junton Sraiing. r , it.. x..rih i-.ilin Pre.bvleriun. Tilt; POWEll Of I'll AY kill. , ... ... In eontiiiuiiij,' our remarks on this sub ... ,,,., icct we cite as a third example of this pots- J ', . .. , , tl , , er, tlie deliverance hielt was granted to a . ,. . feeble kibirdotu, when luraaeJ by a foreign 6 ' ""senuacberb kiif-of rria witu .enuaciei.., iig , t:ihtv ati l soiiimiclv luuucib.e army, bad . , . , invaded the an3 of Judca, ai!J threatened t j lay waste the city of Jenr-alem, and lead j lb inhabitants into capii ily. . I He aeut tnca-i ' aenjers with a letter to Ilixckiah. wariiing ! . e , , , , ir-.i hi.., of the danger of resi.-ta.iee, defying the . .;nj.fl.r..-l .:.dto..,i,.fth.er Lc had -ained over other nations, ai.d al- fc ' - " , , , y i . 1 1 L-jiu over tin k irtii'loni of .ludea. lu tlis : xtreiuitr. and wiib no poibility of receiv- ing a.Mtacec frwui any ifdguburin nation, 1 trie pious Kinj llei-kijii sent a luessage to ( tiio projbet 1-jiaL. notifvin him of bis dan t-r; aud the) prayed unto I be God of their i.iiiers, btiieur.' that be would aSbrd the j rot. cti )u so mucu ueedtd. D.d the Lsrd disappoint their expecta- t.on' Was ihe ptoud and haughty king of j As-Min eru.i;:ed to iriuu.ph over bis fie- I tDti ? 1 he aii"tr to these questions ...... ii. .!.,': Le .li itiun ui i.uiuan..s,.rc ri ch 20, vs. Ve while the holy uieu were praying to the io-l .( b.aven. f.Uot.ndet.tlv reiving . , i ; ? l... I,;, u t..l .1 .:e.-t:.-:.i : o-.? ;,-7(-.r .' .iif r.rfy Art" of tie choice tLca of Setnache-1 l s ir.ii). :li: Kn;e's xx; w 1 l.lt u iu aur i. v. .w v . t , 3, ,r : 1 1 Le mr :f pru).-r is a'.-:o illustrated t. t'..e ci-.. of K'.i-Li. fhen sji rounded y t... a'luy yf Ueu-badad, Kin? of Syria lie bi -t.v -jp U .:e war with the Kiuji I-riei.aud uuderstinditgtbat Kiisha.by : - v.-e c: ut.-".. i. t r-.n-rviti. the tesiig- : 1. r; fi jLii li..iiij into u l o .ter, and : 1 u'.i J '.bit tlv tt:pbet rtsided at li&:bu, .,. Ill " i u. 1 - w: . si r: n j iuiijr L jrscs aud char- .jt fj3-t : si.l they came lv s'll, c-u.passtJ tta c.ly abo-t. 1 twenty loads kept without regard to the' i- "L.i. r'.i -triiLt of ;Le can ,.f oJ ' prefer vation of its more enriching proper- :.- r. i. .1 itd .- :.e Lit!., i-eb-iid, au ics Many a farmer, through want of at t e)iupaei the city both with torsi s tention. suffers his dung pile lo become ex- . . c '.i-i ri ii. J I'.- -en .i.t .- .1 unto u:tu, ,auted of its principles of volatility, long-.- i..t u.n-t.r, ;. s! .4 we .io : ' tefoie he Lauls it out to the ground for W'a- I'...; i. 1 i! u.e ". 1'. 1 i.e ite up in u-e and many, after hauling it out, per- . -n r. .V i, it :nj..it the eyes of the ruit it to remain unp'.owed iu for weeks, and " h- saw, and . t . :i ' . e iroui 1 j- f.,! 3fi10r.es a lid perchance, blames either bis land or rua atout K.iha. nures for tbe fau'.t which should properly I I-. : t a;. . d a.in, aid i.'.s enemies were tteu wtb V.'.i. :i.i", s:.d in t'.at condi- 1 were .ed iit-J t:.e niids? of Suinria, by , , , v r- i.l!. v :. 5in ti y LiJ Lttu sent t.. ..e-e ar 1 ? of the many (innt'le- ,i. 11 :t:i 1 it- ad !w i ffoiu tie U Tes- .1 t . but ' st any sbojld ir.fi r. that such rati in- !" tbe power of rayt-r wtu- je- -r tj t':.e :.ci'-t.t rop!n i-. we tain :.c N--w 'Ie;.u.ti! in search if .u.:lar n ; ". !jt.v tri'tiic.s u. ji.t te elf out of the ::.-. '. it w.li wi-.ic il oily tJ, a:.J i are rvcurdd tv J.uke i'. tbe A':s of Apov'.e. 1 1 h it r-r.iark..' le cil-; I ay ' '..e r-i'er of tl. Hslv iijvt it. ii.irifii: t- -tl-.. ai.i t r tii f.ne tbou-at;d r. a Tff tal c-f p jr.- re. i a that baa r i-i tiiall.d -ir.cv tlat tli.i . and n-ver ... be tonne end of the -J .'id l we n 'y '4l-ei-' per ro itu in t!.e ,u a-, u: per mm in tne J-r .-!. .." ui. 1 " a.; cjntin ltd witu e.jii:-. iij-.t sr.-i ul' ..ctia." a lad ti th- 1 v "f !'-n'ic :t w i f j!l ' com," ;.: a.- L:r '.. ti e (.roiui-..- of tie r. at.l ::. p-jr...-.; of Cbri-t- death (..-, o ta..- apo-t.t-s fwr in-ir a,, a. . intia . : ti ' si 4 ' 1 a L.'.'!.;y c ,A:ut u;il . ,.-.t fwi.ty e.t) .f ti.-- (.rue li tl jy are ia i I'.i.fi: pree.1 - v ana. '. .rile r-t-, 1- L jt pre .vi: i.o j r -i.i-e that w. -.- : u n.i i-niof th. bv f.r ai t..' e',.--',.; of re a- 4 ; tl. ) ... 1'ef-r f.'Ciii l H : i i a. ' l ,.e I J .il..;, f... Job '.' (.; irJ, ' nil I a't ; r- i.. uJ- d l'f r, f,J , at bin. an 1 0, I u.ii. Xj f.ir i . - ,.:,. f ., ft . ff l.i w , l: t- rrl.: ri,. j,., ft. . ". a'f-r t.e pe ... "' Le ui.;.' -jj . 'I a. n i.j ,.,g,lv . r t i i r.t in in 1 it; y ; re; i :iou tl it c : ' --t Peter s .o.f . t j, ..j aJ'iiti iii i, f.c nalta an I bar. . :. .' . ',;t of bis priou w.re ec- t f r,.r. r wa enrtfi.-n d l.r chains. ..I i i 1 1 . i ii i.i, .oi ii. a, and tu. re was a i.i ; .-la-, ai.. ; a- ..i. j,f. ,u J yjt ; that a y ,.. ... ,i ,.,,Wi etcejjt a ii i .. Yit !'.. .-. .'.'i !..'... v.-the . t l.''.e.', Wet t. .t d.aCO'.'a 'J. be- i .1 tn' a I j.Aer wa- in tt, ...I. of t'.eir iiia-tr !..i".i,. n.ij J.. . r men a. ri-.,i.e 1 t . . i..;r. if i, bad any it,r 'i'K It i.'iii t, 'ii ' ltT tb' r ii- mt L t ri r . j:. ; 1 it r j. r Wis .:.- the w,tj lii-au. i.ih.i.1 ,.k,. ' i.r "i:!.vif, K....1;,' il tl i.Ui..i, O .1 t jt biui.' tuat j'. '.iai pri'er et I li e dr rt- rjf J. , JJi JVcf, and tbo 'disci-1 I to rzend the I bad but a few hours to live, .1... ...... I - .!....... ;.,, In iiml whole Digbt in earnest euplioation, and even t.:i.. -.j: A .ttin ..fb tion, and even wrestling with F'-"fc - " God, behold on angel is sent down from heaven, the fetter are knocked off Peter a I hand, the puirds are thrown iuto a pro- ". fcu found Hlumber, the ponderous iron gato i. j 1 opened, and the prisoner is at liberty. Af-! M " r Iter such an example of the power of prayer . llr .... 1 I as this, bow coulJ the disciples fail to have reco urne to it in ail their times of trouble !. . Jo cloMni? these extended reuiarkd, we . j wUh to make three observations : and 1. ! , .! 11,8 F ' 1 -. boin individual ana iaumy. jamesu: n, . .... i . .i i. : ...,...:...;..,.. ,.f " ". . 1 dcclenMoo lu the church. J. Iu refereuce ..... Vh.dleh both tbo writer and v J. P.M. ' m . Slarifultural. CoVliUING MAXURKS. The following is from the Auiericau far- out. It is agricultural gospel sad 'boui j i T -ill ireuurrv vv ii.i-."1 i 'site voa n.oney an well as coin it. This is ' practical it has been tested. You ni,, j re'y upon it. Read it again. t I. .t (tks at .;,;. r,n. npoilf c nd lru,i, tat ma,1Uro is the farmers' gold , i . ,inc. 8n4 we will add, tbe manured U.r"r"J " -"ren, to prcvcunne the veL-talle kinguoiu u At blood is to ..'r CI ore. IUO-1 CSILCM V u I3e, Ul . , wu- . 'jure everv aCricu!turUt to exert himself by every possible means iu bia power to accu- ' mu!ute eterytbiug that ni3V be convertible 'into tnanuie, and when accumulated, to protect it from tbe .ana, wiud and rain. Hjt few ever tbiuk bow great a loss they . 1 sustain, by permitting their manure to be ' cxnoed. o the auu, the wind and the rams, and as few reflect that ten loads of manure, ' e; laken enre of, are intrinsically worth more and will ia further as a fertilizer than thus e(pusiiij it to further loss and the attach to hiui-elf, for having faileJ to pre j .rve tb'j properties of his manare. ! F.viry body of manure should be left , J C3Terei with euitu a tew iticne lu depth, until taken out for use, and when taken t0 tJtt gj.J (.hould be plowed in as speed;- y a, p -,s-'L!e, cr each pile, as thrown from the cart cr tt aaton, ahou'.d be covered with the surroctin. earth or soil, and that c;!,,.ft.,vJ w.th a shoel. Hut this kind ,,f cat", ov. it - It tbe bih price of labor lu o jr country, is tn ire than cm le expee t. i fr.ui tbe g-nerality of farmer tbere- ir. at fre-ent, a!! tLit can te expected is tbi. that the cattle and otbor yards .-hould be sufficiently dished iu form as to p'eveut tie ricboess of tbe manure from l-;ri wa-ted by ronijifijr away oa tbe oc- cirrenci) of each succeeilio aic ; that f - acli yard should be prorided .ih a large ovdy of roi.-b ve-.-talle matter aud earth say to the eiteut to six c-r iil'ht inches more in d'-pt'i iv.r the surface of each ..i .1 . a: i I, I...;... .r.....l ;.. "-"i I" . - pri - adinj t") borb tbe liquid voiding of t!i f-,c';, and that plaster of eharcorl be ,-treaed orer tbe yard every few days to arre-t the volatile, g-t.s and further,1 as the t xcreiu'-nts cf the animals aeco-; niul.te a fw iuches in denjh through tie , ti.ee sou.u rectire aUJitntiai coy ; of earth. i 'A. IVATI'jN OF ClCL'Ml;l-:i:5. ' l.a-t ' f rinj a frlei;d of u.ine and tny- f w.r;- f.ai.tlr. cucutultr at the samel I win p anting niii.e, as u-ual iu rJ'-t.i. ly n. I ln' a iitijiil portion of fta : man 'ire i'h the earth, fi J railing tbe I an i:.';h or two absre the aurface cf tie i yiu.l Ooaet..1! it, be j (,..;'.) rciiiark- : ' I.- t n.e lior vou b in to raie cu- ' T.'.r ' .N'evi.r having much luck iu l-t!.rr tlem. 1 cheerfully agreed to bii i ny-j -iti u. lie com me need, by making j !u iu the earth, at the distance iutcod',d far th hi.!-, that would boi l about a peck l.e tl.eri fiib-d !'.. 'u with dry ka.-Led . a-.lie-, cfvering tbo a-.he with a y ry -mall ' 'jiitit.ty cl eart.i. 1 tie av-'ds w-re then t piiuif.'l on a level niib the S"urfjC of the ground. I w -is willing to see the experi . u,ei.t tried, hut bad no eapeetatbu of any- ' ti.it. i. tut a iom of aet-l, laifor and ui. ; Hut Itnaine my aa'aOuisbmeiit, fiivtwitbstati u:i.,j a ilrjrer vason tn udtr knuwu, aod . aiu.o-t a ui.i'-rsal failure of garden tee- tables.) wi,u I liehtii tiiiet reoiarkab! 1 thr.lij, at.l a- fm a crop of eucuiubcri as any one Cjmd aich t'. raise, and tbej cou- tmjed to b-ar fit au uuuija';ly lou " J, Li! In j f ll : at' OU ti,e kub- . ) - :. but say tj all, try ii; and in. teal , .,( fi.nariti jour a-!is asyay, apply it' wb. r it w i.i be of me, au. y wiil reap a r.-li te scl." a .iu' m;r vturth kno-.vlv; I '...il a c J-.I.U eiueiiiueut with af;) pot it j;s t .i. season. Twelr oioutbs ailiee : taw a l.-tf-r fr--u a f.rtEer atatitig the rrlt ,u';ee-4 that iiad atta-ndt.fi tn exptr-j imect tba writer bad made in the previotia season. ' It cousisted in inserting a pea in each potatoo set, and planting the potato! set in the usual way. Tbe result, he sta each potatoo et, and planting the potatoe ... ;n il usual wiv. The result, he sta- " . ' . , , ted, waa a large yield cl peas ana a spieu did crop of potatoes, but the roost importati result was the cutiie freedom of potatoes ,i in from dtsesje, while all thoie planted in tUe . ., .n , . usual way in the same field were extensive- ' iy deteriorated. I was led by this state- , n ...u nient to try the cvpcrinient ou a small scale in my own garden this season. I planted not fiuite half a peck, only fifty sets, iu six r i . ranks, culling a pteoe out of eacb, aud put- c l .'it . ,.u, .in "g I - ? T V auu nounsueu itn, iu m --. .-t .. , , , , . v. Th- a..... r,.t-r...t v fine from ,, . ' , , j . i all taint or speck of disease, and very Doe , ... ,... , :u k.J ,1.,. tj them, wis' another lot planted iu the old ' ., j II leave your readers to draw their own; 1 1 coiit lusiou. LtUcr in the Jgutailtural CuztUe. TUK HOLLOW HORN. An agricultural paper says : " The dis .ease iu cattle known as 1 hollow born,' is .... .....) In V.. ..li. .,., I bo! ... -u. - -j tin ions of dollars in this Mate alone. 1 his ,. . . , j i ,i i l e .1 disease is spinal, caused by the uide of the annual auueriug to mo oouj oi lue o a, I sad preventing circulation and may be cured as follows: Kub with the hands.! m 'h as much force and friction a rs" 1 U, tie hide of the auiuial, on the tack , bone, from tbe tail to the borna, thereby testoriug circulatioo. Lvert auimal should oe exaniinea aoa aun;ecteu to iu process ( ; Small 1!eer. For making three gallons' - e o I of beer, or one pailful ; tske one quart of; est India molasses, one ounce essence of pruce, one ounce essence of wiuter-i preen, half an ounce essence of sassa-; fras 5 fill tbe pail with hct water, ruis , well, let it stand till it has become blood ariu then add one pint of yeast j let , it remaiu tea or tnelre liour, bottle, I and in three bourn it will bo fit for use, aud C j nrst rate. I - AYER'S ('II KRRY PECTORAL, MH TUK RAPID CLRE Of Coltl. Couch. 11 nil IIOIII'tl'IM'H. Rlnn n. Misa i-t'. I. li'.J. t M--n-st.. Iiinnwtua. ami Ux 1 ut'Cmaf '.vitl. isyiMii I.,. iii ho ). II lo mpe- ff4 ..r.., l..r 11.. tr.i I ,A tl.eaa 1A J..I.I I.IU!.. i.ik.N a.-sii.iir. m. i. .1 v.r rn..ari. r :-mr . r. ln.-..l . and l-li- ' th. ..M i r tliau a. wttUvbl It, or Croup, Whooping Conith, Influrmn. M-IS'.rin D. Ui.. fat. 7, lM. Biotrnaa m: f Witt cli-.-ifull crrtlff y.mr IWInrnl W ll.a t't r.owdv v l i"T Ih- Cl.r- tinpitic TO..-I. . uj.. an. I th cl.l Jiaraan ul elill.HMl. He ut tnur ir.i.-...li lu Ilia suulli 1i.miji juar akill, auj c 'iau.riJ out uilKin to ti.tr ie. IIIHAM CflNKLIX, D. All'iM.ri M.TatT. !.. arrican. 3.1 Jn " 1 Ua! i!..hi, Inltin-iil. wl.u-h fY...ni.e.t m In 1fi 'I wl.. . t...k 1A.01, t.tr'i...-a willMN.i rl-r. flita.ir In.l iur '.(. r.H i.jr ib a.loa A sur ...rt.ni.n. Tl.a 0 ,t .1 mn. f..:rvl tl.a ..raii.. in it.T tlir.aU ai.-i I.H.K' ; l.ia tl.sii i..ia llf Ilia la.uls UiAt ma run. U)I y -il. V or tt.li.M.-a ar tl.a .i.-Ml a wlt M lbw tv.t ran U'.v .hI m .ia..i ..ja. If-jtL-r, au.l y..ur r-aiaiiM. a Ui- u.aii a fr r.1 Aathma or I'hthiaie, find Rrnnrkitis. "Ml U.H. Hrj(K. I',., f-b. 4. 1- Sia : Y rtir rl.trrt Jttil la pcitvri ael.ont ' . h ll-.ra-i IU ki an a If. . II u I t -"a,r llaa laat l-.il -. IIKMlV L. I'AltKS, Ma.cl.Mt. A. A. V. M-f y. M 1... ALnlna, a. T Co, ..wa, 1 l.arn I iniH v.tluni: in.l to T.ill lrrv iVtfoW.. lor i.ll.a ll Wa n.i.'tit a l t T'.tumea fit a. Maura, bat the moat ca. .ti.c.ir r.af ..f rLe it tuea A U.4 reined la Ujutvl u. ita .- spen trial. j Conanmption. 1 P-nt.l,ly no una rt..a.fT baa r.ar laan kranvra vhirb i iurr.1 mi man and aii'.fa dancnMi cnaaa aa tl. la. fttaaie ' on Immnn ail caa rva. h ; tmt iaa to Ibum Uaa Ottri f A'ral alt .ia rah.f ai.l tomfort. Aroa If -x i V-S CltT. March S, l TiiT' rra. Irtf i.- I fal it a dnl. a.,.l a j.i.-a.ir V. i..n t.i wll r.ir ftm l:.t,m haa n .a- n.y ma.lhf lalai nd-e the .Ian. ommV i';,,', (ran 11. ' l-a. .a. I . . a. at-avtllT fail - haa. W in.. Ha lii.w ir till . mi ha.- lril Arta a a- t.. .n ..T tl. Irat mla-al mea all ar,,i,i . l-a:ak i'a.luUal;Ni.w Lfilylr. Ayer's Cathartic Pills. 1 U-M t),.ir r,.m-. r-tti. n thio tMt, nt parfrr B.ato. IiiTtiintTtt pro-ft Hfpat.fr vi.w-U l 'li. I'iLLM irtM tllMh SuriMtM tB Cl'Veta-tl'a lit- -rdll.J n.f JiCl l.w ll.fj Il.aU fi.a. ),) UB- 1 1-rrtvnlfiir up-wi iIj.- Mttwrii r f nil lnn. Tb-T ,rsM.S a'fl 'VaUfltft To Lake 'ant rtiit tn furc T1.)r (n-o-:-.t.v Ji-rti .'Inii.Ut- vimj wtt)tff the rj.-!jr, f.a Tf th- M.fSUaV li'TW rf Hal firafir.t jaflMfv the 1.1 af-1, tii4 jW 'Jl-aM Tlia-, aitTirt(Hit(brfiilhumvrai)ikb tirn-d Wtal (nw 4mmtlmr. tmmtmt ttiriib r diwir- ilUi-ftil Urillt.T e.-.h al. -I. tba cure Hat a,.Tala r.u..l.luU of I rrry Ualy. but a.M. raiiii-ul i and ia..(r.'U. d.aaMH t.i.t bate bsffl.rj tl.a b.;.t . f I, iiiaau ai.nl. Wl.il. Uiey (.r'nture a..rfiil .ff. tl-r ar- al lit asm, nn.. In .ti...inw)..-d d-aa. Ihe aalVat at.it l--al .b)..r tl.al ran b.- atnpl-.,.! Ui bililrar.. Im.2 .u.e".M lb. ) are laaaniit ti. tnk; and bHne; ara avar.t.l. ara fi.a. ft'., miy rlak (if barm. Cur ha. a u-ai. mad. MiT. auipaaa fallaf e-ri. tl.. i.- uu- .u 1., S't I.t Ui .tiii.i .n .if iiiilmth. Many ainiiia.it In It.- i. !..!: Ih' lalial-ll.fy "f ll'J ftn' li.. .Int. .thr I.... i,t n.a th .-vanran". .( Ila tr r..n I'ta .. that n.y l'.afa..araa.a enf.li il-.jl . iniiu.uailf In tlal rViu.-f id aa) fli. U J. aiitl-.lne Ml.. nu n. 1 h- A -Ml l I' ' t:ai1 ptaad U, furi.lah e"U) BIT A:..-rlan A liiia'iaa.ranla.n.ne J.r -rti. na f-.r tt.i li iim s.id .M,". a f th ir ' .ir--,. ..! Ike (.!.. .. inn .-unit -laii.ta . nla. ftl.ann.tt-n. tnr.j, . Il-aia I.. rl.nl li... i.... . f 11.- n.1 m 4 I'a.a ...-..r,. ..,f Ana-iit,, TWar ;, a. .hah na.uua an a.tu-nant K,nr l!ll. Tl..' atari. I a ka.He alixulatn a tha ...iai... aura many 1 ....id .-a la. aMi.iaa.-S ll.af rrauij l.y aniatunlcd Saaa.raiil. sran. a r-j. pr Al rai Adl a-r Areas ,-rta-r. Thr alk eanl fta. Iaal ail tkar f 9hr ltir, S-.-I ilir. a.,.,.,14 iial IV rrepnred by Dr. J. C. AYER, Fraetieal and analytical tbemiit, tewe'.l, llaet. l-i'f 45 ' T. rea tV. rri rVixef f.w $ I. a-it ar 1 II. M I'ltlTCMAKlf. Ch'i,l:ttt. HAUL AND, JiltVKX.SOX k CO, j CUui Irslvii, S. C , a la nr. k si:i'pLr of Ctntstablc Warrants K'JK SALK HKKK IN QUART BOTTLES. OR PURIFYING THE BLOOD, A ud for the Cure or ttiisrauiwi. Cirr Km -rn..vs J" iJ'a.oiri.i.T. Hhonhiitu, si.i K vsri rau, CoNsi uiTius', KtA'tH S'Mkii, Lcraiei-tAa, rr.HALH i.iiPLAisTi, L. i Ai r Iira, 1'implu, Hn.ta. (iiseiui. ltfcsii.trt, .v.o. lirv r..llnK rar rot-Urn' ni.il irra.l farlli.r nil "rll-mwilf.1 r.-i.iibtt..ii mi.1 il.-itil ,...n'nniy i lhl al'iablu nwllciii.. i.nivlii It u W liir iimwI vrti(..-lMlls Irnl ;..i.t k....... fc.r II... .nr. wl u l 1wm .rl rr..m Impam .1.1.' tl... I.I.- hI. h.IM Krw..l. ..iiM-l.tw ""j.''''j'i'','.I,w 1,11 .r..,K-....i. ..." - i. Hit, im.i.liljr 111. l...li llw patirul r.c. HEAXTH AND STRENGTH u.i,r n.i. m,.i. ii,n ........ mn ru.i.., tmk n.-w n aH. f.l r... , i i... r...i;i.i,. .-..iii-.i.. "J n, M.iimrv : an.i o t..... .nit m i-.n.i u. n. -.p.ui'iel cui.uiw. lu.riui.ij .!.. i its ri u Another Cure of Scrofula. . . 5 ! " ' M m A B A t "I",', V,. J" i."-l.?i li'i 'im ii'. V"v'. ..VZi'ZZZZ X,.V"i!Uir,CTi'rlt?;":rl.i ..n.i H givait, Um IHC C"iitil4rt1 I- 'a-lir-i- tuat tfl-U- ..Iti.-r "... I , rturly. thj waft.r aU-iWiti i:an a J I'.hii.maN 1 ..1 ..ld r A. It. A l. IMI, ,W..U Kr!ir.y. ROMAN EYE BALSAM, "no "n"',"a . M.au .v.,i.iun u . -..i V4va EYELIDS ABE INFLAMED, "f,', "T..TT.',-'!!ii lZ'TnalZZZ e'c'h AVrc"' " b " '1";;,.'rv'." ""'"t; ."J".Vkr'in",""t. tL'"" r uli'l't ant- 'it -m-. i,i, .C 100 I Vuill. I,l v- r,,l- S'-m r" r. C A 1- T r I O A 1 U & SALT RHEUM REMEDY, xr AND , Salt Hheum. Rm. Worm, Tetter, Scald-Kesvl, Barber's Itch. Ulotchca, e. I Ma.:TdUr-.crfla,rti..,iflnnnrt.l.rran.A i '.n', s;,VK..;T..;:.,u'.!fhirj,.n"i'!; I rt'Ti!.'. MrTJitX." THatuii'"" LT u,.klstiH'a"ur ti.r.'-'i.4cur!-i ht'.wn irnu' malj cmT ai.ii io!i.um- unaiiL b niioi wtia iraiioioriaiia ' rrjiarrd auj x.l I ha A . n . A II. li, '.VhA t', li. M. I'lalTOIIAHD. la wi.v's l oa.sr.1. May 4, . A 111; W a in ii 111: r RICH CLOSSY HAIR, Completely r reserved TO Tlllu GKHAIKST .tfa'lu. 1 And who )' '( ii rrav would nol tiaTc it rottnr , eii t.. K.rn.er con r; cr'h..l.i. ut would i...,e u.e .HI .rri.fu... ac..M I. .,1, r.r ..the, e,u,.l . .... but w.,l.be cursor w,lh I., .o a ..... (.eur. gi-j but w.,uU be ciiru). li will aljo r......r -.1 i.itiiiih-a from the f...e and ,ant. I r... .m.o a i ii i. . i . .. i flair Heat.. ret. vt will Co ail Una, eee circular and ( lue loliowiug. i A Aawii. .Vivrmiar , Ibj. I I'aor. O. J. ,i Ux.r . r : I mic I aril I nine i. aiu.i bf tin: uiu.'er iui tiTicltif i..u' !! .r Keat.iriitl'e, I.Ot hu'llir; Ih ii i.i l.ff II rhr. ted by UfKeiT and uiiack n.iatrun.a. hair d vre. Ar r. I aaUMd U. (..ace y..u. I(r.lur..tic il. Ih. em. C.U-ury with I .e tlt.tuaau.i ai.d.itie luu.nv irnnui (arl- d quit. rrn,r.iii-a, until I in. I you i I. rri.ci county aou.e moi.ll.a urce, n y. u i me such asi-Ufa line aa fnourr.l ll. trial nt )unr; litaii.rativc in ii. y '.iunly tir.l by my go.il itc,: hoae hair hail become . ry tlim i.iad tutKcly , wnilr, and beli.fe eihaualiiif one nt j..ur lar(,e h..lt,ea, her b.ir wa. r. .ti.red nrarly to ,t. m,t . liial beuuttlul brown rol'.r, an..' h id IhinkeneJ and !., L.,,. .,( ..... ,,,.. ,., i' otrr tbe Itead ; ahe c..ntii.ura t. u.c it, n..l a.n.uly becauaeof its t .rilifyiii eir. ita ui n il-r hmr. but baeauaeof-flalnoltl.ini iiiflmncc upnn tl.e bead and mind. Oth.iaof ,y l.,,,ly and Cm-mis' are uema; your .ral..rate, w.lh the hnip.rt rf. r beta; tnerehire, tuy aaepticiam and tinuLia in ref i en me t.. ita af-'''r.ct. r and taiuc ari intinly re i mined ; and I can an. tin mn.t cor.in.liy and nun. , ri,v.,ln.ll. rec..n,m.i..l it. u.f I., a!. 1 I... ......M . bare thrir hair r..t.,re.l lr..t ,le, .ray , hy reaa. Ii of sick it. aa or nfr.) lo iint'ii'.l i . ..r and : beauty, end by all )uui ( u.i..,i.s l.u haie their hair brimful urn cb ry. Very truly ..fid" ft. t.fi:T ,.. !Sll,(J.MnN MASS'. mmm fll.ISU lUOD. Il i if tune alt.-r I hirln-at Cftfiaideratmii yi.u r-..liii for il. Aain, 'try reapeet.uJy anil intlv. v-iia. MJ LU .M I'M '.MANN. fiat yi.r. In. , Jin. Sf-, l-i 2. I hive naed Pr.,1. O.J. IAi,.i'. II, ir It.L.ra. I ii', mi.1 I. v admired I la Wfinnr-rrul i If. it a. My hair waa I ..i.,ii, , I I i l . . n -j t . I . iieimi Inr. ly fray, Imt Ly tl.e use of hie lil..rnlive it baa re. .unt. .1 ita . r . -r s. u I colur, and, I have m. dnul.t periiiaturci y au. 8. fif! llSSla, e . rint.,r. I H. V). J Will. If tio., r-rnpriet-.r., HJ Itrn.H. way, N. V., !, ,e l.r. at N. ' l..hh.l,n..nt n.i.d 1 1 1 M .rki I ti el. rt I,..me, M ' k "- And sold l y all ll.npjiata in tl.e I n n and by . 11. .M. J'lUTilllAKIi, tlO ( Ituihur, A. ('. i, i) ii. u. n. o ii ii -VVril.M nesie'l to rirri.e Prnf. ..ir,..l falls .lepartniinta if .VU'K IMI and 1 1 StKl.f.Kl. Viileaa prolesainna I ly afia.nl, ha n.. He fniiiiH at hfe rcai-itnt . , Kurt Mill Oip-.t. y,.f' n..t-,, K.C. i Fill. Vi. l.iH. 1 If i i 5'sf2V - jjrf ' V'-'f-- -r. e" fK PKINTINU of all ainn. will be ne.ll, ar.ej earteni IiuumIs m f.r tiler, .fine N.trft. .('a. JiLANK I;KKfS for sal. at this ofltce ! rait Mt ooa . 1 1 Was a l.n a lime alter I naw i .... . . . . . . e .. .. .... . . witM li.e k Hid. a I lirnia, lutaaldn Iba eiliarne nil . ' ' ' " I ' ' I )-..ii .1 li.ia.fi. 1.1 b.lure I .,e bull e l If ,ir. " ' 1 , ,.,:," , ' . ' . ,c ' har..lte imd .nrruuuo,.,, euot.lry, lor tl pal. rt a. and II .-orh I. at im.I !..,.,l. .11 . r..n i alive , .r ......h ,,a , .ve.... order u, ,u, r,.'';;';', . -,V J , L7 I '-- -- ! 1 ' T "1 " iC-i.1 .n ).lr...l, and va lu n I ,-.t ,l ....... lud-d 1"'t,- V, u . IZ.ti. II., . I.. .i. the k-mwlenee iballhe bn ...Ill be e. rri, d on ' "!"" tm. .Inr.ee lo r.l y.l. l.r ! tu .. .Mr. !.,,'. Iieir ..at .ZZTu',, IuM.e,.,..n,"Kexn,d.; I.L , ..'-... " done. iVe'l ,l""l''"u', I I'n'.'u ''""'t , " h" ' y" ' 1 '- ... u.e.e ui.ac.l ai.a-t l..r all uracil..! ..,... V 8. WlllJ-VAXT. - .1 l"' '," ' , "--.: JAMES M. KIMIKV. COMMISSION MEllCllAyr, J 56 ivus si in tr. , . : i "ftL'YiJ and forward every kind of mcichan J 5 diz for Sj ytr cent, tummiwioa. Relere lo .;v,. 8wain unit Murcbead, . . WomiHii, J. v . I Ubrne, f. 1'. Mcndtnlmll, A.M. Gorman, Kq. ) and Rev. C K. iemn, lion. W. A. (ir,.U..n, and ( nthera. Vfitr m .Piano. Sli Wfuw, Orr"B. Iliirps, Guitars, Jlu-ie. Siwing M icliiuua. Iron 'Sulr, I'u in ti, l! 'rikii Kiijjinci', &". A arintej ' l't of all lle difl'rrriit iimkeis, lunrtf slid priees jam free. Publisher f an rliamit liltmgniph of i i.n iory AkI O'"." N.C. (l,) and the i Bitao. j ItHa i IIYSirUMj OB, l.MJU.N tiUUHTO llajLTH." 1 ii inviiluulilr " Jf utfrisrr shuuld b in rvrry 1 hi.uae. Il ircntsiil' oil ilirc.nis, bus n roiiu llnrsury and picseribc Ihe remedir frum nature s bounttous stores, lr all nur n.firinuifs and ml". Inrlui.es. U is printed nn tint wl.ita piper, baud, i.inrly bound lourib rdiiivn, 3UU pugts, aud is rnailtd fin for star dollar. New l.'naewood PlJlio", 150, I el,. IG, lb68. ly S. M, HOWELL, mm Saddle ft. Harness Klanufaeturer, I TilltEE rjOflKS SOITH QV THE MANSION IIOCUI, i , t 1 1 , (!. S I K,, X. V. I trAll liinrlaof Saddles and llarucaa nurlr at the abortsal ni.tica. J rft KPAIHING protnntlf eiecnted. I jjn lu less 3tf K2"And still they Cornell Henderson & Ahrens 1 l!B. rrtcivinc their r Al.l. and V IN I LR 8 TLX K ot .aaV ! IMMt'l'!s Slllll MIO!',' v.a-rM - a larire Sb.ck of CJIaOTHSNG, rmlir..cinf l oata, Vea'a ami Paula, in mrry , u nil ..n. I V. ( 1.11 ta tr t.t In l'411'.a aud I Veals at ail priera. All qiulilica of 1 Mill l. I'tvi ".', i l'aal, Tifa, ' l inlirshirln, Ac , Ac. I.i.na Calfakin Buotaat l. M-u'a Blmil SIk. at I 37 J first qu In au.ut lluula at 3, al... f'1.1 irVtV -..i-rra: v-i:.:: Sttrtiic t'irmh Mfiiiim. Ih l.uimi, (',,,,,.., IhltitT', J'., Dlunl.rtt. I , .,, ' , ... I.IVSCIJS, t IllUnClS, 1 1(7. Ill fS, Sirtt 7 uufiittachtd shuiivp, j ' Those wi.hing lo aucfiy tilcma,: .ra with any above Uf'a. aoij othrs n'.t herein men. ( timieii, will find it tn Ibair irtlrrral li rrinnnr nur G.Kid a and ir tb. be fur bu r inr On r (atwHis are i -I T,., i.hi., In .u,.i. tii.,.,-:.ra will, ana of Hie aboYe Uii.'f, and otiura n..t barein mm.' ffneu at LMsLALLi iO l 1K1CLS. btore tt prtpp' turner. il eni'Lrson Si, aiihkns. lata Kul. t rl aVD !acWiS Jooks rrt , Kr.,.tr,s . t M.airs th. I'srai ott'i ItrraTso9's t f .L oa.o ,.r N.w Muit. am. IU. I ...rut. b, H . V . II. U.f... . f K41 ri,Jt bf k , , t Il . a. v. . a line, br .N. r. W i.h.. Tm Two Lights. Vk.lit oa 1 lit Caoss ami tut C'auwa, Ly Mra. M.li.i. a!.. II iui aeon Tin I 'ii nti i.a or Lire, a b.o oi' Krr. un.l.a t la I li.it I.l r0 a, ill (.ri.f.l ty al. one, Ly K. e. II Na l.n, I) V. 1 . .),,T,,i01 KtlLlM. t.oou, l.r Jubn Youne. t , !' u r lluiaritui u A mi n. t.f I'i.oiui, by Mi a. Ia c Tut C.,i i,r I.toa't. yUr. Miara t Rial rri.a.TAr J and TMa Pooa Gt. Tlruav: three 'laica bound in nlie '.ilume. jlMi, . ,,, AVIiSO Mo,BO. ..... .. I'S. BI I AH'TIC r.irttinti 1-. j. LowniE. f aarfaffe, March S4. t-57. - - - ' -- J (if or I II-I l'l I ll.'l l.'llitat AM) Plaraxlne cf Useful Information, f'HK un..i r.ip nrd pn.n. aea to piil.liah ':'rff fUbtcb,. avw.1 eaae.f J..f n.i, ot "lc 'bnt title, detol-l rieloaie. le lu Hie aiesem. hui.-ln -l luforn.ulioii. "ct J-umal i. lilt ly i.ery in. t-l. nt 1.1I11. r. . a. ho ..ra.n a lu Imm alalia... qu utited with lie rr.oiim a of II. e Slat, our re im ut et.i.dili.in, future pr..arta, Jtr., and t-y nnne I. aa bv our kitaiuia. 'it.. I we hae nu r. ptut-ir ayatrm of alatiali. s, I t. ana ealil of InaUriaJ. oft. n publiah snlualde atafaliciil i bn mat...... which I eitl.tr ha!, i.r if preacrttLd by . v.ry 1kw, i. ei itirui.anititt lo 6tid l. t. a.tit ' led.lhat tl.e funs are a.,l furjnlUll. Tbe Same; ii...y be auid of Ibe Hetmrle and Hta It-men la fioin I Line I. tiiH fnade by utir incurpuruli .1 e.iiiipauia., f aiidul..eie eiiPHed in -tai.d!ai '.urea, jliuue, ton.. ., ,.i ... , . r . ' ' , . " , ,.,ree ..... b,r perpelua, p,lKr'ao, .. 'well a. , l., (.,ti.e, 1,., all e'k.Ubi. resources, tderyllii.., ""' " "" """ .11. .H f.ir ...it. I patri.iitifcie. N. l.r i the pial. lur Hi.iiiloi.li l.e Ihe amie ha en .,.,.lr..l,ti,e p...of li.e e-TA'l lT w I be -TrOT ,, . , . . hi. I uuiic l.pf..,e...e.,u. .M.nu.at.urea, i-ialm. ;., I Mn.es aim .tj IMalialica a. neral.y, as will ui ti..,r enudiii... and our pr,...r... , ,ael.. livnad le contain the Krtiorts (ra). I Jmird) uf Ihe fulino Treasurer, (aminiiaamiiera nf 'l"ku,l rund, feuprfiiib nilent of I ...iii.i.fn feh.Kile. and all ull,er.Sl .l. Dlliura and t.aard. ; " '"" "r"1" uou """ prore.s of Ihe rmua Kailrmda and Nasi. f..l,..n cmpaniea. 'I'AllST will U put I.i prrsa aa s. n a a s. ITieM-nl .uimUr of n aunnaili!.- names are ..n. tamd Ui pay li.e eapenaaa of pahlieatnin. The nmiihers will cunUm ei ., not l.a. ti.au I jlj p.. If a ul tli.atiypfi.iUd ...alter, making s p.. nl 3. .11 p.gea, or mure, tn nhiih will he a.ldi-.l a full and eutiipiete in del 'I V. U M !H .' i Tnarc liifnaa per an. .'.in Out iMi.Ma s ' I iflT ( ore, lur ai Iriunll.ei pariihle Kl.en tl.e firal i.tsmlaer 1. really fur public .linn, w inch furt ; : . . . ' . . p ' "' ' I" ...., au atairuiiiin ,r J ..nn. I w ill i nd lh if I. na. In Ine u r.irn.d Hltli'Mlt C. l y, as It IS Ur siratlia lu laaue tile fl number aa auuu aa pokeitk'e. I CjL'KNT. LL'SHKK II -imrntrf Shrrifr n,l (lt f1,.i ...f. I , .u ....... . '.r 'a rUH SALK IILRE. A. A.' I.-3I. T A Y L 0 II Would repfetfulljr snntince tn tbe inbabilanta nrCHAIiI OlTK and .riasil jr , llml rt has r'mntrd from their Ola Mand, to No. I, Granite Row, w here tin bus now on exhibition, just renad fr.-tti th North, on of tbo moat itsiiv aanrlmenls of i f QJ Frrroflerrd In Nirlh. Carolina, anion j which will I K J -m.' mmr'.sV3 b haa rainrd sneli a fanmoi reputalioa i 1'l.ia M'.vo be warrants stiinrrior tn ai.y t ooainka Plotr now in uar.lt la aiu.i.lr 10 its arrai.in ri ronau inr a Iraa fuel, and li.'ra n.ore work in a iim t.mi . II an ry ul) . 1 Si t, 1 .. IR urt, le , ; put ni nc brsiii anr otl.rr floac nf the i..mr utm in tbr I'nitrrl S'sd a. and if II dota 1...I .1. na work ta a liu.c , n will forfeit tbe i.riea the briler unt. PARLOR II . "d eoi.atanlljr krep un hand, an eitnae rrix AXI) shi:i;t uio.v ;;. v iu.'i Ti.i .v, r.iM' uto.v m;itsn:.ttts, HAT HACKS, CHADLES. &e, &c, Allot Ultlrll IVlll Itraolfl, liolaaulr la Mil ft (II It. a 111 11 per lllUII hua 1 vi r ba-t'ii nlleri il in I Ilia V infill j . I wi.ii 1.1 rrlurn ti f tlmnla tu inr fiimda anil cu-l. m. ta f. t the inj M n..l 1. a Iran i llat ,., beatfiavfal Opnit us, ami liny may real aaauri-it, l".'elher uli a d. Irrininaiiuii lo pieaae, t.i ti m im'mz "wet Lailics and lactii fnin arf puriiru'arh N. II I ill tell jou why I heart n.y autrf liarmenl Wait ea ma W aBo.a," .ft la breaua wt bare three atisi eunaunl.'y traxiiii.f thtoul. Ihr rum It) with Mo.ra. " "f Will r IIIIIIIIIIIIU i 11 'I' I T I A I) """""'"' I ,1 tt i j Liicoumffc Home .)(Iiitrv i m ItiKY I i prepared tu fiil ail orden O'KubrtL 1.7.....,.'..... JkJ urdt, H rU '.;, t'arjti ( ham, H riifliintf 'I'trinr. ',r nf Inth cr Ihe puilx. I ''i.UtH lUlf!S'lZi I fry Jhtt.il, h it. is .kilif i i ,, j.ro)uc, fc ,. 6n4 , ,,. lo uw . A1f 0,der. fr,., . diaunc. U .ut,ld,ulo .,. ,,,..,.,.,... 1 r , , a.. . a f J MiPON.I.r " ' ' 1 "'i" fewetd. Oct. t?K. ISJC. 3if i3Cf" Dissolution. j f WW t c..(.arlinrali.p liirrlx .re n.alilij tarlwrea i n Utlial C..na- 1.1 Al prr. r.qnealrd tab, ri'i-p-rtd a ... r.ia. . a a . 111 tl.. .niuilfl Ihr ; eue aa i I- w daya aett i eats JONAS Kl lOKSlLL. 1'. d. Ilia:. ANT. A a 18, is .(Ticr. f.iui.d at n.y Steam al! u,.t. I..r Irnl! alii! be f.iui.d at n.y Steam ri.mitif Mill, I i.p.i.d In fill .1! . .... ta I..i b'ii.i, Ulinds nr.d Doors, with aa pood I.uii her aa the o-unlrt u ff. .r . i-ennt i ente n.y attention n...n- ..n,,ii y h- p. and BUiicit ofi't hut wurtt i if I.umUr dmti ta on.tr al t.mrt n"t;rf lnn. mi tic: n U pa .ti ijtti H h r r-f ihr ork . J. l'.L'Mill.L. Ag 18. i?;;. In Ihe fiim-Laret..! eaia'tny ! nafl.e a.1 Hnrtiaitl At H l.lan.tit do ar.' In li.e ailiibal Uriu-ga luwatda the i I I i i i M III If'C.'.tftOf.I A r.utual Life Insurttnce Company. orrit t:. hAL.t.ii , t . J I fBIIIIS lun.piny insures ibe here nf inrM.ido I JL 'ta lur one yrar, a brm of yeara. r b lue. on ihe Mutual I rinc.ple, tl.e asamed lur lilu pr. "n.ed' ',.7 V. ".Me Uif l ;w,e1 , pr..lll)um ,,.,, ,,,. , ,.-., l .,te may b r i. n f..r onn.nalf Hie sin. mill ol Hie pr.nimui, bearing mtcieal at b per cent, without vu.in.niy. ,d by tin. e.imp.ny , lgetl-r w ill. fbe l,,w - , u:h h are liwd to insure. , ..,,.., , ,,,, f froln OM ln eB- . . ,i , .1 . . i j " ' . f ,, ' 1. ' " ,7' ,,h V- ...- ! " ........ , p. au. .. p.. aioicu. .1 ,., ,. . ... ... llVr. U I. ' TT V"r- I'r"' l'."" w" ll.ild.-n. V. (.K.ke, J. C.. Will, .ma, II. W. I yu.linoB.i.bee. V. t. P.;.eud, H . II. M. Kae. K. I Ibailea U. Uuot, t). U.( f onlr, It.ll.'d II. Hall OrrlCtRS. Jlr. I'harlea 1'., Ji.lmann, President. W. W . H.ilden, Vie Preaideiil. It. II. Itiillle.f.ciil.ry. H 1 1 at II. Jin.ee, Tr nr. II. VV. Iln.t.d. AH.,.ne. Ifr. VVsi. II. M. bue. .M. diral Eiiaiisar, i jar l.fne ( urn mi, (J. Ilii.U e. V. II. ,Mc i k.. t l.allea II. It.a.t. i MiJinit Itturd of I .n.uffebrm Cbarlra K. 'J.t'n.n. M. I.. Will .. II. MiRer, ,M. I) ItiMi'd II. laTwo..i!, M. II.. Fur luitl.er inlurniatii.n, the pnhlie ia ri lir. I r. d lu Ihr prtsHphlele.end him I may be ..l.t.u.ad at the dlli . nf pffH-aii 1, n l.irh i of the (....lip.ny, l.r all? of lie Ak-enilr.. uii.oiun.eati.ma should be s.l.lr. s.ed, (i...at. " , a. n i"' n fVryifeaafcer n, IrCT. ai-i. i S.H. RANSOM. UXS. Tfcr3rJ i aLMNY. N) illE a' as 'B.'JVm m' sells blovasM chasp r yea bis H'WtLS (turn the Manntaciurvrs. WE-IB bs found the eslebratad ML '.' tfj -aWaWjafa tbr S..ulh ra (' unlr for tl.s la ilrrn ancmil ol Ihr hua, anil qwil orllmr and an bio saal'j ,,, BOX STOVES. uid tarnd abik of ll.-l I ah.ill fn.tiat.ir. by 1 h.ac allr,.tn,n tv hua.oaaa ai.d a .-. a e..hl.im..r.-, of ll;. ,n.r. xmz i uz&Lh mm-v hhiIh! lo i2il i mmrnr his lork- Mill l UH,UH IIIUIHHtf to Jt A. A. Jl. l 1 LUii. . sa."!ew MvtabIi.hmenLKi HIE i.,. i. i( catabliaiM-d blinar.f f T nia in-n i ti l i,. rl .II. .inlrn.la t.n j.. g .,u Ike lufauw imt kf..n..lim ul kuainraa, eir ! .N'lifr V'iti";, (' Mil Is Jirll l!t,r i.is ; .''i-'f rr, Pnt;t ,' ,,' itftiq' Mr';t "'fi ,iy.,iit,i ; Cvnij-u. Hiion Mill i ,,n,l liii'i (if the ,vt tfitnlfr kuni tun 'i nn. ti nt, utr,i tu inyri i,tr t,i i: ,;, r.'A.r i tiui Jur aV'i.V i.fi iff tmtj j'urpntrs. Al! ..f ti e il..ie l.rari :(l 1 Harrsi ( u luro ui.t in a workman!, tr alrir. t aiarli ruakera Al rfietenre thai wiat. to bare ll.en wta u m I wi.l give (aartieulaf a Haul. .ti ta d aiMicbm a; aa aMfi fu.iiile. r era. .tie a I a dial aura i.l,,i ( (.una altered ff. ffl.t lo parr uaai'.n or ..Ihiranaa- (. p. tr. .i, if t liHifc.nv, .11 kae Ibrlu rrpairrd and lelarmd i ll tl.e a aarte.l ltfie iaMiLle. I r.ld ,.a ..j, nuiiiWr f refafeare as in -ran jr.,, ii. bul I lit. iu it ...i,r.a.a.r a a. I ,,! , .,, , f, , ,.,,,1, feu U ( uW a... ...1. ...... .... .. j I I Jl iPllf.Nt. will lie raah. j IV. a. iae am II al el.n,., i.,,h c'tberMit I II ne and kit S. or te Otera aa a. W ilam' ( .1- flag. t,.,j,. JOHN M. MASON. ('). Ultr .Verri IS. .Kit,. ajt Valuable Plantation Jut .s i.;. f - riMiK .iUt.br .r,r. r.r yj Trj, I a.lr I., a IVintat,,,,,!,,,., v'j I'm i n.if.. S...II). frum t l..,...ti.s W rotilalnine; Tli aeraa, i. (., snrislaa i. li.e Lands ol lfr.Aa.bfc.aa, lfr.'latir -a era. It H.a a gw.u m.p an.iUa.y kuwae Ua-n at. al J.1..I al.l.l.e, I ul nl.it I. baa a I. .11 an It c-.nl v.. I,. .1.1 r. uelini as rn. uKli Inr 3 . r a b..r . , a ;i d i nk), aVe. I pr.n t',,. pl.re . . f r.t f,t, m ,,. , w I ana ) aka.nl Hi aetrs fenred mi. sb-.ul 1.1 ninth ta in a a.. I mt.,. i. eiHt.a.lion. I lb. nil P1 tr wiml.i ni l any iii.i. it, t i 'a.ila. lie . 1. I . I,, Any p. ie..i ,.,.!. In unh. Una l...e I an .1.1. .e a I.t a. in., l.tn.g u,,ol. If ( bu I r I r. . I, jn.t i.L,,, M, .u. I.', u....-, ...ar tl.e M aaiin'e ft .ry rea.i !S'I H1MIKN R TIMIVKU. Aen. 3, Ir-i7. Ill' ' . 1 1 V J I IM .tl I I I III', .., fo.igl.s, '.,1.1k. I tl uen... C..al.ek... ... a . Ane. u..lie ol tl.e K it. m is aim lllad.i.r. (.i.i. I Gunnrrbna, (ileal, tbe Ii ill s, W mkm aa aid ' ulli.-r l.n.ale I uH..Uiiila. I'nre i r bottle, "i I ,, ,,,,, ... O'old aMmc nals.nu, , T , ly.H.p.. Hilleta er Tinrif unit h.nlne I . . . 'n " ' "'"It"'. . , a. . a, . Ci,l eilii kalialaef un in Ihia ae. iH'ii nl reus- ir'' Al.,i..,s Al.ll.rr. , ail, . a b.,U , ..,. 0 ;-. l I... ..r.er f,.., , , i,y .JJl . ,.,,.., B. , b.., l!. ,,,,,.,1, drmsnr!. Yea will n eaae send me a 1 large .uppiy ul II aa auaa aa yon get boat. J. R. CAlal.HaM. AO! M X W ui W. banurfa. W anea b..tu'i K T. I.m.f , Huekllighaiii ; I'hil. 4 Yo( .. tVleruld T. i. Mull.. n a tut Dr J. t. C.itiier'.l ba.b He; I A Nill and i. II. Lnni.a, S.l'.l.u.y ; ai.uK. I.i (y, I. as tilt; Inn. i it. i ni h it i , ,. r.y H ll.I.pr.fl ,. , tl,,., . djniriinrr ertju ,,tee.i...iai bu. - Ill 1 fw tire an.l will aft t lira an.l will arten.ff i sun -a . n Ir ii.l.i.l t. 1. 1. r-a I ktrivit; J,m. a... . f 41 . ' ?t KI'KX ? f-)r aaht at thi office lili.li.ia.