" LATE FROM EUROPE." " ARRIVAL or UK AN Ell NOUTH AMERICA, , Quebec, May 17. The taimr-r North America arrived here tl,ii rooming;, bringing advices from Lifer pool W 6tb . The Balm of eotloo Tor the three days v luounted to 84,nOO bales. Price have ail: Tinood '"' tua Market closed buoyant. MnuebestiT advice favorable. ' Hrendatufls ,UJ proviMOii steady. , Cono1 07 J. rtRIHSll 1)Y TH. NOBTII AMICA." Tlie resolution for the future government 0f India are ptoreintr in llio English Par liament. Resolutions endorsing the union of ilie .Dauubun Principalities have been ;led. The Budget haa been adopU'd by a large majority in the Hdtiae of Commons of the. I'rnich Lej-ilnture. , , . ., Tha t oot of tbe li-ading powers hare ..n.iratrd a Germaa liet to consider the ' no iliOUl f'InB8r relative to the I J,r"p.. ' . . i- - JlalCliia. r A olli-ion had occurred fn Ft. Cjeorge's t'ianl brtween a uteaoii'r aul a tarque. j,t, were ntakf and thirty persons wrre dr 'ti' "' - ' - . la Fraoee, the strain crops wore promis ing Hr..a'luffi were riner ,dvio from India iitate that N'ena Sahib l.id baoii riufured, and was about to tom uianca offciii optratioun. liieadwtuffa rrar j;ourally aUady. Flour was dull. Wheat was quiet. Corn an qui et ud bi'e alihtly auraneed. Ho-io waa dull at i. 31 pr ewt. Spirits of turpeo tina aa awedy at . Rice was quirt. London data of Vdneisy aaya that the fjud.had iinprot.(l 1 h Kirlirquer -tale Dirl,t waa tir"aetory fiiPonnt raiea wera n;-iiit from 2i "i P'T cent. Couaois ,ra quoted at I I to tf I. , L TER FROM Et'lCOI-E. ACC1VAL j 'iLt VliAJlfc .SJAOAUA. i ..... I ii 1 . ' ' 1 Tla .uanie Niagara arrived at thia prt. .i ..... (...olnir i iiea from Liver- tnia mrriiiioa. it . 1 m! to the Pub lnat.ol. The sales of CottoO for the iek amount rd lo hl.iJOO balee. " , AU qusiitu-s have od vsaeH I farthinf. Conaoia Vi tu V, I . ra.-OMB pleFATt H. llrtdtu(r. hate a dfrlinto-.' Utidetity. fl l.lralMMI.f. 1'roviiioua dud. Tbe putiticai h'a ia jjeiierally uuiuipor- taut 1 ha Yji iti-h tjovernuii lit have auvtounced io 1'alhauiel.t tla dlaappolnlsuelll IU IMIj: ,.0,Br Ooral's Indi. r,oc!.muoD eon-, t-atug land t Ouue. . I fc.r Cu ib ti i.UII il! be created s P.-er. 111? S).tiiili Cut lea Lavs been auudeniv 1 oa the farm, which lift was buruid in ce-prorogm-o). aad aomw t'f the miolaUra have ; tru.he I fae( , ahowing ibst the Sre bad been ,ei ared liieir ra.isnau.i.a . communicaUd tj the fencing t irreral dif .Nothing later trwia lUil Da htu re- 1 ceivca, '. - It r.rMiB a ihe M.stii The' London Titis Sf.esk apprnvinply cf the eiten-ioo of the t'yit.-U St.l. autbort- -f .d,ertemi.l. which appear tv lo IVmral A marl. a. , . Sir Colio Cempb.ll demand, larje reio- !" be columns, of our paper. They deserve f.-rr, menu IB luJia icttn. e-al iatl. ly. ! tDtiou a treating of bat iolelehti u all, iiiiesna lair su uu ied l !!-, Or.esns , guj from a source nhieh all bave long re n.ild.mg st 7 id f Mooil. f.,r at . d ; Ma-' j f Jf -t k()0Bn oue L.i. 1 Jl. . JSl Ifl.l nr.Ufkii (nlP It' ;M.;.,.d Mpi.ndaa.duhu. id 4 per Ib - . 1 l.s market eioed laoyant. t o Msiurday ; sf'cmion, tue ib intstit,the saiea were 7,'WO , sod tbe markat .ho-td a de- e teuietic,. lb, atock h.nJ torn- I fil-eu ulir, lint l.air", i w v. . Aitirriean eo'luo. lli-a,iif. aura iioera,,v liecnu nz re roera'i'.y dec'iiu.n-; . I ',i ur a ii cunit'jv aiih quotano'is birt fy Ua.iul.meJ. Wkest was very dull. Cvral -6:i:h . . m .m, v. . 1 , r.ra aa. -Uil Simaad a.l vaniiu-J. u2r ; lit 1 :.. .k.. ... ""I' " ' " .. " , a4 dml at tla. a rfs. 110-I ee "")!.. ,tt, 15,1 were 0 d. at 4. lil ik for eonimin, aini Ivfa. a la. trtue .-t.iriU of turpeatine a dull at :, ,t I Date, from Jlatr are to lie Slh in-t. I , . , - , ., !..;..( t ott .n a. ali.-htlv atitTer, and ail nualitiea bid i.ni.roveH. The ! for the week com priatd It,")!') bsliw, the msrkot c'oing buoy alii 7''rS rrruiiiiire ass quoted al 10 If. Ko'c qnt Slid di-ciinmg. 1 1 a T..I L.au Al..t B -T.. ye.rs a Laud beiokgiii to s traveling etreua font ' s asifoe and was ao badly maimed bat be kaa ertf eitiee remained .rippl The se ci.lent affiled Ins UaioJ, and - 'be alura li w Lieh be conveyed be A!- U ue at Lviianon, shout tLirt w a-lira from this city j L t. i..i e..oi..i... n .if " Cra- I .n .aa auuwi. iiy an- - e - - y .lack ' Ahoul week ago r- .jeeaina: S'liou-j iU, aodo !' sppasrsiic, hegsva ' j up the jiho : - leas; be eea.eU to breathe ; j the nia.u hia faea Bare rii.l, his eyes I 6irdt a''1 n short tha doctor protioutieed i Liu defunct individual, and at a matter of enr the Suthnnty of the drietnr ia or. dor lot npaA that p'n4. Accordingly ha j was depentty arnrjfd in his gra. clothe, a md slrelehej po what w beijeve is eail Ul a e-oUn board, where he asa .-ft all u.tl,l, prepsrstory W his beiug ciDaigned to 5n.iibcr earth tliA 0'it day. At is esrly 1 hour in the mnruing, on of lha peopla at ttacli.d to tlia r.tabiiiiiuirat emered tha Jroiin, ami gUneing towards th" eorp-n dia j'-'ivcred it waa lying f.n if 'id.. Advan y nearer, he an barrifie l on pr.ee! vino; thai th. eye. wars wida open, watching him j ih lten al'oniton. Ilia kneca shock, and j'li.' p. r-j.i r at in in hua drop Lural fro J-.I- forehead at ba pJel Uio(l the appal illi'tl, )b aloaly rai.ing hi nine. I 10 a aiiitng po-i-Jt-ni', ej-laini.d, aa h turned il yiml or- 'i tip. n hia unei.y oiirh,u I Prfer did I!'1" lha fra thrt gave in ihis itwittu'ton, but I n. Mowed if thia hoar, siu't the hsrd 't r,f any )el II ia Bcidl.a to atata that " t'raay Jack" jlnd l,rfu offlir(p wjth , ,,.,,.,, nislsdy hirh ppir, 10 It it the present time q'lite f'l' 'tiiible. t . ; I.. fH.rr.-Jfan Lot. M. Morrill, the 111 Pull r-r--io.au uurcruor Ol .uuitir, smi """a'lp,,,, ln n, H f reeeotly to iaaua Proclsuiatiun aalling . . , ' , , , poo wbc people of that fommonwea'th U ob-1 f'rro a day of faalini sud prayer Some ,..,,;. .. , .. . .. . "Potima.., e.rloua Dumoor.tto ed,tor, to. sorutinixin. rl.ia ........ ...... A, :,l. )" "imiUrity in thought snJ eipretaiua to a J.sa ,ich oceaf ia a work publiahed by , lUv K. . Chspi, in I Ml, ao! his e- uiiuniaB,,,,,:, Iriw that the Kieoutira sppropHau-d tha literary labors of "Hher in preparing his proclamation for a 'ay af foaiiBjr and prayr. Rmt. MUlaTd FilTmora remarked to'" Moio T i 8QUiHR,fc. Wa yesterday friend, by way of eplingr tbe aeerct of wito.ce.ed rather novel light, and lixten nl robust health, " i rever allowea any us tjal hour for ee be Interrupted. Tb Sabbath I aUry kept as ft day of rest Iioide- bung a religious fluty, It wee tiul to health. On commencing my Pfest dentin) corner, I fouud that the Sat.bath frequently been asmployrd by viettorn for'. priva interview, will, .he Prt-.ideHt. I de. Uiined to put an end to this custom, and ; vinitiiid with an tmliscriiumato 'ri-rual. While Cbnirnian of the Crmiiiittfe of VVayaj ' and Mrana 10 t'onprea, and during ruy wtiola lVeidt-ntiul earoer, m? labors were alwiya , onerous and often excosaive ; but I neaer auf- tvtcd an hour of aickoeas turouun tueiu ail. AWiseHlLB Among the leona taught , ..,, a .. ,l. r,r,..i.,r. .k. f,.l. ' . , . . .. , v low,n?' wL,tb we ,ie,rd ,llm tb !New Orleans Adro-ate) utter at the Alabama .. tjonrerctioe, as a preveoue aftaiust an em- barraaamcuU prow ing out of debt. It even didoes tbe limits of safe epeculsiioiis; and, it .U t - An MA,,U ult ik ( . " j . . . iK " p auma ... jjiciiiicu, m; ...j thin, and I advise you to adopt it: 'cecr owe any more than you are able to pay, aad !,. B ,nr,)ncy. Frmn thodataof htreonneci.on allow no man to owe you more than vou are wthii..iaiWeci.urchiiMUliil.atiWile.ahriiie, ' . .. I lliourh one of peculiar and eeeullul arenea, w ia able to loao," . . ... . . j carmplary end eiiinnully wurtby ol tlw ChriKlian I niHic. In Itor v.rioua u.aitioiia eid relatione elie ' I adurned Ilia dnctriiiee ul Cliriat and illuatraied tlie REVRE r FoRTtJNB A few day ago preticl prinoiplea of Ilia j.a:l. Aa alia wae re. - , . . i ei I aered ani beloTud by her cliiforen, ao waa aha moat one of the iailors of the Provident Aaso-j,,,,,, e.u,uj M.a ,cfeKC by iM-iel.bora, ae. cialion. at the Wrat End, was spp'ivii to, to. q.u.iinUne.a and Iritnda. Tu know lit waa to aeii.t a tnao who tu found in abject pov- j erty in s miM-rahle g.-irret, aithout food or jdrcrut clothinjr. Food was provided tor Ihiui and a cbanja of elothinp, by the bo- I nerolent visitor. nl a few yar ao this i , - , . . , j (aatne man a New 1 ork tin rrbant, with itiM5M,"uu, niiiit eruttu-.i'i it.- 1 leoor, and riding in a princely carriage, j w k hnek ,,)e frltlewtu t n,m f,,)m r i r .i t . r t moiivrr oi uriiracj, iiioul'u n ia a miner! one to aome of our nierchaiiU. How Irue , it ia. that " riches take to themi'lrea Wiu-s , and By asy. hatoH Iiurtlltr. A l'lAUOLif ai. Hr.V. We learu from the Weldon I'atiiot that en lart Sunday nilit, some fiend in b'linsa shape, fired the preoi 'mcs of Mr. Jamis W. Kauoett iu Halifax county, and o far succeeded in the ineen- il'.rW Lnr, Jn , tilchen h)U , ,, , , , btrndes a considerable portiou of the fenetng ! fertnt flints at the same time. Wi inril.. m.r readen lo I lie rerua! e lesding t hemi-ts of this couuuy, abo ( detotes bia rest scqoiremenla to the ui.coe-, ,ry lnd wsnufacture of remedies for popn- ,jf UM TJl4 lci:.j ,ucee which' ,Wi ., igi,r this aommunily to need sny rlueidslioo !"roia oar (tea nihtnzlon I u Ul.inttr our pea WfJtnrfO Co ()l,f,rr. I . . ;. ,.1 church. ,u--of . Ponrtrt aeenue and laetitv sec"'" stre-tt, 10 ..... , a.' ,r.A ;fw lot,tOu place .'lir-"""J -"b"' 1 ..'lad ,,f near! t P2 (llltl and a premium .a. rented ol nesr.y .,(.... This l the fir.t aS'tanca on reeoru u idib , of ,(,,pcws of a Methodic church ' oei , . ..,: ; I AV Too I, ATI 'n Saturtsy night ' ta-'Mj hours sfler tbe S'ljournuicut of h.h M thedi-t I'ro'e'taiit General Cotifrr- jr.e... tbe deleft,. f,rm t iregon re.ehed l.tiicUtiurg, 1 . 10 lllt jn n-i-a.irn. 110 al Icen on the way ever fii;ce KeVrusryi laat, from lbs remote region be represented.! I R. IIiiSTE'n ER S CF.LEIlk ATF.H !ToM. Al II PI ITERS I.... proved eu h 14 etitain rnrc j lor ail '" a of Hi !. ich, lh-l no on. call r anooiei l auction Ha irhnenry 111 Ine mol riu ig eaar.. r ur many year w ne aiin.. Ila ateady prograaa IU pub 'C tattmatlow, 1 Ua henefli-ei.t i ff. cla aa a cur. lor all complaint arta.ng from toe al..u.ar li,of a Muiiliid iiature.am we re free to a y llil 11 rn h.- ii lied upon aa . certain rein fan. remedy. ! prupurlor h lb abor preparation alter yearaol carrfu mis d tut.y .,.d eitlior.and ia m.w r.a, .ig Die r. ward claim. .1 1, to,. Vain hi. M-citir, and woteli l. ao rich, ly norita. It i t- only preparntien of Ihe kind thai ianhabl in all raaea, and it Hun fore dr. manila H a alien Imn of li e afTlirt.d. S..11 by nmggtalaeverv where, anil by UOe-TEl'. TER A SMIIil. .l Propnetoia. 5 Water .nd iA Front Slrerla. Pillrhu rgh, and by II. M. Pritih. ard, I haro.lte, N. C. THE CHEAT EKGLISH BFMEDY tlR JAMES CLARKE S frU lrjit-l l i'in.itv I'lllw. Prepared Jiom a prenri iptioit ol Sir J ( UiLe, al. V., I iit,uiutn llxlroarUi mtrij lo Ih (jHten. Thia Inva'uahl nieilieioe nnfuiling in the 1 cur. of all thoa. painful and danger. -Ha diae.la.-a a which Ih f'in.le cunatitution la auhj.et. It nirolerati all rveeand remove all ohatructioiie end a apaerfy cure may be relud on. 1 1I !H A It it 1 1 l I. Vllll-S it ia paruliarly auited. It Will, ill a abort tune, arieg i.n Ih. iilonthiy period with regularity. Each bolt'e, price One Iollr, beara Ih. tjoe. rnuieHt Stan i of lireal llnti.in, to prtvmt roan. tetlell 2r.e '..v. siawW o laltn hy frmnln iuriig) riii.ii i .. . I mlkrr liaar Ihrf r aar. lit all caaea of Nerenna and Spiniat Arrectiona, it ana Eiuiba, -.iligue on (light eiertmn, Ppii.lioa ol me II While, the- Pill. Willi Hetl .,. .. ... f.ited. and a ol Hie Heart, H vaUrica, arid a cur wln-a all oth llnough s powerlvl remedy, do nol contain iron, calomel am I SiilimuBy, or ar thing litit'ui lo ine eonainuiion. " fof Vi.r Hw,nJCf nada, JOB MOSES, (Lata I. C, Baldwin St Co.) Ruchuetcr, IN. Y. ?t B.-II.00 and II p"lage stamps enrlo-d to any authorised Agent, will inaor a bottle ol th. Pilla by return mail. u,.ul by p gCAlj.rli j; CO. syrtfntiJarCWIdti. 1I.VY1LAND STEVENSON h CO. Bftl.-ihil Ac. Cijfrjlen, S- C. ed t0 ,om d mlMls from , or j,,. ed by a tquirrel. ret. . ; I . uo r4.... .. wow fiued IB aa ordinary rotary eagB lo tbe end .! ., I .. i , , the cylinder of lha oro-an. Aa the sriuir - , .. . , . '"d. PP"' fond ' . form-no. ea, be ...oeaaed .. 1 ra.) uatrue, i I TT -" 1 a ..... ... ,L. ,,k annm SYLVAN L'S, infant aon l Or E.Hy llatehiaunJ , aaed x jtara and a monii.. Died, in thin count, on tlie 2'JI nit, at the re- iilenie of ber ami in.l.w, J.il.i. K. I) .n.i.oii, E.n , M". MAIIY I.Ot K Mc(.UNN At'liHEY, id tl.a " year uf hrr age. . deraaaed w.. for thirty yrare a rnnaiatrat mHlbr,bt tl, Fr.alijt. rinu Church. Kh. ainh. ed many uruiuninil Iruila ul ch.iricUr. auiunf llltl. ,,,, iM , i u,e n.i.iau.l a in.u-ru.1 U-wderneH and flffulion yt ofica viirornaa ami ere. . iiiutiiie to neraMf, ana ilid not lorgt I lite cluioia ot od aud the niioorUnl inlefeaU ( uerMinit! pU'ly l a'1 euri v period liv niude a firnfeaaiori fifrelijfiou .1 K...... l i, ..,.. 11.. L.. .. During prntraetrd and painful aicbneaa which lr,.,td m Jeult lh. u,ol i j,r.eu.i:y and freely e..nvered each inurncw, fully aatiafied line brief notice ith her, and at tied with her ( line "n '"''h 10 """ "' atrsnviti and aha apoeored tn entny and delivht in ,ei,rM.i.a o.ed,utioa -nd p,y. e-ne enrii. any lltviam if oieaaine oi uq ihu re. nutated iha prayera of nie eonle, and, it ia conrl. oentlv b l.tve.i. waa recnuuileu to the arnne will u4 baa entered Ihe cel. anal raramee. Aa tier ! nu-tf h A Mf leert aih-nl iml uhnhtruie ao liff u.. u, Hi, vaieof Hit loiou. w..a cuiin and aeitna ratio r th..n rnturua or tatat lat not the h-rearid family mourn and aorrow aa thoae who h-ve no hofe,but prepare lnr a hup. py rvanioti with their auniiid innth,r in the holy ana nnciouiJedclMnea f bieaaedneaa and joy wln-r- Hie circle of purified frieneehip can nevt r be bro. ken, anl aeuur-llona etiail never be permitted. Thou'rl gone to tha grave but 'twete wrong to deplore tine. When Oe.l wua thy ronaom, thy gurirdiae and goile He gave the and took thee, and eoon will restore tin Wlier nealh ha (lied. i no ating, staea tha Aavior haa Con. ROBES! tl.AnriE lot of Brrnf:.., Organ.lie and Jacko. net Flntincen and riide-alnpeil IJOBLlS will be ntf-red for a lew weeka, al greatly redoeed pneea, by T. II. I5REM & CO. M-j S. ISid. 1 1 it -y LA COW. A....IV lo rT.H .IAS. 11. CAK SON. iiZZm y2J, I His. lilt Reeky I.ivcr Academy, fflHK preaent aeaanm of Una Inatiiulion will II aiiave. with a Pnhiie E.ti.ntation, .n Frntay a 4i ol J.oe. 'I lie an rnaea of Ih Fj unioa. K.e sill he Cotldueteo during t'.e day. The young io .ill eni. rtain their friend with well eeiecte.i n(t a.lnai aoeeenea at nigitr. when tiwv uroonee iamg n G ove around tl. Academy baavtilully I. n,. ted lo attend tha i ac.... thrnhou Tde eiereiee. of the neii aeranm wil: eomntenre on Ihe itiird Monc,,v (lytn) e.f July n-t. It.. ,f ;:. eeioeii a. -in- b-c"i ul ine atulrnia netieiu i muf , r early attendame, a. w,l: a. uii-ent, per- ..ver.ee .nal.c.non lo .lode dorm, the ....,. p.,.,.', ... .... ',., ...i,.,,-. .r r. .1.. 1 1 ... ..7. p'ae.d under Ilia Care. Ilei prepared to aeeom. ,ngr.n ne had at oti.er pi ee. convenient to tha Academy at , and 1 per n,nlh. Tuitom a. h. re tolore. 1 uilion fiea due at the cloae o each ,. J T. HARRY, Prineipal. III! TAKKKX iri n huatell, living 6 mile aouth nl I 1; IV 0 rord, I C.harra. c uiily. near lo !(.- y Kiver ourrli. a .-."! ye. .Vo 17, I ai. nay n.sre. suim-'" o ."i , nl him in the tell ev JOHN MEANS, liat.ktr. GREAT BEADTIFIER So long unsucceaafully sought, FOUoND AST I.-AST ! IIOR IT R ESTOR K PERM ANFXTI. Y tsHAY HAIR IO IIS ir(Stnt.i colon co. cr luiuri.itilr (lie e..iil head ; retiiuvt-a all 1,.n. tlroff, tteuing a d all aorntula, aceild head and ail rru(.lM.i..-; niejkta' the itair antl, hr-illliy, tti glna M ; nni K'l I urcat r it tat ait? ji.tf tna Mc nvr, ffiiiuvra, aa it by Mi llie, all blutlira, 1 e. front im f.tcr, ani eurra all Nitir.fi4 and nervuue tietitl. artte. tt: rircuUr aid tuw hiliowinf. I lW.r, a. If., Fi b. 2d, 1857. i rilOF .J. W(MltV t O Grnie: WiUtiii a frw ti) e hf ftTtivt J o nun y nr Jiua and calla for Prc1. O. J. Wond'e Ilur Ki .l r..t.vi, th .t tti-uay ft a ware com p' led tu acoi lu litiaUiti (ur a euantit.r, (tlie 6 docn you forwartird all Ih-m lit.) while we might o'rtrr a qu ititity Iroin you. ' frfiy tti v fVfv $uiid teem I hart prtnittrd 3 I ar 4 Mrir reifRte nd the pprnb,ittiii, and pat. Itng9 it rn;riv ff'Mii tit c it.t lids tu ntiul and irtKy citi-a o af vicniitr, f"ul?y convince m I It. tit ft AMOSTVAf IX Hf.fc V KLT. KA'I I(N. Hitti1 u i BM.n a a Hiiy be one gfues ul $1 aue j j and Uoti n au; and hrJieve ua yuura icry ! fptrtUiiIv. i (S.KhtMi) DAMKIi 1.ATMORP Al (O. II rkorvGrnve.St Charles C... Mo. Nov. 10,50. I'liOF. O. J. WOOD Dear Sir: Some time Uai auuiin. r w er indued to tire onie ot your ll.nr feil it am dutv to you and lha ..fflicted, to report it. j Our little eo.i-a head lore tun bad bien per. feeliy eo.ered with aore., an,; eom. called ,t acald head. I ne hair lm.t entirely e-inK- nlftnc,,.,. tfiieiici, aunt i , x ri gr,a .. i friend. laed ua lo uac your Iteatorutiv, we Old ao with I. nl.. hone of aueceaa. but In our aurnrtec. and that I of all uur I'm nd. a very few application removed I th. diaeaae cntiiei ,y,.nd snew and luxuriant erop rted out. and we can m.w any thai of hair ann ata our boy bua aa healthy 'J eralp, and aa luxuriant . .. ..r k... ..Hi., el.iM W in.... lnl ia rremmeui yvut p.c.tor.l,vc, aa a per. erl teidy lor all di.eaae ol tlx saip and nair W are, your repeet.'ully. GF.OKGK W. HIGGIMIOTHA.M. SAKAI1 A. II1GGINBOTHAM. Gardiner, Maine, June 31, 1855. PROF. O. J. WOOD Hear Sir : I have n.ad buttle of Prufeaanr Wooi1' H ur Kuator ilK. and ean truly say it ia th greatual diaenvery of lli ag lor re.toring and ahanging the II nr. Be for uaing il I waa man nf a.vcnty. My Hair ha now attained it original color. Yu can rrcoin. mnd it In th world wiun.nl Ilia ha at liar, aa my aaaa was of lbs worat kind. Your, rpeetfully, DANIEL N.Ml'nrilY. O. J. WOOD 4. CO , Proprietor. 113 Brn.-id. ... N. V.. Iih be treat N. Y Wira K.itlinr Ea. Ukliaiitntnl) and 1 14 Market ati.al, St. Loai, Mo, I Aad aold be all lruggii in lh I'mn and by I H. M.PIUTCHARD, , 123 Ckarkxic, !V. C. ' To Cotton Planters, raMflR undaraignsd ia prepared to Mil fit beat I. auulity of Union Gin, with It) inch wt Ti Pr war, Toiierr . ne I-..U...J. 01 ma gut. . y,.r, .j, N.C. Ha.l Koade. Th. adnata. gVe there Otnt buva ovor tho.e shipped frnm other iBWWU, 1 lJ Wl" iPii"npjv,niii! Ml lT riM ! with tin instead of cloth and. being inure eaailT repaired and alleee vxiienae. A. regard. .... a- ..f -he.. Con. of j-J&T J AM Kg M. ELLIOTT. H rttnstsre, Itun 25, I 6S. II -,., Notice rwMlt FIRM f ri'IXINUS &. C(i. wa dia. 1 atilved by niutual ennaenl en tin lat day of, Jimanry lat. In retirhie; frnm the Firm, allow I ana U reldrn my aioeare lhanfca In the ctiiirne of I Ni.nh and Joull Ciirnliwa for Hit liberal patronage ! beetiiwed opia nird to reqiieat a eoi.tii.uanr I of the arnne for Weaara. fPR I.NOS A IIKATII.I who b.v. ....oUted tl.eml.a .m,U K. VMwf ; unoer ine rirmH i . fi..."..., o. at who will connucl tha Clothing riueiiiia on the aanie terms and with the aame advanUgca ja her. bfre. The iXotcennd Aeeonnla of Fullingao.('o. ill be found in the handa ol W. A. Owena, for collection. JOHN TOWNLEY. NEWTIRM, t WIF new Firm of Ft'LUNOS, "PCI.NOS at Si CO. b't leave to preaent .themaeivea to tha eiliu tia of North and Kuulli Carolina; and in ao doing, would eur neatly solicit a continuance of the liberal patronage bcalowedon the well-known firm of Fulling a Jt Co. We would aay with much oaaurnnce that we have the tfrgraf, fteateit and Chtapttl locL of faf nllf ninr .-iml IIb' :i.OTIIIC.'. Ever offered in this Mate ! It ia a bold aaaertton bnt neverth-ieaa true; be. eanae we buy the matoriula and niiniifuclnre our own goods, thereby saving I lie manufacturer'! pro. fit, which ia at leaat 3j per cent. Moreover, eve. rv article ol' Clnllnne niipara nndr' l.e anoervia. j ton of one ol the firm, and if nol ell ni.tde it ia not received. We em, tin re fore, vimut the ma. king of all r"""" 'hat go from nor h.oiae. FULLIXCS, SPRINGS Si CO. Me 18, lrfa. lUtf Raglans! Raglans!! 11' E rrceitinp by errj ti-nocr, ml kindi f of oi;it riln iinininoh!e, KELLLVO, SPRINGS & CO. Jly 18, .'.. lOtf c al yji:cci; m i A T sny price you may want Another bold aa A. aerlion, but m vcrtlielera ti ua. .Vitliiug being eonneeted with a miinnlaetaring Itoare erlM.n.b.H m vcril.eleu tiut. .N.ill.mjj like FULLINGS, SPRINGS A. CO .Way I", lS. lotf Shirts, Shirts, MirHITE l-inrn, Wiiu and Fancy Mnwillrp, V ItiWer tltnn the name kind ran be uianu fatciur in iVir I'nitrrt 8i.it. t FULLING S, SPRINGS k CO. Shy 18, I85d. Ilitf Boys' Clothing. fl'O Prnti fe woald mny, you can finl on at. I 'rtni'ntluurClathinK 8lre, here we keep all kmua, whi. FULLING, SPr.LNGS k CO. I0tf Tltl'Mi.' 'I It I' !". .' VGOOD Aaaortmenlof Eadiee' and (ienl'a Trunka. Valicea, CariM-t Btea. Ae. at low iric. Fl'LLI.MGS, SP JUNGS k CO. .. 18. leif. IDlt Olllceatl I !-'. - S.f. It.ltOutl, ( mmoni, Mav 16, tb.'it-. ( f flIlE eounons due on the Bomia of t'.ia Coiu JL pan; on U-e lat of July nrlt, 'I be re deemed at Una agency wl.u,, v r preaei led. ... A. II MAlilIN,.li-'. . Ha PflTl T?3rnT1 KPPriTl ' dVaUUiil sVaUUlla JJOeVUll S It ae afk i al k LUS good BA( UN m at II --r Wlalal fi m 99i f wine:, will he anh: lor l ath. J. Y. URYCK A CO. .Voy 18. ie..8. I' d" Paper, Paper, Paper! "M 'E arc now tiivo.j .11 Siori, iw rt rtrd ai. ft Se.uf vii.ppic. I'Ai'r.if. ti'taMe r Mcrchttnt and IrruirK. t.i cun iiirn" l httt notice unh HracrnttM.ii ot P (ir t n re owl by Printing Hlicr a nd Cotton Yc .d wul allow tatif nce 1"T tht a, state ot .... ltt,lt. J, Y. PiIlYCE k CO . Agtht for If acovut Mu'fo. May If, lt-58. Notice. IHAVK.f.l.cd all my Nntra anJ A ttie hanua of W. A k lnr colkctim imlrbti'd t me are renneatcd to make I Thoe ed in te p ivmcnt, aa hnper indulgence c tnnol b- t'vcn Ttine ho do not evt.le lorthwilli may tx:-rcl pay coat. T. M. FARIIOW. Al IS, I85f. imf Notice tI.L indebted to the late Firm of PhTCK ER AY SO.MEIiSare rrq,uealed lo pay i.p by Ihe ! lalol J.iV liexl. a by lout tune w i..n give our Notu and liouk Aecounta iuIo olnrr liuuua li.r eoilt etion. Afy IS, l(i5S, 111 j gtNofice. 1 "ja' virt'jre of a Oi ere.' ia.lied from llie Coun H ly Court of Mecklenburg county, at the A prii term, I will proceed to ai M, on K.iurJjy, the "Mb of June net,at the late reaiucrrc of I'r. S. N. Wediiington, die'd.. the PLANTATION on which ha lived, aubj. et to the wi'.w's dower, adjoining Ihe ltnua of Andrew r oinga, Duvig A. Sluau ml . hers, to aaliafy debt, against the eelule of e. il dvaa.td. JAS. P. il EN PERSON, Adm'r. .Vy 15, IH.iU. 116 y , ,,. f i UYdlC LUUCtU lcllt . YOCNtJ I.ADV, quel, tied to teach Ih. d,f. frrM bruBI,,ri j , KM)!, Educati-..., fcnu e tnn on the Piano r uric, ia anxious to prjeur a atluation. aa in.trui'treaa in a rrtcct ble private family, or Acadcinr. She pmrTor to ,...i. .. ik. ..... ..i i .ii ... . J...ioA of 211 lncoJ, Bn.rn,ng. Adores. M. M , Wmeha.ter, Uni,iB oun Aay Id, Ic5(i. 118 C'haiiwllc Jliitti;il Tire Iiisitr .' oiiiianj. 5THIS COMPANY continues to lake riak a. Jk gainet loa by fire, on llotiati. Gooda, Pro. duce, Ac,, at unnl rate. IT OlHc between Park's Store and Brawley'a Building. ornrens. M. B. TAYLOR. President.' C. OTKR.MAN, Vi- t I rrsiint. E. NYE HUTCHISON, See y.Jjr Treat' r. DIKBl'TtiRS. M B. TAYLOR, C. OVERMAN. J. L. BROWN, WM. JOHNSTON, F. SCAUR, 6. T. WKISTON, A. C. STEELE. Jon L Brwn, 8. T. wierot and A. C. Sieilw, Exttuuv Gcm"itl(t. , ALnld. Hit. I0lf STATK OF NORTH-CAirOLWA, . ,', MetKLE.NBUHlk cotiMr. . Svperior .Court of Xw Opting Ttrm, d VRDERKt BY t OfltT, that a Horeiat Tr I I J af ft. Saoerinr Curt of Law. f.,r anid cm, ly. ba hcldal the Court lloyaa in Charlotte, oa tlw . 41U nulUlT in Jlltll llfjl. Te-t: J. R KERK. CUrL ' Suilora and witueaaea in firil will pleaae takn miUcf. Afoy 18, S 5 Cents Revard. A?l HVAY from lit- auhnrrirwr in DrwrnWr, I8 7, a bound by by the name of TIIO. MA.S UKIKH, almut 13 Tri f ri. AM I r. I tiiua are (orrw:irned nrt lo harbor tr t mnlnr anid bny, aa tlw loar will be enforced auoinut my one who may un ao. I lie abv reward will he pmd to any on lor lira delivery to inc. bnt nn llinnltt , A. WADDLK. Jlny 4, 18riB. til - ' - J .:. fl-SL- ...T.,4 !.. CJIJINSOIU! IOIIi , V?E firl r yUKm K lo w ,iolTt.d nn , m .-..l, ,,c ... ,,.,, ,.,.. , 3. C. JIOORK. J. II. MAXWELL. Tlt n'rriber harr nw tute-ii omn iuti of the stuck nf (kmledioncrie?, &c. hr lonjinr in the lute firm of Mmtre Sl I ellifif ffl covt. Tlinstj wi-liirtf ar lit Ira in tlac tboV line jiivMiH: etll. J. W. MOORK, T ruil.ee. J, II. MAXWELL. Anril 57. ISJoU. 8tf isr Fairbanks Scales. 1 a I Iheae iitly celebrated -alia, prepared to furiiiah RM Itnndi r&Vj) nd peraona in want of a durable and accurate Kctile, with oil le- aeriptioiia of liaihntul, Tmck nn! Tirpot Scales, Warehouse ami Store Scnrs, llnj'per or H hrut tcaUt, from 23 to o'lO bu I'lnur J'arktuji St't't, Grocer and Counter Satfes, .Tlieae are more talenaivi ly uarfl than uny otli. era and litre been long and ai-verely teati-d, and 1 in every ioalince Inva given entire aatialaction. 'For an In ul Miniifartmen' I'rim, mlivered III ; Chiirltaton, Wilmington or Peier.lmrg, Vi. by I GILLIAM & DUN LOP, , 121 Sj eiinote St., Pi tcrabiire;, V i. ! April 90. .-,. till Iron and Steel. Pc'l-'raihurtr. V.i.. lniuorttT atid Dealer m i, an(J $u.Kl in(lc t,Ifc aUtnlj(m ,,f nt..rrhuniii , nntf nunu.)rfturcrii ! their t ifr htm! wril nmrt. ) tti itock of iron iind Steel, compusuip : JWt!tMt ..... ) Wi.l Plough, 6 to Itl ineliei F.ngiiah lii fined J-IRO.V. Round, Square, and Flul R.ua, all aizes I Oval, H ill Oval and Half Itcjun.l ll.e.p, Band, rteroll lliirae and Mule Shoe Beat Coat fteel. Eng. and Am. Uliatercd anil Cer- IIMO Steel They are" nlao aeenta for the a.ile ot" .Wiaon's Sperm Oil at Monnfu'turer't pneef. j Apni 20, IH.',?. t" 1 3 Notice. f INFORM lo 1.x Paytra nf lee 11 i.hnrg tnnt I in.w lo-ve in in) lunii the lax data lor If.i7au I am readv tu receive ti.e lax. i ea due ;u:d grunt receipt. 1 lione llloae illlerealtd , will otil'ge me ao f-r aa to call e.irly and atttle, aa it a ill save me much tune itnd trou'ilo. E. C. UIUEK, khtnff April 20, ie:,8. in iVth Car'lina Mineral Springs CABARRUS COUNTY, IM- C. I WILL open a St IIOOL r girl. a t'l u 1 .,11 be Ii ,ph li.. t S per nn m th. F.rf Tmto Writing, Arithniet.e, Granm ur and Cc-greeny, nil Ni-dl " ",K "' at 92 fH-r month. P ting req 11 Tl vlu ,nv throUKh tlnacoiiiitv. ' he. cured lyafiep. la, Hiteaaia of the ,...'r and Kidney and Ntr. voua AtTectiona. foi Mineral Snring ia not a place of publm resort, as many of oui wnlering place. I craerved II for tile ntu .tion for which it ia new orlVri .1. ni will be free from coiitagti.ua ditraaea. Any directions, post p., id, w.lt receive attention. SARAH S0SSERMAN. Piomer Sfit's, ( utmrruM co., April "ill, jd. Important Land Sale. HAVING determined to rcniovo to tlie South. West, I ..tf.r lor mile my valuable nnii high. J!?flrv ly unproved l. .M)nn JixyV Rorky l!iver, S mile, weal jfWjtV aWTriaT' ofl on-ord,('uliarrua coun. !!!3i-hI It, and h mile from the N. dYfttitWk I. .,, H,.n,i. tine. iri.ct o: litlO acre. Ivintr on both n;ea of the river, m a high stale of cultiva. , J rRKPAllIS and JOB WOKK promptly ot liou and unurpoed richm -a of mil. Another tcmicd to. tract of 3UO acre, on which I reatdc, ui.uauully , t Imiiottr. .Vurri .Id, IS53. 4U' well. improver;. Having excellent Dunning, a gouu r'.-m.k, v.v. it b with all luitublc fixtnrca for au. ceaafu! hu-ineaa in Innninr and tanning. Tht above l.iuoa ara a-ell.w atered, aallihno proportion of aoodian autody of gotid limlH-r localilv and a large Hording ail ixhatlctlcaa Purchaaer Would do Wi ll to examine anon, a it ia eldom tint ai. rich and well mij rovid farm ara offered tn marhil. C. J. HARRIS. itril 6, Atf NEWTIHM. FBlHE unt'erniirncd having intrnd into Copart JL nernlnp tor ttie MirrHt of carrying on the Confectionary, Bakery, Fruit, AND Retail Grocery Business Beg leave to call the sttenlion of the citiiena of Cbarloita and .urrounding country to their New SlKinlon Trade Street, b, tw, en Brein'aand Frank. , eiithi.ll', at Sprnt & l..nie ' old Stun. I, where they would he plea, j to act ail tli.ir friend mm acquaintance.. MOODY A N IS RET. Ftbrvary 2, IvZS. 4S.tf ni.T)MVite& Co., ; it :. i h i: it s in o n o 4 1. i:m t: , u iioi,i ai.i: iuki rr tu.. . RE now receiving a large tock f e Mf and wiil have weealy auoitiona fcyT.tif aa their eulca may rtijinre. Tlnty j a","ti" will Bill to the wnoltaalc trade at j a .mall eommiaaten. Our Te.m.re CJSHsr COC7 RY PRO PIT B. ' W occupy the well knowr. aland recently oc. cupud by T. M. Farrow. j J" ORDERS attindcd to promptly and a low j a. ,f prcent. WILLIAMS & CO., , Trorfa SHrer, 3 ieo. tht Hrt ( rnfr. Ciariu,Jiia.2f. IP5t). ttf DeGrath's Electric Oil. SUPPLY of this erlihraled Oil for sals al 1 i Drug Store, Irwin' rro.r. 7 H.M PRITCIIARD. My 4. 16.-8. 9tf ,v a-v g g !.MS. Pur ground WHITE I f .9 III" LEAD ia ml and aeaorled s.g.ju.t r..v.d .nd i.r r.i. .t PRITCIIARDS, ia?ts's Cjner. W t aathoriwiri tm annnoaea tT. II. M. PRITt HAUl), aa aa Iride iwituent iX'.nncrafie Cuajdi- data lor the iluwae of Uuiomoaa., Waareantlwriied loaitnovnoel Sheriffol ihe county ol'M'cklea barr, at ihe enauiug An Jt eleetiun. jtiaf 2(1, 1MB. iQOTS a SHeSS KHK k. CO. ire now rprrivinp tnl opt-n-ill);, tlie chejjt cluck ol I SOOTS they have ever had the pleasure of oflrriiif to the i Puu,,t u,11 '" ' 10 "o " - f:nui: ( axh iu sim'ss they wili elft-r tart intlucrmrrttir tit CASH huvtra: '7 nd in ere; e 1 11 a ta nee where exfHla baa tohechargid n ud4iliunnl cliarge ol per cent. ill be mailt1. UOONE k CO. I ami:; Khick Lasting t.AlTKR!, it ROONE il CO. WILMS' beatT.ni.iee tioat liOOT nd Ill'S. iK. hl.N'S, at (I 4H t ilth, at UOO.VE'S. C"- EMT.FMKN'St Fine pegged Ci l JT UAITEUj lor 2, Plain u. tl 5 Kid top ROONE k CO. 11.'; HO Will ) II -Wo'ea' fine ilrau.- HtHTS at t7. M!SKS. I! .,y 'aChlldre n'.rui Inf-nl'a CUOT.-t , SIH IKS and (i Al l lilts in endie.a v..riiii, and ul wtprrcedtnirtl tote fint'$ hi ROONE & CO. 'S. I llh Mj A MS, s 25. UOONE k CO. G 4 FN'T'S Fine Call" Pcrg'd HROOA.NS, K 'i to tl 5U. Extra tl ) as'i, at JJOONEd. n E.NT'S Hay State SLIPPERS, $' 00 LSI " l.lianill d " '' ' Roan 65 LOONE k CO AI'IES Fit I at i ( ati Ki.l 111 .'KIN'S and SLIPPERS UOONE S. A DIES F. .tti 2J. ,e Col'd S.ik I. -ting GAITERS, Coiigrcaa do. 1 511, CuaA. j BOONE & CO. I C'SF.NTi.EMFN who w Ji EtlUlti or (.Al l LU. i.h a pair of FIN K -i, a. 10 !.... lot irtt moury I" nl any C..II b" ailll.d at liimif $ other I..ue 111 tin- .Suf. Wc mm what we eiy. JjooNE & Co. April I, I6..?. a" A Ruliaule Notice. T tlV. firm i.f lire in Al Mecie waa ine.vc.l by ..itii.il ctiseiil on Ihe I.t l.'. V ol J.n.i.rv, 1H5-I. Tnc businesa of the Finn la in my nanus' for collection and aeltlemenl ; and I hereby rea. pectfull v reiileel all prra.ua ind hted to toe late hriii hy B.ak Account to cnine forward and M tt'e j between tin. uute and the lito ; of July, lrv'S,' na I do naaure y.u that all ureouiita nue the rinu ul that lime will te put in auit for collection. A. C. ST Eli I.E. April 6, lejJ. otJ Charlotte Maehinc Shop. W. D. PINCKNEY k CO. Ilugineers, Hydraulic Presa Makers and yinrlliiM-ry in (jriM'i'ii I, HAVE commenced buaiiirss in ( loiriot'e. in the Kb ir In,., and are pnpirrd to in.ke Sl'KAM ENGINES of any form or construction, Hydraulic 1 niton rretsr and every oi,,ir ueacnp. linn ol .vi.ieinncry. Cash Paid for Hides 1Y S. II. MOW ELL, 3 door. South of the J M H.-u.e. I nario-.lr, April fi, lt5S. 5tf 500 iv . a, if (iAI LO.NS PIHE LINSEED OIL, """ ' " "p R I T C 1 1' A B P " S . J.uinbcr Yard. 4" u UK u'.iacrtbers inform ti e citiser of Char b lottB unit virion v. mat cd a LI M BER YARD in lend keeping a supply of a for hmliMi.g mid otlur pur, dill i their agent m t,.n II. towii, where thev Hi. 11 kmda of L L AI BE II .,. Mr.J Ru. . Api.otion can be made lo him or lo ruin r m the under.. go.it. MILLER i POKIER, OrC 1. 1K.7. OS Urate l!tiursin. eei,o'.e refnaii.mt sun laxative, aa pie 4 Crew. ant lo tl taste aa aoda water. K'lri by II. M. PRITCHAKD, Irwin's Corner SnpoMiftrr, OR CONTENTRATED LEY. Warranted to make .nip without lunc, ami witn little Iron ble. Tne but and rlwapcrt nrtmle in uai. Prici. and 5 cent, a can. Sold bv II. M. PRITCIIARD, lKc. I Ir.in'. Corner. Wanted, 1,000 t OKDS OF TAN BAKK. for winch the cash w,l; he p.. id. BOONE cV CO. .VarcA 30.1S5?. ttf llrt'krrS I'nrtua.' rB'HE.uoertority" thiarti:lscer('om Star h M 'l apLicr.. Si-go, Ac, a , aruei. ol Qivt tor invalid and ,i.u,eal, ia unqural.ontU by tu ni- dtcal faculty, full supple PRITCIIARD S Sepr 1. 1857. 'I nline i", r Train Oil. 1"0Tl Tanner and Planter uac in dreing and 1 oreasrvinr Lt.ll.er and H rnae. For ...la by .1 II DUITP M. II. PRITCIIARD, Pec. i lrwia'a Corner. 6UBPFNAS for eala at th'i ofSoa. iAPipw da trior r.t Velhili to thti fficauf The 'TlarkrlK. r COBREfTKD BT B. M. OATH CO. CHARLOTTE. MAY S4. I H5. BACON, Hama. new lb.. IS Oi, 19 J ....li (uj i II (o, no .....1)11 ff on 17 (nj IMI .... 5 (..; ....121 H Il'. ....-in 2J ...Am i, 00 ....00 (a. nft (10 '.e. mi ....U Ot, Ml IU) Co, 14 .. 18 f, 20 2H r. 33 4S W. i 2.5 (, U0 ....-,3 ( s: ...-Id) f.rv I'd ....15 ; 20 ....I2J f la ....2.i (..j, 3tl ...HI (,., 121 ... il f. 4.5D ("' sus ....:tu (" 35 ...121 W "1 i (1) tf ...Hi or, Wi ...a:iun 3 .....05 i. i0 .....37 6 40 ....St fn U0 (i) tJ .... 5 ft 00 .... S fa, 3U Cm, 37 ... 7 a, 71 f-rt 9 iO 0' 7 110 fn; ()0 ....4 (a: $0 ....14 (a, 16 .. 8 fx 2 .... 8 a 9 CH (n,.0U G si ....H7 fn 9U ....75 f. 80 ..45 (S 5S ... 3T1 ...2 C 2H ...22 (n 23 .11(1 (.'; 00 aiuea, .-iu.. Hit rraan, lb.. ilinulders, lb.. Ragging-. (unny. It,:, Ib , Ib , Ib ....buahel, ... gal 1 Ih Ib Ib....... r. lb lb Ib httaiiel... bushel... each -J""" yani iloien ... hhl Butter . Ikeawax Heana Hrumiv, Aoole, .. I I (;,.tw,n. r.aw I Cofiee, Rio. .. - Java, ('auiilfa, AWunialiti Spent., ... Tallow,... Corn, old " new t"'iiekelia, Cloth, f 'o(nraa,. l.tnrtaey I Vex I I'lonr j Ke.. I he I.rl j Million, Mackerel . MolliMea, N.tl W.I ' Meal , Mullet. ( Wiliiiingti N.ll!a, Norlhern, I " Southern Data ' Pork ; Peaa j Potaloea, Iriail Ib . ib ...WV.N..I... ....Kilie .-!!! 1 ... hhl lb lb ... buaiicl... lb hnahel... Sualiel .. buahel.. SUHlltl... lb Ib . Rire, ' Sllg:ir,fai 1 P.r St.Mie.W, Salt , Tea Wheal, w ...rl.. -busllel... ..hoahej... .. gal , Norfl.ero.... N . 'itrolina, at t.corgia) a KFMARKS. COTTON. W h ,ve hud u bruk market for the list week, anil what wis offered waa Ireeiy taken at price ranging from D t. c. f lt:N ia in cem.uil pt the quota ttonn in table. FLU".'!! le dull ami a aliade lower. Wc now quote from (: f-f l p-r bb'. tt!l,r.!l!l.t MARKET. ClILtMBlA, May 23, 1868. COTTON. There laetill j n active demana l..r but th. ;.plv .tfri ff continues li lair I'liiiitiianoi , Higher. II f II Ill (-1. Ho an i I III! I., I'M . 4j l ... fa rc mil and tin 12 1 C' il'a tr-i . J tfl., h.., Ci IliN PEAS OA'!- I l.Ol It CHARLESTON MARKET. Ciuiii ruT.n, May 21, 185S. OT'PON. The tr.nact.on in cotton to-day re.el.eu npwartia of I,7i'J haiie neat !l!Hi hi ha of which w.re l.i.'iliin; fir. ..nil hrnoght 1'JI eta., which ealablianea at. (c. aiivno.-e on thia earte, win. toe oilier i.i..iitie r. pn.n the amiu u.- pre. 1 v ious! v reu-.r ; oi. Wm, A. Owens, ,-J TTOIf SH Y A T 1. A n 4 11 titl ii rn:. . v.. ILL prnelire ill the Colirte of Meekh nhl lllfo i.pn..ritt Pot I lllii-e. 4Uf SAM 'Id. P SMITH. ATTKh V A rvrrn.lOR A T .."', TAS AY flwav. to; li iino al il.e of'.cc ot V iiiium .73 J loo. Le,,. If Pr nn. I ait nlio.i givin to Collections, wri- ing of In e,,.. Conveyance, Ac. f rh. ii, l.'.n. 411" Fresh Bread! SL'ESTI IIKKAD for .amilie.. every m.rnii.w at J. II. P.iimt r'e outittioniTy, otto a our uhi ve tlo II, nk of I liurlottc. Jan. S!B, I5S. 47tf . I'tU Ai JIAVA.NA LOTTERY. The frit ordinary drnwim; ot'tlie Royr.l , va. nu Lottery conducted by the Spanmh G-neriiiiieut, ,11.!, r the n,a ,v,ol, of the t aptulll t.ill. ru of Cuba, will take pniee at Havana oil WKDNLSD.IY, MAY 26, 1SJS. $300,000. SOR'il.O MlltllO 50f or.DINAKlO, c irm i. ri.'izr i oo,oo:. I prii. of fclOO.OOO ' t pr.re.of .-J OOO 1 " ftO.OUO 5 I.OOO 1 - ;tu ODO I 53 " 50O I lO.IKMI 143 IOIt i A.Oi.U I 'JU Apr'xim'a tS fSOO 4 Atmrnxiiiiat-on to li e llilnim thtiO each i 4 of (41111 io toO.IHHii 4 of S4I10 t :i,l'i'0 ; 4 ol $4tlU lo etU.tmtli 4 nl 4(0 ta 5,(Miy. Wh,.iTo KetfJ0; H:.lvtBli; Qnnrti-rj 15 i I'rifi'x (aahiil at Bight at 5 per cm I. Uiacounl. II,,;. on ail .oivetit B t.U t.. .en at pur. A orawiog will be tdrwarded as a aon aa the ra. auit hl'Coinea klio.Q. Con u,uni,-.,ti ..na ar lreaeed lo DON KODRL til EZ. feure of City Poal, Charleston. S. C.) un. til toe i6th of Mav'. will be attended to. Peraona oidering T f tela will pleaae write their n.iii.ea plain and gne their poal officii, county and M'urc Fi-furli If ', OLLAND Gin, Whiakev, Shirry and Port Wines, Loi.uon A. .nu Porter, tor iniiii- II uai. hold by Dec I H M PRITCIIARP. lurch, LACK Pepper, Giuger, Baking and Washing I .da, t nan, tartar, . ulnit gs. Mate, liana. ii, tloveaana flavoring Extract, ol evtry kiuu. For al -t wl oieaaiv ai d rt l. li. bv II. M. PKITCHARP, JVc I Irwin's Corner. rrt'.li ra.ngif.s wnlrr, N pmt home. ju.l received imn Sarutjga I prlllg Die. I II. M. TR'TCriARD, Irwiu'a Corner. ailllir aoy and EnKtiai,, Ginl!, nun'a t reclined, tn-X) lb in hi ,u, itra "li. m! PIUTCHARP, r win's corner. 8 t OT, H. Ma SNI'IT. ;t and j IK!. 1. 165" lit sit i PrtLe .t.i e X 11 AVING taken adiantaga of the p-e.ore of M. Ja.iue time, 1 li.oea, l.m r.cciviag, by , n ..ud ai.it'iedaloi-a ol M purr. i i.a. f hem. ICt! I meat iea!, luatrumrni Clieata, . reiurctlully mill your atteution. Ah oroera b mill or ou,urwie. put up wuh tuatneea and dt.ap.ieo. . H. M. PRITCIIARD, Deo. 1 I'"'"' t"""- BLANK DEEDS for axle at 0G114

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