb moisture. Lands which hare been e.erluned, are mtorea by the us. of .alt. The .n the salt seixe. bold of the chlor.uc, and the aoda thus aet free take, oarbou.o ac.d from the atmosphere and becomes carbonate of soda, t v,.u .nJ lii thia form are i"" - - excellent manures. We hare often given the receipe for making the salt and lime mixture, by which three bushels of lime slacked with one bushel of salt dissolved in water, after proper tieatment is converted into chloride of lime and carbonate of soda, forming an admirable manure for many soils, and ao excellent top dressing for pas ture. When thi. mixture ia compostew , , -r- -: mr men orgtsio mwr, inrnm iswr ready decomposition without loa or ammo- and, indeed, in most composU it will i. - r j - ..i - cm J . a, nPniiniirP linmP I nfjIISI TV UAVIXf; PI BCHAStl) thefTM IKU f AC. I OK Y, I ani prepared to fill all ordera fur 3krstv.a.paj' OsiHiltergt, liirl'ms; Groin 7? St Threshing Jiojvs, lie nrrli. Well Hopes, Ctirjiet Chain, H'rajijung 'J'teime. 1 am making an article or Uita or the purptee if htiiillit Flusir, Wheat and Corn. Far mere ann Prod oca barere will find it an their ad. vant-gv to pt it. All errre from a dtatance will he attcaoMlto with promptne.a. j. McDonald. Concmi. Ott. 29, 1S5C. 3Clf AYER'S Cathartic lIIs, (scan cn.trrv,) CLEAR SZ THX BLOOD AHD CUBE TSZ 5ICK. In r 11,1 a, IHIkcn, .sinlltere, Pll v.lcl-na. Ihtlnlirotil.U. rrnd KflVct., aaa Jn.le. mt iHrlr Vlnn.a. .ia thi! t t Rt or TTendnehe.Sirk Head ihe,FoulStomcli. I intn. I' . u. I. I !.' ita. fir: I hs bjii r-t- ciol of mw ll iu wi-fi..M . tttvl .U-fUMili- bub tr i . II.. ! ...rmiinn. Vuuri auk tr-ml i.i, kp w riiKtii.r, Clrrk -f Bilionw disorders nnd IJver tomplHints. luronv-rr or TWI Isranva. I Vt-m..ros. II C. 7 r-a . lA.t f rrOMd ."l ln-ft.l .1.4 i-aot lM4.f.e uine i .Mi H1 lh lir-i- Tltl " Wt.mrlik-,1 r.,HW-M-i- mv .!.!. rt.l, fc .U-ra..n.t,i.l H ut AwOumi' thai IlIMM Jily jirld tlw. fraimwly jjot, ui'Ji H.II.I. . Ii, Draeotrrv, Itelnx, and M orm. PIT lH' II..ILAW Ll tO. NKil, 0. !. 1S'5. T. iis- Voer PHI. mr lb. rr tim .wlina.. Ttmw h.T. ,!..,,. ni t vif. sh. W Mmmi I rmu . So. Ii.-I l- .il Hin-e.. fts menrli W-nt off o, L. ik. omd .1 .rrul i-(.i-. her r w l lb mnm.m-d Inkine yr I'iil.. el.Kb eisr hT. h. .jilM l.o-s, qiinntitu-. of IfWwti fimH hr Mt. Til. after wr.t. cimW hwr i 1 em ie cl.U ir. o f t.l..l, il,--iil'-jr. I",,.!,! .-Mr .ilil" KW ll lm.1 .U 1 ,. i. miM linn iii t. l of T"or MK .Mn.U-mn.1 tt i I" Bull 1- ll.r. .ert.V til-fc 44 k-t miKH lui. .illirrtif -nn-4 .r irfc. n . m-lirliw k. ymn, .! I mrvmHf (ood ud hnoies, ill l r - . ll.l i. ilklFriV. Tnl-a". XudirerUioU' and' Imparity of the Blood). frmm Mn J r Htta. ltor if Mcxl flu, Hut-m. t.. km - I h... ;r rill. -11 h ..tror.lin7 immw In nr. f.nnl. .im! .hmi. if. I sin i. thH .m .if S i.rIKl sod fnrY llm. U 1 cn r..-rrf! fw.rli."it rtorm tn mj Yoers. J- V HliKA W...w Vronav Cn. s T , rvu S4. i5S t..a Sib : I m mSn v,. r.irw.Tlt r.ii. rr. rae- IW. .tmI ftnd liTfl .e .-.trt prnir..,' aymwm an ywty rh. S'ti t,kl JOHN o. wkaciiam, w, B. Erraipelns, Wernfuln, Kins' Evil, Tette-r, l amnrs and Knit ltbiim. V ..eMioJH MrrrMml if I'm I, A. t, 1.' If.. A... : Tow fill. sr. th lrajri. at .11 titst W pnt ia a,.fM. 1h-T I,... etir-.l Iiitl. rfihl-e of m -r. u . v epm ber "i ane . Ihi '-'M tnrae.l l. fr-r ew H-r atfht bsd ta u'i.c ri.-.e.ia. ly MTrbd -u U.4rbM mi pi.'-. 11 Sin 1,1 har 1,r Iff mjr rl.iH ... fflo. "h" . ' l- rtof f IIM. aH Ilia. ho. ravl Iw.. Af no.iHltK.K. ( I I "Z ' Iibewmntnm. Pieuralgln. nad r.nO. m. In lim it, nf tht MMul w frdt. Pil.i Hmn Ol.. Jn. . 1SS- ft 'Sin. h. : I IIKMlia W aueratelitl ibl- iImi Tmutff TWf ..HI 1,4. M.hl if I dul i.'S r-.rt i r A n.M e-tale,s la r liaiU Ms l.iirltl m j M.HWIM.! I M III lwl ' l-S-lMm. IS 44-.M. j feo.p ' ur W.' rt. I tn-l' .. rill I lk-it Mi re l-el r.. Hv aeeM.-v.fif ua to. I -U IU-... I - we -IL I -.- f ti. K.T'-s Hot,.. I... I 1W.. ISf. j aiie.m.te li'jat a r-aiaful 4iw... .1,.. ll .ffiwo-rf m. aF-ae. HM1 H.II.M.U S'or Diopsr, 1'l.n.nrn, or kindred oiv plalnf. nuoia aa ailnr lie ) ai. -h for C osiiveneaa or f onalipnfinn, nnd as Ulnurr Pill. tl) ... -,al .S...M.I. Kit, ftiippf e.lfrn, I' I a flnmma. fln. .1 I .... Ilrafe...., ..m I'a.llal lillnd nc.a, 1.. Uc-auiaJ Lj . a. wiimi . I... "I tbc rui.. M.-l .. Mil. . IWh ,.M,.... 11 In . ,al,lir (nil ftii aueoilf Mi' . H. MV toerh -.. hi Virv . Si' li , ! in illlll iMOfb.. I. 4.r,ger'4ia la.,l that fr. Tie-. cwi.a no Bar .lYER-.s uiEiiRV nsvmM roR rur. haii crrr or cot c 01. i. iiD.ntsKKr.M. isrtt l ZA, H MOM 1111 !, tHH,PtSi . II, tltOt'P. ArTMIA, IX C IPIIlST ON HI JMP1 IOW fse th- r-lirf Of fOaiAf kU ilaiU 'm Ac4 U Ha1 t (mk. to ft hM of H t ". Tl-vMuiftt i-et-r !'. u4 m.mmi trfwry hmmut A ih Anrvftn ir -.lad'h-rfiil "i-i mt ejlii.t,r rumt- t ka 1.1 naW i Aliwij ktw. mj. trJ at th 1nu.n rm ) erilit-I -.-iifiirj fn fHf nib. tml mt- fa-T .U i 1 e-r ..-. it ! . j v-tw -h ,. lr,,J, .4 II. u. llie Iki-al . ..,!! a.i.. .t (., vmi. S la il a r II,. ferait. 4 1 1' i .a !a"ia , j ..I... a al. 'ie1ii gnia4a V .ry itft U'H J) ttW I r.d r'f vw r. H .tf( Df a rferaMa. ' le-e-r (re.f, -,,! HI1 Bt.aiar rh lavveral e-stt.fcwc (hart sWaaM 0 It. .( Of J!-awf . A I Isfto (iits 4r-tfl ttfslrf rf lunv "'Wt'l i M tl-. T t tt rtls 'f Ml r-rssl-. wa ., i'4 h ler tf ei;r- tl-t If t ft Hi rf.-4 th ( H r pfe-r OS.. rara. n lolt I f th a.vat r!al m.IA-. Mal U RtV'-M fh'easl S fe-r? fB H Um 14 vhttasjur iM ni fcranak lur lb-iff cwa. mrriRED bt et. j. c. ivei. rraetieal aad Aaalytieal Csealst, Luwall. Kaas. sku toio r j II M. rHITCirARI). (hitlutit. IIAV1LA.NU, eTEVfc.V.SOX A; OO , I Char fat th, S. C. ' ASATTD'S SRSAPAIHLLA,. ma Ta cuaa or Sere, EmptMHt, RhmmntUm, Lot mf Apptlite Dtbilily, DpptjaU, M$ht Smut; Sfting mud FmU rURIFIkR mf tht Blt- it tJJicKK i unrimmMta, Thi. ...d.ein. h. bee. in for nearly 83 yora and haa obtained a Urge nre ei popuo.r ftta from ita mint and wall oLliliabed care, of, ,f popular obatiimlo eaaea of dineaee, as will aa r Ihoaa 01 recent appearance. Tboae who need an altera tit medieiue will Bad in till an admirable medicine and pccdy relief. It is pleaaant to the laate and is prepared in the niot careful manner by one ot tlw proprwtore who ia himself a phyaician. I'leiae call at Dr. Pritchatd" Vrvg Store and obtain an alinanne foe 1858 gratia, which ' . nlolt tt4i,le information. The fidlnwlnj cam BcJte ia arlectcd from a boat of otlittra of amiilar trnnr I SOUK Til ItO AT. Tbe following ia an extract from a latter reeaiv. ed from Mra. Bivan, who had been ufflictcd fer acveral yeara with Scrofulous t'leera, Dy.pepaia, Jte.. and recently with an a flection of the Throat and Cheat. Bait-avsaae, Va Dee. 13, 1843. .Wrtsra. A. P. if D. Sand; Before I rommenced ,,..n. urn, S ,r.u.rill.. mw aurTerinea were almn.t I , ;. tliroat wj compleiely ulce. rt,.d. I bad a dreadful e.ugh,and there were fre. quenily weeks together that 1 could not apeak a. bnve a whUfier; and beaidrs, the iiiflanimalion from my throat talen.Jrd to pijr bead, ao that mjr hearing waa very much impaired. After taking the Siraaparilla a abort time, my health improved and my throat ia now well; I am aa free from cough and tightness of the chett aa ever 1 waa, and can hear quite dSttinctly. .My tliroat has been well about three monthe. the cure of which haa been (fleeted entirely by Ihe use of yoir Sar. aapanlla. Your IVirnd, Lome II. Bcvix Prepared and eold by A. B. Il D. "unda, Prug. gista. New York, Agent in Charlotte, N C, H. M. PaiTtMaao, at Irwin 'a comer. Price tt battle, or 6 bsltlea for 15. CLOVE ANODYNE TOOTHACHE DI10PS. AS IMMEDIATE ANI PERFECT CVBE. Those who have felt the ruinful lhiobhin( and excruei.itiojr panes of thia diaca.e ahofitiiig lliro their j.wa with moat toruicntme peraeveranoe, and. aa ia often the eaae, have received but lnt aym pathy from frii niia on aucii occaaione, will ne d....h( k. moeh oU-..ed to know of a rrmedv that .ill never ...I W, fon-ver the nn.ierc.ut f. ft-nder. Eipc.-ienee haa proved that thia anodyno composition will five and fermnnanl re. lief, after the f.ilure of every other rtmedy. It ia ple.aant to tlie tate and eincii j will not injur the teeth or euma in any way j and a tew appli. ,, . i .1 a caUvna will eoUrrly reowve tlie pain and aorenca from a d.eed, ao lhat it may be fillid and rendered aa useful r Ult airccuonn icwiatpany acn tioi. i ner - j eenw. Trepared and ald by A. B. 4 D. BAN US, Dru(Tita and CheniisL, So. 100 FulWn atrcet. f Willie m. New York. Agent in Charlotte, H. M. PIUTCHARD, .W-iri-A 0, M8. haii'it oimi. a in:. I'ti rti. m:ii RIO! GLOSSY HAIR, Completely Preserved TO TIIK till KATKST AGK erowth retov.d. or trrobied with di.nt!roiT aod ili huir but would have it removed, or troubled ! with acralnha, head, or oihif eriiptiona. but ' wonh. be enred.or with aiek hr.d arhe, (neural- ( e.awct.rea. umiptro from the Ke and akin. rrot. Wnoo a Hir will do all thi. circular and 1 the totlowine. , ' ' Ann Aee, November 5. I Paor. O. J. Vtoou Ut.r Kir: I b.v l.rd much .aid of tiie woiiderlul etf.ict el your II liirative, but h.vtng Uen ao elicit, d by I qrirkery and eurk no.lru.ti, hair cyem. le,. I I was disposed to place ynor Rr.lorutive to the anioe : category With the thotfeend and on loadly tram. ' pel-d euaca eenirdi.-e, until I met vno in Law. ' rence county aoiue mootii since. , tn n ynn j me eueb aeeumnc aa indored the tri.l of your Hotorslive lit my t'nmily---nil by my good wife, nhnsc hair hsu occoiue very Unn lbo entirely j wli.U:, ano bef.,re eao.u.iini; one ol' yiir bottle, her hair w.a retored fierlv to I'a on inai beutilal brown color, and had thickened and I become beeutil'ul und plosay op..ii, and enlireir - over the lie.di ; ahe eontinae to u.e it, not amply ' bee. use of tt bc.ulirying elft-cta upon the, j but beceuee of ita hetthSul mfim.ucc upon the , he.d and imnd. Other of my trnnily and irienCa are uamg your 3eetora'tve, wilh tht; nMppie.t et'-0-cl. j llMyrct., ui J arid dmitil. in ref. ! erence tit it cii.r.eter and vilue are tatirely re. moved ; and t ci,n and do n-i4t eorm.lly aud erw. 1 fnlentially recoinnHiid its u.e hy all alio aou'd f hevc their restored from white or a;ray (by I rceon of aiCNiie. or are.) to on.m.l r.oli.r and ' beantv. nd bf lf voor.v person who woold have ' ! Iiiir hair bonutiful ne gUy. Vtry truly and pmiefnlle yonr. hUli.VluN .VI ANN. Fs:tsn Woon : It w.. a long li after I eaw you at Bueefi.iu U lore I gl ti.e boitia ot .(Valor. t:v lur wbiob you ,.v b. i. r.ler blx.ii tiiw agent m Llrlroit, .no when I rol it we e- fi.U.led to try 11 on .Mr. .Mmn i ii,. ...r a I... 11 Dial vuu assured m it wi.u'd rio ; rid otii r of my hdivm sv,(nrrd ilg tttt-rts. fC'-iiuiii riijinjr it ne tu olit ily.nd Inenda,' and 1 rntitU-d l tin it.jf rnt cor.aidt-ralion yuv eUim f'r it, Again, ft r t rcipctfunjr im1 iralv, ynnrw. IMJLUMO.N .MA N.V t'jBivie Iil. Jane o I0'.?. , hive raed frol. II. J.'vi.ld' 11... H.ialoea. ! live, .nil h.v admired lie wonderful efleeta. My i hair w.a hecnmina, a J, pr. n.atur.l. I jry, tut by the a.e ol hi Ke.toraliv it h.a re. auu.ed ila '.' color, anu, 1 i.o doubt pcrm.torily o. B. TJR e S. n. tor. V. g. I ir. J w) 4. t ., rropnetor. 312 llro.d. !.., N. Y., in. the treat N. V W ire ll .iln,, .id !, Mo, id IMMiractafi .el.Bt Ix.aia, Mo, all Dmr.'sia in tlw l i. .. -in by II M. riUTCII A1!I j,, . ' v'v mitme, C. And sold tr tlO ! " - ! .,ao- sra t n n.r. iiaUX JililVK&i) l&LiJ!, l K. n. ?i. cunii "fi I'll.!. Wpie.d lo receive Pre,,o.l I atu'w 1 '.?,'" p'! " . J? .. .- a,..,,. .... ene) ot tin; Public J i WW m lh aeparinxni of M r .111 INK and ,, .' . HtUt.r llV. Loiea. prole..... a. II, ,h.,i.h. b" '""'J f. " , , v h. loua bi raaadeacii, fort Mail Itopot. Y..r li.tuct M.C. . I II. IK.',,. tf lOB PR IN I !( nf . IJ kiaa veil! be ncatlv in eiMeeilioBai aieaa'al eltna Noe.nJ. una Whig Off.,. IVSSUn I "r the Jjrhvrrv at I'rojjrr'y, FOR SALE I1F.RK. ",riV ttTTTTTTTT I .smu-.ii;. J JAMES M. rnxRV. COMMJ6SWS MKUCIIAXT, 06 JOirS S IIII M', NtYn BTJYS and forward, every kind of rncrch n. die for J are real Cmimitrin. V ana morem-ao, ... . , - . .7 t'' " v i! .,. lion V A. Oral - M . 1,ianl(i M,i,H,.,, ut,lpr ,' iar. (J.jt.r., M Orifin.. M- ... - M.rlnnia. Iron San., Pemp ;rd, Frem.-, - frHif U tent fit. 1'ubli.her of an elr.anl lillwigraph of .i.ry At Cop," N.C (HO ' "r,; m iMvairt.n; o, Inula tirlne to IIitw. I hie invalaablr ai a!rir alioiilu Ik in ery lionae. Jt Ireala ot all iae, haa mpmna gloraary d preaeril ihe -ini ii.a trn nstura a bom.tM.iie .torra, lor all or ipfln..Hia.- aB. mia. furtiiwa. It ia printed on fine white pp-T, tiand anmrly hound fourth fdilion, 3t!0 p".ee, and ia maiUJ Jtt ft a" r. Nt w KuKweua 1'iaiioa, f 1A0, l,h. 16, 1M8. ' S. M, HOWELL, .-ss t.oV' FpddletJ. Harnesi Wanulactorer, TUBES D0nl gOUTU (r Till MANSION HOUSE, ciiaui.otti:, x.t. ITA1I kind, of Paddle, and Harness made at tli ahnrteat notice. II'KKPAIKING promptly executed. Jtn- 19. ISSfl 37tf et!tL tl KSAnd still they Comc.-si Henderson & Ahrets A IIP. now reraiviny their r A IX and V INTI-R A STIAKol r.l.YI Yttmt T.irM.r. A S V ItOOTM nnd Ml a larva Stock of CLOTHING, embraeine tte, Vesta and Pant, m eeery ;'.tI and vertely. o.l Ir. i- 3 In l, P.nt and V!a at .11 pheea. All quaUura of . Mlltl. Ir: flu, I ltl, Ti", t'llrtCIHliitllt, AC, A C. rdira r.lfekin Bool at II. Men'e alont Shoe at $1 37J, fir.t qu In. si..ui Ihwta at 3. alw fin Ibml and i..a. Idi.a Itl i. wovtll T 50, aleo fan' V i e.nrl'v ( k il. ( lo.ka d colored, in great Sulfite French Mrrimort, Ve L'tne$, ' rw,m,-r. Ihlrterl. Ar.. J.itaeyt, Flannels, 7W. ', Sheetings, Iirmrn and fllrfirhed Siirtinfrt, t. Those Wi.hing to lh.niMl with any of the abi ve (;;., .ad ollnr. not herein men tioned, wilt (n il to iheir inlereal nea,in our (iiMMt. and price, beli re buvuif; Utir (.Mid ar ofTrr.d .1 LSI 6CtLL LOW IH1LLS. Klor at Spring a' IWner. I1KNDKR.SON k AJinKN3. IT A fi. et rale,1 of t;mt- may al. be taiund at ear Store al alMwiow'e TuruOut. Pli- ce. rame ae Irre, ; Vet. 13. I6j7. i 33tf - f j Paracorr's BovaTo'a f'naatra Tin. rvrtorcia or Anr.airaa I.iT.a.Tvae, by Doye. kmea. r L N,w Mm. o asn lira f lartl, by vV vt II luv.a ' ' ' . ' rl t '. I'aara o a Lift C-ua Lstoi o j a novel by . f. nil. Tna Two Light. Vioirr oa 'I na l aos t tu. Caowsr, by Mra. Mel""1.. Hili mow me Focwram or l ira, a bonk of fVr nniit. ti.t nufhi tie reno itk profit by a.iy one, by tier. 8. New ion, I). I. Th Mnrui.oi t.riL aaa Gooa, Ly John Young, IX. U. Thi Uutirnoi o Aastt. in llixu'i.e, by Mra. Le. The Golds I. co.t r. Tna Mi.ra ; liiai rTiearrtr a ; anil Tin Pooa Gas. txemam : three 1 aie. bouod in 014 volume. Finn Lirt iiim thi Moiaosi. Da. km'l Abctic KiruiaaTion. ! p.j. LowniE. I ruiUnt. ,irrt si. i57. i 'J lie orlli-t nruliiia ftintint a-Hag-axine of Useful Information, fvIE undersigned prop-ae t publish in the 1 JL (Jity of K.H-igh,a rll av Jota.L,ul I the above title, devon d exi.lnaiv.Jy lo the mstn n et .ne.l rritrtaiion. ';n w.olsl aucli . Joorn.l ia lell by every in. tellig'-ni eiiiarn, woo ucaire lo iiecu. al ail ae. inled wish the resource of ll.e uic, oor pre. eH.dil.o, future pr.-peet. e.,nd hy none " h '"" ' '"- " '-e "X1" J"1"" of Stat,.!,. ., ran not 0 nUribotfia tn miy wil u tt uri...-- " "r rj-ti wiwunw .i -iu-r.i mnw : unf r..ro0.n onr ifie.s. lin r.aecuie D.w'unient nu Keeord, wiiee.h en "iei. re... ......,o, .,. pr...x.i K"'l'o- e,iigltt well b h. Ihe t;hmee laWra.fe Ikaidea w hat our IxttLlstie arrlnvi couuin, wur oltn punlt.h valuaase tat.tic.l in torni'tioa, which i. nh r l.l, r if pre fttti by I a very h-w, t o rneonvem.i.1 lo nnd wrrtin want I lh Lets are forynllan. Tn Batnw '' ,H! ,f the "eport aoo HL.temenla Hme to I'm n...l by our incrpor. t.d, J '-, v ! ""rce, e. To collect tl, var.ou Hem of information, j and rive thc.n to the public :r .... a.ay el ,e. ieree .-o .... P..K..,,uii, .. wen aa t r.linw art raaouree, terythinr be.rii. dir.clly or clly an our we MU, pro. directly ori..i cily an 01 P""'J "d moaaUy, the U..111 now nfftred for aoh'.ie patronage-. Mo fr tli plan for emiduetin liee ,,trtn, (i,. page of lh ti t tinf the asm h.t pa(eof thTAHls-r W.M b!) I devoted la the armnguuteht at aoeb lablea r.l.lin ! toour Fopal.lioa Agr.eulture 'aaaeiea, r.ioc. tion. Fnbl.c,..,t.. Mi,ui.,iurr, ri.lw. io... ....., . , i! ll .a aian il, Is contain lha r...,l oniuii.aoMieie oi l Soperioli mlerit of t . niiuon HrhiMla, and all other Hi.. U OIKcera and B.,urn.i aa alaa, KtetcSMBl end o tit aond.tiow ' profc-tte ol U.S variua Kaiiroad and I ciopamr. fTATIlsT will be put to pre ,,n a. cfiieieui nuniber of re.pon.ihie namoa are ob. Limed tn pay the t apei.sea of pul,lie.ili,,ri. The aaniber will cofitam eoeli, not lea In. a M) p.. ge ol" (lovely pfitiUid niHtler, ni.kiog a book of jV'O pjgea, of more, to hirb ml! he .dc d a full and eoniplcla inoex. - - t TKR.VS: Tnara TV.uaaa per ni um Ov Poi.i.aa va f'i'TV Caar. a.a moutoa; when th nial lumoer la raa.iy fur p ll hi i ' lion, Whwh fact will be ouly annoniiced in the public ne P-n.1. J.. ..II .end their a ...1 ..7"Zm'm' m p "'. '-. willwiUt dehy, a il ia rte.,f. hie lo lasue the lir.t nwujua a aooa nj.IiI. .. Jim. IK.. Wu., ihenj ami (Jua Claim L)eZu . FOR SALE II ERE. , WAIT FOR THE Willi (!0L 7 IIY ia it e SJ- - m m Became tie buea uie aiuiw " 11.1.11. T.W LI) 11 Would rraprcllullv annou.c to the inhakilanta . t HABI H'M K and virii.itjr.ihal U h.a re.,H from their Old, to Nn, I. (Jrmle It. w, whtic ha b.s now o eahibiliaii, just received liuui u,. North, one of the iwoat ealenane aaaortmenla of , fr, El Q) CverafTered In Nortb.C.roli. ei.x bieh wilt which hue fained eueh a fomona reputation in the Tine Stove he w.rranla aeprior In any t'oobmf eonauuie leae foel, and (Note wk a ivrn put up oo Ik aula any other Uia of llie a.. n work in a ie time, be will forfeit the price ol the belter one. ALSO, ALL FAHIiOR So He hu, and constantly keep on hand, an tilroaive TIX AXI) S1IKIST 1I.OX, nit.iss nr.TTt.i :s, iiio.v 1:1 ni, HAT HACKS, UtADLCS &c, &r, Allot wlilf la will br ..l.l. t li !" ever !' aa I would relnrn n.ytl'sa taaif fruiwie eaS bestowed upon ua, and Ibey ma j ret inaiil, oftlr wilh a d.iernniiaiwn tn p .. tu I'j l.ndirjt and Cf Dili mm arc pailirularlj iniied to mil ncd ciaiuinr tiU Mori ilimi! 03? JOB WOiiE iLllJilFJ'23 SOTOBl-X.:?. N. B. I will tell yw way I head n.v .drerti.i...nt ' W it roa vn W aoo' a," it i. I... .i.. we have three waggon, eon.t.ntly tra .rlhi.f inning t. tlir auanlr; wiln hum. 1ST ortlrrt trill be fuillil ulfy tttitl ,r aer ttilfmfeti t .. A. X. 3I.T.VYL0IJ. $3- Notice. ,niir rllAl'l rvTTr a." I "IT A I. INkL'R AN't'E i J I lltirAN 1., ut. ri.k. Umm hv rire on llooasa, Oooda, Ploouac . A c ., t r.i.a. tr Oai Ulvren Parka' Kiorc and llr.olc '. OHIrenn. M. IJ. TAVLOK, J'rrtn.'et.i. C. i) HUMAN, lice lrrttlent K. N Yt lit Jt IIIfU.N.s-eey d rrr.rar. MKki To ha : M. B TAYI.Oll, C ti KKM AN. J. A. Yt'L'.NG. l Jnl.NStiN, J. 11. CAKSUN, C. T. Whl'lON, V. HJAKll. M.y VI, IS .?. Iltf 83- Dissolution. T K t-fp-rfnrf pJiij itrvU i.rr i i.atn.j m trcn IttC UIXIill Iflsrd, IB ling tias j IS ftl Nil (. rtitua! fssffiawfit. A.1 prrona in4 htrrf In ui arc requftafrd u few firrMir wtUt . th y t rc iiu Ul in ' ft w d J," c-lttrttsciita ti-wt , jfiXAS r.ri'Tsiu. p. 8 w II I.-' .N A. NT. Aug 1c, 1P;7. iCii aVOTICr. j I will .till li found al my Sinai l iainn j, 1 prepared lo all orilra it Sish, Ulir.ds and Doors, j with irf Lutntx-f tli- rnunl'J siTort., r. (icf.nj to dtvot-r my ttnlif-ii un.r p-i It; uU ' ly to ny t"p and o.icit ortieri .-r m ny l.r uf buaitirM. 9 7 l,nfi Se-T tltrm4 l rrdr at almfl Mo--a pfibra muOiraU paid hjm,ii rtrlis r if tb t.f . J. HI DIS1LL. Arg. IB, l!o. In retiring from lh. Urn: hentofore rai.tinff Blu er Hut 1.111 ol Hum. ill a. H, I So aa ii. ll.e kmdot f.i hr r. ti.w.r' ihe olu.r. f t hsrhiite and .iirr. oiimi.. com. try, for lh p.t. rnri.f. n liberally lowed noon na, and with tin knoWlfi'f lhl the bnaiw a Will he earns aa eeja.lly m tapedilioaa aa we hat eon. V. 8. WHISNANT Aug. 1, ItSl. .vitri-f-1 iioi.isj Kotoal life Insurance Companj. orrif e. haukiuh n v. ywinin ifnpy inanree Uir live or laifumi I .. f,T ,.. ,..r, term nfye.r, or f II le ,1 OM lh Mulu. Prmripte, the ,i i. !,( r. I ,,,,,., , t prohi. of llo, tniry. r, t . p,,,1(;M, granted lor th l., l liius of Iil I when the r. nnbiii therefor .niui. to i1!!. . ,, B.y , riven fit one half t,,e aui..aM ol the ai um Juurnai,prpnituu be.rmg n,ler..t .1 ( per e, nl. withont l.r.r.nly. I i ... ,,,,( .,... l a L.rli .11 L... - .,, .-iu b. lo.e.h., I... ! (,,.. f pieminu., prraeal .real unla. . ...ent. lo i ., , a,.u.,i to insure. I ,.,., , . i. , , f , OM u, 7Mr. ,w" "'""a tneir s.iu. I , . r- 1 - MUKfTdltft. II. .In. ii. W. I) , he, J. li., H W II o.i. We. P. I. Pia.u.l, H. MeKe, K. P. D.I 1 1, t harle B. Il.avt, U. i. low!., Kuh'd II. B-uie. OrFlcKUa Trr. rharlea K Pr. nl. W. V.. Hold.,, Ireawleiil. II. II. Hiilile,8.eiet.ry.. vVili.n.e II. J'.c, Treasurer. II W. Ilarted. AiUirnry. ' ' ' " llr. Was. II, Meiae. M.die.l F.,nm,t,er. ' ' Cneviiav t mmliiU. hoabue, W. H. l. ki.. I l.-rla. li. Jloot. MrJitml mi Ctmuliatum ( bailee K. J, M .. (villi, n. . M.k'ee. X. I) Kof furtVi infariipvt1tym. thai pnhUe U rrfirf. n4 Ut ttv fay.tlt-H,n(i ftrn rptf Hwh r4 be iliUiiMrri at 4'rtiot' li C-oiriwvjr, r aw? of ita A--c. .afitaliali ai be ai'.lr .-) , (jH"t pif) to. r V R. II. BATTLK, .Secrrturf. j Ifenleaioer , I8..T. ' S8ty . ' Miiyyiiiiiiaiiiiiffawaiaae I f S.H. RANSOM. U.C6. el la Htovea aa cheap f " u" ' W E S3. found the celrhr.lcd Fowl-ana t'ewwray lor the teat rnterw aiwtlii.. Flo.r aow vn ia am p in it win t. i. .n, tm.r.t..ii any otln ."!.. now in ... ! j in the I'niird !tair. .n.t il ll diwe n. t u.. n .a, Ihe Stove, a ad a,it esdlmr and ( In. drsili , KLNDS OF BOX STQWH&. and earied -tk ef I ! It I 1 1 1, a U.n fx r llsaM hue Iu I Ins t Iriutl t . rn.i.iira f.r tkc vet IiW I p.l.i- fkt i h.n Uist I 1. ;lt , b. nltt Ui m a eoi'iion" IiibliliHl4inl.2 f 1 1 II E, i.dr..f n.d h. vit-e uM..hrd I ." r till, i S,r..rn,H h. 1 ,.o, ii.l I. i Ihe . ,!,. m( hr.i.rl,.. , Le,: Jl.iHitt,): ; : i iii, it iff ,Mrt,it Wu tiltin JtU-'l Inks n itt-1 a e 1 1 mi urn -i ii'J C tur In ui. I, i,l i i M- " r, fmrfH,tti. i mi ASmuiir) if, Jl'Utt IIH'I I. nf.iirrti,- lomj Jiiues fit the h i i'il M uriiii irt I., ktmt Jul .1,1, i.t l, -oli.t atjk. era il a . ll.. ih'r wort core I wli.'giv p..rt,ru 11 . I. htne aa .a.-n aa puai .. Ilint lo arfrtHHis l Slhersia-, eie.. alia ,if . m i.i h IB.T. rafpasf r Itff ..... aa ll aiMituet I. iu. ao...!. I i. 11.1 nun ber f ref. mi" s. I. worViii.n.H,,, liul f ifr. in il iione.r...rv I I I..V the a-, i k .nea fir 'la-M K, .rod a yvr ttra . -- a. m.,oi i. IT Jtlltkl.Nti will a ..!.. fie... ... .!( al v .a, .p. .V rib of lb I -wl IT-um- .1. 1.. 11 c. or u. 1 . A. J..a'. 1 ,r. J"II.N M. Ckm.Ittlt Ve.ei I", '.iH. MA.I.N. 4il" A ailunMe IMantation roil s.4u:. alweriker efw. IV fT ua 1' I ..... i,"!. v v 1 3 u,i , ft. Ir... I h.. er.i,t..l-l..r 70 ere., aiut I-.I.I. aCXlaa-k in II' Ijist at Ui. I. Lb. a. Ir l -v. er. it h. a (row to Sw.lliaf ,. mm) t, t c- autil. a, I al l..k h a a h ll . ari.1 ' .,.(,i r- n.i,... , ri, I 1 Jo. 4 !,... a. . a r.ih, 4e. I'..n. thia n .. t'n.l rat. ihee I about lift I - re nisel.lil 13 ' snirk IB a (o., m. te at el,,n. I Ik'M Hue pUc aoam il .ay ,. 11, I ...Cuiie. vi... ii .in, a. ..,i. I.,. Ui I, h.i po.. hit . . ii ' .kit errs, and ll.n.lil. al ..! ie..l.l lute i-. j .lid li.eml. There i .ei t re, ,,f pu.r 1 re. y taiu up aad hur lo .l r. , . Thi l I. i w ran frl il d.,11 ... a, r sor.:. ilalit. i. s .1 1 t..'l' i. ,Uul 3 mil.. f,u. il. Iwhh run Iwle t lia. per d t . ,y .. ' I anuke a tail day'. It.atine. n t war I ,.' j . ..Ii.ia. Any tf n ,ng lo ri,iili. i -i... ...nitioe iu . .e. iir, .i .! l,(,i. L rr f reek. j,t ikli M. l,,a,H'. I,,,,,, K,.i I MaHiw'a rr.y roeel. MI.l IIKN h TI RNFU Ao .1. 16-J. , y . ta iv ireia.ian, sWaJwai -k i" ifu n- Ua .iMMA ,ii ix i i ki , tut t OOglt. lej. ULimm. 4,,, ... I I An..i.i,.o! li. K .ii.... . ,, ;, liii.rehofS. t.i.el, li,. at hilev, W.f aim r I insai I M,Bianla. tifr p. r I, Mr. eHt aud tl -tj. Cold 'm Ihhmu , or Uypei.ti Miliera . Tmelnr. 1 r ,r. , A latter lr.,a J H. lialluto., Unir.i.i M ii,n. i i'r. j. anai- 'f.v.....i,.. llr.J. khal lri.r .r : Ynnr a.edie.a.. h. v "i. In ihi. ( to not r. a. .I.ilar I ... I..U y aptwnvrMul. li l, f.,, ,,, ii, -il l ai-;: an fa. I, tli. t I never had rnoiif'i 1,1 th darif.i.rf j (, ,p;.i, l it a Van well n! air asm ooi aa y.,u gel ban- t,.,..,... J. K I AI.LtM. Ai.f.,TSe- hi. VV. '.., Was.. b....'; R T. I..o,g, Kockii.gli,,!,, ; li,r Yoik, t.'- T.J. Il,.il.,a nb.l Pr J. t . r.ilm.r.l I.. ,1.11., I ti Sill ana J. H. e.nnl., ; aiwiK. I" r ry, l-snigl. ii. A.C. wnjjjaiasoK, I LI. pr.ei.e. m tin ui t In- ;i d aia i r t'.all pn-li a.l"..l.l,u' Sill... ei.lfu.t. (i t II, e. a ,,, !,.!. i.nlinrt. J Mf PUKrF.N'AS for sale al this cfiiae.

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