;'ottos Goods i Emusb.-Th. Msn- Hter correspondent ot tut jrroviaence 'T l. B3rl lilt . T rinnM ll'ii tllS wce" B ' ,rt tuueb toMoew, Urge cIiwm cf j i. Kin iiiaia hihj vuiuu nier well to o me extent tha boms ft I'e hou-e, refuw to pJ the advance j il although willing eiiouu.li to opemto it fl week'" p"-i". ,l'y refu"e ,0 W01"1 f -j'ljg i particularly he ons. as res- 2 a good J "d " mofeturer r lulled more forsrn, the, id. tl fr Srmly to their advanced quol. .o that I'ltl b''-r b resulted in , gVparinirus. - j--- - --- - - r--- ,nd considerable) business J? bM0 datio il "". '"''"J" for "port, J . i. advance of about id. per pound, l barely rn-uvalent to lbs rte in Ihs eB 1 . . ' v. . - v,,. i: L 2 reliant" have been. the principal opera 3, and he dou. Urge business ill yarn, J e.-n in certain elsjs oi cloth for the If,,,,, ,ud ths Mediterranean markets, tin ,jL.ctiy ba be0 , eotiMJersbla. On T sink bowsver, our markut i by no ,1 .on the almost total ah. "of sll deinstid from tha vsrious Auicri ,,rken iu iuclf leavea a void not Caai- si il '"It-1 led. c. ..r r. ti . r.i TllK Cl'HA" OUAVB JBAl'B I IIS IOI- , . . .1.- II -......-......!.... ,.r I York Tiniu, uuder date of thu .. . I.. .1... r !. B b iuunl : . T . 1 . . O' (tMi ,I..a sa.rsk i on th o"f' I ll.bla Honda. 10 of tbo vewaels r. AuuricMD and one p.a.b. Th. u ...null of N York. la ml - )IJft ,- r..7 ; ijj. true pi " s.-i - -a-...-. .... i .1 uoii .a ..l..f. u,...., wbien lanuru - .... 5 l brou.-ut iuio this purt by a Spanish Jaiacr. The caroca belong to .Messrs. i ma Pedro laajoel-, aiad Others of Uuiura ,o.'ii, lt for,u rr,of ouba a ;cll,J Cabinet, it U uuri--onll to up a . .i.i i. of the Di'iiroee ill be iicd i. ib. auiboriilea, utile tba KuKlib Abo ,. - . , , l L.i.t r.ioers open fires again on toe imu-! ;3uit paper, i ii.w.M. I .,, .;.ud uM.htMa.q.of Havana. I ,.0Lal; aeuua.ulea .lib g'Ullemau ol ( ,.111.. sd bo brought them his J in nrir 1 1 - -" . . .eat ner Heos tor .peculation ' . . . .i . , j i . pannot b. dons an noui me snuwien ' ' e""0 ..." : 4 i!;e authorities, lei lorui j "rJ ... u def. lice 01 lUeir eouuuct. it a ii- 1 . ;.. ill. - u C:iOOt M' bt OWU hO; IU IhlS 0)un- uc, itUiut ia.inir out a separata ps-sport Inui it i nil Mi"' diflieult lo lead ,,lred iiJ negroes ocr the road . Jvtc-uju bj tbe eauutrjr police. with- Nw Vo, Msj J.,u Rlil and a Yamim Captain. Ibe bark John Mow fepotls that an at- ,r,t wsl made IU Ilia mnor 01 os;sa w .1 . u. .i..k .otntnr n.ntifd I ijt lisrtU-tl rru-d, aud the sleaiuer t .l u..r.: I.lsnk esrtridra to li.tlltil data I lid lueu the crmmsoder, with 100 : " t roerejed lo ihe (Tarendoii. Csfit I i...d to let anj come on board but Ih. ' . ... L-.frs. who,, sfier aa acititiif aecne, left biut scornplishing their purpose. L'ur- ft. lie !T , r C.nt U.rlletl was struck, lut F i t,cu driiivd that it "aaa intetiouaL Ma. ll0M! Wh'n Sen- la-lnw Johnsou a Ilon.estrad iill waa Ihe OB W.dswadav la-.t, Mr. J n-rn.n u ov to smead it. bv prondtnjr; ' In ii.teal of (fiving Ibll arres of land to j -rim, n tbat w.ll go snj sellle on tbo j he l.is, (thus lewptiBtr people frou.) ,r,aC.r,4,..d..hVo.d.S...e.U.rq., B-s'Slotk- new Stiles. there shall be giv. r.5 Oisn lb srre, Wbctticr bo u,, ,,rs as-sy to settle en ihe lanJs or reiua.ps t Um. Mr I) .sol lis was not in fa.or , th. bill, ut If Ihe Isn4s wert ;- b pit.o ' j tbj. he its fjr a fair aoleq isl di- : ,;.,n. ' j V.rviiKht.Mr C.invman. An-I ihe piin. "... , , , . ,s ul ippir as as to th waole sy-tiu , I k'iring iif the Isinfs, to truti H ul . or , I Jlates, or raiiroaJ eouipai.leS lif. Oil. . la Jtl t'.ptaiu llartietl, of the ship HUreu I trle J nlovelesa Laud ol his fair ac L, bound lo New Vork wsttb au?ar, to j qsiulsuce w Liie ihcjr were seaud on J'ark( i '. Luf .pers and hoU hisensijn, by the 't mall, although he Moutlj avers that mmmmatmammmmam. i .a ii.rarn,eii', .r prM)iri,.o. i iris sioo.aeu frnerlly. It is s mild and f-eeable to,., rei.o.v si,LTniai Pntivriu til. Covvhtiih : u,. .. , .i... n,, a,i t .is l-o.lj at; limed S tite on Krllay , '" ' 'r . rT.rt. to t . i.iya.r.d p. weis I t In sisss trad resolutions of Mr :'" y'""- h'.'t were iti-rVM.J of !, a resolution to ' .th W. Fow, r i Co , I J- W.,ln,i,,n Plrr. t. "t were ili-roJ of ,y a resolution to ; Ihe Islle and i ot. A resoiutiou fiu lem Bator j of the acts tf Oapt. I'aHa l ei Coin. I'.ulding in Central ourirs, ami i-eisrin the interests of the iulb iu Ihs 1 1 nninti'in of that country paramovml to s i o ner inier-sts, was sd..uil. A reso fuf )M litem d.xUrm " ineipedient f r inr Klifin i, tt to r eira-n the Aftioan slave Irsile 1 w lis si. 's it is in th I'tiion," anrl an amen 1- ' nt i.'.'eiji:iiM. that " juat so aoon as we -iat of the I'luon. it will I.. ..n..ll.i,i , , , k. in ai.ri.st, . to r. nj-en the slave, tra l.', -ers ,H ,,, f,tP,jrl nt 0hyt a) i rso!,ijn cs'llnp a eonvt.-t.iUfi lo Isle M e in i ler ,tin ' the duly of tno Suuili, ' I'r ni t.i.j( rimum.isBpps," was n-t ,j. n.-.j Kor,H, ,.ing e)ii,,.d j "t ill uJh voic of thinks, the Ton- ' Mion s,jjour,, ,l lo inrel the secoiM Mon. ' ' in Ms; n.it, st irksburi-, Mi.s. I Nl'.RTfsT tit VIM lot. Thomas Mus-1 f""e, of N jrllisinjiton, has invented a nia ".tie iir ren.ovin,; hurrs and dill from wool, j iiiefi pr-.mises In arcomplish the same re with that staple that tiie gin has with ' ''ion 1 hs niartiins is very simp',, snd I' ii ll.e form of an attaehtneut lo the crdi- 'V eaidiiiir machinal. It aild only (151 $17 ejtra etnense In thai carrier Tlin ; J "jrii..h rtio-Jf of its set ion may he illa-tra ' 11 h Ihs fact, that M-.tisa wool was pass- ! lliroujih, and in a few moments freed from pere. r.t. weight of burrs witbiut sny ' ' ! j ' n'ri tit injury to ,rft u,tling c,,. -' 'o. lo the vilun 0f the woul. A S.x i, T, Srsatsj The Senate i little st. rtled, lbs other day, out of, " dulli.a . i I A ".Dole f 'TS 0L,cc"J-n - porter carelessly threw his overcost , "r Ihs rear railini. which shuts off the 1 ''t.o rlee. f. .1 . o , . i. . . I '""B Hie pocket of said overcost ihere " stout 1,.,. Vnif., wnirl. waa U tha. ) ."'ilse j,i,ro i0 ,l4) eo, thrown with some hdeia.a Lslow, striking th tlada into .Scd llaiim.r.a.r, Mtj which was at I list -"'went unoccupied. For a liioinem, the h T'X1 f f Ml't!cI out of their jjrotjriely, 'us serpfiu. is-arus wuht up la the f4ll" snd arrested the prnarietor of liu lut t hen eiplsnaliobi were made, he fTT MR HfMnB.p A lot - -"""is at .niitou v last 'Mor gan per huoired . A ?imocla Advintobi. Lat Trn. hi(f, Pr. Vinton preached an eloquent din eourae la the jroung men of tlii eitj iu St. Puul'a. : Tbe church wa well filled bj an alietiiive audience of young gentlemen ) a few ladiea alao prated the ocoaaioo wiib their prenctiee. The diaoourue wan particu Urljr addreaaed to young men, and .the teniptationa to whiuli youth are ezpoaed' wure forcibly let forth. ' Many of tbe young mta lingered npon tbe broad tcp', aa the long congregation, with tboojbiful mind a ad aofu-oed hvurta, left the atately edifice. Aoionj; the congregation waa a young wo maa of eoiiie twenty year', bo waa fuHhior. J ahly costumed, iu bulf niouriiiiijr. Aa ahe , punned out of the (rate into the brond ntreetj in front of tbe church, aba (accidentally)! dropped a jtlore, aud appeared to be weep-1 mg. A b i to nandkurcbiet waa Ueld to tier eye, aahe gracefully paared along. A Antoiue Delare, walked tbe length of a rope young man, who bud beard the discourse of atretcicd from the third atoriea of two build I)r Viuton, waa atauding near the gato inga, aoioft Great St. Jamea atreet and re- ben the glove waa dropped, and the article turied, in the piesence of thousand of apec whicb, in former tiincK aaa a ebullenne to tatora. After crossing for the fin-t time, he brave deeds, fell directly upon bis patent appeared aoincwhat exhauated, but prepar luutbera. ed to rrcroxa. When about two yard over Tim young man at once recured tbe glove the rope, he grew slightly agitated, and was and baxteucd to restore it to ita owusr about to make a false ate'p ; tbe crowd be Tbe glove waa received, uil a kind word of low were alarmed for hi' eatery, but be pre thuiika giveu in return. A glistening tear served hi balauco with one foot, and in lingered in the black eye of the recipient, ataiitly recovering, threw hitnelf upon the '..,,i.i, .1, .... ... v... k. "" v ) Hi. i-miraa i, f lh urixukiT tliut alio acsrni-1 v Iihao m hat hIic did. Ilor tsiri ikpn dnipj wore bouiililully than ever. 'J he young man, who bad also been acnillv anVctcd by tbe same discourse, deeply s)tiipaibi-ed wilb the bpaatiful stranger. He spoke kind ly to ber, and she took bis aim. J tie parties walked around our beautiful Common by the mellow light of tbe young moon, and ere they had reached ilm front of the .State lluu, the young woman bad dried her wrepmjr tears, aud the young man found l.im-e.f the compauion or fascinating ounv wouiau with a Grecian face, a spark ling black rye, aud bair which more than rivalled the wing ofcthe raven in glossy blackueas , ne partiea ti.en paseu aown j'arE street r : mall, and lingering for a few minutes for , f f,i..l.-..M .., The partiea then passed down Park street " " . clofk "'rkd of - 1 ' " " minded theui that the must leave for their Loin,'.. i lie votinif uian . v mat lie es- ' - r ; 1 corted her to tbe residence of a well known! . , ,, , .... i i . ' where he left her, as he supposed, tinjing, ' '. t- ; 'tbe door bell. W Ik n be rescind his rooms ; be found that bis partmonnaie was mis-ing. j It contained SH 10 tank l.iiis, and three one dollar gold pUc. a.. j This morning the victimize young man, called at the huusu where be left bis tearful friend, but it ia acarcelv ueccasarv to add 1 that no such prou ss hi acj isintsnce of the evening previous was lo he found. He Is of an opinion I bat his pvelet was petie- loev sai ai sost respeciiui ui-iance iioiu 'uieu proper lur tue.e , "ew siotui.r rci.uwn w lien uw.er. luml "'e sc'iuou sua me aa- venture will be lessons lor lile to hitu ief"- j . I W The President has appointed Pr. C-j H. Hunter, of Reading, aient for the pur- ; ehasa of Anthracite coal for the use of thai l imed Stst-a Government. 'I be office iaj one of lha most valuable in the gift of tbe j elecutive, the agaut retelling a CdUiUaiasioa 00 purchases. bllUU III Is III I'l i:il. j A tn re .r PYSf f:r.SIA 1 Th. history .1 ti. rem-.i-bi. .e.eine snd iry ,k Ii F. S I K H, ,t an.,. ( i. - l wonoeriui iii.n,t.rM in ne.iiesl seienee. s..a h.. r,,n it a e,.uut...a f-r beod any rem. '"iin "" tl c Cl"" V '-"" "' """ , ""r'o",.....!, i7.i.,. mu,s n..tb,n( wh.eh f . mi.,,e.ie ; iiw uu n.t baa s..,.il..n. If wh.tti trl lo lbs Vsriona aiciedle m.xllrri s UIS. g''sd ss U ti.r.." I.., purely a u,cinal e.Mt.p'.tt.Hl, tn a,., ,cl. arc .MiiO.ned toe ino-t s-lu- ., . ..,. ,.d , ,.,i, , ..,, n, ,(rty, bniKri,. u.,io.. i:, t,ut lnS!i.y ifl'icu. eivo - n. sll soinpl-unt. n j lr,. ac.kor.a B .loo, Pr,..ri I Where, altd II . l.,rs. S.,1.1 bl tlieir (t M frit.lisru,! harlotta. every. liR. IKIS1 K1TI ICS CF.I.K.HH ATKD STOM. ACII lUTI'MIS hove proved siieh a rerlsiu cure lor all u ul tlie M,,,,,..ci,. II, I nu ll en e,us y in tin have ' ost .is U ti aris es ir '.el. a. s eure .,r a, I .,..n. ln, ,. Ii, , I a n.,,1 lo.l iialure, y lb .t it ean 1st reli.-d iioii we ..re Oi etrt. n s. I,, f . nil the sx,e prrp-r. and stttiof. sod i fu Ur lb,' VslU I' ii alur ye l of careful study l,w reaping lb. reward I ;-c,lie. auu wl. nil l,a a. ly no-rils. It is Ibe only preparation of the kind tht is ri la.. Ulas in all csa, sod it tbercfors de n.sn.l. tut .tirni.on of tbe atllieUd. S., d by irutfiilaeer) wlMre.snd by IIHSTLT Tt It V SMI 1 II, I'ropnetors, Uo tV.ii r and ie Fr.o.l Sir,-. 1., ill. bort b, snd by II. M. 1'nlcis aru.t hariulle, ,N. C. THE GTIEAT EIVGLIFFI PKPIEDI. Sill JAMES CLAKKE 3 4 rli br;il'il I's'titsalc I'lllw. prepurrii Jrom a jmctiftwn of 'l J. tltitir, M. V., 1 litftu nin JJzltuoru'i- a.i y lo tUt (Jurrn. This invaluable n.edieine is unfailinr in Ihe cure of all those painful .nd dangerou- discass-. to which the ti n,., 1. 1 cnst.lulion ia aubj. et. It m.erst.-s all elvesa sod reomve. .11 olMtruetions nd a ej. e..y cure may be rHi. d on. 'Ill .M A It ft 1 1 I) I. IMC it is peeulisrly suited, ll will, in a short tune, l,rn,( on ihe i.i.'iilhiy period Willi r guUnty. 1. ,, I, l,IU. , price tli.e Hollar, hears the (i,,v. erniot i.l Sump of tireat Britain, Iu prevent court. J l , . , , J . 7ese I i ll simiM not hr Imkrm by fema'rf during ,4. HMTrUMKK ,M.,MI.v."fir,.rf, . Mcrrugt, M ml mmy sisrr nm, H,m nt Kilt. . ... In all eas.s of Ne(V,iua Slid Splnial Affections, I'ais in lbs ll,,k ana I, nobs, F.l'Kiin on slight ti, rtion, l'j,il.ili,n ol In.' Heart, llysli ric. and VV lute., I Iks.- fills will alfret a curs when all oth er mean. h failed, end u 1 1 ti. ,o jr l M.w.rliil remedy, do not e.Mit,.in iron, e.lomel antiiiiony, or any Ihinf l.urliul tn tha cnatitution. Sole Af ul for the I'nited States snd Cansda, JU MOSKS, (I..le I. Baldwin II Co.) Rochester, N. V. N B.-ll,0" and S postage stamps enclosed l atiy authorir. d Air'-nl, will insure a bottle ut the I'.l's by return mail. J,',.r sals by F. SCAKU. iCO- so's g'mlt fur OiuiliMll. II AVll.ANU STEVENSON A CO. V ssirses als-fs, LhatUilc. 8. C. IltttRIBLB SCBNS IN SONOKO The Yaqui Iudiaua are at war with the peopl of Sono- ra. Lower Culifomia- Tlieaa Iadiana cntr. i B.... n.... a. M I liii.j .... roan tuera waa m it, got all tua women and ... children together, .ihul them up in the church and set fire to it, and then burned tbe rest or the town. At a battle fought on a plain ealled VA fanciio, between uov. resquica and Don Jems Uandara, the latter was to tally defeated, and himself killed in the ae lion, and also three of hia principal officers t a lieu prisoners and shot on the following day. ' bia occurred on the 23d of Februa ry laat. J he troopa are now at the liver Yaqui, and have intetitiona of killing men, women aud children, and stealing all tbe cattle they can lay tbeir banda on. . I'kbilous FkaT. At Montreal, on Tbura- day evening I ant, a tightrope dancer, named .., i... i.. ;j .t.u,.i,.j . r.. '1'" " r..vv..i- w. - " i.inijli.a Willi rrrr-t a,ilil ho anon rp. ,.UiA l.ia unriolit nnaitinn l Lilt iliU-ad of going forward he retreated alowly back- warrle, and leaned aijainat the wall. He then advanrrd, and without making a fal.se step, reached the opposite wiudw, auiid the warmest plaudits of tbe crowd HYMENEAL. Married, in this enunly. on the SGtli ult. at I lie 1,1. nee of I)r J V Slnm. Ii ll,. Ret. J. H. W.ti. ll..- R. v. W M B. PitE-SSLKY to Mis. LO. Kl.NNA E.,d.u((liUr of I lie late Dr. J. M. Ilurria. In ll.i. nl.rr, on tlie Sfiih ult AI.EXANDRR rl ". i.. r. niva. ageo about li iiiontha "' mnnuia. THOMAS tlEiiB.vri'k.NRIKO. J. A. ESTES k CO., I.1 lll'riirK I 1 11 11111111111 .. - . 3 mr. fOIl the . e ..f Cotton, (ir.in. F our. and a S r .,. u tin.l. of I .uolry frmluce. Olli-e. North Ali.ntie Wharves.t'harlnrtnn.! C IT Acrardin; t,. Il.e terma of the t o-oariiier. sh'P. " . pi.ts. directly or indirect, ,T- m ,,,r ,''uoac' -'" to our l,ou,- line, (sera (I. Mill., M 8. F.rrar, llrnlliera & Co., I. mora , So,uu it Whiinrn. Tiioma. J. &. 1. '. Churlraton, S. C.j t'ol. K. Anderson , N. Ii. v.. A Q. lK,i .i,t, Cheater, S. I .: j.l. F. ..fe. l'i i., S C.Col. I. I). W.tberaoo.1., J W Are, V. A. I.. Ita. Ksq , Col. 8. N 8le, Dr. J. It Hr lU.o, V' .rt ..lie. S. ' ; Ur. Il,rs,l.lt, Sal. lahnry, N.C ; J. L. D.jon, Knoxville, Tenn. Jwnt I, I r5rs. Jj Silver Wains, tNt fold, silver, brass snd all kinds of metal wo.k r. naired. Co-, eh makers at a distance . w,, ,rir wor, Hnr nf h, tm.ird lo at ins shorteat notice an,i finished in the ,,' " n Z n-F' hou.s and neit door lo Overman Si. Wilson's coach aio.o. ' JOHN M. MASON. J.n, i tftSrl. Utf (iun and Lock Smithing. i LL. Work in Ih sb-.vo huaineas. lleal alorb. fj, ,e. ,l be pu. eta.lly a itenoed to and tin. ..h - d .. the best manner of workmanship, at my ,M Wilson coach aii. JOHN M. MASON. . 1 , 1g-. I2tf - Brass & ( . OltjpOSlt 10R CUn. AM orrp.red lo M.ai.ntaetu's all kamlsni work Ih. abov. line of buaiix-as. would call the psrt.eular stlenliou of those that hate null a "r eds fet.rja. or any kind of m-chinrry that needs ei.nipo.1 lx,n of durability for null Hike, iiial I hats o'.e ui roe own, ano i nase never Heard tt any Ibinf ll,.t Would stand h.,!f equal tn it. I will wjrrnl them b run five years. There sre s,.me of toy moi ll.si l..,ve U.n rui,iuii fi teen and tKn.iy vesrs. I could furnish more than a hun-U-. ,1 eVrt.ficlea of its durabilitr. T, T, rsona nceoiof .M,:i Inks snd sudfrerns I will furnish the set for eight dollars. Try litem snd se yxurselv.a the trouble of stopping your mill mien all else is r.ebl. JOHN M. MASON. hm,, I. Ic:.. 3tf I)N'soIiition. T W K Firmnf DOUNE V ( O. w.a dinvedon b '.Mill iimi. 1. 1, y inuto-il emifriil. All prrtmna littt htrd la tliem are ftn.itird that their N-tf and A'-rourtt are in the tMndu nf t". .M. Hy for cidlrr'ii'ii, und they re etirm atly rqut-i. te. i cotwr hrwil tmntttittly mid piy Oil, a the buauitfi nf tte firm mi( h rlfitd. J. H. F. HOONK. M. II. TAYLOlt. Ma 31, IS.',?. i34 tr-o t 1 1 i:. Il AVIVC. Ie.utl l IS- entire stock of !HK)TS, MlllKS. Ac, of 11 ,. A ( o . I .b.,11 c.,o. Il.e hus.neaa st their old st.ind, wbere I simll j be happy to meet my old Ineds ano eostomra. I ! J. U. F. UOONE. j 1 31, 18.".a. 134 ) fi-iNoticc. i IN view of Ihe fael thst th. Inlen.lsnt of tha 1 Twn nf t bsr!otte has ms.le Ibe .ub.cription , ul ths sum of Tan Thousand Ddlsrs, in c.nlor. j mily to the vote of tbe citizens of the Town, to i txulti ll.e proposrd Mililaly Colhite III Ihe Town. 11, e sl.-Khnlo. ra are r.ijuestcd lo meet in tbe Town Hall, no Tn-sday evening, the 1st of June, at 7i o'elnek, IV M ('. J. FOX, Cltmn of Committee. Jam 1, in.'.. Iw Vl ATi: F ,tMTlI-CAliOLl.NA7 MCl'KI.KMlUItU rOU.NTV. four! of 1 lent ami Quarter bestions, A pril Term, l?uS. Jan.es V . I.r.e,, Adm r. of Johii S.Neelv, I elillon to sellle r.s Iti.ht. TI. Calnwrtl snd wife tate. ,M ,ry I... J.din I.. Caldwell and wile lalharine. IT upiwanne to the s.itiafartion of Ibe Court, that lb, il, I, 0,1., nls Itnhcrt B.Cs hi well and wile Mary,!.., J,,hn L. Caldwell and wife Catharine, sre not inl.ahilnnta of this Slate, but r side beyond Ihe limits of the same. It it tkrrttmr OtiOrti by thr I'tHTt. That publication be made lor a, a w ika in Ihe North Carolina Whif, a newspaper punted in the town of Chsrlolte, nolifvine ihe ssid defend. ant. lo be snd aPI.r at Ihe next Irrii, of , a.id court, to h. hrld for the county of Mecklenburg. at tl.e curt house in Charlotte, on Ihe 4th M day in July next, then and there,!., plead, answer or demur. or judgement pro eonlesso will ti taken sgainat them. j Witness, W. k. Rei.l. clerk of our said court, sl ,'flice, the 4th Mnndsy in April 1858, snd in ths Blal year of American ln,lepeii.leeee. W. K. REIP. c. c. c. Printer's fea 6, Jans I, 117 ROBES! t LARGE lot of Hersge, Orgsndie snd Jsckea. net Elounted aud Snle.stripsd NOUES will 1st ,f)'. red for a.fcw weeks, at greatly reduced prices, hy . T. IT. BR EM A CO. . 3i, ia: u if I AxOTH KB ALla0(D e5wINt)f.B-The Soith - ,rn l'aoiflo Kailroafl Company baa expod. led. It waa nurelv a rneoulafive affnir, uot m. V..V i Ouly ten per cent. cent. l . j 'of tba aubaeription waa Tr oen,llnnea, which amounted in the wools to :jO0,0Oii. I On thin bai business waft conuuetta by Btelluiim, Allen io., new xorx, wno laii ing laat fall, the eompany waa found money. lena. Tbe ' charter in Texas baa been for- feited in consequence of tbo noncoinpletion of twenty milea of road by the required period. A meeting of the stockholder has been held at New Orlians, at which the! whole thing was exposed aaaswtndle. Everett and YADoH.-Mr. ledon of South Carolina, Hated iu e recent letter that Edward Everett signed the letter to Senator Sumner, denquncing the .Brooks' outrage, under a misapprehension, and that, be afterwards expressed uu regret at sin- ing it, both to Senator Sumoer and others. I Mr. Everett conGnna tbia atatenietit iu a' letter to the National Intelligencer, The Obioin or the Turkish Cred ent. When Fhilip of Maoedon approached by niflit with bis troops to scale tbe wall of hzantium, the moon shone out and di-eov. ered bis deign to the bfseiged, who repuis - ed bi:n. J he creccenl was alterwards a - dnpted ao tbe favorite badge of tbe'e'ny. I When the Turks took Bzautiutn they found ( the crescent in every public place, an 1 be liovilie it tO DOaRCSS S0U10 lUaL'ical DOWer. a dopted it tlaciiiselvea. ' j rnjlllK FIli.M of FALLINGS A. CO. dis JL al rid 1 y mutual coii., iit en the 1st dav of January I... I. In retiring liooi the rinn, allow me to return my sincere tlmnks to the eitmns of North and rtiiith Carolina for tius liliera f,atrouu.e bestowed uji.n us, and 1j request a c,-i.li, uanec of the same for Measra. SPKINtiS Sl IIKATII, wIhi have associated thems. I.es wild K Fillltlies under the Firm of KI LLINGS, SI'KI..S &. ( ()., ! wl. w.ll conouct the tlll,ir,c Buaines, on the same terms and with the same advantages as here. ; The Notes nnd Accounts of Fulling, k Co. will be found in the hands ol W. A. Owens, f..r clleeto u. JOHN TOWNLEY. NEWFIRM. f J1HF new Firm of 71 LI.IM.S, !P!U.ViS & .fl. CO. b. e lenTtj to pfi-'nt linnint ! v i in the i citisv-na of Nnflh and 8tulli ( .rIiiri nU in bo. dsiini, wssuM earwrlly solicit cutiiinir.nce of thf libi ta ftii troin bestowed n tli vrell.knoWa, firm I f I-u!. .tig 6l (, , would say with much assurance Hi nave ll, e LAigtu, itairtt ana l,eowl Moils III f. fill Ifillt'll-sj JIHll llll) aj' t'l.OTIIINC;. Ever offered in tiit State ! J It is a bold assertton but nevertheless true; bp. cu we buy the materials and m mufartnre our own roods, lliereby saving the iiiaiiufacinrer's pro - fit, which ia at least 25 per cent. M',re,,er, eve. ry article of Clothing passes under Ihe su'perws. ion of one ot the firm, and if not w! unde it is not received. Ws can, therehire, mri n.t the ma. i k,ng of all goods that go from our house. j F I LIVINGS, SPUINGS k CO. I Afr 18, l5M. imr i Raglans! Raglans!! y E nrr receivinp hy eferjr teumrr. oll k.nda M of i.r.'UT.wU inmifiunhle. FULLING, SPRINGS k CO. .W,;y 18, 1858. lOtf ..! HI'ICi: M l i A T any price you may want Anol ier bold as. la. aertii.n, but re-veriheless ti ue. N-.tbin like being eonne'-ted with' a inanufacturinf ti.,usc. KLLLINGo, SPRINGS k CO. May 18, Ix.id. . K'rf Shirts, Shirts, TJ. amilTE Linen, W h.tesno Fancy M r-,!!.,, W w lower than the same kind cu be janu. ... " . r L L U ll !tt i TJn1 fa, 1 1, red in ibe I'nited St.,t. a, at FI LLINGS, SriUNGS & CO. luu Boys' Clothing, 'rpo rrents w. wot,ld say, y..u on find : 1 .irtim tit st nurClnthinir Store, w liert i ( kinda whirh II made. FULLING, SPRINGS k CO. .Was H, 8.',8. lilt! rillMtV I ItlMtw,'.' A GOtlD Assortmrnl of l.idi. . and G.nl'a Trunks. V.ho arnet B:,es, Ae. at Jow one,-.. FULL1MGS, STRINGS & CO. ,Vuy 18. I8i8. 10l takki: ri V John Russell, living 6 inihs south, ' Cm Jl Jl cord. Cabarrus county, near to KncM Km nureh, s small bay mare, supposed to b,- abn! Itf pr 311 years old and blind in tiie I ill rr. JOHN MEANS, AM..fr. May 17, 18i8. Iwr Female Education, A YOCNU I.AHY, o.llslifie.1 to tea,-h thr ri f A'lV IVrent branches of an Kot, l,sh K- ur.ition, snu s;tve lessons nn the Pisno Porte, ia iitiKmi to i pr.rf-ure a situation, as instructress in a r sia eia. ble pnv.ite family, or Acndemy. She pr tf, rs to I teach, at the rate of tlAO per session of 20 weelis, iiirlii.linjj hni,r,!ine. AJ.lri'ss M. M., Wincl, ester, I'nion cumv. N. C. I .Way 11, I65S. tl Office of III- '. & C. It. ItO ld, i CuasiAiiTk', Msr 16, In's. I T vJIE coupons due on the Bonds nf tins Con ly on the 1st ot July mil, will le n I llus sgei.cy wIhi,, o r pr.-serti-e. A. II. MAIUTN, AFe,it. Bacon, Bacon, Bacon ! se afkf 1 Ik MIS. af.M.d II At ON in store, Smp9JF t whiei. will he so,d lor Cs4 7 j. y. BuycE k co. Mny 18, 18.-.8. lUlf Paper, Paper, Paper ! r E are now receiving in Store, aswleei si. II Sesof wiiAi'pno PAPr.ii. suitable for Merchants and Drutti'sis, and can furnish at short notice such dr.eripti "ii ot f .per ss are used hy Printing Crlu-.s ami ( niton Kac lories, snd will allow a loir price I, r tbe waste ol the latter. J, Y. IIRYCE A CO., Agent for H'acovia Mill. May 18, 1858. Id If fjotice. IIIAVE'pla.ed all my Notes Ihe banda of W. A Cons tori nd Af counts in Ihrtion. Those reqnesiea .o m.se P-nt. .. longer '"'"'p"'",; indebted to n, are requested lo msse iiauirdute nay cost. T. M. FURROW. May 18,1858. IW IVoticu A LL indrbted to the Isle Firm of I'KITKER ii SUM M(S sre requested to py up by ths, 1st of Jely In xt, as by lost tuns we shall give our Notes snd Buck Accounts into oiher I, aims l,,r collection. May 18, 1 858, 111 HMM'F.I), toi M.lch t COW. Anplvla JAS. il. OAR SOy. VaySA. 185 1tr ' lT" -'lt &'V ' 4 ng r ' ' ''' t kiil OlIOL I "EY irtraof Dnr- iuood from the Toun. "---"-"""ir ' enmity, at tlx A. i nrii H-rni. i wni Hrocfrii in acn. on B.iiurnu v. l ia o(,,i, of June nrai, t the l.u riitnc of Jr. 8. N. WcdilniKloii, dte'il.. the PLMJTATION nn which lie lived, aubjfct In I lie widow ilnwrr, dj'tinintf tlie La mm of Andrew Hprirtgn, Duvid A. SIihii ml otln-rn, to tulioty deliti ajintt the tale of id dwmtpt A. JAS. P. HKNDKRSOX, Arfm'r. my 15, IB..B. tl ti j f linrlollc .'Initial Fir Instil company c,,ti.,e. to t,k. n.k. .. UM bv fir,, oll iiuw,. Good., I'ro. dure, etc.. at usnul mtt. r Office between Park'a Store and Brawlry'a "u,,u,"tf OFFirEtlS. M. B TAYLOU, l'rrsidrt. C. OVKK.MAN. Yve I'rrsi.lcvl. E. N YK Ht'l'CIIlSON, Secy. a Trens'r. MKB'TdKH. M. B. TAYLtJH, C. OVKK.MAN'. J. L. HIIOWN, WJl. J(JII.ST X, I SCAKU, S. T. WHIjjTUX, A. C. STEKLK. ' ' m " - . i , , -a Joh L Brown, S. T. W'kiton and A. May IB, Is.iB. 0tf STA VE OF NOltTH-CAkOUNA, MKCKI.EM1UHO COUNTY. Siprrior Court of Low irjning Term. OKDKKKD BY COCHT, that Bpeeial Term of tiie 8up'ri.tf t'oiirl of l.nw, f,,r said conn ty, be held at the Court House in ('harlot re. on the 4 1 Ii Mi'iiday in June mi'. Tet: J. . KKKB, CUrk. Suitors and witnesses 111 ctvii taita will please ta ke oolite. Mail IB, IHj8. ,15 5 Cents Reward. RANsWAY from the mbscrib-.-r in D'eemKe. IH..7. a bourij b"y by the name of TIIO j AS (-...p., ,,,, f . All are lorewarned not In harbor or emnlov said I boy, as thr Uw WiM r ti.t'nrccil ajraihi-t 1 wiio tuny d" fo. The a.Hiv.- rtttran4 will b puiil itu mii r onti for in delivery lo me. ht.t tin timnkx. ! A. WADDLE. .Vy4, l?.j8. til ftrDissohitioii. T VIK firm of MfM )lt K Si CO. wna di-Folvcd on llic 5 ill of April by mutual coimcrit. J. C. MOORK. J. II. MAXUKLL. The subsrribcrs have now taken j.ocmon of i (le lloc, ( Confectioneries, &c., I b,;;'"-"in2.1" ,he ' ' "f t r... and sre I sslhiig ,-ff l eot. I uiMie wishing articles in tl.e above line well please call. j J. '. MdORK, Trustee. 1 j MWW KLIj . .. . e ' ? J-pr raii'DaiiK's scales, j rfilHK undtrstiened, uptnti for' JL thene jtiKtly celehratrd Scale, V rc prcpured ti (urttiih Rail Road ; gjaiid pt Tii nn in want of a iiur4ble ' und accur-.le S?c.iU-, with nil d. 1 Bcnptiotii of I I liailtQiid Track and Dfjot Scac9 Warehouse ami Store Scabs j llopprr or heat cafrst from 25 to 500 bu. j Hour PnrkH'p cairs ! Grocer and Counter Scutes. Thene are nmre r X ten i rely ucri than nj nth. eri mitl have brn Uih$ and severely trttrii, und in every int'n,e h pivfti entire Pitir.ictmn, ( h'ttr nle ol Monitfarturtrt' i'nres. delivered 1 hrit'lmi. W t Jm i tig tun tr FeUT'liti'', V. by : GILLIAM ti M'NLOP, I 131 Sycamore St., Petersburg, Va April 30, IojB. IU Iron and Steel, CHILLI AM 4 in.M.Ol', 131 Synamore Str't M r. lershurff. Vs., lin porters and I'.-alers i Iron and Steel, invite tne alt'-ntion of merchants and nianulaeiurers to tbeir lurue and well assort- ed st-iek of Iron aud Sltcl, coinp, isin Swedes 1 Ifaimoered 1 W,.ie Plough. 6 to IU niches Ki.L'lish Kc lined li .un.l. Square, and Flat Hus, oi I lv -I, II ,ll (lv! and ll ill Itmiud M.m.o, B in, i, Scroll Morse anrl Mule Sum- IKON. Best Cast St I, Kng.and Am. Blistered and ter. el Th. V are also 5 e.m Oil at Mm Apiil 30, IfJC eenia f,,r the s ujuctmet 't 1'iicei. le of jlason't 119 S INFORM the Tn r..y.rs of M,-cHetibuis county Ih-il I now hive in niy hards tlu Tas Lists for I &.7 and 1 am rcaey to receive tbe Tax es iu- .- l',l rai,t reei'ipls. 1 b,,(H. tbose mU rested will oblige mc sn f.,r as to c.,11 early nnd settle, as ll wiil save me iniieii time snd trouble. E. C. G1UEK, Sheriff. April 20, 1 ?";. 7tf yi Carolina Mineral Springs CABARRUS COUNTY, W. C 1M ILT. niirn a S(IltKl. Tor p(f'. ut Miin pbre nn thr Ut ol J ti ! y . liuurd cm v tut, -I 87 ; ur $i per iiumth. Kor TiMttn, uch n KtMii.np, Wriiitii:, Aritiiinct iir.iiunitr nnd (tpMtriih y , ilf.r inmith. P-.tMinc and Nretile Wnfc if n-ijuiifd. !'!ie vltu f Hit w;ilr ia knuwu to nm n r tliruui; h tlua LOiiuTy. 1 1 hum curjij Iv i ( al l, binfiiat nt" tiie I.iv-rand Ktditt-y mi a r Totia AJft'i'ti'ii.. J'iu .Mintrni Sprmp ia irnt u place of publit' reaort, n nt.u.y nf our Wfltrnnif pl iCfU. 1 reaertt'd it t'-r the nitut'tni (tir whicii it ia Horn- oriffe1, and will hm fre frou enntiptrua iJ i prim a. Any dirtctioua, t jiitl, Kill nceiffl , aitciiliun. I SARAH SOSSERMAX. Pivnrer .Vt, I'ut-anut ro , Apiti JU, Important Land Sale. I nAVINli determined tn remove to Ibe South. I West, I ,,rf, r lor sale my valuable snd high. ly improved I, 4 ! If.L. t;,v.r H ,,,ii,- I. 8 miles w e trfi? ot'Coioord.l r.,ry Ii a harms :,atirl b a Ir .m the N., I, .,11 l;na,l. One tr.ict of titiO acres, lying on er, in s high st,.ie of culiiva. both sides of the riv tion snd nnsurpassi tract of 300 aerea t-d nebness of soil. Anolber an w tiicii I reaioe, unusually well-in, proved, having esicilenl buil.nngs,a good with sll suitable fiitures for su. cesaful husineaa in t.tmiit'g snd farming. The above lanes are well. watered, salubrious in locality and s large nroiMti linn ol woodland, affording an exhaust! - W I" ' mine soon, na it ia seldom that tion and well improved farms ars ufTerca in market. C. J. HARRIS, atsril 6, 18J8. itf DeGrath's Electric Oil, a SITPI.Y of this c. Unrated Oil for satu at L mv lirug Store, Irwn.'a "or.o-r. H. M PRUCIIARP. May 4, 1858. Sll m g afWWat "!S Puregrouad W H1TK M. XJ.IMMF I KAI) in oil and aasorlsd ktgsjual -eetistd and lets far Cuii. riUTCIIAKPS, i. KSa's Cersee. W art anthnrixeit in annnnnee Dr.m. M. Pit tTCIIA.lt l, aa an lHdrHn(lent UtMiiocr-ttio Cundi. data lor the lluuw f Commona. May , ISIS. WearaantlinriKd tnannnunce E I . liliU.K. a rnntli-, date fnr re-election t tlimfficeof ,, Sheriffof lhoaity at Aleclilcn 1 burs;, it, ilia enauiny Auyuat election. j April 20, I Mb. Hockv llivcr Academv. H'llE i.rent session of tin. Institution will II Hose. Willi a Pill, lie Eisioiualinn, Kr.oay the 4h of JlllK. The exercises ol the Kxilnuia. tion will b conducteri dtirinir the day. Theynuoi; nien w ill enl.Tt.un tin ir fnen.ia with well selecled and nriffin',1 soeeelu-s nt nii'lit. when tln-v nroiwise haTint; the tirove nroin.d the Academy beautifully illilounated. Friends of eJnea tl,n aie resM-etftil. ly invited to attend the f-x-rcisca throughout. Tl.e cserci.rs of the Ileal sessi'm will c.,;inlneoee nn the tliirtl M-M.day (lilth) of July next. It is lioMd that atuilents will ottelid punetuall)' nt the b, finnii,; of the session, as the h:.rn..oiy of the srh.H.I and the uee, s of the stunenta ilrKii.i miieh ou early attendance, as well as diligent, ter. evertnir application to study during ihe session. The Principal pledges his untiring, linabating ef. 'Wis in tl.e ni' ral and intellectual training nf Ihoac .laced under his cae. He is prepared to accoin. nodate (unite eight or ten !o-ir,!ers. 1, nd goon lws rd. g can be had at other places e,,neenn-nt to the Academy at V7 and " -r month. Tuition ns h.-r.-loforc. Tuition fees due at the elose of ench session. J. T. HARRY, Principal. I To Cotton Planters, rPlHH nnf'ersipnt'd is prepared to sell the brst H. quality of Cotton Uins, with 10 ,nch as at 'l per saw, d.-l.vsred a ih.- Ian. lings of the Char lotte. Y-.rk end N. C. P .iHioads. The adv int.i g,-s these Gins have over those shtppeu from other j States is, th..t they will last longer, ,-ne set of riba being equal to three. The broli being c,v red j with tin instead of cloth and bung uo.rc easily repnred and atless As rrparda tbespeidoflh.se fiins, quality of littt and Uiseharre of clean seed, 1 Wuuid r.-fer to 1 M. I.. Wallace, M-rrow's T. O., U, K. G. rainier, I t'sit field, and A. B. D.vidson, Charioti-. JAM KS M. ELLIOTT. ; Hinnaioo, ifoy 3.1, lf.iS. ll-6m jiiKLTs: iiklts:: ijrl'I'sj:: I'rom I lis lsiii ltd l Coiiiiiity, At Mauufceturti t' Prier$ i CAM! PRICKS I 3 inch lij cts. per foot. 3J ' la " ' 3 17 " 4 S3 6 ' .......33 7 " 3t 10 " til) " 13 73 " 13 " 4 ply U3 ! XT-SEAMLESS BKLTS manufactured to order j at sh,,rt .M,tiee. ' CO.V.V CTISG 1IOSK .f nil sixes, frr water preasurt, ordettd direct from iltt Manu fact AKSO l.f IiI.G of ail descriptions at 85 cents per piuou. J. C. F. BOONE. Wo 31, i!5 iStf A Reliable Notice. IT vIK firm of Breui cV Slide was dissolved hy niniual e.insent on the 1st navof 1 nu ,ry. 1 Toe business of the Finn is in n,v hunes fr collection . p, r ti'uliv rt-q. id seitlenietit ; snd I hereby res. I all m ran, . in,!, -hied I.- tbe Isle I firm by B'ili Account tn come forward and at tlie b, -iween I Ins dale and the 1st day of July, le.,H, as I no assure you that all account due tbe firm cl that time will be put in suit for cnllf-.tinn. A. C. STEELE. y-rii 6, 18j. iiJ Charlotte Machine Shop. W. D. flMCKNEY & CO. I'ngineeri. Eydraulic Press Halters and JlHrliiiK-r) isi sa-Hriiil, AVE commenced business in Charlotte, in fi Q the !,b v,. Imp, and arc prepar.d to m-tke STKAM F.Ntil.NKS of any lorm or construction, II vnraiilic Cotton Presses and every other uebcrip. ti.'n of Machinery. Jj-RF.PAIIiis and JOB WOIiK promptly at. teu.led to. f hnrloltr, .V.irrA 3f), lpV)8. 4lf Cash Paid for Hide: "D"Y S. H. MOW EM., 3 doors South of the J Mansion ll. uo. Lhtirto:tt, April 6. 1S"9. 5lf aw sffeaflt (i.Al.l.ONS I I UK I.INSKKI) Ull., 9 f 9 Wlimisalc in, I Ki t nt riUTCHARIvs. rth. !), I8..8. itf ln in her Yiuul. illllri suhseribers inform Ihe citixi ns ol" ( i,ar. t Ih. V l,ve .slab, .b. e,i a l.l .MnKIJ VAhl) in l..w n, where tn. v in. I. ii.t kc ping a supply ol all kinos ot 1,1 1 lll'.K for bniii ing and otl.t r purj,,es. Mr. Jninis liu disill is their agent m t,,wn. Application cm be lo him or lo e.ib. r ol Hie ui,,1. rsigi MILLER i I'OIMEK. Ort. 11. IS57 t4S t ilretlr tllusitirsiu. A X agreeable retreshanl snd Jaxaiive, as pie ant to the taste as s,,.b. water. S.,!l br II. M. riUTCHAUD, Ic,-. 1 Irwin's Comer Striotnflt r, OR CONCENTRATED LEY. Wsrr.nle.l to make .s,p without lime, ana with 1 1 1 1 1 .- Iron ble. 1'iie best un,i cheapest article in use. Price U5 and 5U rents a can. Sold bv II. M. PRITCIIARP. IVc. 1 Irwin's Corutr. Wanted, 1,000 iohps of tan dark, t which the c.-sh w,M be p,id. M. Ii TAYLOR, i-.'tf My 31,1858, HrM'1.1 N rl ii:l .' niwnority if this articla over Corn Slar ica. S:,go, Jic., as all srticle of diet f.,r invalids and cAiid.ea, is unquealioi.ed by the itiv- diaal laculty. I ull su; plv at r Kl I Lit AKL 3 t amuy Utus liars. Spt 13. 1957. in 'I ;iiiim--, or 'l'i-ln Oil. IOR Tanners snd Planters ns. indfaa.ng sad preserving Leather and H no -. frs..lsby M. II. P1UTUHARD, ry.,., I Irwia'ft C'-ornrr . SUBPENAS for ! at this oliaa CORRECTED BY B. M. OATEA k CO. CIIAKI.OTTK. MAY 31. I85-. CACON, llama, new -...ib.. ,....13 ....12 Sides. ...Ib. " llnp round, . Shtiulriura, Baffin , Gunny H.et. I) ii Iter Ueeswaz Urai.a Br..'iniy. Apjile, Ttacl. Cotton, new, Coffee, II lo Ja anrfla, Adamantiit, " l'crm ' Tallow Corn, old, " new Cliiekens ''Iith.l'opoeraa l.imlNey r'-CK Klour ...Ib .lb... . vd ..'lb ..lb .lb no (-n 17 ti, , 5 (iv la ill 1'k .bu.I.el, 0U 04 l. ...01 .. ..irl lb ...!u Ib , ...lb lb Ib ..billllel.. ..busliel.. ...each.... 0') Jit ...S8 ...15 ..J3 ...uo ...15 ...yurd 1 2 j fj ....yard -'5 (y ...iloten 10 f.i, ..1.1,1 b'gs ....SI ....11 ....311 .....iai Feathers.... f.ard Multmi,...., M.ekerel,.. II ..lb bhl N 1 -Kilts... gal bushel. ...Tlfi 0, ....$3110 (,. d 37 t AH 0- to (,. 5 (.'. lnl s.ea. N. IJ W. 1 Meal Mullet. Willi. Nails, Northeri gton) ...1,1,1. ...Ib ' S'.utiiern,. Ib H,..... hnsh-l.. bushel .. bushe'.. bualiel.. Ib '.'.".'.'.'.'.gal.'.'.!.'.' .... i 31 7 85 50 Oats , Pork Pas Pol..l.ia. Irian " Sweet R:ce, Sugar. I.0.1!'. " llrown,. Stone. Ware Salt, . T'S, Wheat, white H re,i, , 6. c- r.. ...4 - 14 Hi 131 9 00 l 85 7.? .'.' 3T1 28 33 00 ..ll (, ....bushel... ....bushel... ga! TH W'liisker, Northern,. " ' N.t arolin, W'ool, (best lseoifia) Yarn RK.MAUKS. r the last week liierc has been cotton and market depressed, is but little con. corning in, and CUT TON. F but htlie lining i tO UN. Ter woul.l readily d :,5 Ci otf. I'l.Oin is uuN nd prices raiiue fro u 'T, (I. COI.l MI1IA ma i;k i;t. Coi.l-hsia, May 37, I8n8. C'OTTD.N'. Tiie cotton market was dull and lai.jjuiu ye-t. ruay, v buyers ,,boit III0 mi pr l.'iiOing in l.ivol sold, ut to ,:l,nC. loO for iiuirior lo jjood I) V 'UN, h,,(; r,.u,,d...., COliN PK AS OATS H.UL.1 Hi .70 ' nil ...!'U ( II ...tin t W cl i a n i . i:ston m a i; k i:r. C'hasi.i.tun, May ii, 6Z3. COTTON. The cotton market was quiet .nd Repressed lo.oay. Toe transactions were confined lo tne iniaulti,); and lower rra.ies, at very irregu lar uii-i nil, tiled prices. Tbe sales, se .cbea 4h'J bales at eitreiut. raotilii; fr.mi (. li'g cents Wm, A. Owens, A T T O R .V ; Y A T L A 11', C llt It LOT I I', i. C BrlLLpraetire in the I nuns ot Msckh-nhurg W I aiif. till surrou.iilil K C..onl:e,. Jj Ollire nearly opp.isit. tiie l'ost Ull-ce. Jus. 2K. tbn. 4ftf SAM 'I, P SMITH, A TTOHSEY If COVMELWR AT LA IT, "TjajAY always he found at the oliiee of William f I J,,l,n-too I'-., IT Pr m. t aii nr.o.i fiv.n to CUiectims, nri t.r.e f U. eos, Convt vauees. A.c ttb. 3. IsiS. 48tf Fresh Bread! J, utSM III! I. A U lor .s, every morninps tliouery, one door fi at i. V. I no,, r' above tbe B ok of t harlottc. Jan. 2G, ISjS. i0AL HAVANA I.OiTEUY. Tlie neit r)iiitry lirawnig ',("tlie Rnyal Ilva. na I.nitt ry eirnfnrtr!f by liif't.,inli '.ovsTiiiHcnt, nnilt-r Hip !UK-rririon of the l u pt:t in UcMrru of Cutii, n ii, tukc piucf tl IJavim on WEDNESiaV, June 16, 1S5S. $300,000. Stim r.O NI MIT.O 600 OUDINARIO, ATI I VI. IMilZi: SIOO.OOO!! ol 10 IOO 1 50 .' 3 WHO I lO.HOO i prirescf Ml OCO 5 I.OOO .12 - SOU h:i 4wo I " a'l.OtiO -'0 Apr'xiui's S.SOO i Aonroiitnations to the ll 0,11,1 $til0 each J 4 t $4nii to Soii.iHU! ; 4 ol' S inn ti, $3il,UUU ; 4 ol tC'U to JlU.t'iit; 4 ol 4iiti I-, io.l'l.u. Whole TiehilsK'Oi IIU.sHU; QuarUrs 3 ; Tries casheit at -sht at 5 p- r r, i discount. Hills on ail snlvelil B'.nks tk- ii at p.,r. A (iri-wtog will t.e brw..roed as swn as the re sult h.c . i nwn. Conmuilieal,.,.,. ..,lree,l to Pl"N ItODCI. til l:-., (, re ol City I'..st, Coariestuli. S. C.) Ull. til lb. IHtb of June, will be uttemieil to. IVrsnos ord. ritie, 'l'Thels will please write their ni oies plain and jivtj tlieir l,st otlice, coun ly aud tale. I are ficttfh i hi mi t, Ol.I.AM) Cm. Whiskey, Slu rry and Port V mta, Loiiuon Aie auu fortir, fur mcuu use. S,,ltl by Dec. 1 II I FKITCI1ARD. LACK IVopi-r. tinij."r. Ilaking snd W sbing nnu,1 rrain 1 .rl.,r, . utineg, .VI-.ce, t mna. t loves i.i, u El..vnnng Extracts oi every kind. at Wi .le . t ll. bv II. M. PUITCHARP, lrw in s l orncr. IN p lit bt.ttiea j Springs, by l reetriTrd from Sara toga M. PRITCIIARP. ailllli: tJCOTCIT, Mjekatioy and Knolwh, Gentlemen's S.MT'KS, just received, bOU loa. in bladders noj.ra. soiui Dee. I, 1857. JI. M.' pRVrCUARP, Irwin's corner. ! I'll. 0(1.111, I ill-. .V lire I W AVINU tasn adenntnp a of the p-etaura of j H'o t.ueta I a in rcccmui;, tv cnah purcimta. aa uiimrnae anti U iMtu at4.K ol M diciin:?, hem. icala, InatrDMM-illa, C'icaU. Ac , to wh.cii I oiuat rcatwcliaMy innlti yur aiteniion. All urt)r by ustfl ur otiierwiaa. pet op Willi iealnea and duapteli. il. M. PUITCHARP. Dt c. I Irwin's Corner. BLANK PEEPS far vale at this office. 12J ll ll, Si 00 till 00 111 Ii 13 30 131 no CO ii 1.1 6 ori 35 '0

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