From Iht yitrbrrn Vtrian. flir Orcul HuM llnuil C. It brullnii iH.ffrwberH.-- I Tha celebration of tbu ootnpletion of (lief could- 'rt ''"fe nulling of Atlnhtio and North Carolina Railroad from Nburu taolilboro,'Hi.iecffin thi place on Mm ran ay mo nu npni. . , According previous orrano-ementi., triiwt of curt from the North Carolina, the Wilmington & Wcldon, tlx Raleigh & (ia., ntid tha Western N. C, Kail Road, to-in-thor '!' tlto bclotiginji ou the Atlantic Iliad, .or ruu down to New hero on the evening of. the 2Mt, the day preceding the erlehtatioii 'be ''rs' 'fain arrived about 7 o'clock! and contained the ' Onk City tlm-vd," of Rali-ipl), ailh a large number of other visitor. Tbe ' f)riird " were ae- rnnipatiivd by the cefulruted Iliebinoiiil (...I i rb lisoonrcil excel rnt inn. in nt emne the Wilmitioion A Weldou train i,l,i, h arrived about I iroV-loek, and contaio-I ,l the Wi!niinton 'Lij-fht' Infantry," lb I i;,.imi;i Volunteer," the " Rifle ( 'a'tlet M ned lb " Howard Fire Company," in their I m.if ..mi of Klm.'d ep, afu r the New Vork l laiiion, rrd xbirta and durk pauia. They j l id their Knt'iiH a ery hno oiie atth t'i'-iii. AH of these latter Comiianira l,e. 1 I.iii" in Wittiiivipf fori 'which town w a well ' 1 06 "'""'er, a on the preceding day, wa r..iM.oeil of eibt Urpe pasnen-er ear and , delihlfully mild and pleasaut, and every- llu Ke Psr4 i. ru,i1.pp(;(.Ijt thing aeeiued propiiioun to render the jour- l.i'l.t lufantry." and the " LafayctU. Lihti'7 ih ritUt home, an agreeable IoLntry." of K.yetl. v.lla, a creat ! ,..ber of other p. r-oua, every car being loft the depot, auch checrin?. hu7.z-.b- ,-'-.. led l iin unim-t capacity. luring us "( of haudkerchicfa and '' t,i ht and the in it moruiiij; .cvrral oth- ' Pl"'". old Newbern never witiiea.ed be- , r tram, arrived, which brought be.ide au fdre- Tbe H N-bcru Liabt Infantry." anx- number of other vi.itoia, th.-" Uow-1 ,ou t0 "10 l"our to wliw.u honour ia due, . ..a.,: I .".-.rt ';.!, , , I .1 iir. ,, .. Iluird" of llillalioro.'" boUt4 o tlock in th afternoon tbe alea. r l'aiii ltro,of Wsabinytoti, arrived, with tl.e " P.n.pliro l.uard. of that town, and a v.. ,.r nib.r i.itnra fr.n at, I th njrrouudiu" country. J The diflou-ot timpauiee, aa'thev arrived, I , -oriedb the t'omniitteeot Arrange f r. fre-hmeul and r. no . plan- j. .. .. 1 .. .i ,1... i :i , Li' U Ii.f tnit v." brought thoir teut-1 " . . a ij iup iniiiiiii". 1 , b l hem, and tbe Ac-demy Green, Up ,h Ibi v wuepttcbrd, rr. r.riited a pielur- , . ie an 1 rniaime appearaneo, er riauy j . r iil.ta bad Ucua put i b put 11, tl.eto .i night. " Tltlt CtREMoMl,. At an early Lur oa ik aiomlti. of tl.r uour on IU tnorutnr or Ilie ci. ). .ti.t ('nn.nani.-a un.lj.r il..-ir I .111, tl.e u i; tciu ompaoie. umier "i'""r I c - .,ru..o.1icrr.. a..e...t,l.-(l on Itin Aeade- i.l .rei-n ll.e-ll.k ( iy (,uar.l, nma i ah' ut I1' meiiilra, ere eimrtun d b C.rr K . Tuekrr: tbe " ' a L'l'ht lu'atiirv." naniHj-riiitf about 5ir aniHj-riii2 about 5 i 1 ,rinl.r, by l'ajt Ha'l j the " ficrmtu o:-V'.'et-ra," by '"apt Criib !on t!. Wil ) -! ' K I- Ca.teta," b) I'apt. I'.iane- ; ' luJpedent U'hl Iufauiry," niiinbi r j ab-iut "! member, by laji,r Wallnr Jirn-hon ; the " Lafayette Itil f iifalitry," n.t.rrin(( about 50 member, by ('apt V h u II Cook ilia I'a.rtp.icv tieatd,'' nuiu-.-r-iijr al".ul iamlrr by Capt J. H. 1 iru.. r , tha " Kowae K.fle ti jirdi,'' about i i ikru,l,irr by L'apt. Ilili; the "Oranjte 1 i r i," b'ut 4' n..ti. I . r, bj Capt J jik-;: N-alera Lieht lu.'" na.w ; . :.out 4 1 memUra, b, C.;,l. J. V. I emuanii parilvtl n-l ..t mn.i m. rr. I in the atresia, on tha Green, and . .n u. ar the Uailmrd drpot l.ll ! ,r I I o an H.e Aead. i. . i l .i i ; ' i I ni v ' r.-en. a m re ti.a in oci a - d I,- tH Msr-bal! of tl.e dav ! M J II Crk fd lia -I laLl W and W a, Lane. K-qri.. in the ! ,.P . .rtl'-r ! hr,l The i ff. re i4 Military Couipaniea lr banda uf lue4C, t. 1 The uard Kilo CoBipany, r! Judaea uf the tfuptiior Cemrta irih Ki Goveri.rf and Officer of it F.f h -M...iiera of the fie-pal. I . I M'lTiT ,i,tcl' ,llJ I -aj fia'it. , J -icv,uth.-I.d.torial torpa. t -Oth. r fe,U and eitnena. I I "J"''" h;"l? f-'". "r. n .h.u e di.B I.n. U-.-ck MrevU to 'u I 'U'V' d I:-, , ""ak. "Tl- ) t, .I .an Mi. file to f-cjuih r r t.t tr. ct, tbe Itaatnu lleqaa, wbert the oratnri nVu.iiif eleravmrn wer. ree.ived in' 4e and placed in the rroce.,i , ' fhe broeeaaie.. then bed down Sjatb ie proee t Slr.-rt lo Craven tMieet, up (graven ,).. I.. 4 . . . . '.. . i. . j ' ih. were t-trfmed in tbei'f,cr "'li -" l!roUtion.ry rd.. r.l l..r... t.- it.. IT.:. .4 B-t-a l!nd fr.wti the R eeifinj Ship I'etiH- h 'iitii, ata'ione-l al Sotfilk, alii. h ilia- aoina drii.ij't'.il qjtlsie. -.emd ',,jr,t y lUv.T.U. llauehtan ' I btr.l Ii.itruniri.tal in-i.. ' virih A.IJt.aa I; the Rev. F. L. ; 1 ilili " The OKI Nurta Slate " aa ung ' M !li eh'rir and all preaei.t i ,Kii h - Adtlreaa l,v II, nrv W. M,!ler F.-n .' V vi iti Inirumental u.uie. ; hurr .lit l;,.ucJ,ciiaai, by the Rev. A. R.v r a.l.lre..r. .f lr. l!..k,ai,.l Mr Mil-1 r elo....i,tly . erteefuily deliver-U ,. i. , , ' , i i-i1 ""ill mi Ie pre. -ut. It war a a,,eU.U. I ... ... aim iu no. -".. - f'ottMi hv tlin-o wli'J heard them F I. ril.ilion nf I ho alM-ak- i'J the audfriien to ei.i-et aoui"ihirij ' titau ordimrv. oui. I liiuir tmeuliarlv N anil eut.ll J.niin-r. a nil tl..-v wore lu.l . e ' ' pollliail. i ;. pioe. tl.rn re formej n u r marrh- li i the llaiirn.,! M VI,..,, . it..)U .liiiner was I'urt.-tt ottna worn firo.l at .nnri.a nun V .iii..-t. .,.,1 r,r, uiinni guna wer 1 Niiouoliout tha daj. The different., loilure. 'J'he courage or mouev of f the town wt aUfl runi at aunria".' (.f .cljem ba given out, and ah ia ad ( -livili... nf t.i Har were elnard hv 1 f... t.i tl.o l.i.,Vi,.t l.i.lilor It I - fe Hiiitoua hall and aupp.-r at llio Hail- w;u 9,t ar oeeau of uuuiev to put ber en ' "' 'pities in operation, ami lit ber out vritb all ua emle-! !l eerrm iiiioa of th eele- : t,0 triiiiiuina a flrst-clasa atearuer needa ; ; - "n Apru, i-.ii ; a aay long ' """ ii'iered ia N.wbern. nd, wit " t ". in North Carolina. T n in Nea-' M , it waa peeuli.rlj rratifyinjf to see j v .. our irienoa irom every pari oi ' od old StiPi , attendance al this eel- 1 ' 'U. It liv.peaka f ir the rffjrt of our j la the great eauae of internal iiu- f man! and the eotnme-rnial advaiineniout ! ' -ro-pcrity of our Moved "old Alb-1 S the hearty good wi-hes of our aiater m ' "'J1" 'I'1 o eVerJ feion ( at. Too ui uuh prai-e eannot be a- I d pood hehaviinr. It w.a naturally ' the Fayettoville (Tetineaee) (H-rrtrr, wri " eileetd. wl.rre sural aa imin.a,a line from lWsa Station, Jackaoii county, I I had eaihrred loga.thr, aa waa in thia I mi last i,ura,iy, that there would be " A largo aorrel war loaien iwe mare oo.e i -mount ,f drunkeoweaa, tihtiiig and !a abort tim ainoe -e ii a mule ami Ike ii ...nii aoeno ol every deaeripuoa acted ; but, it affords much plcaanr to I ajr, (bat thoe who expected to ace auch !lliifiL' were a-jrceably dixnrpoiuled. A' the kind. J ever, within our recolleotion have a acen half aa many people fathered lojellier, for any pur pone of oeil rejoicing with one fourth an little disturbance calcu laietl to mar the pleasure or tbe oreai-ioa. To our ai-Ur town of Raleigh, Wiliuing-j ton, Fayelteville, Washington, Suliabury, od Iliii-boro,' i would lay, you aliouid be proud of your cititen soldiery. We ven- lure the asuertion, that nine better behaved, ' bettrr drilled, better-disciplined, or better-1 looking Companion of ci linen aoluiery never graced with their provnee any public occa : ioo. They are a credit to their respective towun, an honor to their profeaoion, and the prwe 01 ine - .orin cinie. isuriuj; ,ui' bort May here they endeared them- ", ,vc 'o our ciliirna, and enperially to the " v'"b'rn Unlit Infantry," who itaw them -ll'Pr 'rom '"''r homca with rejrret. !"" uioruiiijr at an early hour the " Newbern Lijiht Infantry," together with a '""'g number of our citixeua, ri'pairud to the '- f, ' o 7'"u '"l teO'ler a farewell to our bonourcrt gueata. aaiuten tiie Uillrn-nl faiua a tUev hmarit. I which aalute were anawrrrd by thnw in ,ue e"' '- prolonped cheer for our T(". " J'" "f .ruter," our " L'e'" l"f-"try." Hr I Oeljck til the afternoon the last of ,"' Compani- a that were to go hy lUi!rod At & oelock, the only remain-1 '"I? .onipDy, tho i'n.plic0 Uuarda," of our '"u r to Wahinglon. took their de nnriure on tna iirimrr i-amniicn 1 na - - r . 1 ''S'1 Infantry" ma rciiea aawn to mei "harf and formed a line in iruiu ui inc ri- - "" u"" . lo ' ' ! , -- - - - r - - - "-'"j. -' .aip.. -a- 1 " , U . . , mt r l j . .1 i . - , , dei.ol iu the morinnir. band in otie of the- ' 1. r .- .- 1 ra ruck up a fjiuilur air, one wlncli I 1. . . . . . teon, a verae of which we appeo l . i a the eouolu-ion of our feeble. d. -erii,tion r.L. ., l!u;..,i ; V...V. . , ' It aiwava hrit.; a aifl. j U'lt .r In n.r tll-il iN'tlvr Wnrd Twl c a, Uvut the l.erl uvd-bye. j what rttte were tbe rclatioua between Spain Mtvv lo IV'Mrtot or I'bam. k The and the United State, inasmuch as tele Loudon eorn-p'Ui lence of the New Vork graphic de.patcbea stated th .t the lat ao- ,. - , f eoanta from America epoke of rumor of I omtnercial, wn.mir under date of April, , r . . .a 4r bttweco toe two couutrte. I6ib, rayi "That which waa plainly -tated to the j rea l.-ra of tl.c t cmitiereiJil Aderti-vr two tiionlha monitia ago. u m.w brooming a rcenguitca eon - emio ou all a.d,a. A war fore-d op-, oe ui nv rrante ia aum:ua rv a.mot an " " pstl, aoJ by many to t.f probable. - The ejlent to whieb euia eoneiuMoo ua trained r.iaand waa - a iraor din aril v iilei.tra. trA ikr.o ,....L,i. in a t..a.ainn in tke -.....- - - - .- M'"'' 1 omnion ou lilt navy eatiiuate. 104 lou', waa enauimon on tl.e neceaaitf ' S"t '.! ' -efenc-., and .hen - r guarded eaeh fv Li i.n- ar 1, .i wa. r.nd. r.,1 .r n.r. i.i la o a i-1. . 4a niedominaut in tverv mind. namely, that th (.'lantie preparaiiona croa tbe ehatiixl ara Icyoud all precede ut, and aan bare but a m?l objee't. Of eoure .i t r .i .. i' i . m far aa rm,.il,le to i-.ii.e their belief that Knm-rw ba aat ill de.i.-n.. by Mii-2c,. tine that however much we miBht place re- lianea on bia pjod faith, we bad oo guaran- t, e that bi. rule would be, and (uitt thu . mhf wo ih(Jll,, , r.r jru.,4; they all admitted that th. aner Kranee were too pal- or neglected." ' A -HAI.mJE hen Jud.-e Thatcher many jeara ago. . a member of t.oii,-re.a Uo,u ""'-. " ei...ienL.ea ,o . duel by .'lr. mourn, miiiiiera irom .ortn Carolina, for wotda spoken in debate. The Jntlije, on readuitf the p. age from lilount, ! h.t, aaid lo tbu bearer t ; Give my respectful ecmp'imetil to your ma-eer, and ti-'.I him be cannot bare a defi nite aiiw. r to bia note to day. Let him be patient a abort time, till 1 can write t" 1 I'oillanii and receive an arnwer. 'cm - lit In V aife ou tnatter of i I alwava J importance, ell knoin that abe io a better jude of family aftair-than inyell If ah take the f hanee of heooinini a wilo, or having her huahaiiit haueU fur uiuruer, 1 certaiuly will "Uhl Nr. lilomit. I e II bun Dot lo be in a will not tak mure than three ek lo receive her tleetwu. " I I.IQIH.II tvo T.AW The Roatoo LeJger tr,pon,i,,l0 fr the following: lb reply ot a rror.ineni M-niperance ,ibiio m'm .,. to . qllon put ... . ...... ., i. .... ..,, ... , - cot, blue las of .Maasacbuaett. Tn LvlATH am. Accordinj to the Hoa- ,nn ,s. ,1.;. ..reat ateatuer i likely to prove ,j ,ie ,,v irnre atirt probatily will prove , reu,i!,r elephant l any bod who pets l. .. ... k ...,.l .lain fir a ,ini. After ,l0 hM p.od through the hau l of two or 0iree mrl of owner, if alie can hi", Kept on 1 roeka ao long, the niau who buy ber f,,r 0J jron will probably make more out of L... .1.... .nv nf hia riredereannra did. Man .nrlimeu have beou hannintf about ber for f-tr-i, iu tho hope that aouichody would fu r aa h mouey lo compltli! her, but thua far that raab capitalist baa uot beou fouud. SotTHlirt Nrw. A correspondent of Ala , ander Jate f tho 5lh iiiatant, saya : io-jett'e u irrrju ceu temprrane ruen.' wa quite tu the point : . ' .. , c . . . , , , . 1 , Iu nil cuaas ol Nervona and Si.inial, He said that Umperanee never bad more P.lln jn ,ho uk . L,,ba, F-neuc on sliji.t law uor the ruin seller more liquor than at ra.rimii. Palpitation ol tl.. Heart, llyalerii-s, and prcaeiit." Thi i iloubtloas true, aud heini' W Intra, theae Tills will tti'eela cure wlxn ull oth ir.., ia a hard enmentar ..lion the. urea- " -"" ""' ,i,,icd "- aHI'ough a wwcrl..l LATER FROM EUROPE. N Youk. Mv II. The trnmnl.i IVraia. Cant. C. II. E. Jutlkina, liaa arrived at port with Liv- erixol dates to the 1st tnat. Gknkrai, Mr.D Lraeli ' resolution, declaring that It in inexpedient to vctthe Government of India in the Crown, baa p timed the IIonw of Common. Operation with the Atlantic telegraph are moving brirkly. More than two bou aand 'milua of tbe cable Lava been coiled on board tbe ahips. and the machinery i com ploted and pronounced perfect, The Continental news in generally onlm portaut, Tbe Plenipotentiaries have held a conference to ratify the boundary between Ruia aad Turkey, and alo to co.i-.ider Morse 'a claim on Kurope for indemnifies- non lor lue use or nw loieirrennio iutv:.--7. The propeets of Sir. Morso iu the confer ence are favorable. Loudon advice ou Saturday, the day of the departure of tbe ateamer, aay : There i au unfavorable action of fund yester- day. eeuaed eioluively by politioal con-id- erationa; the quotation for Comol being " '"" ;"-"-8 Itjurarlay. J he lurtrtoniy inereaaea ae- inaiirj for m-Micy cr cited a turilier Oulluess. Tbe unxettled position of the Government, and the pronpect of a diaolution of ll Uur- by Minialry in the event of the defeat of bil ; hd Uo ote,, wotMj. 1 be Loudon Herald aaya, however : I he op- position last night to the Mini.ilertal plan I. n'l formidabla. The Daily new aaya that there ia not the alightcat doubt that if Der by la bealeu on any queatiou of importance, if .'iiiii.iry will do oiaaoiveu. One week'a later advice have been re reived from India,. Tbe lirit i-h bave cap tured SbaDi, a fortified town in liundle eund. ' 'I he capture wa effected by tbe for eca under Sir II. llone. There waa a creat alaughlcr of tbe rebela. The town of llotab waa al a-aulled and occupied. A Rcmor o WAa with SrAtt. The . ........ . teiecrartliie ne wa by tlie a tew, jdaya ainoe aunouticea rumora of war with - r i u . Hie militarv aDirit waa at on re ou t!. alert. The clitlerins diadem of the y,JC, of Atitire ' aaa at once the prize ! u wllich Toun, America wai to make a 1. 'lt dah, tuba would itraight-way be brought oiidev the proteclton of the atar . e. .. n.. v . ana air. pea. J lie more rcneeting were an L . Y . . , ;.. i. CertaiD the casus UIll. It; T , V " . i. . ' I I . .' ' eonnug nome io roo. upou me iu4.ow iug waa the announcement made : i "The Ljnd.,0 Chronicle correpoudent , aa): Iu the I ha tuber of Deputies, at tlie j ' couimenoeiueiit of tbe aittinii of the iltlth in- aittiiiX atatrt.jM. Guiierex Ue la Vega inquired in Kr.iincRT or a Ciiubi ii.-Purinj; Holy . '",",, . ','' ..tjit.n, . im,,-e oi tnc , .rtf. - - e , ,u" " , ".. . . "" L",d - r .-- - , ud it bark. I be mob waa malignant, when a eiee fried out that " the Jesuits - '"". " aujt was maoe- on meir uwei Ji - f - tMea. .ad the y were rough. Up to lnt tidings r , . I) l.aitdli 1 in tbe feurn. the palladium bad not been recovered a: A pat 4 '-- gu'' " ' " fotmed of tbe plunder. 1B. lloSTFTTFn .s t'F.l.F.lih ATFD STOM ACH LIT1 KUS rraaa proved aueb a oorlaii. eur for all dtaeaara of the elninacli, llial nn one can tor mumeM qurall..n Ita eUaelil.ry in tl.e moat alarm ng raea. For many yar we have wateh. tn Ha aleady prir in puh'ic cat.ii.tioii, and iu tx-iirfie-tlit ifT-cU aa a rure fur all ronipl-.l.iU ar tng from Ihr alii.naeh, of a n.eilii.l nature, and wr arr free to aay thai it ran 1 reli'.i upou aa a erlaili ft lief o.wi rean ny . I' pr.prn tor liaa made the ah- t ).r par4tiun alter yearr of careful atudy and .t1.... and la n"W reaptna; the rt-ward claim. a by tin tain .hie pccific, and winch be ao rich ly inerita. It ia the i.nly piei.aratii of the kind Hi. I ia r.liable in all raaea, and it thin fur a de Mtilul ine vllrnliim of ll.e atllicU-d. S.'dby lrnni-ta every iiere.and by IIOSTET. TK'R A SMI I II, S..I, Tropriclora, j!t Water and Ar, Kp.. nt Sirecta, ritiaburgli.aud by H- M. J'ritch. Il.lte, N. I . ' THE GREai E1VGLISH FF.mEEY. SIR JA.MKS CLAUKKS l lr;i O il I'ciicilc li IN. reparcd from a pretcrtition ol Sir J. CluiLt, M. D., I k'jiicmn Lxtritordt- nary lo tlte tjtietu. Tb.a inaaluabl nicilii-ina unfailing in the cure of all lho painl'gl aad iliaeaat a to winch the femala cnnvtilutiuii ia aubjicl. It moder.Ua all eireaa and removea all obatructiona and a cur may be reli.d on. i x a it it 1 1 ii i. vims prrulijrly auitrd. Il will, iu a ahort time, " h "HHilhly rr.d with reeulanly. haeh tar.ltie, prieo tin IKt.l-r, bear Ilie l.ov. eminent Stamp ol Ureat llntain, to i.rrvei.t coun. urnua. rw ,.,. mal U .Jr ay frmatra dnring ,ki t IKS T lUKt.t. MO.S Ills ml i'lreaaarv. ea I irjraaMry, ea t.ige Itmt al mmm ...... , ,1 ... ... I dy, do not rolilain .roll, calmuel antimony, i v H'li'C hurttut to the cmatitulioi.. Sole Acent for the t'liilcd Slate, and Canada, JelB MOSF.S, (Late 1. 1". Baldwin A. Co.) Kuehealer. N. Y. M B. I,00 and S pntpr stampa enelored lo any autliorited Aifent, will iiiaurs a bottle ol th Pills by return mail. Fur sale by F. SCAr.U, A CO. a' mg'i$ r Ad i write. IIAVILANU STKVKNSON A CO. Wkolrtal Joints, t AaWraiu, tf. C. LOST, KTAVF.KN Krrr's Hotel and Dr. Aihury'a fl 9 t.-ai.l, noe, one day laal woe a, a tiol.l-l... ked Hit At F.l.clT. The rindrr will br rewarded if ha will leave Iheaam at Urucker 4. Iltilbrunia eteire. M. 18 1 8., 8. Iw j o'ifjT ll."VA V T, HAS returned to Chiirlollr,.d will he pleated In mi- all paraona nquirnig his services. M-m Id, IKAe. Iw Ollirttof lh V. At II.HOiavl, I t MLorra. Mav Iti, IB.)8. f llllF. coupon le on Ihe B in 's of tin. Com. M. pan y on tha 1st of Jul" neil, will ba r. decmad at Ihia ag.ney wlw.crr pre. sulci. a. ii. MAnriN,-. HYMENEAL. Mir'irfl, in (hia plaer. on III fi'h in. I., Iv tlit It.-v. K. J. Mevn-nlir, Mr. I . II. KI..MS t,1r.. ANUELINi: IlltYAN. . In ll.i e..iinfT,ou the I Mi ult., Kir.. i;t.'.. . hk.TH t. KAN;E, in tlie IHil ytr ,.( lu-r ie, roiiiiv't eaaebter uf Mra. Kliaalieih t'li.iim n. Notice JL an ilvil l.y mutuiil coi i nt en ihr Ut ilijr of JjHoary lut. I" rtlinof In.m the t inn, iillnw me to relnrn my mnwre iinuiKa in iv.r niurni ol N.irlli anil Soiitli Carolina far tlie lib. ru! ,iir:io braiowcd 0H-n u. and In ri qnnat a ei..,i,,.,,r.- ol llie.aanie lor iicfr. ei ni.iuo " nr.A I II, whu have aaaociuteit tl.ein.i In a aja- I K. Kiilin.ii --.d.-r 1 lie Kinn. fHXI.INt.!, SHRI M;. t ., I who will ean'iucl I lie llotlnii; lliiaintn. n tlie I aame lenoa and will. Ilie aumv adviinUierii aa here. Inloro. Tl.i Noteaand Aceoni.ta of FuMiiipa Si IV ill I found in tlie h.nnJ. oi W. A. Owuna, f..r clli ction. JOHN TOW.NLKV. NEWFIRM. f new rirm or FL'I.I.lNf.S, KIMdXliS &. M. C". bx-ir lenvu ti preai:nt llieinai lv. to tlie eitixena nf North and South Carolina ; in ao (t.nnir, would enroeatly mlicit a eonlinu m k-p nf the liberal patrol. af e beitow-d on tlie wcll.kfi'.wi. firm of t'ullmra At Co. V would aay witli much -..lira nee that wt have the lrffftt, Stntrtt mad ('heupttt Moi-k of (af-iillrii.eii'w a ltd H ' n.oTinx;. Ever offered in this State It i s bold QBM-rltnn fm( nrTtvthrU n Irur; cauftt wr buy tb niitt'riU u ml tn .ti fuel nrr our urn gnrnimt Iherrbjr viiifr the Mi4nu(''Clirrf pro. t.( whicli ib til inant Uj xtr cent. ifrr.mT, t vi--ty lirticlc of (Multitnp pitnnfN under Itit- mryn ion of one o hc firm, and if itol -II -tiinrte il tftnt rcceii. W r. in, thcrttnr azarritni the itm. king of nl! rrim Chut go fnmt ttjr It'inxc, FL'LMXGS, SPRINGS A CO. iiry is, mm. iuif Raglans! Raglans!! li'K ,rr irinim. ir fi tcum.i. lmn a , . . . .- . ' of ni'.ter'.ul ilnairiliable. FULLING, SPRINGS A CO. .Wy 18. 18j. Illtf I ' t I Tl I ) I: l: I I I . . T ,..,.. -.... a.. -riion, burnevenhelv tinr. .N.ilnnt like bemt eonneet. d with a h...i.... rirnivrj cnn-,... t -., , rti.t,i.iuOCiiu.n .v .. ,s .if .Wy 18. 18j. , lUll Shirts, Shirts HITK I.iiien, While and Fancy M .reill lower ll.r aurne kind cn be nu- 'n'Y'i"VrTTi'i' t )? (jifj ' j,M . .. CO, Illtf Boys' Clothing. riH) r ireirt. we would 1 aortn.ent at nnrCli.lltiiir Sture, a ui n- c h. all kiuca, ia wrll FULLING, SriUNUS A Ci). .Wn t, tM8. lUtf Tit I Mi :i ICt GOOD A.a..rlmrtil of I..n'i and t.'. nt'a Trut ki. Vnlic I ( 'ariK-t Hea, Ae. at low prieea. FULLIMGrj, SPUINGS A CO. Jf y 18. I8.7el. KUt STATK OF NOimi-CAUOLIN'A, MCCKLKNBl'KO Cf.l'.NTT, Svriior Court ot Luxe Sitirig Term. ORDF.HF.D IJY t Ol UT, that a Ppeei 1 Trr.n of tlie Sup. nor (V.url of ., for a .i : rniin. "i'1:' M "; '""t '"u 1 h"rl"u' "n ,h 4lli M.-lidav ir June li. it. Tbst: J. B. KKint, fV- rk. Su,l,,r. and w.liieawt in cirit r h i. pleuac .Way I-, 1S58 Bacon, Bacon. Bacon ! -i 25,000 .V IS, I9..8. MIS. rood B At ON n .tore, wbiel. will h aold tor I .a. J. V. LKYCIi V CO. intf per, Riper, Paper ! are now reccivinjr in S'.ure, aaa led I lea el" H'ltAI'IMNO PAI'F.II. aeitabla for M.-rchanta and IHueciata, ai..l ein turniah at abort notice aueh deacriplion I' 'Per i.arr u.rij hy rrtn )- OtTieraan.i full n Fac. lonra. and will allow a fair lirave for the .Mr of the Utur. J, Y. LKYCE A CO.. Age ft for U'acoriu JlJ.v'j. .Woy IS. If 5". It'll' (Notice. W II A K'ola. ed all mv Note and Aceou l in i E the hanua of W. A l ook lor eollectum.'bted to me are rcritirated to maite nt.i...-;nite p .ynient, aa longer induleiwre- cannot be t.. . Tooae who do not aeltle lortbwith may f lo '", CM't' T. M. FAKKWV. .Vay lt, ieSP. !dtl IVotice Vl.t, ind.-l.lrd to the late Firm of PlUThKIt A SU.MKKSare requested lo pay up br Ihe I I.t of Jely nial. aa hy that lime we shall give our Notes and Book Aecuunla into other bamis for collection. Mum lt, IHof. t!4 3 Notice. Y Tirlure of Ii rf ihur frnto tin Coon Jt ty Court of Meckli'iiburf wunty, it tKo Aa pril l rrn, I will -r-ci'-i in II, ou S.aurdJ, Un tH ut' June nt it, nl t lie iatt rtbiurnct vf Uf. IS. N. W cdtiiiigkm, tk'c'J.. the PLANTATION on which he lived, aubj.-ct to Hie wi.d.w'a dowrr. adjoininir -the Iinoa f Andrrw Springs, David A. tilaan and olbera, Iu aatial'v debit ag unal the catate ol aal.l lraae0. J.? 1'. II IM. IW w. , .1 " r, .Vay lo, lS'.H. Female Eilneation. a yoi'.nc; lady, n Illir.l lo trai-h th dif. a.'V ferenl branchra ol at. Fnt'liali Koucalion, anu give leasona on the- Piano Forle, ia annoue to procure a situation, as ioftru.-trc.s in a rt ai-cta. ble private family, or Academy. She prolfe-rs in teach, at the rata, of tlJO per .ea.ioii of 20 wetks, including boarding. Adureat M. M., WmtlieaUr, I'nw.n eouniv. N. C, Aay 1M, I bit. US t li.'trlotlc .tliittntl Tire' luur. nurr tiii;iuy. fnlllS COMPANY continues to lake riaks a. yainat loaa by fire, on II u. i-.i, Pro. dura, Ac, at u.ual raiea. If tlflice brim. e Park's Slore and Brawlcy'a Building. OFFICERS. M. B. TAVLOU, PreurU-O C. OVKHM AN, l ie J'rrsnletit. E. NYE 111' l'ClUSON, . .J T' tas-r. MKKe TliR.I. M B. TAVLOU, C. OVERMAN. J. L. l'.KOWN, H.M. Jt MINSK IX, F. SCAHK, S. T. WlUSroN, A. C. STEELE. .Tohs L BunWM, S. T. Whiston and A. C. SrFttLt, Extent ivt ComrHittre. .Way 18, li?jo. ''' It I r I. V. l K X ! rOV nra iicrtJir coinr?..nilrd In (.(KTir t tl..r'Fir-nii.n'B H-.H. n Thiirfdav. tlie tftHh at" My, hi 7 o'clock, A M. .armed und t'(iiipifd Willi arm Inr intfteclion and wilh,U tuQ mi of crtrnlgc. w. a.owknh, o. n. r." 5 Cents Reward. tWA Y from tliariibrnriber in U'cemlur, I8.i7, bound boy by tlie name of TIKI. ; M A. t.If 1 OR, nboiit la yn of All nr. ..iih art. Ion wu rued not In narlnr or euili.y mud boy, aa Hi.- In- will be . nl..r -. njr.i'm.t any our -,u , n The obuv, reward will be puid tu uny one for hi dvlivtry lo me. no Ibanki A. WAI'OLE. May i, IS.--8. til &I)issoliiiioii, 1 MtK firm i.l .MODI;)-: & ( (). 4. .li.Hilved i.n th of Aurll by 111.1tu.1l cntiat'.it. J. 0. MOOKK. J. II. MAXWKLL. Tlie Piit'f-'-i ibtTs liavfl how Ink en po-nnauii (f c Atock of Confi'ctioncries, &-c, bri tup t.i the firni of .Moure & Cu. ..rid re ae-llln . If at eo... 'I'nntt M .l..lig ..rticlea in Hie line well ppua- e.ll. .). W. MOOKK, 7'. -nitre. J. 11. MAXWKLL. ,Vil5;, I8.M. liif Jrpr Fairbank's Scales. rj'HK undniiieil, ainia for .JL llie-e justly ceiebrut. a Seal, a, ate .r..'p;irfil t.i iinil Hoidt Si W)'"' ,Hr" w-..l..f a rnr..l.l. - and ac ur.te Scale, will, till d acrij.iiona of Ratlnnul. Track uritl Drp'it Scnlc, Warehouse mill Store Scaes, lbqlrr or II heat 'citVi , from 2-" to "!) bn Flour J'nrliiii Scart, Grocer and Counter Sal Irs. Tlicae. are more exlei.aiv.-ly ued ilinn t ny oth. ra nd have been i..i .niu sir.-rily leti-.l, und in rvrv in.t.nee h .ve- jjiv. n t-nttre .:iti-fietion. For aa!" at Minmirlurerl' I'rirrt, ileliver.d in L'harl', Wilui.ii2t.iii or Pet. rjliii-g. Va. by GILLIAM A LLNL.OP, 101 Sve.uil.ire St., P.-leraburt, Va. Auii JO, le.iS. " I lit Iron and Steel. 1 I M.I AM & l)S.0 Syciinrf Slrt.t M l'(-ttTiburg, Vj., I jii Mr t tm mid Jt tkr jh Iniii ii ml Stcct, in v tie t'; uttintitui of tivrrhattti anil in tfiiit'tt turt r t their Uro nti wtil nfort rii cl rfk of Iron iind Slt;lt Ciiiniiiiinf Sw.-.lia ) llaintneri-d I Wide Plonjrh, G tu IU ii.clu'. I k. fint-.i inox. ftullli.l, S.l.ire, and Flat ll.ia, all lin j Oval. 11.11 thai i.n.l Hall I!. .uii. I ll.a.:.. Band. B roll llurae and Mule Sin. J I), rl t'aat St,-r1, F.ns. and Am. Bli.ter-d and tlt-r-u:an St-, I They are alao "cent far the anle of Minor.' Spnm Oil al iWaniiu. f-ier .irr. April ao, If.i?. t!9 fCf9 Police. IINFdKM th T x P..yiT . f MtcWinl.-irir Cfiuiiy lli:t S uow liave in ny br.a tin Tux LifU ir IcOTniU I :ui rfwt'y to rrceive lttj l'ax r dnv and r:nl net Tpiei, 1 U'k- ttifmr inu rtttvd will tilii:e ine tu f'-tf to ciiil curly mid ctUt-, a it it Live nc much tirnt- mini trouiflr. K. C GKIKU, Sienf. A;ml Jl). 1 8.18. 7 If iX'tli Oii-'lina linenil Spring's CABARRUS COUNTY, Tl C. IH'ir.l. oprn a St i no the lat of July. f, ;"or gir'i. t tut p!.ict H't.-ird cuh le i. ti at $7 nrr 111011M1. rr Tiiitnu. vuch an lii-.tdin". I Wr'tiuff, Arithnietfr, Griiiimuf and UfMj;r;tphy , ail $i ptf fimnlli. P.i 1 1 1 1 1 n5 und Ncf'iHe U ot k it rtqiiitnl. The Viiiue ut' tiu tvulrr 1 knnwii to ut. in v llirnugh tins rounly. It I. t turt d UyfH ( 1 pi;., i'mfim ut' ()ip I.ivir md Kidney und N'T ' Tuna ArtVciumB. i'.nt Mitural fifinnp m iiil a riUc ot puidie rpri, a in;my ol' out jil.irc. I rt-MTvcd it t'r tin1 j-iiu.ition Inr winch it it no nflVred, and w ill bt- free Irom contu poui ( ditcitt.'j. Any liirttlion, jn-ht iid, mil ricc:ve Ittl.l.oll ' ' SAKAII SOSSKUMAN. Vionrrr Mills, l iimrru$ co., April iH, Important Land Sale. to the south- S fl Went, I oH'ur lor -ale my valuab jejj! ly improved 1.4 l" nn ES&? lioeky River, 8 milea wea tW'pi nl 'foii.-or.l, I'd harm coun. -i lr, and b mili a from the N. anu In t . Kail lioad. (ll.e- traet of fielO acrea. Unit on tMitb ai.t.-a (if the river, in a high atate of culttva. lion and unaurusaaed richneaa of ami. Another tract of 30O acrea or, which I, unuaunlly ell-improve-d, hiving exeriielit builmna w.lli all auitablr riii.irr for aucccaafnl b.i.ineaa iu lanniii and funning. Tbe above lands are well. a atered, salubrioua in locality and a lare proportion of oodlanil, r ft'ording un uliauatleai supply of giaid linilier. 1'tirelie.era would do will to examine aoon, as it is a. l.loin that ao rich and well improved farina are orl'.-rtd in market. C.J. IIAKKIj?. Apiii C, lr-i8. in NEUTIliU fWlHE umlrrpipnrd hnviny rnttred iiilv I'upirl. JL nemlup for tlie purjjj.t of carrying ou ttie ronlectioimry, Hakerv, Fruit, A.NP Retail Grocery Business, Bt g leave to call the attention nf the cilllens of t hailulla and aurmuniiirf country to ineir rw Stand on Trade Street, b. tw. eti llrem'aand Frank. , tntl.i.U'a, at Sprat At ll .niei'a old Staini, w here th. wonlJ be pieaeed lo aee all their Iriellil ana : aequainlalieea. MOODY l NIS1.ET. i Frlirvmiy 2, 1SC.8.' ilVirWillhniisTfo""! nr.iiii.its in u uot i.i: ii:.s, viioi.i4i.i: i mi itirr.tii..- ay f a Hi; now receiving a larre atoi k W ii ; 1 and w III i.aev Wrrkl v adillliona rn their sale, ntay require. Tory a '"" '"" W1 ,rll Ui Ihe wllol. sale trail .1 a small emnniiraioii. Oor Tr-anarf I' ASH sr t'Ol'TKY ritODVCi:. We oer.ipy Ihe well knotw. laud rcctolly eupied bv T. M. Farrow. IT C'l. I'l US allclidcd to prolnplly and aa low aa if preaeut. H. B. WILLIAMS CO., Ti.r Strret. 3 Jmiit jimm thi VI rat t orer. CAailu'le, Jam. If, iPod. 4'lf DeGrath's Electric Oil. a SlT'Pl.Y of thia c.-UhraU-d Oil for aale at niy I'rug Slore, , Irwi..'. Corner. ii. m runcii ARD. JMV 4, IS-.?. dX g a. V g I.ltS. Pure (round WHITE I ll.tflllF l l'.Al' m ml and aaaorted kcits.jual received and .Die tor Ca. ..I " FlUTCIIAHDS, rMia,S Cwrwrr. Vt. H. 51. PKITCflAKU, J fii.lM-iul. nl IXinocr .l c fi Hudnt Xinocrtic tnntl for IIm- lltiaf of Cniiiihoua .y 4, It.-!. ta Wrnrwniitliorizeil toannouneel K. C. GIMKR, K.q.. h n. ill liir n.-.eli I., ll.t t.Uic of Sln rirTiil ll.. cmoiy of Mi ! trury, lit liir ennntj August eltctii.rr. yl.K 2ii, ISj. a alaa k? t. Sri,!MISi:iTLY ! : I muONK A CO. . ' Jl 9 nit, tin ci,e.ii,r ivintf ami ..pi n. AND tin y Icve uuMie; ... r tiie plt'iiaure lb. y nY.ire- tu du in KNTIIIH CASH IIL'SIM.SS V will ..If. r t.irr imlucrmrulK tu CASH ),,! h. r . ul ia e-r C.-..1. h l Ue III ..: A CU. 1ADIKS' Fine- lllack Lnaiing ti.M I KliS, J $1 ( . loom: a co. 31 IM:s hlXf I. at'I i. - , at ft 40 ( i ... I IJUUI'S iimi lil. . ut IJ' MJXK S. p. 2..d t ..-.t; K.d.t... uii. d... 1 'J.",. lit Jt )N K A CO. C"E'ff.F MEN'S Ft H t.AI'l Hits ,ur a. OOXF.'S i. lite o ilv I in nltr will aell M.lri' fine !r ItfMITS at 7. jSSKS. B..v'Chil.trei.,aiid Iiif.n.f, r.( SIIOKS and (iAl lKfiS in niule.a v.. t iiuprtct.Utitril lutt pnrt :il liOONK iV: Co. TAB K.N'S iini.ciiul k. IIS. 1. I'ri.n.- ii.,. v I!Ra; V.N.S, good .rl.eie I.")0.K A CO. c-..if ivtt-v niifKiANs. si Fiaira f 2 I a,h, al 1! lONK'S. - i KNT'S f jt to $1 .51 IKNT'S Riv Slate i:..iti...i'd K.iau I5D0NK k To fAPIKS !'mr Km) lU SKlNS anu .LlVI I'i J ;.t 1 fWi. -t I AMF.S F 1 sitk i...iin ; ai i i:i;s, . - ... l 51), ( aan. I nt 1500NE A CO. 4 KNTJ.K.MKX M BdOIS or i;AITKI III I S or t; lined at Hit can bl la mtinrv 111 e m'un wl.-.t ' any I ..;. 1 ot). er lloutte- ill I lie Stair. liOONK A CO. Stf April I, 18.78 A Reliable Notice, T WU K firm of lire 111 Al Su-ele v bv ntu il ei.nrent on the Ut ay 01 J?j. Tne bum. as ol' the Firm for collection and at-ttl.ii.eiit; and I hereby re. rtertiullv n qu.-xt nil fH-raoea in.n bieti to lite Utc firm by B.aik At-cunl to come lorw.r.i ami utile liel wiin th in dale ami the Irt day of Jmi, 1 !-.'.8, aa I dn ns.urc you that all aeeoun'ta dm- llir linn al that time Kill be .ut in fuit l.-r eolliriion. A. C. S1KKLK. Aril 6, I6..S. oiJ Charlotte Machine Shop. W. D. PINCKNEY & CO. rngineera. Hydraulic Press Pake's and .Tliit tiiiicr) In S' lM'iiil, AVE commenced btiainri-a in I'harlnlte, in ( the nb re line, and are nr. t..ird to m: ke STFAM F.Mil.NKS ol any form or cuairiielioii, llytiraulie t'nltoll rrtkial anil every eeerip tmn nf Mae i.tti.-ry. !J liKI'AIKK and JO II WOKK prompt! v al. ' lined lo. ( h.nUtr, Mirch 1(1, IS.'.S. 4if Cari lbr Hides." Y II. MOW F.I. I., 3 doora South of tin II. Us,-. M April 6, !.-... Stf r tt GALLONS ri'BK l.INS!:tU Oil., 0jfPF W hoieauie ami I! PmTCHAKlvS. Feb. 9, It?--. LumlxT Vard. f III: aub'.-r lotle ami d a I.F M KM trml kee.inv a era intonn Ihe eit L-IOIIV. Iii.l nicy ii YAliP in low ii, upplv of all kin. la i of Chr t-atal.lit af I .V. Mil Kit Ir. Join.. Iiu. for buileitti: -md oil 'own. Appi t i f-' 1 1 is Ihrir lliit.1 to bun Ilie i MILLER rOKTKK. On. 13, it;. it rot v ,llas.Hvsi4t. N aerrcaier rrfr.ah.nit and laaalive . ant Iu tin tlie laalr a M-'ciuraiAUi),' II Sriftoinfitr, OR COXC F.NTliA I KI) LtV. inake am p itl.otit lime, inn lair. The la at ami cheap. .1 arlie le I Vrranted to lb Into- iron, use. Priee ana ol) rent. S..I.I bv ii. m. iT.rrcii.uui, ham'. Corner. II. e. 1 Wanted. t OI.HS OF TAX HARK. I wiueh llic ca.h wtl! he n-i't. BOONE eV CO. .Waif 30. 1 MS. IlrrKrr laiin:i u"erinty-ttl. article over invatidt. -nil dtcal Utully cttolit.u b thr hi 'iMUrCHAKPS Funny lmc -Marr. Stmt li. 1"AT. -"' J .'iiiik i ia, r Tr.-i.ii Oil. lOR Tann' and Planters uae in drtsnng and M. preserving l.eatb.r and li M II t For .ale by M. II. riUTCUAUD, Dee. 1 ir hi i l.'of ncr. tlBPKNAS-for sale at thin offioe. &3 6 O r. I'ori: -Kle-e . . lie..r.l,..!... 'IS to I lie , .. ,., .. 'J'lie .Tl.-srkrf.. rOKBKCTKDi BY B. M. OAl'SM A CO. MIAHI.OTTE. MAY IS. i, i-w ...'.b IS W 19, BACUN. " Sndeii Hoir mull, rilmulilcra li ...IHJ (m 11 . .IM) fj) 0O -. 17 U; 0 5 f; If ... :b iaj (.,, I6 )(l (li, 3J ..bualm! M Ijj HO ,...?il. (Nl 0, 110 ....yal (10 (... Ill) II lj 11) I'- laj (u, 15 lb h (,,, an lb 2H (.u 33 Ib I.i (a ill ....II r (J rs i.r 5.i ,..l..i-li.l .Vj (.. OH ....aae!. IS 39 ...v..rd I JJ I. ....'vani -ii (-, 3' ....Ur-i. ID I a b:.l U (i 4.i') ....h Sa 'ii -. !l -HI (.. 3.. ib ia; i:t It. .". (., 6 .bbl. N.. I ifi r. i' ...k.iu :ni'j ii Xt ' '' ......,t f tu . I.ll.ll. l .'.H III ...i.m i " : 'i. .'. r. mi II .'i u i: ...I.n. in' .in 37 .... :i'.-. 74 ..'i;'t! .'.I' f 7.1 ' mi nn ..!.i,!irl l ii tiiiil in 14 i iJ :h H Ci I'iJ ...Lml 8 i.,. ' lli:l i.i UII 't, -.5 tl .t.ii-lH-1 rl fi i) ...,i,.l.,l I; tu) ....... I :r. t-r 37j .He.l -7 ( ' -Jl ,,, ,' I.. . n .. halt- 110 I.. 01) I KK-. m in tk. t li .a been a 1 1 ! lie lli;ll tu fUiJl'U i an : .-;;;i.y 'r..!y at ti e liilller. lie. Ilr.ii.iir, ApHt, ... Penel t'l.tton, new, f.irlce. It... Java i.ll.- prri.., !fl.i.-k,n 'Clotli.t' , osey. ' r Ion' Fe..tli'e'ra,V.V. ! (.nr.i, I Vliill.m, , Miic'iierel,... M..l.,.-a. N v Meal M utle l- . . I Ib at COTTON tiir c. d. pre . .1 ..ii.i nut ei - ; COliN i still im! ri'it rno.:b of- 'I.l .M lilA .M l!Ki; f. ( ..iei.u, M .y 15, I8.MJ. Thin- lr . v-rv li.lle e-ull. li ulf. r. i.t .r riil, .1 i ut; fll i aelu Ilv w nl i yj u r: o m,. , a a. It It. M, to I) U O.N. Iiub round, I I hi N ri: vs OA IS H.Jl'It i h t tl.e aa.urcd i , 19 73 1 05 li j .ii (., r.., ..I (. ...mi to I t iiai;i.i:s'I u. .MAUKur. j V11A1.1...1. X, M y 1 1, 1 ( OTTON T'..e lr;..-aa-l.. i.a v T. re l.ll., - i In! I.. I3.VJ; eoiiin... ..ll.ootli-r to lb he II. r !U - it tu a, at ala.ul for III. r ,.nt-. Ti.e aaie . er. at in... rji.i.ig l.-un. IV to l-j Vm. A, Owens, .1 T to 11 si; y a t la jr II X It LOT I I', . V., W.-'II.r. or.,, tin- M.el.: ll- i.irr'.nnoii.jr cnenlii.. J 1 l:ticc I' jst (Iflier. -Iltf iSAM-'L. T SMITH, t n k i. y $ t oc.sru.oR at l. it, 11 AY alwnv. hr I. uiid-l tlie office unVillui. Jolin-ton, Kru. J..I- Pr. no t on civ. .. to Cviicctinn ling nl l.-i-ita, follVeytlirea, A C. lih.- I 4Btf Fresh Bread! aT.rSIl ni.'KAU for laloluea. ,-vrry r.tii.ff ' ut J. I . I'.. Inn t' I . n:'i etioiit ry, one dwr lb, li. :,k of Lbariolle. Jan. vO, l-o5. 4":f 11(1. .4 ii HAVANA J OITKIIV. Tl e or.:ii...'V en - v ,ug of ll.e Royal ). i. j I. .it. ry ennciieU.i by tl . ii..rr.imtnt, i. ner tl.e ai.o.-f i-ion I f lb.- t ,n of una, ml. (ail- oi.ue at H.valla on WKIiNDAV, MAY 2i, b-js S -300,000. SORTFO M Ml I.O ftt OI.TI.N'.UilO, AI'ITAI. IM.IZI MCU.IIO! I on; I " I " t w I tl).IO I 4 priz.-- of ."e O.KI j I.IIIMI :t tt I ;o .' 1 io.hoo i iu ion 1 " ,.Oul Apr'iim'a St.aiUO 4 Ai.nrnx in ! a I" the 5 !', rO u-ti laeh ; 4 of f -lllll tn f.'.il.l.lHt; 4 ol rlilll lo 3l.IHiU ; I' Hi t.. lU.oi II ; 4 . I Ii 1 1-. i i '- b. ; To i,, i . . II.. i. . , y no rt. r; 4 ot . ut Il.ik. I , I., i k i x i.t'iini- nrletlo... S. . -) Oil- (.1 I. til ll.e . Per.. 1'nre I'nttrli ISitiiiti ., nt'l.l.A.M) .in, W Slurry ami Wns. I e.-n Aie- ..ii.; Porter, lor i c. (- '- '.' M lr,1Aj;D sittrrh. I. U K Pei.nrr.t. , li. k i Wi r, .Nutn ...., .M.i.-e, Ci 11. M. 1 UI JYI1.VK. lr.....'. t in IX pint L S..IH a. ll ( IIIIHM'a-' .lll T, ..ttler -just rom SuntOfa, II M. rRHcii.Ri an uii: ,l-.y ane, Fn.' .1., M. 1'KirClIAUD, Pee. 1. l?--.- I'll a,i i:tl. l .lUl' Antll f! 11 AVINl. take Ilie I 1 iilaiic of th, ICJla, lnlruttn 11. M. riai'ciiAi;i, l,w.ll '-- Pec. I ULAN K I'KKl'S fur al at thi ilci I ,ilt a i Tea VVheul.Whlle

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