,; of tin eoromaniJinn all oiti- of t'10 M""'"1 Slate io said Territory jj od e tiu'",r ' ,ue perform ceof l eir """ "'""''K u "mam of Uh, bo ball submit to the laws, f,ce psrdou for the tcditiona and treasoni tofore by ihetu couiiuitted ; warning H.e who bH persist, after notico of thia ,nition, in the present rebellion against United Stales, that they must expect no riher leiiily, but look to be rigorously ! It ifii according to their deserts; and '.MMoibat the military force now in ,,,i, and hereafter to be sent Miere, will j n until the inhabitants of ,,t tie wi ji Territory fliall manifest a proper sense duty which they owe to this Govern- In testimony whereof, I have hereunto , ,y haud, aud enured the seal of the Vtod State' to be affixed to these presents. j) ne at tbo cttJ f Washington, the aixtb !' J of April, one thousand eijiht j,,lrcj sud fifty eight, and of the lude- ii.lmce of the United States the eighty. ' , JAMES HUCHANAN. liy the President. Lewis Cash, Secretary of State. Ivvehs. We learn that the Supreme 'urt vow iu session at lUlci-h, has Tti'fd the following young gentlemen , practice law iu the Superior Courta of 'j,rfhU. Csrter of Hertford County i j Wl T. Divo, of Mecklenburg j W. . r nil of Knyettenlle ; . . herton of I 'j'ik'lin , V. .1. 04Uniors aoa ll. Iv. lirjan,'" . i:.V;. h ; John 1. huller ol ll.iuesou ; l.i rr i, . . . ' ,,, ll.Jksm of hdeutou i L. J. Mer.tt of, lutliain; W.J. Monlj-Oftiery aud Alex. 1 ,.,jn of MoutL'Oiuerv County. ,. Twenty three of twenty seven applicants j .re licked to practice iu the County ' ll. C W'ru, Urunswick County ( W. h- Ui .ler I.iuolmon 1 A. J. liovd and ! T "iiav Rockingham co ; U 15. Larne. 1 ' . " . . .. ..... ' j S. Woodward, and A. lla't.ea, Nil-OO - ; II T. litown, nkeaboro j I.. 11 Bulla, Vilirtioro; ) .1. levaue, New Hanover; f li. I,;n W... I 11 .r.nn ,1 n,i ; J. . llinton, r.i aaiiein v.uy ; 1! INrri.. (itanville; T. II. Mill and A. K Smith, Wake; Henry t;. .tlulims, ray- tKiiile; W L, Nornient, Robcon j J M. '. rrj, IVaufort ; J. H. I'icnl, Hertford ; ' 11 l!e, Mickienburg j 11. 1J. Short, I'l.OUtll lUUfjll. T. M. Litlinton, Greeus- Nl M l.-.-l UE Capt. W'nt. Ts'gsrt, of Hueriiiii, (nb'i is Juil-:e of the I'olioe li r t ill that town, wo Lelieve,) bus ro li', invented1 sn olloii,' utii.il for can- n . ki.-l, ia k. i.l in ilirr. h,.n and r oilit rr'nio-t, l,y uiesn. of fu-e. It is cf tu! - itu" of a sbcii filled with powder, and i-l be rsilier fjrinM al le cu-totner to i i t , , ii . ,; 7 . I ' i.vsrt bs Iski D steps toward pstenl- ; lis invetilion. We have seen aniod.j or n,e .Mic-e iu .un,, ,h... ...hi i tiuineb run in bsttery at )utll iljston, eou!d drive the llntiah Dv from tbe er lisrbor, by loading Willi this Uiisaile. , tbinj is Iru, if the Dew bullet iu it i'.bl. should merl nMj between the .il mil.t prolablj hurt bitn. ( fir ti.ti. Scott attained his 7'.'d birth- ? !.t MohJsv. lie has tccu in the ar- : ; over Inlf ccnt'jty. 1 1 iti: of iisr:tt.i i n I it. Il..n...ur, to, I l.i, Jan. 10. IC'.'J. 's .vnu W. low li. .Nir: Von are at liberty u- II. t l.,..,;.ii; at .lcinci.l (or luc benefit of ..,clU . I en .Itirkrd with the I. ivl-r O.ini.t.inl. whii ll r nl j broug lit no lo lhe brink ol Ihe grave, n; ley .!.. tn atlemled by ll.rre phy. i.i in our pl.Tr, but rercired no he !p. 1 ulao i ih" .ri..u reimniea r i v.n, ii.rn.i. d lor -ch (i . nia. but ti.ey afforded mt no f ! -f. A a "-', I iB-riun'rd lo Iry Hn.'ii'l ll-il 1 line ( Wiy, .n l by u.it.g I. ur ta.ll,. I 1'11,1'J lo Ultir iiraltli loan I O.IC tl.j .jC J r f. r t.n je.ra. Thia latrine. I may o re u,.n a ti.ct!y true. IIETSEV PEI.'lilN. Tr are Ct,tfiealt vat given in Ike fttimrt o . .Viang, . ,, ir m is tttll inew in aia any aa e Iverettfmf frmrUttontr. N r e.iiuiue un!ea. aiened I. lie n's on the U. Fur aalc by II. M I'li-ciiarJ, ( llalilU. irxi, Wi anaaret Hix-caaa or Pa ll.iaTST. ehbr..t..d and I'urna'lrd STuwarn llirraaa, ,,t time of ita introduction to the public, cone traitely its manit'eat aneroirity over ft preparation of tbe kind now munulac. Ill .rU'.n on the Uigcalive organs l.of lhe eiii.g cnaraci r, reiiioniiif, all diaeatta or .iv, mi givu.g the l.t. in s a..u..) and ' 'one It curea of lyp"'paia, loaa of ap g.nir.l iii.'atal or phyaical weaknraa, ita I" 1 te r t. .n i iimi bi nrtirtnt, inut rd ; aonieoflhe I I'.'lilui caata that have ever Stell Utah r nie I Ire. Im. nl bave b i u entirely cured by thia "I -K l.t. Aa a Lome, II ..I, llrr'a 11. llir. are t dt.igl.tiul, . tare. ally before nu ale. i It'Nggiala every wIm re, nl by IIHS'I'LT- c Ti ll A. SM I II, propriet.irs, ,'.H W aler and : Sirreta, Piiuliurg h, and hy II. M. PrilcU. irluth, V C. THE G?,EAT ENGLISH REPIED.. -IU JAM KS CLAKKK l Ir:ii'i I ciiiiilc 1'illw. ' oXr(.l. lJ t J ,i,iii.tun lliliaoiiii- tttinj to the (jHtnt. iuablc miditioe ie unfailing in the T ho.e p'iliful and dang I 'h ,.n . ace.a lim reuiovea all obttruelii.ua "!" J euic may lie nlod on. HI l Vltltll l I, llll S u.iariy .uited. ll will, in a ahnrl time, an Hie iii..itthj urnod Willi ribulalltr. A "" Ill Maiop ul liltat llritalll, to pit 1 lit toUII- 7 h, .,((. .),, j . . ... .... i., ...;,. j,. " ' "isT THHHK MO.STHSol i'igiry, mt me im Sneg an Mitcml ruyr, hut at ajf In .11 r.,., f N,.,v. ,,! s,.io. .l Ametiona. " toe II, ra ana l.niih.. Fit. gun on alight ""' ''ilp'lalion of the II. art, lly-li rice, and '. Iin.e Pilla will . B-i la cure whin nil otli. ' n have Uilnl, ,j aliimugli I powerful iv. du n .t contain iron, call I antimony, ) thing fuitlul , lr eoliatitution. ' J 'ot for the l ulled Stalia and Canada, J'HI il.M, (Lute I. C. Baldwin In t o.) Kuchcalcr. N. Y. It. 41 a...l fi I 1 ... " - -a- ai p. ni iu-ia ... "ii. d A hi ill, will in.uru a. bollle ot the V ''tin ii mail. a.lu iy I V. SCARU, i CO. so'e ug'lt far t karlall: 11 A IL AND 8TKVKNSON k CO. H'Aeriuiij ,t;(s, Crl(os, 4'. C. Slav. Trade in South Carolina. The Charleston News, f peaking of the atate of public ojiiuiou ou this subject, enjss "We belief that an attempt ha been studiously made to produce without her lim iti the impression that South Carolina haa been and in very anxious to briny about re-opeuing of the African slave trade. This is an utter delusion, and may a well be din sipatcd at once. The in a si of her people have looked on with a balf at used nine; Jroid at the i.pitnlion of a scheme, which tuey regarded so impracticable and vihioo- "J '""'"J not trouble themselves to dpr their nni.iinn n it , j ... Married, in Iredell cnunly, nn tlir 1 7 1 It inal., by James Dnlielaon, F.sq. J. Hit "II All I HltOWN ..I Mecklenburg Co., to Mi -AIIAII ANN PAR. KEIt. May peicc attend their future wu 1 1. a Antl plenty mill! yruuntl. G. Iredell Express please copy. L.a.LL p Iredell .vimi. I, in) tbe l.'iltl insl nit, LL'CY, I. r.MIKA, 111 t-fl t daughter ol Dr. U. W.ulid M. II. 8linon, aged one year slid six mouths. I A XC I XfJ A ( 'A I) K M V. ill" I.. ..lie II IIFNIlY J. BR IS&LNIjLN. from Char. If JL l.-slmi. reM-cttutly iiilnrma the I.i.dlfa and .illemrnntt hurlollc and vicinity, that his class. es tur instruction in iancine- is now oim ii nt Al- b, ,,, la.n;,' Knuni, over China Hall, and will The latest iisnree including Ihe beautiful .as). ,-iime wish me original ngurcs now i - m -" -'"""'"" -ur"l' i.u.l, l w,tli all the oil. iti Drawn. .,, IIOW , wllt. I be i.d liall llu 'i,ie Uaauns gi.rnif n itrir. quired. Te ttl, tr Valuable LAND ftr ClllC, d the wlrra of II. g Puor Crrek. joiiiiiif tlie . " ol J. Un . liner. i:.q , ll. II Mi !... ell, J-hn Willimn.on .nrt olh. r.. roiil-inini; 40 " """ "r ";-' ' ''' Stom(rie on which ore tin Ihittoma now in tlllal id . ,, , .uprr.r ,K) ,j. I ,,,, b ,,ir N.uili r. iron. ( h .r. l-ilr i i'J nn:r fn-m M-rrow'a Turn Oul.on the t'liarlolle iS.C. It'll Koad. Ai.v iierwin winli. a giMfd m ighburhl, wm.ld do i II ! r- II on J.i. i. Sunn, our f ill St norm y in rh..rl.,ll., or on W. K It.iiailrii whu !... ri nla on lite prun laca, who Mill Ukr nedurv hi alictli; tlifiu the bounilei icaof Ihif laml. A IiIm rl pricr willbrjfiv en in pay nirot of raid lnda in negro pruKrly or ou very rcauiuibit tern JOSKIMI SMITH, Afit.VT A'P Alli.KNF.Y TI R, N. W. II AliV'KN i W.fe. Junt ;., Iri? 3.ii. I'.u.r.i ist.t: Merclmnt STEAM MILL Ml I'llirr I'mpt I l , li.r . tC SI t CHARLOTTE, 17. C. A " Trustee ol lroy prii.g. I will esiMiae to m politic Bale. balurUaT, liie. ilh ol Aueuat ucxi . Valuable Slum j , MERCHANT MILL. ! . . , iolIr.., , i.r.;e,', ,d p. , iet Engine. n.giH. I tr with all the machinery and appliancea n.i .a. ry tn carry on a large an. en. n.ive ui.nnl..riur. I hi. M..I is ...o.tea in t l.ariotie, I fe, ...truri.on, ... ,,, ihr!.,,. ,h. j lieal-by, and t act cding !y protlurlive ami interiat mg country. The ain-ution ol Produce M- rrliaola ol Cliar e.j In ll ton and ilo, properly. LJ A credit ol line and Tt Veara writ be u And on tlie ame trrma and t the ame tim fan I pl.re, I ,ilon-r two large UKU K SIDItES loala.rita high, in the buaimaa part.. I the town j Tlieae .Sarra are efti illy adapted l.i ihe pfoae. euiinn of a large and eiUoai.e I'rouuce buameaa h.l. Ll lake i'.at.- ,.;t r.aerve. W. It MYK11.S, Truitrt. I.AHtiE and U.MI I ETE ASSORTMENT atn Slid J ipaned B f-L XX D D J I at liolcaaie it Retail, lower than er. at . 8. T. WKLSrOV ii 7in t-t'rt-e .Sri'i. I . ....... , ,, .... .4 Kj; "I superior I l.mahed lea and .S. T. WUISTON. fJV'ILl.T SETS, a aupirior article, for sal T.wiasioN. tASII. I), aale by nd Un eemir llOX ES for i S. T. WHISTON. IS KIT FAN I A TEA SETS, f. .ale at' S. T. VVKISION S. ' ATEI! ( tMJl.EliS, a fir. I rate article, for Ie by s. t. wmsroN. f A lll.K ( I II. HIV, ,-,. Ladles, Spoena, M. Fle.ll Forka, Ac. loraleat S. T. WKIS I'O.VvS. ASsKR'S Patent IceCrtim IK El ZEUS, I lie beat Freeiera now in ur, for aalc by S. T. WHISTON. KTIIFiVS Sell Sealing Kill IT CAN'S, w, directions ln,w tu aau li.u , at S. T. WKISTON S. SAD IKON'S, tlie beat lu this market, for sa '7 S. T. WHISTON. aaortuieut ol wiueli cannot be esceli.d iu M-rloi u.anee, hy any olhrr Sloves in Ihe market, for aale at the Till and Stove Shop, 3 doors Laal of Springs' corner, 1 I ill lUll, Jant I j, I,' I TO BESOIiD, ClONSTAN TLY on hand s jimhI aaa j t'lMlK S'l'OV KS S. T. WHISTON. , idjf. lilf CharlM;Juiu i .If we e.tim.fe the aolid yard of gold at ten millions of dollars, which it is in round ' numbers, all the gold in the world might, if welded together, be contained in a cellar twenty feet squsre and sixteen feet high. A TEMPERANCE CELEBRATION VV-I' I held at Hebron Cliurcli.on ll.o C. V f t 8. f. K. Jt., on I he 3d ol July nest A great aim ny rfislinguialicd speakers are eXN-cL eri and the public generally are invited to attend. An Accommodation Truin will leave Charlotte at 0 oVIock and ticket cmi be hud at the drKt. 22, 1858. Concord Male School, JAMES R. McAULEY, Principal. UUUUV LACY, Jr., jii'Knn!. Vlli; next Kraalon nf thia School will ennimenne on Thursday, the Kill nf September, 1858. TfcHMH OF TUITION. Kngliah llranehea (Mnaaica and Mathematics, Contingent Fee, Hoard from 3 to IU r month quired in advunce. Jum 22, IpJM. ..I l.i CO . 20 l) .. 1 00 Tuition rc 127 Dissolution. 1 UK firm of RErKW I TU A DIMTTAIN waa thia day ttianolved bv mulual consent. All prsoua indebted U ii.nl firm are nquealed lo come lorward immriiinlrlii and make payment, a the uuauieaa ol liie fir in ( be clo.eil. 11. W. HECK WITH. V. J. UIUT J AIN. Mtf Junt 10, 1S58. Notice, jjj AVING boiighltheeiilirelock tLM i w a e it'8. jcwc i v. kc. , 4 , .f Deck with Si U'ittain, I shall ci nimue tlie lu- at thiir old atand, whire I aliall be happy to meet my old frieuria and eoalonie It. W. JlKCKWn II June 10, 16.-8. 4tf Mecklenburg lloiids, SEVEN PER CENT INVESTMENT. UllK firat inue (:iO.Ot0 ) ol the It, mill thia I ountv, to in lhe i .airucinm of the VV liming ton. Char! ill be ready by Un all of the denoiiiin and Ruth. r(..r,l R..i R.,.,d, 'inih. Tin v are l.t n of Unt lluntirtd IKUa.n, I, a ii per cent, interest, pj ralile citii ai.nu- a!Ir 111 the town of Charl'.lle, ailh coupons at. t .ehtd for the Samethe it .lid. lo run '211 yeara sa-aled ofli re hr tlie whoieor m.y portion of ihe firt iftue, are invili d until the il'Hh day of June, mat ,nt, when they will he o nr.l h. Pin- tlie I! .aid ol Ihreetora ol the Rail Road Coii. puny in Ch..r. h.lte. Th. y may be left at c.tlnr of the U nka, or Willi Ci.pt. J.,iin Ualker. II. W GUION, V,,ti,l.nt II. C. If li. It R. i t. Jan, II, lrVi8. tlti AU( III 11(1, ki: c i v i L i i x (; i x r. i : u i x a . 4 ll K mbfcnber, fsmclicA I Architect and i, til Kiif tncrr. has t.krii K - in No 5. D-vnl. nii'p ttatldtnp, where he mny h found prrp.ired lhajt I'Uiti ttd make lUixm.il m in nil dt-;tirt. ni-rtt p'irinn. I'jrt-i ulr ulii-nt mti i if lH- (I .Id tu Ur TCf Iti ?f 'tf f'l Jltt illtiMH Mill! Frut I'T II... Bi.kii.jfi.f 'M Al'Sor (11 AIM S of llir ...inr, Willi a tir-win flue pi itit tn(i tiitimn sud llu li itiiiU. Kvrrj niiitt-r iKmiln bt fHirprd ul" ik- or in'-rc of Ins domain. Thry ran e n "P in nn y tyie, Hnd whrn fruic-d iiie a Ueautilui ornnntiil tor inv P4rluf rl.iUHig and layiftg out of (rouiidi and J.a na (r Hf tir uliurul sn.i OftutiiciiUl purpoata will br allrndrd Ui if atdintrd, j 2 Yming men winl.ii.j It. l-comr nrqunin!rd i w.lti .iiy..r all f lt,r al.,r brnri,iat h ill l.r j t .H'i.i in tiie moat tltoruj;ii ui inttr und un tiitw moat liUt rl Icrnic. IfiiMkL-Itrcpiiif In ftl! 1 1 mot npprfivrd pUna, will br tnjlit, in cludmf l).n!nnr.n l Kxn, ,gr.. II. It. (Mira, S:.tnilHut dtiM Fifhai'C1' Uilh T'l'Ti-tgn a it it l ii..tc m.d in l it H ttnt 1.1 rtqiiinilc t) t tim roujjl ka-jw lttigc of IJuo Kk y:.g in a!! it. fnrma V. SAl.'KS. J.arl 'i, l.H U-ly Masonic Notice. 1I"I U NT MtiRlAII I.tllH.K. Xo. e.1 Aneierl 1 1, brale IH V-.'k .M a. .ii., h.ia deu St. JOHN'S LAV, ;-.'4tli June.) according to .M.i. c u.age. The S ib.iihc 1 laternil) and Ihe piiniie aie re... . u'uily iniied to ail. n.l. II K. .Y.eV, K.o, ,ol Hil;.b,r'.u;h, will be the Orator ol the 1 V. , Alalrsrtde, Jane 7, 1828. tlS i 3,100 ACJ.KS OF LAM) rot: A.ra;. OFFF.R fr Ci.,..,. c -!. Creek, known Lall.l. It ha been oraeied into liine Iraeta uoe tract eontaming tl :iUt arr.a. one 5DO.cn a "l,F " contiguous to each other. Saul Lalul is well ailaptrd to the rull. valion ol eot. t cm w,,, ,tlrt ,jM.r ,ln., sr,j, ,. itu.ited lor grating purHiea. It 1'imd.land nml well.limtK red, within hat nee of the I harlolte and Wiluii oad, and ia aituat'd in the gold reg . nearly all convenient gtnu Kail, in between Id Hill and tl.e llowie Mine. (i,..l haa already ii diarotereii on that part of the Land known the Liiile M.nini in. I aim ..H-r for .ale a TRACT Ol- LAM ly in in York lh.lr.rt. S C., on H.g Sugar Creek , join, lug Hie L.-mda nf liailer Sprii-ga and olhera, eon. laming aerea. 8 ild I. anu baa been eonaider. nl one I the beat Caiilon Plantation, iii York lhe. trirt, and there ia no better land lor c ru or wheal. II deaired, I will divide any of Ihe a .'on .a id Land to suit purchaarra; and the purchaaer run b.ve lua own lime tu pay the luuney, provided he ma kea it aeeure. App' lo me in Chirb.lte. W. I'. DA VINSON. 15, 1858. I4if ISO lice AI:1 LL pi if i. n. indebted to the nl.ti of W i!li: U alta. dee'd., by Note, lor ai titles pureln rd at lhe aale of hla eti'eela, will pleaae come I. tvard and ecttle or renew Ihcin, aa lhe origu Notea w-ere deatroyed wluu my boiiau wae bun bill I atill have a list. M. X. II ART. u r. 1 t!Jr Notice to Church JJuildcrs. f 111 Y. underkigned lo let out the Kepair. . W. ing of lloiicwcll Church by putting 1. 1 1 leil ami rauing the whole building '.' feet higher ..nd putting mi a self euppnrting nail, gal. lei lea on lhe end, i feet and ante l leel, wimlowa tti extend up in gallery, laimg tha.r and making pulpit and repairing seats, thai will ninku the Church G7 feet long and 45 It. wide. Tue plan can he seen by calling on' the uudi reigned or T. II. Ilrem, ami luithcr parlieular. made kuouii. - Tioposals lo be ha mud in on the till .tloiiday in June. T. M. KEKNS. A. H. DAVIDSON, li W. ALEXANDEH, Junt 8, 1 H.'i S. . Com. 115 Plank. ritllK subaeriber haa for sale at his Mill.fi' 1 miles Irmn Charlotte, on MeM lebacl'e Cree k, S.OUO feet of lhe choicest FliHiriiij; I'lank, dry and roady fnr work, Alan, all other kinda from f inch up to 4 inchea thick. Scan ling, Wagon Timber, Uuugh-cilgc, Ac. JAMES KERR. Jan 8, lt?..H, tli I lid ( rooked tlrVV ChiirlOttO MaClline SliOI), W. D. PINOKNEY & CO, i;ngincer., Hydraulic Press Makers and JVfnt'liisierr g'Mriilt II AVE comineneed busineaa in Charlotte, in Ihe ab ve line, and are prepared In make STKAM ENGINI'M of any form or eonatrnclion, Hydraulic l otion l-rcace anu every oincr ocfcrip. tion nf M iclnnery. They slao beg to inform tlie ninnnfncturer and farmers generiillv. I hut they hae recently auded a wrmw Mil i i y" "SJi TTT, VV Is QWHiMJJi& 2t to their etnhlii.hiiH lit, and lire prepared In furnish eaalings in Iron, Hr or ny other meLl, .1 a hurt notice and at reasonable prices. Particular attention will be given to the making and rep.irii.g of Tliresliinr Machine. Home I'w. era, ( otli.n Gina, .M ' II Work, and Agricultural M-iehinerv. We alao 'keep workmen H.r nhicksiiiilliinc, Job. bing Work, Wagon Work and llnrac Shoeing. JT OfK TF.IIMS ARB CASH. Chariot,,, March 3U. 1 058. 4tf - - Davenport Female College. LENOIR. fMorth Carolina ) C.N DEIi THE PATRON AGE OF THE . SOUTH. CAROLINA tUMLRLM b. HIE FIRST TERM of Una Inatiiut.on will Jl oien on Ihe ThirdThtirtitny in July mvt, to continue without iiileroiianon n:. pt k iiays at Clirii-tiiut until the Fourth Tnureuay in A - I It5!. This luatilutio I .. .I. , I rial,! i.ihi, U. Mountains, wilhiu a few uiilca of lhe fann-u V. i.. ,,f il,.. Varikin. coinoiende i'.nelf l.i llio natron. age ol tlie country on account oi lie pure nionn. tain air and water; and because placing all the f.icihtiea for a firiiahtd Eirucation within the reach of every one. Young Luiliea cm nltciid tlie rrgular coure in the I'lriaraiity Drfirtnttui for nne year for $7, which lucludei Hoard Wanhiog excepted Fuel, In the Cullrgiatt Orpoilm-vl, 1104 ill ireet the entire expense ul tlierenular courae n inir set ptcd ; and with muaic on Piano, $ 45. Circulara, containing every particular, ni-.y he had in Lenoir, by applying to the Premiliiit of the Colli ur : in Ltncolntoii, to J uiiea Jeiikme, Lrn ; in .Greenville, to !(., t, A. Jlonrt j in t h.rlolle, lo Rev. Tln.s. M. Farrow j iii Hill r. ua,. lo Ur. A. A. &crigF which will be )tit lo any adcrcaa, free nl capen.c. A Four Iloiee Tri. Weekly Slage Coach n il! run belween Linenlnlnit, N. C'. ami A longii..n, Va., liaiiing through Newton, Irf'nuir and Taylorfville, Ten ii. IIKNKY M. MOOD, 1'rrsUct. Jnt 8. I0.8. 115 J. A. KeTES. TIluMAS DEUKAties'RIED. J. A. ESTLS k CO., I' M l OKS .XI COM. HUSSION OR toe It of" Col'. oi, tirsm, Flour, nne u!l kinila nf Country Proiluie. i i Oilicc. North Atlantic Wharves. clis-letnn, 8. C. il r Aceordinp; to the terms of lite Co.pariiter. I aliip, we will not trti-LXATR, d.rectly nr indirect, j I v, in any Produce ahippi il lo our liouae. I l!rrnnr.scT.-0. Mills, S. S. Fa-rar. Urothrr. I Co., L.inneau, Smith Wlnliien, Th.imaa J. K'.1 I tt Moi.e. ( h.irlealon, S. ( .; Col, It. Aiidi rron, K. i Hone, Columbia, s. C; Tnoiiia. MiLure, r., N. ' i I!. Eavea, A 4. Dolinvsnt, Che.ler, f . I ; Col. F. ' Se.nl. , I'mon, S C.f nl. I. I. Withernoii, J W. ; ' Anrv, W. A. L.tta, li., Coi. S. . etowe, Jlr. ; J. If.'Hr.tton, Voikville.S. C j Hr. ILrpohit, Sal. laimry, N. C ; J. I.. Duoll, Kin xrille, Tenu. yne I, ItS. ly ! Silver ri.Uiiig. i A ND gi!d, a.l.pr, br; m and Ml tinda of mcUl 1 w' k rt-(Mi in d, Co-'cli ni'tltpra at a dittance ill. 1 1 may want O-eir work donf, ihhjt li.ive tt nl. ! tn iii d in at the hnrtrt nntrce and finiflicd in tiic Itou t0dC Jf Ilia , c and I .hop. ne hundred yarda niirth of the Court next dour to Overman a. iiirs JOHN M. MASON. i-Jtf. I, I8.1H. Gun and Lock Smitliiiiff. A Lis work iu tl.rb..-t bunne,, .x c.t i,.ck. U'-w-r mrr. will w pU' etui !lr tti i.i-it l. i iul fin. ishtd in ti e brt iiMnm r ol work inf n ft; at my hii north nf llir ctirt lnuM-,mxt to Uvrrniun rno WiUuri'a co.ich thnn, JOHN M. MAS'.'. liif Jtes& Composition Castings.! V AM nreo.ire.1 to manufacture all k in .la ol work ! W A M prepared to manulacture all kiii itol work m in Ihe above line of bLSineaa. 1 ttould call , tlie particular attention of Ihoae that h..ve imlla or lartorys, r any kind of machinery that neciia compoaitiou ol jurhhiiity for null uika. tn..t I hate one of my ow n, ami I have nc vi r lo ..rii of any lliini- lh.it would atand ln!f iqilal to it. I wiil warrant theui tn run five yenra. There are n.nie of my make thai have been running ti leen and twenty year. 1 could furnifh more tlnu a l.un. dn u e'ertiticlea of ita durability. J To I'erauna Ileeoii.j .Mill Iiika.niU jril.'ccona l wiil furniah the ait lor eight nollars. Try them and ave ymirsrlvea the trouble of atopouig your mill when': II el.c ia right. JOHN M. MASON. I Ar, I. l?jJ. i STATK OK NOIiTII-CAKOl.INA, MtSOKl.t.MILHU tOL'NTV. Court of J ims anil Quarter Sessions, A- piil Term, 1"3S. Jamca I. lirier, Adm'r. oil J..:,nS.Neelv, relilllill III net ll L; H..I.I. It. Caldwell and wife M..ry I.., John I.. Caldwell ami w lie CaCarine. SP apiK-armg tu the a ili.l'ael ion nf l! c C ourt that the dt tell Jail la Kola rt II. I a III I ! I and Will .Mary I.., John I.. Culilwe l am! wile Calharine mil iiihabit.mte of thia State, .but renle beyond tl.e limits ol" the a.inie, ( i, thtitjorr OiJ.red ly I tht Ceurl, That pllbilrallon be mailt- li.r s.J weekal in t... North Carolina Whig, a ncwepaptr punted in the town ol'Churloltc, llolil'yiug the aald ilefen.l. ante to be it n d apiear at. the next term of our aaio C'lilrl, lo be held for the county of M, ckli nburg, at lhe durl. hollar in I ban.. tic, on Ihe 4lil Mob Jay iu July next, then ami therein plead, nuawcr or demur, or jiidgemeiit pro eon It ao w ill be taken agaillal the ,. 'ilncaa, V. K. Reid. clerk nf nur suid court, at i.tfice, tlie 4th Monday in April I ?."', and in the (hi year of Ami rican lnileH miem-e. W. K. I!KII, c. c. c. I rinier'e fee $fi. June 1, l?5S 117 Dissolution. IT ItlJK Firm of liOONt: l O. Ived on 24tli instant, bv mutual e. naelit. All I thai then .is nf C. M. ail I y rrqucs. persona Huh bled lo llu mare, nolitit Ni.tus and Accounta are iu the hai Kay lor collection, and the ten to e t lorward tmmttlvitilv and pay uii.au the buaineea of tlie fiiiu mutt be eh.sed. j. h. r. r.ooNE. M. li. TAVLdll. May 31, 1858. 124 oo- ," o t I r I-:. II AVIN'ti bought the entire alocii of HOOTS. SIIOKS, e., of Uoone t Co.. 1 ahall con. the bllM.lesaat llicir old ati.no, w lit re I shall bo luppy to meet my old fne.ls an. J. li. Y May 31, 18.VS. cllalnmiTS. UUll.NE. ROBES! A LARUE lot of Herngr, Or);a die and Jackn. t I'ORFS will really reduced i. net Flounced and Side. strip. .(T. rcd lor cks, at T. II. 15KEJI k CO. llif May 85. 1858. -V'MJ T !'! " -u Miloh VRS0X. ls2Lcil .Vry 25, Ic-jB. I ut (fc Notice riiiE ni.'.Mof Fi'i.r.iNtis a. co. d;. JL aolvtd ny niutu.il conaunt on tlie Ul day of January luat. In retiring from the Finn, ailotv me to return my aincrre thnnka to the ritiirua of Nnrlli and South Carolina tor the lilierul ptruuagr bestowed upon u, aud to requeat a contiouiince Gf t,e lln for M.mara. SPIt IXOS Sc IIKATM, w, have aaarMiateil llii-iiiu-lv.-. .nli K. knllmo. unjfr ,,e j irm of s LT.I.I.;.s, SI'RI.NGS &. I t)., ; WM1 W1 con. met the I'h.lhnig Uixn.eaa on the I aiiine term and with the a.inie advanUgea aa here. ' tofore. I Tlie Note end Account of Fullinga Si Co. will he I (bund in Ihe hunm ol W. A. Owrna, ..r collection. j JOHN TOWNLKV. i .TritT Z.--- NEW FIRKI. ww a , ff 1HR new Firm of FlI.l.lXGS, SPI11NG3 & ! JL fO. h-e leave to preaenl iIii iiim Ivi i to Ihe ciliaen ol North and Soiilli t:nr..liii ; and in o I n,,,n would I'Tiiestly aolieit a couiiuuaiice nf Ihc , liberal patrunnge bellowed m tlie well-known firm 1 nf Fiillinga At Co. 4 - . c wi.ol.l aay with much r,.,unnec that we ,n" lhe ""d CI'MI'"1 : o L orf.ciiltt'HM iiN and Htijn' i.otiii.. f're'1 '" ",is st"te 1 11 '" " b"1'1 "'r,'"n but mverthele.a true; be. I own gocts, tiiereby i.nving the manuf.ctHrer' pro. ; fit, which is at leal 2.5 ner cent. .VI miover, eve. j ty article of Clothing panne iimier the aupcrvia. I ion of one of the f.rui, and if not well. made it ia ! not received. We nan, tin relore, irurraut the ma king of all goo... that ii fn.iu our ln.lle. FULLINGS, SPRINGS & CO. I May 18, 1858. I0ir Raglans! Raglans IT W rr ivinu y rvry ftt-n nit-r, it!! 1 i u d 1 f of inutiT.ul Hit.iL'iniitile. FI LLING, SF1IINGS k CO. M-y 1H, t wiiii iii: i i r-w, , A T ny pi nt Another i-U as n ti ue. N ithing llki if.ieturing h.iile. , serimn, but n : beini conmr leu with FULLINGS, ffl'HINGS H CO. May 18, lOtf Shirts, Shirts, " W TIMTE Linen, White and Faney Marseilles, V f lower tiian tlie vame kind can be manu. faeiurel! Ill lhe United Slat. , at FULLINGS, Sl'UINGS k CO. .Vi 18, Hjd. lmf Boys' Clothing. ( P .renta we would aay, you can find nil H'.rtiner.t at our Clothing Store, w hi re we ki ll kuiur, whiih ia well mane. ITLLING, PI'KINGS CO. Maa H, JS..8. l"tl- TIMMi.' 'lltlMt.'.' v'S T A CIMin Assortment of Lndira 4 U and nl'a Trunkii. Vajieea, Jr. nt low pricea. M'lIINGS k CO. luit ICnrnet Bi-g HLL1.NG: .v.i 18, ie;,H, Female Kducation. A YOL'.Mi LA l)Y, UU .ilfi. d to teach the dif. a ier'iil branchi a of un Lul'IisIi Education, unit eive lean.non tl.e I'ninii Forte, ia iinxiotia to procure n ail'inti'.n, ita iilrui tresa in a re.,'(eta ble private family, or Ac .iii my. She umtiVra tn teach, at lhe rale of SI.'iO per ni..n of -JO weeks, inciudio boarilmir. Aiinre .M. M., Wnitlii.ter, I'oir.n cumv. N. '. May 1H, li-is. 118 Vlfi c til tli ' iS; !. '. It. ItOilrt, I ( . .Mir 16, I (MS. S T JlllE couKihB du lhe Itoriria of tiiia Coin. July neit, will be ro. nanv ou toe I denied at tills agency whu.inr pie.eiitiil. A. II. MAUI IN, Jr;,f , n ----. r JCdUUili DdOUilt JDdUtll i 2w5,0fOw MIS (v.ioti H. OS in t. .re. liicn w ill to!d iuw for J. V. IIIIVCE i CO. lull" May ie, I 80S. Van Paper, Paper ! IV E IM receiving in Store, assort Store, aeaorttd ai. vi:aimmg iai'kk. miitahle for Merchiinta ar.il Ir u it. nr.d cut lurniali at lol nolice aueli deMTiption ol Piper aa are Unit by I'rinlii g I 'llio. n ml Cotlon Fac tories, and will allow a fair price lor the waate of lilt latter. J, Y. HRYCE .1 CO.. Agent fur W'uccvta Mills. May IS. 185?. " iOlf STATK UK NOKTII-CAKOUNA, MElKI-KMlfKO ft'l'.MY. Si'jieiiiir Court of Luw 'jiing Teiht. o UMDIIEU V ( ill'KT, Unit . 1 Term of the Superior Court of Law, for aniii conn ty, he hi Id at the Court lloU.-c 111 Charlotte. on tile 4th Monday in June m xt. 'J'kt : J . H. I I1, li It, Urrl;. I III riril ttttrt will please Suitors and w itma tl Fairbank's Scales. fBVllL iindereigned, agints fur JL these justly eelehrateil Scales, me prepared to furniah Aili Koadt -SV--and accurate Scale, with all oe. scriptiuna of KaUroad, T eat t" ""l D'pot Scale ., ; Wartlioiie taul Store Scales, ll' per or U heat tcalts, from "5 to .jUO bu. I lour JHc.tr g catis. Grocer and Counter Scales. These are more extensively used than any oth ers am! have been long ami severely tested, ami in everv instance have given entire satisfaction. For sale ill .lirlifar(ulii' 'urea, delivered III Charleston, Wilmington or I'ett Tsbllrg, Va. by GILLIAM A- 1 'UN LOP, 1 l St CJliiore St., Petersburg, Va. April i. 1S5S. ' Iron and Steel. C-4II I IVM Al IHM-OP, l.'l Syc n Peirrsburc. Va., Iinpoilers an Iron snu Sleet, invite toe attention and in 'li'll'i.-lurers t.i their lar.-e nm ed al.-e-k of In n al.d Met !, c. lii,.i lu Swedes a noire Sir't.. I ll.Mltrs in f merchant II . inn Wide Kneln Plouh, fi I.) sh IMiiie.i Koullil. Snnare, ami Flat Iti "IKON. Oval, Hail Oval ami Hall Hound II.M.p, Bind. Scroll 1 Horse .no Mule Shu...... J Dot Cast Steel, Lnj. sn J Am. DlisUud and Ger. i Sli-tl They arc sUo sgrnla ptrm Oil ul MuHuJurtun April U, lejt?. r the sale of -Uusox'a iBinr.s. I t!9 ! i(t3jXotiee. ! I INFORM the Ta Payers of Mecklenburg county lion I now haw iu my bands liie Tax j Lists for IS57 anil I am ready lo receive the Tax- es due and grunt receipts. I hope those interested w ill oblige mc so fu sa to call early and scttir, i aa it will save mc much tunc ami trouble. I E. C. GUI Ell, Sheriff, Apiil Oil, IS5C. 7tf j I t ike notice. I May IS, 1858. T We are autlinriie.t to nsnoone Dr. II, M. PHIIVIIAItlT, an Imlepcuoent Ucuiocrattc t'amti. d.ilu tor the llouae ol I te We are authorised to announce P.. C. Gill Ell, EMi.,a n candi date for reelection In the fficcnl" Jsl Sheritroflhecounty of .Mucklea burg, at the ensuing Aug nut election. April 211, I Mr). S Rocky River Acadeniv. IIIK BxiTVittKB nf lhe next etfinn will cum. won tlit-.'Jrd Moitiluy ( ILU1) nf July next. It in Ihii''(! tli it ttiiriciilff wifl ultt nd punclUiilly t the Im fiuiiM nf the iiti)in,iiR titc hnrny ol lhe rcliito) uixi the nirrfHt ui lhe wtutN-nts ivn-u. itntcli mi etirly uttciutuiice, nn well aa riilinr wt, in-r-, n'vtrtni; BiiilicaiMin t uludy utiring ihe -utni. The I'rinriiinl p(Vi;ri I. in hi'litn i;, uniiUtttini; t-f. f"rtt in the innr.il niti tittv llfctu.tl trniiiHtp of Itume i pLei-l umier tii c;i'. He i prrpiiretl to itccnm. ni'idute uniiic tij-hl nr li-n bmirHcrn. it nil oni hoard, i tt i; cm be h-Mi t othpr pl,ue cnvnnnt tn ihe .Ar.uJeniy nl $7 unci er imtiilli. I'uittoii hm 1m relfithre. 'J uitioit Uc tluc tit llir c!if ol" eacll J. T. IUHIIV, rrincipftl. II tf LVlhCa.'lina Mineral Springs CABARRUS COUNTY, NC I' WILL open a SCHOOL for pirla. at thia place ou tlie let nf July. Ikmrd can lie bad at . or $ri per month. For Tultinn, audi aa Reading, j Writing. Ari'liinctie, (Jriiuiuiiir and ei.gr.iphy, ' nl pi r monlli. Poinling ond Needle Wmk it ' retilliied. 'I'he vulur of tlua water ia known to many through thia comity. It In s cured l)i j ii. aia, Uiaea.of the Liver and Kidney .nd N r. vous Atfecliona. Tlua Mineral Spring i hot a p!nee of public reauri, aa many oi our watering ph.eea. 1 reserved it for the aituition for whiih it ia now otlVreit, nml wi!i be free from eontageoua iiiaeiiaea. Any oirectionii, pnt paid, will receive Ullilltli.il. SARAH SOSSEKMAN. I'iomtr .Wn7s. Cirr re., Ap.ii in, l3d. To Cotton Planters, I rjJIIE limlerrigned ia prepared lo tell the brat I nu ility of Cotton lima, Willi HI .nch snwa ut $,J per ..', drlivi nil ut Ihe l.iuniiiga of the l li ir loile, Y'ork ami N. C. R .il Rootia. The aiit aula gra thehe (im Iniicover tlioae aliipped from nlberl Stale li.. Ihi.t till V will lift longer, one ael of nba ; being tq.i.tl lo three. The brush being covert ri f with I'll inateait of cloth iind bt ing more eavily j repai-eil and ul leaa I xpeiiae. A- rewards ll-e apeed nf tlo-ae fiina, quality nf lint nml iin.rhare nf clean wed. I woultl refer tn M. L. Wallace, Morrow'a T. O.. tai E. i. Palmer, Fairfield, and A. II. Haviiiw.ii. Ch.irn.ti.. JAM KS M. ELLIOTT. It inn loio, Miy 'li, le-iS. Il-tim A Reliable Notice, f mVlli firm of Hrein i Sitelc was liiaaolyrd by j jL miituai consent on the Kt day of J .nu.iry, ll-5J. The huilieeot the Ki nil ia in my halloa for collet lion and neltiemi M ; ami I hereby rra. ietl'ul!v rtqtle.l ail H'rt.o.e lllltebttd lo liie laic firm by HiMik Account to come forward ami eeiile between Una ilale mid Hie I e I day of July, J P.',S, an I ilo iinMlre you Itiat nil acrollllta due tlie n nil at that tunc wilt le put in auil lor collection. A. C. STEELE. Arrl (1. I85". itJ V tirturt nf m Decrix iff.ucd fnun the Coon. urt u' Mtckienkur? ctiunly, t tht A. pril 1 nn, 1 w ill 'r"C r-ii tu srll, oil !S luru. v, Uv y th i-t June m xl, t Hie lute rcidkiic. of Dr. 5 . Lsiuiu o tuu, tite'ei.. tilt; PLANTATION ; on r Licit l.e lived, why rt to tlie wiinm t r. j A. SI an n ami nttuT-, tu i-utih.'V dt ht -y.iinst liie j tt.iLC of (ifld ifi-ri-iifi-ii. J A S. I. II EN PE IISON, A-hn r. May lj, It .!). Ill) fash Paid tor Hides, '1V S. M. IIOW I'LL, 3 doors Siulli of tlie i J .M,iimoii ll. u.e. Cturioitr, Apiil ti, 1"5. 5tf j " tt gallons ri nr. linsllu oil,! J WW Whuitsaic nml IJ. t.il, at PHITCHAUDS. ' Frb. 3, I 59tf 1 lariimber Yard. I, II K subscribers inlorm the cilixi lis of Chnr. JL l. ttc ami -1 e 1 1 1 1 1 v . thai they have establish ed a I. IMllr.lt YAliD in town, where th. v in b ud ktei.llig a supply uf all kllitts of I.I M I. Kit for huiltiing aiidoti iT purptn.es. Mr. Joiiita llu di.ill is their iigent tu town. Application can be made to him or to either ol the undersigned. JUL LEU it POUTER. Or. 13, 1857. 145 t ili file aTs tit sitt. tN agrt c. b!c ri fri slmut and la x t live, as plena, ant to lhe taste as sihki water. S...'d by II. JI. PU1TCIIAKI',' pre. I Irw it.'. l or..,ir. SnpoHtfter Oil CONCENTRATED I KY. Warranted to make sua p without lime, una with litttc Iron, tie. The beiil ami cln pest artielc in use. Pr.ee 25 and 5D tents a ran. Sold lu ll. Jl. PIUTCHARD, Ihe. I Irwin's Corner. Wanted, 1,000 10I!1S OF TAN HARK, for which the c ."h w il' lie p ut). JI. U. TAYLOR. r.'if .V-, 3!, IS.?. llc'l. l ' I'.il in:t .' fW ' II I", siipeiiorily.f this artirl ovei M 'I'.anoca. Si, co, c. ii a an artie 'orn St ircb of diet for md rhildiru. la uiiuiit stioueu ny li.e me. dical lacuily. Full supptv ut PIUTCHAKDS 'iiiiiiy ft ig Srorr. Sr,t. 15. ISS7. 2'ttf 'I ;tiiiM i, or l i .tin Oil. i"tOU Tanners and Planlera use in dressing and presiiving Leather ami II. .ru. as. For salt, by M. 11. PUITCI1AKD, Dec. I Irwiu'a Corr.tr. DeGrath's Electric Oil. Sl'I'PLY of ibis celehrated Oil lor sabs il my Oitij Store, 1 II. JI PIUTCHARD. .Ury 4, IS58. q V g g I. US. Ture ground WHITK X IP. Ills' II ILAO m oil and assorted kecsjusl retensU slid Ijk fur Cut, at PIUTCHARD S, Fib. 3. Ii r 's fsrur. SL'BPKXAS for sale at tlis office. TSir .TSnrketV conRfcTir) vr tt. sr. oates ft co. CHARLOTTE. JtXE 21, 185. RAC05, ILttMS, new 'lb. !:des. lb, Hog round, .....lb Shoulders lb .......19 11 no 17 5 ....... 124 ...... -.viii ,,..,..,110 (& l i (V IH (i (HI r?,, otr Ragging, Gunny. Beef, I! utter Itccawuz IK-ana Branny, Apple... Peach...., Cotton, new ..lb..,-,.. ....lb ... ....lb...... ..b italic 1, C, 2i fV,, Ul Cr, 00 ftr", 00 (a; IU In; 15 i't, 9tr U, 33 In; 50 f.i, U(l ?! lb... lb... lb.., ...m ....it ....is, ....la Ciillce, Rio k Java, ('andles, Ailniiialltiue ' Sperm Talli.w Ib... lb.., lb... lit ('or ii, old,..., bushel .bushel tiO on hirkc nn Uolh.C'ojtperan,.. " Limiaey,... Egg Flour Feathvra lj.r.1 Mn I tun each yarn yard 15 fV ao m a in wj 34 fu, r.' f.i, 30 f.i, H (u, t ( 3a iioien bbl... b g.. lb.... lb.... lb.,.. 13 (a. li ,..hhl. .1.. I IS (Ji, n: Kills... :ilU) (a, 33 1 Molaaaea.N I) gal S5 tu, '( ' W.I g,l ...37 (a. 41 Men! hiilul -V ftr; Ob" Mulleff Wilmington). ..bid ? (n, ' N'aila, Nurllieri lb 5 n, Wl " Southern lb 5 (a; H Oata huehel 3" dt 37 fork lb 7 H 7i I'csa bushel Ki (.1 UH rNiliiloce, trial bllahi l .10 tu, 75 Sw-eet. bushel ml tu; m l.'ice bualiel 4 (. h() Sugar, liaf, Ib 14 (-1 IG " llrowii Ib 8 fu; : Sliine.Ware gnl 8 H Sail ck ! t. dl Tea !b "S ft, W'he.it, white buaiiel ) (; ? re.l buahel 70 ft, 7 Whiskey, Noriher gal 43 fi) 55 N. Carolina, ...gal 35 Ux, 37 Wool, (heal tJenria) waalicd 27 (t) ' ilnwnahcd ii! (i 23 rum ball Illl Or, 00 Cl'Ll NDIA MAUKKT- Coi ti, June IP, l?'8. COTI'DN'. There were sbnnl Jtl balra of cot. ton eold yenerday, at liiriner prices, vu ! S Co 1 1 J II A' ON, hog round II ft. CliK.N, Pi 7U PKA.S 85 C. Oil HATS 00 (a. 00 1UHU IJ la, J.il ( II H 1. KSTuN M A I! K F.T. '(sir.T.is, une 19, I9SM. COTTON. g.a.d ihmand preaaibd in li e in rki I for cotton lo tiny, but the alock nn r ile he. log amall, the traua.ic'liona were limited to !U'7 baiea, at very full prmua, vu : 11 (n -J' e. Wm, A. Owens, 1 TTOICSE 1 A T LA ll', t II Alt LOT Ti:. 1. .. w "ILL prnetii c in tit-Courts of Mttklt nl.ura; ml tlie siirrouniinte enmities. 1 I Od'ice nenrlv oouoaile lhe Hn.l OlT.ee. Jan. '26. Kib. 4flf SAM 'L P SMITH, AT7VKM.Y Sj CClMELf.OK AT LAK. "" A Y always be found at the office of William TM. Johnston, K.q. 1j Prompt altiiilu.,1 given to Ci llreti.ms, wr. ting of lleeds, Convi yanres, eV c. Pet,. 'J, ltjb. 4btf Fresh Bread! fKLSII Ht.'K.'D i;.r fimilies, irery n.ornii at J. U. Piiluus Con lecliunery, one door above the ISeok of Charlotte. Jan. U6, 165?'. 47tf mL HAVANA LOTTL'li'Y. The nrxl i-rilnnry ilruwint f tlie Boy a! Hhvi. na Ldtti fy cninluctfii hy tht Smi iuvfriiiiput, iMMlrr the tiMrrviiuii ul liie i tiitiiiu Gem ral of CnHr.f w ill fnhc l:at' ut Ilav .na u.i TUESDAY, July 0, 1.5S. 3300,000. SOKTLO M'MLIiO 0I OKDINAKIO, t .riT.i. pkizi: 100.000 1 s 1 prirrot ! llO.tlOO I 4 prizes of 3 OOI 1 ' 50.OOO I 5 " I.IMMI 1 " 3 tint) I :. " sou I - IO.IIOO 143 40 is 1 " J.Ol.O I '.'tl Apr'iim's H.00 4 Approximations In the flllll.lillO (SOU each ; 4 of 9 ll'H tn 5t.,(iiti; 4 of 4IHJ nt tf.'tli.i.'UD ; 4 ol 4HU ti IIO.Iii'U; 4 ol t-HXJ t- .i,UUU. Wliolt Tickets r.'O; llalv.s Illl; quarten 5 ; Prizes cashed ul si;ht at 5 HT cent, discount. 1st s I m on ai! solvent D inks l.ikeu at par. A urawiug wilt be lorwartlcd aa suuii as tlie re -suit becomes known. Commiiiiicatioiia sdilressed to 1HN ROfMtr til KZ. (t are of City Post, Charleston, S. C.) un ,i the fith of July, will be stteuded to. Persons orderiio. Tickets w ill please wrile their names plain ami give their met ntTicc, county su.l state. I'lirr I'rciifh Ii randy, f Ol.LAND Gin, W hiskey, Sherry and P-rt M I Wims, LunuouAle and Porter, for nicdi. 1 e:.l use. Sold by I'ec.l II. M.riUTCIIARR Martha 1 LACK Pepper, ('inner, r.akiug and W sshing M.M Sotia, Creum Tartar, Nutim rs. Mace, Cinna. mou. Cloves aud Flavoring t.xiracla ul evtry kind. For sale at wholesale and retail, bv 11. JI. ruiTCHARD, IXc. I Irwin's Corner. I'rrwh l iiiieitss wnlcr, IN pint loitIe just received from Saratoi; Springs, by II. JI. riUTCIIAKL', pec. I. Irwin's Coiner. kiinii: sCtlTcll. Mackaboy ami Lnelish, tiintli imn'i J5s.t S, just rictitcil. ntiU Iba. in biad.ttr, antliirs. Sold low lor cash by 11. JI. PKITCIIARH, IVc. 1, 1 1 7. Irwiu'a curmr. flit wit i:iu, TnUe ,ulii't-! 11 AVINt. taken suv&nti'gc of lhe pressure of il il tunes, I in rcccivusg, by c-sn parchsete. an I mine list a nd aeb eleO sbik ol Medienies, t. In lu teals. Iiiflruiii.nt, Chests, c . to winch I moat rcsiwiclfully invite y. r attention. All outers bv mail or ulnvrwise. put up who neatnesa .uil a.apatch. ii. ji. rui rc H aki. Dee. I Irwiu'a Corner. Sheriffs, M'an enter mid (JuU L'iutm Vttdt Ft. )Il SALE II KRK. liLANK DEEDS for s! at tLis offic. sSWa.