''"', r'" Yi htntaj grating. From l!ie Xt w KugUiMl Farmer. ' Mt -raiTTiosur llixaiiti.L a I'mIiu There wouM seem to be but little room for meditati n .unil the pri-ading cares oflil'a, but little lime to u-e ami iiifruire vf our solves what we are doing au l wbiilior ire tie tending. 'J'ho iiicri'inj tate for lux ury cill. perpetually for greater exertion in strulc fr wealth ; mi! with tiiinj its attaiumc-i.t in tlid one engrossing thought, hutt out all holler interests, ami wait ing life and enorjry with ftatful rapidity. To be rich i the cnuinitig desire of in- rom.rablf heart-.; auJ Ljw ftw probe the motive that incites this desire, and bow many j reaches down into the thickest nights of tbe Xho Mississippi scraper is saiJ to be a fine would be utterly aMouii-heJ if one could soul into the most frightful depths of in- i implement for this work we have not tried prove to ihetii that ibcy were paying an ix-'warJ suffering or eoi.fi ets. ! one. We rely mainly on the hoc, though tortiooate, perhaps foaifjl price for the cov-j Under no juniper tree canst thou sit, j ,e l,,Te ued for the last few years ave rted treasure. Wbeu ihnuht H compelled ; bicb has not overshadowed him ; no thorn J Tj good , instrument made . by Haggle!", to a perpetual servitude, wleii nitur ceases can wouud thee, from which his heart has j Nourse . Mason, of Hotter, which does the to interest, when lifu los: s it-elf in one deep, . D0t bled ; no fiery dart can hit thee, which ' work very well,, and preserve the Led uu iiarro chmnel, when the love of the past ; baa not been shot at his sacred head. He j broken. The prolific source of all tbe dif and tue ido:n of the preetit is uudurval- 'cn indeed have compassion. Yes, only be- ,; Bculty iu making cottou, is this constnnt ucd, then we insy be ceituiu that the demon lieve it, denr soul ; as oflen os thou liel in y plowing down and bedding op your cot of avnriec h is taken up his abode in n.eu's the furuaee, over thee the eyes of the wateh- j ton ridges aftf t the cotton plant has com fpir'tual nature. ' fjl Refiuer melt iu tears and a great, ho- ; menced growing. And we aguiu reiterate It is a fearful thing to surrcn-.lei life, tLenht, hope, to lemr-orsl good alone, to fiv man's deatbks- bring only a crumbling support. To be ditigMit, faithful, rpiiht, I li do cheerfully aud promptly what duty! ! ;oin, is an important paitof a Christian's j cbarseter; he uiu-t do this, but more is re quired of him. Ha not Ood implanted in s faealtit to he developed, tastes to be cul-1 tinted Has He not strewu beauty every- ! where, ever, iu the eily's erowded streets and ea desert wastes! lias He not given to all, if BM the creative at least the appreciative potier w uorer-y ong iru pnesy, piuii"j: scu'piure and i,reUt dure, are maae nun- Uter- of r.jre at.d bolv en.otion T 1 - J we renJer t.eh this U ent not ID- .. ... .krwnken from .nd ,e. kuiwltd-e in His sacret pres. nee tliat tbe . , i . . . , ..,.;.?.? '( n. t.iir. i tbat surrounded us were . I. ,i . u.re precious in our regards than our souls . . ... , i . un ia.aoiu!ity enuowed . lie ho eouiplains for want of time, indi jifil and ir!:tliinS'.n-l7 tlis .Maker Thiscannotbe. A ,Ure , withl that tbee cnuot Mti-fy, demands other me at on hi h to feed. Chain down thoosht - , we wi.,, iisouie.iu.es, s.il'j us uuuj u i its ton! aua , . ., . i soar up.ard anu oowara luto tue purer ei- , ... , ,r. . liebt. and cine hack tfre-bed, claiming itc. '.e-l.l blrthr-ht, j.-jViIuj tis cele.il.l d,.:inr. I, fc has i: itcpcraiirc Untie?, its pain, r i it-sorrows, tul t iese are uoi an ; ii oa ut ep, pre joy, aeration, that pan,, only at iiod thmne, an unrest that teaches a lea- ' . . i .l . .1.. :.nMA...l .on a., mux Je.rn, l0Jl .0e i M -brjud itseT in tbe mortal. . i e rnu-t mtditate ou these tl.u.gs, or they . , , . i . 1 1 ta:iurJt ii.uoeuce our mc uu iii"i ' fiom fcttsr ikt.-orption in tue irirndi.ite ne- ees-'uies of cur bein. I: cicr.-H be tbsi we bait no tiui'.- for these nj7-t solemn and im- p .r:si.t thoughts, for we have either nnder- taken too much or we err in the di'posal of , , , ear ociupatisua. in either case let u ap . ply the test of consc-.ecce, aud iignt wm couie , . . ii Vu it i ruJst t.ve:i.u. . ., My mt(."ittion of iiiiu shall be sweet sait.i a id o.ojrv stel'jl t.vins thi. course. With tht rt laruiiij V.fe and bcaaty of , . . ,,',. II,, . wh'i.c wc o-e esrtV giriiitur" of preL, I.t fi-crs, t-r ui'Icdj; at. 3 h r boun'!'.eM esiiocy of uiu. .ike a u..ie sj.r. -aJ orer a... If u oe i.;i..t to Le devout "n a'.! to? erowl ed Rjart. of bu-incss. I' sovily is e.-y to be to in mt f: t- air upou the l.i".5:dc or io the vttiey niacle musical by stream aud Idf and b;ld 1. t tr.a deuilen of eilic out a:.d rc icf tin.r u.e .f o.ture, and t.'.e refresh in? d ran.. Ms from hr pare fo.jrtta'ns, and h i witb O'id amid h' r sunlnue t'jitld'l " , tid ir-. p .uve in. o.d i. ke ioie for tb. t.mpie rt ptice.e p!eau-c, mat are scat- Urtd kl the f. tt of all who will acecjt them "omeditsts opon the future implies by ao ancana l.'gl ct'f nt r -jip'.'t-iiii'i lor ia;irove:ueLt or n iovtu'it " ll'.id tl " Hold tbe le be- C vt alii'i-1, T.nie. by tl 'iws a Ht.-:np npon u," is a sav'-i wor tl v of ceriietaal rr in-uibrntice. 'l'her! i r ' . t .- oce HOW. 1 Ue-.H n.oiueu.s re jeaei tint we drrp at each foo'st. p. Jf ' whattL'. .'1 the qitbticti that vitally con Wit. ! 1 10:1, our .TH'ditUtlOU" WHO OOO, wt dl.a.i ,0 f..ri;i to u.e cai.Sct of lifevnironj.' U. P..e t ! t. i'il:'.t. r,v.!"t:t uo rf tiiaM, pD- 1 Iju! I. the ui 1: .. wi tuu. tisiiClify o.r butiibio-t i'l'dii j jt. Lu.il rt.feltl.ee Vj Li. uiviue approval II J. L He nte.auros our dv$ riiJ our taks, ,d .... ... .,, , t . ,, . tant it ! to remove ami kill the erass ahd r " t '""o iio u. n. ir.J .rfiv --a I i" i Call tbev be IllCCnipatlbiS : Is IS rcaiiy that , , , ,,.' ,,,lHrril..d or.,1 ,,,..... d..i.iii..ri.l..-t.l..vl..lr..i....Mflyrm..l,..,. ll.,,.!.. . , , wcI. it t ), uccesarv to stir and pal-: ,eol'J uuuerrati.a, ana as a consequence. ,,,,. YW ...,, . ,ir. jm.-lmi co-hv. i . mu.t ne..,ect a.l el'c on-r to De lea ana , . ' low meieh Delected. An .er of 1nd con. ! "u"r- r!u!., :'r.T. rf'": I clothed and sbelured' I thij the sole end ne utiaec sou, tnai t-.e warm . I, r. , ,,, .... , . s.uiah Tj. p..iii.ma. I , " ' , t, - , oi the sun a tbe atmo-phcre may have ! t3,m futility t produce . Prtri trul ty B. A. ,,.,,. mh.J of .iTo. tae cihDioymiit for alt our varied m r . . 2.j m :ji t .Kt- r -;n .un i lrt;.u n i"f i'ut4,i.-ire't1 w York. ww t.r from iiiipcrKcf prfparati'in,ubs-iient bard i w; uju.-I thetifu.'y .eiome tbe-e nieuus- . r . '1 lie Aitrt ll( 'lirillill.l !b t n t il ! J ... , raiu.', or O'.Lcr caj-e, the Sr5t p oii" nil .twnii.i .uoiiii.i si.nni k j 'h Lis face from Hi- wucnm- servants ' . : a g dlina) oi u e I u l la 1 0 r ail 1 0 n. i to wi lorirnr eoif or djiii, i.nt woiini nve in. . . r , . , rO!ic-l.!y and deep, while the plant is yet! ' rrowito n.tortd. or iroub.ed with dnndruff aud1 .eOt-?':rc-S turn .roni I.:?B it. tl ..n,-.t- i.,,,.i I .... rf'l'E un.lrr.ivn.d i.roir.ar. to ouUi.li in Hie itchinf bol would have il r.ntnttd. or troubi.d I neeSC,fo.ir Jar,.. If our jrr . ere c.mp'.oU- uu"-;a the leUr.l roots ha.e: , . ,,f I., a trm. Jo, ss.l, ol ..is. -.o.u.a. .. ...i hMd. or u, p...,.. but ; J , Sfr'id out from the niimcliate vieluity of , the abotr tale, d vol. il t xi lum ty lo Iii. ui. in. , bo eurud, or wan nr. li. d .riie, (neural-1 I'-Lou. Iii. stproiai ; itd aearctroneto . i lnttln ,.f St.ni .tiesl lnfiirtndti I jii but woum be cured, il nl .ito re.tov. .11' l.,k for :! oulyu the .bade, and the tL ,1L" C" L wituout mju-, Th. -,, .ucb ,. lt b, ever, .w! p..o... Ir .... f-e. ...u K.o,. W..: ' . . ry to tbe laud or tenon, as the Sun has ten vent cn.sen, wlio ue..tt lo beeome .1 all .c-: H ctloilie will do ail linn, see circuUr aud ,lar tLe reception ol the seed. JLis you- Tills M'MP VTIiiKS OF 1'L'J r i 'U' ' ' f" I JU M "J Wb-ti tno pcrjl.s ua- ut ho arc a Me o , ;i(W, dampish land, it. is (jite ncce.ary ; 1 n count .i',-i,-.:,i .l.e..,...;i,ulM1i.a!v..ionof tbe cotton pleo,,' lufletiugs of t-a'.au. oh, w!. t mooa! ni-clo- ! jo1 ,., p.oce4.d Lpou u'liTrent prioeij.le ; ris tnke place '. what t.u-'.fui cuntiubiea- tifioc.-t -ahat tender sympathy is then ' n;fr.jrt ! ." TreM SaaUi e-'li'e Out all r ..to be otiir, tud t-u. steals rspidly on. But on the otLe'r Ut&, towards one ;er, or should be, at least, tbe object of r wlio know, not our needs by experience, we ery planter to operate in all bis planta ara dumb, reserved, aud tako no pleasure ; Hon ecouomy to tbe very best advantage. Jo eommuuioaiin, because we four that he will be abla neither to understand or sym pathize with 05. So, ititletd, would we have kept farther sway from our heavenly Kriend, bad he tot become our oiupnniiMi in tribulation! " But now the tboujjlit is exceedingly refiesbitif, that he himself was tempted .trail points tike a we are and knows tbe bitterest an guish of our soul from bi own experience. Now even though no fellow man understand ii, ah ! Mill wc know there is yet one Friend at band, to whom we need but li.-p a word j of our aflxir and corcerni, and he ntuDce comprehends nil e feel, UN experience ly, mother-heart Meeds for thee in sympa- J thy for heaven. Knu'unuclirr, Fr-w the Cotton 1'lattter and Soil. PLANTATION WORK 10U MAY. The Crow. Corn and cotton is now all ! plat.tea, anu wtierc tt.e circumstances oi , ........... p, anting nith the comJitions oi soil ana sea- Lkfiil l.l mi ' lavuuuir, iuo j oung mmj are op and growiutf. The planter is Dow i u. e vi u ... w. u. . tition too. s or luiL.euieuts, to operate tor, ' r the propi rous aud continued "roilu of hi- r ,.-., ii crops, by the re:;ioval, tirst of all crass and; , ...,,,. !, . , wi.u weiu. o mru, ojr irai leeuillr luejuuug plants, of eour-io a up .nd mo bc tC-""7 C""1 thaC ' ' ' i f.,,,;i;, th f..J,.r .1, ... i j c - rmed lib their rrocer food, and the health I ' . ' ar.d rapid rowib of tne plant promoted. While there is no one role or mode of tbtit will apply equally well iu ail: " ' 1 ' , aal.es, li.ere is, nevertheless, one g'nt- , i ..- . i .l i . ... ' ici.ctbtroustbeohervedtbrou2b- T" loc orousi ne ouerveu toroucB- t ,1 i -r- juiuiiuuj iue . ... i gro;,s crop, ,u or.er to aecur. ., ,r. , aua greatest pronuenon, nnoer iue circus i . , . . .irniy be rathered and cured into the finest stanrs. of season., .ve : that universal . , J c i ... ' , , principle is, to avoid as much as possible, in the cultivation of the crop the cutti" , I c wounding the roots cf tbe erowin corn! - , . , - , or cotton producing nt tbe same tune the ... , , . irjort perfect pulverization of the surface; soil. To every man admitting the prin-i ,V . ;i:.,,; ... , ,l ,,V,,.; ; ' cu-, aBd wiil suge-t at once the proper . - . . lu - p'euieuts with which to eff.ct that object- - mo-t sueces-lu.iy. i ,,. , , , ... 1 Cou.s Ue have before remarked, iu , , . ..... riarJ to norking com the Crt time, that' , . , . , , . . ' o.i ijv uie , u.es eij( w rut, . i-o a va.j.bie Uieaos ol pvrlcctini and , . , ... , .. F ""' lu,: J u.v.-r.s.ii.u ui iue bvh, commenced la the nn-pratiou of tiie iau'l fjr p'an'iii.'. This work p-oper'.y done, not o i; I y destroys a'.l grass and weed- that may be at tbe time standing with the ysan corn, tjyt it I'-avcs tbe soM once u.ore I joeeutd up deeply, ic a iiLt as friab'e eondi'ion into ubich be young and' gro.in coru, thinned cut to a tmd, sends out it roits in all direction-! after iu pro per riourhtiient in the sii! No v. csn any rcS.-ctir. plint- r or nss-! aer believe, for a lu-.n.'.-rit, that he on' . -. ..r... ,1 - .1.., i -.,.- l.- l " ' ' 1 ' or more, enve a t:w into this soil, ever . L ff . e j b. ' , " 'f , 1 " corn, .iihout eut g tbe.u roots, atu , . , ,,. ,1 ... ,1 thereby preventing that sut piy of uouri-b- 1 , "-"J " f'nt pro-pr-vou, .1 .r ,,,. i, , , . 11- Another LioiU2 uu Jcr such circuuistan - -,v - r M 1 1 J '... .hort tl.. rrn.ln.i:,.,, r,..m lu lr, tr ,,..,.. ... j ul r ' - r twiilaif-rl tb real v.ije of tb produce , - , , . , to ine ixt-nt U least fi.e pounds Si.l ics. per bu.-nel. CjTtii." Your aottou will next require ojr aittt,'ion. Tou bite taken a efcat , . uc-.i 01 pains to neu up your 1 ma w e : 1 .tntiitiy. Voa tuay n.aLe evttcu, and le - tuiueiy. Vou n,y niaLo e-ttcu, jr.i lie ! ij.iei.tly will make 6 erops.cn thU new,! r,. k mliim ,1 f j..... t. . .,iui. ti..4 iplabt jut s y-i de tiro ll i, hWM-'f Tbe eottoo plant differ very materially in its natural history, Lubits aud growth, from the cereal, of which family ibu corn plant Mauds prominent. The cottou plant, like the noble oak of your forest, comparative- ly reunites a rich, firm and compact Led, and when this bed is once thronu up iu early spring, n. it should ..,. be, it is wasteful (coudiny for uuy purpose to plow it down. If you desire your cotton ,0 sU its jouug lolls aud bear full of fruit, pre- : servo .crnpulou-sly in .1. your -ubseauent work, after the flu lit is up, the bed vnbro Um, Mark thi ! The first work then is trt scraper, instead of bar tlrvn jour beds. ti,e fact, that though the boll-worm may j i!e.-troy his thousands cr millions if you i ! please, the plow-share destroys its tens j of millions t Id all your woik then, pul i verise tbe surface and preserve, at the per j ii of great loss, yi ur beds uulrokeu. I -PEAS. Towards the close of this month, I ' peas should h- planted. The best and ,. ! I . . ' . . .-..!' I land, is to sow them broadcast, at the rate of a half bushel per acre, and cover them (by running twice in the row with a har- 1 row we use invariably a tide barrow for tDj( purp0se. Do not necleot this crop ' " UDder the rrrebension that " reas will kll i " r I ,5 (jor ct;jon tbat many more 1 I ,j,e (or waDt 0f tl.em. : . v .,, ' ' j rt atre r aUcnt;on uor bbou!d you ne c-1 J ' i. .. : . tu- I v ally favorable in May by a soceession of ' ' ' showers, which favor the putting out of" .... t.j . . ... i l . 1 r iLor.!' freqaentlj sUtl, the Pot.to crop io I - 1 1 1 .,.,,;.. . ft.tn- ;a i piUtgc. tUn in ,n. cro, w. . ' e . ... ! p.,.,lW. p.'.. i , ,! 1 oiatoes are cq'iaiiy goya lor n.an and , . . , ... ., I i ""J UJ uc.nuiui prepared in any and everv av Thev tV1" ' everyway. 4 uej . are now selling freely in our market here; every day and have been for months pa.t, 1 J.. ,, , , , . at from el'c. to 1 per bu.-hel. I Lis is , , , , , . .. ne of the vrcetables tbat is iood in all . . . ... . , , . . . , lt3 Prts ro0 and vines. The vines id ' , , . , , . . the "rccn state arc one food for pi-'S and J kin C Lsy, which U equally good for hor- ' gej jmJ , i OTi'CK. A our .itentionto tbe welfare of , . . , , yiur siocs nou I nut v re'axed Lecaue 3 rt-aitu, uti.u e " I"" v rc:axea, tjecauae eatlier of spriug U at hand and tbe warm we . ' . ' - y attea- i umihj, iuu ki ui they Lave salt at proper inttrvals auu oth-' tr Decenary attcn'.ioa.. ' ., v i- i , r- rrom tlie ftew Engl.iid Farmer. .... . , , ... . , , "nirrwntVrlhiiftlhrUheeathr4tkrvk. MltA ar.W arorrf, Mi. tin thai tic sAol K0 cooSil.on, lul.re pr. nucct., c.,lbll bj nuut j mui h a b i.ur 1 e.si.iur.. , e rauiar vU in of tt iti:i a, C-Il(,jt a'.WiliulOii lo .III Haiti of ui.unal. luaU.e and inlere rait. rt d through our 1.. : l.t nii.ci.u inn llccoraa, inch .tu .t.on, I. r all pr.,cl.c..l pui;io. 1 1. in the Cbittt-ac !jt.;ru .gc ltmlali. areiiivit ei.iitam, our IIC tiul if pn .. i.l ; ',iai, w t , i otp ir. ttl.n pul.Ilrli mhiab . .lal.aili ..I ill roi .ti'.n, wbtrti la either btat, or M preserved by very li w. I. ao inconvenient lo find when want i d, in. ti:.- I. .ci" .fr au.,11 :n!i,n. The ruie .jy l. ... id oT tbe lii-p .rla .no SLilrmenl. from t uie lo lime in. ree, it e. n.p..mcp, .g-'KCd in Matiutaclura, M.h To eolleet tbre mi'isi ifc-m. nf information,' nu e11 I""" t li.e piii.o iu a .M..pe e..y ! rc- b-rci.ee and (or pt rpeioal pic.erialiou, a. well a. i 1a lather 1 1 mo ail evaiiaub- lewwcu, eieit mill. ; 1 bear.i.ir o.retily ir too. recti, ou our .e Ith, proa e Ith, proa . Pritv . nj n.outrv, n ti ueaivs ol t;. Jcuiual now ..IT. red l..r uub.ie uatr.ii.avc. So f.r a. t-e ,-n.n for e..c,-t.nf the s.m I...' been malu'co, ti.e nf . of to. '1'A,I l.T wi.l Is , ' 1., ..u-I'..rn,l. lion A;neultnr'.f'oiniii.iee,i:.i-jea. Ms. Mm u'itl una, Fi.be. 1 .eil Slali. IH-. l lir..lly,lia will ' ' 0.I-..O1 li.cir coliiuliol., and our proereaa m eaeii. , tU ,l.pm.H , C(lUin ZJUrpntU ,,.; ! ""' '"i: Fond, n.ii.mM f ( . rninon sct,.-.l.. arm .11 other M.te Dllie. r and Hoards; ,' ! a. al.n, , Suien,. ot. .no It. no. 1 01 tut condition 1 un ,.r,-, ,,1 Hie vaiioo. l.a.lroads and iSavi. . jti. i towwio". Tk, si'l A I I ST w il I I out to area, .a .. ! fliewnt n.i.ob-r of .capon. 11,,., nan.. . ar. 01.. laiiifO ui p-y f.t ii)ieii..n puuue .lion. 1 he : unilr. J c..nt.:i, each, i.ot let loan jjO a. J iti.,iiiMi L.11..U.1 hi .10 r, m .king . 1-A.k of; 3 ... towi,;,.-. w.il U.udcd a fu.i no coinpo. le ...Oca. TK1IMS: ; Tn.r.t T). i..a per Ui ou-Oil Dor 1st tub rinv 1 " ...-, j w..r. me. r-dy for publie.tion, wbuli f.rt 1 6f( HUii:br 1 I b dolt siiuoui.n-rt in the puM.c Bewanapers. i. i-ra-i.. o.hhiiii( ui p-iitunii tnc J""ril ' I " Ibeir n n..-. io In. -..d.r.iii.f. .,1 a del .t . U. ..... Ui. fi,.t oum.jer a. son .. ).. .io 'T. LCEK. , ( l:f V" TT rT77 .T f Ofi PRIM IMi of ..I km., ww. ' nall "iilm time Nortki i. -a vv.,,f 'irr.. , ..'JAMES 31. EIV V Kt COMMISSION MERCIIAST,1 , . i it tit km units s ra ee r, .v y. . t . ""BLTfS and fnrw.nl. every kind of wierchun. D illxr for 21 rr tenl. Commiuiun. RrfVf to U.ivs. Swain and Mnrelieail, N. W. W.Hidnn, J. VI. Onhnrne.O. P. Mindenlinll. A. M. (.'"Miian, Erq-. n.l llrv. f. V. iKtmt, linn. W. A. Cnilmm, i.tlieT. IVWrr in I'inn., 1NI.I."'' "ni., Orfun. Itjrpif. Guttarn, Mene. Pi Machlni-f, Iroi tufe, rnnip, tJnn'm I'lncii'e-, e. A print" list vf all the ditfYrrt't mnLrs, kii.tlt md prire- tent fire.- VuMirlier of ni -U-jrn I lilhoprnpli ; 7 This iulual)li fami y mriwr slmuliJ It in ir J-y boui.teoua strn, t r nil mil ji.tirii.inn and iui J- J. muiM fir jar idlar. ... , fiew KottwtmU I'm lion, 150. a. is, m. ly . IN QUART BOTTLES. , rT trT ' r0R FUBIFYINOTHE BLOOD, And for the Cure of i Kniif utTtrx, I'OTAsmies EiterTiu, 1'vi.i-ki-ma, Litem t.nriAivT. limiftiiiTui, si.t Kmki-w, lowinmm, Kkviik sionw. Ki:vnrUA, . r'kM ALK i'rLAims, ir Arri- TITS, I'llirLiX, UlLK, ('HSIIIAL HtBiurrr, Ae. hrrv lrlrliitfr oinflronsn.lrraiHnniwana wmtw " I? ,J-r,-! T '1' wu-i n. iu. .nr ..f i rt.- ri-,nc rr. an liMiir iti 'lh !il. L t. II. I liwnk amlrriitkc "! f"" " u.r. . m r ..f...i.-, ''',' " I,u"". P-ff'" "" Tks riHljr wivk wliKb ibo jNU''trt...r. - . HEALTH ANO STRENGTH it- .uM-t .i.i. i.. o.i io ... ,. lnl,.:iu, u k .Mty4 u Z. i, i Ulalnl unoi i Another Cure of fcrofula. ' I T . v T 4 u , i . n n ... aJSJi'ii' Um. ln uwiW.4 M-4 4W.I mr. m 4ni.; I ,"V2. Z&IXXZZ b''! l- t.trl "f 'W.!tnl V y.Mir sNiriifc t For Weak and InCamed Eye-. r rM I. lb. prlvftt prw BYELID8 ABB INFLAMED. V. t'ti.M.-i ..f.i nt. ., ...a t,.,.vm. rr-l wub 14.. .d. It MU lm.t n. en .rt MiS.iitm.tM.il tfivr Z Z.ZVt l!,'Z'"'Z'Z. ' 'r-m HIKERS, MECHANICS. i-i init .u iu .f . men r t-im 1.. ..ck in s.ui u sat o ll""' iu.nn. Pri.- ' -l -M hy . n. a. i. a m-. wis.i-.; rr..- .i.i hv lrmu.-o. . io Koli. iH-trt. 1 wt N.lil m u SANDS' SALT RHEUM REMEDY, ' ..m.,mmu,.M Salt Bheum. Binw-Worm, Tetter. Beatd-Head. ' Barber's Itch, Blotches, As. ""T "'" .n-w .i iTrMi w r"niiii r.'c.u. a.u..n k..i ucir i ,,,7;;, u. ..V iur i , i n" i ."'TiiTYT "'lr,'l,",p,"-1 a""-"1 i.i a """- tml Prr,-,M ...i .i.i t.' . B. ii. t mm. wn i. u-u a i c iuuu. . mm ) . S'W v II. M. I VITCIIAI'.D, l "rji'i t or. ss. A Ui: VI I II I L JICAI) or RIOI GLOSSY HAIR, Completely Preserved to tin: c;ui:ati:jst ac;f- And wbo tlmt i. Jrr.y woulii ntl b Asv Als.., Not I'sov O. J. Wood !.;., r Sn ..btri. IMC. ! I lute beard i o.uri. ..id .,f tb. womlr rlul t!l. rt of ....r 11 i Iti ator.livr, hut hivil:; bern to olt n eln turd br i qa-idb'-ry .nd nu.eK nostruttit, h.ir dve., dte., I w diiotel lo pl.et your Kealor.tive in Ibe .am. I ealrirory w ith tlx tiH.ua .nd ind one loudly irum-1 ( petrd qu.ea remedn-., until I m t ?" to l aw. j rence county intti. inoiilha tmcr, wbn yon vt f I it"- fci.cku.-urance .. uiburtd tlm trial ..' your: Kiali.ralivc III UiJ lam ll j tlrat hj ui gwnl Wllo, ' hose iwir had oucomt very thin . .. I entirely . ! Miiite, tnd before tXHau.lirift onv ot y.ior large bottle., ber hm wia rr-lornl nearly to iu unr in il beautilul brow n tulor, and bad thickened and ih.c',mi. 1'c.uinui .mi giotay upon, and entirely - over the head ; al.e continue, to ute it, not tiiiipiy Li t.iK.p of it. U ;.ul.( y mi; t R'i cla uiH.n the bair. In-cmse of ll he.ln.l.il influ. tice upon the 'e j .J an I mind. libera of my biui'.jraiiil trieiid. ' uaii.j your ile.lnr.rive, Willi tbe happieal rf. f'-et. ; Ibrrefore, my .Kepuoi.ni and doubt, in ref. ' erenre to it. cimratii-r and value nr. ntirely rc. kiotki; mil I can and do nini r.:ri:n tly md '. 5o- nti.v rccomnieml iU wa. bv nil w .10 would b-ve tl,.l, r..t..f.d from wi.it. o, K,.y ;by t..u ol aickwew or 10 wgitnl color and their l.n beaulilol .nil f lo.ay Very truly and rmlefoilv y.mra. fcOLOVltl.N MANN, J lhlt ,,, . ,,,. ,ref , .. ! i,,e , which you gav. use an order upo'u our I acini m ll, ti.uL am, kn I vl il . ci.ui.u,iol i try u (H. Mra. M.mn'. liair, .. lit. turns! lest ' nf it. o.,cr. It bat dono all thai vou ...ured n.a ; , t w,,u,d do ; .no oib rs of in y luoiilt and lriei.il., l. ...a ... I. j rrt m.uh.j it. use lo oln'cr. entitled to In. 1 hivbe.t .iiaib-ratio you claim lm it. I A ..11, mry fe.ptcti.ily nd truly, your.. aOWUVH MANN. 1 I C't . lvi.k, I ix., June 5?, IH S. I hiTo astd frof. O.J. V'iai'. l,,ir liisUiro. li ml lines sdo.ired it. wonderful .fleets. Mvl nair ... occoiiuof, .. l inouni, preioaturtfy ,rj., uh, b. ,, UM.r hi. !( .lorativ. it U. ro. 1 aiii.iio it. original colu. .nd. 1 b.sc dnuht peiuiaturily so. i , H. lilt KSHK. rs Kenatitf t' 8 I O J WOOD A.IO, Proprietor" Uro-.. j mjf y (, b;. r.,t y W ire Kilni Is. j ... ---.Mi ' - J'-'. j 11. W. t'll Mil), 11(1 Chuiotte, X C. Wu.ru i,tml Sheriff nnd Quit Claim I)rh I0K 3ALU IIK. I' Ttt STWfc W-YOR irt X &1 -on.,Vat 'v ffVf'lf b Tin tit F8ri.lttcrer line iKisnim ii ii i mmu nocei, t II A KL lit, .C. , tyAU Kii.ilmf Futdlt i uri Ifurot s u ads at tbe Uorust lu.tirs. . . . I I liKPAIRlNO promptly executed Jatt 19, IfSB. 37tf k&M still tlieyGoine.i : Henderson & Ahrens- ' A BE now rre.ivii.g their AI.L and WINTER Xm. STOt Kol s25 1 SS ST! v w w t ItOO I M mill JallOIv1", I WM.Srn?' i CX. JB-aSs . . a lrj. Bnok of i CLOTHING, rmhraeinir Costs, V.s. .nd K.nt.. !n .vrry ttjt and vsrietv. (oat. tr.n.i 3 In t!8. Pan:, sn fVe.t. at al'l prirea. All eiialrlit. of Ukliirlw. I)r.i-r, I ratal", Tie, " VmUrnhirls, Vc , '. . IJIil Cnll'.kin Unols.l tl. Moll's .toot SW.St i 41 37, first qtxlilv .lout H.t. .1 3, .mm So. 13, wt-rlh $7 60, also limey and eolured, in great Suterfiiic Frmch Mrnnnt, Ve J.utnts, Iiuea t. loin Clous, .i Caslimrrcs, l)cligcj, tyc., DlilhLls. Lihttijs, Flunmit, Tickings, SliMttngs, Jtrtnrn and llleachtxi Shirting, it. T lions wilnne to supnlv theiiiMlve. with any of tbe above Gos, and otinrs not herein men. ,;j ,jl nJ it In llmr inlrrcat loeisnnna our l!wl..d orie,.. fce.. b..... Our R.-d. .n on-t,d at VXLSL .LL I LOW J'KItLi. . , Store st Spripcs fnrner. nrvTiL'l)Cfti HENDERSON & A Hit EN 3. I U" flut rat. ..i.rtment of GOODS my .Ii "1 be found atoar Slor. .1 Mo Turn Uut. rr. ce um ii ber. Ocl. 13. 1 8i7. 33if AYER'S CILHllRY l'LsCTOltAL, fyjn. rue rapid crit or CoIl CotuliH, nnl lloaiseitrHH. Ktvntto. m. '3 Hit tpf. tbe Ut rniitMl) I ha rtMtnd CHivar Cmwiiu Its tiunt m :it rf-s-eta, amvl my Umtlyr tb lt yOfiT (st.i fnttn h-L-t a!r wpi It ID tar Mipsa Cl icr Ttfi f.sr llii Usxrn,-nt IUa JaTW tftJ,mu KHK.M KNK.IIT. M. !l A B MuKTIsLV. KJ..f I'm . M. V.. rfijt !ftt -uw-,1 ur Vnrni myk-'f auial tt mt fxmsilw inm m mttm. d it. Jtn l twiiw tl Mi lK j-,ti-iu ur m vii tws- fut iMft. W tlfc IWI rWJ t iM tm.f w t-tiv itttiaxi fr Ui ilta tluui tu tUstjtiMt, lk .UiJ uUirf n-iisaul)," Cruup, Wboopinc oueb laflurnii . li l.u, J. IJ. r:il . .,ti, itas.r MH. If twlr- r ? -f, is, atu4 Im cltMl .UMr. wf rttll lr-a. H titl lu tlj jav-lt. l.'Mit LO JirUI 4ttt. 4 tuuituavftJ yiMir pwasliciu ,l n-. p.!.!. UIUAH COM KM. M P. " 1 tw.l - lot,... Ii.rt.-i.. t,wtl rtstiAn., mt Hi it -tk; U-.lt in. i.s-h i..r wiihrnn rrdef. flmily lrt-1 F.atjr i nl try lit swtrirv 4 imr l(Ktam. Th Arwt (iuw rMfrswt tl swty-twM tti K)f Uirf iwl Iifite j ts-M UiaUi OtM Itxlf Hi UsCllw RmkIv Hi COtl'Utevlarlv mniL V 'tif rn.ti nt.a tltej fhy-(w-t i It avs thr ran Imijt. H'I tMt--rtfi au, iWf, auJ Ju4r r ci, m tli jw-wr umi'i frv-nsj." Asthma or I'M-Wic, nntl flroHcbitU. Umtt )iiN.t, r- t.4. I A Sit: Y'tir (Ttfrrjf l-OtfU tm yr1mwt mmt irtt-rtit rnv- hi U.i KlHin. ll hw 'IU"r ar vial frmit ftUrm Ititf wra-rvti'iusaf Hnnfutton. ain4 H ? owHtfjr v-n Iw Iwm UbxTMl Mlt-srr tan !V-.tn -af I hat htofa r lUm lK 1. 1 J-'- Iifc.SU,' L. 1'lUKJ. J,s.lwtU A. A. KAMKV, l AUKS, M"M ( av, L-s s .:(, Hrrtt 1 ,.. "I-M'irH p; . ftr uf itlf J-af I hiia wmiimJ larrfr.in a(tt-il Ii. .mr Wrr Wordi fcr ftwinU H rtttt-r a artiMliiptt faaUMbU, u( rtHittaJ tn. li r rnrwl' Ww kiitit avVt r(.lnvv ot r1PHi-sw, to bbv fv.v Tlnrliif pprW of (Is tlrUMataf lit- rat7 it at'OB4 i fT-u atpjTj irM. Coniimp(ion. rrtfaMr no ihm rtiiiJr hat t krwm tfhHW CWrvH m KMAf "Ud mH ( rat M Uf. C x .u-- sti wt b ; lm tiwtolhonUsit-y y BlT'irrto raised t4 momUnX. li-.au, Xr Vmi Crrr Mtrrfc 4, l-f4, TW-T ATM I-aTtI.! I WI II M lint anvl at s4twtir t" iMfcin- aalisil fntt fWrrf WfcV't bsH feJT H Wlfr. Mw kiswl bti fle ttttwth Hlwsriaty ).t-r thf 40 fjtvttH ttrisr-lnnMot' LtanMiritpiton, frM whtlt I at.j mm MXildJ prornft rva hr rrtvi Is reaii.r 4e a at till ti inR. ajt.li, Ift. It ua.. yaf a,w cttf, hr- bate "asw frt avlvi s rar tift-nVH irwl of Mir llt-lfts,, W bitsj htw kinliv. at we- do yut kill; r" th ba rsjr..TsJ -an Uaal day Mw M )t M nitssr mm Im U-ti (o lv, ti-l w f- (nn bar tHXiirh. and rat la wrlf wc.L kurt ..lb CTsHlu k tin. rranL OMLASIM f iihl.DV, or (nriTTiu. nmivMpfiMI 4o n rlVtanlr Ull fm SarafHaa AfU'a rIBial l'Tiai It la avl tf Vf ul It hjM avle erlianibi hi (1st vrarlrt aMl ut rare a! arfwunl a Laipsifc Ayer's Cathartic Pills. "I'll- rtMtrM' of"n.a,irf an4 MMIHm ae . UfM Uilr ntBVwt Co pi-ltv lht Saai, mum pmtUvl pmrHtit wt,lb la knsmei Id mB. lanotwrtwM ppoHh ra s4mm thM Uana n.ui tsar f Irtiwa vtrtrai Mrpaa t t.rvl l-Ttrv ib otdtnauf ftt1"4n. and that IH r iu an fvrtTrslrii1p ! tb Mtrm H Ttf treaad RtHl a!aaait It) uk, bwt (sKartlul t eorf. Hter n. ti aline prtr:il.l.iuiU Ibtf lUl asTtrfi-au la tatlf , ru.Tt tl.t i,itrtet ist .f iu mgawM. (mriff lb ItWt, arit tpH rjwar). Ttmwj parr wi 'h- fj! linaun l.k IstPI aM pro fVt-t)ar, Mlmtetat aluKKltff f tllfc. tarw4 marana lat thelT Bra I ar1lrf, trH Un.'-ft hMhf tnaM wrtn atranirtll In tlM a In 4a i 4-ai .S.4 rml? thff (Mra (! rifey r tnlaiiila of ry l1, Ntt aJaw rml'aaWa aa m mmmmmrtm iaMM Utttt Isa l8!aj1 (. aaat U hutfUMi aallL Wtslla tbaa provto pmarftat friU. thtj ata at tli aw Bit tm. Id )iitttfiiahrJ aacat ul li 'bjrwvC lliai can fan tapLti)ii ur rniiaft. Iiii .uKAr-Atmlrd !! ia plasatmui Ui tka; n4 Mnj, fnin-ly Tt-talile, ara fr-a frrun any rtek M hari. Ctlta tat. lti marl whirti lnqtaai MWf a fhrty vr . a a trait 4 bj wn nf arh aialtH -iwMhii at tti rharvlrt i t (r.tlfid tha i it !" nf iitrtJltt. Httf eataant rt-rnyawri s-i phyak lat bat Uut Ur ttsa to irttf U tleti jrnNN tha rvMIU)f air rHaka, ahila otlrit brtai aanl ib tie MMuronra of 'h4r amteltB hmt Biy Ls-rftMratlsitit fail r.buta fniMitotel lo Iii nlM f Ifcjr atHirll, tiiff.ri.iK fs,lki-f-. Tlse Agt-nt Iw iua aaanial tt plentaail Li furrtiah grmtk mj Aniarlraii AliNaM.orntainiiiK ilrrt Um fur tltlr tHaafitl ptr1jr. Mrt of tti' ir cur, '7 ll. f. iW,aM1( rt-B.jl i. ".Ht-ne. PitMot Vim(.tintt. ll lrnml..vfi. I)ffpa, firilmrru I.Matla. Itf artMitf fttMn a lul narh. hm m. Jmlii'tPls-m MorUd Iwlnin tl ttM- It-aria ! Pam artauif iUrv-fM.ni, H-t..l. n. y. I-.- ..I" A pi -tl tk4 fin wi 4 nWtufi i-astva alu-h rwiutr an ' mm I ntMslu 'aw. ht-rnfut Kttiat a KwlL Tin-?; a. -a. t.jr ptirtfy rt ! tvhtuJ and ttiijsulalin4 tUa aj ata, tait ffT r.-ii.,U.i,l. a I. i. l, It tv.id mrf la ti-.pr-4 ttlr-t nal r-l.. wfh aa Ifna. CattUI Hhntfno-. ai .) hnrront Iriit-blttt). Is-ar'antisi nf Ilia ltaraml KaH paya, (suhL anil hIm- kifKlr"l auiilahsta arktt g ftnj k-N tuu of Uit Lf"iy or iUn u Uu -f .ta f tl-hi, Ihi ii. ,t U nit La iinfrlii'-tlwl ftt-ra lt toBM crfhar pftl tfi-y mnh mrm ftrutlt on Ak tat Aren't I'ltta, an4 taka tmtlilnff Amr. Nft tlrr thy n fl-a to nmiparaa with Ililt In H IntrlnaV ala nr enntfm s,ttsM-i Tli axlt tml tha Uut aM lltrra tt fc tfe , m4 tbifji oilil tsa M. Prijpnrod by Dr. J. C. AYER, Fractlc-i tnd Aaalytical ClOiit, Lowell, fa- 1.3 Cm- r in. ri.t Hu.ua tut I ! r roi.t bX If. M PfUrcif AUD. Chnrhdte. 'I IIAV IL.ND) 8iKVKaSOV & Cf ) , Ch(irleUont S. C. -30JE22I0HI CB, t lilt. II. .tl. COHB WI at. Tl r.f. U pleas, d lo ri eaise Prnr.sat.ni. I fall, ft In lb. depsrtnirnt. of Mf.l INK tnd itHr.f(Y. I'ni. t. prnfctainw.il- .baenl. he ana hr foHndsl hi. rm.jeiie, Kurt Mill Ih-p-.t. York Unriet B.C. ... l'.'.ioiu.. IU i.J ii ii - i&j m asralL' AtaaNV. WAIT FOR THE WAliGOL 7IIYi.it A-TVTW Cecau.e be kuyi. I'l. Z JVt r. iron' 1 A J. M Would r..pecti'ully .nnnuiice to tin inlirtnliint. of I'nini their Old Pl.inu, to N". I, Cr.nile R. w, whrra Nor til, on. of tlie most esten.iv. ..snrtiuenl. of d in Norlli-C.roliiia,.n'onf wliieli will ; v,ick ka. (.itteii .ucb . faiuuu. rcputslio. in the . iltu Slove b warrant, .uporior lo any oo.ii.f I nolliuuie. c. fut, .nd dors nme wrl, in s f i put .. on. beside any of tU ..... work in riven time, l. will fortcil tlic prici pric. the belter on.. ALSO, ALL PARS-OB. &, BOX STOVES. IU lias, .nd eou.uutly keep on h.nd, b cxieii.ix .nd vrUd to.k of tin AM) shi:i;t iho.V, ; , AIPAVI AVI) i!i-U1ili.IIA 7AJij iti:.is ur.iTi.i s, f.tsT tuo.v iti:i)Ti..iis, HAT HACKS, CRADLES, cVc, &c, .til of wlilch will br sll, U Uoli hIi-mid Itt lnll. rliritM-r IIium lint rvvr brrtt fl'r'd III litis Tlcltill). I would return rov th.nk. lo wit friend, .ml es.l. isrr. for Ibe rr lilritt ..tt. n.r. ll,- , L,,. be.lnw.rf .(ton u. uJ Ikev 'y r..t ...ar.il, togeion wiin a dereriinn. uon io pi.., io iry .no aorrii a eofiii.nM ci in 1 .his Jio'iws "(iyjci iLs i im& imnir Ladies and licntlrim n lire purliriiliirl) iioilid to rail and examine liis Mork All MSB S 05 JOB 70S Ai153) -GISHiESyAii:?-. j N. II. I will I. II yoo why I hri my .Jvertii.iit W air to. lot Vt ..," it Wl.u. i w. b. tbre w.(ou. cou.ti'Btly travelling lirouj;t tb. country .ill. .Suir,. W .ill vrtltrt if if I lie inUliluily mid piiimilly atttntfril jet I A.A.N..M.TAVI.OI:. I f.rIXI, J.m II, 1S57. Jir Encourage Home Industry f 1 AVI.SU Pl ltMIAEDihtCT.M OliDt Al . EJL I UUY. I .w presort. Uj fi.l .,1 1 OsHtibrrg3t -hirttHgit, I nil "'(, Cur ct Lliain, ffrtntj Dntigt II ruffling item'. ! mm ni.ilr tn srlielr nl loth or ihe smw H f lllplt.. fittNr, Wlu.i .nd Cm. Far. iw- DOTtta w, t.nl .r. u as. ii. At ord, (rn 4ista.ie. wol tut alU .lOCuIO Wllh SroiMlnn.a. J. Mr DON A LI).' Cntti. Ort. V. 1W6. 93- Dissolution. JONAS KIMSILL. I. S WI1I6.N ANT. Ag te, iei7. .NOTICF. I wilt at ill U fooud .1 wf St. sm f l-i.'u r Mill, prepared to f.il .11 ororr. fur iSnsh, Hlir.ds ;u;d Doors, with jiwxj I.atiibcr the rnuntry ifnrii,ti. iwetmar to drvote mjr attriilion " artitu.Hf to Mijr ini. -nd aailicil wtivr kr wufk jm uy it it el byaint-at. lr" l.on.ber d...rl lo orrfer .1 .ht ..,!- pribes mod. rate paid ok,b neli..rvr ilir a u.t J. UIDISILL. Aug. 18, l7. In r.lirinf fr..lt i 1n firm Ker.W.for. rs.ti. ii. er tl r name .r Kui.i.ill li H I ..nm.t, do to wtlo tli. k merit teeln.jt low.rd. lie eilifna of t'harlottti .nd surrounding; countrv, lot tha pal. VOfiae mil lioeralls tislo.ed .poi .a, .Oil Willi tlie ki owlriif. Ilat ll knsina s. will W carncil un eoual. . ekptSitiout ts it list. lion.. P. S. WII1SNANT. Uir. !, 1P57. ll.C4ICOI.lt riotual Life Insuiance Company. UH II K. HALEli.ll. aV. C. fBHIH foititiapv inturea tli. livea of . .1. fitf irtof y.r, . term ol e.r., ar for life,! on the Mutual rrihtiplc, Hi. ...ure.i for lilt par- t...ipsti..g in tlit protin of U.t .oni...pv. ror poheie. (ranu-d for the whole I. .m of lilc when lit. premium linrelnr .mnnnt. f. t'.'ti, a hole may liagivt-n for one-half tti. aun.unt ol I". prennuio, bearing iiilerttt 1. 1 fi per cent, w itlmut guaranty. Hi. prompt nmnner in wl.ieb .11 ! bat. been paid bv Him couip.n jr, together Willi In. low j r.l.. of pteioiuu., prewnl great in.iuceii.eul. to: .uHi .a arc oits.sti to insuie. i Hlavea tra intuitu for a tsirm of from ona to' fire ye.ra, lor two lhirc. Ih.ir vlot. ' Ail losses aru paid within U says -Itr sat.. factory prool I. preH-nleu. i 1)1 11 hi TUU. ( harle. K. J..I....I...I. Vt i... II Jons., V. III. W. noiurti . . . usteo tluei.tin. IlusUe, F. f . Pe.eu.1. W ri,. II. .VUnee. K. r. Ilalll., Churle. U. Kool, V. w m . . ... u Ut r IL l.KJ. lr. "barle. K. Johuson, frcswltat. W. W. Ilolden, Vita rrc.iii.nl. R. II. Haiti., M.crttary. W illiim. II. Junes, 'I rcatunr. II. W. Ilu.len. AiUoury. Ur. Win. II. MeKet). Me.liosl Ks. minor, ixeCliM anaiKIrt 14. liu.lxc, W, II. Ms K. e. 1 l...rl. ll. Il.iol. MiJuul ttvsrd f f '.utuiolioa Th.rle. K., J .m M I) , Willmni II. Mckcu. M. li. Hcli'd B. Hnywooil, M. I., fur fu.tlitr 'infotmalion, ilw puliliu I. refer, r. rf 1.. 1 1.. ..-nhli la.itnd fc.rn.a ul .roooa... winch may be ohU.ned at Ui. lllfie. ol the l on.pany, or any of it. AfW-J. I'osnmonie.lion .houlu bv aUilr.ta.il, (st. pmd to. ' , .... H. II. BATTLK, Srrtury. $.ft,ilr1, 16i7. 2bij . FBH fc eoparlnsrship hereto ort ei, ,.,.. , , i ,h. uoe,.,r.,s. ,. .I,,, d.y :v mum' r """" BlBl.l e ent. All (nr-on. it.il.U.5" . .,. ' 7""J"k" ' " "') ' , ,e.Uu U.U p..p.,Vd .tm U.s strait," ib,! I " " ,'k ",Vlf' " .r. en. .. a , l.,, .. -eUieo.......', . " " " '-"'bl' " ' rr JiniiiiM; will h. e..w. - .'T;T-TrrTigh'Jr f J-v-"--JrTi: -m .mm mm. .til. nor. C,e.p J .wnni.ieiuri-r T A Y L fl ii i : CIIAI3I (ill K nd vicinity, that he l.a. rrmfid ha hu. how on cihibition, Jul received from Hi. be found the c.lelifuUiI , ..ilrn Coo. try tor In Itmt ti(tlfr Dior 1 1., c-ioi- mow in ase.ii .in pic m u. srrn f. H ii n linif, ii . ii any fciuer ei.. now iw . r Sim in (be I'nttis hlile., .u.l if il due. a. I ,l.. ( tiie 8!ot, .nd quit ollirj .nd f In. miu u.t KINDS OF that I .ball tnrfrtrar, by lose tltrnlioa u, in', t. 3cw E-taWfcmnil.-aci 'Httll unJ.ra.rbrS s-iMi.ncll. 1. Tb If .alalislis 1 lno.sil Its. iblek.s e .ri .i-c the fmlowtny or.hetir. .f .cs.ncs.. vir; Sih-rr Vutttifr, Hun atiif Is j miihwi, IJrll luniiif; ; .xfrrr, flrr.it aim ul. litus of Mrttil Work rrji,uri,1 ; Oii.nu titWH Mill Inil unit lit.rrl ot t:,r n' ituruf'lr kin'l tntu'r, fltul u uji i led ti tuprriir m any athrr Li mi Jvr .Vi.V J-'urtoi y purpoirs. ' ' ' lie. 1 .Sllal.l U. turn i ul I in . -..rkunnliV. .tsss. I I'oarii ma Lett .1 nisla.i I ll.at wnali la Kara j ll...r work So., i a hi ( n osricolar tt. iM. u .ln..CUlSlf as soon as oss.oe. a Trr'.'S at . diata.e. ts.iO (.rea allcrei! 'Iuo dint lo leri.saioH of utlit-f nil. rrp..irr't ice:i sloehmf , will have !!. so r. pa .red ansl rri.ri.eH . . ln .lH.rt.at t.ais. ymmiOtm. hiatlf.VrlMll.tNil al.O.N-Ul. -.f I i r f - I Ht- and -4 &l W W Ovrruiaa A. V .Uoti't i -. jja JiftSp, JOHN M MASON. Vaiviahlt! Plmitntion FOll s.ir.t:. LL L. . .... " Via "'. " -p' WIIUIOi Tit .... ..a .... ' , , a tt. ! oHi .Ubws, I of w..ei. h.. . . ,MfJ,nt o old n u jim.sa sn. otl. (rr 3 or t r.,,, a t .... rr.b, iio. I p. .n to., pi.ee i. . first,,,, n ,5,.,.w 1 I.... I. .kv.l ..its liactii up. la . wl.nb it i. s fuoS si te of ruilitaliun. this ptar. wmjlrtsllit ... sj.s. fl.srtott. , .. i, ...iroo. h) s.s.i.p Im. hi,!, i.Hi I, , i. oS rrga, snJ inuugli I. tl i. I Ir. sl, sii li .i'. tnd ... wood. 1 li.r. is . eresl a,f iih. wj reaut t.rueu up and a . .banc. u. col '- I'll Ii y.. C.I. ft t 3 dollar, per cofu, .1. i.. n u . III. I l.arlolle .una nr In I narlolle. 'I hi. p n'a liuu Is lU.il ii ..... a Iiomi to. C Ii .iiuIU u. ' . " ..ICH call II, aSS J IMIW p. I U . J , til t f ,. j , inuBo a lull dav. b..ul.ee. f-.r wlml, 1 " W...I.. all ' T II.IB WISIUII. IO SiU'l plate can tome ti ll a. - n , livina Uln.n V. 2 ' pr I rssk, jnsl above M. Uowrll'. tuay. , m -r Hi M.so.'. Kiry roo. blU HKN IL 'IUU.SKU. aVl. 3. t)l j 'aswd '--W. , . - - ..,,,... I II 1 I I Tl I I I I! I , For l'-..iit;lis, f'ol.i., lofl uei.ta, rnstii.i.i .s I A rlrcimns of ll.e fc mm v. i nn ih,nt.r l.i j 4onurrlioia, i.ltrl, llos V li.Ut.. V taSn.sa i other Kiwal. t otnp... hi, i'l.ct pit w-i... .tula soil SI Ui, . , .., . . uOlU aMiriC UiliSflllia . i. ,iu; or Dys'piie Itiltei.tr 'i'.u.Utr.'i .ni.Ivi'i A iU.r from J. li. i.ilua, i.ins.i.1, .Vii. t., on led Aug. II, le4i j Ii J ki ' li ' s. V (ivi h cnlir. .atisfai ti.'ti in tins aa-i tn n ! try. Th. Aliv.sini. M itlur. v.ih eis It, is I , .pp,u,euuf. llb..n...r l-ileu I. ,,.. f.. I . r ha. ,,,, g ,,,,.. Ye. Will nl..- -n" " , j-rgt .ui.ply ol it ss toon .t you .l I' J. li. CALLl M ACKNTS. Win. XV, H.,l,.l. ts. W t.letU r 1 T. Long, Uocfcinyh.Hi 1 I'his. t York,!"""1 T. J. Holloa .lid lr i. f . !..l.r. l.arl. to . K . Kill anil J. II. Kiihiss, b.lisLnr) ; btiul. 1 ' py, Los m gluts. ... .;- . r . "XcwiiiiAsSds. f . . fa r 1 t., .1 . i B ' H I. pr.elie. iw th,...io th.odtm.iet " i '"' 'I''"'' t" U l"oli ssio 1 " . tins., . nlru-ir.l l 1,1s rare. I t'ariftt, Jan. U . B-il. , '- i - I if !- ' ULANK iiLLIid for t.lc at ibis oillss w Sill t L d

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